import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { Accordion, Button, Card, Col, Container, Dropdown, FloatingLabel, Form, ListGroup, Modal, Placeholder, Row, SSRProvider, Table } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'; import {TabulatorFull as Tabulator} from 'tabulator-tables'; import {data, getBarchartData, getSearchResults, predefinedRanges, tableData, tableData1, wordcloudData} from "./Components/TabulatorData"; import { DatePicker, RangeSlider, SelectPicker } from 'rsuite'; import { CheckPicker } from 'rsuite'; import './jqueryloader' import { DateRangePicker } from 'rsuite'; import { Checkbox, CheckboxGroup } from 'rsuite'; import { Radio, RadioGroup } from 'rsuite'; import ReactEcharts from "echarts-for-react"; import { getPieChartData } from './Components/TabulatorData'; import axios from 'axios'; import * as anychart from 'anychart' import Link from 'next/link'; import { confirmAlert } from "react-confirm-alert"; const data1 = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']; var table; let option1; var app = {}; var tablePaymentsGrid = ''; var toggleValue = ''; // export svg const exportcsv = '/images/contacts/Excel.svg'; const gridEditIcon = '/images/refine_by_icons/edit.svg'; const gridDeleteIcon = '/images/cross_gray.svg'; const microview = '/images/microview_active.svg'; const key_icon = '/images/primary_indication.svg'; export default function Home() { // Custom tabulator start function ActionFormatter(){ return( `
edit edit
` ); } function microViewFormat(){ return( `micro` ) } function keyViewFormat(){ return( `key` ) } function idViewFormat(){ return( `#` ) } const customTabulator = () =>{ var table = new Tabulator("#customTabulator", { height:"311px", data:tableData, layout:window?.innerWidth > 800 ? "fitColumns" : "fitData", resizableColumnFit:true, addRowPos:"top", initialSort:[ {column:"name", dir:"asc"}, ], filterMode:"local", pagination:true, paginationMode:"local", paginationSize:10, paginationSizeSelector:[10, 25, 50, 75], columns:[ {title:"#", field:"id", headerSort:false, titleFormatter:idViewFormat, width:50}, {title:" ", field:"id", headerSort:false, formatter:microViewFormat, width:50}, {title:" ", field:"id", headerSort:false, formatter:keyViewFormat, width:50}, {title:"Name", field:"name", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', tooltip:tooltipValue, width:200}, {title:"Age", field:"age", hozAlign:"left", sorter:"number", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', width:70}, {title:"Gender", field:"gender", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', width:90}, {title:"Height", field:"height", hozAlign:"left", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search'}, {title:"Color", field:"col", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search'}, {title:"Date Of Birth", field:"dob", hozAlign:"left", sorter:"date", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search'}, {title:"Cheese", field:"cheese", hozAlign:"left", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search'}, {title:"Action", field:"name", hozAlign:"left", formatter: ActionFormatter}, ], ajaxResponse:function(url, params, response){ return; }, }); return table; } // Custom tabulator end // Tabulator Collapse start //Title Formatter var titleCustomization = function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ var column_title = cell.getValue(); var response = checkBGforblock(column_title); onRendered(function(){ var buttonFor = ''; switch(cell.getValue()){ case 'Events Total': buttonFor = 'eventsCollapse'; break; case 'Affiliations Total': buttonFor = 'affiliationsCollapse'; break; case 'Publications Total': buttonFor = 'publicationsCollapse'; break; case 'Referral Total': buttonFor = 'referralCollapse'; break; } if(buttonFor != ""){ $(cell.getElement()).parent("div").parent("div").append('
