From 38870a3a8c54a0c587b459bdf5cafa9044da3e89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 12:00:31 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] first commit --- .gitignore | 43 + .metadata | 45 + .vscode/settings.json | 7 + | 16 + analysis_options.yaml | 28 + android/.gitignore | 13 + android/app/build.gradle | 70 + android/app/google-services.json | 29 + android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml | 7 + android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 31 + .../example/konectar_events/MainActivity.kt | 6 + .../main/res/drawable-v21/konectorsplash.png | Bin 0 -> 14852 bytes .../app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/ksplash.png | Bin 0 -> 13234 bytes .../src/main/res/drawable-v21/ksplashs.png | Bin 0 -> 8081 bytes .../res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml | 12 + .../main/res/drawable-v21/launcher_image.png | Bin 0 -> 2938 bytes .../src/main/res/drawable/konectorsplash.png | Bin 0 -> 14852 bytes android/app/src/main/res/drawable/ksplash.png | Bin 0 -> 13234 bytes .../app/src/main/res/drawable/ksplashs.png | Bin 0 -> 8081 bytes .../main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml | 12 + .../src/main/res/drawable/launcher_image.png | Bin 0 -> 2938 bytes .../app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/events.jpg | Bin 0 -> 33198 bytes .../src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 544 bytes .../src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/klogoicon.png | Bin 0 -> 4631 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-hdpi/launcher_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 2061 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-hdpi/launcher_iconnew.png | Bin 0 -> 18199 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-hdpi/launcher_image.png | Bin 0 -> 2938 bytes .../src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 442 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-mdpi/launcher_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 1565 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-mdpi/launcher_iconnew.png | Bin 0 -> 18199 bytes .../src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 721 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/launcher_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 2191 bytes .../res/mipmap-xhdpi/launcher_iconnew.png | Bin 0 -> 18199 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 1031 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/launcher_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 8513 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 1443 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/launcher_icon.png | Bin 0 -> 13025 bytes .../app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml | 19 + android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml | 19 + android/app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml | 7 + android/build.gradle | 30 + android/ | 3 + .../gradle/wrapper/ | 5 + android/settings.gradle | 32 + assets/ed128202.json | 21438 ++ assets/ed129314.json | 4909 + assets/ed129934.json | 157912 +++++++++++++++ assets/ed130546.json | 5430 + assets/ed140846.json | 444 + assets/ed142682.json | 12506 ++ assets/events.json | 1026 + assets/eventsdetail.json | 31762 +++ assets/eventsdetail2.json | 40 + assets/eventsnew.json | 385 + assets/extras.txt | 41 + assets/google-contacts.png | Bin 0 -> 658 bytes assets/icon/konectaricon.png | Bin 0 -> 2373 bytes assets/images/events1.jpeg | Bin 0 -> 11919 bytes assets/images/events2.jpg | Bin 0 -> 33198 bytes assets/images/events3.jpg | Bin 0 -> 74899 bytes assets/images/konectar.png | Bin 0 -> 2373 bytes assets/klogo.svg | 61 + assets/konectar_white_logo.svg | 58 + assets/response.json | 72 + assets/tagclouds.json | 1362 + assets/topaffiliations.json | 114 + assets/topicnotes.json | 515 + assets/topspecialities.json | 150 + devtools_options.yaml | 1 + firebase.json | 1 + .../flutter_launcher_icons-development.yaml | 4 + .../flutter_launcher_icons-production.yaml | 4 + fonts/SourceSerif4-ExtraLight.ttf | Bin 0 -> 329532 bytes fonts/SourceSerif4-Italic.ttf | Bin 0 -> 208132 bytes fonts/SourceSerif4-Light.ttf | Bin 0 -> 329804 bytes fonts/SourceSerif4-Regular.ttf | Bin 0 -> 329868 bytes fonts/SourceSerif4-SemiBold.ttf | Bin 0 -> 330152 bytes fonts/open-sans/LICENSE.txt | 202 + fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf | Bin 0 -> 224592 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf | Bin 0 -> 213292 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-ExtraBold.ttf | Bin 0 -> 222584 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf | Bin 0 -> 213420 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-Italic.ttf | Bin 0 -> 212896 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-Light.ttf | Bin 0 -> 222412 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-LightItalic.ttf | Bin 0 -> 213128 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf | Bin 0 -> 217360 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf | Bin 0 -> 221328 bytes fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-SemiboldItalic.ttf | Bin 0 -> 212820 bytes ios/.gitignore | 34 + ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist | 26 + ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig | 2 + ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig | 2 + ios/Podfile | 44 + ios/Podfile.lock | 205 + ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 746 + .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 7 + .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 8 + .../xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | 8 + .../xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme | 98 + .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 10 + .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 8 + .../xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | 8 + ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift | 13 + .../AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json | 122 + .../Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 146465 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 737 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 1427 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 1808 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1108 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 1747 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 2224 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1427 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 2179 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 5831 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-50x50@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1564 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-50x50@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 2128 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-57x57@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1738 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-57x57@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 6028 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 5831 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 10913 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-72x72@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 2061 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-72x72@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 8513 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 2118 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 9118 bytes .../Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 10622 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/Contents.json | 23 + .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/ | 5 + ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard | 37 + ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard | 26 + ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist | 30 + ios/Runner/Info.plist | 59 + ios/Runner/Runner-Bridging-Header.h | 1 + ios/RunnerTests/RunnerTests.swift | 12 + lib/firebase_options.dart | 67 + lib/firebaseexample.dart | 62 + lib/flutter_eval.dart | 123 + lib/main.dart | 136 + lib/model/affiliationsmodel.dart | 52 + lib/model/eventsdetailmodel.dart | 249 + lib/model/eventsmodel.dart | 98 + lib/model/keywords_model.dart | 47 + lib/model/myeventsmodel.dart | 11 + lib/model/myeventsmodel.g.dart | 44 + lib/model/neweventsmodel.dart | 491 + lib/model/neweventsmodel.g.dart | 227 + lib/model/scope_model.dart | 50 + lib/model/sessionnotesmodel.dart | 104 + lib/model/sessionnotesmodel.g.dart | 62 + lib/model/specialtymodel.dart | 50 + lib/model/topics_cloud_model.dart | 63 + lib/model/userdata_model.dart | 25 + lib/model/userdata_model.g.dart | 53 + lib/utils/apicall.dart | 398 + lib/utils/appcolors.dart | 25 + lib/utils/constants.dart | 102 + lib/utils/dateformater.dart | 18 + lib/utils/sessionmanager.dart | 27 + lib/utils/util.dart | 46 + lib/utils/validations.dart | 50 + lib/view/eventdetailstab.dart | 755 + lib/view/eventsdetails.dart | 160 + lib/view/eventslist.dart | 1658 + lib/view/eventstab.dart | 177 + lib/view/hcplist.dart | 108 + lib/view/home.dart | 1864 + lib/view/insights.dart | 452 + lib/view/login.dart | 270 + lib/view/profileview.dart | 1121 + lib/view/socialmedia.dart | 733 + lib/viewmodel/eventsprovider.dart | 325 + lib/viewmodel/hcpprofprovider.dart | 90 + lib/viewmodel/insightsprovider.dart | 5 + lib/viewmodel/loginprovider.dart | 36 + lib/widgets/autocompletetags_widget.dart | 361 + lib/widgets/chartline.dart | 66 + lib/widgets/customactionsheet.dart | 10 + lib/widgets/customappbar.dart | 75 + lib/widgets/custombutton.dart | 46 + lib/widgets/customdropdown.dart | 31 + lib/widgets/customeventsappbar.dart | 88 + lib/widgets/customhcpcard.dart | 62 + lib/widgets/custominfopopup.dart | 46 + lib/widgets/customlistview.dart | 248 + lib/widgets/customsociallistview.dart | 423 + lib/widgets/customtextfield.dart | 36 + lib/widgets/customtopiccard.dart | 1 + lib/widgets/customtopicscard.dart | 114 + lib/widgets/customwordcloud.dart | 10 + lib/widgets/eventdetailscontainer.dart | 73 + lib/widgets/eventdetailslistview.dart | 249 + lib/widgets/flutter_hashtags.dart | 115 + lib/widgets/gridview.dart | 342 + lib/widgets/heatmapcalendar.dart | 162 + lib/widgets/indicators.dart | 44 + lib/widgets/piechart.dart | 198 + lib/widgets/products.json | 2 + lib/widgets/responsive_utils.dart | 16 + lib/widgets/snackbar.dart | 17 + lib/widgets/timelinechart.dart | 291 + lib/widgets/typography.dart | 21 + lib/widgets/word_cloud.dart | 62 + linux/.gitignore | 1 + linux/CMakeLists.txt | 145 + linux/flutter/CMakeLists.txt | 88 + linux/flutter/ | 19 + linux/flutter/generated_plugin_registrant.h | 15 + linux/flutter/generated_plugins.cmake | 25 + linux/ | 6 + linux/ | 104 + linux/my_application.h | 18 + macos/.gitignore | 7 + macos/Flutter/Flutter-Debug.xcconfig | 2 + macos/Flutter/Flutter-Release.xcconfig | 2 + macos/Flutter/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.swift | 28 + macos/Podfile | 43 + macos/Podfile.lock | 77 + macos/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 791 + .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 8 + .../xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme | 98 + .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 10 + .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 8 + macos/Runner/AppDelegate.swift | 9 + .../AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json | 68 + .../AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_1024.png | Bin 0 -> 102994 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_128.png | Bin 0 -> 5680 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_16.png | Bin 0 -> 520 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_256.png | Bin 0 -> 14142 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_32.png | Bin 0 -> 1066 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_512.png | Bin 0 -> 36406 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_64.png | Bin 0 -> 2218 bytes macos/Runner/Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib | 343 + macos/Runner/Configs/AppInfo.xcconfig | 14 + macos/Runner/Configs/Debug.xcconfig | 2 + macos/Runner/Configs/Release.xcconfig | 2 + macos/Runner/Configs/Warnings.xcconfig | 13 + macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements | 12 + macos/Runner/Info.plist | 32 + macos/Runner/MainFlutterWindow.swift | 15 + macos/Runner/Release.entitlements | 8 + macos/RunnerTests/RunnerTests.swift | 12 + pubspec.lock | 1578 + pubspec.yaml | 146 + shorebird.yaml | 14 + test/widget_test.dart | 31 + web/favicon.png | Bin 0 -> 917 bytes web/icons/Icon-192.png | Bin 0 -> 5292 bytes web/icons/Icon-512.png | Bin 0 -> 8252 bytes web/icons/Icon-maskable-192.png | Bin 0 -> 5594 bytes web/icons/Icon-maskable-512.png | Bin 0 -> 20998 bytes web/index.html | 61 + web/manifest.json | 35 + windows/.gitignore | 17 + windows/CMakeLists.txt | 108 + windows/flutter/CMakeLists.txt | 109 + .../flutter/ | 26 + windows/flutter/generated_plugin_registrant.h | 15 + windows/flutter/generated_plugins.cmake | 28 + windows/runner/CMakeLists.txt | 40 + windows/runner/Runner.rc | 121 + windows/runner/flutter_window.cpp | 71 + windows/runner/flutter_window.h | 33 + windows/runner/main.cpp | 43 + windows/runner/resource.h | 16 + windows/runner/resources/app_icon.ico | Bin 0 -> 33772 bytes windows/runner/runner.exe.manifest | 20 + windows/runner/utils.cpp | 65 + windows/runner/utils.h | 19 + windows/runner/win32_window.cpp | 288 + windows/runner/win32_window.h | 102 + 272 files changed, 259059 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 .metadata create mode 100644 .vscode/settings.json create mode 100644 create mode 100644 analysis_options.yaml create mode 100644 android/.gitignore create mode 100644 android/app/build.gradle create mode 100644 android/app/google-services.json create mode 100644 android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml create mode 100644 android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml create mode 100644 android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/konectar_events/MainActivity.kt create mode 100644 android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/konectorsplash.png create mode 100644 android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/ksplash.png create mode 100644 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android/ create mode 100644 android/gradle/wrapper/ create mode 100644 android/settings.gradle create mode 100644 assets/ed128202.json create mode 100644 assets/ed129314.json create mode 100644 assets/ed129934.json create mode 100644 assets/ed130546.json create mode 100644 assets/ed140846.json create mode 100644 assets/ed142682.json create mode 100644 assets/events.json create mode 100644 assets/eventsdetail.json create mode 100644 assets/eventsdetail2.json create mode 100644 assets/eventsnew.json create mode 100644 assets/extras.txt create mode 100644 assets/google-contacts.png create mode 100644 assets/icon/konectaricon.png create mode 100644 assets/images/events1.jpeg create mode 100644 assets/images/events2.jpg create mode 100644 assets/images/events3.jpg create mode 100644 assets/images/konectar.png create mode 100644 assets/klogo.svg create mode 100644 assets/konectar_white_logo.svg create mode 100644 assets/response.json create mode 100644 assets/tagclouds.json create mode 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ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist create mode 100644 ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings create mode 100644 ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@1x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@3x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@1x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@3x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@1x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-50x50@1x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-50x50@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-57x57@1x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-57x57@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-72x72@1x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-72x72@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@1x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/Contents.json create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard create mode 100644 ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Info.plist create mode 100644 ios/Runner/Runner-Bridging-Header.h create mode 100644 ios/RunnerTests/RunnerTests.swift create mode 100644 lib/firebase_options.dart create mode 100644 lib/firebaseexample.dart create mode 100644 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100644 lib/utils/sessionmanager.dart create mode 100644 lib/utils/util.dart create mode 100644 lib/utils/validations.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/eventdetailstab.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/eventsdetails.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/eventslist.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/eventstab.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/hcplist.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/home.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/insights.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/login.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/profileview.dart create mode 100644 lib/view/socialmedia.dart create mode 100644 lib/viewmodel/eventsprovider.dart create mode 100644 lib/viewmodel/hcpprofprovider.dart create mode 100644 lib/viewmodel/insightsprovider.dart create mode 100644 lib/viewmodel/loginprovider.dart create mode 100644 lib/widgets/autocompletetags_widget.dart create mode 100644 lib/widgets/chartline.dart create mode 100644 lib/widgets/customactionsheet.dart create mode 100644 lib/widgets/customappbar.dart create mode 100644 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macos/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist create mode 100644 macos/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme create mode 100644 macos/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata create mode 100644 macos/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist create mode 100644 macos/Runner/AppDelegate.swift create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_1024.png create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_128.png create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_16.png create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_256.png create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_32.png create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_512.png create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_64.png create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Configs/AppInfo.xcconfig create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Configs/Debug.xcconfig create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Configs/Release.xcconfig create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Configs/Warnings.xcconfig create mode 100644 macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Info.plist create mode 100644 macos/Runner/MainFlutterWindow.swift create mode 100644 macos/Runner/Release.entitlements create mode 100644 macos/RunnerTests/RunnerTests.swift create mode 100644 pubspec.lock create mode 100644 pubspec.yaml create mode 100644 shorebird.yaml create mode 100644 test/widget_test.dart create mode 100644 web/favicon.png create mode 100644 web/icons/Icon-192.png create mode 100644 web/icons/Icon-512.png create mode 100644 web/icons/Icon-maskable-192.png create mode 100644 web/icons/Icon-maskable-512.png create mode 100644 web/index.html create mode 100644 web/manifest.json create mode 100644 windows/.gitignore create mode 100644 windows/CMakeLists.txt create mode 100644 windows/flutter/CMakeLists.txt create mode 100644 windows/flutter/ create mode 100644 windows/flutter/generated_plugin_registrant.h create mode 100644 windows/flutter/generated_plugins.cmake create mode 100644 windows/runner/CMakeLists.txt create mode 100644 windows/runner/Runner.rc create mode 100644 windows/runner/flutter_window.cpp create mode 100644 windows/runner/flutter_window.h create mode 100644 windows/runner/main.cpp create mode 100644 windows/runner/resource.h create mode 100644 windows/runner/resources/app_icon.ico create mode 100644 windows/runner/runner.exe.manifest create mode 100644 windows/runner/utils.cpp create mode 100644 windows/runner/utils.h create mode 100644 windows/runner/win32_window.cpp create mode 100644 windows/runner/win32_window.h diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a3a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Miscellaneous +*.class +*.log +*.pyc +*.swp +.DS_Store +.atom/ +.buildlog/ +.history +.svn/ +migrate_working_dir/ + +# IntelliJ related +*.iml +*.ipr +*.iws +.idea/ + +# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in +# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line +# is commented out by default. +#.vscode/ + +# Flutter/Dart/Pub related +**/doc/api/ +**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id +.dart_tool/ +.flutter-plugins +.flutter-plugins-dependencies +/build/ + +# Symbolication related +app.*.symbols + +# Obfuscation related +app.*.map.json + +# Android Studio will place build artifacts here +/android/app/debug +/android/app/profile +/android/app/release diff --git a/.metadata b/.metadata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e6e02a --- /dev/null +++ b/.metadata @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# This file tracks properties of this Flutter project. +# Used by Flutter tool to assess capabilities and perform upgrades etc. +# +# This file should be version controlled and should not be manually edited. + +version: + revision: "78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9" + channel: "stable" + +project_type: app + +# Tracks metadata for the flutter migrate command +migration: + platforms: + - platform: root + create_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + base_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + - platform: android + create_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + base_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + - platform: ios + create_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + base_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + - platform: linux + create_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + base_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + - platform: macos + create_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + base_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + - platform: web + create_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + base_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + - platform: windows + create_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + base_revision: 78666c8dc57e9f7548ca9f8dd0740fbf0c658dc9 + + # User provided section + + # List of Local paths (relative to this file) that should be + # ignored by the migrate tool. + # + # Files that are not part of the templates will be ignored by default. + unmanaged_files: + - 'lib/main.dart' + - 'ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj' diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71ed5ef --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "dart.previewCommitCharacters": true, + "dart.enableCompletionCommitCharacters": true, + "dart.env": { + + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8aaa8c --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# konectar_events + +A new Flutter project. + +## Getting Started + +This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. + +A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: + +- [Lab: Write your first Flutter app]( +- [Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples]( + +For help getting started with Flutter development, view the +[online documentation](, which offers tutorials, +samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. diff --git a/analysis_options.yaml b/analysis_options.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d29021 --- /dev/null +++ b/analysis_options.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to +# check for errors, warnings, and lints. +# +# The issues identified by the analyzer are surfaced in the UI of Dart-enabled +# IDEs ( The analyzer can also be +# invoked from the command line by running `flutter analyze`. + +# The following line activates a set of recommended lints for Flutter apps, +# packages, and plugins designed to encourage good coding practices. +include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml + +linter: + # The lint rules applied to this project can be customized in the + # section below to disable rules from the `package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml` + # included above or to enable additional rules. A list of all available lints + # and their documentation is published at + # + # Instead of disabling a lint rule for the entire project in the + # section below, it can also be suppressed for a single line of code + # or a specific dart file by using the `// ignore: name_of_lint` and + # `// ignore_for_file: name_of_lint` syntax on the line or in the file + # producing the lint. + rules: + # avoid_print: false # Uncomment to disable the `avoid_print` rule + # prefer_single_quotes: true # Uncomment to enable the `prefer_single_quotes` rule + +# Additional information about this file can be found at +# diff --git a/android/.gitignore b/android/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f56801 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +gradle-wrapper.jar +/.gradle +/captures/ +/gradlew +/gradlew.bat +/ + +# Remember to never publicly share your keystore. +# See +**/*.keystore +**/*.jks diff --git a/android/app/build.gradle b/android/app/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecbd793 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/app/build.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +plugins { + id "" + // START: FlutterFire Configuration + id '' + // END: FlutterFire Configuration + id "kotlin-android" + id "dev.flutter.flutter-gradle-plugin" +} + +def localProperties = new Properties() +def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file('') +if (localPropertiesFile.exists()) { + localPropertiesFile.withReader('UTF-8') { reader -> + localProperties.load(reader) + } +} + +def flutterVersionCode = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionCode') +if (flutterVersionCode == null) { + flutterVersionCode = '1' +} + +def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName') +if (flutterVersionName == null) { + flutterVersionName = '1.0' +} + +android { + namespace "com.example.konectar_events" + compileSdkVersion flutter.compileSdkVersion + ndkVersion flutter.ndkVersion + + compileOptions { + sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + } + + kotlinOptions { + jvmTarget = '1.8' + } + + sourceSets { + += 'src/main/kotlin' + } + + defaultConfig { + // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID ( + applicationId "com.example.konectar_events" + // You can update the following values to match your application needs. + // For more information, see: + minSdkVersion flutter.minSdkVersion + targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion + versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger() + versionName flutterVersionName + } + + buildTypes { + release { + // TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build. + // Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works. + signingConfig signingConfigs.debug + } + } +} + +flutter { + source '../..' +} + +dependencies {} diff --git a/android/app/google-services.json b/android/app/google-services.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d40d22 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/app/google-services.json @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "project_info": { + "project_number": "259165326883", + "project_id": "kevents-c4ff5", + "storage_bucket": "" + }, + "client": [ + { + "client_info": { + "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:259165326883:android:bb5e1ebe38aee593c8ab96", + "android_client_info": { + "package_name": "com.example.konectar_events" + } + }, + "oauth_client": [], + "api_key": [ + { + "current_key": "AIzaSyC_H76Ukb7kOxIsLLFUQTmVegqwn08iWms" + } + ], + "services": { + "appinvite_service": { + "other_platform_oauth_client": [] + } + } + } + ], + "configuration_version": "1" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..399f698 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + diff --git a/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f7b5d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/konectar_events/MainActivity.kt b/android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/konectar_events/MainActivity.kt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..441f829 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/konectar_events/MainActivity.kt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +package com.example.konectar_events + +import + +class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() { +} diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/konectorsplash.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/konectorsplash.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d39b34546bec6e72a341a315a147b0e36dd3f04d GIT binary patch literal 14852 zcmcgz2UrtX*QSf0q9_)M#wf0eflPX$k=_&pBWrIVnUH8mLK37X&4Qw$U_a7N&Qe&8@rMHhA||%s(iJR5z-3}*k-hQW5@(n%@CcW}Gs36& zal)5!=v=J*WXz;c24D~f%h{OFK%q#+2xVdwd>P<7a@!7zQ7n-!Wnvu>K+J4!UyQR@ z3S-E&6dVU45inG`Ekwc738V=a0v@8;;i+~I5r>BucnX6^$Ef~b0h*M{W3XJ@R9N7O ziRH`X5{8{!NJxln2+>w74X}ggbh;g$U`HU}zzUo!OeANA;zY7hC|$L3Z7h!9V~!pE#>eVti3vScxhm2)@VG`Jm1OTwFJvxkqo#C_^{3J z?p>3%;YixWNe6R)AAkl#wLlWSST2_F#sA_{_0KA`xf}*hEDdA>V+#V=0kEA!6oAMl zVK_@+#D0Eau@DV=&o;ASoSiWQf-N31c9uZI6^F>iwWESv*m9VO1&Khz;R!fA-4CKM zNDzZWw?WbYuUzUa<_dUWKU_*;KqMPHxos)PLM~g*)?~4_H-iO>xB?_KoP}(ejER*< z#bO=ZM8MG?E)7Sd(y4SdmBNN$ z3d+q>B$Km692gM;nBG=9G*WJ(6@_Y z#tb=IDi4i#TCS ztQ%V>gMYBfXBjM&NChGgD5@pEo(urS4d%cg%an!D7Zf(3z+cLihG8JGEgrbK%_PoZ zp;!vM4rC*?zwhbntQK0va(BXbx;j%JI)#EG*g{Cb13@Ym$c3<~dO8Z_s&7I8l1dCA zTLf}86vu^m>|miBJ9(;D1ap8na0EPlk{wbXg#tjL_@<<`YsV9q9K?hREEOz+xo%Q% zAVyKU7=jZjkiXMc7I=T?Ia)DcU zbUH*MbMZJb9%KegCy_ybKs+3vCXl!wW*{mJr5FEvlqwYfF8!B0umjdms_h|=fh-SG z8FU65)Mi>m5oWMCNG36{GB&UdA{wa7KQ;{o;?M~c4vs@0KsXMOM8mQDAqtMogNZN) zPoza_h2?5An4|7%2$7 zJ$eHfz%JwaALhV9p*ZCG`%Xfz*J^jWld6bn9pq5SHY0>B=kVR7;$X=SrBfE`_WK(^ z=*|d02oRN+SQllR$0#{r6s!~zi)t0Jt6*aB$mF0PRm>f1uKb9KyhuT7QUyN9<2W^r!R~A5eGHA28~G4_J1MPgaB<4Fd2~RCJBaPwu2W*wJ-B z2OPUbSLjYcVvo|}*z2r0sbk~;h8kew5x=YF42>1uD03@R)pk%Ty1VRZ=V 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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +buildscript { + ext.kotlin_version = '1.7.10' + repositories { + google() + mavenCentral() + } + + dependencies { + classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" + } +} + +allprojects { + repositories { + google() + mavenCentral() + } +} + +rootProject.buildDir = '../build' +subprojects { + project.buildDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${}" +} +subprojects { + project.evaluationDependsOn(':app') +} + +tasks.register("clean", Delete) { + delete rootProject.buildDir +} diff --git a/android/ b/android/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..598d13f --- /dev/null +++ b/android/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4G +android.useAndroidX=true +android.enableJetifier=true diff --git a/android/gradle/wrapper/ b/android/gradle/wrapper/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c472b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/gradle/wrapper/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME +distributionPath=wrapper/dists +zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME 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Configuration +} + +include ":app" diff --git a/assets/ed128202.json b/assets/ed128202.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5690081 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/ed128202.json @@ -0,0 +1,21438 @@ +{ + "data": { + "eventsdetail": + [ + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1146513", + "session_name": "Agnostic ADCs (TROP2 and other combinations)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1146513", + "first_name": "Paolo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bironzo", + "org_name": "University of Turin", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Torino", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Agnostic ADCs (TROP2 and other combinations)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dario Trapani", + "kol_full_name": "Dario Trapani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Liquid Biopsy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1146489", + "session_name": "Latest liquid biopsy techniques", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1146489", + "first_name": "Nicola", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Normanno", + "org_name": "Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione G. Pascale", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Napoli", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Latest liquid biopsy techniques", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Liquid Biopsy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nicola Normanno", + "kol_full_name": "Nicola Normanno" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Whole Genome Sequencing | Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1145286", + "session_name": "Gynaecological cancers,Whole genome sequencing: What are the benefits?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1145286", + "first_name": "Charlie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gourley", + "org_name": "Cancer Research UK Scotland Centre, University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gynaecological cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Whole genome sequencing: What are the benefits?", + "events_topic": "Whole Genome Sequencing | Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charlie Gourley", + "kol_full_name": "Charlie Gourley" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Carcinoma, Ovarian Epithelial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1145165", + "session_name": "Gynaecological cancers,Epithelial ovarian cancer: Discussion", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1145165", + "first_name": "Antonio", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gonzalez-Martin", + "org_name": "Clinica Universidad de Navarra", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gynaecological cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Epithelial ovarian cancer: Discussion", + "events_topic": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Carcinoma, Ovarian Epithelial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antonio Gonzalez-Martin", + "kol_full_name": "Antonio Gonzalez-Martin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Ovarian Neoplasms | Datopotamab Deruxtecan | Standard Of Care | Endometrial Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1145145", + "session_name": "What we know and what we should know on immunotherapy and endometrial cancer (EC),Should IO be considered the new standard of care in advanced EC?,Datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) in patients with endometrial (EC) or ovarian cancer (OC): results from the Phase 2 TROPION-PanTumor03 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1145145", + "first_name": "Ana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Oaknin", + "org_name": "Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Cataluña", + "City": "Barcelona", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What we know and what we should know on immunotherapy and endometrial cancer (EC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Should IO be considered the new standard of care in advanced EC?,Datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) in patients with endometrial (EC) or ovarian cancer (OC): results from the Phase 2 TROPION-PanTumor03 study", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Ovarian Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Datopotamab Deruxtecan | Standard Of Care | Endometrial Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Oaknin", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Oaknin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Placebos | Atezolizumab | Ovarian Neoplasms | Drug Therapy | Genital Neoplasms, Female | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1145113", + "session_name": "Gynaecological cancers,Final overall survival (OS) from the Phase III ATALANTE/ENGOT-ov29 trial evaluating atezolizumab (Atz) versus placebo with standard chemotherapy (Cx) plus bevacizumab (bev) in ovarian cancer (OC) patients (pts) with platinum-sensitive relapse (PSR)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1145113", + "first_name": "Jean-Emmanuel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kurtz", + "org_name": "Institut de cancerologie Strasbourg Europe - ICANS", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Alsace", + "City": "Strasbourg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gynaecological cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Final overall survival (OS) from the Phase III ATALANTE/ENGOT-ov29 trial evaluating atezolizumab (Atz) versus placebo with standard chemotherapy (Cx) plus bevacizumab (bev) in ovarian cancer (OC) patients (pts) with platinum-sensitive relapse (PSR)", + "events_topic": "Placebos | Atezolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Ovarian Neoplasms | Drug Therapy | Genital Neoplasms, Female | Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jean-Emmanuel Kurtz", + "kol_full_name": "Jean-Emmanuel Kurtz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1145073", + "session_name": "Gynaecological cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1145073", + "first_name": "Alexandra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Leary", + "org_name": "Institut de Cancérologie Gustave Roussy", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gynaecological cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Leary", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Leary" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Decision-Making", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1145047", + "session_name": "Prognostic and predictive factors for clinical decision making", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1145047", + "first_name": "Nadia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Harbeck", + "org_name": "LMU Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic and predictive factors for clinical decision making", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Decision-Making", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nadia Harbeck", + "kol_full_name": "Nadia Harbeck" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144949", + "session_name": "Biomarkers in the treatment of breast cancer: Importance and pitfalls", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1144949", + "first_name": "Fabrice", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Andre", + "org_name": "CLCC Institut Gustave Roussy", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biomarkers in the treatment of breast cancer: Importance and pitfalls", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fabrice Andre", + "kol_full_name": "Fabrice Andre" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Avelumab | Trophoblastic Neoplasms | Methotrexate | Pregnancy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144941", + "session_name": "Avelumab + methotrexate to eradicate low-risk gestational trophoblastic tumors in 1st-line setting: TROPHAMET phase I/II trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1144941", + "first_name": "Benoit", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "You", + "org_name": "Hospices Civils de Lyon", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Rhone-Alpes", + "City": "Lyon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Avelumab + methotrexate to eradicate low-risk gestational trophoblastic tumors in 1st-line setting: TROPHAMET phase I/II trial.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Avelumab | Trophoblastic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Methotrexate | Pregnancy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benoit You", + "kol_full_name": "Benoit You" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Pembrolizumab | Radiotherapy | Chemoradiotherapy | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms | Ovarian Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144935", + "session_name": "Pembrolizumab plus chemoradiotherapy for high-risk locally advanced cervical cancer: Overall survival results from the randomized, double-blind, phase 3 ENGOT-cx11/GOG-3047/KEYNOTE-A18 study,ADCs in ovarian cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1144935", + "first_name": "Domenica", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lorusso", + "org_name": "Humanitas University", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pembrolizumab plus chemoradiotherapy for high-risk locally advanced cervical cancer: Overall survival results from the randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " double-blind, phase 3 ENGOT-cx11/GOG-3047/KEYNOTE-A18 study,ADCs in ovarian cancer", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Radiotherapy | Chemoradiotherapy | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms | Ovarian Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Domenica Lorusso", + "kol_full_name": "Domenica Lorusso" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Rectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144676", + "session_name": "Rectal cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1144676", + "first_name": "Eric", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Van Cutsem", + "org_name": "KU Leuven", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Leuven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rectal cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eric Van Cutsem", + "kol_full_name": "Eric Van Cutsem" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Amivantamab | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "2024060001", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144656", + "session_name": "GI tumours, upper digestive,Amivantamab plus FOLFOX or FOLFIRI in metastatic colorectal cancer: Results from OrigAMI-1, an open-label, phase 1b/2 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1144656", + "first_name": "Filippo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pietrantonio", + "org_name": "Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GI tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " upper digestive,Amivantamab plus FOLFOX or FOLFIRI in metastatic colorectal cancer: Results from OrigAMI-1, an open-label, phase 1b/2 study", + "events_topic": "Amivantamab | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "Filippo Pietrantonio", + "kol_full_name": "Filippo Pietrantonio" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Immunotherapy | Colonic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144646", + "session_name": "Neoadjuvant treatment for colon cancer: Building upon the existing data,Neoadjuvant immunotherapy in colon cancer: Are we there yet?,Should we try immunotherapy for all patients with advanced cancer? - Yes", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1144646", + "first_name": "Myriam", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chalabi", + "org_name": "Nederlands Kanker Instituut-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neoadjuvant treatment for colon cancer: Building upon the existing data", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Neoadjuvant immunotherapy in colon cancer: Are we there yet?,Should we try immunotherapy for all patients with advanced cancer? - Yes", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Immunotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Colonic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Myriam Chalabi", + "kol_full_name": "Myriam Chalabi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tertiary Lymphoid Structures | Solid Tumors | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1113730", + "session_name": "Atlas of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Solid Tumors: Genomic Features and Prediction of Response to Immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1113730", + "first_name": "Antoine", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Italiano", + "org_name": "Institut Bergonié Bordeaux", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Aquitaine", + "City": "Bordeaux", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atlas of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Solid Tumors: Genomic Features and Prediction of Response to Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tertiary Lymphoid Structures | Solid Tumors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antoine Italiano", + "kol_full_name": "Antoine Italiano" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1111649", + "session_name": "Personalised immunotherapy strategies for head and neck cancers,Latest developments in virus targeting approaches for the management of head and neck cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1111649", + "first_name": "Amanda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Psyrri", + "org_name": "National Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised immunotherapy strategies for head and neck cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Latest developments in virus targeting approaches for the management of head and neck cancers", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amanda Psyrri", + "kol_full_name": "Amanda Psyrri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thoracic Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1088209", + "session_name": "Non-metastatic NSCLC and other thoracic malignancies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1088209", + "first_name": "Alfredo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Addeo", + "org_name": "Hopitaux Universitaires De Geneve", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-metastatic NSCLC and other thoracic malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thoracic Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alfredo Addeo", + "kol_full_name": "Alfredo Addeo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "1528057155", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1077835", + "session_name": "Application of GigaPath, an open-weight billion-parameter AI foundation model based on a novel vision transformer architecture for cancer mutation prediction and TME analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1077835", + "first_name": "Carlo", + "middle_name": "Bruno", + "last_name": "Bifulco", + "org_name": "Providence Health And Services Oregon", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Oregon", + "City": "Portland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Application of GigaPath", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " an open-weight billion-parameter AI foundation model based on a novel vision transformer architecture for cancer mutation prediction and TME analysis", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlo Bruno Bifulco", + "kol_full_name": "Carlo Bruno Bifulco" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1047253", + "session_name": "Breast cancer, early stage", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "1047253", + "first_name": "Bidard", + "middle_name": "Francois", + "last_name": "Clement", + "org_name": "Institut Curie", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " early stage", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bidard Francois Clement", + "kol_full_name": "Bidard Francois Clement" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Mechanism Of Action | Immunoconjugates", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976434", + "session_name": "Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs): Are there new therapeutic approaches in gynaecological cancers?,Visiting the basics: Rationale and MoA", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "976434", + "first_name": "Susana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Banerjee", + "org_name": "The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs): Are there new therapeutic approaches in gynaecological cancers?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Visiting the basics: Rationale and MoA", + "events_topic": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Mechanism Of Action ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunoconjugates", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Susana Banerjee", + "kol_full_name": "Susana Banerjee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975998", + "session_name": "New technology, new ideas: What is on the horizon for colorectal cancer?,Novel systemic therapeutic approaches in mCRC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "975998", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "MF", + "last_name": "Fernandez", + "org_name": "St George's Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New technology", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " new ideas: What is on the horizon for colorectal cancer?,Novel systemic therapeutic approaches in mCRC", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria MF Fernandez", + "kol_full_name": "Maria MF Fernandez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "926891", + "session_name": "Breast cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "926891", + "first_name": "Joseph", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gligorov", + "org_name": "Hôpital Tenon AP-HP", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joseph Gligorov", + "kol_full_name": "Joseph Gligorov" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thymus Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863431", + "session_name": "Current standards and advances in radiation for thymic tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "863431", + "first_name": "Rafal", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dziadziuszko", + "org_name": "Medical University of Gdansk", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Pomorskie", + "City": "Gdansk", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Current standards and advances in radiation for thymic tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thymus Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rafal Dziadziuszko", + "kol_full_name": "Rafal Dziadziuszko" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + 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"rest_events_topic": " Optimal Sequencing", + "kol_name": "Sara Lonardi", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Lonardi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "KRAS Protein, Human | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Molecular Targeted Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863341", + "session_name": "Treating KRAS-mutated NSCLC,G12C targeted therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "863341", + "first_name": "Natasha", + "middle_name": "B.", + "last_name": "Leighl", + "org_name": "Princess Margaret Cancer Centre", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treating KRAS-mutated NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "G12C targeted therapies", + "events_topic": "KRAS Protein, Human | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Molecular Targeted Therapy", + "kol_name": "Natasha B. 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Clinical and translational opportunities in the neoadjuvant setting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Julien Taieb", + "kol_full_name": "Julien Taieb" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Prevention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863316", + "session_name": "Are you really up-to-date on cancer prevention?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "863316", + "first_name": "Josep", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tabernero", + "org_name": "Vall d'Hebron University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Cataluña", + "City": "Barcelona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Are you really up-to-date on cancer prevention?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + 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lower,Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in colon cancer: Who, what and for how long?", + "events_topic": "Colonic Neoplasms | Neoadjuvant Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "Jenifer Seligmann", + "kol_full_name": "Jenifer Seligmann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863294", + "session_name": "Metastatic colorectal cancer: Discussion", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "863294", + "first_name": "Erika", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Martinelli", + "org_name": "Università degli studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Caserta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Metastatic colorectal cancer: Discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Erika Martinelli", + "kol_full_name": "Erika Martinelli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863288", + "session_name": "GI tumours, lower,Gastrointestinal tumours, lower digestive", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "863288", + "first_name": "Dirk", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Arnold", + "org_name": "Asklepios Clinic Altona", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GI tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " lower,Gastrointestinal tumours, lower digestive", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dirk Arnold", + "kol_full_name": "Dirk Arnold" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Receptor, ErbB-3 | Encorafenib | Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Immunoconjugates | Binimetinib", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863285", + "session_name": "Specific ADCs: HER2, HER3, CEACAM5, MET,Encorafenib plus binimetinib in patients (pts) with previously untreated BRAF V600E-mutant advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): an open-label, multicenter phase 2 trial (IFCT-1904 ENCO-BRAF)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "863285", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Planchard", + "org_name": "Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Specific ADCs: HER2", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " HER3, CEACAM5, MET,Encorafenib plus binimetinib in patients (pts) with previously untreated BRAF V600E-mutant advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): an open-label, multicenter phase 2 trial (IFCT-1904 ENCO-BRAF)", + "events_topic": "Receptor, ErbB-3 | Encorafenib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Immunoconjugates | Binimetinib", + "kol_name": "David Planchard", + "kol_full_name": "David Planchard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Microsatellite Stability | Colorectal Neoplasms | Optimal Sequencing", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863280", + "session_name": "Optimal sequencing of therapeutic strategies in biomarker unselected MSS CRC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": 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Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "863276", + "first_name": "Byoung", + "middle_name": "Chul", + "last_name": "Cho", + "org_name": "Yonsei University College of Medicine", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase 1/2 study of D3S-001", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " a second generation KRAS G12C inhibitor in advanced/metastatic solid tumors with KRAS G12C mutations", + "events_topic": "KRAS Protein, Human | Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Byoung Chul Cho", + "kol_full_name": "Byoung Chul Cho" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "ROS1 Protein, Human | Zidesamtinib | Solid Tumors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863275", + "session_name": "NSCLC metastatic,Phase 1/2 ARROS-1 study of zidesamtinib (NVL-520) in ROS1 fusion-positive solid tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "863275", + "first_name": "Benjamin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Besse", + "org_name": "Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NSCLC metastatic", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Phase 1/2 ARROS-1 study of zidesamtinib (NVL-520) in ROS1 fusion-positive solid tumors", + "events_topic": "ROS1 Protein, Human | Zidesamtinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Solid Tumors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "kol_name": "Benjamin Besse", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Besse" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863273", + 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"863271", + "first_name": "Angela", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lamarca", + "org_name": "Fundacion Jimenez Diaz University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of adjuvant/neoadjuvant HCC in 2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Neoadjuvant Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Angela Lamarca", + "kol_full_name": "Angela Lamarca" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Precision Medicine | Students, Medical", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "863269", + "session_name": "Session in collaboration with ASCO: Novel pathways for development of precision therapeutics in molecular oncology,ESMO-ESO Medical Students Course", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical 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Evaluating Exarafenib, a Selective Pan-RAF Inhibitor in Combination with Binimetinib in NRAS-mutant (NRASMut) Melanoma (Mel) & BRAF-Altered Solid Tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "860020", + "first_name": "Philippe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cassier", + "org_name": "Centre Léon Bérard (CLB)", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Rhone-Alpes", + "City": "Lyon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Phase 1 Clinical Trial Evaluating Exarafenib", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " a Selective Pan-RAF Inhibitor in Combination with Binimetinib in NRAS-mutant (NRASMut) Melanoma (Mel) & BRAF-Altered Solid Tumors", + "events_topic": "Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Solid Tumors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Melanoma | Binimetinib", + "kol_name": "Philippe Cassier", + "kol_full_name": "Philippe Cassier" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "860018", + "session_name": "What are the ADCs and main AEs?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "860018", + "first_name": "Nicolas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Girard", + "org_name": "Institut Curie", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What are the ADCs and main AEs?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nicolas Girard", + "kol_full_name": "Nicolas Girard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Perioperative Care", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "859998", + "session_name": "Incorporating systemic therapy in the perioperative setting", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "859998", + "first_name": "Solange", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Peters", + "org_name": "Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incorporating systemic therapy in the perioperative setting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Perioperative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Solange Peters", + "kol_full_name": "Solange Peters" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "859997", + "session_name": "Improving outcome in long-term survivors with metastatic NSCLC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "859997", + "first_name": "Silvia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Novello", + "org_name": "University of Turin, S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Turin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving outcome in long-term survivors with metastatic NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Silvia Novello", + "kol_full_name": "Silvia Novello" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "859991", + "session_name": "HR(+)/HER2(-) advanced breast cancer: How can biology inform us on optimising the precision therapeutic strategies in 1L and 2L post progression after endocrine+CDK4/6i?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "859991", + "first_name": "Philippe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Aftimos", + "org_name": "Institut Jules Bordet", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "HR(+)/HER2(-) advanced breast cancer: How can biology inform us on optimising the precision therapeutic strategies in 1L and 2L post progression after endocrine+CDK4/6i?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Philippe Aftimos", + "kol_full_name": "Philippe Aftimos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "859895", + "session_name": "Triple negative breast cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "859895", + "first_name": "Giuseppe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Curigliano", + "org_name": "Istituto Europeo Di Oncologia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Triple negative breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Giuseppe Curigliano", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Curigliano" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Ovarian Neoplasms | Endometrial Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1144648478", + "hcp_pin_alias": "843486", + "session_name": "A Phase 1/2 study of Rinatabart Sesutecan (Rina-S) in Patients with Advanced Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "843486", + "first_name": "Elizabeth", + "middle_name": "Katherine", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Phase 1/2 study of Rinatabart Sesutecan (Rina-S) in Patients with Advanced Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ovarian Neoplasms | Endometrial Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Elizabeth Katherine Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Elizabeth Katherine Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Epidemics", + "npi_num": "1285683367", + "hcp_pin_alias": "843104", + "session_name": "The emerging global epidemic of young age- onset cancer: Nature or nurture?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "843104", + "first_name": "Shuji", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ogino", + "org_name": "Brigham And Women'S Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The emerging global epidemic of young age- onset cancer: Nature or nurture?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Epidemics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Shuji Ogino", + "kol_full_name": "Shuji Ogino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Tumor Microenvironment | Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis | Immune Signalling Pathways | Papillomatosis | Genetic Therapy", + "npi_num": "1093861429", + "hcp_pin_alias": "830809", + "session_name": "Targeting innate immune signalling pathways,The Patient Voice: An Analysis of Real-World Data using the Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation/CoRDS Patient Registry (RRPF/CoRDS),Epigenetic therapy modulates the tumor microenvironment to sensitize anti-PD-1 refractory head and neck cancers to immunotherapy,Pembrolizumab for HPV-associated Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "830809", + "first_name": "Sara", + "middle_name": "Isabel", + "last_name": "Pai", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Targeting innate immune signalling pathways", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The Patient Voice: An Analysis of Real-World Data using the Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation/CoRDS Patient Registry (RRPF/CoRDS),Epigenetic therapy modulates the tumor microenvironment to sensitize anti-PD-1 refractory head and neck cancers to immunotherapy,Pembrolizumab for HPV-associated Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Tumor Microenvironment | Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis | Immune Signalling Pathways | Papillomatosis | Genetic Therapy", + "kol_name": "Sara Isabel Pai", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Isabel Pai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Chemoradiotherapy | Cisplatin | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Squamous Cell", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "643982", + "session_name": "Head and neck cancer,Final Analysis of a Phase II/III Trial of Post-operative Chemoradiotherapy Comparing 3-Weekly Cisplatin with Weekly Cisplatin in High-risk Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck (JCOG1008)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "643982", + "first_name": "Makoto", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tahara", + "org_name": "National Cancer Center Hospital East", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Head and neck cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Final Analysis of a Phase II/III Trial of Post-operative Chemoradiotherapy Comparing 3-Weekly Cisplatin with Weekly Cisplatin in High-risk Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck (JCOG1008)", + "events_topic": "Chemoradiotherapy | Cisplatin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Head And Neck Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Squamous Cell", + "kol_name": "Makoto Tahara", + "kol_full_name": "Makoto Tahara" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Retifanlimab | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Palbociclib | Liposarcoma", + "npi_num": "1104246032", + "hcp_pin_alias": "643776", + "session_name": "A phase II study of palbociclib combined with the PD-1 inhibitor retifanlimab in patients with advanced dedifferentiated liposarcoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "643776", + "first_name": "Evan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rosenbaum", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A phase II study of palbociclib combined with the PD-1 inhibitor retifanlimab in patients with advanced dedifferentiated liposarcoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Retifanlimab | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Palbociclib | Liposarcoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evan Rosenbaum", + "kol_full_name": "Evan Rosenbaum" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 | SARS-CoV-2", + "npi_num": "1881270304", + "hcp_pin_alias": "643343", + "session_name": "Association of SARS-COV-2 mRNA vaccines with tumor PD-L1 expression and clinical responses to immune checkpoint blockade", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "643343", + "first_name": "Adam", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Grippin", + "org_name": "UF Health Shands", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Gainesville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of SARS-COV-2 mRNA vaccines with tumor PD-L1 expression and clinical responses to immune checkpoint blockade", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " SARS-CoV-2", + "kol_name": "Adam Grippin", + "kol_full_name": "Adam Grippin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1053999599", + "hcp_pin_alias": "643341", + "session_name": "NSCLC metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "643341", + "first_name": "Marina Chiara", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Garassino", + "org_name": "University of Chicago Hospitals", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NSCLC metastatic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marina Chiara C Garassino", + "kol_full_name": "Marina Chiara C Garassino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Solid Tumors | Organ Preservation", + "npi_num": "1891108221", + "hcp_pin_alias": "641439", + "session_name": "Long-Term Survival and Organ Preservation with Pembrolizumab in Localized MSI-H/dMMR Solid Tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "641439", + "first_name": "Kaysia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ludford", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-Term Survival and Organ Preservation with Pembrolizumab in Localized MSI-H/dMMR Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Solid Tumors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Organ Preservation", + "kol_name": "Kaysia Ludford", + "kol_full_name": "Kaysia Ludford" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "1841746542", + "hcp_pin_alias": "641431", + "session_name": "Non-clear cell RCC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "641431", + "first_name": "Pedro", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Barata", + "org_name": "University Hospitals Seidman", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-clear cell RCC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Pedro M Barata", + "kol_full_name": "Pedro M Barata" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "IGSF8 Protein, Human | Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "1427317403", + "hcp_pin_alias": "638263", + "session_name": "A phase 1/2, open-label study of the novel checkpoint IGSF8 inhibitor GV20-0251 in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "638263", + "first_name": "Kristopher", + "middle_name": "Paul", + "last_name": "Wentzel", + "org_name": "Cedars Sinai Medical Care Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Santa Monica", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A phase 1/2", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " open-label study of the novel checkpoint IGSF8 inhibitor GV20-0251 in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "IGSF8 Protein, Human | Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kristopher Paul Wentzel", + "kol_full_name": "Kristopher Paul Wentzel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Futibatinib | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "npi_num": "1154684777", + "hcp_pin_alias": "637196", + "session_name": "Phase 2 study of futibatinib plus pembrolizumab in patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC): Final analysis of efficacy and safety", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "637196", + "first_name": "Vadim", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Koshkin", + "org_name": "UCSF Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase 2 study of futibatinib plus pembrolizumab in patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC): Final analysis of efficacy and safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Futibatinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "kol_name": "Vadim S Koshkin", + "kol_full_name": "Vadim S Koshkin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1053395582", + "hcp_pin_alias": "632654", + "session_name": "The rapidly changing treatment landscape of early triple negative breast cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "632654", + "first_name": "Kalliopi", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Siziopikou", + "org_name": "Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The rapidly changing treatment landscape of early triple negative breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kalliopi P Siziopikou", + "kol_full_name": "Kalliopi P Siziopikou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sequence Analysis", + "npi_num": "1831359355", + "hcp_pin_alias": "624411", + "session_name": "Resistance and sequencing", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "624411", + "first_name": "Mark", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Awad", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Resistance and sequencing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sequence Analysis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mark M Awad", + "kol_full_name": "Mark M Awad" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genetically Modified T Cells | Killer Cells, Natural", + "npi_num": "1760749204", + "hcp_pin_alias": "621907", + "session_name": "Gene modified T cells and new players,CAR NK cells", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "621907", + "first_name": "Katayoun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rezvani", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gene modified T cells and new players", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "CAR NK cells", + "events_topic": "Genetically Modified T Cells | Killer Cells, Natural", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Katayoun Rezvani", + "kol_full_name": "Katayoun Rezvani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Advanced Illness | Urogenital Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "1740443852", + "hcp_pin_alias": "621127", + "session_name": "GU tumours, non-prostate,Addressing uncertainties in the management of urothelial and renal cell carcinomas,What is the role of rechallenge with the same class of agents in advanced disease?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "621127", + "first_name": "Petros", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Grivas", + "org_name": "University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GU tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " non-prostate,Addressing uncertainties in the management of urothelial and renal cell carcinomas,What is the role of rechallenge with the same class of agents in advanced disease?", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Advanced Illness ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Urogenital Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "kol_name": "Petros Grivas", + "kol_full_name": "Petros Grivas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "SMARCA2 Protein, Human | Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "1811308851", + "hcp_pin_alias": "617888", + "session_name": "First Clinical Results from A Phase 1 Trial of PRT3789, a First-in-Class Intravenous SMARCA2 Degrader, in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors with a SMARCA4 Mutation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "617888", + "first_name": "Robin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Guo", + "org_name": "Memorial Hospital For Cancer And Allied Diseases", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Commack", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "First Clinical Results from A Phase 1 Trial of PRT3789", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a First-in-Class Intravenous SMARCA2 Degrader, in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors with a SMARCA4 Mutation", + "events_topic": "SMARCA2 Protein, Human | Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Robin Guo", + "kol_full_name": "Robin Guo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Efineptakin Alfa | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "npi_num": "1609085356", + "hcp_pin_alias": "595020", + "session_name": "Phase 1b study of NT-I7 (efineptakin alfa), a long-acting IL-7, post-CD19-directed CAR T cell therapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "595020", + "first_name": "Armin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ghobadi", + "org_name": "Washington University St. Louis Children’s Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "Uckermark", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase 1b study of NT-I7 (efineptakin alfa)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a long-acting IL-7, post-CD19-directed CAR T cell therapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Efineptakin Alfa | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "kol_name": "Armin Ghobadi", + "kol_full_name": "Armin Ghobadi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1609002708", + "hcp_pin_alias": "594958", + "session_name": "Cell-based immunotherapeutic approaches head and neck cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "594958", + "first_name": "Christian", + "middle_name": "Sutter", + "last_name": "Hinrichs", + "org_name": "Rutgers Health-Rwj Scleroderma Program", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New Jersey", + "City": "New Brunswick", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cell-based immunotherapeutic approaches head and neck cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christian Sutter Hinrichs", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Sutter Hinrichs" 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advanced breast cancer: The biology and treatment landscape post-progression after CDK4/6 inhibition,A glimpse of the future: Ongoing research on novel therapeutics for advanced breast cancer patients post-progression on endocrine+CDK4/6-inhibition", + "events_topic": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 6 | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "Joyce Ann O'shaughnessy", + "kol_full_name": "Joyce Ann O'shaughnessy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1669430310", + "hcp_pin_alias": "559481", + "session_name": "PI3K: Unmet need has driven a succession of targeting attempts,Breast cancer, early stage", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "559481", + "first_name": "Kevin", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Kalinsky", + "org_name": "Emory 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Mehta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant | Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitor | Poor Risk Disease | Receptors, Androgen", + "npi_num": "1447221353", + "hcp_pin_alias": "557488", + "session_name": "Therapeutic options beyond AR pathway inhibitors: What do we choose next?,Clinical activity of BMS-986365 (CC-94676), a dual androgen receptor (AR) ligand-directed degrader and antagonist, in heavily pretreated patients (pts) with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC),Intensification of systemic treatment for poor risk disease", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "557488", + "first_name": "Dana", + "middle_name": "E", + "last_name": "Rathkopf", + "org_name": "Memorial Hospital For Cancer And Allied Diseases", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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"org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Resistance and sequencing to ADCs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Leif William Ellisen", + "kol_full_name": "Leif William Ellisen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Study", + "npi_num": "1144300146", + "hcp_pin_alias": "554840", + "session_name": "Regulatory sandboxes: How to synchronize safe, timely regulation with scientific breakthroughs in molecular ‘niches’", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "554840", + "first_name": "Julie", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Gralow", + "org_name": "American Society of Clinical 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"UCLA Health Westwood Cancer Care", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase I", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Two-Part, Multicenter First-In-Human (FIH) Study of TORL-1-23, A Novel Claudin 6 (CLDN6) Targeting Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) In Patient With Advanced Solid Tumors.", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gottfried E Konecny", + "kol_full_name": "Gottfried E Konecny" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "T-Cell Engagers | Prostatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1417078221", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365635", + "session_name": "T cell engagers in prostate cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "365635", + "first_name": "Neeraj", + 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"Hina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Khan", + "org_name": "Brown University Rhode Island Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Rhode Island", + "City": "Providence", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Racial Disparities in immune-related adverse events in patients with lung cancer treated with Immune checkpoint inhibitors.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Lung Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hina Khan", + "kol_full_name": "Hina Khan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Adolescent And Young Adult Cancer", + "npi_num": "1871751867", + "hcp_pin_alias": "302184", + "session_name": "ESMO in collaboration with SIOPE / ESMO AYA: The greatest need for better outcome of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer (AYA) with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "302184", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Starks", + "org_name": "Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "South Dakota", + "City": "Sioux Falls", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO in collaboration with SIOPE / ESMO AYA: The greatest need for better outcome of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer (AYA) with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Adolescent And Young Adult Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "David C Starks", + "kol_full_name": "David C Starks" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "npi_num": "1871680249", + "hcp_pin_alias": "302100", + "session_name": "Gynaecological cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "302100", + "first_name": "Kathleen", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Moore", + "org_name": "OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Oklahoma", + "City": "Oklahoma City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gynaecological cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kathleen N Moore", + "kol_full_name": "Kathleen N Moore" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Ovarian Neoplasms | Folate Receptor 1 | Mirvetuximab Soravtansine", + "npi_num": "1073531083", + "hcp_pin_alias": "238500", + "session_name": "Mirvetuximab Soravtansine (MIRV) in Recurrent Platinum-Sensitive Ovarian Cancer (PSOC) with High Folate Receptor-Alpha (FRα) Expression: Results from the PICCOLO Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "238500", + "first_name": "Angeles", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Secord", + "org_name": "Duke University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mirvetuximab Soravtansine (MIRV) in Recurrent Platinum-Sensitive Ovarian Cancer (PSOC) with High Folate Receptor-Alpha (FRα) Expression: Results from the PICCOLO Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ovarian Neoplasms | Folate Receptor 1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mirvetuximab Soravtansine", + "kol_name": "Angeles A Secord", + "kol_full_name": "Angeles A Secord" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Disitamab Vedotin | Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "npi_num": "1639140668", + "hcp_pin_alias": "231524", + "session_name": "Preliminary Efficacy And Safety Of Disitamab Vedotin (DV) With Pembrolizumab (P) In Treatment (Tx)-Naive HER2-Expressing, Locally Advanced Or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (la/mUC): RC48G001 Cohort C", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "231524", + "first_name": "Matthew", + "middle_name": "David", + "last_name": "Galsky", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Preliminary Efficacy And Safety Of Disitamab Vedotin (DV) With Pembrolizumab (P) In Treatment (Tx)-Naive HER2-Expressing", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Locally Advanced Or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (la/mUC): RC48G001 Cohort C", + "events_topic": "Disitamab Vedotin | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "kol_name": "Matthew David Galsky", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew David Galsky" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Public Health Surveillance | Case Reports", + "npi_num": "1992965735", + "hcp_pin_alias": "223819", + "session_name": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion,The importance of surveillance and diagnosis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "223819", + "first_name": "Adam", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Yopp", + "org_name": "University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The importance of surveillance and diagnosis", + "events_topic": "Public Health Surveillance | Case Reports", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Adam C Yopp", + "kol_full_name": "Adam C Yopp" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Proteolysis | Developmental Therapeutics", + "npi_num": "1982680583", + "hcp_pin_alias": "223669", + "session_name": "Protein degradation as a novel approach for cancer therapy,Developmental therapeutics", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "223669", + "first_name": "Alex", + "middle_name": "Asiedu", + "last_name": "Adjei", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Protein degradation as a novel approach for cancer therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Developmental therapeutics", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Proteolysis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Developmental Therapeutics", + "kol_name": "Alex Asiedu Adjei", + "kol_full_name": "Alex Asiedu Adjei" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1932146420", + "hcp_pin_alias": "223157", + "session_name": "Breast cancer, metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "223157", + "first_name": "Patricia", + "middle_name": "Mucci", + "last_name": "Lorusso", + "org_name": "Smilow Cancer Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " metastatic", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Patricia Mucci Lorusso", + "kol_full_name": "Patricia Mucci Lorusso" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Case Reports", + "npi_num": "1811912074", + "hcp_pin_alias": "222141", + "session_name": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion,Pioneering GI cancer treatments and maximising outcomes for patients with HCC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "222141", + "first_name": "Richard", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Finn", + "org_name": "UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Santa Monica", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case 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"opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase II randomized trial of chemotherapy followed by surgery and PORT versus surgery and PORT for organ preservation of T3 and T4a (selected T4b) sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma (SNC): A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (EA3163)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Organ Preservation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Squamous Cell", + "kol_name": "Nabil F Saba", + "kol_full_name": "Nabil F Saba" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1295271088", + "hcp_pin_alias": "217330", + "session_name": "CNS tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "217330", + "first_name": "Roger", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stupp", + "org_name": "Northwestern University 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"first_name": "Ticiana", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Leal", + "org_name": "Emory University Winship Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of alternating electric fields in the therapeutic management of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical evidence for efficacy & safety of electric fields therapeutic applications for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ticiana B Leal", + "kol_full_name": "Ticiana B Leal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Chemoradiotherapy | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1164407540", + "hcp_pin_alias": "216058", + 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"Microbiome in colorectal cancer: Ready for primetime?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "150530", + "first_name": "Marios", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Giannakis", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Microbiome in colorectal cancer: Ready for primetime?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Microbiota | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marios Giannakis", + "kol_full_name": "Marios Giannakis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1306003793", + "hcp_pin_alias": "150245", + "session_name": "GI tumours, upper", + "name": "2024 European Society for 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"United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of AI Clinical Trial Program on Screening", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Matching, and Enrollment of Patients Over 6 Months", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dale Randall Shepard", + "kol_full_name": "Dale Randall Shepard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Weight Loss", + "npi_num": "1760459341", + "hcp_pin_alias": "143751", + "session_name": "Effect of a weight loss intervention (WLI) on exercise behaviors in women with breast cancer: Results from the Breast Cancer Weight Loss (BWEL) Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "143751", + "first_name": "Jennifer", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Ligibel", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of a weight loss intervention (WLI) on exercise behaviors in women with breast cancer: Results from the Breast Cancer Weight Loss (BWEL) Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Weight Loss", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jennifer A Ligibel", + "kol_full_name": "Jennifer A Ligibel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thymic Epithelial Tumours | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1720137094", + "hcp_pin_alias": "142216", + "session_name": "Updates on the treatment of thymic epithelial tumours,Non-metastatic NSCLC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology 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"kol_id": "140781", + "first_name": "Maryam", + "middle_name": "Beheshti", + "last_name": "Lustberg", + "org_name": "Smilow Cancer Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Who should be responsible for cancer survivorship - Oncologists", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maryam Beheshti Lustberg", + "kol_full_name": "Maryam Beheshti Lustberg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1548455355", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136788", + "session_name": "GU, non-prostate", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "136788", + "first_name": "Shilpa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gupta", + 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"num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Profiling the biology of CRC: Actionability and implementability", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ryan Bruce Corcoran", + "kol_full_name": "Ryan Bruce Corcoran" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Claudin 6 | Immunoconjugates | DS-9606a", + "npi_num": "1457408254", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136246", + "session_name": "Preliminary results from a Phase 1, first-in-human study of DS-9606a, a Claudin 6 (CLDN6)-directed antibody–drug conjugate (ADC), in patients (pts) with tumor types known to express CLDN6", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "136246", + "first_name": "Manish", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Patel", + "org_name": "Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Sarasota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Preliminary results from a Phase 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " first-in-human study of DS-9606a, a Claudin 6 (CLDN6)-directed antibody–drug conjugate (ADC), in patients (pts) with tumor types known to express CLDN6", + "events_topic": "Claudin 6 | Immunoconjugates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " DS-9606a", + "kol_name": "Manish R Patel", + "kol_full_name": "Manish R Patel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Dexamethasone | Dyspnea | Double-Blind Method | Haloperidol | Delirium | Biomarkers | Lorazepam", + "npi_num": "1467760371", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136005", + "session_name": "Predictive biomarkers of dyspnea response to dexamethasone in cancer patients: A secondary analysis of the Alleviating Breathlessness in Cancer Patients with Dyspnea (ABCD) trial,Haloperidol and Lorazepam for Agitated Delirium in Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "136005", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hui", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictive biomarkers of dyspnea response to dexamethasone in cancer patients: A secondary analysis of the Alleviating Breathlessness in Cancer Patients with Dyspnea (ABCD) trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Haloperidol and Lorazepam for Agitated Delirium in Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT)", + "events_topic": "Dexamethasone | Dyspnea ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Double-Blind Method | Haloperidol | Delirium | Biomarkers | Lorazepam", + "kol_name": "David Hui", + "kol_full_name": "David Hui" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Puxitatug Samrotecan | Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "1306932074", + "hcp_pin_alias": "133736", + "session_name": "Initial results from a first-in-human study of the B7-H4–directed antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) AZD8205 (puxitatug samrotecan) in patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "133736", + "first_name": "Funda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Meric-bernstam", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Initial results from a first-in-human study of the B7-H4–directed antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) AZD8205 (puxitatug samrotecan) in patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Puxitatug Samrotecan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Solid Tumors", + "kol_name": "Funda Meric-bernstam", + "kol_full_name": "Funda Meric-bernstam" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Drug Development | Tumor-Agnostic Therapy", + "npi_num": "1174726384", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132200", + "session_name": "Tumour-agnostic, biomarker-driven drug development: How and how often?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "132200", + "first_name": "Vivek", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Subbiah", + "org_name": "Verdi Oncology Tennessee Pc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tumour-agnostic", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " biomarker-driven drug development: How and how often?", + "events_topic": "Drug Development | Tumor-Agnostic Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Vivek Subbiah", + "kol_full_name": "Vivek Subbiah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumors | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Placebos | Pembrolizumab | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1093989196", + "hcp_pin_alias": "131441", + "session_name": "Dazostinag (TAK-676) alone and in combination with pembrolizumab (pembro) in patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic solid tumors: data from phase 1 dose escalation,Pembrolizumab (pembro) vs placebo as adjuvant therapy for high-risk stage II melanoma: Long-term follow-Up, rechallenge, and crossover in KEYNOTE-716", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "131441", + "first_name": "Jason", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Luke", + "org_name": "UPMC Hillman Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dazostinag (TAK-676) alone and in combination with pembrolizumab (pembro) in patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic solid tumors: data from phase 1 dose escalation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Pembrolizumab (pembro) vs placebo as adjuvant therapy for high-risk stage II melanoma: Long-term follow-Up, rechallenge, and crossover in KEYNOTE-716", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumors | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Placebos | Pembrolizumab | Melanoma", + "kol_name": "Jason J Luke", + "kol_full_name": "Jason J Luke" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oligometastases", + "npi_num": "1285722892", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130535", + "session_name": "The role of the radiation oncologist in treating oligometastases", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "130535", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "Tandel", + "last_name": "Chang", + "org_name": "University of Michigan Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Ann Arbor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of the radiation oncologist in treating oligometastases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oligometastases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daniel Tandel Chang", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Tandel Chang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Quality Of Life | Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma | Pembrolizumab | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Trastuzumab | Drug Therapy | Survivorship | Esophageal Neoplasms | Adenocarcinoma", + "npi_num": "1831330034", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130513", + "session_name": "Personalisation of surgical and systemic approaches in 2024: Optimising cure and quality of life in gastroesophageal cancer,Personalised systemic approaches to improve survivorship and cure,Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) monotherapy and combinations in patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic HER2-positive (HER2+) esophageal, gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (GEJA): DESTINY-Gastric03 (DG-03),Final overall survival for the phase 3, KEYNOTE-811 study of pembrolizumab plus trastuzumab and chemotherapy for HER2+ advanced, unresectable or metastatic G/GEJ adenocarcinoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "130513", + "first_name": "Yelena", + "middle_name": "Y.", + "last_name": "Janjigian", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalisation of surgical and systemic approaches in 2024: Optimising cure and quality of life in gastroesophageal cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Personalised systemic approaches to improve survivorship and cure,Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) monotherapy and combinations in patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic HER2-positive (HER2+) esophageal, gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (GEJA): DESTINY-Gastric03 (DG-03),Final overall survival for the phase 3, KEYNOTE-811 study of pembrolizumab plus trastuzumab and chemotherapy for HER2+ advanced, unresectable or metastatic G/GEJ adenocarcinoma", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Quality Of Life ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma | Pembrolizumab | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Trastuzumab | Drug Therapy | Survivorship | Esophageal Neoplasms | Adenocarcinoma", + "kol_name": "Yelena Y. Janjigian", + "kol_full_name": "Yelena Y. Janjigian" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1366703308", + "hcp_pin_alias": "129653", + "session_name": "Immunotherapy and beyond for lung cancer prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "129653", + "first_name": "Jianjun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhang", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Immunotherapy and beyond for lung cancer prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jianjun Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Jianjun Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "1558457028", + "hcp_pin_alias": "89611", + "session_name": "NKT2152, a novel oral HIF-2α inhibitor, in participants (pts) with previously treated advanced clear cell renal carcinoma (accRCC): Preliminary results of a Phase 1/2 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "89611", + "first_name": "Eric", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jonasch", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NKT2152", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a novel oral HIF-2α inhibitor, in participants (pts) with previously treated advanced clear cell renal carcinoma (accRCC): Preliminary results of a Phase 1/2 study", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Eric Jonasch", + "kol_full_name": "Eric Jonasch" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Targets", + "npi_num": "1194735944", + "hcp_pin_alias": "77094", + "session_name": "Emerging molecular targets", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "77094", + "first_name": "Anja", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Roden", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic, Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Emerging molecular targets", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Molecular Targets", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anja C Roden", + "kol_full_name": "Anja C Roden" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Clinical Trial | Multiple Co-Occurring Cancer | KRAS Protein, Human | Solid Tumors | Developmental Therapeutics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454267", + "session_name": "Next generation of combinations in early clinical trials,Developmental therapeutics,Multiple co-occurring cancers,Long-term follow-up of single-agent divarasib in patients with KRAS G12C-positive solid tumors,Incorporating ctDNA into RECIST v1.1: Steps ahead", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elena Garralda", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Next generation of combinations in early clinical trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Developmental therapeutics,Multiple co-occurring cancers,Long-term follow-up of single-agent divarasib in patients with KRAS G12C-positive solid tumors,Incorporating ctDNA into RECIST v1.1: Steps ahead", + "events_topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Clinical Trial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Multiple Co-Occurring Cancer | KRAS Protein, Human | Solid Tumors | Developmental Therapeutics", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elena Garralda ", + "kol_full_name": "Elena Garralda " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "KRAS Protein, Human | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase | Pneumonia | Chemoradiotherapy | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454293", + "session_name": "Treatment experience matters: integration of subcutaneous immunotherapy in the clinic,Targeting NSCLC: new developments in ALK+ and KRAS G12C NSCLC,Understanding resistance in immunotherapy,Combinations with IO,Quantitative radiomics for the detection of symptomatic pneumonitis following chemoradiotherapy in patients with Stage III unresectable NSCLC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jarushka Naidoo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment experience matters: integration of subcutaneous immunotherapy in the clinic", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Targeting NSCLC: new developments in ALK+ and KRAS G12C NSCLC,Understanding resistance in immunotherapy,Combinations with IO,Quantitative radiomics for the detection of symptomatic pneumonitis following chemoradiotherapy in patients with Stage III unresectable NSCLC", + "events_topic": "KRAS Protein, Human | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase | Pneumonia | Chemoradiotherapy | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jarushka Naidoo ", + "kol_full_name": "Jarushka Naidoo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Care | Subcutaneous Therapy | Nursing Research | Oncology Nursing | Cancer Care Facilities", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454496", + "session_name": "Cancer care during exceptional circumstances,MASCC-EONS collaborative session: Nursing researchers’ role in supportive care implementation,Integration of subcutaneous therapies in cancer care,European Cancer Nursing Index, 2022 update: The state of cancer nursing in Europe,Mastering the art: Nursing excellence in subcutaneous therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matthew N. Fowler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer care during exceptional circumstances", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "MASCC-EONS collaborative session: Nursing researchers’ role in supportive care implementation,Integration of subcutaneous therapies in cancer care,European Cancer Nursing Index, 2022 update: The state of cancer nursing in Europe,Mastering the art: Nursing excellence in subcutaneous therapies", + "events_topic": "Cancer Care | Subcutaneous Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Nursing Research | Oncology Nursing | Cancer Care Facilities", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matthew N. Fowler ", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew N. Fowler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Breast Neoplasms | Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Aromatase Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454403", + "session_name": "Hormone-receptor (+), HER2 (-) advanced breast cancer: The biology and treatment landscape post-progression after CDK4/6 inhibition,New treatment algorithm in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer in 2024,The current context and use of ADC in metastatic breast cancer,Presentation of a clinical case: State of the art management of patients with HR(+)/HER2(-) advanced breast cancer progressing after aromatase inhibitor+CDK4/6-inhibitor therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristina Saura Manich", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hormone-receptor (+)", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " HER2 (-) advanced breast cancer: The biology and treatment landscape post-progression after CDK4/6 inhibition,New treatment algorithm in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer in 2024,The current context and use of ADC in metastatic breast cancer,Presentation of a clinical case: State of the art management of patients with HR(+)/HER2(-) advanced breast cancer progressing after aromatase inhibitor+CDK4/6-inhibitor therapy", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Aromatase Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristina Saura Manich ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristina Saura Manich " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sexuality | Tailored Treatment | Child Health | Health Promotion | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454648", + "session_name": "ESMO-EONS collaborative session: Cancer and sexuality,SIOPE-EONS collaborative session,Health promotion, prevention and screening,Nurse as a transition leader: From paediatric to adults", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eugenia Trigoso Arjona", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO-EONS collaborative session: Cancer and sexuality", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "SIOPE-EONS collaborative session,Health promotion, prevention and screening,Nurse as a transition leader: From paediatric to adults", + "events_topic": "Sexuality | Tailored Treatment ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Child Health | Health Promotion | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eugenia Trigoso Arjona ", + "kol_full_name": "Eugenia Trigoso Arjona " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Supportive Care | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Oncology Nursing | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454316", + "session_name": "N.U.R.T.U.R.E. - Time to invest in cancer nurses,Pilot evaluation of RCC4Nurses to enhance nursing education and practice in survivorship care of people with advanced renal cell carcinoma in Europe,The role of cancer nurse scientists in advancing supportive care implementation,Early signs and symptoms? Who is the silent one?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Grigorios Kotronoulas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "N.U.R.T.U.R.E. - Time to invest in cancer nurses", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Pilot evaluation of RCC4Nurses to enhance nursing education and practice in survivorship care of people with advanced renal cell carcinoma in Europe,The role of cancer nurse scientists in advancing supportive care implementation,Early signs and symptoms? Who is the silent one?", + "events_topic": "Supportive Care | Carcinoma, Renal Cell ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Oncology Nursing | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Grigorios Kotronoulas ", + "kol_full_name": "Grigorios Kotronoulas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Survivorship | Palliative Care | Rehabilitation | Pediatric Cancer Care | Oncology Nursing | Advance Care Planning", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454650", + "session_name": "Rehabilitation and survivorship care,Advance care planning and palliative care,Cancer nursing and precision health,Journeying Through the Landscape of Home-Based Pediatric Cancer Care: Needs and Expectations from the Insights of Children and Parents", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hazal Özdemir Koyu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rehabilitation and survivorship care", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Advance care planning and palliative care,Cancer nursing and precision health,Journeying Through the Landscape of Home-Based Pediatric Cancer Care: Needs and Expectations from the Insights of Children and Parents", + "events_topic": "Survivorship | Palliative Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Rehabilitation | Pediatric Cancer Care | Oncology Nursing | Advance Care Planning", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hazal Özdemir Koyu ", + "kol_full_name": "Hazal Özdemir Koyu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Digital Technology | Neoplasms | Palliative Care | Clinical Trial | Physician-Patient Relations", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454361", + "session_name": "Understanding the cancer journey,Supportive and palliative care,Integrating digital technologies into clinical trials,Doctor / patient relationships (acted out): The right and wrong way of communicating", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ines V. Vaz Luis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Understanding the cancer journey", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Supportive and palliative care,Integrating digital technologies into clinical trials,Doctor / patient relationships (acted out): The right and wrong way of communicating", + "events_topic": "Digital Technology | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Palliative Care | Clinical Trial | Physician-Patient Relations", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ines V. Vaz Luis ", + "kol_full_name": "Ines V. Vaz Luis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Care Facilities | Palliative Care | Fertility | Fertility Preservation | Microbiota", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454281", + "session_name": "ESMO in collaboration with the MASCC: Shedding light on the hidden microbiota,Supportive and palliative care,Oncofertility: What every HCP involved in cancer care should know,Fertility preservation and beyond in female patients with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matteo Lambertini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Liguria", + "City": "Genova", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO in collaboration with the MASCC: Shedding light on the hidden microbiota", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Supportive and palliative care,Oncofertility: What every HCP involved in cancer care should know,Fertility preservation and beyond in female patients with cancer", + "events_topic": "Cancer Care Facilities | Palliative Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Fertility | Fertility Preservation | Microbiota", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matteo Lambertini ", + "kol_full_name": "Matteo Lambertini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Delphi Technique | Oncology Nursing | Telemedicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454348", + "session_name": "eHealth and digital innovations,Consensus Research Priorities for Cancer Nursing in Europe: A Delphi Study,Keynote lecture: Shaping the future of cancer nursing: The case for disruption in the pursuit of meaningful and equitable innovation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amanda Drury", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "eHealth and digital innovations", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Consensus Research Priorities for Cancer Nursing in Europe: A Delphi Study,Keynote lecture: Shaping the future of cancer nursing: The case for disruption in the pursuit of meaningful and equitable innovation", + "events_topic": "Delphi Technique | Oncology Nursing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Telemedicine", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amanda Drury ", + "kol_full_name": "Amanda Drury " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patritumab Deruxtecan | Breast Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454302", + "session_name": "New treatment algorithm in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer in 2024,Efficacy, safety and biomarker analysis of ICARUS-BREAST01: a phase 2 Study of Patritumab Deruxtecan (HER3-DXd) in patients (pts) with HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer (ABC),HER2 positive breast cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Barbara Pistilli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New treatment algorithm in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer in 2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy, safety and biomarker analysis of ICARUS-BREAST01: a phase 2 Study of Patritumab Deruxtecan (HER3-DXd) in patients (pts) with HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer (ABC),HER2 positive breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Patritumab Deruxtecan | Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Barbara Pistilli ", + "kol_full_name": "Barbara Pistilli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "KRAS Protein, Human | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase | Alectinib | Lung Neoplasms | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454754", + "session_name": "Targeting NSCLC: new developments in ALK+ and KRAS G12C NSCLC,Patient Matters: Innovation in Lung Cancer,ALINA: exploratory biomarker analyses in patients (pts) with resected ALK+ non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with adjuvant alectinib vs chemotherapy (chemo)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ben J. Solomon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Targeting NSCLC: new developments in ALK+ and KRAS G12C NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Patient Matters: Innovation in Lung Cancer,ALINA: exploratory biomarker analyses in patients (pts) with resected ALK+ non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with adjuvant alectinib vs chemotherapy (chemo)", + "events_topic": "KRAS Protein, Human | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase | Alectinib | Lung Neoplasms | Drug Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ben J. Solomon ", + "kol_full_name": "Ben J. Solomon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Nursing Research | Endometrial Neoplasms | Telemedicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454861", + "session_name": "eHealth and digital innovations,MASCC-EONS collaborative session: Nursing researchers’ role in supportive care implementation,Improving the experience of care for women with gynaecological cancers: Lessons from cervical and endometrial cancer policy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Fernandes Cargaleiro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "eHealth and digital innovations", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "MASCC-EONS collaborative session: Nursing researchers’ role in supportive care implementation,Improving the experience of care for women with gynaecological cancers: Lessons from cervical and endometrial cancer policy", + "events_topic": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Nursing Research ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Endometrial Neoplasms | Telemedicine", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Fernandes Cargaleiro ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Fernandes Cargaleiro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Corticosteroids | Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454538", + "session_name": "Improving the management of toxicities from immunotherapy,Treatment beyond corticosteroids,The gut microbiota & immune related adverse events", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christina H. Ruhlmann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Fyn", + "City": "Odense", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving the management of toxicities from immunotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Treatment beyond corticosteroids,The gut microbiota & immune related adverse events", + "events_topic": "Corticosteroids | Gastrointestinal Microbiome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christina H. Ruhlmann ", + "kol_full_name": "Christina H. Ruhlmann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasm Metastasis | Translational Research, Biomedical | Biomarkers | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454520", + "session_name": "Breast cancer, metastatic,Evolving biomarkers in metastatic disease: Liquid, solid or both?,Integrating translational research into clinical trials: Understanding models and their readouts", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christos Sotiriou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " metastatic,Evolving biomarkers in metastatic disease: Liquid, solid or both?,Integrating translational research into clinical trials: Understanding models and their readouts", + "events_topic": "Neoplasm Metastasis | Translational Research, Biomedical ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christos Sotiriou ", + "kol_full_name": "Christos Sotiriou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Pharmacology, Clinical | Antibodies, Bispecific", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454562", + "session_name": "Current advances in clinical pharmacology within oncology, and its relevance for daily practice,Bispecifics,Pharmacology and dose-selection of ADCs", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emiliano Calvo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Current advances in clinical pharmacology within oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " and its relevance for daily practice,Bispecifics,Pharmacology and dose-selection of ADCs", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Pharmacology, Clinical ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antibodies, Bispecific", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emiliano Calvo ", + "kol_full_name": "Emiliano Calvo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Treatment Decision | Receptors, Estrogen | Frailty | Geriatric Assessment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454617", + "session_name": "Case study and principles of GA (Geriatric Assessment),Frailty assessments and its impact on treatment decisions: What YOs need to know?,Optimal treatment for elderly ER+ BC patients", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Etienne G. Brain", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Saint Cloud", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case study and principles of GA (Geriatric Assessment)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Frailty assessments and its impact on treatment decisions: What YOs need to know?,Optimal treatment for elderly ER+ BC patients", + "events_topic": "Treatment Decision | Receptors, Estrogen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Frailty | Geriatric Assessment", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Etienne G. Brain ", + "kol_full_name": "Etienne G. Brain " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Disease Progression", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454701", + "session_name": "Which patients should we treat beyond progression and when should we stop?,Investigational immunotherapy,How do we manage patient progression?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fiona Thistlethwaite", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Manchester", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Which patients should we treat beyond progression and when should we stop?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Investigational immunotherapy,How do we manage patient progression?", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Disease Progression", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fiona Thistlethwaite ", + "kol_full_name": "Fiona Thistlethwaite " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sexuality | Tailored Treatment | Neoplasms | Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454225", + "session_name": "SIOPE-EONS collaborative session,ESMO-EONS collaborative session: Cancer and sexuality,EONS: Cancer nurses", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Johan De Munter", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Gent", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SIOPE-EONS collaborative session", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "ESMO-EONS collaborative session: Cancer and sexuality,EONS: Cancer nurses", + "events_topic": "Sexuality | Tailored Treatment ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Oncology Nursing", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Johan De Munter ", + "kol_full_name": "Johan De Munter " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Cancer Prevention | Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454344", + "session_name": "Cancer nursing and precision health,Subcutaneous administration of immunotherapy in different care settings,PrEvCan (Cancer Prevention across Europe): Key learning experiences and impact", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lena Sharp", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer nursing and precision health", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Subcutaneous administration of immunotherapy in different care settings,PrEvCan (Cancer Prevention across Europe): Key learning experiences and impact", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Cancer Prevention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Oncology Nursing", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lena Sharp ", + "kol_full_name": "Lena Sharp " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Of Unknown Primary | Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454372", + "session_name": "Dissecting Cancer of Unknown Primary: Case presentation and expert insights,Gynaecological cancers,Optimal workflows for diagnosis and management of CUP patients", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Linda Mileshkin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dissecting Cancer of Unknown Primary: Case presentation and expert insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Gynaecological cancers,Optimal workflows for diagnosis and management of CUP patients", + "events_topic": "Cancer Of Unknown Primary | Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Linda Mileshkin ", + "kol_full_name": "Linda Mileshkin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Early Detection Of Cancer | Cancer Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454232", + "session_name": "The dark age of single cancer screening is over,The vital role of medical oncologists in primary, secondary, and tertiary cancer prevention,Integrated Cancer Prevention Center: One Stop Shop", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nadir Arber", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Tel Aviv", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The dark age of single cancer screening is over", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "The vital role of medical oncologists in primary, secondary, and tertiary cancer prevention,Integrated Cancer Prevention Center: One Stop Shop", + "events_topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer | Cancer Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nadir Arber ", + "kol_full_name": "Nadir Arber " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer | Cancer Medicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454360", + "session_name": "Understanding the cancer journey,Challenges in access to new oncology medicines,The impact of a cancer diagnosis, advocacy and empowerment through the cancer journey", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Natacha Bolanos Fernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Understanding the cancer journey", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Challenges in access to new oncology medicines,The impact of a cancer diagnosis, advocacy and empowerment through the cancer journey", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cancer Medicine", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Natacha Bolanos Fernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Natacha Bolanos Fernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Complex Drug Products | Clinical Trial | Developmental Therapeutics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454266", + "session_name": "Developmental therapeutics,New endpoints in early clinical trials,PK of complex drugs: Strategies to find recommended dosages", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Neeltje Steeghs", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Developmental therapeutics", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "New endpoints in early clinical trials,PK of complex drugs: Strategies to find recommended dosages", + "events_topic": "Complex Drug Products | Clinical Trial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Developmental Therapeutics", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Neeltje Steeghs ", + "kol_full_name": "Neeltje Steeghs " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Care Facilities | Quality Improvement | Oncology Nursing | Psychological Well-Being", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454482", + "session_name": "Quality improvement in cancer care,N.U.R.T.U.R.E. - Time to invest in cancer nurses,A scoping review of interventions to enhance Cancer Nurses' Psychological Well-being, Occupational Health and Resilience", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikolina Dodlek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Cyprus", + "Region": "Limassol", + "City": "Limassol", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality improvement in cancer care", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "N.U.R.T.U.R.E. - Time to invest in cancer nurses,A scoping review of interventions to enhance Cancer Nurses' Psychological Well-being, Occupational Health and Resilience", + "events_topic": "Cancer Care Facilities | Quality Improvement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Oncology Nursing | Psychological Well-Being", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikolina Dodlek ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikolina Dodlek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Tailored Treatment | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Biochemical Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454423", + "session_name": "Recent breakthroughs in the treatment of endemic NPC,Biochemical failure post-local therapy: An opportunity for tailored treatment?,Biomarker driven adjuvant therapy in locally advanced NPC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pierre Blanchard", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Recent breakthroughs in the treatment of endemic NPC", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Biochemical failure post-local therapy: An opportunity for tailored treatment?,Biomarker driven adjuvant therapy in locally advanced NPC", + "events_topic": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Tailored Treatment ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Biochemical Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pierre Blanchard ", + "kol_full_name": "Pierre Blanchard " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Tumor | Molecular Residual Disease | Ribociclib | Neoplasm, Residual | Breast Neoplasms | Aromatase", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454429", + "session_name": "MRD or molecular tumour board case report,Efficacy and safety of ribociclib (RIB) + nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor (NSAI) in younger patients (pts) with HR+/HER2− early breast cancer (EBC) in NATALEE,MRD learning from breast cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sherene Loi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MRD or molecular tumour board case report", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy and safety of ribociclib (RIB) + nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor (NSAI) in younger patients (pts) with HR+/HER2− early breast cancer (EBC) in NATALEE,MRD learning from breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Molecular Tumor | Molecular Residual Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Ribociclib | Neoplasm, Residual | Breast Neoplasms | Aromatase", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sherene Loi ", + "kol_full_name": "Sherene Loi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Cardiotoxicity | Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence | Adolescent And Young Adult Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454529", + "session_name": "The future of cancer via patient expertise in research & innovation projects,Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer: Important messages from patient’s perspectives,Can artificial intelligence improve early detection of cardiotoxicity after breast cancer treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tanja Spanic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Slovenia", + "Region": "Ljubljana", + "City": "Ljubljana", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The future of cancer via patient expertise in research & innovation projects", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer: Important messages from patient’s perspectives,Can artificial intelligence improve early detection of cardiotoxicity after breast cancer treatment", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Cardiotoxicity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence | Adolescent And Young Adult Cancer", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tanja Spanic ", + "kol_full_name": "Tanja Spanic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care | Skin Neoplasms | Cancer Care Facilities | Advance Care Planning", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454649", + "session_name": "Cancer care during exceptional circumstances,Advance care planning and palliative care,It's skin cancer: A rollercoaster of a journey for young people and their significant other", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wendy Mcinally", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer care during exceptional circumstances", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Advance care planning and palliative care,It's skin cancer: A rollercoaster of a journey for young people and their significant other", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care | Skin Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cancer Care Facilities | Advance Care Planning", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wendy Mcinally ", + "kol_full_name": "Wendy Mcinally " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "PRMT5 Protein, Human | Solid Tumors | Immune-Cell Engagers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454276", + "session_name": "Immune-cell engagers,Phase 1 dose escalation and initial dose expansion results of AMG 193, an MTA-cooperative PRMT5 inhibitor, in patients (pts) with MTAP-deleted solid tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adrian G. Sacher", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Immune-cell engagers", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Phase 1 dose escalation and initial dose expansion results of AMG 193, an MTA-cooperative PRMT5 inhibitor, in patients (pts) with MTAP-deleted solid tumors", + "events_topic": "PRMT5 Protein, Human | Solid Tumors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune-Cell Engagers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adrian G. Sacher ", + "kol_full_name": "Adrian G. Sacher " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454532", + "session_name": "Immunotherapy: New indications, hopes and perspectives,Access to immunotherapies in Poland and in Spain based on EMA and ESMO guidance", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Agata I. Polinska", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Mazowieckie", + "City": "Warsaw", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Immunotherapy: New indications", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " hopes and perspectives,Access to immunotherapies in Poland and in Spain based on EMA and ESMO guidance", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Agata I. Polinska ", + "kol_full_name": "Agata I. Polinska " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Mesothelioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454447", + "session_name": "Mesothelioma and the role of multidisciplinary team,Systemic therapy for mesothelioma: A growing landscape", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alessandra Curioni-Fontecedro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Fribourg", + "City": "Fribourg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mesothelioma and the role of multidisciplinary team", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Systemic therapy for mesothelioma: A growing landscape", + "events_topic": "Mesothelioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alessandra Curioni-Fontecedro ", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandra Curioni-Fontecedro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tumor Burden | Sentinel Lymph Node | Patient Care | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454246", + "session_name": "Primary analysis of the EORTC 1208 Minitub Trial: Prospective registry of Sentinel Node (SN) positive melanoma patients with minimal SN tumor burden,Which patients need surgery?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexander C. Van Akkooi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Primary analysis of the EORTC 1208 Minitub Trial: Prospective registry of Sentinel Node (SN) positive melanoma patients with minimal SN tumor burden", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Which patients need surgery?", + "events_topic": "Tumor Burden | Sentinel Lymph Node ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Patient Care | Melanoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexander C. Van Akkooi ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander C. Van Akkooi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Survivors | Novel Therapies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454352", + "session_name": "Complexity of perioperative decisions in the era of novel therapies,Who should be responsible for cancer survivorship - General practitioners", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alice Indini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complexity of perioperative decisions in the era of novel therapies", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Who should be responsible for cancer survivorship - General practitioners", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors | Novel Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alice Indini ", + "kol_full_name": "Alice Indini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Lung Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454785", + "session_name": "Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) in lung cancer: Ready for prime time?,NSCLC, metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alona Zer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) in lung cancer: Ready for prime time?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "NSCLC, metastatic", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lung Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alona Zer ", + "kol_full_name": "Alona Zer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Of Unknown Primary", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454373", + "session_name": "Dissecting Cancer of Unknown Primary: Case presentation and expert insights,Optimising trial design and therapeutic strategies targeting driver molecular aberrations in CUP", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alwin Krämer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dissecting Cancer of Unknown Primary: Case presentation and expert insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Optimising trial design and therapeutic strategies targeting driver molecular aberrations in CUP", + "events_topic": "Cancer Of Unknown Primary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alwin Krämer ", + "kol_full_name": "Alwin Krämer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454790", + "session_name": "Cancer neuroscience in brain tumours and beyond,CNS tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amélie Darlix", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Languedoc-Roussillon", + "City": "Montpellier", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer neuroscience in brain tumours and beyond", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "CNS tumours", + "events_topic": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms | Brain Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amélie Darlix ", + "kol_full_name": "Amélie Darlix " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Non-coding DNA | Translational Research, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454809", + "session_name": "Deciphering the dark matter of the non-coding genome,Basic science & Translational research", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Vivancos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deciphering the dark matter of the non-coding genome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Basic science & Translational research", + "events_topic": "Non-coding DNA | Translational Research, Biomedical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Vivancos ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Vivancos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial | Developmental Therapeutics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454792", + "session_name": "New endpoints in early clinical trials,Developmental therapeutics", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anastasios Stathis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Ticino", + "City": "Bellinzona", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New endpoints in early clinical trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Developmental therapeutics", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial | Developmental Therapeutics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anastasios Stathis ", + "kol_full_name": "Anastasios Stathis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Universal Health Insurance | Cancer Medicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454359", + "session_name": "Where does the world stand on achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030?,A global perspective on access to oncology medicine: Where we do stand?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "André Ilbawi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Where does the world stand on achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A global perspective on access to oncology medicine: Where we do stand?", + "events_topic": "Universal Health Insurance | Cancer Medicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
André Ilbawi ", + "kol_full_name": "André Ilbawi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Penile Neoplasms | Urogenital Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454628", + "session_name": "Focus on rare GU cancers: A common challenge,Updates in penile cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrea Necchi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Focus on rare GU cancers: A common challenge", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Updates in penile cancer", + "events_topic": "Penile Neoplasms | Urogenital Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrea Necchi ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Necchi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Stress Disorder", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454318", + "session_name": "The guiding hand in patient care: Managing Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) related adverse events,Coping strategies burnout and stress", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreas Charalambous", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Cyprus", + "Region": "Limassol", + "City": "Limassol", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The guiding hand in patient care: Managing Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) related adverse events", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Coping strategies burnout and stress", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Stress Disorder", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreas Charalambous ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreas Charalambous " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumours | Medical Oncology | Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454312", + "session_name": "Cell therapy in solid tumours,Developing a career in medical oncology: From the ESMO Medical Student Course to a successful career", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angelika M. Starzer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cell therapy in solid tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Developing a career in medical oncology: From the ESMO Medical Student Course to a successful career", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumours | Medical Oncology ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angelika M. Starzer ", + "kol_full_name": "Angelika M. Starzer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Public Health Surveillance | Case Reports", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5467550", + "session_name": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion,The importance of surveillance and diagnosis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna Saborowski", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": "Hannover", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The importance of surveillance and diagnosis", + "events_topic": "Public Health Surveillance | Case Reports", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna Saborowski ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Saborowski " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454530", + "session_name": "Immunotherapy: New indications, hopes and perspectives,Patients’ involvement in immunotherapy trials design", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anne-Marie Baird", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Immunotherapy: New indications", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " hopes and perspectives,Patients’ involvement in immunotherapy trials design", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anne-Marie Baird ", + "kol_full_name": "Anne-Marie Baird " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Lung Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454630", + "session_name": "Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) in lung cancer: Ready for prime time?,Toxicity of ADCs", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anne-Marie C. Dingemans", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) in lung cancer: Ready for prime time?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Toxicity of ADCs", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Lung Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anne-Marie C. Dingemans ", + "kol_full_name": "Anne-Marie C. Dingemans " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454425", + "session_name": "Precision medicine in NEN: Where we are,The value of circulating tumour DNA in neuroendocrine neoplasms", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Annemiek Walenkamp", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Groningen", + "City": "Groningen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Precision medicine in NEN: Where we are", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The value of circulating tumour DNA in neuroendocrine neoplasms", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Annemiek Walenkamp ", + "kol_full_name": "Annemiek Walenkamp " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Lobular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454419", + "session_name": "Treatment of lobular breast cancer (ILC): From pitfalls to opportunities,Local treatment for ILC: Do’s and don’ts", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ava Kwong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of lobular breast cancer (ILC): From pitfalls to opportunities", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Local treatment for ILC: Do’s and don’ts", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Lobular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ava Kwong ", + "kol_full_name": "Ava Kwong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Skin Neoplasms | Glioma | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Melanoma | Dendritic Cells", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454255", + "session_name": "Melanoma and other skin tumours,A phase I clinical trial on the intracranial administration of autologous CD1c(BDCA-1)+ /CD141(BDCA-3)+ myeloid dendritic cells (myDC) in combination with ipilimumab (IPI) and nivolumab (NIVO) in patients with recurrent high-grade glioma (rHGG)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bart Neyns", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Melanoma and other skin tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A phase I clinical trial on the intracranial administration of autologous CD1c(BDCA-1)+ /CD141(BDCA-3)+ myeloid dendritic cells (myDC) in combination with ipilimumab (IPI) and nivolumab (NIVO) in patients with recurrent high-grade glioma (rHGG)", + "events_topic": "Skin Neoplasms | Glioma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Melanoma | Dendritic Cells", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bart Neyns ", + "kol_full_name": "Bart Neyns " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Technology Assessment, Biomedical | Decision Making | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454356", + "session_name": "Can pragmatic clinical trials and optimisation of treatments support development, access and value?,RCT and RWD for HTA decision making", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Beate Wieseler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Koeln", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Can pragmatic clinical trials and optimisation of treatments support development", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " access and value?,RCT and RWD for HTA decision making", + "events_topic": "Technology Assessment, Biomedical | Decision Making ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Trial", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Beate Wieseler ", + "kol_full_name": "Beate Wieseler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Biomarkers | Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454463", + "session_name": "Addressing uncertainties in the management of urothelial and renal cell carcinomas,Circulating vs tissue-based biomarkers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bernadett E. Szabados", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Addressing uncertainties in the management of urothelial and renal cell carcinomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Circulating vs tissue-based biomarkers", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bernadett E. Szabados ", + "kol_full_name": "Bernadett E. Szabados " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Microbiota | Treatment Outcome | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454399", + "session_name": "Exploiting the microbiome to improve treatment outcomes,How the microbiome affects immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bertrand Routy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Quebec", + "City": "Montreal", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploiting the microbiome to improve treatment outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How the microbiome affects immunotherapy", + "events_topic": "Microbiota | Treatment Outcome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bertrand Routy ", + "kol_full_name": "Bertrand Routy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Disease-Free Survival | Clinical Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454224", + "session_name": "Progression-free survival: Should it be used as a primary end point for registration of anticancer treatments and what is the role of the ESMO-MCBS?,Clinics and research in LMIC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bishal Gyawali", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Nepal", + "Region": "Bagmati", + "City": "Kathmandu", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Progression-free survival: Should it be used as a primary end point for registration of anticancer treatments and what is the role of the ESMO-MCBS?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinics and research in LMIC", + "events_topic": "Disease-Free Survival | Clinical Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bishal Gyawali ", + "kol_full_name": "Bishal Gyawali " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454421", + "session_name": "Recent breakthroughs in the treatment of endemic NPC,Changing the treatment paradigm in the treatment of recurrent/metastatic NPC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Brigette B. Ma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Recent breakthroughs in the treatment of endemic NPC", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Changing the treatment paradigm in the treatment of recurrent/metastatic NPC", + "events_topic": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Brigette B. Ma ", + "kol_full_name": "Brigette B. Ma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454842", + "session_name": "PI3Ki: An evolving drug class with an exciting future,How can we PI3K the right treatment for every patient with HR+ breast cancer?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos H. Barrios", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio Grande do Sul", + "City": "Porto Alegre", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PI3Ki: An evolving drug class with an exciting future", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How can we PI3K the right treatment for every patient with HR+ breast cancer?", + "events_topic": "Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos H. Barrios ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos H. Barrios " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma | Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454607", + "session_name": "Non-cutaneous melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers: There is much more we can do,Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caroline Robert", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-cutaneous melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers: There is much more we can do", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma", + "events_topic": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Caroline Robert ", + "kol_full_name": "Caroline Robert " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma | Hodgkin Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454684", + "session_name": "Treatment of difficult lymphomas,Relapsed refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cédric Rossi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Bourgogne", + "City": "Dijon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of difficult lymphomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Relapsed refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma | Hodgkin Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cédric Rossi ", + "kol_full_name": "Cédric Rossi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma | Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454392", + "session_name": "Sarcoma,New developments in the treatment of GIST", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cesar Serrano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sarcoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "New developments in the treatment of GIST", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma | Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cesar Serrano ", + "kol_full_name": "Cesar Serrano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms | Caregiver Burden", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454643", + "session_name": "Designing and evaluation of a novel, theory-driven eLearning resource to equip professionals to support adults at end of life who have significant caregiving responsibilities for children < 18 years,Experiences and Needs of Carers of Patients with Head and Neck Cancer: A Systematic Review", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cherith J. Semple", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Northern Ireland", + "City": "Belfast", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Designing and evaluation of a novel", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " theory-driven eLearning resource to equip professionals to support adults at end of life who have significant caregiving responsibilities for children < 18 years,Experiences and Needs of Carers of Patients with Head and Neck Cancer: A Systematic Review", + "events_topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms | Caregiver Burden", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cherith J. Semple ", + "kol_full_name": "Cherith J. Semple " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454830", + "session_name": "Controversies in the management and follow up of small localised neuroendocrine tumours,NETs and endocrine tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chris Verslype", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Leuven", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Controversies in the management and follow up of small localised neuroendocrine tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "NETs and endocrine tumours", + "events_topic": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chris Verslype ", + "kol_full_name": "Chris Verslype " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Melanoma | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454245", + "session_name": "Why neoadjuvant immunotherapy is the future for melanoma,Personalised immunotherapy approach and future", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian U. Blank", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Why neoadjuvant immunotherapy is the future for melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Personalised immunotherapy approach and future", + "events_topic": "Melanoma | Neoadjuvant Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian U. Blank ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian U. Blank " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Care Facilities | Fertility | Fertility Preservation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454282", + "session_name": "Oncofertility: What every HCP involved in cancer care should know,Fertility preservation and beyond in male patients with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christine Wyns", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Woluwe-Saint-Lambert", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Oncofertility: What every HCP involved in cancer care should know", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Fertility preservation and beyond in male patients with cancer", + "events_topic": "Cancer Care Facilities | Fertility ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Fertility Preservation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christine Wyns ", + "kol_full_name": "Christine Wyns " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Whole Genome Sequencing | High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454367", + "session_name": "Molecular profiling from panel NGS to WGS: Do YOs need special training?,How to read commercial NGS test: Tips and tricks for practicing oncologists", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christoph Benedikt Westphalen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Molecular profiling from panel NGS to WGS: Do YOs need special training?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to read commercial NGS test: Tips and tricks for practicing oncologists", + "events_topic": "Whole Genome Sequencing | High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christoph Benedikt Westphalen ", + "kol_full_name": "Christoph Benedikt Westphalen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patient Care Management | Qualitative Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454664", + "session_name": "Oncologists’ voices in time of crisis: Findings from the ESMO Resilience Task Force survey series on how members can be helped and supported – a qualitative analysis,Tips and techniques for people management at work", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Claire Hardy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Lancaster", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Oncologists’ voices in time of crisis: Findings from the ESMO Resilience Task Force survey series on how members can be helped and supported – a qualitative analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Tips and techniques for people management at work", + "events_topic": "Patient Care Management | Qualitative Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Claire Hardy ", + "kol_full_name": "Claire Hardy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Non-Coding Mutations | Non-coding DNA", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454579", + "session_name": "Deciphering the dark matter of the non-coding genome,Mouse models to study functional effects of non-coding mutations", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel Schramek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deciphering the dark matter of the non-coding genome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Mouse models to study functional effects of non-coding mutations", + "events_topic": "Non-Coding Mutations | Non-coding DNA", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel Schramek ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Schramek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Multiple Co-Occurring Cancer | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454604", + "session_name": "Multiple co-occurring cancers,Metastatic colorectal cancer: Case presentation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Deniz Can Guven", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multiple co-occurring cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Metastatic colorectal cancer: Case presentation", + "events_topic": "Multiple Co-Occurring Cancer | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Deniz Can Guven ", + "kol_full_name": "Deniz Can Guven " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tailored Treatment | Minimal Intervention | Biochemical Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454397", + "session_name": "Biochemical failure post-local therapy: An opportunity for tailored treatment?,Surveillance/minimal intervention for good risk disease", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Derya Tilki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biochemical failure post-local therapy: An opportunity for tailored treatment?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Surveillance/minimal intervention for good risk disease", + "events_topic": "Tailored Treatment | Minimal Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biochemical Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Derya Tilki ", + "kol_full_name": "Derya Tilki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Brain Neoplasms | Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454852", + "session_name": "Common clinical problems in neuro-oncology,CNS tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dieta Brandsma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Common clinical problems in neuro-oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "CNS tumours", + "events_topic": "Brain Neoplasms | Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dieta Brandsma ", + "kol_full_name": "Dieta Brandsma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant | Biomarkers | Cytotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454297", + "session_name": "Biomarkers for mCRPC: To test or not to test,Are cytotoxics still the next option?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elena Castro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biomarkers for mCRPC: To test or not to test", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Are cytotoxics still the next option?", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cytotoxicity", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elena Castro ", + "kol_full_name": "Elena Castro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Multiple Co-Occurring Cancer | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454844", + "session_name": "Cancer-associated thrombosis: Management of pulmonary embolism,Multiple co-occurring cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elene Mariamidze", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Georgia", + "Region": "T'bilisi", + "City": "Tbilisi", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer-associated thrombosis: Management of pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Multiple co-occurring cancers", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Multiple Co-Occurring Cancer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elene Mariamidze ", + "kol_full_name": "Elene Mariamidze " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms | Signal Transduction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454402", + "session_name": "Breast cancer, early stage,Biological insights in the endocrine and CDK4/6 pathways of cellular signal transduction and mechanisms of primary/acquired resistance in HR(+)/HER2(-) breast cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elgene Lim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " early stage,Biological insights in the endocrine and CDK4/6 pathways of cellular signal transduction and mechanisms of primary/acquired resistance in HR(+)/HER2(-) breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms | Signal Transduction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elgene Lim ", + "kol_full_name": "Elgene Lim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454670", + "session_name": "ESMO-IARC – Medical oncology and cancer prevention: The odd couple?,The value of IARC’s cancer prevention resources in daily clinical practice, and how ESMO is supporting them", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elisabete Weiderpass", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Rhone-Alpes", + "City": "Lyon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO-IARC – Medical oncology and cancer prevention: The odd couple?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "The value of IARC’s cancer prevention resources in daily clinical practice, and how ESMO is supporting them", + "events_topic": "Cancer Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elisabete Weiderpass ", + "kol_full_name": "Elisabete Weiderpass " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oligometastatic Disease | Leiomyosarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454264", + "session_name": "Use of ablative therapies in patients with oligometastatic disease,Can proteomics predict metastatic relapse in leiomyosarcoma (LMS)? Development of an 8 protein signature in a >350 sample study including a validation cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elizabeth A. Connolly", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Use of ablative therapies in patients with oligometastatic disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Can proteomics predict metastatic relapse in leiomyosarcoma (LMS)? Development of an 8 protein signature in a >350 sample study including a validation cohort", + "events_topic": "Oligometastatic Disease | Leiomyosarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elizabeth A. Connolly ", + "kol_full_name": "Elizabeth A. Connolly " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Appendiceal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454720", + "session_name": "Controversies in the management and follow up of small localised neuroendocrine tumours,Appendiceal NEN: When to recommend radical surgery?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Els Nieveen Van Dijkum", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Controversies in the management and follow up of small localised neuroendocrine tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Appendiceal NEN: When to recommend radical surgery?", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Appendiceal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Els Nieveen Van Dijkum ", + "kol_full_name": "Els Nieveen Van Dijkum " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Surgical Procedures, Operative | Colonic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454704", + "session_name": "Neoadjuvant treatment for colon cancer: Building upon the existing data,The role of surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva Angenete", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Vastra Gotaland", + "City": "Gothenburg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neoadjuvant treatment for colon cancer: Building upon the existing data", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The role of surgery", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Surgical Procedures, Operative ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Colonic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva Angenete ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Angenete " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Lymphoma, Follicular | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454370", + "session_name": "CAR T cells and bispecifics,Follicular lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva K. Kimby", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CAR T cells and bispecifics", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Follicular lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Lymphoma, Follicular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva K. Kimby ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva K. Kimby " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Tumor | Neoplasm, Residual | Translational Research, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454837", + "session_name": "MRD or molecular tumour board case report,Basic science & Translational research", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Federica Di Nicolantonio", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Scandiano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MRD or molecular tumour board case report", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Basic science & Translational research", + "events_topic": "Molecular Tumor | Neoplasm, Residual ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Translational Research, Biomedical", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Federica Di Nicolantonio ", + "kol_full_name": "Federica Di Nicolantonio " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Brain Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms | Immunoconjugates", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454634", + "session_name": "Results from a Phase Ia/Ib Study of ESG401, a Novel Trop2 Antibody-Drug Conjugate, in Patients with Different Subtypes of Metastatic Breast Cancer,ESG401, a novel Trop2 antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), and its efficacy evidence in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer with brain metastases", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fei Ma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Results from a Phase Ia/Ib Study of ESG401", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " a Novel Trop2 Antibody-Drug Conjugate, in Patients with Different Subtypes of Metastatic Breast Cancer,ESG401, a novel Trop2 antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), and its efficacy evidence in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer with brain metastases", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Brain Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms | Immunoconjugates", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fei Ma ", + "kol_full_name": "Fei Ma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Lung Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454803", + "session_name": "Cancer patients and advocacy,Management of adverse events in lung cancer antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fernanda Conceição", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer patients and advocacy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Management of adverse events in lung cancer antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) treatment", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Lung Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fernanda Conceição ", + "kol_full_name": "Fernanda Conceição " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiation | Clinical Trial | Tumor Microenvironment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454581", + "session_name": "Next generation of combinations in early clinical trials,How to exploit radiation-induced tumour microenvironment vulnerabilities?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fernanda Herrera", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Next generation of combinations in early clinical trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to exploit radiation-induced tumour microenvironment vulnerabilities?", + "events_topic": "Radiation | Clinical Trial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tumor Microenvironment", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fernanda Herrera ", + "kol_full_name": "Fernanda Herrera " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454441", + "session_name": "Gynaecological cancer: How can technology help the fight?,Digitalising the patient journey", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Florence Joly Lobbedez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Basse-Normandie", + "City": "Caen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gynaecological cancer: How can technology help the fight?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Digitalising the patient journey", + "events_topic": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Florence Joly Lobbedez ", + "kol_full_name": "Florence Joly Lobbedez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care | Microbiota", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454818", + "session_name": "ESMO in collaboration with the MASCC: Shedding light on the hidden microbiota,Supportive and palliative care", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Florian Scotté", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO in collaboration with the MASCC: Shedding light on the hidden microbiota", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Supportive and palliative care", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care | Microbiota", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Florian Scotté ", + "kol_full_name": "Florian Scotté " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454678", + "session_name": "Cancer neuroscience in brain tumours and beyond,Brain tumour cancer neuroscience", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Frank Winkler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer neuroscience in brain tumours and beyond", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Brain tumour cancer neuroscience", + "events_topic": "Brain Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Frank Winkler ", + "kol_full_name": "Frank Winkler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454227", + "session_name": "POWG 1: Biomarkers in everyday clinical practice,Early, integrated palliative care in older adults with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gabor Liposits", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Vestsjalland", + "City": "Herning", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "POWG 1: Biomarkers in everyday clinical practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Early, integrated palliative care in older adults with cancer", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Palliative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gabor Liposits ", + "kol_full_name": "Gabor Liposits " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Meningioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454564", + "session_name": "Management and diagnostics of meningioma,Treatment changes of meningioma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gelareh Zadeh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management and diagnostics of meningioma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Treatment changes of meningioma", + "events_topic": "Meningioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gelareh Zadeh ", + "kol_full_name": "Gelareh Zadeh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Nivolumab | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Placebos | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454545", + "session_name": "KEYMAKER-U02 substudy 02C: neoadjuvant pembrolizumab (pembro) and investigational agents followed by adjuvant pembro for stage IIIB-D melanoma,Adjuvant nivolumab v placebo in stage IIB/C melanoma: 3-year results from CheckMate 76K", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Georgina V. Long", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "KEYMAKER-U02 substudy 02C: neoadjuvant pembrolizumab (pembro) and investigational agents followed by adjuvant pembro for stage IIIB-D melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Adjuvant nivolumab v placebo in stage IIB/C melanoma: 3-year results from CheckMate 76K", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Nivolumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoadjuvant Therapy | Placebos | Melanoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Georgina V. Long ", + "kol_full_name": "Georgina V. Long " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitor | Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibition", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454298", + "session_name": "Therapeutic options beyond AR pathway inhibitors: What do we choose next?,Novel therapeutic approaches for ARPI-resistant disease", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gerhardt Attard", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Therapeutic options beyond AR pathway inhibitors: What do we choose next?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel therapeutic approaches for ARPI-resistant disease", + "events_topic": "Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitor | Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibition", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gerhardt Attard ", + "kol_full_name": "Gerhardt Attard " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Treatment Outcome | Microbiota | Translational Research, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454848", + "session_name": "Exploiting the microbiome to improve treatment outcomes,Basic science & Translational research", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Göran Jönsson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Skane Lan", + "City": "Lund", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploiting the microbiome to improve treatment outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Basic science & Translational research", + "events_topic": "Treatment Outcome | Microbiota ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Translational Research, Biomedical", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Göran Jönsson ", + "kol_full_name": "Göran Jönsson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Venous Thromboembolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454394", + "session_name": "Management of venous thromboembolism: Discussion,Prevention strategies of venous thromboembolism", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Grigorios Gerotziafas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of venous thromboembolism: Discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prevention strategies of venous thromboembolism", + "events_topic": "Venous Thromboembolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Grigorios Gerotziafas ", + "kol_full_name": "Grigorios Gerotziafas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Health Promotion | Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454652", + "session_name": "Health promotion, prevention and screening,Experience from cancer nursing during earthquake: The impact on cancer care", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gulcan Bagcivan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Health promotion", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " prevention and screening,Experience from cancer nursing during earthquake: The impact on cancer care", + "events_topic": "Health Promotion | Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gulcan Bagcivan ", + "kol_full_name": "Gulcan Bagcivan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "ErbB Receptors | Oncology Nursing | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454333", + "session_name": "Safeguarding Skin Health in NSCLC with EGFR-targeted agents,Where is cancer nursing in precision health?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Helena Ullgren", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Solna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safeguarding Skin Health in NSCLC with EGFR-targeted agents", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Where is cancer nursing in precision health?", + "events_topic": "ErbB Receptors | Oncology Nursing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Helena Ullgren ", + "kol_full_name": "Helena Ullgren " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Ovarian Neoplasms | Safety Management | Fertility", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454287", + "session_name": "Fertility and pregnancy in patients with gynaecological cancer,How to manage safety", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ilaria Colombo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Ticino", + "City": "Bellinzona", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Fertility and pregnancy in patients with gynaecological cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to manage safety", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Ovarian Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Safety Management | Fertility", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ilaria Colombo ", + "kol_full_name": "Ilaria Colombo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Patient Selection", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454698", + "session_name": "Personalised immunotherapy strategies for head and neck cancers,How to select patients? Models to predict response", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised immunotherapy strategies for head and neck cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to select patients? Models to predict response", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Patient Selection", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz ", + "kol_full_name": "Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454749", + "session_name": "Promises and pitfalls in earlier stage NSCLC,To resect or not to resect, and how? Advancing surgical management in early stage NSCLC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Isabelle Schmitt-Opitz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Promises and pitfalls in earlier stage NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "To resect or not to resect, and how? Advancing surgical management in early stage NSCLC", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Isabelle Schmitt-Opitz ", + "kol_full_name": "Isabelle Schmitt-Opitz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Chemoradiotherapy | Drug Therapy | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454727", + "session_name": "How can we best manage locally-advanced and persistent cervical cancers?,The role of chemotherapy in concurrent chemoradiation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jack J. Chan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How can we best manage locally-advanced and persistent cervical cancers?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The role of chemotherapy in concurrent chemoradiation", + "events_topic": "Chemoradiotherapy | Drug Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jack J. Chan ", + "kol_full_name": "Jack J. Chan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454625", + "session_name": "AI and machine learning to identify early phase clinical trial biomarkers,Applications of artificial intelligence in precision oncology", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jakob N. Kather", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AI and machine learning to identify early phase clinical trial biomarkers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Applications of artificial intelligence in precision oncology", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial | Machine Learning ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jakob N. Kather ", + "kol_full_name": "Jakob N. Kather " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Streptozocin | Everolimus | Neuroendocrine Tumors | Fluorouracil", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454426", + "session_name": "Multivariable Analysis of Streptozotocin plus 5-Fluorouracil and Everolimus Sequences in Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor patients: The SEQTOR Trial (GETNE-1206),Precision systemic therapy in NEN", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jaume Capdevila Castillon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multivariable Analysis of Streptozotocin plus 5-Fluorouracil and Everolimus Sequences in Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor patients: The SEQTOR Trial (GETNE-1206)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Precision systemic therapy in NEN", + "events_topic": "Streptozocin | Everolimus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuroendocrine Tumors | Fluorouracil", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jaume Capdevila Castillon ", + "kol_full_name": "Jaume Capdevila Castillon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454795", + "session_name": "Supportive and palliative care,9th ESMO Designated Centres of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care session and awards: Specific considerations for integration of oncology and palliative care", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jayne E. Wood", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Supportive and palliative care", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "9th ESMO Designated Centres of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care session and awards: Specific considerations for integration of oncology and palliative care", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jayne E. Wood ", + "kol_full_name": "Jayne E. Wood " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cell Death | Chemoradiotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454696", + "session_name": "New therapeutic approaches in concomitant chemoradiotherapy,Targeting cell death pathways", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jean Bourhis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New therapeutic approaches in concomitant chemoradiotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Targeting cell death pathways", + "events_topic": "Cell Death | Chemoradiotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jean Bourhis ", + "kol_full_name": "Jean Bourhis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms | Cancer Vaccines | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454271", + "session_name": "New indications for immunotherapies and the difference they deliver: Lung, breast, and other cancers. Does it work for all?,Personalised anti-tumour vaccines", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jean-Pascal Machiels", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Woluwe-Saint-Lambert", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New indications for immunotherapies and the difference they deliver: Lung", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " breast, and other cancers. Does it work for all?,Personalised anti-tumour vaccines", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cancer Vaccines | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jean-Pascal Machiels ", + "kol_full_name": "Jean-Pascal Machiels " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Lobular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454420", + "session_name": "Treatment of lobular breast cancer (ILC): From pitfalls to opportunities,Systemic treatment for ILCs", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jens Huober", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Sankt Gallen", + "City": "Sankt Gallen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of lobular breast cancer (ILC): From pitfalls to opportunities", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Systemic treatment for ILCs", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Lobular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jens Huober ", + "kol_full_name": "Jens Huober " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454800", + "session_name": "New developments in the treatment of sarcomas in 2024,Sarcoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joanna Szkandera", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Steiermark", + "City": "Graz", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New developments in the treatment of sarcomas in 2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Sarcoma", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joanna Szkandera ", + "kol_full_name": "Joanna Szkandera " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genomics | Molecular Tumor Board | Precision Medicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454428", + "session_name": "Integrating precision medicine / ESCAT in your choice of treatment,Navigating the molecular tumour board and genomic reports", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joaquin Mateo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrating precision medicine / ESCAT in your choice of treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Navigating the molecular tumour board and genomic reports", + "events_topic": "Genomics | Molecular Tumor Board ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Precision Medicine", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joaquin Mateo ", + "kol_full_name": "Joaquin Mateo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumours | MRNA Vaccines | Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | BNT211-01 | Solid Tumors | Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454584", + "session_name": "Cell therapy in solid tumours,Updated results from BNT211-01 (NCT04503278), an ongoing, first-in-human, Phase 1 study evaluating safety and efficacy of CLDN6 CAR T cells and a CLDN6-encoding mRNA vaccine in patients with relapsed/refractory CLDN6+ solid tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "John B. Haanen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cell therapy in solid tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Updated results from BNT211-01 (NCT04503278), an ongoing, first-in-human, Phase 1 study evaluating safety and efficacy of CLDN6 CAR T cells and a CLDN6-encoding mRNA vaccine in patients with relapsed/refractory CLDN6+ solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumours | MRNA Vaccines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | BNT211-01 | Solid Tumors | Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
John B. Haanen ", + "kol_full_name": "John B. Haanen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thymic Epithelial Tumours | Thymus Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454462", + "session_name": "Updates on the treatment of thymic epithelial tumours,Systemic treatment for thymic tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jordi Remon Masip", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Updates on the treatment of thymic epithelial tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Systemic treatment for thymic tumours", + "events_topic": "Thymic Epithelial Tumours | Thymus Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jordi Remon Masip ", + "kol_full_name": "Jordi Remon Masip " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oligoprogressive Disease | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454860", + "session_name": "Management of oligoprogressive disease,Breast cancer, metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karen A. Gelmon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "British Columbia", + "City": "Vancouver", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of oligoprogressive disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Breast cancer, metastatic", + "events_topic": "Oligoprogressive Disease | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karen A. Gelmon ", + "kol_full_name": "Karen A. Gelmon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454833", + "session_name": "Melanoma and other skin tumours,Survivors of advanced melanoma: Management and support", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karijn Suijkerbuijk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Utrecht", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Melanoma and other skin tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Survivors of advanced melanoma: Management and support", + "events_topic": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karijn Suijkerbuijk ", + "kol_full_name": "Karijn Suijkerbuijk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Survivorship | Rehabilitation | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454641", + "session_name": "Rehabilitation and survivorship care,Cancer is a family affair", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karin B. Dieperink", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Fyn", + "City": "Odense", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rehabilitation and survivorship care", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cancer is a family affair", + "events_topic": "Survivorship | Rehabilitation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karin B. Dieperink ", + "kol_full_name": "Karin B. Dieperink " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Soft Tissue Sarcoma | Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454391", + "session_name": "Definition and clinical implication of response in localised sarcomas,New developments in the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kjetil Boye", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Definition and clinical implication of response in localised sarcomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "New developments in the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas", + "events_topic": "Soft Tissue Sarcoma | Sarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kjetil Boye ", + "kol_full_name": "Kjetil Boye " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Psychological Well-Being", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454351", + "session_name": "Optimising well-being and tackling burnout in oncology,Should we try immunotherapy for all patients with advanced cancer? - No", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kok Haw Jonathan Lim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising well-being and tackling burnout in oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Should we try immunotherapy for all patients with advanced cancer? - No", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Psychological Well-Being", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kok Haw Jonathan Lim ", + "kol_full_name": "Kok Haw Jonathan Lim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Toripalimab | Anlotinib | Temozolomide | Glioblastoma | Glioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454587", + "session_name": "A Clinical Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Toripalimab in Combination with Anilotinib for the Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma (GBM),A Clinical Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Anlotinib Hydrochloride Combined with Temozolomide dose density scheme for the Treatment of Recurrent High Grade Glioma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Liang Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Clinical Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Toripalimab in Combination with Anilotinib for the Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma (GBM)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A Clinical Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Anlotinib Hydrochloride Combined with Temozolomide dose density scheme for the Treatment of Recurrent High Grade Glioma", + "events_topic": "Toripalimab | Anlotinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Temozolomide | Glioblastoma | Glioma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Liang Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Liang Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thoracic Neoplasms | Radionecrosis | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454771", + "session_name": "Next generation immunotherapies in thoracic malignancies,Radionecrosis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lizza E. Hendriks", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Maastricht", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Next generation immunotherapies in thoracic malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Radionecrosis", + "events_topic": "Thoracic Neoplasms | Radionecrosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lizza E. Hendriks ", + "kol_full_name": "Lizza E. Hendriks " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454761", + "session_name": "Management of adjuvant/neoadjuvant HCC in 2024,How to select first-line and what to do after progression to immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lorenza Rimassa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of adjuvant/neoadjuvant HCC in 2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to select first-line and what to do after progression to immunotherapy", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Neoadjuvant Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lorenza Rimassa ", + "kol_full_name": "Lorenza Rimassa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oligoprogressive Disease | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454301", + "session_name": "Management of oligoprogressive disease,Hormone-receptor positive breast cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lucia Del Mastro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Liguria", + "City": "Genova", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of oligoprogressive disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hormone-receptor positive breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Oligoprogressive Disease | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lucia Del Mastro ", + "kol_full_name": "Lucia Del Mastro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Case Reports | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5467549", + "session_name": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion,Current therapeutic approaches in HCC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manon Allaire", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Current therapeutic approaches in HCC", + "events_topic": "Case Reports | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manon Allaire ", + "kol_full_name": "Manon Allaire " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Anus Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454702", + "session_name": "Multidisciplinary team working in the management of anal cancer: Current perspectives,Anal cancer: Biological classifications and current thinking", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Antonietta Gambacorta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multidisciplinary team working in the management of anal cancer: Current perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Anal cancer: Biological classifications and current thinking", + "events_topic": "Anus Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Antonietta Gambacorta ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Antonietta Gambacorta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454783", + "session_name": "Treatment of difficult lymphomas,Haematological malignancies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Gomes Da Silva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of difficult lymphomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Haematological malignancies", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Gomes Da Silva ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Gomes Da Silva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Ovarian Neoplasms | Fertility | Carcinoma, Ovarian Epithelial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454602", + "session_name": "Fertility and pregnancy in patients with gynaecological cancer,Epithelial ovarian cancer: Case presentation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Kfoury", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur", + "City": "Marseille", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Fertility and pregnancy in patients with gynaecological cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Epithelial ovarian cancer: Case presentation", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Ovarian Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Fertility | Carcinoma, Ovarian Epithelial", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Kfoury ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Kfoury " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Raf1 Protein, Human | Tovorafenib | Melanoma | Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454375", + "session_name": "Type II RAF Inhibitor Tovorafenib in Recurrent/Refractory (R/R) Melanoma or Other Solid Tumors with RAF Fusions and/or RAF1 Amplification,Preliminary Results from a Phase 1 Study of CFT1946, a Novel BIDAC Degrader in Mutant BRAF V600 Solid Tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Vieito", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Type II RAF Inhibitor Tovorafenib in Recurrent/Refractory (R/R) Melanoma or Other Solid Tumors with RAF Fusions and/or RAF1 Amplification", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Preliminary Results from a Phase 1 Study of CFT1946, a Novel BIDAC Degrader in Mutant BRAF V600 Solid Tumors", + "events_topic": "Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Raf1 Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Tovorafenib | Melanoma | Solid Tumors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Vieito ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Vieito " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Enterocolitis | Immunotherapy | Gastrointestinal Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454676", + "session_name": "Improving the management of toxicities from immunotherapy,Gastrointestinal disorders: Enterocolitis and beyond", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mario Mandalà", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Umbria", + "City": "Perugia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving the management of toxicities from immunotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Gastrointestinal disorders: Enterocolitis and beyond", + "events_topic": "Enterocolitis | Immunotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mario Mandalà ", + "kol_full_name": "Mario Mandalà " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Polymerase Chain Reaction | Chemo-Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454307", + "session_name": "The rapidly changing treatment landscape of early triple negative breast cancer,Treatments for eTNBC patients with non-pCR after chemo-immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marleen Kok", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The rapidly changing treatment landscape of early triple negative breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Treatments for eTNBC patients with non-pCR after chemo-immunotherapy", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Polymerase Chain Reaction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemo-Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marleen Kok ", + "kol_full_name": "Marleen Kok " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Profiling | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454387", + "session_name": "Common clinical problems in neuro-oncology,Comprehensive molecular profiling of AYA patients: An EORTC-SPECTA proof of concept study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Mccabe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Manchester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Common clinical problems in neuro-oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comprehensive molecular profiling of AYA patients: An EORTC-SPECTA proof of concept study", + "events_topic": "Molecular Profiling | Brain Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin Mccabe ", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Mccabe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Patient Readmission", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454500", + "session_name": "Cancer patients and advocacy,A targeted discharge pathway to reduce hospital readmissions and dying in hospital in cancer patients at the end of life", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Merel Van Klinken", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer patients and advocacy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A targeted discharge pathway to reduce hospital readmissions and dying in hospital in cancer patients at the end of life", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Patient Readmission", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Merel Van Klinken ", + "kol_full_name": "Merel Van Klinken " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunomodulation | Clinical Trial, Phase I | Antigens", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454716", + "session_name": "The evolving diagnostic landscape of early phase trials,Challenges of HLA, neoantigen, and immune biomarker testing for early phase immunomodulatory therapy trials", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michal Bassani-Sternberg", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The evolving diagnostic landscape of early phase trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Challenges of HLA, neoantigen, and immune biomarker testing for early phase immunomodulatory therapy trials", + "events_topic": "Immunomodulation | Clinical Trial, Phase I ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antigens", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michal Bassani-Sternberg ", + "kol_full_name": "Michal Bassani-Sternberg " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Real World Data | Real World Evidence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454695", + "session_name": "How Real World Data (RWD) are transforming oncology,Future directions in the development and use of Real World Evidence", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Miriam Koopman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Utrecht", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How Real World Data (RWD) are transforming oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Future directions in the development and use of Real World Evidence", + "events_topic": "Real World Data | Real World Evidence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Miriam Koopman ", + "kol_full_name": "Miriam Koopman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Thoracic Neoplasms | Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454466", + "session_name": "Next generation immunotherapies in thoracic malignancies,Targeting T cells beyond PD-1/PD-L1 axis: Other checkpoints inhibitors and costimulatory receptors agonists", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nathalie Chaput-Gras", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Next generation immunotherapies in thoracic malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Targeting T cells beyond PD-1/PD-L1 axis: Other checkpoints inhibitors and costimulatory receptors agonists", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Thoracic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nathalie Chaput-Gras ", + "kol_full_name": "Nathalie Chaput-Gras " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Liquid Biopsy | Colorectal Neoplasms | Translational Research, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454430", + "session_name": "Basic science & Translational research,Liquid biopsies across the disease spectrum; learning from colorectal cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Naureen Starling", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Basic science & Translational research", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Liquid biopsies across the disease spectrum; learning from colorectal cancer", + "events_topic": "Liquid Biopsy | Colorectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Translational Research, Biomedical", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Naureen Starling ", + "kol_full_name": "Naureen Starling " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Urogenital Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454813", + "session_name": "GU tumours, prostate,What’s on the horizon for metastatic prostate cancer patients?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Niven Mehra", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GU tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " prostate,What’s on the horizon for metastatic prostate cancer patients?", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Urogenital Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Niven Mehra ", + "kol_full_name": "Niven Mehra " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Ipilimumab | Genital Neoplasms, Female | Nivolumab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454597", + "session_name": "Nivolumab and Ipilimumab combination treatment in advanced dMMR/MSI-H noncolorectal cancers: Results from the phase II MoST-CIRCUIT study,Nivolumab and Ipilimumab combination treatment in advanced gynaecological clear cell cancers: Results from the phase II MoST-CIRCUIT trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oliver Klein", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nivolumab and Ipilimumab combination treatment in advanced dMMR/MSI-H noncolorectal cancers: Results from the phase II MoST-CIRCUIT study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Nivolumab and Ipilimumab combination treatment in advanced gynaecological clear cell cancers: Results from the phase II MoST-CIRCUIT trial", + "events_topic": "Ipilimumab | Genital Neoplasms, Female ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Nivolumab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oliver Klein ", + "kol_full_name": "Oliver Klein " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454300", + "session_name": "Lung cancer interception: New approaches to lung cancer screening and prevention,Should we be screening in never smokers for NSCLC?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pan-Chyr Yang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lung cancer interception: New approaches to lung cancer screening and prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Should we be screening in never smokers for NSCLC?", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Early Detection Of Cancer", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pan-Chyr Yang ", + "kol_full_name": "Pan-Chyr Yang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Translational Research, Biomedical | Basic Science", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454786", + "session_name": "Basic science & Translational research,Basic science & TR", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Philippe L. Bedard", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Basic science & Translational research", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Basic science & TR", + "events_topic": "Translational Research, Biomedical | Basic Science", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Philippe L. Bedard ", + "kol_full_name": "Philippe L. Bedard " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Case Reports | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5467548", + "session_name": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion,Current therapeutic approaches in HCC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pierce Chow", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Current therapeutic approaches in HCC", + "events_topic": "Case Reports | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pierce Chow ", + "kol_full_name": "Pierce Chow " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Geriatricians | Personalized Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454681", + "session_name": "ESMO-SIOG: Working together in the era of personalized care for older adults with cancer,Geriatrician perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rabia Boulahssass", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur", + "City": "Nice", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO-SIOG: Working together in the era of personalized care for older adults with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Geriatrician perspective", + "events_topic": "Geriatricians | Personalized Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rabia Boulahssass ", + "kol_full_name": "Rabia Boulahssass " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Syndrome | Diagnosis, Differential | Malignant Carcinoid Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454723", + "session_name": "Differential diagnosis and management of clinical syndromes,Carcinoid syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rachel Riechelmann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differential diagnosis and management of clinical syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Carcinoid syndrome", + "events_topic": "Clinical Syndrome | Diagnosis, Differential ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Malignant Carcinoid Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rachel Riechelmann ", + "kol_full_name": "Rachel Riechelmann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "KRAS Protein, Human | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454700", + "session_name": "Treating KRAS-mutated NSCLC,Do we have clinical or radiological biomarkers to guide us?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roberto Ferrara", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treating KRAS-mutated NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Do we have clinical or radiological biomarkers to guide us?", + "events_topic": "KRAS Protein, Human | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roberto Ferrara ", + "kol_full_name": "Roberto Ferrara " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "IDH1 Protein, Human | Olutasidenib | Chondrosarcoma | Soft Tissue Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454259", + "session_name": "Landmark trials in soft tissue sarcomas (incl. LPS/LMS),Safety and efficacy of olutasidenib, an IDH1 mutant inhibitor, for the treatment of recurrent/relapsed or locally advanced or metastatic IDH1 mutated chondrosarcoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robin L. Jones", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Landmark trials in soft tissue sarcomas (incl. LPS/LMS)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Safety and efficacy of olutasidenib, an IDH1 mutant inhibitor, for the treatment of recurrent/relapsed or locally advanced or metastatic IDH1 mutated chondrosarcoma", + "events_topic": "IDH1 Protein, Human | Olutasidenib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chondrosarcoma | Soft Tissue Sarcoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robin L. Jones ", + "kol_full_name": "Robin L. Jones " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Clinical Syndrome | Neuroendocrine Tumors | Diagnosis, Differential", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454845", + "session_name": "Differential diagnosis and management of clinical syndromes,NETs and endocrine tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rocio Garcia-Carbonero", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differential diagnosis and management of clinical syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "NETs and endocrine tumours", + "events_topic": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Clinical Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuroendocrine Tumors | Diagnosis, Differential", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rocio Garcia-Carbonero ", + "kol_full_name": "Rocio Garcia-Carbonero " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Ovarian Neoplasms | Venous Thromboembolism | Fertility", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454601", + "session_name": "Fertility and pregnancy in patients with gynaecological cancer,Management of venous thromboembolism: Case presentation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rodrigo Sanchez Bayona", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Fertility and pregnancy in patients with gynaecological cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Management of venous thromboembolism: Case presentation", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Ovarian Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Venous Thromboembolism | Fertility", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rodrigo Sanchez Bayona ", + "kol_full_name": "Rodrigo Sanchez Bayona " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Drug Monitoring | Pharmacology, Clinical", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454559", + "session_name": "Current advances in clinical pharmacology within oncology, and its relevance for daily practice,Implementation in clinical practice of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of kinase inhibitors anno 2024", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ron H. Mathijssen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Current advances in clinical pharmacology within oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " and its relevance for daily practice,Implementation in clinical practice of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of kinase inhibitors anno 2024", + "events_topic": "Drug Monitoring | Pharmacology, Clinical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ron H. Mathijssen ", + "kol_full_name": "Ron H. Mathijssen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Esophageal Neoplasms | Molecular Characterization | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454470", + "session_name": "Molecular characterisation and novel targeted therapies in gastroesophageal and pancreatic cancer,New developments in molecular characterisation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rupert Langer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Oberosterreich", + "City": "Linz", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Molecular characterisation and novel targeted therapies in gastroesophageal and pancreatic cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "New developments in molecular characterisation", + "events_topic": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Esophageal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Molecular Characterization | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rupert Langer ", + "kol_full_name": "Rupert Langer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antineoplastic Agents | Clinical Trial | Drug Development", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454518", + "session_name": "ESMO-CDDF – Regulatory challenges in clinical cancer drug development,New approaches to trial design to minimise costs and maximise benefit: The oncologists perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruth Plummer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Newcastle Upon Tyne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO-CDDF – Regulatory challenges in clinical cancer drug development", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "New approaches to trial design to minimise costs and maximise benefit: The oncologists perspective", + "events_topic": "Antineoplastic Agents | Clinical Trial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Drug Development", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ruth Plummer ", + "kol_full_name": "Ruth Plummer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antigens, Neoplasm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454439", + "session_name": "Are we targeting the right antigens?,Should we target shared or unique antigens?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Samra Turajlic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Are we targeting the right antigens?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Should we target shared or unique antigens?", + "events_topic": "Antigens, Neoplasm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Samra Turajlic ", + "kol_full_name": "Samra Turajlic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma | Osteosarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454393", + "session_name": "New developments in the treatment of sarcomas in 2024,New developments in the treatment of bone sarcomas", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandra Strauss", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New developments in the treatment of sarcomas in 2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "New developments in the treatment of bone sarcomas", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma | Osteosarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandra Strauss ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandra Strauss " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing | Subcutaneous Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454494", + "session_name": "What is your last wish? A volunteer project led by an oncology nurse,Current trends in subcutaneous therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sara M. Gomes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Coimbra", + "City": "Coimbra", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What is your last wish? A volunteer project led by an oncology nurse", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Current trends in subcutaneous therapy", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing | Subcutaneous Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sara M. Gomes ", + "kol_full_name": "Sara M. Gomes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Esophageal Neoplasms | Pancreatic Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454782", + "session_name": "Molecular characterisation and novel targeted therapies in gastroesophageal and pancreatic cancer,Gastrointestinal tumours, upper digestive", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarah Derks", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Molecular characterisation and novel targeted therapies in gastroesophageal and pancreatic cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Gastrointestinal tumours, upper digestive", + "events_topic": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Esophageal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pancreatic Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarah Derks ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarah Derks " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antigens, Neoplasm | Neoantigens", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454274", + "session_name": "Beyond coding neoantigens: What else is there for T cells to see?,Noncoding regions as a source of targetable tumour-specific antigens", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sebastian Amigorena", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beyond coding neoantigens: What else is there for T cells to see?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Noncoding regions as a source of targetable tumour-specific antigens", + "events_topic": "Antigens, Neoplasm | Neoantigens", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sebastian Amigorena ", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastian Amigorena " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms | Public Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454796", + "session_name": "Head and neck cancer,ESMO-MCBS: A practical tool with public health implications", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sjoukje Oosting", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Groningen", + "City": "Groningen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Head and neck cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "ESMO-MCBS: A practical tool with public health implications", + "events_topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms | Public Health", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sjoukje Oosting ", + "kol_full_name": "Sjoukje Oosting " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Proteolysis | Molecular Glues", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454742", + "session_name": "Protein degradation as a novel approach for cancer therapy,Degraders and molecular glues: Where are we in the clinic now?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sophie Postel-Vinay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Protein degradation as a novel approach for cancer therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Degraders and molecular glues: Where are we in the clinic now?", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Proteolysis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Molecular Glues", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sophie Postel-Vinay ", + "kol_full_name": "Sophie Postel-Vinay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454294", + "session_name": "Can we expand bladder preservation by optimal use of systemic therapy and biomarkers?,Could optimal systemic therapy be adequate without locoregional therapy?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Srikala S. Sridhar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Can we expand bladder preservation by optimal use of systemic therapy and biomarkers?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Could optimal systemic therapy be adequate without locoregional therapy?", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Srikala S. Sridhar ", + "kol_full_name": "Srikala S. Sridhar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454382", + "session_name": "Treatment of elderly patients with haematological malignancies,Follicular lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stefano Luminari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Modena", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of elderly patients with haematological malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Follicular lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stefano Luminari ", + "kol_full_name": "Stefano Luminari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Receptors, Estrogen | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454615", + "session_name": "Incorporating novel treatment insights for ER+ early BC patients,CDK4/6 inhibitors for early breast cancer: State-of-the-art", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephen R. Johnston", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incorporating novel treatment insights for ER+ early BC patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "CDK4/6 inhibitors for early breast cancer: State-of-the-art", + "events_topic": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Receptors, Estrogen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephen R. Johnston ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen R. Johnston " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Health Policy | Real World Data", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454789", + "session_name": "How Real World Data (RWD) are transforming oncology,Policy and preventive strategies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suzette Delaloge", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How Real World Data (RWD) are transforming oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Policy and preventive strategies", + "events_topic": "Health Policy | Real World Data", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suzette Delaloge ", + "kol_full_name": "Suzette Delaloge " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antineoplastic Agents | Drug Development | Developmental Therapeutics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454806", + "session_name": "ESMO-CDDF – Regulatory challenges in clinical cancer drug development,Developmental therapeutics", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Teresa M. Amaral", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Tubingen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO-CDDF – Regulatory challenges in clinical cancer drug development", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Developmental therapeutics", + "events_topic": "Antineoplastic Agents | Drug Development ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Developmental Therapeutics", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Teresa M. Amaral ", + "kol_full_name": "Teresa M. Amaral " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Enfortumab Vedotin | Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | NECTIN4 Protein, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454600", + "session_name": "EV-302: Exploratory Analysis of Nectin-4 Expression and Response to 1L Enfortumab Vedotin (EV) + Pembrolizumab (P) in Previously Untreated Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer (la/mUC),Renal-cell carcinoma: Discussion", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thomas B. Powles", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "EV-302: Exploratory Analysis of Nectin-4 Expression and Response to 1L Enfortumab Vedotin (EV) + Pembrolizumab (P) in Previously Untreated Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer (la/mUC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Renal-cell carcinoma: Discussion", + "events_topic": "Enfortumab Vedotin | Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | NECTIN4 Protein, Human", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thomas B. Powles ", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas B. Powles " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Care Facilities | Quality Improvement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454330", + "session_name": "Quality improvement in cancer care,How to plan and implement quality improvement projects", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Virpi Sulosaari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality improvement in cancer care", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to plan and implement quality improvement projects", + "events_topic": "Cancer Care Facilities | Quality Improvement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Virpi Sulosaari ", + "kol_full_name": "Virpi Sulosaari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor | Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Glioblastoma | Pharmacokinetics | Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454586", + "session_name": "A Phase I study for safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and anti-tumor activity of ABM-1310 in patients (pts) with BRAF V600 mutated recurrent primary brain tumors: interim result,SYHA1813, a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) 1-3/colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) inhibitor, in patients with recurrent glioblastoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wenbin Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Phase I study for safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and anti-tumor activity of ABM-1310 in patients (pts) with BRAF V600 mutated recurrent primary brain tumors: interim result,SYHA1813, a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) 1-3/colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) inhibitor, in patients with recurrent glioblastoma", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor | Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Glioblastoma | Pharmacokinetics | Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor | Brain Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wenbin Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Wenbin Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoantigens | Antigens, Bacterial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454273", + "session_name": "Beyond coding neoantigens: What else is there for T cells to see?,Bacterial derived antigens", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yardena Samuels", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "HaMerkaz (Central)", + "City": "Rehovot", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beyond coding neoantigens: What else is there for T cells to see?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Bacterial derived antigens", + "events_topic": "Neoantigens | Antigens, Bacterial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yardena Samuels ", + "kol_full_name": "Yardena Samuels " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antineoplastic Agents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454672", + "session_name": "Specifics of CHMP assessment of cancer drugs", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aaron E. Sosa Mejia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Specifics of CHMP assessment of cancer drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antineoplastic Agents", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aaron E. Sosa Mejia ", + "kol_full_name": "Aaron E. Sosa Mejia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454339", + "session_name": "Patient perspective – a personal experience of living with cervical cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abagail Gardiner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient perspective – a personal experience of living with cervical cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Abagail Gardiner ", + "kol_full_name": "Abagail Gardiner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454808", + "session_name": "NSCLC metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adrianus Johannes De Langen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NSCLC metastatic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adrianus Johannes De Langen ", + "kol_full_name": "Adrianus Johannes De Langen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454846", + "session_name": "Sarcoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aisha Miah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sarcoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aisha Miah ", + "kol_full_name": "Aisha Miah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454492", + "session_name": "Cancer nursing interventions: The importance of the role of nursing in successful scalp cooling", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aisling Burke", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer nursing interventions: The importance of the role of nursing in successful scalp cooling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aisling Burke ", + "kol_full_name": "Aisling Burke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454834", + "session_name": "Investigational immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Akseli Hemminki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Investigational immunotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Akseli Hemminki ", + "kol_full_name": "Akseli Hemminki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Perioperative Care | Systemic Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454817", + "session_name": "POWG 2: Optimal perioperative systemic treatment in different tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alberto J. Cunquero Tomas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "POWG 2: Optimal perioperative systemic treatment in different tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Perioperative Care | Systemic Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alberto J. Cunquero Tomas ", + "kol_full_name": "Alberto J. Cunquero Tomas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Osteopontin | Multikinase Inhibitor | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454690", + "session_name": "Osteopontin (OPN) predicts the efficacy of anti-angiogenic therapy with multikinase inhibitors (MKIs) in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NETs): underlying molecular mechanisms.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alberto Lens-Pardo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Osteopontin (OPN) predicts the efficacy of anti-angiogenic therapy with multikinase inhibitors (MKIs) in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NETs): underlying molecular mechanisms.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Osteopontin | Multikinase Inhibitor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alberto Lens-Pardo ", + "kol_full_name": "Alberto Lens-Pardo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antigens, Neoplasm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454812", + "session_name": "Are we targeting the right antigens?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alena Gros", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Are we targeting the right antigens?