$(document).ready(function() {var formatter = new CucumberHTML.DOMFormatter($('.cucumber-report'));formatter.uri("file:src/test/resources/Features/More.feature"); formatter.feature({ "name": "More tab features verification", "description": "", "keyword": "Feature" }); formatter.scenarioOutline({ "name": "Verify user can perofrm different actions in Profile request", "description": "", "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "tags": [ { "name": "@moretab" } ] }); formatter.step({ "name": "user login to hills application with \u003cusername\u003e and \u003cpassword\u003e", "keyword": "Given " }); formatter.step({ "name": "user click on More tab", "keyword": "When " }); formatter.step({ "name": "user click on Profile request link", "keyword": "And " }); formatter.step({ "name": "user exports pending approvals in Excel", "keyword": "And " }); formatter.step({ "name": "user exports all profile request in Excel", "keyword": "And " }); formatter.examples({ "name": "", "description": "", "keyword": "Examples", "rows": [ { "cells": [ "username", "password" ] }, { "cells": [ "hillmgr", "Ss@hills2" ] } ] }); formatter.scenario({ "name": "Verify user can perofrm different actions in Profile request", "description": "", "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "tags": [ { "name": "@moretab" } ] }); formatter.step({ "name": "user login to hills application with hillmgr and Ss@hills2", "keyword": "Given " }); formatter.match({ "location": "HillsLoginSteps.user_login_to_hills_application_with_username_and_password(String,String)" }); formatter.result({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.step({ "name": "user click on More tab", "keyword": "When " }); formatter.match({ "location": "MoreSteps.userclickonMoretab()" }); formatter.result({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.step({ "name": "user click on Profile request link", "keyword": "And " }); formatter.match({ "location": "MoreSteps.userclickonProfilerequestlink()" }); formatter.result({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.step({ "name": "user exports pending approvals in Excel", "keyword": "And " }); formatter.match({ "location": "MoreSteps.userexportspendingapprovalsinExcel()" }); formatter.result({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.step({ "name": "user exports all profile request in Excel", "keyword": "And " }); formatter.match({ "location": "MoreSteps.userexportsallprofilerequestinExcel()" }); formatter.result({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.after({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.after({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.after({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.after({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.after({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.after({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.after({ "status": "passed" }); formatter.after({ "status": "passed" }); });