'); } $(cell.getElement()).parent("div").parent("div").parent("div").addClass(response); switch(buttonFor){ case 'eventsCollapse': $("#eventsCollapse").click(function(event){ table.toggleColumn('numspc'); table.toggleColumn('numocc'); var type = $(this).attr("toggle-type"); if(type == "" || type == "collapse"){ $(this).attr("toggle-type", "collapsed"); $(this).children("i").removeClass("bi-skip-backward").addClass("bi-skip-forward"); }else{ $(this).attr("toggle-type", "collapse"); $(this).children("i").removeClass("bi-skip-forward").addClass("bi-skip-backward"); } event.stopPropagation(); }); break; case 'affiliationsCollapse': $("#affiliationsCollapse").click(function(event){ table.toggleColumn('numia'); table.toggleColumn('numas'); table.toggleColumn('numeb'); table.toggleColumn('numec'); table.toggleColumn('numgc'); var type = $(this).attr("toggle-type"); if(type == "" || type == "collapse"){ $(this).attr("toggle-type", "collapsed"); $(this).children("i").removeClass("bi-skip-backward").addClass("bi-skip-forward"); }else{ $(this).attr("toggle-type", "collapse"); $(this).children("i").removeClass("bi-skip-forward").addClass("bi-skip-backward"); } event.stopPropagation(); }); break; case 'publicationsCollapse': $("#publicationsCollapse").click(function(event){ table.toggleColumn('leadc'); table.toggleColumn('numma'); table.toggleColumn('numsa'); table.toggleColumn('numfa'); table.toggleColumn('numla'); var type = $(this).attr("toggle-type"); if(type == "" || type == "collapse"){ $(this).attr("toggle-type", "collapsed"); $(this).children("i").removeClass("bi-skip-backward").addClass("bi-skip-forward"); }else{ $(this).attr("toggle-type", "collapse"); $(this).children("i").removeClass("bi-skip-forward").addClass("bi-skip-backward"); } event.stopPropagation(); }); break; case 'referralCollapse': $("#referralCollapse").click(function(event){ table.toggleColumn('kref'); table.toggleColumn('oref'); var type = $(this).attr("toggle-type"); if(type == "" || type == "collapse"){ $(this).attr("toggle-type", "collapsed"); $(this).children("i").removeClass("bi-skip-backward").addClass("bi-skip-forward"); }else{ $(this).attr("toggle-type", "collapse"); $(this).children("i").removeClass("bi-skip-forward").addClass("bi-skip-backward"); } event.stopPropagation(); }); break; } }); return cell.getValue(); }; //Cell Formatter var cellCustomization = function(column, formatterParams, onRendered){ var column_field = column.getField(); var response = checkBGforblock(column_field); $(column.getElement()).addClass(response); return column.getValue(); }; function checkBGforblock(column_value){ switch(column_value){ case 'Events Total': case 'numevc': var class_name = 'eventsBgPrimary'; break; case 'Speaking': case 'numspc': var class_name = 'eventsBgSecondary'; break; case 'Organizing Committee': case 'numocc': var class_name = 'eventsBgTertiary'; break; case 'Affiliations Total': case 'numed': var class_name = 'affiliationsBgPrimary'; break; case 'Industry': case 'numia': var class_name = 'affiliationsBgSecondary'; break; case 'Associations': case 'numas': var class_name = 'affiliationsBgSecondary'; break; case 'Editorial Boards': case 'numeb': var class_name = 'affiliationsBgSecondary'; break; case 'Univ/Hospital': case 'numec': var class_name = 'affiliationsBgTertiary'; break; case 'Guidelines': case 'numgc': var class_name = 'affiliationsBgfourth'; break; case 'Publications Total': case 'nump': var class_name = 'publicationsBgPrimary'; break; case 'Lead Author': case 'leadc': var class_name = 'publicationsBgSecondary'; break; case 'Contributng Author': case 'numma': var class_name = 'publicationsBgTertiary'; break; case 'Single Author': case 'numsa': var class_name = 'publicationsBgTertiary'; break; case 'First Author': case 'numfa': var class_name = 'publicationsBgTertiary'; break; case 'Last Author': case 'numla': var class_name = 'publicationsBgTertiary'; break; case 'Trails Total': case 'numtc': var class_name = 'trailBgPrimary'; break; case 'Referral Total': case 'ref': var class_name = 'referralBgPrimary'; break; case 'HCP': case 'kref': var class_name = 'referralBgSecondary'; break; case 'HCO': case 'oref': var class_name = 'referralBgSecondary'; break; case 'Previous Tier (2014-2018)': case 'prev_tier': var class_name = 'prev_tierBg'; break; case 'Current Tier (2015-2019)': case 'current_tier': var class_name = 'current_tierBg'; break; case 'Status': case 'status': var class_name = 'statusBg'; break; } return class_name; } var addSelectAllBox = function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ return '