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antigens, Neoplasm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alena Gros ", + "kol_full_name": "Alena Gros " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Rectal Neoplasms | DNA Mismatch Repair", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454433", + "session_name": "Total Neoadjuvant Treatment (TNT) with Non-Operative Management (NOM) for Proficient Mismatch Repair Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (pMMR LARC): First Results of NO-CUT Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alessio Amatu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Total Neoadjuvant Treatment (TNT) with Non-Operative Management (NOM) for Proficient Mismatch Repair Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (pMMR LARC): First Results of NO-CUT Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Rectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " DNA Mismatch Repair", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alessio Amatu ", + "kol_full_name": "Alessio Amatu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cabozantinib", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454250", + "session_name": "Interim analysis of CABONEN – a multicenter phase II trial investigating Cabozantinib in patients with advanced, low proliferative NEN G3", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexander Otto Koenig", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interim analysis of CABONEN – a multicenter phase II trial investigating Cabozantinib in patients with advanced", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " low proliferative NEN G3", + "events_topic": "Cabozantinib", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexander Otto Koenig ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander Otto Koenig " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454703", + "session_name": "The role of radiotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Gilbert", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of radiotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Gilbert ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Gilbert " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Cohort Studies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454524", + "session_name": "Environmental Pollutants and Molecular Alterations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Insights from the KBP-2020 Cohort Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexis B. Cortot", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Nord-Pas-de-Calais", + "City": "Lille", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Environmental Pollutants and Molecular Alterations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Insights from the KBP-2020 Cohort Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Cohort Studies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexis B. Cortot ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexis B. Cortot " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genetic Therapy | Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454289", + "session_name": "Novel gene therapy in advanced solid malignancies: a phase I/II clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amanda Hahn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Uppsala Lan", + "City": "Uppsala", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel gene therapy in advanced solid malignancies: a phase I/II clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genetic Therapy | Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amanda Hahn ", + "kol_full_name": "Amanda Hahn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Leptomeningeal Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454732", + "session_name": "Leptomeningeal disease", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amanda M. Fitzpatrick", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Leptomeningeal disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leptomeningeal Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amil Druzic ", + "kol_full_name": "Amil Druzic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454822", + "session_name": "Systemic treatment of anti PD-1 resistance in advanced melanoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Maria Arance", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Systemic treatment of anti PD-1 resistance in advanced melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreas Kjaer ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreas Kjaer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454685", + "session_name": "Primary CNS lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andres J. Ferreri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Primary CNS lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Central Nervous System Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna Reyners ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Reyners " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neurologic Manifestations | Cognitive Remediation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454731", + "session_name": "Neuro-cognitive remediation in case of permanent neurological deficits", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anne Rogiers", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brabant Wallon", + "City": "Jodoigne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neuro-cognitive remediation in case of permanent neurological deficits", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neurologic Manifestations | Cognitive Remediation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anne Rogiers ", + "kol_full_name": "Anne Rogiers " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454815", + "session_name": "Achieving successful scalp cooling – the importance of nursing in chemotherapy side effect management", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Annie Young", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Coventry", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Achieving successful scalp cooling – the importance of nursing in chemotherapy side effect management", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antonella Cardone ", + "kol_full_name": "Antonella Cardone " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Fatigue | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454542", + "session_name": "Systemic inflammation, unhealthy behaviors, and cancer-related fatigue (CRF) among survivors of breast cancer (BC)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antonio Di Meglio", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Systemic inflammation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " unhealthy behaviors, and cancer-related fatigue (CRF) among survivors of breast cancer (BC)", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Fatigue ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ash Kieran Clift ", + "kol_full_name": "Ash Kieran Clift " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pheochromocytoma | Paraganglioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454725", + "session_name": "Functioning paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ashley Grossman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Functioning paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pheochromocytoma | Paraganglioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ashley Grossman ", + "kol_full_name": "Ashley Grossman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumours | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454521", + "session_name": "Cost and value of EMA-registered checkpoint inhibitors for solid tumours in the Netherlands", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Atse H. Huisman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Zeist", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cost and value of EMA-registered checkpoint inhibitors for solid tumours in the Netherlands", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumours | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Atse H. Huisman ", + "kol_full_name": "Atse H. Huisman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "In Vitro Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454673", + "session_name": "Current status and implications of the In Vitro Diagnostics regulation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Audrey Wolf", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Current status and implications of the In Vitro Diagnostics regulation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "In Vitro Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Audrey Wolf ", + "kol_full_name": "Audrey Wolf " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urologists", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454683", + "session_name": "Urologist perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Axel S. Merseburger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Schleswig-Holstein", + "City": "Lubeck", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Urologist perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urologists", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ayse Ay ", + "kol_full_name": "Ayse Ay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454663", + "session_name": "Review of Nursing Interventions for the Management of Psychosocial Problems in Adults After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Systematic Review", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aysenur Cetin Uceriz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Review of Nursing Interventions for the Management of Psychosocial Problems in Adults After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Systematic Review", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aysenur Cetin Uceriz ", + "kol_full_name": "Aysenur Cetin Uceriz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454493", + "session_name": "The patient perspective: The power of scalp cooling", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Begoña Parrado", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Huddersfield", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The patient perspective: The power of scalp cooling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Begoña Parrado ", + "kol_full_name": "Begoña Parrado " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Standard Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454465", + "session_name": "Building on standard therapies: Novel agents and promising combinations", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Begona Perez Valderrama", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Andalucia", + "City": "Sevilla ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Building on standard therapies: Novel agents and promising combinations", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Standard Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin P. Geisler ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin P. Geisler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Soft Tissue Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454719", + "session_name": "Multisarc: A randomized precision medicine study in advanced soft-tissue sarcomas.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benjamin Verret", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multisarc: A randomized precision medicine study in advanced soft-tissue sarcomas.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Soft Tissue Sarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin Verret ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Verret " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454485", + "session_name": "Toxicities in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy: Insights from a Nurse Practitioner Perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benjamin Walbaum", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Chile", + "Region": "Region Metropolitana", + "City": "Santiago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Toxicities in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy: Insights from a Nurse Practitioner Perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Neoadjuvant Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin Walbaum ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Walbaum " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454364", + "session_name": "Partnering with ESMO on game-changing tools to improve cancer prevention and control worldwide", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bente Mikkelsen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Partnering with ESMO on game-changing tools to improve cancer prevention and control worldwide", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bente Mikkelsen ", + "kol_full_name": "Bente Mikkelsen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454640", + "session_name": "Nursing management of late and long-term effects of bladder cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bente Thoft Jensen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Arhus", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nursing management of late and long-term effects of bladder cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bente Thoft Jensen ", + "kol_full_name": "Bente Thoft Jensen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454832", + "session_name": "Sarcoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bernd Kasper", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Mannheim", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sarcoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bernd Kasper ", + "kol_full_name": "Bernd Kasper " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Real World Evidence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454526", + "session_name": "Real world experience & patients' participation in multidisciplinary consortiums", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bettina Ryll", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Uppsala Lan", + "City": "Uppsala", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real world experience & patients' participation in multidisciplinary consortiums", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Real World Evidence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bettina Ryll ", + "kol_full_name": "Bettina Ryll " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Locoregional Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454760", + "session_name": "How are locoregional therapies evolving in HCC?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bruno Sangro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Navarra", + "City": "Pamplona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How are locoregional therapies evolving in HCC?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Locoregional Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bruno Sangro ", + "kol_full_name": "Bruno Sangro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454228", + "session_name": "Socioeconomic disparities in delivery of specialized palliative care at the end of life", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Camilla Zimmermann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Socioeconomic disparities in delivery of specialized palliative care at the end of life", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Camilla Zimmermann ", + "kol_full_name": "Camilla Zimmermann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454824", + "session_name": "GU tumours, non-prostate", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Camillo Guglielmo Porta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Puglia", + "City": "Bari", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GU tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " non-prostate", + "events_topic": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Camillo Guglielmo Porta ", + "kol_full_name": "Camillo Guglielmo Porta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454599", + "session_name": "Renal-cell carcinoma: Case presentation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlo Messina", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Sicilia", + "City": "Palermo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Renal-cell carcinoma: Case presentation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlo Messina ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlo Messina " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454689", + "session_name": "Refining molecular classification of neuroendocrine tumors from diverse origins using multi-omic integration models. Unveiling novel neuroendocrine subtypes and their clinical implications.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Carretero-Puche", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Refining molecular classification of neuroendocrine tumors from diverse origins using multi-omic integration models. Unveiling novel neuroendocrine subtypes and their clinical implications.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Carretero-Puche ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Carretero-Puche " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454839", + "session_name": "Breast cancer, metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carmen Criscitiello", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " metastatic", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carmen Criscitiello ", + "kol_full_name": "Carmen Criscitiello " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Cytotoxicity | Antineoplastic Agents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454688", + "session_name": "The mechanisms of action and principles of synergistic cancer cytotoxicity of electric fields with antineoplastic agents and irradiation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carsten Hagemann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "WURZBURG", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The mechanisms of action and principles of synergistic cancer cytotoxicity of electric fields with antineoplastic agents and irradiation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Cytotoxicity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antineoplastic Agents", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carsten Hagemann ", + "kol_full_name": "Carsten Hagemann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endometrial Neoplasms | Cross-Sectional Studies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454516", + "session_name": "Quality of Endometrial Cancer Care from the Patients’ perspective – A Cross-Sectional Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cecilia Olsson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Varmlands Lan", + "City": "Karlstad", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality of Endometrial Cancer Care from the Patients’ perspective – A Cross-Sectional Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endometrial Neoplasms | Cross-Sectional Studies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cedric Pobel ", + "kol_full_name": "Cedric Pobel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454334", + "session_name": "Genomic data management in precision oncology nursing", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Celia Díez De Los Ríos De La Serna", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genomic data management in precision oncology nursing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Celia Díez De Los Ríos De La Serna ", + "kol_full_name": "Celia Díez De Los Ríos De La Serna " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cell-Free Nucleic Acids", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454707", + "session_name": "Cell-free DNA indicates potential preclinical detectability of cancer signals up to 30 months prior to diagnosis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Celine M. Vachon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cell-free DNA indicates potential preclinical detectability of cancer signals up to 30 months prior to diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cell-Free Nucleic Acids", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Celine M. Vachon ", + "kol_full_name": "Celine M. Vachon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Chemoradiotherapy | Induction Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454566", + "session_name": "Sequential chemoradiotherapy versus induction chemotherapy plus concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised, phase 3 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chaosu Hu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sequential chemoradiotherapy versus induction chemotherapy plus concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A multicentre", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " open-label, non-inferiority, randomised, phase 3 trial", + "events_topic": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Chemoradiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Induction Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chaosu Hu ", + "kol_full_name": "Chaosu Hu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Treatment Sequelae", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454729", + "session_name": "Managing long-term treatment sequelae", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Charlée Nardin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Franche-Comte", + "City": "Besancon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Managing long-term treatment sequelae", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Treatment Sequelae", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charlée Nardin ", + "kol_full_name": "Charlée Nardin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454231", + "session_name": "Pan-cancer screening tests: Blood and beyond", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Charles Swanton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pan-cancer screening tests: Blood and beyond", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charles Swanton ", + "kol_full_name": "Charles Swanton " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Solid Tumors | Immunoconjugates", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454635", + "session_name": "IBI354 (anti-HER2 antibody-drug conjugate [ADC]) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors and breast cancer (BC): results from a phase I study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Charlotte Lemech", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "IBI354 (anti-HER2 antibody-drug conjugate [ADC]) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors and breast cancer (BC): results from a phase I study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Solid Tumors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunoconjugates", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charlotte Lemech ", + "kol_full_name": "Charlotte Lemech " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454556", + "session_name": "Molecular Biology Study of Primary Immuno-privileged Lymphomas", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chen Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Molecular Biology Study of Primary Immuno-privileged Lymphomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chen Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Chen Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454249", + "session_name": "CVM-005: Phase IIa study of CVM-1118, a novel oral anti-vasculogenic mimicry (VM) agent, in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NET) after progression on prior therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chia Jui Yen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Tainan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CVM-005: Phase IIa study of CVM-1118", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a novel oral anti-vasculogenic mimicry (VM) agent, in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NET) after progression on prior therapy", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chia Jui Yen ", + "kol_full_name": "Chia Jui Yen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Pembrolizumab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454622", + "session_name": "IMHOTEP Phase II trial of neoadjuvant pembrolizumab in dMMR/MSI tumors: results of the colorectal cancer cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christelle De La Fouchardiere", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur", + "City": "Marseille", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "IMHOTEP Phase II trial of neoadjuvant pembrolizumab in dMMR/MSI tumors: results of the colorectal cancer cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christelle De La Fouchardiere ", + "kol_full_name": "Christelle De La Fouchardiere " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Papillomavirus Vaccines | Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454738", + "session_name": "HARE-40: A phase I/II trial of therapeutic HPV vaccine (BNT113) in patients with HPV16 driven carcinoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian H. Ottensmeier", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "HARE-40: A phase I/II trial of therapeutic HPV vaccine (BNT113) in patients with HPV16 driven carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Papillomavirus Vaccines | Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian H. Ottensmeier ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian H. Ottensmeier " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genetic Risk Score | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454766", + "session_name": "Polygenic risk score associations with immune checkpoint inhibitors related endocrine toxicity", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian W. Thorball", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Polygenic risk score associations with immune checkpoint inhibitors related endocrine toxicity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genetic Risk Score | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian W. Thorball ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian W. Thorball " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454424", + "session_name": "The molecular landscape of neuroendocrine neoplasms", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christina Thirlwell", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Bristol", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The molecular landscape of neuroendocrine neoplasms", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christina Thirlwell ", + "kol_full_name": "Christina Thirlwell " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454693", + "session_name": "How much do real world patients really differ from clinical trials?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christina Yap", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sutton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How much do real world patients really differ from clinical trials?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christina Yap ", + "kol_full_name": "Christina Yap " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Personalised Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454495", + "session_name": "Personalizing care delivery options for people with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christine A. Ghione Mastry", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Islas Baleares", + "City": "Valldemosa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalizing care delivery options for people with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Personalised Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christine Chomienne ", + "kol_full_name": "Christine Chomienne " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Early Detection Of Cancer | Hematologic Tests", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454706", + "session_name": "Organ-specific performance of a multi-analyte, multi-cancer early detection (MCED) blood test in a prospectively-collected cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christopher Douville", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Organ-specific performance of a multi-analyte", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " multi-cancer early detection (MCED) blood test in a prospectively-collected cohort", + "events_topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer | Hematologic Tests", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christopher Douville ", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher Douville " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454555", + "session_name": "Phase I trial of a personalized multi-peptide vaccine combined with the TLR1/2 ligand XS15 under Bruton-Tyrosine-Kinase inhibitor (BTKi) treatment in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christopher Hackenbruch", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Tubingen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase I trial of a personalized multi-peptide vaccine combined with the TLR1/2 ligand XS15 under Bruton-Tyrosine-Kinase inhibitor (BTKi) treatment in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christopher Hackenbruch ", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher Hackenbruch " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454877", + "session_name": "New technology, new ideas: What is on the horizon for colorectal cancer?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christopher J. Williams", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New technology", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " new ideas: What is on the horizon for colorectal cancer?", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christopher J. Williams ", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher J. Williams " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454880", + "session_name": "GU tumours, prostate", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christopher Sweeney", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "South Australia", + "City": "Adelaide", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GU tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " prostate", + "events_topic": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Claire Gallois ", + "kol_full_name": "Claire Gallois " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "G12C Mutations", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454310", + "session_name": "Non-G12C mutations: Future perspectives", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Colin Lindsay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Manchester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-G12C mutations: Future perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "G12C Mutations", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Colin Lindsay ", + "kol_full_name": "Colin Lindsay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454491", + "session_name": "Clinical research and data on scalp cooling: Retention and regrowth", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Corina Van Den Hurk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Utrecht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical research and data on scalp cooling: Retention and regrowth", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Corina Van Den Hurk ", + "kol_full_name": "Corina Van Den Hurk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Sexual Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454283", + "session_name": "Addressing sexual health in female and male patients with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristiane D. Bergerot", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Addressing sexual health in female and male patients with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Sexual Health", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristina García-Vivar ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristina García-Vivar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Fertility Preservation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454484", + "session_name": "Nurses’comunication barriers about fertility preservation: an integrative review", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristina Mazzega Fabbro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Avellino", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nurses’comunication barriers about fertility preservation: an integrative review", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fertility Preservation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristina Santos Vivas ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristina Santos Vivas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454835", + "session_name": "Updates in the management of advanced renal cell carcinoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristina Suarez Rodriguez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Updates in the management of advanced renal cell carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristina Suarez Rodriguez ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristina Suarez Rodriguez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454638", + "session_name": "Where do we stand in biomarker for prostate- & bladder cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daan Demaeseneer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Gent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Where do we stand in biomarker for prostate- & bladder cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daan Demaeseneer ", + "kol_full_name": "Daan Demaeseneer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Ovarian Neoplasms | Sacituzumab Tirumotecan | Endometrial Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454573", + "session_name": "Safety and Efficacy of Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (sac-TMT) in Patients (pts) with Previously Treated Advanced Endometrial Carcinoma (EC) and Ovarian Cancer (OC) from a Phase 2 Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Danbo Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Liaoning", + "City": "Shenyang", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and Efficacy of Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (sac-TMT) in Patients (pts) with Previously Treated Advanced Endometrial Carcinoma (EC) and Ovarian Cancer (OC) from a Phase 2 Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ovarian Neoplasms | Sacituzumab Tirumotecan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Endometrial Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Danbo Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Danbo Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454354", + "session_name": "Designing, running and funding deescalation clinical trials", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel Goldstein", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "HaMerkaz (Central)", + "City": "Petach Tikva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Designing", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " running and funding deescalation clinical trials", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel Goldstein ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Goldstein " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454340", + "session_name": "What have we learned from 10 years’ progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancers and where do policy makers and health systems go next?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel Kelly", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Wales", + "City": "Cardiff", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What have we learned from 10 years’ progress in the prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancers and where do policy makers and health systems go next?", + "events_topic": "Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel Kelly ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Kelly " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antineoplastic Agents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454522", + "session_name": "Indication-specific pricing and weighted-average pricing: Estimated price and cost savings for cancer drugs", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel T. Michaeli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Indication-specific pricing and weighted-average pricing: Estimated price and cost savings for cancer drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antineoplastic Agents", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel T. Michaeli ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel T. Michaeli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen | Positron-Emission Tomography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454398", + "session_name": "PSMA PET as a game changer for decision making?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniela E. Oprea-Lager", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PSMA PET as a game changer for decision making?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen | Positron-Emission Tomography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniela E. Oprea-Lager ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniela E. Oprea-Lager " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Translational Research, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454853", + "session_name": "Basic science & Translational research", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniela S. Thommen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Basic science & Translational research", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Translational Research, Biomedical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniella Chiappetta ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniella Chiappetta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454479", + "session_name": "Managing ADC-related adverse events: How nurses contribute to improving patient outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Danijela Dohnal-Suvajac", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Niederosterreich", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Managing ADC-related adverse events: How nurses contribute to improving patient outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Danijela Dohnal-Suvajac ", + "kol_full_name": "Danijela Dohnal-Suvajac " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454308", + "session_name": "How to treat stage I TNBC?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Cescon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to treat stage I TNBC?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Cescon ", + "kol_full_name": "David Cescon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Adolescent And Young Adult Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454691", + "session_name": "Delivering precision oncology to AYA patients with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David M. Thomas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Delivering precision oncology to AYA patients with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Adolescent And Young Adult Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David M. Thomas ", + "kol_full_name": "David M. Thomas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Microsatellite Repeats | Colorectal Neoplasms | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454620", + "session_name": "Pembrolizumab in combination with CAPOX and bevacizumab in patients with microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer and a high immune infiltrate: preliminary results of FFCD 1703 POCHI trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Tougeron", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Poitou-Charentes", + "City": "Poitiers", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pembrolizumab in combination with CAPOX and bevacizumab in patients with microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer and a high immune infiltrate: preliminary results of FFCD 1703 POCHI trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Microsatellite Repeats ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms | Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Tougeron ", + "kol_full_name": "David Tougeron " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454472", + "session_name": "Novel targeted therapies for pancreatic cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Davide Melisi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Verona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel targeted therapies for pancreatic cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Davide Melisi ", + "kol_full_name": "Davide Melisi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Systemic Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454464", + "session_name": "How to manage patients with durable response on systemic therapy? Optimal therapy duration and role de-escalation?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Debbie Robbrecht", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to manage patients with durable response on systemic therapy? Optimal therapy duration and role de-escalation?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Systemic Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Debbie Robbrecht ", + "kol_full_name": "Debbie Robbrecht " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454862", + "session_name": "Can pragmatic clinical trials and optimisation of treatments support development, access and value?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Denis A. Lacombe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Can pragmatic clinical trials and optimisation of treatments support development", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " access and value?", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Denis A. Lacombe ", + "kol_full_name": "Denis A. Lacombe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Ovarian Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454575", + "session_name": "SHR-A1921 in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (PROC): data from a first-in-human (FIH) phase 1 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dihong Tang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Hunan", + "City": "Changsha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SHR-A1921 in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (PROC): data from a first-in-human (FIH) phase 1 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ovarian Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dihong Tang ", + "kol_full_name": "Dihong Tang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454317", + "session_name": "Building up resilience in cancer nursing: Strategies and skills", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitrios Protogiros", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Building up resilience in cancer nursing: Strategies and skills", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitrios Protogiros ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitrios Protogiros " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Chemoradiotherapy | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454728", + "session_name": "The role of immunotherapy plus concurrent chemoradiation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dina Najjari Jamal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of immunotherapy plus concurrent chemoradiation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chemoradiotherapy | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dina Najjari Jamal ", + "kol_full_name": "Dina Najjari Jamal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "ErbB Receptors | Immunoconjugates | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454279", + "session_name": "BL-B01D1, an EGFR x HER3 Bispecific Antibody-drug Conjugate (ADC), in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (UC)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dingwei Ye", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "BL-B01D1", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " an EGFR x HER3 Bispecific Antibody-drug Conjugate (ADC), in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (UC)", + "events_topic": "ErbB Receptors | Immunoconjugates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dingwei Ye ", + "kol_full_name": "Dingwei Ye " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Optimal Sequencing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454305", + "session_name": "Optimal sequencing of therapeutic strategies in molecularly-driven CRC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dominik P. Modest", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimal sequencing of therapeutic strategies in molecularly-driven CRC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Optimal Sequencing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dominik P. Modest ", + "kol_full_name": "Dominik P. Modest " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Telemedicine | Biomedical Technology", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454483", + "session_name": "Remote patient monitoring using mHealth technology in cancer care and research: patients’ perspectives, willingness, and current use", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dominique Stuijt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Leiden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Remote patient monitoring using mHealth technology in cancer care and research: patients’ perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " willingness, and current use", + "events_topic": "Telemedicine | Biomedical Technology", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dominique Stuijt ", + "kol_full_name": "Dominique Stuijt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pharmacovigilance | Immunoconjugates", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454314", + "session_name": "Pharmacovigilance in management of ADC related AEs", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dorieke Van Balen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pharmacovigilance in management of ADC related AEs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pharmacovigilance | Immunoconjugates", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dorieke Van Balen ", + "kol_full_name": "Dorieke Van Balen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Neoadjuvant Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454611", + "session_name": "Rationale for neoadjuvant treatment of localised cancer: Biological insights", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Drew Pardoll", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rationale for neoadjuvant treatment of localised cancer: Biological insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Neoadjuvant Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Drew Pardoll ", + "kol_full_name": "Drew Pardoll " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454265", + "session_name": "Innovative imaging techniques to evaluate response", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "E.G. Elisabeth De Vries", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Groningen", + "City": "Groningen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovative imaging techniques to evaluate response", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
E.G. Elisabeth De Vries ", + "kol_full_name": "E.G. Elisabeth De Vries " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Competence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454329", + "session_name": "Assessing oncology nurse practitioner students' clinical competency and capability", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eileen Furlong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing oncology nurse practitioner students' clinical competency and capability", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Competence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eileen Furlong ", + "kol_full_name": "Eileen Furlong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Malnutrition", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454345", + "session_name": "Nurses management of malnutrition risk in cancer patients: the importance of screening tools", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eleonora Favot", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Avellino", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nurses management of malnutrition risk in cancer patients: the importance of screening tools", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Malnutrition", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eleonora Favot ", + "kol_full_name": "Eleonora Favot " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Toxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454677", + "session_name": "What about long-term toxicities?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eleonora Ghisoni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What about long-term toxicities?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Toxicity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eleonora Ghisoni ", + "kol_full_name": "Eleonora Ghisoni " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "ErbB Receptors | Nursing Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454647", + "session_name": "Nursing care of patients with EGFR targeted agents: challenging side-effects", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elin Nildén", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Skane Lan", + "City": "Helsingborg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nursing care of patients with EGFR targeted agents: challenging side-effects", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ErbB Receptors | Nursing Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elin Nildén ", + "kol_full_name": "Elin Nildén " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Quality Of Life", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454507", + "session_name": "Quality of life and symptoms in cancer patients more than 80 years of age", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elisabeth Beisland", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Hordaland", + "City": "Bergen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality of life and symptoms in cancer patients more than 80 years of age", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Quality Of Life", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elisabeth Beisland ", + "kol_full_name": "Elisabeth Beisland " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endocrine Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454474", + "session_name": "Explaining the Relationships between Age, Endocrine Therapy Persistence and Risk of Recurrence in Hormone-Positive Early Breast Cancer: A Nationwide Cohort Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elise Dumas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Explaining the Relationships between Age", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Endocrine Therapy Persistence and Risk of Recurrence in Hormone-Positive Early Breast Cancer: A Nationwide Cohort Study", + "events_topic": "Endocrine Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elise Dumas ", + "kol_full_name": "Elise Dumas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Androgen Deprivation Therapy | Docetaxel | Prostatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454770", + "session_name": "Decipher mRNA score for prediction of survival benefit from docetaxel at start of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for advanced prostate cancer (PC): an ancillary study of the STAMPEDE docetaxel trials", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emily Grist", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Decipher mRNA score for prediction of survival benefit from docetaxel at start of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for advanced prostate cancer (PC): an ancillary study of the STAMPEDE docetaxel trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Androgen Deprivation Therapy | Docetaxel ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Prostatic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emily Grist ", + "kol_full_name": "Emily Grist " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tisagenlecleucel | Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454242", + "session_name": "Real-world efficacy and safety of Tisagenlecleucel (CTL019) for relapse or refractory follicular lymphoma patients included in the Early Access Program through the French DESCAR-T registry", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emmanuel Bachy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Picardie", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-world efficacy and safety of Tisagenlecleucel (CTL019) for relapse or refractory follicular lymphoma patients included in the Early Access Program through the French DESCAR-T registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tisagenlecleucel | Immunotherapy, Adoptive ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma, Follicular", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emmanuel Bachy ", + "kol_full_name": "Emmanuel Bachy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Precision Medicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454849", + "session_name": "Integrating precision medicine / ESCAT in your choice of treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emre Kocakavuk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Essen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrating precision medicine / ESCAT in your choice of treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Precision Medicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emre Kocakavuk ", + "kol_full_name": "Emre Kocakavuk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thymus Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454460", + "session_name": "The role of surgery in the treatment of thymic tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Enrico Ruffini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Torino", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of surgery in the treatment of thymic tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thymus Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Enrico Ruffini ", + "kol_full_name": "Enrico Ruffini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Colonic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454414", + "session_name": "Transcriptional features of stage IIT4N0/III colon cancer associated with residual disease and ctDNA status after surgery in the PEGASUS trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Enzo Medico", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Scandiano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcriptional features of stage IIT4N0/III colon cancer associated with residual disease and ctDNA status after surgery in the PEGASUS trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Colonic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Enzo Medico ", + "kol_full_name": "Enzo Medico " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oxaliplatin | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454431", + "session_name": "Impact of lean body mass-based oxaliplatin dosage on neurotoxicity in adjuvant treatment of stage III colorectal cancer. Final results of the phase II randomized multicenter LEANOX trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eric Assenat", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Languedoc-Roussillon", + "City": "Montpellier", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of lean body mass-based oxaliplatin dosage on neurotoxicity in adjuvant treatment of stage III colorectal cancer. Final results of the phase II randomized multicenter LEANOX trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oxaliplatin | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eric Assenat ", + "kol_full_name": "Eric Assenat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thoracic Surgery | Mesothelioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454446", + "session_name": "Thoracic surgery for mesothelioma: The old and the new", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eric Lim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Thoracic surgery for mesothelioma: The old and the new", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thoracic Surgery | Mesothelioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eric Lim ", + "kol_full_name": "Eric Lim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tumor Microenvironment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454440", + "session_name": "Tumour or microenvironment target?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erik Sahai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tumour or microenvironment target?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tumor Microenvironment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Estela Pineda ", + "kol_full_name": "Estela Pineda " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454814", + "session_name": "Head and neck cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ester Orlandi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Pavia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Head and neck cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ester Orlandi ", + "kol_full_name": "Ester Orlandi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Driver Mutation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454578", + "session_name": "Identification of non-coding cancer driver mutations", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Esther Rheinbay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification of non-coding cancer driver mutations", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Driver Mutation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Etreo Junior Carneiro Da Silva Minarini ", + "kol_full_name": "Etreo Junior Carneiro Da Silva Minarini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Feeding | Cohort Studies | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454384", + "session_name": "Breastfeeding after breast cancer in young BRCA carriers: results from an international cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva Blondeaux", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Liguria", + "City": "Genova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breastfeeding after breast cancer in young BRCA carriers: results from an international cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Feeding | Cohort Studies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva Blondeaux ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Blondeaux " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Medication Safety", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454506", + "session_name": "Medication safety and management of side-effects in across care settings, including home", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva Muñoz-Couselo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Medication safety and management of side-effects in across care settings", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " including home", + "events_topic": "Medication Safety", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva Muñoz-Couselo ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Muñoz-Couselo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Rectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454322", + "session_name": "A Nurse-Led Clinic' Stepped-Care Intervention for rectal cancer survivors with bowel problems", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva Pape", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Gent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Nurse-Led Clinic' Stepped-Care Intervention for rectal cancer survivors with bowel problems", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva Pape ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Pape " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454295", + "session_name": "Biomarkers and prediction of clinical complete response", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva Schaake", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biomarkers and prediction of clinical complete response", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva Schaake ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Schaake " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Biology", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454390", + "session_name": "New developments in pathology and molecular biology", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva Wardelmann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Munster", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New developments in pathology and molecular biology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Molecular Biology", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva-Maria Strömsholm ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva-Maria Strömsholm " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454675", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular toxicities: Focus on myocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evandro De Azambuja", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular toxicities: Focus on myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evandro De Azambuja ", + "kol_full_name": "Evandro De Azambuja " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Nivolumab | Etoposide | Carboplatin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454291", + "session_name": "BMS-986012 (anti-fucosyl-monosialoganglioside-1 [fuc-GM1]) with carboplatin + etoposide + nivolumab (CE/NIVO) as first-line (1L) therapy in extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC): interim analysis (IA) of a randomized phase 2 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ewa Kalinka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "BMS-986012 (anti-fucosyl-monosialoganglioside-1 [fuc-GM1]) with carboplatin + etoposide + nivolumab (CE/NIVO) as first-line (1L) therapy in extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC): interim analysis (IA) of a randomized phase 2 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Nivolumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Etoposide | Carboplatin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eysan Hanzade Savaş ", + "kol_full_name": "Eysan Hanzade Savaş " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Macrophages | Glioblastoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454588", + "session_name": "Macrophage derived immunotherapy in Glioblastoma: Phase 1 TEM-GBM-001 results (NCT03866109)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fabio Ciceri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Macrophage derived immunotherapy in Glioblastoma: Phase 1 TEM-GBM-001 results (NCT03866109)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Macrophages ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Glioblastoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fabio Ciceri ", + "kol_full_name": "Fabio Ciceri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patient‐Derived Organoids", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454549", + "session_name": "The promise of patient-derived organoids (PDOs) in functional precision oncology", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fanny Jaulin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The promise of patient-derived organoids (PDOs) in functional precision oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient‐Derived Organoids", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fanny Jaulin ", + "kol_full_name": "Fanny Jaulin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454669", + "session_name": "Personalised cancer prevention programme (Interception): A cost analysis to inform public policy decision-making", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Farah Erdogan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised cancer prevention programme (Interception): A cost analysis to inform public policy decision-making", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fatima Cardoso ", + "kol_full_name": "Fatima Cardoso " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Feeding | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454383", + "session_name": "Breastfeeding after breast cancer: Results from the POSITIVE trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fedro A. Peccatori", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breastfeeding after breast cancer: Results from the POSITIVE trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Feeding | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fedro A. Peccatori ", + "kol_full_name": "Fedro A. Peccatori " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Meningioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454563", + "session_name": "Molecular characteristics in meningioma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Felix Sahm", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Molecular characteristics in meningioma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Meningioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Felix Sahm ", + "kol_full_name": "Felix Sahm " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454840", + "session_name": "Detecting targets early: biomarkers and testing in lung cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fernando Lopez-Rios", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Detecting targets early: biomarkers and testing in lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fernando Lopez-Rios ", + "kol_full_name": "Fernando Lopez-Rios " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Medicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454353", + "session_name": "The Cancer Medicine Forum of the EMA", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francesco Pignatti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Cancer Medicine Forum of the EMA", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Medicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francesco Pignatti ", + "kol_full_name": "Francesco Pignatti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454592", + "session_name": "Moving CAR-T beyond haemato-oncology", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Franco Locatelli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Moving CAR-T beyond haemato-oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Franco Locatelli ", + "kol_full_name": "Franco Locatelli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454477", + "session_name": "PROMENADE: PembROlizuMab for early triple negative ER-low breast caNcer, reAl worlD frEnch cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francois Cherifi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Basse-Normandie", + "City": "Caen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PROMENADE: PembROlizuMab for early triple negative ER-low breast caNcer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " reAl worlD frEnch cohort", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Françoise Galateau-Sallé ", + "kol_full_name": "Françoise Galateau-Sallé " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Glioblastoma | Vasculogenesis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454585", + "session_name": "Dual inhibition of post-radiogenic angio-vasculogenesis in glioblastoma: Results of the phase 1/2 GLORIA trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Frank A. Giordano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Mannheim", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dual inhibition of post-radiogenic angio-vasculogenesis in glioblastoma: Results of the phase 1/2 GLORIA trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glioblastoma | Vasculogenesis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Frank A. Giordano ", + "kol_full_name": "Frank A. Giordano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Glioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454258", + "session_name": "The prognostic impact of CDKN2A/B heterozygous deletions in IDH-mutant glioma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Franziska M. Ippen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The prognostic impact of CDKN2A/B heterozygous deletions in IDH-mutant glioma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Glioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Franziska M. Ippen ", + "kol_full_name": "Franziska M. Ippen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454381", + "session_name": "Diffuse large B cell lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Frederic Peyrade", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur", + "City": "Nice", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diffuse large B cell lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Frederic Peyrade ", + "kol_full_name": "Frederic Peyrade " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454598", + "session_name": "Overcoming the resistance to IO: What can we do?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Frederik Marmé", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Mannheim", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Overcoming the resistance to IO: What can we do?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Frederik Marmé ", + "kol_full_name": "Frederik Marmé " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tumor Microenvironment | Biopsy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454456", + "session_name": "Tissue biopsy: Capturing tumour microenvironment and beyond", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Frederique Penault-Llorca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Auvergne", + "City": "Clermont-Ferrand", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tissue biopsy: Capturing tumour microenvironment and beyond", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tumor Microenvironment | Biopsy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Frederique Penault-Llorca ", + "kol_full_name": "Frederique Penault-Llorca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454631", + "session_name": "Impact of aging on the genetic and transcriptional landscape of advanced breast cancer: an AURORA Program (BIG 14-01) subanalysis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gabriele Zoppoli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Liguria", + "City": "Genova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of aging on the genetic and transcriptional landscape of advanced breast cancer: an AURORA Program (BIG 14-01) subanalysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gabriele Zoppoli ", + "kol_full_name": "Gabriele Zoppoli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Solid Tumors | Combined Modality Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454737", + "session_name": "A First-In-Human Phase I/Ib study of ATG-037 Monotherapy and Combination Therapy with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors – STAMINA-01", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ganessan Kichenadasse", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "South Australia", + "City": "Adelaide", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A First-In-Human Phase I/Ib study of ATG-037 Monotherapy and Combination Therapy with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors – STAMINA-01", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Solid Tumors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Combined Modality Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ganessan Kichenadasse ", + "kol_full_name": "Ganessan Kichenadasse " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Socio-Psychological Impact", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454235", + "session_name": "Socio psychological impact and implementation issues", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gareth D. Evans", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Manchester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Socio psychological impact and implementation issues", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Socio-Psychological Impact", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gareth D. Evans ", + "kol_full_name": "Gareth D. Evans " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454457", + "session_name": "Novel imaging approaches: Towards a better estimation of response", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gary Cook", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel imaging approaches: Towards a better estimation of response", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gary Cook ", + "kol_full_name": "Gary Cook " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Induction Chemotherapy | Chemoradiotherapy | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454595", + "session_name": "Induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation in locally advanced cervical cancer: quality of life outcomes of the GCIG INTERLACE trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gemma Eminowicz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation in locally advanced cervical cancer: quality of life outcomes of the GCIG INTERLACE trial.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Induction Chemotherapy | Chemoradiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gemma Eminowicz ", + "kol_full_name": "Gemma Eminowicz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasm, Residual | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454415", + "session_name": "Clinical validation of a tissue-agnostic genome-wide methylome enrichment assay for MRD in Head and Neck cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Geoffrey Liu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical validation of a tissue-agnostic genome-wide methylome enrichment assay for MRD in Head and Neck cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasm, Residual | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Geoffrey Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Geoffrey Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454686", + "session_name": "Mantle cell lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Georg Hess", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Rheinland-Pfalz", + "City": "Mainz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mantle cell lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Georg Hess ", + "kol_full_name": "Georg Hess " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Immunity | Endogenous Retroelements", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454272", + "session_name": "Endogenous retroelements in cancer immunity", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "George Kassiotis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endogenous retroelements in cancer immunity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Immunity | Endogenous Retroelements", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
George Kassiotis ", + "kol_full_name": "George Kassiotis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1447789912", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454632", + "session_name": "Metastatic Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Outcomes in 628 patients with BRCA1, BRCA2, or PALB2 pathogenic variants: Real World Data Analysis of Genomics and Targeted Therapy Sequencing", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gerneiva Parkinson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Metastatic Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Outcomes in 628 patients with BRCA1", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " BRCA2, or PALB2 pathogenic variants: Real World Data Analysis of Genomics and Targeted Therapy Sequencing", + "events_topic": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gerneiva Parkinson ", + "kol_full_name": "Gerneiva Parkinson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Vaccines | Glioblastoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454254", + "session_name": "First in human study of the mRNA-based cancer vaccine CVGBM in patients (pts) with newly diagnosed and surgically resected MGMT-unmethylated glioblastoma (GBM): first results from the dose escalation phase", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ghazaleh Tabatabai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Tubingen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "First in human study of the mRNA-based cancer vaccine CVGBM in patients (pts) with newly diagnosed and surgically resected MGMT-unmethylated glioblastoma (GBM): first results from the dose escalation phase", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Vaccines | Glioblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ghazaleh Tabatabai ", + "kol_full_name": "Ghazaleh Tabatabai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454788", + "session_name": "Breast cancer, metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giampaolo Bianchini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " metastatic", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giampaolo Bianchini ", + "kol_full_name": "Giampaolo Bianchini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Health Personnel", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454486", + "session_name": "Healthcare professionals’ wellbeing in post-pandemic oncology settings: a cross-sectional multisite study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gianluca Catania", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Liguria", + "City": "Genova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Healthcare professionals’ wellbeing in post-pandemic oncology settings: a cross-sectional multisite study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Health Personnel", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gianluca Catania ", + "kol_full_name": "Gianluca Catania " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "ErbB Receptors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454646", + "session_name": "Management of skin toxicity with EGFR targeted agents – a patient’s perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gini Harrison", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Croydon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of skin toxicity with EGFR targeted agents – a patient’s perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ErbB Receptors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gini Harrison ", + "kol_full_name": "Gini Harrison " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454418", + "session_name": "Pitfalls in diagnosis of ILC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giuseppe Floris", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Leuven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pitfalls in diagnosis of ILC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giuseppe Floris ", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Floris " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454821", + "session_name": "CNS tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giuseppe Lombardi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Padova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CNS tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giuseppe Lombardi ", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Lombardi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Self Care | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454510", + "session_name": "Nursing intervention for self-management of symptoms in people undergoing chemotherapy. Feasibility and acceptability test.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gloria Mabel Carrillo González", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Distrito Capital", + "City": "Bogota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nursing intervention for self-management of symptoms in people undergoing chemotherapy. Feasibility and acceptability test.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Self Care | Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gloria Mabel Carrillo González ", + "kol_full_name": "Gloria Mabel Carrillo González " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454724", + "session_name": "Functional pancreatic NETs syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Grigorios A. Kaltsas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Functional pancreatic NETs syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ichiro Kinoshita ", + "kol_full_name": "Ichiro Kinoshita " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oligometastatic Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454637", + "session_name": "Use of ablative therapies in patients with oligometastatic disease", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Icro Meattini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Firenze", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Use of ablative therapies in patients with oligometastatic disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oligometastatic Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Icro Meattini ", + "kol_full_name": "Icro Meattini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454794", + "session_name": "Genitourinary tumours, non-prostate", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ignacio Duran", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Cantabria", + "City": "Santander", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genitourinary tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " non-prostate", + "events_topic": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ignacio Duran ", + "kol_full_name": "Ignacio Duran " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "ErbB Receptors | Lung Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454645", + "session_name": "Use of EGFR targeted agents in lung cancer, now and future", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ignacio Gil Bazo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Use of EGFR targeted agents in lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " now and future", + "events_topic": "ErbB Receptors | Lung Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ignacio Gil Bazo ", + "kol_full_name": "Ignacio Gil Bazo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Disease Progression", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454875", + "session_name": "Which patients should we treat beyond progression and when should we stop?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ignacio Melero", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Navarra", + "City": "Pamplona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Which patients should we treat beyond progression and when should we stop?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Disease Progression", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ignacio Melero ", + "kol_full_name": "Ignacio Melero " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454593", + "session_name": "Cellular therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Inge Marie Svane", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Herlev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cellular therapies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Inge Marie Svane ", + "kol_full_name": "Inge Marie Svane " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454780", + "session_name": "Head and neck cancer, excluding thyroid", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irene Braña", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Head and neck cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " excluding thyroid", + "events_topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irene Braña ", + "kol_full_name": "Irene Braña " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Anticancer Therapy | Gonadal Toxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454280", + "session_name": "Risk of gonadal toxicities with anticancer therapies with a focus on newer treatments", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Isabelle Demeestere", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk of gonadal toxicities with anticancer therapies with a focus on newer treatments", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticancer Therapy | Gonadal Toxicity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Isabelle Demeestere ", + "kol_full_name": "Isabelle Demeestere " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454850", + "session_name": "NETs and endocrine tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivan Borbath", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Woluwe-Saint-Lambert", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NETs and endocrine tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivan Borbath ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivan Borbath " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454810", + "session_name": "Melanoma and other skin tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivan Marquez-Rodas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Melanoma and other skin tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivan Marquez-Rodas ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivan Marquez-Rodas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Adolescent And Young Adult Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454874", + "session_name": "ESMO in collaboration with SIOPE / ESMO AYA: The greatest need for better outcome of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer (AYA) with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivana Bozovic Spasojevic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO in collaboration with SIOPE / ESMO AYA: The greatest need for better outcome of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer (AYA) with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Adolescent And Young Adult Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivana Bozovic Spasojevic ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivana Bozovic Spasojevic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "KRAS Protein, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454767", + "session_name": "Frequency of clinical acquired RAS-MAPK pathway resistance alterations in patients treated with KRASG12C inhibitors - an individual patient meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jakob M. Riedl", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Steiermark", + "City": "Graz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Frequency of clinical acquired RAS-MAPK pathway resistance alterations in patients treated with KRASG12C inhibitors - an individual patient meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "KRAS Protein, Human", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jakob M. Riedl ", + "kol_full_name": "Jakob M. Riedl " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454296", + "session_name": "The role of urologist in bladder preservation strategies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "James Catto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sheffield", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of urologist in bladder preservation strategies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
James Catto ", + "kol_full_name": "James Catto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Safusidenib | IDH1 Protein, Human | Glioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454257", + "session_name": "A perioperative study of Safusidenib in Patients with IDH1 mutated glioma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "James R. Whittle", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A perioperative study of Safusidenib in Patients with IDH1 mutated glioma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Safusidenib | IDH1 Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Glioma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
James R. Whittle ", + "kol_full_name": "James R. Whittle " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genetically Modified Bacteria | Anti-Tumor Immunity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454401", + "session_name": "Improving anti-tumour immunity with engineered bacteria", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Theys", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Maastricht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving anti-tumour immunity with engineered bacteria", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genetically Modified Bacteria | Anti-Tumor Immunity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Theys ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Theys " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patient-Centered Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454525", + "session_name": "How patient-centred research and innovation drives improved cancer care", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Willem Van De Loo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "West-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Izegem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How patient-centred research and innovation drives improved cancer care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient-Centered Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Willem Van De Loo ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Willem Van De Loo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Second-Line Treatment | Third-Line Treatment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454362", + "session_name": "The difficulties of moving from second to third line treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jana Pelouchova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The difficulties of moving from second to third line treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Second-Line Treatment | Third-Line Treatment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jana Pelouchova ", + "kol_full_name": "Jana Pelouchova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial | Proteome | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454717", + "session_name": "Expanding proteome interrogation to identify early phase clinical trial biomarkers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Janne Lehtiö", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Expanding proteome interrogation to identify early phase clinical trial biomarkers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial | Proteome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Janne Lehtiö ", + "kol_full_name": "Janne Lehtiö " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nivolumab | Sunitinib | Sarcoma, Clear Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454263", + "session_name": "IMMUNOSARC II master trial (phase II of sunitinib and nivolumab): results from the clear cell sarcoma (CCS) cohort. a GEIS, ISG, and UCL study.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Javier Martin-Broto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "IMMUNOSARC II master trial (phase II of sunitinib and nivolumab): results from the clear cell sarcoma (CCS) cohort. a GEIS", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " ISG, and UCL study.", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Sunitinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Sarcoma, Clear Cell", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Javier Martin-Broto ", + "kol_full_name": "Javier Martin-Broto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454660", + "session_name": "A cent: A model for person-cantered care in allogenic stem cell transplantation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jeanette Winterling", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Huddinge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A cent: A model for person-cantered care in allogenic stem cell transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jeanette Winterling ", + "kol_full_name": "Jeanette Winterling " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454533", + "session_name": "What has been done at the EU level: Cancer Mission and the EU Beating Plan", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jeliazko I. Arabadjiev", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Sofiya", + "City": "Sofia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What has been done at the EU level: Cancer Mission and the EU Beating Plan", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jeliazko I. Arabadjiev ", + "kol_full_name": "Jeliazko I. Arabadjiev " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454343", + "session_name": "The role of schools in cancer prevention: Strategies for involving school nurses and teachers in promoting healthy habits", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jennie Jackson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of schools in cancer prevention: Strategies for involving school nurses and teachers in promoting healthy habits", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jennie Jackson ", + "kol_full_name": "Jennie Jackson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nivolumab | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454764", + "session_name": "Health-related quality of life from the CheckMate 901 trial of nivolumab as first-line therapy for unresectable or metastatic urothelial carcinoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jens Bedke", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Stuttgart", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Health-related quality of life from the CheckMate 901 trial of nivolumab as first-line therapy for unresectable or metastatic urothelial carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jens Bedke ", + "kol_full_name": "Jens Bedke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Setanaxib | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454453", + "session_name": "Setanaxib plus pembrolizumab for the treatment of recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head & neck: Results of a randomized, double-blind Phase 2 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jérome Fayette", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Rhone-Alpes", + "City": "Lyon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Setanaxib plus pembrolizumab for the treatment of recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head & neck: Results of a randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " double-blind Phase 2 trial", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Setanaxib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jérome Fayette ", + "kol_full_name": "Jérome Fayette " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Barometer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454233", + "session_name": "Lessons from France's Cancer Barometers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jérôme Foucaud", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Boulogne-Billancourt", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lessons from France's Cancer Barometers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Barometer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jérôme Foucaud ", + "kol_full_name": "Jérôme Foucaud " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454819", + "session_name": "Melanoma and other skin tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jessica C. Hassel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Melanoma and other skin tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jessica C. Hassel ", + "kol_full_name": "Jessica C. Hassel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Quality Of Life", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454610", + "session_name": "How does surgery with curative intent impact quality of life?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jessie A. Elliott", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How does surgery with curative intent impact quality of life?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Quality Of Life", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jessie A. Elliott ", + "kol_full_name": "Jessie A. Elliott " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454802", + "session_name": "Non-metastatic NSCLC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jia Wu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-metastatic NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jia Wu ", + "kol_full_name": "Jia Wu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Orelabrutinib | Obinutuzumab | Prospective Studies | Lymphoma, B-Cell, Marginal Zone", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454557", + "session_name": "A prospective study of orelabrutinib plus obinutuzumab (O2) in treatment-naïve marginal zone lymphoma (MZL): preliminary analysis on efficacy and safety", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jia-Dai Xu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A prospective study of orelabrutinib plus obinutuzumab (O2) in treatment-naïve marginal zone lymphoma (MZL): preliminary analysis on efficacy and safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Orelabrutinib | Obinutuzumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Prospective Studies | Lymphoma, B-Cell, Marginal Zone", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jie Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Jie Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Peritoneal Metastasis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454619", + "session_name": "Peritoneal metastases beyond surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jimmy B. So", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peritoneal metastases beyond surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peritoneal Metastasis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jimmy B. So ", + "kol_full_name": "Jimmy B. So " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454577", + "session_name": "IBI354 (anti-HER2 antibody-drug conjugate [ADC]) in patients (pts) with advanced gynecological cancers (Gynecol C): results from a phase 1 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jin Shu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Chongqing", + "City": "Chongqing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "IBI354 (anti-HER2 antibody-drug conjugate [ADC]) in patients (pts) with advanced gynecological cancers (Gynecol C): results from a phase 1 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jin Shu ", + "kol_full_name": "Jin Shu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Sacituzumab Tirumotecan | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454574", + "session_name": "Efficacy and Safety of Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (sac-TMT) Plus Pembrolizumab in Patients with Recurrent or Metastatic Cervical Cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jing Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Hunan", + "City": "Changsha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy and Safety of Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (sac-TMT) Plus Pembrolizumab in Patients with Recurrent or Metastatic Cervical Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Sacituzumab Tirumotecan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jing Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Jing Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Paclitaxel | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454776", + "session_name": "A Phase Ib/II Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of PM8002/BNT327 in Combination with Nab-Paclitaxel for First Line Treatment of Locally Advanced or Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jiong Wu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Phase Ib/II Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of PM8002/BNT327 in Combination with Nab-Paclitaxel for First Line Treatment of Locally Advanced or Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Paclitaxel | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiong Wu ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiong Wu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Vaccines", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454467", + "session_name": "Vaccines", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joachim G. Aerts", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vaccines", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Vaccines", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joachim G. Aerts ", + "kol_full_name": "Joachim G. Aerts " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454336", + "session_name": "Three-year evaluation of an immunotherapy late effects screening clinic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joanne Bird", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sheffield", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Three-year evaluation of an immunotherapy late effects screening clinic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joanne Bowen ", + "kol_full_name": "Joanne Bowen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Durvalumab | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454452", + "session_name": "REWRITE–GORTEC 2018-02: Radiotherapy-durvalumab without prophylactic neck irradiation in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joël Castelli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Bretagne", + "City": "Rennes", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "REWRITE–GORTEC 2018-02: Radiotherapy-durvalumab without prophylactic neck irradiation in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Durvalumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joël Castelli ", + "kol_full_name": "Joël Castelli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Immunotherapy | Cystectomy | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454762", + "session_name": "Identification of bladder cancer patients that could benefit from early post-cystectomy immunotherapy based on serial circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) testing: preliminary results from the TOMBOLA trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jorgen Bjerggaard Jensen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Arhus", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification of bladder cancer patients that could benefit from early post-cystectomy immunotherapy based on serial circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) testing: preliminary results from the TOMBOLA trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Immunotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cystectomy | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jorgen Bjerggaard Jensen ", + "kol_full_name": "Jorgen Bjerggaard Jensen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454347", + "session_name": "Welcome from Spanish Oncology Nursing Society (Sociedad Española de Enfermería Oncológica, SEEO)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jorgina Serra López", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Welcome from Spanish Oncology Nursing Society (Sociedad Española de Enfermería Oncológica", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " SEEO)", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jorgina Serra López ", + "kol_full_name": "Jorgina Serra López " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Trametinib | Dabrafenib | Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Pembrolizumab | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Molecular Targeted Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454710", + "session_name": "Concurrent BRAF targeted therapy (TT) with dabrafenib and trametinib and anti-PD-1 agent pembrolizumab (PD1) increased B cell signalling and inflammatory pathways more effectively than when given sequentially or with anti-PD-1 alone", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jorja Braden", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Concurrent BRAF targeted therapy (TT) with dabrafenib and trametinib and anti-PD-1 agent pembrolizumab (PD1) increased B cell signalling and inflammatory pathways more effectively than when given sequentially or with anti-PD-1 alone", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Trametinib | Dabrafenib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Pembrolizumab | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Molecular Targeted Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jorja Braden ", + "kol_full_name": "Jorja Braden " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radical Surgery | Gastric Neuroendocrine Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454721", + "session_name": "Gastric NEN: When to recommend radical surgery?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "José Díaz Tasende", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gastric NEN: When to recommend radical surgery?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radical Surgery | Gastric Neuroendocrine Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
José Díaz Tasende ", + "kol_full_name": "José Díaz Tasende " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454365", + "session_name": "The WHO Pandemic Accord and the review of the International Health Regulations (IHR): The need to include cancer prevention and control", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose M. Martin-Moreno", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The WHO Pandemic Accord and the review of the International Health Regulations (IHR): The need to include cancer prevention and control", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jose M. Martin-Moreno ", + "kol_full_name": "Jose M. Martin-Moreno " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Uveal Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454606", + "session_name": "Uveal melanoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Josep Maria Piulats Rodriguez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Uveal melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Uveal Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Josep Maria Piulats Rodriguez ", + "kol_full_name": "Josep Maria Piulats Rodriguez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "T-Cell Engagers | T Cell Fitness", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454765", + "session_name": "Association of a blood T cell fitness gene signature with clinical benefit from ImmTAC bispecific T cell engagers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joseph J. Sacco", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of a blood T cell fitness gene signature with clinical benefit from ImmTAC bispecific T cell engagers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "T-Cell Engagers | T Cell Fitness", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joseph J. Sacco ", + "kol_full_name": "Joseph J. Sacco " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Health Policy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454872", + "session_name": "Policy and preventive strategies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Judith Balmaña", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Policy and preventive strategies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Health Policy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Judith Balmaña ", + "kol_full_name": "Judith Balmaña " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pathologic Complete Response", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454568", + "session_name": "How to define pathologic response?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Judith Bovée", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Leiden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to define pathologic response?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pathologic Complete Response", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Judith Bovée ", + "kol_full_name": "Judith Bovée " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Merkel Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454608", + "session_name": "Novel targets in Merkel cell carcinoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juergen C. Becker", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel targets in Merkel cell carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Merkel Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juergen C. Becker ", + "kol_full_name": "Juergen C. Becker " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Randomized Controlled Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454668", + "session_name": "Clinical trial design and treatment effects: A meta-analysis of randomized-controlled and single-arm trials supporting 437 FDA approvals of cancer drugs and indications", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Julia Caroline Michaeli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical trial design and treatment effects: A meta-analysis of randomized-controlled and single-arm trials supporting 437 FDA approvals of cancer drugs and indications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Julia Caroline Michaeli ", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Caroline Michaeli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Glioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454388", + "session_name": "Assessing patient fitness for treatment of gliomas", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Julia Furtner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing patient fitness for treatment of gliomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Julia Furtner ", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Furtner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms | B7-H3", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454448", + "session_name": "B7-H3 as therapeutic target for PC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juliet Carmichael", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "B7-H3 as therapeutic target for PC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | B7-H3", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juliet Carmichael ", + "kol_full_name": "Juliet Carmichael " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | B-Cell Maturation Antigen | Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "1285321547", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454239", + "session_name": "Real-world Comparison of Overall Survival between BCMA - Bispecific and CAR-T Therapies in Multiple Myeloma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Junmin Song", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Bronx", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-world Comparison of Overall Survival between BCMA - Bispecific and CAR-T Therapies in Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | B-Cell Maturation Antigen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Multiple Myeloma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Junmin Song ", + "kol_full_name": "Junmin Song " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454237", + "session_name": "First Report of BCL-2 Inhibitor TQB3909 in Pts with Relapsed or Refractory Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): Data From a Phase 1 Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Junyuan Qi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Tianjin", + "City": "TIANJIN", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "First Report of BCL-2 Inhibitor TQB3909 in Pts with Relapsed or Refractory Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): Data From a Phase 1 Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Junyuan Qi ", + "kol_full_name": "Junyuan Qi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma | HIV", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454687", + "session_name": "HIV lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kai Hübel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Koeln", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "HIV lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma | HIV", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kai Hübel ", + "kol_full_name": "Kai Hübel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cross-Sectional Studies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454481", + "session_name": "Predictors of Safe handling precautions amongst Cancer Nurses in the UK: A Cross Sectional Survey.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karen Campbell", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictors of Safe handling precautions amongst Cancer Nurses in the UK: A Cross Sectional Survey.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cross-Sectional Studies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karen Campbell ", + "kol_full_name": "Karen Campbell " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454807", + "session_name": "Cancer-associated thrombosis: Management of pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karin Jordan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Brandenburg", + "City": "Potsdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer-associated thrombosis: Management of pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karin Jordan ", + "kol_full_name": "Karin Jordan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454337", + "session_name": "“To Get Through to Survive\": Exploring the Symptom Cluster Management Process During Oncological Treatment From the Perspective of Patients With Lung Cancer.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katarina Karlsson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Varmlands Lan", + "City": "Karlstad", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "“To Get Through to Survive\": Exploring the Symptom Cluster Management Process During Oncological Treatment From the Perspective of Patients With Lung Cancer.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katarina Karlsson ", + "kol_full_name": "Katarina Karlsson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patient Participation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454528", + "session_name": "Understanding patient engagement in EU funded projects", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katharina Beyer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Understanding patient engagement in EU funded projects", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Participation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katharina Beyer ", + "kol_full_name": "Katharina Beyer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tailored Treatment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454743", + "session_name": "Sex and gender: First steps towards tailored treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kathrin Heinrich", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex and gender: First steps towards tailored treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tailored Treatment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kathrin Heinrich ", + "kol_full_name": "Kathrin Heinrich " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454514", + "session_name": "EU-CAYAS-NET IDE toolkit: Youth Cancer Europe", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katie Rizvi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Cluj", + "City": "Cluj-Napoca", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "EU-CAYAS-NET IDE toolkit: Youth Cancer Europe", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katie Rizvi ", + "kol_full_name": "Katie Rizvi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454878", + "session_name": "Non-metastatic NSCLC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kersti Oselin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Estonia", + "Region": "Harjumaa", + "City": "Tallinn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-metastatic NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kersti Oselin ", + "kol_full_name": "Kersti Oselin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antineoplastic Agents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454667", + "session_name": "Analysis of concordance between trial and target populations for cancer drugs in the US, EU, and Switzerland (2014-2023)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kerstin N. Vokinger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Analysis of concordance between trial and target populations for cancer drugs in the US", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " EU, and Switzerland (2014-2023)", + "events_topic": "Antineoplastic Agents", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kerstin N. Vokinger ", + "kol_full_name": "Kerstin N. Vokinger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Mesothelioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454292", + "session_name": "ARTIMES: Automated Response evaluation to Treatment In MESothelioma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kevin B. Groot Lipman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ARTIMES: Automated Response evaluation to Treatment In MESothelioma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mesothelioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kevin B. Groot Lipman ", + "kol_full_name": "Kevin B. Groot Lipman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immune System | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454269", + "session_name": "Harnessing the immune system as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of head and neck cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kirsten Lauber", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Harnessing the immune system as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of head and neck cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune System | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kirsten Lauber ", + "kol_full_name": "Kirsten Lauber " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumors | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Prognosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454713", + "session_name": "Impact of MTAP loss on prognosis and efficacy of immune check point inhibitors across advanced solid tumors: SCRUM-Japan MONSTAR-SCREEN-1.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kyosuke Seguchi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Komatsu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of MTAP loss on prognosis and efficacy of immune check point inhibitors across advanced solid tumors: SCRUM-Japan MONSTAR-SCREEN-1.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumors | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Prognosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kyosuke Seguchi ", + "kol_full_name": "Kyosuke Seguchi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Malignant Carcinoid Syndrome | Carcinoid Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454253", + "session_name": "Carcinoid Heart Disease in Patients with Advanced Small-intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumours and Carcinoid Syndrome: A Retrospective experience of two Centers of Excellence", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Algeri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Sicilia", + "City": "Palermo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Carcinoid Heart Disease in Patients with Advanced Small-intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumours and Carcinoid Syndrome: A Retrospective experience of two Centers of Excellence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Malignant Carcinoid Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoid Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Algeri ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Algeri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncologists", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454682", + "session_name": "Medical oncologist perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Biganzoli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Prato", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Medical oncologist perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oncologists", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Biganzoli ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Biganzoli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lenvatinib | Radioiodine Therapy | Thyroid Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454248", + "session_name": "Radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer (RAI-R DTC) patients treated with lenvatinib monotherapy: real-world treatment patterns and clinical outcomes in Europe and Canada", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura D. Locati", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Pavia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer (RAI-R DTC) patients treated with lenvatinib monotherapy: real-world treatment patterns and clinical outcomes in Europe and Canada", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lenvatinib | Radioiodine Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Thyroid Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura D. Locati ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura D. Locati " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Gastrointestinal Microbiome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454241", + "session_name": "Gut microbiota composition is predictive of CAR-T cells response and its modulation enhances CAR-T cells activity", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Marcos-Kovandzic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gut microbiota composition is predictive of CAR-T cells response and its modulation enhances CAR-T cells activity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Gastrointestinal Microbiome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Marcos-Kovandzic ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Marcos-Kovandzic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454855", + "session_name": "Cancer nursing interventions: The importance of the role of nursing in successful scalp cooling", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Marqués Jiménez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer nursing interventions: The importance of the role of nursing in successful scalp cooling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Marqués Jiménez ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Marqués Jiménez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patient Outcome Assessment | Prehabilitation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454540", + "session_name": "Pre-habilitation interventions to improve outcomes in patients with cancer. What is the evidence?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laurien Buffart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pre-habilitation interventions to improve outcomes in patients with cancer. What is the evidence?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Outcome Assessment | Prehabilitation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laurien Buffart ", + "kol_full_name": "Laurien Buffart " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454535", + "session_name": "Bladder cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lazar S. Popovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bladder cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lazar S. Popovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Lazar S. Popovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms | Neural Influences", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454679", + "session_name": "Neural influences on non-CNS malignancies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leanne Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neural influences on non-CNS malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms | Neural Influences", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leanne Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Leanne Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Self Care | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454512", + "session_name": "Empowering patient education to enhance self-care of nutritional side-effects during the chemotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leena Tuominen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Empowering patient education to enhance self-care of nutritional side-effects during the chemotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Self Care | Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leena Tuominen ", + "kol_full_name": "Leena Tuominen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Interleukin-6", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454243", + "session_name": "High Efficacy and Safety of Interleukin-6-knockdown CD19-targeted CAR T cells in relapsed/refractory B-ALL patients.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lei Yu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High Efficacy and Safety of Interleukin-6-knockdown CD19-targeted CAR T cells in relapsed/refractory B-ALL patients.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Interleukin-6", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lei Yu ", + "kol_full_name": "Lei Yu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Diagnostic Techniques | Glioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454386", + "session_name": "Rational molecular testing for treatment of gliomas", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leonille Schweizer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Brandenburg", + "City": "Frankfurt", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rational molecular testing for treatment of gliomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Molecular Diagnostic Techniques | Glioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leonille Schweizer ", + "kol_full_name": "Leonille Schweizer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Developmental Therapeutics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454858", + "session_name": "Developmental therapeutics", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lillian L. Siu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Developmental therapeutics", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Developmental Therapeutics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lillian L. Siu ", + "kol_full_name": "Lillian L. Siu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Care Facilities | Healthcare", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454517", + "session_name": "Healthcare needs, experiences of cancer care, and attitudes towards cancer among ethnic Chinese immigrants in Scotland", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lin Cheng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Healthcare needs", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " experiences of cancer care, and attitudes towards cancer among ethnic Chinese immigrants in Scotland", + "events_topic": "Cancer Care Facilities | Healthcare", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lin Cheng ", + "kol_full_name": "Lin Cheng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Rovadicitinib | Baricitinib | Primary Myelofibrosis | Hydroxyurea", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454236", + "session_name": "The primary results from a randomized double-blind phase II study of rovadicitinib versus hydroxyurea in patients with myelofibrosis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ling Pan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Sichuan", + "City": "Chengdu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The primary results from a randomized double-blind phase II study of rovadicitinib versus hydroxyurea in patients with myelofibrosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rovadicitinib | Baricitinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Primary Myelofibrosis | Hydroxyurea", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ling Pan ", + "kol_full_name": "Ling Pan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Health Inequities", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454358", + "session_name": "Inequalities across countries", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Liora Bowers", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inequalities across countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Health Inequities", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Liora Bowers ", + "kol_full_name": "Liora Bowers " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Neurocognitive Disorders", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454539", + "session_name": "The gut microbiota & neurocognitive functioning in patients with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lisa Derosa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The gut microbiota & neurocognitive functioning in patients with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Neurocognitive Disorders", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lisa Derosa ", + "kol_full_name": "Lisa Derosa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Trastuzumab | Anthracyclines | Cardiotoxicity | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454325", + "session_name": "Risk stratification for cardiotoxicity and follow-up in breast cancer patients treated with anthracycline and/or trastuzumab: an exploratory analysis of patient records", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lise-Marie Kinnaer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Gent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk stratification for cardiotoxicity and follow-up in breast cancer patients treated with anthracycline and/or trastuzumab: an exploratory analysis of patient records", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab | Anthracyclines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiotoxicity | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lise-Marie Kinnaer ", + "kol_full_name": "Lise-Marie Kinnaer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myelomonocytic, Chronic | Azacitidine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454238", + "session_name": "Efficacy and Safety of a Phase 2 Study: Timdarpacept (IMM01) Combined with Azacitidine (AZA) As the First-Line Treatment in Adults with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Liya Ma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Zhejiang", + "City": "Hangzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy and Safety of a Phase 2 Study: Timdarpacept (IMM01) Combined with Azacitidine (AZA) As the First-Line Treatment in Adults with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myelomonocytic, Chronic | Azacitidine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Liya Ma ", + "kol_full_name": "Liya Ma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Akkermansia | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454712", + "session_name": "Akkermansia muciniphila-based multi-omic profiling in advanced non-small cell lung cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lorenzo Belluomini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Verona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Akkermansia muciniphila-based multi-omic profiling in advanced non-small cell lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Akkermansia | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lorenzo Belluomini ", + "kol_full_name": "Lorenzo Belluomini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454503", + "session_name": "Existential distress in Head-and-neck male cancer patients. A comprehensive study of demographic factors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lucas Sanz Monge", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Existential distress in Head-and-neck male cancer patients. A comprehensive study of demographic factors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lucas Sanz Monge ", + "kol_full_name": "Lucas Sanz Monge " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Deep Sedation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454501", + "session_name": "Nurses’ emotional affect when caring for cancer patients undergoing deep sedation: Findings from a meta-synthesis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lucia Cadorin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Avellino", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nurses’ emotional affect when caring for cancer patients undergoing deep sedation: Findings from a meta-synthesis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Deep Sedation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lucia Cadorin ", + "kol_full_name": "Lucia Cadorin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454395", + "session_name": "Treatment strategies and duration of anticoagulation in cancer-associated pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luis Jara-Palomares", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Andalucia", + "City": "Sevilla ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment strategies and duration of anticoagulation in cancer-associated pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luis Jara-Palomares ", + "kol_full_name": "Luis Jara-Palomares " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Liver Neoplasms | Sitravatinib | Tislelizumab | Uveal Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454547", + "session_name": "Sitravatinib Plus Tislelizumab for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma with Liver Metastasis: The Open-Label, Multicenter, Phase II GEM-2101 Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luis Paul De Carpio Huerta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sitravatinib Plus Tislelizumab for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma with Liver Metastasis: The Open-Label", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Multicenter, Phase II GEM-2101 Trial", + "events_topic": "Liver Neoplasms | Sitravatinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tislelizumab | Uveal Melanoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luis Paul De Carpio Huerta ", + "kol_full_name": "Luis Paul De Carpio Huerta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Psychological Burden", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454363", + "session_name": "The fear of recurrence: Best practice in coping with the psychological burden", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luzia Travado", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The fear of recurrence: Best practice in coping with the psychological burden", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Psychological Burden", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luzia Travado ", + "kol_full_name": "Luzia Travado " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "DNA Damage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454697", + "session_name": "Targeting the DNA damage response", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Magnus Dillon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Targeting the DNA damage response", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "DNA Damage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Magnus Dillon ", + "kol_full_name": "Magnus Dillon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Biologic Signature", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454374", + "session_name": "The elusive CUP biologic signature: are we missing a primary or a biology?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manel Esteller", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The elusive CUP biologic signature: are we missing a primary or a biology?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biologic Signature", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manel Esteller ", + "kol_full_name": "Manel Esteller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Pathologic Complete Response | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454475", + "session_name": "Pathologic complete response and survival after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in stage I TNBC: a registry-based study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manon De Graaf", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pathologic complete response and survival after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in stage I TNBC: a registry-based study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Pathologic Complete Response ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manon De Graaf ", + "kol_full_name": "Manon De Graaf " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454801", + "session_name": "GU tumours, non-prostate", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manuela Schmidinger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GU tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " non-prostate", + "events_topic": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manuela Schmidinger ", + "kol_full_name": "Manuela Schmidinger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 | Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454278", + "session_name": "Interim Results of a Phase 1 Study of SGN-PDL1V (PF-08046054) in Patients with PDL1-Expressing Solid Tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marc Oliva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interim Results of a Phase 1 Study of SGN-PDL1V (PF-08046054) in Patients with PDL1-Expressing Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 | Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marc Oliva ", + "kol_full_name": "Marc Oliva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Self Care | Antineoplastic Agents | Quality Of Life", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454498", + "session_name": "Short term effects of self-care behaviours on quality of life for patients on oral anticancer agents", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marco Di Nitto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Liguria", + "City": "Genova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Short term effects of self-care behaviours on quality of life for patients on oral anticancer agents", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Self Care | Antineoplastic Agents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Quality Of Life", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marco Di Nitto ", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Di Nitto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Disease Progression | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454624", + "session_name": "Evaluation of risk of disease progression in first-line therapy of unresected metastatic colorectal cancer to guide intervals of radiological assessment- an analysis of eleven randomized trials by AIO and GONO.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marco M. Germani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of risk of disease progression in first-line therapy of unresected metastatic colorectal cancer to guide intervals of radiological assessment- an analysis of eleven randomized trials by AIO and GONO.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Disease Progression | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marco M. Germani ", + "kol_full_name": "Marco M. Germani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Health Technology Assessment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454674", + "session_name": "Initiatives for a joint EU HTA assessment", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marcus Guardian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Initiatives for a joint EU HTA assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Health Technology Assessment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marcus Guardian ", + "kol_full_name": "Marcus Guardian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Intracellular Antigens", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454437", + "session_name": "Should we target surface vs intracellular antigens?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marcus O. Butler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Should we target surface vs intracellular antigens?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Intracellular Antigens", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marcus O. Butler ", + "kol_full_name": "Marcus O. Butler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Esophageal Neoplasms | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454748", + "session_name": "An international study evaluating pathological response to guide adjuvant FLOT chemotherapy in gastroesophageal cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Margaret M. Lee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An international study evaluating pathological response to guide adjuvant FLOT chemotherapy in gastroesophageal cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Esophageal Neoplasms | Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Margaret M. Lee ", + "kol_full_name": "Margaret M. Lee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454841", + "session_name": "Treatment experience matters: integration of subcutaneous immunotherapy in the clinic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Margarita Majem", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment experience matters: integration of subcutaneous immunotherapy in the clinic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Margarita Majem ", + "kol_full_name": "Margarita Majem " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Temozolomide | Glioblastoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454590", + "session_name": "Final Results of Glasdegib in Combination with Temozolomide and Radiotherapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Phase Ib/II GEINO 1602 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Angeles Vaz Salgado", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Final Results of Glasdegib in Combination with Temozolomide and Radiotherapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Phase Ib/II GEINO 1602 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Temozolomide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Glioblastoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Angeles Vaz Salgado ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Angeles Vaz Salgado " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nephrectomy | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454746", + "session_name": "The role of cytoreductive nephrectomy in the immunotherapy era", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Carmen Mir Maresma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of cytoreductive nephrectomy in the immunotherapy era", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nephrectomy | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Carmen Mir Maresma ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Carmen Mir Maresma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "ErbB Receptors | Immunoconjugates | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454408", + "session_name": "ABBV-400, a c-Met Protein–Targeting Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC), in Patients (Pts) With Advanced EGFR Wildtype (WT) Non-Squamous (NSQ) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Results From a Phase 1 Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "María De Miguel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ABBV-400", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a c-Met Protein–Targeting Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC), in Patients (Pts) With Advanced EGFR Wildtype (WT) Non-Squamous (NSQ) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Results From a Phase 1 Study", + "events_topic": "ErbB Receptors | Immunoconjugates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
María De Miguel ", + "kol_full_name": "María De Miguel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Trastuzumab Deruxtecan", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454633", + "session_name": "Unraveling the mechanisms of action and resistance to Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd): supplementary biomarker analyses from DAISY trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Fernanda Mosele", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unraveling the mechanisms of action and resistance to Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd): supplementary biomarker analyses from DAISY trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Trastuzumab Deruxtecan", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Fernanda Mosele ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Fernanda Mosele " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454490", + "session_name": "The empowering leadership approach in oncology nursing according to work experience", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Giorgia D'Alonzo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Puglia", + "City": "Bari", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The empowering leadership approach in oncology nursing according to work experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Giorgia D'Alonzo ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Giorgia D'Alonzo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454480", + "session_name": "Working together: Multidisciplinary management of real-world metastatic breast cancer cases", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Lapuente", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Working together: Multidisciplinary management of real-world metastatic breast cancer cases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Lapuente ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Lapuente " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Translational Research, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454331", + "session_name": "Activity and outcomes of a Translational Research Unit coordinated by Nursing.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Pilar Andueza", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Activity and outcomes of a Translational Research Unit coordinated by Nursing.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Translational Research, Biomedical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Pilar Andueza ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Pilar Andueza " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antigens, Neoplasm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454400", + "session_name": "Tumour antigens derived from bacteria", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Rescigno", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tumour antigens derived from bacteria", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antigens, Neoplasm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Rescigno ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Rescigno " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genes, ErbB-2 | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454478", + "session_name": "TILs and overall survival (OS) in HER2+ early breast cancer (eBC): 10-year (yr) updated analysis of the ShortHER trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Vittoria Dieci", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Padova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TILs and overall survival (OS) in HER2+ early breast cancer (eBC): 10-year (yr) updated analysis of the ShortHER trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genes, ErbB-2 | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Vittoria Dieci ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Vittoria Dieci " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454847", + "session_name": "NSCLC metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana Brandão", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Antwerpen", + "City": "Arendonk", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NSCLC metastatic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana Brandão ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Brandão " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lutetium Lu 177 Dotatate", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454252", + "session_name": "A Multivariate Efficacy Analysis of [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE in the NETTER 2 Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marianne E. Pavel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Erlangen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Multivariate Efficacy Analysis of [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE in the NETTER 2 Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lutetium Lu 177 Dotatate", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marianne E. Pavel ", + "kol_full_name": "Marianne E. Pavel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Psychosocial Support Systems", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454730", + "session_name": "Psychological support and resilience", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marije Van Der Lee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Bilthoven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Psychological support and resilience", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Psychosocial Support Systems", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marije Van Der Lee ", + "kol_full_name": "Marije Van Der Lee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Nursing Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454639", + "session_name": "Comprehensive nursing care for prostate cancer patients: From diagnosis to long-term outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mario Varandas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comprehensive nursing care for prostate cancer patients: From diagnosis to long-term outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Nursing Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mario Varandas ", + "kol_full_name": "Mario Varandas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Macrophages | Brain Neoplasms | Tumor Microenvironment | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454589", + "session_name": "Characterization of Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes and Tumor-Associated Macrophages within the Tumor Microenvironment of Primary Tumors and Matched Brain Metastases", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Markus Kleinberger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Characterization of Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes and Tumor-Associated Macrophages within the Tumor Microenvironment of Primary Tumors and Matched Brain Metastases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Macrophages | Brain Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tumor Microenvironment | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Markus Kleinberger ", + "kol_full_name": "Markus Kleinberger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454371", + "session_name": "Diffuse large B cell lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Hutchings", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diffuse large B cell lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin Hutchings ", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Hutchings " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genes, T-Cell Receptor | Pharmacokinetics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454740", + "session_name": "Initial safety, pharmacokinetics, and anti-tumor activity data of TCER IMA401, a MAGEA4/8-directed half-life extended TCR Bispecific, in Phase 1 dose escalation", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Wermke", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Initial safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " pharmacokinetics, and anti-tumor activity data of TCER IMA401, a MAGEA4/8-directed half-life extended TCR Bispecific, in Phase 1 dose escalation", + "events_topic": "Genes, T-Cell Receptor | Pharmacokinetics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin Wermke ", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Wermke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454561", + "session_name": "Cost-effectiveness of optimized immunotherapy dosing", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marzia Del Re", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cost-effectiveness of optimized immunotherapy dosing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marzia Del Re ", + "kol_full_name": "Marzia Del Re " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454268", + "session_name": "PRO’s as endpoint in early phase clinical trials", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Massimo Di Maio", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Torino", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PRO’s as endpoint in early phase clinical trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Massimo Di Maio ", + "kol_full_name": "Massimo Di Maio " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radical Surgery | Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454722", + "session_name": "Pancreatic NEN: Watchful wait vs radical surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Massimo Falconi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pancreatic NEN: Watchful wait vs radical surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radical Surgery | Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Massimo Falconi ", + "kol_full_name": "Massimo Falconi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumors | Cyclin-Dependent Kinases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454378", + "session_name": "Safety and Tolerability of INCB123667, a Selective CDK2 Inhibitor, in Patients (Pts) With Advanced Solid Tumors: A Phase 1 Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matteo Simonelli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Piacenza", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and Tolerability of INCB123667", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a Selective CDK2 Inhibitor, in Patients (Pts) With Advanced Solid Tumors: A Phase 1 Study", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumors | Cyclin-Dependent Kinases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matteo Simonelli ", + "kol_full_name": "Matteo Simonelli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oligopersistent", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454772", + "session_name": "Consolidation in oligo-persistent", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matthias Guckenberger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Consolidation in oligo-persistent", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oligopersistent", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matthias Guckenberger ", + "kol_full_name": "Matthias Guckenberger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nursing Research | Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454497", + "session_name": "Cancer nursing research priorities on supportive care in Europe: Results of a mixed methods study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maura Dowling", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Galway", + "City": "Galway", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer nursing research priorities on supportive care in Europe: Results of a mixed methods study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nursing Research | Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maura Dowling ", + "kol_full_name": "Maura Dowling " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Medicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454229", + "session_name": "EU HTA Regulation: State of play for cancer medicines", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maya Matthews", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "EU HTA Regulation: State of play for cancer medicines", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Medicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maya Matthews ", + "kol_full_name": "Maya Matthews " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454827", + "session_name": "Optimal biomarker testing in GU cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Melanie J. Costin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimal biomarker testing in GU cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urogenital Neoplasms | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Melanie J. Costin ", + "kol_full_name": "Melanie J. Costin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Mastectomy, Radical | Breast Neoplasms | Body Image", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454488", + "session_name": "The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Meditation and Yoga on Stress, Body Image, Self- Esteem and Sexual Adjustment in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Melike Pehlivan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Kocaeli", + "City": "Kocaeli", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Meditation and Yoga on Stress", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Body Image, Self- Esteem and Sexual Adjustment in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial", + "events_topic": "Mastectomy, Radical | Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Body Image", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Melike Pehlivan ", + "kol_full_name": "Melike Pehlivan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454422", + "session_name": "Individualising induction and concurrent systemic therapy in locally advanced NPC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Melvin Lee Kiang Chua", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Individualising induction and concurrent systemic therapy in locally advanced NPC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Melvin Lee Kiang Chua ", + "kol_full_name": "Melvin Lee Kiang Chua " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454715", + "session_name": "Utility of more comprehensive sequencing to identify biomarkers for early phase clinical trials", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Berger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Utility of more comprehensive sequencing to identify biomarkers for early phase clinical trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Berger ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Berger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Myelodysplastic Syndromes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454379", + "session_name": "AML/MDS", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Heuser", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": "Hannover", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AML/MDS", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Myelodysplastic Syndromes", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Heuser ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Heuser " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Liquid Biopsy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454455", + "session_name": "Liquid biopsy: Promises and challenges", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michail Ignatiadis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Liquid biopsy: Promises and challenges", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Liquid Biopsy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michail Ignatiadis ", + "kol_full_name": "Michail Ignatiadis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454531", + "session_name": "Side effects of immunotherapy, and how to deal with patients' health problems", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michal Jarzab", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Gliwice", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Side effects of immunotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " and how to deal with patients' health problems", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michal Jarzab ", + "kol_full_name": "Michal Jarzab " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454468", + "session_name": "Cellular therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michal Lotem", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)", + "City": "Jerusalem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cellular therapies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michal Lotem ", + "kol_full_name": "Michal Lotem " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454409", + "session_name": "Low dose versus standard dose pembrolizumab for treatment of stage 4 stage non-small cell lung carcinoma: Results of the pre-planned interim analysis of the NVALT-30 clinical trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michel Van Den Heuvel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Low dose versus standard dose pembrolizumab for treatment of stage 4 stage non-small cell lung carcinoma: Results of the pre-planned interim analysis of the NVALT-30 clinical trial.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michel Van Den Heuvel ", + "kol_full_name": "Michel Van Den Heuvel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454476", + "session_name": "TNBC-DX genomic test in early-stage triple-negative breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant taxane-based therapy without immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Miguel Martin Jimenez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TNBC-DX genomic test in early-stage triple-negative breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant taxane-based therapy without immunotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Neoadjuvant Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Miguel Martin Jimenez ", + "kol_full_name": "Miguel Martin Jimenez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454805", + "session_name": "POWG 1: Biomarkers in everyday clinical practice", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mila Petrova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Sofiya", + "City": "Sofia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "POWG 1: Biomarkers in everyday clinical practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mila Petrova ", + "kol_full_name": "Mila Petrova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Stomach Neoplasms | Molecular Diagnostic Techniques | Esophageal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454471", + "session_name": "Molecular testing in gastric and oesophageal cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Minsuk Kwon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Suwon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Molecular testing in gastric and oesophageal cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stomach Neoplasms | Molecular Diagnostic Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Esophageal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Minsuk Kwon ", + "kol_full_name": "Minsuk Kwon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454799", + "session_name": "CNS tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Monika E. Hegi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CNS tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Monika E. Hegi ", + "kol_full_name": "Monika E. Hegi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454876", + "session_name": "Survivors of advanced melanoma: Management and support", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mora Guardamagna", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Andalucia", + "City": "Malaga", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Survivors of advanced melanoma: Management and support", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mora Guardamagna ", + "kol_full_name": "Mora Guardamagna " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Hematopoiesis | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454240", + "session_name": "CAR T cells reside in the bone marrow and inhibits healthy hematopoiesis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Myriam Ben Khelil", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Franche-Comte", + "City": "Besancon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CAR T cells reside in the bone marrow and inhibits healthy hematopoiesis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematopoiesis | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Myriam Ben Khelil ", + "kol_full_name": "Myriam Ben Khelil " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Terminal Cancer | Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454544", + "session_name": "A multicenter, randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the efficacy of specialized rehabilitation using the Op-reha Guide for terminal cancer patients in palliative care units (PCUs)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nanako Nishiyama", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Higashiosaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A multicenter", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the efficacy of specialized rehabilitation using the Op-reha Guide for terminal cancer patients in palliative care units (PCUs)", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Terminal Cancer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Palliative Care", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nanako Nishiyama ", + "kol_full_name": "Nanako Nishiyama " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454653", + "session_name": "Experiences from the war in Ukraine from a patient perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nataliia Hrad", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Misto Kyyiv", + "City": "Kiev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Experiences from the war in Ukraine from a patient perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nataliia Hrad ", + "kol_full_name": "Nataliia Hrad " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Public Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454857", + "session_name": "ESMO-MCBS: A practical tool with public health implications", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nathan I. Cherny", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)", + "City": "Jerusalem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO-MCBS: A practical tool with public health implications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Public Health", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nathan I. Cherny ", + "kol_full_name": "Nathan I. Cherny " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454558", + "session_name": "Two Hematological Precursors and Their Impact on Hematological Malignancies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nicholas J. Boddicker", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Two Hematological Precursors and Their Impact on Hematological Malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nicholas J. Boddicker ", + "kol_full_name": "Nicholas J. Boddicker " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Doxorubicin | Regorafenib | Placebos | Sarcoma | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454718", + "session_name": "EREMISS Trial: a double-blind placebo (PBO)-controlled randomised trial assessing efficacy/safety of Regorafenib (REGO) as maintenance therapy after 1st line doxorubicin-based chemotherapy in advanced soft-tissue sarcoma (ASTS) patients (pts).", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nicolas Penel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Nord-Pas-de-Calais", + "City": "Lille", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "EREMISS Trial: a double-blind placebo (PBO)-controlled randomised trial assessing efficacy/safety of Regorafenib (REGO) as maintenance therapy after 1st line doxorubicin-based chemotherapy in advanced soft-tissue sarcoma (ASTS) patients (pts).", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Doxorubicin | Regorafenib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Placebos | Sarcoma | Drug Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nicolas Penel ", + "kol_full_name": "Nicolas Penel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Antineoplastic Agents | Dug Exposure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454560", + "session_name": "The advantages of boosting studies to increase drug exposure of anticancer drugs", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nielka Van Erp", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The advantages of boosting studies to increase drug exposure of anticancer drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antineoplastic Agents | Dug Exposure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nielka Van Erp ", + "kol_full_name": "Nielka Van Erp " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454380", + "session_name": "Multiple myeloma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Niels W. Van De Donk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multiple myeloma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Niels W. Van De Donk ", + "kol_full_name": "Niels W. Van De Donk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasm Metastasis | Decision Making", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454744", + "session_name": "Liquid profiling of molecular metastatic disease and impact on decision making", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Noelia Tarazona Llavero", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Liquid profiling of molecular metastatic disease and impact on decision making", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasm Metastasis | Decision Making", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Norbert Galldiks ", + "kol_full_name": "Norbert Galldiks " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Spiritual Interventions", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454502", + "session_name": "An Updated Evidence on the Effects of Spiritual Interventions in Cancer: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nur Izgu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An Updated Evidence on the Effects of Spiritual Interventions in Cancer: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Spiritual Interventions", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nur Izgu ", + "kol_full_name": "Nur Izgu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454594", + "session_name": "Non-cellular therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Olivier A. Michielin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-cellular therapies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Olivier A. Michielin ", + "kol_full_name": "Olivier A. Michielin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Somatic Mutation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454413", + "session_name": "The somatic mutation landscape of the normal and malignant pancreas", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pantelis A. Nicola", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The somatic mutation landscape of the normal and malignant pancreas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Somatic Mutation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pantelis A. Nicola ", + "kol_full_name": "Pantelis A. Nicola " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Spartalizumab | Cutaneous Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454548", + "session_name": "Phase 1 study of WNT974 in combination with spartalizumab in patients with cutaneous melanoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paolo A. Ascierto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Napoli", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase 1 study of WNT974 in combination with spartalizumab in patients with cutaneous melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Spartalizumab | Cutaneous Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paolo A. Ascierto ", + "kol_full_name": "Paolo A. Ascierto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454369", + "session_name": "Myeloma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paula Rodriguez-Otero", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myeloma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pawel Sobczuk ", + "kol_full_name": "Pawel Sobczuk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454527", + "session_name": "The European Cancer Patient Digital Centre", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Penilla Gunther", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The European Cancer Patient Digital Centre", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Penilla Gunther ", + "kol_full_name": "Penilla Gunther " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nivolumab | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Colonic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454621", + "session_name": "Neoadjuvant nivolumab (nivo) plus relatlimab (rela) in MMR-deficient colon cancer: Results of the NICHE-3 study.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Peter G. De Gooyer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neoadjuvant nivolumab (nivo) plus relatlimab (rela) in MMR-deficient colon cancer: Results of the NICHE-3 study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Neoadjuvant Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Colonic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pietro Lapidari ", + "kol_full_name": "Pietro Lapidari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Axitinib | Avelumab | Cell Division | Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454261", + "session_name": "Axitinib plus avelumab in patients with unresectable/metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) after failure of standard therapy: single-arm phase II study (AXAGIST)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Piotr Rutkowski", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Mazowieckie", + "City": "Warsaw", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Axitinib plus avelumab in patients with unresectable/metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) after failure of standard therapy: single-arm phase II study (AXAGIST)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Axitinib | Avelumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cell Division | Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Qiyuan Bao ", + "kol_full_name": "Qiyuan Bao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Patient-Centered Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454513", + "session_name": "Difference between patient-centred and person-centred care: Patient advocate perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rachel Giles", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Vlaardingen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Difference between patient-centred and person-centred care: Patient advocate perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient-Centered Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raul Cordoba Mascunano ", + "kol_full_name": "Raul Cordoba Mascunano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Personalized Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454829", + "session_name": "ESMO-SIOG: Working together in the era of personalized care for older adults with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ravindran Kanesvaran", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESMO-SIOG: Working together in the era of personalized care for older adults with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Personalized Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Remond Fijneman ", + "kol_full_name": "Remond Fijneman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Qualitative Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454328", + "session_name": "Staying or Leaving the Pediatric Oncology Clinic: Nurses' Challenges in Care and Voices of Struggle: A Qualitative Study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Remziye Semerci", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Staying or Leaving the Pediatric Oncology Clinic: Nurses' Challenges in Care and Voices of Struggle: A Qualitative Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Qualitative Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Remziye Semerci ", + "kol_full_name": "Remziye Semerci " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Liver Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454734", + "session_name": "Patients with liver metastases", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "René Adam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patients with liver metastases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Liver Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
René Adam ", + "kol_full_name": "René Adam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Tryptophan Depletion | Neoantigens", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454275", + "session_name": "Neoantigens derived from tryptophan depletion", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Reuven Agami", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neoantigens derived from tryptophan depletion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tryptophan Depletion | Neoantigens", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Reuven Agami ", + "kol_full_name": "Reuven Agami " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454642", + "session_name": "Scoping review of the interventions for promoting dyadic adjustment in adult cancer patients and their partners", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Reyyan Gürel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Scoping review of the interventions for promoting dyadic adjustment in adult cancer patients and their partners", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Reyyan Gürel ", + "kol_full_name": "Reyyan Gürel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Bone Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454733", + "session_name": "Patients with bone metastases", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robbe Van Den Begin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Antwerpen", + "City": "Arendonk", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patients with bone metastases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Bone Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robert Benamouzig ", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Benamouzig " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454349", + "session_name": "How to utilise open data sources to start research projects?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rodrigo Dienstmann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to utilise open data sources to start research projects?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rodrigo Dienstmann ", + "kol_full_name": "Rodrigo Dienstmann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454342", + "session_name": "Innovations in cancer screening: Emerging technologies and their clinical impact", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roxana Albu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovations in cancer screening: Emerging technologies and their clinical impact", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rudolf S. Fehrmann ", + "kol_full_name": "Rudolf S. Fehrmann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "CLDN18 Protein, Human | Immunoconjugates | Esophagogastric Junction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454583", + "session_name": "CLDN18.2 targeted antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), SHR-A1904, in patients (pts) with gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer (GC/GEJC): a phase 1 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rui-Hua Xu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Guangdong", + "City": "Guangzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CLDN18.2 targeted antibody-drug conjugate (ADC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " SHR-A1904, in patients (pts) with gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer (GC/GEJC): a phase 1 study", + "events_topic": "CLDN18 Protein, Human | Immunoconjugates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Esophagogastric Junction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rui-Hua Xu ", + "kol_full_name": "Rui-Hua Xu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumors | Cetuximab | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454290", + "session_name": "Final results from Phase 1, first-in-human, dose escalation study of a first-in-class anti-ILT2 antibody, SAR444881, alone and with pembrolizumab or cetuximab, in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruth Perets", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Final results from Phase 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " first-in-human, dose escalation study of a first-in-class anti-ILT2 antibody, SAR444881, alone and with pembrolizumab or cetuximab, in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumors | Cetuximab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ruth Perets ", + "kol_full_name": "Ruth Perets " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Sotigalimab | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454709", + "session_name": "Clinical and biomarker analyses of intratumoral CD40 agonist sotigalimab in combination with pembrolizumab in metastatic melanoma: a phase 1/2 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Salah-Eddine Bentebibel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical and biomarker analyses of intratumoral CD40 agonist sotigalimab in combination with pembrolizumab in metastatic melanoma: a phase 1/2 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Sotigalimab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Melanoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Salah-Eddine Bentebibel ", + "kol_full_name": "Salah-Eddine Bentebibel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Sotorasib | KRAS Protein, Human | Panitumumab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454623", + "session_name": "Sotorasib (soto), panitumumab (pani) and FOLFIRI in the first-line (1L) setting for KRAS G12C–mutated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Safety and efficacy analysis from the phase 1b CodeBreaK 101 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Salvatore Siena", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sotorasib (soto)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " panitumumab (pani) and FOLFIRI in the first-line (1L) setting for KRAS G12C–mutated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Safety and efficacy analysis from the phase 1b CodeBreaK 101 study", + "events_topic": "Sotorasib | KRAS Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Panitumumab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Salvatore Siena ", + "kol_full_name": "Salvatore Siena " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454881", + "session_name": "Breast cancer, metastatic", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandra Ximena Franco Millan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Distrito Capital", + "City": "Bogota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " metastatic", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandra Ximena Franco Millan ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandra Ximena Franco Millan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Testicular Germ Cell Tumor", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454509", + "session_name": "From Surviving Cancer to Getting on With Life: Adult Testicular Germ Cell Tumor Survivors’ Perspectives on Transition From Follow-Up Care to Long-Term Survivorship", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandrien Van Geel-Weda", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Utrecht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From Surviving Cancer to Getting on With Life: Adult Testicular Germ Cell Tumor Survivors’ Perspectives on Transition From Follow-Up Care to Long-Term Survivorship", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Testicular Germ Cell Tumor", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandrien Van Geel-Weda ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandrien Van Geel-Weda " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Service, Hospital | Patient-Centered Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454335", + "session_name": "Optimizing the role of advanced practice nurses at the core of precision health: Achieving comprehensive, patient-centred cancer services", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sara Colomer-Lahiguera", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimizing the role of advanced practice nurses at the core of precision health: Achieving comprehensive", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " patient-centred cancer services", + "events_topic": "Oncology Service, Hospital | Patient-Centered Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sara Colomer-Lahiguera ", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Colomer-Lahiguera " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454873", + "session_name": "NETs and endocrine tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sara De Dosso", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Ticino", + "City": "Bellinzona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NETs and endocrine tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sara De Dosso ", + "kol_full_name": "Sara De Dosso " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Rehabilitation | Radiotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454661", + "session_name": "Rehabilitation in radiotherapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sara Faithfull", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rehabilitation in radiotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rehabilitation | Radiotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sara Faithfull ", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Faithfull " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Medicine Platform", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454355", + "session_name": "WHO Novel Medicine Platform", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarah Garner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "WHO Novel Medicine Platform", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Medicine Platform", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarah Garner ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarah Garner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Self Care | Prostatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454511", + "session_name": "Health literacy and self-management behaviours among prostate cancer survivors: A systematic review", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarah Sheehan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Health literacy and self-management behaviours among prostate cancer survivors: A systematic review", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Self Care | Prostatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarah Sheehan ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarah Sheehan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454519", + "session_name": "Are adaptive trial design and platform studies widely applicable? Tips from statistician", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Saskia Litiere", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Are adaptive trial design and platform studies widely applicable? Tips from statistician", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Saskia Litiere ", + "kol_full_name": "Saskia Litiere " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454412", + "session_name": "Landmark trials in GIST", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sebastian Bauer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Essen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Landmark trials in GIST", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sebastian Bauer ", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastian Bauer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Ramucirumab | Dacarbazine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454251", + "session_name": "Ramucirumab in combination with dacarbazine in patients with progressive well-differentiated metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (RamuNET): An AIO phase II multicenter single-arm study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sebastian Krug", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ramucirumab in combination with dacarbazine in patients with progressive well-differentiated metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (RamuNET): An AIO phase II multicenter single-arm study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Ramucirumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Dacarbazine", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sebastian Krug ", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastian Krug " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454680", + "session_name": "Neural influences on immunotherapies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sebastien Talbot", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Kingston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neural influences on immunotherapies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sebastien Talbot ", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastien Talbot " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454854", + "session_name": "Building up resilience in cancer nursing: Strategies and skills", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Selma Islamcevic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Building up resilience in cancer nursing: Strategies and skills", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Selma Islamcevic ", + "kol_full_name": "Selma Islamcevic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 | Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse | Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454244", + "session_name": "Value of early post-treatment FDG PET/CT in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients receiving chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Seyed Ali Mirshahvalad", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Value of early post-treatment FDG PET/CT in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients receiving chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 | Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse | Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Receptors, Chimeric Antigen", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Seyed Ali Mirshahvalad ", + "kol_full_name": "Seyed Ali Mirshahvalad " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454867", + "session_name": "Supportive and palliative care", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shani Paluch-Shimon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)", + "City": "Jerusalem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Supportive and palliative care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shani Paluch-Shimon ", + "kol_full_name": "Shani Paluch-Shimon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Health Personnel", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454338", + "session_name": "Talking about sex after cancer: Adapting, testing and evaluating an eLearning resource to enhance healthcare professional provision of sexual support for patients with cancer and their partners", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sharon L. Bingham", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Northern Ireland", + "City": "Belfast", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Talking about sex after cancer: Adapting", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " testing and evaluating an eLearning resource to enhance healthcare professional provision of sexual support for patients with cancer and their partners", + "events_topic": "Health Personnel", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sharon L. Bingham ", + "kol_full_name": "Sharon L. Bingham " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Smoking Cessation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454656", + "session_name": "Efficacy of Digital Health Intervention in Smoking Cessation: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shen Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Sichuan", + "City": "Chengdu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy of Digital Health Intervention in Smoking Cessation: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Smoking Cessation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shen Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Shen Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Paclitaxel | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Chemoradiotherapy | Carboplatin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454758", + "session_name": "A phase III study comparing weekly carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel and daily low-dose carboplatin for concurrent chemoradiotherapy in elderly patients (≥75 years) with unresectable locally advanced NSCLC: JCOG1914", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shota Omori", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Oita", + "City": "Oita", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A phase III study comparing weekly carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel and daily low-dose carboplatin for concurrent chemoradiotherapy in elderly patients (≥75 years) with unresectable locally advanced NSCLC: JCOG1914", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Paclitaxel | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemoradiotherapy | Carboplatin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shota Omori ", + "kol_full_name": "Shota Omori " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454711", + "session_name": "Longitudinal probing of combinatorial immunotherapy (anti-VEGF/anti-PD1) response in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma, at single cell resolution", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shu-Mei Chia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Longitudinal probing of combinatorial immunotherapy (anti-VEGF/anti-PD1) response in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " at single cell resolution", + "events_topic": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shu-Mei Chia ", + "kol_full_name": "Shu-Mei Chia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Osimertinib | ErbB Receptors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Chemoradiotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454753", + "session_name": "Osimertinib (osi) after definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in unresectable (UR) stg III EGFRm NSCLC: Analyses of CNS and distant progression from the Phase 3 LAURA study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shun Lu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Osimertinib (osi) after definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in unresectable (UR) stg III EGFRm NSCLC: Analyses of CNS and distant progression from the Phase 3 LAURA study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Osimertinib | ErbB Receptors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Chemoradiotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shun Lu ", + "kol_full_name": "Shun Lu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Fulvestrant | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Endocrine Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454777", + "session_name": "Tibremciclib (BPI-16350) plus fulvestrant in patients with HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer after progressing on endocrine therapy: A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, phase III study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shusen Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Guangdong", + "City": "Guangzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tibremciclib (BPI-16350) plus fulvestrant in patients with HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer after progressing on endocrine therapy: A randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, double-blind, phase III study", + "events_topic": "Fulvestrant | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Endocrine Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shusen Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Shusen Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Osteosarcoma | Sarcoma, Synovial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454411", + "session_name": "Landmark trials in bone and joint sarcomas", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Silvia Stacchiotti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Landmark trials in bone and joint sarcomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Osteosarcoma | Sarcoma, Synovial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Silvia Stacchiotti ", + "kol_full_name": "Silvia Stacchiotti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Endometrial Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454804", + "session_name": "Improving the experience of care for women with gynaecological cancers: Lessons from cervical and endometrial cancer policy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Silvija Piskorjanac", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Osjecko-Baranjska", + "City": "Osijek", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving the experience of care for women with gynaecological cancers: Lessons from cervical and endometrial cancer policy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genital Neoplasms, Female | Endometrial Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Silvija Piskorjanac ", + "kol_full_name": "Silvija Piskorjanac " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454726", + "session_name": "Ectopic cushing and neuroendocrine neoplasms", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Simona Glasberg", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)", + "City": "Jerusalem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ectopic cushing and neuroendocrine neoplasms", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Simona Glasberg ", + "kol_full_name": "Simona Glasberg " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cancer Survivors | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Fatigue", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454662", + "session_name": "The Effect of an Empowerment Program on Ruminative Thoughts, Fatigue and Psychological Resilience of Cancer Survivors: A randomized controlled trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sinem Öcalan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Effect of an Empowerment Program on Ruminative Thoughts", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Fatigue and Psychological Resilience of Cancer Survivors: A randomized controlled trial", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Fatigue", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sinem Öcalan ", + "kol_full_name": "Sinem Öcalan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454773", + "session_name": "Locoregional hypo vs normofractionated RT in early breast cancer: 5 years results of the HypoG-01 phase 3 UNICANCER trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sofia Rivera", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Locoregional hypo vs normofractionated RT in early breast cancer: 5 years results of the HypoG-01 phase 3 UNICANCER trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sofia Rivera ", + "kol_full_name": "Sofia Rivera " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "CTLA-4 Antigen | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454582", + "session_name": "Moving on from PD-1-CTLA-4 blockade", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sophia Yien Ning Wong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Moving on from PD-1-CTLA-4 blockade", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "CTLA-4 Antigen | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sophia Yien Ning Wong ", + "kol_full_name": "Sophia Yien Ning Wong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454798", + "session_name": "NETs and endocrine tumours", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sophie Leboulleux", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NETs and endocrine tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocrine Gland Neoplasms | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sophie Leboulleux ", + "kol_full_name": "Sophie Leboulleux " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oligometastases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454618", + "session_name": "The role of the surgeon in resecting oligometastases", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stefan Mönig", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of the surgeon in resecting oligometastases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oligometastases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stefan Mönig ", + "kol_full_name": "Stefan Mönig " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Disease Progression", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454699", + "session_name": "What are the types of progression?", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephane Champiat", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What are the types of progression?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Disease Progression", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephane Champiat ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephane Champiat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Ovarian Function Tests | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454473", + "session_name": "Ovarian Function Suppression in HR-positive, HER2-positive Breast Cancer: An Exploratory Analysis from the HERA Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sung Gwe Ahn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ovarian Function Suppression in HR-positive", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " HER2-positive Breast Cancer: An Exploratory Analysis from the HERA Trial", + "events_topic": "Ovarian Function Tests | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sung Gwe Ahn ", + "kol_full_name": "Sung Gwe Ahn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454752", + "session_name": "The role of radiotherapy in earlier stage NSCLC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suresh Senan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of radiotherapy in earlier stage NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suresh Senan ", + "kol_full_name": "Suresh Senan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Meningioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454565", + "session_name": "Controversies in radiotherapy for meningioma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Susan Short", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Controversies in radiotherapy for meningioma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Meningioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Susan Short ", + "kol_full_name": "Susan Short " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454626", + "session_name": "Histology subtypes (variants) of bladder cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Syed A. Hussain", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sheffield", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Histology subtypes (variants) of bladder cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Syed A. Hussain ", + "kol_full_name": "Syed A. Hussain " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Surgical Procedures, Operative", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454570", + "session_name": "Impact on surgery: Extremities and other sites", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sylvie Bonvalot", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact on surgery: Extremities and other sites", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Surgical Procedures, Operative", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sylvie Bonvalot ", + "kol_full_name": "Sylvie Bonvalot " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Organ Preservation | Adenocarcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454432", + "session_name": "Organ preservation in early rectal adenocarcinoma: 5-year results of the randomized opera trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Syrine Ben Dhia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Tunisia", + "Region": "Tunis", + "City": "Tunis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Organ preservation in early rectal adenocarcinoma: 5-year results of the randomized opera trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Organ Preservation | Adenocarcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Syrine Ben Dhia ", + "kol_full_name": "Syrine Ben Dhia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Conflict, Psychological", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454654", + "session_name": "Nursing with limited resources during an ongoing conflict", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tamer J. Jafar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)", + "City": "Palestine", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nursing with limited resources during an ongoing conflict", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Conflict, Psychological", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tamer J. Jafar ", + "kol_full_name": "Tamer J. Jafar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454864", + "session_name": "GI tumours, upper digestive", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tania C. Fleitas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GI tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " upper digestive", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tania C. Fleitas ", + "kol_full_name": "Tania C. Fleitas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Systemic Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454747", + "session_name": "Systemic treatment options", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Teresa Alonso Gordoa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Systemic treatment options", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Systemic Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Teresa Alonso Gordoa ", + "kol_full_name": "Teresa Alonso Gordoa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454417", + "session_name": "Challenges and novel avenues of imaging ILC", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thiemo Van Nijnatten", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Maastricht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges and novel avenues of imaging ILC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thiemo Van Nijnatten ", + "kol_full_name": "Thiemo Van Nijnatten " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endometrial Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454341", + "session_name": "Improving the future of care for women with endometrial cancer – IHE report", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thomas Hofmarcher", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Skane Lan", + "City": "Lund", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving the future of care for women with endometrial cancer – IHE report", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endometrial Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thomas Hofmarcher ", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Hofmarcher " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Adjuvant Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454759", + "session_name": "Update on adjuvant treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tim Meyer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Update on adjuvant treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Adjuvant Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tim Meyer ", + "kol_full_name": "Tim Meyer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454444", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence applications", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tjalling Bosse", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Leiden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence applications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tjalling Bosse ", + "kol_full_name": "Tjalling Bosse " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Endometrial Neoplasms | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454286", + "session_name": "ADCs in endometrial and cervical cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Toon Van Gorp", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Leuven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ADCs in endometrial and cervical cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endometrial Neoplasms | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Toon Van Gorp ", + "kol_full_name": "Toon Van Gorp " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454299", + "session_name": "The current state-of-the-art in lung cancer screening", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Torsten Blum", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The current state-of-the-art in lung cancer screening", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Torsten Blum ", + "kol_full_name": "Torsten Blum " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Esophageal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454825", + "session_name": "Management of oligometastatic gastroesophageal cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Trevor Leong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of oligometastatic gastroesophageal cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Esophageal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Trevor Leong ", + "kol_full_name": "Trevor Leong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454323", + "session_name": "'I thought I was probably going to die due to people's looking at me with pity’: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study on the Lived Cancer Stigma Experiences of Breast Cancer Patients", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tugba Pehlivan Saribudak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "'I thought I was probably going to die due to people's looking at me with pity’: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study on the Lived Cancer Stigma Experiences of Breast Cancer Patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tugba Pehlivan Saribudak ", + "kol_full_name": "Tugba Pehlivan Saribudak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Virtual Reality", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454327", + "session_name": "The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Use in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tugce Ucgun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Use in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Virtual Reality", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tugce Ucgun ", + "kol_full_name": "Tugce Ucgun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Molecular Targeted Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454580", + "session_name": "AI guided combinations using targeted therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Udai Banerji", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sutton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AI guided combinations using targeted therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Molecular Targeted Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Udai Banerji ", + "kol_full_name": "Udai Banerji " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454859", + "session_name": "Lung cancer interception: New approaches to lung cancer screening and prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ugo Pastorino", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lung cancer interception: New approaches to lung cancer screening and prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ugo Pastorino ", + "kol_full_name": "Ugo Pastorino " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Placebos | PIK3CA Protein, Human | Colonic Neoplasms | Aspirin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454435", + "session_name": "Adjuvant Aspirin Treatment in PIK3CA Mutated Colon Cancer Patients – The Phase III, Prospective-Randomized Placebo-Controlled Multicenter SAKK 41/13 Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ulrich Güller", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Thun", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adjuvant Aspirin Treatment in PIK3CA Mutated Colon Cancer Patients – The Phase III", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Prospective-Randomized Placebo-Controlled Multicenter SAKK 41/13 Trial", + "events_topic": "Placebos | PIK3CA Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Colonic Neoplasms | Aspirin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ulrich Güller ", + "kol_full_name": "Ulrich Güller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454793", + "session_name": "Genitourinary tumours, prostate", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ursula Vogl", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Ticino", + "City": "Bellinzona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genitourinary tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " prostate", + "events_topic": "Urogenital Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ursula Vogl ", + "kol_full_name": "Ursula Vogl " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Pembrolizumab | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454450", + "session_name": "Phase II open-label randomized study of pembrolizumab with or without bevacizumab in platinum-resistant recurrent/metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (R/M NPC)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wan Qin Chong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase II open-label randomized study of pembrolizumab with or without bevacizumab in platinum-resistant recurrent/metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (R/M NPC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wan Qin Chong ", + "kol_full_name": "Wan Qin Chong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Epigenomics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454449", + "session_name": "Targeting epigenetic pathways", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wilbert Zwart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Targeting epigenetic pathways", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Epigenomics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wilbert Zwart ", + "kol_full_name": "Wilbert Zwart " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454571", + "session_name": "Impact on surgery: Other tumour locations", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Winan Van Houdt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact on surgery: Other tumour locations", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Winan Van Houdt ", + "kol_full_name": "Winan Van Houdt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Rare Cancers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454816", + "session_name": "Rare cancers", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Winette T. Van Der Graaf", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rare cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rare Cancers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Winette T. Van Der Graaf ", + "kol_full_name": "Winette T. Van Der Graaf " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiologists", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454569", + "session_name": "The radiologist point of view", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wolfgang G. Kunz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The radiologist point of view", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiologists", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wolfgang G. Kunz ", + "kol_full_name": "Wolfgang G. Kunz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Ribociclib | Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Drug Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454778", + "session_name": "Omission of chemotherapy and addition of the CDK4/6 inhibitor ribociclib in HER2-positive and hormone-receptor positive metastatic breast cancer– second interim efficacy analysis of the randomized Phase III DETECT V trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wolfgang Janni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Ulm", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Omission of chemotherapy and addition of the CDK4/6 inhibitor ribociclib in HER2-positive and hormone-receptor positive metastatic breast cancer– second interim efficacy analysis of the randomized Phase III DETECT V trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ribociclib | Cyclin-Dependent Kinases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Drug Therapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wolfgang Janni ", + "kol_full_name": "Wolfgang Janni " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454820", + "session_name": "Haematological malignancies", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Won Seog Kim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Haematological malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Won Seog Kim ", + "kol_full_name": "Won Seog Kim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Ivonescimab | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454775", + "session_name": "The safety and efficacy of ivonescimab in combination with chemotherapy as first-line (1L) treatment for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xiaojia Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Zhejiang", + "City": "Hangzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The safety and efficacy of ivonescimab in combination with chemotherapy as first-line (1L) treatment for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Ivonescimab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xiaojia Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Xiaojia Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Immunogenicity, Vaccine | MRNA Vaccines | Lymphoma, T-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454553", + "session_name": "An Exploratory Study to Assess the Safety, Immunogenicity, and Preliminary Anti-tumor Activity of the EBV mRNA vaccine (WGc-043 injection) in Patients with NK/T Cell Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xingchen Peng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Sichuan", + "City": "Chengdu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An Exploratory Study to Assess the Safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Immunogenicity, and Preliminary Anti-tumor Activity of the EBV mRNA vaccine (WGc-043 injection) in Patients with NK/T Cell Lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Immunogenicity, Vaccine | MRNA Vaccines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma, T-Cell", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xingchen Peng ", + "kol_full_name": "Xingchen Peng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454554", + "session_name": "Initial Results of the Multicenter Phase 2 Trial of a Novel Hypofractionated Low-dose Radiotherapy for Indolent non-Hodgkin Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xinyue Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Initial Results of the Multicenter Phase 2 Trial of a Novel Hypofractionated Low-dose Radiotherapy for Indolent non-Hodgkin Lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xinyue Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Xinyue Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Chronic Pain | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454508", + "session_name": "Prevention and treatment of chronic pain in breast cancer survivors: A transmural perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yael Slaghmuylder", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Gent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevention and treatment of chronic pain in breast cancer survivors: A transmural perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Pain | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yael Slaghmuylder ", + "kol_full_name": "Yael Slaghmuylder " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Avelumab | Solid Tumors | Regorafenib | Thyroid Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454247", + "session_name": "Regomune study : A phase II study of regorafenib + avelumab in solid tumors. Results of the radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer (RR-DTC)", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yann Godbert", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Aquitaine", + "City": "Bordeaux", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Regomune study : A phase II study of regorafenib + avelumab in solid tumors. Results of the radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer (RR-DTC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Avelumab | Solid Tumors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Regorafenib | Thyroid Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yann Godbert ", + "kol_full_name": "Yann Godbert " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Nivolumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454755", + "session_name": "Neoadjuvant nivolumab monotherapy for high-risk clinical stage I non-small cell lung cancer: A phase 2 POTENTIAL study.", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yasuhiro Tsutani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neoadjuvant nivolumab monotherapy for high-risk clinical stage I non-small cell lung cancer: A phase 2 POTENTIAL study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Nivolumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yasuhiro Tsutani ", + "kol_full_name": "Yasuhiro Tsutani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncolytic Viruses | Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454736", + "session_name": "The updated report of phase I trial of VG2025, a non-attenuated HSV-1 oncolytic virus expressing IL-12 and IL-15/Rα payloads, in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yinan Shen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Zhejiang", + "City": "Hangzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The updated report of phase I trial of VG2025", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a non-attenuated HSV-1 oncolytic virus expressing IL-12 and IL-15/Rα payloads, in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Oncolytic Viruses | Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yinan Shen ", + "kol_full_name": "Yinan Shen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Oncolytic Viruses | Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454735", + "session_name": "A phase 1, open-label, multicenter, dose escalation safety and tolerability study of oncolytic virus OVV-01 in advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yingqi Hua", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A phase 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " open-label, multicenter, dose escalation safety and tolerability study of oncolytic virus OVV-01 in advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Oncolytic Viruses | Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yingqi Hua ", + "kol_full_name": "Yingqi Hua " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Pirfenidone | Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454757", + "session_name": "Phase III trial of perioperative pirfenidone therapy for lung cancer with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF): NEJ034 study", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yukinobu Goto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Ibaraki", + "City": "Tsukuba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase III trial of perioperative pirfenidone therapy for lung cancer with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF): NEJ034 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Pirfenidone ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yukinobu Goto ", + "kol_full_name": "Yukinobu Goto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Glioblastoma | Injections, Spinal", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454256", + "session_name": "A phase I clinical trial of intrathecal injection of allogeneic CAR-γδT cells targeting B7H3 for the treatment of patients with recurrent glioblastoma", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yulun Huang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Jiangsu", + "City": "Suzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A phase I clinical trial of intrathecal injection of allogeneic CAR-γδT cells targeting B7H3 for the treatment of patients with recurrent glioblastoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glioblastoma | Injections, Spinal", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yulun Huang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yulun Huang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "128202", + "event_topics": "Cetuximab | Avelumab | Radiotherapy | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5454454", + "session_name": "Avelumab-cetuximab-radiotherapy (RT) versus standards of care in patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (LA-SCCHN): final analysis of randomized phase III GORTEC 2017-01 REACH trial", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yungan Tao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Avelumab-cetuximab-radiotherapy (RT) versus standards of care in patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (LA-SCCHN): final analysis of randomized phase III GORTEC 2017-01 REACH trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cetuximab | Avelumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Radiotherapy | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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"2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "577939", + "first_name": "Larry", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Anderson", + "org_name": "UT Southwestern Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Denton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CAR T-Cell Therapy – Earlier Lines of Therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Real-world Patient Population, and Increased Outpatient Administration", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Larry D Anderson", + "kol_full_name": "Larry D Anderson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1104933605", + "hcp_pin_alias": "576665", + "session_name": "Myelodysplastic Neoplasms", + "name": "2024 Society of 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+ "last_name": "Sallman", + "org_name": "H. 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Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Luhua M. Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Primary Myelofibrosis", + "npi_num": "1407019722", + "hcp_pin_alias": "557096", + "session_name": "Expert Perspectives On The Real-World Management Of Patients With Pv And Mf", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "557096", + "first_name": "Raajit", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Rampal", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Expert Perspectives On The Real-World Management Of Patients With Pv And Mf", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Myelofibrosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Raajit K Rampal", + "kol_full_name": "Raajit K Rampal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 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"Krish Patel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Lymphoma, T-Cell", + "npi_num": "1336384130", + "hcp_pin_alias": "556571", + "session_name": "The Promise Of Immunotherapies In T-Cell Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "556571", + "first_name": "Stefan", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Barta", + "org_name": "Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Promise Of Immunotherapies In T-Cell Lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Lymphoma, T-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Stefan K Barta", + "kol_full_name": "Stefan K Barta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": 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Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Applying Clinical Evidence To Complex Cases", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Choosing The Best First Line Drug - Does Efficacy Make You Think About Cost,Ph + All Can Be Treated With - Chemotherapy Free Regimens Without Transplant", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive | Pharmaceutical Preparations | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "Elias J Jabbour", + "kol_full_name": "Elias J Jabbour" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive | Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "1578658480", + "hcp_pin_alias": "40699", + "session_name": "Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Applying Clinical Evidence To Complex Cases,Is The Product Monograph Dose Of Tki Really What Is Necessary ?", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "40699", + "first_name": "Jorge", + "middle_name": "E", + "last_name": "Cortes-franco", + "org_name": "Augusta University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Augusta", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Applying Clinical Evidence To Complex Cases", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Is The Product Monograph Dose Of Tki Really What Is Necessary ?", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive | Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jorge E Cortes-franco", + "kol_full_name": "Jorge E Cortes-franco" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Aggressive Lymphoma | Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461235", + "session_name": "Accessing Novel Therapies For Aggressive Lymphoma,Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Astrid Pavlovsky", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pavlovsky Center for Hematology", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Accessing Novel Therapies For Aggressive Lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Aggressive Lymphoma | Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Astrid Pavlovsky ", + "kol_full_name": "Astrid Pavlovsky " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse | Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461236", + "session_name": "Does Limited Stage Dlbcl Matter?,Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eliza Hawkes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute at Austin Health", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Does Limited Stage Dlbcl Matter?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse | Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eliza Hawkes ", + "kol_full_name": "Eliza Hawkes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors | Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461237", + "session_name": "Remembering To Monitor For The Long-Term Side Effects Of Tki Therapy: How And For What?,Chronic Myeloid Leukemia", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jeffrey H Lipton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Toronto", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Remembering To Monitor For The Long-Term Side Effects Of Tki Therapy: How And For What?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Chronic Myeloid Leukemia", + "events_topic": "Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors | Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jeffrey H Lipton ", + "kol_full_name": "Jeffrey H Lipton " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Chemotherapy | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461238", + "session_name": "Ph + All Is Best Treated With - Chemotherapy And Transplant,Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Josep-Maria Ribera", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institut Català d’Oncologia Badalona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ph + All Is Best Treated With - Chemotherapy And Transplant", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Chemotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Josep-Maria Ribera ", + "kol_full_name": "Josep-Maria Ribera " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461239", + "session_name": "Interpreting Baseline Pet Metrics And Pet-Based Response In Lymphoma,Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Judith Trotman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Concord Repatriation General Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interpreting Baseline Pet Metrics And Pet-Based Response In Lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Judith Trotman ", + "kol_full_name": "Judith Trotman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, B-Cell | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461240", + "session_name": "Indolent B-Cell Lymphoma,Clinical Investigators Discuss The Current And Future Management Of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laurie H Sehn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "BC Cancer Agency", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "British Columbia", + "City": "Vancouver", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Indolent B-Cell Lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical Investigators Discuss The Current And Future Management Of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, B-Cell | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laurie H Sehn ", + "kol_full_name": "Laurie H Sehn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Diagnosis | Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive | Combined Modality Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461241", + "session_name": "Atypical Cml – Diagnosis And Therapy,Is There A Role For Combination Therapy And If So, What Combinations", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Massimo Breccia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sapienza University", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atypical Cml – Diagnosis And Therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Is There A Role For Combination Therapy And If So, What Combinations", + "events_topic": "Diagnosis | Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Combined Modality Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Massimo Breccia ", + "kol_full_name": "Massimo Breccia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461242", + "session_name": "Ai In Diagnostics,Aml - Diagnostics In Aml - Recent Advances", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Torsten Haferlach", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "MLL Munich Leukemia Laboratory", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ai In Diagnostics", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Aml - Diagnostics In Aml - Recent Advances", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Torsten Haferlach ", + "kol_full_name": "Torsten Haferlach " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Neoplasm, Residual | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461243", + "session_name": "All Use Of Flow Mrd", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alberto Orfao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Salamanca", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Castilla y Leon", + "City": "Salamanca", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "All Use Of Flow Mrd", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasm, Residual | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alberto Orfao ", + "kol_full_name": "Alberto Orfao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "B-cell Lymphoma 2", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461244", + "session_name": "Bcl2I", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Barbara F Eichhorst", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Cologne", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Cologne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bcl2I", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "B-cell Lymphoma 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Barbara F Eichhorst ", + "kol_full_name": "Barbara F Eichhorst " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461245", + "session_name": "Acute Myeloid Leukemia", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bob Löwenberg", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Erasmus University Medical Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute Myeloid Leukemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Chiattone ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Chiattone " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461247", + "session_name": "Which Patients Over 70 With Aml Should Be Transplanted In The First Cr", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Charles Craddock", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Birmingham", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Which Patients Over 70 With Aml Should Be Transplanted In The First Cr", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charles Craddock ", + "kol_full_name": "Charles Craddock " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Dark Zone Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461248", + "session_name": "What Is Dark Zone Lymphoma And Is It Clinically Relevant?", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Scott", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of British Columbia", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "British Columbia", + "City": "Vancouver", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What Is Dark Zone Lymphoma And Is It Clinically Relevant?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dark Zone Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Scott ", + "kol_full_name": "David Scott " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461249", + "session_name": "Progress In Higher Risk Mds", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Valcárcel Ferreiras", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Vall d'Hebron University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Progress In Higher Risk Mds", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Valcárcel Ferreiras ", + "kol_full_name": "David Valcárcel Ferreiras " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461250", + "session_name": "Cml", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Delphine Rea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Fernand Widal Ap-Hp", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cml", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Delphine Rea ", + "kol_full_name": "Delphine Rea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Neoplasm, Residual | High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461251", + "session_name": "All - Mrd Testing In All: Use Of Ngs In Mrd", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dieter Hoelzer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Frankfurt", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hessen", + "City": "Frankfurt", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "All - Mrd Testing In All: Use Of Ngs In Mrd", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasm, Residual | High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dieter Hoelzer ", + "kol_full_name": "Dieter Hoelzer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461252", + "session_name": "International Expansion Of Modern Aml Therapy", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eduardo M Rego", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of São Paulo São Paulo", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "International Expansion Of Modern Aml Therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eduardo M Rego ", + "kol_full_name": "Eduardo M Rego " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461254", + "session_name": "The Pregnant Or Want-To-Be Pregnant Cml Patient", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elisabetta Abruzzese", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "S. Eugenio University Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Pregnant Or Want-To-Be Pregnant Cml Patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elisabetta Abruzzese ", + "kol_full_name": "Elisabetta Abruzzese " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461255", + "session_name": "Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francesc Bosch", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Vall d'Hebron", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francesc Bosch ", + "kol_full_name": "Francesc Bosch " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461256", + "session_name": "Management Of Older Patients With Aml - International Perspectives", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giovanni Martinelli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital in Bologna", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Bologna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management Of Older Patients With Aml - International Perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giovanni Martinelli ", + "kol_full_name": "Giovanni Martinelli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Bruton Type Agammaglobulinemia | Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461257", + "session_name": "Accessing Btki'S And Other Novel Therapies For Mantle Cell Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guilherme F Perini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Accessing Btki'S And Other Novel Therapies For Mantle Cell Lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Bruton Type Agammaglobulinemia | Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Guilherme F Perini ", + "kol_full_name": "Guilherme F Perini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461258", + "session_name": "Frailty In Mm", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hira Mian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "McMaster University", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Hamilton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Frailty In Mm", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hira Mian ", + "kol_full_name": "Hira Mian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461259", + "session_name": "Patients With Cll In The Ukraine", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Iryna Kriachok", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cancer Institute Kiev", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Misto Kyyiv", + "City": "Kiev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patients With Cll In The Ukraine", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Iryna Kriachok ", + "kol_full_name": "Iryna Kriachok " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461260", + "session_name": "Bcl2 Inhibition In Cll: From Undruggable Target To Standard Of Care", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "John Seymour", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bcl2 Inhibition In Cll: From Undruggable Target To Standard Of Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
