CI and load the file helper since we use it a lot $this->CI = & get_instance(); $this->db = & $db; $this->CI->load->helper('file'); $this->check_path(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Cache Directory Path * * @param string $path Path to the cache directory * @return bool */ public function check_path($path = '') { if ($path === '') { if ($this->db->cachedir === '') { return $this->db->cache_off(); } $path = $this->db->cachedir; } // Add a trailing slash to the path if needed $path = realpath($path) ? rtrim(realpath($path), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : rtrim($path, '/') . '/'; if (! is_dir($path)) { log_message('debug', 'DB cache path error: ' . $path); // If the path is wrong we'll turn off caching return $this->db->cache_off(); } if (! is_really_writable($path)) { log_message('debug', 'DB cache dir not writable: ' . $path); // If the path is not really writable we'll turn off caching return $this->db->cache_off(); } $this->db->cachedir = $path; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieve a cached query * * The URI being requested will become the name of the cache sub-folder. * An MD5 hash of the SQL statement will become the cache file name. * * @param string $sql * @return string */ public function read($sql) { $segment_one = ($this->CI->uri->segment(1) == false) ? 'default' : $this->CI->uri->segment(1); $segment_two = ($this->CI->uri->segment(2) == false) ? 'index' : $this->CI->uri->segment(2); $filepath = $this->db->cachedir . $segment_one . '+' . $segment_two . '/' . md5($sql); if (! is_file($filepath) or false === ($cachedata = file_get_contents($filepath))) { return false; } return unserialize($cachedata); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Write a query to a cache file * * @param string $sql * @param object $object * @return bool */ public function write($sql, $object) { $segment_one = ($this->CI->uri->segment(1) == false) ? 'default' : $this->CI->uri->segment(1); $segment_two = ($this->CI->uri->segment(2) == false) ? 'index' : $this->CI->uri->segment(2); $dir_path = $this->db->cachedir . $segment_one . '+' . $segment_two . '/'; $filename = md5($sql); if (! is_dir($dir_path) && ! @mkdir($dir_path, 0750)) { return false; } if (write_file($dir_path . $filename, serialize($object)) === false) { return false; } chmod($dir_path . $filename, 0640); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Delete cache files within a particular directory * * @param string $segment_one * @param string $segment_two * @return void */ public function delete($segment_one = '', $segment_two = '') { if ($segment_one === '') { $segment_one = ($this->CI->uri->segment(1) == false) ? 'default' : $this->CI->uri->segment(1); } if ($segment_two === '') { $segment_two = ($this->CI->uri->segment(2) == false) ? 'index' : $this->CI->uri->segment(2); } $dir_path = $this->db->cachedir . $segment_one . '+' . $segment_two . '/'; delete_files($dir_path, true); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Delete all existing cache files * * @return void */ public function delete_all() { delete_files($this->db->cachedir, true, true); } }