'; }; var nameCustomization = function(column, formatterParams, onRendered){ return ''+column.getValue()+'' }; var tooltipValue = function formatTooltip(e, cell, onRendered) { let data = cell.getData()['name'] return data; } //microprofile view icon var viewMicroIcon = function(cell, formatterParams){ return '
'; }; const getData = () =>{ table = new Tabulator('#collapsibleTabulator', { selectable:true, height:475, data:tableData1, layout:"fitDataStretch", addRowPos:"top", initialSort:[ {column:"name", dir:"asc"}, ], filterMode:"local", pagination:true, paginationMode:"local", paginationSize:50, paginationSizeSelector:[10, 25, 50, 75], placeholder:"No Data Available", columns:[ {title:"", formatter:'rownum',hozAlign:'center',headerSort:false,tooltip:false,frozen:true,width:10}, {formatter:"rowSelection", titleFormatter:"rowSelection", hozAlign:"center", headerSort:false, cellClick:function(e, cell){ cell.getRow().toggleSelect(); }}, // {title:"",formatter:viewMicroIcon, headerSort:false, hozhozAlign:"center",titleFormatter:addSelectAllBox, frozen:true,width:10}, {title:"Name", field:"name", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search',hozAlign:"left", formatter:nameCustomization,frozen:true, tooltip:tooltipValue}, {title:"Tier", field:"tier", hozAlign:"center",width:70}, {title:"Rank", field:"rank", hozAlign:"center",width:70}, {title:"Score", field:"score",hozAlign:"center",width:70}, {title:"Events Total", field:"numevc",hozAlign:"center",titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"Speaking", field:"numspc",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"Organizing Committee", field:"numocc",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:100}, {title:"Affiliations Total", field:"numed",hozAlign:"center",titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:100}, {title:"Industry", field:"numia",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"Associations", field:"numas",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:100}, {title:"Editorial Boards", field:"numeb",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"Univ/Hospital", field:"numec",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:100}, {title:"Guidelines", field:"numgc",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:100}, {title:"Publications Total", field:"nump",hozAlign:"center",titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:100}, {title:"Lead Author", field:"leadc",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"Contributng Author", field:"numma",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:100}, {title:"Single Author", field:"numsa",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"First Author", field:"numfa",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"Last Author", field:"numla",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"Trails Total", field:"numtc",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"Referral Total", field:"ref",hozAlign:"center",titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"HCP", field:"kref",hozAlign:"center",titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90}, {title:"HCO", field:"oref",hozAlign:"center", titleFormatter:titleCustomization, formatter:cellCustomization, width:90} ], ajaxResponse:function(url, params, response){ return; }, }); } function addToMyContacts(){ alert("test"); } // Tabulator Collapse end // Forms validation start /* Declaring