John Seymour ", + "kol_full_name": "John Seymour " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Bruton Type Agammaglobulinemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461261", + "session_name": "Covalent Btki", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lydia Scarfò", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Covalent Btki", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Bruton Type Agammaglobulinemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lydia Scarfò ", + "kol_full_name": "Lydia Scarfò " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Immune Therapy | Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461262", + "session_name": "Immune/Cellular Therapy In Aml", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marion Subklewe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Immune/Cellular Therapy In Aml", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune Therapy | Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marion Subklewe ", + "kol_full_name": "Marion Subklewe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Inotuzumab | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461263", + "session_name": "Elderly All: Inotuzumab As Induction", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matthias Stelljes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Münster", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Munster", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Elderly All: Inotuzumab As Induction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Inotuzumab | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matthias Stelljes ", + "kol_full_name": "Matthias Stelljes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461264", + "session_name": "Treatment Of Early Relapse - Non Car T Cell", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Meletios A Dimopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment Of Early Relapse - Non Car T Cell", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Meletios A Dimopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Meletios A Dimopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma | Genomics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461265", + "session_name": "Genomics In Lymphoma", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Green", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genomics In Lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma | Genomics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Green ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Green " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461266", + "session_name": "Management Of Older Patients With Aml - International Perspectives", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nidia Zapata", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cancer Institute Mexico", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management Of Older Patients With Aml - International Perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nidia Zapata ", + "kol_full_name": "Nidia Zapata " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Neoplasm, Residual", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461267", + "session_name": "Mrd As A Surrogate For Pfs/Os/Clinical Implications", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Othman Al-Sawaf", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Cologne", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Cologne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mrd As A Surrogate For Pfs/Os/Clinical Implications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasm, Residual", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Othman Al-Sawaf ", + "kol_full_name": "Othman Al-Sawaf " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461268", + "session_name": "Cll", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paolo Ghia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "San Raffaele Scientific Institute", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cll", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paolo Ghia ", + "kol_full_name": "Paolo Ghia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Drug Therapy | Immunotherapy | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461269", + "session_name": "Elderly All: Low-Dose Chemotherapy And Immunotherapy Combinations", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Patrice Chevallier", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Nantes University Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Pays de la Loire", + "City": "Nantes", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Elderly All: Low-Dose Chemotherapy And Immunotherapy Combinations", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Drug Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Patrice Chevallier ", + "kol_full_name": "Patrice Chevallier " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461270", + "session_name": "Car-T Cells For T Cell", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Peihua Lu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Lu Daopei Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Car-T Cells For T Cell", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Peihua Lu ", + "kol_full_name": "Peihua Lu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Pathology, Molecular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461271", + "session_name": "Application Of Molecular Diagnostics In Developing Countries", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Peter JM Valk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Erasmus University Medical Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Application Of Molecular Diagnostics In Developing Countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pathology, Molecular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Peter JM Valk ", + "kol_full_name": "Peter JM Valk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129314", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461272", + "session_name": "How To Implement The Administration Of Bispecifics Into Community Oncology Practice", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Phillip Scheinberg", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Beneficencia Portuguesa de Sao Paulo", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How To Implement The Administration Of Bispecifics Into Community Oncology Practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Shalaimaiti Shali", + "kol_full_name": "Shalaimaiti Shali" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipogenesis | Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159701", + "session_name": "Inhibition of Queuine tRNA-Ribosyltransferase 1 ameliorates heaptic lipogenesis and atherosclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159701", + "first_name": "Runda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wu", + "org_name": "Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inhibition of Queuine tRNA-Ribosyltransferase 1 ameliorates heaptic lipogenesis and atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipogenesis | Atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, 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stone?,A novel bionic constructional left atrial appendage occlude device: the result of preclinical experiment and first-in-human study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159697", + "first_name": "Dawei", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lin", + "org_name": "Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictors for mitral regurgitation improvement in patients with pure severe aortic regurgitation undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: when can kill two birds with one stone?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A novel bionic constructional left atrial appendage occlude device: the result of preclinical experiment and first-in-human study", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Bionics ", + 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Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159694", + "first_name": "Zhenyi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ge", + "org_name": "Zhongshan Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Feasibility validation of automatic diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse from multi-view echocardiographic sequences based on deep neural network", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A potentially explainable artificial intelligence model for automatic classification of mitral regurgitation in echocardiographic videos", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Mitral Valve Prolapse | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Zhenyi Ge", + "kol_full_name": "Zhenyi Ge" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Injuries", + "npi_num": "", 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"Lipoprotein(a) induces spontaneous aortic dissection via increasing monocyte mediated vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype transformation in human Lp(a) transgenic mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159687", + "first_name": "Chengzhi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Han", + "org_name": "Zhongshan Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipoprotein(a) induces spontaneous aortic dissection via increasing monocyte mediated vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype transformation in human Lp(a) transgenic mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipoprotein(a) | Muscle, Smooth, Vascular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Dissection", + "kol_name": "Chengzhi Han", + "kol_full_name": "Chengzhi Han" + }, + { + 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nationwide cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159680", + "first_name": "Kasper", + "middle_name": "Hoetoft", + "last_name": "Bengtsen", + "org_name": "Zealand University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Roskilde", + "City": "Roskilde", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mortality and patient stratification 30 days after Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices - a Danish nationwide cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Bacteremia | Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Staphylococcus Aureus", + "kol_name": "Kasper Hoetoft Bengtsen", + "kol_full_name": "Kasper Hoetoft Bengtsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159679", + "session_name": "Epidemiology of recurrent myocardial infarction in the reperfusion era", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159679", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "Molager", + "last_name": "Christensen", + "org_name": "Zealand University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Roskilde", + "City": "Roskilde", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epidemiology of recurrent myocardial infarction in the reperfusion era", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daniel Molager Christensen", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Molager Christensen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Health | Cardiovascular Diseases | Telemedicine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159678", + "session_name": "Innovations in telemedicine, robotics, and digital solutions,Remote monitoring: real-world impacts and technological innovations in cardiovascular care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159678", + "first_name": "Charlotte", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Helmark", + "org_name": "Zealand University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Roskilde", + "City": "Roskilde", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovations in telemedicine", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " robotics, and digital solutions,Remote monitoring: real-world impacts and technological innovations in cardiovascular care", + "events_topic": "Digital Health | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Telemedicine", + "kol_name": "Charlotte Helmark", + "kol_full_name": 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coronary computed tomography angiography and optical coherence tomography for identification of lesions causing ischemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ischemia | Tomography, Optical Coherence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography", + "kol_name": "Jonghu Shin", + "kol_full_name": "Jonghu Shin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159670", + "session_name": "Who should be prioritized for screening for adult onset dilated cardiomyopathy among first degree relatives?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159670", + "first_name": "Jaewon", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Oh", + "org_name": "Yonsei University", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + 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"2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159667", + "first_name": "Oh-Hyun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "Yongin Severance Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Therapeutic hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in comatose patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Hypothermia, Induced ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "Oh-Hyun Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Oh-Hyun Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Sprains And Strains | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159666", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of left atrial strain for outcome of catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation and moderately enlarged left atrium", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159666", + "first_name": "Moon-Hyun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kim", + "org_name": "Yongin severance", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of left atrial strain for outcome of catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation and moderately enlarged left atrium", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Sprains And Strains ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Moon-Hyun Kim", + "kol_full_name": "Moon-Hyun Kim" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Coronary Artery Disease | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159665", + "session_name": "Coexistence of coronary microvascular dysfunction and left ventricular hypertrophy can predict prognosis of patients with nonobstructive coronary arteries.,Synergic interaction between coronary flow reserve and left atrial diameter as a risk factor for major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159665", + "first_name": "Aki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ito", + "org_name": "Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Kanagawa", + "City": "Yokosuka", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coexistence of coronary microvascular dysfunction and left ventricular hypertrophy can predict prognosis of patients with nonobstructive coronary arteries.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Synergic interaction between coronary flow reserve and left atrial diameter as a risk factor for major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease.", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "kol_name": "Aki Ito", + "kol_full_name": "Aki Ito" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Proprotein Convertases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159664", + "session_name": "Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 levels and the risk of cardiovascular events in statin-treated patients with cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159664", + "first_name": "Masaomi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gohbara", + "org_name": "Yokohama City University Medical Center", + "Country": "Japan", + 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Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159651", + "first_name": "Raj", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Thakkar", + "org_name": "Wycombe Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "High Wycombe", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 2: how do I manage chronic kidney disease as a generalist?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Practical seminar for general clinicians", + "events_topic": "Clinical Study | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Raj Thakkar", + "kol_full_name": "Raj Thakkar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Radial Artery Occlusion", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159650", + "session_name": "Impact of the thin-walled sheath on the distal radial artery occlusion: a randomized trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology 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in patients with calcific aortic valve disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159649", + "first_name": "Xi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhang", + "org_name": "Wuhan Union Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Hubei", + "City": "WUHAN", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Paired single-cell RNA sequencing and T cell receptor sequencing reveals both pro- and anti-inflammatory roles of T cells in patients with calcific aortic valve disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sequence Analysis, RNA | Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Xi Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Xi Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertensive Crisis | Exercise | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159648", + "session_name": "Exaggerated blood pressure response to submaximal exercise must be considered relative to fitness: strong associations with hypertensive target organ damage", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159648", + "first_name": "Monika", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Przewlocka-Kosmala", + "org_name": "Wroclaw Medical University", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Dolnoslaskie", + "City": "Wroclaw", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exaggerated blood pressure response to submaximal exercise must be considered relative to fitness: strong associations with hypertensive target organ damage", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertensive Crisis | Exercise ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "Monika Przewlocka-Kosmala", + 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Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Michal Tkaczyszyn", + "kol_full_name": "Michal Tkaczyszyn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Fibrinogen", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159646", + "session_name": "Early postoperative Fibrinogen-to-Albumin Ratio prognosticate 6-month procedural success in patients undergoing orthotopic heart transplantation.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159646", + "first_name": "Mateusz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sokolski", + "org_name": "Wroclaw Medical University", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Dolnoslaskie", + "City": "Wroclaw", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Early postoperative Fibrinogen-to-Albumin Ratio prognosticate 6-month procedural success in patients undergoing orthotopic heart 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"Aorto-right ventricular fistula after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159642", + "first_name": "Jung-Hee", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "Wonju Severance Christian Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kangwon-do", + "City": "Wonju", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aorto-right ventricular fistula after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Fistula", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jung-Hee Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Jung-Hee Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cohort Studies | Stroke | Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": 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assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159621", + "first_name": "Yasutsugu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Shiono", + "org_name": "Wakayama Medical University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Fukui", + "City": "Wakayama", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary flow characteristics in cases with discordance between coronary flow reserve and the index of microvascular resistance in the assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Microvascular Resistance", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yasutsugu Shiono", + "kol_full_name": "Yasutsugu Shiono" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Stenosis | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + 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stenoses is associated with quality of life in angiographied coronary patients,Targeting lipids above and beyond statins: key new players,The ApoB/LDL-C ratio predicts cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease patients independent of type 2 diabetes status,Three decades of lipid-lowering therapy in type 2 diabetic patients with angiographically proven stable coronary artery disease,Repurposing anti-diabetic pharmacotherapy: the new cure for all evils?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159616", + "first_name": "Heinz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Drexel", + "org_name": "Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Investigation and Treatment", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Remnant cholesterol predicts major cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease patients with NAFLD", + 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Antidiabetic Therapy", + "kol_name": "Heinz Drexel", + "kol_full_name": "Heinz Drexel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cystatin C | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159615", + "session_name": "Cystatin C predicts cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease both among patients with and among those without type 2 diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159615", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vonbank", + "org_name": "VIVIT Institute", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cystatin C predicts cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease both among patients with and among those without type 2 diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + 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"Iris Baumgartner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159604", + "session_name": "Reversible heart failure in a young female: Importance of looking at the ECG carefully", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159604", + "first_name": "Abhinav", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Aggarwal", + "org_name": "Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reversible heart failure in a young female: Importance of looking at the ECG carefully", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Abhinav Aggarwal", + 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of myocardial infarction patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159596", + "first_name": "Jessica", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Schubert", + "org_name": "Uppsala University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Uppsala Lan", + "City": "Uppsala", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intensive", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " early and sustained lowering of atherogenic lipoproteins after myocardial infarction and long-term prognosis: a nationwide cohort study of myocardial infarction patients,Timing and extent of non-HDL-cholesterol lowering and subsequent major adverse outcomes - a nationwide cohort study of myocardial infarction patients", + "events_topic": "Lipoproteins | Prognosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Jessica Schubert", + "kol_full_name": 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ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159593", + "first_name": "Johan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hopfgarten", + "org_name": "Uppsala University", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Uppsala Lan", + "City": "Uppsala", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of CT-derived global longitudinal strain in identifying left ventricular dysfunction in patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Dysfunction, Left", + "kol_name": "Johan Hopfgarten", + "kol_full_name": "Johan Hopfgarten" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159592", 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the acute and post-discharge setting: a TRACER substudy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159591", + "first_name": "Gorav", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Batra", + "org_name": "Uppsala University", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Uppsala Lan", + "City": "Uppsala", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide predicts recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome both in the acute and post-discharge setting: a TRACER substudy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Natriuretic Peptide, Brain | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gorav Batra", + "kol_full_name": "Gorav Batra" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy Complications | Heart Diseases", + 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"Rainer Schulz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Malformations | Inhibition, Psychological", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159581", + "session_name": "The effect of CD38 inhibition in age-associated vascular dysfunction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159581", + "first_name": "Yustina", + "middle_name": "Maria", + "last_name": "Puspitasari", + "org_name": "University of Zurich", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Schlieren", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of CD38 inhibition in age-associated vascular dysfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Malformations | Inhibition, Psychological", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yustina Maria Puspitasari", + "kol_full_name": "Yustina Maria Puspitasari" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Platelets | Locus Coeruleus | Thrombosis | Norepinephrine | Inhibition, Psychological | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159580", + "session_name": "Direct IL-6 inhibition prevents arterial thrombosis by reducing collagen-mediated platelets activation,A novel murine model of stress-induced cardiomyopathy achieved by chemogenetic stimulation of the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159580", + "first_name": "Stefano", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ministrini", + "org_name": "University of Zurich", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Direct IL-6 inhibition prevents arterial thrombosis by reducing collagen-mediated platelets activation", + 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"middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Saeedi", + "org_name": "University of Zurich", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Schlieren", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genetically Engineered Clostridium Prevents Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Endothelial Senescence and Dysfunction in Aging", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Non-coding RNA control of cardiovascular diseases", + "events_topic": "RNA, Untranslated | Endothelial Senescence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Genetically Engineered Clostridium", + "kol_name": "Soheil Saeedi", + "kol_full_name": "Soheil Saeedi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases | Neoplasms | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Inflammation | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159578", + "session_name": "Residual cardiovascular risk in patients with acute coronary syndromes: from hs-CRP and LDL-C to JCAD,Adverse cardiovascular events in patients with cancer: a biomarker-enhanced clinical risk score,Atherosclerosis and inflammation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159578", + "first_name": "Simon", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kraler", + "org_name": "University of Zurich", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Residual cardiovascular risk in patients with acute coronary syndromes: from hs-CRP and LDL-C to JCAD", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Adverse cardiovascular events in patients with cancer: a biomarker-enhanced clinical risk score,Atherosclerosis and inflammation", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Neoplasms | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Inflammation | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "Simon Kraler", + "kol_full_name": "Simon Kraler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159577", + "session_name": "Sirt5 as a mediator of endothelial and vascular dysfunction: potential therapeutic target in aging-related vascular diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159577", + "first_name": "Kangmin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yang", + "org_name": "University of Zurich", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sirt5 as a mediator of endothelial and vascular dysfunction: potential therapeutic target in aging-related vascular diseases", + 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| Hemorrhage | Heart Failure | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Biomarkers | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Florian Wenzl", + "kol_full_name": "Florian Wenzl" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Appendage | Atrial Fibrillation | Cryobaloon Ablation | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159574", + "session_name": "Left atrial appendage volume estimated by artificial intelligence predicts atrial fibrillation recurrence after cryobaloon ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159574", + "first_name": "Konrad", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pieszko", + "org_name": "University of Zielona Gora", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Zielona Gora", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial appendage volume estimated by artificial 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"opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of renal tubulointerstitial damage as a residual renal risk factor for adverse cardiac events in patients with aortic valve stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nephritis, Interstitial | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tsuyoshi Kobayashi", + "kol_full_name": "Tsuyoshi Kobayashi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159572", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease history as a predictor for adverse outcomes in frail older adults admitted to acute geriatric settings: 12-month outcomes from an Australian frailty registry.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159572", + "first_name": "Julee", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "McDonagh", + "org_name": "University of Wollongong", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Wollongong", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease history as a predictor for adverse outcomes in frail older adults admitted to acute geriatric settings: 12-month outcomes from an Australian frailty registry.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Julee McDonagh", + "kol_full_name": "Julee McDonagh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Endothelin | Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159571", + "session_name": "Lifestyle management of hypertension: eat,Dual endothelin receptor antagonist,Challenges in hypertension management,Blood pressure targets and epidemiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159571", + "first_name": "Marijana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tadic", + "org_name": "University of Ulm", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Ulm", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lifestyle management of hypertension: eat", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Dual endothelin receptor antagonist,Challenges in hypertension management,Blood pressure targets and epidemiology", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Endothelin | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "Marijana Tadic", + "kol_full_name": "Marijana Tadic" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis | Exome Sequencing", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159570", + "session_name": "Whole exome sequencing in patients with recurrent pericarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159570", + "first_name": "Valentino", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Collini", + "org_name": "University of Udine", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Friuli-Venezia Giulia", + "City": "Udine", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Whole exome sequencing in patients with recurrent pericarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis | Exome Sequencing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Valentino Collini", + "kol_full_name": "Valentino Collini" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathies | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159569", + "session_name": "Assessment of Digital consults in heart 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"rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Mark Schuuring", + "kol_full_name": "Mark Schuuring" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pheochromocytoma | Hyperaldosteronism", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159568", + "session_name": "Primary hyperaldosteronism and phaeochromocytoma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159568", + "first_name": "Silvia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Monticone", + "org_name": "University of Turin", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Turin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Primary hyperaldosteronism and phaeochromocytoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pheochromocytoma | Hyperaldosteronism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Silvia 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Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159565", + "session_name": "Optimal anticoagulant strategy for periprocedural management of atrial fibrillation ablation: a systematic review and network meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159565", + "first_name": "Tabito", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kino", + "org_name": "University of Tsukuba", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Ibaraki", + "City": "Tsukuba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimal anticoagulant strategy for periprocedural management of atrial fibrillation ablation: a systematic review and network meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulants", + "kol_name": "Tabito 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Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159552", + "first_name": "Quan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dang", + "org_name": "University of Sydney", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical characteristics and predictors of adverse cardiovascular events from the australia-new zealand spontaneous coronary artery dissection (ANZ-SCAD) registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical characteristics and predictors of recurrence from the Australia-New Zealand Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (ANZ-SCAD) registry", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Dissection, Spontaneous | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Quan Dang", + "kol_full_name": "Quan Dang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": 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"rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "COVID-19", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Julie Redfern", + "kol_full_name": "Julie Redfern" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Mental Fatigue | Coronary Disease | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159549", + "session_name": "Peer support interventions improve disease self-management after coronary heart disease diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Cognitive and physical fatigue: the experience and consequences of brain fog after spontaneous coronary artery dissection, a qualitative study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159549", + "first_name": "Joseph", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Weddell", + "org_name": "University of Sydney", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peer support interventions improve disease self-management after coronary heart disease diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Cognitive and physical fatigue: the experience and consequences of brain fog after spontaneous coronary artery dissection, a qualitative study.", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Mental Fatigue ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Disease | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Joseph Weddell", + "kol_full_name": "Joseph Weddell" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Electrocardiography | Socioeconomic Factors | Smartphone", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159548", + "session_name": "The athlete's ECG: tips, tricks, and little known secrets,Comparison between smartphone 6-lead ECGs and 12-lead ECGs in athletes,Disparities: insights into socioeconomic factors and cardiovascular health", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159548", + "first_name": "Jessica", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Orchard", + "org_name": "University of Sydney", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The athlete's ECG: tips", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " tricks, and little known secrets,Comparison between smartphone 6-lead ECGs and 12-lead ECGs in athletes,Disparities: insights into socioeconomic factors and cardiovascular health", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Socioeconomic Factors | Smartphone", + "kol_name": "Jessica Orchard", + "kol_full_name": "Jessica Orchard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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ameliorates diastolic dysfunction and fibrosis in obesity-induced cardiometabolic syndrome.", + "events_topic": "Metabolic Syndrome | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Immunomodulation", + "kol_name": "Elijah Genetzakis", + "kol_full_name": "Elijah Genetzakis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Mobile Applications", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159546", + "session_name": "Does perceived usability of a multi-component mobile device intervention improve health-related quality of life?,Ethnic minorities who complete cardiac rehabilitation achieve equivalent functional capacity outcomes after cardiac rehabilitation but only half complete", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159546", + "first_name": "Dion", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Candelaria", + "org_name": "University of Sydney", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Does perceived usability of a multi-component mobile device intervention improve health-related quality of life?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Ethnic minorities who complete cardiac rehabilitation achieve equivalent functional capacity outcomes after cardiac rehabilitation but only half complete", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Mobile Applications", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dion Candelaria", + "kol_full_name": "Dion Candelaria" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Triglycerides | Cardiovascular Diseases | Lipoprotein(a)", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159545", + "session_name": "The association of inflammation, triglycerides and lipoprotein(a) with cardiovascular events in the UK Biobank", + "name": 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performance in non-diabetic patients with Heart failure with reduced and mid-range ejection fraction (DAPA ECHO trial)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159544", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "Concetta", + "last_name": "Pastore", + "org_name": "University of Siena", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Siena", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of Dapagliflozin on myocardial performance in non-diabetic patients with Heart failure with reduced and mid-range ejection fraction (DAPA ECHO trial)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardium | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Dapagliflozin | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Maria Concetta Pastore", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Concetta Pastore" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159535", + "first_name": "Jan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pec", + "org_name": "University of Regensburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Regensburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of soluble ST2 with heart failure and other comorbidities in patients with severe coronary heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Coronary Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jan Pec", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Pec" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Studies As Topic | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159534", + "session_name": "Caring for the elderly in cardiology: special clinical aspects", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress 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Dalpiaz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Function, Left | Machine Learning | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159531", + "session_name": "Left atrial function for predicting atrial fibrillation: a machine learning approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159531", + "first_name": "Gabriele", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Masini", + "org_name": "University of Pisa", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial function for predicting atrial fibrillation: a machine learning approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Function, Left | Machine Learning ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Gabriele Masini", + 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step forward for the assessment of right ventricular to pulmonary artery coupling", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Advanced versus conventional echocardiographic parameters of right ventricular-arterial coupling in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Right Ventricular-Pulmonary Arterial Coupling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Stefano Sforna", + "kol_full_name": "Stefano Sforna" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159528", + "session_name": "Right ventricular dysfunction parameters at echocardiography in patients with acute pulmonary embolism: meta-analysis of individual participant data", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159528", + "first_name": "Ludovica", + "middle_name": "Anna", + 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Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159527", + "first_name": "Federico", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fortuni", + "org_name": "University of Perugia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Umbria", + "City": "Perugia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrioventricular coupling index: association with diastolic dysfunction and prognostic implications in heart failure patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Federico Fortuni", + "kol_full_name": "Federico Fortuni" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Venous Thromboembolism | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159526", + "session_name": "Advances in the management of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism,The floor is yours: bring your questions on current management of acute intermediate high-risk pulmonary embolism - expert panel,Sex differences in in-hospital management and outcomes of patients with acute pulmonary embolism,Acute pulmonary embolism: new approaches for an old killer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159526", + "first_name": "Cecilia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Becattini", + "org_name": "University of Perugia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Umbria", + "City": "Perugia", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advances in the management of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on current management of acute intermediate high-risk pulmonary embolism - expert panel,Sex differences in in-hospital management and outcomes of patients with acute pulmonary embolism,Acute pulmonary embolism: new approaches for an old killer", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Venous Thromboembolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism", + "kol_name": "Cecilia Becattini", + "kol_full_name": "Cecilia Becattini" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Channelopathies | Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159525", + "session_name": "Gene therapies for inherited channelopathies,Emerging approaches to prevent sudden cardiac death,Risk stratification and advanced therapies in channelopathies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159525", + "first_name": "Silvia", + "middle_name": "Giuliana", + "last_name": "Priori", + "org_name": "University of Pavia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Pavia", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gene therapies for inherited channelopathies", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Emerging approaches to prevent sudden cardiac death,Risk stratification and advanced therapies in channelopathies", + "events_topic": "Channelopathies | Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Silvia Giuliana Priori", + "kol_full_name": "Silvia Giuliana Priori" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anti-Obesity Agents", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159524", + "session_name": "Anti-obesity medications in the acute setting: when should we start, stop, or continue?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159524", + "first_name": "Sergio", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Leonardi", + "org_name": "University of Pavia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Pavia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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"rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " dengue, and rabies,Biotherapies in cardiovascular disease: from bench to bedside,Immune and genetic factors in myocarditis: not just a common cold,Myocarditis", + "events_topic": "Rabies | Biological Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Virus Diseases | Chikungunya Fever | Dengue | Myocarditis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Alida L.P. 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HIGH Altitude CArdiovascular REsearch Latin America Population Study (HIGHCARE-LAPS).", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159460", + "first_name": "Grzegorz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bilo", + "org_name": "University of Milan Bicocca", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differences in cardiovascular risk in the general population of low and high altitude residents in Peru. 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characterization in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Extracellular Vesicles", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Massimiliano Ruscica", + "kol_full_name": "Massimiliano Ruscica" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159457", + "session_name": "Combined ARNI and SGLT2i impacts on peak tricuspid regurgitant velocity and echocardiographic probability of pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159457", + "first_name": "Marco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stracqualursi", + "org_name": "University of Milan", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Combined ARNI and SGLT2i impacts on peak tricuspid regurgitant velocity and echocardiographic probability of pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marco Stracqualursi", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Stracqualursi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Health | Frailty | Cardiovascular Abnormalities | Cardiovascular Diseases | Apixaban | Delirium | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159456", + "session_name": "The Association between Age and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation Treated with Apixaban: Insights from the ARTESiA Trial,Delirium and risk of incident cardiovascular events in elderly: data from a global health research network,Using digital health technologies to integrate the care of atrial fibrillation,The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel,Challenges in the management of atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159456", + "first_name": "Marco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Proietti", + "org_name": "University of Milan", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Association between Age and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation Treated with Apixaban: Insights from the ARTESiA Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Delirium and risk of incident cardiovascular events in elderly: data from a global health research network,Using digital health technologies to integrate the care of atrial fibrillation,The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel,Challenges in the management of atrial fibrillation", + "events_topic": "Digital Health | Frailty ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Abnormalities | Cardiovascular Diseases | Apixaban | Delirium | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Marco Proietti", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Proietti" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol Ester Transfer Proteins | Atherosclerosis | Cholesterol, LDL | Hypercholesterolaemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159455", + "session_name": "Innovating the clinical management of LDL-c: exploring CETP as therapeutic target,Human CD34+ cells promote atherosclerosis when transferred in Rag2-KO/IL2rg-KO/CD47-KO/LDL-RKO mice independently of hypercholesterolaemia.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159455", + "first_name": "Giuseppe", + "middle_name": "Danilo", + "last_name": "Norata", + "org_name": "University of Milan", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovating the clinical management of LDL-c: exploring CETP as therapeutic target", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Human CD34+ cells promote atherosclerosis when transferred in Rag2-KO/IL2rg-KO/CD47-KO/LDL-RKO mice independently of hypercholesterolaemia.", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol Ester Transfer Proteins | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol, LDL | Hypercholesterolaemia", + "kol_name": "Giuseppe Danilo Norata", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Danilo Norata" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Thrombosis | Body Mass Index | Anxiety", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159454", + "session_name": "Anxiety, asthenia and altered equilibrium: a case of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy complicated with biventricular thrombosis.,Exercise gas exchange phenotyping according to body mass index: a population-based study in an apparently healthy population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159454", + "first_name": "Francesca", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Di Lenarda", + "org_name": "University of Milan", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anxiety", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " asthenia and altered equilibrium: a case of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy complicated with biventricular thrombosis.,Exercise gas exchange phenotyping according to body mass index: a population-based study in an apparently healthy population", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Thrombosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Body Mass Index | Anxiety", + "kol_name": "Francesca Di Lenarda", + "kol_full_name": "Francesca Di Lenarda" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Surfactants | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159453", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of alveolar surfactant type-B in acute heart failure: a long-term comparative analysis vs NT-proBNP", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159453", + "first_name": "Francesca", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bursi", + "org_name": "University of Milan", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of alveolar surfactant type-B in acute heart failure: a long-term comparative analysis vs NT-proBNP", 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Blood Platelets", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Fabrizia Bonacina", + "kol_full_name": "Fabrizia Bonacina" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Pulmonary Artery Coupling", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159451", + "session_name": "Prognostic significance of right ventricle to pulmonary artery coupling acute improvement after mitral transcatheter edge-to-edge repair.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159451", + "first_name": "Alberto", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Diano", + "org_name": "University of Milan", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic significance of right ventricle to pulmonary artery coupling acute improvement after mitral transcatheter edge-to-edge repair.", 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"events_topic": "Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Katharine Dibb", + "kol_full_name": "Katharine Dibb" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arthritis, Rheumatoid | Myocardial Fibrosis | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159448", + "session_name": "Protein quantitative trait loci identifies genetic biomarkers of proteins associated with measures of myocardial fibrosis in new-onset, treatment naive rheumatoid arthritis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159448", + "first_name": "Amr", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mohammed", + "org_name": "University of Manchester", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Manchester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Protein quantitative trait loci identifies genetic biomarkers of proteins associated with measures of myocardial fibrosis in new-onset", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " treatment naive rheumatoid arthritis", + "events_topic": "Arthritis, Rheumatoid | Myocardial Fibrosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "Amr Mohammed", + "kol_full_name": "Amr Mohammed" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Electrophysiology | Ablation Techniques | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159447", + "session_name": "Pulsed field ablation for atrial fibrillation ablation: latest findings,Updates for everyone in electrophysiology and arrhythmias", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159447", + "first_name": "Julia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vogler", + "org_name": "University of Luebeck", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Schleswig-Holstein", + "City": "Lubeck", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulsed field ablation for atrial fibrillation ablation: latest findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Updates for everyone in electrophysiology and arrhythmias", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Electrophysiology | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Julia Vogler", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Vogler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemorrhage | Clinical Trial | Anticoagulants Treatment | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159446", + "session_name": "Comparing the real-world and clinical trial bleeding rates associated with oral anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159446", + "first_name": "Ying", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gue", + "org_name": "University of Liverpool", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing the real-world and clinical trial bleeding rates associated with oral anticoagulation treatment for atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemorrhage | Clinical Trial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulants Treatment | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Ying Gue", + "kol_full_name": "Ying Gue" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemorrhage | Hypertensive Crisis | Stroke | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Anticoagulants | Thromboembolism | Cardiovascular Diseases | Dementia | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159445", + "session_name": "Risk of death, thromboembolic events, and bleeding in elderly patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Clinical Complexity who are not taking oral anticoagulation.,One-year risk of all-cause death and major cardiovascular events in patients presenting with hypertensive crisis. A report from a global federated research health network.,Dementia in patients with early cardiovascular complications following ischaemic stroke: A neglected complication of the stroke-heart syndrome,Adherence to the Atrial Fibrillation Better Care (ABC) pathway and outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease: A report from the APHRS-AF registry.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159445", + "first_name": "Tommaso", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bucci", + "org_name": "University of Liverpool", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk of death", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " thromboembolic events, and bleeding in elderly patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Clinical Complexity who are not taking oral anticoagulation.,One-year risk of all-cause death and major cardiovascular events in patients presenting with hypertensive crisis. A report from a global federated research health network.,Dementia in patients with early cardiovascular complications following ischaemic stroke: A neglected complication of the stroke-heart syndrome,Adherence to the Atrial Fibrillation Better Care (ABC) pathway and outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease: A report from the APHRS-AF registry.", + "events_topic": "Hemorrhage | Hypertensive Crisis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Anticoagulants | Thromboembolism | Cardiovascular Diseases | Dementia | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Tommaso Bucci", + "kol_full_name": "Tommaso Bucci" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke–Heart Syndrome | Body Mass Index | Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159444", + "session_name": "Body mass index may alter cardiovascular outcomes in patients with newly-diagnosed atrial fibrillation and previous stroke: an interaction analysis using longitudinal data from the GLORIA-AF registry,Cardiovascular outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation and previous stroke: a plausible impact of stroke-heart syndrome using longitudinal data from the GLORIA-AF registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159444", + "first_name": "Steven", + "middle_name": "Ho Man", + "last_name": "Lam", + "org_name": "University of Liverpool", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Body mass index may alter cardiovascular outcomes in patients with newly-diagnosed atrial fibrillation and previous stroke: an interaction analysis using longitudinal data from the GLORIA-AF registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation and previous stroke: a plausible impact of stroke-heart syndrome using longitudinal data from the GLORIA-AF registry", + "events_topic": "Stroke–Heart Syndrome | Body Mass Index ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Steven Ho Man Lam", + "kol_full_name": "Steven Ho Man Lam" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Failure | Amyloidosis | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159443", + "session_name": "Adverse events following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with amyloidosis: observations from a global federated network.,Clinical phenotypes in relation to outcomes in heart failure patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy and defibrillators (CRT-D): an unsupervised cluster analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159443", + "first_name": "Luigi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gerra", + "org_name": "University of Liverpool", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adverse events following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with amyloidosis: observations from a global federated network.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical phenotypes in relation to outcomes in heart failure patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy and defibrillators (CRT-D): an unsupervised cluster analysis", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Amyloidosis | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + 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Kolh", + "kol_full_name": "Philippe H. 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"rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nicholas Cauwenberghs", + "kol_full_name": "Nicholas Cauwenberghs" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159437", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159437", + "first_name": "Nathalie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Conrad", + "org_name": "University of Leuven", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Leuven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nathalie Conrad", + "kol_full_name": "Nathalie Conrad" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": 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"Prevalence of stage B heart failure in healthy adults and people with type 2 diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alice Cowley", + "kol_full_name": "Alice Cowley" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Ablation Techniques | Atrioventricular Node", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159430", + "session_name": "A comparative analysis of conduction system pacing and biventricular pacing in patients undergoing atrioventricular node ablation: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159430", + "first_name": "Akash", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mavilakandy", + "org_name": "University of Leicester", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leicester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A comparative analysis of conduction system pacing and biventricular pacing in patients undergoing atrioventricular node ablation: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrioventricular Node", + "kol_name": "Akash Mavilakandy", + "kol_full_name": "Akash Mavilakandy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159429", + "session_name": "Coronary microvascular dysfunction as assessed by cardiac MRI and its association with aerobic exercise capacity in dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159429", + "first_name": "Abhishek", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dattani", + "org_name": "University of Leicester", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leicester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary microvascular dysfunction as assessed by cardiac MRI and its association with aerobic exercise capacity in dilated cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Abhishek Dattani", + "kol_full_name": "Abhishek Dattani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Deep Learning | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Photography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159428", + "session_name": "Deep learning detection of subclinical cardiovascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes through retinal photography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159428", + "first_name": "Abbas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Alatrany", + "org_name": "University of Leicester", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leicester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deep learning detection of subclinical cardiovascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes through retinal photography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Deep Learning | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Photography", + "kol_name": "Abbas Alatrany", + "kol_full_name": "Abbas Alatrany" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159427", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular magnetic resonance to differentiate veteran athlete's heart with cavity dilatation and mild dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159427", + "first_name": "Wasim", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Javed", + "org_name": "University of Leeds", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular magnetic resonance to differentiate veteran athlete's heart with cavity dilatation and mild dilated cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Wasim Javed", + "kol_full_name": "Wasim Javed" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Myocardial 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"rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": " function, and perfusion in type 2 diabetes, heart failure, and healthy participants- A single center, open labelled clinical study.,The impact of type 2 diabetes on short term myocardial morphological, functional, and energetic recovery post coronary artery bypass surgery in patients with ischemic heart disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Myocardial Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Coronary Artery Bypass | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Sindhoora Kotha", + "kol_full_name": "Sindhoora Kotha" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Homeostasis | Heart Failure | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Digoxin | Mastocytosis, Systemic | Adipocytes | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159425", + "session_name": "Digoxin reduces senescence and restores dysfunctional endothelial-subcutaneous adipocyte cross-talk and dysregulated glucose homeostasis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus,Cardiac contractility index, a novel biomarker of incident heart failure amongst people with normal left ventricular ejection fraction in the UK Biobank,Systemic diseases affecting the heart", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159425", + "first_name": "Oliver", + "middle_name": "Ian", + "last_name": "Brown", + "org_name": "University of Leeds", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Digoxin reduces senescence and restores dysfunctional endothelial-subcutaneous adipocyte cross-talk and dysregulated glucose homeostasis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiac contractility index, a novel biomarker of incident heart failure amongst people with normal left ventricular ejection fraction in the UK Biobank,Systemic diseases affecting the heart", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Homeostasis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Digoxin | Mastocytosis, Systemic | Adipocytes | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "Oliver Ian Brown", + "kol_full_name": "Oliver Ian Brown" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Metabolic Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159424", + "session_name": "Machine learning identifies individuals at higher risk of incident cardio-renal-metabolic diseases and cardiovascular death who have unrealised opportunities to reduce future cardiovascular risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159424", + "first_name": "Mohammad", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Haris", + "org_name": "University of Leeds", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine learning identifies individuals at higher risk of incident cardio-renal-metabolic diseases and cardiovascular death who have unrealised opportunities to reduce future cardiovascular risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Metabolic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mohammad Haris", + "kol_full_name": "Mohammad Haris" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159423", + "session_name": "Endothelial insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling regulates vascular barrier function and atherogenesis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159423", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": 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"first_name": "Hema", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Viswambharan", + "org_name": "University of Leeds", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inhibition of ketohexokinase prevents fructose-induced insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction in high fat and sucrose-fed mice via enhancing energy expenditure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ketohexokinase | Insulin Resistance", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hema Viswambharan", + "kol_full_name": "Hema Viswambharan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159421", + "session_name": "Cardiac magnetic resonance in cardiomyopathies,Characterisation of cardiomyopathies with 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cascade genetic screening for familial hypercholesterolemia using a web-based communication platform (CATCH): a randomized multicenter implementation trial", + "events_topic": "Hypercholesterolemia | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Genetic Testing | Cholesterol, LDL", + "kol_name": "David Nanchen", + "kol_full_name": "David Nanchen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Primary Health Care | Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypercholesterolemia | Clinical Case", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159419", + "session_name": "How to manage frailty in patients with cardiovascular disease?,Familial hypercholesterolaemia and cardiovascular risk,Clinical Case Management: case studies from primary care,Personalised cardiovascular disease prevention in primary care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159419", + "first_name": "Luigina", + 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Dominiczak", + "kol_full_name": "Anna F. 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"Michele", + "last_name": "Potenza", + "org_name": "University of Fribourg", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Fribourg", + "City": "Fribourg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-cell-autonomous effects of arginase-II in macrophages on cardiomyocytes in aging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Duilio Michele Potenza", + "kol_full_name": "Duilio Michele Potenza" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159400", + "session_name": "Prediction of cardiovascular outcomes by subtle changes in the peripheral immune cell landscape - insights from the LURIC single cell RNA-sequencing study (LuRNA)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": 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"name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159397", + "first_name": "Valeria", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Raparelli", + "org_name": "University of Ferrara", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Ferrara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Platelet biomarkers and sociocultural gender: insights from the EVA study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Platelets | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Valeria Raparelli", + "kol_full_name": "Valeria Raparelli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Biomarkers | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159396", + "session_name": "Prediction of incident atrial fibrillation: from biomarkers to artificial intelligence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159396", + "first_name": "Marco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zuin", + "org_name": "University of Ferrara", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Ferrara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prediction of incident atrial fibrillation: from biomarkers to artificial intelligence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Marco Zuin", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Zuin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Echocardiography | Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | Cardiac Remodelling | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159395", + "session_name": "Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac 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cardiac remodelling and cardiovascular mortality-from a real world perspective", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | Cardiac Remodelling | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Jacopo Bonini", + "kol_full_name": "Jacopo Bonini" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159394", + "session_name": "Effects of short-term exposure to high altitude on cardiac function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159394", + "first_name": "Sijia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "University of Electronic Science and Technology of China", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Sichuan", + "City": "Chengdu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of short-term exposure to high altitude on cardiac function", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sijia Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Sijia Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Genetic Testing | Hypertension | Biomarkers | Large Language Models", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159393", + "session_name": "What is the role of genetic testing and biomarkers in hypertension management?,Challenges and opportunities of LLMs in scientific publishing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159393", + "first_name": "Tomasz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Guzik", + "org_name": "University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What is the role of genetic testing and biomarkers in hypertension management?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Challenges and opportunities of LLMs in scientific publishing", + "events_topic": "Genetic Testing | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers | Large Language Models", + "kol_name": "Tomasz Guzik", + "kol_full_name": "Tomasz Guzik" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Diabetic Cardiomyopathies | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159392", + "session_name": "Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in diabetic cardiomyopathy,HFpEF: data from animal studies and registries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159392", + "first_name": "Shruti", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Joshi", + "org_name": "University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in diabetic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "HFpEF: data from animal studies and registries", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Diabetic Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "Shruti Joshi", + "kol_full_name": "Shruti Joshi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Blood Circulation | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159391", + "session_name": "Cardiac diagnostics in Circulation,Multimodality imaging in acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159391", + "first_name": "Nicholas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mills", + "org_name": "University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac diagnostics in Circulation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Multimodality imaging in acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Blood Circulation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Nicholas Mills", + "kol_full_name": "Nicholas Mills" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Fibroblasts", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159390", + "session_name": "Valvular and myocardial fibroblast activation in aortic stenosis: a prospective positron emission tomography study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159390", + "first_name": "Neil", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Craig", + "org_name": "University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Valvular and myocardial fibroblast activation in aortic stenosis: a prospective positron emission tomography study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Fibroblasts", + "kol_name": "Neil Craig", + "kol_full_name": "Neil Craig" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Cardiovascular Diseases | Chest Pain | Hidden Illnesses | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Artificial Intelligence | Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159389", + "session_name": "Coronary computed tomography angiography guided management of patients with stable chest pain: 10-year outcomes from the SCOT-HEART trial,Making each contact count: enhancing the value of cardiac CT and MRI for detecting hidden disease and cardiovascular risk,Great Debate: the pros and cons of artificial intelligence in cardiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159389", + "first_name": "Michelle", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Williams", + "org_name": "University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary computed tomography angiography guided management of patients with stable chest pain: 10-year outcomes from the SCOT-HEART trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Making each contact count: enhancing the value of cardiac CT and MRI for detecting hidden disease and cardiovascular risk,Great Debate: the pros and cons of artificial intelligence in cardiology", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Chest Pain | Hidden Illnesses | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Artificial Intelligence | Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography", + "kol_name": "Michelle Williams", + "kol_full_name": "Michelle Williams" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microvascular Dysfunction | Wound Healing | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159388", + "session_name": "Role of platelets in microvascular dysfunction in HFpEF (MegaCardiocyte project),Vascular control of tissue repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159388", + "first_name": "Mairi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Brittan", + "org_name": "University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of platelets in microvascular dysfunction in HFpEF (MegaCardiocyte project)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Vascular control of tissue repair", + "events_topic": "Microvascular Dysfunction | Wound Healing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Mairi Brittan", + "kol_full_name": "Mairi Brittan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Translational Science, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159387", + "session_name": "Translational science: turning medicines into lifelong cures", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159387", + "first_name": "Andrew", + "middle_name": "H.", + "last_name": "Baker", + "org_name": "University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Translational science: turning medicines into lifelong cures", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Translational Science, Biomedical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Andrew H. Baker", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew H. 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"kol_full_name": "Anda Bularga" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Hormone Replacement Therapy | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159385", + "session_name": "Should all menopausal women be prescribed hormone replacement therapy to reduce risk?,Novel biomarkers for cardiovascular risk prediction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159385", + "first_name": "Vassilios", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vassiliou", + "org_name": "University of East Anglia", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Norwich", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Should all menopausal women be prescribed hormone replacement therapy to reduce risk?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel biomarkers for cardiovascular risk prediction", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | 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"rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Iryna Dykun", + "kol_full_name": "Iryna Dykun" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Pulmonary Veins Isolation | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159377", + "session_name": "Comparison of pulsed field ablation versus cryoballon and radiofrequency ablation for pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159377", + "first_name": "Evangelos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mavrakis", + "org_name": "University of Duisburg-Essen - West-German Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Essen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of pulsed field ablation versus cryoballon and radiofrequency ablation for pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Pulmonary Veins Isolation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Evangelos Mavrakis", + "kol_full_name": "Evangelos Mavrakis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombectomy | Ultrasonography | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159376", + "session_name": "Comparison of ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy in patients with intermediate-high-risk pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159376", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pinsdorf", + "org_name": "University of Duisburg-Essen - West-German Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Essen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy in patients with intermediate-high-risk pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombectomy | Ultrasonography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism", + "kol_name": "David Pinsdorf", + "kol_full_name": "David Pinsdorf" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Enteral Microbiome | Dietary Nitrate", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159375", + "session_name": "Influence of chronic dietary nitrate on downstream atherogenic metabolites and the enteral microbiome", + 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"", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159373", + "session_name": "Lp(a) is actionable now,Novel and old treatments, evidence in large populations,Real-world evidence on the cardiovascular effects of therapies for diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159373", + "first_name": "Ioanna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gouni-Berthold", + "org_name": "University Hospital Cologne", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Cologne", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lp(a) is actionable now", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Novel and old treatments, evidence in large populations,Real-world evidence on the cardiovascular effects of therapies for diabetes", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Therapeutics | Lipoprotein(a)", + "kol_name": "Ioanna Gouni-Berthold", + "kol_full_name": "Ioanna Gouni-Berthold" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care | Clinical Trials As Topic | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Inflammation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159372", + "session_name": "Extinguishing the fire: tackling inflammation in PCI patients,The year in review: top trials in coronary interventions impacting guidelines and patient care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159372", + "first_name": "Davide", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Capodanno", + "org_name": "University of Catania", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Sicilia", + "City": "Catania", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extinguishing the fire: tackling inflammation in PCI patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The year in review: top trials in coronary interventions impacting guidelines and patient care", + "events_topic": "Patient Care | Clinical Trials As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Inflammation", + "kol_name": "Davide Capodanno", + "kol_full_name": "Davide Capodanno" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159371", + "session_name": "Ascending aortic length: the new key consideration regarding treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159371", + "first_name": "Alessandro", + "middle_name": "Della", + "last_name": "Corte", + "org_name": "Università degli studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Napoli", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ascending aortic length: the new key consideration regarding treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alessandro Della Corte", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandro Della Corte" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolomics | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159370", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular risk prediction using metabolomic biomarkers and polygenic risk scores: a cohort study and modelling analyses", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159370", + "first_name": "Scott", + "middle_name": "Callum", + "last_name": "Ritchie", + "org_name": "University of Cambridge", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular risk prediction using metabolomic biomarkers and polygenic risk scores: a cohort study and modelling analyses", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Metabolomics | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Scott Callum Ritchie", + "kol_full_name": "Scott Callum Ritchie" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Plaque, Amyloid", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159369", + "session_name": "Intercellular communication in atherogenesis and plaque destabilisation (PLAK-TALK Project)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159369", + "first_name": "Jason", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tarkin", + "org_name": "University of Cambridge", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intercellular communication in 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"University of Cambridge", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nature-AGT: Using Causal AI to estimate the optimal timing of lowering SBP with an siRNA directed against angiotensinogen to reduce the lifetime risk of cardiovascular events", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Personalised lipid-lowering: bringing it all together with artificial intelligence", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Systolic Blood Pressure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " RNA, Small Interfering | Artificial Intelligence | Angiotensinogen", + "kol_name": "Brian A. Ference", + "kol_full_name": "Brian A. Ference" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Remodelling | Positron-Emission Tomography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159366", + "session_name": "Residual post-infarct myocardial inflammation detected by 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/MRI predicts long-term adverse cardiac remodelling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159366", + "first_name": "Andrej", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Corovic", + "org_name": "University of Cambridge", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Residual post-infarct myocardial inflammation detected by 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/MRI predicts long-term adverse cardiac remodelling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Remodelling | Positron-Emission Tomography", + "kol_name": "Andrej Corovic", + "kol_full_name": "Andrej Corovic" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159365", + "session_name": "Sex-specific clinical outcomes and healthcare resource utilization in the 5 years following hospitalization for heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159365", + "first_name": "Tauben", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Averbuch", + "org_name": "University of Calgary", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Alberta", + "City": "Calgary", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex-specific clinical outcomes and healthcare resource utilization in the 5 years following hospitalization for heart failure", + 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amyloid transthyretin: results of treatment beyond 12 months in the open-label extension of study NI006-101,Medical anti-arrhythmic strategies in patients with heart failure,Guidelines in Practice: chest pain and dyspnoea in a patient actively treated for cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159317", + "first_name": "Peter", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Van Der Meer", + "org_name": "University Medical Centre Groningen", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Groningen", + "City": "Groningen", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bromocriptine treatment and outcome in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy: the EORP PPCM registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term safety and efficacy of antibody ALXN2220 for depletion of cardiac amyloid transthyretin: results of treatment beyond 12 months in the open-label extension of study NI006-101,Medical anti-arrhythmic strategies in patients with heart failure,Guidelines in Practice: chest pain and dyspnoea in a patient actively treated for cancer", + "events_topic": "Dyspnea | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Peripartum Period | Heart Failure | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Chest Pain | Bromocriptine", + "kol_name": "Peter Van Der Meer", + "kol_full_name": "Peter Van Der Meer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial | Electric Countershock | Software | Flecainide | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159316", + "session_name": "The ongoing clinical trial testing whether the EHRA-PATHS software tool improves detection and management of comorbidities in atrial fibrillation,Flecainide acetate inhalation solution for cardioversion of recent-onset, symptomatic atrial fibrillation: results of the phase 3 RESTORE-1 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159316", + "first_name": "Michiel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rienstra", + "org_name": "University Medical Centre Groningen", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Groningen", + "City": "Groningen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The ongoing clinical trial testing whether the EHRA-PATHS software tool improves detection and management of comorbidities in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Flecainide acetate inhalation solution for cardioversion of recent-onset, symptomatic atrial fibrillation: results of the phase 3 RESTORE-1 trial", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial | Electric Countershock ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Software | Flecainide | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Michiel Rienstra", + "kol_full_name": "Michiel Rienstra" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Heart Failure | Obesity", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159315", + "session_name": "Yet more promise for GLP-1 agonists in HFpEF?,Fixing the obesity crisis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159315", + "first_name": "Laura", + "middle_name": "Marieke Gezina", + "last_name": "Meems", + "org_name": "University Medical Centre Groningen", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Groningen", + "City": "Groningen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Yet more promise for GLP-1 agonists in HFpEF?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Fixing the obesity crisis", + "events_topic": "Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity", + "kol_name": "Laura Marieke Gezina Meems", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Marieke 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failure events using models,Clash of the titans: when cardiovascular and kidney diseases overlap", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Kidney Diseases", + "kol_name": "Jozine Ter Maaten", + "kol_full_name": "Jozine Ter Maaten" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159312", + "session_name": "Managing the continuum of non-valvular atrial fibrillation care,Advances in the management of device-detected atrial fibrillation,Discussant review - MIRACLE-AF,2024 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation,Subclinical and device-detected atrial fibrillation: fact and fiction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159312", + "first_name": "Isabelle", + "middle_name": "C.", + "last_name": "Van Gelder", + "org_name": "University Medical Centre Groningen", + "Country": 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Mulder", + "kol_full_name": "Bart A. 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"kol_name": "Steven Hageman", + "kol_full_name": "Steven Hageman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159305", + "session_name": "Diseases of the aorta: new findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159305", + "first_name": "Pieter", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Doevendans", + "org_name": "University Medical Center Utrecht", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Utrecht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diseases of the aorta: new findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Pieter Doevendans", + "kol_full_name": "Pieter Doevendans" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": 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"Hessen", + "City": "Friedberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Recent secular trends of catheter-directed therapy for treatment of pulmonary embolism: a retrospective cohort study based on German national data", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Catheters", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Vera Oettinger", + "kol_full_name": "Vera Oettinger" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159282", + "session_name": "Coronary vein exit and CO2 insufflation allows to diagnose pericardial adhesions during epicardial ablation procedures.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159282", + "first_name": "Justo", + "middle_name": "Julia", + "last_name": "Calvo", + 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cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159281", + "first_name": "Andrew", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cole", + "org_name": "University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Stoke On Trent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Addressing disparities in the long-term mortality of non-ST segment myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients according to the presence of diabetes mellitus: a nationwide cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Andrew Cole", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew Cole" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mendelian Randomization Analysis | Genome-Wide Association Study", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159280", + "session_name": "Does PhenoAge acceleration impact adverse outcomes following major surgery (rehospitalization or death)? 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and liver diseases in the general population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159278", + "first_name": "Nicolas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vuilleumier", + "org_name": "University hospitals of Geneva", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anti-Apolipoprotein A-1 IgG", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " incident cardiovascular events and lipid paradox in rheumatoid arthritis.,Geospatial clustering of auto-antibodies against apolipoprotein A-1, heavy metals, cardiovascular and liver diseases in the general population", + "events_topic": "Cluster Analysis | Liver Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Arthritis, Rheumatoid | Staphylococcal Protein A | Apolipoprotein A-I", + "kol_name": "Nicolas Vuilleumier", + "kol_full_name": "Nicolas Vuilleumier" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Adrenergic Beta-Antagonists | Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159277", + "session_name": "Safety of beta-blocker discontinuation in patients after acute coronary syndromes and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction: long-term clinical outcomes from the SPUM-ACS cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159277", + "first_name": "Nicolas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Johner", + "org_name": "University hospitals of Geneva", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety of beta-blocker discontinuation in patients after acute coronary syndromes and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction: long-term clinical outcomes from the SPUM-ACS cohort", 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"Magalie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ladouceur", + "org_name": "University hospitals of Geneva", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endocarditis in a patient with congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Personalising care in congenital heart disease: a lifecycle perspective", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Magalie Ladouceur", + "kol_full_name": "Magalie Ladouceur" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Bradycardia | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159274", + "session_name": "Left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP) implant pathway: tips from the experts,Patients with an ICD but no indication for bradycardia pacing should receive an extravascular ICD", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159274", + "first_name": "Haran", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Burri", + "org_name": "University hospitals of Geneva", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP) implant pathway: tips from the experts", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Patients with an ICD but no indication for bradycardia pacing should receive an extravascular ICD", + "events_topic": "Bradycardia | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Haran Burri", + "kol_full_name": "Haran Burri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Prevention | Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159273", + 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Vein Isolation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dipen Shah", + "kol_full_name": "Dipen Shah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fibrosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159271", + "session_name": "Left atrium wall shear stress and fibrosis in patients with atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159271", + "first_name": "Dionysios", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Adamopoulos", + "org_name": "University hospitals of Geneva", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrium wall shear stress and fibrosis in patients with atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fibrosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alberto Spadotto", + "kol_full_name": "Alberto Spadotto" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Myocarditis | C-Reactive Protein", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159269", + "session_name": "Myocarditis in the modern era: analysing the impact of high-sensitivity troponin & C-reactive protein in predicting the extent of myocarditis and LV systolic dysfunction on cardiac magnetic resonance", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159269", + "first_name": "Zainab", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hussein", + "org_name": "University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Coventry", + "num_sess": "1", + 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arrhythmias", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159267", + "first_name": "Hejie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "He", + "org_name": "University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Coventry", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treated obstructive sleep apnoea and incident arrhythmias", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hejie He", + "kol_full_name": "Hejie He" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fontan Procedure | Hemoptysis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159266", + "session_name": "Outcomes and management of Haemoptysis in the Fontan population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159266", + "first_name": "Youssef", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sadek", + "org_name": "University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes and management of Haemoptysis in the Fontan population", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fontan Procedure | Hemoptysis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Youssef Sadek", + "kol_full_name": "Youssef Sadek" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Neoplasms | Atrial Function, Left", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159265", + "session_name": "An interesting case of richly vascular left atrial mass .", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159265", + "first_name": "Tarek", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mahdy", + "org_name": "University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An interesting case of richly vascular left atrial mass .", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Neoplasms | Atrial Function, Left", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tarek Mahdy", + "kol_full_name": "Tarek Mahdy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices | Pacemaker, Artificial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159264", + "session_name": "Pacemaker implantation and management: novel challenges and improvements", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159264", + "first_name": "Rik", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Willems", + "org_name": "University Hospitals (UZ) Leuven", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Leuven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pacemaker implantation and management: novel challenges and improvements", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices | Pacemaker, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rik Willems", + "kol_full_name": "Rik Willems" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159263", + "session_name": "Challenges in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159263", + "first_name": "Peter", + "middle_name": "R.", + 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+ "City": "Regensburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Semaglutide improves contractile function in isolated human atrium", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Semaglutide | Contractile Function", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Philipp Hegner", + "kol_full_name": "Philipp Hegner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Empagliflozin | Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159220", + "session_name": "Effects of empagliflozin on cardio-renal interaction in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: results from in-vivo experiments and the CINNAMON-study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159220", + "first_name": "Frederick", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sinha", + "org_name": "University 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outcome of surgical therapy for left-sided infective endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159218", + "first_name": "Christian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Schach", + "org_name": "University Hospital Regensburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Regensburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mild intracerebral bleeding does not adversely affect survival and neurological outcome of surgical therapy for left-sided infective endocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Hemorrhage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christian Schach", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Schach" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Brain Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159217", + "session_name": "Risk assessment and prevention of brain infarction in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159217", + "first_name": "Tomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Datino", + "org_name": "University Hospital Quironsalud Madrid", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk assessment and prevention of brain infarction in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Brain Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tomas Datino", + "kol_full_name": "Tomas Datino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart-Assist Devices", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159216", + "session_name": "Necessity is the mother of ingenuity. 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"event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159210", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular health: from treatment strategies to lifestyle adherence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159210", + "first_name": "Virna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sales", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Ulm", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Ulm", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular health: from treatment strategies to lifestyle adherence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Virna Sales", + "kol_full_name": "Virna Sales" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "npi_num": "", + 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"", + "kol_name": "Elene Mariella Walther", + "kol_full_name": "Elene Mariella Walther" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Prognosis | Biopsy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159207", + "session_name": "Unravelling cardiomyopathies: a comprehensive analysis of phenotypic diversity, endomyocardial biopsy patterns, and the impact of Gremlin-1 on clinical prognosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159207", + "first_name": "Tobias", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Harm", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Tuebingen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Tubingen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unravelling cardiomyopathies: a comprehensive analysis of phenotypic diversity", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " endomyocardial biopsy patterns, and the impact of Gremlin-1 on clinical prognosis", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Prognosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biopsy", + "kol_name": "Tobias Harm", + "kol_full_name": "Tobias Harm" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Frailty | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159206", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159206", + "first_name": "Tobias", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Geisler", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Tuebingen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Tubingen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Frailty | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tobias Geisler", + "kol_full_name": "Tobias Geisler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Chronic Coronary Syndromes | Aspirin", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159205", + "session_name": "When and how to escalate antithrombotic therapy beyond aspirin in chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159205", + "first_name": "Jose", + "middle_name": "Luis", + "last_name": "Ferreiro", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Taragona Joan XXIII", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "When and how to 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"Country": "France", + "Region": "Alsace", + "City": "Strasbourg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of protruding and ulcerated aortic atheroma on periprocedural ischemic stroke in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a comprehensive analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Ischemic Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Shinnosuke Kikuchi", + "kol_full_name": "Shinnosuke Kikuchi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Endothelial Cells", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159203", + "session_name": "Impact of plasma from patients with severe aortic stenosis on valvular endothelial cells", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159203", + "first_name": "Antonin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Trimaille", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Strasbourg", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Alsace", + "City": "Strasbourg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of plasma from patients with severe aortic stenosis on valvular endothelial cells", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Endothelial Cells", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Antonin Trimaille", + "kol_full_name": "Antonin Trimaille" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Intracranial Embolism", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159202", + "session_name": "Is the incidence of cerebral embolic events underestimated in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy?", + "name": "2024 European 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function trajectories in 'de novo' heart failure with reduced ejection fraction - insights from a cohort study and their impact on patient outcomes,Sinus rhythm restoration as an independent predictor of left ventricular ejection fraction improvement in patients with the first hospitalization for heart failure and reduced ejection fraction,Delay in cardiology consultation after primary care physician referral in heart failure patients: sex influence on the associations with 1-year outcomes,Time taken for cardiology care and one-year results for primary care physicians' referrals for cardiology consultation in heart failure patients: clinical implications for heart failure management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159201", + "first_name": "Oscar", + "middle_name": "Otero", + "last_name": "Garcia", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Galicia", + "City": "Santiago de Compostela", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unveiling the prognostic journey: renal function trajectories in 'de novo' heart failure with reduced ejection fraction - insights from a cohort study and their impact on patient outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Sinus rhythm restoration as an independent predictor of left ventricular ejection fraction improvement in patients with the first hospitalization for heart failure and reduced ejection fraction,Delay in cardiology consultation after primary care physician referral in heart failure patients: sex influence on the associations with 1-year outcomes,Time taken for cardiology care and one-year results for primary care physicians' referrals for cardiology consultation in heart failure patients: clinical implications for heart failure management", + "events_topic": "Physicians, Primary Care | Stroke Volume ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Sick Sinus Syndrome | Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "kol_name": "Oscar Otero Garcia", + "kol_full_name": "Oscar Otero Garcia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Flecainide | Sick Sinus Syndrome | Cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159200", + "session_name": "Do CYP2D6 polymorphisms affect the efficacy and toxicity of flecainide? A cohort study.,H558R: a common polymorphism may modify the efficacy and toxicity of flecainide in maintaining sinus rhythm; a cohort study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159200", + "first_name": "Mauro", + "middle_name": "Trincado", + "last_name": "Ave", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Galicia", + "City": "Santiago de Compostela", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Do CYP2D6 polymorphisms affect the efficacy and toxicity of flecainide? A cohort study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "H558R: a common polymorphism may modify the efficacy and toxicity of flecainide in maintaining sinus rhythm; a cohort study.", + "events_topic": "Flecainide | Sick Sinus Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6", + "kol_name": "Mauro Trincado Ave", + "kol_full_name": "Mauro Trincado Ave" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Echocardiography | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159199", + "session_name": "Cardiac amyloidosis Echo-Score for patients with severe aortic stenosis. The AMY-TAVI trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159199", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bastos-Fernandez", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Galicia", + "City": "Santiago de Compostela", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac amyloidosis Echo-Score for patients with severe aortic stenosis. The AMY-TAVI trial.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "kol_name": "Maria Bastos-Fernandez", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Bastos-Fernandez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Toxicity | Ramipril | Drug Therapy | Defibrillators, Implantable | Neoplasms | Phenotyping | Carotid Sinus Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Atorvastatin | Heart Failure | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Heart Diseases | Cardioneuroablation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159198", + "session_name": "Impact of SLGT2 inhibitors treatment initiation on the reduction of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias in patients with implanted cardiac defibrillator,The CTOX-Score, a clinical risk prediction tool for cardiovascular toxicity secondary to cancer therapies,Cardioneuroablation for the treatment of carotid sinus syndrome,The cardiovascular polypill strategy (acetyl salicylic acid, atorvastatin, ramipril) as baseline treatment after a cardiovascular event supported by compelling evidence: a global expert consensus,Electronic consultation from primary care to a cardiology department improves outcomes in patients with cancer.,Diagnosis of heart failure: towards better phenotyping,New insights into pharmacotherapy for acute heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159198", + "first_name": "Jose", + "middle_name": "Ramon Gonzalez", + "last_name": "Juanatey", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Galicia", + "City": "Santiago de Compostela", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of SLGT2 inhibitors treatment initiation on the reduction of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias in patients with implanted cardiac defibrillator", + "rest_events_session_count": 9, + "rest_events_session": "The CTOX-Score, a clinical risk prediction tool for cardiovascular toxicity secondary to cancer therapies,Cardioneuroablation for the treatment of carotid sinus syndrome,The cardiovascular polypill strategy (acetyl salicylic acid, atorvastatin, ramipril) as baseline treatment after a cardiovascular event supported by compelling evidence: a global expert consensus,Electronic consultation from primary care to a cardiology department improves outcomes in patients with cancer.,Diagnosis of heart failure: towards better phenotyping,New insights into pharmacotherapy for acute heart failure", + "events_topic": "Toxicity | Ramipril ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 12, + "rest_events_topic": " Drug Therapy | Defibrillators, Implantable | Neoplasms | Phenotyping | Carotid Sinus Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Atorvastatin | Heart Failure | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Heart Diseases | Cardioneuroablation", + "kol_name": "Jose Ramon Gonzalez Juanatey", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Ramon Gonzalez Juanatey" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Heart Failure, Systolic | Heart Failure | Sodium-Glucose Transport Proteins", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159197", + "session_name": "Prognostic determinants in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction after a first hospitalisation for acute heart failure. COMFE registry.,Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists and cancer mortality. A real-world registry,Impact of a clinician-to-clinician electronic consultation program in heart failure patients with previous hospitalization. Implications for heart failure multidisciplinary management.,Combined sodium-glucose-transporters inhibitors (SGLT2i) and glucagon-like-peptide receptor agonist (GLP1ra) compared with SGLT2i or GLP1ra alone improves survival: a Real-World Registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159197", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "Garcia", + "last_name": "Vega", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Galicia", + "City": "Santiago de Compostela", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic determinants in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction after a first hospitalisation for acute heart failure. COMFE registry.", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists and cancer mortality. A real-world registry,Impact of a clinician-to-clinician electronic consultation program in heart failure patients with previous hospitalization. Implications for heart failure multidisciplinary management.,Combined sodium-glucose-transporters inhibitors (SGLT2i) and glucagon-like-peptide receptor agonist (GLP1ra) compared with SGLT2i or GLP1ra alone improves survival: a Real-World Registry", + "events_topic": "Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Systolic | Heart Failure | Sodium-Glucose Transport Proteins", + "kol_name": "David Garcia Vega", + "kol_full_name": "David Garcia Vega" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Weight Loss | Obesity | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Obesity, Morbid", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159196", + "session_name": "Case 2 - what treatment comes first in aortic stenosis and morbid obesity: weight loss or valve replacement?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159196", + "first_name": "Ana", + "middle_name": "Belen Cid", + "last_name": "Alvarez", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Galicia", + "City": "Santiago de Compostela", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 2 - what treatment comes first in aortic stenosis and morbid obesity: weight loss or valve replacement?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Weight Loss | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Obesity, Morbid", + "kol_name": "Ana Belen Cid Alvarez", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Belen Cid Alvarez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159195", + "session_name": "Phenotypic and clinical evaluation of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by the deep intronic variant MYBPC3:c.2308+227G>A,Gender-specific differences in severe tricuspid regurgitation. Finding from a TR multicentre CMR registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159195", + "first_name": "Sara", + "middle_name": "Rodriguez", + "last_name": "Diego", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Salamanca", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Castilla y Leon", + "City": "Salamanca", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phenotypic and clinical evaluation of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by the deep intronic variant MYBPC3:c.2308+227G>A", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Gender-specific differences in severe tricuspid regurgitation. Finding from a TR multicentre CMR registry", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Sara Rodriguez Diego", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Rodriguez Diego" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neurologic Manifestations | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159194", + "session_name": "Prognostic influence of the neurological complications in patients supported with venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159194", + "first_name": "Marta", + "middle_name": "Alonso Fernandez", + "last_name": "de Gatta", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Salamanca", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Castilla y Leon", + "City": "Salamanca", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic influence of the neurological complications in patients supported with venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neurologic Manifestations | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marta Alonso Fernandez de Gatta", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Alonso Fernandez de Gatta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159193", + "session_name": "Evaluation of bleeding events in a cohort of patients with transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159193", + "first_name": "Lucia", + "middle_name": "Moreno De Redrojo", + "last_name": "Cortes", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Salamanca", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Castilla y Leon", + "City": "Salamanca", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of bleeding events in a cohort of patients with transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Hemorrhage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Lucia Moreno De Redrojo Cortes", + "kol_full_name": "Lucia Moreno De Redrojo Cortes" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Dapagliflozin", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159192", + "session_name": "Effects of dapagliflozin according to QRS duration across the spectrum of LVEF: An analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159192", + "first_name": "Amr", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Abdin", + "org_name": "University hospital of Saarland (UKS)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Saarland", + "City": "Homburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of dapagliflozin according to QRS duration across the spectrum of LVEF: An analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Dapagliflozin", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Amr Abdin", + "kol_full_name": "Amr Abdin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159191", + "session_name": "A novel formula to assess the QT interval in ventricular paced rhythm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159191", + "first_name": "Alhasan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Almasri", + "org_name": "University hospital of Saarland (UKS)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Saarland", + "City": "Homburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel formula to assess the QT interval in ventricular paced rhythm", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alhasan Almasri", + "kol_full_name": "Alhasan Almasri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis | Cardiac Valve Annuloplasty | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159190", + "session_name": "RHEIA - Transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement in women with severe aortic stenosis,TAVI has failed: TAVI explant or valve-in-valve,The results of the RHEIA Trial,The future of aortic valve intervention: asymptomatic aortic stenosis, moderate aortic stenosis, bicuspid aortic stenosis, aortic insufficiency,Personalising treatment strategies for aortic valve stenosis: matching therapies to patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159190", + "first_name": "Helene", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Eltchaninoff", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Rouen", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Haute-Normandie", + "City": "Rouen", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "RHEIA - Transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement in women with severe aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "TAVI has failed: TAVI explant or valve-in-valve,The results of the RHEIA Trial,The future of aortic valve intervention: asymptomatic aortic stenosis, moderate aortic stenosis, bicuspid aortic stenosis, aortic insufficiency,Personalising treatment strategies for aortic valve stenosis: matching therapies to patients", + "events_topic": "Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis | Cardiac Valve Annuloplasty ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Helene Eltchaninoff", + "kol_full_name": "Helene Eltchaninoff" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Atrioventricular Node | Ventricular Pacing | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159189", + "session_name": "Predictive factors of high burden of ventricular pacing in patients undergoing permanent pacemaker implantation after transcatheter aortic valve implantation,His bundle pacing vs left bundle branch area pacing in patients undergoing atrioventricular node ablation: a prospective, multicenter, comparative study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159189", + "first_name": "Frederic", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Anselme", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Rouen", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Haute-Normandie", + "City": "Rouen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictive factors of high burden of ventricular pacing in patients undergoing permanent pacemaker implantation after transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "His bundle pacing vs left bundle branch area pacing in patients undergoing atrioventricular node ablation: a prospective, multicenter, comparative study", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Atrioventricular Node ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Pacing | Ablation Techniques", + "kol_name": "Frederic Anselme", + "kol_full_name": "Frederic Anselme" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Function, Right | Vascular Resistance | Hypertension, Pulmonary | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159188", + "session_name": "Left atrial strain demonstrates the ability to distinguish patients with pre and post-capillary pulmonary hypertension,TAPSE/sPAP by echocardiography to detect elevated pulmonary vascular resistance> 4 WU in postcapillary pulmonary hypertension patients: insights from the French PH HF registry,Vmax as an Index of right ventricular function in pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159188", + "first_name": "Fabrice", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bauer", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Rouen", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Haute-Normandie", + "City": "Rouen", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial strain demonstrates the ability to distinguish patients with pre and post-capillary pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "TAPSE/sPAP by echocardiography to detect elevated pulmonary vascular resistance> 4 WU in postcapillary pulmonary hypertension patients: insights from the French PH HF registry,Vmax as an Index of right ventricular function in pulmonary hypertension", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Function, Right | Vascular Resistance ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension, Pulmonary | Echocardiography", + "kol_name": "Fabrice Bauer", + "kol_full_name": "Fabrice Bauer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159187", + "session_name": "One-year prognostic value of right ventricular to pulmonary arterial coupling in patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome: insights from the ADDICT-ICCU study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159187", + "first_name": "Charles", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nogarede", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Rouen", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Haute-Normandie", + "City": "Rouen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "One-year prognostic value of right ventricular to pulmonary arterial coupling in patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome: insights from the ADDICT-ICCU study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Charles Nogarede", + "kol_full_name": "Charles Nogarede" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Mortality | Risk Assessment | Prognosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Valve Diseases | Morbidity | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159186", + "session_name": "Changes and prognostic impact of right ventricular-to-pulmonary artery coupling after transcatheter aortic valve replacement,Comparison of pulmonary arterial risk assessment tools to predict mortality or morbidity in treatment naive and previously diagnosed patients.,Impact of aortic valve calcium score on conductive disturbances after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a monocentre retrospective study,Refining prognosis in aortic stenosis,Diversity and specific populations in valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159186", + "first_name": "Charles", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fauvel", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Rouen", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Haute-Normandie", + "City": "Rouen", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changes and prognostic impact of right ventricular-to-pulmonary artery coupling after transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of pulmonary arterial risk assessment tools to predict mortality or morbidity in treatment naive and previously diagnosed patients.,Impact of aortic valve calcium score on conductive disturbances after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a monocentre retrospective study,Refining prognosis in aortic stenosis,Diversity and specific populations in valvular heart disease", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Risk Assessment | Prognosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Valve Diseases | Morbidity | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Charles Fauvel", + "kol_full_name": "Charles Fauvel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Premature Complexes | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159185", + "session_name": "Prevalence of cardiomyopathies and myocardial scar in patients with non-complicated premature ventricular beats: a CMR study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159185", + "first_name": "Benjamin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Alos", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Poitiers", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Poitou-Charentes", + "City": "Poitiers", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of cardiomyopathies and myocardial scar in patients with non-complicated premature ventricular beats: a CMR study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + 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"Pisa", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Developments in implantable cardiac monitor systems (ICM) from diagnosis to monitoring", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Artificial intelligence innovations in cardiac risk assessment and disease prediction,Progress and challenges in artificial intelligence for cardiovascular risk assessment and diagnosis", + "events_topic": "Risk Assessment | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence | Cardiac Monitoring Systems", + "kol_name": "Raffaele De Lucia", + "kol_full_name": "Raffaele De Lucia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159183", + "session_name": "Unravel novel therapeutic targets in heart failure and associated pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European 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nationwide case-crossover study,Optimising treatment of cardiac disease before major vascular surgery,The ESC Journal Family: focus on personalised care in different fields of cardiovascular medicine,Lifestyle, obesity, and dyslipidaemia,From evolution to disruption: it is all about understanding the natural course of aortic disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159173", + "first_name": "Victor", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Aboyans", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Limoges", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Limousin", + "City": "Limoges", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trends in ESC cardiovascular statistics", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Increased risk of cardiovascular events in the weeks following hospitalised COPD exacerbations: the EXACOS-CV French nationwide case-crossover study,Optimising treatment of 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Mavacamten introduction in severe obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and arterial hypertension,Hypertensive myocardial disease screening in low-income settings using smartphone-based technologies: a prospective multicenter trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159167", + "first_name": "Niccolo'", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Maurizi", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Lausanne", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " lessons from real-world experience,Development and validation of a smartphone based app to guide the differential diagnosis in patients with primary left ventricular hypertrophy: the Thick Heart App,Hypertensive crisis following Mavacamten introduction in severe obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and arterial hypertension,Hypertensive myocardial disease screening in low-income settings using smartphone-based technologies: a prospective multicenter trial", + "events_topic": "Smartphone | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnosis, Differential | Cardiomyopathies | Hypertension | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Cardiac Myosins", + "kol_name": "Niccolo' Maurizi", + "kol_full_name": "Niccolo' Maurizi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Spinal Cord Injuries | Pacemaker, Artificial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159166", + "session_name": "Pacemaker-induced apnea in a patient with cervical medullary trauma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159166", + "first_name": "Margot", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kaufmann", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Lausanne", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": 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Syndrome (ACS),Impact of chronic kidney disease on patients with Myocardial Infarction with Non Obstructive Coronary Arteries (MINOCA),Concordance between cardiological interventions and artificial intelligence recommendations for patients presenting with chest pain, based on consultations from the emergency department to cardiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159162", + "first_name": "Nuria", + "middle_name": "Gil", + "last_name": "Mancebo", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Getafe", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical profile and prognosis of Myocardial Infarction with Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries (MINOCA) in patients with previous Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of chronic kidney disease on patients with Myocardial Infarction with Non Obstructive Coronary Arteries (MINOCA),Concordance between cardiological interventions and artificial intelligence recommendations for patients presenting with chest pain, based on consultations from the emergency department to cardiology", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Chest Pain ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Artificial Intelligence | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Nuria Gil Mancebo", + "kol_full_name": "Nuria Gil Mancebo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Infections | Blood Pressure Monitors | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159161", + "session_name": "Regional variation of age-related blood pressure trajectories and their association with blood pressure control rates, disability-adjusted life years and death,Integrity of central nervous autonomous tracts is associated with cardiac function, 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among patients with symptomatic heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159129", + "first_name": "Romy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gessner", + "org_name": "University Of Leipzig", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnosing heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in patients with unexplained dyspnoea using left ventricular pressure-volume loops at rest and on exertion", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiac magnetic resonance T1 imaging for the diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis among patients with symptomatic heart failure", + "events_topic": "Dyspnea | Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Romy Gessner", + "kol_full_name": "Romy Gessner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159128", + "session_name": "Investigating the influence of possible liver fibrosis on mortality in patients with coronary artery disease - a post-hoc ISCHEMIA trial analysis,Correlation between short-term quality of life improvement and clinical outcomes - a post-hoc ISCHEMIA trial analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159128", + "first_name": "Tulio", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Caldonazo", + "org_name": "University hospital Jena", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Thuringen", + "City": "Jena", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Investigating the influence of possible liver fibrosis on mortality in patients with coronary artery disease - a post-hoc ISCHEMIA trial analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Correlation between short-term quality of life improvement and clinical outcomes - a post-hoc ISCHEMIA trial analysis", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tulio Caldonazo", + "kol_full_name": "Tulio Caldonazo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159127", + "session_name": "Survival in patients with chronic congestive heart failure and correlation of presence of risk factors and all-cause mortality", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159127", + "first_name": "Ruth", + "middle_name": "Charlotte", + "last_name": "Hartmann", + "org_name": "University hospital Jena", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Thuringen", + "City": "Jena", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Survival in patients with chronic congestive heart failure and correlation of presence of risk factors and all-cause mortality", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ruth Charlotte Hartmann", + "kol_full_name": "Ruth Charlotte Hartmann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159126", + "session_name": "Comparison of Lp(a) assessment in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease between office-based cardiologists and general practitioners", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159126", + "first_name": "Oliver", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Weingaertner", + "org_name": "University hospital Jena", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Thuringen", + "City": "Jena", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of Lp(a) assessment in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease between office-based cardiologists and general practitioners", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Oliver Weingaertner", + "kol_full_name": "Oliver Weingaertner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Bypass | Coronary Disease | Colchicine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159125", + "session_name": "Colchicine in patients with coronary disease undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159125", + "first_name": "Hristo", + "middle_name": "", + 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"name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159124", + "first_name": "Franz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Haertel", + "org_name": "University hospital Jena", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Thuringen", + "City": "Jena", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intensive lipid - lowering therapy is highly cost effective in patients with ST - elevation myocardial infarction: a two - year follow - up of Jena auf Ziel", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Franz Haertel", + "kol_full_name": "Franz Haertel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomegaly | Hypertrophy | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Atrophy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159123", + 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"url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing the alignment of obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy pharmacological treatments with ESC guidelines in Germany", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM): clearing the roadblock,The different faces of cardiac amyloidosis", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Farbod Sedaghat-Hamedani", + "kol_full_name": "Farbod Sedaghat-Hamedani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159116", + "session_name": "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: risk prediction and outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159116", + "first_name": "Elham", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kayvanpour", + "org_name": "Heidelberg University 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ubiquitin-Protein Ligases", + "kol_name": "Anushka Deshpande", + "kol_full_name": "Anushka Deshpande" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159112", + "session_name": "Two rare syndromes in one patient – determining the cause of sudden cardiac arrest", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159112", + "first_name": "Ailis", + "middle_name": "Ceara", + "last_name": "Haney", + "org_name": "Heidelberg University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Two rare syndromes in one patient – determining the cause of sudden cardiac arrest", + 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"Epicardial adipose tissue volumes for long-term risk stratification in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159110", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Schulz", + "org_name": "University Hospital Gottingen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epicardial adipose tissue volumes for long-term risk stratification in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alexander Schulz", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander Schulz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Cardiomyopathies | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159109", + "session_name": "Cardiogenic shock caused by arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy from an unexpected source", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159109", + "first_name": "Nikolaos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tsianakas", + "org_name": "University hospital Giessen and Marburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hessen", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiogenic shock caused by arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy from an unexpected source", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Nikolaos Tsianakas", + 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receiving chemotherapy and an immune checkpoint inhibitor presents with chest pain and dyspnoea: what do the guidelines say?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Acute coronary syndrome in patients with cancer: what to consider,Personalising antithrombotic therapy in patients with cancer: what every cardiologist should know", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Chest Pain ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Dyspnea | Thrombolytic Therapy | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Drug Therapy", + "kol_name": "Sofie Gevaert", + "kol_full_name": "Sofie Gevaert" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Circulation | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159107", + "session_name": "Pulmonary circulation and the right ventricle in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159107", + "first_name": "Michel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "De Pauw", + "org_name": "University Hospital Ghent", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Gent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary circulation and the right ventricle in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Circulation | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Michel De Pauw", + "kol_full_name": "Michel De Pauw" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Aortic Diseases | Heart Defects, Congenital | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159106", + "session_name": "Genetics in congenital heart disease: are we ready?,Personalised approaches to managing heritable thoracic aortic disease,Cardiovascular disease in pregnancy and childhood,Diversities and disparities in cardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159106", + "first_name": "Julie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "De Backer", + "org_name": "University Hospital Ghent", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Gent", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genetics in congenital heart disease: are we ready?", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Personalised approaches to managing heritable thoracic aortic disease,Cardiovascular disease in pregnancy and childhood,Diversities and disparities in cardiac surgery", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Aortic Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Julie De Backer", + "kol_full_name": "Julie De Backer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + 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"Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Nursing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Diseases", + "kol_name": "Hannah Schaubroeck", + "kol_full_name": "Hannah Schaubroeck" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159104", + "session_name": "Increased circulating levels of standardized inflammatory and endothelial dysfunction biomarkers in patients with myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159104", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "Jesus Espinosa", + "last_name": "Pascual", + "org_name": "University Hospital Getafe", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Increased circulating levels of standardized inflammatory and endothelial dysfunction biomarkers in patients with myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maria Jesus Espinosa Pascual", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Jesus Espinosa Pascual" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sex Characteristics | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159103", + "session_name": "Sex differences in patients with acute myocardial infarction under 65 years of age: a Spanish cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159103", + "first_name": "Barbara", + "middle_name": "Izquierdo", + "last_name": "Coronel", + "org_name": "University Hospital Getafe", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in patients with acute myocardial infarction under 65 years of age: a Spanish cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sex Characteristics | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Barbara Izquierdo Coronel", + "kol_full_name": "Barbara Izquierdo Coronel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159102", + "session_name": "Joint adjustment of endocardial unipolar and bipolar voltage cutoff to improve the prediction of epicardial ventricular tachycardia substrate in non-ischemic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159102", + "first_name": "Helena", + "middle_name": "Lopez", + "last_name": "Martinez", + "org_name": "University Hospital Germans Trias and Pujol de Badalona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Joint adjustment of endocardial unipolar and bipolar voltage cutoff to improve the prediction of epicardial ventricular tachycardia substrate in non-ischemic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Helena Lopez Martinez", + "kol_full_name": "Helena Lopez Martinez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Hemodynamics | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159101", + "session_name": "Using the VES-13 score for risk stratification in outpatient heart failure management to predict mortality.,Effects of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors on pulmonary hemodynamics in chronic heart failure patients with a pulmonary artery pressure sensor.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159101", + "first_name": "Evelyn", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Santiago-Vacas", + "org_name": "University Hospital Germans Trias and Pujol de Badalona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Using the VES-13 score for risk stratification in outpatient heart failure management to predict mortality.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Effects of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors on pulmonary hemodynamics in chronic heart failure patients with a pulmonary artery pressure sensor.", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Hemodynamics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Evelyn Santiago-Vacas", + "kol_full_name": "Evelyn Santiago-Vacas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159100", + "session_name": "20 year picture of a heart failure clinic: changes in the patients profiles' and 2-year mortality.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159100", + "first_name": "Andrea", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Carrete", + "org_name": "University Hospital Germans Trias and Pujol de Badalona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "20 year picture of a heart failure clinic: changes in the patients profiles' and 2-year mortality.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Andrea Carrete", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Carrete" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159099", + "session_name": "Remote management of worsening heart failure events and subsequent rate of emergency department admission,Incremental prognostic value of late gadolinium enhancement granularity in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159099", + "first_name": "Jeremy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Florence", + "org_name": "University Hospital Gabriel Montpied - Clermont", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Remote management of worsening heart failure events and subsequent rate of emergency department admission", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Incremental prognostic value of late gadolinium enhancement granularity in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jeremy Florence", + "kol_full_name": "Jeremy Florence" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159098", + "session_name": "Implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy,Cardiac pacing cases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159098", + "first_name": "Victoria", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Johnson", + "org_name": "University Hospital Frankfurt", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hessen", + "City": "Frankfurt", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiac pacing cases", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Victoria Johnson", + "kol_full_name": "Victoria Johnson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Coronary Angiography | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159097", + "session_name": "Coronary CT angiography using photon counting CT for the detection of coronary artery stenoses and coronary atherosclerotic plaque: comparison of reconstructions with 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm slice thickness,Excluding significant coronary artery disease in patients planned for TAVR using CT: Diagnostic accuracy of newest generation dual source photon counting scanner compared to coronary angiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159097", + "first_name": "Tara", + "middle_name": "Zuhair", + "last_name": "Kassem", + "org_name": "University Hospital Erlangen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Erlangen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary CT angiography using photon counting CT for the detection of coronary artery stenoses and coronary atherosclerotic plaque: comparison of reconstructions with 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm slice thickness", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Excluding significant coronary artery disease in patients planned for TAVR using CT: Diagnostic accuracy of newest generation dual source photon counting scanner compared to coronary angiography", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Coronary Angiography | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "kol_name": "Tara Zuhair Kassem", + "kol_full_name": "Tara Zuhair Kassem" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon | Aortic Valve Calcification | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159096", + "session_name": "Validation of quantitative aortic valve calcification assessment by photon-counting computed tomography from contrast-enhanced data sets using virtual non-contrast reconstructions,The new world of transcatheter edge-to-edge valvular repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159096", + "first_name": "Susanne", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jung", + "org_name": "University Hospital Erlangen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Erlangen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Validation of quantitative aortic valve calcification assessment by photon-counting computed tomography from contrast-enhanced data sets using virtual non-contrast reconstructions", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The new world of transcatheter edge-to-edge valvular repair", + "events_topic": "Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon | Aortic Valve Calcification ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "kol_name": "Susanne Jung", + "kol_full_name": "Susanne Jung" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159095", + "session_name": "Association of risk factors on mortality in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159095", + "first_name": "Rojda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ipek", + "org_name": "University Hospital Duesseldorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Dusseldorf", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of risk factors on mortality in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rojda Ipek", + "kol_full_name": "Rojda Ipek" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombomodulin | Sphingosine 1-phosphate", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159094", + "session_name": "Sphingosine-1-phosphate reduces arterial thrombosis via enhanced endothelial thrombomodulin expression by S1PR1 signaling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159094", + "first_name": "Marcel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Benkhoff", + "org_name": "University Hospital Duesseldorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Dusseldorf", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sphingosine-1-phosphate reduces arterial thrombosis via enhanced endothelial thrombomodulin expression by S1PR1 signaling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombomodulin | Sphingosine 1-phosphate", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marcel Benkhoff", + "kol_full_name": "Marcel Benkhoff" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159093", + "session_name": "Prevalence of amyloidosis among patients with mild to severe aortic stenosis. Validation of screening parameters.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159093", + "first_name": "Fabian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Voss", + "org_name": "University Hospital Duesseldorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Dusseldorf", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of amyloidosis among patients with mild to severe aortic stenosis. Validation of screening parameters.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Fabian Voss", + "kol_full_name": "Fabian Voss" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159092", + "session_name": "Evaluation of repeated machine learning-based phenotyping in patients with cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159092", + "first_name": "Elric", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zweck", + "org_name": "University Hospital Duesseldorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Dusseldorf", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of repeated machine learning-based phenotyping in patients with cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Elric Zweck", + "kol_full_name": "Elric Zweck" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159091", + "session_name": "Cocoa flavanols alleviate early diastolic dysfunction by decreasing left atrial volume in healthy elderly individuals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159091", + "first_name": "Dragos-Andrei", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Duse", + "org_name": "University Hospital Duesseldorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Dusseldorf", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cocoa flavanols alleviate early diastolic dysfunction by decreasing left atrial volume in healthy elderly individuals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dragos-Andrei Duse", + "kol_full_name": "Dragos-Andrei Duse" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Precision Medicine | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159090", + "session_name": "Sizing of the aortic valve using virtual reality - next step towards personalized medicine?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159090", + "first_name": "Dominika", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kanschik", + "org_name": "University Hospital Duesseldorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Dusseldorf", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sizing of the aortic valve using virtual reality - next step towards personalized medicine?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Precision Medicine | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dominika Kanschik", + "kol_full_name": "Dominika Kanschik" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pheochromocytoma | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159089", + "session_name": "Unraveling the clinical enigma: from recurring stress myocardiopathy to pheochromocytoma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159089", + "first_name": "Andreea-Catalina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cristea", + "org_name": "UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL DEL RIO HORTEGA", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Castilla y Leon", + "City": "Valladolid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unraveling the clinical enigma: from recurring stress myocardiopathy to pheochromocytoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pheochromocytoma | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Andreea-Catalina Cristea", + "kol_full_name": "Andreea-Catalina Cristea" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pheochromocytoma | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Shock, Cardiogenic | Tetralogy Of Fallot", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159088", + "session_name": "A case of ventricular tachycardia secondary to prosthetic dehiscence in a patient with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot,Cardiogenic shock in puerperal woman secondary to pheochromocytoma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159088", + "first_name": "Mikel", + "middle_name": "Gonzalez", + "last_name": "Arribas", + "org_name": "University Hospital Cruces", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A case of ventricular tachycardia secondary to prosthetic dehiscence in a patient with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiogenic shock in puerperal woman secondary to pheochromocytoma", + "events_topic": "Pheochromocytoma | Tachycardia, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic | Tetralogy Of Fallot", + "kol_name": "Mikel Gonzalez Arribas", + "kol_full_name": "Mikel Gonzalez Arribas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension | Connective Tissue Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159087", + "session_name": "The importance of comorbidities in idiopathic and associated with connective tissue disease pulmonary arterial hypertension: from the Spanish Registry of Pulmonary Hypertension (REHAP Registry),Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, associated with connective tissue disease and comorbidities: prognostic differences? Results the Spanish Registry of pulmonary hypertension (REHAP Registry)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159087", + "first_name": "Rafael", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bravo-Marques", + "org_name": "University Hospital Costa del Sol", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Andalucia", + "City": "Marbella", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The importance of comorbidities in idiopathic and associated with connective tissue disease pulmonary arterial hypertension: from the Spanish Registry of Pulmonary Hypertension (REHAP Registry)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, associated with connective tissue disease and comorbidities: prognostic differences? Results the Spanish Registry of pulmonary hypertension (REHAP Registry)", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Connective Tissue Diseases", + "kol_name": "Rafael Bravo-Marques", + "kol_full_name": "Rafael Bravo-Marques" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sternotomy | Heart-Assist Devices | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159086", + "session_name": "Ventricular assist devices as bridge to heart transplantation: minimally invasive approach with axial pumps vs sternotomy approach with centrifugal pumps: short term results", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159086", + "first_name": "Raquel", + "middle_name": "Ramos", + "last_name": "Martinez", + "org_name": "University Hospital Clinic of Valladolid", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Castilla y Leon", + "City": "Valladolid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ventricular assist devices as bridge to heart transplantation: minimally invasive approach with axial pumps vs sternotomy approach with centrifugal pumps: short term results", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sternotomy | Heart-Assist Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Transplantation", + "kol_name": "Raquel Ramos Martinez", + "kol_full_name": "Raquel Ramos Martinez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Reference Values | Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159085", + "session_name": "Normal values and reference ranges for quantitative assessment of myocardial first-pass perfusion by spectral computed tomography. 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"Metaverse-based cardiac magnetic resonance simulation to overcome claustrophobia (META-MRI): a feasibility trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Meta-Heart Team: enhancing multidisciplinary heart teams through virtual reality in the metaverse", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Virtual Reality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Phobic Disorders | Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "Ioannis Skalidis", + "kol_full_name": "Ioannis Skalidis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159079", + "session_name": "Comparison of htk-custodiol and St. Thomas solution as cardiac preservation solutions on early and midterm outcomes following heart transplantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159079", + "first_name": "Filip", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dulguerov", + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Vaudois (CHUV)", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of htk-custodiol and St. Thomas solution as cardiac preservation solutions on early and midterm outcomes following heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Filip Dulguerov", + "kol_full_name": "Filip Dulguerov" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159078", + "session_name": "The Mutscore metapredictor: a new application of artificial intelligence in cardiogenetics", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159078", + "first_name": "Alessandra", + "middle_name": 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tomography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159077", + "first_name": "Adil", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Salihu", + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Vaudois (CHUV)", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing the need for coronary angiography in high-risk acute coronary syndrome patients using artificial intelligence and computed tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Angiography | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Adil Salihu", + "kol_full_name": "Adil Salihu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159076", + "session_name": "Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: should be restricted from sport", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159076", + "first_name": "Aaron", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Baggish", + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Vaudois (CHUV)", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: should be restricted from sport", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Aaron Baggish", + "kol_full_name": "Aaron Baggish" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ferroptosis | Vitamin K 2 | Unfolded Protein Response", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159075", + "session_name": "Vitamin K2 and the Vitamin-K-Cycle-Enzyme VKORC1L1 improve endothelial regeneration by inhibiting endothelial-mesenchymal transition, inflammatory cell activation and ferroptosis,Activation, regulation, and effects of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response in endothelial cells", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159075", + "first_name": "Muntadher", + "middle_name": "Al", + "last_name": "Zaidi", + "org_name": "University hospital Bonn", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Bonn", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vitamin K2 and the Vitamin-K-Cycle-Enzyme VKORC1L1 improve endothelial regeneration by inhibiting endothelial-mesenchymal transition", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " inflammatory cell activation and ferroptosis,Activation, regulation, and effects of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response in endothelial cells", + "events_topic": "Ferroptosis | Vitamin K 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Unfolded Protein Response", + "kol_name": "Muntadher Al Zaidi", + "kol_full_name": "Muntadher Al Zaidi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Extracellular Vesicles | RNA, Long Noncoding | MicroRNAs | RNA, Untranslated | Durapatite | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Coronary Artery Disease | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159074", + "session_name": "Coronary artery disease ameliorates extracellular vesicle lncRNA PUNISHER regulates angiogenic response and endothelial cells function via NFkB-dependent mechanism,Calcific aortic valve disease-associated long noncoding RNA H19 promotes the osteogenic transition of valvular interstitial cells via the JAG1/NOTCH1 axis,Aortic valve disease augments vesicular microRNA-145-5p to regulate the calcification of valvular interstitial cells via cellular crosstalk,Aortic valve stenosis augments long noncoding RNA H19 to govern angiogenic responses and phenotypes of valvular endothelial cell through endothelial to mesenchymal transition,The long noncoding RNA HIF1a-AS1 regulates endothelial cell function and augments in patients with aortic valve disease with coronary artery disease,Extracellular vesicle-incorporated long noncoding RNA PUNISHER is increased in coronary artery disease and regulates endothelial cell function,Extracellular vesicles incorporated GAS5 ameliorates in patients with coronary artery disease and regulates function of cndothelial cells via cellular crossalk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159074", + "first_name": "M", + "middle_name": "Rabiul", + "last_name": "Hosen", + "org_name": "University hospital Bonn", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Bonn", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary artery disease ameliorates extracellular vesicle lncRNA PUNISHER regulates angiogenic response and endothelial cells function via NFkB-dependent mechanism", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Calcific aortic valve disease-associated long noncoding RNA H19 promotes the osteogenic transition of valvular interstitial cells via the JAG1/NOTCH1 axis,Aortic valve disease augments vesicular microRNA-145-5p to regulate the calcification of valvular interstitial cells via cellular crosstalk,Aortic valve stenosis augments long noncoding RNA H19 to govern angiogenic responses and phenotypes of valvular endothelial cell through endothelial to mesenchymal transition,The long noncoding RNA HIF1a-AS1 regulates endothelial cell function and augments in patients with aortic valve disease with coronary artery disease,Extracellular vesicle-incorporated long noncoding RNA PUNISHER is increased in coronary artery disease and regulates endothelial cell function,Extracellular vesicles incorporated GAS5 ameliorates in patients with coronary artery disease and regulates function of cndothelial cells via cellular crossalk", + "events_topic": "Extracellular Vesicles | RNA, Long Noncoding ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " MicroRNAs | RNA, Untranslated | Durapatite | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Coronary Artery Disease | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "M Rabiul Hosen", + "kol_full_name": "M Rabiul Hosen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chronic Inflammation | Coronary Stenosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159073", + "session_name": "Wire injury induced moderate aortic valve stenosis in mice is accompanied by a chronic systemic inflammatory reaction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159073", + "first_name": "Katrin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Becker", + "org_name": "University 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"Bartsch", + "org_name": "University hospital Bonn", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Bonn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel murine wire injury based infectious endocarditis model aggravates aortic valve stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Benedikt Bartsch", + "kol_full_name": "Benedikt Bartsch" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159071", + "session_name": "Prevalence of multiple native valvular heart disease in TAVR patients: a multicenter study assessing the impact of staged transcatheter edge-to-edge repair,The CT-derived fat-free muscle fraction is associated with inflammation and predicts outcome in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing TAVR", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159071", + "first_name": "Baravan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Al-Kassou", + "org_name": "University hospital Bonn", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Bonn", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of multiple native valvular heart disease in TAVR patients: a multicenter study assessing the impact of staged transcatheter edge-to-edge repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The CT-derived fat-free muscle fraction is associated with inflammation and predicts outcome in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing TAVR", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair ", + 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after non-cardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159052", + "first_name": "Danielle", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gualandro", + "org_name": "University Hospital Basel", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Basel-Stadt", + "City": "Basel", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Usefulness of preoperative NT-proBNP for prediction of acute heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " perioperative myocardial infarction/injury and mortality after non-cardiac surgery", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Cardiac Surgical Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Danielle Gualandro", + "kol_full_name": "Danielle Gualandro" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Artery Stenosis | Fibromuscular Dysplasia", + "npi_num": "", + 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Selection ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Renal Denervation | Stroke", + "kol_name": "Christine Meyer-Zurn", + "kol_full_name": "Christine Meyer-Zurn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159048", + "session_name": "Progression of device-detected atrial fibrillation to clinical atrial fibrillation: should we worry?,Pulsed field ablation for atrial fibrillation ablation: latest findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159048", + "first_name": "Christian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sticherling", + "org_name": "University Hospital Basel", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Basel-Stadt", + "City": "Basel", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Progression of device-detected atrial fibrillation to clinical atrial fibrillation: should we worry?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pulsed field ablation for atrial fibrillation ablation: latest findings", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christian Sticherling", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Sticherling" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertrophy | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159047", + "session_name": "Hypertrophic and other cardiomyopathies: miscellaneous findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159047", + "first_name": "Annina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vischer", + "org_name": "University Hospital Basel", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Basel-Stadt", + "City": "Basel", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hypertrophic and other cardiomyopathies: miscellaneous findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Annina Vischer", + "kol_full_name": "Annina Vischer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cytometry | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Thrombocythemia, Essential | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159046", + "session_name": "Emergency interventional treatment of cardiogenic shock due to decompensated aortic stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Single-cell mass cytometry analysis unveils prothrombotic expression and heterogeneity in essential thrombocythemia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159046", + "first_name": "Stephanie", + "middle_name": "Gladys", + "last_name": "Kuehne", + "org_name": "University Hospital Augsburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Augsburg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Emergency interventional treatment of cardiogenic shock due to decompensated aortic stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Single-cell mass cytometry analysis unveils prothrombotic expression and heterogeneity in essential thrombocythemia", + "events_topic": "Cytometry | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Thrombocythemia, Essential | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "Stephanie Gladys Kuehne", + "kol_full_name": "Stephanie Gladys Kuehne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159045", + "session_name": "Prognostic impact of cardiac events in asymptomatic mitral regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159045", + "first_name": "Evaldas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Girdauskas", + "org_name": "University Hospital Augsburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Augsburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic impact of cardiac events in asymptomatic mitral regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Evaldas Girdauskas", + "kol_full_name": "Evaldas Girdauskas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159044", + "session_name": "From bench to bedside and back to bench: investigating the role of platelet heterogeneity in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159044", + "first_name": "Dario", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bongiovanni", + "org_name": "University Hospital Augsburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Augsburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From bench to bedside and back to bench: investigating the role of platelet heterogeneity in coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dario Bongiovanni", + "kol_full_name": "Dario Bongiovanni" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Telemonitoring | Anti-Inflammatory Agents | Pneumococcal Vaccination | Heart Failure | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159043", + "session_name": "Impact of a pneumococcal vaccination incentive campaign in chronic heart failure patients in France: a randomized clinical trial,Newcard telemonitoring system improves survival in comparison both with traditional approaches and other French telemonitoring systems in chronic heart failure,Heart failure hospitalization reduction and long-term safety with remote pulmonary artery pressure monitoring: results of the CardioMEMS HF System OUS Post-Market Study,Anti-inflammatory treatment for coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159043", + "first_name": "Francois", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Roubille", + "org_name": "University Hospital Arnaud de Villeneuve", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Languedoc-Roussillon", + "City": "Montpellier", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of a pneumococcal vaccination incentive campaign in chronic heart failure patients in France: a randomized clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Newcard telemonitoring system improves survival in comparison both with traditional approaches and other French telemonitoring systems in chronic heart failure,Heart failure hospitalization reduction and long-term safety with remote pulmonary artery pressure monitoring: results of the CardioMEMS HF System OUS Post-Market Study,Anti-inflammatory treatment for coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Telemonitoring | Anti-Inflammatory Agents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Pneumococcal Vaccination | Heart Failure | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Francois Roubille", + "kol_full_name": "Francois Roubille" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159042", + "session_name": "Significant Left-Right shunt due to partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection and patent foramen ovale", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159042", + "first_name": "Nadeem", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jimidar", + "org_name": "University Hospital Antwerp", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Antwerpen", + "City": "Antwerp", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Significant Left-Right shunt due to partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection and patent foramen ovale", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nadeem Jimidar", + "kol_full_name": "Nadeem Jimidar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Software | Anticoagulation | Circadian Rhythm | Anticoagulants | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159041", + "session_name": "Personalised anticoagulation therapy in eligible patients with atrial fibrillation,Choose the right anticoagulant for the eligible patient in the right dose,A new software tool to track presence and management of comorbidities in patients with atrial fibrillation,Clinical Case Management: athletes with rhythm problems - what to consider when recommending exercise", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159041", + "first_name": "Hein", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Heidbuchel", + "org_name": "University Hospital Antwerp", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Antwerpen", + "City": "Antwerp", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised anticoagulation therapy in eligible patients with atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Choose the right anticoagulant for the eligible patient in the right dose,A new software tool to track presence and management of comorbidities in patients with atrial fibrillation,Clinical Case Management: athletes with rhythm problems - what to consider when recommending exercise", + "events_topic": "Software | Anticoagulation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Circadian Rhythm | Anticoagulants | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Hein Heidbuchel", + "kol_full_name": "Hein Heidbuchel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Cardiac Electrophysiology | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159040", + "session_name": "Accurate detection of dilated cardiomyopathy onset through machine learning predictions from ECG data,Unsupervised electrocardiogram feature extraction using deep learning empowers discovery of genetic and phenotypic determinants of cardiac electrophysiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159040", + "first_name": "Ewa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sieliwonczyk", + "org_name": "University Hospital Antwerp", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Accurate detection of dilated cardiomyopathy onset through machine learning predictions from ECG data", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Unsupervised electrocardiogram feature extraction using deep learning empowers discovery of genetic and phenotypic determinants of cardiac electrophysiology", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Machine Learning ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Deep Learning | Cardiac Electrophysiology | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "kol_name": "Ewa Sieliwonczyk", + "kol_full_name": "Ewa Sieliwonczyk" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Obesity", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159039", + "session_name": "Approaches to personalised revalidation of heart failure patients: the Belgian perspective,Lifestyle intervention in HFpEF with obesity to improve outcomes,How to manage a patient with obesity and HFpEF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159039", + "first_name": "Emeline", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Van Craenenbroeck", + "org_name": "University Hospital Antwerp", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Antwerpen", + "City": "Antwerp", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Approaches to personalised revalidation of heart failure patients: the Belgian perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Lifestyle intervention in HFpEF with obesity to improve outcomes,How to manage a patient with obesity and HFpEF", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity", + "kol_name": "Emeline Van Craenenbroeck", + "kol_full_name": "Emeline Van Craenenbroeck" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Chest Pain | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Dyspnea | Cardiovascular Diseases | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159038", + "session_name": "A patient receiving chemotherapy and an immune checkpoint inhibitor presents with chest pain and dyspnoea,Cardio-oncology: treatments and outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159038", + "first_name": "Constantijn", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Franssen", + "org_name": "University Hospital Antwerp", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A patient receiving chemotherapy and an immune checkpoint inhibitor presents 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Vrints", + "kol_full_name": "Christiaan J.M. 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Van De Heyning", + "kol_full_name": "Caroline M. 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Time to take into account the vasoreactive profile", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Teresa Segura de la Cal", + "kol_full_name": "Teresa Segura de la Cal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159032", + "session_name": "Regadenoson stress echocardiography: a road ahead", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159032", + "first_name": "Marta", + "middle_name": "Fernandez", + "last_name": "Galindo", + "org_name": "University Hospital 12 de Octubre", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Regadenoson stress echocardiography: a road ahead", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marta Fernandez Galindo", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Fernandez Galindo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159031", + "session_name": "Shaping the future management of pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159031", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "Pilar Escribano", + "last_name": "Subias", + "org_name": "University Hospital 12 de Octubre", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Shaping the future management of pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maria Pilar Escribano Subias", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Pilar Escribano Subias" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thromboembolism | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159030", + "session_name": "Exercise postcapillary pulmonary hypertension in patients with chronic thromboembolism. Role of multimodal resting and exercise assessment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159030", + "first_name": "Irene", + "middle_name": "Martin", + "last_name": "De Miguel", + "org_name": "University Hospital 12 de Octubre", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exercise postcapillary pulmonary hypertension in patients with chronic thromboembolism. 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"events_session": "Atrial fibrillation and HFpEF: the potential for atrioventricular node ablation and conduction system pacing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Daniel Rodriguez Munoz", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Rodriguez Munoz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise Test | Vascular Resistance | Calcium Channels", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159028", + "session_name": "Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in long-term calcium channel blockers responders, does it normalize in the same way as pulmonary vascular resistance?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159028", + "first_name": "Belen", + "middle_name": "Biscotti", + "last_name": "Rodil", + "org_name": "University Hospital 12 de Octubre", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in long-term calcium channel blockers responders", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " does it normalize in the same way as pulmonary vascular resistance?", + "events_topic": "Exercise Test | Vascular Resistance ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Calcium Channels", + "kol_name": "Belen Biscotti Rodil", + "kol_full_name": "Belen Biscotti Rodil" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Diagnostic Imaging | Ventricular Function, Right", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159027", + "session_name": "Assessment of right ventricular function in patients with severe secondary tricuspid regurgitation, following to the TVARC recommendations: association with outcome,Imaging valvular heart disease and beyond", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159027", + "first_name": "Xavier", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Galloo", + "org_name": "University Hospital (UZ) Brussels", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessment of right ventricular function in patients with severe secondary tricuspid regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " following to the TVARC recommendations: association with outcome,Imaging valvular heart disease and beyond", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Imaging | Ventricular Function, Right", + "kol_name": "Xavier Galloo", + "kol_full_name": "Xavier Galloo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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"rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy", + "kol_name": "Deniz Akdis", + "kol_full_name": "Deniz Akdis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159013", + "session_name": "Clinical and experimental arrhythmia treatments", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159013", + "first_name": "Charlotte", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Eitel", + "org_name": "University Heart Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Schleswig-Holstein", + "City": "Lubeck", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical and experimental arrhythmia treatments", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Charlotte Eitel", + 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"", + "kol_name": "Raphael Twerenbold", + "kol_full_name": "Raphael Twerenbold" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159010", + "session_name": "Ablation technologies and predictors for atrial fibrillation recurrence,Atrial fibrillation cases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159010", + "first_name": "Laura", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rottner", + "org_name": "University Heart and Vascular Centre Hamburg (UHZ)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ablation technologies and predictors for atrial fibrillation recurrence", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Atrial fibrillation cases", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Laura Rottner", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Rottner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159009", + "session_name": "Atrial and ventricular mitral regurgitation in the general population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159009", + "first_name": "Laura", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Keil", + "org_name": "University Heart and Vascular Centre Hamburg (UHZ)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial and ventricular mitral regurgitation in the general population", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Laura Keil", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Keil" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Rhythm Control | Heart Diseases | Sinus Rhythm", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159008", + "session_name": "Biomolecule-based prediction of sinus rhythm and interaction with early rhythm control: EAST-AFNET 4 biomolecule study,Novel mechanisms of arrhythmogenic cardiac disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159008", + "first_name": "Larissa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fabritz", + "org_name": "University Heart and Vascular Centre Hamburg (UHZ)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biomolecule-based prediction of sinus rhythm and interaction with early rhythm control: EAST-AFNET 4 biomolecule study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel mechanisms of arrhythmogenic cardiac disease", + "events_topic": "Rhythm Control | Heart Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Sinus Rhythm", + "kol_name": "Larissa Fabritz", + "kol_full_name": "Larissa Fabritz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Access Devices | Groin", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1159007", + "session_name": "Significant reduction of complications applying an optimized vascular access and post-interventional groin-site management during electrophysiology procedures", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1159007", + "first_name": "Julius", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Obergassel", + "org_name": "University Heart and Vascular Centre Hamburg (UHZ)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Significant 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Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158993", + "first_name": "Yang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chen", + "org_name": "University College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "THIRST Alert: a randomised controlled trial and feasibility study of an electronic health record alert in patients with heart failure and fluid overload", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Identifying at-risk patients for atrial high-rate episodes by machine learning,Implications of renal function on adverse clinical events in patients with atrial fibrillation: a comparative analysis of VKA and NOAC therapy - Insights from the GLORIA-AF Registry Phase III", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Anticoagulants ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " NOAC | Electronic Health Records | Atrial Fibrillation | Machine 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hypertension through lifestyle modifications: an important consideration", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158982", + "first_name": "Bryan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Williams", + "org_name": "University College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on hypertension,What drives uncontrolled hypertension and what's in our tool kit?,Treat the cardiovascular risk, not the number: con,Managing hypertension through lifestyle modifications: an important consideration", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Bryan Williams", + "kol_full_name": "Bryan Williams" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 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"rest_events_session": "Genotype predicts heart failure independent of left ventricular ejection fraction and NT-proBNP levels in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Exercise Test ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Athanasios Bakalakos", + "kol_full_name": "Athanasios Bakalakos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "White Matter Hyperintensities | Sodium, Dietary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158980", + "session_name": "Sex differences in association between dietary sodium intake and white matter hyperintensity volume", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158980", + "first_name": "Alun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hughes", + "org_name": "University College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": 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+ "org_name": "Umea University", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Vasterbottens Lan", + "City": "Umea", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel risk score based on exercise capacity to predict all-cause mortality in adults with congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sandra Skogby", + "kol_full_name": "Sandra Skogby" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Perioperative Period | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158970", + "session_name": "Discovering an unknown risk. The unnoticed, potientially life-threatening risk to people with an inherited cardaic arrhythmia during the non-cardiac perioperative period.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158970", + "first_name": "Lorraine", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "McGlinchey", + "org_name": "Ulster University Derry - Londonderry Campus", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discovering an unknown risk. 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"Kyongsang-namdo", + "City": "Ulsan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Serum potassium levels and in-hospital mortality in distinct phenotypes of myocardial infarction patients by machine learning clustering", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cluster Analysis", + "kol_name": "Sangwoo Park", + "kol_full_name": "Sangwoo Park" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Mitral Valve Annuloplasty | Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158968", + "session_name": "CSTB, FABP4, IBP-1 and ST2 are strong predictors of mortality after transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair,Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 predicts course of concomitant right-ventricular dilation and tricuspid regurgitation after transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158968", + "first_name": "Matthias", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Groeger", + "org_name": "Ulm University Heart Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Ulm", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CSTB", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " FABP4, IBP-1 and ST2 are strong predictors of mortality after transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair,Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 predicts course of concomitant right-ventricular dilation and tricuspid regurgitation after transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 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of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158963", + "first_name": "Masahiro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hada", + "org_name": "Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Microvascular functional assessment using microvascular resistance reserve in patients undergoing elective fractional flow reserve-guided percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Resistance | Fractional Flow Reserve ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "Masahiro Hada", + "kol_full_name": "Masahiro Hada" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microvascular Angina | Myocardial Bridging | Muscle Spasticity | Coronary Microvascular Spasm | Computed Tomography Angiography", + 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computed tomography angiography", + "events_topic": "Microvascular Angina | Myocardial Bridging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Muscle Spasticity | Coronary Microvascular Spasm | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "kol_name": "Takashi Mineo", + "kol_full_name": "Takashi Mineo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158961", + "session_name": "Associate variables of coronary computed tomographic angiography-derived extracellular volume fraction and cardiac magnetic resonance-derived late-gadolinium enhancement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158961", + "first_name": "Hiroki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ueno", + "org_name": "Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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anticoagulants: insight from the COMMAND VTE Registry-2", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158957", + "first_name": "Yuji", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nishimoto", + "org_name": "Toyonaka Municipal Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Toyonaka", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effectiveness of an Impella versus intra-aortic balloon pump in patients who received extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a nationwide inpatient database study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Procedural volume and outcomes in patients with cardiogenic shock who received Impella: insight from the J-PVAD Registry,Application of DOAC Score for the risk-stratification of major bleeding in patients with venous thromboembolism on direct oral anticoagulants: insight from the COMMAND VTE Registry-2", + "events_topic": "Impella | Direct 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"Australia", + "Region": "South Australia", + "City": "Adelaide", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Health inequities in cardiac care and cardiovascular guideline concordance in Australian migrant populations: data correlation for culturally and linguistically diverse populations (DatCALD) project", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Care Facilities | Health Inequities", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kannikar Wechkunanukul", + "kol_full_name": "Kannikar Wechkunanukul" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Immunity, Innate | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158953", + "session_name": "Innate immunity mechanisms in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158953", + "first_name": "Slava", + "middle_name": "", + 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improve outcomes?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158951", + "first_name": "Paolo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sbraccia", + "org_name": "Tor Vergata University Hospital Polyclinic", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GLP-1 RA as first-line therapy to improve outcomes?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glucagon-Like Peptide 1", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Paolo Sbraccia", + "kol_full_name": "Paolo Sbraccia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Radiofrequency Ablation | Catheter Ablation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158950", + "session_name": "The mechanism of silent steam pop during radiofrequency catheter ablation: an ex-vivo porcine heart study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158950", + "first_name": "Rena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nakamura", + "org_name": "Tokyo Yamate Medical Center", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The mechanism of silent steam pop during radiofrequency catheter ablation: an ex-vivo porcine heart study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiofrequency Ablation | Catheter Ablation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rena Nakamura", + "kol_full_name": "Rena Nakamura" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Artery Coupling | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158949", + "session_name": "Prognostic role of right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling assessed by TAPSE/PASP ratio in patients with heart failure and mildly reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158949", + "first_name": "Manami", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ono", + "org_name": "Tokyo Women's Medical University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic role of right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling assessed by TAPSE/PASP ratio in patients with heart failure and mildly reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Artery Coupling | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Manami Ono", + "kol_full_name": "Manami Ono" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158948", + "session_name": "Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158948", + "first_name": "Atsushi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Suzuki", + "org_name": "Tokyo Women's Medical University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Atsushi Suzuki", + "kol_full_name": "Atsushi Suzuki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158947", + "session_name": "Identification of ischemia with no obstructive coronary arteries using 13N-ammonia positron emission tomography-derived myocardial strain ratio", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158947", + "first_name": "Akiko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sakai", + "org_name": "Tokyo Women's Medical University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification of ischemia with no obstructive coronary arteries using 13N-ammonia positron emission tomography-derived myocardial strain ratio", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Akiko Sakai", + "kol_full_name": "Akiko Sakai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Dissection", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158946", + "session_name": "Associations of interfacility 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"Hunan", + "City": "Changsha", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trans-femoral transcatheter intramyocardial septal radiofrequency ablation: a novel therapeutic approach for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association between silent cerebral embolism and cognitive alterations following transcatheter aortic valve replacement in bicuspid versus tricuspid aortic valve patients", + "events_topic": "Radiofrequency Ablation | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Intracranial Embolism", + "kol_name": "Yiyuan Huang", + "kol_full_name": "Yiyuan Huang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Reperfusion Injury | STAT1 Transcription Factor | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158903", + "session_name": "FGF21 blunts cardiac ischemia/ reperfusion injury by promoting autophagic flux via Stat1/Irgm1 pathway", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158903", + "first_name": "Tao", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tu", + "org_name": "The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Hunan", + "City": "Changsha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "FGF21 blunts cardiac ischemia/ reperfusion injury by promoting autophagic flux via Stat1/Irgm1 pathway", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Reperfusion Injury | STAT1 Transcription Factor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia", + "kol_name": "Tao Tu", + "kol_full_name": "Tao Tu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Methylation | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158902", + "session_name": "Comprehensive bioinformatic analysis identified m6A methylation as an important regulator in mediating immune response during idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension,Effect of stereotactic body radiation therapy on left ventricular diastole function in symptomatic patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158902", + "first_name": "Na", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liu", + "org_name": "The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Hunan", + "City": "Changsha", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comprehensive bioinformatic analysis identified m6A methylation as an important regulator in mediating immune response during idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Effect of stereotactic body radiation therapy on left ventricular diastole function in symptomatic patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Methylation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension", + "kol_name": "Na Liu", + "kol_full_name": "Na Liu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Fibrosis | Ultrasonography, Interventional", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158901", + "session_name": "Economic evaluation of fractional flow reserve-guided versus intravascular ultrasound-guided percutaneous coronary intervention,Matrix and fibrosis: experimental aspects", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158901", + "first_name": "Xinyang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hu", + 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analysis of FLAVOUR trial", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Ultrasonography, Interventional ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Imaging", + "kol_name": "Jinlong Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Jinlong Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperlipidemias | Homocysteine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158899", + "session_name": "A study on the correlation between homocysteine levels and all-cause mortality in patients with hyperlipidemia: based on the NHANES database in the United States", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158899", + "first_name": "Jia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wei", + "org_name": "The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi 'an Jiaotong University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A study on 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"num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictive value of Type D personality combined with unhealthy cardiovascular behaviors for the long-term adverse cardiovascular events in ACS patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yini Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Yini Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neutrophil Activation | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158897", + "session_name": "Complement factor D deficiency ameliorates adverse cardiac remodelling by inhibiting C5a-C5aR mediated ISGs+ neutrophil activation post myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158897", + "first_name": "Naixin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Heilongjiang", + "City": "Harbin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complement factor D deficiency ameliorates adverse cardiac remodelling by inhibiting C5a-C5aR mediated ISGs+ neutrophil activation post myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neutrophil Activation | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Naixin Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Naixin Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158896", + "session_name": "Novel protein-based biomarkers of out-of-hospital sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology 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"Lander", + "org_name": "The Prince Charles Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Queensland", + "City": "Brisbane", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "dPdT >1200ms predicts greater and sustained drop in ejection fraction post mitral TEER", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Krystle Lander", + "kol_full_name": "Krystle Lander" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158890", + "session_name": "Aortic dimensions in a large Australian adult cohort. 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to make the diagnosis?", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christiane Wiefels", + "kol_full_name": "Christiane Wiefels" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Epigenomics", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158888", + "session_name": "RNA-based and epigenetic mechanisms", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158888", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Johnson", + "org_name": "The Open University", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Milton Keynes", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "RNA-based and epigenetic mechanisms", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Epigenomics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daniel Johnson", + 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Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158882", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wieteska-Milek", + "org_name": "The Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Mazowieckie", + "City": "Warsaw", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mini nutritional assessment is a predictor of mortality and morbidity in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Abnormal nutrition status and risk of death and hospitalization in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension", + "events_topic": "Nutrition Assessment | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "kol_name": "Maria Wieteska-Milek", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Wieteska-Milek" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 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South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Frailty and anticoagulant prescription in older hospitalized patients with atrial fibrillation: a multi-centred observational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Drug interactions, efficacy, and safety,Antiplatelet therapy: novel approaches for acute coronary syndrome and percutaneous coronary intervention,Cardiovascular pharmacotherapy: new insights", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Antiplatelet Therapy | Anticoagulants | Drug Interactions | Drug Therapy | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Tu Nguyen", + "kol_full_name": "Tu Nguyen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Placebos | Antihypertensive Agents | Heart Failure | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158879", + "session_name": "Blood pressure lowering efficacy of antihypertensive drugs and their combinations: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 500 randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trials,Echocardiographic predictors of cardiovascular outcome in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158879", + "first_name": "Nelson", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "The George Institute for Global Health", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Blood pressure lowering efficacy of antihypertensive drugs and their combinations: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 500 randomised", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " double-blind placebo-controlled trials,Echocardiographic predictors of cardiovascular outcome in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Placebos ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Antihypertensive Agents | Heart Failure | Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "Nelson Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Nelson Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Kidney Diseases | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Heart Failure, Systolic | Disease Progression", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158878", + "session_name": "Natriuretic peptides, kidney function and clinical outcomes in heart failure with mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction: pooled data from the I-PRESERVE, TOPCAT, PARAGON and DELIVER trials,Bidirectional relationship between kidney disease progression and cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes: new Insights from the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158878", + "first_name": "Brendon", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Neuen", + "org_name": "The George Institute for Global Health", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Natriuretic peptides", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " kidney function and clinical outcomes in heart failure with mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction: pooled data from the I-PRESERVE, TOPCAT, PARAGON and DELIVER trials,Bidirectional relationship between kidney disease progression and cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes: new Insights from the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE trial", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Kidney Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Heart Failure, Systolic | Disease Progression", + "kol_name": "Brendon Neuen", + "kol_full_name": "Brendon Neuen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Hypertension | Pill Combination", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158877", + "session_name": "GMRx2 - Efficacy and safety of a novel triple single pill combination,Novel drug therapies in hypertension: new kids on the block", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158877", + "first_name": "Anthony", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rodgers", + "org_name": "The George Institute for Global Health", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GMRx2 - Efficacy and safety of a novel triple single pill combination", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel drug therapies in hypertension: new kids on the block", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | 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go: a no-brainer", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) and hypertension: time to act now,The true impact of uncontrolled hypertension,Secondary causes of hypertension: mind the gap", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alta Schutte", + "kol_full_name": "Alta Schutte" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Kidney Injury | Hypertension | Cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158875", + "session_name": "The potential role of CYP2D6*10(c.100 C>T) gene polymorphism in kidney injury of patients with hypertension complicated with non-elevated cystatin C", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158875", + "first_name": "Yufeng", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jiang", + "org_name": "The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Soochow 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Na+-K+-ATPase/Src/ROS pathway in perirenal adipose tissue", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158873", + "first_name": "Gang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tian", + "org_name": "the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dagliflozin ameliorates renal tubular epithelial cell apoptosis in obese hypertensive rats by modulating the leptin-mediated Na+-K+-ATPase/Src/ROS pathway in perirenal adipose tissue", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Dagliflozin", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gang Tian", + "kol_full_name": "Gang Tian" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Metabolomics", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158872", + "session_name": "Metabolomic reprogramming of subcutaneous adipose tissue aggravates atherosclerosis via impaired adipocyte-macrophage crosstalk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158872", + "first_name": "Bowen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lou", + "org_name": "the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Metabolomic reprogramming of subcutaneous adipose tissue aggravates atherosclerosis via impaired adipocyte-macrophage crosstalk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Metabolomics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Bowen Lou", + "kol_full_name": "Bowen Lou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Calcification | Coronary Artery Disease | Macrophages | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Atherosclerosis | Colchicine | Coronary Angiography | Computational Biology", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158871", + "session_name": "The coronary angiography-derived index of microcirculatory resistance predicts perioperative myocardial injury in stable coronary artery disease patients undergoing PCI,The role of colchicine in vascular calcification inhibition,AIFM2 promotes macrophage apoptosis and the progression of atherosclerosis based on bioinformatics analysis and experimental verification", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158871", + "first_name": "Buchun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhang", + "org_name": "the First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Anhui", + "City": "Hefei", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The coronary angiography-derived index of microcirculatory resistance predicts perioperative myocardial injury in stable coronary artery disease patients undergoing PCI", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "The role of colchicine in vascular calcification inhibition,AIFM2 promotes macrophage apoptosis and the progression of atherosclerosis based on bioinformatics analysis and experimental verification", + "events_topic": "Vascular Calcification | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Macrophages | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Atherosclerosis | Colchicine | Coronary Angiography | Computational Biology", + "kol_name": "Buchun Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Buchun Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Catheter Ablation | Atrial Appendage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158870", + "session_name": "Strategy optimization for the combined procedure of left atrial appendage occlusion plus catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation (COMBINATION): a multi-center, randomized study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158870", + "first_name": "Xianfeng", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Du", + "org_name": "The First Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Zhejiang", + "City": "Ningbo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Strategy optimization for the combined procedure of left atrial appendage occlusion plus catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation (COMBINATION): a multi-center", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " randomized study", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Catheter Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Appendage", + "kol_name": "Xianfeng Du", + "kol_full_name": "Xianfeng Du" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonic Waves | Ultrasonography | Thrombolytic Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158869", + "session_name": "Long-pulsed ultrasound enhanced microbubble mediated rt-PA thrombolysis in a rat model of platelet-rich thrombus", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158869", + "first_name": "Xianghui", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chen", + "org_name": "The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Guangdong", + "City": "Guangzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-pulsed ultrasound enhanced microbubble mediated rt-PA thrombolysis in a rat model of platelet-rich thrombus", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonic Waves | Ultrasonography ", + 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hierarchical cluster analysis from a global, real-world population,Machine learning identification of risk factors for ischaemic stroke in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction but without atrial fibrillation: A report from WARCEF trial,Incidence, characteristics, and prognostic impact of cancers in patients with atrial fibrillation: a report from the GLORIA-AF registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158867", + "first_name": "Bi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Huang", + "org_name": "The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Chongqing", + "City": "Chongqing", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diabetes mellitus and adverse clinical events in patients with atrial fibrillation: implications of insulin treatment: a report from the GLORIA-AF Registry Phase III", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Temporal trends and regional differences of initial oral antiarrhythmic drug options in patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation: a report from the GLORIA-AF registry,Stratification of residual thromboembolic risk among anticoagulated atrial fibrillation patients: a hierarchical cluster analysis from a global, real-world population,Machine learning identification of risk factors for ischaemic stroke in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction but without atrial fibrillation: A report from WARCEF trial,Incidence, characteristics, and prognostic impact of cancers in patients with atrial fibrillation: a report from the GLORIA-AF registry", + "events_topic": "Antiarrhythmics | Thromboembolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Insulin | Machine Learning | Diabetes Mellitus | Ischemic Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Bi Huang", + "kol_full_name": "Bi Huang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158866", + "session_name": "Anterior mitral leaflet perforation and infective endocarditis after deep transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158866", + "first_name": "Itzhak", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sharabi", + "org_name": "The Edith Wolfson Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Holon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anterior mitral leaflet perforation and infective endocarditis after deep transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Itzhak Sharabi", + "kol_full_name": "Itzhak Sharabi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Medication Adherence | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158865", + "session_name": "Educational programmes for improving medication adherence among older adults with coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158865", + "first_name": "Mengqi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Xu", + "org_name": "The Chinese University of Hong Kong", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Educational programmes for improving medication adherence among older adults with coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + 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"opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing PCSK9 inhibitor prescription rates within high-risk populations: diabetes mellitus", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " multi-territory vascular disease, multivessel and recurrent coronary artery disease,Desmoplakin cardiomyopathy presenting as fulminant myocarditis with negative endomyocardial biopsies", + "events_topic": "Desmoplakins | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Biopsy | Myocarditis | Cardiomyopathies | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "William Biao He", + "kol_full_name": "William Biao He" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Pulmonary Vein Isolation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158863", + "session_name": "Catheter ablation in persistent atrial fibrillation: long term outcomes of the CAPLA multicentre randomised trial of pulmonary vein isolation(PVI) vs PVI plus posterior left atrial wall isolation(PWI),Atrial fibrillation and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF): managing a common combination", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158863", + "first_name": "Peter", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kistler", + "org_name": "The Alfred Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Catheter ablation in persistent atrial fibrillation: long term outcomes of the CAPLA multicentre randomised trial of pulmonary vein isolation(PVI) vs PVI plus posterior left atrial wall isolation(PWI)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Atrial fibrillation and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF): managing a common combination", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Vein Isolation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Peter Kistler", + "kol_full_name": "Peter Kistler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158862", + "session_name": "Performance and safety of complex percutaneous coronary intervention in centres without on-site cardiac surgery: a multi-centre australian registry study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158862", + "first_name": "Nalin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dayawansa", + "org_name": "The Alfred Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Performance and safety of complex percutaneous coronary intervention in centres without on-site cardiac surgery: a multi-centre australian registry study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nalin Dayawansa", + "kol_full_name": "Nalin Dayawansa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Cardiac Catheters", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158861", + "session_name": "A streamlined protocol for exercise right heart catheterisation for the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158861", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Selvadurai", + "org_name": "The Alfred Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A streamlined protocol for exercise right heart catheterisation for the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Cardiac Catheters", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maria Selvadurai", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Selvadurai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Milrinone | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158860", + "session_name": "Home alone on milrinone: a novel way to deliver home inotropes as a bridge to heart transplantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158860", + "first_name": "Kellie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Easton", + "org_name": "The Alfred Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Home alone on milrinone: a novel way to deliver home inotropes as a bridge to heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Milrinone | Heart Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kellie Easton", + "kol_full_name": "Kellie Easton" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Anxiety", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158859", + "session_name": "The impact of diabetes on cardiac remodelling after transcatheter aortic valve implantation,Incidence, predictors and outcomes of non-home discharge following transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a multicentre Australian experience. The NHD TAVI study.,Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression (SAD) in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation. A multicentre Australian experience: The SAD-TAVI Study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158859", + "first_name": "Anant", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Butala", + "org_name": "The Alfred Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of diabetes on cardiac remodelling after transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Incidence, predictors and outcomes of non-home discharge following transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a multicentre Australian experience. The NHD TAVI study.,Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression (SAD) in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation. A multicentre Australian experience: The SAD-TAVI Study", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anxiety", + "kol_name": "Anant Butala", + "kol_full_name": "Anant Butala" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Function, Left | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158858", + "session_name": "The predictive value of left atrial functional parameters for recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation in patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158858", + "first_name": "Nannan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhang", + "org_name": "The Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Jiangsu", + "City": "Suzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The predictive value of left atrial functional parameters for recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation in patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Function, Left ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Nannan Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Nannan Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Deep Learning | Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158857", + "session_name": "Deep learning and Diagnostic value of cardiac cine MRI for assessing patent foramen ovale in patients with cerebral disorders compared with cTCD", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158857", + "first_name": "Guangzhen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liu", + "org_name": "The Affiliated Hospital of Medical College Qingdao University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shandong", + "City": "Qingdao", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deep learning and Diagnostic value of cardiac cine MRI for assessing patent foramen ovale in patients with cerebral disorders compared with cTCD", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Deep Learning ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cine", + "kol_name": "Guangzhen Liu", + "kol_full_name": "Guangzhen Liu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Social Isolation | Prediabetic State | Cardiovascular Diseases | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158856", + "session_name": "Device-measured physical activity and risks for cardiovascular events among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes,Evaluation of changes in social isolation and loneliness with incident cardiovascular events and mortality: prospective cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158856", + "first_name": "Yannis", + "middle_name": "Yan", + "last_name": "Liang", + "org_name": "The Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Guangdong", + "City": "Guangzhou", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Device-measured physical activity and risks for cardiovascular events among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Evaluation of changes in social isolation and loneliness with incident cardiovascular events and mortality: prospective cohort study", + "events_topic": "Social Isolation | Prediabetic State ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "kol_name": "Yannis Yan Liang", + "kol_full_name": "Yannis Yan Liang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Stroke | Mortality | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | Creatinine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158855", + "session_name": "Baseline shock index-creatinine clearance score and long-term mortality after ACS. 