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2024-04-12 05:23:32 +00:00
// // ignore: unused_import
// import 'package:flutter_passvault/view_pages/login.dart';
// import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
// import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// void main() {
// testWidgets('Username and Password TextField Test',
// (WidgetTester tester) async {
// // Build our widget and trigger a frame.
// await tester.pumpWidget(
// const MaterialApp(
// home: Scaffold(
// body: LoginScreen(), // Replace with your widget
// ),
// ),
// );
// // Find the username and password TextFields using their keys or other identifiers
// final Finder usernameTextField = find.byKey(const Key('usernameTextField'));
// final Finder passwordTextField = find.byKey(const Key('passwordTextField'));
// // Enter text into the username and password fields
// await tester.enterText(usernameTextField, 'testUsername');
// await tester.enterText(passwordTextField, 'testPassword');
// // Verify that the entered text is correct
// expect(find.text('testUsername'), findsOneWidget);
// expect(find.text('testPassword'), findsOneWidget);
// // Perform any interactions or further tests based on your widget's behavior
// // For example, you could simulate tapping a login button
// // and then verify the expected behavior after tapping the button
// // Pump the widget after interactions
// await tester.pump();
// // Assert or verify the expected behavior after interactions
// // Example: Verify that a loading indicator appears after tapping the login button
// // expect(find.byType(CircularProgressIndicator), findsOneWidget);
// expect(find.text('testUsername'), findsOneWidget);
// expect(find.text('testPassword'), findsOneWidget);
// // Verify that the login button triggered the intended action
// // You can use finders to locate elements that should appear after login
// // For example, finding a welcome message after successful login
// // expect(find.text('Welcome, testUsername'), findsOneWidget);
// });
// }