export type WidthType = 'fullwidth' | 'halfwidth' | 'wide' | 'narrow' | 'neutral' | 'ambiguous'; export type Options = { /** Whether to treat an `'ambiguous'` character as wide. @default true @example ``` import {eastAsianWidth} from 'get-east-asian-width'; const codePoint = '⛣'.codePointAt(0); console.log(eastAsianWidth(codePoint)); //=> 1 console.log(eastAsianWidth(codePoint, {ambiguousAsWide: true})); //=> 2 ``` > Ambiguous characters behave like wide or narrow characters depending on the context (language tag, script identification, associated font, source of data, or explicit markup; all can provide the context). __If the context cannot be established reliably, they should be treated as narrow characters by default.__ > - http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/ */ readonly ambiguousAsWide?: boolean; }; /** Returns the width as a number for the given code point. @param codePoint - A Unicode code point. @example ``` import {eastAsianWidth} from 'get-east-asian-width'; const codePoint = '字'.codePointAt(0); console.log(eastAsianWidth(codePoint)); //=> 2 ``` */ export function eastAsianWidth(codePoint: number, options?: Options): 1 | 2; /** Returns the type of “East Asian Width” for the given code point. @param codePoint - A Unicode code point. @example ``` import {eastAsianWidthType} from 'get-east-asian-width'; const codePoint = '字'.codePointAt(0); console.log(eastAsianWidthType(codePoint)); //=> 'wide' ``` */ export function eastAsianWidthType(codePoint: number): WidthType;