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with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renin-Angiotensin System | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yodo Tamaki", + "kol_full_name": "Yodo Tamaki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158853", + "session_name": "Machine learning and traditional analysis of the interaction between cardiovascular diseases and hematological malignancies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158853", + "first_name": "Tomer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Itkin", + "org_name": "Tel Aviv University", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Tel Aviv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine learning and traditional analysis of the interaction between cardiovascular diseases and hematological malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tomer Itkin", + "kol_full_name": "Tomer Itkin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Denervation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158852", + "session_name": "Renal denervation hands-on session: learn from the experts", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158852", + "first_name": "Yaron", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Arbel", + "org_name": "Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Tel Aviv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Renal denervation hands-on session: learn from the experts", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Denervation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yaron Arbel", + "kol_full_name": "Yaron Arbel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic, Familial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158851", + "session_name": "Mildly elevated left ventricular outflow tract gradients are associated with increased short term mortality in inpatients without septal hypertrophy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158851", + "first_name": "Shafik", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Khoury", + "org_name": "Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Tel Aviv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mildly elevated left ventricular outflow tract gradients are associated with increased short term mortality in inpatients without septal hypertrophy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic, Familial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Shafik Khoury", + "kol_full_name": "Shafik Khoury" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Ventricular Function, Left", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158850", + "session_name": "Safety and efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with pre-treatment reduced left ventricular function,The predictive value of coronary artery calcium deposit for cardiovascular events in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158850", + "first_name": "Moaad", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Slieman", + "org_name": "Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Tel Aviv", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with pre-treatment reduced left ventricular function", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The predictive value of coronary artery calcium deposit for cardiovascular events in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Function, Left", + "kol_name": "Moaad Slieman", + "kol_full_name": "Moaad Slieman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Ridaforolimus | Bionics | Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Zotarolimus", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158849", + "session_name": "Comparison of ridaforolimus-eluting and zotarolimus-eluting coronary stents: 5-Year outcomes from the BIONICS and NIREUS trials,Traditional cardiovascular risk factors and coronary microvascular disease in women and men- a single center study,Mortality based right ventricle functional echocardiographic cutoffs in patients with compared to without tricuspid regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158849", + "first_name": "Lior", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zornitzki", + "org_name": "Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Tel Aviv", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of ridaforolimus-eluting and zotarolimus-eluting coronary stents: 5-Year outcomes from the BIONICS and NIREUS trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Traditional cardiovascular risk factors and coronary microvascular disease in women and men- a single center study,Mortality based right ventricle functional echocardiographic cutoffs in patients with compared to without tricuspid regurgitation", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Ridaforolimus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Bionics | Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Zotarolimus", + "kol_name": "Lior Zornitzki", + "kol_full_name": "Lior Zornitzki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transthoracic Echocardiography | Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158848", + "session_name": "Impact of party balloon inflation manoeuvre during saline contrast transthoracic echocardiography to detect a patent foramen ovale: multicenter registry study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158848", + "first_name": "Akihisa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kataoka", + "org_name": "Teikyo University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of party balloon inflation manoeuvre during saline contrast transthoracic echocardiography to detect a patent foramen ovale: multicenter registry study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transthoracic Echocardiography | Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Akihisa Kataoka", + "kol_full_name": "Akihisa Kataoka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158847", + "session_name": "Doping: cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158847", + "first_name": "Katrin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Esefeld", + "org_name": "Technical University of Munich", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Doping: cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Katrin Esefeld", + "kol_full_name": "Katrin Esefeld" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Vascular Stiffness | Neoplasms, Second Primary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158846", + "session_name": "Integrative STE for the early detection and prediction of CTRCD,Structural and load-dependent arterial stiffness across the adult life span", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": 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Making progress but could do better", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "What does routine healthcare data tell us about the diagnostic pathway for older people with heart failure in Wales: under-testing, problems with access, or poor coding?,Impact of heart failure diagnosis on recorded healthcare resource use by older people in Wales; is primary care shouldering a hidden burden?", + "events_topic": "Electronic Health Records | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Emma Rees", + "kol_full_name": "Emma Rees" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158841", + "session_name": "Prospective evaluation of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with coronary alignment and impact on coronary access", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + 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"Zhang", + "org_name": "State Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease, Fuwai Hospital, National Center for Cardiovascular D", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification and validation of circulating microRNAs as biomarkers for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | MicroRNAs ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "Lili Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Lili Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cerebrovascular Disorders | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158823", + "session_name": "Clinical prediction model of main adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events for elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158823", + "first_name": "Jingjing", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Xu", + "org_name": "State Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease, Fuwai Hospital, National Center for Cardiovascular D", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical prediction model of main adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events for elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cerebrovascular Disorders | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jingjing Xu", + "kol_full_name": "Jingjing Xu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Arrhythmia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158822", + "session_name": 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+ "hcp_pin_alias": "1158821", + "session_name": "Double arch technique - a novel surgical procedure for the hypoplastic aortic arch syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158821", + "first_name": "Chenyu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhou", + "org_name": "State Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease, Fuwai Hospital, National Center for Cardiovascular D", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Double arch technique - a novel surgical procedure for the hypoplastic aortic arch syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Arch Syndromes | Double Arch Technique", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Chenyu Zhou", + "kol_full_name": "Chenyu Zhou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158820", + "session_name": "Worsening heart failure: unmet needs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158820", + "first_name": "Mattia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Arrigo", + "org_name": "Stadtspital Zurich", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Worsening heart failure: unmet needs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mattia Arrigo", + "kol_full_name": "Mattia Arrigo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Leadless Pacemakers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158819", + "session_name": "Leadless atrioventricular synchronous pacing first real life 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Atherosclerosis | Aortic Dissection | Resuscitation | Coronary Disease | Dilatation | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158817", + "session_name": "Sex disparities in bystander defibrillation for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,Resuscitation of people with a do-not-resuscitate order: when does it happen and what are the outcomes?,A two-point strategy to clarify prognosis in >80 year olds experiencing out of hospital cardiac arrest,Distal ascending aortic dilatation portends a near 2-fold greater risk of cardiovascular mortality than proximal enlargement: results from 120,000 patients in a nationwide echocardiographic database,The aortic paradox: a nationwide analysis of 523,994 individual echocardiograms exploring aortic dissection,Minimal extra-cardiac atherosclerosis in people <50 years with sudden cardiac death due to coronary disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158817", + "first_name": "Elizabeth", + 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with sudden cardiac death due to coronary disease", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Defibrillators, Implantable ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 9, + "rest_events_topic": " Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Mortality | Prognosis | Atherosclerosis | Aortic Dissection | Resuscitation | Coronary Disease | Dilatation | Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "Elizabeth Paratz", + "kol_full_name": "Elizabeth Paratz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Atrial Appendage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158816", + "session_name": "Patent foramen ovale and left atrial appendage closure: what's new?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158816", + "first_name": "Gudrun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lamm", + "org_name": "St. Poelten University Hospital", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + 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+ "Region": "Sor-Trondelag", + "City": "Trondheim", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "External validation of the Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation 2 (SCORE2) model in cancer patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "External validation of the HFA-ICOS risk stratification tool for prediction of cardiovascular complications after cancer treatment", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Mari Nordboe Gynnild", + "kol_full_name": "Mari Nordboe Gynnild" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158814", + "session_name": "Time trends in mortality, incidence and case-fatality of acute myocardial infarction in Norway - do we see the end of the coronary heart disease epidemic?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158814", + "first_name": "Kaare", + "middle_name": "Harald", + "last_name": "Bonaa", + "org_name": "St. Olav University Hospital", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Sor-Trondelag", + "City": "Trondheim", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Time trends in mortality", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " incidence and case-fatality of acute myocardial infarction in Norway - do we see the end of the coronary heart disease epidemic?", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Coronary Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kaare Harald Bonaa", + "kol_full_name": "Kaare Harald Bonaa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheterization | Clinical Laboratory Techniques | Drug-Eluting Stents | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": 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Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Drug-Eluting Stents | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Takayuki Warisawa", + "kol_full_name": "Takayuki Warisawa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Catheters | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158812", + "session_name": "Impact of atrial fibrillation on progression of tricuspid regurgitation in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158812", + "first_name": "Toshiya", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yoshida", + "org_name": "St. Marianna University School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Kanagawa", + "City": "Kawasaki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of atrial fibrillation on progression of tricuspid regurgitation in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Catheters ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Toshiya Yoshida", + "kol_full_name": "Toshiya Yoshida" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158811", + "session_name": "Remote monitoring: real-world impacts and technological innovations in cardiovascular care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158811", + "first_name": "Toshiki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kaihara", + "org_name": "St. Marianna University School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Kanagawa", + "City": "Kawasaki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Remote monitoring: real-world impacts and technological innovations in cardiovascular care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Toshiki Kaihara", + "kol_full_name": "Toshiki Kaihara" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158810", + "session_name": "Ventricular interaction and clinical outcomes in patients undergoing transcatheter tricuspid valve repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158810", + "first_name": "Tetsu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tanaka", + "org_name": "St. Marianna University School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Kanagawa", + "City": "Kawasaki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ventricular interaction and clinical outcomes in patients undergoing transcatheter tricuspid valve repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tetsu Tanaka", + "kol_full_name": "Tetsu Tanaka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158809", + "session_name": "Association between in-hospital haemoglobin drop with or without overt bleeding and long-term clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158809", + "first_name": "Takahiro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Suzuki", + "org_name": "St. Luke's International Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between in-hospital haemoglobin drop with or without overt bleeding and long-term clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Hemorrhage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Takahiro Suzuki", + "kol_full_name": "Takahiro Suzuki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multiple Sclerosis | Strabismus | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158808", + "session_name": "Patient with gender dysphoria diagnosed with multiple sclerosis following takotsubo syndrome and ventricular arrhythmia: a case report and systematic literature review", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158808", + "first_name": "Shinya", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yamanaka", + "org_name": "St. Luke's International Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient with gender dysphoria diagnosed with multiple sclerosis following takotsubo syndrome and ventricular arrhythmia: a case report and systematic literature review", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multiple Sclerosis | Strabismus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Shinya Yamanaka", + "kol_full_name": "Shinya Yamanaka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + 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"rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mortality, Premature", + "kol_name": "Louise Fahy", + "kol_full_name": "Louise Fahy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158804", + "session_name": "Global and national insights into the decline of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as a cause of sudden death in the young", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158804", + "first_name": "Dean", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nelson", + "org_name": "St Vincent's Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global and national insights into the decline of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as a cause of sudden death in the young", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dean Nelson", + "kol_full_name": "Dean Nelson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multifactorial Inheritance | Death, Sudden | Cardiotoxicity | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiomyopathies | Heart Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158803", + "session_name": "Polygenic traits and cardiac remodelling contribute to a markedly increased risk of atrial fibrillation in former elite endurance athletes,Clinical Case Management: athletes with cardiomyopathies,Current doping practices and the risk of cardiovascular disease and sudden death,Cardio-oncology in practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158803", + "first_name": "Andre", + "middle_name": "La", + "last_name": "Gerche", + "org_name": "St Vincent's Hospital", + "Country": 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"hcp_pin_alias": "1158802", + "session_name": "Sudden cardiac death: what’s new?,Novel insights into Brugada syndrome and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158802", + "first_name": "Ole", + "middle_name": "Christian", + "last_name": "Mjolstad", + "org_name": "St Olavs Hospital", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Sor-Trondelag", + "City": "Trondheim", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sudden cardiac death: what’s new?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel insights into Brugada syndrome and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Death, Sudden, Cardiac ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Brugada Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Ole Christian Mjolstad", + "kol_full_name": "Ole Christian Mjolstad" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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+ "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158800", + "session_name": "Comparative outcomes between empagliflozin and dapagliflozin in heart failure: real world multi-center cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158800", + "first_name": "Seonghyeon", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bu", + "org_name": "St Mary hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative outcomes between empagliflozin and dapagliflozin in heart failure: real world multi-center cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Empagliflozin | Dapagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Seonghyeon Bu", + "kol_full_name": "Seonghyeon Bu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": 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+ "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158798", + "session_name": "Insights into the aetiology and temporal trends in cardiac mortality in the young: a 21-year review of national and registry data in the united kingdom", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158798", + "first_name": "Raghav", + "middle_name": "Tilak", + "last_name": "Bhatia", + "org_name": "St George's University of London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Insights into the aetiology and temporal trends in cardiac mortality in the young: a 21-year review of national and registry data in the united kingdom", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Raghav Tilak Bhatia", + "kol_full_name": "Raghav 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"kol_name": "Emmanouil Androulakis", + "kol_full_name": "Emmanouil Androulakis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158796", + "session_name": "Cardiac screening with ECG in the young: significance of T wave inversion, T wave depth and T wave/QRS ratio", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158796", + "first_name": "Ali", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Alzarka", + "org_name": "St George's University of London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac screening with ECG in the young: significance of T wave inversion", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " T wave depth and T wave/QRS ratio", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ali Alzarka", + "kol_full_name": "Ali Alzarka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombocythemia, Essential | Myocardial Infarction | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158795", + "session_name": "Premature Myocardial Infarction (MI) Complicated with Cardiac Arrest Secondary to Essential Thrombocythemia (ET).", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158795", + "first_name": "Ahmed", + "middle_name": "M.", + "last_name": "Omar", + "org_name": "St George's University of London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Premature Myocardial Infarction (MI) Complicated with Cardiac Arrest Secondary to Essential Thrombocythemia (ET).", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombocythemia, Essential | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "Ahmed M. Omar", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmed M. Omar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158794", + "session_name": "Is Ross the gold standard aortic valve replacement in the young?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158794", + "first_name": "Marjan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jahangiri", + "org_name": "St Georges University Hospitals", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Is Ross the gold standard aortic valve replacement in the young?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marjan Jahangiri", + "kol_full_name": "Marjan Jahangiri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Acute Kidney Injury", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158793", + "session_name": "High infection prevalence in patients who develop severe acute kidney injury during heart failure hospital admission", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158793", + "first_name": "Ella", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tumelty", + "org_name": "St Georges University Hospitals", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High infection prevalence in patients who develop severe acute kidney injury during heart failure hospital admission", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Acute Kidney Injury", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ella Tumelty", + "kol_full_name": "Ella Tumelty" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158792", + "session_name": "What exactly runs in this family of marathons runners with arrhythmias?,Preventing a second cardiac arrest in the same family: are genetics enough?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158792", + "first_name": "Mihnea", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Casian", + "org_name": "St George's University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What exactly runs in this family of marathons runners with arrhythmias?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Preventing a second cardiac arrest in the same family: are genetics enough?", + "events_topic": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Heart Arrest", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mihnea Casian", + "kol_full_name": "Mihnea Casian" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Pacemaker, Artificial | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158791", + "session_name": "Comparative safety outcomes of leadless versus transvenous cardiac pacemaker: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Cardiovascular conundrums in massive pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158791", + "first_name": "May", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ohn", + "org_name": "St George's University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative safety outcomes of leadless versus transvenous cardiac pacemaker: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular conundrums in massive pulmonary embolism", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Pacemaker, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism", + "kol_name": "May Ohn", + "kol_full_name": "May Ohn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158790", + "session_name": "Sex and racial disparities in mitral/tricuspid transcatheter interventions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158790", + "first_name": "Claudia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cosgrove", + "org_name": "St George's University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex and racial disparities in mitral/tricuspid transcatheter interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Claudia Cosgrove", + "kol_full_name": "Claudia Cosgrove" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158789", + "session_name": "The different faces of mitral regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158789", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Marciniak", + "org_name": "St George's University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The different 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failure cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158759", + "first_name": "Daniela", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Melichova", + "org_name": "Sorlandet Hospital", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Aust-Agder", + "City": "Arendal", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Fully automated measurements of echocardiographic mechanical dispersion using deep learning: enhanced prediction of ventricular arrhythmias in a large heart failure cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Deep Learning ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Daniela Melichova", + "kol_full_name": "Daniela Melichova" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Obesity | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + 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Ventricular Strain | Myocardium | Pulmonary Embolism | Anemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158757", + "session_name": "Anemia and 4 cavities myocardial strain in acute heart failure,Long term follow up in pulmonary embolism: can right ventricular strain echocardiographic imaging contribute to refine risk stratification?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158757", + "first_name": "Laurie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Soulat-Dufour", + "org_name": "Sorbonne University", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anemia and 4 cavities myocardial strain in acute heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Long term follow up in pulmonary embolism: can right ventricular strain echocardiographic imaging contribute to refine risk stratification?", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Right Ventricular Strain | Myocardium | Pulmonary Embolism | Anemia", + "kol_name": "Laurie Soulat-Dufour", + "kol_full_name": "Laurie Soulat-Dufour" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Heart Rate | Beta Blockers | Myocardial Infarction | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158756", + "session_name": "Beta blocker interruption in patients with prior myocardial infarction: results of the ABYSS trial and effect on blood pressure and heart rate control,ABYSS - Beta blocker interruption in post-myocardial infarction patients,Role of inflammation and cholesterol efflux in myocardial infarction patients without standard modifiable risk factors,Emerging insights in acute coronary syndrome: biomarkers, non-traditional risk factors, and clinical outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158756", + "first_name": "Johanne", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Silvain", + "org_name": "Sorbonne University", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beta blocker interruption in patients with prior myocardial infarction: results of the ABYSS trial and effect on blood pressure and heart rate control", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "ABYSS - Beta blocker interruption in post-myocardial infarction patients,Role of inflammation and cholesterol efflux in myocardial infarction patients without standard modifiable risk factors,Emerging insights in acute coronary syndrome: biomarkers, non-traditional risk factors, and clinical outcomes", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Heart Rate ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Beta Blockers | Myocardial Infarction | Acute Coronary 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functional microvascular dysfunction using microvascular resistance reserve versus invasive exercise stress testing", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cycling coupled to intra-coronary thermodilution to evaluate angina with non-obstructive coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Thermodilution | Exercise Test ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | Microvascular Dysfunction", + "kol_name": "Ghilas Rahoual", + "kol_full_name": "Ghilas Rahoual" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fabry Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158754", + "session_name": "Phenotypic expression and clinical outcomes in patients with the Arg301Gln GLA variant in Anderson Fabry disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158754", + "first_name": "Tomas", + "middle_name": "Ripoll", + "last_name": "Vera", + "org_name": "Son Llatzer University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Islas Baleares", + "City": "Palma de Mallorca", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phenotypic expression and clinical outcomes in patients with the Arg301Gln GLA variant in Anderson Fabry disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fabry Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tomas Ripoll Vera", + "kol_full_name": "Tomas Ripoll Vera" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericardiocentesis | Pericardial Effusion", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158753", + "session_name": "Clinical and cytological characteristics of malignant pericardial effusion and estimation of the rate of progression until its evacuation by pericardiocentesis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158753", + "first_name": "Victoriano", + "middle_name": "Moreno", + "last_name": "Velasco", + "org_name": "Son Espases University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Islas Baleares", + "City": "Palma de Mallorca", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical and cytological characteristics of malignant pericardial effusion and estimation of the rate of progression until its evacuation by pericardiocentesis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericardiocentesis | Pericardial Effusion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Victoriano Moreno Velasco", + "kol_full_name": "Victoriano Moreno Velasco" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Radionuclide Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158752", + "session_name": "Usefulness of scintigraphy with 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Reference centre experience in an endemic area.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158752", + "first_name": "Nuria", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Orta", + "org_name": "Son Espases University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Islas Baleares", + "City": "Palma de Mallorca", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Usefulness of scintigraphy with [99mTc]Tc-DPD for the detection of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis. 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A nationwide observational study of data quality in 101 199 patients in contemporary clinical practice,Association of early versus late use of combination lipid-lowering therapy with major cardiovascular outcomes after myocardial infarction: data from the SWEDEHEART registry,On-site or telephone follow-up after myocardial infarction? A nationwide observational study of data quality in 101 199 patients in contemporary clinical practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158748", + "first_name": "Margret", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Leosdottir", + "org_name": "Skane University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "On-site or telephone follow-up after myocardial infarction? 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A nationwide observational study of data quality in 101 199 patients in contemporary clinical practice", + "events_topic": "Lipid Lowering Therapy | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Margret Leosdottir", + "kol_full_name": "Margret Leosdottir" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Macrophages | Regression, Psychology | Atherosclerosis | Interleukin-10", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158747", + "session_name": "Macrophages overexpressing interleukin-10 target and prevent atherosclerosis: regression of plaque formation and reduction in necrotic core", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158747", + "first_name": "Mingyi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Sixth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + 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+ "kol_id": "1158746", + "first_name": "Yankai", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mao", + "org_name": "Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Zhejiang", + "City": "Hangzhou", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left fascicular pacing is not inferior to left bundle branch pacing in preserving ventricular mechanical synchrony and cardiac function", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of left atrial and left atrial appendage mechanics in patients with ischaemic strokes of different aetiologies", + "events_topic": "Ischemic Stroke | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Appendage", + "kol_name": "Yankai Mao", + "kol_full_name": "Yankai Mao" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Electrocardiography", + 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"rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sanjai Pattu Valappil", + "kol_full_name": "Sanjai Pattu Valappil" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart-Assist Devices | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158744", + "session_name": "Effect of disabling biventricular pacing in patients with left ventricular assist device and cardiac resynchronization therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158744", + "first_name": "Magdalena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sawicka", + "org_name": "Silesian Center for Heart Diseases (SCHD)", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Zabrze", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of disabling biventricular pacing in patients with left ventricular assist device and cardiac resynchronization therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart-Assist Devices | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "kol_name": "Magdalena Sawicka", + "kol_full_name": "Magdalena Sawicka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoprotein(a) | Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158743", + "session_name": "Study of lipoprotein(a) and its impact on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: design, rationale, and first results of the Zabrze-Lip(a)R Registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158743", + "first_name": "Krzysztof", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dyrbus", + "org_name": "Silesian Center for Heart Diseases (SCHD)", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Zabrze", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Study of lipoprotein(a) and its impact on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: design", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " rationale, and first results of the Zabrze-Lip(a)R Registry", + "events_topic": "Lipoprotein(a) | Atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Krzysztof Dyrbus", + "kol_full_name": "Krzysztof Dyrbus" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Calcium Score | Calcium Score | Artificial Intelligence | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158742", + "session_name": "Prevalence of high-risk plaque features on cardiac computed tomography scans in patients with a coronary artery calcium score of zero,AI-based algorithm for assessing coronary artery calcium score on contrast-enhanced cardiac computed tomography scans", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158742", + "first_name": "Karol", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Miszalski-Jamka", + "org_name": "Silesian Center for Heart Diseases (SCHD)", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Zabrze", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of high-risk plaque features on cardiac computed tomography scans in patients with a coronary artery calcium score of zero", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "AI-based algorithm for assessing coronary artery calcium score on contrast-enhanced cardiac computed tomography scans", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Calcium Score | Calcium Score ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "Karol Miszalski-Jamka", + "kol_full_name": "Karol Miszalski-Jamka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158741", + "session_name": "Leadless vs. transvenous devices: efficacy and safety", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158741", + "first_name": "Ewa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jedrzejczyk-Patej", + "org_name": "Silesian Center for Heart Diseases (SCHD)", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Zabrze", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Leadless vs. transvenous devices: efficacy and safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ewa Jedrzejczyk-Patej", + "kol_full_name": "Ewa Jedrzejczyk-Patej" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Malnutrition | Mechanical Circulatory Support | Heart Failure | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome", + 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biomarkers in patients with severe heart failure could be a potential predictor of mortality during LVAD support", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Left Ventricular Assist Device ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "Agnieszka Bielka", + "kol_full_name": "Agnieszka Bielka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158737", + "session_name": "Dynamic changes of excessive trabeculation in dilated cardiomyopathy: a longitudinal cardiovascular magnetic resonance study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158737", + "first_name": "Shoulian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Huang", + "org_name": "Sichuan University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dynamic changes of excessive trabeculation in dilated cardiomyopathy: a longitudinal cardiovascular magnetic resonance study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Shoulian Huang", + "kol_full_name": "Shoulian Huang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Echocardiography, Stress", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158736", + "session_name": "The application of supine bicycle exercise stress echocardiograph for identification of susceptibility to acute mountain sickness,Normal reference of myocardial work during exercise stress echocardiography and the doubt about wasted work,High altitude exercise stress echocardiograph for identification of susceptibility to acute mountain sickness,Predictors of hypercontractile heart phenotype in patients with chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158736", + "first_name": "Yi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "WANG", + "org_name": "Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Sichuan", + "City": "Chengdu", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The application of supine bicycle exercise stress echocardiograph for identification of susceptibility to acute mountain sickness", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Normal reference of myocardial work during exercise stress echocardiography and the doubt about wasted work,High altitude exercise stress echocardiograph for identification of susceptibility to acute mountain sickness,Predictors of hypercontractile heart phenotype in patients with chronic coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Chronic Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography, Stress", + "kol_name": "Yi WANG", + "kol_full_name": "Yi WANG" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Hemodynamics", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158735", + "session_name": "Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair: from hemodynamic vector changes to myocardial mechanics alterations in functional mitral valve regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158735", + "first_name": "Shu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Qinglan", + "org_name": "Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Sichuan", + "City": "Chengdu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcatheter edge-to-edge 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"Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of sex and age on culprit plaque type of acute coronary syndrome in Japanese patients from TACTICS registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Significant stenosis without thrombus may be the third most common etiology of acute coronary syndrome.", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Toshiro Shinke", + "kol_full_name": "Toshiro Shinke" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158732", + "session_name": "Clinical evaluation and outcome in patients with heart failure receiving chemotherapy with different anti-cancer agents", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158732", + "first_name": "Tomiko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sunaga", + "org_name": "Showa University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical evaluation and outcome in patients with heart failure receiving chemotherapy with different anti-cancer agents", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tomiko Sunaga", + "kol_full_name": "Tomiko Sunaga" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Apolipoproteins", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158731", + "session_name": "Impact of measured or calculated small dense LDL cholesterol compared with apolipoprotein B or non-HDL cholesterol for long-term secondary prevention in patients with stable coronary artery disease", + 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in heart failure patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158729", + "first_name": "Michio", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ogano", + "org_name": "Shizuoka Medical Center", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Shizuoka", + "City": "Shizuoka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy with triple-site ventricular stimulation in heart failure patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Michio Ogano", + "kol_full_name": "Michio Ogano" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherothrombosis | Alirocumab", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158728", + "session_name": "Effect of alirocumab on coronary plaque stratified by atherothrombotic risks", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158728", + "first_name": "Yasushi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ueki", + "org_name": "Shinshu University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Nagano", + "City": "Matsumoto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of alirocumab on coronary plaque stratified by atherothrombotic risks", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherothrombosis | Alirocumab", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yasushi Ueki", + "kol_full_name": "Yasushi Ueki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Acetazolamide", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158727", + "session_name": "Feasibility and efficacy of acetazolamide in the treatment of acute decompensated heart failure", + 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"session_name": "From valvular heart disease to heart failure: bringing guidelines into personalised patient care - Israeli and Swiss perspectives", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158724", + "first_name": "Israel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Barbash", + "org_name": "Sheba Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Ramat Gan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From valvular heart disease to heart failure: bringing guidelines into personalised patient care - Israeli and Swiss perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Israel Barbash", + "kol_full_name": "Israel Barbash" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158723", + "session_name": "Predicting physical fitness levels from resting ECG data: a machine learning approach in cardiovascular assessment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158723", + "first_name": "Michal", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cohen-Shelly", + "org_name": "Sheba - Tel Ha Shomer Hospital", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Ramat Gan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predicting physical fitness levels from resting ECG data: a machine learning approach in cardiovascular assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Michal Cohen-Shelly", + "kol_full_name": "Michal Cohen-Shelly" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cause Of Death | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158722", + "session_name": "Sex differences in atherogenic lipid profile following acute coronary syndrome,Time and cause of death in patients after acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158722", + "first_name": "Jing", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yang", + "org_name": "Shanghai Xuhui Central Hospital, Zhongshan-Xuhui Hospital, Fudan University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in atherogenic lipid profile following acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Time and cause of death in patients after acute coronary syndrome", + "events_topic": "Cause Of Death | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jing Yang", + "kol_full_name": "Jing Yang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Blood Pressure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158721", + "session_name": "Unleashing the potential: early evaluation of blood pressure control with novel measurements in patients with hypertension,Association of different timepoint and threshold of time-in-target-range and MACEs: insight from the SPRINT study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158721", + "first_name": "Moran", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Li", + "org_name": "Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital- Tongji University School of Medicine", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unleashing the potential: early evaluation of blood pressure control with novel measurements in patients with hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of different timepoint and threshold of time-in-target-range and MACEs: insight from the SPRINT study", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Blood Pressure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Moran Li", + "kol_full_name": "Moran Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hyperlipidemias | Coronary Artery Disease | Obesity Paradox | Blood Pressure | Cerebrovascular Disorders", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158720", + "session_name": "Estimated impact of inclisiran treatment on hyperlipidemia prevalence and cardiovascular disease events in NHANES dataset,Measuring only sitting blood pressure without considering supine blood pressure underestimates cardiovascular risk in the elderly,Obesity paradox, weight-free anthropometric measures, and major adverse cardiovascular events in the elderly: Insight from the Northern Shanghai Study,Validation and development of a scoring system for comprehensively evaluating arterial damage in the elderly chinese,Association of cardio-cerebrovascular death with isolated diastolic hypertension: a nationally representative survey of 85, 138 adults", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158720", + "first_name": "Yi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhang", + "org_name": "Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Estimated impact of inclisiran treatment on hyperlipidemia prevalence and cardiovascular disease events in NHANES dataset", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Measuring only sitting blood pressure without considering supine blood pressure underestimates cardiovascular risk in the elderly,Obesity paradox, weight-free anthropometric measures, and major adverse cardiovascular events in the elderly: Insight from the Northern Shanghai Study,Validation and development of a scoring system for comprehensively evaluating arterial damage in the elderly chinese,Association of cardio-cerebrovascular death with isolated diastolic hypertension: a nationally representative survey of 85, 138 adults", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Hyperlipidemias | Coronary Artery Disease | Obesity Paradox | Blood Pressure | Cerebrovascular Disorders", + "kol_name": "Yi Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Yi Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Bromocriptine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158719", + "session_name": "Therapy of bromocriptine on pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158719", + "first_name": "Wenhui", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wu", + "org_name": "Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital of Tongji University School of Medicine", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Therapy of bromocriptine on pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Bromocriptine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Wenhui Wu", + "kol_full_name": "Wenhui Wu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158718", + "session_name": "Long-term changes in frailty and incident atrial fibrillation: multicenter prospective cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158718", + "first_name": "Lingli", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cai", + "org_name": "Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term changes in frailty and incident atrial fibrillation: multicenter prospective cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Lingli Cai", + "kol_full_name": "Lingli Cai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Malformations | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158717", + "session_name": "Multi-omics integration analysis identifies pathogenic candidate genes of congenital heart defects with vascular malformation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158717", + "first_name": "Xiaowei", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ding", + "org_name": "Shanghai Jiao Tong University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multi-omics integration analysis identifies pathogenic candidate genes of congenital heart defects with vascular malformation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Malformations | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Xiaowei Ding", + "kol_full_name": "Xiaowei Ding" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonography | Stents | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158716", + "session_name": "Association between stent implantation results and target vessel failure after IVUS-Guided PCI: A FLAVOUR substudy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158716", + "first_name": "Shengxian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tu", + "org_name": "Shanghai Jiao Tong University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between stent implantation results and target vessel failure after IVUS-Guided PCI: A FLAVOUR substudy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography | Stents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "Shengxian Tu", + "kol_full_name": "Shengxian Tu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Lipoprotein(a)", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158715", + "session_name": "Global variations in Lp(a) epidemiology: understanding the east-west divide,Lp(a) and cardiovascular risk: integrating perspectives for a holistic approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158715", + "first_name": "Zhenyue", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chen", + "org_name": "Shanghai Institute of Hypertension of Ruijin Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global variations in Lp(a) epidemiology: understanding the east-west divide", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lp(a) and cardiovascular risk: integrating perspectives for a holistic approach", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Lipoprotein(a)", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Zhenyue Chen", + "kol_full_name": "Zhenyue Chen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Mir181A1HG, Human | RNA, Long Noncoding", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158714", + "session_name": "MIR181A1HG is a novel long noncoding RNA regulating vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158714", + "first_name": "Huan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Er Ni", + "org_name": "Shanghai General Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MIR181A1HG is a novel long noncoding RNA regulating vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Mir181A1HG, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " RNA, Long Noncoding", + "kol_name": "Huan Er Ni", + "kol_full_name": "Huan Er Ni" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardium | Sepsis | Lipid Metabolism | Cardiac Electrophysiology", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158713", + "session_name": "The role of lipid metabolism reprogramming in sepsis-induced myocardial injury: a translational study,Prolonged ventricular repolarization acts as an independent predictor of sepsis prognosis: a cohort study and insights into intracardiac electrophysiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158713", + "first_name": "Weizhuo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liu", + "org_name": "Shanghai Chest Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of lipid metabolism reprogramming in sepsis-induced myocardial injury: a translational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prolonged ventricular repolarization acts as an independent predictor of sepsis prognosis: a cohort study and insights into intracardiac electrophysiology", + "events_topic": "Myocardium | Sepsis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipid Metabolism | Cardiac Electrophysiology", + "kol_name": "Weizhuo Liu", + "kol_full_name": "Weizhuo Liu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia | Placebos | Shexiang Baoxin | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158712", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of Shexiang Baoxin pill in patients with ischemia with non-obstructive coronary arteries (LESS): a phase 4, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158712", + "first_name": "Na", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Li", + "org_name": "Shanghai Changzheng Hospital of Naval Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of Shexiang Baoxin pill in patients with ischemia with non-obstructive coronary arteries (LESS): a phase 4", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial", + "events_topic": "Ischemia | Placebos ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Shexiang Baoxin | Clinical Trial", + "kol_name": "Na Li", + "kol_full_name": "Na Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mendelian Randomization Analysis | Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | Lipoprotein(a)", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158711", + "session_name": "Mendelian randomization analysis does not reveal a causal influence between lipoprotein(A) and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases,Mendelian randomization analysis does not reveal a causal influence between lipoprotein(A) and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158711", + "first_name": "Jingyuan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Li", + "org_name": "Shandong University Qilu Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shandong", + "City": "Jinan", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mendelian randomization analysis does not reveal a causal influence between lipoprotein(A) and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Mendelian randomization analysis does not reveal a causal influence between lipoprotein(A) and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases", + "events_topic": "Mendelian Randomization Analysis | Inflammatory Bowel Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipoprotein(a)", + "kol_name": "Jingyuan Li", + "kol_full_name": "Jingyuan Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Single Cell Sequencing | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Myocarditis | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158710", + "session_name": "Peripheral immune landscape of pediatric fulminant myocarditis revealed by single-cell sequencing,Effect of extracellular vesicles derived from inflammatory H9C2 cardiomyocytes on the polarization of macrophages and its mechanism,Radiofrequency transcatheter ablation of tachyarrhythmia in 1400 pediatric patients: a single-center experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158710", + "first_name": "Bo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Han", + "org_name": "Shandong Provincial Hospital,Jinan, P.R.China", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shandong", + "City": "Jinan", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peripheral immune landscape of pediatric fulminant myocarditis revealed by single-cell sequencing", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Effect of extracellular vesicles derived from inflammatory H9C2 cardiomyocytes on the polarization of macrophages and its mechanism,Radiofrequency transcatheter ablation of tachyarrhythmia in 1400 pediatric patients: a single-center experience", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Single Cell Sequencing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Myocarditis | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Bo Han", + "kol_full_name": "Bo Han" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Outflow Obstruction | Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158709", + "session_name": "Trans catheter edge to edge repair for mitral regurgitation and left ventricular outflow obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158709", + "first_name": "Shemy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Carasso", + "org_name": "Shaare Zedek Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)", + "City": "Jerusalem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trans catheter edge to edge repair for mitral regurgitation and left ventricular outflow obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Outflow Obstruction | Mitral Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "Shemy Carasso", + "kol_full_name": "Shemy Carasso" + }, 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from UK Biobank data analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158706", + "first_name": "Paulina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nowek", + "org_name": "SGMK Copernicus University , College of Medical Sciences,", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Warminsko-Mazurskie", + "City": "Olsztyn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between GDF-15 levels and cardiac morphology and function in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: insights from UK Biobank data analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Growth Differentiation Factor 15", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Paulina Nowek", + "kol_full_name": "Paulina Nowek" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + 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cardiomyopathy with atrial fibrillation,Rhythm control for atrial fibrillation in patients with end-stage or chronic kidney disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158699", + "first_name": "Daehoon", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kim", + "org_name": "Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Using computed tomogram atrial myocardial thickness maps in cryoballoon pulmonary vein isolation: a randomized clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Effect of catheter ablation vs medical therapy on cardiovascular outcomes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with atrial fibrillation,Rhythm control for atrial fibrillation in patients with end-stage or chronic kidney disease", + "events_topic": 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"events_topic": "Gene-Environment Interaction | Catheter Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Kyungyeon Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Kyungyeon Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dual Antiplatelet Therapy | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158691", + "session_name": "Short versus conventional DAPT in patients undergoing PCI with ultra-thin DES by renal function: an analysis from the HOST-IDEA trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158691", + "first_name": "Jung-Kyu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Han", + "org_name": "Seoul National University Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Short versus conventional DAPT in patients undergoing PCI 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+ "first_name": "Hyo-Soo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kim", + "org_name": "Seoul National University Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Serial volumetric assessment of ascending aort dilatation in severe aortic stenosis patients who receive Transcatheter aortic valve replacement: Comparison of bicuspid and tricuspid aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Personalised TAVI care in severe aortic stenosis,Frontiers in acute coronary syndromes: diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Prognosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Hyo-Soo Kim", + "kol_full_name": "Hyo-Soo Kim" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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"Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Monza", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Surveillance of right ventricular function with artificial intelligence (AI)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Function, Right | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Giuseppe Trocino", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Trocino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis | Electrocardiography | Biopsy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158629", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of baseline and follow-up ECG in patients with biopsy-proven fulminant myocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158629", + "first_name": "Michele", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ciabatti", + "org_name": "San Donato Hospital of Arezzo", 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"events_session": "Validation of the MIDA mortality risk score in a surgical cohort of patients with primary mitral regurgitation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Predictors of heart failure hospitalization after surgery in patients with primary mitral regurgitation: the relevance of left atrial coupling index", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Patrick O'Neill Gonzalez", + "kol_full_name": "Patrick O'Neill Gonzalez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angina Pectoris | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158622", + "session_name": "Treatment of angina in chronic coronary syndromes: where do we stand?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158622", + "first_name": "Nieves", + "middle_name": "Gonzalo", + "last_name": "Lopez", + "org_name": "San Carlos 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cardiovascular risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jesus Flores Soler", + "kol_full_name": "Jesus Flores Soler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheterization | Lithotripsy | Clinical Laboratory Techniques | Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Atherectomy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158618", + "session_name": "Calcified lesions in focus: from scoring balloons to lithotripsy, and laser to orbital atherectomy,Intracoronary physiology in the cath lab: state of the art - IFR, FFR, and QFR", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158618", + "first_name": "Javier", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Escaned", + "org_name": "San Carlos Clinical Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "2", + 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"", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel risk scoring model to assess the need for venoarterial-extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients with acute myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Antiplatelet agents in patients with intermediate coronary artery stenosis and deferred revascularization", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Coronary Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Revascularization | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Antiplatelet Agents", + "kol_name": "David Hong", + "kol_full_name": "David Hong" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Natriuretic Peptide, Brain", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158609", + "session_name": "Prognostic implications of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in patients with Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology 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meta-analyses", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158607", + "first_name": "Sung-A", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chang", + "org_name": "Samsung Medical Center", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of pulmonary hypertension on quality of life and survival", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension: insights from registries, retrospective data sets, and meta-analyses", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sung-A Chang", + "kol_full_name": "Sung-A Chang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Intravascular Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158606", + "session_name": "Intravascular 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(T2D) and cardiovascular complications,Obesity and diabetes: risk assessment and prognosis", + "events_topic": "Risk Assessment | Glycemic Control ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Diabetes Mellitus | Prognosis | Heart Diseases | Heart Failure, Systolic | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "kol_name": "Katharina Marx-Schuett", + "kol_full_name": "Katharina Marx-Schuett" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158560", + "session_name": "Towards the cure of CKD in T2DM: are we ready to implement four foundational therapies? - con", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158560", + "first_name": "Juergen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Floege", + "org_name": "RWTH University Hospital Aachen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + 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bypass grafting: the randomized ASRAB-pilot trial", + "events_topic": "Diltiazem | Nicorandil ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Radial Artery Grafts | Isosorbide Mononitrate | Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "kol_name": "Yunpeng Zhu", + "kol_full_name": "Yunpeng Zhu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | HMGB2 Protein | Heart Failure | Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158553", + "session_name": "Bidirectional roles of extracellular and intracellular HMGB2 in the development of atherosclerosis,SGLT2 inhibitors are associated with development of heart failure with improved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158553", + "first_name": "Xiaoqun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Rui Jin Hospital- Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine", + "Country": 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+ "City": "Bath", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Echocaridographic assessment of pulmonary hypertension: improving the probability", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocaridography | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christopher James Basil Wild", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher James Basil Wild" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158544", + "session_name": "Sex differences in outcomes of patients with cardiogenic shock due to acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and epidemiological meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158544", + "first_name": "Nicole", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hill", + "org_name": "Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Bath", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in outcomes of patients with cardiogenic shock due to acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and epidemiological meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nicole Hill", + "kol_full_name": "Nicole Hill" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Pulmonary Veins | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158543", + "session_name": "HD grid versus circular mapping catheter for assessment of pulmonary vein (pv) reconnections,Clinical findings from a large endo-epicardial atrial arrhythmia ablation registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158543", + "first_name": "Karthick", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Manoharan", + "org_name": "Royal Sussex County Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Brighton", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "HD grid versus circular mapping catheter for assessment of pulmonary vein (pv) reconnections", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical findings from a large endo-epicardial atrial arrhythmia ablation registry", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Pulmonary Veins ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Karthick Manoharan", + "kol_full_name": "Karthick Manoharan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Circadian Rhythm", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158542", + "session_name": "Implications of age and sex on the diagnostic yield of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome,Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the influence of genes, age, sex, and weight,Clinical Case Management: athletes with rhythm problems - what to consider when recommending exercise", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158542", + "first_name": "Belinda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gray", + "org_name": "Royal Prince Alfred Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implications of age and sex on the diagnostic yield of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the influence of genes, age, sex, and weight,Clinical Case Management: athletes with rhythm problems - what to consider when recommending exercise", + "events_topic": "Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Circadian Rhythm", + "kol_name": "Belinda Gray", + "kol_full_name": "Belinda Gray" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Polymyositis | Overlap Syndrome | Scleroderma, Systemic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158541", + "session_name": "Systemic sclerosis/ polymyositis (SSC/ PM) overlap syndrome induced cardiomyopathy in the context of renal crisis- a diagnostic dilemma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158541", + "first_name": "Amruth", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Karthik", + "org_name": "Royal Preston Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Preston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Systemic sclerosis/ polymyositis (SSC/ PM) overlap syndrome induced cardiomyopathy in the context of renal crisis- a diagnostic dilemma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Polymyositis | Overlap Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Scleroderma, Systemic", + "kol_name": "Amruth Karthik", + "kol_full_name": "Amruth Karthik" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Renal Denervation | Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158540", + "session_name": "Blood pressure and renal function changes in patients with severe chronic kidney disease undergoing radiofrequency renal denervation: 12 months outcomes from the Global SYMPLICITY Registry DEFINE,Novel drug therapies in hypertension: new kids on the block,Hypertension target organ damage", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158540", + "first_name": "Markus", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Schlaich", + "org_name": "Royal Perth Hospital - University of Western Australia", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Western Australia", + "City": "Perth", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Blood pressure and renal function changes in patients with severe chronic kidney disease undergoing radiofrequency renal denervation: 12 months outcomes from the Global SYMPLICITY Registry DEFINE", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Novel drug therapies in hypertension: new kids on the block,Hypertension target organ damage", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Renal Denervation | Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "Markus Schlaich", + "kol_full_name": "Markus Schlaich" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158539", + "session_name": "Prognostic implications and alterations in left atrial deformation following transcatheter aortic valve implantation for severe aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158539", + "first_name": "Steele", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Butcher", + "org_name": "Royal Perth Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Western Australia", + "City": "Perth", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic implications and alterations in left atrial deformation following transcatheter aortic valve implantation for severe aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Steele Butcher", + "kol_full_name": "Steele Butcher" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158538", + "session_name": "The health and wellbeing of cardiology trainees in the united kingdom", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158538", + "first_name": "William", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jenner", + "org_name": "Royal Papworth Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The health and wellbeing of cardiology trainees in the united kingdom", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "William Jenner", + "kol_full_name": "William Jenner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Interleukin-2 | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158536", + "session_name": "Low-dose interleukin-2 for the reduction of vascular inflammation in acute coronary syndromes (IVORY) / IVORY - Clinical Outcomes And Follow-up (IVORY FINALE) Study,Low-dose interleukin-2 for the reduction of vascular inflammation in acute coronary syndromes (IVORY) Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158536", + "first_name": "Rouchelle", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sriranjan", + "org_name": "Royal Papworth Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Low-dose interleukin-2 for the reduction of vascular inflammation in acute coronary syndromes (IVORY) / IVORY - Clinical Outcomes And Follow-up (IVORY FINALE) Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Low-dose interleukin-2 for the reduction of vascular inflammation in acute coronary syndromes (IVORY) Trial", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Interleukin-2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Rouchelle Sriranjan", + "kol_full_name": "Rouchelle Sriranjan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography, Transesophageal | Heart Valve Diseases | Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158535", + "session_name": "Live transoesophageal echo: how to best guide transcatheter mitral valve repair,Tricuspid regurgitation: 3D echo from the valve clinic to the cath lab and operating theatre,Mitral regurgitation: 3D echo from the valve clinic to the cath lab and operating theatre,Case 2: concomitant mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis,From screening to digital twin models in valvular heart disease: the new imaging frontiers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158535", + "first_name": "Madalina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Garbi", + "org_name": "Royal Papworth Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Live transoesophageal echo: how to best guide transcatheter mitral valve repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Tricuspid regurgitation: 3D echo from the valve clinic to the cath lab and operating theatre,Mitral regurgitation: 3D echo from the valve clinic to the cath lab and operating theatre,Case 2: concomitant mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis,From screening to digital twin models in valvular heart disease: the new imaging frontiers", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography, Transesophageal | Heart Valve Diseases | Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Madalina Garbi", + "kol_full_name": "Madalina Garbi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158534", + "session_name": "ECG and further diagnostics and therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158534", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cranley", + "org_name": "Royal Papworth Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": 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"num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arrhythmias in non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy: new developments", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Novelties in biophysics, mechanisms, and outcomes of catheter ablation", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia | Biophysics | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Claire Martin", + "kol_full_name": "Claire Martin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158532", + "session_name": "Showcasing successes in advanced heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158532", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kydd", + "org_name": "Royal Papworth Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Showcasing successes in advanced heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anna Kydd", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Kydd" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Nursing | Practice Patterns, Nurses' | Health Workforce", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158531", + "session_name": "Equality in the nursing workforce? Experiences of Black, Asian, and minority nurses in the UK", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158531", + "first_name": "Jennifer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pearson", + "org_name": "Royal Orthopaedic NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Equality in the nursing workforce? Experiences of Black", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Asian, and minority nurses in the UK", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Nursing | Practice Patterns, Nurses' ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Health Workforce", + "kol_name": "Jennifer Pearson", + "kol_full_name": "Jennifer Pearson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Technology | Heart Failure | Hypertension | Cognition | Digital Health | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158530", + "session_name": "The pandemic of ageing in heart failure: age, frailty, and cognition,Device-based hypertension therapies: third pillar in hypertension management?,Spotlight on innovation: top publications in the European Heart Journal - Digital Health 2023-2024,Cardiovascular disease in women,Wearables and digital tools in hypertension management: ready for prime time?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158530", + "first_name": "Anastasia", + "middle_name": "S.", + "last_name": "Mihailidou", + "org_name": "Royal North Shore Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The pandemic of ageing in heart failure: age", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " frailty, and cognition,Device-based hypertension therapies: third pillar in hypertension management?,Spotlight on innovation: top publications in the European Heart Journal - Digital Health 2023-2024,Cardiovascular disease in women,Wearables and digital tools in hypertension management: ready for prime time?", + "events_topic": "Digital Technology | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension | Cognition | Digital Health | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Anastasia S. Mihailidou", + "kol_full_name": "Anastasia S. Mihailidou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158529", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158529", + "first_name": "Sinjini", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Biswas", + "org_name": "Royal Melbourne Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sinjini Biswas", + "kol_full_name": "Sinjini Biswas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Coarctation | Coronary Artery Calcium | Aortic Valve, Calcification Of", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158528", + "session_name": "High prevalence of coronary artery calcium and aortic calcification in adults with repaired coarctation of the aorta and interrupted aortic arch", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158528", + "first_name": "Melissa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "Royal Melbourne Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High prevalence of coronary artery calcium and aortic calcification in adults with repaired coarctation of the aorta and interrupted aortic arch", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Coarctation | Coronary Artery Calcium ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve, Calcification Of", + "kol_name": "Melissa Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Melissa Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Ruxolitinib | Cancer Survivors | Cardiac Tamponade | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158527", + "session_name": "Cardiac tamponade secondary to ruxolitinib discontinuation syndrome,Long term risk of heart failure in adult cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Cancer survivorship - heart failure risk factor or potentiator?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158527", + "first_name": "Joshua", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wong", + "org_name": "Royal Melbourne Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac tamponade secondary to ruxolitinib discontinuation syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Long term risk of heart failure in adult cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Cancer survivorship - heart failure risk factor or potentiator?", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Ruxolitinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cancer Survivors | Cardiac Tamponade | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Joshua Wong", + "kol_full_name": "Joshua Wong" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antiarrhythmics | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158526", + "session_name": "Persistent atrial fibrillation: ablation early and first beats antiarrhythmic medication - con", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158526", + "first_name": "Jonathan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kalman", + "org_name": "Royal Melbourne Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Persistent atrial fibrillation: ablation early and first beats antiarrhythmic medication - con", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antiarrhythmics | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Jonathan Kalman", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan Kalman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Neoplasms | Fibroblasts", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158525", + "session_name": "Fibroblast activation in cardio-oncology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158525", + "first_name": "Krithika", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Loganath", + "org_name": "Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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+ "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differentiating ischaemic versus non-ischaemic aetiology: which imaging technique first?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Amyloidosis", + "events_topic": "Ischemia | Cardiac Imaging Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloidosis", + "kol_name": "Ana Martinez Naharro", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Martinez Naharro" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Fibrosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158520", + "session_name": "Subclinical myocardial fibrosis is almost ubiquitous in the hearts of older British persons: 'MyoFit46' cardiovascular sub-study of the NSHD", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158520", + "first_name": "Matthew", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Webber", + "org_name": "Royal Free Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Subclinical myocardial fibrosis is almost ubiquitous in the hearts of older British persons: 'MyoFit46' cardiovascular sub-study of the NSHD", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Fibrosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Matthew Webber", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew Webber" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Heart Septal Defects", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158519", + "session_name": "All about septal defects,Management of infective endocarditis: the good and the bad", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158519", + "first_name": "Georgia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ooues", + "org_name": "Royal 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+ "middle_name": "Felix", + "last_name": "Luscher", + "org_name": "Royal Brompton Hospital Imperial College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Therapeutic options beyond medications and revascularisation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping, snus)", + "events_topic": "Vaping | Revascularization ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tobacco Products", + "kol_name": "Thomas Felix Luscher", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Felix Luscher" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neprilysin | Valsartan | Angiotensins", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158517", + "session_name": "Angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (Sacubitril/Valsartan) in cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction: real-world experience from a nurse-led cardio-oncology clinic", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158517", + "first_name": "Priya", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Reehal", + "org_name": "Royal Brompton Hospital Imperial College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (Sacubitril/Valsartan) in cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction: real-world experience from a nurse-led cardio-oncology clinic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neprilysin | Valsartan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiotensins", + "kol_name": "Priya Reehal", + "kol_full_name": "Priya Reehal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical 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"proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Heart Ventricles", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158515", + "session_name": "Case 1: an athlete with enlarged right ventricle,Great Debate: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and sport - restrict or rethink?,Great Debates: preventing sudden cardiac death in competitive sports and athletes competing with an ICD", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158515", + "first_name": "Sabiha", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gati", + "org_name": "Royal Brompton Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1: an athlete with enlarged right ventricle", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Great Debate: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and sport - restrict or rethink?,Great Debates: preventing sudden cardiac death in competitive sports and athletes competing with an ICD", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Death, Sudden, Cardiac ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Heart Ventricles", + "kol_name": "Sabiha Gati", + "kol_full_name": "Sabiha Gati" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Morbidity | Anticoagulants | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Catheters | Atrial Appendage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158514", + "session_name": "Anticoagulation status and left atrial appendage occlusion indications in hospitalized cardiology patients with atrial fibrillation: a Hellenic Cardiorenal Morbidity Snapshot (HECMOS) sub-study,Improved clinical outcome by means of three-dimensional electroanatomically- guided slow pathway elimination with irrigated, contact- force sensing catheter", + "name": 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"kol_name": "Panagiotis K. Tsioufis", + "kol_full_name": "Panagiotis K. 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transplantation | Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hebah Nashat", + "kol_full_name": "Hebah Nashat" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Weaning", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158507", + "session_name": "V-A ECMO weaning with pump-controlled retrograde trial off (PCRTO) approach: an illustration of safety, benefits and feasibility", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158507", + "first_name": "Francesca", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fiorelli", + "org_name": "Royal Brompton Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "V-A ECMO weaning with pump-controlled 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"rest_events_session": " Australian perspective,Open discussion with experts on influenza: don’t let influenza break the hearts of your patients,Semaglutide for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with overweight or obesity, but without diabetes: a cost-effectiveness analysis", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Semaglutide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases | Influenza, Human", + "kol_name": "Adam James Nelson", + "kol_full_name": "Adam James Nelson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Practice Patterns, Nurses' | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158491", + "session_name": "2024 update on Core Curriculum for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158491", + "first_name": "Anne", + "middle_name": "Geert", + "last_name": "van Driel", + "org_name": "Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "2024 update on Core Curriculum for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Practice Patterns, Nurses' | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anne Geert van Driel", + "kol_full_name": "Anne Geert van Driel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Elasticity Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158490", + "session_name": "Can examining shear wave elastography predict elevated filling pressures? - A comparative evaluation against the current guideline algorithm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158490", + 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"Japan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Activation patterns of intracellular signaling pathways in cardiac hypertrophy induced by different exercise modes in rats", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy | Cardiomegaly", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kotaro Nakao", + "kol_full_name": "Kotaro Nakao" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microdevice | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158486", + "session_name": "Development of a cardiotoxicity evaluation system using a Heart-on-a-Chip Microdevice with aligned fiber device", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158486", + "first_name": "Kozue", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Murata", + "org_name": "RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics 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+ "first_name": "Martin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Meyer", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Influence of blood pressure targets on inflammation and associations between inflammatory markers and vasopressor usage after cardiac arrest - a substudy of a randomized clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Vasoconstrictor Agents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "Martin Meyer", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Meyer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiometabolic Diseases | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158473", + "session_name": "How to personalise lipid-lowering therapy with 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Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Troponin T | Diabetes Mellitus | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Body Mass Index", + "kol_name": "Manan Pareek", + "kol_full_name": "Manan Pareek" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158471", + "session_name": "Changes in length of hospital stay for infective endocarditis - data from before and after the POET trial,Temporal trends in mitral valve surgery in Denmark: changes in patient characteristics and outcomes from 1996 to 2021", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158471", + "first_name": "Lauge", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ostergaard", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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valve implantation: a nationwide cohort study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158470", + "first_name": "Katra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hadji-Turdeghal", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "First in-human study of 64Cu-DOTATATE positron emission tomography/computed tomography(PET/CT) in infective endocarditis: a prospective head-to-head comparison with 18-FDG PET/CT", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Bacteremia after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a nationwide cohort study.", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Bacteremia", + "kol_name": "Katra Hadji-Turdeghal", + "kol_full_name": "Katra Hadji-Turdeghal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158469", + "session_name": "Pearls of acute pulmonary embolism,Impact of pulmonary hypertension on quality of life and survival", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158469", + "first_name": "Joern", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Carlsen", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pearls of acute pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of pulmonary hypertension on quality of life and survival", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Joern Carlsen", + "kol_full_name": "Joern Carlsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158468", + "session_name": "ORBI risk score and inflammatory response in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158468", + "first_name": "Joakim", + "middle_name": "Bo", + "last_name": "Kunkel", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ORBI risk score and inflammatory response in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST 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"", + "kol_name": "Jeppe Kofoed Petersen", + "kol_full_name": "Jeppe Kofoed Petersen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Mortality | Dapagliflozin | Obesity | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158465", + "session_name": "Anthropometric measures and long-term mortality in heart failure with reduced ejection: debunking the obesity paradox,Effects of dapagliflozin in heart failure according to duration of type 2 diabetes: a patient-level meta-analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158465", + "first_name": "Jawad", + "middle_name": "Haider", + "last_name": "Butt", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anthropometric measures and long-term mortality in heart failure with reduced ejection: debunking the obesity paradox", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Effects of dapagliflozin in heart failure according to duration of type 2 diabetes: a patient-level meta-analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Dapagliflozin | Obesity | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Jawad Haider Butt", + "kol_full_name": "Jawad Haider Butt" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Placebos | Glucocorticoids", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158464", + "session_name": "Effect of pre-hospital pulse-dose glucocorticoid on infarct size in st-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial,Effect of pre-hospital pulse-dose glucocorticoid on infarct size in ST-segment myocardial infarction: a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial (PULSE-MI)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158464", + "first_name": "Jasmine", + "middle_name": "Melissa", + "last_name": "Madsen", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of pre-hospital pulse-dose glucocorticoid on infarct size in st-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial,Effect of pre-hospital pulse-dose glucocorticoid on infarct size in ST-segment myocardial infarction: a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial (PULSE-MI)", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Placebos ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Glucocorticoids", + "kol_name": "Jasmine Melissa Madsen", + "kol_full_name": "Jasmine Melissa Madsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Endometriosis | Heart Defects, Congenital | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158463", + "session_name": "Infective endocarditis - characteristics and long-term outcomes in patients with congenital heart disease are distinct from those without congenital heart disease,Endometriosis, a prevalent disease, is associated with significant cardiac disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158463", + "first_name": "Eva", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Havers-Borgersen", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Infective endocarditis - characteristics and long-term outcomes in patients with congenital heart disease are distinct from those without congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Endometriosis, a prevalent disease, is associated with significant cardiac disease", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Endometriosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital | Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "Eva Havers-Borgersen", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Havers-Borgersen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158462", + "session_name": "Quality of life after screening for atrial fibrillation: a substudy from a randomised screening trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158462", + "first_name": "Emilie", + "middle_name": "Katrine", + "last_name": "Kongebro", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality of life after screening for atrial fibrillation: a substudy from a randomised screening trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Emilie Katrine Kongebro", + "kol_full_name": "Emilie Katrine Kongebro" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Troponin T | Shock, Cardiogenic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158461", + "session_name": "High-Sensitivity Troponin-T and heart failure risk in individuals with suspected acute coronary syndrome,Optimising the management of cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158461", + "first_name": "Christina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Byrne", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High-Sensitivity Troponin-T and heart failure risk in individuals with suspected acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Optimising the management of cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Troponin T ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Christina Byrne", + "kol_full_name": "Christina Byrne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microaxial Flow Pump | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158460", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on optimal management of very high-risk acute coronary syndromes - expert panel,Microaxial flow pump or standard care in infarct-related cardiogenic shock: the DanGer shock trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158460", + "first_name": "Christian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hassager", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on optimal management of very high-risk acute coronary syndromes - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Microaxial flow pump or standard care in infarct-related cardiogenic shock: the DanGer shock trial", + "events_topic": "Microaxial Flow Pump | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "Christian Hassager", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Hassager" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Seizures | Heart Arrest | Analgesia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158459", + "session_name": "Sedation, analgesia, and seizure control after cardiac arrest,All cardiac arrest patients should be transferred to a cardiac arrest centre: pro,State-of-the-art lecture on advancing diagnosis and management of patients with cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock,The best science in cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158459", + "first_name": "Carolina", + "middle_name": "Malta", + "last_name": "Hansen", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sedation", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " analgesia, and seizure control after cardiac arrest,All cardiac arrest patients should be transferred to a cardiac arrest centre: pro,State-of-the-art lecture on advancing diagnosis and management of patients with cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock,The best science in cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Seizures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest | Analgesia", + "kol_name": "Carolina Malta Hansen", + "kol_full_name": "Carolina Malta Hansen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158458", + "session_name": "Genetic scores are the future of personalised lipid-lowering,The EHJ’s year in adult congenital heart disease, cardio-oncology, and valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158458", + "first_name": "Anne", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tybjaerg-Hansen", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genetic scores are the future of personalised lipid-lowering", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The EHJ’s year in adult congenital heart disease, cardio-oncology, and valvular heart disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Adult Congenital Heart Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "kol_name": "Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen", + "kol_full_name": "Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transurethral Resection Of Prostate | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158457", + "session_name": "Increased risk of infective endocarditis following transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR-P)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158457", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stahl", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Increased risk of infective endocarditis following transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR-P)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transurethral Resection Of Prostate | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anna Stahl", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Stahl" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Aortic Diseases | Fabry Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158456", + "session_name": "Dilated cardiomyopathies: miscellaneous aspects,Mechanisms of thoracic aortic disease and their treatment,Anderson-Fabry disease: what is in store?,Aortic medicine: from genes to therapy,Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the influence of genes, age, sex, and weight", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158456", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "Axelsson", + "last_name": "Raja", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dilated cardiomyopathies: miscellaneous aspects", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Mechanisms of thoracic aortic disease and their treatment,Anderson-Fabry disease: what is in store?,Aortic medicine: from genes to therapy,Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the influence of genes, age, sex, and weight", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Diseases | Fabry Disease", + "kol_name": "Anna Axelsson Raja", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Axelsson Raja" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Dapagliflozin | Endocarditis | Empagliflozin", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158455", + "session_name": "Relapse of infective endocarditis after cardiac implantable electronic device removal compared to a conservative strategy,Dapagliflozin versus empagliflozin and major adverse cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes: a nationwide cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158455", + "first_name": "Amna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Alhakak", + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relapse of infective endocarditis after cardiac implantable electronic device removal compared to a conservative strategy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Dapagliflozin versus empagliflozin and major adverse cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes: a nationwide cohort study", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Dapagliflozin | Endocarditis | Empagliflozin", + "kol_name": "Amna Alhakak", + "kol_full_name": "Amna Alhakak" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Delivery Systems | Factor XI", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158454", + "session_name": "First-in-human study to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) of RBD4059, a GalNAc-siRNA drug targeting coagulation factor XI (FXI), in healthy subjects", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158454", + "first_name": "Anders", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gabrielsen", + "org_name": "Ribocure Pharmaceuticals", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Vastra Gotaland", + "City": "Gothenburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "First-in-human study to evaluate the safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) of RBD4059, a GalNAc-siRNA drug targeting coagulation factor XI (FXI), in healthy subjects", + "events_topic": "Drug Delivery Systems | Factor XI", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anders Gabrielsen", + "kol_full_name": "Anders Gabrielsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158453", + "session_name": "NPM1-mediated suppression of OXPHOS reprogramming in reparative macrophages impairs cardiac repair post-myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158453", + "first_name": "Zhenzhen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhan", + "org_name": "Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NPM1-mediated suppression of OXPHOS reprogramming in reparative macrophages impairs cardiac repair post-myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Zhenzhen Zhan", + "kol_full_name": "Zhenzhen Zhan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure | Photophletysmography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158452", + "session_name": "To compare 24 hour blood pressure values of a conventional 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure device versus a wristband using an artificial intelligence algorithm based on photophletysmography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158452", + "first_name": "Eelko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ronner", + "org_name": "Reinier de Graaf Hospital", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Delft", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "To compare 24 hour blood pressure values of a conventional 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure device versus a wristband using an artificial intelligence algorithm based on photophletysmography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure | Photophletysmography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Eelko Ronner", + "kol_full_name": "Eelko Ronner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Heart Transplantation | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Aortic Valve Prosthesis | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158451", + "session_name": "Infective endocarditis on percutaneous aortic valve prosthesis: incidence, characteristics and comparison with endocarditis on surgically implanted aortic bioprostheses,Impact of mitral transcatheter edge-to-edge repair in patients with advanced heart failure evaluated for heart transplantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158451", + "first_name": "Lucas", + "middle_name": "Javier Barreiro", + "last_name": "Mesa", + "org_name": "Reina Sofia University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Andalucia", + "City": "Córdoba", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Infective endocarditis on percutaneous aortic valve prosthesis: incidence", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " characteristics and comparison with endocarditis on surgically implanted aortic bioprostheses,Impact of mitral transcatheter edge-to-edge repair in patients with advanced heart failure evaluated for heart transplantation", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Heart Transplantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Aortic Valve Prosthesis | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Lucas Javier Barreiro Mesa", + "kol_full_name": "Lucas Javier Barreiro Mesa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices | Wearable Electronic Devices | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158450", + "session_name": "Clinical features of infective endocarditis affecting cardiac implantable electronic devices", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158450", + "first_name": "Alvaro", + "middle_name": "Roldan", + "last_name": "Guerra", + "org_name": "Reina Sofia University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Andalucia", + "City": "Córdoba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical features of infective endocarditis affecting cardiac implantable electronic devices", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices | Wearable Electronic Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Endocarditis", + "kol_name": "Alvaro Roldan Guerra", + "kol_full_name": "Alvaro Roldan Guerra" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Obesity | Thrombosis | Hemodynamics | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158449", + "session_name": "Surgery versus thrombolytic therapy for the management of left-sided prosthetic valve thrombosis without hemodynamic compromise: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Lower early mortality after acute pulmonary embolism in patients with WHO-defined obesity: results from a post-hoc cohort analysis with external validation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158449", + "first_name": "Romain", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chopard", + "org_name": "Regional University Hospital Jean Minjoz", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Franche-Comte", + "City": "Besancon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Surgery versus thrombolytic therapy for the management of left-sided prosthetic valve thrombosis without hemodynamic compromise: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lower early mortality after acute pulmonary embolism in patients with WHO-defined obesity: results from a post-hoc cohort analysis with external validation", + "events_topic": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Thrombosis | Hemodynamics | Pulmonary Embolism", + "kol_name": "Romain Chopard", + "kol_full_name": "Romain Chopard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158448", + "session_name": "Effect of remote monitoring on the management of heart failure patients with cardiac amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158448", + "first_name": "Marie-France", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Seronde", + "org_name": "Regional University Hospital Jean Minjoz", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Franche-Comte", + "City": "Besancon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of remote monitoring on the management of heart failure patients with cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marie-France Seronde", + "kol_full_name": "Marie-France Seronde" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158447", + "session_name": "Management of comorbidities and outcomes in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158447", + "first_name": "Lars", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Frost", + "org_name": "Regional Hospital Central Jutland", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Vestsjalland", + "City": "Silkeborg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of comorbidities and outcomes in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Lars Frost", + "kol_full_name": "Lars Frost" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158446", + "session_name": "Atrial fibrillation ablation with temperature-controlled very high-power short-duration, with conventional-power, or with combined modes in clinical practice: 12-month outcomes from SECURE", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158446", + "first_name": "Massimo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Grimaldi", + "org_name": "Regional General Hospital F. 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| Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Pablo Martinez Vives", + "kol_full_name": "Pablo Martinez Vives" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158441", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of cardiac magnetic resonance global circumferential strain assessed by feature tracking techniques in asymptomatic patients with significant aortic regurgitation.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158441", + "first_name": "Irene", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Carrion-Sanchez", + "org_name": "Ramon y Cajal Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of cardiac magnetic resonance global circumferential strain assessed by feature tracking techniques in asymptomatic patients with significant aortic regurgitation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Irene Carrion-Sanchez", + "kol_full_name": "Irene Carrion-Sanchez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Heart Failure | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158440", + "session_name": "Mortality and heart failure in patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation. 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"num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Presenting a seamless integration of AI into routine clinical decision", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Decision-Making | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jose Luis Zamorano Gomez", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Luis Zamorano Gomez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cardiac Valve Annuloplasty", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158438", + "session_name": "Association of TRI-SCORE with clinical outcomes after percutaneous tricuspid annuloplasty,Impact of right ventricular - pulmonary arterial coupling on mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with aortic stenosis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of 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"event_topics": "Ultrasonography | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158437", + "session_name": "Nurse led assessment of congestion in outpatient heart failure patients: remote dielectric sensing versus lung ultrasound comparison", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158437", + "first_name": "Aharon", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Abbo", + "org_name": "Rambam Health Care Campus", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nurse led assessment of congestion in outpatient heart failure patients: remote dielectric sensing versus lung ultrasound comparison", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Aharon Abbo", + "kol_full_name": "Aharon Abbo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vaping | Telerehabilitation | Tobacco Products | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158436", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping, snus),Cardiac rehabilitation and telerehabilitation,Cardiovascular risk: lessons from epidemiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158436", + "first_name": "Esmee", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bakker", + "org_name": "Radboudumc", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " snus),Cardiac rehabilitation and 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"Functional improvement of non-infarct related coronary artery stenosis by extensive LDL-C reduction with a PCSK9 antibody: the FITTER trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " microvascular function analysis", + "events_topic": "Coronary Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jonathan Los", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan Los" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Marfan Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158433", + "session_name": "Association of lifelong exercise characteristics with aortic pathology in patients with Marfan syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158433", + "first_name": "Roland", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Van Kimmenade", + "org_name": "Radboud University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of lifelong exercise characteristics with aortic pathology in patients with Marfan syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Marfan Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Roland Van Kimmenade", + "kol_full_name": "Roland Van Kimmenade" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardium | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158432", + "session_name": "Myocardial viability evaluation with advanced imaging is no longer relevant for heart team discussions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158432", + "first_name": "Robin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nijveldt", + "org_name": "Radboud University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocardial viability evaluation with advanced imaging is no longer relevant for heart team discussions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardium | Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Robin Nijveldt", + "kol_full_name": "Robin Nijveldt" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158431", + "session_name": "Differences in non-flow limiting non-culprit plaque characteristics after myocardial infarction in patients with versus without chronic kidney disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158431", + "first_name": "Rick", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Volleberg", + "org_name": "Radboud University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differences in non-flow limiting non-culprit plaque characteristics after myocardial infarction in patients with versus without chronic kidney disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rick Volleberg", + "kol_full_name": "Rick Volleberg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart-Assist Devices | Heart Failure | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158430", + "session_name": "End-stage heart failure and left ventricular assist devices,Difficulties in heart transplantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158430", + "first_name": "Lokien", + "middle_name": "Xavier", + "last_name": "van Nunen", + "org_name": "Radboud University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "End-stage heart failure and left ventricular assist devices", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Difficulties in heart transplantation", + "events_topic": "Heart-Assist Devices | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Transplantation", + "kol_name": "Lokien Xavier van Nunen", + "kol_full_name": "Lokien Xavier van Nunen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microvascular Angina | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158429", + "session_name": "Treatment of microvascular dysfunction in patients with chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of 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risk factor in secondary prevention after an acute coronary syndrome and warrants active screening,Complex versus non-complex, should we adjust the antiplatelet strategy to the type of percutaneous coronary intervention? 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"Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Suboptimal lipid lowering therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention and impact on 1 year outcomes: data from a large contemporary PCI registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Changes in lipid lowering therapy one year after percutaneous coronary intervention: data from the large contemporary ZON-HR registry", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Denise Peeters", + "kol_full_name": "Denise Peeters" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angina, Stable | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158426", + "session_name": "Safety and feasibility of nationwide invasive coronary function testing in patients with angina and no obstructive 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"Avital Porter", + "kol_full_name": "Avital Porter" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158414", + "session_name": "Assessment of coronary blood volume to left ventricular mass ratio: a comparative study among endurance athletes, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients and healthy controls", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158414", + "first_name": "Ashraf", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hamdan", + "org_name": "Rabin Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessment of coronary blood volume to left ventricular mass ratio: a comparative study among endurance athletes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients and healthy controls", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ashraf Hamdan", + "kol_full_name": "Ashraf Hamdan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158413", + "session_name": "2023 ESC Guidelines on Acute Coronary Syndromes: Great Britain and Ireland perspectives,Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: risk prediction and outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158413", + "first_name": "Pascal", + "middle_name": "P.", + "last_name": "McKeown", + "org_name": "Queen's University of Belfast", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Northern Ireland", + "City": "Belfast", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "2023 ESC Guidelines on Acute Coronary Syndromes: Great Britain and Ireland perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: risk prediction and outcomes", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Pascal P. 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"United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel mechanisms of atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Aneurysms and other vascular diseases: novel experimental findings", + "events_topic": "Vascular Diseases | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aneurysm", + "kol_name": "Paul Evans", + "kol_full_name": "Paul Evans" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158405", + "session_name": "Hypertension: biomarkers, genetics, and molecular mechanisms,Hypertension in special circumstances", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158405", + "first_name": "Patricia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Munroe", + "org_name": "Queen Mary University of London", + 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+ "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158386", + "session_name": "Natural progression of rheumatic aortic valve disease following rheumatic mitral valve intervention: 16-year single center experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158386", + "first_name": "Seok", + "middle_name": "Hyun", + "last_name": "Kim", + "org_name": "Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Natural progression of rheumatic aortic valve disease following rheumatic mitral valve intervention: 16-year single center experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Seok Hyun Kim", + 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the WHF COVID-19 Long-term Study,The cardiovascular consequences of climate change", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158384", + "first_name": "Dorairaj", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Prabhakaran", + "org_name": "Public Health Foundation of India(PHFI)", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vaccination status and long COVID symptoms among patients hospitalized with COVID-19: the WHF COVID-19 Long-term Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The cardiovascular consequences of climate change", + "events_topic": "Vaccination | COVID-19 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Dorairaj Prabhakaran", + "kol_full_name": "Dorairaj Prabhakaran" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "COVID-19 | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158383", + "session_name": "Substantial morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases in hospitalized vaccinated and un-vaccinated patients with COVID-19 from 16 countries: the WHF COVID-19 Long-term study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158383", + "first_name": "Kavita", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Singh", + "org_name": "Public Health Foundation of India", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Substantial morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases in hospitalized vaccinated and un-vaccinated patients with COVID-19 from 16 countries: the WHF COVID-19 Long-term study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "COVID-19 | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + 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Briongos Figuero", + "kol_full_name": "Sem Briongos Figuero" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Nervous System Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158381", + "session_name": "Cardiac aspects of psychiatric, addictive, and neurological disorders", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158381", + "first_name": "Daniela", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dobre", + "org_name": "Psychotherapeutic Center Nancy", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac aspects of psychiatric", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " addictive, and neurological disorders", + "events_topic": "Nervous System Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daniela Dobre", + "kol_full_name": "Daniela Dobre" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Sinus | Bundle Of His", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158380", + "session_name": "Extraction of old His bundle pacing leads and coronary sinus leads - an analysis of 3897 lead extraction procedures including 27 His and 253 coronary sinus lead removals.,Extraction of old His bundle pacing leads and coronary sinus leads - an analysis of 3897 lead extraction procedures including 27 His and 253 coronary sinus lead removals.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158380", + "first_name": "Lukasz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tulecki", + "org_name": "Provincial Hospital of Pope John Paul II", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extraction of old His bundle pacing leads and coronary sinus leads - an analysis of 3897 lead extraction procedures including 27 His and 253 coronary sinus lead removals.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Extraction of old His bundle pacing leads and coronary sinus leads - an analysis of 3897 lead extraction procedures including 27 His and 253 coronary sinus lead removals.", + "events_topic": "Coronary Sinus | Bundle Of His", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Lukasz Tulecki", + "kol_full_name": "Lukasz Tulecki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158379", + "session_name": "Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) for tricuspid regurgitation is a good alternative to surgical repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158379", + "first_name": "Sondos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Samargandy", + "org_name": "Prince Sultan Cardiac Center", + "Country": "Saudi 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stratification and contemporary challenges in acute cardiovascular care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158378", + "first_name": "Mohamed", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Laimoud", + "org_name": "Prince Sultan Cardiac Center", + "Country": "Saudi Arabia", + "Region": "Ar Riyad", + "City": "Riyadh", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Surgical treatment of tricuspid valve infective endocarditis:tricuspid valve repair versus replacement.", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Right ventricular failure following left ventricular assist device implantation.,Risk stratification and contemporary challenges in acute cardiovascular care", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart-Assist Devices", + "kol_name": "Mohamed Laimoud", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Laimoud" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158377", + "session_name": "Urgent transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in the context of cardiogenic shock complicated by cardiac arrest due to critically severe aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158377", + "first_name": "Hamed", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Alghamdi", + "org_name": "Prince Sultan Cardiac Center", + "Country": "Saudi Arabia", + "Region": "Ar Riyad", + "City": "Riyadh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Urgent transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in the context of cardiogenic shock complicated by cardiac arrest due to critically severe aortic stenosis", + 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"", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "E-selectin and asymmetric dimethylarginine plasma levels in adult cyanotic congenital heart disease patients: relation to biochemical parameters", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " vascular function, and clinical status.", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital | Dimethylargininase", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sonia Nartowicz", + "kol_full_name": "Sonia Nartowicz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonography | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Calcified Coronary Lesions | Hypercapnia | Levosimendan | Vitamin D Deficiency | Iron Deficiencies | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Ablation Techniques | Heart-Assist Devices | Diabetes Mellitus | Normocapnia | Antithrombotic | Exercise | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Obesity | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Atherectomy, Coronary | Heart Arrest | Cardiovascular Diseases | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cryptogenic Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158374", + "session_name": "Rotational atherectomy versus orbital atherectomy for the treatment of calcified coronary lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 81,873 patients,Sheathless versus standard guiding catheters for transradial percutaneous coronary interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Ultrasound-guided versus palpation-guided techniques for vessel catheterization in children undergoing cardiac surgery. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.,Choosing the most effective and safest P2Y12 Inhibitor for use in >70-year-old acute coronary syndrome patients: a network meta-analysis,Exploration of vitamin D hydroxy metabolites C3 epimers in cardiovascular patients: comparative cross-sectional study,A meta-analysis of the safety and efficacy of pulsed-field versus conventional thermal ablation for atrial fibrillation.,Efficacy and safety of of SGLT2 ihibtors in post mi patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs,Intermittent levosimendan infusions for advanced heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.,Efficacy and safety of intravenous iron therapy in heart failure patients with iron deficiency: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Mild hypercapnia versus normocapnia in resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,The efficacy and safety of GLP-1 agonists to modify cardiovascular morbidity in patients with obesity without diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis involving 32,884 patients,A meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with left ventricular assist devices.,Antithrombotic strategies after cryptogenic stroke: a systematic review, pairwise, and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158374", + "first_name": "Mohamed", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Abouzid", + "org_name": "Poznan University of Medical Sciences", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Wielkopolskie", + "City": "Poznan", + "num_sess": "13", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rotational atherectomy versus orbital atherectomy for the treatment of calcified coronary lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 81", + "rest_events_session_count": 16, + "rest_events_session": "873 patients,Sheathless versus standard guiding catheters for transradial percutaneous coronary interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Ultrasound-guided versus palpation-guided techniques for vessel catheterization in children undergoing cardiac surgery. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.,Choosing the most effective and safest P2Y12 Inhibitor for use in >70-year-old acute coronary syndrome patients: a network meta-analysis,Exploration of vitamin D hydroxy metabolites C3 epimers in cardiovascular patients: comparative cross-sectional study,A meta-analysis of the safety and efficacy of pulsed-field versus conventional thermal ablation for atrial fibrillation.,Efficacy and safety of of SGLT2 ihibtors in post mi patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs,Intermittent levosimendan infusions for advanced heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.,Efficacy and safety of intravenous iron therapy in heart failure patients with iron deficiency: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Mild hypercapnia versus normocapnia in resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,The efficacy and safety of GLP-1 agonists to modify cardiovascular morbidity in patients with obesity without diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis involving 32,884 patients,A meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with left ventricular assist devices.,Antithrombotic strategies after cryptogenic stroke: a systematic review, pairwise, and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 24, + "rest_events_topic": " Calcified Coronary Lesions | Hypercapnia | Levosimendan | Vitamin D Deficiency | Iron Deficiencies | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Ablation Techniques | Heart-Assist Devices | Diabetes Mellitus | Normocapnia | Antithrombotic | Exercise | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Obesity | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Atherectomy, Coronary | Heart Arrest | Cardiovascular Diseases | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cryptogenic Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "kol_name": "Mohamed Abouzid", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Abouzid" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158373", + "session_name": "TAVI in different ages and sizes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158373", + "first_name": "Marta", + "middle_name": "Izabela", + "last_name": "Kaluzna-Oleksy", + "org_name": "Poznan University of Medical Sciences", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Wielkopolskie", + "City": "Poznan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TAVI in different ages and sizes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marta Izabela Kaluzna-Oleksy", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Izabela Kaluzna-Oleksy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158372", + "session_name": "Myocardial work assessment as a prognostic tool in peripartum cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158372", + "first_name": "Malgorzata", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Malek-Elikowska", + "org_name": "Poznan University of Medical Sciences", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Wielkopolskie", + "City": "Poznan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocardial work assessment as a prognostic tool in peripartum cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Malgorzata Malek-Elikowska", + "kol_full_name": "Malgorzata Malek-Elikowska" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158371", + "session_name": "Physiology to determine the severity and pattern of coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158371", + "first_name": "Maciej", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lesiak", + "org_name": "Poznan University of Medical Sciences", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Wielkopolskie", + "City": "Poznan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Physiology to determine the severity and pattern of coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maciej Lesiak", + "kol_full_name": "Maciej Lesiak" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158370", + "session_name": "Transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect (ASD) in adult and paediatric population without transoesophageal echocardiography/general anaesthesia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158370", + "first_name": "Parag", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Barwad", + "org_name": "Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect (ASD) in adult and paediatric population without transoesophageal echocardiography/general anaesthesia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Parag Barwad", + "kol_full_name": "Parag Barwad" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158369", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158369", + "first_name": "Jeff", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Healey", + "org_name": "Population Health Research Institute", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Hamilton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel", + 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"name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158351", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "Maria", + "last_name": "Helms", + "org_name": "Peri Cor Cardiology Working Goup / Ass. 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"Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A reference equation for peak oxygen uptake for cycle ergometry in chinese adult subjects", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oxygen Inhalation Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Wang Jinan", + "kol_full_name": "Wang Jinan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158349", + "session_name": "Association of ethanolamine desaturase TMEM189-plasmalogen axis with the stability of atherosclerotic plaque and cardiovascular events after acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158349", + "first_name": "Haiyi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yu", + "org_name": "Peking University Third Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of ethanolamine desaturase TMEM189-plasmalogen axis with the stability of atherosclerotic plaque and cardiovascular events after acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Haiyi Yu", + "kol_full_name": "Haiyi Yu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158348", + "session_name": "Heart failure due to hypertension: innovative drug and device-based therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158348", + "first_name": "Jing", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liu", + "org_name": "Peking University Peoples' Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart failure due to hypertension: innovative drug and device-based therapies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jing Liu", + "kol_full_name": "Jing Liu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Paraganglioma | Embolization, Therapeutic | Digital Health | Peritoneum | Pheochromocytoma | Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Computed Tomography | Hypertension | Adenoma | Blood Pressure Monitors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158347", + "session_name": "SPECT/CT was useful for diagnosing retroperitoneum pheochromocytoma and 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factors of hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "SPECT/CT was useful for diagnosing retroperitoneum pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma in screening secondary factors of hypertension,Left adrenal adenoma diagnosed without confirmation test but via adrenal vein sampling and treated with super-selective adrenal arterial embolization: facing the complexity of real world,Design and implementation of digital home blood pressure monitoring based on Bluetooth and WeChat App in the FAIR-Pilot study", + "events_topic": "Paraganglioma | Embolization, Therapeutic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Digital Health | Peritoneum | Pheochromocytoma | Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Computed Tomography | Hypertension | Adenoma | Blood Pressure Monitors", + "kol_name": "Yuxi Li", + "kol_full_name": "Yuxi Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": 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"kol_full_name": "Qixian Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Obesity | Cholesterol, LDL | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158345", + "session_name": "Association between the cumulative Atherogenic Index of Plasma (AIP) and Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE), Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and stroke: a prospective cohort study,Modifying effect of obesity status on the association between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol with incident hemorrhagic stroke: evidence from a community-based longitudinal cohort study in China", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158345", + "first_name": "Long", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhang", + "org_name": "Peking University First Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between the cumulative Atherogenic Index of Plasma (AIP) and Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and stroke: a prospective cohort study,Modifying effect of obesity status on the association between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol with incident hemorrhagic stroke: evidence from a community-based longitudinal cohort study in China", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol, LDL | Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Long Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Long Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158344", + "session_name": "The association between endogenous erythropoietin levels and the risk of heart failure in a Chinese community-based population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + 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associations of triglyceride glucose and its derived indexes with 10-year cardiovascular disease risk in a Chinese community-based population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158343", + "first_name": "Fangfang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fan", + "org_name": "Peking University First Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Higher systolic blood pressure in left not right upper limb is associated with all-cause mortality risk in a community-based population", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The associations of triglyceride glucose and its derived indexes with 10-year cardiovascular disease risk in a Chinese community-based population", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "Fangfang Fan", + "kol_full_name": "Fangfang Fan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158342", + "session_name": "Global prevalence and factors associated with frailty among community-dwelling older adults with hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158342", + "first_name": "Hongpeng", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liu", + "org_name": "Peking University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global prevalence and factors associated with frailty among community-dwelling older adults with hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hongpeng Liu", + "kol_full_name": "Hongpeng Liu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Stenosis | Inflammation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158341", + "session_name": "Inflammation-associated and rapidly progressive coronary de novo stenosis and restenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158341", + "first_name": "Lun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Peking Union Medical College Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inflammation-associated and rapidly progressive coronary de novo stenosis and restenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Stenosis | Inflammation", + 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EHR,Importance and limits of cardiovascular risk factors on the prediction of SCD using machine learning approach.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158337", + "first_name": "Xavier", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jouven", + "org_name": "Paris Cite University", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalized prediction model specific for sudden cardiac death in the population: a machine learning study based on EHR", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Importance and limits of cardiovascular risk factors on the prediction of SCD using machine learning approach.", + "events_topic": "Electronic Health Records | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Machine Learning", + "kol_name": "Xavier Jouven", + "kol_full_name": "Xavier Jouven" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Anemia, Sickle Cell | Atherosclerosis | Bilirubin", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158336", + "session_name": "Absence of coronary artery disease in high-risk sickle cell anemia patients: a new illustration supporting the protective effect of Bilirubin against atherosclerosis?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158336", + "first_name": "Mathilde", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stevenard", + "org_name": "Paris Cite University", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Absence of coronary artery disease in high-risk sickle cell anemia patients: a new illustration supporting the protective effect of Bilirubin against atherosclerosis?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Anemia, Sickle Cell ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Atherosclerosis | Bilirubin", + "kol_name": "Mathilde Stevenard", + "kol_full_name": "Mathilde Stevenard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158335", + "session_name": "Sex and racial disparities in mitral/tricuspid transcatheter interventions,Heart disease in a low-resource setting", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158335", + "first_name": "Alec", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vahanian", + "org_name": "Paris Cite University", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex and racial disparities in mitral/tricuspid transcatheter 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"Managing hypertension through lifestyle modifications: an important consideration", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Personalised hypertension management", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rosa Maria Bruno", + "kol_full_name": "Rosa Maria Bruno" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug-Eluting Stents | In Vitro Techniques", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158333", + "session_name": "Drug eluting stents trigger the secretion of inflammatory proteins in an experimental in vitro study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158333", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lichtenauer", + "org_name": "Paracelsus Private Medical University", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Salzburg", + "City": "Salzburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Drug eluting stents trigger the secretion of inflammatory proteins in an experimental in vitro study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug-Eluting Stents | In Vitro Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Michael Lichtenauer", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Lichtenauer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Dapagliflozin | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158332", + "session_name": "Predictors of worsening kidney function and their relation to SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin administration in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with chronic heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158332", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "E.", + "last_name": "Berezin", + "org_name": "Paracelsus Private Medical University", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Salzburg", + "City": "Salzburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictors of worsening kidney function and their relation to SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin administration in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with chronic heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Dapagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Alexander E. Berezin", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander E. Berezin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheterization | Carotid Arteries", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158331", + "session_name": "Modified Langendorff technique for isolated rat heart preparation: Krebs-Henseleit Buffer-blood exchange through carotid artery catheterization.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158331", + "first_name": "Rui", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mi", + "org_name": "Panjin People's Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modified Langendorff technique for isolated rat heart preparation: Krebs-Henseleit Buffer-blood exchange through carotid artery catheterization.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheterization | Carotid Arteries", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + 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"events_topic": "Endothelin-1 | Receptor, Endothelin A ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiotensins", + "kol_name": "Giovanni Riccardo Maria Civieri", + "kol_full_name": "Giovanni Riccardo Maria Civieri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis | Biopsy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158329", + "session_name": "Peripheral blood immune cells distribution in biopsy-proven myocarditis: etiology and prognostic correlates", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158329", + "first_name": "Cristina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vicenzetto", + "org_name": "Padova Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Padova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peripheral blood immune cells distribution in biopsy-proven myocarditis: etiology and prognostic correlates", + 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antithrombotic therapies in cardiovascular disease: what’s on the horizon?,Personalising antithrombotic strategies in acute and chronic coronary syndromes: when and how to escalate and de-escalate", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158320", + "first_name": "Sigrun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Halvorsen", + "org_name": "Oslo University Hospital Ulleval", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapies,A patient with recent non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary intervention requiring cancer surgery: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages,Novel antithrombotic therapies in cardiovascular disease: what’s on the horizon?,Personalising antithrombotic strategies in acute and chronic coronary syndromes: when and how to escalate and de-escalate", + "events_topic": "Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Cancer Surgery | Antiplatelet Therapy | Antithrombotic Therapy | Cardiovascular Diseases | Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Sigrun Halvorsen", + "kol_full_name": "Sigrun Halvorsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Function, Right | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158319", + "session_name": "The effects of targeting mild hypercapnia on right ventricular function after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. A sub-study of the TAME trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158319", + "first_name": "Mathias", + "middle_name": "Baumann", + "last_name": "Melberg", + "org_name": "Oslo University Hospital Ulleval", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effects of targeting mild hypercapnia on right ventricular function after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. 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atrial fibrillation: prognostic and therapeutic implications", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158316", + "first_name": "Dan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Atar", + "org_name": "Oslo University Hospital Ulleval", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on atrial fibrillation,Ablation technologies and predictors for atrial fibrillation recurrence,Rhythm control in atrial fibrillation: prognostic and therapeutic implications", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dan Atar", + "kol_full_name": "Dan Atar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microbiota | Heart Failure", + 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Dilated | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Thuy Mi Nguyen", + "kol_full_name": "Thuy Mi Nguyen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Echocardiography | Cardiac Myosins | Obesity, Morbid", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158313", + "session_name": "Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors,Clinical Case Management: aortic stenosis and morbid obesity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158313", + "first_name": "Thor", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Edvardsen", + "org_name": "Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical Case Management: aortic stenosis and morbid obesity", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Cardiac Myosins | Obesity, Morbid", + "kol_name": "Thor Edvardsen", + "kol_full_name": "Thor Edvardsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158312", + "session_name": "Hemodynamic effects of right and biventricular pacing during exercise in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158312", + "first_name": "Tariq", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ahmed", + "org_name": "Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + 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+ "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial function and long-term survival after cardiac resynchronization therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Function, Left | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Lars-Egil Hammersboen", + "kol_full_name": "Lars-Egil Hammersboen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Myocardial Dysfunction | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158309", + "session_name": "Mechanical wave velocities by clutter filter wave imaging detects myocardial dysfunction in acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158309", + "first_name": "Kristoffer", + "middle_name": "", 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cardiomyopathy,Guidelines in practice: imaging in hypokinetic non-dilated cardiomyopathy,Mitral valve prolapse: a new look at an old disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158308", + "first_name": "Kristina", + "middle_name": "Hermann", + "last_name": "Haugaa", + "org_name": "Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modern medical treatment is better than myomectomy for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Guidelines in practice: imaging in hypokinetic non-dilated cardiomyopathy,Mitral valve prolapse: a new look at an old disease", + "events_topic": "Uterine Myomectomy | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Mitral Valve Prolapse | 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study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158298", + "first_name": "Masami", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nishino", + "org_name": "Osaka Rosai Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hokkaido", + "City": "Sakai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical impact of perfusion balloon for ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction: RYUSEI study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Masami Nishino", + "kol_full_name": "Masami Nishino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperemia | Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Coronary Stenosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158297", + "session_name": "Diastolic hyperemia-free ratio for the assessment of intermediate coronary artery stenosis in patients with hemodialysis,Relationship between diastolic hyperemia-free ratio and fractional flow reserve in patients with aortic valve stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158297", + "first_name": "Hiroaki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nohara", + "org_name": "Osaka Rosai Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hokkaido", + "City": "Sakai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diastolic hyperemia-free ratio for the assessment of intermediate coronary artery stenosis in patients with hemodialysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Relationship between diastolic hyperemia-free ratio and fractional flow reserve in patients with aortic valve stenosis", + "events_topic": "Hyperemia | Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Coronary Stenosis", + "kol_name": "Hiroaki Nohara", + "kol_full_name": "Hiroaki Nohara" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158296", + "session_name": "Age-related and age-independent complications in atrial fibrillation ablation: insights from the Japan ablation registry,Risk factors for procedure-related complications in very elderly patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation: analysis from the Japan Ablation Registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158296", + "first_name": "Koichi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Inoue", + "org_name": "Osaka National Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Age-related and age-independent 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"Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality of muscle in the thigh predicts the prognosis in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ischemia | Prognosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "Toshitake Yoshida", + "kol_full_name": "Toshitake Yoshida" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | DNA Damage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158294", + "session_name": "STING-mediated DNA damage response in diabetes-induced vascular complications", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158294", + "first_name": "Oyunbileg", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bavuu", + "org_name": "Osaka Metropolitan University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "STING-mediated DNA damage response in diabetes-induced vascular complications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | DNA Damage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Oyunbileg Bavuu", + "kol_full_name": "Oyunbileg Bavuu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Tomography, Optical Coherence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158293", + "session_name": "Association of polarimetric signatures with coronary plaque composition in patients with acute and chronic coronary syndrome: an intravascular polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158293", + "first_name": "Kazuya", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sugioka", + "org_name": "Osaka Metropolitan University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of polarimetric signatures with coronary plaque composition in patients with acute and chronic coronary syndrome: an intravascular polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Tomography, Optical Coherence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kazuya Sugioka", + "kol_full_name": "Kazuya Sugioka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158292", + "session_name": "Safety and mid-term outcomes of impella compared to intra-aortic balloon pumping in patients who required mechanical cardiac support", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158292", + "first_name": "Mana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Makino", + "org_name": "Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Takatsuki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and mid-term outcomes of impella compared to intra-aortic balloon pumping in patients who required mechanical cardiac support", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mana Makino", + "kol_full_name": "Mana Makino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Sympathetic Nervous System | Ablation Techniques | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158291", + 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"kol_name": "Yuto Fukuda", + "kol_full_name": "Yuto Fukuda" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158290", + "session_name": "Prognostic impact of systemic immune-inflammation index in patients with acute decompensated heart failure with preserved ejection fraction -PURSUIT-HFpEF Registry-", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158290", + "first_name": "Yuki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kokubu", + "org_name": "Osaka General Medical Center", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic impact of systemic immune-inflammation index in patients with acute decompensated heart failure with preserved ejection fraction -PURSUIT-HFpEF Registry-", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yuki Kokubu", + "kol_full_name": "Yuki Kokubu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sympathetic Nervous System | Ischemia | Heart Failure | Myocardial Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158289", + "session_name": "Multiple comorbidities are associated with poor prognosis in patients with ADHF-HFpEF and non-frailty or mild frailty but not moderate-severe frailty -PURSUIT-HFpEF Registry-,The activation of cardiac sympathetic nervous system in the non-culprit lesion is a strong prognostic predictor in patients with acute myocardial infarction,Prognostic impact of left atrial reverse remodeling in patients with ADHF-HFpEF regardless of atrial fibrillation -PURSUIT-HFpEF Registry-,Remote ischemic peri-conditioning suppressed cardiac sympathetic nerve activity especially in the non-culprit lesion in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158289", + "first_name": "Takumi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kondo", + "org_name": "Osaka General Medical Center", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multiple comorbidities are associated with poor prognosis in patients with ADHF-HFpEF and non-frailty or mild frailty but not moderate-severe frailty -PURSUIT-HFpEF Registry-", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The activation of cardiac sympathetic nervous system in the non-culprit lesion is a strong prognostic predictor in patients with acute myocardial infarction,Prognostic impact of left atrial reverse remodeling in patients with ADHF-HFpEF regardless of atrial fibrillation -PURSUIT-HFpEF Registry-,Remote ischemic peri-conditioning suppressed cardiac sympathetic nerve activity especially in the non-culprit lesion in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "events_topic": "Sympathetic Nervous System | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Myocardial Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "Takumi Kondo", + "kol_full_name": "Takumi Kondo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158288", + "session_name": "Understanding and improving clinical outcomes after catheter ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158288", + "first_name": "Espen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fengsrud", + "org_name": "Orebro University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + 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heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation,Stroke risk management in atrial fibrillation registries: key take-home messages for clinicians", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158286", + "first_name": "Aron", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sztaniszlav", + "org_name": "Orebro University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Education level and the incidence of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " acute myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation,Stroke risk management in atrial fibrillation registries: key take-home messages for clinicians", + "events_topic": "Risk Management | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke | Myocardial Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Aron Sztaniszlav", + "kol_full_name": "Aron Sztaniszlav" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Loop Recorder Implantation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158285", + "session_name": "Discussant review - SUPPRESS-AF,New clinical insights from implantable loop recorders and smartphones,Subclinical and device-detected atrial fibrillation: fact and fiction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158285", + "first_name": "Helmut", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Puererfellner", + "org_name": "Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Oberosterreich", + "City": "Linz", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - SUPPRESS-AF", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "New clinical insights from implantable loop recorders and smartphones,Subclinical and device-detected atrial fibrillation: fact and fiction", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Loop Recorder Implantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Helmut Puererfellner", + "kol_full_name": "Helmut Puererfellner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Renal Denervation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158284", + "session_name": "Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on hypertension,The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who? - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158284", + "first_name": "Sofie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Brouwers", + "org_name": "Olv Hospital Aalst", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Aalst", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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cardiovascular imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158282", + "first_name": "Carlos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Collet", + "org_name": "Olv Hospital Aalst", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Aalst", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-Term Outcomes with PCI Guided by Fractional Flow Reserve", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Latest advances in artificial intelligence applied to cardiovascular imaging", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Cardiac Imaging Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Carlos Collet", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Collet" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tetralogy Of Fallot | MicroRNAs", + "npi_num": "", + 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"Krasniqi", + "org_name": "Odense University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Fyn", + "City": "Odense", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of mandatory preoperative dental screening on infective endocarditis in patients undergoing surgical valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Surgical Valve Replacement | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Lytfi Krasniqi", + "kol_full_name": "Lytfi Krasniqi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thoracic Surgery", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158271", + "session_name": "Challenging decisions in valvular heart surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158271", + "first_name": "Jordi", + "middle_name": "Sanchez", + "last_name": "Dahl", + "org_name": "Odense 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"Numazu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differences in left ventricular contraction in left bundle branch block with preserved and reduced ejection fraction: an evaluation using 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Bundle-Branch Block", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hideyuki Hara", + "kol_full_name": "Hideyuki Hara" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Defibrillators, Implantable | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158267", + "session_name": "Smaller intrinsic QRS area and smaller reduction of QRS area during cardiac resynchronisation therapy are associated with higher risk of ventricular arrhythmias and appropriate ICD therapy", + "name": "2024 European 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resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158249", + "first_name": "Saranda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Haxha", + "org_name": "Nordsjaellands Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Similar incidence of ICD-shocks in diabetic compared to non-diabetic patients receiving implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) or cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Nondiabetic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "kol_name": "Saranda Haxha", + "kol_full_name": "Saranda Haxha" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + 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"2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Progression of myocardial fibrosis is the major determinant of heart failure hospitalization in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Significant correlation between the extent of myocardial fibrosis and heart failure parameters in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation.", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Myocardial Fibrosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Kenta Yamaguchi", + "kol_full_name": "Kenta Yamaguchi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158191", + "session_name": "Amplicon-based long-read sequencing is useful for confirming zygosity of DSG2 variants associated with Japanese ARVC.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158191", + "first_name": "Keiko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sonoda", + "org_name": "National Cerebral & Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Suita", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Amplicon-based long-read sequencing is useful for confirming zygosity of DSG2 variants associated with Japanese ARVC.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Keiko Sonoda", + "kol_full_name": "Keiko Sonoda" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Connective Tissue Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158190", + "session_name": "Recruitment of CCR5-positive T cells in pulmonary vascular lesions in idiopathic- and connective tissue disease associated- pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158190", + "first_name": "Keiko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ohta-Ogo", + "org_name": "National Cerebral & Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Suita", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Recruitment of CCR5-positive T cells in pulmonary vascular lesions in idiopathic- and connective tissue disease associated- pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Connective Tissue Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Keiko Ohta-Ogo", + "kol_full_name": "Keiko Ohta-Ogo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + 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overload: the key role of visceral adipose tissue", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158167", + "first_name": "Alissa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tarraf", + "org_name": "Mondor Biomedical Research Institute", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal dynamics of cardiac remodelling in pressure overload: the key role of visceral adipose tissue", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Intra-Abdominal Fat | Ventricular Remodeling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Adipose Tissue", + "kol_name": "Alissa Tarraf", + "kol_full_name": "Alissa Tarraf" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Obesity | Atherosclerosis | Hypercholesterolemia | Cholesterol Ester Transfer Proteins | 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cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158165", + "first_name": "Rebecca", + "middle_name": "Helen", + "last_name": "Ritchie", + "org_name": "Monash University", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel mitochondria-targeted therapy AP39 limits mitochondrial dysregulation and diastolic dysfunction in 2D & 3D human models of diabetic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Molecular Targeted Therapy | Diabetic Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rebecca Helen Ritchie", + "kol_full_name": "Rebecca Helen Ritchie" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Diabetes Mellitus", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158164", + 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real world setting", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158145", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Boszko", + "org_name": "Medical University of Warsaw", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Mazowieckie", + "City": "Warsaw", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "No reimbursement policy and implantable loop recorders in the real world setting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maria Boszko", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Boszko" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158144", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on artificial intelligence,Help or hindrance: ChatGPT and chatbots?", + 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| Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Noemi Pavo", + "kol_full_name": "Noemi Pavo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158137", + "session_name": "Up-titration of Guideline Directed Medical Therapy (GDMT) and the occurrence of side effects in Heart Failure with reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158137", + "first_name": "Noel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Panagiotides", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Up-titration of Guideline Directed Medical Therapy (GDMT) and the occurrence of side effects in Heart Failure with reduced Ejection Fraction 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"Electrical therapy in heart failure: what's new?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Will conduction system pacing prove superior to conventional pacing?", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Electrical Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Conduction System Disease | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Marianne Gwechenberger", + "kol_full_name": "Marianne Gwechenberger" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stents | Thrombosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158134", + "session_name": "Markers of coagulation and early coronary stent thrombosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158134", + "first_name": "Lukas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Galli", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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"session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between CMR derived hepatic T1 times", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " tricuspid regurgitation severity, and outcomes.", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Katharina Mascherbauer", + "kol_full_name": "Katharina Mascherbauer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158131", + "session_name": "Tricuspid regurgitation in atrial fibrillation: correlation to left atrial myopathy and improvement post ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158131", + "first_name": "Jonghui", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tricuspid regurgitation in atrial fibrillation: correlation to left atrial myopathy and improvement post ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Jonghui Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Jonghui Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Vascular Diseases | Lipids", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158130", + "session_name": "The role of '-omics' in personalised cardiovascular medicine,Novel regulators of vascular functions,Lipids: new pathophysiological and therapeutic insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158130", + "first_name": "Johann", + 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dystrophin-deficient mdx mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158128", + "first_name": "Jakob", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sauer", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Empagliflozin treatment rescues abnormally reduced Na+ currents in ventricular cardiomyocytes from dystrophin-deficient mdx mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Empagliflozin | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jakob Sauer", + "kol_full_name": "Jakob Sauer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Systolic, Systolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158127", + "session_name": "Chronic heart failure,Phenotypic approach in heart failure therapy,Heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction / acute heart failure,New insights into pharmacotherapy for acute heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158127", + "first_name": "Henrike", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Arfsten", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Phenotypic approach in heart failure therapy,Heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction / acute heart failure,New insights into pharmacotherapy for acute heart failure", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Systolic, Systolic", + "kol_name": "Henrike Arfsten", + "kol_full_name": "Henrike Arfsten" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arthritis, Rheumatoid | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158126", + "session_name": "Type 2 diabetes mediating the increased cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a bidirectional mendelian randomisation approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158126", + "first_name": "Guenter", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Klappacher", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Type 2 diabetes mediating the increased cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a bidirectional mendelian randomisation approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arthritis, Rheumatoid | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Guenter Klappacher", + "kol_full_name": "Guenter Klappacher" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158125", + "session_name": "Detection and risk stratification of cardiac amyloidosis patients by integration of imaging and non-imaging data using a machine learning approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158125", + "first_name": "Clemens", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Spielvogel", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Detection and risk stratification of 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"2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158124", + "first_name": "Christopher", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mann", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Refining risk stratification in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the role of late gadolinium enhancement and syncope in predicting adverse outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Incidence of acute cardiovascular hospitalizations and association with hemodynamic biomarkers in cancer patients treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor therapy", + "events_topic": "Syncope | Hemodynamics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "Christopher Mann", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher Mann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158123", + "session_name": "Lipids and adipose tissue interaction in cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158123", + "first_name": "Christoph", + "middle_name": "J.", + "last_name": "Binder", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipids and adipose tissue interaction in cardiovascular disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christoph J. Binder", + "kol_full_name": "Christoph J. 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"hcp_pin_alias": "1158121", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on current management of acute intermediate high-risk pulmonary embolism - expert panel,Efficacy and safety of the Aria pulmonary endovascular device in pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158121", + "first_name": "Christian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gerges", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on current management of acute intermediate high-risk pulmonary embolism - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy and safety of the Aria pulmonary endovascular device in pulmonary hypertension", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christian Gerges", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Gerges" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Failure, Systolic | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158120", + "session_name": "Patient with diabetes, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, and impaired kidney function,Personalised management of patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease: unresolved issues,Lipids as cardiovascular risk factors and treatment options,Cardiovascular disease in women", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158120", + "first_name": "Alexandra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kautzky-Willer", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158118", + "first_name": "Tadeusz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Osadnik", + "org_name": "Medical University of Silesia in Katowice", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Zabrze", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Causal associations of insulin and Lp(a) levels: a Mendelian randomization study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Telomere length across spectrum of metabolic health.", + "events_topic": "Metabolic Health | Telomere ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Insulin Resistance", + "kol_name": "Tadeusz Osadnik", + "kol_full_name": "Tadeusz Osadnik" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158117", + "session_name": "Left atrial volume in obesity and hypertension: an innovative \"ideal human\" index allows for weighing their impact - a non-contrast cardiac CT study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158117", + "first_name": "Magdalena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dobrolinska", + "org_name": "Medical University of Silesia", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Katowice", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial volume in obesity and hypertension: an innovative \"ideal human\" index allows for weighing their impact - a non-contrast cardiac CT study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension", + "kol_name": "Magdalena Dobrolinska", + "kol_full_name": "Magdalena Dobrolinska" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Obesity", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158116", + "session_name": "Detection of biventricular volume increase in overweight and obese by using a novel index of the ideal human - a single center non-contrast-enhanced cardiac CT study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158116", + "first_name": "Jan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Harpula", + "org_name": "Medical University of Silesia", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Katowice", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Detection of biventricular volume increase in overweight and obese by using a novel index of the ideal human - a single center non-contrast-enhanced cardiac CT study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jan Harpula", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Harpula" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Quality Of Life | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158115", + "session_name": "Implantable cardioverter defibrillators: maximising protection and quality of life", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158115", + "first_name": "Agnieszka", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mlynarska", + "org_name": "Medical University of Silesia", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Slaskie", + "City": "Katowice", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implantable cardioverter defibrillators: maximising protection and quality of life", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Quality Of Life | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Agnieszka Mlynarska", + "kol_full_name": "Agnieszka Mlynarska" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Osteoporotic Fractures | Postmenopause | Bone Density", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158114", + "session_name": "Ventricular and supraventricular ectopic beats burden is correlated with bone mineral density and osteoporotic fracture risk in postmenopausal females.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158114", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kawinska", + "org_name": "Medical University of Lodz / Bieganski Hospital", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ventricular and supraventricular ectopic beats burden is correlated with bone mineral density and osteoporotic fracture risk in postmenopausal females.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Osteoporotic Fractures | Postmenopause ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Bone Density", + "kol_name": "Anna Kawinska", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Kawinska" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | COVID-19", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158113", + "session_name": "Types of pulmonary hypertension and prognosis in COVID-19: 18-months analysis of BNP-PL national database.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158113", + "first_name": "Aleksandra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mamzer", + "org_name": "Medical University of Lodz / Bieganski Hospital", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Types of pulmonary hypertension and prognosis in COVID-19: 18-months analysis of BNP-PL national database.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | COVID-19", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Aleksandra Mamzer", + "kol_full_name": "Aleksandra Mamzer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158112", + "session_name": "Treatment with flozins across the whole spectrum of heart failure in Poland between February 2022 and June 2023 based on Heart Failure Observational Study by Polish Cardiac Society..", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158112", + "first_name": "Robert", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Morawiec", + "org_name": "Medical University of Lodz", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment with flozins across the whole spectrum of heart failure in Poland between February 2022 and June 2023 based on Heart Failure Observational Study by Polish Cardiac Society..", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Robert Morawiec", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Morawiec" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertriglyceridemia | Hypercholesterolemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158111", + "session_name": "Always expect the unexpected – familial hypercholesterolemia hiding beneath severe hypertriglyceridemia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158111", + "first_name": "Paulina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gorzelak-Pabis", + "org_name": "Medical University of Lodz", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Always expect the unexpected – familial hypercholesterolemia hiding beneath severe hypertriglyceridemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertriglyceridemia | Hypercholesterolemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Paulina Gorzelak-Pabis", + "kol_full_name": "Paulina Gorzelak-Pabis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Combined Modality Therapy | Cluster Analysis | Mortality | Coronary Artery Calcification | Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II | Rare Diseases | Ezetimibe | Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Cholesterol | Lipoprotein(a)", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158110", + "session_name": "The upfront lipid-lowering combination therapy of statins and ezetimibe vs statin monotherapy in the reduction of cardiovascular outcomes. A meta-analysis.,Clinical reality and challenges with familial hypercholesterolemia patients management. 2024 results from the Regional Center for Rare Diseases (RCRD) Registry in Poland,Remnant cholesterol, clinical characteristics and mortality in 41.767 patients from LIPIDOGRAM 2004-2015 studies - the factor analysis for mixed data cluster analysis,Lipoprotein(a) as a predictive marker of coronary artery calcification (CAC). The results from the STAR-Lp(a) cohort study.,The prevalence, patients characteristics and risk factors of hyper-Lp(a)-emia in the Polish population. The first results from the PMMHRI-Lp(a) Registry,Remnant cholesterol and mortality in 37.559 patients from LIPIDOGRAM 2004, 2006 and 2015 studies.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158110", + "first_name": "Maciej", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Banach", + "org_name": "Medical University of Lodz", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The upfront lipid-lowering combination therapy of statins and ezetimibe vs statin monotherapy in the reduction of cardiovascular outcomes. A meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical reality and challenges with familial hypercholesterolemia patients management. 2024 results from the Regional Center for Rare Diseases (RCRD) Registry in Poland,Remnant cholesterol, clinical characteristics and mortality in 41.767 patients from LIPIDOGRAM 2004-2015 studies - the factor analysis for mixed data cluster analysis,Lipoprotein(a) as a predictive marker of coronary artery calcification (CAC). The results from the STAR-Lp(a) cohort study.,The prevalence, patients characteristics and risk factors of hyper-Lp(a)-emia in the Polish population. The first results from the PMMHRI-Lp(a) Registry,Remnant cholesterol and mortality in 37.559 patients from LIPIDOGRAM 2004, 2006 and 2015 studies.", + "events_topic": "Combined Modality Therapy | Cluster Analysis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Mortality | Coronary Artery Calcification | Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II | Rare Diseases | Ezetimibe | Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Cholesterol | Lipoprotein(a)", + "kol_name": "Maciej Banach", + "kol_full_name": "Maciej Banach" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Echocardiography | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158109", + "session_name": "Reduced stroke volume by resting 2-dimensional echocardiography negatively affects survival in patients with abnormal ejection fraction,Adverse prognostic implications of increased left ventricular force in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158109", + "first_name": "Karina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wierzbowska-Drabik", + "org_name": "Medical University of Lodz", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reduced stroke volume by resting 2-dimensional echocardiography negatively affects survival in patients with abnormal ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Adverse prognostic implications of increased left ventricular force in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "Karina Wierzbowska-Drabik", + "kol_full_name": "Karina Wierzbowska-Drabik" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Fluoroscopy | Pulmonary Veins Isolation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158108", + "session_name": "Single versus double transseptal puncture for pulmonary vein isolation with radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation - insights from \"Go for Zero Fluoroscopy\" registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158108", + "first_name": "Dawid", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Miskowiec", + "org_name": "Medical University of Lodz", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Single versus double transseptal puncture for pulmonary vein isolation with radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation - insights from \"Go for Zero Fluoroscopy\" registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Fluoroscopy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Veins Isolation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Dawid Miskowiec", + "kol_full_name": "Dawid Miskowiec" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158107", + "session_name": "New imaging insights into cardiomyopathies,Novel imaging-based measures of cardiac structure and function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158107", + "first_name": "Blazej", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Michalski", + "org_name": "Medical University of Lodz", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New imaging insights into cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel imaging-based measures of cardiac structure and function", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathies", 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"rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Julia Seeger", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Seeger" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158078", + "session_name": "Pre-participation screening is mandatory to prevent sudden cardiac death in competitive sports: con", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158078", + "first_name": "Arend", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mosterd", + "org_name": "Meander Medical Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Amersfoort", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pre-participation screening is mandatory to prevent sudden cardiac death in competitive sports: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", 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episode during ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158048", + "first_name": "Marina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Demidova", + "org_name": "Lund University", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Skane Lan", + "City": "Lund", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk of atrial fibrillation recurrence after new-onset transient episode during ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marina Demidova", + "kol_full_name": "Marina Demidova" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Osteopontin | Renal Insufficiency | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158047", + "session_name": 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to baseline left ventricular ejection fraction: a DAPA-MI substudy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158042", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Erlinge", + "org_name": "Lund University", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Skane Lan", + "City": "Lund", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "INFINITY-SWEDEHEART - Percutaneous coronary intervention with a bioadaptor compared to a contemporary drug eluting stent- one year primary outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of dapagliflozin on cardiometabolic outcomes after myocardial infarction according to baseline left ventricular ejection fraction: a DAPA-MI substudy", + "events_topic": "Drug-Eluting Stents | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Dapagliflozin | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial 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"Axel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dahlgren", + "org_name": "Lund University", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Skane Lan", + "City": "Lund", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary artery plaque characteristics in smokers assessed by intracoronary multi-modality imaging: a NIRS-IVUS guided PROSPECT II substudy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Spectroscopy, Near-Infrared | Ultrasonography, Interventional ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Multimodal Imaging", + "kol_name": "Axel Dahlgren", + "kol_full_name": "Axel Dahlgren" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Carotid Intima-Media Thickness | Caspase 3", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158039", + "session_name": "Plasma levels of sCASP3 predicts carotid intima media thickness progression", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology 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"Stephanie Schwarting" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Tricuspid Valve | Ventricular Dysfunction | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158035", + "session_name": "Beyond 2D echocardiography: A novel multiparametric assessment of right ventricular dysfunction in transcatheter tricuspid valve repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158035", + "first_name": "Philipp", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Doldi", + "org_name": "Ludwig Maximilians University", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beyond 2D echocardiography: A novel multiparametric assessment of right ventricular dysfunction in transcatheter tricuspid valve repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": 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"url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A diagnosis of vascular ehlers-danlos syndrome in childhood: clinical and molecular features of 63 individuals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Niamh Wilkinson", + "kol_full_name": "Niamh Wilkinson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sensitivity And Specificity | Troponin I | Precision Medicine | Point-of-Care Systems", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158026", + "session_name": "Imprecision and real-time clinical performance of a whole blood high sensitivity point of care troponin i: ready for prime time?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158026", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hatherley", + "org_name": "Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imprecision and real-time clinical performance of a whole blood high sensitivity point of care troponin i: ready for prime time?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sensitivity And Specificity | Troponin I ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Precision Medicine | Point-of-Care Systems", + "kol_name": "James Hatherley", + "kol_full_name": "James Hatherley" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Telemedicine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158025", + "session_name": "Telehealth-aided outpatient management of acute heart failure in a specialist virtual ward compared to standard care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158025", + "first_name": "Debar", + 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"VERMONT non-optimised: can baseline diagnostic catheter images be used to measure angiography based CAAS-vFFR?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158021", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Akrawi", + "org_name": "Liverpool Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "VERMONT non-optimised: can baseline diagnostic catheter images be used to measure angiography based CAAS-vFFR?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Angiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daniel Akrawi", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Akrawi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia | Diagnostic Imaging | Fractional Flow Reserve | 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Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158009", + "session_name": "Optimising healthcare delivery in cardiovascular patients: will artificial intelligence help?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158009", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stromberg", + "org_name": "Linkoping University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising healthcare delivery in cardiovascular patients: will artificial intelligence help?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anna Stromberg", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Stromberg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise Test 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"rest_events_session": " major bleeding and heart failure events in patients with chronic coronary syndrome: insights from the CORONOR registry,Overview of the risk of myocardial infarction in patients with aortic stenosis: insights from the VALVENOR Registry.", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Myocardial Infarction | Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "Gilles Lemesle", + "kol_full_name": "Gilles Lemesle" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158006", + "session_name": "Exploring valvular and congenital heart disease with cardiac magnetic resonance", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158006", + "first_name": "Alexandre", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Altes", + "org_name": "Lille Catholic University", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Nord-Pas-de-Calais", + "City": "Lille", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring valvular and congenital heart disease with cardiac magnetic resonance", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alexandre Altes", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandre Altes" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1158005", + "session_name": "CMR phenotypes and clinical outcomes in NYHA class I versus II-IV hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: identifying high-risk asymptomatic patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158005", + "first_name": "Dina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": 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"hcp_pin_alias": "1158003", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: the valvular heart team at work,Clinical Case Management: the diagnostic challenge of combined valvular stenosis and regurgitation,Guidelines in Practice: imaging in prosthetic valve endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158003", + "first_name": "Nina", + "middle_name": "Ajmone", + "last_name": "Marsan", + "org_name": "Leiden University Medical Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Leiden", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: the valvular heart team at work", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical Case Management: the diagnostic challenge of combined valvular stenosis and regurgitation,Guidelines in Practice: imaging in prosthetic valve endocarditis", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques | 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with mortality", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1158000", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "Pilar Lopez", + "last_name": "Santi", + "org_name": "Leiden University Medical Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Leiden", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in left ventricular dilatation in patients with significant aortic regurgitation: prognostic implications", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Left ventricular dilatation in patients with significant aortic regurgitation: association with mortality", + "events_topic": "Dilatation | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maria Pilar Lopez Santi", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Pilar Lopez Santi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Growth 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"2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157948", + "first_name": "Nobunari", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tomura", + "org_name": "Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Kyoto", + "City": "Kyoto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of characteristics and acute ablation outcome of atrial fibrillation drivers detected using octaray vs. pentaray catheter", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nobunari Tomura", + "kol_full_name": "Nobunari Tomura" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mesenteric Artery Occlusion | Endovascular Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157947", + "session_name": "Comparison of endovascular therapy and open 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"Kodai", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Shibao", + "org_name": "Kurume University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Fukuoka", + "City": "Kurume", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interleukin-22 inhibits right ventricular remodelling by a unique mechanism in a pulmonary artery constriction model.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Artery | Interleukin-2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kodai Shibao", + "kol_full_name": "Kodai Shibao" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Perforation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157938", + "session_name": "Heparin reversal for coronary artery perforation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157938", + "first_name": "Yuichi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sawayama", 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Intervention", + "kol_name": "Kenta Sasaki", + "kol_full_name": "Kenta Sasaki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Occlusion | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157933", + "session_name": "Retrograde coronary chronic total occlusion intervention (JR-CTO) score: from the Japanese CTO-PCI expert registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157933", + "first_name": "Hiroyuki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tanaka", + "org_name": "Kurashiki Central Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Okayama", + "City": "Kurashiki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Retrograde coronary chronic total occlusion intervention (JR-CTO) score: from the Japanese CTO-PCI expert registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Occlusion | 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"Myocardial Infarction | Acute Aortic Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "Mirvat Alasnag", + "kol_full_name": "Mirvat Alasnag" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157860", + "session_name": "Decision-making for revascularisation of multivessel disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157860", + "first_name": "Khaled", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Al-Shaibi", + "org_name": "King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital", + "Country": "Saudi Arabia", + "Region": "Makkah", + "City": "Jeddah", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Decision-making for revascularisation of multivessel disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Khaled Al-Shaibi", + "kol_full_name": "Khaled Al-Shaibi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Atrioventricular Coupling Index | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157859", + "session_name": "Normal reference values of left atrioventricular coupling index on two-dimensional echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157859", + "first_name": "Ashraf", + "middle_name": "Mohamed", + "last_name": "Anwar", + "org_name": "King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital", + "Country": "Saudi Arabia", + "Region": "Makkah", + "City": "Jeddah", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Normal reference values of left atrioventricular coupling index on two-dimensional echocardiography", + 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University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcatheter aortic valve replacement with balloon-expandable and self-expandable valves in Japanese patients with large annulus: the OCEAN-TAVI registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Annulus Fibrosus | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kyohei Onishi", + "kol_full_name": "Kyohei Onishi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Spectroscopy, Near-Infrared | Ultrasonography | Angiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157856", + "session_name": "The impact of lipid rich plaque on coronary-microvascular-dysfunction evaluated by near-infrared spectroscopy IVUS and angiography-derived index of microcirculatory resistance after percutaneous-coron", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157856", + "first_name": "Nobuhiro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yamada", + "org_name": "Kindai University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of lipid rich plaque on coronary-microvascular-dysfunction evaluated by near-infrared spectroscopy IVUS and angiography-derived index of microcirculatory resistance after percutaneous-coron", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Spectroscopy, Near-Infrared | Ultrasonography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiography", + "kol_name": "Nobuhiro Yamada", + "kol_full_name": "Nobuhiro Yamada" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angiography | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157855", + "session_name": "Tips, tricks, techniques, and technologies in radial angiography,All things percutaneous coronary intervention: a potpourri of percutaneous coronary intervention-related topics", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157855", + "first_name": "Fathima", + "middle_name": "Aaysha", + "last_name": "Cader", + "org_name": "Kettering General Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Kettering", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tips", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " tricks, techniques, and technologies in radial angiography,All things percutaneous coronary intervention: a potpourri of percutaneous coronary intervention-related topics", + "events_topic": "Angiography | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Fathima Aaysha Cader", + "kol_full_name": "Fathima Aaysha Cader" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157854", + "session_name": "Prognostic and diagnostic implications of impaired rest and exercise-stress left atrial compliance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Insights from the HFpEF Stress Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157854", + "first_name": "Soeren", + "middle_name": "Jan", + "last_name": "Backhaus", + "org_name": "Kerckhoff Heart and Thorax Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hessen", + "City": "Wetzlar", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic and diagnostic implications of impaired rest and exercise-stress left atrial compliance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Insights from the HFpEF Stress Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Soeren Jan Backhaus", + "kol_full_name": "Soeren Jan Backhaus" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Biomarkers | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Diseases | Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157853", + "session_name": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C,Multi-biomarker approach for predicting cardiac magnetic resonance parameters at 30 days after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,Lipids in heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157853", + "first_name": "Roland", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Klingenberg", + "org_name": "Kerckhoff Heart and Thorax Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hessen", + "City": "Wetzlar", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Multi-biomarker approach for predicting cardiac magnetic resonance parameters at 30 days after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,Lipids in heart disease", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Diseases | Cholesterol, LDL", + "kol_name": "Roland Klingenberg", + "kol_full_name": "Roland Klingenberg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Frailty | Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157852", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel,Pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157852", + "first_name": "Hady", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "ATEF", + "org_name": "Keele University - Stoke-on", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension", + "events_topic": "Frailty | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "kol_name": "Hady ATEF", + "kol_full_name": "Hady ATEF" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Ischemia | Neoplasms | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157851", + "session_name": "Ischemic and bleeding risk after ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction in patients with active cancer,Ischemic and bleeding risk after ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction in patients with active cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157851", + "first_name": "Mohamed", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dafaalla", + "org_name": "Keele University", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ischemic and bleeding risk after ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction in patients with active cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Ischemic and bleeding risk after ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction in patients with active cancer", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "Mohamed Dafaalla", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Dafaalla" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Weight Loss | Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157850", + "session_name": "From obesity to prediction of outcomes in acute heart failure,Obesity, weight loss, and cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157850", + "first_name": "Fozia", + "middle_name": "Zahir", + "last_name": "Ahmed", + "org_name": "Keele University", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From obesity to prediction of outcomes in acute heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Obesity, weight loss, and cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Weight Loss | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Fozia Zahir Ahmed", + "kol_full_name": "Fozia Zahir Ahmed" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Radiofrequency Ablation | Electric Impedance", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157849", + "session_name": "The impedance drop early after energy delivery predicts steam pops during radiofrequency ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157849", + "first_name": "Satoshi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Takahashi", + "org_name": "Kawasaki Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hyogo", + "City": "Kobe", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impedance drop early after energy delivery predicts steam pops during radiofrequency ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiofrequency Ablation | Electric Impedance", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Satoshi Takahashi", + "kol_full_name": "Satoshi Takahashi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157848", + "session_name": "Diagnostic methods in acute heart failure: latest findings,Worsening heart failure: are we winning the war?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157848", + "first_name": "Naoki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sato", + "org_name": "Kawaguchi Cardiovascular and Respiratory Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnostic methods in acute heart failure: latest findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Worsening heart failure: are we winning the war?", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Naoki Sato", + "kol_full_name": "Naoki Sato" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157847", + "session_name": "Angioprotein-like 3 and atheroma progression in statin-treated type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease: the pre-specified analysis from the OPTIMAL randomized controlled trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157847", + "first_name": "Satoshi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kitahara", + "org_name": "Kashiwa Kosei General Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Kashiwa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Angioprotein-like 3 and atheroma progression in statin-treated type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease: the pre-specified analysis from the OPTIMAL randomized controlled trial.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "kol_name": "Satoshi Kitahara", + "kol_full_name": "Satoshi Kitahara" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157846", + "session_name": "Hot or not debate - transcatheter tricuspid interventions now and tomorrow,Heart failure with secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157846", + "first_name": "Lars", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lund", + "org_name": "Karolinska University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hot or not debate - transcatheter tricuspid interventions now and tomorrow", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Heart failure with secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Lars Lund", + "kol_full_name": "Lars Lund" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157845", + "session_name": "The association of NT-proBNP levels in atrial fibrillation patients and 3-year risk of heart hospitalization and death,Burden of systemic inflammation and associated health outcomes in adults with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease managed in routine care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157845", + "first_name": "Karolina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Szummer", + "org_name": "Karolinska University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association of NT-proBNP levels in atrial fibrillation patients and 3-year risk of heart hospitalization and death", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Burden of systemic inflammation and associated health outcomes in adults with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease managed in routine care", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Karolina Szummer", + "kol_full_name": "Karolina Szummer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Diabetes Mellitus | Prediabetes | Risk Assessment | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157844", + "session_name": "Pre-diabetes should be included in cardiovascular risk assessment,How to protect the kidney in patients with diabetes and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157844", + "first_name": "Francesco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cosentino", + "org_name": "Karolinska University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pre-diabetes should be included in cardiovascular risk assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to protect the kidney in patients with diabetes and heart disease", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Prediabetes | Risk Assessment | Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "Francesco Cosentino", + "kol_full_name": "Francesco Cosentino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microvascular Function | Gastric Emptying | Heart Failure | Acyl-ghrelin", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157843", + "session_name": "Post-prandial acyl ghrelin infusion in heart failure patients increases gastric emptying rate,(Micro)vascular function in heart failure,Probing deeper into the pathophysiology of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157843", + "first_name": "Camilla", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hage", + "org_name": "Karolinska University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Post-prandial acyl ghrelin infusion in heart failure patients increases gastric emptying rate", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "(Micro)vascular function in heart failure,Probing deeper into the pathophysiology of heart failure", + "events_topic": "Microvascular Function | Gastric Emptying ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Acyl-ghrelin", + "kol_name": "Camilla Hage", + "kol_full_name": "Camilla Hage" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Syncope", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157842", + "session_name": "A practical guide to personalised treatment of non-cardiac syncope", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157842", + "first_name": "Artur", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fedorowski", + "org_name": "Karolinska University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A practical guide to personalised treatment of non-cardiac syncope", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Syncope", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Artur Fedorowski", + "kol_full_name": "Artur Fedorowski" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Insulin Resistance | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157841", + "session_name": "Measures of insulin resistance and aortic valve calcification in the general population,Long-term efficacy and safety of ablation for atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Left ventricular ejection fraction and clinical outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157841", + "first_name": "Anne", + "middle_name": "Wang", + "last_name": "Gottlieb", + "org_name": "Karolinska University Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Measures of insulin resistance and aortic valve calcification in the general population", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term efficacy and safety of ablation for atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Left ventricular ejection fraction and clinical outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "events_topic": "Insulin Resistance | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Anne Wang Gottlieb", + "kol_full_name": "Anne Wang Gottlieb" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Photoplethysmography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157840", + "session_name": "External validation of a machine learning based classification algorithm for ambulatory heart rhythm diagnostics using smartphone-photoplethysmography - the SMARTBEATS algorithm study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157840", + "first_name": "Jonatan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fernstad", + "org_name": "Karolinska Institutet Danderyd Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "External validation of a machine learning based classification algorithm for ambulatory heart rhythm diagnostics using 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+ "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Byung Jin Kim", + "kol_full_name": "Byung Jin Kim" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Pulse Wave Analysis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157808", + "session_name": "Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity as a predictor of diabetes development: elevated risk within normal range values in a low-risk population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157808", + "first_name": "Kichul", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sung", + "org_name": "Kangbuk Samsung Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity as a predictor of diabetes development: elevated risk within normal range values in a low-risk population", + "rest_events_session_count": 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"Shinichiro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Takashima", + "org_name": "Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Ishikawa", + "City": "Kanazawa", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of proNGF/NGF-NGFR-axis on the regulation of arterial remodelling", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel insights into ageing and senescence", + "events_topic": "Receptor, Nerve Growth Factor | Aging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Remodeling", + "kol_name": "Shinichiro Takashima", + "kol_full_name": "Shinichiro Takashima" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension Resistant To Conventional Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157801", + "session_name": "Differences in resting sympathetic nervous activity between orthostatic hypertension, conventional hypertension, and healthy individuals.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157801", + "first_name": "Tatsunori", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ikeda", + "org_name": "Kanazawa University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Ishikawa", + "City": "Kanazawa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differences in resting sympathetic nervous activity between orthostatic hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " conventional hypertension, and healthy individuals.", + "events_topic": "Hypertension Resistant To Conventional Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tatsunori Ikeda", + "kol_full_name": "Tatsunori Ikeda" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II | Cardiovascular Diseases | Atherosclerosis | Cholesterol | Hypercholesterolemia | 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hallmarks of cardiovascular health", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Age-related decline in cardiac lymphatic vessels causes cardiac edema and macrophage accumulation,Neurocardiac crosstalk in the ageing and diseased heart", + "events_topic": "Nervous System Diseases | Lymphatic Vessels ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Diseases | Edema, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Julian Uwe Gabriel Wagner", + "kol_full_name": "Julian Uwe Gabriel Wagner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Immune System Diseases | Vascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157768", + "session_name": "Vascular and immune control of organ function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157768", + "first_name": "Guillermo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Luxan", + "org_name": "Johann Wolfgang Goethe University", + "Country": "Germany", + 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Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157759", + "first_name": "Kazuaki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kaitani", + "org_name": "Japanese Red Cross Otsu Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Shiga", + "City": "Otsu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of escape mapping for roof line completion during BOX isolation for atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kazuaki Kaitani", + "kol_full_name": "Kazuaki Kaitani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157758", + "session_name": "Demonstration of dual atrioventricular nodal pathways with adenosine triphosphate injection during atrial pacing : application to difficult-to-diagnose cases", + "name": 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"Relationships between 18-month kinetics and functional capacity and left ventricular remodeling and cardiac fibrosis in dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157757", + "first_name": "Sylwia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wisniowska-Smialek", + "org_name": "Jagiellonian University Medical College, John Paul II Hospital", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Malopolskie", + "City": "Krakow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationships between 18-month kinetics and functional capacity and left ventricular remodeling and cardiac fibrosis in dilated cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Remodeling | Cardiac Fibrosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "kol_name": "Sylwia Wisniowska-Smialek", + "kol_full_name": "Sylwia 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Willebrand Factors level are associated with progression to permanent atrial fibrillation during follow-up: a cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157755", + "first_name": "Karol", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nowak", + "org_name": "Jagiellonian University Medical College, John Paul II Hospital", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Malopolskie", + "City": "Krakow", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The prothrombotic state in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart failure: an association with endothelial dysfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Altered fibrin clot properties and elevated von Willebrand Factors level are associated with progression to permanent atrial fibrillation during follow-up: a cohort study", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Cohort Studies ", + 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Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157753", + "first_name": "Peter", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Van Dam", + "org_name": "Jagiellonian University Medical College", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Malopolskie", + "City": "Krakow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "121 year after Einthoven: show me the normal ECG?