a variable called pswdshow and setting it to false. */ const [pswdshow, setPswd] = useState(false); /* Creating a state variable called confpswdshow and setting it to false. */ const [confpswdshow, setConfPswd] = useState(false); /** * If the password is shown, then hide it. If the password is hidden, then show it */ const showPassword = () =>{ setPswd(pswdshow ? false : true); } /** * If the value of confpswdshow is true, then setConfPswd(false) else setConfPswd(true) */ const showConfirmPassword = () =>{ setConfPswd(confpswdshow ? false : true); } const {register, formState: { errors }, reset, watch, getValues, handleSubmit} = useForm(); const registerUser = (data) =>{ // console.log(data); } // Forms validation end // fullscreen const fullScreen = (e) =>{ e.preventDefault(); if (typeof window !== "undefined") { var targetelement = document.getElementById("fullscreen"); const requestFullScreen = targetelement.requestFullscreen || targetelement.webkitRequestFullScreen || targetelement.mozRequestFullScreen || targetelement.msRequestFullScreen;; if (document.fullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } } } // fullscreen end // rsuite selectpicker const dataset = ['Eugenia', 'Bryan', 'Linda', 'Nancy', 'Lloyd', 'Alice', 'Julia', 'Albert'].map( item => ({ label: item, value: item }) ); const [value4, setValue4] = React.useState(null); const handleSelectPicker = (value) =>{ setValue4(value) } // rsuite selectpicker end // rsuite check picker const [value3, setValue3] = React.useState([]); const handleCheckPicker = (value) =>{ setValue3(value) } // rsuite check picker end // rsuite daterangepicker const [value, setValue] = useState(); const handleDateChange = (data) =>{ setValue(data); } // rsuite daterangepicker end // rsuite range slider const [value1, setValue1] = React.useState([10, 50]); // rsuite range slider end // rsuite checkbox const [value2, setValue2] = React.useState(['A', 'C']); const handleCheckAll = (value, checked) => setValue2(checked ? data1 : []); const handleChange = value => setValue2(value); // rsuite checkbox end // rsuite radio const [value5, setValue5] = React.useState('A'); // rsuite radio // autocomplete search const [searchTerm, updateSearchTerm] = useState(''); const [filteredResults, updateFilteredResults] = useState([]); const [searchResults, updateSearchResults] = useState([]); const [displayResults, updateDisplayResults] = useState(false); const [focusIndex, updateFocusIndex] = useState(-1); const linkRefs = []; const keys = { ENTER: 13, UP: 38, DOWN: 40 }; const updateSearch = e => { var input =; updateSearchTerm(; updateFilteredResults(searchResults.filter(result =>{ if(input?.length >= 3){ return result.title.match(new RegExp(, 'gi')) } })) }; const hideAutoSuggest = e => { e.persist(); var input =; if (e.relatedTarget && e.relatedTarget.className === 'autosuggest-link') { return false; } if(input?.length >= 0){ $('#search-card-results').css('border-color', 'transparent'); } if(input?.length >= 3){ updateDisplayResults(false); }else{ updateDisplayResults(true); updateFocusIndex(-1); } }; const showAutoSuggest = (e) => { updateDisplayResults(false); }; const handleInput = (e) =>{ var input =; if(input?.length < 3){ $('.search-suggestions').css('display', 'none'); } if(input?.length >= 3){ $('.search-suggestions').removeClass('d-none'); $('.search-suggestions').css('display', 'block'); $('.search-suggestions').css('border-color', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175)') }else{ $('.search-suggestions').css('border-color', 'transparent') } } const handleNavigation = e => { switch (e.keyCode) { case keys.ENTER: if (focusIndex !== -1) {[focusIndex].href); } hideAutoSuggest(e); break; case keys.UP: if (focusIndex > -1) { updateFocusIndex(focusIndex - 1); } break; case keys.DOWN: if (focusIndex < filteredResults.length - 1) { updateFocusIndex(focusIndex + 1); } break; } }; const SearchResults = () => { const Message = ({ text }) => (


