$(document).ready(function() { var base_url = ''; // Add section button functionality $('#add-section-btn').on('click', function() { var sectionHtml = `
`; $('#form-container').append(sectionHtml); }); // Add option button functionality $(document).on('click', '.add-option-btn', function() { var optionHtml = `
`; $(this).siblings('.options-container').append(optionHtml); }); // Delete option functionality $(document).on('click', '.delete-option-icon', function() { $(this).parent().remove(); }); // Delete section functionality $(document).on('click', '.delete-section-icon', function() { $(this).closest('.form-section').remove(); }); // Show/Hide "Add Option" button based on question type $(document).on('change', '.custom-select', function() { var type = $(this).val(); var $section = $(this).closest('.form-section'); if (type === 'multiple-choice' || type === 'checkboxes' || type === 'dropdown') { $section.find('.add-option-btn').show(); } else { $section.find('.add-option-btn').hide(); } }).trigger('change'); // Trigger change to apply to existing sections // Submit button functionality $('#submit-btn').on('click', function() { var formData = collectFormData(); formData['form_id'] = ; let validation = validateFormData(formData); if (!validation.isValid) { alert(validation.message); return; } $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'Form_controller/update_form', type: 'POST', data: { formData: formData }, dataType: 'JSON', success: function(response) { if (response.status === 'success') { alert('Form updated successfully!'); window.location.href = base_url + 'Form_controller/index_forms_draft'; } else { alert(response.message); } }, error: function(error) { alert('Error updating form!'); console.log(error); } }); }); // Collect form data function function collectFormData() { var formData = { title: $('#form-title').val(), description: $('#form-description').val(), questions: [] }; $('.form-section').each(function() { var questionData = { id: $(this).data('index'), text: $(this).find('.untitled-question').val(), type: $(this).find('.custom-select').val(), required: $(this).find('.required-toggle').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0, // Correctly capture the required value options: [] }; $(this).find('.option-label').each(function() { questionData.options.push($(this).val()); }); formData.questions.push(questionData); }); return formData; } function validateFormData(formData) { for (let question of formData.questions) { if (!question.text.trim()) { return { isValid: false, message: 'All questions must have text.' }; } if ((question.type === 'multiple-choice' || question.type === 'checkboxes' || question.type === 'dropdown') && question.options.length === 0) { return { isValid: false, message: 'All options-based questions must have at least one option.' }; } for (let option of question.options) { if (!option.trim()) { return { isValid: false, message: 'All options must have text.' }; } } } return { isValid: true }; } });