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Peter Van Dam", + "kol_full_name": "Peter Van Dam" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157752", + "session_name": "The correlation between angio-IMR and thermodilution-based IMR in patients with ischemia and non obstructive coronary arteries.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology 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"Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Bologna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "T2 mapping as a marker of active myocardial injury in Anderson-Fabry disease patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Injury | Fabry Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maria Alessandra Schiavo", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Alessandra Schiavo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Prediabetes | Combined Modality Therapy | Factor V | Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Heparin | Thrombocytopenia | Cholesterol, LDL | Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Antiphospholipid Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157738", + "session_name": "Panel discussion 2 - how can healthcare providers effectively navigate the decision-making process when considering combination therapy for women with elevated LDL-C levels?,real-world implementation challenges: which practical considerations should healthcare professionals employ for optimal management of LDL-C levels in women?,Understanding gender-specific challenges in LDL-C management,Cardiology Toolbox: managing heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (HIT), factor V Leiden, and antiphospholipid syndromes in cardiovascular medicine,Pre-diabetes: a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?,Possible shifts in paradigms for lipid-lowering therapies in acute coronary syndrome patients: combination therapy from Day 1,Precision pathways to diabetes management in individuals with cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157738", + "first_name": "Maddalena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lettino", + "org_name": "IRCCS San Gerardo of Tintori Foundation", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Monza", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": 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infarction - the ValAMI-P risk score,Prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy in an extended Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation Program following myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157713", + "first_name": "Hector", + "middle_name": "Manuel Merenciano", + "last_name": "Gonzalez", + "org_name": "Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria INCLIVA", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Valencia", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dynamics and prognostic role of persistent angina in chronic coronary syndrome with clinical", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " angiographic and stress CMR evidence of ischemia,Pre-discharge prediction of long-term prognosis in patients after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction - the ValAMI-P risk score,Prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy in an extended Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation 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quantification in valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157709", + "first_name": "Sinsia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gao", + "org_name": "Institute of Medicine - Sahlgrenska Academy - University of Gothenburg", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Vastra Gotaland", + "City": "Gothenburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Good agreement between cardiac magnetic imaging protocols using free-breathing and breath-holding techniques for flow quantification in valvular heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Valve Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Breath-Holding Techniques", + "kol_name": "Sinsia Gao", + "kol_full_name": "Sinsia Gao" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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"events_session": "Arrhythmia burden in patients with congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Filip Eckerstrom", + "kol_full_name": "Filip Eckerstrom" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157705", + "session_name": "Proteomic profiling of extracellular vesicles in takotsubo syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157705", + "first_name": "Ermir", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zulfaj", + "org_name": "Institute of Medicine - Sahlgrenska Academy - University of Gothenburg", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Vastra Gotaland", + "City": "Gothenburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + 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cardiology perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157686", + "first_name": "Catherine", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gebhard", + "org_name": "Inselspital - University of Bern", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Should all menopausal women be prescribed hormone replacement therapy to reduce risk? - pro", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Heart-brain crosstalk in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: does sex matter?,Sex differences in heart-brain interactions: a cardiology perspective", + "events_topic": "Brain Diseases | Hormone Replacement Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "kol_name": "Catherine Gebhard", + "kol_full_name": "Catherine Gebhard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157685", + "session_name": "Double percutaneous mitral and tricuspid valve replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157685", + "first_name": "Caroline", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chong-Nguyen", + "org_name": "Inselspital - University of Bern", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Double percutaneous mitral and tricuspid valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Caroline Chong-Nguyen", + "kol_full_name": "Caroline Chong-Nguyen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157684", + "session_name": "Association of non-invasive assessed anatomical features with functional testing in coronary artery anomalies - NARCO trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157684", + "first_name": "Anselm", + "middle_name": "Walter", + "last_name": "Stark", + "org_name": "Inselspital - University of Bern", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of non-invasive assessed anatomical features with functional testing in coronary artery anomalies - NARCO trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anselm Walter Stark", + "kol_full_name": "Anselm Walter Stark" + }, + 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strain analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157616", + "first_name": "Adrien", + "middle_name": "Al", + "last_name": "wazzan", + "org_name": "Hospital Pontchaillou of Rennes", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Bretagne", + "City": "Rennes", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification and validation of ventricular rhythmic risk subgroups in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by clustering analysis including left ventricular strain analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Cluster Analysis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Adrien Al wazzan", + "kol_full_name": "Adrien Al wazzan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157615", + "session_name": "How to manage heart failure when kidney function worsens,Guidelines in Practice: implementing the 2023 Focused Update on Heart Failure - target, treat, and titrate", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157615", + "first_name": "Wilfried", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mullens", + "org_name": "Hospital Oost-Limburg (ZOL)", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Genk", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to manage heart failure when kidney function worsens", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: implementing the 2023 Focused Update on Heart Failure - target, treat, and titrate", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Wilfried Mullens", + "kol_full_name": "Wilfried Mullens" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": 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"Coronary Artery Disease | Chest Pain", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jane Lange Dalsgaard", + "kol_full_name": "Jane Lange Dalsgaard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157612", + "session_name": "Caring for the patient with cancer and heart disease: the clinical perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157612", + "first_name": "Jennifer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cautela", + "org_name": "Hospital Nord of Marseille", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur", + "City": "Marseille", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Caring for the patient with cancer and heart disease: the clinical perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | 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"Dell'Era", + "org_name": "Hospital Maggiore Della Carita", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Novara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Conduction-System pacing Italian Network Group (C-SING): insights from a Nationwide Multicenter Observational Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gabriele Dell'Era", + "kol_full_name": "Gabriele Dell'Era" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157609", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157609", + "first_name": "Gregoire", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Range", + "org_name": "Hospital Louis Pasteur of Chartres", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gregoire Range", + "kol_full_name": "Gregoire Range" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157608", + "session_name": "Optimising cardiovascular risk factors beyond glucose management in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157608", + "first_name": "Stephan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gielen", + "org_name": "Hospital Lippe-Detmold", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Rheinland-Pfalz", + "City": "Rudesheim", + 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European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157607", + "first_name": "Johannes", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Schmucker", + "org_name": "Hospital Links der Weser", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bremen", + "City": "Bremen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of clinical symptoms and prognosis of non-post-menopausal women to age matched men admitted with ST-elevation myocardial infarctions", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardio-renal syndromes in patients admitted with ST-elevation myocardial infarctions: Incidence and impact on renal and overall outcome", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Menopause ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Prognosis | Cardio-Renal Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Johannes Schmucker", + "kol_full_name": "Johannes Schmucker" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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"hcp_pin_alias": "1157605", + "session_name": "Propensity score-matched analysis in isolated left ventricular dilation and non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy,Prognostic impact of the concept of late gadolinium enhancement granularity in non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157605", + "first_name": "Trecy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Goncalves", + "org_name": "Hospital Lariboisiere", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Propensity score-matched analysis in isolated left ventricular dilation and non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic impact of the concept of late gadolinium enhancement granularity in non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Gadolinium | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Trecy Goncalves", + "kol_full_name": "Trecy Goncalves" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MINOCA | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Diagnostic Imaging | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157604", + "session_name": "Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA): state-of-the-art imaging evaluation,Cardiac computed tomography: artificial intelligence, radiomics, and more", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157604", + "first_name": "Theo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pezel", + "org_name": "Hospital Lariboisiere", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA): state-of-the-art imaging evaluation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiac computed tomography: artificial intelligence, radiomics, and more", + "events_topic": "MINOCA | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Imaging | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Theo Pezel", + "kol_full_name": "Theo Pezel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Cerebrovascular Disorders", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157603", + "session_name": "Recreational drugs use as prognostic factor of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in patients hospitalised for acute cardiovascular events.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157603", + "first_name": "Raphael", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mirailles", + "org_name": "Hospital Lariboisiere", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Recreational drugs use as prognostic factor of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in patients hospitalised for acute cardiovascular events.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Cerebrovascular Disorders", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Raphael Mirailles", + "kol_full_name": "Raphael Mirailles" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157602", + "session_name": "Sex-specific models to predict 5-year mortality after ST-elevation myocardial infarction using machine learning: insight from FAST-MI registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157602", + "first_name": "Manveer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Singh", + "org_name": "Hospital Lariboisiere", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex-specific models to predict 5-year mortality after ST-elevation myocardial infarction using machine learning: insight from FAST-MI registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Manveer Singh", + "kol_full_name": "Manveer Singh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157601", + "session_name": "Decision-making for revascularisation of multivessel disease,ESC Andreas Grüntzig Lecture in Interventional Cardiology,Great Debates: diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157601", + "first_name": "Julinda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mehilli", + "org_name": "Hospital Landshut-Achdorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Landshut", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Decision-making for revascularisation of multivessel disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "ESC Andreas Grüntzig Lecture in Interventional Cardiology,Great Debates: diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Julinda Mehilli", + "kol_full_name": "Julinda Mehilli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": 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+ "kol_name": "Sami Fawaz", + "kol_full_name": "Sami Fawaz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertensive Crisis | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157599", + "session_name": "Cerebral damage after malignant hypertensive crisis: cerebral MRI follow-up data", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157599", + "first_name": "Jean", + "middle_name": "Sebastien", + "last_name": "Liegey", + "org_name": "Hospital Haut Leveque", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Aquitaine", + "City": "Bordeaux", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cerebral damage after malignant hypertensive crisis: cerebral MRI follow-up data", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertensive Crisis | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jean Sebastien Liegey", + "kol_full_name": "Jean Sebastien Liegey" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157598", + "session_name": "Aortic stenosis and the evolution of cardiac damage after transcatheter aortic valve replacement.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157598", + "first_name": "Fabian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Islas", + "org_name": "Hospital General Universitario de Talavera de la Reina", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aortic stenosis and the evolution of cardiac damage after transcatheter aortic valve replacement.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter 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0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ingo Ahrens", + "kol_full_name": "Ingo Ahrens" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia | Fractional Flow Reserve | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157596", + "session_name": "Cardiac computed tomography: perfusion, ischaemia, fractional flow reserve, and more", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157596", + "first_name": "Miguel", + "middle_name": "Cainzos", + "last_name": "Achirica", + "org_name": "Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM)", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac computed tomography: perfusion", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " ischaemia, fractional flow reserve, and more", + "events_topic": "Ischemia | Fractional Flow Reserve ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "Miguel Cainzos Achirica", + "kol_full_name": "Miguel Cainzos Achirica" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Polygraphy | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157595", + "session_name": "Comparative study of the surface and endocavitary signals of cardiac pacing system analyzers with respect to the conventional polygraphy systems signals during implantation of conduction system pacing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157595", + "first_name": "Jesus", + "middle_name": "Jimenez", + "last_name": "Lopez", + "org_name": "Hospital del Mar", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative study of the surface and endocavitary signals of cardiac pacing system analyzers with respect to the conventional polygraphy systems signals during implantation of conduction system pacing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Polygraphy | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jesus Jimenez Lopez", + "kol_full_name": "Jesus Jimenez Lopez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157594", + "session_name": "Update on heart transplantation,Tailored approaches in heart failure: insights from France and Spain", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157594", + "first_name": "Sonia", + "middle_name": "Mirabet", + "last_name": "Perez", + "org_name": "Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Update on heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Tailored approaches in heart failure: insights from France and Spain", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sonia Mirabet Perez", + "kol_full_name": "Sonia Mirabet Perez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Nursing | Mechanical Circulatory Support", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157593", + "session_name": "How to personalise vaso-active drugs in the patient on mechanical circulatory support,The best acute cardiovascular-care science", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157593", + "first_name": "Alessandro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sionis", + "org_name": "Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to personalise vaso-active drugs in the patient on mechanical circulatory support", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The best acute cardiovascular-care science", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Nursing | Mechanical Circulatory Support", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alessandro Sionis", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandro Sionis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157592", + "session_name": "Influence of process-focused patient care on clinical outcomes among hospitalized heart failure patients in the cardiology ward", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157592", + "first_name": "Laia", + "middle_name": "Lorenzo", + "last_name": "Esteller", + "org_name": "Hospital de Bellvitge", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Influence of process-focused patient care on clinical outcomes among hospitalized heart failure patients in the cardiology ward", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Laia Lorenzo Esteller", + "kol_full_name": "Laia Lorenzo Esteller" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157591", + "session_name": "Pacing Performance of the First Leadless Pacemaker Communicating with an SICD from the full cohort of the MODULAR ATP study,Atrial fibrillation and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF): managing a common combination", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157591", + "first_name": "Lluis", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mont", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pacing Performance of the First Leadless Pacemaker Communicating with an SICD from the full cohort of the MODULAR ATP study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Atrial fibrillation and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF): managing a common combination", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Lluis Mont", + "kol_full_name": "Lluis Mont" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Pressure | Pulmonary Embolism | Pulmonary Vascular Diseases | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157590", + "session_name": "CILP1 and NTproBNP in pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular pressure overload: a translational experimental study,Molecular modifiers of pulmonary vascular disease,Pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157590", + "first_name": "Ana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Garcia-Alvarez", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CILP1 and NTproBNP in pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular pressure overload: a translational experimental study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + 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"Innovations in cardiac arrest", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Critically ill patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "events_topic": "Critical Illness | Heart Arrest ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Rut Andrea Riba", + "kol_full_name": "Rut Andrea Riba" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157588", + "session_name": "Management in congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157588", + "first_name": "Raquel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Luna", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management in congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Raquel Luna", + "kol_full_name": "Raquel Luna" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157587", + "session_name": "Secondary causes of hypertension: mind the gap,Clinical Case Management: impact of comorbidities on personalised care for hypertension,Blood pressure control and cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with hypertension: a pooled analysis of 6 countries in Eastern and Southern Europe (SNAPSHOT study),Pharmacological management of hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157587", + "first_name": "Miguel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Camafort", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Secondary causes of hypertension: mind the gap", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical Case Management: impact of comorbidities on personalised care for hypertension,Blood pressure control and cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with hypertension: a pooled analysis of 6 countries in Eastern and Southern Europe (SNAPSHOT study),Pharmacological management of hypertension", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "Miguel Camafort", + "kol_full_name": "Miguel Camafort" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography, Transesophageal", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157586", + "session_name": "Live transoesophageal echo: how to best guide transcatheter mitral valve repair,Tricuspid regurgitation and intervention: what are the limits?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157586", + "first_name": "Marta", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sitges", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Live transoesophageal echo: how to best guide transcatheter mitral valve repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Tricuspid regurgitation and intervention: what are the limits?", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography, Transesophageal", + "kol_name": "Marta Sitges", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Sitges" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157585", + "session_name": "Heart failure management in low/middle-income countries,Pharmacotherapy for worsening heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157585", + "first_name": "Marta", + "middle_name": "Farrero", + "last_name": "Torres", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart failure management in low/middle-income countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pharmacotherapy for worsening heart failure", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marta Farrero Torres", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Farrero Torres" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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Sanz-de la Garza", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Sanz-de la Garza" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Muscular Diseases | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157583", + "session_name": "Left atrial strain differences between hypertensive and sarcomeric left ventricular hypertrophy: a sign of sarcomeric auricular myopathy?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157583", + "first_name": "Marc", + "middle_name": "Ramos", + "last_name": "Jovani", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial strain differences between hypertensive and sarcomeric left ventricular hypertrophy: a sign of sarcomeric auricular myopathy?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Muscular Diseases | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marc Ramos Jovani", + "kol_full_name": "Marc Ramos Jovani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157582", + "session_name": "A nurse-led intervention improves quality of life and reduces arrhythmic recurrences in patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation. Results of the NURSECAT-AF randomized clinical trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157582", + "first_name": "Alba", + "middle_name": "Cano", + "last_name": "Valls", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A nurse-led intervention improves quality of life and reduces arrhythmic recurrences in patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation. Results of the NURSECAT-AF randomized clinical trial.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alba Cano Valls", + "kol_full_name": "Alba Cano Valls" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157581", + "session_name": "Volume-pressure loop hemodynamic characterization of pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157581", + "first_name": "Carmen", + "middle_name": "Palacios", + "last_name": "Echavarren", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Volume-pressure loop hemodynamic characterization of pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Carmen Palacios Echavarren", + "kol_full_name": "Carmen Palacios Echavarren" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Shock, Cardiogenic | Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157580", + "session_name": "Organ perfusion pressure: a significant predictor of outcomes in cardiogenic shock,Machine-learning phenotyping of patients with functional mitral regurgitation undergoing transcatheter edge-to-edge repair - the MITRA-AI study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157580", + "first_name": "Pier", + "middle_name": "Paolo", + "last_name": "Bocchino", + "org_name": "Hospital Citta Della Salute e della Scienza di Torino", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Turin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Organ perfusion pressure: a significant predictor of outcomes in cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Machine-learning phenotyping of patients with functional mitral regurgitation undergoing transcatheter edge-to-edge repair - the MITRA-AI study", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Shock, Cardiogenic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Pier Paolo Bocchino", + "kol_full_name": "Pier Paolo Bocchino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Heart Arrest | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157579", + "session_name": "Impact of different P2Y12 inhibitors in acute coronary syndrome patients with severe chronic kidney disease: insights from the CORALYS registry,Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) with cardiac arrest at presentation: a subanalysis from the DISCO registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157579", + "first_name": "Federico", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Giacobbe", + "org_name": "Hospital Citta Della Salute e della Scienza di Torino", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Turin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of different P2Y12 inhibitors in acute coronary syndrome patients with severe chronic kidney disease: insights from the CORALYS registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) with cardiac arrest at presentation: a subanalysis from the DISCO registry", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Federico Giacobbe", + "kol_full_name": "Federico Giacobbe" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemodynamics | Mechanical Circulatory Support | Echocardiography | Left Ventricular Assist Device | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157578", + "session_name": "Echo and hemodynamic-guided ramp test in a LVAD carrier with right ventricular failure and aortic regurgitation: unveiling the Scylla and Charybdis of durable mechanical circulatory support", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157578", + "first_name": "Emanuele", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ravetti", + "org_name": "Hospital Citta Della Salute e della Scienza di Torino", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Turin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Echo and hemodynamic-guided ramp test in a LVAD carrier with right ventricular failure and aortic regurgitation: unveiling the Scylla and Charybdis of durable mechanical circulatory support", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Mechanical Circulatory Support ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Left Ventricular Assist Device | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Emanuele Ravetti", + "kol_full_name": "Emanuele Ravetti" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonography | Anti-Arrhythmia Agents | Stellate Ganglion | Electrical Storm", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157577", + "session_name": "Clinical profile of patients undergoing percutaneous stellate ganglion block for electrical storm and association with antiarrhythmic efficacy,Efficacy and safety of ultrasound guided stellate ganglion block: developing new clinical indications beyond electrical storm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157577", + "first_name": "Arianna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Morena", + "org_name": "Hospital Citta Della Salute e della Scienza di Torino", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Turin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical profile of patients undergoing percutaneous stellate ganglion block for electrical storm and association with antiarrhythmic efficacy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy and safety of ultrasound guided stellate ganglion block: developing new clinical indications beyond electrical storm", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography | Anti-Arrhythmia Agents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stellate Ganglion | Electrical Storm", + "kol_name": "Arianna Morena", + "kol_full_name": "Arianna Morena" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Valsartan | Sacubitril | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157576", + "session_name": "Age-based comparison of patients with heart failure treated with sacubitril-valsartan in France: a real-world evaluation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157576", + "first_name": "Olivier", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hanon", + "org_name": "Hospital Broca of Paris", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Age-based comparison of patients with heart failure treated with sacubitril-valsartan in France: a real-world evaluation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Valsartan | Sacubitril ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Olivier Hanon", + "kol_full_name": "Olivier Hanon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157575", + "session_name": "Real-life data on the tolerability of SGLT2 inhibitors in elderly patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157575", + "first_name": "Abdelhakim", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hacil", + "org_name": "Hospital Broca of Paris", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-life data on the tolerability of SGLT2 inhibitors in elderly patients with heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Abdelhakim Hacil", + 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"Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Introduction; a clinical case of a patient with ASCVD and high triglyceride levels", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical scenarios addressing residual risk in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD): understanding the role of triglycerides and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),State-of-the-art lecture on identification and risk stratification of relevant coronary artery disease in clinical practice,How effective are medications for angina?,Coronary and interventional research in Circulation", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Blood Circulation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Eicosapentaenoic Acid | Triglycerides | Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease | Angina Pectoris | Coronary Artery Disease | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Philippe Gabriel Steg", + "kol_full_name": "Philippe Gabriel Steg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157572", + "session_name": "Treatment of multivalvular heart disease should be surgical: con,The 50 shades of TAVI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157572", + "first_name": "Marina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Urena", + "org_name": "Hospital Bichat-Claude Bernard", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of multivalvular heart disease should be surgical: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The 50 shades of TAVI", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + 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"Shazia", + "middle_name": "Samreen", + "last_name": "Afzal", + "org_name": "Hospital Barmherzigen Bruder Trier", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Rheinland-Pfalz", + "City": "Trier", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Feasibility", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " accuracy, and reproducibility of device sizing in virtual reality for percutaneous left atrial appendage closure - a single center study", + "events_topic": "Atrial Appendage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Shazia Samreen Afzal", + "kol_full_name": "Shazia Samreen Afzal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157568", + "session_name": "Staged treatment of a post-infarction ventricular septal defect – first percutaneous, then surgical", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157568", + "first_name": "Carola", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kenn", + "org_name": "Hospital Barmherzigen Bruder Trier", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Rheinland-Pfalz", + "City": "Trier", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Staged treatment of a post-infarction ventricular septal defect – first percutaneous", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " then surgical", + "events_topic": "Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Carola Kenn", + "kol_full_name": "Carola Kenn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157567", + "session_name": "What a coincidence: double threat of sudden cardiac death", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": 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cardiovascular events after acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157566", + "first_name": "Cedric", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Follonier", + "org_name": "Hopitaux Universitaires De Geneve", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Health-related quality of life and long-term incidence of major adverse events in patients with acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association between achieved cholesterol levels and the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events after acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Cedric Follonier", + "kol_full_name": "Cedric Follonier" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + 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"Tse", + "org_name": "Hong Kong Metropolitan University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ChineseCVD: a web-based Chinese-specifi c cardiovascular risk calculator incorporating long COVID", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " COVID-19vaccination, SGLT2i and PCSK9i treatment effects,Metformin is associated with lower risks of incident cancers compared to sulphonylurea use: a population-based study with competing risk analyses", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | PCSK9 Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Metformin | COVID-19", + "kol_name": "Gary Tse", + "kol_full_name": "Gary Tse" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157562", + "session_name": "OptiHeart: determinants and prognostic importance of optimal medical 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"Prognostic value of albumin-bilirubin score in patients with chronic heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157561", + "first_name": "Yoshifumi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mizuguchi", + "org_name": "Hokkaido University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hokkaido", + "City": "Sapporo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of albumin-bilirubin score in patients with chronic heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Bilirubin", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yoshifumi Mizuguchi", + "kol_full_name": "Yoshifumi Mizuguchi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aneurysm, Ascending Aorta | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157560", + "session_name": "Prognostic significance of pre-procedure wall shear stress in the ascending aorta in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157560", + "first_name": "Takeshi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hamaya", + "org_name": "Hokkaido University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hokkaido", + "City": "Sapporo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic significance of pre-procedure wall shear stress in the ascending aorta in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aneurysm, Ascending Aorta ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + 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"rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yui Shimono", + "kol_full_name": "Yui Shimono" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157558", + "session_name": "Obesity and heart failure: what's new?,Left ventricular hypertrophy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: new findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157558", + "first_name": "Toshiyuki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nagai", + "org_name": "Hokkaido University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hokkaido", + "City": "Sapporo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Obesity and heart failure: what's new?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Left ventricular hypertrophy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: new findings", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "Toshiyuki Nagai", + "kol_full_name": "Toshiyuki Nagai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Needs Assessment | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157557", + "session_name": "The impact of heart failure caregiver burden and patient heart failure severity: analysis of the needs assessment tool: advanced heart failure (NAT: PD-HF)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157557", + "first_name": "Takuma", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sato", + "org_name": "Hokkaido University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hokkaido", + "City": "Sapporo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of heart failure caregiver burden and patient heart failure severity: analysis of the needs assessment tool: advanced heart failure (NAT: PD-HF)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Needs Assessment | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Takuma Sato", + "kol_full_name": "Takuma Sato" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart-Assist Devices | Microbiota", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157556", + "session_name": "Association of gut microbiota imbalance with risk of postoperative infections in patients with left ventricular assist device", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157556", + "first_name": "Sakae", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Takenaka", + "org_name": "Hokkaido University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hokkaido", + "City": "Sapporo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + 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Val279Phe homozygous genotypes and variant angina in Japanese women", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Angina, Stable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Toshihiro Iwasaki", + "kol_full_name": "Toshihiro Iwasaki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Spasm | Carvedilol | GTP-Binding Proteins", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157551", + "session_name": "Carvedilol suppresses coronary artery spasm in A-kinase anchoring protein 150 knockout mouse", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157551", + "first_name": "Yuki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Konno", + "org_name": "Hirosaki University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Carvedilol suppresses coronary artery spasm in A-kinase anchoring 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"Efficacy of combination lipid lowering therapy in achieving low density lipoprotein cholesterol targets after one month of event in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "events_topic": "Angiography | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "kol_name": "Kunal Mahajan", + "kol_full_name": "Kunal Mahajan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157548", + "session_name": "Preexisting pulmonary hypertension impact on in-hospital outcomes of cardiac implantable electrical device implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157548", + "first_name": "Eran", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Leshem", + "org_name": "Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Preexisting pulmonary hypertension impact on in-hospital outcomes of cardiac implantable electrical device implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Eran Leshem", + "kol_full_name": "Eran Leshem" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157547", + "session_name": "Sex sifferences in lifes essential eight and its association with mortality among adults without known CVD,Association of lifes essential 8 and mortality among adults with and without CVD", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157547", + "first_name": "Ofer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kobo", + "org_name": "Hillel Yaffe Medical 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"Carmel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nov", + "org_name": "Hillel Yaffe Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "In-hospital outcomes of ventricular tachycardia catheter ablation in the presence of intra-cardiac thrombus", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Catheter Ablation", + "kol_name": "Carmel Nov", + "kol_full_name": "Carmel Nov" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157544", + "session_name": "The right ventricle in heart failure: forget me not", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157544", + "first_name": "Morten", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Schou", + "org_name": "Herlev-Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The right ventricle in heart failure: forget me not", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Morten Schou", + "kol_full_name": "Morten Schou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cystic Fibrosis | Dyspnea | Chest Pain", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157543", + "session_name": "Cardiac structure and function in people with cystic fibrosis,Association between dyspnea, chest pain, nt-probnp and cardiac impairment in people with cystic fibrosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157543", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "Flarup", + 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(ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157542", + "first_name": "Caroline", + "middle_name": "Hartwell", + "last_name": "Garred", + "org_name": "Herlev-Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient characteristics and mortality trends among octogenarians with heart failure over two decades - a Danish nationwide study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Caroline Hartwell Garred", + "kol_full_name": "Caroline Hartwell Garred" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Influenza Vaccines", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157541", + "session_name": "Relative effectiveness of high-dose versus standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine against hospitalizations and mortality according to frailty score: a post-hoc analysis of the DANFLU-1 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157541", + "first_name": "Caroline", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Espersen", + "org_name": "Herlev-Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relative effectiveness of high-dose versus standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine against hospitalizations and mortality according to frailty score: a post-hoc analysis of the DANFLU-1 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Influenza Vaccines", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Caroline Espersen", + "kol_full_name": "Caroline Espersen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fibrosis | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157540", + "session_name": "Regional distribution of diffuse fibrosis in the basal and mid-ventricular AHA segments in patients with type 2 diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157540", + "first_name": "Annemie", + "middle_name": "Stege", + "last_name": "Bojer", + "org_name": "Herlev-Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Regional distribution of diffuse fibrosis in the basal and mid-ventricular AHA segments in patients with type 2 diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fibrosis | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Annemie Stege Bojer", + "kol_full_name": "Annemie Stege Bojer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Health Care | Clinical Case", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157539", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: case studies from primary care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157539", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kumler", + "org_name": "Herlev-Gentofte Hospital and Steno Diabetes Center", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Herlev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: case studies from primary care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Health Care | Clinical Case", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Thomas Kumler", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Kumler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157538", + "session_name": "Prevalence of elevated cardiac troponin in five non-cardiac diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157538", + "first_name": "Sophie", + "middle_name": "Sander", + "last_name": "Knudsen", + "org_name": "Herlev Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Herlev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of elevated cardiac troponin in five non-cardiac diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Troponin | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sophie Sander Knudsen", + "kol_full_name": "Sophie Sander Knudsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Stroke Volume | Body Mass Index", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157537", + "session_name": "Effects of body mass index on worsening of heart failure and all-cause death in patients with heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction: a 10-year follow-up study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157537", + "first_name": "Morten", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Malmborg", + "org_name": "Herlev Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Herlev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of body mass index on worsening of heart failure and all-cause death in patients with heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction: a 10-year follow-up study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Stroke Volume ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Body Mass Index", + "kol_name": "Morten Malmborg", + "kol_full_name": "Morten Malmborg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Perfusion Imaging | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157536", + "session_name": "The epicardial adipose tissue volume is in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus associated with a lowered myocardial perfusion reserve", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157536", + "first_name": "Andreas", + "middle_name": "Ohrt", + "last_name": "Johansen", + "org_name": "Herlev Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Herlev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The epicardial adipose tissue volume is in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus associated with a lowered myocardial perfusion reserve", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial 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Muscle Spasticity", + "kol_name": "Enes Altintac", + "kol_full_name": "Enes Altintac" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endothelial Dysfunction | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Leydig Cells | Vitamin K | Coronary Artery Disease | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157526", + "session_name": "Role of vitamin K2 and vitamin K cycle enzymes in aortic valvular interstitial cell calcification,Secreted GRP78 attenuates endothelial inflammation and predicts outcome in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157526", + "first_name": "Elena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Repges", + "org_name": "Heartcenter Bonn, University Hospital Bonn", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Bonn", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of vitamin K2 and vitamin K cycle 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prognosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157523", + "first_name": "Paul", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dendale", + "org_name": "Heart Centre Hasselt", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Hasselt", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of new technologies in communication between patients and healthcare professionals", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Obesity and diabetes: risk assessment and prognosis", + "events_topic": "Risk Assessment | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus | Health Care Sector | Prognosis", + "kol_name": "Paul Dendale", + "kol_full_name": "Paul Dendale" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157522", + "session_name": "Patients with 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"session_name": "A case of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis with Loeffler-endomyocarditis and travel history: complexity in need of multimodality imaging and interdisciplinary communication,A sex-specific comparison of valve-in-valve transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157520", + "first_name": "Jean-Honore", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Steul", + "org_name": "Heart Centre Dresden - Dresden Technical University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A case of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis with Loeffler-endomyocarditis and travel history: complexity in need of multimodality imaging and interdisciplinary communication", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A sex-specific comparison of valve-in-valve transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Myocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Eosinophilic Granuloma", + "kol_name": "Jean-Honore Steul", + "kol_full_name": "Jean-Honore Steul" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157519", + "session_name": "Collision mapping enables accurate localization of the slow pathway in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157519", + "first_name": "Timm", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Seewoester", + "org_name": "Heart Center of Leipzig", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Collision mapping enables 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"1157518", + "first_name": "Steffen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Desch", + "org_name": "Heart Center of Leipzig", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extracorporeal life support for acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock - 12 months results of the ECLS-SHOCK trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Early risk stratification of patients after successfully resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest without ST-segment elevation - the TOMAHAWK risk score", + "events_topic": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "Steffen Desch", + "kol_full_name": "Steffen Desch" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157517", + "session_name": "Transcatheter aortic valve interventions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157517", + "first_name": "Nicolas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Majunke", + "org_name": "Heart Center of Leipzig", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcatheter aortic valve interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nicolas Majunke", + "kol_full_name": "Nicolas Majunke" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Bypass | Fractional Flow Reserve | Angiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157516", + "session_name": "The utility of angiography-derived fractional flow reserve in predicting graft occlusions prior to bypass surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157516", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Buske", + "org_name": "Heart Center of Leipzig", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The utility of angiography-derived fractional flow reserve in predicting graft occlusions prior to bypass surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Bypass | Fractional Flow Reserve ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiography", + "kol_name": "Maria Buske", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Buske" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": 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vegetations beyond infections", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157512", + "first_name": "Maximilian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Von Roeder", + "org_name": "Heart Center Leipzig at University of Leipzig", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Valvular vegetations beyond infections", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Infections | Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maximilian Von Roeder", + "kol_full_name": "Maximilian Von Roeder" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Muscular Atrophy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157511", + "session_name": "Titin hyper-phosphorylation in the peripheral skeletal muscle but not the diaphragm of HFpEF: association with muscle atrophy and dysfunction.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157511", + "first_name": "Beatrice", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vahle", + "org_name": "Heart Center Dresden - TU Dresden", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Titin hyper-phosphorylation in the peripheral skeletal muscle but not the diaphragm of HFpEF: association with muscle atrophy and dysfunction.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Muscular Atrophy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Beatrice Vahle", + "kol_full_name": "Beatrice Vahle" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157510", + "session_name": "Influence of urban noise exposure on early-onset myocardial infarction risk prediction,Does air pollution impact myocardial infarction incidence even in a city with fair air quality? 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Results from the EPIC-MI (Environmental Pollution and IncidenCe of Myocardial Infarction) Study", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hatim Kerniss", + "kol_full_name": "Hatim Kerniss" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Dobutamine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157509", + "session_name": "Diagnostic value of low dose dobutamine stress echocardiography in paradoxical low flow low gradient aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157509", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nowack", + "org_name": "Heart Center - University Hospital Dresden", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnostic value of low dose dobutamine stress echocardiography in paradoxical low flow low gradient aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Dobutamine", + "kol_name": "Thomas Nowack", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Nowack" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157508", + "session_name": "Global longitudinal strain measurement in the modern era - is artificial intelligence the answer ?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157508", + "first_name": "Roxana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Botan", + "org_name": "Heart Center - University Hospital Dresden", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global longitudinal strain measurement in the modern era - is artificial intelligence the answer ?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Roxana Botan", + "kol_full_name": "Roxana Botan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157507", + "session_name": "Ventricular tachycardia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157507", + "first_name": "Micaela", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ebert", + "org_name": "Heart Center - University Hospital Dresden", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ventricular tachycardia", + "rest_events_session_count": 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fibrillation patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157505", + "first_name": "Philipp", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sommer", + "org_name": "Heart and Diabetes Center NRW", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", + "City": "Wesenberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation in atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke Volume | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Philipp Sommer", + "kol_full_name": "Philipp Sommer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Stroke", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157504", + "session_name": "Independent association between radial secondary access and stroke in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157504", + "first_name": "Max", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Potratz", + "org_name": "Heart and Diabetes Center NRW", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", + "City": "Wesenberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Independent association between radial secondary access and stroke in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Stroke", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Max Potratz", + "kol_full_name": "Max Potratz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Edge-to-edge Repair | Hemodynamics", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157503", + "session_name": "Calculation of intraprocedural hemodynamics with computational functional dynamic in mitral valve edge-to-edge repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157503", + "first_name": "Johannes", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kirchner", + "org_name": "Heart and Diabetes Center NRW", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", + "City": "Wesenberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Calculation of intraprocedural hemodynamics with computational functional dynamic in mitral valve edge-to-edge repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Edge-to-edge Repair | Hemodynamics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Johannes Kirchner", + "kol_full_name": "Johannes Kirchner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "LBBAP Procedure | Defibrillators, Implantable | Conduction System Pacing", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157502", + "session_name": "Conduction system pacing (CSP): overview and practical considerations,Dual-chamber CRT-D using ICD lead implantation in the LBBAP position", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157502", + "first_name": "Guram", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Imnadze", + "org_name": "Heart and Diabetes Center NRW", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", + "City": "Wesenberg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Conduction system pacing (CSP): overview and practical considerations", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Dual-chamber CRT-D using ICD lead implantation in the LBBAP position", + "events_topic": "LBBAP Procedure | Defibrillators, Implantable ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Conduction System Pacing", + "kol_name": "Guram Imnadze", + "kol_full_name": "Guram Imnadze" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157501", + "session_name": "Catheter ablation in end-stage heart failure with atrial fibrillation: two-year follow-up of the CASTLE-HTx trial,Cases with the European Heart Journal - Case Reports Editors,Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: relevance of concomitant therapies and comorbidities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157501", + "first_name": "Christian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sohns", + "org_name": "Heart and Diabetes Center NRW", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", + "City": "Wesenberg", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Catheter ablation in end-stage heart failure with atrial fibrillation: two-year follow-up of the CASTLE-HTx trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Cases with the European Heart Journal - Case Reports Editors,Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: relevance of concomitant therapies and comorbidities", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "Christian Sohns", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Sohns" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Ebstein Anomaly", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157500", + "session_name": "Heart transplantation as the last resort for coexistence of ARVC and Ebstein anomaly", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157500", + "first_name": "Ahmad", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jomaa", + "org_name": "Heart and Diabetes Center NRW", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", + "City": "Wesenberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart transplantation as the last resort for coexistence of ARVC and Ebstein anomaly", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Ebstein Anomaly", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ahmad Jomaa", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmad Jomaa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metrnl Protein, Human | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157499", + "session_name": "Protective role of Metrnl on macrophage recruitment during the acute inflammatory phase in a mouse model of myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157499", + "first_name": "Gemma", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ferrer-Curriu", + "org_name": "Health Science Research Institute Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP)", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Protective role of Metrnl on macrophage recruitment during the acute inflammatory phase in a mouse model of myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Metrnl Protein, Human | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gemma Ferrer-Curriu", + "kol_full_name": "Gemma Ferrer-Curriu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Carbohydrates | Neutrophils | Heart Failure | Semaglutide | Adipokines | Antigens", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157498", + "session_name": "Epicardial carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA-125) levels, associated with neutrophils activity in heart failure: No differences regarding sex,Semaglutide modulates adipogenic differentiation and extracellular acidification in epicardial (EAT) and subcutaneous (SAT) adipose tissue stromal cells from patients with cardiovascular disease.,Semaglutide modulates pro-inflammatory neutrophil phenotype induced by supraphysiological levels of the adipokine FABP4 in patients with cardiovascular disease.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157498", + "first_name": "Sonia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Eiras", + "org_name": "Health Research Institute", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Galicia", + "City": "Santiago de Compostela", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epicardial carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA-125) levels", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " associated with neutrophils activity in heart failure: No differences regarding sex,Semaglutide modulates adipogenic differentiation and extracellular acidification in epicardial (EAT) and subcutaneous (SAT) adipose tissue stromal cells from patients with cardiovascular disease.,Semaglutide modulates pro-inflammatory neutrophil phenotype induced by supraphysiological levels of the adipokine FABP4 in patients with cardiovascular disease.", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Carbohydrates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Neutrophils | Heart Failure | Semaglutide | Adipokines | Antigens", + "kol_name": "Sonia Eiras", + "kol_full_name": "Sonia Eiras" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Health Care | Lipids", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157497", + "session_name": "Real-world evaluation of a lipid transformation project in primary care settings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157497", + "first_name": "Zoe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zambelli", + "org_name": "Health Innovation Network South London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-world evaluation of a lipid transformation project in primary care settings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Health Care | Lipids", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Zoe Zambelli", + "kol_full_name": "Zoe Zambelli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Cardiac Conduction System Disease | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + 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"Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rare causes of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Rare, rarer, and unique cardiomyopathies", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Vivienne Sullivan", + "kol_full_name": "Vivienne Sullivan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157482", + "session_name": "Echocardiographic assessment of complex congenital left heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157482", + "first_name": "Nada", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Al-Sakini", + "org_name": 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patients with acute myocardial infarction. 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"kol_id": "1157478", + "first_name": "Christophe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vandenbriele", + "org_name": "Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mixed venous to arterial pCO2-gap is poorly correlated to cardiac index in 1526 pulmonary artery catheter monitored critically ill patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiogenic shock,Personalising antithrombotic strategies in acute and chronic coronary syndromes: when and how to escalate and de-escalate", + "events_topic": "Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Pulmonary Artery ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Antithrombotic Therapy | Critical Illness | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "Christophe Vandenbriele", + "kol_full_name": "Christophe Vandenbriele" + }, + { + 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"Electrocardiography | Mass Chest X-Ray ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Ran Heo", + "kol_full_name": "Ran Heo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulse Wave Analysis | Heart Failure | Metabolic Syndrome | Anemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157476", + "session_name": "Estimated pulse wave velocity as a forefront indicator of developing metabolic syndrome,Effect of baseline and one-year follow-up anemia status on long-term clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157476", + "first_name": "Hyun-Jin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kim", + "org_name": "Hanyang University Kuri Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Estimated pulse wave velocity 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"rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "Yonggu Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Yonggu Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157473", + "session_name": "Burst-like transcription of MYH7, allelic and contractile imbalance already in early stage hiPSC-cardiomyocytes indicate these as pathogenic factors in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157473", + "first_name": "Theresia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kraft", + "org_name": "Hannover Medical School", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": "Hannover", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Burst-like transcription of MYH7", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " allelic and 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"", + "last_name": "Shen", + "org_name": "Hanghou Normal University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Blood pressure targets for patients with hypertension and heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical correlates and prognostic impact of cognitive decline in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: insights from PARAGON-HF", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension | Cognitive Dysfunction | Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "Li Shen", + "kol_full_name": "Li Shen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Secondary Prevention | Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157465", + "session_name": "Comprehensive risk factor management through a dedicated 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care in congenital heart disease: a lifecycle perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Structural intervention meets adult congenital heart disease", + "events_topic": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Shakeel Ahmed Qureshi", + "kol_full_name": "Shakeel Ahmed Qureshi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericardiocentesis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157457", + "session_name": "Enhancing cardiology trainee competence through simulation-based pericardiocentesis training: a pilot programme evaluation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157457", + "first_name": "Sachin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sabu", + "org_name": "Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust Hospitals", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + 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"rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardioprotection with transcoronary saline infusion during primary angioplasty for ST-elevation myocardial infarction: design and rationale of the STEMI-Cool pilot study", + "events_topic": "Decision Making, Shared | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Angioplasty", + "kol_name": "Ermes Carulli", + "kol_full_name": "Ermes Carulli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Body Composition", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157450", + "session_name": "Effect of Fontan circulation on body composition and correlation with exercise capacity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157450", + "first_name": "Elettra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pomiato", + "org_name": "Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust Hospitals", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of Fontan circulation on body composition and correlation with exercise capacity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Body Composition", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Elettra Pomiato", + "kol_full_name": "Elettra Pomiato" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Electrophysiology | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157449", + "session_name": "Use of imaging in electrophysiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157449", + "first_name": "Aldo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rinaldi", + "org_name": "Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust Hospitals", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + 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"Italy", + "Region": "Friuli-Venezia Giulia", + "City": "Trieste", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence of cancer in patients with heart failure and its predictor across ejection fraction and sexes: a nationwide cohort analysis over time", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Davide Stolfo", + "kol_full_name": "Davide Stolfo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Hypovitaminosis D", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157415", + "session_name": "Co-existence of low IGF-1 levels and hypovitaminosis D indicates worse prognosis in patients with AMI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157415", + "first_name": "Aneta", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Aleksova", + "org_name": 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cardiac magnetic imaging are associated with outcome in patients with a systemic right ventricle", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Right ventricular global longitudinal strain by cardiac magnetic resonance feature tracking is associated with outcome in patients with a systemic right ventricle", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kerstin Wustmann", + "kol_full_name": "Kerstin Wustmann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157394", + "session_name": "Delving deeper into HFpEF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157394", + "first_name": "Carsten", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tschoepe", + "org_name": "German Heart Center Berlin at Charite, Berlin", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Delving deeper into HFpEF", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Carsten Tschoepe", + "kol_full_name": "Carsten Tschoepe" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Edoxaban | Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Ranolazine | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157393", + "session_name": "Edoxaban dose, frailty, and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: the ETNA-AF-Europe 4-year follow-up,Ranolazine therapy is associated with a reduced new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in chronic coronary syndrome patients: the results of a real-world analysis of an Italian population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157393", + "first_name": "Stefano", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fumagalli", + "org_name": "Geriatric Intensive Care Unit", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Florence", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Edoxaban dose", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " frailty, and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: the ETNA-AF-Europe 4-year follow-up,Ranolazine therapy is associated with a reduced new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in chronic coronary syndrome patients: the results of a real-world analysis of an Italian population", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Edoxaban ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Ranolazine | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Stefano Fumagalli", + "kol_full_name": "Stefano Fumagalli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Socioeconomic Factors | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157392", + "session_name": "Individual and cumulative effects of socioeconomic factors on hypertension in low- and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional study of 1,071,070 individuals from 26 nationally representative surve,A survey of availability and affordability of polypills for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in selected countries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157392", + "first_name": "Gautam", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Satheesh", + "org_name": "George Institute for Global Health", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Individual and cumulative effects of socioeconomic factors on hypertension in low- and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional study of 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "071,070 individuals from 26 nationally representative surve,A survey of availability and affordability of polypills for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in selected countries", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Socioeconomic Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Gautam Satheesh", + "kol_full_name": "Gautam Satheesh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Failure | Stroke | Anticoagulants | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157391", + "session_name": "Temporal trends in initiation of oral anticoagulants and stroke-free survival among elderly and very elderly patients with new onset atrial fibrillation - a 20-year perspective.,Implementation of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in patients with heart failure through a new digital strategy (EMAIL-HF): a randomised clinical trial study design", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157391", + "first_name": "Mariam", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Elmegaard", + "org_name": "Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal trends in initiation of oral anticoagulants and stroke-free survival among elderly and very elderly patients with new onset atrial fibrillation - a 20-year perspective.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Implementation of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in patients with heart failure through a new digital strategy (EMAIL-HF): a randomised clinical trial study design", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke | Anticoagulants | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "Mariam Elmegaard", + "kol_full_name": "Mariam Elmegaard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Defibrillators, Implantable | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157390", + "session_name": "Prognostic yield of echocardiographic measures of cardiac structure and function in HFrEF patients with vs without an ICD or CRT-D", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157390", + "first_name": "Lise", + "middle_name": "Witten", + "last_name": "Davodian", + "org_name": "Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic yield of echocardiographic measures of cardiac structure and function in HFrEF patients with vs without an ICD or CRT-D", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Defibrillators, Implantable ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Echocardiography", + "kol_name": "Lise Witten Davodian", + "kol_full_name": "Lise Witten Davodian" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157389", + "session_name": "Exploring cardiovascular health: lifestyle, economics, and disparities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157389", + "first_name": "Gunnar", + "middle_name": "Hilmar", + "last_name": "Gislason", + "org_name": "Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring 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"events_session": "Measures of left atrial structure and function predict cardiovascular death in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Filip Soeskov Davidovski", + "kol_full_name": "Filip Soeskov Davidovski" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157387", + "session_name": "Cardiac structure and function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157387", + "first_name": "Ditte", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vesterlev", + "org_name": "Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + 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+ "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zahir", + "org_name": "Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing one-year risk of heart failure following first time myocardial infarction and subsequent five-year mortality risk: a nationwide study of 34", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "401 patients,Kidney status and events preceding death in heart failure: A real world data study on 18,456 patients with heart failure", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Deewa Zahir", + "kol_full_name": "Deewa Zahir" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Influenza, Human | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157385", + "session_name": "Excess mortality and hospitalizations associated with seasonal influenza in patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157385", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Modin", + "org_name": "Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Excess mortality and hospitalizations associated with seasonal influenza in patients with heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Influenza, Human | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daniel Modin", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Modin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Supraventricular | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157384", + "session_name": "Real world data on SVT ablation in Denmark Higher risk of need for reablation in todays patient population a Nationwide registry based Danish study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157384", + "first_name": "Charlotte", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Middelfart", + "org_name": "Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real world data on SVT ablation in Denmark Higher risk of need for reablation in todays patient population a Nationwide registry based Danish study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Supraventricular | Ablation Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Charlotte Middelfart", + "kol_full_name": "Charlotte Middelfart" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157383", + "session_name": "The impact of cardiovascular risk factors on longitudinal changes in cardiac structure and function in an older population of hypertensive patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157383", + "first_name": "Camilla", + "middle_name": "Ikast", + "last_name": "Ottosen", + "org_name": "Gentofte University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of cardiovascular risk factors on longitudinal changes in cardiac structure and function in an older population of hypertensive patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Camilla Ikast Ottosen", + "kol_full_name": "Camilla Ikast Ottosen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists | Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157382", + "session_name": "Pregnancy protection in women of child-bearing age prescribed ACE inhibitors, ARBs or statins - A nationwide cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157382", + "first_name": "Sebastian", + "middle_name": "Kinnberg", + "last_name": "Nielsen", + "org_name": "Gentofte Hospital - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pregnancy protection in women of child-bearing age prescribed ACE inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " ARBs or statins - A nationwide cohort study", + "events_topic": "Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists | Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sebastian Kinnberg Nielsen", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastian Kinnberg Nielsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonography | Ventricular Dysfunction, Left", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157381", + "session_name": "Incidence of left ventricular dysfunction in the general population of the Amazon Basin and diagnostic potential of lung ultrasound", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157381", + "first_name": "Philip", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Brainin", + "org_name": "Gentofte Hospital - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence of left ventricular dysfunction in the general population of the Amazon Basin and diagnostic potential of lung ultrasound", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography | Ventricular Dysfunction, Left", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Philip Brainin", + "kol_full_name": "Philip Brainin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Morbidity | Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiac Dysfunction | Arthritis | C-Reactive Protein | Inflammation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157380", + "session_name": "Chronic inflammation is associated with impaired cardiac structure and function in patients with inflammatory arthritis: the ARTCADIA Study,High-sensitivity C-reactive protein is associated with cardiac dysfunction and morbidity in a community-based cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157380", + "first_name": "Morten", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sengelov", + "org_name": "Gentofte Hospital - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic inflammation is associated with impaired cardiac structure and function in patients with inflammatory arthritis: the ARTCADIA Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "High-sensitivity C-reactive protein is associated with cardiac dysfunction and morbidity in a community-based cohort", + "events_topic": "Morbidity | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Dysfunction | Arthritis | C-Reactive Protein | Inflammation", + "kol_name": "Morten Sengelov", + "kol_full_name": "Morten Sengelov" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157379", + "session_name": "Comparing the utility of 3D vs 2D left atrial volumes by echocardiography to predict stroke in the general population,Left atrial reservoir strain measured by three-dimensional echocardiography is associated with major adverse cardiovascular events in the general population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157379", + "first_name": "Marat", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yafasov", + "org_name": "Gentofte - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing the utility of 3D vs 2D left atrial volumes by echocardiography to predict stroke in the general population", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Left atrial reservoir strain measured by three-dimensional echocardiography is associated with major adverse cardiovascular events in the general population", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional | Echocardiography", + "kol_name": "Marat Yafasov", + "kol_full_name": "Marat Yafasov" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Staphylococcal Protein A | Apolipoprotein A-I", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157378", + "session_name": "Linking antibody against apolipoprotein A-1 to metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis in mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157378", + "first_name": "Sabrina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pagano", + "org_name": "Geneva University Hospitals", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Geneve", + "City": "Geneva", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Linking antibody against apolipoprotein A-1 to metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis in mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Staphylococcal Protein A | Apolipoprotein A-I", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sabrina Pagano", + "kol_full_name": "Sabrina Pagano" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Restenosis | Polyneuropathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157377", + "session_name": "A patient with multiple in-stent restenosis and polyneuropathy. What are we missing?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157377", + "first_name": "Marina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Del Rio Lopez", + "org_name": "General University Hospital of Elche", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A patient with multiple in-stent restenosis and polyneuropathy. 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FER-STRAIN study,Improvement of myocardial contractility after iron replacement in stable heart failure patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157376", + "first_name": "Carla", + "middle_name": "Benavent", + "last_name": "Garcia", + "org_name": "General University Hospital of Elche", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changes in echocardiographic and analytical parameters after iron replacement in stable heart failure patients. FER-STRAIN study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Improvement of myocardial contractility after iron replacement in stable heart failure patients", + "events_topic": "Myocardium | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Carla Benavent Garcia", + "kol_full_name": "Carla Benavent Garcia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Telemedicine | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157375", + "session_name": "Use of telemedicine with artificial intelligence for patient monitoring after transcatheter aortic valve implantation with a virtual voice assistant,Close clinical monitoring of patients after TAVI implantation using artificial intelligence with a virtual voice assistant", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157375", + "first_name": "Marta", + "middle_name": "Herrero", + "last_name": "Brocal", + "org_name": "General University Hospital of Alicante", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Valenciana", + "City": "Alicante", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Use of telemedicine with artificial intelligence for patient monitoring after transcatheter aortic valve implantation with a virtual voice assistant", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Close clinical monitoring of patients after TAVI implantation using artificial intelligence with a virtual voice assistant", + "events_topic": "Telemedicine | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Marta Herrero Brocal", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Herrero Brocal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + 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combination therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Radiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Combined Modality Therapy | Riociguat | Receptors, Endothelin | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "kol_name": "Zhihua Huang", + "kol_full_name": "Zhihua Huang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis | Prognosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157365", + "session_name": "Myocardial parametric mapping in patients with suspected acute myocarditis: a prognosis study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157365", + "first_name": "Yining", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Fuwai Hospital, CAMS and PUMC", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocardial parametric mapping in patients with 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Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157360", + "first_name": "Shuang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wu", + "org_name": "Fuwai Hospital, CAMS and PUMC", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hypnotic use and the risk of cardiovascular diseases in insomnia patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Association between normal range UACR and insulin resistance and prediabetes among US adults:,Association between adherence to LS7 and frailty among older US adults", + "events_topic": "Hypnotics And Sedatives | Prediabetic State ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Sleep Initiation And Maintenance Disorders | Cardiovascular Diseases | Insulin Resistance | Frailty", + "kol_name": "Shuang Wu", + "kol_full_name": "Shuang Wu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Triple Vessel Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157359", + "session_name": "The association between elevated systemic inflammation response index and long-term mortality in patients with triple-vessel coronary disease.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157359", + "first_name": "Qinxue", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Li", + "org_name": "Fuwai Hospital, CAMS and PUMC", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association between elevated systemic inflammation response index and long-term mortality in patients with triple-vessel coronary disease.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Vessel Coronary Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Qinxue Li", + "kol_full_name": "Qinxue Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157358", + "session_name": "Independent and joint associations of lipoprotein (a) and statin therapy with atrial fibrillation recurrence in patients with heart failure after catheter ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157358", + "first_name": "Lei", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ding", + "org_name": "Fuwai Hospital, CAMS and PUMC", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Independent and joint associations of lipoprotein (a) and statin therapy with atrial fibrillation recurrence in patients with heart failure after catheter ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Lei Ding", + "kol_full_name": "Lei Ding" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Lesions | Angiography | Drug-Coated Balloons | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157357", + "session_name": "A novel angiographic scoring system predicting side branch occlusion for left main bifurcation PCI: the LM V-RESOLVE score,Feasibility and safety of drug-coated balloon for treatment of de novo coronary artery lesions in large vessel disease: a large-scale multicenter prospective study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157357", + "first_name": "Haoyu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Fuwai Hospital, CAMS and PUMC", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "2", + 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acute coronary syndrome.,Walking in the shoes of your high-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) patients: an interactive case study on preventing the first event", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157356", + "first_name": "Jose", + "middle_name": "Tunon", + "last_name": "Fernandez", + "org_name": "Fundacion Jimenez Diaz University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beyond secondary prevention drugs: added benefit in survival and events of a healthy lifestyle in patients after an acute coronary syndrome.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Walking in the shoes of your high-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) patients: an interactive case study on preventing the first event", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + 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"Carlos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rodriguez-Lopez", + "org_name": "Fundacion Jimenez Diaz University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left bundle branch pacing in a patient with severe hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy undergoing alcohol septal ablation followed by complete AV block: to kill two birds with one stone", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "QRS complex fragmentation status before and after cardiac resynchronization therapy predicts hospitalizations for heart failure,Impact of QRS complex fragmentation on all-cause mortality before and after cardiac resynchronization therapy", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Alcohol Septal Ablation | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Atrioventricular Block | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "kol_name": "Carlos Rodriguez-Lopez", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Rodriguez-Lopez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157354", + "session_name": "Towards the cure of CKD in T2DM: are we ready to implement four foundational therapies? - pro", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157354", + "first_name": "Beatriz", + "middle_name": "Fernandez", + "last_name": "Fernandez", + "org_name": "Fundacion Jimenez Diaz University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Towards the cure of CKD in T2DM: are we ready to implement four foundational therapies? - pro", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Beatriz Fernandez Fernandez", + "kol_full_name": "Beatriz Fernandez Fernandez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electric Impedance | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157353", + "session_name": "Standardization of transthoracic impedance values for estimating heart failure and its utility", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157353", + "first_name": "Daisuke", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nose", + "org_name": "Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Fukuoka", + "City": "Fukuoka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Standardization of transthoracic impedance values for estimating heart failure and its utility", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electric Impedance | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daisuke Nose", + "kol_full_name": "Daisuke Nose" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157352", + "session_name": "Very short-term effects of single dose of proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9 inhibitor therapy before percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157352", + "first_name": "Tatsuhiro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kataoka", + "org_name": "Fukui University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Fukui", + "City": "Fukui", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Very short-term effects of single dose of proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9 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+ "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Eiichi Watanabe", + "kol_full_name": "Eiichi Watanabe" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Rivaroxaban | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Warfarin | Atrial Fibrillation | Acute Kidney Injury", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157350", + "session_name": "Influence of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease on 3-year clinical outcomes in patients with AMI treated by contemporary PCI and optimal medical therapy; insights from J-MINUET study,Rivaroxaban or warfarin in atrial fibrillation and coronary stent implantation in real-world patients involving chronic kidney disease (REWRAPS): 5-year follow-up study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157350", + "first_name": "Yukio", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ozaki", + 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"rest_events_topic": " Amputation", + "kol_name": "Hiroshi Takahashi", + "kol_full_name": "Hiroshi Takahashi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Aortic Dissection", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157347", + "session_name": "Study on screening and diagnosis of aortic dissection based on non-enhanced CT and deep learning", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157347", + "first_name": "Zhangbo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cheng", + "org_name": "Fujian Provincial Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Fujian", + "City": "Fuzhou", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Study on screening and diagnosis of aortic dissection based on non-enhanced CT and deep learning", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Aortic Dissection", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Zhangbo Cheng", + "kol_full_name": "Zhangbo Cheng" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157346", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: impact of comorbidities on personalised care for hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157346", + "first_name": "Kathleen", + "middle_name": "Ngu", + "last_name": "Blackett", + "org_name": "Frimley Park Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: impact of comorbidities on personalised care for hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": 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+ "events_topic": "Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Johannes Michael Altstidl", + "kol_full_name": "Johannes Michael Altstidl" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157344", + "session_name": "The use of biomarkers to personalise treatment in congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157344", + "first_name": "Louise", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Coats", + "org_name": "Freeman Hospital - Newcastle-Upon", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The use of biomarkers to personalise treatment in congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + 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"Molecular modifiers of pulmonary vascular disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension: insights from registries, retrospective data sets, and meta-analyses", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Pulmonary Vascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Antoine Bondue", + "kol_full_name": "Antoine Bondue" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Carotid Artery Diseases | Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157341", + "session_name": "Analysis of mediating factors between nonalcoholic fatty liver fibrosis and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in middle-aged population,Analysis of the association between triglyceride-glucose index and carotid artery structure and elastic function and mediating effect", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157341", + "first_name": "Yang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Qu", + "org_name": "Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'An", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Analysis of mediating factors between nonalcoholic fatty liver fibrosis and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in middle-aged population", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Analysis of the association between triglyceride-glucose index and carotid artery structure and elastic function and mediating effect", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Carotid Artery Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease", + "kol_name": "Yang Qu", + "kol_full_name": "Yang Qu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157340", + "session_name": "Another systemic heart disease. 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Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Enrico Baldi", + "kol_full_name": "Enrico Baldi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia With No Obstructive Arteries | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157338", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on INOCA - expert panel,Great Debate: assessment of myocardial viability - a bygone era", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157338", + "first_name": "Mona", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bhatia", + "org_name": "Fortis Escorts Heart Institute", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on INOCA - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Great Debate: assessment of myocardial viability - a bygone era", + "events_topic": "Ischemia With No Obstructive Arteries | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mona Bhatia", + "kol_full_name": "Mona Bhatia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Eosinophils | Coronary Vasospasm", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157337", + "session_name": "Clinical picture, outcomes and predictors of relapse in eosinophilia-associated coronary vasospasm: data from a European multicentric study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157337", + "first_name": "Florent", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Huang", + "org_name": "Foch Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical picture", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " outcomes and predictors of relapse in eosinophilia-associated coronary vasospasm: data from a European multicentric study", + "events_topic": "Eosinophils | Coronary Vasospasm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Florent Huang", + "kol_full_name": "Florent Huang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Therapeutics | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157336", + "session_name": "Integrating insights: from biomarkers to therapeutics in the management of acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157336", + "first_name": "Georg", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Delle-Karth", + "org_name": "Floridsdorf Hospital", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrating insights: from biomarkers to therapeutics in the management of acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Therapeutics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Georg Delle-Karth", + "kol_full_name": "Georg Delle-Karth" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Critical Illness | Heart Arrest | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157335", + "session_name": "Innovations in cardiac arrest,Critically ill patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157335", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Uray", + "org_name": "Floridsdorf Clinic", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovations in cardiac arrest", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + 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the diagnostic yield of endomyocardial biopsy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Use and associations with mortality/morbidity of guideline-directed medical therapy use in heart failure with improved ejection fraction: a PS-matched analysis from the swedish heart failure registry", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Endomyocardial Biopsy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Biopsy", + "kol_name": "Christian Basile", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Basile" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Artificial Intelligence | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157312", + "session_name": "Imaging to distinguish atrial from ventricular mitral regurgitation,Is artificial intelligence the valvular physician's best friend?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157312", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sannino", + "org_name": "Federico II University Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Napoli", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging to distinguish atrial from ventricular mitral regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Is artificial intelligence the valvular physician's best friend?", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Imaging", + "kol_name": "Anna Sannino", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Sannino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Replacement | Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157311", + "session_name": "Case 1: my patient has severe symptomatic secondary mitral regurgitation despite optimal medical therapy,Tricuspid valve intervention: ready for prime time?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157311", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Franzone", + "org_name": "Federico II University Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Napoli", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1: my patient has severe symptomatic secondary mitral regurgitation despite optimal medical therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Tricuspid valve intervention: ready for prime time?", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Replacement | Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anna Franzone", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Franzone" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Pulmonary Vascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": 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"proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Health | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157309", + "session_name": "Lifestyle management of hypertension: chill, sleep, and be mindful,Hot papers on digital health in hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157309", + "first_name": "Fadi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Charchar", + "org_name": "Federation University Australia", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Ballarat", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lifestyle management of hypertension: chill", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " sleep, and be mindful,Hot papers on digital health in hypertension", + "events_topic": "Digital Health | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Fadi Charchar", + "kol_full_name": "Fadi 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+ "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between clinical ischemic risk and thrombogenicity phenotype and their prognostic prediction in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombogenicity | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daeung Ohn", + "kol_full_name": "Daeung Ohn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157296", + "session_name": "Statin use before acute coronary syndrome and coronary risk factors, clinical presentation, interventions, and outcomes: ACC-NCDR-CathPCI Registry in India", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157296", + "first_name": "Rajeev", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gupta", + "org_name": "Eternal Heart Care Center and Research Institute", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Statin use before acute coronary syndrome and coronary risk factors", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " clinical presentation, interventions, and outcomes: ACC-NCDR-CathPCI Registry in India", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rajeev Gupta", + "kol_full_name": "Rajeev Gupta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157295", + "session_name": "The mortality implications of increasing and decreasing sST2 levels during acute decompensated heart failure", + 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with a reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157294", + "first_name": "Archana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ganapathy", + "org_name": "Essex Cardiothoracic Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Basildon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing the practicality of a novel heart failure therapeutic score (QUAD Score) for drug optimisation in heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Archana Ganapathy", + "kol_full_name": "Archana Ganapathy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Health Care Sector", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157293", + "session_name": "Health data from 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Dysfunction, Left", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157290", + "session_name": "The left ventricular strain-volume loop in a healthy Dutch population: age- and sex related differences", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157290", + "first_name": "Robert", + "middle_name": "Roy", + "last_name": "Zwaan", + "org_name": "Erasmus University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The left ventricular strain-volume loop in a healthy Dutch population: age- and sex related differences", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Robert Roy Zwaan", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Roy Zwaan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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pregnancy: data from the ESC Registry of pregnancy and cardiac disease (ROPAC),What do the ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy say?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157280", + "first_name": "Jolien", + "middle_name": "W.", + "last_name": "Roos-Hesselink", + "org_name": "Erasmus University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pregnancy in women with aortic pathology or genetic predisposition for aortic disease: data from the ESC Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Adult congenital heart disease: advice about sports participation,ACE inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker use during pregnancy: data from the ESC Registry of pregnancy and cardiac disease (ROPAC),What do the ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy say?", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Heart Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Genetic Predisposition To Disease | Cardiovascular Diseases | Aortic Diseases | Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Angiotensins", + "kol_name": "Jolien W. 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how can healthcare providers effectively navigate the decision-making process when considering combination therapy for women with elevated LDL-C levels?", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "real-world implementation challenges: which practical considerations should healthcare professionals employ for optimal management of LDL-C levels in women?,HerHeart symposium: navigating LDL-C management for optimal cardiovascular health in women,Registries, observational, and other studies on lipids,Possible shifts in paradigms for lipid-lowering therapies in acute coronary syndrome patients", + "events_topic": "Lipid Management | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Combined Modality Therapy | Cholesterol, LDL", + "kol_name": "Jeanine Roeters Van Lennep", + "kol_full_name": "Jeanine Roeters Van Lennep" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Telemedicine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157278", + "session_name": "Telehealth interventions in heart failure management: state of the art", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157278", + "first_name": "Jasper", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Brugts", + "org_name": "Erasmus University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Telehealth interventions in heart failure management: state of the art", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Telemedicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jasper Brugts", + "kol_full_name": "Jasper Brugts" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Hospitalization | Genetic Therapy | Digital Health | Artificial Intelligence | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157277", + "session_name": "Spotlight on innovation: top publications in the European Heart Journal - Digital Health 2023-2024,Digital solutions for monitoring therapy in heart failure,Integration of artificial intelligence in electrocardiography: state of the art,Cardiovascular trends: hospitalisations, trials, and genetic therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157277", + "first_name": "Isabella", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kardys", + "org_name": "Erasmus University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Spotlight on innovation: top publications in the European Heart Journal - Digital Health 2023-2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Digital solutions for monitoring therapy in heart failure,Integration of artificial intelligence in electrocardiography: state of the art,Cardiovascular trends: hospitalisations, trials, and genetic therapies", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Hospitalization ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Genetic Therapy | Digital Health | Artificial Intelligence | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Isabella Kardys", + "kol_full_name": "Isabella Kardys" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157276", + "session_name": "Combined evaluation of liver and kidney function improves prediction of clinical outcome in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157276", + "first_name": "Dominika", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Klimczak-Tomaniak", + "org_name": "Erasmus University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Combined evaluation of liver and kidney function improves prediction of clinical outcome in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dominika Klimczak-Tomaniak", + "kol_full_name": "Dominika Klimczak-Tomaniak" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endothelial Growth Factors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157275", + "session_name": "Targeting endothelial function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157275", + "first_name": "Dirk", + "middle_name": "J.", + "last_name": "Duncker", + "org_name": "Erasmus University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Targeting endothelial function", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endothelial Growth Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dirk J. 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"npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157257", + "session_name": "Free fatty acids and mortality among adults in the United States: a report from US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157257", + "first_name": "Meng", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Li", + "org_name": "Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Free fatty acids and mortality among adults in the United States: a report from US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nutrition Surveys | Mortality", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Meng Li", + "kol_full_name": "Meng Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angina Pectoris, Variant | Hydrocortisone", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157256", + "session_name": "Stress-induced coronary spasms: evaluating the role of serum cortisol in variant angina", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157256", + "first_name": "Jeen", + "middle_name": "Hwa", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stress-induced coronary spasms: evaluating the role of serum cortisol in variant angina", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Angina Pectoris, Variant | Hydrocortisone", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jeen Hwa Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Jeen Hwa Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 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treadmill exercise test in patients with suspected coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Exercise Test | Arterial Stiffness ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Jaehoon Chung", + "kol_full_name": "Jaehoon Chung" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157253", + "session_name": "Influence of social factors on prompt reperfusion in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: results from the KRAMI multicenter registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157253", + "first_name": "Zhaoyan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Song", + "org_name": "Dong-a University Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": 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"Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Parma", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessment of residual risk in cardiovascular conditions", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular risk factors and risk prediction", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Davide Lazzeroni", + "kol_full_name": "Davide Lazzeroni" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Photoplethysmography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157251", + "session_name": "Feasibility and diagnostic yield of screening for atrial fibrillation with PPG in very old and frail patients. 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"Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders and heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Targeting lipids above and beyond statins: key new players", + "events_topic": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors | Autoimmune Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipids | Chronic Inflammatory Disease", + "kol_name": "Anne Grete Semb", + "kol_full_name": "Anne Grete Semb" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Remodeling | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157249", + "session_name": "The transcription factor foxo3 regulates cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157249", + "first_name": "Carsten", + 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when using systematic troponin surveillance in cancer patients.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157248", + "first_name": "Francesco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cribari", + "org_name": "Dermopathic Institute of the Immaculate Conception-IRCCS (I.D.I.)", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The safety of standardized management of suspected cardiovascular immune-related events in patients treated by immunecheckpoints inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Immune-checkpoint myocarditis phenotype when using systematic troponin surveillance in cancer patients.", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Troponin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocarditis | Cardiovascular Diseases | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "Francesco Cribari", + 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Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Patricia Campbell", + "kol_full_name": "Patricia Campbell" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ferric Derisomaltose | Iron Deficiencies | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157237", + "session_name": "Ferric derisomaltose versus usual care in patients with heart failure, reduced ejection fraction, and iron deficiency: a short-term UK cost-utility analysis based on the IRONMAN RCT", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157237", + "first_name": "Richard", + "middle_name": "Fulton", + "last_name": "Pollock", + "org_name": "Covalence Research Ltd", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Harpenden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ferric derisomaltose versus usual care in patients with heart failure", + 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"Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Remnant cholesterol", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " not LDL cholesterol, explains peripheral artery disease risk conferred by apolipoprotein B: a cohort study", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL | Peripheral Arterial Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Apolipoproteins", + "kol_name": "Benjamin Nilsson Wadstrom", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Nilsson Wadstrom" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Ventricular Function, Left | Lipoprotein(a) | HIV", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157234", + "session_name": "Lipoprotein(a) levels and LPA genotypes are not associated with echocardiographic measures of left ventricular structure and function in the general population,HIV is associated with subtle impairments in left ventricular function: insights from a large prospective cohort study of well-treated people with HIV", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157234", + "first_name": "Anne", + "middle_name": "Marie Reimer", + "last_name": "Jensen", + "org_name": "Copenhagen University Hospital - Herlev and Gentofte", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipoprotein(a) levels and LPA genotypes are not associated with echocardiographic measures of left ventricular structure and function in the general population", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "HIV is associated with subtle impairments in left ventricular function: insights from a large prospective cohort study of well-treated people with HIV", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Ventricular Function, Left ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipoprotein(a) | HIV", + "kol_name": "Anne Marie Reimer Jensen", + "kol_full_name": "Anne Marie Reimer Jensen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Glucose Precision | Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157233", + "session_name": "Precision pathways to glucose management in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease: the out-patient setting", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157233", + "first_name": "Tina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vilsboll", + "org_name": "Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Precision pathways to glucose management in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease: the out-patient setting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + 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chest computed tomography in consecutive dyspnoeic patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Olav Wendelboe Nielsen", + "kol_full_name": "Olav Wendelboe Nielsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Rate Determination | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157231", + "session_name": "Continuous heart monitoring to evaluate treatment effects in pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157231", + "first_name": "Mads", + "middle_name": "Oerbaek", + "last_name": "Andersen", + "org_name": "Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + 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"Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relative effectiveness of high-dose vs. standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine in chronic kidney disease: a secondary analysis of the DANFLU-1 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Influenza, Human | Influenza Vaccines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "kol_name": "Katja Vu Bartholdy", + "kol_full_name": "Katja Vu Bartholdy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "COVID-19 | Mitral Valve Repair | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157229", + "session_name": "Predictors of new-onset in-hospital atrial fibrillation in 122 089 patients admitted with COVID-19: an Australian statewide population study,Impact of atrial fibrillation on mortality and non-fatal clinical outcomes in 28 492 patients who had undergone open-heart aortic versus mitral valve surgery: a statewide population-linkage study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157229", + "first_name": "Jia", + "middle_name": "Yi Anna", + "last_name": "Ne", + "org_name": "Concord Hospital, Westmead Hospital, The University of Sydney", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictors of new-onset in-hospital atrial fibrillation in 122 089 patients admitted with COVID-19: an Australian statewide population study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of atrial fibrillation on mortality and non-fatal clinical outcomes in 28 492 patients who had undergone open-heart aortic versus mitral valve surgery: a statewide population-linkage study", + "events_topic": "COVID-19 | Mitral Valve Repair ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Jia Yi Anna Ne", + "kol_full_name": "Jia Yi Anna Ne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pharmaceutical Preparations | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157228", + "session_name": "Emerging cardiovascular drugs: watch this space", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157228", + "first_name": "Juan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tamargo", + "org_name": "Complutense University of Madrid", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Emerging cardiovascular drugs: watch this space", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pharmaceutical Preparations | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Juan Tamargo", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Tamargo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microbiota | Aortic Valve Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157227", + "session_name": "Aortic valve microbiota in individuals with and without calcific aortic valve disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157227", + "first_name": "Rocio", + "middle_name": "Salsoso", + "last_name": "Rodriguez", + "org_name": "Complex Public Hospital Virgen del Rocio Regional", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Andalucia", + "City": "Sevilla ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aortic valve microbiota in individuals with and without calcific aortic valve disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Microbiota | Aortic Valve Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + 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A single-centre experience", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Mavacamten | Biopsy | MEK Inhibitor Therapy", + "kol_name": "Leni Katharina Seuthe", + "kol_full_name": "Leni Katharina Seuthe" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157222", + "session_name": "Pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157222", + "first_name": "Joana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Adler", + "org_name": "Cologne University Hospital - Heart Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Cologne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Joana Adler", + "kol_full_name": "Joana Adler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care | Heart Arrest | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157221", + "session_name": "Innovations in cardiac rhythm management: which patients benefit?,Great Debates: new implantable cardiac device technologies - ready for prime time?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157221", + "first_name": "Arian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sultan", + "org_name": "Cologne University Hospital - Heart Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Cologne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovations in cardiac rhythm management: which patients benefit?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Great Debates: new implantable cardiac device technologies - ready for prime time?", + "events_topic": "Patient Care | Heart Arrest ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices", + "kol_name": "Arian Sultan", + "kol_full_name": "Arian Sultan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Frailty | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157220", + "session_name": "Survival penalty in patients undergoing transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement: is it just a question of frailty? Insights from a large cohort with demographic matching", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157220", + "first_name": "Marin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Boute", + "org_name": "Cliniques Saint-Luc UCL", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Survival penalty in patients undergoing transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement: is it just a question of frailty? Insights from a large cohort with demographic matching", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Frailty ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "Marin Boute", + "kol_full_name": "Marin Boute" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Diagnostic Imaging | Ablation Techniques | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Myosins", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157219", + "session_name": "Cardiac myosin inhibitors, lessons from real-world experience,Imaging to select candidates for atrial fibrillation ablation,Personalised care in heart failure patients: insights from Belgium and Croatia,Prognostication in left ventricular hypertrophy: role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157219", + "first_name": "Bernhard", + "middle_name": "Lothar Marie", + "last_name": "Gerber", + "org_name": "Cliniques Saint-Luc UCL", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " lessons from real-world experience,Imaging to select candidates for atrial fibrillation ablation,Personalised care in heart failure patients: insights from Belgium and Croatia,Prognostication in left ventricular hypertrophy: role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Myosins", + "kol_name": "Bernhard Lothar Marie Gerber", + "kol_full_name": "Bernhard Lothar Marie Gerber" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Cardiomegaly | Hypertrophy | Biomarkers | Atrophy | Diagnosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157218", + "session_name": "Personalised care in heart failure patients: insights from Belgium and Croatia,Diagnosis and prognosis of HFpEF,Studies of new biomarkers in heart failure,Experiments in cardiac hypertrophy, atrophy, and remodelling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157218", + "first_name": "Anne-Catherine", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pouleur", + "org_name": "Cliniques Saint-Luc UCL", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised care in heart failure patients: insights from Belgium and Croatia", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Diagnosis and prognosis of HFpEF,Studies of new biomarkers in heart failure,Experiments in cardiac hypertrophy, atrophy, and remodelling", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiomegaly ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertrophy | Biomarkers | Atrophy | Diagnosis", + "kol_name": "Anne-Catherine Pouleur", + "kol_full_name": "Anne-Catherine Pouleur" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157217", + "session_name": "Risk factors for atrial fibrillation and stroke prediction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157217", + "first_name": "Georges", + "middle_name": "H.", + "last_name": "Mairesse", + "org_name": "Clinique Du Sud Luxembourg", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Luxembourg", + "City": "Arlon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk factors for atrial fibrillation and stroke prediction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Georges H. Mairesse", + "kol_full_name": "Georges H. Mairesse" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157216", + "session_name": "Impact of Lp(a) on lipid control in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157216", + "first_name": "Nicola", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cesani", + "org_name": "Clinical Institute Humanitas IRCCS", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of Lp(a) on lipid control in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nicola Cesani", + "kol_full_name": "Nicola Cesani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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"kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Ferrante" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157214", + "session_name": "Unexpected Diagnosis of CASQ2-Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia in an Adult Athlete", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157214", + "first_name": "Francesco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Amata", + "org_name": "Clinical Institute Humanitas IRCCS", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unexpected Diagnosis of CASQ2-Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia in an Adult Athlete", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Francesco Amata", 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"rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Colchicine", + "kol_name": "Zhenhong Ou", + "kol_full_name": "Zhenhong Ou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stress Test | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157175", + "session_name": "Added value of stress tests in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157175", + "first_name": "Vidhut", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jain", + "org_name": "Choithram Hospital", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Added value of stress tests in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stress Test | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Vidhut Jain", + "kol_full_name": "Vidhut Jain" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157174", + "session_name": "To monitor or not after detected AF, this is a question: report from the consumer-led screening programme of long-term extension mAFA cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157174", + "first_name": "Yutao", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Guo", + "org_name": "Chinese PLA General Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "To monitor or not after detected AF", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " this is a question: report from the consumer-led screening programme of long-term extension mAFA cohort", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + 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"kol_name": "Zuolin Lu", + "kol_full_name": "Zuolin Lu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157172", + "session_name": "Volume-outcome relationships for intra-aortic balloon pump in acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157172", + "first_name": "Yuichi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Saito", + "org_name": "Chiba University Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Volume-outcome relationships for intra-aortic balloon pump in acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + 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Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Makiko Kinoshita", + "kol_full_name": "Makiko Kinoshita" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemorrhage | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157170", + "session_name": "Risk stratification using the academic research consortium high bleeding risk criteria in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157170", + "first_name": "Yuya", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tanabe", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk stratification using the 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patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator in the PainFree SST study,Prediction of CRT response using a novel CRT responder score in an Asian patient population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157169", + "first_name": "Yusuke", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kondo", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Silent cerebral microvascular disease and longitudinal risk of cognitive decline in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Defibrillator shocks and their effect on objective asian patient outcomes: results of the painfree SST clinical trial,Assessment of quality of life and ICD shock-related anxiety in Asian patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator in the PainFree SST study,Prediction of CRT response using a novel CRT responder score in an Asian patient population", + "events_topic": "Cognitive Dysfunction | Defibrillators, Implantable ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Vascular Diseases | Shock | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Anxiety", + "kol_name": "Yusuke Kondo", + "kol_full_name": "Yusuke Kondo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157168", + "session_name": "The MADIT-ICD benefit risk score for Japanese patients -from Nippon Storm study-", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157168", + "first_name": "Yukiko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Takanashi", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The MADIT-ICD benefit risk score for Japanese patients -from Nippon Storm study-", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yukiko Takanashi", + "kol_full_name": "Yukiko Takanashi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157167", + "session_name": "Defibrillation deactivation state and activation status in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators at the end of life", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157167", + "first_name": "Shoko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Narumi", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Defibrillation deactivation state and activation status in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators at the end of life", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Shoko Narumi", + "kol_full_name": "Shoko Narumi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Left Atrial Appendage Closure | Atrial Appendage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157166", + "session_name": "Novel morphological classification of left atrial appendage using 3-dimensional printer -rock, paper and scissors-.,Novel predictor of thrombosis after left atrial appendage closure -Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), platelet to LymPhocyte Ratio (PLR), and Lymphocyte to Monocyte Ratio (LMR)-.,Sex differences in outcomes of percutaneous left atrial appendage closure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157166", + "first_name": "Satoko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ryuzaki", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel morphological classification of left atrial appendage using 3-dimensional printer -rock", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " paper and scissors-.,Novel predictor of thrombosis after left atrial appendage closure -Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), platelet to LymPhocyte Ratio (PLR), and Lymphocyte to Monocyte Ratio (LMR)-.,Sex differences in outcomes of percutaneous left atrial appendage closure", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Left Atrial Appendage Closure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Appendage", + "kol_name": "Satoko Ryuzaki", + "kol_full_name": "Satoko Ryuzaki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pentadecanoic Acid | Scintigraphy | Radionuclide Imaging | Iodine-123", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157165", + "session_name": "Usefulness of visual classification for cardiac pathophysiology using count-washout rate map in iodine-123-beta-methyl-P-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid scintigraphy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157165", + "first_name": "Ryohei", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ono", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Usefulness of visual classification for cardiac pathophysiology using count-washout rate map in iodine-123-beta-methyl-P-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid scintigraphy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pentadecanoic Acid | Scintigraphy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Radionuclide Imaging | Iodine-123", + "kol_name": "Ryohei Ono", + "kol_full_name": "Ryohei Ono" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157164", + "session_name": "Distinguishing factors in regional variations of TAVI in Japan: the unique role of administrative facility standards compared to other procedures in a high-cost medical care subsidy system", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157164", + "first_name": "Masato", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kanda", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Distinguishing factors in regional variations of TAVI in Japan: the unique role of administrative facility standards compared to other procedures in a high-cost medical care subsidy system", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Masato Kanda", + "kol_full_name": "Masato Kanda" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157163", + "session_name": "Extracellular volume analysis on cardiac computed tomography is useful to predict prognosis after cardiac resynchronization therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157163", + "first_name": "Hiroyuki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Takaoka", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extracellular volume analysis on cardiac computed tomography is useful to predict prognosis after cardiac resynchronization therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hiroyuki Takaoka", + "kol_full_name": "Hiroyuki Takaoka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Radionuclide Imaging | Tricaprin | Cardiomyovasculopathy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157162", + "session_name": "Improvement of myocardial lipolysis in iodine-123-beta-methyl-P-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid scintigraphy in patients with idiopathic triglyceride deposit cardiomyovasculopathy treated with Tricaprin", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157162", + "first_name": "Hideyuki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "MIYAUCHI", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improvement of myocardial lipolysis in iodine-123-beta-methyl-P-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid scintigraphy in patients with idiopathic triglyceride deposit cardiomyovasculopathy treated with Tricaprin", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radionuclide Imaging | Tricaprin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyovasculopathy", + "kol_name": "Hideyuki MIYAUCHI", + "kol_full_name": "Hideyuki MIYAUCHI" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Factor Xa Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157161", + "session_name": "Inappropriate dosing of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157161", + "first_name": "Hideki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kitahara", + "org_name": "Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inappropriate dosing of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Factor Xa Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "Hideki Kitahara", + "kol_full_name": "Hideki Kitahara" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemodynamics | Critical Care | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157160", + "session_name": "Deciphering postoperative hemodynamics in pediatric intensive care: insights from patient-specific computational fluid dynamics models for congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157160", + "first_name": "Koichi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sughimoto", + "org_name": "Chiba University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deciphering postoperative hemodynamics in pediatric intensive care: insights from patient-specific computational fluid dynamics models for congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Critical Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital", + "kol_name": "Koichi Sughimoto", + "kol_full_name": "Koichi Sughimoto" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiotoxicity | Ambulatory Care", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157159", + "session_name": "Multidisciplinary strategies for cardiotoxicity management in ambulatory care: exploring practices, insights, and prospects for advancement.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157159", + "first_name": "Lorena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Payo", + "org_name": "Chemnitz Clinic", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Chemnitz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multidisciplinary strategies for cardiotoxicity management in ambulatory care: exploring practices", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " insights, and prospects for advancement.", + "events_topic": "Cardiotoxicity | Ambulatory Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Lorena Payo", + "kol_full_name": "Lorena Payo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Revascularization | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157158", + "session_name": "Global variations in coronary revascularisation and acute myocardial infarction mortality between 2006-2020: a longitudinal, population-level analysis of 16 high-income nations from the OECD database", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157158", + "first_name": "Utkarsh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ojha", + "org_name": "Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global variations in coronary revascularisation and acute myocardial infarction mortality between 2006-2020: a longitudinal", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " population-level analysis of 16 high-income nations from the OECD database", + "events_topic": "Coronary Revascularization | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Utkarsh Ojha", + "kol_full_name": "Utkarsh Ojha" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Stroke | Neoplasms | Cognition | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157157", + "session_name": "Daily cardiac problems in cancer patients,The pandemic of ageing in heart failure: age, frailty, and cognition,Epidemiology of stroke in patients with heart disease,Heart-brain interactions: sex differences and impact on cognition", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157157", + "first_name": "Wolfram", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Doehner", + "org_name": "Charite University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Daily cardiac problems in cancer patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "The pandemic of ageing in heart failure: age, frailty, and cognition,Epidemiology of stroke in patients with heart disease,Heart-brain interactions: sex differences and impact on cognition", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Cognition | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Wolfram Doehner", + "kol_full_name": "Wolfram Doehner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vaccines | Renin-Angiotensin System", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157156", + "session_name": "Vaccines targeting the renin angiotensin system", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157156", + "first_name": "Ulrich", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kintscher", + "org_name": "Charite University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vaccines targeting the renin angiotensin system", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vaccines | Renin-Angiotensin System", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ulrich Kintscher", + "kol_full_name": "Ulrich Kintscher" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | Heart-Assist Devices | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Arrest | Heart Failure | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157155", + "session_name": "28-year old female patient with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and thrombotically occluded, calcified giant coronary artery aneurysms,Early risk stratification of patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by severe cardiogenic shock - The ECLS-SHOCK Risk Score,Multi-dimensional assessment of long-term outcomes in patients treated with extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation during refractory cardiac arrest,VA-ECMO-related complications seem not causally related to mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock,Comic-based consenting on patient-reported experience and outcome measures for transfemoral aortic valve implantation,End-stage heart failure and left ventricular assist devices", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157155", + "first_name": "Tharusan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Thevathasan", + "org_name": "Charite University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "28-year old female patient with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and thrombotically occluded", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " calcified giant coronary artery aneurysms,Early risk stratification of patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by severe cardiogenic shock - The ECLS-SHOCK Risk Score,Multi-dimensional assessment of long-term outcomes in patients treated with extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation during refractory cardiac arrest,VA-ECMO-related complications seem not causally related to mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock,Comic-based consenting on patient-reported experience and outcome measures for transfemoral aortic valve implantation,End-stage heart failure and left ventricular assist devices", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart-Assist Devices | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Arrest | Heart Failure | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aneurysm", + "kol_name": "Tharusan Thevathasan", + "kol_full_name": "Tharusan Thevathasan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Epigenomics", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157154", + "session_name": "Epigenetic regulators and tools", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157154", + "first_name": "Silke", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rickert-Sperling", + "org_name": "Charite University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + 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cardiovascular diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157153", + "first_name": "Nicolle", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kraenkel", + "org_name": "Charite University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC Geoffrey Rose Lecture in Population Sciences", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "ESC cardiovascular statistics, the Atlas project: leveraging evidence-based care,New findings across the spectrum of cardiovascular disease,Refining risk stratification: what works best in primary prevention?,Vascular and immune control of organ function,RNA as target and therapeutic tool in cardiovascular diseases", + "events_topic": "Immune System Diseases | Evidence-Based Practice ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Vascular Diseases | Cardiovascular 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European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157126", + "first_name": "Era", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gorica", + "org_name": "Center for Translational and Experimental Cardiology (CTEC)", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "NCOR1 orchestrates macrophage inflammation in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a translational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The BET inhibitor Apabetalone protects against heart failure with preserved ejection fraction by suppressing myocardial inflammation", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Macrophages ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Apabetalone | NCOR1 Protein, Human | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "Era Gorica", + "kol_full_name": "Era Gorica" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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"rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ioannis Farmakis", + "kol_full_name": "Ioannis Farmakis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157124", + "session_name": "Performance and prognostic value of polygenic risk scores in dilated cardiomyopathy: a preliminary analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157124", + "first_name": "Maddalena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rossi", + "org_name": "Cattinara Hospital - Cardiology Centre", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Friuli-Venezia Giulia", + "City": "Trieste", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Performance and prognostic value of polygenic risk scores in dilated cardiomyopathy: a preliminary analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maddalena Rossi", + "kol_full_name": "Maddalena Rossi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antithrombotic Therapy | Monotherapy | Obesity | Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Cardiovascular Diseases | Drug Combinations | Aspirin | Drug Therapy | Diabetes Mellitus", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157123", + "session_name": "New Drugs Made Easy: all you need to know about…,Novel antithrombotic therapies in cardiovascular disease: what’s on the horizon?,Impact of obesity on other drug therapy,Is aspirin the preferred monotherapy after DAPT?,Guidelines in Practice: cardio-renal protection in patients with diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157123", + "first_name": "Bianca", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rocca", + "org_name": "Catholic University School of Medicine", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New Drugs Made Easy: all you need to know about…", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Novel antithrombotic therapies in cardiovascular disease: what’s on the horizon?,Impact of obesity on other drug therapy,Is aspirin the preferred monotherapy after DAPT?,Guidelines in Practice: cardio-renal protection in patients with diabetes", + "events_topic": "Antithrombotic Therapy | Monotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity | Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Cardiovascular Diseases | Drug Combinations | Aspirin | Drug Therapy | Diabetes Mellitus", + "kol_name": "Bianca Rocca", + "kol_full_name": "Bianca Rocca" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Transthoracic Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157122", + 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Lanza", + "kol_full_name": "Gaetano A. Lanza" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157119", + "session_name": "Right atrial strain: the hidden proof of bi-atrial cardiomyopathy in AF patients?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157119", + "first_name": "Eleonora", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ruscio", + "org_name": "Catholic University of Sacred Heart", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right atrial strain: the hidden proof of bi-atrial cardiomyopathy in AF patients?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Eleonora Ruscio", + "kol_full_name": "Eleonora Ruscio" + }, + { + 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"rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Automatic calculation of the parasympathetic, sympathetic and Baevsky stress indexes provides a more comprehensive assessment of cardiac autonomic modulation", + "events_topic": "Baevsky's Stress Index | Synucleinopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Parasympathetic Nervous System", + "kol_name": "Donatella Brisinda", + "kol_full_name": "Donatella Brisinda" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Angina With Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Microvascular Resistance Reserve | Index Of Microcirculatory Resistance | Vascular Resistance", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157117", + "session_name": "Index of microvascular resistance (IMR) and fractional flow reserve (FFR) relationship in patients with angina and non-obstructive coronary artery (ANOCA) disease,Functinal assessment in Angina and Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries (ANOCA) patients: from Microvascular Resistance Reserve (MRR) to different subtypes of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (CMD)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157117", + "first_name": "Antonio", + "middle_name": "Maria", + "last_name": "Leone", + "org_name": "Catholic University of Sacred Heart", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Index of microvascular resistance (IMR) and fractional flow reserve (FFR) relationship in patients with angina and non-obstructive coronary artery (ANOCA) disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Functinal assessment in Angina and Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries (ANOCA) patients: from Microvascular Resistance Reserve (MRR) to different subtypes of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (CMD)", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Angina With Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Microvascular Resistance Reserve | Index Of Microcirculatory Resistance | Vascular Resistance", + "kol_name": "Antonio Maria Leone", + "kol_full_name": "Antonio Maria Leone" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Brain Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157116", + "session_name": "Heart-brain and brain-heart interactions in cardiovascular health and disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157116", + "first_name": "Jean-Luc", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Balligand", + "org_name": "Catholic University of Louvain", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": 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+ "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A cost-consequence analysis comparing three distinct cardiac ablation strategies for the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sequence Analysis | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Mileen van de Kar", + "kol_full_name": "Mileen van de Kar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Deep Learning | Electrocardiography | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157114", + "session_name": "Improving prehospital risk stratification using deep learning ECG interpretation in suspected acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157114", + "first_name": "Jesse", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Demandt", + "org_name": "Catharina Hospital", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Brabant", + "City": "Eindhoven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving prehospital risk stratification using deep learning ECG interpretation in suspected acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Deep Learning | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Jesse Demandt", + "kol_full_name": "Jesse Demandt" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Body Mass Index | Ablation Techniques | Quality Of Life | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157113", + "session_name": "Highlights from the study on the impact of body mass index for atrial fibrillation ablation; real-world data on outcomes and quality of life,The impact of body mass index for atrial fibrillation ablation; real-world data on outcomes and quality of life", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157113", + "first_name": "Jasper", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vermeer", + "org_name": "Catharina Hospital", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Brabant", + "City": "Eindhoven", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Highlights from the study on the impact of body mass index for atrial fibrillation ablation; real-world data on outcomes and quality of life", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The impact of body mass index for atrial fibrillation ablation; real-world data on outcomes and quality of life", + "events_topic": "Body Mass Index | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Quality Of Life | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Jasper Vermeer", + "kol_full_name": "Jasper Vermeer" + 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manifestation of antiphospholipid syndrome-related acute myocardial infarction in a very young patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Glucose lowering drugs with proven cardiovascular benefit following acute coronary syndrome in type 2 diabetes: treatment gaps and outcomes", + "events_topic": "Chest Pain | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Antiphospholipid Syndrome | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Ibrahim Naoum", + "kol_full_name": "Ibrahim Naoum" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shunt | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157111", + "session_name": "The incidence of atrial fibrillation in patients with interatrial shunt:is it reduced after surgical or transcatheter closure of the shunt?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157111", + "first_name": "Alexia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Karagianni", + "org_name": "Carlanderska Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Vastra Gotaland", + "City": "Gothenburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The incidence of atrial fibrillation in patients with interatrial shunt:is it reduced after surgical or transcatheter closure of the shunt?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shunt | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alexia Karagianni", + "kol_full_name": "Alexia Karagianni" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Echocardiography, Stress", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157110", + "session_name": "Prognostic role of exercise stress echocardiography in asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress 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transthyretin and light chain cardiac amyloidosis,Prevalence and prognostic significance of restriction versus systolic dysfunction in patients with transthyretin and light chain cardiac amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157109", + "first_name": "Mattia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zampieri", + "org_name": "Careggi University Hospital (AOUC)", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Florence", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence and prognostic significance of restriction versus systolic dysfunction in patients with transthyretin and light chain cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prevalence and prognostic significance of restriction versus systolic dysfunction in patients with transthyretin and light chain cardiac amyloidosis", + "events_topic": "Prealbumin | Amyloidosis, 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associated outcomes in patients with transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Prealbumin", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Carlo Fumagalli", + "kol_full_name": "Carlo Fumagalli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Decision-Making | Frailty", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157105", + "session_name": "Assessing frailty helps therapeutic decision-making", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157105", + "first_name": "Andrea", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ungar", + "org_name": "Careggi University Hospital (AOUC)", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Florence", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing frailty helps therapeutic decision-making", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Decision-Making | Frailty", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Andrea Ungar", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Ungar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Channelopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157104", + "session_name": "Difficult management of electrical storm in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with arrhythmogenic features of channelopathies: a novel overlapping syndrome is possible?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157104", + "first_name": "Alessandro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Palmieri", + "org_name": "Careggi University Hospital (AOUC)", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Florence", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Difficult management of electrical storm in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with arrhythmogenic features of channelopathies: a novel overlapping syndrome is possible?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Channelopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alessandro Palmieri", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandro Palmieri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Mavacamten | Non-Dilated Left Ventricular Cardiomyopathy | Hemodynamics", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157103", + "session_name": "Multiparametric approach in the aetiological diagnosis of cardiomyopathies: a non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy (NDLVC) case report,Exploring the effects of mavacamten through hemodynamic force analysis in patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157103", + "first_name": "Alessandra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Milazzo", + "org_name": "Careggi University Hospital (AOUC)", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Florence", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multiparametric approach in the aetiological diagnosis of cardiomyopathies: a non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy (NDLVC) case report", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Exploring the effects of mavacamten through hemodynamic force analysis in patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Mavacamten ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Non-Dilated Left Ventricular Cardiomyopathy | Hemodynamics", + "kol_name": "Alessandra Milazzo", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandra Milazzo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + 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"rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "kol_name": "Matteo Beltrami", + "kol_full_name": "Matteo Beltrami" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Protocols | Accelerometer | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Cardiovascular Diseases | Frailty | Secretoneurin | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157101", + "session_name": "Circulating secretoneurin concentrations predict cardiovascular death in ambulatory patients with heart failure,Incorporating frailty assessment in daily clinical practice,Accelerometer-measured physical activity pattern in older patients with frailty and heart failure,Challenges in pacing,The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157101", + "first_name": "Shirley", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sze", + 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"Shirley Sze" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Electrophysiologic Techniques, Cardiac | Radiotherapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157100", + "session_name": "Accuracy of endocardial abnormal electrogram characterization using a 17-AHA-segmental late boundary and voltage-dependent sensitivity annotation for ventricular tachycardia ablation,3D target definition and initial results from the electroanatomic substrate-guided stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for refractory ventricular tachycardia (ELSTAR-VT)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157100", + "first_name": "Yesim", + "middle_name": "Selma", + "last_name": "Kaya", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM)", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Maastricht", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Accuracy of endocardial abnormal electrogram characterization using a 17-AHA-segmental late boundary and voltage-dependent sensitivity annotation for ventricular tachycardia ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "3D target definition and initial results from the electroanatomic substrate-guided stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for refractory ventricular tachycardia (ELSTAR-VT)", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Tachycardia, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrophysiologic Techniques, Cardiac | Radiotherapy", + "kol_name": "Yesim Selma Kaya", + "kol_full_name": "Yesim Selma Kaya" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Immunization, Passive | Gene Editing | COVID-19 | Placebos | Epigenomics | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157099", + "session_name": "Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy improves long-term outcome in dilated cardiomyopathy by modulating cardiac immune cell function. 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Koenen", + "kol_full_name": "Rory R. Koenen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Brugada Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157097", + "session_name": "Sudden cardiac death: what’s new?,Novel insights into Brugada syndrome and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157097", + "first_name": "Rachel", + "middle_name": "Ter", + "last_name": "Bekke", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM)", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Maastricht", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sudden cardiac death: what’s new?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel insights into Brugada syndrome and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Death, Sudden, Cardiac ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Brugada Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Rachel Ter Bekke", + "kol_full_name": "Rachel Ter Bekke" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "COVID-19 | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157096", + "session_name": "A systematic assessment of myocardial involvement and cardiovascular events up to six months in patients hospitalised with COVID-19", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157096", + "first_name": "Nick", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wilmes", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM)", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Maastricht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A systematic assessment of myocardial involvement and cardiovascular events up to six months in patients hospitalised with COVID-19", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "COVID-19 | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nick Wilmes", + "kol_full_name": "Nick Wilmes" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Precision | Digital Twin | Precision Medicine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157095", + "session_name": "Digital health-digital twin: in-silico phenotyping for delivering precision medicine", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157095", + "first_name": "Nick", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Van Osta", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM)", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Maastricht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Digital health-digital twin: in-silico phenotyping for delivering precision medicine", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Precision | Digital Twin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Precision Medicine", + "kol_name": "Nick Van Osta", + "kol_full_name": "Nick Van Osta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Nervous System Diseases | Heart Diseases | Brain Diseases | Drug Users", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157094", + "session_name": "Brain vs heart: which comes first? 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"Raphael Kaufmann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157090", + "session_name": "Active surveillance for cardiac complications after major noncardiac surgery: implications on resource utilization and safety in high-risk patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157090", + "first_name": "Mirjam", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pargger", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Basel-Stadt", + "City": "Basel", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Active surveillance for cardiac complications after major noncardiac surgery: implications on resource utilization and safety in high-risk patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + 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branch block patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Bundle-Branch Block", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marc Salis", + "kol_full_name": "Marc Salis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Chest Pain", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157088", + "session_name": "Growth differentiation factor-15 and 5-years cardiovascular risk in chest pain patients presenting to the emergency department: a multicenter cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157088", + "first_name": "Luca", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Crisanti", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Basel-Stadt", + "City": "Basel", + "num_sess": "1", + 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"middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rumora", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Basel-Stadt", + "City": "Basel", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex-specific guideline target value attainment and prognostic value of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in tertiary care", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Undetected heart failure in tertiary care: prevalence, predictors and outcomes", + "events_topic": "Tertiary Healthcare | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol", + "kol_name": "Klara Rumora", + "kol_full_name": "Klara Rumora" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulsed Field Ablation | Radiofrequency Ablation | Balloon Cryoablation | Cryosurgery | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157086", + "session_name": "Long-term patient clinical benefits and healthcare utilization after pulsed field ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: sub-analyses from the multicenter inspIRE trial,Pulsed field ablation: should it replace radiofrequency and balloon cryoablation?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157086", + "first_name": "Tom", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "De Potter", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Center Aalst", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Aalst", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term patient clinical benefits and healthcare utilization after pulsed field ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: sub-analyses from the multicenter inspIRE trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pulsed field ablation: should it replace radiofrequency and balloon cryoablation?", + "events_topic": "Pulsed Field Ablation | Radiofrequency Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Balloon Cryoablation | Cryosurgery | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Tom De Potter", + "kol_full_name": "Tom De Potter" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug-Eluting Stents | Microvascular Resistance | Hyperaemia | Titanium-nitride-oxide | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Continuous Thermodilution | Thermodilution | Nicardipine | Coronary Artery Segmentation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157085", + "session_name": "Titanium-nitride-oxide-coated vs drug-eluting stents in acute coronary syndromes during five-year follow-up: an individual patient data meta-analysis,The influence of epicardial resistance on Microvascular Resistance Reserve (MRR),Simplification of coronary continuous thermodilution,angioPy: an open-source, deep learning-driven tool for coronary artery segmentation,Intracoronary nicardipine to induce hypaeremia,Minimal coronary microvascular resistance: agreement between continuous and bolus thermodilution", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157085", + "first_name": "Thabo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mahendiran", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Center Aalst", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Aalst", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Titanium-nitride-oxide-coated vs drug-eluting stents in acute coronary syndromes during five-year follow-up: an individual patient data meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "The influence of epicardial resistance on Microvascular Resistance Reserve (MRR),Simplification of coronary continuous thermodilution,angioPy: an open-source, deep learning-driven tool for coronary artery segmentation,Intracoronary nicardipine to induce hypaeremia,Minimal coronary microvascular resistance: agreement between continuous and bolus thermodilution", + "events_topic": "Drug-Eluting Stents | Microvascular Resistance ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Hyperaemia | Titanium-nitride-oxide | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Continuous Thermodilution | Thermodilution | Nicardipine | Coronary Artery Segmentation", + "kol_name": "Thabo Mahendiran", + "kol_full_name": "Thabo Mahendiran" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Occlusion | Electrocardiography | Myocardial Infarction | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157084", + "session_name": "International evaluation of an artificial intelligence-powered electrocardiogram model detecting acute coronary occlusion in myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157084", + "first_name": "Robert", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Herman", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Center 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Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157082", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Munhoz", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Center Aalst", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Aalst", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mechanisms leading to peri-procedural myocardial infarction in patients with focal versus diffuse coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of the pullback pressure gradient (PPG) on PCI planning and decision-making", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "Daniel Munhoz", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Munhoz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence | Smartphone", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157081", + "session_name": "A smartphone based AI model to detect left ventricular systolic dysfunction on 12-lead ECG", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157081", + "first_name": "Anthony", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Demolder", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Center Aalst", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Aalst", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A smartphone based AI model to detect left ventricular systolic dysfunction on 12-lead ECG", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence | Smartphone", + "kol_name": "Anthony Demolder", + "kol_full_name": "Anthony Demolder" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Infarction | Vascular Diseases | Cardiac Remodeling | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157080", + "session_name": "Collagen VI and endotrophin: potential extracellular matrix targets to attenuate adverse cardiac remodeling post-infarction,Basic research in acute coronary syndromes,Aneurysms and other vascular diseases: novel experimental findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157080", + "first_name": "Teresa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Padro", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Program-ICCC, IR-Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau, CIBERCV", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Collagen VI and endotrophin: potential extracellular matrix targets to attenuate adverse cardiac remodeling post-infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Basic research in acute coronary syndromes,Aneurysms and other vascular diseases: novel experimental findings", + "events_topic": "Infarction | Vascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Remodeling | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Aneurysm", + "kol_name": "Teresa Padro", + "kol_full_name": "Teresa Padro" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia | Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors | Inflammation | Dyslipidemia | Heart Failure | Lipids | Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157079", + "session_name": "Inflammation and coronary artery disease: from diagnosis to management,Impact of lipid and adipose tissue changes in acute coronary syndromes,The EHJ’s year in heart failure, ischaemic heart disease and acute cardiovascular care, dyslipidaemias,Targeting lipids above and beyond statins: key new players", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157079", + "first_name": "Lina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Badimon", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Program-ICCC, IR-Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, UAB, CIBERCV", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inflammation and coronary artery disease: from diagnosis to management", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of lipid and adipose tissue changes in acute coronary syndromes,The EHJ’s year in heart failure, ischaemic heart disease and acute cardiovascular care, dyslipidaemias,Targeting lipids above and beyond statins: key new players", + "events_topic": "Ischemia | Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Inflammation | Dyslipidemia | Heart Failure | Lipids | Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Lina Badimon", + "kol_full_name": "Lina Badimon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157078", + "session_name": "Challenges in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157078", + "first_name": "Ruxandra", + "middle_name": "Irina", + "last_name": "Sava", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Institute Paris-Sud (ICPS)", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges in coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ruxandra Irina Sava", + "kol_full_name": "Ruxandra Irina Sava" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": 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"rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kyoung-Ryul Julian Chun", + "kol_full_name": "Kyoung-Ryul Julian Chun" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Obesity", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157066", + "session_name": "Diabetes, obesity, and the heart", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157066", + "first_name": "Filip", + "middle_name": "Marcin", + "last_name": "Szymanski", + "org_name": "Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Mazowieckie", + "City": "Warsaw", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " obesity, and the heart", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Filip Marcin Szymanski", + 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"kol_name": "Thea Ziswiler", + "kol_full_name": "Thea Ziswiler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Catheter Ablation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157060", + "session_name": "Ventricular tachycardia originating from para hisian location: electrocardiographic and catheter ablation characteristics", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157060", + "first_name": "Lori", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bell", + "org_name": "Canberra Heart Rhythm", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Australian Capital Territory", + "City": "Canberra", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ventricular tachycardia originating from para hisian location: electrocardiographic and catheter ablation characteristics", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Tachycardia, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Catheter Ablation", + "kol_name": "Lori Bell", + "kol_full_name": "Lori Bell" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157059", + "session_name": "Edge-to-edge repair for tricuspid valve regurgitation: 1-year follow up and clinical implications from the TR- Interventional Study (TRIS)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157059", + "first_name": "Myriam", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Carpenito", + "org_name": "Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Edge-to-edge repair for tricuspid valve regurgitation: 1-year follow up and clinical implications from the TR- Interventional Study (TRIS)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Myriam Carpenito", + "kol_full_name": "Myriam Carpenito" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Medical Device Legislation | Digital Technology | Digital Health | Spatio-Temporal Analysis | Medical Devices | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157058", + "session_name": "Quality evaluation of field safety notices of medical devices, across EU and non-EU countries,A data-driven framework for the definition of heat in CV research for better comprehension of climate changes on human health,Digital technology to personalise a heart-healthy lifestyle,The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health - expert panel,Spatiotemporal analysis of air pollution concentration and short-term effects on cardiovascular emergencies in Lombardy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157058", + "first_name": "Enrico", + "middle_name": "Gianluca", + "last_name": "Caiani", + "org_name": "Milan Polytechnic", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality evaluation of field safety notices of medical devices", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " across EU and non-EU countries,A data-driven framework for the definition of heat in CV research for better comprehension of climate changes on human health,Digital technology to personalise a heart-healthy lifestyle,The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health - expert panel,Spatiotemporal analysis of air pollution concentration and short-term effects on cardiovascular emergencies in Lombardy", + "events_topic": "Medical Device Legislation | Digital Technology ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Digital Health | Spatio-Temporal Analysis | Medical Devices | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Enrico Gianluca Caiani", + "kol_full_name": "Enrico Gianluca Caiani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Doppler Effect", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157057", + "session_name": "Transcranial doppler to detect high-risk PFO and predict decompression illness in divers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157057", + "first_name": "Hyun-Jong", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "Bucheon Sejong Hospital", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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"events_session": "International partnership to nurture future cardiovascular research leaders in Europe", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Metin Avkiran", + "kol_full_name": "Metin Avkiran" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157055", + "session_name": "Overview of Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum and its mission", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157055", + "first_name": "Charmaine", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Griffiths", + "org_name": "British Heart Foundation", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Overview of Global Cardiovascular 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exercise capacity in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pulmonary circulation and the right ventricle in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Circulation | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Elvyra Voluckiene", + "kol_full_name": "Elvyra Voluckiene" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157053", + "session_name": "Interventional training pathways in adult congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157053", + "first_name": "Radwa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bedair", + "org_name": "Bristol Royal Infirmary", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Bristol", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interventional training 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"Henry Heng Li Chen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Immunocompetence | Cardiac Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157047", + "session_name": "An interesting rare case of Primary Cardiac Lymphoma in an immunocompetent patient.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157047", + "first_name": "Ahmad", + "middle_name": "T.I.", + "last_name": "Elsaid", + "org_name": "Blackpool Teaching Hospitals", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Blackpool", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An interesting rare case of Primary Cardiac Lymphoma in an immunocompetent patient.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunocompetence | Cardiac Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ahmad T.I. Elsaid", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmad T.I. Elsaid" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sinoatrial Node | Vena Cava, Superior | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157046", + "session_name": "Prevalance of incessant form of atrial fibrillation by superior vena cava (svc) firing:\u000bsimplified svc and sinus node mapping(sss map) \u000bto avoid sinus node injury.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157046", + "first_name": "Tomohiro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Miyata", + "org_name": "Biwako Ohashi Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalance of incessant form of atrial fibrillation by superior vena cava (svc) firing:\u000bsimplified svc and sinus node mapping(sss map) \u000bto avoid sinus node injury.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sinoatrial Node | Vena Cava, Superior ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Tomohiro Miyata", + "kol_full_name": "Tomohiro Miyata" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prediabetic State | Cardiovascular Diseases | Obesity | Kidney Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157045", + "session_name": "ESC TV Roundtable on Cardiology Today and Tomorrow: cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular care in minorities and migrants,State-of-the-art lecture on obesity and pre-diabetes: where do we stand today on prevention and treatment?,Caring for kidney disease patients in a cardiology setting: what is important?,UK Biobank: a unique and growing global platform for cardiovascular discovery science", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157045", + "first_name": "Eva", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Prescott", + "org_name": "Bispebjerg 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Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157044", + "session_name": "Development and validation of the ASGARD-S risk score for optimal timing of echocardiograms in asymptomatic patients with non-severe aortic valve stenosis: the SEAS and SALTIRE II trials,Interleukin 6 in asymptomatic patients with nonsevere aortic valve stenosis: a post-hoc study of the SEAS trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157044", + "first_name": "Edina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hadziselimovic", + "org_name": "Bispebjerg University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development and validation of the ASGARD-S risk score for optimal timing of echocardiograms in asymptomatic patients with non-severe aortic valve stenosis: the SEAS and SALTIRE II trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Interleukin 6 in asymptomatic patients with nonsevere aortic valve stenosis: a post-hoc study of the SEAS trial", + "events_topic": "Interleukin-6 | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Edina Hadziselimovic", + "kol_full_name": "Edina Hadziselimovic" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157043", + "session_name": "Multidimensional approaches to myocardial infarction: from stress impact to breakthrough therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157043", + "first_name": "Vinoda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sharma", + "org_name": "Birmingham City Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multidimensional approaches to myocardial infarction: from stress impact to breakthrough therapies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Vinoda Sharma", + "kol_full_name": "Vinoda Sharma" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Ischemia | Mitral Valve Prolapse | Magnetocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157042", + "session_name": "Magnetocardiographic imaging of Tpeak-Tend magnetic field dynamics discriminates between ventricular repolarization disorders due to mitral valve prolapse and to ischemic heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157042", + "first_name": "Riccardo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fenici", + "org_name": "Biomagnetism Sport Serenity & Health 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Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157041", + "first_name": "Edyta", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cwiek-Rebowska", + "org_name": "Bieganski Hospital", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction detected by speckle tracking echocardiography predicts mortality in COVID-19 patients.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Ventricular Dysfunction, Left ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " COVID-19", + "kol_name": "Edyta Cwiek-Rebowska", + "kol_full_name": "Edyta Cwiek-Rebowska" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Sleep Wake Disorders | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157040", + "session_name": "Sleep disordered breathing and in-hospital prognosis in acute myocardial infarction patients: a subset of the AMI-Sleep study,Prevalence, type, severity and determinants of sleep disordered breathing in acute myocardial infarction patients: the AMI-Sleep study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157040", + "first_name": "Pauline", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Balagny", + "org_name": "Bichat APHP Site of Paris Nord University Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sleep disordered breathing and in-hospital prognosis in acute myocardial infarction patients: a subset of the AMI-Sleep study", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Prevalence, type, severity and determinants of sleep disordered breathing in acute myocardial infarction patients: the AMI-Sleep study", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Sleep Wake Disorders ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Pauline Balagny", + "kol_full_name": "Pauline Balagny" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157039", + "session_name": "Incidence, determinants, and impact of in-hospital complications during percutaneous patent foramen ovale closure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157039", + "first_name": "Arthur", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "SOUQUET", + "org_name": "Bichat APHP Site of Paris Nord University Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " determinants, and impact of in-hospital complications during percutaneous patent foramen ovale closure", + "events_topic": "Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Arthur SOUQUET", + "kol_full_name": "Arthur SOUQUET" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157038", + "session_name": "Anthracycline-induced arterial toxicity: structural and inflammatory assessments in non-human primates and lymphoma patients using 18F-FDG positron emission tomography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157038", + "first_name": "Stephen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rankin", + "org_name": "BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anthracycline-induced arterial toxicity: structural and inflammatory assessments in non-human primates and lymphoma patients using 18F-FDG positron emission tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Stephen Rankin", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen Rankin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure With Mid-Range Ejection Fraction | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157037", + "session_name": "Sex-related differences in health-related quality-of-life measured using the EuroQol 5-Dimension questionnaire across the LVEF spectrum in DAPA-HF and DELIVER,Assessment of quality of life using EuroQol 5-Dimension questionnaire level sum score in patients with HFrEF, HFmrEF, and HFpEF: a patient-level meta-analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157037", + "first_name": "Mingming", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yang", + "org_name": "BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex-related differences in health-related quality-of-life measured using the EuroQol 5-Dimension questionnaire across the LVEF spectrum in DAPA-HF and DELIVER", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Assessment of quality of life using EuroQol 5-Dimension questionnaire level sum score in patients with HFrEF, HFmrEF, and HFpEF: a patient-level meta-analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure With Mid-Range Ejection Fraction | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "kol_name": "Mingming Yang", + "kol_full_name": "Mingming Yang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Pregnancy | Neoplasms | Heart Failure | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157036", + "session_name": "Personalised imaging a heart failure patient undergoing cancer therapy: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages,Cardiovascular disease management in patients with cancer,Non-classical risk factors for heart disease revisited,Mental stress, nutrition, pregnancy, and cancer: risk factors for heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157036", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Suter", + "org_name": "Bern University Hospital, Inselspital", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised imaging a heart failure patient undergoing cancer therapy: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular disease management in patients with cancer,Non-classical risk factors for heart disease revisited,Mental stress, nutrition, pregnancy, and cancer: risk factors for heart disease", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Pregnancy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Heart Failure | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Thomas Suter", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Suter" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid Therapy | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157035", + "session_name": "Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on lipid therapy,Great Debate: 'fire and forget' beats personalised lipid-lowering treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157035", + "first_name": "Konstantinos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Koskinas", + "org_name": "Bern University Hospital, Inselspital", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on lipid therapy,Great Debate: 'fire and forget' beats personalised lipid-lowering treatment", + "events_topic": "Lipid Therapy | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Konstantinos Koskinas", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantinos Koskinas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Short QT Syndrome | Genetic Therapy | Precision Medicine | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Long QT Syndrome | Channelopathies | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157034", + "session_name": "Arrhythmias: management of patients with long QT,Novel personalised therapies of long QT and short QT syndromes,Gene therapy in channelopathies: ready for prime time?,Sudden cardiac death: insight", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157034", + "first_name": "Katja", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Odening", + "org_name": "Bern University Hospital, Inselspital", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arrhythmias: management of patients with long QT", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Novel personalised therapies of long QT and short QT syndromes,Gene therapy in channelopathies: ready for prime time?,Sudden cardiac death: insight", + "events_topic": "Short QT Syndrome | Genetic Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Precision Medicine | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Long QT Syndrome | Channelopathies | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Katja Odening", + "kol_full_name": "Katja Odening" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Tomography, Optical Coherence | Drug-Eluting Stents", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157033", + "session_name": "Long-term effect of biodegradable versus durable polymer drug-eluting stents on neoatherosclerosis among STEMI patients: the international CONNECT randomized controlled intracoronary OCT trial,Long-term occurrence of neoatherosclerosis in biodegradable versus durable polymer drug-eluting stents in STEMI patients: the international CONNECT randomized controlled intracoronary OCT trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157033", + "first_name": "Jonas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Haener", + "org_name": "Bern University Hospital, Inselspital", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term effect of biodegradable versus durable polymer drug-eluting stents on neoatherosclerosis among STEMI patients: the international CONNECT randomized controlled intracoronary OCT trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term occurrence of neoatherosclerosis in biodegradable versus durable polymer drug-eluting stents in STEMI patients: the international CONNECT randomized controlled intracoronary OCT trial", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, Optical Coherence | Drug-Eluting Stents", + "kol_name": "Jonas Haener", + "kol_full_name": "Jonas Haener" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Tretinoin | Anomalous Aortic Origin Of A Coronary Artery | Multimodal Imaging | Prealbumin | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157032", + "session_name": "Multi-modal artificial intelligence-based prediction for cardiovascular mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a time-to-event survival prediction,Interpretable artificial intelligence-based transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy detection in patients with severe aortic stenosis,Fully automated detection of anomalous aortic origin of the coronary arteries in coronary CT images: a novel artificial intelligence-based screening tool", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157032", + "first_name": "Isaac", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Shiri", + "org_name": "Bern University Hospital, Inselspital", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multi-modal artificial intelligence-based prediction for cardiovascular mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a time-to-event survival prediction", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Interpretable artificial intelligence-based transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy detection in patients with severe aortic stenosis,Fully automated detection of anomalous aortic origin of the coronary arteries in coronary CT images: a novel artificial intelligence-based screening tool", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Tretinoin | Anomalous Aortic Origin Of A Coronary Artery | Multimodal Imaging | Prealbumin | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Isaac Shiri", + "kol_full_name": "Isaac Shiri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Deep Learning | Nutrition Surveys | Multimodal Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157031", + "session_name": "Multi-modality deep learning prediction of heart age: insights from UK-Biobank.,Response patterns in self-reported medical conditions: insights from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157031", + "first_name": "Georgios", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Siontis", + "org_name": "Bern University Hospital, Inselspital", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multi-modality deep learning prediction of heart age: insights from UK-Biobank.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Response patterns in self-reported medical conditions: insights from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)", + "events_topic": "Deep Learning | Nutrition Surveys ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Multimodal Imaging", + "kol_name": "Georgios Siontis", + "kol_full_name": "Georgios Siontis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157030", + "session_name": "Flow adjusted predicted prosthesis patient mismatch in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation,Multimodal machine learning-based technical success prediction in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157030", + "first_name": "Daijiro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tomii", + "org_name": "Bern University Hospital, Inselspital", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Flow adjusted predicted prosthesis patient mismatch in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Multimodal machine learning-based technical success prediction in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Daijiro Tomii", + "kol_full_name": "Daijiro Tomii" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157029", + "session_name": "Myocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157029", + "first_name": "Christoph", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Graeni", + "org_name": "Bern University Hospital, Inselspital", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christoph Graeni", + "kol_full_name": "Christoph Graeni" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157028", + "session_name": "Myocardial performance improvement after iron replacement in heart failure patients with LVEF <50% and TSAT <20%: The IRON-PATH II echo-substudy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157028", + "first_name": "Albert", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cabarrocas", + "org_name": "Bellvitge", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocardial performance improvement after iron replacement in heart failure patients with LVEF <50% and TSAT <20%: The IRON-PATH II echo-substudy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Albert Cabarrocas", + "kol_full_name": "Albert Cabarrocas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Stenosis | Acute Myocardial Infarction | Cholesterol, HDL", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157027", + "session_name": "Association between the proportion of HDL-cholesterol subclasses and the severity of coronary artery stenosis in patients with acute myocardial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157027", + "first_name": "Yu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Geng", + "org_name": "Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between the proportion of HDL-cholesterol subclasses and the severity of coronary artery stenosis in patients with acute myocardial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Stenosis | Acute Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol, HDL", + "kol_name": "Yu Geng", + "kol_full_name": "Yu Geng" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Invasive Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157026", + "session_name": "An updated meta-analysis of optimal medical therapy with or without invasive therapy in patients with stable coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157026", + "first_name": "Yintang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An updated meta-analysis of optimal medical therapy with or without invasive therapy in patients with stable coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Invasive Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Yintang Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Yintang Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Nomograms | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157025", + "session_name": "Development and validation of a simple-to-use nomogram for predicting the risk for in-hospital heart failure in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157025", + "first_name": "Lei", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bi", + "org_name": "Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development and validation of a simple-to-use nomogram for predicting the risk for in-hospital heart failure in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Nomograms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Lei Bi", + "kol_full_name": "Lei Bi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angiotensins | Hyperkalemia | Renin-Angiotensin System | Aldosterone", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157024", + "session_name": "The impact of hyperkalemia on Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system inhibitor therapy in patients with reduced ejection fraction: results from a nationwide Chinese registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157024", + "first_name": "Yuhao", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wan", + "org_name": "Beijing Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of hyperkalemia on Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system inhibitor therapy in patients with reduced ejection fraction: results from a nationwide Chinese registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Angiotensins | Hyperkalemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Renin-Angiotensin System | Aldosterone", + "kol_name": "Yuhao Wan", + "kol_full_name": "Yuhao Wan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolic Syndrome | Cancer Survivors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157023", + "session_name": "The triglyceride-glucose index is a predictor for cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in young and middle-aged patients with metabolic syndrome,Association of Life's Essential 8 metrics with mortality outcomes in US cancer survivors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157023", + "first_name": "Weihua", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chen", + "org_name": "Beijing Friendship Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The triglyceride-glucose index is a predictor for cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in young and middle-aged patients with metabolic syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of Life's Essential 8 metrics with mortality outcomes in US cancer survivors", + "events_topic": "Metabolic Syndrome | Cancer Survivors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Weihua Chen", + "kol_full_name": "Weihua Chen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | ErbB Receptors | Hypertension | Body Mass Index | Cardiovascular Diseases | Uric Acid | Renal Insufficiency | Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157022", + "session_name": "Association between renal function impairment and body roundness index (BRI) in elderly hypertensive patients.,The association between remnant cholesterol and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality was modified by aged in American adults: a retrospective cohort study,Mildly decreased egfr modifies the association between uric acid and risk of kidney function decline: a 5-year population-based cohort study,Acute and chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157022", + "first_name": "Rongchong", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Huang", + "org_name": "Beijing Friendship Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between renal function impairment and body roundness index (BRI) in elderly hypertensive patients.", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The association between remnant cholesterol and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality was modified by aged in American adults: a retrospective cohort study,Mildly decreased egfr modifies the association between uric acid and risk of kidney function decline: a 5-year population-based cohort study,Acute and chronic coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Mortality | ErbB Receptors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension | Body Mass Index | Cardiovascular Diseases | Uric Acid | Renal Insufficiency | Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "kol_name": "Rongchong Huang", + "kol_full_name": "Rongchong Huang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157021", + "session_name": "Modified quantitative gentle reperfusion method in patient with STEMI during PPCI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157021", + "first_name": "Ji", + "middle_name": "Fang", + "last_name": "He", + "org_name": "Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modified quantitative gentle reperfusion method in patient with STEMI during PPCI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ji Fang He", + "kol_full_name": "Ji Fang He" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Resistance | Viscosity | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157020", + "session_name": "Therapeutic implications of correcting pulmonary vascular resistance for blood viscosity in pediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157020", + "first_name": "Zhuoyuan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Xu", + "org_name": "Beijing AnZhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Therapeutic implications of correcting pulmonary vascular resistance for blood viscosity in pediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Resistance | Viscosity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "kol_name": "Zhuoyuan Xu", + "kol_full_name": "Zhuoyuan Xu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemic Stroke | Stroke | Thromboembolism | Atrial Fibrillation | Genetic Predisposition To Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157019", + "session_name": "Association between genetic predisposition of AF and the risk of ischemic stroke and thromboembolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157019", + 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period,The ratios of ultrasound parameters in normal fetal heart-- a multi-center retrospective cross-sectional study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157018", + "first_name": "Yihua", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "He", + "org_name": "Beijing AnZhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Construction of aortic isthmus growth curve during perinatal period", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The ratios of ultrasound parameters in normal fetal heart-- a multi-center retrospective cross-sectional study", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography | Infant, Newborn ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Fetal Heart | Aortic Arch Syndromes", + "kol_name": "Yihua He", + "kol_full_name": "Yihua He" + }, + { + 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glucose concentration or glucose variability and acute kidney injury among CAD patients with prediabetes,Diagnostic and prognostic performance of cardiac troponin", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157014", + "first_name": "Yan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yan", + "org_name": "Beijing AnZhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A comparison of prolonged anticoagulation versus no anticoagulation after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Association between average glucose concentration or glucose variability and acute kidney injury among CAD patients with prediabetes,Diagnostic and prognostic performance of cardiac troponin", + 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"session_name": "Imaging in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157005", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Moon", + "org_name": "Barts Heart Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "James Moon", + "kol_full_name": "James Moon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157004", + "session_name": "long term follow up of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD) in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: is subcutaneous the way forward?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157004", + "first_name": "Christopher", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Monkhouse", + "org_name": "Barts Heart Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "long term follow up of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD) in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: is subcutaneous the way forward?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christopher Monkhouse", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher Monkhouse" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Turner Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": 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"rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Raffaello Ditaranto", + "kol_full_name": "Raffaello Ditaranto" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Coronary Artery Disease | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157001", + "session_name": "Long-term outcomes in patients with dual pathology aortic stenosis and cardiac amyloidosis referred for valve intervention,Prognostic significance of coexistent coronary artery disease in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation for aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157001", + "first_name": "Kush", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Patel", + "org_name": "Barts Health NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term outcomes in patients with dual pathology aortic stenosis and cardiac amyloidosis referred for valve intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic significance of coexistent coronary artery disease in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation for aortic stenosis", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "kol_name": "Kush Patel", + "kol_full_name": "Kush Patel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1157000", + "session_name": "Novel cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging heterogeneity biomarkers to diagnose and predict cardiovascular disease: a UK Biobank CMR strain study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1157000", + "first_name": "Kerrick", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hesse", + "org_name": "Barts Health NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging heterogeneity biomarkers to diagnose and predict cardiovascular disease: a UK Biobank CMR strain study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "Kerrick Hesse", + "kol_full_name": "Kerrick Hesse" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardium | Artificial Intelligence | Mortality", + "npi_num": "", + 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survivors,Comparison of cardiovascular disease risk assessment tools for heart failure prediction among cancer patients,Artificial intelligence for quantification of valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156990", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "H.", + "last_name": "Marwick", + "org_name": "Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Strain sUrveillance during Chemotherapy for improving Cardiovascular Outcomes: Results of a Randomized Trial of Cardioprotection for Reduced Myocardial Strain (SUCCOUR-MRI)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Cancer-specific Heart Failure (HF) risk score - a new risk score developed specifically to predict HF among cancer survivors,Comparison of cardiovascular disease risk assessment tools for heart failure prediction among cancer patients,Artificial intelligence for quantification of valvular heart disease", + "events_topic": "Cardioprotection | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Cancer Survivors | Heart Valve Diseases | Myocardial Strain | Neoplasms | Drug Therapy | Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Thomas H. Marwick", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas H. 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Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Cheng Hwee Soh", + "kol_full_name": "Cheng Hwee Soh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156985", + "session_name": "Identification of genetic variants associated with exercise-induced atrial fibrillation in high-performing racehorses", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156985", + "first_name": "Morten", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mattingsdal", + "org_name": "Baerum Hospital Vestre Viken Trust", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification of genetic variants associated with exercise-induced atrial fibrillation in high-performing racehorses", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Exercise | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Morten Mattingsdal", + "kol_full_name": "Morten Mattingsdal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure | Atrial Function, Left | Atrial Function", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156984", + "session_name": "Blood pressure in the early 40s impacts left atrial function by speckle-tracking strain two decades later: data from the ACE 1950 Study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156984", + "first_name": "Magnar", + "middle_name": "Gangaas", + "last_name": "Solberg", + "org_name": "Baerum Hospital Vestre Viken Trust", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Blood pressure in the early 40s impacts left atrial function by speckle-tracking strain two decades later: data from the ACE 1950 Study", + 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"opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "When should we prolong DAPT beyond 12 months?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dual Antiplatelet Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mrinal Kanti Das", + "kol_full_name": "Mrinal Kanti Das" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress | Dipyridamole", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156981", + "session_name": "Predictive ability and prognostic correlation of global longitudinal strain in patients with negative dipyridamole stress echocardiography by wall motion criteria.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156981", + "first_name": "Davide", + "middle_name": "Antonio", + "last_name": "Mei", + "org_name": "Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Modena", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictive ability and prognostic correlation of global longitudinal strain in patients with negative dipyridamole stress echocardiography by wall motion criteria.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress | Dipyridamole", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Davide Antonio Mei", + "kol_full_name": "Davide Antonio Mei" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156980", + "session_name": "The Belgian registry on coronary function testing (BELmicro registry): study population and prevalence of coronary vascular dysfunction.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156980", + "first_name": "Tijs", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bringmans", + "org_name": "AZ Sint Maarten", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Antwerpen", + "City": "Mechelen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Belgian registry on coronary function testing (BELmicro registry): study population and prevalence of coronary vascular dysfunction.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Tijs Bringmans", + "kol_full_name": "Tijs Bringmans" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Tafamidis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156979", + "session_name": "Natural course and effect of tafamidis treatment in real-life octogenarians with wild-type transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis: an international multi-centre analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of 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transvenous lead extraction: report from a monocentric experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156967", + "first_name": "Matteo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Baroni", + "org_name": "ASST Great Metropolitan Niguarda", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "LBBAP versus conventional CRT reimplantation after transvenous lead extraction: report from a monocentric experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Matteo Baroni", + "kol_full_name": "Matteo Baroni" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Ultrasonography | Catheters", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156966", + "session_name": 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null, + "events_session": "One- and five-year mortality according to first use of ticagrelor or clopidogrel at the acute stage of myocardial infarction in elderly patients: the FAST-MI 2015 registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Effects of restrictive vs liberal transfusion strategies on mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction and anemia: The 6-month follow up primary results of the MINT trial", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Ticagrelor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Clopidogrel | Anemia", + "kol_name": "Tabassome Simon", + "kol_full_name": "Tabassome Simon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Apolipoproteins", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156963", + "session_name": "Association of polymorphism of apolipoprotein e gene with acute myocardial infarction and its short term clinical outcome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156963", + "first_name": "Mriganka", + "middle_name": "Shekhar", + "last_name": "Chaliha", + "org_name": "Assam Medical College", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of polymorphism of apolipoprotein e gene with acute myocardial infarction and its short term clinical outcome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Apolipoproteins", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mriganka Shekhar Chaliha", + "kol_full_name": "Mriganka Shekhar Chaliha" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MINOCA | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156962", + "session_name": "5 acute myocardial infarction in 5 months: the challenging case of a 38 years old woman,MINOCA", + 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undergoing pulsed field ablation or cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156961", + "first_name": "Rahin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wahedi", + "org_name": "Asklepios St. Georg Clinic", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of procedural analgosedation in patients undergoing pulsed field ablation or cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Analgosedation | Cryoballoon Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Rahin Wahedi", + "kol_full_name": "Rahin Wahedi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156960", + "session_name": "Persistent atrial fibrillation: ablation early and first beats antiarrhythmic medication,Weight reduction to improve outcomes after atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with obesity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156960", + "first_name": "Melanie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gunawardene", + "org_name": "Asklepios St. Georg Clinic", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Persistent atrial fibrillation: ablation early and first beats antiarrhythmic medication", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Weight reduction to improve outcomes after atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with obesity", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Melanie Gunawardene", + "kol_full_name": "Melanie Gunawardene" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Laser Therapy | Periprocedural Complications", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156959", + "session_name": "Periprocedural complications during transvenous lead extraction. 