); if (!displayResults) { return null; } if (!searchResults.length) { return } if (!searchTerm) { return } if (!filteredResults.length) { return } return (
    {, index) => (
  • {/* ⚠️ You may want to outsource this part to make the component less heavy */}
  • ))}
); } // autocomplete seacrh end // Echarts Pichart const [apiData, setapiData] = useState() const option = { tooltip: { trigger: 'item', }, legend: { type:'scroll', orient: "horizontal", bottom : "0%", legendHoverLink: true, }, series: [ { type: 'pie', data: apiData?.map((item, index)=>{ return( { value: item?.value, name: item?.title } ) }), label: { width: 64, overflow: "break", fontSize: 12, fontWeight : 'normal' }, labelLine: { width : 1.5, length2: 7, length: 7 }, width: "100%", height: "100%", center : ['48%', '50%'] } ] }; const onChartClick = (params) => { console.log('Chart clicked', params); }; // Echarts Pichart end // Echarts Barchart const [apiData1, setapiData1] = useState(); const series = apiData1?.map((item)=>({ name: item?.name, data: item?.data, })) app.config = { rotate: 67, align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'middle', position: 'bottom', distance: 6, }; const labelOption = { show: true, position: app.config.position, distance: app.config.distance, align: app.config.align, verticalAlign: app.config.verticalAlign, rotate: app.config.rotate, formatter: '{c} {name|{a}}', fontSize: 12, rich: { name: { color: '#0066cc', fontSize: 12, }, } }; option1 = { tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'shadow' } }, legend: { data: series?.map(item => item?.name), top:"2%", }, toolbox: { show: true, orient: 'vertical', left: 'right', top: 'center', feature: { mark: { show: true }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false }, magicType: { show: true, type: ['bar', 'line'] }, restore: { show: true }, saveAsImage: { type: "png" } } }, xAxis: [ { type: 'category', axisTick: { show: false }, data: ['', '', '', '', ''], boundaryGap: true, triggerEvent : true }, ], yAxis: [ { type: 'value', } ], series: series?.map((item, index) => Object.assign(item, { type: 'bar', label: labelOption, })) }; const onBarChartClick = (params) => { console.log('BarChart clicked', params); }; // Echart Barchart end // Echarts Bubblechart const [apiData2, setapiData2] = useState() const scatterData = apiData2?.map((item)=>({ name: item?.title, value: [item?.id, item?.discountPercentage, item?.title], itemStyle: 'blue' })); const option2 = { xAxis: {}, yAxis: {}, tooltip: { triggerOn: "mousemove", alwaysShowContent: true, position: 'top' }, series: [ { symbolSize: 20, data: scatterData, type: 'scatter' } ] }; const onBubbleChartClick = (params) => { console.log('Chart clicked', params); }; // Echarts Bubblechart end // Echarts events const onEvents = { click: onChartClick, click: onBarChartClick, click: onBubbleChartClick, }; // Echarts events end // Filters datepicker const [datevalue, setDateValue] = React.useState(new Date()); const [datevalue1, setDateValue1] = React.useState(new Date()); const [datevalue2, setDateValue2] = React.useState(new Date()); const [datevalue3, setDateValue3] = React.useState(new Date()); // Filters datepicker end // Client form modal const [show, setShow] = useState(false); const handleClose = () => setShow(false); const handleShow = () => setShow(true); // Client form modal end // Plan new record modal const [show1, setShow1] = useState(false); const [dateone, setDateOne] = React.useState(new Date()); const [datetwo, setDateTwo] = React.useState(new Date()); const [selectedOptions, setSelectedOptions] = useState(); const optionList = ['Eugenia', 'Bryan', 'Linda', 'Nancy', 'Lloyd', 'Alice', 'Julia', 'Albert'].map( item => ({ label: item, value: item }) ); // Add Rows const [assignProfiles, setAssignProfiles] = useState([{hcpname : "", assignto : "", status : ""}]); const hcpnameref = useRef(); const assigntoref = useRef(); const statusref = useRef(); /* It takes the index of the key and the event object, and then it creates a copy of the keys array, * changes the value of the key at the given index, and then sets the keys array to the new array * @param index - the index of the key in the array * @param event - The event that triggered the function. */ const handleFormChange = (index, event) => { let data = [...assignProfiles]; data[index][] =; setAssignProfiles(data); } const addRow = (e) =>{ setAssignProfiles([...assignProfiles, {hcpname : "", assignto : "", status : ""}]); } const removeRow = (index) =>{ const list = [...assignProfiles]; list.splice(index, 1); setAssignProfiles(list); } // Add Rows function handleSelect(data) { setSelectedOptions(data); } const handleClose1 = () => setShow1(false); const handleShow1 = () => setShow1(true); const registerPlan = (e) =>{ e.preventDefault(); console.log(assignProfiles); } // Plan new record modal end // Accordions const icon = '/microview_active.svg'; const viewsimilar = '/view_similar.svg'; //Accordions end // confirm alert const submit = () => { confirmAlert({ title: 'Confirm to submit', message: 'Are you sure to do this.', buttons: [ { label: 'Yes', onClick: () => alert('Click Yes') }, { label: 'No', onClick: () => alert('Click No') } ] }); }; const submit1 = () => { confirmAlert({ customUI: ({ onClose }) => { return (