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Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156945", + "first_name": "Rafal", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Januszek", + "org_name": "Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Malopolskie", + "City": "Krakow", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal trends in the use of drug-coated balloons", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The usefulness of IVUS and OCT in patients treated with rotational atherectomy,Long-term outcomes following DCB vs. DES for ISR treatment,Acute myocardial infarction: innovative approaches to management and prediction", + "events_topic": "Rotational Atherectomy | Coronary Restenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, Optical Coherence | Drug-Coated Balloons | Angioplasty, Balloon | Drug-Eluting Stents | Ultrasonography, Interventional | Coronary Artery Disease | Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Rafal Januszek", + "kol_full_name": "Rafal Januszek" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Biomarkers | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156944", + "session_name": "Evolution over time of cardiac biomarkers, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic features in a large cohort of patients with wild-type transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis treated with tafamidis,Effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy and physiologicaL pacing on left atrioventricular coupling index: the REPHYL-LACI study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156944", + "first_name": "Giuseppe", + "middle_name": "Damiano", + "last_name": "Sanna", + "org_name": "Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Pavia", + 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Microvascular Angina ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Yolande Appelman", + "kol_full_name": "Yolande Appelman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Edoxaban Therapy | Stroke | Atherosclerosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156942", + "session_name": "Edoxaban for stroke prevention in routine practice patients with atrial fibrillation with and without atherosclerotic disease: a post-hoc sub-study of ETNA-AF-Europe", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156942", + "first_name": "Tim", + "middle_name": "Anthonie Christiaan", + "last_name": "de Vries", + "org_name": "Amsterdam University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": 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Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156941", + "first_name": "Shari", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pepplinkhuizen", + "org_name": "Amsterdam University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Antithrombotic therapy and the risk of pocket hematoma after subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Equal performance of the subcutaneous and transvenous implantable cardioverter defibrillator across all age groups in the PRAETORIAN trial", + "events_topic": "Hematoma | Defibrillators, Implantable ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antithrombotic Therapy", + "kol_name": "Shari Pepplinkhuizen", + "kol_full_name": "Shari Pepplinkhuizen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial 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magnetic resonance in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Electrical anomaly during digoxin loading in the setting of atrial fibrillation", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Digoxin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Raquel Parween Amier", + "kol_full_name": "Raquel Parween Amier" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Phospholamban | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156937", + "session_name": "Time-varying cox model for heart failure prediction in phospholamban p.(Arg14del)-positive individuals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156937", + "first_name": "Myrthe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Van Der Heide", + "org_name": "Amsterdam University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Time-varying cox model for heart failure prediction in phospholamban p.(Arg14del)-positive individuals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Phospholamban | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Myrthe Van Der Heide", + "kol_full_name": "Myrthe Van Der Heide" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Rate | Brugada Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156936", + "session_name": "Investigating the role of WT1 in Brugada syndrome pathophysiology,Listen to your heart: The effect of music on heart rate variability", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156936", + "first_name": "Madelief", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Marsman", + "org_name": "Amsterdam 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M are associated with increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias,Social media in Circulation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156901", + "first_name": "Peder", + "middle_name": "Langeland", + "last_name": "Myhre", + "org_name": "Akershus University Hospital", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Liver function tests in patients receiving high-intensity care after hospital admission for acute heart failure: the STRONG-HF trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "External validation of a deep learning algorithm for automated echocardiographic strain measurements,Low levels of apolipoprotein M are associated with increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias,Social media in Circulation", + "events_topic": "Social Media | Arrhythmias, Cardiac ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + 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smartwatches: a randomized controlled Trial (EQUAL Study)", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Michiel Winter", + "kol_full_name": "Michiel Winter" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156890", + "session_name": "Advancing cardiac care in acute coronary syndromes: from genetics to social determinants,TAVI vs. SAVR: still unresolved question?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156890", + "first_name": "Marije", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vis", + "org_name": "Academic Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": 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Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156884", + "first_name": "Torsten", + "middle_name": "Bloch", + "last_name": "Rasmussen", + "org_name": "Aarhus University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Subclinical myocardial phenotype in genotype-positive relatives attending clinical and genetic screening for familial dilated cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genetic Testing | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Torsten Bloch Rasmussen", + "kol_full_name": "Torsten Bloch Rasmussen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial Infarction | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156883", + "session_name": "Temporal trends in major bleeding after primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction from 2003 to 2017: the Western Denmark Heart Registry,Trends in major cardiac events after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention from 2003 to 2017: the western Denmark heart registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156883", + "first_name": "Pernille", + "middle_name": "Gro", + "last_name": "Thrane", + "org_name": "Aarhus University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal trends in major bleeding after primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction from 2003 to 2017: the Western Denmark Heart Registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Trends in major cardiac events after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention from 2003 to 2017: the western Denmark heart registry", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "Pernille Gro Thrane", + "kol_full_name": "Pernille Gro Thrane" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156882", + "session_name": "Mortality related to left ventricular ejection fraction and obstructive coronary artery disease in non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156882", + "first_name": "Nina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stoedkilde-Joergensen", + "org_name": "Aarhus University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mortality related to left ventricular ejection fraction and obstructive coronary artery disease in non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nina Stoedkilde-Joergensen", + "kol_full_name": "Nina Stoedkilde-Joergensen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Ischemia | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Angiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156881", + "session_name": "Influence of coronary plaque characteristics on lesion-specific ischemia assessed by coronary computed tomography angiography and fractional flow reserve - a systematic review and meta-analysis,Interscan reproducibility of computed tomography derived coronary plaque volume measurements using a semi-automated analysis software", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156881", + "first_name": "Nadia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Iraqi", + "org_name": "Aarhus University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Influence of coronary plaque characteristics on lesion-specific ischemia assessed by coronary computed tomography angiography and fractional flow reserve - a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Interscan reproducibility of computed tomography derived coronary plaque volume measurements using a semi-automated analysis software", + "events_topic": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Angiography", + "kol_name": "Nadia Iraqi", + "kol_full_name": "Nadia Iraqi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Cholesterol, HDL", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156880", + "session_name": "Composition of non-HDL cholesterol and residual cardiovascular risk in secondary prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156880", + "first_name": "Malene", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hansen", + "org_name": "Aarhus University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Composition of non-HDL cholesterol and residual cardiovascular risk in secondary prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Cholesterol, HDL", + 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null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of alcohol septal ablation on exercise hemodynamics", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " symptoms and quality of life in patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Alcohol Septal Ablation | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anne Dybro", + "kol_full_name": "Anne Dybro" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoproteins | Cholesterol, LDL | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156872", + "session_name": "Low density lipoprotein cholesterol and cardiovascular disease risk in patients with absence of coronary artery calcification: a multicenter cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156872", + "first_name": "Malene", + 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register-based cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156870", + "first_name": "Nils", + "middle_name": "Lars Olof", + "last_name": "Lundgren", + "org_name": "Aalborg University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Nordjylland", + "City": "Aalborg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence and risk of autoimmune disease in patients with a previous diagnosis of myocarditis - a nationwide Danish register-based cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune System Diseases | Myocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Autoimmune Diseases", + "kol_name": "Nils Lars Olof Lundgren", + "kol_full_name": "Nils Lars Olof Lundgren" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripheral Arterial Disease | Medication Adherence", + "npi_num": "", + 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"Mette Soegaard", + "kol_full_name": "Mette Soegaard" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156868", + "session_name": "Myocardial infarction risk across cancer subtypes - nationwide registry study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156868", + "first_name": "Jan", + "middle_name": "Walter Dhillon", + "last_name": "Shanmuganathan", + "org_name": "Aalborg University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Nordjylland", + "City": "Aalborg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocardial infarction risk across cancer subtypes - nationwide registry study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jan Walter Dhillon 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cardiovascular disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lp(a) and apoproteins as risk factors", + "events_topic": "Diet, Mediterranean | Lipid-Lowering Therapies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Christian Soerensen Bork", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Soerensen Bork" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Angiography | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156866", + "session_name": "Gender differences in the use of coronary computed tomography angiography, functional testing, coronary angiography, revascularization, and outcomes - a 10-year Danish, nationwide, registry-based foll", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156866", + "first_name": "Cecilie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lauridsen", + "org_name": "Aalborg University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": 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observational studies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156864", + "first_name": "Marco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nebiolo", + "org_name": "A.O.U. 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safety and efficacy of indobufen or aspirin combined with clopidogrel in patients with acute myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156863", + "first_name": "Wenbo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dai", + "org_name": "2nd Hospital of Tianjin Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Tianjin", + "City": "TIANJIN", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prior fecal immunochemical test positivity is associated with adverse prognosis in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The safety and efficacy of indobufen or aspirin combined with clopidogrel in patients with acute myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention", + "events_topic": "Clopidogrel | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Aspirin | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Wenbo Dai", + "kol_full_name": "Wenbo Dai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Neutrophils | Oxidative Stress | FGF23 Protein, Human | Mortality | Risk Assessment | Troponin I | Diabetes Mellitus | Myocarditis | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Lymphocytes | Cardiac Dysfunction | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation | Cancer Survivors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156862", + "session_name": "Control for multiple risk factors and incident heart failure and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus: insights from the kailuan cohort study,Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress and Cardiac Dysfunction in TERT Knockout Mice,Elevation of circulating FGF23 in chronic kidney disease promotes atrial fibrosis through the AKT pathway,Prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and cardiac troponin I in patients with immune checkpoint inhibitors-related myocarditis,Association between PCSK9 inhibitor with cause-specific morality amongst cancer survivors,Risk assessment and prognosis in atrial fibrillation,Atrial fibrillation detection, prediction, and management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156862", + "first_name": "Tong", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liu", + "org_name": "2nd Hospital of Tianjin Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Tianjin", + "City": "TIANJIN", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Control for multiple risk factors and incident heart failure and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus: insights from the kailuan cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": "Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress and Cardiac Dysfunction in TERT Knockout Mice,Elevation of circulating FGF23 in chronic kidney disease promotes atrial fibrosis through the AKT pathway,Prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and cardiac troponin I in patients with immune checkpoint inhibitors-related myocarditis,Association between PCSK9 inhibitor with cause-specific morality amongst cancer survivors,Risk assessment and prognosis in atrial fibrillation,Atrial fibrillation detection, prediction, and management", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Neutrophils ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 14, + "rest_events_topic": " Oxidative Stress | FGF23 Protein, Human | Mortality | Risk Assessment | Troponin I | Diabetes Mellitus | Myocarditis | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Lymphocytes | Cardiac Dysfunction | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation | Cancer Survivors", + "kol_name": "Tong Liu", + "kol_full_name": "Tong Liu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise | Levosimendan | Fibrosis | Respiratory Insufficiency | Ticagrelor | Clopidogrel | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156861", + "session_name": "Ticagrelor vs. clopidogrel in ST elevation myocardial infarction patients with hemoglobin > 160,The impact of pre-myocardial infarction exercise frequency on prognosis in acute myocardial infarction patients,Levosimendan improves the early prognosis of patients with Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and Killip class > II,Both fibrosis-4 index and fibrosis-5 index can predict the prognosis of patients after percutaneous coronary intervention,Antiplatelet can improve the short-term prognosis of type 2 myocardial infarction caused by acute respiratory failure,The impact of pre-myocardial infarction exercise frequency on prognosis in Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156861", + "first_name": "Tianshu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gu", + "org_name": "2nd Hospital of Tianjin Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Tianjin", + "City": "TIANJIN", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ticagrelor vs. clopidogrel in ST elevation myocardial infarction patients with hemoglobin > 160", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "The impact of pre-myocardial infarction exercise frequency on prognosis in acute myocardial infarction patients,Levosimendan improves the early prognosis of patients with Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and Killip class > II,Both fibrosis-4 index and fibrosis-5 index can predict the prognosis of patients after percutaneous coronary intervention,Antiplatelet can improve the short-term prognosis of type 2 myocardial infarction caused by acute respiratory failure,The impact of pre-myocardial infarction exercise frequency on prognosis in Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients", + "events_topic": "Exercise | Levosimendan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Fibrosis | Respiratory Insufficiency | Ticagrelor | Clopidogrel | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Tianshu Gu", + "kol_full_name": "Tianshu Gu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Salvianolate | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156860", + "session_name": "The short-term prognosis of salvianolate use during hospitalization in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156860", + "first_name": "Rongxin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Guo", + "org_name": "2nd Hospital of Tianjin Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Tianjin", + "City": "TIANJIN", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The short-term prognosis of salvianolate use during hospitalization in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Salvianolate | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Rongxin Guo", + "kol_full_name": "Rongxin Guo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Lipid Lowering Therapy | Thrombocytopenia | Atrial Fibrillation | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | CdZnTe | Ticagrelor | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Heart Failure | Respiratory Insufficiency | Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Perioperative Period | Coronary Artery Disease | Myocardial Infarction | Clopidogrel | Anticoagulants | Acute Kidney Injury", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156859", + "session_name": "Ticagrelor outperforms clopidogrel in favorable prognosis for STEMI patients with elevated platelets: a comparative analysis,The clinical characteristics and prognosis of patients with acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction complicated with impaired activity daily living,Predictive factors and gender insights into abnormal myocardial flow reserve in non-obstructive coronary artery disease: a CZT-SPECT analysis,A new hydration strategy can reduce contrast-induced acute kidney injury after PCI in patients with chronic heart failure and chronic kidney disease: a two-center randomized controlled trial,Lipid lowering therapy in patients aged 90 years or older with acute myocardial infarction:a multicenter cohort study,The clinical characteristics and prognosis of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction complicated with impaired activity daily living,Association of ticagrelor vs clopidogrel with net adverse clinical events in NSTEMI patients with mild thrombocytopenia,Satisfactory self-rated health is associated with better clinical outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,Application of anticoagulants in the perioperative period of pci for patients with a history of atrial fibrillation and NSTEMI: a real-world, large multicenter retrospective clinical study,Association of ticagrelor vs clopidogrel with net adverse clinical events in STEMI patients with mild thrombocytopenia,The prognosis evaluation of guideline-directed medical therapy for type 2 acute myocardial infarction patients with acute respiratory failure,Correlation analysis of self-rated health and net adverse clinical events in patients with acute myocardial infarction,Association of ticagrelor vs clopidogrel with net adverse clinical events in patients with mild thrombocytopenia undergoing PCI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156859", + "first_name": "Kang-Yin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chen", + "org_name": "2nd Hospital of Tianjin Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Tianjin", + "City": "TIANJIN", + "num_sess": "13", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ticagrelor outperforms clopidogrel in favorable prognosis for STEMI patients with elevated platelets: a comparative analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 13, + "rest_events_session": "The clinical characteristics and prognosis of patients with acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction complicated with impaired activity daily living,Predictive factors and gender insights into abnormal myocardial flow reserve in non-obstructive coronary artery disease: a CZT-SPECT analysis,A new hydration strategy can reduce contrast-induced acute kidney injury after PCI in patients with chronic heart failure and chronic kidney disease: a two-center randomized controlled trial,Lipid lowering therapy in patients aged 90 years or older with acute myocardial infarction:a multicenter cohort study,The clinical characteristics and prognosis of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction complicated with impaired activity daily living,Association of ticagrelor vs clopidogrel with net adverse clinical events in NSTEMI patients with mild thrombocytopenia,Satisfactory self-rated health is associated with better clinical outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,Application of anticoagulants in the perioperative period of pci for patients with a history of atrial fibrillation and NSTEMI: a real-world, large multicenter retrospective clinical study,Association of ticagrelor vs clopidogrel with net adverse clinical events in STEMI patients with mild thrombocytopenia,The prognosis evaluation of guideline-directed medical therapy for type 2 acute myocardial infarction patients with acute respiratory failure,Correlation analysis of self-rated health and net adverse clinical events in patients with acute myocardial infarction,Association of ticagrelor vs clopidogrel with net adverse clinical events in patients with mild thrombocytopenia undergoing PCI", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Lipid Lowering Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 18, + "rest_events_topic": " Thrombocytopenia | Atrial Fibrillation | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | CdZnTe | Ticagrelor | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Heart Failure | Respiratory Insufficiency | Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Perioperative Period | Coronary Artery Disease | Myocardial Infarction | Clopidogrel | Anticoagulants | Acute Kidney Injury", + "kol_name": "Kang-Yin Chen", + "kol_full_name": "Kang-Yin Chen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Palpitations | Primary Aldosteronism", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156858", + "session_name": "Two types of T wave alternans in an old patient with intermittent palpitation,Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio can predict the clinical prognosis of patients with primary adosteronism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156858", + "first_name": "Changle", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liu", + "org_name": "2nd Hospital of Tianjin Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Tianjin", + "City": "TIANJIN", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Two types of T wave alternans in an old patient with intermittent palpitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio can predict the clinical prognosis of patients with primary adosteronism", + "events_topic": "Palpitations | Primary Aldosteronism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Changle Liu", + "kol_full_name": "Changle Liu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Signal Transduction | Ventricular Function | Angiogenesis | Diabetes Mellitus | Myocardial Fibrosis | Myocardium", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156857", + "session_name": "The relationship between coronary microvascular dysfunction and left ventricular longitudinal systolic function in patients with diabetes mellitus,Early CSWT relieves myocardial fibrosis by inhibiting TGF-Smad2/3-MMP-9,CSWT improves ventricular function by promoting angiogenesis through Rho/ROCK/ERK1/2 signal pathway in infarcted myocardium in rats", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156857", + "first_name": "Yu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "1st Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Guizhou", + "City": "Kunming", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The relationship between coronary microvascular dysfunction and left ventricular longitudinal systolic function in patients with diabetes mellitus", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Early CSWT relieves myocardial fibrosis by inhibiting TGF-Smad2/3-MMP-9,CSWT improves ventricular function by promoting angiogenesis through Rho/ROCK/ERK1/2 signal pathway in infarcted myocardium in rats", + "events_topic": "Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Signal Transduction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Function | Angiogenesis | Diabetes Mellitus | Myocardial Fibrosis | Myocardium", + "kol_name": "Yu Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Yu Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Cardiac Papillary Fibroelastoma", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156856", + "session_name": "Multimodal imaging diagnosis of atypical papillary fibroelastoma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156856", + "first_name": "Xuejuan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ma", + "org_name": "1st Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Guizhou", + "City": "Kunming", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multimodal imaging diagnosis of atypical papillary fibroelastoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Cardiac Papillary Fibroelastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Xuejuan Ma", + "kol_full_name": "Xuejuan Ma" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chelation Therapy | Iron Overload | Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Mitochondrial Injury", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156855", + "session_name": "Iron chelation therapy failed to improve cardiac dysfunction caused by mitochondrial injury in rats with iron overload cardiomyopathy a 7T Cardiac MR research in vivo", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156855", + "first_name": "Xihan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fan", + "org_name": "1st Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Guizhou", + "City": "Kunming", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Iron chelation therapy failed to improve cardiac dysfunction caused by mitochondrial injury in rats with iron overload cardiomyopathy a 7T Cardiac MR research in vivo", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chelation Therapy | Iron Overload ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Mitochondrial Injury", + "kol_name": "Xihan Fan", + "kol_full_name": "Xihan Fan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1156854", + "session_name": "Evaluating myocardial involvement in patients with multiple myeloma at different stages a cardiac MR T1 mapping study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1156854", + "first_name": "Peihong", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Guo", + "org_name": "1st Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Guizhou", + "City": "Kunming", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluating myocardial involvement in patients with multiple myeloma at different stages a cardiac MR T1 mapping study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Peihong Guo", + "kol_full_name": "Peihong Guo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Coronary Vasospasm | Obesity | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Anticoagulation | Bariatric Surgery | Clinical Protocols | Cannabis", + "npi_num": "1770218539", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144260", + "session_name": "Unlocking the future: machine learning models for predicting in-hospital mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a single-arm meta-analysis,The role of anticoagulation in atrial high-rate episodes: a meta-analysis,Clinical outcomes of atrial high-rate episodes: an updated meta-analysis,Cannabis-induced left main coronary artery vasospasm,Outcomes of bariatric surgery in obese patients with heart failure:a meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1144260", + "first_name": "Hasaan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ahmed", + "org_name": "Creighton University Medical Centre", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unlocking the future: machine learning models for predicting in-hospital mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a single-arm meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "The role of anticoagulation in atrial high-rate episodes: a meta-analysis,Clinical outcomes of atrial high-rate episodes: an updated meta-analysis,Cannabis-induced left main coronary artery vasospasm,Outcomes of bariatric surgery in obese patients with heart failure:a meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Coronary Vasospasm ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Anticoagulation | Bariatric Surgery | Clinical Protocols | Cannabis", + "kol_name": "Hasaan Ahmed", + "kol_full_name": "Hasaan Ahmed" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "1770213506", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144259", + "session_name": "Outcomes of mechanical circulatory support devices in cardiogenic shock: a nationwide observational study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1144259", + "first_name": "Aditya", + "middle_name": "Nitin", + "last_name": "Thakkar", + "org_name": "Franklin Woods Community Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Johnson City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes of mechanical circulatory support devices in cardiogenic shock: a nationwide observational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Aditya Nitin Thakkar", + "kol_full_name": "Aditya Nitin Thakkar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dietary Proteins | Obesity | Heart Failure | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "1659055028", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1144174", + "session_name": "Association between obesity paradox in the all-cause mortality among patients with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) Device: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Association between blood cadmium level and hypertension: analysis of NHANEs 2017 - 2020,Gender difference in the association of serum triglyceride level with hypertension: analysis of the NHANEs 2017-2020,Gender disparities in the association of low dietary protein intake with congestive heart failure: an analysis of the NHANES database 2017-2020,Association Between blood lead level and hypertension: analysis of The NHANEs 2017 - 2020", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1144174", + "first_name": "Phuuwadith", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wattanachayakul", + "org_name": "Einstein Healthcare Network", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between obesity paradox in the all-cause mortality among patients with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) Device: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Association between blood cadmium level and hypertension: analysis of NHANEs 2017 - 2020,Gender difference in the association of serum triglyceride level with hypertension: analysis of the NHANEs 2017-2020,Gender disparities in the association of low dietary protein intake with congestive heart failure: an analysis of the NHANES database 2017-2020,Association Between blood lead level and hypertension: analysis of The NHANEs 2017 - 2020", + "events_topic": "Dietary Proteins | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Hypertension", + "kol_name": "Phuuwadith Wattanachayakul", + "kol_full_name": "Phuuwadith Wattanachayakul" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | SVEAT Score | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Arrest | Chest Pain", + "npi_num": "1407545205", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1143472", + "session_name": "Meta-analysis of the SVEAT score predictive value during acute chest pain evaluation,Rising trends and disparities in cardiac arrest-related mortality among patients with atrial fibrillation: a 22-year comprehensive analysis,Mortality trends and disparities related to prosthetic heart valve complications in United States: a longitudinal analysis of mechanical complications and infection from 1999 to 2020,Mortality disparities of cardiac arrest in populations with heart failure: a retrospective cohort analysis 1999 - 2020", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1143472", + "first_name": "Hoang Nhat", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pham", + "org_name": "University of Arizona", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Arizona", + "City": "Tucson", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Meta-analysis of the SVEAT score predictive value during acute chest pain evaluation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Rising trends and disparities in cardiac arrest-related mortality among patients with atrial fibrillation: a 22-year comprehensive analysis,Mortality trends and disparities related to prosthetic heart valve complications in United States: a longitudinal analysis of mechanical complications and infection from 1999 to 2020,Mortality disparities of cardiac arrest in populations with heart failure: a retrospective cohort analysis 1999 - 2020", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | SVEAT Score ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Arrest | Chest Pain", + "kol_name": "Hoang Nhat Pham", + "kol_full_name": "Hoang Nhat Pham" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | HIV | Ablation Techniques | Myocardial Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation | Sarcoidosis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Angiography | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1174273783", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1141693", + "session_name": "In-hospital mortality of patients living with HIV admitted due to cardiovascular diseases according to their BMI: a stratified analysis of a population-based database,The association of obesity and in-hospital outcomes among patients undergoing ablation for atrial fibrillation: a propensity-score matched analysis,Impact of coronary CT angiography on the hospital outcome among patients admitted with AMI undergoing revascularization procedures in theUS,Prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities among hospitalized patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and factors associated with a higher case-fatality rate,Prevalence of cardiovascular complications and factors associated with higher case-fatality rate among hospitalized patients with sarcoidosis,Disparity in receiving destination treatment for heart failure patients according to HIV status", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1141693", + "first_name": "Saeed", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Shoar", + "org_name": "University of Maryland Capital Region Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Largo", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "In-hospital mortality of patients living with HIV admitted due to cardiovascular diseases according to their BMI: a stratified analysis of a population-based database", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "The association of obesity and in-hospital outcomes among patients undergoing ablation for atrial fibrillation: a propensity-score matched analysis,Impact of coronary CT angiography on the hospital outcome among patients admitted with AMI undergoing revascularization procedures in theUS,Prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities among hospitalized patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and factors associated with a higher case-fatality rate,Prevalence of cardiovascular complications and factors associated with higher case-fatality rate among hospitalized patients with sarcoidosis,Disparity in receiving destination treatment for heart failure patients according to HIV status", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 9, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed | HIV | Ablation Techniques | Myocardial Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation | Sarcoidosis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Angiography | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Saeed Shoar", + "kol_full_name": "Saeed Shoar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Acute Kidney Injury", + "npi_num": "1679135099", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1112690", + "session_name": "A simplified bedside model for acute kidney injury prediction after percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1112690", + "first_name": "Dinu-Valentin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Balanescu", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A simplified bedside model for acute kidney injury prediction after percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Acute Kidney Injury", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dinu-Valentin Balanescu", + "kol_full_name": "Dinu-Valentin Balanescu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin T | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "1598183758", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1112582", + "session_name": "Differences in risk profiles and clinical outcomes according to age in patients with high-risk myocardial infarction: insights from the PARADISE-MI trial,Prognostic importance of persistent elevations in high-sensitivity troponin T in the early convalescent phase (two weeks) following high-risk myocardial infarction: insights from the PARADISE-MI trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1112582", + "first_name": "Karola", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jering", + "org_name": "Brigham And Women'S Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differences in risk profiles and clinical outcomes according to age in patients with high-risk myocardial infarction: insights from the PARADISE-MI trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic importance of persistent elevations in high-sensitivity troponin T in the early convalescent phase (two weeks) following high-risk myocardial infarction: insights from the PARADISE-MI trial", + "events_topic": "Troponin T | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Karola Jering", + "kol_full_name": "Karola Jering" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "HIV | Proteomics | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1598159600", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1112579", + "session_name": "Large-scale proteomic profiling reveals characteristic HIV-specific druggable protein signatures associated with incident heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1112579", + "first_name": "Saate", + "middle_name": "Saiyara", + "last_name": "Shakil", + "org_name": "University Of California SFGH Medical Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Large-scale proteomic profiling reveals characteristic HIV-specific druggable protein signatures associated with incident heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "HIV | Proteomics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Saate Saiyara Shakil", + "kol_full_name": "Saate Saiyara Shakil" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Weight Management | Overweight | Clinical Trial | Obesity", + "npi_num": "1104901800", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1087853", + "session_name": "Management of overweight and obesity: evaluating clinical practices and shaping the future,Novel approaches to weight management: insights from clinical trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1087853", + "first_name": "Steven", + "middle_name": "Emanuel", + "last_name": "Kahn", + "org_name": "VA Puget Sound Health Care System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of overweight and obesity: evaluating clinical practices and shaping the future", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel approaches to weight management: insights from clinical trials", + "events_topic": "Weight Management | Overweight ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Trial | Obesity", + "kol_name": "Steven Emanuel Kahn", + "kol_full_name": "Steven Emanuel Kahn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Ablation Techniques | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "1871903377", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1056352", + "session_name": "Nationwide trends in utilization and safety of ventricular arrythmia ablation in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1056352", + "first_name": "Guy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rozen", + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Center At Tufts Medical Center Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nationwide trends in utilization and safety of ventricular arrythmia ablation in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Guy Rozen", + "kol_full_name": "Guy Rozen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prosthetic Heart Valves | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Fever", + "npi_num": "1861087892", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1056318", + "session_name": "Top ten in cardiac imaging,A patient with a prosthetic valve and fever", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1056318", + "first_name": "Leyla", + "middle_name": "Elif", + "last_name": "Sade Akdogan", + "org_name": "Upmc Presbyterian Shadyside", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Top ten in cardiac imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A patient with a prosthetic valve and fever", + "events_topic": "Prosthetic Heart Valves | Cardiac Imaging Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Fever", + "kol_name": "Leyla Elif Sade Akdogan", + "kol_full_name": "Leyla Elif Sade Akdogan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "1336344027", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1055131", + "session_name": "Impact of aficamten on echocardiographic cardiac structure and function in adults with symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1055131", + "first_name": "Sheila", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Hegde", + "org_name": "Brigham And Women'S Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of aficamten on echocardiographic cardiac structure and function in adults with symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sheila M Hegde", + "kol_full_name": "Sheila M Hegde" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Deep Learning", + "npi_num": "1316387483", + "hcp_pin_alias": 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"rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Permanent pacemaker implantation is associated with an increased risk of heart failure hospitalization in transcatheter aortic valve implantation patients with reduced systolic function", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kai Hu", + "kol_full_name": "Kai Hu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fabry Disease | Kidney Diseases | Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1049191", + "session_name": "State-of-the-art lecture on caring for kidney disease patients in a cardiology setting: what is important?,Panel discussion: can we shorten the diagnostic odyssey?,Could It be Fabry cardiomyopathy?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1049191", + "first_name": "Christoph", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wanner", + "org_name": "Universitäts­klinikum Würzburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "WURZBURG", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "State-of-the-art lecture on caring for kidney disease patients in a cardiology setting: what is important?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Panel discussion: can we shorten the diagnostic odyssey?,Could It be Fabry cardiomyopathy?", + "events_topic": "Fabry Disease | Kidney Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christoph Wanner", + "kol_full_name": "Christoph Wanner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048975", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on optimal management of very high-risk acute coronary syndromes - expert panel,Do DAN-GER-SHOCK eligible patients benefit from VA-ECMO treatment in infarct-related cardiogenic shock ? Results of an individual patient data meta-analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048975", + "first_name": "Uwe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zeymer", + "org_name": "Klinikum der Stadt Ludwigshafen am Rhein gGmbH", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Rheinland-Pfalz", + "City": "Ludwigshafen Am Rhein", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on optimal management of very high-risk acute coronary syndromes - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Do DAN-GER-SHOCK eligible patients benefit from VA-ECMO treatment in infarct-related cardiogenic shock ? Results of an individual patient data meta-analysis.", + "events_topic": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Uwe Zeymer", + "kol_full_name": "Uwe Zeymer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048961", + "session_name": "The true impact of uncontrolled hypertension,Cracking the code of uncontrolled hypertension,Personalised hypertension management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048961", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Weber", + "org_name": "Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen GmbH", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Oberosterreich", + "City": "Wels", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The true impact of uncontrolled hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Cracking the code of uncontrolled hypertension,Personalised hypertension management", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thomas Weber", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Weber" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Allergy And Immunology", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048920", + "session_name": "All the facets of cardioimmunology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048920", + "first_name": "Sebastian", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Reinstadler", + "org_name": "Medical University Innsbruck, Austria", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Tirol", + "City": "Innsbruck", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "All the facets of cardioimmunology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Allergy And Immunology", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sebastian J Reinstadler", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastian J Reinstadler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048857", + "session_name": "Optimising clinical outcomes after cardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048857", + "first_name": "Nikolaos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bonaros", + "org_name": "Medical University Innsbruck, Austria", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Tirol", + "City": "Innsbruck", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising clinical outcomes after cardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikolaos Bonaros", + "kol_full_name": "Nikolaos Bonaros" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Adrenomedullin", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048856", + "session_name": "Mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin is an independent predictor of cardiovascular outcomes in cardiac surgery, a prospective cohort study in 500 patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048856", + "first_name": "Niema", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kazem", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin is an independent predictor of cardiovascular outcomes in cardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " a prospective cohort study in 500 patients", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiac Surgical Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Adrenomedullin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Niema Kazem", + "kol_full_name": "Niema Kazem" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries | Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Ischemia | Shock, Cardiogenic | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048795", + "session_name": "EuroHeart TAVI - The new frontier,Smaller trials and trial updates on shock, surgery, and other interventions,The floor is yours: bring your questions on INOCA,Personalised dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) after acute coronary syndromes: difficult decisions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048795", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "Rubini", + "last_name": "Gimenez", + "org_name": "Heart Center Leipzig GmbH", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "EuroHeart TAVI - The new frontier", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Smaller trials and trial updates on shock, surgery, and other interventions,The floor is yours: bring your questions on INOCA,Personalised dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) after acute coronary syndromes: difficult decisions", + "events_topic": "Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries | Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia | Shock, Cardiogenic | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Rubini Gimenez", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Rubini Gimenez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Autophagy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048787", + "session_name": "Targeting autophagy in cardiac ageing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048787", + "first_name": "Mahmoud", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Abdellatif", + "org_name": "Medical University of Graz, Austria", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Steiermark", + "City": "Graz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Targeting autophagy in cardiac ageing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Autophagy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mahmoud Abdellatif", + "kol_full_name": "Mahmoud Abdellatif" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Care Facilities | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Obesity", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048768", + "session_name": "Dealing with obesity in the cardiac care unit: practical solutions,Diagnosis and management of acute Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in the intensive cardiac care unit", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048768", + "first_name": "Kurt", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Huber", + "org_name": "Wilhelminenhospital", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dealing with obesity in the cardiac care unit: practical solutions", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Diagnosis and management of acute Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in the intensive cardiac care unit", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Care Facilities | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kurt Huber", + "kol_full_name": "Kurt Huber" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048765", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on optimal management of very high-risk acute coronary syndromes - expert panel,Possible shifts in paradigms for lipid-lowering therapies in acute coronary syndrome patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048765", + "first_name": "Konstantin", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Krychtiuk", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on optimal management of very high-risk acute coronary syndromes - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Possible shifts in paradigms for lipid-lowering therapies in acute coronary syndrome patients", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Konstantin A Krychtiuk", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantin A Krychtiuk" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chronic Total Occlusion", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048762", + "session_name": "Machine learning prediction models for individualized technical success of chronic total occlusion revascularization using anatomical input", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048762", + "first_name": "Kevin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hamzaraj", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine learning prediction models for individualized technical success of chronic total occlusion revascularization using anatomical input", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Total Occlusion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kevin Hamzaraj", + "kol_full_name": "Kevin Hamzaraj" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cancer Survivors | Cardiotoxicity | Chest Pain | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Dyspnea | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Neoplasms | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048744", + "session_name": "A patient receiving chemotherapy and an immune checkpoint inhibitor presents with chest pain and dyspnoea: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages,Cardiovascular complications and surveillance in cancer survivors: who, when, and how?,Cardio-oncology in practice,Non-classical risk factors for heart disease revisited", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048744", + "first_name": "Jutta", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bergler-Klein", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A patient receiving chemotherapy and an immune checkpoint inhibitor presents with chest pain and dyspnoea: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular complications and surveillance in cancer survivors: who, when, and how?,Cardio-oncology in practice,Non-classical risk factors for heart disease revisited", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors | Cardiotoxicity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Chest Pain | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Dyspnea | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Neoplasms | Drug Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jutta Bergler-Klein", + "kol_full_name": "Jutta Bergler-Klein" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Technology | Clinical Studies As Topic | Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048729", + "session_name": "Caring for the elderly in cardiology: special clinical aspects,Digital technology to personalise a heart-healthy lifestyle", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048729", + "first_name": "Josef", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Niebauer", + "org_name": "Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Lung Health", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Salzburg", + "City": "Salzburg", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Caring for the elderly in cardiology: special clinical aspects", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Digital technology to personalise a heart-healthy lifestyle", + "events_topic": "Digital Technology | Clinical Studies As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Josef Niebauer", + "kol_full_name": "Josef Niebauer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048688", + "session_name": "The year in review: top trials in structural interventions impacting guidelines and patient care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048688", + "first_name": "Irene", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lang", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The year in review: top trials in structural interventions impacting guidelines and patient care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irene Lang", + "kol_full_name": "Irene Lang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "DNA Methyltransferase 3A", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048686", + "session_name": "DNMT3A CHIP-driver mutations ignite the bone marrow", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048686", + "first_name": "Ingo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hilgendorf", + "org_name": "Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Baden-Baden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "DNMT3A CHIP-driver mutations ignite the bone marrow", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "DNA Methyltransferase 3A", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ingo Hilgendorf", + "kol_full_name": "Ingo Hilgendorf" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048662", + "session_name": "Diabetes as a risk factor for heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048662", + "first_name": "Harald", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sourij", + "org_name": "Medical University of Graz, Austria", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Steiermark", + "City": "Graz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diabetes as a risk factor for heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Harald Sourij", + "kol_full_name": "Harald Sourij" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cardiovascular Diseases | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Obesity | Mental Health", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048625", + "session_name": "Environmental health concerns for cardiologists,The role of '-omics' in personalised cardiovascular medicine,Fixing the obesity crisis,Personalised management after primary PCI for ST elevation myocardial infarction: unresolved issues", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048625", + "first_name": "Franz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Weidinger", + "org_name": "Klinik Landstraße", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Environmental health concerns for cardiologists", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The role of '-omics' in personalised cardiovascular medicine,Fixing the obesity crisis,Personalised management after primary PCI for ST elevation myocardial infarction: unresolved issues", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Obesity | Mental Health", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Franz Weidinger", + "kol_full_name": "Franz Weidinger" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Lipoprotein(a)", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048619", + "session_name": "Lp(a) testing is simple,Strategies to inhibit Lp(a)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048619", + "first_name": "Florian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kronenberg", + "org_name": "Medical University Innsbruck, Austria", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Tirol", + "City": "Innsbruck", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lp(a) testing is simple", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Strategies to inhibit Lp(a)", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Lipoprotein(a)", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Florian Kronenberg", + "kol_full_name": "Florian Kronenberg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Cardiovascular Diseases | Renal Denervation | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048615", + "session_name": "New guidelines and expert consensus on renal denervation,Hot papers in hypertension 2023/2024,Great Debate: blood pressure thresholds in hypertension - treat the cardiovascular risk, not the number", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048615", + "first_name": "Felix", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mahfoud", + "org_name": "Saarland University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Saarland", + "City": "Homburg", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New guidelines and expert consensus on renal denervation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Hot papers in hypertension 2023/2024,Great Debate: blood pressure thresholds in hypertension - treat the cardiovascular risk, not the number", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Renal Denervation | Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Felix Mahfoud", + "kol_full_name": "Felix Mahfoud" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048607", + "session_name": "Association of metabolic phenotypes with cardiovascular events in primary and secondary prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048607", + "first_name": "Eva", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Steinacher", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of metabolic phenotypes with cardiovascular events in primary and secondary prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva Steinacher", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Steinacher" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Vessel Anomalies | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048597", + "session_name": "Coronary anomalies,Spontaneous coronary artery dissection,Challenges in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048597", + "first_name": "Erik", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rafflenbeul", + "org_name": "Schön Klinik Gruppe", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary anomalies", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection,Challenges in coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Coronary Vessel Anomalies | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Erik Rafflenbeul", + "kol_full_name": "Erik Rafflenbeul" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Hyperresponsive | Bempedoic Acid", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048567", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular events in patients treated with bempedoic acid vs. placebo: systematic review and meta-analysis,Elderly patients are hyperresponsive to potent P2Y12 inhibitors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048567", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mutschlechner", + "org_name": "Landesklinikum Mistelbach-Gänserndorf", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular events in patients treated with bempedoic acid vs. placebo: systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Elderly patients are hyperresponsive to potent P2Y12 inhibitors", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Hyperresponsive ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Bempedoic Acid", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Mutschlechner", + "kol_full_name": "David Mutschlechner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048543", + "session_name": "Relation of plasma neuropeptide-Y with myocardial function and infarct severity in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048543", + "first_name": "Christina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tiller", + "org_name": "Medical University Innsbruck, Austria", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Tirol", + "City": "Innsbruck", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relation of plasma neuropeptide-Y with myocardial function and infarct severity in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christina Tiller", + "kol_full_name": "Christina Tiller" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048529", + "session_name": "Valvulopathies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048529", + "first_name": "Christian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Besler", + "org_name": "Leipzig Heart Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Valvulopathies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian Besler", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Besler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048504", + "session_name": "It is all about understanding the natural course: new thoughts about aortic disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048504", + "first_name": "Axel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Haverich", + "org_name": "Hannover Medical School", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": "Hannover", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "It is all about understanding the natural course: new thoughts about aortic disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Axel Haverich", + "kol_full_name": "Axel Haverich" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048503", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular risk and interventions: comparisons, disparities, and clinical trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048503", + "first_name": "Axel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bauer", + "org_name": "Medizinische Universität Innsbruck", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Tirol", + "City": "Innsbruck", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular risk and interventions: comparisons", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " disparities, and clinical trials", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Clinical Trial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Axel Bauer", + "kol_full_name": "Axel Bauer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048480", + "session_name": "Top ten in cardiac imaging,Prognostication in left ventricular hypertrophy: role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048480", + "first_name": "Aloha", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Meave", + "org_name": "Instituto Nacional de Cardiología - Ignacio Chávez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Top ten in cardiac imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostication in left ventricular hypertrophy: role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Imaging Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aloha Meave", + "kol_full_name": "Aloha Meave" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1048463", + "session_name": "When to use a pharmaco-invasive approach rather than primary PCI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1048463", + "first_name": "Adnan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kastrati", + "org_name": "Deutsche Herzzentrum München", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "When to use a pharmaco-invasive approach rather than primary PCI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adnan Kastrati", + "kol_full_name": "Adnan Kastrati" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ticagrelor | Drug-Eluting Stents | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1038106", + "session_name": "Discussant review - EPIC-CAD,Ticagrelor monotherapy or DAPT after drug-eluting coronary stenting in patients with or without acute coronary syndrome: a patient-level meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1038106", + "first_name": "Marco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Valgimigli", + "org_name": "Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - EPIC-CAD", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Ticagrelor monotherapy or DAPT after drug-eluting coronary stenting in patients with or without acute coronary syndrome: a patient-level meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "events_topic": "Ticagrelor | Drug-Eluting Stents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marco Valgimigli", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Valgimigli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Obesity | Antiplatelet Therapy", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1038104", + "session_name": "Post-procedural care for PCI and surgery in patients with obesity,Calcium modification: optimising complexities in percutaneous coronary intervention,Adjunct pharmacology in PCI: beyond antiplatelet therapy, the next chapter", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1038104", + "first_name": "Jolanta", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "siller-matula", + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Wien", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Post-procedural care for PCI and surgery in patients with obesity", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Calcium modification: optimising complexities in percutaneous coronary intervention,Adjunct pharmacology in PCI: beyond antiplatelet therapy, the next chapter", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antiplatelet Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jolanta siller-matula", + "kol_full_name": "Jolanta siller-matula" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1038091", + "session_name": "Case 2 - Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI): vision from Italy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1038091", + "first_name": "Leonardo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "de luca", + "org_name": "UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 2 - Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI): vision from Italy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leonardo de luca", + "kol_full_name": "Leonardo de luca" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1038089", + "session_name": "Inclusion of the patient perspective in new trials in pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1038089", + "first_name": "Pisana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ferrari", + "org_name": null, + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inclusion of the patient perspective in new trials in pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pisana Ferrari", + "kol_full_name": "Pisana Ferrari" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Artery Bypass Graft", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1038076", + "session_name": "Survival after PCI or CABG for multivessel disease in NSTE-ACS: a report from the SWEDEHEART registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1038076", + "first_name": "Elmir", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Omerovic", + "org_name": null, + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Survival after PCI or CABG for multivessel disease in NSTE-ACS: a report from the SWEDEHEART registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Bypass Graft", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elmir Omerovic", + "kol_full_name": "Elmir Omerovic" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cuffless Technology | Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1038044", + "session_name": "How to integrate digital apps in hypertension management,Change Transforming blood pressure measurement with ring-type cuffless technology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1038044", + "first_name": "George", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stergiou", + "org_name": null, + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to integrate digital apps in hypertension management", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Change Transforming blood pressure measurement with ring-type cuffless technology", + "events_topic": "Cuffless Technology | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
George Stergiou", + "kol_full_name": "George Stergiou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Coronary Revascularization | Patient Care", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1038042", + "session_name": "Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on coronary artery disease and coronary revascularisation,Timing of revascularisation in patients undergoing TAVI: before? during? or after?,Patient-based strategies: valve choice and technical issues,Transcatheter or surgical treatment of aortic-valve stenosis: the DEDICATE-DZHK6 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1038042", + "first_name": "Tanja", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rudolph", + "org_name": null, + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on coronary artery disease and coronary revascularisation,Timing of revascularisation in patients undergoing TAVI: before? during? or after?,Patient-based strategies: valve choice and technical issues,Transcatheter or surgical treatment of aortic-valve stenosis: the DEDICATE-DZHK6 trial", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Coronary Revascularization | Patient Care", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tanja Rudolph", + "kol_full_name": "Tanja Rudolph" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Bypass", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1037979", + "session_name": "Risk stratification and treatment in patients undergoing CABG", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1037979", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Beltrame", + "org_name": null, + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk stratification and treatment in patients undergoing CABG", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Bypass", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
John Beltrame", + "kol_full_name": "John Beltrame" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chest Pain | Pain Measurement | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1037974", + "session_name": "RAPIDxAI - Re-engineering the clinical approach to suspected cardiac chest pain assessment in the emergency department by expediting evidence to practice using artificial intelligence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1037974", + "first_name": "Derek", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chew", + "org_name": null, + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "RAPIDxAI - Re-engineering the clinical approach to suspected cardiac chest pain assessment in the emergency department by expediting evidence to practice using artificial intelligence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chest Pain | Pain Measurement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Derek Chew", + "kol_full_name": "Derek Chew" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Enzyme Replacement Therapy | Fabry Disease | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1037954", + "session_name": "Long-term clinical-pathologic results of enzyme replacement therapy in pre-hypertrophic fabry disease cardiomyopathy.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1037954", + "first_name": "Cristina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chimenti", + "org_name": "Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term clinical-pathologic results of enzyme replacement therapy in pre-hypertrophic fabry disease cardiomyopathy.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Enzyme Replacement Therapy | Fabry Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristina Chimenti", + "kol_full_name": "Cristina Chimenti" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1037765", + "session_name": "Focusing on women: dissecting sex-specific factors in cardiogenic shock through a large cohort and propensity score matching", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1037765", + "first_name": "Alexandra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Arias-Mendoza", + "org_name": "Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Focusing on women: dissecting sex-specific factors in cardiogenic shock through a large cohort and propensity score matching", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Arias-Mendoza", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Arias-Mendoza" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": null, + "hcp_pin_alias": "1037703", + "session_name": "Imaging to improve diagnosis and risk-stratification of cardiomyopathies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1037703", + "first_name": "Francesca", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Graziani", + "org_name": "Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging to improve diagnosis and risk-stratification of cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francesca Graziani", + "kol_full_name": "Francesca Graziani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Wedge Pressure | Myocardial Injury | Echocardiography | Echocardiography, Stress", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "988416", + "session_name": "Pulmonary valve acceleration fraction as a novel echo parameter to evaluate systolic pulmonary artery pressure during exercise echocardiography,How to predict myocardial injury in patients with large ischaemic burden identified during stress echocardiography?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "988416", + "first_name": "Konstantinos", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Vakalis", + "org_name": "Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary valve acceleration fraction as a novel echo parameter to evaluate systolic pulmonary artery pressure during exercise echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to predict myocardial injury in patients with large ischaemic burden identified during stress echocardiography?", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Wedge Pressure | Myocardial Injury ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Echocardiography, Stress", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Konstantinos K Vakalis", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantinos K Vakalis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "988004", + "session_name": "Will omics finally fulfil the promise of personalised medicine in pulmonary hypertension?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "988004", + "first_name": "Martin", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Wilkins", + "org_name": "Imperial College Hlthcare Trust, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Will omics finally fulfil the promise of personalised medicine in pulmonary hypertension?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin M Wilkins", + "kol_full_name": "Martin M Wilkins" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "987017", + "session_name": "The role of advanced echocardiography in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "987017", + "first_name": "William", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bradlow", + "org_name": "Univ Hosps Birmingham NHS FT - Cardiology Department, The New Queen Elizabeth Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of advanced echocardiography in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
William Bradlow", + "kol_full_name": "William Bradlow" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "987007", + "session_name": "Right heart academy: focus on tricuspid regurgitation assessment,Left heart academy: focus on mitral regurgitation assessment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "987007", + "first_name": "Alexandros", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Papachristidis", + "org_name": "King's College Hosp NHS FT, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right heart academy: focus on tricuspid regurgitation assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Left heart academy: focus on mitral regurgitation assessment", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandros A Papachristidis", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandros A Papachristidis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986869", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on current management of acute intermediate high-risk pulmonary embolism - expert panel,Acute pulmonary embolism: new approaches for an old killer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986869", + "first_name": "Andrew", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sharp", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Wales", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Exeter", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on current management of acute intermediate high-risk pulmonary embolism - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Acute pulmonary embolism: new approaches for an old killer", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrew Sharp", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew Sharp" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Stroke Volume | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986629", + "session_name": "The role of drug therapy in atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986629", + "first_name": "Rosita", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Zakeri", + "org_name": "King's College Hosp NHS FT, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of drug therapy in atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke Volume | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rosita R Zakeri", + "kol_full_name": "Rosita R Zakeri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986579", + "session_name": "Cardiac amyloidosis: diagnosis and outcomes,The different faces of cardiac amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986579", + "first_name": "Neha", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Sekhri", + "org_name": "Barts Health NHS Trust, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac amyloidosis: diagnosis and outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The different faces of cardiac amyloidosis", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Neha N Sekhri", + "kol_full_name": "Neha N Sekhri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986548", + "session_name": "Detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and frequency of cardiopulmonary events in patients with a significant smoking history hospitalised for acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986548", + "first_name": "William", + "middle_name": "W", + "last_name": "Parker", + "org_name": "Sheffield Teaching Hosps NHS FT, Sheffield", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sheffield", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and frequency of cardiopulmonary events in patients with a significant smoking history hospitalised for acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
William W Parker", + "kol_full_name": "William W Parker" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Obesity", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986500", + "session_name": "Dietary intervention in HFpEF patients with obesity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986500", + "first_name": "Matthew", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Glasgow", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dietary intervention in HFpEF patients with obesity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matthew M Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew M Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986434", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular primary care: taking comorbidities into account", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986434", + "first_name": "Christi", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Deaton", + "org_name": "University of Cambridge, Cambridge", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular primary care: taking comorbidities into account", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christi C Deaton", + "kol_full_name": "Christi C Deaton" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dapagliflozin | Accelerometer | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986346", + "session_name": "The effect of dapagliflozin on accelerometer-based measures of physical activity in heart failure: an exploratory analysis of the DETERMINE trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986346", + "first_name": "Kieran", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Docherty", + "org_name": "University of Glasgow, Glasgow", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of dapagliflozin on accelerometer-based measures of physical activity in heart failure: an exploratory analysis of the DETERMINE trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dapagliflozin | Accelerometer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kieran K Docherty", + "kol_full_name": "Kieran K Docherty" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986334", + "session_name": "Biomarkers to guide the treatment of heart failure: where are we going?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986334", + "first_name": "Susan", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Piper", + "org_name": "King's College Hosp NHS FT, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biomarkers to guide the treatment of heart failure: where are we going?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Susan S Piper", + "kol_full_name": "Susan S Piper" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Medication Therapy Management", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "986156", + "session_name": "Non-adherence to medication", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "986156", + "first_name": "Isla", + "middle_name": "I", + "last_name": "Mackenzie", + "org_name": "NHS Tayside, Dundee", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Dundee", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-adherence to medication", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Medication Therapy Management", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Isla I Mackenzie", + "kol_full_name": "Isla I Mackenzie" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Zilebesiran | Antihypertensive Therapy | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "985900", + "session_name": "Subgroup results from KARDIA-2: impact of demographic and baseline disease characteristics on zilebesiran response in patients with hypertension uncontrolled by a standard oral antihypertensive", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "985900", + "first_name": "Manish", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Saxena", + "org_name": "Barts & The London School of Med, Barts Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Subgroup results from KARDIA-2: impact of demographic and baseline disease characteristics on zilebesiran response in patients with hypertension uncontrolled by a standard oral antihypertensive", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Zilebesiran | Antihypertensive Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manish M Saxena", + "kol_full_name": "Manish M Saxena" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "985603", + "session_name": "Lifestyle management of hypertension: drink,Multiomic approaches in cardiovascular medicine", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "985603", + "first_name": "Maciej", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Tomaszewski", + "org_name": "Manchester University NHS FT, Manchester", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Manchester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lifestyle management of hypertension: drink", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Multiomic approaches in cardiovascular medicine", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maciej M Tomaszewski", + "kol_full_name": "Maciej M Tomaszewski" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Ventricular Function, Left | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Hypertrophy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "985047", + "session_name": "Imaging to evaluate left ventricular function and hypertrophy in aortic stenosis,Lp(a) as a treatment target for aortic stenosis?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "985047", + "first_name": "Marc", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Dweck", + "org_name": "NHS Lothian, Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging to evaluate left ventricular function and hypertrophy in aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lp(a) as a treatment target for aortic stenosis?", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Ventricular Function, Left ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Hypertrophy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marc M Dweck", + "kol_full_name": "Marc M Dweck" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Risk Management | Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "985035", + "session_name": "Stroke risk management in atrial fibrillation registries: key take-home messages for clinicians", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "985035", + "first_name": "Irina", + "middle_name": "I", + "last_name": "Savelieva", + "org_name": "St George's Univ Hosps NHS FT, St Georges Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stroke risk management in atrial fibrillation registries: key take-home messages for clinicians", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Risk Management | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irina I Savelieva", + "kol_full_name": "Irina I Savelieva" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "985011", + "session_name": "Lp(a): not so \"little\" anymore the role of Lp(a) in cardiovascular risk assessment and clinical practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "985011", + "first_name": "Jaimini", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Cegla", + "org_name": "Imperial College Hlthcare Trust, Hammersmith Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lp(a): not so \"little\" anymore the role of Lp(a) in cardiovascular risk assessment and clinical practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jaimini J Cegla", + "kol_full_name": "Jaimini J Cegla" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "984449", + "session_name": "Integrating artificial intelligence into a real-world clinical pathway to facilitate clinician treatment optimisation in patients with HFrEF on suboptimal medical therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "984449", + "first_name": "Mya", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Win", + "org_name": "NHS Tayside, Dundee", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Dundee", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrating artificial intelligence into a real-world clinical pathway to facilitate clinician treatment optimisation in patients with HFrEF on suboptimal medical therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mya M Win", + "kol_full_name": "Mya M Win" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "984360", + "session_name": "Health care utilisation in patients with mild pulmonary hypertension - EVIDENCE-PAH UK study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "984360", + "first_name": "Nina", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Karia", + "org_name": "Royal Free London NHS FT, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Health care utilisation in patients with mild pulmonary hypertension - EVIDENCE-PAH UK study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nina N Karia", + "kol_full_name": "Nina N Karia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Cardiomyopathies | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "984218", + "session_name": "Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair: a primer for echocardiographers,State-of-the-Art echocardiography in infiltrative cardiomyopathies,Presenting revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) that allows you to transcend the complexities of echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "984218", + "first_name": "Richard", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Steeds", + "org_name": "Univ Hosps Birmingham NHS FT, Queen Elizabeth Hosp Birmingham", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair: a primer for echocardiographers", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "State-of-the-Art echocardiography in infiltrative cardiomyopathies,Presenting revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) that allows you to transcend the complexities of echocardiography", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Richard R Steeds", + "kol_full_name": "Richard R Steeds" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "984203", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular risk of cancer therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "984203", + "first_name": "Peter", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Henriksen", + "org_name": "NHS Lothian, Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular risk of cancer therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Peter P Henriksen", + "kol_full_name": "Peter P Henriksen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiometabolic Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "983426", + "session_name": "An integrated approach to managing a patient with cardiometabolic disease: practical learnings from Ireland’s enhanced community care scheme", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "983426", + "first_name": "Susan", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Connolly", + "org_name": "Royal Berkshire NHS FT, Reading", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Reading", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An integrated approach to managing a patient with cardiometabolic disease: practical learnings from Ireland’s enhanced community care scheme", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiometabolic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Susan S Connolly", + "kol_full_name": "Susan S Connolly" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "983310", + "session_name": "EuroHeart TAVI - The new frontier", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "983310", + "first_name": "Christopher", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Gale", + "org_name": "Chelsea & Westminster Hosp FT, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "EuroHeart TAVI - The new frontier", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christopher C Gale", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher C Gale" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "983019", + "session_name": "Optimising healthcare delivery in cardiovascular patients: will artificial intelligence help?,Models and aspects of care delivery in patients with cardiovascular conditions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "983019", + "first_name": "Rani", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Khatib", + "org_name": "Leeds Teaching Hosp NHS Trust, Leeds General Infirmary", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising healthcare delivery in cardiovascular patients: will artificial intelligence help?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Models and aspects of care delivery in patients with cardiovascular conditions", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rani R Khatib", + "kol_full_name": "Rani R Khatib" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "P-Value Spectrum", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "982430", + "session_name": "Significance of the p-value: utility, limitations, misuse, and misinterpretation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "982430", + "first_name": "Stuart", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Pocock", + "org_name": "London School Hyg & Tropical Med, School of Hygiene & Trop Med", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Significance of the p-value: utility", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " limitations, misuse, and misinterpretation", + "events_topic": "P-Value Spectrum", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stuart S Pocock", + "kol_full_name": "Stuart S Pocock" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "982152", + "session_name": "Fukutin-related protein (FKRP) dilated cardiomyopathy preceding a diagnosis of limb girdle muscular dystrophy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "982152", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Tomlinson", + "org_name": "University Hosps Dorset NHS FT, Bournemouth", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Bournemouth", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Fukutin-related protein (FKRP) dilated cardiomyopathy preceding a diagnosis of limb girdle muscular dystrophy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
James J Tomlinson", + "kol_full_name": "James J Tomlinson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Health | Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence | Patient Care", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "981652", + "session_name": "The Core Curriculum for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals: what is it and why do we need it?,Only seven minutes per patient: could chatbots enhance patient consultations?,Innovations in digital care and patient engagement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "981652", + "first_name": "Lis", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Neubeck", + "org_name": "Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Core Curriculum for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals: what is it and why do we need it?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Only seven minutes per patient: could chatbots enhance patient consultations?,Innovations in digital care and patient engagement", + "events_topic": "Digital Health | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence | Patient Care", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lis L Neubeck", + "kol_full_name": "Lis L Neubeck" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "981367", + "session_name": "Doping: cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "981367", + "first_name": "Sanjay", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Sharma", + "org_name": "St George's Univ Hosps NHS FT, St Georges Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Doping: cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sanjay S Sharma", + "kol_full_name": "Sanjay S Sharma" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "981264", + "session_name": "Lipid-lowering drugs: new insights,Lipids as risk factors among different populations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "981264", + "first_name": "Riyaz", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Patel", + "org_name": "Barts Health NHS Trust, The Royal London Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipid-lowering drugs: new insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lipids as risk factors among different populations", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Riyaz R Patel", + "kol_full_name": "Riyaz R Patel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Nursing", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "980906", + "session_name": "Diversity in cardiovascular care: effective, equitable, and empowering practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "980906", + "first_name": "Helen", + "middle_name": "H", + "last_name": "Eftekhari", + "org_name": "Univ Hosps Coventry & Warks Trst, Rugby", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Rugby", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diversity in cardiovascular care: effective", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " equitable, and empowering practice", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Helen H Eftekhari", + "kol_full_name": "Helen H Eftekhari" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis | Tafamidis | Placebos | Heart Failure | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "980894", + "session_name": "The evolving ATTR amyloidosis therapeutic landscape,Long-term all-cause and cardiovascular-related mortality in patients with ATTR-CM treated with continuous tafamidis vs placebo to tafamidis by NAC stage at baseline,Study design of the CARDIO-TTRansform cardiac magnetic resonance imaging substudy,Treating heart failure in the context of amyloidosis,Cardiac amyloidosis: my heart is filled with so much…", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "980894", + "first_name": "Marianna", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Fontana", + "org_name": "Royal Free London NHS FT, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The evolving ATTR amyloidosis therapeutic landscape", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term all-cause and cardiovascular-related mortality in patients with ATTR-CM treated with continuous tafamidis vs placebo to tafamidis by NAC stage at baseline,Study design of the CARDIO-TTRansform cardiac magnetic resonance imaging substudy,Treating heart failure in the context of amyloidosis,Cardiac amyloidosis: my heart is filled with so much…", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis | Tafamidis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Placebos | Heart Failure | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marianna M Fontana", + "kol_full_name": "Marianna M Fontana" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "980869", + "session_name": "State-of-the-art lecture on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "980869", + "first_name": "Charlotte", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Manisty", + "org_name": "Barts Health NHS Trust, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "State-of-the-art lecture on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charlotte C Manisty", + "kol_full_name": "Charlotte C Manisty" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Medicine | Myocardial Infarction | Dapagliflozin | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | P2Y12 Inhibitors | Factor V | Body Mass Index", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "980844", + "session_name": "Managing patients with factor V Leiden in cardiovascular medicine,Subcutaneous P2Y12 inhibition,Impact of dapagliflozin on cardiometabolic outcomes after myocardial infarction according to baseline glycaemic status and body mass index: a DAPA-MI substudy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "980844", + "first_name": "Robert", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Storey", + "org_name": "Sheffield Teaching Hosps NHS FT, Sheffield", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sheffield", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Managing patients with factor V Leiden in cardiovascular medicine", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Subcutaneous P2Y12 inhibition,Impact of dapagliflozin on cardiometabolic outcomes after myocardial infarction according to baseline glycaemic status and body mass index: a DAPA-MI substudy", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Medicine | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Dapagliflozin | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | P2Y12 Inhibitors | Factor V | Body Mass Index", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robert R Storey", + "kol_full_name": "Robert R Storey" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Risk Stratification | CHA2DS2VASc", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "980350", + "session_name": "Refining the CHA2DS2VASc risk stratification scheme: Shall we drop the Sex Category?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "980350", + "first_name": "Rui", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Providencia", + "org_name": "Barts Health NHS Trust, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Refining the CHA2DS2VASc risk stratification scheme: Shall we drop the Sex Category?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Risk Stratification | CHA2DS2VASc", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rui R Providencia", + "kol_full_name": "Rui R Providencia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "980203", + "session_name": "ESC TV ‘Kart’iology Tournament", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "980203", + "first_name": "Sanjay", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Bhandari", + "org_name": "Univ Hosps Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leicester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC TV ‘Kart’iology Tournament", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sanjay S Bhandari", + "kol_full_name": "Sanjay S Bhandari" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "980047", + "session_name": "Ask the Trialist - MRAs in heart failure,MRAs in heart failure - An individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "980047", + "first_name": "Pardeep", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Jhund", + "org_name": "NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, The Queen Elizabeth Univ Hosp", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ask the Trialist - MRAs in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "MRAs in heart failure - An individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised trials", + "events_topic": "Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pardeep P Jhund", + "kol_full_name": "Pardeep P Jhund" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "979993", + "session_name": "Leadless pacing: which patients benefit?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "979993", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Sharman", + "org_name": "Northampton General Hosp Trust, Northampton General Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Northampton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Leadless pacing: which patients benefit?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David D Sharman", + "kol_full_name": "David D Sharman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "979943", + "session_name": "Interactions between atrial fibrillation and heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "979943", + "first_name": "Lana", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Dixon", + "org_name": "Belfast Health & SC Trust, Royal Victoria Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Northern Ireland", + "City": "Belfast", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interactions between atrial fibrillation and heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lana L Dixon", + "kol_full_name": "Lana L Dixon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "979415", + "session_name": "Engagement of adults with congenital heart disease in research: overcoming barriers relating to social deprivation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "979415", + "first_name": "Andrew", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Constantine", + "org_name": "Guy's and St Thomas'NHS FT, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Engagement of adults with congenital heart disease in research: overcoming barriers relating to social deprivation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrew A Constantine", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew A Constantine" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Imatinib | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "979304", + "session_name": "Positioning Imatinib for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PIPAH) study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "979304", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Rothman", + "org_name": "Sheffield Teaching Hosps NHS FT, Sheffield", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sheffield", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Positioning Imatinib for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PIPAH) study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Imatinib | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexander A Rothman", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander A Rothman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "977378", + "session_name": "Air pollution and cardiovascular diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "977378", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Newby", + "org_name": "NHS Lothian, New Royal Infirmary Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Air pollution and cardiovascular diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David D Newby", + "kol_full_name": "David D Newby" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "977340", + "session_name": "Atrial fibrillation screening: is it worthwhile and does it influence atrial fibrillation management across the life span?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "977340", + "first_name": "Jonathan", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Mant", + "org_name": "Cambridge Inst of Public Health, Cambridge Inst of Public Health", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial fibrillation screening: is it worthwhile and does it influence atrial fibrillation management across the life span?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jonathan J Mant", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan J Mant" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Diabetes Mellitus", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "977224", + "session_name": "Guidelines in Practice: cardio-renal protection in patients with diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "977224", + "first_name": "Ramzi", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Ajjan", + "org_name": "Leeds Teaching Hosp NHS Trust, St James's University Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leeds", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: cardio-renal protection in patients with diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Diabetes Mellitus", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ramzi R Ajjan", + "kol_full_name": "Ramzi R Ajjan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Factor XIa | Atrial Fibrillation | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Clinical Decision-Making | Anticoagulation | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Inhibition, Psychological | Anticoagulants Therapy", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "977217", + "session_name": "Anticoagulation choices in patients with cancer, acute coronary syndrome, and percutaneous coronary intervention,FXIa inhibition,Reducing intensity of dual antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndromes: what is the optimal timing?,Clinical decision-making about oral anticoagulant therapy in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "977217", + "first_name": "Diana", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Gorog", + "org_name": "E & N Herts Health NHS Trust, Queen Elizabeth II Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Welwyn Garden City", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anticoagulation choices in patients with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " acute coronary syndrome, and percutaneous coronary intervention,FXIa inhibition,Reducing intensity of dual antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndromes: what is the optimal timing?,Clinical decision-making about oral anticoagulant therapy in atrial fibrillation", + "events_topic": "Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Factor XIa ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Clinical Decision-Making | Anticoagulation | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Inhibition, Psychological | Anticoagulants Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana D Gorog", + "kol_full_name": "Diana D Gorog" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Obesity | Atherosclerosis | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | Renal Insufficiency | Metabolic Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | Body Mass Index", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "977183", + "session_name": "Prevalence and shared mechanisms of cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome,Characterization of individuals with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, with and without chronic kidney disease: results from a UK electronic health record database,BMI shift and associated cardiometabolic risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes and obesity and/or overweight: a post hoc analysis from SURMOUNT-2,Renal failure: special aspects for the cardiologist", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "977183", + "first_name": "Naveed", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Sattar", + "org_name": "University of Glasgow, Cardiovascular Research Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence and shared mechanisms of cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Characterization of individuals with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, with and without chronic kidney disease: results from a UK electronic health record database,BMI shift and associated cardiometabolic risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes and obesity and/or overweight: a post hoc analysis from SURMOUNT-2,Renal failure: special aspects for the cardiologist", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Atherosclerosis | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | Renal Insufficiency | Metabolic Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | Body Mass Index", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Naveed N Sattar", + "kol_full_name": "Naveed N Sattar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "977176", + "session_name": "Chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk prevention: how important and how to identify patients?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "977176", + "first_name": "Samuel", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Seidu", + "org_name": "Hockley Farm Medical Practice, Braunstone Health & SC Ctr", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leicester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk prevention: how important and how to identify patients?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Samuel S Seidu", + "kol_full_name": "Samuel S Seidu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Gene Editing | Practice Guidelines As Topic | Cholesterol Ester Transfer Proteins | Lipoproteins, LDL | Lipoprotein(a) | Gene Silencing | Lipid Management | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Cholesterol, LDL | Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "977173", + "session_name": "Value of sustained LDL-C lowering: learnings from long-term data,Sustained LDL-C reduction: from long-term trials to real-world implementation,The remaining challenges in lowering LDL-c in patients at increased CV risk,Managing a patient with residual risk: applying recent evidence with EPA to practice,Closing the gap: advancing lipid management in high-risk patients with comorbidities,A global perspective of Lp(a) levels in patients with coronary heart disease - Implications for risk factor control & future trials from the INTERASPIRE Study,Innovating the clinical management of LDL-c: exploring CETP as therapeutic target,Clinical choices in managing LDL-c: where do novel therapies fit in?,Registries, observational, and other studies on lipids,How low can you go? LDL-lowering therapy in PCI patients,Monoclonal antibodies, gene silencing, and gene editing (CRISPR) therapies for the treatment of hyperlipidaemia,Lipid guidelines: comparison between National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and ESC guidance,Fire and forget beats personalised lipid-lowering treatment: pro", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "977173", + "first_name": "Kausik", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ray", + "org_name": "Charing X & Westminster Med Sch, Charing Cross&Westminster Med Sc", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "13", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Value of sustained LDL-C lowering: learnings from long-term data", + "rest_events_session_count": 16, + "rest_events_session": "Sustained LDL-C reduction: from long-term trials to real-world implementation,The remaining challenges in lowering LDL-c in patients at increased CV risk,Managing a patient with residual risk: applying recent evidence with EPA to practice,Closing the gap: advancing lipid management in high-risk patients with comorbidities,A global perspective of Lp(a) levels in patients with coronary heart disease - Implications for risk factor control & future trials from the INTERASPIRE Study,Innovating the clinical management of LDL-c: exploring CETP as therapeutic target,Clinical choices in managing LDL-c: where do novel therapies fit in?,Registries, observational, and other studies on lipids,How low can you go? LDL-lowering therapy in PCI patients,Monoclonal antibodies, gene silencing, and gene editing (CRISPR) therapies for the treatment of hyperlipidaemia,Lipid guidelines: comparison between National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and ESC guidance,Fire and forget beats personalised lipid-lowering treatment: pro", + "events_topic": "Gene Editing | Practice Guidelines As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 11, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol Ester Transfer Proteins | Lipoproteins, LDL | Lipoprotein(a) | Gene Silencing | Lipid Management | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Cholesterol, LDL | Coronary Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kausik Ray", + "kol_full_name": "Kausik Ray" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976920", + "session_name": "Transforming obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy services, lessons from the United Kingdom", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976920", + "first_name": "Jason", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Dungu", + "org_name": "Mid & South Essex NHS FT, Basildon", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Basildon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transforming obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy services", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " lessons from the United Kingdom", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jason J Dungu", + "kol_full_name": "Jason J Dungu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Factor Xa | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Anticoagulants | Venous Thromboembolism | Anticoagulation | Neoplasms | Hemorrhage | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976857", + "session_name": "Navigating challenging clinical scenarios in venous thromboembolism patient management,The utility of real-world evidence for informed decision making in venous thromboembolism,Emerging evidence in venous thromboembolism management and the impact on clinical practice,A novel dynamic risk score to predict venous thromboembolism (VTE) recurrences after 3 months of anticoagulation in patients with incident VTE and without active cancer.,A novel dynamic risk score to predict Clinically Significant Bleeding (CSB) after 3 months of anticoagulation in patients with incident Venous ThromboEmbolism (VTE) and without active cancer.,The incidence of death and risk factors for mortality following major bleeding in patients anticoagulated with factor Xa inhibitors: an observational study in the UK clinical setting (AXIOM UK)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976857", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cohen", + "org_name": "Guy's and St Thomas'NHS FT - Cardiology Department, St Thomas' Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Navigating challenging clinical scenarios in venous thromboembolism patient management", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "The utility of real-world evidence for informed decision making in venous thromboembolism,Emerging evidence in venous thromboembolism management and the impact on clinical practice,A novel dynamic risk score to predict venous thromboembolism (VTE) recurrences after 3 months of anticoagulation in patients with incident VTE and without active cancer.,A novel dynamic risk score to predict Clinically Significant Bleeding (CSB) after 3 months of anticoagulation in patients with incident Venous ThromboEmbolism (VTE) and without active cancer.,The incidence of death and risk factors for mortality following major bleeding in patients anticoagulated with factor Xa inhibitors: an observational study in the UK clinical setting (AXIOM UK)", + "events_topic": "Factor Xa | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulants | Venous Thromboembolism | Anticoagulation | Neoplasms | Hemorrhage | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexander Cohen", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander Cohen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Influenza, Human | Atrial Fibrillation | Disease | COVID-19", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976469", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on atrial fibrillation,Association of COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations and cardiovascular drugs with hospitalisation and mortality in COVID-19 and Long COVID: 2-year follow-up of 17 million individuals in England,Enhanced disease phenotyping and novel care signatures: arming routine clinical data to personalise care globally", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976469", + "first_name": "Amitava", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Banerjee", + "org_name": "Barts Health NHS Trust, London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Registries", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " observational, and other studies on atrial fibrillation,Association of COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations and cardiovascular drugs with hospitalisation and mortality in COVID-19 and Long COVID: 2-year follow-up of 17 million individuals in England,Enhanced disease phenotyping and novel care signatures: arming routine clinical data to personalise care globally", + "events_topic": "Influenza, Human | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Disease | COVID-19", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amitava A Banerjee", + "kol_full_name": "Amitava A Banerjee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976434", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease management in patients with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976434", + "first_name": "Susana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Banerjee", + "org_name": "The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease management in patients with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Susana Banerjee", + "kol_full_name": "Susana Banerjee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976433", + "session_name": "Unveiling the influence of comorbidities in AF patients,Optimising care for atrial fibrillation (AF) patients with multiple conditions: strategies for addressing patients with comorbidities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976433", + "first_name": "Ameet", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Bakhai", + "org_name": "Royal Free London NHS FT, The Royal Free Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unveiling the influence of comorbidities in AF patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Optimising care for atrial fibrillation (AF) patients with multiple conditions: strategies for addressing patients with comorbidities", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ameet A Bakhai", + "kol_full_name": "Ameet A Bakhai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dapagliflozin | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976416", + "session_name": "Clinical characteristics and treatment patterns of new users of dapagliflozin for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: an observational study programme across 12 countries (EVOLUTION HF)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976416", + "first_name": "Steven", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Coombs", + "org_name": "University Hosps Sussex NHS FT, Royal Sussex County Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Brighton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical characteristics and treatment patterns of new users of dapagliflozin for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: an observational study programme across 12 countries (EVOLUTION HF)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dapagliflozin | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Steven S Coombs", + "kol_full_name": "Steven S Coombs" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electronic Health Records | Cardiac Amyloidosis | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976384", + "session_name": "Patient characteristics and incidence of cardiac amyloidosis: an observational study in the UK clinical setting using electronic health records,Contemporary description of cardiac manifestations in ATTR amyloidosis: results from the multi-country OverTTuRe study,Comorbidities in acute heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976384", + "first_name": "Lisa", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Anderson", + "org_name": "St George's Univ Hosps NHS FT, St Georges Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient characteristics and incidence of cardiac amyloidosis: an observational study in the UK clinical setting using electronic health records", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Contemporary description of cardiac manifestations in ATTR amyloidosis: results from the multi-country OverTTuRe study,Comorbidities in acute heart failure", + "events_topic": "Electronic Health Records | Cardiac Amyloidosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lisa L Anderson", + "kol_full_name": "Lisa L Anderson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976377", + "session_name": "Designing and testing an innovative approach to maximise opportunities to optimise care for type 2 diabetes patients who develop acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976377", + "first_name": "Kelvin", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "United Lincs Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincoln County Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Lincoln", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Designing and testing an innovative approach to maximise opportunities to optimise care for type 2 diabetes patients who develop acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kelvin K Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Kelvin K Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Influenza, Human | Flu", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976349", + "session_name": "Open discussion with experts on influenza: don’t let influenza break the hearts of your patients,Crystal clear - not FLU", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976349", + "first_name": "George", + "middle_name": "G", + "last_name": "Kassianos", + "org_name": "Royal College of GPs, Royal College of GPs", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Open discussion with experts on influenza: don’t let influenza break the hearts of your patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Crystal clear - not FLU", + "events_topic": "Influenza, Human | Flu", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
George G Kassianos", + "kol_full_name": "George G Kassianos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angina Treatment", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976236", + "session_name": "Complementary role of haemodynamic and non-haemodynamic anti-anginal medications in CCS", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976236", + "first_name": "Giuseppe", + "middle_name": "G", + "last_name": "Rosano", + "org_name": "St George's Univ Hosps NHS FT, St Georges Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complementary role of haemodynamic and non-haemodynamic anti-anginal medications in CCS", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Angina Treatment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giuseppe G Rosano", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe G Rosano" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Precision Medicine | Pharmaceutical Preparations | Cardiovascular Agents | Multiomics | Pharmacogenetics | Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976165", + "session_name": "Development and validation of a risk prediction model for worsening renal function in patients with incident heart failure,Pharmacogenomics, cardio-omics, and cardiovascular drugs,When the diet does not work: pharmacological options for obesity,The future of personalised medicine in cardiology practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976165", + "first_name": "Chim", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Lang", + "org_name": "NHS Tayside, Ninewells Hosp & Med School", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Dundee", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development and validation of a risk prediction model for worsening renal function in patients with incident heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Pharmacogenomics, cardio-omics, and cardiovascular drugs,When the diet does not work: pharmacological options for obesity,The future of personalised medicine in cardiology practice", + "events_topic": "Precision Medicine | Pharmaceutical Preparations ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Agents | Multiomics | Pharmacogenetics | Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chim C Lang", + "kol_full_name": "Chim C Lang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardio-Renal Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976113", + "session_name": "A multidisciplinary clinical dialogue: optimising long-term goals: practical approaches to novel potassium binder use in cardiorenal care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976113", + "first_name": "Aaron", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Wong", + "org_name": "Cwm Taf Morgannwg University HB, Princess of Wales Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Wales", + "City": "Bridgend", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A multidisciplinary clinical dialogue: optimising long-term goals: practical approaches to novel potassium binder use in cardiorenal care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardio-Renal Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aaron A Wong", + "kol_full_name": "Aaron A Wong" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Eicosapentaenoic Acid", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "976051", + "session_name": "Integrating EPA in CV risk reduction strategies: practical experience and guidance", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "976051", + "first_name": "Azfar", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Zaman", + "org_name": "The Newcastle upon Tyne Hosps FT, Freeman Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Newcastle Upon Tyne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrating EPA in CV risk reduction strategies: practical experience and guidance", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Eicosapentaenoic Acid", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Azfar A Zaman", + "kol_full_name": "Azfar A Zaman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Bundle Branch Pacing | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975998", + "session_name": "Characterization of tricuspid regurgitation in patients following left bundle branch pacing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "975998", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "MF", + "last_name": "Fernandez", + "org_name": "St George's Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Characterization of tricuspid regurgitation in patients following left bundle branch pacing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Bundle Branch Pacing | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria MF Fernandez", + "kol_full_name": "Maria MF Fernandez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Disease Management | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975815", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease management in the UK versus other European countries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "975815", + "first_name": "Alison", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Warren", + "org_name": "University Hosps Sussex NHS FT, Royal Sussex County Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Brighton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease management in the UK versus other European countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Disease Management | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alison A Warren", + "kol_full_name": "Alison A Warren" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardio-Renal Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975790", + "session_name": "A multidisciplinary clinical dialogue: optimising long-term goals: practical approaches to novel potassium binder use in cardiorenal care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "975790", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Burton", + "org_name": "Univ Hosps Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester General Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Leicester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A multidisciplinary clinical dialogue: optimising long-term goals: practical approaches to novel potassium binder use in cardiorenal care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardio-Renal Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
James J Burton", + "kol_full_name": "James J Burton" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975775", + "session_name": "Challenges when caring for cancer patients with heart disease,Help or hindrance: ChatGPT and chatbots?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "975775", + "first_name": "Chris", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Plummer", + "org_name": "The Newcastle upon Tyne Hosps FT, Freeman Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Newcastle Upon Tyne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges when caring for cancer patients with heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Help or hindrance: ChatGPT and chatbots?", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chris C Plummer", + "kol_full_name": "Chris C Plummer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Therapies, Investigational | Gene Editing | Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy | Biomarkers | Cardiomyopathies | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975692", + "session_name": "CRISPR gene editing: rethinking the ATTR amyloidosis paradigm?,A new generation of CRISPR investigational treatments: getting to the heart of the matter,The role of TTR as a surrogate marker in treatment of ATTR-CM,What is the role of TTR in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy?,The bigger picture: an expert assessment on the true impact of ATTR-cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "975692", + "first_name": "Julian", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Gillmore", + "org_name": "Royal Free London NHS FT, The Royal Free Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CRISPR gene editing: rethinking the ATTR amyloidosis paradigm?", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "A new generation of CRISPR investigational treatments: getting to the heart of the matter,The role of TTR as a surrogate marker in treatment of ATTR-CM,What is the role of TTR in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy?,The bigger picture: an expert assessment on the true impact of ATTR-cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Therapies, Investigational ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Gene Editing | Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy | Biomarkers | Cardiomyopathies | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Julian J Gillmore", + "kol_full_name": "Julian J Gillmore" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975285", + "session_name": "Medical and percutaneous treatment of coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "975285", + "first_name": "Syed", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Shah", + "org_name": "Norfolk & Norwich Univ Hosps FT, Norfolk & Norwich Univ Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Norwich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Medical and percutaneous treatment of coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Syed S Shah", + "kol_full_name": "Syed S Shah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Ischemia | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975114", + "session_name": "The prognostic impact of inducible ischemia in severe ischaemic cardiomyopathy: a randomised comparison of medical therapy and revascularisation,The relative importance of ischaemia and scar in the genesis of ventricular arrhythmia in ischaemic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "975114", + "first_name": "Holly", + "middle_name": "H", + "last_name": "Morgan", + "org_name": "Aneurin Bevan University HB, Newport", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Wales", + "City": "Newport", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The prognostic impact of inducible ischemia in severe ischaemic cardiomyopathy: a randomised comparison of medical therapy and revascularisation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The relative importance of ischaemia and scar in the genesis of ventricular arrhythmia in ischaemic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Holly H Morgan", + "kol_full_name": "Holly H Morgan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "975110", + "session_name": "Multidimensional approaches to myocardial infarction: from stress impact to breakthrough therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "975110", + "first_name": "Sudipta", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Chattopadhyay", + "org_name": "Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS FT, Bedford", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Bedford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multidimensional approaches to myocardial infarction: from stress impact to breakthrough therapies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sudipta S Chattopadhyay", + "kol_full_name": "Sudipta S Chattopadhyay" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "1376869164", + "hcp_pin_alias": "948649", + "session_name": "Prevalence, characteristics, and phenotype associated with tachycardiomyopathy in a cohort of patients first hospitalized for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "948649", + "first_name": "Carlos", + "middle_name": "Y", + "last_name": "Brea", + "org_name": "Access Health Care Physicians LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Spring Hill", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " characteristics, and phenotype associated with tachycardiomyopathy in a cohort of patients first hospitalized for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Carlos Y Brea", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Y Brea" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Pulmonary Atresia | Costello Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "941138", + "session_name": "Isolated tricuspid valve dysplasia leading to functional pulmonary atresia: a rare clinical entity without clear guidelines for intervention,A case of disappearing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Costello syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "941138", + "first_name": "Edythe", + "middle_name": "Bing-Ci", + "last_name": "Tham", + "org_name": "Stollery Children’s Hospital", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Alberta", + "City": "Edmonton", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Isolated tricuspid valve dysplasia leading to functional pulmonary atresia: a rare clinical entity without clear guidelines for intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A case of disappearing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Costello syndrome", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Atresia | Costello Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Edythe Bing-Ci Tham", + "kol_full_name": "Edythe Bing-Ci Tham" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Tricuspid Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "926373", + "session_name": "Live echo scanning: imaging the tricuspid valve – diagnosis, patient selection and timely referral", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "926373", + "first_name": "Luigi", + "middle_name": "Paolo", + "last_name": "Badano", + "org_name": "Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Live echo scanning: imaging the tricuspid valve – diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " patient selection and timely referral", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Tricuspid Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries | Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mohamed Marwan", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Marwan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "COVID-19 | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Mortality | Embolism | Atrial Fibrillation | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "926205", + "session_name": "Permanent and persistent atrial fibrillation are independent risk factors of mortality after severe COVID-19,Cardiovascular risk factors and risk of embolic events: new echocardiographic insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "926205", + "first_name": "Jaroslaw", + "middle_name": "Damian", + "last_name": "Kasprzak", + "org_name": "Medical Univeristy of Gdańsk Faculty of Medicine", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Pomorskie", + "City": "Gdansk", + 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"last_name": "Papadopoulos", + "org_name": "European Interbalkan Medical Center", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phenotyping left ventricular hypertrophy: what's new?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Konstantinos Papadopoulos", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantinos Papadopoulos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Prevention | Cardiac Computed Tomography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "926200", + "session_name": "Great Debate: cardiac computed tomography in primary prevention - too much or just enough?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "926200", + "first_name": "Pal", + "middle_name": "", + 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hard data,A placebo-controlled trial of percutaneous coronary intervention for stable angina: the ORBITA-2 trial,Interim presentation from The Lancet Commission on Atherosclerotic Heart Disease,Evolving role for transcatheter intervention for stable angina,Chronic ischaemic syndrome management in 2024: are we ready for the (r)evolution?,Risk stratification for midterm outcome after acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "926144", + "first_name": "Rasha", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Al-Lamee", + "org_name": "Imperial College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Angina symptoms: how to take a history - tips", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": " tricks, and hard data,A placebo-controlled trial of percutaneous coronary intervention for stable angina: the ORBITA-2 trial,Interim presentation from The Lancet Commission on Atherosclerotic Heart Disease,Evolving role for transcatheter intervention for stable angina,Chronic ischaemic syndrome management in 2024: are we ready for the (r)evolution?,Risk stratification for midterm outcome after acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Angina, Stable ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome | Heart Diseases | Transcatheter Intervention | Ischemia | Angina | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "Rasha Al-Lamee", + "kol_full_name": "Rasha Al-Lamee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Risk Assessment | Clinical Trials As Topic | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "920222", + "session_name": "The future of risk assessment and key takeaways,Clinical decision-making in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH): importance of right ventricle 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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marc Humbert", + "kol_full_name": "Marc Humbert" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Edema | Smoking | Pulmonary Embolism | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "919743", + "session_name": "White Smoke in the Intermediate risk PE debate, could POPE be the solution?,Comparison of mortality scores performance in transcatheter aortic valve replacement: suiting up to percutaneous intervention.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "919743", + "first_name": "Ana", + "middle_name": "Maria", + "last_name": "Martins", + "org_name": "Universidade Federal de São Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "White Smoke in the Intermediate risk PE debate", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " could POPE be the solution?,Comparison of mortality scores performance in transcatheter aortic valve replacement: suiting up to percutaneous intervention.", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Edema | Smoking ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Maria Martins", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Maria Martins" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Ventricular Function, Right | Empagliflozin | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "919335", + "session_name": "The effect of empagliflozin on right ventricular function in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction: analysis from the randomized empire hf clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "919335", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "Bergkvist", + "last_name": "Hansen", + "org_name": "Kennedy Centret", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of empagliflozin on right ventricular function in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction: analysis from the randomized empire hf clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Ventricular Function, Right ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Empagliflozin | Clinical Trial", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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cardio-renal protection through weight reduction,Baseline inflammation and efficacy of semaglutide in obesity-related HFpEF: pre-specified pooled analysis of STEP-HFpEF and STEP-HFpEF DM trials,Baseline patient reported outcomes in patients with peripheral artery disease and type 2 diabetes from STRIDE: a phase 3, 52-week, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial,Lp(a) and aortic stenosis: biological underpinnings,Repurposing anti-diabetic pharmacotherapy: the new cure for all evils?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "906584", + "first_name": "Subodh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Verma", + "org_name": "St. Michael's Hospital", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "8", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in females with overweight and obesity: A prespecified analysis of the SELECT trial", + 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"events_topic": "Clinical Studies As Topic | PCSK9 Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Shamir R. 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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jonathan Adam Drezner", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan Adam Drezner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis, Non-Infective | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Echocardiography | Left Atrial Appendage Closure", + "npi_num": "1922560895", + "hcp_pin_alias": "856016", + "session_name": "Cardiac amyloidosis and left atrial appendage closure: a multicenter retrospective study,Clinical, echocardiographic, and pathologic characteristics of patients with pathology-proven nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "856016", + "first_name": "Edward", + "middle_name": "Antoine", + "last_name": "El-am", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science, Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac 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biatrial tachycardia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biatrial Tachycardia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Khader Hatem Herzallah", + "kol_full_name": "Khader Hatem Herzallah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripartum Period | Heart-Assist Devices | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "1053868646", + "hcp_pin_alias": "824801", + "session_name": "Myocardial recovery necessitating left ventricular assist device explant in peripartum cardiomyopathy – when is the right time to wait ?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "824801", + "first_name": "Apurva", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sharma", + "org_name": "Saint Peter's University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New Jersey", + "City": "New Brunswick", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + 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intelligence-powered discoveries to achieve precision in cardiovascular care,Integration of artificial intelligence in electrocardiography: state of the art,Enhancing personalised cardiovascular care with artificial intelligence", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Practice | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Rohan Khera", + "kol_full_name": "Rohan Khera" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Surgery | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "1831707017", + "hcp_pin_alias": "823738", + "session_name": "Transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement in patients younger than 65 years,Racial, ethnic, and sex disparities in the utilization and outcomes of tricuspid valve surgery,Transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve 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of transcatheter mitral valve interventions in octogenarians and nonagenarians", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Surgery ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "Mahmoud Ismayl", + "kol_full_name": "Mahmoud Ismayl" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aneurysm | Cardiac Tamponade | Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "1598344772", + "hcp_pin_alias": "823563", + "session_name": "Acute coronary syndrome and cardiac tamponade presentation in a potential Kawasaki disease-related coronary artery aneurysm with spontaneous dissection.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "823563", + "first_name": "Angela", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Khidhir", + "org_name": "University of Buffalo", + "Country": "United 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atrial fibrillation,Safety and efficacy of glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists in obese patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "823515", + "first_name": "Ayman", + "middle_name": "Refaat Mohammed", + "last_name": "Fath", + "org_name": "University of Texas, San Antonio", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "San Antonio", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy of percutaneous left atrial appendage closure for stroke prevention in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients with atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Safety and efficacy of glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists in obese patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity | Stroke | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Atrial Appendage", + "kol_name": "Ayman Refaat Mohammed Fath", + "kol_full_name": "Ayman Refaat Mohammed Fath" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Menopause | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "1518967751", + "hcp_pin_alias": "823496", + "session_name": "Comparison of continuity index for drag versus point-by-point ablation with the use of proactive esophageal cooling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "823496", + "first_name": "Erik", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Kulstad", + "org_name": "The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of continuity index for drag versus point-by-point ablation with the use of proactive esophageal cooling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Menopause | Ablation Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Erik B Kulstad", + "kol_full_name": "Erik B Kulstad" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "1518305515", + "hcp_pin_alias": "823492", + "session_name": "Racial and ethnic disparities in the incidence of stroke and mortality in atrial fibrillation: a US nationwide study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "823492", + "first_name": "Utibe", + "middle_name": "R.", + "last_name": "Essien", + "org_name": "UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Racial and ethnic disparities in the incidence of stroke and mortality in atrial fibrillation: a US nationwide study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Utibe R. Essien", + "kol_full_name": "Utibe R. 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electrocardiographic images for the risk stratification of cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction,Association between wearable activity trackers usage and levels of physical activity among Athens Medical Society members", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "823398", + "first_name": "Evangelos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Oikonomou", + "org_name": "Yale University School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "8", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Physical activity habits among members of the Athens Medical Society in Greece", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Selective use of implatable loop recorders improves diagnostic potential for unexplained syncope,The role of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation in the recovery of right ventricular function and right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in convalescent COVID-19 patients,Characterizing the progression of subclinical cardiac amyloidosis through artificial intelligence applied to electrocardiographic images and echocardiograms,Artificial intelligence-guided screening of under-recognized cardiomyopathies adapted for point-of-care echocardiography,Deep learning to predict progression of aortic stenosis,Artificial intelligence applied to electrocardiographic images for the risk stratification of cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction,Association between wearable activity trackers usage and levels of physical activity among Athens Medical Society members", + "events_topic": "Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation | Loop Recorder Implantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 11, + "rest_events_topic": " Exercise | Cardiomyopathies | Electrocardiography | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Wearable Electronic Devices | Echocardiography | COVID-19 | Syncope | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Fitness Trackers | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Evangelos Oikonomou", + "kol_full_name": "Evangelos Oikonomou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency | Troponin | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "1174151211", + "hcp_pin_alias": "823261", + "session_name": "Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in patients with renal failure using high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "823261", + "first_name": "Jonathan", + "middle_name": "David", + "last_name": "Knott", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic ,Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in patients with renal failure using high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency | Troponin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Jonathan David Knott", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan David Knott" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity", + "npi_num": "1154426542", + "hcp_pin_alias": "823239", + "session_name": "Socioeconomic and racial disparities in obesity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "823239", + "first_name": "Tiffany", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Powell-Wiley", + "org_name": "The National Institutes of Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Bethesda", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Socioeconomic and racial disparities in obesity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + 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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tania Ahuja", + "kol_full_name": "Tania Ahuja" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Neoplasms | Heart Diseases | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1912482498", + "hcp_pin_alias": "640180", + "session_name": "How to manage acute cardiac problems in patients with cancer,Guidelines in Practice: personalised imaging a heart failure patient undergoing cancer therapy,Cardio-oncology: treatments and outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "640180", + "first_name": "Susan", + "middle_name": "Faye", + "last_name": "Dent", + "org_name": "Duke University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to manage acute cardiac problems in patients with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: personalised imaging a heart failure patient undergoing cancer therapy,Cardio-oncology: treatments and outcomes", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Susan Faye Dent", + "kol_full_name": "Susan Faye Dent" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lithotripsy | Atherectomy", + "npi_num": "1932450897", + "hcp_pin_alias": "618270", + "session_name": "To shock or to drill: comparison of intravascular lithotripsy and rotational atherectomy - a meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "618270", + "first_name": "Shahbaz", + "middle_name": "Ali", + "last_name": "Malik", + "org_name": "The Nebraska Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Nebraska", + "City": "Omaha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "To shock or to drill: comparison of intravascular lithotripsy and rotational atherectomy - a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lithotripsy | Atherectomy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Shahbaz Ali Malik", + "kol_full_name": "Shahbaz Ali Malik" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Artificial Intelligence | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "1477998995", + "hcp_pin_alias": "616739", + "session_name": "Considerations for lifetime management of aortic stenosis,ValveVision AI - a multimodal language model for qualitative reporting of the aortic valve in echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "616739", + "first_name": "Aakriti", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gupta", + "org_name": "Smidt Heart Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Considerations for lifetime management of aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "ValveVision AI - a multimodal language model for qualitative reporting of the aortic valve in echocardiography", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "Aakriti Gupta", + "kol_full_name": "Aakriti Gupta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Platelets | Atrial Fibrillation | Artificial Intelligence | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Stroke | Anticoagulation | Antiplatelet Therapy | Clinical Practice | Anticoagulants | Acetylsalicylic Acid Therapy | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525852", + "session_name": "Why is AI not implemented in clinical practice?,Changing the game for new AF screening initiatives,Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion,Efficacy and safety of anticoagulation in patients with device-detected atrial fibrillation by indication for acetylsalicylic acid therapy,Discussant review - EARTH-STEMI,Artificial intelligence-based management of arrhythmias,Adjunct pharmacology in PCI: beyond antiplatelet therapy, the next chapter,Managing stroke patients with indications for both anticoagulant and antiplatelet treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525852", + "first_name": "Renate", + "middle_name": "Bonin", + "last_name": "Schnabel", + "org_name": "University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "8", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Why is AI not implemented in clinical practice?", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": "Changing the game for new AF screening initiatives,Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? 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+ "session_name": "Antiarrhythmic drugs and device re-programming in electrical storm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525847", + "first_name": "Magdi", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Saba", + "org_name": "St George's Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Antiarrhythmic drugs and device re-programming in electrical storm", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anti-Arrhythmia Agents", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Magdi M Saba", + "kol_full_name": "Magdi M Saba" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Positron-Emission Tomography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525845", + "session_name": "Positron emission tomography innovations in diagnosis and 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European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525840", + "first_name": "Betty", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Raman", + "org_name": "University of Oxford", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac myosin inhibitors for treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Cardiac Myosins", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Betty Raman", + "kol_full_name": "Betty Raman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Translational Science, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525839", + "session_name": "Basic and Translational Late-Breaking Science", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525839", + "first_name": "Valentina", + "middle_name": "O", + "last_name": "Puntmann", + "org_name": "Goethe University Hospital Frankfurt", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hessen", + "City": "Frankfurt", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Basic and Translational Late-Breaking Science", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Translational Science, Biomedical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Valentina O Puntmann", + "kol_full_name": "Valentina O Puntmann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Ischemia | Factor V | Heparin | Thrombocytopenia | Intensive Care Units | Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Diseases | Antiphospholipid Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525837", + "session_name": "Cardiology Toolbox: managing heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (HIT), factor V Leiden, and antiphospholipid syndromes in cardiovascular medicine,Patients experience during an ICU admission - physician perspective,Mechanical circulatory support is of benefit in cardiogenic shock,Ischaemic heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525837", + "first_name": "Susanna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Price", + "org_name": "Royal Brompton Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiology Toolbox: managing heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (HIT)", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " factor V Leiden, and antiphospholipid syndromes in cardiovascular medicine,Patients experience during an ICU admission - physician perspective,Mechanical circulatory support is of benefit in cardiogenic shock,Ischaemic heart disease", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Factor V | Heparin | Thrombocytopenia | Intensive Care Units | Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Diseases | Antiphospholipid Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Susanna Price", + "kol_full_name": "Susanna Price" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525836", + "session_name": "Cardiac computed tomography is essential for my cardiovascular primary prevention practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525836", + "first_name": "Gianluca", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pontone", + "org_name": "Monzino Cardiology Center, University of Milan", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac computed tomography is essential for 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"session_note": null, + "events_session": "Top ten diagnoses in cardiac magnetic resonance and their differentials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Multimodality imaging in cardiovascular diseases and beyond", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Sven Plein", + "kol_full_name": "Sven Plein" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases | Post-Discharge Management | Peri-Discharge Complex Treatment | In-Hospital Treatment | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525830", + "session_name": "Post-discharge management: planning for the future,Peri-discharge treatment: ready for the road ahead,In-hospital treatment: an opportunity to act,Treating obesity in established heart failure,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,Precision pathways to diabetes management in individuals with cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525830", + "first_name": "Mark", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Petrie", + "org_name": "University of Glasgow", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Post-discharge management: planning for the future", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Peri-discharge treatment: ready for the road ahead,In-hospital treatment: an opportunity to act,Treating obesity in established heart failure,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,Precision pathways to diabetes management in individuals with cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Post-Discharge Management | Peri-Discharge Complex Treatment | In-Hospital Treatment | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Mark C Petrie", + "kol_full_name": "Mark C Petrie" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Remodeling | Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathies | Heart Function Tests", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525829", + "session_name": "Smaller trials: cardiac function and remodelling,Imaging in cardiomyopathies: my most challenging case,Unusual cardiomyopathies: do you know them all?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525829", + "first_name": "Steffen", + "middle_name": "Erhard", + "last_name": "Petersen", + "org_name": "Queen Mary University of London Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials: cardiac function and remodelling", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Imaging in cardiomyopathies: my most challenging case,Unusual cardiomyopathies: do you know them all?", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Remodeling | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies | Heart Function Tests", + "kol_name": "Steffen Erhard Petersen", + "kol_full_name": "Steffen Erhard Petersen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525826", + "session_name": "Great Debates: preventing sudden cardiac death in competitive sports and athletes competing with an ICD", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525826", + "first_name": "Antonio", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pelliccia", + "org_name": "Institute of Sport Medicine and Science", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Great Debates: preventing sudden cardiac death in competitive sports and athletes competing with an ICD", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Antonio Pelliccia", + "kol_full_name": "Antonio Pelliccia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Blood Pressure | Blood Pressure Monitors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525824", + "session_name": "Blood pressure measurement: global recommendations, challenges, and solutions,How to use wearables for blood pressure measurement,Explore The role of a smart ring in night-time blood pressure monitoring,Hypertension phenotypes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525824", + "first_name": "Gianfranco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Parati", + "org_name": "Italian Auxological Institute San Luca Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Blood pressure measurement: global recommendations", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " challenges, and solutions,How to use wearables for blood pressure measurement,Explore The role of a smart ring in night-time blood pressure monitoring,Hypertension phenotypes", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Blood Pressure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure Monitors", + "kol_name": "Gianfranco Parati", + "kol_full_name": "Gianfranco Parati" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525815", + 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"United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in paediatric onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gabrielle Norrish", + "kol_full_name": "Gabrielle Norrish" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525751", + "session_name": "Markers for the severity of worsening heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525751", + "first_name": "Dorit", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Knappe", + "org_name": "University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + 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"last_name": "Margonato", + "org_name": "IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tricuspid regurgitation in the context of severe concomitant left-sided valvular heart disease: patients characteristics and long-term clinical and interventional outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lead-related tricuspid regurgitation: an important phenotype seen through the lens of computed tomography", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "Davide Margonato", + "kol_full_name": "Davide Margonato" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Echocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "2023110001", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525693", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence to assist the echocardiographic identification of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525693", + "first_name": "Vincent", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Algalarrondo", + "org_name": "Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence to assist the echocardiographic identification of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Vincent Algalarrondo", + "kol_full_name": "Vincent Algalarrondo" + }, + { + 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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oliver J. Rider", + "kol_full_name": "Oliver J. Rider" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sacubitril | Heart Failure, Systolic | Valsartan", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525658", + "session_name": "Elegibility for Sacubitril/Valsartan in italian clinical practice: insights from the OPTIMA-HF registry,Guideline-directed medical therapy patterns in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the OPTIMA-HF registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525658", + "first_name": "Stefania", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Paolillo", + "org_name": "University of Naples Federico II", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Napoli", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Elegibility for Sacubitril/Valsartan in italian clinical practice: insights from the OPTIMA-HF registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Guideline-directed medical therapy patterns in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the OPTIMA-HF registry", + "events_topic": "Sacubitril | Heart Failure, Systolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Valsartan", + "kol_name": "Stefania Paolillo", + "kol_full_name": "Stefania Paolillo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Acute Aortic Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525650", + "session_name": "Natural course and novel techniques in aortic procedures", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525650", + "first_name": "Christoph", + "middle_name": "A.", + "last_name": "Nienaber", + "org_name": "Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Specialist Care", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Natural course and novel techniques in aortic procedures", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Acute Aortic Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christoph A. Nienaber", + "kol_full_name": "Christoph A. Nienaber" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525641", + "session_name": "Validation of existing risk scores for worsening renal function in patients with newly diagnosed heart failure: a longitudinal population cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525641", + "first_name": "Ify", + "middle_name": "R.", + "last_name": "Mordi", + "org_name": "School of Medicine - University of Dundee", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Validation of existing risk scores for worsening renal function in patients with newly diagnosed heart failure: a longitudinal population cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ify R. Mordi", + "kol_full_name": "Ify R. Mordi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vasculitis | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525637", + "session_name": "Conditional over-expression of heme-oxygenase 1 in myelomonocytic cells reduces AngII-induced hypertension and vascular inflammation in mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525637", + "first_name": "Philip", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wenzel", + "org_name": "University medicine at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Rheinland-Pfalz", + "City": "Mainz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Conditional over-expression of heme-oxygenase 1 in myelomonocytic cells reduces AngII-induced hypertension and vascular inflammation in mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vasculitis | Hypertension", + 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focus on gender, cardiorenal syndrome and cancer", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Cardio-Renal Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Rafael Vidal-Perez", + "kol_full_name": "Rafael Vidal-Perez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525630", + "session_name": "Congenital heart disease: a lifelong journey", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525630", + "first_name": "Oktay", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tutarel", + "org_name": "German Heart Center Munich", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Munich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Congenital heart disease: a lifelong journey", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + 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in myocarditis,Advances in amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525598", + "first_name": "Karin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Klingel", + "org_name": "University Hospital and Medical Faculty Tübingen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Tubingen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of genetics in myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Advances in amyloidosis", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Karin Klingel", + "kol_full_name": "Karin Klingel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525596", + "session_name": "Risk stratification models after acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society 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cardiomyopathy and an arrhythmia: what do the guidelines say?,Dilated cardiomyopathies: miscellaneous aspects,Cardiac myosin inhibitors for treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525594", + "first_name": "Juan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kaski", + "org_name": "Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "When the diet does not work: pharmacological options for obesity", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "A patient with hypokinetic non-dilated cardiomyopathy and an arrhythmia: what do the guidelines say?,Dilated cardiomyopathies: miscellaneous aspects,Cardiac myosin inhibitors for treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Cardiac Myosins | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Juan Kaski", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Kaski" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525590", + "session_name": "Hereditary thoracic aortic disease in the spotlight", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525590", + "first_name": "Guillaume", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jondeau", + "org_name": "Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hereditary thoracic aortic disease in the spotlight", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": 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management of patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease: unresolved issues", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christian W. Hamm", + "kol_full_name": "Christian W. 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"rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "Martin Halle", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Halle" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525572", + "session_name": "Atrial fibrillation: obesity matters", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525572", + "first_name": "Dhiraj", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gupta", + "org_name": "Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial fibrillation: obesity matters", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dhiraj Gupta", + "kol_full_name": "Dhiraj Gupta" + }, + { + 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effects and utilisation of SGLT2 inhibitors in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Cardiorespiratory Fitness | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Marco Guazzi", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Guazzi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Artificial Intelligence | Heart Failure | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525567", + "session_name": "Addressing underdiagnosis in women with aortic stenosis,Imaging in heart failure: what about atrial size and function?,Latest advances in artificial intelligence applied to cardiovascular imaging,Heart failure with secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation,Cutting-edge cardiovascular imaging in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525567", + "first_name": "Julia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Grapsa", + "org_name": "Guys And St Thomas NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Addressing underdiagnosis in women with aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Imaging in heart failure: what about atrial size and function?,Latest advances in artificial intelligence applied to cardiovascular imaging,Heart failure with secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation,Cutting-edge cardiovascular imaging in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Artificial Intelligence | Heart Failure | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "Julia Grapsa", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Grapsa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Atrial Fibrillation | Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525566", + "session_name": "Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion,Update on atrial cardiomyopathy,My smartwatch says I am in atrial fibrillation: now what?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525566", + "first_name": "Andreas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Goette", + "org_name": "St. Vincenz Hospital Gmbh", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Paderborn", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Update on atrial cardiomyopathy,My smartwatch says I am in atrial fibrillation: now what?", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulation", + "kol_name": "Andreas Goette", + "kol_full_name": "Andreas Goette" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Precision Medicine | Heart Valve Diseases | Computed Tomography Angiography | Cardiovascular Diseases | Diagnostic Imaging | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525564", + "session_name": "Myocardial viability evaluation with advanced imaging is no longer relevant for heart team discussions: con,Coronary CT angiography should be the first-line imaging tool for diagnosis of coronary artery disease,The ESC Journal Family: focus on personalised care in different fields of cardiovascular medicine", + "name": "2024 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Disease", + "kol_name": "Alessia Gimelli", + "kol_full_name": "Alessia Gimelli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Coronary Revascularization | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525563", + "session_name": "Great Debate: mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock - 'the course of true love never did run smooth',Coronary revascularisation in patients undergoing TAVI: why? when? and how?,Great Debate: transcatheter aortic valve implantation in non-surgical centres?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525563", + "first_name": "Martine", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gilard", + "org_name": "Brest University Hospital Center", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Bretagne", + "City": "Brest", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Great 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"525558", + "session_name": "Multiparametric assessment of decongestion in patients admitted with acute heart failure: dynamic changes and correlation with natriuresis,Imaging signs of carotid plaque vulnerability predict subclinical neurological events in asymptomatic patients: the carotid artery multi-modality imaging prognostic study,Clinical Case Management: aortic stenosis and morbid obesity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525558", + "first_name": "Luna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gargani", + "org_name": "university of pisa school of medicine", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multiparametric assessment of decongestion in patients admitted with acute heart failure: dynamic changes and correlation with natriuresis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Imaging signs of carotid plaque vulnerability predict subclinical neurological events in asymptomatic patients: the carotid artery multi-modality imaging prognostic study,Clinical Case Management: aortic stenosis and morbid obesity", + "events_topic": "Decongestion | Multimodal Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Heart Failure | Carotid Arteries | Obesity, Morbid", + "kol_name": "Luna Gargani", + "kol_full_name": "Luna Gargani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525557", + "session_name": "Decompensated heart failure: what do the guidelines say?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525557", + "first_name": "Roy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gardner", + "org_name": "University Of Glasgow School Of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + 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cardiovascular health", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The role of genetics in myocarditis", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocarditis | Epidemics", + "kol_name": "Vanessa Ferreira", + "kol_full_name": "Vanessa Ferreira" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation | Syncope", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525544", + "session_name": "A practical guide to personalised treatment of non-cardiac syncope,Great Debate: atrial fibrillation and heart failure - 'to ablate or not to ablate, that is the question',Understanding and improving clinical outcomes after catheter ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525544", + "first_name": "Sabine", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ernst", + "org_name": "Guy'S And St Thomas' Nhs Foundation Trust, Royal 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"rest_events_topic": " Clinical Study | Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "David Duncker", + "kol_full_name": "David Duncker" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525539", + "session_name": "Molecular tools to understand the complexity of adult congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525539", + "first_name": "Konstantinos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dimopoulos", + "org_name": "Royal Brompton Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Molecular tools to understand the complexity of adult congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + 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"url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary vein isolation alone is not enough: a personalised approach is required in persistent atrial fibrillation patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Management of atrial fibrillation: knowns and unknowns", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Vein Isolation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Isabel Deisenhofer", + "kol_full_name": "Isabel Deisenhofer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Electrophysiology | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525532", + "session_name": "Updates for everyone in electrophysiology and arrhythmias", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525532", + "first_name": "Jean-Claude", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Deharo", + "org_name": "Hospital La Timone of Marseille", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur", + "City": "Marseille", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Updates for everyone in electrophysiology and arrhythmias", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Electrophysiology | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jean-Claude Deharo", + "kol_full_name": "Jean-Claude Deharo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Stenosis | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525530", + "session_name": "Evolution of coronary artery disease diagnosis ... from stenosis to inflammation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525530", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Deanfield", + "org_name": "University College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evolution of coronary artery disease diagnosis ... from stenosis to inflammation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Stenosis | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "John Deanfield", + "kol_full_name": "John Deanfield" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525529", + "session_name": "A practical risk score for prediction of 6-month mortality in patients with acute heart failure: CHAM2P2", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525529", + "first_name": "Amardeep", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dastidar", + "org_name": "North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Bristol", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A practical risk score for prediction of 6-month mortality in patients with acute heart failure: CHAM2P2", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Amardeep Dastidar", + "kol_full_name": "Amardeep Dastidar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Ischemia | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525526", + "session_name": "Arrhythmias in non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy: new developments", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525526", + "first_name": "Antonio", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Curcio", + "org_name": "Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Calabria", + "City": "Catanzaro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arrhythmias in non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy: new developments", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Antonio Curcio", + "kol_full_name": "Antonio Curcio" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525525", + "session_name": "The EHJ’s year in adult congenital heart disease, cardio-oncology, and valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525525", + "first_name": "Filippo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Crea", + "org_name": "Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation Irccs", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The EHJ’s year in adult congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " cardio-oncology, and valvular heart disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Filippo Crea", + "kol_full_name": "Filippo Crea" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Circadian Rhythm", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525523", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: athletes with rhythm problems - what to consider when recommending exercise", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525523", + "first_name": "Domenico", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Corrado", + "org_name": "University of Padua Medical School", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Padova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: athletes with rhythm problems - what to consider when recommending exercise", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Circadian Rhythm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Domenico Corrado", + "kol_full_name": "Domenico Corrado" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525522", + "session_name": "Live echocardiography - diagnose, screen and refer your patients to transcatheter edge-to-edge repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525522", + "first_name": "Augustin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Coisne", + "org_name": "University Hospital of Lille", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Nord-Pas-de-Calais", + "City": "Lille", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Live echocardiography - diagnose", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " screen and refer your patients to transcatheter edge-to-edge repair", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Augustin Coisne", + "kol_full_name": "Augustin Coisne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemorrhagic Stroke | Cardiovascular Diseases | Antiplatelet Therapy | Anti-inflammatory Therapies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525513", + "session_name": "Overcoming challenges to deliver of personalised medicine in cardiology,Low rates of haemorrhagic stroke, not increased by age, renal/hepatic impairment, concomitant anti-platelet use and high CHA2DS2-VASc scores, in the 4-year follow-up of ETNA-AF-Europe,Anti-inflammatory therapies: from bench to bedside", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525513", + "first_name": "Raffaele", + "middle_name": "de", + "last_name": "Caterina", + "org_name": "Pisan University Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Overcoming challenges to deliver of personalised medicine in cardiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Low rates of haemorrhagic stroke, not increased by age, renal/hepatic impairment, concomitant anti-platelet use and high CHA2DS2-VASc scores, in the 4-year follow-up of ETNA-AF-Europe,Anti-inflammatory therapies: from bench to bedside", + "events_topic": "Hemorrhagic Stroke | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Antiplatelet Therapy | Anti-inflammatory Therapies", + "kol_name": "Raffaele de Caterina", + "kol_full_name": "Raffaele de Caterina" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Athletes | Ablation Techniques | Pharmaceutical Preparations | Cardiovascular Diseases | Exercise Therapy | Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525512", + "session_name": "Drugs and exercise performance in athletes,Ablation of ventricular tachycardia,The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525512", + "first_name": "Silvia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Castelletti", + "org_name": "Istituto Auxologico Italiano", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Drugs and exercise performance in athletes", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Ablation of ventricular tachycardia,The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on", + "events_topic": "Athletes | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Pharmaceutical Preparations | Cardiovascular Diseases | Exercise Therapy | Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "kol_name": "Silvia Castelletti", + "kol_full_name": "Silvia Castelletti" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Reactive Oxygen Species", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525511", + "session_name": "Role of inflammation and reactive oxygen species in atrial fibrillation: new therapeutic targets?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525511", + "first_name": "Barbara", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Casadei", + "org_name": "NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of inflammation and reactive oxygen species in atrial fibrillation: new therapeutic targets?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Reactive Oxygen Species", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Barbara Casadei", + "kol_full_name": "Barbara Casadei" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation | Tachycardia, Supraventricular", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525503", + "session_name": "Quality of life measures with etripamil self-administration for acute episodes of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in a medically unsupervised setting: patient-reported outcomes from NODE-303,State-of-the art lecture on practical dilemmas in atrial fibrillation therapies,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525503", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Camm", + "org_name": "St George's University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality of life measures with etripamil self-administration for acute episodes of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in a medically unsupervised setting: patient-reported outcomes from NODE-303", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "State-of-the art lecture on practical dilemmas in atrial fibrillation therapies,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tachycardia, Supraventricular", + "kol_name": "John Camm", + "kol_full_name": "John Camm" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525502", + "session_name": "Predictors of Right vEntricular Failure aftER LVAD implantation: PREFER LVAD study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525502", + "first_name": "Matteo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cameli", + "org_name": "University of Siena", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Siena", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictors of Right vEntricular Failure aftER LVAD implantation: PREFER LVAD study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Matteo Cameli", + "kol_full_name": "Matteo Cameli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Cardiovascular Diseases | MINOCA | Diagnostic Imaging | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525499", + "session_name": "Can artificial intelligence improve cardiovascular disease screening in women?,MINOCA: definitions and clinical importance,Deep dive into aortic stenosis: new imaging insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525499", + "first_name": "Chiara", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bucciarelli-Ducci", + "org_name": "Royal Brompton Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Can artificial intelligence improve cardiovascular disease screening in women?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "MINOCA: definitions and clinical importance,Deep dive into aortic stenosis: new imaging insights", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " MINOCA | Diagnostic Imaging | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci", + "kol_full_name": "Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Algorithms | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation | Syncope", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525496", + "session_name": "Syncope: asking the right questions - how to take a history - tips, tricks, and hard data,An algorithm to identify the mechanism of non-cardiac syncope,The role of AV nodal ablation and physiological pacing in atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525496", + "first_name": "Michele", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Brignole", + "org_name": "Istituto Auxologico Italiano", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Syncope: asking the right questions - how to take a history - tips", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " tricks, and hard data,An algorithm to identify the mechanism of non-cardiac syncope,The role of AV nodal ablation and physiological pacing in atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Algorithms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation | Syncope", + "kol_name": "Michele Brignole", + "kol_full_name": "Michele Brignole" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525495", + "session_name": "Longterm 13 Year Outcome of AF Ablation in Elderly Patients - German Ablation Registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525495", + "first_name": "Johannes", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Brachmann", + "org_name": "Coburg Hospital Gmbh", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Coburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Longterm 13 Year Outcome of AF Ablation in Elderly Patients - German Ablation Registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Johannes Brachmann", + "kol_full_name": "Johannes Brachmann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Technology | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525494", + "session_name": "How will digital technologies improve the personalised management of atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525494", + "first_name": "Serge", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Boveda", + "org_name": "Pasteur Clinic of Toulouse", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Midi-Pyrenees", + "City": "Toulouse", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How will digital technologies improve the personalised management of atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Digital Technology | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Serge Boveda", + 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| Coronary Disease | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "Holger Thiele", + "kol_full_name": "Holger Thiele" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Myocardial Flow Reserve | Prognosis | Positron-Emission Tomography | Ischemia | Heart Failure | Heart Diseases | Inflammation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525484", + "session_name": "Long-term prognostic impact of fasting plasma glucose and myocardial flow reserve beyond other risk factors and heart disease phenotypes,Myocardial ischaemia and heart failure: insight from multimodality imaging,Ischaemia and inflammation: the role of cardiac PET in diagnosis and prognosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525484", + "first_name": "Danilo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Neglia", + "org_name": "Fondazione Toscana \"Gabriele Monasterio\"", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term prognostic impact of fasting plasma glucose and myocardial flow reserve beyond other risk factors and heart disease phenotypes", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Myocardial ischaemia and heart failure: insight from multimodality imaging,Ischaemia and inflammation: the role of cardiac PET in diagnosis and prognosis", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Myocardial Flow Reserve ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Prognosis | Positron-Emission Tomography | Ischemia | Heart Failure | Heart Diseases | Inflammation", + "kol_name": "Danilo Neglia", + "kol_full_name": "Danilo Neglia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525482", + "session_name": "Mitral regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525482", + "first_name": "Denisa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Muraru", + "org_name": "Istituto Auxologico Italiano", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mitral regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Denisa Muraru", + "kol_full_name": "Denisa Muraru" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Streptococcal Vaccines | Myocardium", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525479", + "session_name": "Group A streptococcal vaccine development: challenges and opportunities,Adverse Myocardial and vascular side effects of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: a prospective multimodal cardiovascular assessment (AMICI study)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525479", + "first_name": "Mariana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mirabel", + "org_name": "Institute Mutualiste Montsouris", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Group A streptococcal vaccine development: challenges and opportunities", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Adverse Myocardial and vascular side effects of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: a prospective multimodal cardiovascular assessment (AMICI study)", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Streptococcal Vaccines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardium", + "kol_name": "Mariana Mirabel", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Mirabel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525478", + "session_name": "Advances in amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525478", + "first_name": "Marco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Merlo", + "org_name": "Integrated University Health Authority of Trieste", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Friuli-Venezia Giulia", + "City": "Trieste", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advances in amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marco Merlo", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Merlo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Anti-Arrhythmia Agents | Catheter Ablation | Multimorbidity | Pulmonary Vein Isolation | Drug Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525477", + "session_name": "Practical guide to antiarrhythmic drug therapy,Weighty matters Deciding the best care for atrial fibrillation patients with obesity,Great Debates: catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation - is it better than medication and is pulmonary vein isolation sufficient?,EHRA-PATHS: developing a systematic approach of patients with atrial fibrillation and multimorbidity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525477", + "first_name": "Jose", + "middle_name": "Luis", + "last_name": "Merino", + "org_name": "La Paz University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Practical guide to antiarrhythmic drug therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Weighty matters Deciding the best care for atrial fibrillation patients with obesity,Great Debates: catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation - is it better than medication and is pulmonary vein isolation sufficient?,EHRA-PATHS: developing a systematic approach of patients with atrial fibrillation and multimorbidity", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Anti-Arrhythmia Agents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Catheter Ablation | Multimorbidity | Pulmonary Vein Isolation | Drug Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Jose Luis Merino", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Luis Merino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525474", + "session_name": "Decompensated heart failure: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525474", + "first_name": "Alexandre", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mebazaa", + "org_name": "Lariboisiere Hospital AP-HP", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Decompensated heart failure: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alexandre Mebazaa", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandre Mebazaa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525473", + "session_name": "Congress Programme Committee,The floor is yours: bring your questions on heart failure. 'Heart's failing secrets unveiled: thy burning queries expertly resolved' - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525473", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "McMurray", + "org_name": "University Of Glasgow School Of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Congress Programme Committee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on heart failure. 'Heart's failing secrets unveiled: thy burning queries expertly resolved' - expert panel", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Admin. & Management", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "John McMurray", + "kol_full_name": "John McMurray" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Diuretics | Burns | Cardiomyopathies | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525472", + "session_name": "Discussant review - FINEARTS-HF,No time like the present: heart failure in the hospital setting,Moving beyond diuretics: advances in treatment of cardiomyopathies and heart failure,State-of-the-art lecture on diagnosis of heart failure: towards better phenotyping,Obesity in heart failure: observations, outcomes, and options,The floor is yours: bring your questions on heart failure. 'Heart's failing secrets unveiled: thy burning queries expertly resolved',Guidelines in Practice: implementing the 2023 Focused Update on Heart Failure - target, treat, and titrate", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525472", + "first_name": "Theresa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "McDonagh", + "org_name": "King's College Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - FINEARTS-HF", + "rest_events_session_count": 10, + "rest_events_session": "No time like the present: heart failure in the hospital setting,Moving beyond diuretics: advances in treatment of cardiomyopathies and heart failure,State-of-the-art lecture on diagnosis of heart failure: towards better phenotyping,Obesity in heart failure: observations, outcomes, and options,The floor is yours: bring your questions on heart failure. 'Heart's failing secrets unveiled: thy burning queries expertly resolved',Guidelines in Practice: implementing the 2023 Focused Update on Heart Failure - target, treat, and titrate", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Diuretics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Burns | Cardiomyopathies | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Theresa McDonagh", + "kol_full_name": "Theresa McDonagh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525469", + "session_name": "Chronic ischaemic syndrome management in 2024: are we ready for the (r)evolution?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525469", + "first_name": "Mario", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Marzilli", + "org_name": "university of pisa school of medicine", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic ischaemic syndrome management in 2024: are we ready for the (r)evolution?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mario Marzilli", + "kol_full_name": "Mario Marzilli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Wearable Electronic Devices | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices | Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525464", + "session_name": "Cost impact of the use of a universal cardiac implantable electronic devices remote monitoring solution: results of the Evidence RM study,Update from The Lancet Commission To Reduce the Global Burden of Sudden Cardiac Death,A roadmap to eradicate rheumatic heart disease,Sudden cardiac death: insight", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525464", + "first_name": "Eloi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Marijon", + "org_name": "European Hospital Georges Pompidou", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cost impact of the use of a universal cardiac implantable electronic devices remote monitoring solution: results of the Evidence RM study", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Update from The Lancet Commission To Reduce the Global Burden of Sudden Cardiac Death,A roadmap to eradicate rheumatic heart disease,Sudden cardiac death: insight", + "events_topic": "Wearable Electronic Devices | Death, Sudden, Cardiac ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices | Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "Eloi Marijon", + "kol_full_name": "Eloi Marijon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Syncope | Atrioventricular Block", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525463", + "session_name": "Diagnosis and treatment of syncope and atrioventricular block", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525463", + "first_name": "Jacques", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mansourati", + "org_name": "Brest University Hospital Center", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Bretagne", + "City": "Brest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnosis and treatment of syncope and atrioventricular block", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Syncope | Atrioventricular Block", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jacques Mansourati", + "kol_full_name": "Jacques Mansourati" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525460", + "session_name": "PCSK9 inhibitors for acute coronary syndromes: the era of early implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525460", + "first_name": "Mamas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mamas", + "org_name": "Keele University", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PCSK9 inhibitors for acute coronary syndromes: the era of early implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mamas Mamas", + "kol_full_name": "Mamas Mamas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid Lowering Therapy | Cholesterol, LDL | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525458", + "session_name": "LDL-Cholesterol levels and lipid lowering therapy in secondary prevention patients: preliminary data from BRING-UP Prevention Study,Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525458", + "first_name": "Aldo", + "middle_name": "Pietro", + "last_name": "Maggioni", + "org_name": "ANMCO Research Center, Florence", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Florence", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "LDL-Cholesterol levels and lipid lowering therapy in secondary prevention patients: preliminary data from BRING-UP Prevention Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "events_topic": "Lipid Lowering Therapy | Cholesterol, LDL ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "Aldo Pietro Maggioni", + "kol_full_name": "Aldo Pietro Maggioni" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525457", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: athletes with cardiomyopathies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525457", + "first_name": "Viviana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Maestrini", + "org_name": "Sapienza University of Rome", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: athletes with cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Viviana Maestrini", + "kol_full_name": "Viviana Maestrini" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Epigenomics", + 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Heart Neoplasms | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525455", + "session_name": "Revolutionising cardio-oncology care through CMR innovation,Guidelines in Practice: personalised imaging a heart failure patient undergoing cancer therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525455", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lyon", + "org_name": "Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Revolutionising cardio-oncology care through CMR innovation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: personalised imaging a heart failure patient undergoing cancer therapy", + "events_topic": "Cardiotoxicity | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Neoplasms | Heart Neoplasms | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Alexander Lyon", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander Lyon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Anticoagulation | Patient Care | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525452", + "session_name": "Anticoagulation management of non-valvular atrial fibrillation patients with comorbidities,Balancing atrial fibrillation burden with stroke risk and need for anticoagulation,Managing the continuum of non-valvular atrial fibrillation care,Discussant review - STROKESTOP II and GUARD-AF,Introduction and patient case presentation,The three pillars of atrial fibrillation management,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel,Atrial fibrillation stroke prevention: applying new guidance in the real world,Atrial fibrillation management and outcomes in high-risk atrial fibrillation populations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525452", + "first_name": "Gregory", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lip", + "org_name": "University of Liverpool Faculty of Health & Life Sciences", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "9", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anticoagulation management of non-valvular atrial fibrillation patients with comorbidities", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": "Balancing atrial fibrillation burden with stroke risk and need for anticoagulation,Managing the continuum of non-valvular atrial fibrillation care,Discussant review - STROKESTOP II and GUARD-AF,Introduction and patient case presentation,The three pillars of atrial fibrillation management,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel,Atrial fibrillation stroke prevention: applying new guidance in the real world,Atrial fibrillation management and outcomes in high-risk atrial fibrillation populations", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Anticoagulation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Patient Care | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Gregory Lip", + "kol_full_name": "Gregory Lip" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol Ester Transfer Proteins | Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Cholesterol, LDL | Dyslipidemias", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525449", + "session_name": "Novel oral LDL-c lowering therapies on the horizon: CETP inhibition,From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C,Dyslipidaemia: novel diagnostics and therapy options", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525449", + "first_name": "Ulrich", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Laufs", + "org_name": "University Hospital Leipzig", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Leipzig", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel oral LDL-c lowering therapies on the horizon: CETP inhibition", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C,Dyslipidaemia: novel diagnostics and therapy options", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol Ester Transfer Proteins | Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol, LDL | Dyslipidemias", + "kol_name": "Ulrich Laufs", + "kol_full_name": "Ulrich Laufs" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Atrial Fibrillation | Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525448", + "session_name": "The dilemma of sudden cardiac death prediction in low-risk populations,Weighty matters Deciding the best care for atrial fibrillation patients with obesity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525448", + "first_name": "Pier", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lambiase", + "org_name": "University College London & Barts Heart Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The dilemma of sudden cardiac death prediction in low-risk populations", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Weighty matters Deciding the best care for atrial fibrillation patients with obesity", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "Pier Lambiase", + "kol_full_name": "Pier Lambiase" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Artificial Intelligence | Patisiran", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525447", + "session_name": "The power of artificial intelligence analysis in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy,Long-term effects of patisiran on survival and cardiac parameters in patients with transthyretin-mediated cardiac amyloidosis: post hoc analysis of APOLLO-B and cardiac subpopulation of APOLLO OLE", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525447", + "first_name": "Olivier", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lairez", + "org_name": "Hospital Center University De Toulouse", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Midi-Pyrenees", + "City": "Toulouse", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The power of artificial intelligence analysis in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term effects of patisiran on survival and cardiac parameters in patients with transthyretin-mediated cardiac amyloidosis: post hoc analysis of APOLLO-B and cardiac subpopulation of APOLLO OLE", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence | Patisiran", + "kol_name": "Olivier Lairez", + "kol_full_name": "Olivier Lairez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Primary Prevention | Cardiovascular Diseases | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525440", + "session_name": "Cardiac computed tomography is essential for my cardiovascular primary prevention practice: con,Computed tomography assessment of myocardial disease revisited", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525440", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Reid", + "org_name": "University of Manchester School of Medical Sciences", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Manchester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac computed tomography is essential for my cardiovascular primary prevention practice: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Computed tomography assessment of myocardial disease revisited", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Primary Prevention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "Anna Reid", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Reid" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Renal Denervation | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525430", + "session_name": "Spotlight on HFpEF: you can't diagnose what you don't see,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525430", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Boehm", + "org_name": "Saarland University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Saarland", + "City": "Homburg", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Spotlight on HFpEF: you can't diagnose what you don't see", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who?", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Renal Denervation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Diastolic | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Michael Boehm", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Boehm" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525429", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular risk: lessons from epidemiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525429", + "first_name": "Stefan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Blankenberg", + "org_name": "University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular risk: lessons from epidemiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Stefan Blankenberg", + "kol_full_name": "Stefan Blankenberg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tobacco Products", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525427", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping, snus) - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525427", + "first_name": "Giuseppe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Biondi-Zoccai", + "org_name": "University of Rome \"La Sapienza\"", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " snus) - expert panel", + "events_topic": "Tobacco Products", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Channelopathies", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525420", + "session_name": "Risk stratification and advanced therapies in channelopathies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525420", + "first_name": "Elijah", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Behr", + "org_name": "St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk stratification and advanced therapies in channelopathies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Channelopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Elijah Behr", + "kol_full_name": "Elijah Behr" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525418", + "session_name": "A patient with hypokinetic non-dilated cardiomyopathy and an arrhythmia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525418", + "first_name": "Anna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Baritussio", + "org_name": "University of Padua Medical School", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Padova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A patient with hypokinetic non-dilated cardiomyopathy and an arrhythmia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Anna Baritussio", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Baritussio" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525414", + "session_name": "Advanced imaging to personalise intervention in congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525414", + "first_name": "Sonya", + "middle_name": "V", + "last_name": "Babu-Narayan", + "org_name": "Guy'S And St Thomas' Nhs Foundation Trust, Royal Brompton Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advanced imaging to personalise intervention in congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sonya V Babu-Narayan", + "kol_full_name": "Sonya V Babu-Narayan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Myocardial Fibrosis | Death, Sudden | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Patient Care | Cardiomyopathies | Long QT Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525411", + "session_name": "Patient case,Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia in non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy with left ventricular late enhancement: what do the guidelines say?,Sudden death risk assessment in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should include myocardial fibrosis imaging,Case 2: an athlete with a long QT interval", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525411", + "first_name": "Elena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Arbelo", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Cataluña", + "City": "Barcelona", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient case", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia in non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy with left ventricular late enhancement: what do the guidelines say?,Sudden death risk assessment in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should include myocardial fibrosis imaging,Case 2: an athlete with a long QT interval", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Tachycardia, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Fibrosis | Death, Sudden | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Patient Care | Cardiomyopathies | Long QT Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Elena Arbelo", + "kol_full_name": "Elena Arbelo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525406", + "session_name": "Geographical variations in heart failure epidemiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525406", + "first_name": "Giuseppe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ambrosio", + "org_name": "University of Perugia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Umbria", + "City": "Perugia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "6", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Geographical variations in heart failure epidemiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Giuseppe Ambrosio", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Ambrosio" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Sprains And Strains | Disease Progression | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525402", + "session_name": "Changes in cardiac strain reveal disease progression and predict adverse outcome in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Cardiac energetics and exercise capacity in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525402", + "first_name": "Alberto", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Aimo", + "org_name": "University of Pisa", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changes in cardiac strain reveal disease progression and predict adverse outcome in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiac energetics and exercise capacity in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Sprains And Strains ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Disease Progression | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Alberto Aimo", + "kol_full_name": "Alberto Aimo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Coronary Angiography | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525401", + "session_name": "The flying circus of coronary angiography and intervention: all the findings you always wanted to see and some you never even knew existed,Non-invasive detection of coronary artery inflammation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525401", + "first_name": "Stephan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Achenbach", + "org_name": "Universitätsklinikum Erlangen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Erlangen", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The flying circus of coronary angiography and intervention: all the findings you always wanted to see and some you never even knew existed", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Non-invasive detection of coronary artery inflammation", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Coronary Angiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Stephan Achenbach", + "kol_full_name": "Stephan Achenbach" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Athletes | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525400", + "session_name": "Athletes with an ICD should be allowed to compete", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525400", + "first_name": "Alessandro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zorzi", + "org_name": "University of Padua Medical School", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Padova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Athletes with an ICD should be allowed to compete", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Athletes | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Alessandro Zorzi", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandro Zorzi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": 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Zeiher", + "kol_full_name": "Andreas M. 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2, + "rest_events_topic": " Mastocytosis, Systemic | Chronic Inflammatory Disease", + "kol_name": "Eleanor Wicks", + "kol_full_name": "Eleanor Wicks" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Genetic Therapy | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Cardiomyopathies | Basic Science", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525394", + "session_name": "Genetic therapy to cure the heart: inherited cardiomyopathies,Novel therapies for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: recent developments and future prospects,ESC William Harvey Lecture in Basic Science,Novel risk predictors in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525394", + "first_name": "Hugh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Watkins", + "org_name": "University of Oxford", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genetic therapy to cure the heart: inherited cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Novel therapies for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: recent developments and future prospects,ESC William Harvey Lecture in Basic Science,Novel risk predictors in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Genetic Therapy | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies | Basic Science", + "kol_name": "Hugh Watkins", + "kol_full_name": "Hugh Watkins" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "RNA, Untranslated | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525389", + "session_name": "RNA-based diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disease,Targeting non-coding RNAs in heart failure: the clinical perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525389", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Thum", + "org_name": "Hannover Medical School", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": "Hannover", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "RNA-based diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Targeting non-coding RNAs in heart failure: the clinical perspective", + "events_topic": "RNA, Untranslated | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Thomas Thum", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Thum" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525376", + "session_name": "Discovery of a cryptic founder variant in MYBPC3 associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by promoting the most frequent natural missplicing events", + 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for the Management of Peripheral Arterial and Aortic Diseases,Understanding pathophysiology to planning treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525370", + "first_name": "Jose", + "middle_name": "Rodríguez", + "last_name": "Palomares", + "org_name": "Vall D'Hebron University Hospital Research Institute Foundation", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Cataluña", + "City": "Barcelona", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "2024 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Peripheral Arterial and Aortic Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Understanding pathophysiology to planning treatment", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Aortic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jose Rodríguez Palomares", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Rodríguez Palomares" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Colchicine", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525362", + "session_name": "Randomized double-blind trial to study the benefit of Colchicine in Patients with Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525362", + "first_name": "Domingo", + "middle_name": "Pascual", + "last_name": "Figal", + "org_name": "Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Murcia", + "City": "Murcia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Randomized double-blind trial to study the benefit of Colchicine in Patients with Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Colchicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Domingo Pascual Figal", + "kol_full_name": "Domingo Pascual Figal" 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Stiermaier", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Stiermaier" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Diabetes Mellitus | Prediabetic State | Heart Failure, Systolic | Atherosclerosis | Practice Guideline | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525339", + "session_name": "From guidelines to clinical practice: how far have we come?,Patient with diabetes, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, and impaired kidney function: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages,Pre-diabetes should not be included in cardiovascular risk assessment,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,Identifying the severe ASCVD patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525339", + "first_name": "Nikolaus", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Marx", + "org_name": "University Hospital Aachen, AöR", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Aachen", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From guidelines to clinical practice: how far have we come?", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Patient with diabetes, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, and impaired kidney function: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages,Pre-diabetes should not be included in cardiovascular risk assessment,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,Identifying the severe ASCVD patient", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Prediabetic State | Heart Failure, Systolic | Atherosclerosis | Practice Guideline | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Nikolaus Marx", + "kol_full_name": "Nikolaus Marx" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Angiography | Glycoproteins", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525332", + "session_name": "Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in patients with acute myocardial infarction and angiographic no-reflow: the randomized REVERSE-FLOW trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525332", + "first_name": "Ingo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Eitel", + "org_name": "University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Schleswig-Holstein", + "City": "Kiel", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in patients with acute myocardial infarction and angiographic no-reflow: the randomized REVERSE-FLOW trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Angiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Glycoproteins", + "kol_name": "Ingo Eitel", + "kol_full_name": "Ingo Eitel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Ablation Techniques | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525316", + "session_name": "Right heart failure and tricuspid regurgitation in heart failure: more common than you imagine?,Atrial fibrillation ablation should be more widely used in heart failure,Heart failure,What should optimal heart failure therapy look like?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525316", + "first_name": "Johann", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bauersachs", + "org_name": "Hannover Medical School", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": "Hannover", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right heart failure and tricuspid regurgitation in heart failure: more common than you imagine?", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Atrial fibrillation ablation should be more widely used in heart failure,Heart failure,What should optimal heart failure therapy look like?", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Johann Bauersachs", + "kol_full_name": "Johann Bauersachs" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525314", + "session_name": "Top ten pitfalls in echocardiography,A good echo is the foundation for adequate therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525314", + "first_name": "Fabian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Knebel", + "org_name": "Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Top ten pitfalls in echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A good echo is the foundation for adequate therapy", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Fabian Knebel", + "kol_full_name": "Fabian Knebel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525290", + "session_name": "Primary cardiac undifferentiated B-cell lymphoma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525290", + "first_name": "Federico", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Guerra", + "org_name": "Rectorate of the Marche Polytechnic University", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Marche", + "City": "Ancona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Primary cardiac undifferentiated B-cell lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Federico Guerra", + "kol_full_name": "Federico Guerra" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525285", + "session_name": "Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI): vision from Italy - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525285", + "first_name": "Savina", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nodari", + "org_name": "University of Brescia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Brescia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI): vision from Italy - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Savina Nodari", + "kol_full_name": "Savina Nodari" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Personalised Therapy | Anti-Inflammatory Agents | Pericardial Disease | Pericarditis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525279", + "session_name": "Multi-year recurrent pericarditis disease duration in Italian patients: clinical outcomes after cessation of long-term IL-1 pathway inhibition provide insights for chronic management,Anti-inflammatory treatment for recurrent pericarditis,Personalised therapy for pericardial disease: the right treatment for the right patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525279", + "first_name": "Massimo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Imazio", + "org_name": "Hospital Santa Maria Della Misericordia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Friuli-Venezia Giulia", + "City": "Udine", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multi-year recurrent pericarditis disease duration in Italian patients: clinical outcomes after cessation of long-term IL-1 pathway inhibition provide insights for chronic management", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Anti-inflammatory treatment for recurrent pericarditis,Personalised therapy for pericardial disease: the right treatment for the right patient", + "events_topic": "Personalised Therapy | Anti-Inflammatory Agents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pericardial Disease | Pericarditis", + "kol_name": "Massimo Imazio", + "kol_full_name": "Massimo Imazio" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525259", + "session_name": "Rationale and study design of the international randomized control trial MYocarditis THerapy with Steroids: the MYTHS trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525259", + "first_name": "Enrico", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ammirati", + "org_name": "ASST Great Metropolitan Niguarda", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rationale and study design of the international randomized control trial MYocarditis THerapy with Steroids: the MYTHS trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Enrico Ammirati", + "kol_full_name": "Enrico Ammirati" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525254", + "session_name": "Infection management in the extravascular implantable cardioverter defibrillator: experience from the EV ICD Pivotal study,Who benefits from extravascular ICD therapy - real world experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525254", + "first_name": "Nicolas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Clementy", + "org_name": "Trousseau Hospital - Tours University Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Centre", + "City": "Saint Cyr Sur Loire", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Infection management in the extravascular implantable cardioverter defibrillator: experience from the EV ICD Pivotal study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Who benefits from extravascular ICD therapy - real world experience", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nicolas Clementy", + "kol_full_name": "Nicolas Clementy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525239", + "session_name": "New devices and technology for atrial septal defect closure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525239", + "first_name": "Sebastien", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hascoet", + "org_name": "Hospital Marie Lannelongue", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New devices and technology for atrial septal defect closure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sebastien Hascoet", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastien Hascoet" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525230", + "session_name": "Unveiling the latest insights: clinical and real-world data in ATTR cardiomyopathy management,The patient journey from suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis to confirmed diagnosis of ATTR cardiomyopathy,What is the role of TTR in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy?,The role of TTR in ATTR-CM disease and treatment,Pathophysiology of TTR amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525230", + "first_name": "Thibaud", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Damy", + "org_name": "Henri-Mondor University Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unveiling the latest insights: clinical and real-world data in ATTR cardiomyopathy management", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "The patient journey from suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis to confirmed diagnosis of ATTR cardiomyopathy,What is the role of TTR in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy?,The role of TTR in ATTR-CM disease and treatment,Pathophysiology of TTR amyloidosis", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "kol_name": "Thibaud Damy", + "kol_full_name": "Thibaud Damy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Laminopathy | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525213", + "session_name": "Increased cancer incidence in patients with pre-existing heart failure: results from a French Nationwide Cohort study,The H222P-Lamin mutation induces heart failure via impaired mitochondrial calcium uptake in human cardiac laminopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525213", + "first_name": "Jean-Sebastien", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hulot", + "org_name": "European Hospital Georges Pompidou", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Increased cancer incidence in patients with pre-existing heart failure: results from a French Nationwide Cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The H222P-Lamin mutation induces heart failure via impaired mitochondrial calcium uptake in human cardiac laminopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Laminopathy | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jean-Sebastien Hulot", + "kol_full_name": "Jean-Sebastien Hulot" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525182", + "session_name": "Left ventricular apical aneurysms and outcomes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525182", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "W", + "last_name": "Malcolmson", + "org_name": "Barts Health NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left ventricular apical aneurysms and outcomes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Aneurysm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "James W Malcolmson", + "kol_full_name": "James W Malcolmson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Machine Learning | Obesity, Morbid", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525159", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: aortic stenosis and morbid obesity,Phenotyping valvular heart disease: what we learn from machine learning", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525159", + "first_name": "Javier", + "middle_name": "Bermejo", + "last_name": "Thomas", + "org_name": "General University Hospital Gregorio Marañón", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: aortic stenosis and morbid obesity", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Phenotyping valvular heart disease: what we learn from machine learning", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Machine Learning | Obesity, Morbid", + "kol_name": "Javier Bermejo Thomas", + "kol_full_name": "Javier Bermejo Thomas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Prosthetic Heart Valves | Heart Defects, Congenital | Fever", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525156", + "session_name": "Endocarditis in a patient with congenital heart disease: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages,A patient with a prosthetic valve and fever: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525156", + "first_name": "Gilbert", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Habib", + "org_name": "La Timone Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur", + "City": "Marseille", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endocarditis in a patient with congenital heart disease: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A patient with a prosthetic valve and fever: how to implement the guidelines and take-home messages", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Prosthetic Heart Valves ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital | Fever", + "kol_name": "Gilbert Habib", + "kol_full_name": "Gilbert Habib" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Heart Valve Diseases | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525154", + "session_name": "Procedural hands-on - all you need to know to treat tricuspid regurgitation with transcatheter edge-to-edge repair, trial - Multicentric randomised evaluation of the transcatheter edge-to-edge repair in the treatment of severe isolated secondary tricuspid regurgitation,Live echocardiography - monitor and follow up your patients post tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair procedure,Case 1: concomitant aortic regurgitation and aortic stenosis,Valvular heart disease: from risk stratification to intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525154", + "first_name": "Erwan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Donal", + "org_name": "Rennes University Hospital Center", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Bretagne", + "City": "Rennes", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Procedural hands-on - all you need to know to treat tricuspid regurgitation with transcatheter edge-to-edge repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " trial - Multicentric randomised evaluation of the transcatheter edge-to-edge repair in the treatment of severe isolated secondary tricuspid regurgitation,Live echocardiography - monitor and follow up your patients post tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair procedure,Case 1: concomitant aortic regurgitation and aortic stenosis,Valvular heart disease: from risk stratification to intervention", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Heart Valve Diseases | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "Erwan Donal", + "kol_full_name": "Erwan Donal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mutation | Channelopathies | Long QT Syndrome | Brugada Syndrome | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525142", + "session_name": "Prevalence and characteristics of the catecholamine induced QT prolongation syndrome,Phenotype heterogeneity of SCN5A mutations in Brugada syndrome,Comparison of ICD implantation approach in children. The IChilDren study.,Risk stratification and advanced therapies in channelopathies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525142", + "first_name": "Vincent", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Probst", + "org_name": "Nantes University Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Pays de la Loire", + "City": "Nantes", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence and characteristics of the catecholamine induced QT prolongation syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Phenotype heterogeneity of SCN5A mutations in Brugada syndrome,Comparison of ICD implantation approach in children. The IChilDren study.,Risk stratification and advanced therapies in channelopathies", + "events_topic": "Mutation | Channelopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Long QT Syndrome | Brugada Syndrome | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "kol_name": "Vincent Probst", + "kol_full_name": "Vincent Probst" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525141", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease in special populations: paediatric cardiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525141", + "first_name": "Sabine", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Klaassen", + "org_name": "Charite University Hospital, Berlin", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease in special populations: paediatric cardiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sabine Klaassen", + "kol_full_name": "Sabine Klaassen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sensitivity And Specificity | Troponin | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525126", + "session_name": "High-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays: integrating evidence from clinical trials and implementation studies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525126", + "first_name": "Hugo", + "middle_name": "Albert", + "last_name": "Katus", + "org_name": "University Hospital Heidelberg (Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Baden-Wurttemberg", + "City": "Heidelberg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays: integrating evidence from clinical trials and implementation studies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sensitivity And Specificity | Troponin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Trial", + "kol_name": "Hugo Albert Katus", + "kol_full_name": "Hugo Albert Katus" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525112", + "session_name": "Transforming obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy services, lessons from the United Kingdom", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525112", + "first_name": "Robert", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cooper", + "org_name": "Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Liverpool", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transforming obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy services", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " lessons from the United Kingdom", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Robert Cooper", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Cooper" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Sequoia | Implementation Science | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "525101", + "session_name": "From evidence to implementation,Clinical application of biomarkers in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: insights from SEQUOIA-HCM", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "525101", + "first_name": "Caroline", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Coats", + "org_name": "University of Glasgow Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From evidence to implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical application of biomarkers in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: insights from SEQUOIA-HCM", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Sequoia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Implementation Science | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "Caroline J Coats", + "kol_full_name": "Caroline J Coats" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "524584", + "session_name": "Con - transcatheter tricuspid valve therapies are NOT hot and will remain only a niche,Clinical evaluation and optimal medical management of tricuspid regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "524584", + "first_name": "Marianna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Adamo", + "org_name": "Università Degli Studi Di Brescia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Brescia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Con - transcatheter tricuspid valve therapies are NOT hot and will remain only a niche", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical evaluation and optimal medical management of tricuspid regurgitation", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marianna Adamo", + "kol_full_name": "Marianna Adamo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Surgical Mitral Valve Repair | Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "524582", + "session_name": "MATTERHORN - Transcatheter versus surgical mitral valve repair in patients with heart failure and secondary mitral regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "524582", + "first_name": "Volker", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rudolph", + "org_name": "Herz- und Diabeteszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Bielefeld", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MATTERHORN - Transcatheter versus surgical mitral valve repair in patients with heart failure and secondary mitral regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Surgical Mitral Valve Repair ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Volker Rudolph", + "kol_full_name": "Volker Rudolph" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Heart Failure | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "524287", + "session_name": "Foundational pillars of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) across international guidelines in CKD and type 2 diabetes,The floor is yours: bring your questions on heart failure. 'Heart's failing secrets unveiled: thy burning queries expertly resolved' - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "524287", + "first_name": "Faiez", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zannad", + "org_name": "Nancy University Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Lorraine", + "City": "Nancy", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Foundational pillars of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) across international guidelines in CKD and type 2 diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on heart failure. 'Heart's failing secrets unveiled: thy burning queries expertly resolved' - expert panel", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "kol_name": "Faiez Zannad", + "kol_full_name": "Faiez Zannad" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "522847", + "session_name": "Active surveillance for rheumatic heart disease: challenges and risks,When to treat asymptomatic severe aortic regurgitation: too early, too late, and everything in between", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "522847", + "first_name": "Thomas", + "middle_name": "Michael", + "last_name": "Pilgrim", + "org_name": "Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Active surveillance for rheumatic heart disease: challenges and risks", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "When to treat asymptomatic severe aortic regurgitation: too early, too late, and everything in between", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Thomas Michael Pilgrim", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Michael Pilgrim" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "522844", + "session_name": "Cardiac imaging in aortic stenosis: predicting outcomes and guiding treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "522844", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "J.", + "last_name": "Mullen", + "org_name": "Barts Heart Centre", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac imaging in aortic stenosis: predicting outcomes and guiding treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Michael J. Mullen", + "kol_full_name": "Michael J. Mullen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cancer Surgery | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "522843", + "session_name": "STEMI: state of the art,Guidelines in Practice: a patient with recent non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary intervention requiring cancer surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "522843", + "first_name": "Emanuele", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Barbato", + "org_name": "University of Naples Federico II", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Napoli", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "STEMI: state of the art", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: a patient with recent non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary intervention requiring cancer surgery", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cancer Surgery ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "Emanuele Barbato", + "kol_full_name": "Emanuele Barbato" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoidosis | Immunosuppressants", + "npi_num": "1457904898", + "hcp_pin_alias": "519230", + "session_name": "Characteristics and outcomes of patients with cardiac sarcoidosis receiving combination immunosuppressants: a single-center retrospective study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "519230", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Choi", + "org_name": "Mount Sinai Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": 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"rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension | Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "Ada Stefanescu", + "kol_full_name": "Ada Stefanescu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Menopause | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "1417310574", + "hcp_pin_alias": "434974", + "session_name": "Menopausal status and clinical outcomes in women with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the GALACTIC-HF trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "434974", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "Angelica", + "last_name": "Pabon", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Menopausal status and clinical outcomes in women with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the GALACTIC-HF trial", + 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"events_session": "Patient and procedural characteristics of successful endovascular procedures in the BEST-CLI Trial and their relationship to major adverse limb events", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia | Endovascular Procedures", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Scott Kinlay", + "kol_full_name": "Scott Kinlay" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "1144773136", + "hcp_pin_alias": "434453", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "434453", + "first_name": "Sarah", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Cuddy", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + 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"", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of dapagliflozin on body composition and its relation to hemodynamics in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: the CAMEO-DAPA randomized clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Dapagliflozin | Body Composition", + "kol_name": "Jwan Atallah Frieh Naser", + "kol_full_name": "Jwan Atallah Frieh Naser" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Risk Assessment | Obesity | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "1912130899", + "hcp_pin_alias": "425738", + "session_name": "Fixing the obesity crisis,American scores: Framingham, PCE, and PREVENT risk calculators", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "425738", + "first_name": "Sadiya", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Khan", + "org_name": "Northwestern University 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endpoint results from the SPEC-AI Nigeria randomized clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Does artificial intelligence increase the socioeconomic gap?,Enabling disease diagnosis at scale: deploying novel artificial intelligence in consumer devices for community cardiovascular screening,Revolutionising cardiac diagnosis: exploring deep learning in electrocardiography and beyond", + "events_topic": "Deep Learning | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Screening | Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Demilade Adedinsewo", + "kol_full_name": "Demilade Adedinsewo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "1073855680", + "hcp_pin_alias": "387062", + "session_name": "Cutting-edge advancements in cardiac magnetic resonance", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + 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and real-world insights,The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel,Digital tools to inform decisions in aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "370307", + "first_name": "Joanna", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Wykrzykowska", + "org_name": null, + "Country": "United States", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Durability in TAVI valves: data", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " predictors, and real-world insights,The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel,Digital tools to inform decisions in aortic stenosis", + "events_topic": "Frailty | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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"Jennifer Anne Rymer", + "kol_full_name": "Jennifer Anne Rymer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Post Hoc Analysis | Statin Intolerance", + "npi_num": "1356443675", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364749", + "session_name": "Red cell distribution width as a predictor of cardiovascular events in high-risk patients with statin intolerance: post-hoc analysis of the CLEAR Outcomes trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364749", + "first_name": "Patrick", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Moriarty", + "org_name": "University of Kansas Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Kansas", + "City": "Kansas City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Red cell distribution width as a predictor of cardiovascular events in high-risk patients with statin intolerance: post-hoc analysis of the CLEAR Outcomes trial", + 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"City": "London", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging to assess right ventricular function in tricuspid regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Case 2: my patient has symptomatic multivalvular heart disease,What’s new in imaging of valvular heart disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Ventricular Function, Right ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Diagnostic Imaging", + "kol_name": "Alison Mary Duncan", + "kol_full_name": "Alison Mary Duncan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364195", + "session_name": "State-of-the-art lecture on tricuspid regurgitation and intervention: what are the limits?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364195", + "first_name": "Fabien", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Praz", + "org_name": "Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "State-of-the-art lecture on tricuspid regurgitation and intervention: what are the limits?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Fabien Praz", + "kol_full_name": "Fabien Praz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Disease | Tricuspid Valve Therapy | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364191", + "session_name": "TAVI in patients with a small aortic annulus,Revolutionising tricuspid valve therapies: from forgotten to the forefront,Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in non-surgical centres: con,Aortic stenosis in females: the impact of the RHEIA trial on our clinical practice,Hot or not debate - transcatheter tricuspid interventions now and tomorrow", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364191", + "first_name": "Stephan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Windecker", + "org_name": "Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TAVI in patients with a small aortic annulus", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Revolutionising tricuspid valve therapies: from forgotten to the forefront,Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in non-surgical centres: con,Aortic stenosis in females: the impact of the RHEIA trial on our clinical practice,Hot or not debate - transcatheter tricuspid interventions now and tomorrow", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Tricuspid Valve Therapy | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "Stephan Windecker", + "kol_full_name": "Stephan Windecker" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364187", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364187", + "first_name": "Paulus", + "middle_name": "F.", + "last_name": "Kirchhof", + "org_name": "Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": 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press: heart failure-related cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Heart-Assist Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "Finn Gustafsson", + "kol_full_name": "Finn Gustafsson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial High Rate Episodes | Atrial Fibrillation | Body Mass Index | ErbB Receptors | Body Weight | Edoxaban | Stroke | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364176", + "session_name": "Predictors and Outcomes of Atrial Fibrillation Progression in Patients with Device-Detected Subclinical AF: Insights from the ARTESiA Trial,Impact of differences in body mass index, body surface area and lean body mass on clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving edoxaban: 4-year follow-up data from ETNA-AF-Europe,Impact of body weight and body mass index on clinical outcomes of edoxaban therapy in atrial fibrillation patients included in the ETNA-AF-Global registry,Reducing stroke risk in patients with atrial high-rate episodes (AHRE),Evaluation of concordance and association with clinical outcomes across eGFR values calculated with eight different formulas in a large cohort of european patients with atrial fibrillation.,New onset of atrial fibrillation in patients with cancer: risk-benefit appraisal of anticoagulants", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364176", + "first_name": "Giuseppe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Boriani", + "org_name": "University of Modena and Reggio Emilia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Modena", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictors and Outcomes of Atrial Fibrillation Progression in Patients with Device-Detected Subclinical AF: Insights from the ARTESiA Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of differences in body mass index, body surface area and lean body mass on clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving edoxaban: 4-year follow-up data from ETNA-AF-Europe,Impact of body weight and body mass index on clinical outcomes of edoxaban therapy in atrial fibrillation patients included in the ETNA-AF-Global registry,Reducing stroke risk in patients with atrial high-rate episodes (AHRE),Evaluation of concordance and association with clinical outcomes across eGFR values calculated with eight different formulas in a large cohort of european patients with atrial fibrillation.,New onset of atrial fibrillation in patients with cancer: risk-benefit appraisal of anticoagulants", + "events_topic": "Atrial High Rate Episodes | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Body Mass Index | ErbB Receptors | Body Weight | Edoxaban | Stroke | Anticoagulants", + "kol_name": "Giuseppe Boriani", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Boriani" + }, + { 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practice,Applied innovations in cardiovascular care", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "Jeroen J. Bax", + "kol_full_name": "Jeroen J. Bax" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364169", + "session_name": "Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on heart failure,Heart failure with secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation,Great Debate: atrial fibrillation and heart failure - 'to ablate or not to ablate, that is the question',Heart failure: recent breakers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364169", + "first_name": "Marco", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Metra", + "org_name": "University of Brescia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Brescia", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on heart failure,Heart failure with secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation,Great Debate: atrial fibrillation and heart failure - 'to ablate or not to ablate, that is the question',Heart failure: recent breakers", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Marco Metra", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Metra" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Cardiovascular Nursing | Artificial Intelligence | Mitral Valve Prolapse | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364163", + "session_name": "Imaging: the role of cardiac imaging for personalised cardiovascular care,Multimodality imaging to identify arrhythmogenic mitral valve prolapse,Imaging research in Circulation,Using artificial intelligence to bridge gaps in cardiovascular care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": 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inhibition, CETP inhibitors, and cholesterol-efflux enhancer therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364074", + "first_name": "Ulf", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Landmesser", + "org_name": "Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Additional cholesterol synthesis inhibition", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " CETP inhibitors, and cholesterol-efflux enhancer therapies", + "events_topic": "CETP Inhibitors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ulf Landmesser", + "kol_full_name": "Ulf Landmesser" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Obesity | Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364065", + "session_name": "Delivering optimal care for patients with obesity during cardiac procedures,Clinical Case Management: the valvular heart team at work,Personalising treatment strategies for aortic valve stenosis: matching therapies to patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364065", + "first_name": "Volkmar", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Falk", + "org_name": "Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Delivering optimal care for patients with obesity during cardiac procedures", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical Case Management: the valvular heart team at work,Personalising treatment strategies for aortic valve stenosis: matching therapies to patients", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Aortic Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity | Heart Valve Diseases", + "kol_name": "Volkmar Falk", + "kol_full_name": "Volkmar Falk" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364064", + "session_name": "Challenges in acute and chronic heart failure: implementing guidelines and beyond - insights from Greece and Cyprus,Contemporary epidemiology of worsening heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "364064", + "first_name": "Gerasimos", + "middle_name": "S.", + "last_name": "Filippatos", + "org_name": "Attikon Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges in acute and chronic heart failure: implementing guidelines and beyond - insights from Greece and Cyprus", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Contemporary epidemiology of worsening heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gerasimos S. Filippatos", + "kol_full_name": "Gerasimos S. Filippatos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia With No Obstructive Arteries | Chronic Coronary Syndromes | MINOCA", + "npi_num": "1235168642", + "hcp_pin_alias": "251021", + "session_name": "Evolving environment of chronic coronary syndrome management in 2024,Contemporary investigation and management of MINOCA: the UK perspective - discussion on guideline implementation,The floor is yours: bring your questions on INOCA - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "251021", + "first_name": "Colin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Berry", + "org_name": "The University of Glasgow College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evolving environment of chronic coronary syndrome management in 2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Contemporary investigation and management of MINOCA: the UK perspective - discussion on guideline implementation,The floor is yours: bring your questions on INOCA - expert panel", + "events_topic": "Ischemia With No Obstructive Arteries | Chronic Coronary Syndromes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " MINOCA", + "kol_name": "Colin Berry", + "kol_full_name": "Colin Berry" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "HIV | Uterine Myomectomy | Cardiomyopathies | Cardiac Myosins | Patient Care | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "230036", + "session_name": "Patient case,Spotlight on cardiac myosin inhibition,The clinical challenge of managing a patient with HCM,Modern medical treatment is better than myomectomy for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: pro,The spectrum of cardiomyopathies: genetics to HIV", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "230036", + "first_name": "Iacopo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Olivotto", + "org_name": "Careggi University Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Florence", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient case", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Spotlight on cardiac myosin inhibition,The clinical challenge of managing a patient with HCM,Modern medical treatment is better than myomectomy for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: pro,The spectrum of cardiomyopathies: genetics to HIV", + "events_topic": "HIV | Uterine Myomectomy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies | Cardiac Myosins | Patient Care | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "Iacopo Olivotto", + "kol_full_name": "Iacopo Olivotto" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic 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cardiomyopathy,Patient case,A clinical approach to left ventricular hypertrophy: causes and important 'red flags',Introduction with a case of a patient with HCM,Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) summit: navigating patient cases,Trial updates and other studies in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and aortic stenosis,Managing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in clinical practice: the patient journey,New treatment targets for personalised therapy in genetic cardiomyopathies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "230032", + "first_name": "Perry", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Elliott", + "org_name": "University College London Institute of Cardiovascular Science", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "10", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unveiling the latest insights: clinical and real-world data in ATTR cardiomyopathy management", + 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on health status after TAVI or SAVR in low risk patients with severe aortic stenosis: results from the PARTNER 3 Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "Michael Brener", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Brener" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "1851359954", + "hcp_pin_alias": "77841", + "session_name": "Discussant review - OCEANIC-AF,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel,Management of atrial fibrillation: knowns and unknowns,Atrial fibrillation management and outcomes in high-risk atrial fibrillation populations,Practical dilemmas in atrial fibrillation therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "77841", + "first_name": "Elaine", + "middle_name": "M.", + "last_name": "Hylek", + "org_name": "Boston Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - OCEANIC-AF", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel,Management of atrial fibrillation: knowns and unknowns,Atrial fibrillation management and outcomes in high-risk atrial fibrillation populations,Practical dilemmas in atrial fibrillation therapies", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Elaine M. 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Ton", + "kol_full_name": "Van-khue T. 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basic course", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Cardiovascular Haemodynamics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Marc L Dickstein", + "kol_full_name": "Marc L Dickstein" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Empagliflozin | Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive | Heart Failure | Sarcopenia", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "43768", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on frailty, falls, and sarcopenia,Effectiveness of empagliflozin in patients with heart failure and COPD: Results from EMPEROR-Preserved and EMPEROR-Reduced,Treatment of heart failure in Bulgaria and Germany: implementation of 2023 ESC Guidelines - Focused Update on Heart Failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "43768", + "first_name": "Stephan", + "middle_name": "von", + "last_name": "Haehling", + "org_name": "University Medical Center Goettingen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": "Göttingen", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Registries", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " observational, and other studies on frailty, falls, and sarcopenia,Effectiveness of empagliflozin in patients with heart failure and COPD: Results from EMPEROR-Preserved and EMPEROR-Reduced,Treatment of heart failure in Bulgaria and Germany: implementation of 2023 ESC Guidelines - Focused Update on Heart Failure", + "events_topic": "Empagliflozin | Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Sarcopenia", + "kol_name": "Stephan von Haehling", + "kol_full_name": "Stephan von Haehling" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1003170861", + "hcp_pin_alias": "43763", + "session_name": "Step 3 - time is prognosis: rapid treatment optimisation,Clinical and financial implications of inpatient and outpatient management strategies for worsening heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "43763", + "first_name": "Stephen", + "middle_name": "John", + "last_name": "Greene", + "org_name": "Duke University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Step 3 - time is prognosis: rapid treatment optimisation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical and financial implications of inpatient and outpatient management strategies for worsening heart failure", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Stephen John Greene", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen John Greene" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Renal Denervation | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "43753", + "session_name": "Renal denervation lowers all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with uncontrolled arterial hypertension: a randomised, sham-controlled study.,Device-based hypertension therapies: third pillar in hypertension management?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "43753", + "first_name": "Marshall", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Heradien", + "org_name": "Busamed Paardevlei Private Hospital", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "Western Cape", + "City": "Cape Town", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Renal denervation lowers all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with uncontrolled arterial hypertension: a randomised", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " sham-controlled study.,Device-based hypertension therapies: third pillar in hypertension management?", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Renal Denervation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension", + "kol_name": "Marshall Heradien", + "kol_full_name": "Marshall Heradien" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Finerenone | Heart Failure | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "1023370467", + "hcp_pin_alias": "43740", + "session_name": "Ask the Trialist - 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Parwani", + "kol_full_name": "Purvi J. Parwani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Echocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "1073807004", + "hcp_pin_alias": "35622", + "session_name": "Clinical applications of artificial intelligence in cardiovascular imaging: state-of-the-art lecture,Novel echocardiographic indices for risk stratification", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "35622", + "first_name": "Jordan", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Strom", + "org_name": "Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical applications of artificial intelligence in cardiovascular imaging: state-of-the-art lecture", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Novel echocardiographic indices for risk stratification", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Jordan B Strom", + "kol_full_name": "Jordan B Strom" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Myocarditis | Amyloid | Genetic Predisposition To Disease", + "npi_num": "1053553941", + "hcp_pin_alias": "35601", + "session_name": "Genetic susceptibility to myocarditis,Heart failure is the stage and amyloid a key player", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "35601", + "first_name": "Amy", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Kontorovich", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genetic susceptibility to myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Heart failure is the stage and amyloid a key player", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Myocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloid | Genetic Predisposition To Disease", + "kol_name": "Amy R Kontorovich", + "kol_full_name": "Amy R Kontorovich" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "35550", + "session_name": "Great Debates: diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "35550", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hasdai", + "org_name": "Tel Aviv University Sackler Faculty of Medicine", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Tel Aviv", + "City": "Tel Aviv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Great Debates: diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "David Hasdai", + "kol_full_name": "David Hasdai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MINOCA | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "", + "hcp_pin_alias": "35539", + "session_name": "Novel imaging techniques to phenotype patients with MINOCA", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "35539", + "first_name": "Matthias", + "middle_name": "G. W.", + "last_name": "Friedrich", + "org_name": "Mcgill University Health Centre", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Quebec", + "City": "Montreal", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel imaging techniques to phenotype patients with MINOCA", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "MINOCA | Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Matthias G. W. Friedrich", + "kol_full_name": "Matthias G. W. Friedrich" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Steroid-Sparing Paradigm Shift", + "npi_num": "1053516583", + "hcp_pin_alias": "35369", + "session_name": "Increased adoption of IL-1 pathway inhibition and the steroid-sparing paradigm shift: temporal trends in recurrent pericarditis treatment from the RESONANCE patient registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "35369", + "first_name": "Paul", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Cremer", + "org_name": "Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Increased adoption of IL-1 pathway inhibition and the steroid-sparing paradigm shift: temporal trends in recurrent pericarditis treatment from the RESONANCE patient registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + 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Decision-Making | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Transplantation | Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Shock, Cardiogenic | Giant Cell Myocarditis | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "1770870453", + "hcp_pin_alias": "33815", + "session_name": "Bridge to candidacy: understanding the role of Impella 5.5 in cardiac amyloidosis and pulmonary hypertension,Multi-disciplinary approach in fatal ventricular arrhythmias and refractory shock stabilized with axillary mechanical support as a bridge to heart transplant in ARVC.,Extending the window in clinical decision making: the role for Impella 5.5 in cardiogenic shock,Confronting giant cell myocarditis: a challenging clinical encounter,Empowering early action: the role of impella 5.5 in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy complicated by cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "33815", + "first_name": "Rohan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Goswami", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Jacksonville", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bridge to candidacy: understanding the role of Impella 5.5 in cardiac amyloidosis and pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Multi-disciplinary approach in fatal ventricular arrhythmias and refractory shock stabilized with axillary mechanical support as a bridge to heart transplant in ARVC.,Extending the window in clinical decision making: the role for Impella 5.5 in cardiogenic shock,Confronting giant cell myocarditis: a challenging clinical encounter,Empowering early action: the role of impella 5.5 in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy complicated by cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Shock | Clinical Decision-Making ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Transplantation | Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Shock, Cardiogenic | Giant Cell Myocarditis | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "kol_name": "Rohan Goswami", + "kol_full_name": "Rohan Goswami" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Obesity", + "npi_num": "1659758845", + "hcp_pin_alias": "33417", + "session_name": "We can reduce cardiovascular risk by treating obesity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "33417", + "first_name": "Hadley", + "middle_name": "Kitchin", + "last_name": "Wilson", + "org_name": "Novant Medical Group Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Winston Salem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "We can reduce cardiovascular risk by treating obesity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Hadley Kitchin Wilson", + "kol_full_name": "Hadley Kitchin Wilson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Transfusion | Heart Failure | Myocardial Infarction | Anemia", + "npi_num": "1457594681", + "hcp_pin_alias": "32763", + "session_name": "A liberal blood transfusion strategy is safe in patients with myocardial infarction, anemia, and heart failure: lessons from MINT", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "32763", + "first_name": "Andrew", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Goldsweig", + "org_name": "Baystate Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Springfield", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A liberal blood transfusion strategy is safe in patients with myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " anemia, and heart failure: lessons from MINT", + "events_topic": "Blood Transfusion | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Anemia", + "kol_name": "Andrew M Goldsweig", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew M Goldsweig" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Ischemia | Inflammation | Mechanical Circulatory Support | SMART Trial | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Reperfusion Injury | Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1447203401", + "hcp_pin_alias": "32708", + "session_name": "Inflammation in acute myocardial infarction (AMI): where do we stand?,Ischaemia reperfusion injury,Durability in TAVI valves: data, predictors, and real-world insights,SMART Trial results - a landmark head-to-head randomised controlled TAVI trial,Update from The Lancet Women and Cardiovascular Disease Commission,ChatGPT, Copilot, and other large language models (LLMs): transforming cardiovascular education, care, and science,Transforming TAVI practice: evidence, equity, and durability,Great Debate: mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock - 'the course of true love never did run smooth'", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "32708", + "first_name": "Roxana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Mehran", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "8", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inflammation in acute myocardial infarction (AMI): where do we stand?", + "rest_events_session_count": 15, + "rest_events_session": "Ischaemia reperfusion injury,Durability in TAVI valves: data, predictors, and real-world insights,SMART Trial results - a landmark head-to-head randomised controlled TAVI trial,Update from The Lancet Women and Cardiovascular Disease Commission,ChatGPT, Copilot, and other large language models (LLMs): transforming cardiovascular education, care, and science,Transforming TAVI practice: evidence, equity, and durability,Great Debate: mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock - 'the course of true love never did run smooth'", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Inflammation | Mechanical Circulatory Support | SMART Trial | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Reperfusion Injury | Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Roxana Mehran", + "kol_full_name": "Roxana Mehran" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "1144459462", + "hcp_pin_alias": "31731", + "session_name": "Mastering complexity: advanced PCI strategies for challenging lesions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "31731", + "first_name": "Kathleen", + "middle_name": "Erin", + "last_name": "Kearney", + "org_name": "University of Washington Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mastering complexity: advanced PCI strategies for challenging lesions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Kathleen Erin Kearney", + "kol_full_name": "Kathleen Erin Kearney" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1134206956", + "hcp_pin_alias": "31695", + "session_name": "Discussant review - RESHAPE-HF2", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "31695", + "first_name": "Gregg", + "middle_name": "W.", + "last_name": "Stone", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - RESHAPE-HF2", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Gregg W. Stone", + "kol_full_name": "Gregg W. Stone" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolic Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1063831956", + "hcp_pin_alias": "31485", + "session_name": "Defining high risk in the cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome and associated cardiovascular disease outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "31485", + "first_name": "Nilay", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Shah", + "org_name": "Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Defining high risk in the cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome and associated cardiovascular disease outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Metabolic Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Nilay S Shah", + "kol_full_name": "Nilay S Shah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1699764480", + "hcp_pin_alias": "31203", + "session_name": "Digitising heart failure: from diagnosis to treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "31203", + "first_name": "Harlan", + "middle_name": "Marc", + "last_name": "Krumholz", + "org_name": "Yale New Haven Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Digitising heart failure: from diagnosis to treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Harlan Marc Krumholz", + "kol_full_name": "Harlan Marc Krumholz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, Optical Coherence | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Angiography", + "npi_num": "1588844245", + "hcp_pin_alias": "31195", + "session_name": "ILUMIEN IV: optical coherence tomography-guided vs. angiography-guided PCI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "31195", + "first_name": "Ziad", + "middle_name": "Anwar", + "last_name": "Ali", + "org_name": "St Francis Hospital - The Heart Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Roslyn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ILUMIEN IV: optical coherence tomography-guided vs. angiography-guided PCI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, Optical Coherence | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiography", + "kol_name": "Ziad Anwar Ali", + "kol_full_name": "Ziad Anwar Ali" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Factor XI Inhibitor | Antithrombotic Therapy | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "1578902276", + "hcp_pin_alias": "31194", + "session_name": "Uncoupling ischaemic and bleeding complications: are new factor XI inhibitors too good to be true?,Cerebral microbleeds are common: what do cardiologists need to know about the bleeding risk with antithrombotic therapies?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "31194", + "first_name": "Christopher", + "middle_name": "Michael", + "last_name": "Gibson", + "org_name": "Boston Children's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Needham", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Uncoupling ischaemic and bleeding complications: are new factor XI inhibitors too good to be true?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cerebral microbleeds are common: what do cardiologists need to know about the bleeding risk with antithrombotic therapies?", + "events_topic": "Factor XI Inhibitor | Antithrombotic Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "Christopher Michael Gibson", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher Michael Gibson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Semaglutide | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Post-Discharge Management | Hypertension | Drug Combinations | In-Hospital Treatment | Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor | Heart Failure | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "1457361107", + "hcp_pin_alias": "31189", + "session_name": "Post-discharge management: planning for the future,In-hospital treatment: an opportunity to act,Clinical trial updates on the GLP-1 receptor agonist, semaglutide,New Drugs Made Easy: all you need to know about…,Addressing unmet needs in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and type 2 diabetes,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,A new era in the management of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular complications,Novel drug therapies in hypertension: new kids on the block", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "31189", + "first_name": "Biykem", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bozkurt", + "org_name": "Baylor College of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "8", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Post-discharge management: planning for the future", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": "In-hospital treatment: an opportunity to act,Clinical trial updates on the GLP-1 receptor agonist, semaglutide,New Drugs Made Easy: all you need to know about…,Addressing unmet needs in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and type 2 diabetes,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,A new era in the management of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular complications,Novel drug therapies in hypertension: new kids on the block", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Semaglutide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Post-Discharge Management | Hypertension | Drug Combinations | In-Hospital Treatment | Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor | Heart Failure | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "kol_name": "Biykem Bozkurt", + "kol_full_name": "Biykem Bozkurt" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peri-Discharge Complex Treatment | In-Hospital Treatment | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1851309975", + "hcp_pin_alias": "31060", + "session_name": "Peri-discharge treatment: ready for the road ahead,In-hospital treatment: an opportunity to act,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "31060", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Teerlink", + "org_name": "UCSF Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peri-discharge treatment: ready for the road ahead", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "In-hospital treatment: an opportunity to act,Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure", + "events_topic": "Peri-Discharge Complex Treatment | In-Hospital Treatment ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "John R Teerlink", + "kol_full_name": "John R Teerlink" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Structure | Aficamten | Medical Management | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "1154693182", + "hcp_pin_alias": "30934", + "session_name": "Treating obstructive HCM: what's next for our patients,Obstructive HCM: where are we now?,Safety and Outcomes of Standard of Care Medications Withdrawal in Patients with Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Treated with Aficamten in FOREST-HCM Trial,Effect of Aficamten on Cardiac Structure and Function in Patients with Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: The SEQUOIA-HCM CMR Trial,Navigating the evolving therapeutic landscape for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM),Where are we now and what's next in medical management?,Aficamten in patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: an integrated safety analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "30934", + "first_name": "Ahmad", + "middle_name": "Mohammad Amin", + "last_name": "Masri", + "org_name": "OHSU Knight Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Oregon", + "City": "Portland", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treating obstructive HCM: what's next for our patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Obstructive HCM: where are we now?,Safety and Outcomes of Standard of Care Medications Withdrawal in Patients with Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Treated with Aficamten in FOREST-HCM Trial,Effect of Aficamten on Cardiac Structure and Function in Patients with Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: The SEQUOIA-HCM CMR Trial,Navigating the evolving therapeutic landscape for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM),Where are we now and what's next in medical management?,Aficamten in patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: an integrated safety analysis", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Structure | Aficamten ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Medical Management | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "Ahmad Mohammad Amin Masri", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmad Mohammad Amin Masri" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "1154343606", + "hcp_pin_alias": "30931", + "session_name": "Outcomes and complications of transvenous implantable cardioverter defibrillator systems in the pediatric population: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "30931", + "first_name": "Maully", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Shah", + "org_name": "Childrens Health Care Associates Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes and complications of transvenous implantable cardioverter defibrillator systems in the pediatric population: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Maully J Shah", + "kol_full_name": "Maully J Shah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Weight Management | Overweight | Semaglutide | COVID-19 | Clinical Trial | Obesity", + "npi_num": "1982664033", + "hcp_pin_alias": "30441", + "session_name": "Management of overweight and obesity: evaluating clinical practices and shaping the future,Novel approaches to weight management: insights from clinical trials,The effect of semaglutide on mortality and COVID-19-related deaths - a pre-specified analysis from the SELECT trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "30441", + "first_name": "Benjamin", + "middle_name": "Morgan", + "last_name": "Scirica", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of overweight and obesity: evaluating clinical practices and shaping the future", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Novel approaches to weight management: insights from clinical trials,The effect of semaglutide on mortality and COVID-19-related deaths - a pre-specified analysis from the SELECT trial", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Weight Management ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Overweight | Semaglutide | COVID-19 | Clinical Trial | Obesity", + "kol_name": "Benjamin Morgan Scirica", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Morgan Scirica" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sequoia | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "1982603973", + "hcp_pin_alias": "30344", + "session_name": "Effect of aficamten on patient-reported health status in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: results from SEQUOIA-HCM", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "30344", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Spertus", + "org_name": "University of Missouri-Kansas City", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "Kansas City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of aficamten on patient-reported health status in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: results from SEQUOIA-HCM", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sequoia | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "John A Spertus", + "kol_full_name": "John A Spertus" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Veins Isolation | Obesity | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "npi_num": "1972767192", + "hcp_pin_alias": "30303", + "session_name": "Impact of obesity and early recurrence of atrial fibrillation on very late recurrence following cryoballoon pulmonary vein isolation,Automatic measurement of stimulation to maximum negative dv/dt in V5 and V6 leads to confirm left bundle capture for conduction system pacing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "30303", + "first_name": "Dan", + "middle_name": "Laurentiu", + "last_name": "Musat", + "org_name": "Valley Physician Services, Ny, Pc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of obesity and early recurrence of atrial fibrillation on very late recurrence following cryoballoon pulmonary vein isolation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Automatic measurement of stimulation to maximum negative dv/dt in V5 and V6 leads to confirm left bundle capture for conduction system pacing", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Veins Isolation | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "kol_name": "Dan Laurentiu Musat", + "kol_full_name": "Dan Laurentiu Musat" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia | Chronic Limb Ischaemia | Open Surgery | Endovascular Procedures", + "npi_num": "1972547974", + "hcp_pin_alias": "30097", + "session_name": "Open surgery or endovascular approach as first-line treatment for chronic limb ischaemia: review of evidence from BEST-CLI and BASIL-2 and more,BASIL-2: no, endo vascular approach is best first-line treatment for chronic limb ischaemia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "30097", + "first_name": "Prakash", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Krishnan", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Open surgery or endovascular approach as first-line treatment for chronic limb ischaemia: review of evidence from BEST-CLI and BASIL-2 and more", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "BASIL-2: no, endo vascular approach is best first-line treatment for chronic limb ischaemia", + "events_topic": "Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia | Chronic Limb Ischaemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Open Surgery | Endovascular Procedures", + "kol_name": "Prakash Krishnan", + "kol_full_name": "Prakash Krishnan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "1962607564", + "hcp_pin_alias": "29964", + "session_name": "Aortic valve replacement and mortality with left ventricular hypertrophy in setting of normal LVEF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "29964", + "first_name": "Jason", + "middle_name": "H", + "last_name": "Wasfy", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aortic valve replacement and mortality with left ventricular hypertrophy in setting of normal LVEF", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jason H Wasfy", + "kol_full_name": "Jason H Wasfy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Empagliflozin | Atherosclerosis | Inhibition, Psychological | Ischemia | Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Clinical Trial | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Myocardial Infarction | Aldosterone", + "npi_num": "1962515551", + "hcp_pin_alias": "29911", + "session_name": "Pitfalls in the interpretation of clinical trials: important aspects for trialists and clinicians who read their publications,Cardiorenal effects and safety of initiation of empagliflozin after acute myocardial infarction,Lower rate of ischemic events with PCSK9 inhibition in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease but without prior ischemic events,Case presentation: high-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) (Pre-acute coronary syndrome),Empagliflozin and kidney function after acute myocardial infarction,Aldosterone synthase inhibition,For high-risk patients it's 15 minutes to midnight on the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) clock: can we stop it?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "29911", + "first_name": "Deepak", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Bhatt", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pitfalls in the interpretation of clinical trials: important aspects for trialists and clinicians who read their publications", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiorenal effects and safety of initiation of empagliflozin after acute myocardial infarction,Lower rate of ischemic events with PCSK9 inhibition in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease but without prior ischemic events,Case presentation: high-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) (Pre-acute coronary syndrome),Empagliflozin and kidney function after acute myocardial infarction,Aldosterone synthase inhibition,For high-risk patients it's 15 minutes to midnight on the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) clock: can we stop it?", + "events_topic": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Empagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Atherosclerosis | Inhibition, Psychological | Ischemia | Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Clinical Trial | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Myocardial Infarction | Aldosterone", + "kol_name": "Deepak L Bhatt", + "kol_full_name": "Deepak L Bhatt" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Electrocardiography | Monitoring, Ambulatory | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "1962487447", + "hcp_pin_alias": "29863", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence is important in cardiology: pro,Short-term prediction of atrial fibrillation from ambulatory monitoring ECG using a deep neural network", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "29863", + "first_name": "Jagmeet", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Singh", + "org_name": "Mass General Hospital: Corrigan Minehan Heart Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Danvers", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence is important in cardiology: pro", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Short-term prediction of atrial fibrillation from ambulatory monitoring ECG using a deep neural network", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Monitoring, Ambulatory | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Jagmeet P Singh", + "kol_full_name": "Jagmeet P Singh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Decision Making | Stroke | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "1962484766", + "hcp_pin_alias": "29855", + "session_name": "Randomized evaluation of decision support interventions for atrial fibrillation: Anticoagulant adherence after shared decision making interventions for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "29855", + "first_name": "Elizabeth", + "middle_name": "Anne", + "last_name": "Jackson", + "org_name": "University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Alabama", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Randomized evaluation of decision support interventions for atrial fibrillation: Anticoagulant adherence after shared decision making interventions for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Decision Making ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke | Anticoagulants", + "kol_name": "Elizabeth Anne Jackson", + "kol_full_name": "Elizabeth Anne Jackson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1952468209", + "hcp_pin_alias": "29631", + "session_name": "Clinical validated risk prediction model for development of heart failure after contemporary breast cancer treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "29631", + "first_name": "Ana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Barac", + "org_name": "Inova Fair Oaks Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Fairfax", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical validated risk prediction model for development of heart failure after contemporary breast cancer treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ana Barac", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Barac" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "1952343212", + "hcp_pin_alias": "29486", + "session_name": "State-of-the-art lecture on calcium modification: optimising the journey through coronary calcium", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "29486", + "first_name": "Annapoorna", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Kini", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "State-of-the-art lecture on calcium modification: optimising the journey through coronary calcium", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Annapoorna S Kini", + "kol_full_name": "Annapoorna S Kini" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1942274279", + "hcp_pin_alias": "29246", + "session_name": "Exploring the paradox: a comprehensive study on the reduced risk of coronary artery disease in breast cancer patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "29246", + "first_name": "Omar", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Obeidat", + "org_name": "DLP Conemaugh Physician Practices LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Johnstown", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring the paradox: a comprehensive study on the reduced risk of coronary artery disease in breast cancer patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Omar S Obeidat", + "kol_full_name": "Omar S Obeidat" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Amyloid", + "npi_num": "1932188935", + "hcp_pin_alias": "28938", + "session_name": "Heart failure is the stage and amyloid a key player", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "28938", + "first_name": "Martha", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Grogan", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital, Saint Marys Campus", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart failure is the stage and amyloid a key player", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Amyloid", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Martha Grogan", + "kol_full_name": "Martha Grogan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "1922144146", + "hcp_pin_alias": "28674", + "session_name": "The global burden of rheumatic heart disease: trends and challenges", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "28674", + "first_name": "Gregory", + "middle_name": "Andrew", + "last_name": "Roth", + "org_name": "University of Washington Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The global burden of rheumatic heart disease: trends and challenges", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rheumatic Heart Disease", + 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+ "rest_events_session": "Heart failure: recent breakers,Hot off the press: heart failure-related cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mariell L Jessup", + "kol_full_name": "Mariell L Jessup" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "1912917030", + "hcp_pin_alias": "28297", + "session_name": "Pacing sensation with a second generation intercostal extravascular ICD lead,Defibrillation success with a second generation intercostal extravascular ICD lead and commercially available left pectoral pulse generator,Electrical performance of a novel extravascular temporary pacing lead system", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "28297", + "first_name": "Martin", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Burke", + "org_name": "Northwestern Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pacing sensation with a second generation intercostal extravascular ICD lead", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Defibrillation success with a second generation intercostal extravascular ICD lead and commercially available left pectoral pulse generator,Electrical performance of a novel extravascular temporary pacing lead system", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Martin C Burke", + "kol_full_name": "Martin C Burke" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cardiovascular Diseases | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Nomograms | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1902980063", + 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"Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Nomograms | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Adrian Felipe Hernandez", + "kol_full_name": "Adrian Felipe Hernandez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "1902959554", + "hcp_pin_alias": "28109", + "session_name": "Mechanical circulatory support is of benefit in cardiogenic shock: pro", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "28109", + "first_name": "Navin", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Kapur", + "org_name": "Tufts Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mechanical circulatory support is of benefit in cardiogenic shock: pro", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Navin K Kapur", + "kol_full_name": "Navin K Kapur" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "1881708295", + "hcp_pin_alias": "27412", + "session_name": "Atrial fibrillation and HFpEF: what role does catheter ablation play?,New modalities and strategies in catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "27412", + "first_name": "Nassir", + "middle_name": "F.", + "last_name": "Marrouche", + "org_name": "Administrators Of The Tulane Educational Fund", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Louisiana", + "City": "Metairie", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial fibrillation and HFpEF: what role does catheter ablation play?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "New modalities and strategies in catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Nassir F. Marrouche", + "kol_full_name": "Nassir F. Marrouche" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "1851358162", + "hcp_pin_alias": "26365", + "session_name": "Practice-changing studies from NEJM 2024", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "26365", + "first_name": "Jane", + "middle_name": "Anne", + "last_name": "Leopold", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Practice-changing studies from NEJM 2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jane Anne Leopold", + "kol_full_name": "Jane Anne Leopold" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "1841492402", + "hcp_pin_alias": "26250", + "session_name": "Prediction of cardiovascular risk in patients type 2 diabetes using the SCORE2-Diabetes risk score", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "26250", + "first_name": "Matthew", + "middle_name": "A.", + "last_name": "Cavender", + "org_name": "UNC School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Chapel Hill", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prediction of cardiovascular risk in patients type 2 diabetes using the SCORE2-Diabetes risk score", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Matthew A. Cavender", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew A. Cavender" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Valve Diseases | Pulmonary Valve Stenosis | Heart Diseases | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Myocardial Ischemia | Nonischemic Heart Disease | Ischemic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "1841408226", + "hcp_pin_alias": "26210", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in non-ischaemic heart disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in non-ischemic heart disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in ischaemic heart disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in valve disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in valvular heart disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance ischaemic heart disease,Clinical Case Management: the diagnostic challenge of combined valvular stenosis and regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "26210", + "first_name": "Joao", + "middle_name": "Luiz", + "last_name": "Cavalcante", + "org_name": "Allina Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Edina", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in non-ischaemic heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in non-ischemic heart disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in ischaemic heart disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in valve disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in valvular heart disease,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance ischaemic heart disease,Clinical Case Management: the diagnostic challenge of combined valvular stenosis and regurgitation", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Valve Diseases | Pulmonary Valve Stenosis | Heart Diseases | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Myocardial Ischemia | Nonischemic Heart Disease | Ischemic Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "Joao Luiz Cavalcante", + "kol_full_name": "Joao Luiz Cavalcante" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "1841214830", + "hcp_pin_alias": "25969", + "session_name": "Real-world evidence of implanting leadless pacemakers after transcatheter aortic valve implantation procedures", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "25969", + "first_name": "Steven", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Zweibel", + "org_name": "Hartford Healthcare Medical Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "Norwich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-world evidence of implanting leadless pacemakers after transcatheter aortic valve implantation procedures", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Steven L Zweibel", + "kol_full_name": "Steven L Zweibel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1831365626", + "hcp_pin_alias": "25915", + "session_name": "Advanced heart failure: new challenges, new opportunities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "25915", + "first_name": "Amanda", + "middle_name": "Ruth", + "last_name": "Vest", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advanced heart failure: new challenges", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " new opportunities", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Amanda Ruth Vest", + "kol_full_name": "Amanda Ruth Vest" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Women's Health | Primary Prevention | Secondary Prevention | Combined Modality Therapy | Cholesterol, LDL | Decision Making | Lipoprotein(a)", + "npi_num": "1831203777", + "hcp_pin_alias": "25818", + "session_name": "Panel discussion 2 - how can healthcare providers effectively navigate the decision-making process when considering combination therapy for women with elevated LDL-C levels?,real-world implementation challenges: which practical considerations should healthcare professionals employ for optimal management of LDL-C levels in women?,Optimising LDL-C reduction for women's heart health: exploring established therapies,Cases in Lp(a) – primary and secondary prevention,Navigating complex decision making: personalised care beyond the guidelines", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "25818", + "first_name": "Sunghee", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Cho", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Panel discussion 2 - how can healthcare providers effectively navigate the decision-making process when considering combination therapy for women with elevated LDL-C levels?", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "real-world implementation challenges: which practical considerations should healthcare professionals employ for optimal management of LDL-C levels in women?,Optimising LDL-C reduction for women's heart health: exploring established therapies,Cases in Lp(a) – primary and secondary prevention,Navigating complex decision making: personalised care beyond the guidelines", + "events_topic": "Women's Health | Primary Prevention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Secondary Prevention | Combined Modality Therapy | Cholesterol, LDL | Decision Making | Lipoprotein(a)", + "kol_name": "Sunghee L Cho", + "kol_full_name": "Sunghee L Cho" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "1831121789", + "hcp_pin_alias": "25665", + "session_name": "Pulmonary hypertension: advanced diagnostics", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "25665", + "first_name": "Patricia", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Thistlethwaite", + "org_name": "UC San Diego Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Diego", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension: advanced diagnostics", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Patricia A Thistlethwaite", + "kol_full_name": "Patricia A Thistlethwaite" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "1811967433", + "hcp_pin_alias": "25235", + "session_name": "Imaging to personalise lipid-lowering", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "25235", + "first_name": "Matthew", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Budoff", + "org_name": "UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging to personalise lipid-lowering", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Matthew J Budoff", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew J Budoff" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "1801872056", + "hcp_pin_alias": "24871", + "session_name": "The role of genetics in myocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "24871", + "first_name": "Leslie", + "middle_name": "T", + "last_name": "Cooper", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Jacksonville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of genetics in myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Leslie T Cooper", + "kol_full_name": "Leslie T Cooper" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "1780651497", + "hcp_pin_alias": "24128", + "session_name": "Intracoronary imaging and physiology in 2024: 'eyes wide open'", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "24128", + "first_name": "Ajay", + "middle_name": "Jayant", + "last_name": "Kirtane", + "org_name": "Columbia University Irving Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intracoronary imaging and physiology in 2024: 'eyes wide open'", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Ajay Jayant Kirtane", + "kol_full_name": "Ajay Jayant Kirtane" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Ventricular Premature Complexes", + "npi_num": "1770790651", + "hcp_pin_alias": "24030", + "session_name": "Premature ventricular contraction burden measured by an insertable cardiac monitor and the incidence of ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "24030", + "first_name": "Jonathan", + "middle_name": "W", + "last_name": "Dukes", + "org_name": "Cardiology Associates Medical Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Ventura", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Premature ventricular contraction burden measured by an insertable cardiac monitor and the incidence of ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Ventricular Premature Complexes", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jonathan W Dukes", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan W Dukes" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoproteins | Sotagliflozin | VICTORION-1 | Influenza, Human | Cholesterol | Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Population Dynamics", + "npi_num": "1740336908", + "hcp_pin_alias": "23050", + "session_name": "Icosapent ethyl by baseline small dense low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: an analysis of REDUCE-IT,Efficacy of sotagliflozin by diabetes duration: a secondary analysis of SCORED,Evolution of ESC guidelines: what changed the guidelines for influenza vaccination?,Open discussion with experts on influenza: don’t let influenza break the hearts of your patients,Cardiovascular risk factors and disease mortality among asian american subgroups,Applicability of VICTORION-1 PREVENT Criteria to the US Population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "23050", + "first_name": "Rahul", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Aggarwal", + "org_name": "Jupiter Medical Center Physicians Group Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Jupiter", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Icosapent ethyl by baseline small dense low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: an analysis of REDUCE-IT", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy of sotagliflozin by diabetes duration: a secondary analysis of SCORED,Evolution of ESC guidelines: what changed the guidelines for influenza vaccination?,Open discussion with experts on influenza: don’t let influenza break the hearts of your patients,Cardiovascular risk factors and disease mortality among asian american subgroups,Applicability of VICTORION-1 PREVENT Criteria to the US Population", + "events_topic": "Lipoproteins | Sotagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " VICTORION-1 | Influenza, Human | Cholesterol | Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Population Dynamics", + "kol_name": "Rahul Aggarwal", + "kol_full_name": "Rahul Aggarwal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Microvascular Dysfunction | Vasospastic Angina | Pregnancy | Coronary Vasospasm | Angina With Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | ANOCA | Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "1700143971", + "hcp_pin_alias": "21621", + "session_name": "Worse ischemic symptoms and cardiac function in women with suspected ischemia with no obstructive coronary artery disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes history,Using anginal symptoms to predict underlying etiology in patients with angina and no obstructive coronary disease (ANOCA),Differences in clinical characteristics, angina, and quality of life among patients with microvascular vs vasospastic angina and no obstructive coronary artery disease (ANOCA),Evaluation of coronary microvascular dysfunction and vasospasm in patients with angina and non-obstructive coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "21621", + "first_name": "Odayme", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Quesada", + "org_name": "The Christ Hospital Cardiovascular Associates Llc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Kentucky", + "City": "Fort Wright", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Worse ischemic symptoms and cardiac function in women with suspected ischemia with no obstructive coronary artery disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes history", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Using anginal symptoms to predict underlying etiology in patients with angina and no obstructive coronary disease (ANOCA),Differences in clinical characteristics, angina, and quality of life among patients with microvascular vs vasospastic angina and no obstructive coronary artery disease (ANOCA),Evaluation of coronary microvascular dysfunction and vasospasm in patients with angina and non-obstructive coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Ischemia | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Microvascular Dysfunction | Vasospastic Angina | Pregnancy | Coronary Vasospasm | Angina With Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | ANOCA | Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Odayme Quesada", + "kol_full_name": "Odayme Quesada" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "1699757062", + "hcp_pin_alias": "21385", + "session_name": "State-of-the-art lecture on biomarkers to guide the treatment of heart failure: where are we going?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "21385", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "Louis", + "last_name": "Januzzi", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "State-of-the-art lecture on biomarkers to guide the treatment of heart failure: where are we going?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "James Louis Januzzi", + "kol_full_name": "James Louis Januzzi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors | Lipoproteins | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "1699720151", + "hcp_pin_alias": "21303", + "session_name": "Personalised lipid-lowering therapy in different patient populations,Lipid-lowering therapies: new findings,Lipoproteins and cardiovascular risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "21303", + "first_name": "Vera", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Bittner", + "org_name": "University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Alabama", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised lipid-lowering therapy in different patient populations", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Lipid-lowering therapies: new findings,Lipoproteins and cardiovascular risk", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipoproteins | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "kol_name": "Vera A Bittner", + "kol_full_name": "Vera A Bittner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Prevention | Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1689726630", + "hcp_pin_alias": "21146", + "session_name": "Refining risk stratification: what works best in primary prevention?,Fire and forget beats personalised lipid-lowering treatment: con,Epidemiology of cardiovascular risk and disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "21146", + "first_name": "Eugenia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gianos", + "org_name": "North Shore University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Refining risk stratification: what works best in primary prevention?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Fire and forget beats personalised lipid-lowering treatment: con,Epidemiology of cardiovascular risk and disease", + "events_topic": "Primary Prevention | Lipid-Lowering Therapies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Eugenia Gianos", + "kol_full_name": "Eugenia Gianos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Cardiac Monitors | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "1689680498", + "hcp_pin_alias": "21117", + "session_name": "Clinical implications of atrial fibrillation recurrence vs. burden following catheter ablation: outcome data from 3 contemporary clinical trials using an insertable cardiac monitor", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "21117", + "first_name": "Mehmet", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Aktas", + "org_name": "University of Rochester Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical implications of atrial fibrillation recurrence vs. burden following catheter ablation: outcome data from 3 contemporary clinical trials using an insertable cardiac monitor", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Cardiac Monitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Mehmet K Aktas", + "kol_full_name": "Mehmet K Aktas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "1679503783", + "hcp_pin_alias": "20647", + "session_name": "TAVI: technical aspects in special populations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "20647", + "first_name": "Howard", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Herrmann", + "org_name": "Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TAVI: technical aspects in special populations", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Howard C Herrmann", + "kol_full_name": "Howard C Herrmann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1669572962", + "hcp_pin_alias": "20566", + "session_name": "Comorbidities in heart failure: latest findings,Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "20566", + "first_name": "Randall", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Starling", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comorbidities in heart failure: latest findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Randall C Starling", + "kol_full_name": "Randall C Starling" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mavacamten | Aficamten | Patient Monitoring | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Early Diagnosis", + "npi_num": "1669572152", + "hcp_pin_alias": "20564", + "session_name": "Mavacamten/aficamten: treatment initiation and patient monitoring,Cases in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: from early diagnosis to novel therapies,Real-world experience with mavacamten in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: observations from a tertiary care center,Long-term outcomes of patients with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: incorporation of a novel risk score.,Serial changes in left and right ventricular global longitudinal strain in symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy treated with mavacamten: insights from VALOR-HCM trial,Serial changes in left atrial strain in symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy treated with mavacamten: insights from VALOR-HCM trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "20564", + "first_name": "Milind", + "middle_name": "Yagnesh", + "last_name": "Desai", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mavacamten/aficamten: treatment initiation and patient monitoring", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Cases in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: from early diagnosis to novel therapies,Real-world experience with mavacamten in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: observations from a tertiary care center,Long-term outcomes of patients with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: incorporation of a novel risk score.,Serial changes in left and right ventricular global longitudinal strain in symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy treated with mavacamten: insights from VALOR-HCM trial,Serial changes in left atrial strain in symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy treated with mavacamten: insights from VALOR-HCM trial", + "events_topic": "Mavacamten | Aficamten ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Patient Monitoring | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Early Diagnosis", + "kol_name": "Milind Yagnesh Desai", + "kol_full_name": "Milind Yagnesh Desai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Revascularization | Patient Care | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Transcatheter Valvular Interventions", + "npi_num": "1669559480", + "hcp_pin_alias": "20552", + "session_name": "Paving the path: key lessons from my experience with transcatheter valvular interventions,Coronary revascularisation in patients undergoing TAVI: why? when? and how?,Personalising the management of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic interventions,The year in review: top trials in structural interventions impacting guidelines and patient care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "20552", + "first_name": "Martin", + "middle_name": "Bert", + "last_name": "Leon", + "org_name": "Columbia University Irving Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Paving the path: key lessons from my experience with transcatheter valvular interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Coronary revascularisation in patients undergoing TAVI: why? when? and how?,Personalising the management of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic interventions,The year in review: top trials in structural interventions impacting guidelines and patient care", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Revascularization ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Patient Care | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Transcatheter Valvular Interventions", + "kol_name": "Martin Bert Leon", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Bert Leon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Conduction System Disease | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Evidence-Based Practice | Ventricular Dysfunction, Right", + "npi_num": "1669422184", + "hcp_pin_alias": "20364", + "session_name": "Latest clinical evidence for conduction system pacing,Traditional dual-chamber right ventricular pacing versus conduction system pacing in the US medicare population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "20364", + "first_name": "Pugazhendhi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vijayaraman", + "org_name": "Geisinger Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Wilkes Barre", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Latest clinical evidence for conduction system pacing", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Traditional dual-chamber right ventricular pacing versus conduction system pacing in the US medicare population", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Conduction System Disease | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Evidence-Based Practice | Ventricular Dysfunction, Right", + "kol_name": "Pugazhendhi Vijayaraman", + "kol_full_name": "Pugazhendhi Vijayaraman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Semaglutide | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Albuminuria", + "npi_num": "1659455707", + "hcp_pin_alias": "20246", + "session_name": "Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes by baseline chronic kidney disease status and albuminuria in type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease: results from the FLOW trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "20246", + "first_name": "Kenneth", + "middle_name": "W", + "last_name": "Mahaffey", + "org_name": "Stanford Health Care", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes by baseline chronic kidney disease status and albuminuria in type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease: results from the FLOW trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Semaglutide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Albuminuria", + "kol_name": "Kenneth W Mahaffey", + "kol_full_name": "Kenneth W Mahaffey" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "1659412336", + "hcp_pin_alias": "20223", + "session_name": "From screening to digital twin models in valvular heart disease: the new imaging frontiers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "20223", + "first_name": "Stephen", + "middle_name": "Henry", + "last_name": "Little", + "org_name": "Houston Methodist Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From screening to digital twin models in valvular heart disease: the new imaging frontiers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Stephen Henry Little", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen Henry Little" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolomics | Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1639369820", + "hcp_pin_alias": "19681", + "session_name": "Lipoprotein(a) metabolomic and proteomic features and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in young, asymptomatic adults", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "19681", + "first_name": "Sascha", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Goonewardena", + "org_name": "University of Michigan", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Canton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipoprotein(a) metabolomic and proteomic features and atherosclerotic 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"Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Healthcare utilization following acute myocardial infarction findings from RECORD MI registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Ask the expert: optimising therapeutic care of patients with heart failure,Where do we stand with SGLT2i post-myocardial infarction?", + "events_topic": "Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "Javed Butler", + "kol_full_name": "Javed Butler" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoprotein(a) | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "1629124417", + "hcp_pin_alias": "19275", + "session_name": "Lp(a) and aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "19275", + 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(ESC)", + "kol_id": "18838", + "first_name": "Erin", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Bohula", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of overweight and obesity: evaluating clinical practices and shaping the future", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Exploring obesity as a global health problem,Unravelling the management and treatment of obesity", + "events_topic": "Overweight | Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Erin A Bohula", + "kol_full_name": "Erin A Bohula" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Prevention | Kidney Diseases | Secondary Prevention | Exercise Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "1609807825", + "hcp_pin_alias": "18517", + "session_name": "Role of exercise in primary and secondary prevention,Coronary artery disease in kidney patients: from genes to treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "18517", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Duprez", + "org_name": "M Health Fairview University Of Minnesota Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Minneapolis", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of exercise in primary and secondary prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Coronary artery disease in kidney patients: from genes to treatment", + "events_topic": "Primary Prevention | Kidney Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Secondary Prevention | Exercise Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "Daniel A Duprez", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel A Duprez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1598834590", + "hcp_pin_alias": "18340", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular treatment: protecting the brain and the limbs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "18340", + "first_name": "Marc", + "middle_name": "Peter", + "last_name": "Bonaca", + "org_name": "University of Colorado Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Colorado", + "City": "Aurora", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular treatment: protecting the brain and the limbs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Marc Peter Bonaca", + "kol_full_name": "Marc Peter Bonaca" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "1598744716", + "hcp_pin_alias": "18217", + "session_name": "From screening to digital twin models in valvular heart disease: the new imaging frontiers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "18217", + "first_name": "Sharon", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Mulvagh", + "org_name": "Dalhousie University", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Nova Scotia", + "City": "Halifax", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From screening to digital twin models in valvular heart disease: the new imaging frontiers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Sharon L Mulvagh", + "kol_full_name": "Sharon L Mulvagh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Prevention | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1588665889", + "hcp_pin_alias": "17946", + "session_name": "Changing concepts in cardiovascular prevention: refocusing on primordial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "17946", + "first_name": "Valentin", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Fuster", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changing concepts in cardiovascular prevention: refocusing on primordial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Prevention | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Valentin D Fuster", + "kol_full_name": "Valentin D Fuster" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "1588632012", + "hcp_pin_alias": "17852", + "session_name": "Novel assessment of cardiovascular risk using computed tomography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "17852", + "first_name": "Quynh", + "middle_name": "Anh", + "last_name": "Truong", + "org_name": "Weill Cornell Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel assessment of cardiovascular risk using computed tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Quynh Anh Truong", + "kol_full_name": "Quynh Anh Truong" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Semaglutide | Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "1588613657", + "hcp_pin_alias": "17805", + "session_name": "Effects of semaglutide on clinical events in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a pooled, participant-level analysis of SELECT, FLOW, STEP-HFpEF and STEP-HFpEF DM trials,Treating obesity to prevent heart failure,Optimising therapy for patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "17805", + "first_name": "Mikhail", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Kosiborod", + "org_name": "Saint Lukes Physician Group Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "Kansas City", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of semaglutide on clinical events in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a pooled", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " participant-level analysis of SELECT, FLOW, STEP-HFpEF and STEP-HFpEF DM trials,Treating obesity to prevent heart failure,Optimising therapy for patients with heart failure", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Semaglutide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "Mikhail N Kosiborod", + "kol_full_name": "Mikhail N Kosiborod" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Diabetes Mellitus | Obesity | Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "npi_num": "1578716478", + "hcp_pin_alias": "17733", + "session_name": "Aspirin and hemocompatibility related adverse events after LVAD implantation in patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity and atrial fibrillation: the ARIES-HM3 randomized clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "17733", + "first_name": "Nir", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Uriel", + "org_name": "Columbia University Irving Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aspirin and hemocompatibility related adverse events after LVAD implantation in patients with diabetes mellitus", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " obesity and atrial fibrillation: the ARIES-HM3 randomized clinical trial", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity | Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "kol_name": "Nir Uriel", + "kol_full_name": "Nir Uriel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biological Therapy | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Heart Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "1578687844", + "hcp_pin_alias": "17721", + "session_name": "A patient with recent non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary intervention requiring cancer surgery,Biotherapies in cardiovascular disease: from bench to bedside,Coronary clot management: evolving strategies and techniques", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "17721", + "first_name": "Dominick", + "middle_name": "Joseph", + "last_name": "Angiolillo", + "org_name": "UF Health Shands", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Jacksonville", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A patient with recent non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary intervention requiring cancer surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Biotherapies in cardiovascular disease: from bench to bedside,Coronary clot management: evolving strategies and techniques", + "events_topic": "Biological Therapy | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "Dominick Joseph Angiolillo", + "kol_full_name": "Dominick Joseph Angiolillo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "1568505287", + "hcp_pin_alias": "17379", + "session_name": "What is new in artificial intelligence applied to echocardiography?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "17379", + "first_name": "Partho", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Sengupta", + "org_name": "Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New Jersey", + "City": "New Brunswick", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What is new in artificial intelligence applied to echocardiography?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Partho P Sengupta", + "kol_full_name": "Partho P Sengupta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Athletes | Exercise Therapy | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "1558359752", + "hcp_pin_alias": "17019", + "session_name": "Athletes with an ICD should be allowed to compete: pro", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "17019", + "first_name": "Rachel", + "middle_name": "Jane", + "last_name": "Lampert", + "org_name": "Yale New Haven Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Athletes with an ICD should be allowed to compete: pro", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Athletes | Exercise Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Defibrillators, Implantable", + "kol_name": "Rachel Jane Lampert", + "kol_full_name": "Rachel Jane Lampert" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis, Constrictive", + "npi_num": "1548357387", + "hcp_pin_alias": "16822", + "session_name": "Personalised treatments for constrictive pericarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "16822", + "first_name": "Allan", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Klein", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised treatments for constrictive pericarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis, Constrictive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Allan L Klein", + "kol_full_name": "Allan L Klein" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Ventricular Dyssynchrony", + "npi_num": "1538357470", + "hcp_pin_alias": "16557", + "session_name": "Restore or preserve ventricular synchrony: when and why to use conduction system pacing,Fighting ventricular dyssynchrony: cardiac resynchronisation therapy vs. conduction-system pacing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "16557", + "first_name": "Devi", + "middle_name": "Gopinath", + "last_name": "Nair", + "org_name": "St. Bernards Heart & Vascular", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Arkansas", + "City": "Jonesboro", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Restore or preserve ventricular synchrony: when and why to use conduction system pacing", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Fighting ventricular dyssynchrony: cardiac resynchronisation therapy vs. conduction-system pacing", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Dyssynchrony", + "kol_name": "Devi Gopinath Nair", + "kol_full_name": "Devi Gopinath Nair" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "1538191499", + "hcp_pin_alias": "16457", + "session_name": "Management of comorbidities and outcomes in atrial fibrillation,Risk factors for atrial fibrillation and stroke prediction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "16457", + "first_name": "Christine", + "middle_name": "Marie", + "last_name": "Albert", + "org_name": "Cedars Sinai Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "West Hollywood", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of comorbidities and outcomes in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Risk factors for atrial fibrillation and stroke prediction", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Christine Marie Albert", + "kol_full_name": "Christine Marie Albert" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "1538146626", + "hcp_pin_alias": "16381", + "session_name": "Comparison of multiple high sensitivity cardiac troponin assays for early low risk rule out of myocardial infarction: SCORECARD", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "16381", + "first_name": "Allan", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Jaffe", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic ,Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of multiple high sensitivity cardiac troponin assays for early low risk rule out of myocardial infarction: SCORECARD", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Troponin | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Allan S Jaffe", + "kol_full_name": "Allan S Jaffe" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Inhibition, Psychological", + "npi_num": "1538123716", + "hcp_pin_alias": "16341", + "session_name": "Check-point inhibition: cardiovascular consequences and their prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "16341", + "first_name": "Javid", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Moslehi", + "org_name": "UCSF Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Check-point inhibition: cardiovascular consequences and their prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Inhibition, Psychological", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Javid J Moslehi", + "kol_full_name": "Javid J Moslehi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Death, Sudden | Myocarditis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Obesity | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "1528137148", + "hcp_pin_alias": "16203", + "session_name": "Fixing the obesity crisis,Sudden death risk assessment in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should include myocardial fibrosis imaging: pro,Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in myocarditis: when should a genetic cardiomyopathy be 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"kol_full_name": "Christopher Milton Kramer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Failure, Systolic | Echocardiography | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1528025996", + "hcp_pin_alias": "16057", + "session_name": "Ask the Trialist - FINEARTS-HF,STEP-HFpEF Program Echocardiography Substudy,Current management in clinical care of heart failure,FINEARTS-HF - Finerenone in heart failure with mildly reduced and preserved ejection fraction,Current management and innovations in clinical care of heart failure,Recent advances in the management of chronic heart failure,The end of ejection fraction: novel alternative imaging indices in heart failure,Deeper phenotyping in heart failure: race- and sex-related differences", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "16057", + "first_name": "Scott", + "middle_name": "David", + "last_name": "Solomon", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens 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"1497816193", + "hcp_pin_alias": "15297", + "session_name": "Daily cardiac problems in cancer patients,How to manage acute cardiac problems in patients with cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "15297", + "first_name": "Bonnie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ky", + "org_name": "Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Daily cardiac problems in cancer patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to manage acute cardiac problems in patients with cancer", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Heart Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Bonnie Ky", + "kol_full_name": "Bonnie Ky" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": 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"United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Introduction: Circulation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Genetics: new findings across the spectrum of cardiovascular disease,Circulation: the full spectrum", + "events_topic": "Coronary Circulation | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Circulation", + "kol_name": "Joseph A Hill", + "kol_full_name": "Joseph A Hill" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "1467601187", + "hcp_pin_alias": "14432", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "14432", + "first_name": "Joanna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chikwe", + "org_name": "Cedars Sinai Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "West Hollywood", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Joanna Chikwe", + "kol_full_name": "Joanna Chikwe" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Clinical Decision-Making | Anticoagulants Therapy", + "npi_num": "1467593152", + "hcp_pin_alias": "14427", + "session_name": "Clinical decision-making about oral anticoagulant therapy in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "14427", + "first_name": "Stavros", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stavrakis", + "org_name": "Oklahoma University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Oklahoma", + "City": "Oklahoma City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical decision-making about oral anticoagulant therapy in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Clinical Decision-Making ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulants Therapy", + "kol_name": "Stavros Stavrakis", + "kol_full_name": "Stavros Stavrakis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Diagnosis, Differential | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "1467553263", + "hcp_pin_alias": "14402", + "session_name": "Echocardiographic differential diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy: what to look for,Aortic stenosis - the good, the bad and the ugly", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "14402", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "D", + 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amyloidosis,Cardiac amyloidosis: my heart is filled with so much…,What is the role of TTR in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy?", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Acoramidis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy | Amyloidosis | Amyloid | Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "kol_name": "Mathew Shane Maurer", + "kol_full_name": "Mathew Shane Maurer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoprotein(a) | RNA, Small Interfering | Cardiovascular Diseases | Clinical Protocols", + "npi_num": "1467471557", + "hcp_pin_alias": "14327", + "session_name": "Real-world and implementation science: insights about siRNA,Unveiling the benefits of Lp(a) testing,Lp(a) and cardiovascular risk: integrating perspectives for a holistic approach,Bridging east and west: a global dialogue on Lp(a)- from epidemiology to clinical practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "14327", + "first_name": "Christie", + "middle_name": "Mitchell", + "last_name": "Ballantyne", + "org_name": "CHI St. Luke's Health Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-world and implementation science: insights about siRNA", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Unveiling the benefits of Lp(a) testing,Lp(a) and cardiovascular risk: integrating perspectives for a holistic approach,Bridging east and west: a global dialogue on Lp(a)- from epidemiology to clinical practice", + "events_topic": "Lipoprotein(a) | RNA, Small Interfering ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Clinical Protocols", + "kol_name": "Christie Mitchell Ballantyne", + "kol_full_name": "Christie Mitchell Ballantyne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "1467430371", + "hcp_pin_alias": "14246", + "session_name": "Integration of artificial intelligence in electrocardiography: state-of-the art lecture", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "14246", + "first_name": "Francisco", + "middle_name": "Lopez", + "last_name": "Lopez-jimenez", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital, Saint Marys Campus", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integration of artificial intelligence in electrocardiography: state-of-the art lecture", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Francisco Lopez Lopez-jimenez", + "kol_full_name": "Francisco Lopez Lopez-jimenez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "npi_num": "1457627192", + "hcp_pin_alias": "14172", + "session_name": "Impact of HF etiology on the sustainability of favorable response after LVAD weaning: A VAD Wean Registry analysis,Derivation and validation of a multicenter model to identify candidates for advanced HF therapies with high potential to achieve post-LVAD reverse cardiac remodeling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "14172", + "first_name": "Stavros", + "middle_name": "G", + "last_name": "Drakos", + "org_name": "University of Utah", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Utah", + "City": "Salt Lake City", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of HF etiology on the sustainability of favorable response after LVAD weaning: A VAD Wean Registry analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Derivation and validation of a multicenter model to identify candidates for advanced HF therapies with high potential to achieve post-LVAD reverse cardiac remodeling", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Stavros G Drakos", + "kol_full_name": "Stavros G Drakos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "1457359382", + "hcp_pin_alias": "14006", + "session_name": "Case conundrum: personalised imaging in asymptomatic severe regurgitant valve disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "14006", + "first_name": "Linda", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Gillam", + "org_name": "Atlantic Health Morristown Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New Jersey", + "City": "Morristown", + 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"kol_id": "13741", + "first_name": "Todd", + "middle_name": "Christopher", + "last_name": "Villines", + "org_name": "University Of Virginia Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Charlottesville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC Global Cardiology Edition", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Todd Christopher Villines", + "kol_full_name": "Todd Christopher Villines" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Prolapse", + "npi_num": "1447227269", + "hcp_pin_alias": "13617", + "session_name": "Mitral valve prolapse: a new look at an old disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "13617", + "first_name": "Robert", + "middle_name": "O", + "last_name": "Bonow", + "org_name": "Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mitral valve prolapse: a new look at an old disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Prolapse", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Robert O Bonow", + "kol_full_name": "Robert O Bonow" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemia With No Obstructive Arteries | Endocarditis | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "1437244910", + "hcp_pin_alias": "13489", + "session_name": "Endogen microvascular dysfunction is associated with worse outcomes in heart transplantation,Multidisciplinary team management in device related endocarditis,The floor is yours: bring your questions on INOCA - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "13489", + "first_name": "Wael", + "middle_name": "Adib", + "last_name": "Jaber", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endogen microvascular dysfunction is associated with worse outcomes in heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Multidisciplinary team management in device related endocarditis,The floor is yours: bring your questions on INOCA - expert panel", + "events_topic": "Ischemia With No Obstructive Arteries | Endocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Transplantation", + "kol_name": "Wael Adib Jaber", + "kol_full_name": "Wael Adib Jaber" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dyslipidemias | Obesity", + "npi_num": "1427166479", + "hcp_pin_alias": "13198", + "session_name": "Lifestyle, obesity, and dyslipidaemia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "13198", + "first_name": "Pamela", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Morris", + "org_name": "MUSC Health University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "South Carolina", + "City": "Charleston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lifestyle", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " obesity, and dyslipidaemia", + "events_topic": "Dyslipidemias | Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Pamela B Morris", + "kol_full_name": "Pamela B Morris" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity", + "npi_num": "1407055296", + "hcp_pin_alias": "12411", + "session_name": "The economics of obesity: can we afford to treat it? 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how?,Disease states and mapping techniques: do they affect outcomes of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation?,Subclinical and device-detected atrial fibrillation: fact and fiction,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "11456", + "first_name": "Taya", + "middle_name": "Valerie", + "last_name": "Glotzer", + "org_name": "Humc Cardiovascular Partners, P.C.", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New Jersey", + "City": "Hackensack", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Subclinical and device-detected atrial fibrillation: risk of incident stroke", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term rhythm monitoring after stroke: when? and how?,Disease states and mapping techniques: do they affect outcomes of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation?,Subclinical and device-detected atrial fibrillation: fact and fiction,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Catheter Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "Taya Valerie Glotzer", + "kol_full_name": "Taya Valerie Glotzer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Telemedicine | Ischemic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "1366634644", + "hcp_pin_alias": "11401", + "session_name": "Rehabilitation at home using mobile health in older adults after hospitalization for ischemic heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "11401", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "Adams", + "last_name": "Dodson", + "org_name": "New York University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + 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syndromes,Possible shifts in paradigms for lipid-lowering therapies in acute coronary syndrome patients: together with anti-inflammatory therapy from Day 1", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "10723", + "first_name": "Marc", + "middle_name": "S.", + "last_name": "Sabatine", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "State-of-the-art lecture on impact of lipid and adipose tissue changes in acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Possible shifts in paradigms for lipid-lowering therapies in acute coronary syndrome patients: together with anti-inflammatory therapy from Day 1", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Anti-inflammatory Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "Marc S. Sabatine", + "kol_full_name": "Marc S. 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Cardiomyopathy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "1336227172", + "hcp_pin_alias": "10418", + "session_name": "Asymptomatic severe coronary artery disease should be managed conservatively regardless of left ventricular function: con,Risk stratification models after acute coronary syndrome,Risk factors, predictive models, and clinical outcomes in acute coronary conditions,Diagnosis and management of acute Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in the intensive cardiac care unit", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "10418", + "first_name": "Alexandra", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Lansky", + "org_name": "Yale New Haven Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Asymptomatic severe coronary artery disease should be managed conservatively regardless of left ventricular function: con", + 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implantable electronic device therapy and invasive cardiac electrophysiology,Management of electrical storm,Integrated management of atrial fibrillation: addressing comorbidities, risk factors, and lifestyle", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "10416", + "first_name": "Sana", + "middle_name": "Mustapha", + "last_name": "Al-khatib", + "org_name": "Duke University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies: atrial fibrillation detection, prevention and treatment,Certifying physicians and allied professionals in cardiac implantable electronic device therapy and invasive cardiac electrophysiology,Management of electrical storm,Integrated management of atrial fibrillation: addressing comorbidities, risk factors, and lifestyle", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device | Electrical Storm ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Electrophysiology", + "kol_name": "Sana Mustapha Al-khatib", + "kol_full_name": "Sana Mustapha Al-khatib" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1336140904", + "hcp_pin_alias": "10309", + "session_name": "ESC TV Roundtable on Cardiology Today and Tomorrow: cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular care in minorities and migrants", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "10309", + "first_name": "Anekwe", + "middle_name": "E", + "last_name": "Onwuanyi", + "org_name": "Morehouse Healthcare, Inc.", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "East Point", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + 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"org_name": "University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient with diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, and impaired kidney function: what do the guidelines say?,Getting to the heart of the matter: GLP1 receptor agonists and cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Darren K Mcguire", + "kol_full_name": "Darren K Mcguire" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Stenosis | Cardiac Computed Tomography | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Artery Disease | Sarcoidosis", + "npi_num": "1326238452", + "hcp_pin_alias": "10184", + "session_name": "Cardiac sarcoidosis: prevalence, symptoms, and diagnostic strategy,Top ten pearls in cardiac computed tomography,Evolution of coronary artery disease diagnosis ... from stenosis to inflammation,Update on advanced plaque imaging with cardiac computed tomography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "10184", + "first_name": "Ron", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Blankstein", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac sarcoidosis: prevalence", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " symptoms, and diagnostic strategy,Top ten pearls in cardiac computed tomography,Evolution of coronary artery disease diagnosis ... from stenosis to inflammation,Update on advanced plaque imaging with cardiac computed tomography", + 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for prime time?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "What about long-term prevention?", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Tertiary Prevention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Inflammation", + "kol_name": "Michelle L Odonoghue", + "kol_full_name": "Michelle L Odonoghue" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "1316995988", + "hcp_pin_alias": "9882", + "session_name": "Assessment of impact of left ventricular flow state on myocardial blood flow using positron emission tomography and echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "9882", + "first_name": "Min", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pu", + "org_name": "Montefiore Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Bronx", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + 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"California", + "City": "Newport Beach", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "STEMI: state of the art", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Deep learning and artificial intelligence to transform cardiovascular health", + "events_topic": "Deep Learning | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "Dipti Itchhaporia", + "kol_full_name": "Dipti Itchhaporia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Echocardiography | Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure | Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "1316926546", + "hcp_pin_alias": "9744", + "session_name": "Echocardiographic screening for cardiac amyloidosis using artificial intelligence: A multi-site study for algorithm training and external validation.,New tools for screening valvular heart disease,Heart failure and valvular heart disease: imaging to the rescue", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "9744", + "first_name": "Patricia", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Pellikka", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic ,Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Echocardiographic screening for cardiac amyloidosis using artificial intelligence: A multi-site study for algorithm training and external validation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "New tools for screening valvular heart disease,Heart failure and valvular heart disease: imaging to the rescue", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure | Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "kol_name": "Patricia A Pellikka", + "kol_full_name": "Patricia A Pellikka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1316918337", + "hcp_pin_alias": "9727", + "session_name": "Heart failure: new scientific insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "9727", + "first_name": "Flora", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sam", + "org_name": "Boston Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart failure: new scientific insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Flora Sam", + "kol_full_name": "Flora Sam" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "1295818458", + "hcp_pin_alias": "9164", 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"2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "9097", + "first_name": "Peter", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ganz", + "org_name": "University Of California SFGH Medical Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Proteomics and lipidomics in cardiovascular medicine", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Proteomics | Lipidomics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Precision Medicine | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Peter Ganz", + "kol_full_name": "Peter Ganz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Placebos | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "1285671800", + "hcp_pin_alias": "8776", + "session_name": "A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to investigate the safety and tolerability of XXB750 in 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stratification: what works best in primary prevention?,Clinical Case Management: impact of comorbidities on personalised care for hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "5708", + "first_name": "Eugene", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yang", + "org_name": "University of Washington Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Woodinville", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Great Debate: should all menopausal women be prescribed hormone replacement therapy to reduce risk?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Refining risk stratification: what works best in primary prevention?,Clinical Case Management: impact of comorbidities on personalised care for hypertension", + "events_topic": "Menopause | Primary Prevention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hormone Replacement 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"", + "kol_name": "William T Abraham", + "kol_full_name": "William T Abraham" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cath Lab | Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction", + "npi_num": "1093733909", + "hcp_pin_alias": "2850", + "session_name": "Evaluation of microvascular disease in the cath lab: the toolbox", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "2850", + "first_name": "Jennifer", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Tremmel", + "org_name": "Stanford Health Care", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of microvascular disease in the cath lab: the toolbox", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cath Lab | Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jennifer A 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"url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patients with an ICD but no indication for bradycardia pacing should receive an extravascular ICD: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Treatment options for patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure with preserved left ventricular function,The dilemma of sudden cardiac death prediction in low-risk populations", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Bradycardia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Function, Left | Atrial Fibrillation | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "kol_name": "Jeanne E Poole", + "kol_full_name": "Jeanne E Poole" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Resistant Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "1073599320", + "hcp_pin_alias": "2343", + "session_name": "Safety, tolerability and blood pressure lowering of the innovative guanylyl cyclase a-receptor activator MANP in an ethnically diverse resistant hypertension population: a phase 1B clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "2343", + "first_name": "Horng", + "middle_name": "H", + "last_name": "Chen", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic ,Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " tolerability and blood pressure lowering of the innovative guanylyl cyclase a-receptor activator MANP in an ethnically diverse resistant hypertension population: a phase 1B clinical trial", + "events_topic": "Resistant Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Horng H Chen", + "kol_full_name": "Horng H Chen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + 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stretching induced syncope: a first description", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Syncope | Hemodynamics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "David G Benditt", + "kol_full_name": "David G Benditt" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "RNA Interference | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "1063478311", + "hcp_pin_alias": "2023", + "session_name": "RNA interference for treating hypertension,Hot papers on drugs for hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "2023", + "first_name": "Akshay", + "middle_name": "Suvas", + "last_name": "Desai", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "RNA interference for treating hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hot papers on drugs for hypertension", + "events_topic": "RNA Interference | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Akshay Suvas Desai", + "kol_full_name": "Akshay Suvas Desai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "C-Reactive Protein | Systemic Inflammation | Cholesterol, LDL | Lipoprotein(a) | Ischemic Heart Disease | Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1063478261", + "hcp_pin_alias": "2022", + "session_name": "Inflammation in stable atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD): what impact does it have?,Thirty-year cardiovascular outcomes in women based on C-reactive protein, LDL cholesterol, and lipoprotein(a),Systemic inflammation in stable and unstable ischaemic heart disease (IHD): connecting the dots,Anti-inflammatory drugs in cardiovascular disease: current and novel approaches", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "2022", + "first_name": "Paul", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Ridker", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inflammation in stable atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD): what impact does it have?", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Thirty-year cardiovascular outcomes in women based on C-reactive protein, LDL cholesterol, and lipoprotein(a),Systemic inflammation in stable and unstable ischaemic heart disease (IHD): connecting the dots,Anti-inflammatory drugs in cardiovascular disease: current and novel approaches", + "events_topic": "C-Reactive Protein | Systemic Inflammation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol, LDL | Lipoprotein(a) | Ischemic Heart Disease | Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "Paul M Ridker", + "kol_full_name": "Paul M Ridker" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart-Assist Devices", + "npi_num": "1043265978", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1371", + "session_name": "Reducing residual risk in left ventricular assist device carriers: lessons from ARIES-HM3 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1371", + "first_name": "Mandeep", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Mehra", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reducing residual risk in left ventricular assist device carriers: lessons from ARIES-HM3 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart-Assist Devices", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mandeep R Mehra", + "kol_full_name": "Mandeep R Mehra" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Nursing | Wearable Electronic Devices | Nervous System Diseases", + "npi_num": "1033286059", + "hcp_pin_alias": "1180", + "session_name": "Implementing wearables in neuro-cardiovascular care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "1180", + "first_name": "Michelle", + "middle_name": "Asha", + "last_name": "Albert", + "org_name": "UCSF Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implementing wearables in neuro-cardiovascular care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Nursing | Wearable Electronic Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + 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"1033128731", + "hcp_pin_alias": "991", + "session_name": "Expert exchange: treating hATTR polyneuropathy patients with a mixed phenotype (polyneuropathy and cardiomyopathy)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "991", + "first_name": "Mazen", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Hanna", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Expert exchange: treating hATTR polyneuropathy patients with a mixed phenotype (polyneuropathy and cardiomyopathy)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Polyneuropathies | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Mazen A Hanna", + "kol_full_name": "Mazen A Hanna" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve 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Guerrero" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Atrial Appendage Closure | Edema", + "npi_num": "1013974856", + "hcp_pin_alias": "597", + "session_name": "Combined PVI and LAAC is feasible using RFA or PFA in a canine model despite acute tissue edema in PFA versus RFA", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "597", + "first_name": "Walid", + "middle_name": "I", + "last_name": "Saliba", + "org_name": "Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute, Cleveland Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Combined PVI and LAAC is feasible using RFA or PFA in a canine model despite acute tissue edema in PFA versus RFA", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Atrial Appendage Closure | Edema", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Walid I Saliba", + "kol_full_name": "Walid I Saliba" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Prolapse | Genetic Heterogeneity", + "npi_num": "1003898461", + "hcp_pin_alias": "238", + "session_name": "Clinical heterogeneity in mitral valve prolapse: what the cardiologist needs to know", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "238", + "first_name": "Judy", + "middle_name": "Wei-ming", + "last_name": "Hung", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical heterogeneity in mitral valve prolapse: what the cardiologist needs to know", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Prolapse | Genetic Heterogeneity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Judy Wei-ming Hung", + "kol_full_name": "Judy Wei-ming Hung" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antithrombolytic Therapy | Diabetes Mellitus", + "npi_num": "1003888520", + "hcp_pin_alias": "223", + "session_name": "Should diabetes influence antithrombotic therapy decision-making?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "223", + "first_name": "Paul", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Gurbel", + "org_name": "Lifebridge Health Greenspring Valley Cardiovascular Associates", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Should diabetes influence antithrombotic therapy decision-making?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antithrombolytic Therapy | Diabetes Mellitus", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Paul A Gurbel", + "kol_full_name": "Paul A Gurbel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "1003884693", + "hcp_pin_alias": "213", + "session_name": "Performance of apple watch for detecting atrial fibrillation among a known atrial fibrillation population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "213", + "first_name": "Jonathan", + "middle_name": "Paul", + "last_name": "Piccini", + "org_name": "Duke University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Performance of apple watch for detecting atrial fibrillation among a known atrial fibrillation population", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jonathan Paul Piccini", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan Paul Piccini" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Type A Aortic Dissection | Fibromuscular Dysplasia", + "npi_num": "1003103367", + "hcp_pin_alias": "50", + "session_name": "Type A Aortic Dissection and Fibromuscular dysplasia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "50", + "first_name": "Dahlia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Banerji", + "org_name": "Atrius Health Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Dedham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Type A Aortic Dissection and Fibromuscular dysplasia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Type A Aortic Dissection | Fibromuscular Dysplasia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Dahlia Banerji", + "kol_full_name": "Dahlia Banerji" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Quality Of Life | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "1003077140", + "hcp_pin_alias": "38", + "session_name": "Implantable cardioverter defibrillators: maximising protection and quality of life", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "38", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Catanzaro", + "org_name": "University of Florida Health College of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Jacksonville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implantable cardioverter defibrillators: maximising protection and quality of life", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Quality Of Life | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "John N Catanzaro", + "kol_full_name": "John N Catanzaro" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Inhibition, Psychological | Echocardiography | Factor XI | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456648", + "session_name": "Evolution of the heart failure landscape: from the first echo to holistic cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic care,Heart failure chronicles: unmet needs and phenotypic crossroads,Atrial fibrillation and HFpEF: diagnosis and prognosis,Obesity as a risk factor for heart failure and impact on outcomes,Heart failure across the LVEF spectrum,Factor XI inhibition: clinical view on current research and future implications,Step 1 - identifying the tipping point: the significance of worsening heart failure,Announcement of The Lancet Commission on the Cardiovascular Disease Burden in Asia-Pacific,Amplify and act: case-based discussions with heart failure experts,A three-step approach for the treatment of patients with worsening heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carolyn S.P. Lam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "10", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evolution of the heart failure landscape: from the first echo to holistic cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic care", + "rest_events_session_count": 9, + "rest_events_session": "Heart failure chronicles: unmet needs and phenotypic crossroads,Atrial fibrillation and HFpEF: diagnosis and prognosis,Obesity as a risk factor for heart failure and impact on outcomes,Heart failure across the LVEF spectrum,Factor XI inhibition: clinical view on current research and future implications,Step 1 - identifying the tipping point: the significance of worsening heart failure,Announcement of The Lancet Commission on the Cardiovascular Disease Burden in Asia-Pacific,Amplify and act: case-based discussions with heart failure experts,A three-step approach for the treatment of patients with worsening heart failure", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Inhibition, Psychological ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Factor XI | Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carolyn S.P. Lam ", + "kol_full_name": "Carolyn S.P. Lam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Dulaglutide | Myocardium | Diagnostic Imaging | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Biopsy | Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems | Embolic Stroke | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Echocardiography | Glycocalyx | Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Pulse Wave Analysis | Albuminuria | Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | COVID-19 | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor | Heart Atria | Burns | Endothelial Glycocalyx", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456376", + "session_name": "Differences in left atrial stain, endothelial glycocalyx, arterial elasticity and myocardial efficiency between ESUS, lacunar, cardioembolic and atherosclerotic type of stroke,Differential effects of heat-not-burn, electronic cigarettes and conventional cigarettes on endothelial glycocalyx.,The effect of 6-month treatment with coenzyme Q10 on endothelial, vascular and myocardial function in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.,Patients vaccinated against COVID-19 present better coronary flow, myocardial work and NTproNP levels than non-vaccinated at 4 months post COVID infection.,The incremetal predictive value of pulse wave velocity over score2 in the setting of primary cardiovascular prevention: a 6-year follow-up study,Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and their combination on mitochondrial-derived peptide-c and on markers of neurohumoral activation,The effect of the combined treatment with dulaglutide and dapagliflozin in arterial elasticity, cardiac function, albuminuria and endothelial thickness in type 2 diabetes mellitus after 12 months,Echocardiographic assessment of atrial pathology,Imaging in acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ignatios Ikonomidis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "9", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differences in left atrial stain", + "rest_events_session_count": 18, + "rest_events_session": " endothelial glycocalyx, arterial elasticity and myocardial efficiency between ESUS, lacunar, cardioembolic and atherosclerotic type of stroke,Differential effects of heat-not-burn, electronic cigarettes and conventional cigarettes on endothelial glycocalyx.,The effect of 6-month treatment with coenzyme Q10 on endothelial, vascular and myocardial function in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.,Patients vaccinated against COVID-19 present better coronary flow, myocardial work and NTproNP levels than non-vaccinated at 4 months post COVID infection.,The incremetal predictive value of pulse wave velocity over score2 in the setting of primary cardiovascular prevention: a 6-year follow-up study,Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and their combination on mitochondrial-derived peptide-c and on markers of neurohumoral activation,The effect of the combined treatment with dulaglutide and dapagliflozin in arterial elasticity, cardiac function, albuminuria and endothelial thickness in type 2 diabetes mellitus after 12 months,Echocardiographic assessment of atrial pathology,Imaging in acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Dulaglutide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 19, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardium | Diagnostic Imaging | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Biopsy | Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems | Embolic Stroke | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Echocardiography | Glycocalyx | Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Pulse Wave Analysis | Albuminuria | Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | COVID-19 | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor | Heart Atria | Burns | Endothelial Glycocalyx", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ignatios Ikonomidis ", + "kol_full_name": "Ignatios Ikonomidis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Clinical Study | Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypertension | Combined Modality Therapy | Cholesterol, LDL | Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Dyslipidemias", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456161", + "session_name": "how can healthcare providers effectively navigate the decision-making process when considering combination therapy for women with elevated LDL-C levels?,real-world implementation challenges: which practical considerations should healthcare professionals employ for optimal management of LDL-C levels in women?,HerHeart symposium: navigating LDL-C management for optimal cardiovascular health in women,Multimorbid patient management: are we meeting the needs of patients with hypertension and dyslipidaemia?,Strategies to reach target lipid levels,Nature Medicine: 2024 highlights in personalised cardiovascular medicine,Dyslipidaemia: novel diagnostics and therapy options,Practical seminar for general clinicians,Great Debate: 'fire and forget' beats personalised lipid-lowering treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lale Tokgozoglu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hacettepe University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "9", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "how can healthcare providers effectively navigate the decision-making process when considering combination therapy for women with elevated LDL-C levels?", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": "real-world implementation challenges: which practical considerations should healthcare professionals employ for optimal management of LDL-C levels in women?,HerHeart symposium: navigating LDL-C management for optimal cardiovascular health in women,Multimorbid patient management: are we meeting the needs of patients with hypertension and dyslipidaemia?,Strategies to reach target lipid levels,Nature Medicine: 2024 highlights in personalised cardiovascular medicine,Dyslipidaemia: novel diagnostics and therapy options,Practical seminar for general clinicians,Great Debate: 'fire and forget' beats personalised lipid-lowering treatment", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Clinical Study ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypertension | Combined Modality Therapy | Cholesterol, LDL | Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Dyslipidemias", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lale Tokgozoglu ", + "kol_full_name": "Lale Tokgozoglu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Studies As Topic | Atrial Fibrillation | Computed Tomography Angiography | Artificial Intelligence | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Stroke | Coronary Artery Calcium | Microvascular Angina | Heart Failure | Echocardiography | Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457508", + "session_name": "AI-enabled left atrial volumetry in coronary calcium scans (AI_CAC) predicts atrial fibrillation as early as one year, improves CHARGE-AF, and outperforms NT-proBNP: MESA,AI-enabled automated cardiac chambers volumetry in non-contrast ECG-gated cardiac scans vs. non-contrast non-gated lung scans,Coronary artery calcium scans powered by artificial intelligence (AI-CAC) predicts atrial fibrillation and stroke comparably to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: MESA,Distribution of microvascular endothelial function in different clinical and non-clinical settings in the united states and china,AI-enabled cardiac chambers volumetry in coronary calcium scans (AI-CAC) predicts heart failure and outperforms NT-proBNP: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis,AI-enabled cardiac chambers volumetry in non-contrast coronary artery calcium CT scans vs. contrast-enhanced coronary CT angiography scans in the same patients,AI-CAC significantly improves on Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) score for predicting all cardiovascular events: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Morteza Naghavi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "HeartLung.AI", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "7", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AI-enabled left atrial volumetry in coronary calcium scans (AI_CAC) predicts atrial fibrillation as early as one year", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": " improves CHARGE-AF, and outperforms NT-proBNP: MESA,AI-enabled automated cardiac chambers volumetry in non-contrast ECG-gated cardiac scans vs. non-contrast non-gated lung scans,Coronary artery calcium scans powered by artificial intelligence (AI-CAC) predicts atrial fibrillation and stroke comparably to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: MESA,Distribution of microvascular endothelial function in different clinical and non-clinical settings in the united states and china,AI-enabled cardiac chambers volumetry in coronary calcium scans (AI-CAC) predicts heart failure and outperforms NT-proBNP: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis,AI-enabled cardiac chambers volumetry in non-contrast coronary artery calcium CT scans vs. contrast-enhanced coronary CT angiography scans in the same patients,AI-CAC significantly improves on Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) score for predicting all cardiovascular events: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis", + "events_topic": "Clinical Studies As Topic | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 9, + "rest_events_topic": " Computed Tomography Angiography | Artificial Intelligence | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Stroke | Coronary Artery Calcium | Microvascular Angina | Heart Failure | Echocardiography | Atherosclerosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Morteza Naghavi ", + "kol_full_name": "Morteza Naghavi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angioplasty | Pharmaceutical Preparations | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Heart Diseases | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Myocardial Infarction | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455964", + "session_name": "Platelet-large cell ratio predicts no-reflow in patients undergoing primary coronary angioplasty for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,Novel insights into arrhythmias,Emerging cardiovascular drugs: watch this space,Myocardial infarction: new scientific insights,Novel targets and models in cardiac disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alina Scridon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "George Emil Palade University of Medicine and Pharmacy", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Mures", + "City": "Tirgu Mures", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Platelet-large cell ratio predicts no-reflow in patients undergoing primary coronary angioplasty for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Novel insights into arrhythmias,Emerging cardiovascular drugs: watch this space,Myocardial infarction: new scientific insights,Novel targets and models in cardiac disease", + "events_topic": "Angioplasty | Pharmaceutical Preparations ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Heart Diseases | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Myocardial Infarction | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alina Scridon ", + "kol_full_name": "Alina Scridon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prediabetes | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Cardiovascular Diseases | Obesity | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456191", + "session_name": "Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on heart failure,Exercise intervention in HFpEF patients with obesity,Pre-diabetes: a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?,The broad spectrum of cardiovascular risk,Collateral damage in heart failure: comorbidities and their treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amina Rakisheva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "City Cardiology Center", + "Country": "Kazakhstan", + "Region": "Almaty", + "City": "Almaty", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on heart failure,Exercise intervention in HFpEF patients with obesity,Pre-diabetes: a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?,The broad spectrum of cardiovascular risk,Collateral damage in heart failure: comorbidities and their treatment", + "events_topic": "Prediabetes | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Obesity | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amina Rakisheva ", + "kol_full_name": "Amina Rakisheva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Endocarditis | Heart Failure | Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Heart Neoplasms | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456289", + "session_name": "Case 2 - pursuing optimal patient care in secondary mitral regurgitation: insights from the Portuguese context,Cardio-oncology,Aortic stenosis: from diagnosis to post-intervention,Team up for endocarditis,Myocardial ischaemia and heart failure: insight from multimodality imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carla Sousa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sao Joao Hospital", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 2 - pursuing optimal patient care in secondary mitral regurgitation: insights from the Portuguese context", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Cardio-oncology,Aortic stenosis: from diagnosis to post-intervention,Team up for endocarditis,Myocardial ischaemia and heart failure: insight from multimodality imaging", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Endocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Heart Neoplasms | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carla Sousa ", + "kol_full_name": "Carla Sousa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tropical Diseases | Heart Failure, Systolic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456221", + "session_name": "Step 2 - consider the options: personalising HFrEF therapy,The NET-Heart Project: neglected tropical diseases affecting the heart,Heart failure therapy: new insights,Optimisation of heart failure treatment,Deeper phenotyping in heart failure: race- and sex-related differences", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Clara Ines Saldarriaga", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Antioquia- Pontificia Bolivariana - CardioVID clinic", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Antioquia", + "City": "Medellin", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Step 2 - consider the options: personalising HFrEF therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "The NET-Heart Project: neglected tropical diseases affecting the heart,Heart failure therapy: new insights,Optimisation of heart failure treatment,Deeper phenotyping in heart failure: race- and sex-related differences", + "events_topic": "Tropical Diseases | Heart Failure, Systolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Clara Ines Saldarriaga ", + "kol_full_name": "Clara Ines Saldarriaga " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Genotype | Diabetes Mellitus | Antithrombotic Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457504", + "session_name": "Progress in understanding the genetic underpinning of coronary artery disease: from genotype to phenotype,Is the HNF4A gene variant paradoxically associated with better prognostic in CAD patients?,Does the LPA genotype have a role in coronary artery disease risk beyond Lp(a) values?,Diabetes Mellitus influence in Lipoprotein(a) gene expression and association to coronary artery disease,GJA4 gene inhibition may represent a potential target for novel antithrombotic therapies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Debora Sa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Dr. Nelio Mendonca", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Madeira", + "City": "Funchal", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Progress in understanding the genetic underpinning of coronary artery disease: from genotype to phenotype", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Is the HNF4A gene variant paradoxically associated with better prognostic in CAD patients?,Does the LPA genotype have a role in coronary artery disease risk beyond Lp(a) values?,Diabetes Mellitus influence in Lipoprotein(a) gene expression and association to coronary artery disease,GJA4 gene inhibition may represent a potential target for novel antithrombotic therapies", + "events_topic": "Genotype | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Antithrombotic Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Debora Sa ", + "kol_full_name": "Debora Sa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Multimorbidity | Lipoproteins | Body Mass Index | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458068", + "session_name": "Adherence to a sustainable diet, measured via the EAT-Lancet Index, predicts incident short-term and long-term cardiovascular disease incidence: the ATTICA study (2002-2022),Mediterranean-type diet trajectories and 20-year cardiovascular disease incidence: the ATTICA study (2002-2022),Investigating the diverse role of ultra-processed foods on cardiometabolic multimorbidity: Highlights from the ATTICA prospective study (2002-2022),A sex-related analysis on the influence of lipoprotein(a) on primary cardiovascular disease prevention and its interplay with traditional lipid markers: results from a 20-year cohort study.,Mean body mass index during 20 years of follow-up and cardiovascular disease incidence: results from the ATTICA cohort study (2002-2022)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evangelia Damigou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adherence to a sustainable diet", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " measured via the EAT-Lancet Index, predicts incident short-term and long-term cardiovascular disease incidence: the ATTICA study (2002-2022),Mediterranean-type diet trajectories and 20-year cardiovascular disease incidence: the ATTICA study (2002-2022),Investigating the diverse role of ultra-processed foods on cardiometabolic multimorbidity: Highlights from the ATTICA prospective study (2002-2022),A sex-related analysis on the influence of lipoprotein(a) on primary cardiovascular disease prevention and its interplay with traditional lipid markers: results from a 20-year cohort study.,Mean body mass index during 20 years of follow-up and cardiovascular disease incidence: results from the ATTICA cohort study (2002-2022)", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Multimorbidity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipoproteins | Body Mass Index | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evangelia Damigou ", + "kol_full_name": "Evangelia Damigou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Delay Discounting | Gene-Environment Interaction | Cardiovascular Diseases | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cholesterol, HDL | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459882", + "session_name": "The effect of the LPA gene on aortic valve calcification in a Portuguese population,The change of paradigm: high HDL-c levels could not mean a long lifespan,Is genetic information helpful in predicting recurrent events in young patients after acute coronary syndrome?,Which is better for predicting and discriminating cardiovascular events: a traditional risk score, a calcium score or a genetic risk score?,Gene-gene and gene-environment interaction in coronary artery disease risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francisco Sousa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Central do Funchal", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Madeira", + "City": "Funchal", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of the LPA gene on aortic valve calcification in a Portuguese population", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "The change of paradigm: high HDL-c levels could not mean a long lifespan,Is genetic information helpful in predicting recurrent events in young patients after acute coronary syndrome?,Which is better for predicting and discriminating cardiovascular events: a traditional risk score, a calcium score or a genetic risk score?,Gene-gene and gene-environment interaction in coronary artery disease risk", + "events_topic": "Delay Discounting | Gene-Environment Interaction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cholesterol, HDL | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francisco Sousa ", + "kol_full_name": "Francisco Sousa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Inflammation | Antidiabetic Drugs | Empagliflozin | Oleuropein | Hydroxytyrosol | Oleocanthal | Metabolic Syndrome | Cognitive Dysfunction | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456532", + "session_name": "Cardioprotective potential of oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, oleocanthal and their combination: unravelling complementary effects on acute myocardial infarction and metabolic syndrome.,Investigating the effects of empagliflozin on myocardial metabolic and lipid profile in healthy and metabolic syndrome murine models following acute myocardial infarction,Investigating the effect of chronic stress, depressive-like pathology and cognitive impairments on acute myocardial infarction: sex-differentiated effects,Inflammation in cardiovascular disease,Antidiabetic drugs for treatment of cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioanna Andreadou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardioprotective potential of oleuropein", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": " hydroxytyrosol, oleocanthal and their combination: unravelling complementary effects on acute myocardial infarction and metabolic syndrome.,Investigating the effects of empagliflozin on myocardial metabolic and lipid profile in healthy and metabolic syndrome murine models following acute myocardial infarction,Investigating the effect of chronic stress, depressive-like pathology and cognitive impairments on acute myocardial infarction: sex-differentiated effects,Inflammation in cardiovascular disease,Antidiabetic drugs for treatment of cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Inflammation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Antidiabetic Drugs | Empagliflozin | Oleuropein | Hydroxytyrosol | Oleocanthal | Metabolic Syndrome | Cognitive Dysfunction | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioanna Andreadou ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioanna Andreadou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 | Diabetes Mellitus | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Myocardium | Dapagliflozin | Arterial Stiffness | Zidovudine | Anti-Retroviral Agents | Glycocalyx | Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor | HIV | Hidradenitis Suppurativa", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457061", + "session_name": "Twelve-months treatment with dapagliflozin improves endothelial glycocalyx and cardiovascular function in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus,Early impairment of endothelial and myocardial function in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa,Effect of antiretroviral treatment on myocardial work and arterial function of treatment-naive patients with HIV,Effects of sodium-glucose contrasporter-2 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists on arterial stiffness, coronary flow reserve and liver steatosis in diabetes,Effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and their combination on carotid intima-media thickness", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Konstantinos Katogiannis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Attikon University Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Twelve-months treatment with dapagliflozin improves endothelial glycocalyx and cardiovascular function in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": "Early impairment of endothelial and myocardial function in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa,Effect of antiretroviral treatment on myocardial work and arterial function of treatment-naive patients with HIV,Effects of sodium-glucose contrasporter-2 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists on arterial stiffness, coronary flow reserve and liver steatosis in diabetes,Effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and their combination on carotid intima-media thickness", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 10, + "rest_events_topic": " Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Myocardium | Dapagliflozin | Arterial Stiffness | Zidovudine | Anti-Retroviral Agents | Glycocalyx | Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor | HIV | Hidradenitis Suppurativa", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Konstantinos Katogiannis ", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantinos Katogiannis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Denervation | Hypertension | Radiofrequency Therapy | Denervation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456536", + "session_name": "Introduction to radiofrequency renal denervation,Meet the experts: renal denervation,When to use renal denervation in hypertension management,Discover a complementary treatment for hypertension: radiofrequency renal denervation,Secondary causes of hypertension: mind the gap", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Konstantinos Tsioufis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Introduction to radiofrequency renal denervation", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Meet the experts: renal denervation,When to use renal denervation in hypertension management,Discover a complementary treatment for hypertension: radiofrequency renal denervation,Secondary causes of hypertension: mind the gap", + "events_topic": "Renal Denervation | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Radiofrequency Therapy | Denervation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Konstantinos Tsioufis ", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantinos Tsioufis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456959", + "session_name": "Heart failure: deep dive into pathophysiology and phenotypes,Discussant review - MRAs in heart failure,Personalised care in heart failure patients: insights from Belgium and Croatia,Pathophysiology of secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation,Interventions for arrhythmia through the heart failure lens", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maja Cikes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Zagreb", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart failure: deep dive into pathophysiology and phenotypes", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Discussant review - MRAs in heart failure,Personalised care in heart failure patients: insights from Belgium and Croatia,Pathophysiology of secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation,Interventions for arrhythmia through the heart failure lens", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maja Cikes ", + "kol_full_name": "Maja Cikes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Diabetes Mellitus | Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458818", + "session_name": "Prognostic implications of biventricular ventricular systolic and diastolic strain in HFpEF,Prognostic implications of right ventricular systolic and diastolic strain in diabetes mellitus without coronary artery disease,Prognostic implications of right and left atrial strain in diabetes mellitus without coronary artery diseases.,Prognostic implications of right and left atrial strain in heart failure with preserved ejection.,Prognostic implications of right ventricular systolic and diastolic strain in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction without coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mamotabo Rossy Matshela", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "SACIDF", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "KwaZulu-Natal", + "City": "Durban", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic implications of biventricular ventricular systolic and diastolic strain in HFpEF", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic implications of right ventricular systolic and diastolic strain in diabetes mellitus without coronary artery disease,Prognostic implications of right and left atrial strain in diabetes mellitus without coronary artery diseases.,Prognostic implications of right and left atrial strain in heart failure with preserved ejection.,Prognostic implications of right ventricular systolic and diastolic strain in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction without coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mamotabo Rossy Matshela ", + "kol_full_name": "Mamotabo Rossy Matshela " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Microvascular Angina | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transposition Of Great Vessels | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Coronary Sinus | Cardiomyopathies | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457108", + "session_name": "TAVI for treating severe aortic valve disease in cardiogenic shock: a single centre experience,Survival in very elderly patients with severe aortic stenosis submitted to TAVI compared to the general population,A rare case of congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries with severe degenerative aortic stenosis submitted to TAVR,Coronary sinus reducer device for the treatment of refractory angina: a single center experience,Assessing the utility of the increased wall thickness score in diagnosing ATTR cardiomyopathy: a validation study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Miguel Sobral Domingues", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Western Lisbon Hospital Centre, EPE", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TAVI for treating severe aortic valve disease in cardiogenic shock: a single centre experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Survival in very elderly patients with severe aortic stenosis submitted to TAVI compared to the general population,A rare case of congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries with severe degenerative aortic stenosis submitted to TAVR,Coronary sinus reducer device for the treatment of refractory angina: a single center experience,Assessing the utility of the increased wall thickness score in diagnosing ATTR cardiomyopathy: a validation study", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Microvascular Angina ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transposition Of Great Vessels | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Coronary Sinus | Cardiomyopathies | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Miguel Sobral Domingues ", + "kol_full_name": "Miguel Sobral Domingues " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperaldosteronism | Amyloidosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypertension | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Bruton Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors | Adrenalectomy | Heart Failure | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Prostatic Neoplasms | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457658", + "session_name": "SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with amyloidosis and heart failure: a worldwide retrospective cohort study,Real-world analysis of transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with prostate cancer and severe aortic stenosis,Sex differences in mortality in patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction: data from a large international network,Ten-year outcomes in patients with hypertension and primary hyperaldosteronism undergoing surgical adrenalectomy versus medical therapy: data from the multinational collaborative network TriNetX,Cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular adverse events in patients with hematologic malignacies treated with BTK inhibitors: a real-world analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rafael Belo Nunes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with amyloidosis and heart failure: a worldwide retrospective cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Real-world analysis of transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with prostate cancer and severe aortic stenosis,Sex differences in mortality in patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction: data from a large international network,Ten-year outcomes in patients with hypertension and primary hyperaldosteronism undergoing surgical adrenalectomy versus medical therapy: data from the multinational collaborative network TriNetX,Cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular adverse events in patients with hematologic malignacies treated with BTK inhibitors: a real-world analysis", + "events_topic": "Hyperaldosteronism | Amyloidosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 11, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Cardiovascular Diseases | Hypertension | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Bruton Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors | Adrenalectomy | Heart Failure | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Prostatic Neoplasms | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rafael Belo Nunes ", + "kol_full_name": "Rafael Belo Nunes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Mitral Valve Disease | Diagnostic Imaging | Biopsy | Echocardiography | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Heart Atria", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456375", + "session_name": "Live echo scanning: imaging the mitral valve – diagnosis, patient selection and timely referral,Echocardiographic assessment of atrial pathology,Multimodality imaging in cardiovascular diseases and beyond,Tricuspid regurgitation and intervention: what are the limits?,Imaging in acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Regina Ribeiras", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Santa Cruz", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Live echo scanning: imaging the mitral valve – diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " patient selection and timely referral,Echocardiographic assessment of atrial pathology,Multimodality imaging in cardiovascular diseases and beyond,Tricuspid regurgitation and intervention: what are the limits?,Imaging in acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Mitral Valve Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Imaging | Biopsy | Echocardiography | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Heart Atria", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Regina Ribeiras ", + "kol_full_name": "Regina Ribeiras " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Ischemia | Pulmonary Veins Isolation | Transthoracic Echocardiography | Ablation Techniques | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Atrial Fibrillation | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Surgical Valve Replacement | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457990", + "session_name": "Subendocardial ischemic-like state in patients with severe aortic stenosis: insights from myocardial histopathology and ultrastructure.,Histopathological myocardial changes in patients with severe aortic stenosis referred for surgical valve replacement: a CMR correlation study.,Computed tomography-derived myocardial extracellular volume as a prognosis predictor in patients with severe aortic stenosis,Predictors of LV reverse remodeling after SAVR: insights from a prospective TTE and CMR study in patients with severe aortic stenosis.,Safety and effectiveness of pulsed field ablation for pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation patients: a single centre experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rita Reis Santos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Santa Cruz", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Subendocardial ischemic-like state in patients with severe aortic stenosis: insights from myocardial histopathology and ultrastructure.", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Histopathological myocardial changes in patients with severe aortic stenosis referred for surgical valve replacement: a CMR correlation study.,Computed tomography-derived myocardial extracellular volume as a prognosis predictor in patients with severe aortic stenosis,Predictors of LV reverse remodeling after SAVR: insights from a prospective TTE and CMR study in patients with severe aortic stenosis.,Safety and effectiveness of pulsed field ablation for pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation patients: a single centre experience", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Ischemia | Pulmonary Veins Isolation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Transthoracic Echocardiography | Ablation Techniques | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Atrial Fibrillation | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Surgical Valve Replacement | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rita Reis Santos ", + "kol_full_name": "Rita Reis Santos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Mortality | Atrial Appendage | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456097", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on atrial fibrillation,Closing the atrial appendage,Atrial fibrillation burden and association with incident stroke,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel,Atrial fibrillation: what is associated with mortality?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tatjana Potpara", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "School of Medicine, Belgrade University", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Registries", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " observational, and other studies on atrial fibrillation,Closing the atrial appendage,Atrial fibrillation burden and association with incident stroke,The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation - expert panel,Atrial fibrillation: what is associated with mortality?", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Appendage | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tatjana Potpara ", + "kol_full_name": "Tatjana Potpara " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Hematuria | Direct Oral Anticoagulants | Heart Rate | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Urogenital Neoplasms | Echocardiography | Anticoagulants | Warfarin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457807", + "session_name": "Risks of incident genitourinary malignancies in anticoagulated atrial fibrillation patients experiencing hematuria,Associations between heart rate, deformational echocardiographic parameters and clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation,Clinical outcomes in >10,000 Asian vs >61,000 Non-Asian race patients with AF randomized to Warfarin vs DOACs: a patient-level meta-analyses from COMBINE AF,Temporal trends of prescription rates, dosing of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants and clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation,Use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation across five stages of chronic kidney diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tze-Fan Chao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Veterans General Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risks of incident genitourinary malignancies in anticoagulated atrial fibrillation patients experiencing hematuria", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": "Associations between heart rate, deformational echocardiographic parameters and clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation,Clinical outcomes in >10,000 Asian vs >61,000 Non-Asian race patients with AF randomized to Warfarin vs DOACs: a patient-level meta-analyses from COMBINE AF,Temporal trends of prescription rates, dosing of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants and clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation,Use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation across five stages of chronic kidney diseases", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Hematuria ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Direct Oral Anticoagulants | Heart Rate | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Urogenital Neoplasms | Echocardiography | Anticoagulants | Warfarin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tze-Fan Chao ", + "kol_full_name": "Tze-Fan Chao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Heart Atria | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Heart Failure | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458873", + "session_name": "Right atrio-ventricular strain as a predictor of death in left-sided heart failure,Comparison of different non-invasive estimates of right ventriculo-arterial coupling as outcome predictors in dilated cardiomyopathy,Combined 3D left ventricular-arterial coupling and 3D left atrial-ventricular coupling indices could better predict MACE in young patients with STEMI,Three dimensional biatrial expansion index as an independent predictor of outcome in dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alina Ioana Scarlatescu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right atrio-ventricular strain as a predictor of death in left-sided heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of different non-invasive estimates of right ventriculo-arterial coupling as outcome predictors in dilated cardiomyopathy,Combined 3D left ventricular-arterial coupling and 3D left atrial-ventricular coupling indices could better predict MACE in young patients with STEMI,Three dimensional biatrial expansion index as an independent predictor of outcome in dilated cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Heart Atria ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Heart Failure | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alina Ioana Scarlatescu ", + "kol_full_name": "Alina Ioana Scarlatescu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Postpartum Period | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Pregnancy | Cardiovascular Remodelling | Proteome | Cardiac Reverse Remodeling | Atrial Function", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460297", + "session_name": "Impact of cardiovascular risk factors in cardiac (reverse) remodelling induced by pregnancy,Cardiovascular (reverse) remodelling induced by pregnancy: looking at the right side of the heart,Postpartum cardiac reverse remodeling is reflected in urine proteome,Characterization of left atrial function during cardiac (reverse) remodeling induced by pregnancy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Filipa Ferreira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine University of Porto", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of cardiovascular risk factors in cardiac (reverse) remodelling induced by pregnancy", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular (reverse) remodelling induced by pregnancy: looking at the right side of the heart,Postpartum cardiac reverse remodeling is reflected in urine proteome,Characterization of left atrial function during cardiac (reverse) remodeling induced by pregnancy", + "events_topic": "Postpartum Period | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Pregnancy | Cardiovascular Remodelling | Proteome | Cardiac Reverse Remodeling | Atrial Function", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Filipa Ferreira ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Filipa Ferreira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Dual Antiplatelet Therapy | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Hypersensitivity | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457074", + "session_name": "Mortality rates in patients undergoing urgent versus elective transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,Sex-related outcomes in patients receiving shortened or longer dual antiplatelet treatment after percutaneous coronary intervention: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,Transcatheter patent foramen ovale closure in patients with and without documented nickel hypersensitivity,Shortened versus standard duration of dual antiplatelet treatment after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with and without chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anastasios Apostolos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mortality rates in patients undergoing urgent versus elective transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Sex-related outcomes in patients receiving shortened or longer dual antiplatelet treatment after percutaneous coronary intervention: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,Transcatheter patent foramen ovale closure in patients with and without documented nickel hypersensitivity,Shortened versus standard duration of dual antiplatelet treatment after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with and without chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Dual Antiplatelet Therapy | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Hypersensitivity | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anastasios Apostolos ", + "kol_full_name": "Anastasios Apostolos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Sensitivity And Specificity | Antiplatelet Therapy | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Inflammation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455983", + "session_name": "Impact of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio on clinical outcomes in patients with or without chronic kidney disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention,Clinical impact of systemic inflammation across the spectrum of different high-sensitivity CRP values in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention,Impact of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio on clinical outcomes in patients with acute or chronic coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention,The guardians of clotting: exploring antiplatelet strategies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angelo Oliva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mount Sinai Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio on clinical outcomes in patients with or without chronic kidney disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical impact of systemic inflammation across the spectrum of different high-sensitivity CRP values in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention,Impact of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio on clinical outcomes in patients with acute or chronic coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention,The guardians of clotting: exploring antiplatelet strategies", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Sensitivity And Specificity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Antiplatelet Therapy | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Inflammation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angelo Oliva ", + "kol_full_name": "Angelo Oliva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Heart Rate | Prognosis | Chagas Cardiomyopathy | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Failure, Systolic | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456606", + "session_name": "Long-term prognosis and predictors of death in chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy in women and men.,Heart rate and prognosis of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in women and men in sinus rhythm.,Influence of persistent atrial fibrillation on the prognosis of heart failure with preserved, mildly reduced, and reduced ejection fraction in women and men.,Cardiovascular disease in women", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antonio De Padua Mansur", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term prognosis and predictors of death in chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy in women and men.", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Heart rate and prognosis of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in women and men in sinus rhythm.,Influence of persistent atrial fibrillation on the prognosis of heart failure with preserved, mildly reduced, and reduced ejection fraction in women and men.,Cardiovascular disease in women", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Heart Rate ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Prognosis | Chagas Cardiomyopathy | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Failure, Systolic | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antonio De Padua Mansur ", + "kol_full_name": "Antonio De Padua Mansur " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Technology | Hypertension | Renal Denervation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456985", + "session_name": "Meet the experts: renal denervation,Panel discussion: incorporating renal denervation into daily practice,The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who? - expert panel,Wearables and digital tools in hypertension management: ready for prime time?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Atul Pathak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Princess Grace Hospital Centre", + "Country": "Monaco", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Meet the experts: renal denervation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Panel discussion: incorporating renal denervation into daily practice,The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who? - expert panel,Wearables and digital tools in hypertension management: ready for prime time?", + "events_topic": "Digital Technology | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Renal Denervation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Atul Pathak ", + "kol_full_name": "Atul Pathak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tretinoin | Neoplasms | Prealbumin | Amyloidosis | Hypertension, Pulmonary | Cardiomyopathies | Pulmonary Artery | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457286", + "session_name": "The optimal cut-off value for the one-minute sit-to-stand test to determine functional impairment in patients with pulmonary hypertension,Comparative assessment of extracellular volume metrics in predicting adverse outcomes in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy,CMR-derived pulmonary artery to aorta ratio as a predictor of adverse outcome in patients with cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis,Characteristics and outcomes of patients with a history of cancer enrolled in our prospective HFpEF registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christina Kronberger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The optimal cut-off value for the one-minute sit-to-stand test to determine functional impairment in patients with pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Comparative assessment of extracellular volume metrics in predicting adverse outcomes in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy,CMR-derived pulmonary artery to aorta ratio as a predictor of adverse outcome in patients with cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis,Characteristics and outcomes of patients with a history of cancer enrolled in our prospective HFpEF registry", + "events_topic": "Tretinoin | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Prealbumin | Amyloidosis | Hypertension, Pulmonary | Cardiomyopathies | Pulmonary Artery | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christina Kronberger ", + "kol_full_name": "Christina Kronberger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors | Lipoprotein(a) | Heart Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455992", + "session_name": "Lipid-lowering prescription patterns after a non-fatal acute coronary syndrome,Lipid management: bridging the gap between guidelines and real-world practice,Lp(a): the new risk factor,Lipids in heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristina Gavina", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine University of Porto", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipid-lowering prescription patterns after a non-fatal acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Lipid management: bridging the gap between guidelines and real-world practice,Lp(a): the new risk factor,Lipids in heart disease", + "events_topic": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors | Lipoprotein(a) ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristina Gavina ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristina Gavina " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Valsartan | Sacubitril | Anemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458029", + "session_name": "Effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan on all-cause hospitalizations in heart failure: participant-level pooled analysis of PARADIGM-HF and PARAGON-HF,Visit-to-visit changes in heart rate in heart failure: a pooled participant-level analysis of the PARADIGM-HF and PARAGON-HF trials,Race in heart failure: a pooled participant-level analysis of the global PARADIGM-HF and PARAGON-HF trials,Prevalent and incident anemia in PARAGON-HF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Henri Lu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brigham and Women's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan on all-cause hospitalizations in heart failure: participant-level pooled analysis of PARADIGM-HF and PARAGON-HF", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Visit-to-visit changes in heart rate in heart failure: a pooled participant-level analysis of the PARADIGM-HF and PARAGON-HF trials,Race in heart failure: a pooled participant-level analysis of the global PARADIGM-HF and PARAGON-HF trials,Prevalent and incident anemia in PARAGON-HF", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Valsartan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sacubitril | Anemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Henri Lu ", + "kol_full_name": "Henri Lu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Patient Care | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455947", + "session_name": "All cardiac arrest patients should be transferred to a cardiac arrest centre,Management of complex patients in Lebanon and Czech Republic,The best science in cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock,Advancing the diagnosis and management of patients with cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Belohlavek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Charles University of Prague", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "All cardiac arrest patients should be transferred to a cardiac arrest centre", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Management of complex patients in Lebanon and Czech Republic,The best science in cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock,Advancing the diagnosis and management of patients with cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Patient Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Belohlavek ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Belohlavek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventilators, Mechanical | Exercise | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Heart Failure | Pacemaker, Artificial | Heart Diseases | Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457251", + "session_name": "Third ventilatory threshold in heart failure patients undergoing CPET: a prognostic analysis,Coronary atherosclerotic burden in master athletes: relationship with cardiovascular risk and volume of exercise,Fitness to fly: assessing cardiac disease among Air Force pilots,Leadless pacemaker - lead parameters stability and battery longevity in the mid-term follow-up", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joana Certo Pereira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Santa Cruz", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Third ventilatory threshold in heart failure patients undergoing CPET: a prognostic analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Coronary atherosclerotic burden in master athletes: relationship with cardiovascular risk and volume of exercise,Fitness to fly: assessing cardiac disease among Air Force pilots,Leadless pacemaker - lead parameters stability and battery longevity in the mid-term follow-up", + "events_topic": "Ventilators, Mechanical | Exercise ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Heart Failure | Pacemaker, Artificial | Heart Diseases | Atherosclerosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joana Certo Pereira ", + "kol_full_name": "Joana Certo Pereira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Remodeling | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Heart Function Tests | Hypertension | Cardiovascular Medicine | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456441", + "session_name": "ESC TV Roundtable on Cardiology Today and Tomorrow: climate change, the environment, and cardiovascular medicine,Smaller trials: cardiac function and remodelling,Emerging solutions for equitable treatment of heart failure in low/middle-income countries,Global approach to hypertension management and cardiovascular risk reduction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karen Sliwa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Cape Town", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "Western Cape", + "City": "Cape Town", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC TV Roundtable on Cardiology Today and Tomorrow: climate change", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " the environment, and cardiovascular medicine,Smaller trials: cardiac function and remodelling,Emerging solutions for equitable treatment of heart failure in low/middle-income countries,Global approach to hypertension management and cardiovascular risk reduction", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Remodeling | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Function Tests | Hypertension | Cardiovascular Medicine | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karen Sliwa ", + "kol_full_name": "Karen Sliwa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Practice Guidelines As Topic | Endocarditis | Heart Defects, Congenital | Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456866", + "session_name": "Adult congenital heart disease: advising women about pregnancy,Adult congenital heart disease,Congenital heart disease: a lifelong journey,Guidelines in Practice: a challenging case of endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Margarita Brida", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Rijeka", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Primorsko-Goranska", + "City": "Rijeka", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adult congenital heart disease: advising women about pregnancy", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Adult congenital heart disease,Congenital heart disease: a lifelong journey,Guidelines in Practice: a challenging case of endocarditis", + "events_topic": "Practice Guidelines As Topic | Endocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital | Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Margarita Brida ", + "kol_full_name": "Margarita Brida " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Wearable Electronic Devices | Biomarkers | Risk Assessment | Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiac Care Facilities | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455976", + "session_name": "Potential use of wearable devices to facilitate safe discharge from the cardiac care unit,Artificial intelligence unleashed on digital biomarkers: a new era in personalised cardiovascular healthcare,Artificial intelligence innovations in cardiac risk assessment and disease prediction,Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence-powered cardiac diagnosis and risk prediction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Marketou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Crete", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Potential use of wearable devices to facilitate safe discharge from the cardiac care unit", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Artificial intelligence unleashed on digital biomarkers: a new era in personalised cardiovascular healthcare,Artificial intelligence innovations in cardiac risk assessment and disease prediction,Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence-powered cardiac diagnosis and risk prediction", + "events_topic": "Wearable Electronic Devices | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Risk Assessment | Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiac Care Facilities | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Marketou ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Marketou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thromboembolism | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455906", + "session_name": "Pulmonary hypertension: from diagnosis to personalised care,The floor is yours: bring your questions on optimal management of very high-risk acute coronary syndromes,Fine-tuning prognostication after acute coronary syndromes,Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: is it worth learning about?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Milica Aleksic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Medical Center Bezanijska Kosa", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension: from diagnosis to personalised care", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on optimal management of very high-risk acute coronary syndromes,Fine-tuning prognostication after acute coronary syndromes,Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: is it worth learning about?", + "events_topic": "Thromboembolism | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Milica Aleksic ", + "kol_full_name": "Milica Aleksic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Medical Device Legislation | Deep Learning | Biomarkers | Digital Health | Artificial Intelligence | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456167", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence unleashed on digital biomarkers: a new era in personalised cardiovascular healthcare,Deep learning and artificial intelligence to transform cardiovascular health,The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health,ChatGPT, Copilot, and other large language models (LLMs): transforming cardiovascular education, care, and science", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nurgul Keser", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Health Sciences University Faculty of Medicine Department of Cardiology", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence unleashed on digital biomarkers: a new era in personalised cardiovascular healthcare", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Deep learning and artificial intelligence to transform cardiovascular health,The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health,ChatGPT, Copilot, and other large language models (LLMs): transforming cardiovascular education, care, and science", + "events_topic": "Medical Device Legislation | Deep Learning ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers | Digital Health | Artificial Intelligence | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nurgul Keser ", + "kol_full_name": "Nurgul Keser " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tobacco Products | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456038", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping, snus) - expert panel,Complex aortic disease cases,Aortic disease,Cardiac computed tomography in valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ozge Ozden Kayhan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bahcelievler Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " snus) - expert panel,Complex aortic disease cases,Aortic disease,Cardiac computed tomography in valvular heart disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tobacco Products ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Aortic Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ozge Ozden Kayhan ", + "kol_full_name": "Ozge Ozden Kayhan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Right Ventricular-Pulmonary Arterial Coupling | PCSK9 Inhibitors | Heart Failure | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Mitral Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Natriuretic Peptide, Brain", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457827", + "session_name": "Changes in N-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide according to SGLT2 inhibitor utilization patterns in patients hospitalized for decompensated heart failure: a prospective cohort study,PCSK9 inhibitors and coronary atherosclerotic plaque modification: a meta-analysis,The role of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors in epicardial adipose tissue modulation: a meta-analysis,Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling and clinical outcomes after mitral transcatheter edge-to-edge repair: A meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Panagiotis Theofilis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changes in N-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide according to SGLT2 inhibitor utilization patterns in patients hospitalized for decompensated heart failure: a prospective cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "PCSK9 inhibitors and coronary atherosclerotic plaque modification: a meta-analysis,The role of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors in epicardial adipose tissue modulation: a meta-analysis,Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling and clinical outcomes after mitral transcatheter edge-to-edge repair: A meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Right Ventricular-Pulmonary Arterial Coupling | PCSK9 Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Mitral Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair | Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Natriuretic Peptide, Brain", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Panagiotis Theofilis ", + "kol_full_name": "Panagiotis Theofilis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke | Tachycardia, Supraventricular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456796", + "session_name": "The ABC of integrating stroke care,The floor is yours: bring your questions on minimising the risk of stroke during cardiovascular interventions - expert panel,Supraventricular tachycardia,Novel diagnostic approaches and treatments for supraventricular tachycardias", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Panteleimon Papakonstantinou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Evangelismos Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The ABC of integrating stroke care", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on minimising the risk of stroke during cardiovascular interventions - expert panel,Supraventricular tachycardia,Novel diagnostic approaches and treatments for supraventricular tachycardias", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tachycardia, Supraventricular", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Panteleimon Papakonstantinou ", + "kol_full_name": "Panteleimon Papakonstantinou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Deep Learning | Wearable Electronic Devices | Electrocardiography | Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455977", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence in cardiovascular medicine: from prediction to transformation of patient care,Revolutionising cardiac diagnosis: exploring deep learning in electrocardiography and beyond,Cardiovascular assessment and intervention: from computational modelling to wearable technology,Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence-powered cardiac diagnosis and risk prediction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rickey Carter", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Jacksonville", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence in cardiovascular medicine: from prediction to transformation of patient care", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Revolutionising cardiac diagnosis: exploring deep learning in electrocardiography and beyond,Cardiovascular assessment and intervention: from computational modelling to wearable technology,Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence-powered cardiac diagnosis and risk prediction", + "events_topic": "Deep Learning | Wearable Electronic Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrocardiography | Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rickey Carter ", + "kol_full_name": "Rickey Carter " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Myocardial Infarction | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Shock, Cardiogenic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458314", + "session_name": "Long-term outcomes of cardiogenic shock survivors: a contemporary retrospective analysis from a tertiary center,Relative contribution of imaging techniques for the contemporary diagnosis of infective endocarditis: a single-center experience,Pacing dependency after TAVI, a lasting hazard in every case?,Lipoprotein(a) levels in acute myocardial infarction patients and their associations with prior events and coronary artery disease severity: a real-world cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rita Barbosa Sousa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Santa Cruz", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term outcomes of cardiogenic shock survivors: a contemporary retrospective analysis from a tertiary center", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Relative contribution of imaging techniques for the contemporary diagnosis of infective endocarditis: a single-center experience,Pacing dependency after TAVI, a lasting hazard in every case?,Lipoprotein(a) levels in acute myocardial infarction patients and their associations with prior events and coronary artery disease severity: a real-world cohort study", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Shock, Cardiogenic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rita Barbosa Sousa ", + "kol_full_name": "Rita Barbosa Sousa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure | Tafamidis | Aorto-atrial Fistula | Exercise Test", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458639", + "session_name": "Tafamidis for the treatment of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR-CM) - Real-world data from a tertiary center.,Exercise stress testing recovery kinetics: the forgotten phase.,O2 consumption overshoot in patients with heart failure: crossing the line.,Mapping the pathway: understanding an aorto-atrial fistula in a patient with heart failure.