Are you sure?

You want to delete this file?

); } }); } // confirm alert end //group by HCP tabulator function toggleKolGrouping(){ toggleValue = $("#toggleKolGrouping").text(); if(toggleValue == 'Remove Grouping'){ tablePaymentsGrid.setGroupBy(false); $("#toggleKolGrouping").text("Group By HCP"); }else{ tablePaymentsGrid.setGroupStartOpen(false); tablePaymentsGrid.setGroupBy("kol_name"); $("#toggleKolGrouping").text("Remove Grouping"); } } function listPayments(){ //Tabulator Grid parameters var gridFor='payments'; var gridHeaderText= "Payments"; var gridId= gridFor+'-grid-table'; var actionLink = "
"; actionLink += "
"; //Data for grid to load var tableData2 = [ {micro:'1',kol_name:'Aaron James Miller',date:"14/05/2020",type: "General",amount: "555.00",status: "Completed",act:''}, {micro:'2',kol_name:'Aaron James Miller',date:"20/05/2020",type: "General",amount: "550.00",status: "Completed",act:''}, {micro:'3',kol_name:'Aaron James',date:"14/05/2020",type: "General",amount: "555.00",status: "Completed",act:''}, {micro:'4',kol_name:'Aaron James',date:"20/05/2020",type: "General",amount: "550.00",status: "Completed",act:''}, ] //Tabulator Gird initialisation tablePaymentsGrid = new Tabulator("#"+gridId, { //var tableData = ; data:tableData2, columns:[ {title:"#", formatter:'rownum',align:'center',headerSort:false,tooltip:false, width:"5%"}, {title:"", field:"micro",formatter:function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ return "
"; //return the contents of the cell; },headerFilter:false,headerSort:false,align:'center', width:"5%"}, {title:"HCP Name", field:"kol_name",formatter:function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ return "" + cell.getValue() + ""; //return the contents of the cell; },headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', align:'left', width:"42%"}, {title:"Date", field:"date",headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', align:'left', width:"10%"}, {title:"Type", field:"type",headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', align:'left', width:"10%"}, {title:"Amount", field:"amount",headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', align:'left',bottomCalc:"sum", width:"10%"}, {title:"Status", field:"status",headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', align:'left', width:"10%"}, {title:"Action", field:"act",formatter:function(cell, formatterParams){ return actionLink; },headerFilter:false,headerSort:false,width:80,align:'center', width:"8%"} ], layout:"fitDataStretch", tooltips:true, ajaxSorting:false, ajaxFiltering:false, initialSort:[{column:"date", dir:"desc"}], groupClosedShowCalcs:true, paginationSize:10, // this option can take any positive integer value (default = 10),possible values 10,20,50,100 pagination:"local", paginationSizeSelector:[10, 20, 50, 100], tableBuilt:function(){ $("#"+gridFor+"-grid-header .grid-header-text").html(gridHeaderText); } }); var grid_options =''; grid_options +=''; $("#"+gridFor+"-grid-header .grid-header-text").append(grid_options); } // group by HCP tabulator end // training grid tabulator var trainingData = [ {id:1, name:"Billy Bob", degree:"xyz", speciality:"ABC", frame:'NA-1991', type:"Education", }, {id:2, name:"Mary May", degree:"NOP", speciality:"DEF", frame:'NA-1991', type:"Teaching", }, {id:3, name:"Christine Lobowski", degree:"PAN", speciality:"GHI", frame:'NA-1991', type:"Educamp", }, {id:4, name:"Brendon Philips", degree:"BE", speciality:"PQR", frame:'NA-1991', type:"Education", }, {id:5, name:"Margret Marmajuke", degree:"BED", speciality:"MNO", frame:'NA-1991', type:"Technology", }, ] const trainingGridTabulator = () =>{ var table = new Tabulator("#trainingGridTable", { height:"311px", data:trainingData, layout:window?.innerWidth > 800 ? "fitColumns" : "fitData", resizableColumnFit:true, addRowPos:"top", initialSort:[ {column:"name", dir:"asc"}, ], filterMode:"local", footerElement:"Show more", columns:[ {title:"#", field:"id", headerSort:false, titleFormatter:idViewFormat, width:50}, {title:"Name", field:"name", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search', tooltip:tooltipValue, width:200}, {title:"Degree", field:"degree", hozAlign:"left", sorter:"number", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search'}, {title:"Speciality", field:"speciality", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search'}, {title:"Frame", field:"frame", hozAlign:"left", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search'}, {title:"Type", field:"type", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:'Search'}, {title:"Action", field:"name", hozAlign:"left", formatter: ActionFormatter}, ], ajaxResponse:function(url, params, response){ return; }, }); return table; } // training grid tabulator end /* useEffect hook */ useEffect(()=>{ customTabulator(); getData(); // autocomplete search const getSearchResult = () => { // ⚠️ This is where you should pull data in from your server const searchResultsResponse = getSearchResults(); updateSearchResults(searchResultsResponse); }; getSearchResult(); // autocomplete search end // Echarts Pichart const getPieChartResult = () => { // ⚠️ This is where you should pull data in from your server const piechartResultsResponse = getPieChartData(); setapiData(piechartResultsResponse); }; getPieChartResult(); // Echarts Pichart end // Echarts Barchart const getBarChartResult = () => { // ⚠️ This is where you should pull data in from your server const barchartResultsResponse = getBarchartData(); setapiData1(barchartResultsResponse); }; getBarChartResult(); // Echarts Barchart end // Echarts Bubble chart axios.get('') .then(res => { const values = res?.data?.products; setapiData2(values); }) // Echarts Bubble chart end // wordcloud anychart const getWordCloudResult = () => { const wordclouddatas = wordcloudData(); $('#anychart').empty(); // create a tag (word) cloud chart var chart = anychart.tagCloud(wordclouddatas); // set a chart title chart.title('15 most spoken languages') // display the word cloud chart chart.container("anychart"); chart.draw(); } getWordCloudResult(); // wordcloud anychart end // groupby HCP tabulator listPayments(); // groupby HCP tabulator end // training grid tabulator trainingGridTabulator(); // training grid tabulator end }, []) return ( <> Custom Tabulator
Custom Tabulator
Training{' '}(Recent 5 of 10)
Collapsible Tabulator
Record New User User Details
{errors.salutation &&


{errors.username &&


{errors?.password?.type === "required" &&

password is required.

} {errors?.password?.type === "minLength" &&

Password cannot be less than 6 characters.

} {errors?.password?.type === "maxLength" &&

Password cannot be greater than 12 characters.

{watch('confirmpswd') !== watch('password') && getValues('confirmpswd') ? (

password doesn't match.

) : null}
{errors.firstname &&


{errors.lastname &&


{errors.gender &&


{errors.client &&


{errors.role &&


{errors.landing_menu &&


{ &&


{errors.state &&


{ &&


Form Components Components

Range Slider

{ setValue1(value); }} /> Dropdown Button Action Another action Something else 0 && value2.length < data1.length} checked={value2.length === data1.length} onChange={handleCheckAll} > Check all { => ( Item {item} ))} setValue5(value)}> Item A Item B Item C

Autocomplete Search results for :{searchTerm.length ? ` ${searchTerm}` : null}

{!displayResults &&, index) => (
{linkRefs[index] = link}}> {article.title}
Echarts Components
WordCloud Chart
Text Colors

text orange- paragraph tag

text orange- header tag(h4)

text blue- anchor tag with text underline on hover

Placeholder component-(react-bootstrap) :

card component-(react-bootstrap) with border blue on top :

Filters setDateValue(value)} placement='auto'/> setDateValue1(value)} placement='auto'/>
setDateValue2(value)} placement='auto'/> setDateValue3(value)} placement='auto'/>
View Interactions
Interaction Details
Interaction Id


Interaction Date


Interaction Type

Virtual Meeting

Number of Attendees


Interaction Category


Interaction Location


Employee Name

discussion type
Sl no Product Discussion Type Topic
1 Dr. Alexander I Spira Gastroenterology Professor
2 Dr. Alton Oliver Sartor Gastroenterology
3 Dr. Abraham S John Advanced Heart Failure And Transplant Cardiology Professor
Sl no HCP Name Specialty Title
1 Product - B Promotional Product Education
3 Product - A Non-Promotional Other Topic - 2
3 Product - C Promotional Product Education
{/* Client popup form modal */} Client Form Modal Section Clients Add Client {/* Modal */} Create Client
{/* Client popup form modal end */} {/* Plan new record modal */} Record New Plan
Plan Details
setSelectedOptions(value)} data={optionList} placeholder="Select User" placement='auto'/>
Assign Profiles
{, index)=>{ return( handleFormChange(index, event)} aria-label="Select hcpname" placeholder='select hcpname'> handleFormChange(index, event)} aria-label="Select assignto" placeholder='select assignto'> handleFormChange(index, event)} aria-label="Select status" placeholder='select status'> {(assignProfiles.length-1===index) ? : ''} {(assignProfiles.length!==1) ? : ''} ) })}
{/* Plan new record modal end */} Button Types {/* Accordion */} Accordion

View Similar

Similar HCPs who have published on same concepts Adil Javed Andrew Michael Miller Brenda Louise Banwell Bruce A. Cree Daniel D Mikol {/*

Similar HCPs who received top referrals

*/} Similar HCPs who received top referrals
Adil Javed Andrew Michael Miller Brenda Louise Banwell Bruce A. Cree Daniel D Mikol

Co-authors of the HCP

*/} Co-authors of the HCP
Adil Javed Andrew Michael Miller Brenda Louise Banwell Bruce A. Cree Daniel D Mikol
{/* Accordion end */} {/* React Confirm Alert */} React Confirm Alert Section {/* React Confirm Alert end */}
) } function Highlight({ children: text = "", tags }) { if (!tags?.length) return text; const matches = [...text.matchAll(new RegExp(tags, "ig"))]; const startText = text.slice(0, matches[0]?.index); return ( {startText} {, i) => { const startIndex = match.index; const currentText = match[0]; const endIndex = startIndex + currentText.length; const nextIndex = matches[i + 1]?.index; const untilNextText = text.slice(endIndex, nextIndex); return (


); })}
); }