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rita Carvalho", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Western Lisbon Hospital Centre, EPE", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tafamidis for the treatment of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR-CM) - Real-world data from a tertiary center.", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Exercise stress testing recovery kinetics: the forgotten phase.,O2 consumption overshoot in patients with heart failure: crossing the line.,Mapping the pathway: understanding an aorto-atrial fistula in a patient with heart failure.", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Tafamidis | Aorto-atrial Fistula | Exercise Test", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rita Carvalho ", + "kol_full_name": "Rita Carvalho " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Bypass Graft | Medical Device Legislation | Myocardial Infarction | Drug-Eluting Stents | Digital Health | Shock, Cardiogenic | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455956", + "session_name": "Case 1 - contemporary management of NSTEMI-ACS: the Ireland perspective,When stents fail (and CABG is not an option): drug-coated balloons or drug-eluting stents?,The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health - expert panel,Management and prognostication in acute myocardial infarction cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robert Byrne", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Private Network", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1 - contemporary management of NSTEMI-ACS: the Ireland perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "When stents fail (and CABG is not an option): drug-coated balloons or drug-eluting stents?,The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health - expert panel,Management and prognostication in acute myocardial infarction cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Bypass Graft | Medical Device Legislation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Drug-Eluting Stents | Digital Health | Shock, Cardiogenic | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robert Byrne ", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Byrne " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Venous Thromboembolism | Pulsed-Field Ablation | Hemoglobins | WATCHMAN Device Implantation | Ablation Techniques | Acute Kidney Injury | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457435", + "session_name": "Ablation outcome in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing ICE-guided pulsed-field ablation,Risk and management of acute kidney injury resulting from hemoglobinuria following pulsed-field ablation in atrial fibrillation,Prevention of thromboembolic events in atrial fibrillation patients with persistent leaks following the watchman implantation,Ablation outcome in elderly women with atrial fibrillation undergoing pulsed-field ablation for electrical isolation of pulmonary veins and left atrial posterior wall", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sanghamitra Mohanty", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. David's Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Austin", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ablation outcome in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing ICE-guided pulsed-field ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Risk and management of acute kidney injury resulting from hemoglobinuria following pulsed-field ablation in atrial fibrillation,Prevention of thromboembolic events in atrial fibrillation patients with persistent leaks following the watchman implantation,Ablation outcome in elderly women with atrial fibrillation undergoing pulsed-field ablation for electrical isolation of pulmonary veins and left atrial posterior wall", + "events_topic": "Venous Thromboembolism | Pulsed-Field Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Hemoglobins | WATCHMAN Device Implantation | Ablation Techniques | Acute Kidney Injury | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sanghamitra Mohanty ", + "kol_full_name": "Sanghamitra Mohanty " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hep G2 Cells | Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor | Cardiovascular Diseases | Interleukin-6 | Hyperlipidemias | PPAR Gamma | Gene Expression | Lipoprotein(a) | Atherosclerosis | Inflammatory Bowel Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457025", + "session_name": "Advanced biologic therapies are associated with fewer adverse cardiovascular events in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases,Intraindividual variability in lipoprotein(a): the value of a repeat measure for reclassifying individuals at intermediate-risk,Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling is associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) in individuals with hyperlipidemia,Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma regulates interleukin-6 induced lipoprotein(a) gene expression in human HepG2 cells", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tarek Harb", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advanced biologic therapies are associated with fewer adverse cardiovascular events in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Intraindividual variability in lipoprotein(a): the value of a repeat measure for reclassifying individuals at intermediate-risk,Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling is associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) in individuals with hyperlipidemia,Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma regulates interleukin-6 induced lipoprotein(a) gene expression in human HepG2 cells", + "events_topic": "Hep G2 Cells | Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Interleukin-6 | Hyperlipidemias | PPAR Gamma | Gene Expression | Lipoprotein(a) | Atherosclerosis | Inflammatory Bowel Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tarek Harb ", + "kol_full_name": "Tarek Harb " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Anticoagulation | Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage | Heart Failure | Intracranial Hemorrhages | Anticoagulants | Electrocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457216", + "session_name": "Impact of resumption of Oral AntiCoagulation therapy (OAC) after GastroIntestinal Bleeding (GIB) on clinical outcomes in patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation (NVAF),Screening for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) by handheld single-lead ECG and risk of all-cause mortality stratified by non-AF cardiovascular disease,Resumption of anticoagulation therapy among Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation (NVAF) patients with prior intracranial haemorrhage,Atrial Fibrillation (AF) detected by repeat handheld ECG screening and the risk of heart failure hospitalization", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wen Sun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Chinese University of Hong Kong", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of resumption of Oral AntiCoagulation therapy (OAC) after GastroIntestinal Bleeding (GIB) on clinical outcomes in patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation (NVAF)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Screening for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) by handheld single-lead ECG and risk of all-cause mortality stratified by non-AF cardiovascular disease,Resumption of anticoagulation therapy among Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation (NVAF) patients with prior intracranial haemorrhage,Atrial Fibrillation (AF) detected by repeat handheld ECG screening and the risk of heart failure hospitalization", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Anticoagulation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage | Heart Failure | Intracranial Hemorrhages | Anticoagulants | Electrocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wen Sun ", + "kol_full_name": "Wen Sun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MINOCA | Cardiomyopathies | Cardiac Computed Tomography | Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiovascular Diseases | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456464", + "session_name": "Update on advanced plaque imaging with cardiac computed tomography,Lipids as risk factors for cardiovascular disease,Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA): state-of-the-art imaging evaluation,Computed tomography assessment of myocardial disease revisited", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wing Sze Chan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Queen Mary Hospital", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Update on advanced plaque imaging with cardiac computed tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Lipids as risk factors for cardiovascular disease,Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA): state-of-the-art imaging evaluation,Computed tomography assessment of myocardial disease revisited", + "events_topic": "MINOCA | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Computed Tomography | Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiovascular Diseases | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wing Sze Chan ", + "kol_full_name": "Wing Sze Chan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Spironolactone | Osteoporosis | Cardiovascular Diseases | Postmenopausal | Receptors, Mineralocorticoid | Transplant Recipients | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457405", + "session_name": "Urinary proteomic signature of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism by spironolactone: evidence from the HOMAGE trial,Blood pressure and renal function responses in workers exposed to lead for up to six years,OSTEO18, a novel urinary proteomic signature, associated with osteoporosis in heart transplant recipients,Blood pressure and cardiovascular risk in relation to birth weight and urinary sodium: an individual-participant meta-analysis of European family-based population studies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuling Yu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Urinary proteomic signature of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism by spironolactone: evidence from the HOMAGE trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Blood pressure and renal function responses in workers exposed to lead for up to six years,OSTEO18, a novel urinary proteomic signature, associated with osteoporosis in heart transplant recipients,Blood pressure and cardiovascular risk in relation to birth weight and urinary sodium: an individual-participant meta-analysis of European family-based population studies", + "events_topic": "Spironolactone | Osteoporosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Postmenopausal | Receptors, Mineralocorticoid | Transplant Recipients | Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuling Yu ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuling Yu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "P2Y12 Inhibitors | Sick Sinus Syndrome | Heart Failure, Systolic | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Myocardial Bridging | Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457784", + "session_name": "Arrhythmic Nightmare - Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia-related arrhythmic storm following de novo heart failure with reduced ejection fraction admission and severe multivessel coronary disease,Myocardial bridging presenting as exercise-induced sinus node dysfunction in a young patient,Prognostic implications of p2y12 inhibitor pre-treatment in non-st segment elevation acute coronary syndromes undergoing late invasive strategy - a national registry analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adriana Fonseca Vazao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Leiria Hospital Centre", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Leiria", + "City": "Leiria", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arrhythmic Nightmare - Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia-related arrhythmic storm following de novo heart failure with reduced ejection fraction admission and severe multivessel coronary disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Myocardial bridging presenting as exercise-induced sinus node dysfunction in a young patient,Prognostic implications of p2y12 inhibitor pre-treatment in non-st segment elevation acute coronary syndromes undergoing late invasive strategy - a national registry analysis", + "events_topic": "P2Y12 Inhibitors | Sick Sinus Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Systolic | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Myocardial Bridging | Coronary Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adriana Fonseca Vazao ", + "kol_full_name": "Adriana Fonseca Vazao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Microvascular Dysfunction | Biomarkers | Machine Learning | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460140", + "session_name": "Integrative machine learning model for predicting patient-oriented composite endpoints in acute myocardial infarction: a neuroendocrine biomarker approach,Exploring the impact of coronary microvascular dysfunction on cardiac remodeling after st-elevation myocardial infarction,Exploring trimethylamine n-oxide's role in coronary microvascular dysfunction and prognostic outcomes in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ali Aldujeli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Lithuanian University of Health Sciences", + "Country": "Lithuania", + "Region": "Kauno Apskritis", + "City": "Kaunas", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrative machine learning model for predicting patient-oriented composite endpoints in acute myocardial infarction: a neuroendocrine biomarker approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Exploring the impact of coronary microvascular dysfunction on cardiac remodeling after st-elevation myocardial infarction,Exploring trimethylamine n-oxide's role in coronary microvascular dysfunction and prognostic outcomes in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Microvascular Dysfunction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers | Machine Learning | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ali Aldujeli ", + "kol_full_name": "Ali Aldujeli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Oximetry | Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458010", + "session_name": "Machine-learning based scoring system to predict cardiogenic shock in acute coronary syndrome,Tailoring heart failure therapy using novel non-invasive remote monitoring of cardiac filling pressures,Point-of-care screening for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction using simple pulse oximetry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Allan Bohm", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Premedix & Seerlinq", + "Country": "Slovakia", + "Region": "Bratislavsky", + "City": "Bratislava", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine-learning based scoring system to predict cardiogenic shock in acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Tailoring heart failure therapy using novel non-invasive remote monitoring of cardiac filling pressures,Point-of-care screening for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction using simple pulse oximetry", + "events_topic": "Oximetry | Shock, Cardiogenic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Allan Bohm ", + "kol_full_name": "Allan Bohm " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455940", + "session_name": "Hypertension phenotypes and cardiovascular risk,The power of cardiac magnetic resonance in dilated cardiomyopathies,New imaging insights into hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Maria G. Almeida", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine University of Lisbon", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hypertension phenotypes and cardiovascular risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "The power of cardiac magnetic resonance in dilated cardiomyopathies,New imaging insights into hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Maria G. Almeida ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Maria G. Almeida " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Neoplasms | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456060", + "session_name": "Complex or complicated? challenges of percutaneous coronary interventions,Coronary clot management: evolving strategies and techniques,Medical and percutaneous treatment of coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrea Abizaid", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complex or complicated? challenges of percutaneous coronary interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Coronary clot management: evolving strategies and techniques,Medical and percutaneous treatment of coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrea Abizaid ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Abizaid " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiotoxicity | Heart Left Ventricle Mass | Lipoprotein(a) | Tobacco Smoking | Insulin Resistance", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456279", + "session_name": "Incidental and progressive tobacco smoking from childhood through young adulthood with premature structural and functional cardiac damage in 1931 children: A 14-Year Longitudinal Study,Fat mass mediating effect on the association of worsening insulin resistance with increased left ventricular mass in 1595 adolescents: a 7-Year Longitudinal and Mediation Study,Lp(a): the new risk factor", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrew O. Agbaje", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Eastern Finland", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Ita-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Kuopio", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidental and progressive tobacco smoking from childhood through young adulthood with premature structural and functional cardiac damage in 1931 children: A 14-Year Longitudinal Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Fat mass mediating effect on the association of worsening insulin resistance with increased left ventricular mass in 1595 adolescents: a 7-Year Longitudinal and Mediation Study,Lp(a): the new risk factor", + "events_topic": "Cardiotoxicity | Heart Left Ventricle Mass ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipoprotein(a) | Tobacco Smoking | Insulin Resistance", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrew O. Agbaje ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew O. Agbaje " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Pharmacodynamics | Ninerafaxstat | Angina, Unstable | Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography | Placebos", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456504", + "session_name": "A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, mechanistic trial on the safety, tolerability and pharmacodynamics of ninerafaxstat in patients with angina and chronic coronary syndrome,Inflammation and coronary artery disease: from diagnosis to management,Coronary computed tomography angiograms for diagnosis and risk stratification", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antti Saraste", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Turku University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " double-blind, placebo-controlled, mechanistic trial on the safety, tolerability and pharmacodynamics of ninerafaxstat in patients with angina and chronic coronary syndrome,Inflammation and coronary artery disease: from diagnosis to management,Coronary computed tomography angiograms for diagnosis and risk stratification", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Pharmacodynamics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Ninerafaxstat | Angina, Unstable | Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography | Placebos", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antti Saraste ", + "kol_full_name": "Antti Saraste " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microvascular Angina | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Cardiovascular Diseases | Coronary Artery Disease | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457019", + "session_name": "Invasive assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction with MACEs: a meta-analysis,Baseline right ventricular-pulmonary artery uncoupling and mortality following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a meta-analysis,Ankle brachial index,a non invasive tool predicts cardiovascular events after acute myocardial infarction:a 3 year follow -up study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Athanasios Sakalidis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Invasive assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction with MACEs: a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Baseline right ventricular-pulmonary artery uncoupling and mortality following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a meta-analysis,Ankle brachial index,a non invasive tool predicts cardiovascular events after acute myocardial infarction:a 3 year follow -up study", + "events_topic": "Microvascular Angina | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Coronary Artery Disease | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Athanasios Sakalidis ", + "kol_full_name": "Athanasios Sakalidis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence | Digital Health | Clinical Practice | Channelopathies | Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456804", + "session_name": "Why is AI not implemented in clinical practice?,Living with channelopathies - patient perspective,Innovations in digital care and patient engagement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Axel Verstrael", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient forum", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Why is AI not implemented in clinical practice?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Living with channelopathies - patient perspective,Innovations in digital care and patient engagement", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Digital Health ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Practice | Channelopathies | Patient Care", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Axel Verstrael ", + "kol_full_name": "Axel Verstrael " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angina, Stable | Coronary Revascularization | Angina | Fractional Flow Reserve | Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457578", + "session_name": "Prognostic impact of the presence and absence of angina on mortality and cardiovascular outcomes in the ISCHEMIA trial,Impact of fractional flow reserve measurement on angina frequency in the invasive arm of the ISCHEMIA trial,Persistent angina following revascularization for chronic coronary syndromes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ayesha Singh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Keck School of Medicine of USC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic impact of the presence and absence of angina on mortality and cardiovascular outcomes in the ISCHEMIA trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of fractional flow reserve measurement on angina frequency in the invasive arm of the ISCHEMIA trial,Persistent angina following revascularization for chronic coronary syndromes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "events_topic": "Angina, Stable | Coronary Revascularization ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Angina | Fractional Flow Reserve | Chronic Coronary Syndrome | Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ayesha Singh ", + "kol_full_name": "Ayesha Singh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure | Pulmonary Embolism | Tissue Plasminogen Activator | Right Ventricular Remodeling", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458864", + "session_name": "A simple and reliable computed tomographic measure for the evaluation of right ventricle remodelling in acute PE: right ventricle apical angle,Efficacy and safety of reduced-dose and slow-infusion intravenous alteplase regimen in patients with acute pulmonary embolism at intermediate-high-risk,Prognostic impact of the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion/pulmonary arterial systolic pressure ratio in acute pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Barkin Kultursay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kartal Kosuyolu Heart and Research Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A simple and reliable computed tomographic measure for the evaluation of right ventricle remodelling in acute PE: right ventricle apical angle", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy and safety of reduced-dose and slow-infusion intravenous alteplase regimen in patients with acute pulmonary embolism at intermediate-high-risk,Prognostic impact of the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion/pulmonary arterial systolic pressure ratio in acute pulmonary embolism", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure | Pulmonary Embolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tissue Plasminogen Activator | Right Ventricular Remodeling", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Barkin Kultursay ", + "kol_full_name": "Barkin Kultursay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dissection, Thoracic Aorta | Genome-Wide Association Study | Imaging, Three-Dimensional | Body Height | Heart Failure | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458008", + "session_name": "Relationship of body height to thoracic aortic length: implications for sex differences and normative values,Genome wide association studies on three-dimensional aortic geometric indices measured with magnetic resonance imaging,Relationship between 3-dimensional aortic geometry and the risk of new-onset heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cameron Beeche", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationship of body height to thoracic aortic length: implications for sex differences and normative values", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Genome wide association studies on three-dimensional aortic geometric indices measured with magnetic resonance imaging,Relationship between 3-dimensional aortic geometry and the risk of new-onset heart failure", + "events_topic": "Dissection, Thoracic Aorta | Genome-Wide Association Study ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Imaging, Three-Dimensional | Body Height | Heart Failure | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cameron Beeche ", + "kol_full_name": "Cameron Beeche " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid Peroxidation | Myocardial Infarction | Obesity | Spermidine | Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457139", + "session_name": "A new natural product derived from cyclosorus terminans provides cardiometabolic protection against obese-induced cardiac dysfunction in rats via suppressing mitochondrial dysfunctions and apoptosis,Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor attenuates left ventricular dysfunction in post-myocardial infarction in rats via reducing cardiac mitochondrial impairment,Spermidine attenuates left ventricular dysfunction in estrogen deprived aging rats through mitigating lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial dysfunction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chayodom Maneechote", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chiang Mai University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Chiang Mai", + "City": "Chiang Mai", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A new natural product derived from cyclosorus terminans provides cardiometabolic protection against obese-induced cardiac dysfunction in rats via suppressing mitochondrial dysfunctions and apoptosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor attenuates left ventricular dysfunction in post-myocardial infarction in rats via reducing cardiac mitochondrial impairment,Spermidine attenuates left ventricular dysfunction in estrogen deprived aging rats through mitigating lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial dysfunction", + "events_topic": "Lipid Peroxidation | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity | Spermidine | Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chayodom Maneechote ", + "kol_full_name": "Chayodom Maneechote " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457979", + "session_name": "Changing patterns in clinical, echocardiographic and haemodynamic characteristics , and management strategies that may be translated to improved survival in pulmonary hypertension,Clinical, echocardiographic and haemodynamic predictors of morbidity and mortality in pulmonary hypertension: a nation-wide registry,Improving morbidity and mortality in patients with pulmonary hypertension: insights from a nation-wide registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cihangir Kaymaz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kartal Kosuyolu Heart and Research Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changing patterns in clinical", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " echocardiographic and haemodynamic characteristics , and management strategies that may be translated to improved survival in pulmonary hypertension,Clinical, echocardiographic and haemodynamic predictors of morbidity and mortality in pulmonary hypertension: a nation-wide registry,Improving morbidity and mortality in patients with pulmonary hypertension: insights from a nation-wide registry", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cihangir Kaymaz ", + "kol_full_name": "Cihangir Kaymaz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Sinus Rhythm | Heart Failure | Reference Values | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458805", + "session_name": "Characteristics associated with prevalent atrial fibrillation and risk profile for future atrial fibrillation among those in sinus rhythm in an elderly population in the ELSA Brasil Study,Prevalence and outcomes of American Heart Association stages of heart failure in an adult brazilian population of the ELSA-Brasil study,Echocardiographic left and right ventricular strain reference values and their associated characteristics in a healthy adult population from the ELSA-Brasil Study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eduardo Pianca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio Grande do Sul", + "City": "Porto Alegre", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Characteristics associated with prevalent atrial fibrillation and risk profile for future atrial fibrillation among those in sinus rhythm in an elderly population in the ELSA Brasil Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Prevalence and outcomes of American Heart Association stages of heart failure in an adult brazilian population of the ELSA-Brasil study,Echocardiographic left and right ventricular strain reference values and their associated characteristics in a healthy adult population from the ELSA-Brasil Study", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Sinus Rhythm ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Reference Values | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eduardo Pianca ", + "kol_full_name": "Eduardo Pianca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Liver Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases | Amyloid Beta-Peptides | Amyloid", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458455", + "session_name": "Circulating levels of amyloid-beta (1-40) peptide associate with cardiometabolic traits and risk for metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease,Circulating Amyloid beta 1-40 is independently associated with statin treatment and LDL cholesterol reduction: a prospective cohort study,Amyloid beta, a marker of vascular aging and cardiovascular disease, is associated with accelerated progression of renal dysfunction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evmorfia Aivalioti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Circulating levels of amyloid-beta (1-40) peptide associate with cardiometabolic traits and risk for metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Circulating Amyloid beta 1-40 is independently associated with statin treatment and LDL cholesterol reduction: a prospective cohort study,Amyloid beta, a marker of vascular aging and cardiovascular disease, is associated with accelerated progression of renal dysfunction", + "events_topic": "Liver Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloid Beta-Peptides | Amyloid", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evmorfia Aivalioti ", + "kol_full_name": "Evmorfia Aivalioti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoidosis | Myocardium | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457568", + "session_name": "Assessment of a new index of myocardial strain for the diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis,Evaluation of myocardial work indexes in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis,Clinical and genetic profiles of patients with hereditary and wild type transthyretin amyloidosis: the transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis registry in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil REACT-SP", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fabio Fernandes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessment of a new index of myocardial strain for the diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Evaluation of myocardial work indexes in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis,Clinical and genetic profiles of patients with hereditary and wild type transthyretin amyloidosis: the transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis registry in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil REACT-SP", + "events_topic": "Sarcoidosis | Myocardium ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fabio Fernandes ", + "kol_full_name": "Fabio Fernandes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | Mortality | Heart Failure, Systolic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457381", + "session_name": "The implementation of modern guideline-directed medical therapy among hospitalized patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: real-world experience from two tertiary cardiac centers,The implementation of modern guideline-directed medical therapy among hospitalized patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: real-world experience from two tertiary cardiac centers,The development and long-term maintenance of heart failure with improved ejection fraction after a heart failure hospitalization: how are mortality rates affected?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fanni Banfi-Bacsardi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The implementation of modern guideline-directed medical therapy among hospitalized patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: real-world experience from two tertiary cardiac centers", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "The implementation of modern guideline-directed medical therapy among hospitalized patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: real-world experience from two tertiary cardiac centers,The development and long-term maintenance of heart failure with improved ejection fraction after a heart failure hospitalization: how are mortality rates affected?", + "events_topic": "Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Systolic | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fanni Banfi-Bacsardi ", + "kol_full_name": "Fanni Banfi-Bacsardi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases | Epidemics | Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455933", + "session_name": "Identification and risk stratification of relevant coronary artery disease in clinical practice,Environmental impacts on heart health,The global obesity (globesity) epidemic and cardiovascular health", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fausto Jose Pinto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Santa Maria Hospital - CHULN", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification and risk stratification of relevant coronary artery disease in clinical practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Environmental impacts on heart health,The global obesity (globesity) epidemic and cardiovascular health", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Epidemics | Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fausto Jose Pinto ", + "kol_full_name": "Fausto Jose Pinto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation | Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Heart Valve Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456387", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiogram for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and long-term risk of new-onset atrial fibrillation,Prognostic stratification of patients with mitral regurgitation using artificial intelligence-enhanced electrocardiogram for left ventricular diastolic function assessment,Valve cases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gal Tsaban", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiogram for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and long-term risk of new-onset atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic stratification of patients with mitral regurgitation using artificial intelligence-enhanced electrocardiogram for left ventricular diastolic function assessment,Valve cases", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Heart Valve Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gal Tsaban ", + "kol_full_name": "Gal Tsaban " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cardiovascular Diseases | Coronary Artery Disease | Intravascular Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456352", + "session_name": "A close look from the inside: the importance of an intravascular imaging-based approach to coronary interventions,Physiology matters: pushing the boundaries of invasive functional assessment applications,Modern approaches to interventional cardiology and coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Georgia Vogiatzi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Athens Chest Hospital Sotiria", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A close look from the inside: the importance of an intravascular imaging-based approach to coronary interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Physiology matters: pushing the boundaries of invasive functional assessment applications,Modern approaches to interventional cardiology and coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Intravascular Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Georgia Vogiatzi ", + "kol_full_name": "Georgia Vogiatzi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Circulation | Hemodynamics | Pulmonary Embolism | Stress, Psychological | Scleroderma, Systemic | Echocardiography, Doppler | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457822", + "session_name": "Exercise Doppler echocardiography to detect early changes in the right ventricular-pulmonary circulation unit after pulmonary embolism,Exercise Doppler echocardiography to detect early changes in the right ventricular-pulmonary circulation unit after pulmonary embolism,Assessment of circulating biomarkers and hemodynamic response during stress to detect early cardiopulmonary complications in systemic sclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gergely Agoston", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Szeged", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Csongrad", + "City": "Szeged", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exercise Doppler echocardiography to detect early changes in the right ventricular-pulmonary circulation unit after pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Exercise Doppler echocardiography to detect early changes in the right ventricular-pulmonary circulation unit after pulmonary embolism,Assessment of circulating biomarkers and hemodynamic response during stress to detect early cardiopulmonary complications in systemic sclerosis", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Circulation | Hemodynamics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism | Stress, Psychological | Scleroderma, Systemic | Echocardiography, Doppler | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gergely Agoston ", + "kol_full_name": "Gergely Agoston " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Atrial Fibrillation | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456941", + "session_name": "Can artificial intelligence reduce the burden of clinical data?,Patient care in atrial fibrillation: how to develop excellence,Updates on cardiac rehabilitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gerry Lee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University College Cork", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Cork", + "City": "Cork", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Can artificial intelligence reduce the burden of clinical data?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Patient care in atrial fibrillation: how to develop excellence,Updates on cardiac rehabilitation", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gerry Lee ", + "kol_full_name": "Gerry Lee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mental Health | Metabolic Syndrome | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | Heart Rate | Heart Diseases | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456759", + "session_name": "Cognitive behavioral therapy for symptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: effects on physical activity, sleep and heart rate variability.,Sleep, mental health, and heart disease,Metabolic syndrome and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Helga Skuladottir", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Landspitali University Hospital", + "Country": "Iceland", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cognitive behavioral therapy for symptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: effects on physical activity", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " sleep and heart rate variability.,Sleep, mental health, and heart disease,Metabolic syndrome and heart disease", + "events_topic": "Mental Health | Metabolic Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | Heart Rate | Heart Diseases | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Helga Skuladottir ", + "kol_full_name": "Helga Skuladottir " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cognition | Stroke | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456439", + "session_name": "The Dundee experience: really personalised acute stroke treatment,Cardiac disease and cognition: a cardiology perspective,Hot topics in stroke for cardiologists", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Iris Grunwald", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Dundee experience: really personalised acute stroke treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiac disease and cognition: a cardiology perspective,Hot topics in stroke for cardiologists", + "events_topic": "Cognition | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Iris Grunwald ", + "kol_full_name": "Iris Grunwald " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Influenza Vaccines | Vaccination | Clinical Trial | Heart Failure, Systolic | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458974", + "session_name": "Effect of high-dose vs. standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine on death and hospitalizations in older adults with cardiovascular disease: a prespecified analysis of the DANFLU-1 study,Relative effectiveness of high-dose vs. standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine according to time of day of vaccination: a post-hoc analysis of the DANFLU-1 randomised clinical trial,Left ventricular late diastolic strain rate predicts cardiovascular mortality in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jacob Christensen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of high-dose vs. standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine on death and hospitalizations in older adults with cardiovascular disease: a prespecified analysis of the DANFLU-1 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Relative effectiveness of high-dose vs. standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine according to time of day of vaccination: a post-hoc analysis of the DANFLU-1 randomised clinical trial,Left ventricular late diastolic strain rate predicts cardiovascular mortality in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Influenza Vaccines | Vaccination ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Trial | Heart Failure, Systolic | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jacob Christensen ", + "kol_full_name": "Jacob Christensen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Embolism | Revascularization | Ischemia | Coronary Artery Disease | Microvascular Angina | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458210", + "session_name": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes: extent of ischaemia,How to diagnose and manage coronary artery embolism,How effective is revascularisation for angina? Lessons learnt from the ORBITA trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jacqueline Tamis-Holland", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes: extent of ischaemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "How to diagnose and manage coronary artery embolism,How effective is revascularisation for angina? Lessons learnt from the ORBITA trials", + "events_topic": "Embolism | Revascularization ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia | Coronary Artery Disease | Microvascular Angina | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jacqueline Tamis-Holland ", + "kol_full_name": "Jacqueline Tamis-Holland " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456637", + "session_name": "Evaluating the right ventricle and tricuspid valve in heart failure,The end of ejection fraction: novel alternative imaging indices in heart failure,New insights into the role of heart failure biomarkers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jelena Celutkiene", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Vilnius University", + "Country": "Lithuania", + "Region": "Vilniaus Apskritis", + "City": "Vilnius", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluating the right ventricle and tricuspid valve in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "The end of ejection fraction: novel alternative imaging indices in heart failure,New insights into the role of heart failure biomarkers", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jelena Celutkiene ", + "kol_full_name": "Jelena Celutkiene " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation | Medication Errors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456696", + "session_name": "Left atrial strain parameters are able to predict presence of atrial fibrillation,Secretoneurin plasma levels are decreased after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation, patients with AF produce lower SN levels than healthy individuals,Cases of medication-adverse effects", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jiri Plasek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Ostrava", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Moravskoslezsky Kraj", + "City": "Ostrava", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial strain parameters are able to predict presence of atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Secretoneurin plasma levels are decreased after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation, patients with AF produce lower SN levels than healthy individuals,Cases of medication-adverse effects", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Medication Errors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiri Plasek ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiri Plasek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Angiography | Angiography | Computed Tomography Angiography | Cardiovascular Diseases | Atherosclerosis | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Computed Tomography | Inflammation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457764", + "session_name": "Number of inflamed coronary vessels in prediction of cardiac death and MACE among patients undergoing routine CCTA: the Oxford Risk Factors And Non-Invasive Imaging (ORFAN) Study,Coronary inflammation stratifies risk in patients undergoing coronary CT angiography: the Oxford Risk Factors and Non-Invasive Imaging (ORFAN) study,AI-enhanced detection of coronary inflammation predicts 10-year risk for cardiac mortality and MACE in individuals with no or minimal coronary atherosclerosis on routine CCTA", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kenneth Chan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Number of inflamed coronary vessels in prediction of cardiac death and MACE among patients undergoing routine CCTA: the Oxford Risk Factors And Non-Invasive Imaging (ORFAN) Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Coronary inflammation stratifies risk in patients undergoing coronary CT angiography: the Oxford Risk Factors and Non-Invasive Imaging (ORFAN) study,AI-enhanced detection of coronary inflammation predicts 10-year risk for cardiac mortality and MACE in individuals with no or minimal coronary atherosclerosis on routine CCTA", + "events_topic": "Coronary Angiography | Angiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Computed Tomography Angiography | Cardiovascular Diseases | Atherosclerosis | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Computed Tomography | Inflammation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kenneth Chan ", + "kol_full_name": "Kenneth Chan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrospinning | Chronic Coronary Syndromes | Prasugrel Hydrochloride | Prosthesis Implantation | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Polymer Grafting | Aspirin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458285", + "session_name": "Thirty days clinical outcomes following stent implantation with aspirin-free prasugrel monotherapy in non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Interim report from ASET-Japan pilot study,Preclinical assessment of transcatheter-delivered expandable endoluminal polymeric graft fabricated by electrospinning of microfiber,One-year clinical outcome of aspirin-free prasugrel monotherapy following stent implantation in patients with chronic coronary syndrome: insight from ASET-JAPAN study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kotaro Miyashita", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Galway", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Galway", + "City": "Galway", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Thirty days clinical outcomes following stent implantation with aspirin-free prasugrel monotherapy in non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Interim report from ASET-Japan pilot study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Preclinical assessment of transcatheter-delivered expandable endoluminal polymeric graft fabricated by electrospinning of microfiber,One-year clinical outcome of aspirin-free prasugrel monotherapy following stent implantation in patients with chronic coronary syndrome: insight from ASET-JAPAN study", + "events_topic": "Electrospinning | Chronic Coronary Syndromes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Prasugrel Hydrochloride | Prosthesis Implantation | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Polymer Grafting | Aspirin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kotaro Miyashita ", + "kol_full_name": "Kotaro Miyashita " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Primary Prevention | Positron-Emission Tomography | Multimodal Imaging | Cardiac Computed Tomography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456255", + "session_name": "Multimodality imaging,Positron emission tomography innovations in diagnosis and prognosis,Great Debate: cardiac computed tomography in primary prevention - too much or just enough?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Murphy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Misericordiae University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multimodality imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Positron emission tomography innovations in diagnosis and prognosis,Great Debate: cardiac computed tomography in primary prevention - too much or just enough?", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Primary Prevention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Positron-Emission Tomography | Multimodal Imaging | Cardiac Computed Tomography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Murphy ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Murphy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Echocardiography | Bioprosthesis | Thrombocytopenia | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457095", + "session_name": "Vascular complications in patients with peripheral veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: clinical-echocardiographic characteristics and predictors.,Prevalence and prognostic value of thrombocytopenia in aortic valve replacement surgery: bioprosthesis versus mechanical prosthesis.,Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation requirement for severe protamine reaction after heart transplant", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leonardo Seoane", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Cardiovascular De Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vascular complications in patients with peripheral veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: clinical-echocardiographic characteristics and predictors.", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Prevalence and prognostic value of thrombocytopenia in aortic valve replacement surgery: bioprosthesis versus mechanical prosthesis.,Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation requirement for severe protamine reaction after heart transplant", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Bioprosthesis | Thrombocytopenia | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leonardo Seoane ", + "kol_full_name": "Leonardo Seoane " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Computed Tomography Angiography | Chronic Coronary Syndromes | Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456503", + "session_name": "Coronary CT angiography should be the first-line imaging tool for diagnosis of coronary artery disease: pro,Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes,Coronary computed tomography angiograms for diagnosis and risk stratification", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leslee Shaw", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary CT angiography should be the first-line imaging tool for diagnosis of coronary artery disease: pro", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes,Coronary computed tomography angiograms for diagnosis and risk stratification", + "events_topic": "Computed Tomography Angiography | Chronic Coronary Syndromes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leslee Shaw ", + "kol_full_name": "Leslee Shaw " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Epicardial Adipose Tissue | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Blood Pressure | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458044", + "session_name": "Novel CMR-assessed right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling index independently associates with exercise capacity and clinical risk in pulmonary arterial hypertension,Deep learning for quantification of myocardial scar and microvascular obstruction in late gadolinium enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance images,Impact of systolic blood pressure on epicardial adipose tissue in patients with chronic coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Liang Zhong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Centre Singapore and Duke-NUS Medical School", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel CMR-assessed right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling index independently associates with exercise capacity and clinical risk in pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Deep learning for quantification of myocardial scar and microvascular obstruction in late gadolinium enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance images,Impact of systolic blood pressure on epicardial adipose tissue in patients with chronic coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Epicardial Adipose Tissue ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Blood Pressure | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Liang Zhong ", + "kol_full_name": "Liang Zhong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Ischemic Stroke | Anticoagulation | Thrombolytic Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation | Chagas Cardiomyopathy | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458907", + "session_name": "ICARUS registry: findings from the first 1595 cases of acute decompensated heart failure in a single center in a latin american country.,Risk of embolic events in patients with Chagasic Cardiomyopathy and Atrial Fibrillation despite antithrombotic therapy: is anticoagulation enough?,Predictors of Ischemic Stroke in a cohort of patients with Chagas Cardiomyopathy: the CLOT-Chagas study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luis Eduardo Echeverria", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Foundation Cardiovascular of Colombia", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ICARUS registry: findings from the first 1595 cases of acute decompensated heart failure in a single center in a latin american country.", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Risk of embolic events in patients with Chagasic Cardiomyopathy and Atrial Fibrillation despite antithrombotic therapy: is anticoagulation enough?,Predictors of Ischemic Stroke in a cohort of patients with Chagas Cardiomyopathy: the CLOT-Chagas study", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Ischemic Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulation | Thrombolytic Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation | Chagas Cardiomyopathy | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luis Eduardo Echeverria ", + "kol_full_name": "Luis Eduardo Echeverria " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolic Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease | Ischemic Heart Disease | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456591", + "session_name": "Addressing ischaemic disease with a metabolic agent,Addressing ischaemic disease with a metabolic agent,Non-invasive methods for evaluating coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luis Henrique Wolff Gowdak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Addressing ischaemic disease with a metabolic agent", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Addressing ischaemic disease with a metabolic agent,Non-invasive methods for evaluating coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Metabolic Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemic Heart Disease | Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luis Henrique Wolff Gowdak ", + "kol_full_name": "Luis Henrique Wolff Gowdak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Mineralocorticoid | Autoantibodies | Delivery Of Health Care | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455909", + "session_name": "Cost-effectiveness of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the brazilian case with bayesian networks and markov influence diagrams,Cardiovascular health: from autoantibodies to healthcare utilisation,Cardiovascular risk prediction, mortality disparities, and equity in cardiology research: global insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luiz Sergio Carvalho", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Catholic University of Brasilia", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cost-effectiveness of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the brazilian case with bayesian networks and markov influence diagrams", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular health: from autoantibodies to healthcare utilisation,Cardiovascular risk prediction, mortality disparities, and equity in cardiology research: global insights", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Mineralocorticoid | Autoantibodies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Delivery Of Health Care | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luiz Sergio Carvalho ", + "kol_full_name": "Luiz Sergio Carvalho " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Thrombosis | Atherosclerosis | Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455897", + "session_name": "Further Insights into SGLT2i treatment for heart failure,Acute coronary syndromes: atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and beyond,Cutting-edge cardiovascular imaging in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Magdy Abdelhamid", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kasr Al Ainy School of Medicine, Cairo University", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Further Insights into SGLT2i treatment for heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Acute coronary syndromes: atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and beyond,Cutting-edge cardiovascular imaging in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Cardiac Imaging Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Thrombosis | Atherosclerosis | Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Magdy Abdelhamid ", + "kol_full_name": "Magdy Abdelhamid " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tetralogy Of Fallot | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456892", + "session_name": "A symphony of shadows: a case of unique congenital heart disease,Decision crossroads in the management of a patient with Tetralogy of Fallot,Unravelling the pathophysiology of valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Drakopoulou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A symphony of shadows: a case of unique congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Decision crossroads in the management of a patient with Tetralogy of Fallot,Unravelling the pathophysiology of valvular heart disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tetralogy Of Fallot ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Drakopoulou ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Drakopoulou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mavacamten | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Vascular Access Devices | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457403", + "session_name": "LV reverse remodeling after SAVR in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis: impact on the clinical outcome,Long-term clinical and imaging outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous femoral intervention following TAVI-related vascular access complications,Mavacamten in a real-world hypertrophic cardiomyopathy population: how many may be eligible?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Rita Lima", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Santa Cruz", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "LV reverse remodeling after SAVR in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis: impact on the clinical outcome", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term clinical and imaging outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous femoral intervention following TAVI-related vascular access complications,Mavacamten in a real-world hypertrophic cardiomyopathy population: how many may be eligible?", + "events_topic": "Mavacamten | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Vascular Access Devices | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Rita Lima ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Rita Lima " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Diagnostic Imaging | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456418", + "session_name": "Navigating complexities in valvular heart disease: perspectives from Portugal and Tunisia,Synergies of multimodality imaging in TAVI,Imaging markers of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Sofia Cabral", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital University Center of Porto", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Navigating complexities in valvular heart disease: perspectives from Portugal and Tunisia", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Synergies of multimodality imaging in TAVI,Imaging markers of heart failure", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Sofia Cabral ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Sofia Cabral " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chagas Cardiomyopathy | Myocarditis | Pericarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456055", + "session_name": "Reverse remodelling and clinical outcomes in patients with chagas cardiomyopathy with reduced ejection fraction,Myocarditis,All shapes and forms of pericarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Tereza Sampaio De Sousa Lira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reverse remodelling and clinical outcomes in patients with chagas cardiomyopathy with reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Myocarditis,All shapes and forms of pericarditis", + "events_topic": "Chagas Cardiomyopathy | Myocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pericarditis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Tereza Sampaio De Sousa Lira ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Tereza Sampaio De Sousa Lira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Stiffness | Lithotripsy | Endocarditis | Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458273", + "session_name": "Intravascular lithotripsy in the management of underexpanded stents,Association of telomeres length with cardiovascular risk factors and arterial stiffness,Epidemiological profile and mortality of infective endocarditis over the past decade: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 133 studies comprising 132,355 cases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marios Sagris", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intravascular lithotripsy in the management of underexpanded stents", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Association of telomeres length with cardiovascular risk factors and arterial stiffness,Epidemiological profile and mortality of infective endocarditis over the past decade: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 133 studies comprising 132,355 cases", + "events_topic": "Vascular Stiffness | Lithotripsy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Endocarditis | Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marios Sagris ", + "kol_full_name": "Marios Sagris " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertrophy | Exercise Therapy | Cardiomyopathies | Genetic Testing | Ventricular Remodeling", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455905", + "session_name": "Exploring the diagnostic yield of family screening and genetic testing in adolescent individuals with pre-clinical phenotypes,Hypertrophic and other cardiomyopathies: miscellaneous findings,Electrical and cardiac structural changes with exercise", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mark Abela", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Dei Hospital of Malta", + "Country": "Malta", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring the diagnostic yield of family screening and genetic testing in adolescent individuals with pre-clinical phenotypes", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Hypertrophic and other cardiomyopathies: miscellaneous findings,Electrical and cardiac structural changes with exercise", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy | Exercise Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies | Genetic Testing | Ventricular Remodeling", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mark Abela ", + "kol_full_name": "Mark Abela " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Rheumatic Heart Disease | Mitral Valve Stenosis | Coronary Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457209", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of left atrial strain in patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis,Differentiation of severe from non-severe mitral stenosis with dimensionless index and its prognostic implications in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis,Prognostic value of right ventricular-pulmonary arterial coupling indices in patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Meei Wah Chan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Serdang Heart Center", + "Country": "Malaysia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of left atrial strain in patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Differentiation of severe from non-severe mitral stenosis with dimensionless index and its prognostic implications in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis,Prognostic value of right ventricular-pulmonary arterial coupling indices in patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Rheumatic Heart Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Mitral Valve Stenosis | Coronary Stenosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Meei Wah Chan ", + "kol_full_name": "Meei Wah Chan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Heart Diseases | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456112", + "session_name": "Hot Lines from ESC Congress 2024: what is new in cardiology?,Drug therapy for heart failure: what is new?,Heartfelt genetics", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mehriban Isgandar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Azerbaijan Medical University", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hot Lines from ESC Congress 2024: what is new in cardiology?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Drug therapy for heart failure: what is new?,Heartfelt genetics", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Heart Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Drug Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mehriban Isgandar ", + "kol_full_name": "Mehriban Isgandar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Rilonacept | Biomarkers | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458192", + "session_name": "Real-life experience with rilonacept for the treatment of recurrent pericarditis,Effects of anakinra on patients with heart failure below and above 60 years of age,One-year outcomes of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy according to levels of inflammatory biomarkers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michele Golino", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "VCU Health Pauley Heart Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Richmond", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-life experience with rilonacept for the treatment of recurrent pericarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Effects of anakinra on patients with heart failure below and above 60 years of age,One-year outcomes of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy according to levels of inflammatory biomarkers", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Rilonacept | Biomarkers | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michele Golino ", + "kol_full_name": "Michele Golino " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456638", + "session_name": "Epidemiology and prognosis of obstructive and non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Finland: a nationwide cohort study,Characterizing disease burden and health care resource utilization in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a nationwide real-world study in Finland,New insights into the role of heart failure biomarkers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mika Laine", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epidemiology and prognosis of obstructive and non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Finland: a nationwide cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Characterizing disease burden and health care resource utilization in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a nationwide real-world study in Finland,New insights into the role of heart failure biomarkers", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mika Laine ", + "kol_full_name": "Mika Laine " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Heart Failure | Myocardial Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458924", + "session_name": "Atrial fibrillation ablation should be more widely used in heart failure: con,Should we give beta-blockers post-myocardial infarction?,The floor is yours: bring your questions on heart failure. 'Heart's failing secrets unveiled: thy burning queries expertly resolved' - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Milton Packer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baylor University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial fibrillation ablation should be more widely used in heart failure: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Should we give beta-blockers post-myocardial infarction?,The floor is yours: bring your questions on heart failure. 'Heart's failing secrets unveiled: thy burning queries expertly resolved' - expert panel", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Milton Packer ", + "kol_full_name": "Milton Packer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dyslipidemias | Diagnostic Imaging | Metabolic Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456977", + "session_name": "Daily Highlights by the Chilean Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery - panel discussion,Treatment of dyslipidaemia in cardiometabolic syndrome: how far should you go?,Non-invasive diagnostics and imaging in cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Monica Acevedo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile", + "Country": "Chile", + "Region": "Region Metropolitana", + "City": "Santiago", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Daily Highlights by the Chilean Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery - panel discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Treatment of dyslipidaemia in cardiometabolic syndrome: how far should you go?,Non-invasive diagnostics and imaging in cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Dyslipidemias | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Metabolic Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Monica Acevedo ", + "kol_full_name": "Monica Acevedo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Cardiovascular Diseases | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456640", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular diseases: predictors of onset and prognosis,Epidemiology and risk factors in cardiovascular disease,Case-based implementation of the 2023 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Endocarditis: insights from Egypt and Georgia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nabil Mahmoud Farag", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ain Shams University Hospital", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular diseases: predictors of onset and prognosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Epidemiology and risk factors in cardiovascular disease,Case-based implementation of the 2023 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Endocarditis: insights from Egypt and Georgia", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Endocarditis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nabil Mahmoud Farag ", + "kol_full_name": "Nabil Mahmoud Farag " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease | Ischemia | Echocardiography, Stress | Heart Neoplasms | Bundle-Branch Block", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456618", + "session_name": "Negative long-term prognostic value of stress echocardiography in patients with incomplete revascularization after successful primary PCI,Long-term prognostic value of heart rate recovery in patients with left bundle branch block without inducible ischemia and without known coronary artery disease,Masses in the heart", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikola Boskovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Negative long-term prognostic value of stress echocardiography in patients with incomplete revascularization after successful primary PCI", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term prognostic value of heart rate recovery in patients with left bundle branch block without inducible ischemia and without known coronary artery disease,Masses in the heart", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia | Echocardiography, Stress | Heart Neoplasms | Bundle-Branch Block", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikola Boskovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikola Boskovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459206", + "session_name": "Long-term outcomes of aortic stenosis patients with different flow/gradient patterns undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation,Safety and efficacy of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for pure aortic regurgitation; a systematic review and meta-analysis,Safety and efficacy of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with previous TAVI; a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikolaos Ktenopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ippokrateio General Hospital of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term outcomes of aortic stenosis patients with different flow/gradient patterns undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Safety and efficacy of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for pure aortic regurgitation; a systematic review and meta-analysis,Safety and efficacy of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with previous TAVI; a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikolaos Ktenopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikolaos Ktenopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis | Breast Neoplasms | Echocardiography | Trastuzumab | Biomarkers | Heart Failure | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456456", + "session_name": "Heart rate variability-based prediction of early cardiotoxicity in breast-cancer patients treated with anthracyclines and trastuzumab,Studies of new biomarkers in heart failure,Infections, myocarditis, and heart failure: echocardiographic insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nilda Espinola-Zavaleta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart rate variability-based prediction of early cardiotoxicity in breast-cancer patients treated with anthracyclines and trastuzumab", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Studies of new biomarkers in heart failure,Infections, myocarditis, and heart failure: echocardiographic insights", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Trastuzumab | Biomarkers | Heart Failure | Cardiotoxicity", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nilda Espinola-Zavaleta ", + "kol_full_name": "Nilda Espinola-Zavaleta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Pregnancy | Venous Thromboembolism | Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456195", + "session_name": "Unraveling complexity: truncus arteriosus, heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension.,Hidden perils: heart failure and venous thromboembolism during pregnancy,Valvular heart disease: from risk stratification to intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Novi Yanti Sari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": "Sumatera Selatan", + "City": "Palembang", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unraveling complexity: truncus arteriosus", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension.,Hidden perils: heart failure and venous thromboembolism during pregnancy,Valvular heart disease: from risk stratification to intervention", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Pregnancy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Venous Thromboembolism | Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Novi Yanti Sari ", + "kol_full_name": "Novi Yanti Sari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Infections | Hemorrhage | Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455928", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of the ultraslow low-dose thrombolytic regimen for mechanical prosthetic valve thrombosis: a prospective cohort study,Insights into retroperitoneal hemorrhage management: result from a tertiary cardiovascular center prospective cohort,Current pharmacological treatments for pulmonary hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Parham Sadeghipour", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical & Research Center", + "Country": "Iran", + "Region": "Tehran", + "City": "Tehran", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of the ultraslow low-dose thrombolytic regimen for mechanical prosthetic valve thrombosis: a prospective cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Insights into retroperitoneal hemorrhage management: result from a tertiary cardiovascular center prospective cohort,Current pharmacological treatments for pulmonary hypertension", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Infections | Hemorrhage ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Parham Sadeghipour ", + "kol_full_name": "Parham Sadeghipour " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Angiography | Myocardial Blood Flow | Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography | Coronary Revascularization | Coronary Artery Bypass | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459139", + "session_name": "Coronary bypass surgery guided by multislice computed tomography angiography in a low surgical risk population,Quantitative myocardial blood flow distribution derived from CCTA and determination of myocardium at risk in the FAST TRACK CABG trial,Assessment of surgical revascularization completeness with quantitative myocardial blood flow distribution derived from CCTA in severe coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Patrick Washington Serruys", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University of Ireland", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Galway", + "City": "Galway", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary bypass surgery guided by multislice computed tomography angiography in a low surgical risk population", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Quantitative myocardial blood flow distribution derived from CCTA and determination of myocardium at risk in the FAST TRACK CABG trial,Assessment of surgical revascularization completeness with quantitative myocardial blood flow distribution derived from CCTA in severe coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Coronary Angiography | Myocardial Blood Flow ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography | Coronary Revascularization | Coronary Artery Bypass | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Patrick Washington Serruys ", + "kol_full_name": "Patrick Washington Serruys " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Stiffness | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Antiretroviral Therapy | Cardiomyopathies | HIV | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458108", + "session_name": "Cardiac biomarkers can detect and track subclinical HIV-associated myocardial disease in newly diagnosed people living with HIV,Reduction of aortic stiffness in newly diagnosed persons with HIV-infection: modifiable vascular dysfunction after antiretroviral therapy?,HIV and the heart: detection of subclinical disease by cardiac MRI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pieter-Paul Strauss Robbertse", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Stellenbosch University", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "Western Cape", + "City": "Cape Town", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac biomarkers can detect and track subclinical HIV-associated myocardial disease in newly diagnosed people living with HIV", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Reduction of aortic stiffness in newly diagnosed persons with HIV-infection: modifiable vascular dysfunction after antiretroviral therapy?,HIV and the heart: detection of subclinical disease by cardiac MRI", + "events_topic": "Aortic Stiffness | Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Antiretroviral Therapy | Cardiomyopathies | HIV | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pieter-Paul Strauss Robbertse ", + "kol_full_name": "Pieter-Paul Strauss Robbertse " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Immune System Diseases | Inflammation | Vascular Diseases | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455932", + "session_name": "Immune ageing in cardiovascular diseases,Inflammation in heart failure,Vascular and immune control of organ function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pilar Alcaide", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tufts University School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Immune ageing in cardiovascular diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Inflammation in heart failure,Vascular and immune control of organ function", + "events_topic": "Immune System Diseases | Inflammation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Vascular Diseases | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pilar Alcaide ", + "kol_full_name": "Pilar Alcaide " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | PPGI | Troponin I | Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Ultrasonics | Physiological Disorders | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457679", + "session_name": "Frequency of periprocedural myocardial injury and infarction stratified by cardiac troponin I and T,Segmental post-PCI physiological gradients using ultrasonic or optical flow ratio,Physiological disease pattern as assessed by PPGI in vessels with FFR and iFR discordance", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pruthvi Chenniganahosahalli Revaiah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Frequency of periprocedural myocardial injury and infarction stratified by cardiac troponin I and T", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Segmental post-PCI physiological gradients using ultrasonic or optical flow ratio,Physiological disease pattern as assessed by PPGI in vessels with FFR and iFR discordance", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | PPGI ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Troponin I | Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Ultrasonics | Physiological Disorders | Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pruthvi Chenniganahosahalli Revaiah ", + "kol_full_name": "Pruthvi Chenniganahosahalli Revaiah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Valsartan | Stroke | Enalapril | Sacubitril | Chagas Cardiomyopathy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460945", + "session_name": "Sacubitril/valsartan versus enalapril in chronic chagas cardiomyopathy: baseline characteristics of the PARACHUTE-HF trial,Ask the Trialist - GUARD-AF,GUARD-AF - ReducinG stroke by screening for UndiAgnosed atRial fibrillation in elderly inDividuals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Renato Lopes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Duke University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sacubitril/valsartan versus enalapril in chronic chagas cardiomyopathy: baseline characteristics of the PARACHUTE-HF trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Ask the Trialist - GUARD-AF,GUARD-AF - ReducinG stroke by screening for UndiAgnosed atRial fibrillation in elderly inDividuals", + "events_topic": "Valsartan | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Enalapril | Sacubitril | Chagas Cardiomyopathy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Renato Lopes ", + "kol_full_name": "Renato Lopes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Protocols | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456906", + "session_name": "The Core Curriculum and clinical practice: what are the patient's needs?,Digitising heart failure - patient perspective,Patient and caregiver needs after an acute cardiac event", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Richard Mindham", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur", + "City": "Sophia-Antipolis", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Core Curriculum and clinical practice: what are the patient's needs?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Digitising heart failure - patient perspective,Patient and caregiver needs after an acute cardiac event", + "events_topic": "Clinical Protocols | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Richard Mindham ", + "kol_full_name": "Richard Mindham " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Thrombolytic Therapy | Antiplatelet Therapy | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455982", + "session_name": "Trial updates and other studies on percutaneous coronary intervention,How useful are risk scores in determining bleeding risk and antithrombotic therapy duration after primary PCI?,The guardians of clotting: exploring antiplatelet strategies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roisin Colleran", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Private Network", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trial updates and other studies on percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "How useful are risk scores in determining bleeding risk and antithrombotic therapy duration after primary PCI?,The guardians of clotting: exploring antiplatelet strategies", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Thrombolytic Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Antiplatelet Therapy | Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roisin Colleran ", + "kol_full_name": "Roisin Colleran " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Telemonitoring | Heart Failure | Drug Therapy | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456287", + "session_name": "Case 2 - frontiers of infective endocarditis in Georgia,Heart failure: drug therapy and multidisciplinary care,Telemonitoring and multidisciplinary care in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rusudan Agladze", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bokhua memorial Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Georgia", + "Region": "T'bilisi", + "City": "Tbilisi", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 2 - frontiers of infective endocarditis in Georgia", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Heart failure: drug therapy and multidisciplinary care,Telemonitoring and multidisciplinary care in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Telemonitoring | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Drug Therapy | Endocarditis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rusudan Agladze ", + "kol_full_name": "Rusudan Agladze " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460907", + "session_name": "AF and its pulse wave: a new footprint,Hypertension and atrial fibrillation: dangerous bedfellows,Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) and hypertension: time to act now", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "S Benedict Freedman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St George Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "New South Wales", + "City": "Sydney", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AF and its pulse wave: a new footprint", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Hypertension and atrial fibrillation: dangerous bedfellows,Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) and hypertension: time to act now", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
S Benedict Freedman ", + "kol_full_name": "S Benedict Freedman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | COVID-19", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455924", + "session_name": "How vaccination affects clinical outcomes of COVID-19 positive revascularized patients?,Acute coronary syndromes: diagnosis, outcomes, and predictors,Multivessel disease in acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shafa Shahbazova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Central Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How vaccination affects clinical outcomes of COVID-19 positive revascularized patients?", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Acute coronary syndromes: diagnosis, outcomes, and predictors,Multivessel disease in acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | COVID-19", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shafa Shahbazova ", + "kol_full_name": "Shafa Shahbazova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure | Diagnostic Imaging | Neoplasms | Risk Assessment | Cardiotoxicity | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456072", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular complications in cardio-oncology: risk assessment,Cardiotoxicity and development of heart failure,Cardiomyopathy in cancer patients: prevalence, risk assessment, imaging, and prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sibel Catirli Enar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Altinbas University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular complications in cardio-oncology: risk assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiotoxicity and development of heart failure,Cardiomyopathy in cancer patients: prevalence, risk assessment, imaging, and prevention", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Imaging | Neoplasms | Risk Assessment | Cardiotoxicity | Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sibel Catirli Enar ", + "kol_full_name": "Sibel Catirli Enar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Demography | Kidney Diseases | Therapeutics | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456222", + "session_name": "Demographic, clinical characteristics, managements strategies and in-hospital outcomes of patients enrolled in prospective nationwide SCAD registry,Integrating insights: from biomarkers to therapeutics in the management of acute coronary syndromes,Coronary artery disease in kidney patients: from genes to treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Svetlana Apostolovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Center of Nis", + "Country": "Serbia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Demographic", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " clinical characteristics, managements strategies and in-hospital outcomes of patients enrolled in prospective nationwide SCAD registry,Integrating insights: from biomarkers to therapeutics in the management of acute coronary syndromes,Coronary artery disease in kidney patients: from genes to treatment", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Demography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Kidney Diseases | Therapeutics | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Svetlana Apostolovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Svetlana Apostolovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Diastolic Function | Microvascular Resistance | Vascular Resistance", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457125", + "session_name": "Advancing prognostic insights in STEMI patients through microvascular resistance reserve evaluation,Trimethylamine N-oxide as a Novel Biomarker for Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction and Functional Remodeling in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients.,Impact of microvascular resistance reserve on post-STEMI cardiac remodelling and diastolic function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tsungying Tsai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advancing prognostic insights in STEMI patients through microvascular resistance reserve evaluation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Trimethylamine N-oxide as a Novel Biomarker for Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction and Functional Remodeling in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients.,Impact of microvascular resistance reserve on post-STEMI cardiac remodelling and diastolic function", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Diastolic Function | Microvascular Resistance | Vascular Resistance", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tsungying Tsai ", + "kol_full_name": "Tsungying Tsai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonography | Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457440", + "session_name": "Prognostic implications of guideline-directed medical therapy in functional mitral regurgitation: a meta-analysis,Multiorgan congestion assessment by venous excess ultrasound score in acute heart failure,Prognostic implications of genotype findings in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: a network meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vasileios Anastasiou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "AHEPA University General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic implications of guideline-directed medical therapy in functional mitral regurgitation: a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Multiorgan congestion assessment by venous excess ultrasound score in acute heart failure,Prognostic implications of genotype findings in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: a network meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography | Mitral Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vasileios Anastasiou ", + "kol_full_name": "Vasileios Anastasiou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Rhythm Disorders | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Artificial Intelligence | Amyloid | Deep Learning", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457399", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence applied to electrocardiographic images for scalable screening of cardiac amyloidosis,A multilabel deep learning model for the detection of conduction and rhythm disorders from PDF outputs of a widely available portable ECG Device,Detection of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis using a novel artificial intelligence algorithm for wearable-adapted noisy single-lead electrocardiograms", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Veer Sangha", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence applied to electrocardiographic images for scalable screening of cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "A multilabel deep learning model for the detection of conduction and rhythm disorders from PDF outputs of a widely available portable ECG Device,Detection of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis using a novel artificial intelligence algorithm for wearable-adapted noisy single-lead electrocardiograms", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Rhythm Disorders ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Artificial Intelligence | Amyloid | Deep Learning", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Veer Sangha ", + "kol_full_name": "Veer Sangha " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "HIV | Heart Transplantation | Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456027", + "session_name": "Influence of donor and harvesting protocol on 30 day mortality after heart transplantation,Evaluation of serum levels of sCD40, sCD40L and s4-1BB in advanced heart failure and after heart transplant,HIV and cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Veronica Monteiro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Real Hospital Portugues", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Pernambuco", + "City": "Recife", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Influence of donor and harvesting protocol on 30 day mortality after heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Evaluation of serum levels of sCD40, sCD40L and s4-1BB in advanced heart failure and after heart transplant,HIV and cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "HIV | Heart Transplantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Veronica Monteiro ", + "kol_full_name": "Veronica Monteiro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Infections | Heart Valve Diseases | Echocardiography | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456292", + "session_name": "Stretching the myocardium: what’s new in strain echocardiography?,Valvular vegetations beyond infections,Endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vlatka Reskovic Luksic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Zagreb", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stretching the myocardium: what’s new in strain echocardiography?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Valvular vegetations beyond infections,Endocarditis", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Infections | Heart Valve Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Endocarditis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vlatka Reskovic Luksic ", + "kol_full_name": "Vlatka Reskovic Luksic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456129", + "session_name": "The many faces of stress echocardiography,Dazzling presentations of endocarditis,Stress echocardiography in the contemporary era", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yasmina Bououdina", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Blida University Hospital", + "Country": "Algeria", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The many faces of stress echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Dazzling presentations of endocarditis,Stress echocardiography in the contemporary era", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yasmina Bououdina ", + "kol_full_name": "Yasmina Bououdina " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Single Cell Sequencing | Cohort Studies | Ablation Techniques | Social Isolation | Atrial Remodeling | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458287", + "session_name": "Integrating single-cell sequencing and genetic lineage tracing reveals endothelial plasticity during atrial remodeling,Clonal haematopoiesis of indeterminate potential predicts recurrence of atrial arrhythmias after surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation,Association of loneliness and social isolation with incident atrial fibrillation: a population-based cohort study using the UK Biobank", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zhiwei Zeng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrating single-cell sequencing and genetic lineage tracing reveals endothelial plasticity during atrial remodeling", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Clonal haematopoiesis of indeterminate potential predicts recurrence of atrial arrhythmias after surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation,Association of loneliness and social isolation with incident atrial fibrillation: a population-based cohort study using the UK Biobank", + "events_topic": "Single Cell Sequencing | Cohort Studies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Social Isolation | Atrial Remodeling | Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Zhiwei Zeng ", + "kol_full_name": "Zhiwei Zeng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Hemorrhage | Antiplatelet Therapy | Myocardial Infarction | Patient Care | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456969", + "session_name": "Pretreatment with dual antiplatelet therapy in acute myocardial infarction,Management of complex patients in Lebanon and Czech Republic,Bleeding and antiplatelet strategies in acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zuzana Motovska", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pretreatment with dual antiplatelet therapy in acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Management of complex patients in Lebanon and Czech Republic,Bleeding and antiplatelet strategies in acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy | Hemorrhage ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Antiplatelet Therapy | Myocardial Infarction | Patient Care | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Zuzana Motovska ", + "kol_full_name": "Zuzana Motovska " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460229", + "session_name": "DELINEATE-Regurgitation: deep learning for automated assessment of aortic, mitral, and tricuspid regurgitation from echocardiography,DELINEATE-Regurgitation: deep learning for automated assessment of aortic, mitral, and tricuspid regurgitation from echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aaron Long", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Columbia University Irving Medical Centre", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "DELINEATE-Regurgitation: deep learning for automated assessment of aortic", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " mitral, and tricuspid regurgitation from echocardiography,DELINEATE-Regurgitation: deep learning for automated assessment of aortic, mitral, and tricuspid regurgitation from echocardiography", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aaron Long ", + "kol_full_name": "Aaron Long " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460037", + "session_name": "Prospective longitudinal evaluation of AI-ECG in newly diagnosed heart failure (PLANE-HF),Long-term clinical outcomes informed by artificial intelligence-enabled single-lead ECG detection of reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abdullah Alrumayh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prospective longitudinal evaluation of AI-ECG in newly diagnosed heart failure (PLANE-HF)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term clinical outcomes informed by artificial intelligence-enabled single-lead ECG detection of reduced ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Abdullah Alrumayh ", + "kol_full_name": "Abdullah Alrumayh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endovascular Aneurysm Repair | Varicose Veins | Ablation Techniques | Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal | Laser Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459055", + "session_name": "Short-term and long-term outcomes of advanced EVAR versus open surgery in management of complex abdominal aortic aneurysm: systematic review and meta-analysis,Acute to long-term outcomes of endovenous laser ablation with or without combination with ligation for varicose vein: systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Achmad Ismail Putra", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Prof. dr. Ngoerah General Hospital", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": "Jakarta Raya (Djakarta Raya)", + "City": "Bali", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Short-term and long-term outcomes of advanced EVAR versus open surgery in management of complex abdominal aortic aneurysm: systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Acute to long-term outcomes of endovenous laser ablation with or without combination with ligation for varicose vein: systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials", + "events_topic": "Endovascular Aneurysm Repair | Varicose Veins ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal | Laser Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Achmad Ismail Putra ", + "kol_full_name": "Achmad Ismail Putra " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Deep Learning | Cardiovascular Diseases | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459181", + "session_name": "The added value of device measured physical activity to the prediction of incident cardiovascular disease.,The added value of deep learning to submaximal exercise electrocardiogram for the 10-year prediction of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adam Sturge", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The added value of device measured physical activity to the prediction of incident cardiovascular disease.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The added value of deep learning to submaximal exercise electrocardiogram for the 10-year prediction of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events", + "events_topic": "Deep Learning | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adam Sturge ", + "kol_full_name": "Adam Sturge " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Function Tests", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460881", + "session_name": "Large sample size MRI measurements to assess the relation between cardiac function and structure and white matter hyperintensity volumes.,Large sample size MRI measurements to assess the relation between cardiac function and structure and white matter hyperintensity volumes.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adama Saccoh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Large sample size MRI measurements to assess the relation between cardiac function and structure and white matter hyperintensity volumes.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Large sample size MRI measurements to assess the relation between cardiac function and structure and white matter hyperintensity volumes.", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Function Tests", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adama Saccoh ", + "kol_full_name": "Adama Saccoh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial Infarction | Cardiac Output Assist Device", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460551", + "session_name": "Trends in intracardiac thrombus formation in myocardial infarction patients after PCI: a nationwide analysis,Nationwide analysis of in-hospital mortality and renal infarction trends following cardiac output assist device placement from 2017 to 2020", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adarsh Balaji", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brookdale University Hospital & Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Brooklyn", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trends in intracardiac thrombus formation in myocardial infarction patients after PCI: a nationwide analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Nationwide analysis of in-hospital mortality and renal infarction trends following cardiac output assist device placement from 2017 to 2020", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Output Assist Device", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adarsh Balaji ", + "kol_full_name": "Adarsh Balaji " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Spirometry | Echocardiography | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457282", + "session_name": "Comparison of the prognosis between complete and incomplete revascularization among moderate to severe chronic kidney disease patients with acute coronary syndrome,Association between echocardiographic parameters and abnormal spirometry among chronic heart failure patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aekapat Phoksiri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Chiang Mai", + "City": "Chiang Mai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of the prognosis between complete and incomplete revascularization among moderate to severe chronic kidney disease patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association between echocardiographic parameters and abnormal spirometry among chronic heart failure patients", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Spirometry ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aekapat Phoksiri ", + "kol_full_name": "Aekapat Phoksiri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458128", + "session_name": "Resting heart rate and outcomes in patients with heart failure: impact of AF from the Thai-Heat Failure Registry (THFR - HRAF study),ECMO bridging to an emergency heart transplant for a rare cardiomyopathy in a 15-year-old teenage girl: the worst of the worst", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aekarach Ariyachaipanich", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chulalongkorn University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Resting heart rate and outcomes in patients with heart failure: impact of AF from the Thai-Heat Failure Registry (THFR - HRAF study)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "ECMO bridging to an emergency heart transplant for a rare cardiomyopathy in a 15-year-old teenage girl: the worst of the worst", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aekarach Ariyachaipanich ", + "kol_full_name": "Aekarach Ariyachaipanich " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ejection Fraction | Quality Of Life | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455998", + "session_name": "Exploring heart failure prevalence and overlooked dimensions: a comprehensive NT Pro-BNP study in high-risk primary care patients,Ejection fraction in heart failure: epidemiology, comorbidity, and quality of life", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmet Celik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mersin University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Icel", + "City": "Mersin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring heart failure prevalence and overlooked dimensions: a comprehensive NT Pro-BNP study in high-risk primary care patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Ejection fraction in heart failure: epidemiology, comorbidity, and quality of life", + "events_topic": "Ejection Fraction | Quality Of Life ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmet Celik ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmet Celik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Intensive Care Units | Cardiohepatic Syndrome | Coronary Artery Dissection, Spontaneous | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459114", + "session_name": "Biomarkers of cardiohepatic syndrome in the cardiac intensive care unit,Spontaneous coronary artery dissection: a diagnostic dilemma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahsan Butt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital-Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biomarkers of cardiohepatic syndrome in the cardiac intensive care unit", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection: a diagnostic dilemma", + "events_topic": "Intensive Care Units | Cardiohepatic Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Dissection, Spontaneous | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahsan Butt ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahsan Butt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive | Heart Failure | Tetralogy Of Fallot", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457321", + "session_name": "A patchwork gone wrong-A rare complication after surgical repair of Tetralogy of Fallot,A rare case of restrictive cardiomyopathy in a young patient with advanced heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aikaterini Eleftheria Karanikola", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A patchwork gone wrong-A rare complication after surgical repair of Tetralogy of Fallot", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A rare case of restrictive cardiomyopathy in a young patient with advanced heart failure", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tetralogy Of Fallot", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aikaterini Eleftheria Karanikola ", + "kol_full_name": "Aikaterini Eleftheria Karanikola " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Infections | Antiphospholipid Syndrome | Autoimmune Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456138", + "session_name": "Predictors of adverse cardiac events in a large cohort of patients with antiphospholipid syndrome,Cardiovascular consequences of infection, inflammation, and autoimmune disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aleksandra Djokovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Medical Center Bezanijska Kosa", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictors of adverse cardiac events in a large cohort of patients with antiphospholipid syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular consequences of infection, inflammation, and autoimmune disease", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Infections | Antiphospholipid Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Autoimmune Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aleksandra Djokovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Aleksandra Djokovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Fabry Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459677", + "session_name": "Panel discussion: can we shorten the diagnostic odyssey?,Diagnostic clues: when to think Fabry and what next", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ales Linhart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Panel discussion: can we shorten the diagnostic odyssey?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Diagnostic clues: when to think Fabry and what next", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Fabry Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ales Linhart ", + "kol_full_name": "Ales Linhart " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care | Endocarditis | Congenital Disorders | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458634", + "session_name": "The adult patient with cyanogenic congenital heart disease – a never ending story,To be or not to be endocarditis or the congenital disease patient's story", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Buta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The adult patient with cyanogenic congenital heart disease – a never ending story", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "To be or not to be endocarditis or the congenital disease patient's story", + "events_topic": "Patient Care | Endocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Congenital Disorders | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Buta ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Buta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Coronary Artery Disease | Ventricular Premature Complexes | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458597", + "session_name": "Prediction of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia development by the analysis of premature ventricular complex-related intervals on 24-hour rhythm monitoring and testing a novel index,Is there a gender difference in the effects of cardiovascular risk factors on the anatomical localization and severity of obstruction on coronary arteries?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Almina Erdem", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "GATA Haydarpasa Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prediction of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia development by the analysis of premature ventricular complex-related intervals on 24-hour rhythm monitoring and testing a novel index", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Is there a gender difference in the effects of cardiovascular risk factors on the anatomical localization and severity of obstruction on coronary arteries?", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Premature Complexes | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Almina Erdem ", + "kol_full_name": "Almina Erdem " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Angina", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459984", + "session_name": "Angina in patient with single coronary artery abnormality: a very rare case,Angina in patient with single coronary artery abnormality: a very rare case", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alvin Tonang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "dr. Adhyatma MPH (Tugurejo) General Hospital", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": "Jawa Tengah (Djawa Tengah)", + "City": "Semarang", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Angina in patient with single coronary artery abnormality: a very rare case", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Angina in patient with single coronary artery abnormality: a very rare case", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Angina", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alvin Tonang ", + "kol_full_name": "Alvin Tonang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MINOCA | Critical Care | Myocardial Infarction | Intensive Care Units | Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Kidney Injury", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459143", + "session_name": "Acute kidney injury (AKI) in cardiac intensive care unit patients: a real challenge to overcome,One-year prognosis difference of MINOCA versus MI-CAD in developing countries: insights from the Moroccan experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amine BOUCHLARHEM", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed Ist University, Oujda, Morocco", + "Country": "Morocco", + "Region": "Oujda", + "City": "Oujda", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute kidney injury (AKI) in cardiac intensive care unit patients: a real challenge to overcome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "One-year prognosis difference of MINOCA versus MI-CAD in developing countries: insights from the Moroccan experience", + "events_topic": "MINOCA | Critical Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Intensive Care Units | Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Kidney Injury", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amine BOUCHLARHEM ", + "kol_full_name": "Amine BOUCHLARHEM " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Hormone Replacement Therapy | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456753", + "session_name": "Should all menopausal women be prescribed hormone replacement therapy to reduce risk?,How to protect the kidney in patients with diabetes and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Abreu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Santa Maria Faculty of Medicine", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Should all menopausal women be prescribed hormone replacement therapy to reduce risk?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How to protect the kidney in patients with diabetes and heart disease", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Hormone Replacement Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Abreu ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Abreu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Intensive Care Units | Percutaneous Ventricular Assist Devices | Heart-Assist Devices | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460929", + "session_name": "Percutaneous ventricular assist device (PVAD) support in cardiogenic shock: management on the intensive care unit (ICU),PVAD support in cardiogenic shock: management on the intensive care unit (ICU)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Arenas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Percutaneous ventricular assist device (PVAD) support in cardiogenic shock: management on the intensive care unit (ICU)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "PVAD support in cardiogenic shock: management on the intensive care unit (ICU)", + "events_topic": "Intensive Care Units | Percutaneous Ventricular Assist Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart-Assist Devices | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Arenas ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Arenas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Diseases | Mental Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456430", + "session_name": "Environmental impacts on heart health,Cognitive and mental health aspects of cardiovascular conditions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Filipa Gomes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Unidade Local de Saude - Regiao de Aveiro", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Aveiro", + "City": "Aveiro", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Environmental impacts on heart health", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cognitive and mental health aspects of cardiovascular conditions", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mental Health", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Filipa Gomes ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Filipa Gomes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Complex Interventions", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455957", + "session_name": "Physiology to determine the severity and pattern of coronary artery disease,Complex interventions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Rita Pereira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Garcia de Orta", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Setubal", + "City": "Almada", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Physiology to determine the severity and pattern of coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Complex interventions", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Complex Interventions", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Rita Pereira ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Rita Pereira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathies | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456957", + "session_name": "Determinants of right ventricular - pulmonary arterial uncoupling in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Imaging in cardiomyopathies: my most challenging case", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Teresa Timoteo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Santa Marta", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Determinants of right ventricular - pulmonary arterial uncoupling in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Imaging in cardiomyopathies: my most challenging case", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Teresa Timoteo ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Teresa Timoteo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456590", + "session_name": "Anatomic and physiological considerations in coronary syndromes,Non-invasive methods for evaluating coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anastasia Kitsiou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sismanogleio General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anatomic and physiological considerations in coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Non-invasive methods for evaluating coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anastasia Kitsiou ", + "kol_full_name": "Anastasia Kitsiou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Genetic Testing | Stents | Viabahn Stents | Vascular Diseases | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458789", + "session_name": "Improving the yield of genetic testing in dilated cardiomyopathy using late gadolinium enhancement,TAVI-related vascular access complications: are Viabahn stents a good option?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andre Paulo Ferreira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Santa Marta", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving the yield of genetic testing in dilated cardiomyopathy using late gadolinium enhancement", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "TAVI-related vascular access complications: are Viabahn stents a good option?", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Genetic Testing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Stents | Viabahn Stents | Vascular Diseases | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andre Paulo Ferreira ", + "kol_full_name": "Andre Paulo Ferreira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456131", + "session_name": "New considerations in acute coronary syndromes,Risk stratification in percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreja Sinkovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Centre Maribor", + "Country": "Slovenia", + "Region": "Maribor", + "City": "Maribor", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New considerations in acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Risk stratification in percutaneous coronary intervention", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreja Sinkovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreja Sinkovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455885", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease in the elderly,The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angela Koh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Centre Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease in the elderly", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angela Koh ", + "kol_full_name": "Angela Koh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Disease | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456187", + "session_name": "The vessel unzips: now what?,Outcomes in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angela McInerney", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Galway University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Galway", + "City": "Galway", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The vessel unzips: now what?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Outcomes in coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Vascular Disease | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angela McInerney ", + "kol_full_name": "Angela McInerney " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456078", + "session_name": "Cardiac amyloidosis: how to stage and score,The zebras of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: rare and challenging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna Chaloupka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Anne University Hospital Brno (FNUSA)", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Jihomoravsky Kraj", + "City": "Brno", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac amyloidosis: how to stage and score", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The zebras of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: rare and challenging", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna Chaloupka ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Chaloupka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cognitive Dysfunction | Glioblastoma | Dementia | Hypertension | Blood Pressure | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457408", + "session_name": "Bevacizumab-induced hypertension in patients with glioblastoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Comparison of intensive treatment versus standard treatment in lowering blood pressure and its association with cognitive decline and dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna Lydia Machado Silva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bevacizumab-induced hypertension in patients with glioblastoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of intensive treatment versus standard treatment in lowering blood pressure and its association with cognitive decline and dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "events_topic": "Cognitive Dysfunction | Glioblastoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Dementia | Hypertension | Blood Pressure | Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna Lydia Machado Silva ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Lydia Machado Silva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Anterior Cerebral Artery", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456307", + "session_name": "Tackling the bifurcation challenge: how I keep it safe and swift,TAVI and beyond", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antoinette Neylon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Beaumont Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tackling the bifurcation challenge: how I keep it safe and swift", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "TAVI and beyond", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Anterior Cerebral Artery", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antoinette Neylon ", + "kol_full_name": "Antoinette Neylon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Patient Identification Systems | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460928", + "session_name": "Overcoming the \"DanGer\" of cardiogenic shock: treatment strategies with percutaneous mechanical circulatory support,Patient identification & case-based discussion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antonin Couillec", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Overcoming the \"DanGer\" of cardiogenic shock: treatment strategies with percutaneous mechanical circulatory support", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Patient identification & case-based discussion", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Patient Identification Systems ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antonin Couillec ", + "kol_full_name": "Antonin Couillec " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Revascularization | Prognosis | Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458280", + "session_name": "Gender disparities in acute coronary syndromes: a comprehensive analysis of management, treatment, and prognosis,Revascularization strategies in elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes and multivessel disease: comparative analysis of culprit-only vs complete revascularization", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antonio Rocha De Almeida", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Espirito Santo de Evora", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Evora", + "City": "Evora", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gender disparities in acute coronary syndromes: a comprehensive analysis of management", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " treatment, and prognosis,Revascularization strategies in elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes and multivessel disease: comparative analysis of culprit-only vs complete revascularization", + "events_topic": "Revascularization | Prognosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antonio Rocha De Almeida ", + "kol_full_name": "Antonio Rocha De Almeida " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimorbidity | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455925", + "session_name": "Case 2 - multimorbid patient with heart failure: the Bulgarian experience,Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antoniya Kisheva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital St. Marina", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Varna", + "City": "Varna", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 2 - multimorbid patient with heart failure: the Bulgarian experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Multimorbidity | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antoniya Kisheva ", + "kol_full_name": "Antoniya Kisheva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardium | Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458519", + "session_name": "Right ventricular myocardial work predicts heart failure hospitalizations irrespective of ejection fraction,Left ventricular myocardial work predicts clinical course in patients with heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aram Chilingaryan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Yerevan Medical Scientific Center", + "Country": "Armenia", + "Region": "Yerevan", + "City": "Yerevan", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right ventricular myocardial work predicts heart failure hospitalizations irrespective of ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Left ventricular myocardial work predicts clinical course in patients with heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Myocardium | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Systolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aram Chilingaryan ", + "kol_full_name": "Aram Chilingaryan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Vascular Diseases | Pulmonary Wedge Pressure | Allografts", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458204", + "session_name": "Single center experience of internal jugular vein as alternative access for implantation of a wireless pulmonary artery pressure sensor,Establishing normal global longitudinal strain values in heart transplant patients: a novel approach to enhancing detection of rejection and cardiac allograft vasculopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Arif Albulushi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart centre", + "Country": "Oman", + "Region": "Masqat", + "City": "Muscat", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Single center experience of internal jugular vein as alternative access for implantation of a wireless pulmonary artery pressure sensor", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Establishing normal global longitudinal strain values in heart transplant patients: a novel approach to enhancing detection of rejection and cardiac allograft vasculopathy", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Vascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Wedge Pressure | Allografts", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Arif Albulushi ", + "kol_full_name": "Arif Albulushi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient-Centered Care | Chronic Coronary Syndromes | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456657", + "session_name": "CCS: step I-IV approach or a patient centered one?,Chronic coronary syndrome (CCS): the journey so far and the road to the future", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Athanasios John Manolis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "METROPOLIAN", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CCS: step I-IV approach or a patient centered one?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Chronic coronary syndrome (CCS): the journey so far and the road to the future", + "events_topic": "Patient-Centered Care | Chronic Coronary Syndromes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Athanasios John Manolis ", + "kol_full_name": "Athanasios John Manolis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammatory Diseases | Dapagliflozin | Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460645", + "session_name": "Primary inflammatory disease in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction,Dapagliflozin enhances arterial and venous compliance during exercise in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Atsushi Tada", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Primary inflammatory disease in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Dapagliflozin enhances arterial and venous compliance during exercise in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Inflammatory Diseases | Dapagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Atsushi Tada ", + "kol_full_name": "Atsushi Tada " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456783", + "session_name": "Understanding pathophysiology to planning treatment,Mechanisms and staging of tricuspid regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aurora Bakalli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Centre of Kosovo (UCC)", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Understanding pathophysiology to planning treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Mechanisms and staging of tricuspid regurgitation", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aurora Bakalli ", + "kol_full_name": "Aurora Bakalli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fluoroscopy | Tachycardia | Ablation Techniques | Pacemaker, Artificial | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458239", + "session_name": "Clinical evidence of pacemaker implantation during gestation: a case series,Clinical characteristic and zero-fluoroscopy ablation outcomes of tachyarrhythmias in pregnant: a single center study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ayan Abdrakhmanov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital of the Presidents Affairs Administration and Astana Medical University", + "Country": "Kazakhstan", + "Region": "Astana", + "City": "Astana", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical evidence of pacemaker implantation during gestation: a case series", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical characteristic and zero-fluoroscopy ablation outcomes of tachyarrhythmias in pregnant: a single center study", + "events_topic": "Fluoroscopy | Tachycardia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Pacemaker, Artificial | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ayan Abdrakhmanov ", + "kol_full_name": "Ayan Abdrakhmanov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456276", + "session_name": "Challenges in coronary artery disease,Optimisation of heart failure treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Azra Durak Nalbantic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinic for heart and vascular disease and rheumatology", + "Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "Region": "Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "City": "Sarajevo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges in coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Optimisation of heart failure treatment", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Azra Durak Nalbantic ", + "kol_full_name": "Azra Durak Nalbantic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | Heart Failure, Systolic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459132", + "session_name": "Rapid up-titration of the guideline directed medical therapy after a heart failure hospitalization in the daily clinical practice: a case series,The impact of comorbidities on therapy-optimization and their prognostics role among hospitalized patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Balazs Muk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rapid up-titration of the guideline directed medical therapy after a heart failure hospitalization in the daily clinical practice: a case series", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The impact of comorbidities on therapy-optimization and their prognostics role among hospitalized patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | Heart Failure, Systolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Balazs Muk ", + "kol_full_name": "Balazs Muk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Ischemic Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458680", + "session_name": "Clinical outcomes according to residual cholesterol and inflammatory risk in patients undergoing PCI,Predictors of acute ischemic strokes and subsequent mortality in patients hospitalized for percutaneous coronary interventions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benjamin Bay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical outcomes according to residual cholesterol and inflammatory risk in patients undergoing PCI", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Predictors of acute ischemic strokes and subsequent mortality in patients hospitalized for percutaneous coronary interventions", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemic Stroke", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin Bay ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Bay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Heart Failure | Dilatation | Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease | Atrioventricular Block | Aortic Coarctation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459219", + "session_name": "On an rare congenital heart disease: a patient with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries with advanced atrioventricular block and heart failure.,Complex aortic coarctation with dilation of the aortic root in a patient with a bicuspid aortic valve", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benjamin Quintero Garzon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cardiology Hospital Siglo XXI National Medical Center, Mexico City", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "On an rare congenital heart disease: a patient with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries with advanced atrioventricular block and heart failure.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Complex aortic coarctation with dilation of the aortic root in a patient with a bicuspid aortic valve", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital | Aortic Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Dilatation | Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease | Atrioventricular Block | Aortic Coarctation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin Quintero Garzon ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Quintero Garzon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Atrial Appendage | Mitral Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456733", + "session_name": "Case: rheumatic mitral stenosis in a pregnant woman,Patent foramen ovale and left atrial appendage closure: what's new?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bhathiya Ranasinghe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Hospital of Sri Lanka", + "Country": "Sri Lanka", + "Region": "Central", + "City": "Colombo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case: rheumatic mitral stenosis in a pregnant woman", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Patent foramen ovale and left atrial appendage closure: what's new?", + "events_topic": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Atrial Appendage ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mitral Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bhathiya Ranasinghe ", + "kol_full_name": "Bhathiya Ranasinghe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripartum Period | Catheter Ablation | Defibrillators, Implantable | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458288", + "session_name": "Incidence of systolic heart failure and need for implantable cardiac defibrillators in patients with atrial fibrillation who had catheter ablation versus antiarrhythmic medical therapy,Temporal and age-related trends in risk factors for development of atrial fibrillation in peripartum patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bilal Ali", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence of systolic heart failure and need for implantable cardiac defibrillators in patients with atrial fibrillation who had catheter ablation versus antiarrhythmic medical therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Temporal and age-related trends in risk factors for development of atrial fibrillation in peripartum patients", + "events_topic": "Peripartum Period | Catheter Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Defibrillators, Implantable | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bilal Ali ", + "kol_full_name": "Bilal Ali " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "HIV | Cardiomyopathies | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456211", + "session_name": "Novel metrics to improve outcomes in congenital heart disease,The spectrum of cardiomyopathies: genetics to HIV", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Blanche Cupido", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Groote Schuur Hospital", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "Western Cape", + "City": "Cape Town", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel metrics to improve outcomes in congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The spectrum of cardiomyopathies: genetics to HIV", + "events_topic": "HIV | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Blanche Cupido ", + "kol_full_name": "Blanche Cupido " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tricuspid Valve Replacement | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456549", + "session_name": "Prosthetic heart valve dysfunction in echocardiography,Tricuspid valve intervention: ready for prime time?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bogdan Alexandru Popescu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prosthetic heart valve dysfunction in echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Tricuspid valve intervention: ready for prime time?", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Tricuspid Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bogdan Alexandru Popescu ", + "kol_full_name": "Bogdan Alexandru Popescu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperlipidemias | Myocardial Infarction | Cardiovascular Medicine | Apolipoprotein A-I", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460904", + "session_name": "Apolipoprotein A-I infusions and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction and hyperlipidemia,ESC TV Conversations: spirituality in cardiovascular medicine", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "C Michael Gibson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Apolipoprotein A-I infusions and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction and hyperlipidemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "ESC TV Conversations: spirituality in cardiovascular medicine", + "events_topic": "Hyperlipidemias | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Medicine | Apolipoprotein A-I", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
C Michael Gibson ", + "kol_full_name": "C Michael Gibson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Candida Parapsilosis | Endocarditis | Ablation Techniques | Tricuspid Valve Obstruction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459461", + "session_name": "Immediate cardiac 'resynchronization' with accessory pathway ablation: real-time visualization using intracardiac echo,Candida parapsilosis infective endocarditis with tricuspid valve obstruction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caleb Powell", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cork University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Immediate cardiac 'resynchronization' with accessory pathway ablation: real-time visualization using intracardiac echo", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Candida parapsilosis infective endocarditis with tricuspid valve obstruction", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Candida Parapsilosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Endocarditis | Ablation Techniques | Tricuspid Valve Obstruction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Caleb Powell ", + "kol_full_name": "Caleb Powell " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456601", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on TAVI,Clinical Case Management: the valvular heart team at work", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carla Romina Agatiello", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Registries", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " observational, and other studies on TAVI,Clinical Case Management: the valvular heart team at work", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carla Romina Agatiello ", + "kol_full_name": "Carla Romina Agatiello " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thyroid Crisis | Peripheral Arterial Disease | Atrial Fibrillation | Mesenteric Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457875", + "session_name": "Impact of peripheral artery disease among patients hospitalized for acute mesenteric ischemia: a united states population-based cohort study,Outcomes among atrial fibrillation patients hospitalized for thyroid storm: a united states national cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlo Gabriel Casipit", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Albert Einstein Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of peripheral artery disease among patients hospitalized for acute mesenteric ischemia: a united states population-based cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Outcomes among atrial fibrillation patients hospitalized for thyroid storm: a united states national cohort study", + "events_topic": "Thyroid Crisis | Peripheral Arterial Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation | Mesenteric Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlo Gabriel Casipit ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlo Gabriel Casipit " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | Myocardial Infarction | Pacemaker, Artificial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458548", + "session_name": "Cracking the code – a case report of a pacemaker malfunction,Look before you leap - unveiling a case of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carolina Miguel Goncalves", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Leiria Hospital Centre", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Leiria", + "City": "Leiria", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cracking the code – a case report of a pacemaker malfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Look before you leap - unveiling a case of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries", + "events_topic": "Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pacemaker, Artificial", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carolina Miguel Goncalves ", + "kol_full_name": "Carolina Miguel Goncalves " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456529", + "session_name": "Prognosis after acute coronary syndromes,Sex differences and ethnic disparity in acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caroline Jane Magri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Malta", + "Country": "Malta", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognosis after acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Sex differences and ethnic disparity in acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Caroline Jane Magri ", + "kol_full_name": "Caroline Jane Magri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Coronary Angiography | Acute Coronary Syndrome | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457126", + "session_name": "The sooner the better? What is the optimal timing for coronary angiography in high-risk non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome,Real-life impact of complete revascularization of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction during index hospitalization", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Catarina Carvalho", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Center of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The sooner the better? What is the optimal timing for coronary angiography in high-risk non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Real-life impact of complete revascularization of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction during index hospitalization", + "events_topic": "Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Coronary Angiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Catarina Carvalho ", + "kol_full_name": "Catarina Carvalho " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Erythrocytes | Biomarkers | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458072", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular emergency in indonesian primary health care (PUSKESMAS): a national multicentre service evaluation study based on ESC guidelines adherence,Red blood cell distribution width to albumin ratio as novel prognostic biomarker in cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chaq El Chaq Zamzam Multazam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular emergency in indonesian primary health care (PUSKESMAS): a national multicentre service evaluation study based on ESC guidelines adherence", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Red blood cell distribution width to albumin ratio as novel prognostic biomarker in cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Erythrocytes | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chaq El Chaq Zamzam Multazam ", + "kol_full_name": "Chaq El Chaq Zamzam Multazam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Hydrocortisone | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Amyloid | Hyperaldosteronism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458653", + "session_name": "Disease-modifying treatments in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Autonomous cortisol secretion in patients with primary aldosteronism is associated with left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cheng-Hsuan Tsai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Disease-modifying treatments in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Autonomous cortisol secretion in patients with primary aldosteronism is associated with left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Hydrocortisone ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Amyloid | Hyperaldosteronism", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cheng-Hsuan Tsai ", + "kol_full_name": "Cheng-Hsuan Tsai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Liver Diseases | Heart Diseases | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460653", + "session_name": "Heart disease and heart failure: trends and disparities in mortality rates in the United States from 2000 to 2020,Electrocardiographic abnormalities in patients with metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian Akem Dimala", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Texas Medical Branch", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Galveston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart disease and heart failure: trends and disparities in mortality rates in the United States from 2000 to 2020", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Electrocardiographic abnormalities in patients with metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Liver Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases | Electrocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian Akem Dimala ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Akem Dimala " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tobacco Products | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459743", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping, snus) - expert panel,Case 2 - HFpEF: how to monitor and treat - Greek perspectives", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christina Chrysohoou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " snus) - expert panel,Case 2 - HFpEF: how to monitor and treat - Greek perspectives", + "events_topic": "Tobacco Products | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christina Chrysohoou ", + "kol_full_name": "Christina Chrysohoou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Creatinine | Mortality | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457531", + "session_name": "Single spot albumin to creatinine ratio as an independent predictor of 12 years follow-up mortality in acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation,Albumin creatinine index added to the grace score increases its discriminative capacity for mortality at 12 years of follow-up in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Claudio Higa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Aleman", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Single spot albumin to creatinine ratio as an independent predictor of 12 years follow-up mortality in acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Albumin creatinine index added to the grace score increases its discriminative capacity for mortality at 12 years of follow-up in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Creatinine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Mortality | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Claudio Higa ", + "kol_full_name": "Claudio Higa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Semaglutide | Blood Pressure | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458080", + "session_name": "Semaglutide for the treatment of resistant hypertension,The expanding role of semaglutide in cardiovascular disease and its the effect on blood pressure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cormac Kennedy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Trinity College Dublin", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Semaglutide for the treatment of resistant hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The expanding role of semaglutide in cardiovascular disease and its the effect on blood pressure", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Semaglutide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure | Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cormac Kennedy ", + "kol_full_name": "Cormac Kennedy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Hypertension | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456226", + "session_name": "Diabetes and heart disease,Secondary and resistant hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristiana Banu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diabetes and heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Secondary and resistant hypertension", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristiana Banu ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristiana Banu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Mental Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456633", + "session_name": "The global burden of heart failure,Environmental health concerns for cardiologists", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel Jose Pineiro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The global burden of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Environmental health concerns for cardiologists", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Mental Health", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel Jose Pineiro ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Jose Pineiro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457380", + "session_name": "Utility of mobile phone app-assisted screening for heart failure and heart stress in primary care,Unveiling the clinical profiles of heart failure across diverse stages and phenotypes: insights from the national echocardiographic society registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Danijela Trifunovic Zamaklar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Center of Serbia", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Utility of mobile phone app-assisted screening for heart failure and heart stress in primary care", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Unveiling the clinical profiles of heart failure across diverse stages and phenotypes: insights from the national echocardiographic society registry", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Danijela Trifunovic Zamaklar ", + "kol_full_name": "Danijela Trifunovic Zamaklar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456365", + "session_name": "Personalised care in heart failure patients: insights from Belgium and Croatia,Modern views on worsening heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Davor Milicic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Zagreb", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised care in heart failure patients: insights from Belgium and Croatia", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Modern views on worsening heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Davor Milicic ", + "kol_full_name": "Davor Milicic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Carvedilol | Heart Failure With Improved Ejection Fraction | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459248", + "session_name": "Carvedilol as single maintenance therapy for Heart Failure with Improved Ejection Fraction: an open-label randomized clinical trial CATHEDRAL-HF,Carvedilol as single therapy for heart failure with improved ejection fraction: an open-label randomized clinical trial (CATHEDRAL-HF)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Deborah Belfort", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Carvedilol as single maintenance therapy for Heart Failure with Improved Ejection Fraction: an open-label randomized clinical trial CATHEDRAL-HF", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Carvedilol as single therapy for heart failure with improved ejection fraction: an open-label randomized clinical trial (CATHEDRAL-HF)", + "events_topic": "Carvedilol | Heart Failure With Improved Ejection Fraction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Deborah Belfort ", + "kol_full_name": "Deborah Belfort " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fabry Disease | Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459676", + "session_name": "Panel discussion: can we shorten the diagnostic odyssey?,Unveiling the silent threat: the cardiac burden of Fabry disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Denise Hughes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Panel discussion: can we shorten the diagnostic odyssey?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Unveiling the silent threat: the cardiac burden of Fabry disease", + "events_topic": "Fabry Disease | Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Denise Hughes ", + "kol_full_name": "Denise Hughes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Myocarditis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455973", + "session_name": "Myocarditis: good tools for predicting bad outcomes,Left ventricular hypertrophy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: new findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitra Antonakaki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocarditis: good tools for predicting bad outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Left ventricular hypertrophy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: new findings", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Myocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitra Antonakaki ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitra Antonakaki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Randomized Controlled Trial | Echocardiography | Cholesterol | Kidney Failure, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457362", + "session_name": "Effects of Chios Mastiha essential oil on cholesterol levels of healthy volunteers: a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study.,Effect of renal dialysis session on novel echocardiographic parameters of left and right ventricle in patients with end-stage renal disease.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitrios Afendoulis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "General Hospital of Chios", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of Chios Mastiha essential oil on cholesterol levels of healthy volunteers: a prospective", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " randomized, placebo-controlled study.,Effect of renal dialysis session on novel echocardiographic parameters of left and right ventricle in patients with end-stage renal disease.", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trial | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol | Kidney Failure, Chronic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitrios Afendoulis ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitrios Afendoulis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Myocardium | Echocardiography | Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456091", + "session_name": "Imaging novelties in coronary artery disease,Echocardiographic characterisation of myocardial function in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitrios Klettas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging novelties in coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Echocardiographic characterisation of myocardial function in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Myocardium ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitrios Klettas ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitrios Klettas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tobacco Products | Smoking", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458772", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping, snus) - expert panel,Is vaping better than smoking? Differences between the UK and European countries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitris Richter", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Euroclinic of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on the risks of other tobacco products (i.e. vaping", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " snus) - expert panel,Is vaping better than smoking? Differences between the UK and European countries", + "events_topic": "Tobacco Products | Smoking", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitris Richter ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitris Richter " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Cardiac Valve Annuloplasty | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457207", + "session_name": "Predictive factors for recurrent tricuspid regurgitation after tricuspid annuloplasty: 3D echocardiography study,Prognostic preoperative factors for recurrence of tricuspid regurgitation following annuloplasty: examining the influence of 3d echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dovydas Verikas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictive factors for recurrent tricuspid regurgitation after tricuspid annuloplasty: 3D echocardiography study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic preoperative factors for recurrence of tricuspid regurgitation following annuloplasty: examining the influence of 3d echocardiography", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Cardiac Valve Annuloplasty ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dovydas Verikas ", + "kol_full_name": "Dovydas Verikas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Appendage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456438", + "session_name": "Closing the atrial appendage: con,Hot topics in stroke for cardiologists", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Edip Gurol", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Closing the atrial appendage: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hot topics in stroke for cardiologists", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Atrial Appendage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Edip Gurol ", + "kol_full_name": "Edip Gurol " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Deep Learning | Algorithms | Coronary Artery Disease | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456344", + "session_name": "Lipidomics-based deep learning algorithms can enhance prediction of obstructive coronary artery disease,Cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Efstratios Karagiannidis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital of Thessaloniki", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipidomics-based deep learning algorithms can enhance prediction of obstructive coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Deep Learning | Algorithms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Efstratios Karagiannidis ", + "kol_full_name": "Efstratios Karagiannidis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Migraine Disorders | Echocardiography, Transesophageal", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457665", + "session_name": "Relationship of inflammatory factors with migraine in patients with patent foramen ovale undergoing percutaneous closure,Intracardiac vs transesophageal echocardiography for percutaneous LAA occlusion: a meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eirini Beneki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ippokrateio General Hospital of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationship of inflammatory factors with migraine in patients with patent foramen ovale undergoing percutaneous closure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Intracardiac vs transesophageal echocardiography for percutaneous LAA occlusion: a meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Migraine Disorders ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography, Transesophageal", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eirini Beneki ", + "kol_full_name": "Eirini Beneki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455931", + "session_name": "Latest updates in heart failure care,Cardiac arrhythmias and associated cardiovascular conditions: approaches to care and patient involvement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ekaterini Lambrinou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cyprus University of Technology", + "Country": "Cyprus", + "Region": "Limassol", + "City": "Limassol", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Latest updates in heart failure care", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiac arrhythmias and associated cardiovascular conditions: approaches to care and patient involvement", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ekaterini Lambrinou ", + "kol_full_name": "Ekaterini Lambrinou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458091", + "session_name": "Associated factors and percentage of cardiac recovery among patients using LVAD: a meta-analysis of 31 studies,Effect of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor (SGLT2-i) in patients with LVAD: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elfatih A. Hasabo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Associated factors and percentage of cardiac recovery among patients using LVAD: a meta-analysis of 31 studies", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Effect of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor (SGLT2-i) in patients with LVAD: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elfatih A. Hasabo ", + "kol_full_name": "Elfatih A. Hasabo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456800", + "session_name": "ESC TV Conversations: the heart of the female athlete,Advanced heart failure: new challenges, new opportunities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emer Joyce", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Misericordiae University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC TV Conversations: the heart of the female athlete", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Advanced heart failure: new challenges, new opportunities", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emer Joyce ", + "kol_full_name": "Emer Joyce " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Echocardiography | Electrocardiography | Infant, Newborn", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460015", + "session_name": "Electrocardiographic findings in newborns with inadequate intrauterine growth during pregnancy,Echocardiographic findings in newborns with inadequate intrauterine growth during pregnancy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emil Hoeygaard Noerskov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Electrocardiographic findings in newborns with inadequate intrauterine growth during pregnancy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Echocardiographic findings in newborns with inadequate intrauterine growth during pregnancy", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrocardiography | Infant, Newborn", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emil Hoeygaard Noerskov ", + "kol_full_name": "Emil Hoeygaard Noerskov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Mammography | Breast Density", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459533", + "session_name": "The association between mammographic breast density, epicardial adipose tissue volume and coronary artery disease,Combined mammographic breast density and breast arterial calcification is incrementally predictive of coronary artery disease beyond traditional risk factors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emma Aldous", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association between mammographic breast density", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " epicardial adipose tissue volume and coronary artery disease,Combined mammographic breast density and breast arterial calcification is incrementally predictive of coronary artery disease beyond traditional risk factors", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Mammography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Density", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emma Aldous ", + "kol_full_name": "Emma Aldous " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Morbidity | Mortality | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459957", + "session_name": "Temporal trends in treatment patterns, morbidity, and mortality in patients with new-onset heart failure compared to heart failure survivors: a nationwide 23-year perspective,Temporal trends in treatment patterns, morbidity, and mortality in patients with new-onset heart failure compared to heart failure survivors: a nationwide 23-year perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emma Kidholm Boysen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal trends in treatment patterns", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " morbidity, and mortality in patients with new-onset heart failure compared to heart failure survivors: a nationwide 23-year perspective,Temporal trends in treatment patterns, morbidity, and mortality in patients with new-onset heart failure compared to heart failure survivors: a nationwide 23-year perspective", + "events_topic": "Morbidity | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emma Kidholm Boysen ", + "kol_full_name": "Emma Kidholm Boysen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fontan Procedure | Infrapopliteal Arterial Occlusive Disease | Exercise | Angioplasty", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459159", + "session_name": "Drug-eluting devices versus angioplasty in infrapopliteal artery disease:an updated systematic review and meta-analysis,The impact of exercise training in Fontan procedure patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eric Katsuyama", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine of ABC", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Drug-eluting devices versus angioplasty in infrapopliteal artery disease:an updated systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The impact of exercise training in Fontan procedure patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Fontan Procedure | Infrapopliteal Arterial Occlusive Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Exercise | Angioplasty", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eric Katsuyama ", + "kol_full_name": "Eric Katsuyama " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Physicians, Primary Care | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Artery Disease | Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458448", + "session_name": "Real world data after the implementation of coronary computed tomography angiography in Swedish primary care to rule out coronary artery disease, a cross-sectional study based on pre-test probability,Variability of pre-test probability for obstructive coronary artery disease between referring primary care physicians and estimations from the referral letters", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erik Stertman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real world data after the implementation of coronary computed tomography angiography in Swedish primary care to rule out coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a cross-sectional study based on pre-test probability,Variability of pre-test probability for obstructive coronary artery disease between referring primary care physicians and estimations from the referral letters", + "events_topic": "Physicians, Primary Care | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Erik Stertman ", + "kol_full_name": "Erik Stertman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456679", + "session_name": "Case 2 - analysis of mortality from acute coronary syndrome in the Kyrgyz Republic and measures aimed at reducing mortality,Prospects for implementation and effectiveness assessment of national protocols for acute coronary syndromes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan: challenges and opportunities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erkin Mirrakhimov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kyrgyz State Medical Academy 2. National Center of Cardiology and Internal Medicine", + "Country": "Kyrgyzstan", + "Region": "Bishkek", + "City": "Bishkek", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 2 - analysis of mortality from acute coronary syndrome in the Kyrgyz Republic and measures aimed at reducing mortality", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prospects for implementation and effectiveness assessment of national protocols for acute coronary syndromes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan: challenges and opportunities", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Erkin Mirrakhimov ", + "kol_full_name": "Erkin Mirrakhimov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure | Sarcoidosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456849", + "session_name": "Cardiac amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, and inflammation,Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Estevao Figueiredo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Orizonti Hospital", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Minas Gerais", + "City": "Belo Horizonte", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " sarcoidosis, and inflammation,Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Sarcoidosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Estevao Figueiredo ", + "kol_full_name": "Estevao Figueiredo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pharmaceutical Preparations | Myocardial Infarction | Telerehabilitation | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457477", + "session_name": "Exploring the effects of a real-time cardiac telerehabilitation using wearable devices in people with coronary artery disease following a recent myocardial infarction: a randomised controlled trial,Potential cardiovascular risks of performance-enhancing drugs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evangelia Kouidi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Aristotle University of Thessaloniki", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring the effects of a real-time cardiac telerehabilitation using wearable devices in people with coronary artery disease following a recent myocardial infarction: a randomised controlled trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Potential cardiovascular risks of performance-enhancing drugs", + "events_topic": "Pharmaceutical Preparations | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Telerehabilitation | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evangelia Kouidi ", + "kol_full_name": "Evangelia Kouidi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure | Cluster Analysis | Exercise Test", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457311", + "session_name": "Time-series clustering of raw recordings of 24-hour ambulatory blood presssure for risk stratification in general population,Multivariate time-series clustering of cardiopulmonary exercise test data for cardiovascular risk stratification", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evangelos Ntalianis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Time-series clustering of raw recordings of 24-hour ambulatory blood presssure for risk stratification in general population", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Multivariate time-series clustering of cardiopulmonary exercise test data for cardiovascular risk stratification", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure | Cluster Analysis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Exercise Test", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evangelos Ntalianis ", + "kol_full_name": "Evangelos Ntalianis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Mortality | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459474", + "session_name": "A novel 12-lead standard ECG derived scoring system for risk stratification in the emergency department,Association of preoperative NT-proBNP with 30-day and five-year mortality after cardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fabian Theurl", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel 12-lead standard ECG derived scoring system for risk stratification in the emergency department", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of preoperative NT-proBNP with 30-day and five-year mortality after cardiac surgery", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fabian Theurl ", + "kol_full_name": "Fabian Theurl " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ezetimibe | Hypertension | Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases | Denervation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458151", + "session_name": "Safety and Efficacy of Moderate-intensity statin plus ezetimibe versus high-intensity statin monotherapy in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis,Assessing the efficacy of renal denervation in patients with resistant arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francinny Alves Kelly", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and Efficacy of Moderate-intensity statin plus ezetimibe versus high-intensity statin monotherapy in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Assessing the efficacy of renal denervation in patients with resistant arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Ezetimibe | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases | Denervation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francinny Alves Kelly ", + "kol_full_name": "Francinny Alves Kelly " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "SARS-CoV-2 | Influenza, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459681", + "session_name": "Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis in a nutshell: how these two viruses differ in their impact on the heart,Open discussion with experts on influenza: don’t let influenza break the hearts of your patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gabriel Guelsah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis in a nutshell: how these two viruses differ in their impact on the heart", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Open discussion with experts on influenza: don’t let influenza break the hearts of your patients", + "events_topic": "SARS-CoV-2 | Influenza, Human", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gabriel Guelsah ", + "kol_full_name": "Gabriel Guelsah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin | Troponin T | Myocardial Infarction | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457306", + "session_name": "Serial troponin sampling over 60-minutes allows early distinction between myocardial infarction and chronic myocardial injury in patients presenting to emergency departments.,Fastidious adherence to 0/1-hour high-sensitivity troponin T testing reduces emergency department length of stay in patients presenting with suspected acute coronary syndromes.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Georgina Vimalaratnam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Serial troponin sampling over 60-minutes allows early distinction between myocardial infarction and chronic myocardial injury in patients presenting to emergency departments.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Fastidious adherence to 0/1-hour high-sensitivity troponin T testing reduces emergency department length of stay in patients presenting with suspected acute coronary syndromes.", + "events_topic": "Troponin | Troponin T ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Georgina Vimalaratnam ", + "kol_full_name": "Georgina Vimalaratnam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Factor X | Heart Failure | Machine Learning | Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459846", + "session_name": "Elucidating the causal relationship between factor x and coronary artery disease: a mendelian randomization study,An ensemble machine learning approach for predicting heart failure risk in acute coronary syndrome patients: heartguardai", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gerardo Petretto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Elucidating the causal relationship between factor x and coronary artery disease: a mendelian randomization study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "An ensemble machine learning approach for predicting heart failure risk in acute coronary syndrome patients: heartguardai", + "events_topic": "Factor X | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Machine Learning | Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gerardo Petretto ", + "kol_full_name": "Gerardo Petretto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease | Edoxaban | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461054", + "session_name": "Ask the Trialist - EPIC-CAD,EPIC-CAD - Edoxaban monotherapy vs. dual antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation and stable coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gi-Byoung Nam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Asan Medical Center", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ask the Trialist - EPIC-CAD", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "EPIC-CAD - Edoxaban monotherapy vs. dual antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation and stable coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Edoxaban | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gi-Byoung Nam ", + "kol_full_name": "Gi-Byoung Nam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Myocarditis | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459266", + "session_name": "Predicting major adverse cardiovascular events in suspected myocarditis patients using cmr late gadolinium enhancement radiomics: a time-to-event prognostication modeling,Deep learning enables the fully automated quantification of high-resolution cardiac CT images: human in loop for model development", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giovanni Baj", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predicting major adverse cardiovascular events in suspected myocarditis patients using cmr late gadolinium enhancement radiomics: a time-to-event prognostication modeling", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Deep learning enables the fully automated quantification of high-resolution cardiac CT images: human in loop for model development", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Myocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giovanni Baj ", + "kol_full_name": "Giovanni Baj " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "PRKAG2 Protein, Human | Tetanus | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Cardiomyopathies | Airway Obstruction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457335", + "session_name": "The tale of a tough and jittery heart- a case of lately detected PRKAG2 cardiomyopathy associated with novel mutation,Spasms that choked the heart - an interesting case of tetanus presenting with stress cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Goutam KINTADA", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The tale of a tough and jittery heart- a case of lately detected PRKAG2 cardiomyopathy associated with novel mutation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Spasms that choked the heart - an interesting case of tetanus presenting with stress cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "PRKAG2 Protein, Human | Tetanus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Cardiomyopathies | Airway Obstruction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Goutam KINTADA ", + "kol_full_name": "Goutam KINTADA " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "COVID-19 | Duodenoscopy | Endoscopy, Digestive System | Lansoprazole | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457732", + "session_name": "Effects of deferment of clinic visit on cardiovascular outcomes during COVID-19 outbreak: a prospective cohort study,Clinical impact of performing esophagogastroduodenoscopy before percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute coronary syndrome patients and anaemia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guang Ming Tan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Chinese University of Hong Kong", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of deferment of clinic visit on cardiovascular outcomes during COVID-19 outbreak: a prospective cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical impact of performing esophagogastroduodenoscopy before percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute coronary syndrome patients and anaemia", + "events_topic": "COVID-19 | Duodenoscopy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Endoscopy, Digestive System | Lansoprazole | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Guang Ming Tan ", + "kol_full_name": "Guang Ming Tan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MINOCA | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457542", + "session_name": "Impaired strain in diabetic patients with stable coronary artery disease assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance,MINOCA due to coronary spasm associated with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gustavo A.B. Boros", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impaired strain in diabetic patients with stable coronary artery disease assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "MINOCA due to coronary spasm associated with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "MINOCA | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gustavo A.B. Boros ", + "kol_full_name": "Gustavo A.B. Boros " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Clopidogrel | Tirofiban | Thrombectomy | Ischemic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458323", + "session_name": "Comparison of 600 mg VS 300 mg clopidogrel loading dose for patients with ischemic heart disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Safety and efficacy of aspiration thrombectomy with intracoronary tirofiban VS aspiration thrombectomy alone in patients undergoing primary PCI: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gwen Marcellana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Saint Lukes Medical Center Global City", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of 600 mg VS 300 mg clopidogrel loading dose for patients with ischemic heart disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Safety and efficacy of aspiration thrombectomy with intracoronary tirofiban VS aspiration thrombectomy alone in patients undergoing primary PCI: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Clopidogrel ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Tirofiban | Thrombectomy | Ischemic Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gwen Marcellana ", + "kol_full_name": "Gwen Marcellana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Colorectal Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456797", + "session_name": "Risk of Incident colorectal carcinoma in patients with type 2 diabetes on SGLT-2 inhibitor users: a population-based cohort study,Prognostic parameters after an acute cardiovascular event", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gwo-Ping Jong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chung Shan Medical University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk of Incident colorectal carcinoma in patients with type 2 diabetes on SGLT-2 inhibitor users: a population-based cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic parameters after an acute cardiovascular event", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Colorectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gwo-Ping Jong ", + "kol_full_name": "Gwo-Ping Jong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Obesity | Metabolic Syndrome | Liver Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458583", + "session_name": "Prognostic outcomes of masld and obesity in acute myocardial infarction,The prognostic value of metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease in acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gwyneth Kong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University Health System", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic outcomes of masld and obesity in acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The prognostic value of metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease in acute myocardial infarction", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Metabolic Syndrome | Liver Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gwyneth Kong ", + "kol_full_name": "Gwyneth Kong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Selexipag | Pulmonary Embolism | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457152", + "session_name": "Baseline characteristics, management patterns and outcome in patients with pulmonary embolism and malignancy: Insights from a single-centre study,Efficacy and tolerability of triple sequential combination therapies with selexipag in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension : insights from a single-centre study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hacer Ceren Tokgoz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kartal Kosuyolu Heart and Research Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Baseline characteristics", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " management patterns and outcome in patients with pulmonary embolism and malignancy: Insights from a single-centre study,Efficacy and tolerability of triple sequential combination therapies with selexipag in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension : insights from a single-centre study", + "events_topic": "Selexipag | Pulmonary Embolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hacer Ceren Tokgoz ", + "kol_full_name": "Hacer Ceren Tokgoz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Cardiomyopathies | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456041", + "session_name": "Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia in non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy with left ventricular late enhancement,Arrhythmias in athletes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hajnalka Vago", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia in non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy with left ventricular late enhancement", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Arrhythmias in athletes", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hajnalka Vago ", + "kol_full_name": "Hajnalka Vago " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antiplatelet Therapy | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456035", + "session_name": "Risk stratification in percutaneous coronary intervention,Data-driven decisions for anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hamlet Hayrapetyan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Erebouni Medical Center", + "Country": "Armenia", + "Region": "Yerevan", + "City": "Yerevan", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk stratification in percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Data-driven decisions for anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy", + "events_topic": "Antiplatelet Therapy | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulants", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hamlet Hayrapetyan ", + "kol_full_name": "Hamlet Hayrapetyan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457379", + "session_name": "The association between left ventricular mass index and all-cause mortality,A U-shaped relationship between LVEF and the risk of heart failure hospitalization: a large hospital-based cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hao Chih Chang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taoyuan branch", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-wan", + "City": "Taoyuan", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association between left ventricular mass index and all-cause mortality", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A U-shaped relationship between LVEF and the risk of heart failure hospitalization: a large hospital-based cohort study", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hao Chih Chang ", + "kol_full_name": "Hao Chih Chang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endovascular Procedures | Peripheral Arterial Disease | Carotid Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455908", + "session_name": "Peripheral artery disease: endovascular and open treatments,Carotid plaque: epidemiology and evolution", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Harry Gibbs", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peripheral artery disease: endovascular and open treatments", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Carotid plaque: epidemiology and evolution", + "events_topic": "Endovascular Procedures | Peripheral Arterial Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carotid Stenosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Harry Gibbs ", + "kol_full_name": "Harry Gibbs " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Myocardial Remodelling | Heart Block | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457966", + "session_name": "Myocardial remodelling in bicuspid aortic valve associated severe aortic stenosis and reverse remodelling after aortic valve replacement,Takotsubo syndrome as a rare cause of complete heart block, more significant than the benign broken-heart syndrome we once thought?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Henry Procter", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocardial remodelling in bicuspid aortic valve associated severe aortic stenosis and reverse remodelling after aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Takotsubo syndrome as a rare cause of complete heart block, more significant than the benign broken-heart syndrome we once thought?", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Myocardial Remodelling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Block | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Henry Procter ", + "kol_full_name": "Henry Procter " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460859", + "session_name": "Clinical outcome based on functional complete revascularization in patients with three-vessel coronary artery disease: The FAME 3 Trial,Clinical outcome based on functional complete revascularization in patients with three-vessel coronary artery disease: The FAME 3 Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hisao Otsuki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Stanford University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Montana", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical outcome based on functional complete revascularization in patients with three-vessel coronary artery disease: The FAME 3 Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical outcome based on functional complete revascularization in patients with three-vessel coronary artery disease: The FAME 3 Trial", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hisao Otsuki ", + "kol_full_name": "Hisao Otsuki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Septal Rupture | Dapagliflozin | Percutaneous Closure Procedure | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457536", + "session_name": "Outcomes of post-infarction ventricular septal rupture and contrasts between surgical repair versus percutaneous device closure; a single-center experience,Clinical outcomes of dapagliflozin in acute heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a randomized controlled trial (CODA-HFrEF)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hossameldin Hussein", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cairo university", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes of post-infarction ventricular septal rupture and contrasts between surgical repair versus percutaneous device closure; a single-center experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical outcomes of dapagliflozin in acute heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a randomized controlled trial (CODA-HFrEF)", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Septal Rupture | Dapagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Closure Procedure | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hossameldin Hussein ", + "kol_full_name": "Hossameldin Hussein " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Prosthetic Heart Valves | Heart Valve Diseases | Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456719", + "session_name": "Unravelling the pathophysiology of valvular heart disease,Prosthetic heart valves: preventing thrombosis and stroke", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hugo Silva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Cosme Argerich", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unravelling the pathophysiology of valvular heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prosthetic heart valves: preventing thrombosis and stroke", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Prosthetic Heart Valves ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Valve Diseases | Stroke", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hugo Silva ", + "kol_full_name": "Hugo Silva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Calcium Score | Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457738", + "session_name": "Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography (CCTA) in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes,The paradox of CAC score and plaque vulnerability", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ian Chapman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Cardiovascular De Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography (CCTA) in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The paradox of CAC score and plaque vulnerability", + "events_topic": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Calcium Score | Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ian Chapman ", + "kol_full_name": "Ian Chapman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456075", + "session_name": "Inherited conditions with arrhythmic presentations,Traumatic heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ieva Jonauskiene", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences", + "Country": "Lithuania", + "Region": "Kauno Apskritis", + "City": "Kaunas", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inherited conditions with arrhythmic presentations", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Traumatic heart disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ieva Jonauskiene ", + "kol_full_name": "Ieva Jonauskiene " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mammary Arteries | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458510", + "session_name": "Long-term survival after coronary artery bypass grafting comparing bilateral versus single internal mammary artery in a women cohort,Gender differences in long-term survival after coronary artery bypass surgery is womens cardiovascular health at risk?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ines Sousa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term survival after coronary artery bypass grafting comparing bilateral versus single internal mammary artery in a women cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Gender differences in long-term survival after coronary artery bypass surgery is womens cardiovascular health at risk?", + "events_topic": "Mammary Arteries | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Bypass", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ines Sousa ", + "kol_full_name": "Ines Sousa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | PCSK9 Inhibitors | Breast Neoplasms | Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458334", + "session_name": "High discontinuation rate of statins among PCSK9i users: a nationwide study from 2015-2023,Incidence of cardiovascular diseases among breast cancer patients: a nationwide registry study 2013-2020", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ingrid Engebretsen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Oslo Economics", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High discontinuation rate of statins among PCSK9i users: a nationwide study from 2015-2023", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Incidence of cardiovascular diseases among breast cancer patients: a nationwide registry study 2013-2020", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | PCSK9 Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms | Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ingrid Engebretsen ", + "kol_full_name": "Ingrid Engebretsen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mobile Applications | Exercise | Telerehabilitation | Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459800", + "session_name": "The potential effect of mobile application-based telerehabilitation on physical activity levels in heart failure patients: insights from the intelliot EU project,Smooth lesions mandating a smooth approach: acute coronary syndrome in a risk-factor-free 35-year-old woman", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioannis Anastasiou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital of Heraklion", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The potential effect of mobile application-based telerehabilitation on physical activity levels in heart failure patients: insights from the intelliot EU project", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Smooth lesions mandating a smooth approach: acute coronary syndrome in a risk-factor-free 35-year-old woman", + "events_topic": "Mobile Applications | Exercise ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Telerehabilitation | Heart Failure | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioannis Anastasiou ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioannis Anastasiou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Dyslipidemias | Lipoprotein(a)", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458312", + "session_name": "Lipoprotein (a) and lipidemic parameters in PCSK-9 inhibitor patients. Experience from a specialized centre in Greece.,Lipoprotein(a) and cardiovascular prognosis of familial dyslipidemias: data from a 10-year follow-up study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioannis Andrikou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipoprotein (a) and lipidemic parameters in PCSK-9 inhibitor patients. Experience from a specialized centre in Greece.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lipoprotein(a) and cardiovascular prognosis of familial dyslipidemias: data from a 10-year follow-up study", + "events_topic": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Dyslipidemias ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipoprotein(a)", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioannis Andrikou ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioannis Andrikou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Liver Cirrhosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457823", + "session_name": "Impaired right ventricular strain is associated with worse prognosis in patients with liver cirrhosis,The effect of exercise on RV-PC coupling in asymptomatic patients with significant primary mitral regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioannis Dimitroglou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impaired right ventricular strain is associated with worse prognosis in patients with liver cirrhosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The effect of exercise on RV-PC coupling in asymptomatic patients with significant primary mitral regurgitation", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Liver Cirrhosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioannis Dimitroglou ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioannis Dimitroglou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Loop Recorder Implantation | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456690", + "session_name": "From cellular mechanisms to arrhythmias in non-cardiac diseases,Validation and clinical use of implantable loop recorders", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irene Chung", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tan Tock Seng Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From cellular mechanisms to arrhythmias in non-cardiac diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Validation and clinical use of implantable loop recorders", + "events_topic": "Loop Recorder Implantation | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irene Chung ", + "kol_full_name": "Irene Chung " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Dysglycemia | Hemodynamics | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456363", + "session_name": "The intricate connection between macrovascular damage and intrarenal hemodynamics in arterial hypertension and dysglycemia,Rare causes of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irina Cabac-Pogorevici", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "State University of Medicine and Pharmacy", + "Country": "Moldova", + "Region": "Chisinau", + "City": "Chisinau", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The intricate connection between macrovascular damage and intrarenal hemodynamics in arterial hypertension and dysglycemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Rare causes of heart failure", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Dysglycemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hemodynamics | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irina Cabac-Pogorevici ", + "kol_full_name": "Irina Cabac-Pogorevici " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Heart Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456044", + "session_name": "Challenging cardiac masses,Takotsubo syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irina Kotlar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinic of Cardiology", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenging cardiac masses", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Takotsubo syndrome", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Heart Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irina Kotlar ", + "kol_full_name": "Irina Kotlar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Anticoagulation | Heart Failure | Venous Thromboembolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461087", + "session_name": "Navigating challenging clinical scenarios in venous thromboembolism patient management,Considerations for extended anticoagulation in patients with cancer-associated venous thromboembolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Isabelle Mahe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Paris Cite University", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Navigating challenging clinical scenarios in venous thromboembolism patient management", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Considerations for extended anticoagulation in patients with cancer-associated venous thromboembolism", + "events_topic": "Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Anticoagulation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Venous Thromboembolism", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Isabelle Mahe ", + "kol_full_name": "Isabelle Mahe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Stroke | Coronary Angiography | Cerebrovascular Disorders", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457731", + "session_name": "Predictive value of total atrial conduction time for developing cerebrovascular stroke in patients with sinus rhythm and normal left ventricular systolic function, a case-control study,Safety and efficacy of brachial approach for coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Islam Ghanem Ahmed Ghanem", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Zagazig University Hospitals", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictive value of total atrial conduction time for developing cerebrovascular stroke in patients with sinus rhythm and normal left ventricular systolic function", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a case-control study,Safety and efficacy of brachial approach for coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Angiography | Cerebrovascular Disorders", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Islam Ghanem Ahmed Ghanem ", + "kol_full_name": "Islam Ghanem Ahmed Ghanem " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Amyloidosis | Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456663", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence and electrocardiogram,Artificial intelligence creating a paradigm shift in early diagnosis of amyloid cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Itzhak Attia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital - St. Mary's Campus", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence and electrocardiogram", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Artificial intelligence creating a paradigm shift in early diagnosis of amyloid cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Amyloidosis | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Itzhak Attia ", + "kol_full_name": "Itzhak Attia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise Therapy | Obesity | Ventricular Remodeling", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455904", + "session_name": "Obesity and its impact on functional capacity: understanding the interplay for health management,Electrical and cardiac structural changes with exercise", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivana Nedeljkovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "School of Medicine, Belgrade University", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Obesity and its impact on functional capacity: understanding the interplay for health management", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Electrical and cardiac structural changes with exercise", + "events_topic": "Exercise Therapy | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Remodeling", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivana Nedeljkovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivana Nedeljkovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456069", + "session_name": "Making progress in cardiovascular care for oncology patients in Latvia and Azerbaijan,Cardiovascular risk assessment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Iveta Mintale", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Paul Stradins Clinical University Hospital", + "Country": "Latvia", + "Region": "Riga", + "City": "RIGA", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Making progress in cardiovascular care for oncology patients in Latvia and Azerbaijan", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular risk assessment", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Iveta Mintale ", + "kol_full_name": "Iveta Mintale " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Heart Septal Defects", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456707", + "session_name": "All about septal defects,Pulmonary hypertension: from diagnosis to personalised care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Iveta Simkova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Slovak Medical University", + "Country": "Slovakia", + "Region": "Bratislavsky", + "City": "Bratislava", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "All about septal defects", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension: from diagnosis to personalised care", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Heart Septal Defects", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Iveta Simkova ", + "kol_full_name": "Iveta Simkova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456049", + "session_name": "Personalised approach to a patient with advanced heart failure: the Croatian perspective,Pharmacotherapy for worsening heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivo Planinc", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Zagreb", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised approach to a patient with advanced heart failure: the Croatian perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pharmacotherapy for worsening heart failure", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivo Planinc ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivo Planinc " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Treatment | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458751", + "session_name": "How to personalise drug treatment in hypertension management,Hot papers on risk factors and comorbidities in hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jana Brguljan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Centre of Ljubljana", + "Country": "Slovenia", + "Region": "Ljubljana", + "City": "Ljubljana", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to personalise drug treatment in hypertension management", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hot papers on risk factors and comorbidities in hypertension", + "events_topic": "Drug Treatment | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jana Brguljan ", + "kol_full_name": "Jana Brguljan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457707", + "session_name": "Metabolomic profiling of the entire UK Biobank enables interpretation of familial hypercholesterolemia mutations and prediction of severe cardiovascular outcomes,Associations of omega-3 fatty acid subclasses with cardiovascular diseases in 500,000 individuals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jeffrey Barrett", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Metabolomic profiling of the entire UK Biobank enables interpretation of familial hypercholesterolemia mutations and prediction of severe cardiovascular outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Associations of omega-3 fatty acid subclasses with cardiovascular diseases in 500,000 individuals", + "events_topic": "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jeffrey Barrett ", + "kol_full_name": "Jeffrey Barrett " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Function | Hypertension, Pulmonary | Hypertension | Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457168", + "session_name": "Right atrial and ventricular function in risk stratification of patients with pulmonary artery hypertension,A novel nurse-led, multidisciplinary, and guideline-directed disease intensive management program improves long-term survival of pulmonary hypertension patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jiajun Guo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right atrial and ventricular function in risk stratification of patients with pulmonary artery hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "A novel nurse-led, multidisciplinary, and guideline-directed disease intensive management program improves long-term survival of pulmonary hypertension patients", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Function | Hypertension, Pulmonary ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension | Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiajun Guo ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiajun Guo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease | Clopidogrel", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458537", + "session_name": "ABO blood groups and platelet reactivity in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention treated with clopidogrel,Remnant cholesterol is associated with platelet reactivity for patients with coronary artery disease underwent percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jiawen Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ABO blood groups and platelet reactivity in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention treated with clopidogrel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Remnant cholesterol is associated with platelet reactivity for patients with coronary artery disease underwent percutaneous coronary intervention", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Clopidogrel", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiawen Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiawen Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456426", + "session_name": "Exploring cardiovascular health: lifestyle, economics, and disparities,Mapping cardiovascular health: risk factors, interventions, and geographic insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jinat Farjana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Combined Military Hospital (CMH)", + "Country": "Bangladesh", + "Region": "Dhaka", + "City": "Dhaka", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring cardiovascular health: lifestyle", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " economics, and disparities,Mapping cardiovascular health: risk factors, interventions, and geographic insights", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jinat Farjana ", + "kol_full_name": "Jinat Farjana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Discrimination, Psychological | Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457062", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease risk in people with diabetes in the era of universal diabetes screening,Discrimination and calibration are insensitive metrics for comparing the performance of cardiovascular risk prediction models", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jingyuan Liang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease risk in people with diabetes in the era of universal diabetes screening", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Discrimination and calibration are insensitive metrics for comparing the performance of cardiovascular risk prediction models", + "events_topic": "Discrimination, Psychological | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jingyuan Liang ", + "kol_full_name": "Jingyuan Liang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458230", + "session_name": "2024 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Elevated Blood Pressure and Hypertension,Treat the cardiovascular risk, not the number: pro", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "John William Mcevoy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University of Ireland", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Galway", + "City": "Galway", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "2024 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Elevated Blood Pressure and Hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Treat the cardiovascular risk, not the number: pro", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
John William Mcevoy ", + "kol_full_name": "John William Mcevoy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myostatin | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457502", + "session_name": "Achieving theorical cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with high-volumen training in a phase II cardiac rehabilitation program,Expression of myostatin and folistatin as a response to high-load strength training to counteract the loss of muscle mass in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jorge Antonio Lara Vargas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ISSSTE Hospital (public institution)", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Achieving theorical cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with high-volumen training in a phase II cardiac rehabilitation program", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Expression of myostatin and folistatin as a response to high-load strength training to counteract the loss of muscle mass in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Myostatin | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jorge Antonio Lara Vargas ", + "kol_full_name": "Jorge Antonio Lara Vargas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458646", + "session_name": "Divergent hemometabolic dynamics: understanding the differences between acute myocardial infarction and heart failure related cardiogenic shock.,International cooperation in cardiogenic shock is key to improving outcomes: Cardiogenic Shock Working Group impacts a single-center in a developing country.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jorge Ortega-Hernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Divergent hemometabolic dynamics: understanding the differences between acute myocardial infarction and heart failure related cardiogenic shock.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "International cooperation in cardiogenic shock is key to improving outcomes: Cardiogenic Shock Working Group impacts a single-center in a developing country.", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jorge Ortega-Hernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Jorge Ortega-Hernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Atherosclerosis | Machine Learning | Cluster Analysis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457766", + "session_name": "Estimation of individual lifetime cardiovascular disease risk and treatment benefit in patients with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: the updated SMART-REACH2 model,Identifying clinical phenotype clusters for coronary artery disease: a novel approach using clustering by unsupervised machine learning", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joris Holtrop", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Estimation of individual lifetime cardiovascular disease risk and treatment benefit in patients with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: the updated SMART-REACH2 model", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Identifying clinical phenotype clusters for coronary artery disease: a novel approach using clustering by unsupervised machine learning", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Machine Learning | Cluster Analysis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joris Holtrop ", + "kol_full_name": "Joris Holtrop " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hodgkin Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Coronary Disease | Renal Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457237", + "session_name": "Ghosts from the past: a story of hodgkin lymphoma, severe aortic stenosis, and calcified multivessel coronary disease,A coronary triple threat - left main bifurcation stenosis, heavy calcium, and renal failure: a personalized approach to high-risk PCI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Josip Andjelo Borovac", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Split", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Splitsko-Dalmatinska", + "City": "Split", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ghosts from the past: a story of hodgkin lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " severe aortic stenosis, and calcified multivessel coronary disease,A coronary triple threat - left main bifurcation stenosis, heavy calcium, and renal failure: a personalized approach to high-risk PCI", + "events_topic": "Hodgkin Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Coronary Disease | Renal Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Josip Andjelo Borovac ", + "kol_full_name": "Josip Andjelo Borovac " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis | Brain Neoplasms | Anticoagulation | Latent Tuberculosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457558", + "session_name": "In-hospital outcomes of anticoagulated patients with atrial fibrillation and brain tumors,Tuberculous pericarditis secondary to latent tuberculosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Andres Quintero-Martinez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Miami Jackson Memorial", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "West Virginia", + "City": "Miami", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "In-hospital outcomes of anticoagulated patients with atrial fibrillation and brain tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Tuberculous pericarditis secondary to latent tuberculosis", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis | Brain Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulation | Latent Tuberculosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Andres Quintero-Martinez ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Andres Quintero-Martinez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457225", + "session_name": "Impact of household income on acute decompensated heart failure outcomes: national representative sample,Influence of hospital ownership on patient outcomes in STEMI-induced cardiogenic shock undergoing revascularization: a retrospective cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Sequeira Gross", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Lee Memorial Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Fort Myers", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of household income on acute decompensated heart failure outcomes: national representative sample", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Influence of hospital ownership on patient outcomes in STEMI-induced cardiogenic shock undergoing revascularization: a retrospective cohort study", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Sequeira Gross ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Sequeira Gross " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Quality Of Life | Sarcoidosis | Myocardium", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457297", + "session_name": "Health-related quality of life and prognosis in cardiac sarcoidosis,Health-related quality of life disparity in cardiac sarcoidosis versus other myocardial diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Julia Raak-Tarkiainen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Central Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Health-related quality of life and prognosis in cardiac sarcoidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Health-related quality of life disparity in cardiac sarcoidosis versus other myocardial diseases", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Quality Of Life ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sarcoidosis | Myocardium", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Julia Raak-Tarkiainen ", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Raak-Tarkiainen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Diabetic Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458569", + "session_name": "Association of long-term visit-to-visit glycemic variability with risk of adverse clinical outcomes in diabetic patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction,Association of epicardial adipose tissue with cardiac geometry alternation and diastolic dysfunction in the early stage of diabetic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jung-Chi Hsu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University Hospital Jinshan Branch", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of long-term visit-to-visit glycemic variability with risk of adverse clinical outcomes in diabetic patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of epicardial adipose tissue with cardiac geometry alternation and diastolic dysfunction in the early stage of diabetic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetic Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jung-Chi Hsu ", + "kol_full_name": "Jung-Chi Hsu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Coronary Stents | Antiplatelet Therapy | Drug-Eluting Stents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460934", + "session_name": "ASSURE DES - Perioperative antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary stents before non-cardiac surgery,Ask the Trialist - ASSURE DES", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jung-Min Ahn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Asan Medical Center", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ASSURE DES - Perioperative antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary stents before non-cardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Ask the Trialist - ASSURE DES", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Coronary Stents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Antiplatelet Therapy | Drug-Eluting Stents", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jung-Min Ahn ", + "kol_full_name": "Jung-Min Ahn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Glucose Metabolism Disorders | Ischemia | Cholesterol", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459944", + "session_name": "Sex-specific associations between remnant cholesterol and cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a 5-year large-sample study from the real world,Impact of glucose metabolism status on the relationship between remnant cholesterol and ischemic risk after percutaneous coronary intervention: a large-scale long-term cohort study from real-world", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kailun Yan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex-specific associations between remnant cholesterol and cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a 5-year large-sample study from the real world", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of glucose metabolism status on the relationship between remnant cholesterol and ischemic risk after percutaneous coronary intervention: a large-scale long-term cohort study from real-world", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Glucose Metabolism Disorders ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia | Cholesterol", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kailun Yan ", + "kol_full_name": "Kailun Yan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Echocardiography | Kidney Diseases | Sick Sinus Syndrome | CHA2DS2-VASc Score | Allopurinol | Atrial Function, Left", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459757", + "session_name": "The use of allopurinol in prophylaxis against contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention,Association between CHA2DS2-VASc score and left atrial function by speckle tracking echocardiography in patients with sinus rhythm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kareem Mahmoud", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cairo university", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The use of allopurinol in prophylaxis against contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association between CHA2DS2-VASc score and left atrial function by speckle tracking echocardiography in patients with sinus rhythm", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Kidney Diseases | Sick Sinus Syndrome | CHA2DS2-VASc Score | Allopurinol | Atrial Function, Left", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kareem Mahmoud ", + "kol_full_name": "Kareem Mahmoud " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Pulmonary Artery Remodeling | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458609", + "session_name": "Late presentation of Anomalous Origin of the Right Pulmonary Artery from the ascending aorta (AORPA),Diagnostic performance of the fragmented QRS complex on electrocardiogram for detecting myocardial scars assessed by 3.0 Tesla cardiac magnetic resonance imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kasin Viriyanukulvong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Late presentation of Anomalous Origin of the Right Pulmonary Artery from the ascending aorta (AORPA)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Diagnostic performance of the fragmented QRS complex on electrocardiogram for detecting myocardial scars assessed by 3.0 Tesla cardiac magnetic resonance imaging", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Pulmonary Artery Remodeling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kasin Viriyanukulvong ", + "kol_full_name": "Kasin Viriyanukulvong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460387", + "session_name": "Sex differences in reporting of statin-associated diabetes mellitus to the US Food and Drug Administration,Latent class analysis reveals a novel phenotype of heart failure that spans the left ventricular ejection fraction range", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katarina Leyba", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Colorado School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Colorado", + "City": "Aurora", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in reporting of statin-associated diabetes mellitus to the US Food and Drug Administration", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Latent class analysis reveals a novel phenotype of heart failure that spans the left ventricular ejection fraction range", + "events_topic": "Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katarina Leyba ", + "kol_full_name": "Katarina Leyba " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stress Test | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456607", + "session_name": "HFpEF: how to monitor and treat - Greek perspectives - discussion of guideline implementation,Added value of stress tests in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katerina Naka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Ioannina", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "HFpEF: how to monitor and treat - Greek perspectives - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Added value of stress tests in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Stress Test | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katerina Naka ", + "kol_full_name": "Katerina Naka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Ischemic Attack, Transient | Ischemia | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458534", + "session_name": "High ABCD2-score after transient ischemic attack is associated with a two-fold higher stroke-rate during long-term follow-up,Is atrial fibrillation associated with increased risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katia Al-Chaer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High ABCD2-score after transient ischemic attack is associated with a two-fold higher stroke-rate during long-term follow-up", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Is atrial fibrillation associated with increased risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack?", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Ischemic Attack, Transient ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katia Al-Chaer ", + "kol_full_name": "Katia Al-Chaer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Electrocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460944", + "session_name": "Ask the Trialist - STROKESTOP II,STROKESTOP II - Randomised systematic NT-proBNP and ECG screening for atrial fibrillation among 75 year-olds", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katrin Kemp Gudmundsdottir", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Karolinska Institutet Danderyd Hospital", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ask the Trialist - STROKESTOP II", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "STROKESTOP II - Randomised systematic NT-proBNP and ECG screening for atrial fibrillation among 75 year-olds", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katrin Kemp Gudmundsdottir ", + "kol_full_name": "Katrin Kemp Gudmundsdottir " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antiplatelet Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease | Venous Thromboembolism | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459774", + "session_name": "The influence of concomitant antiplatelet therapy in venous thromboembolism patients treated with anticoagulants in the DOAC era: insight from the COMMAND VTE Registry-2,Efficacy of online japanese intensive cardiac rehabilitation for secondary prevention for coronary artery disease: a comprehensive program including exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, and group support", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kazuhisa Kaneda", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The influence of concomitant antiplatelet therapy in venous thromboembolism patients treated with anticoagulants in the DOAC era: insight from the COMMAND VTE Registry-2", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy of online japanese intensive cardiac rehabilitation for secondary prevention for coronary artery disease: a comprehensive program including exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, and group support", + "events_topic": "Antiplatelet Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Venous Thromboembolism | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kazuhisa Kaneda ", + "kol_full_name": "Kazuhisa Kaneda " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455971", + "session_name": "Lp(a) and apoproteins as risk factors,Lipids as risk factors among different populations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Khatira Abdulalimova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baku Medical Plaza", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lp(a) and apoproteins as risk factors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lipids as risk factors among different populations", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Khatira Abdulalimova ", + "kol_full_name": "Khatira Abdulalimova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vasodilation | Immunoglobulin Light-chain Amyloidosis | Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458139", + "session_name": "Arterial-myocardial coupling in primary AL amyloidosis. A validation study of vascular involvement.,Sustained paradoxical vasodilation and blood pressure lowering in response to sympathetic stimulation as markers of disease severity and poor survival in primary AL amyloidosis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kimon Stamatelopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arterial-myocardial coupling in primary AL amyloidosis. A validation study of vascular involvement.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Sustained paradoxical vasodilation and blood pressure lowering in response to sympathetic stimulation as markers of disease severity and poor survival in primary AL amyloidosis.", + "events_topic": "Vasodilation | Immunoglobulin Light-chain Amyloidosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloidosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kimon Stamatelopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Kimon Stamatelopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia | Atrial Fibrillation | Catheter Ablation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456421", + "session_name": "New observations from catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation and atrial tachycardia,Clinical implications of catheter ablation techniques", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kristine Jubele", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Paul Stradins Clinical University Hospital", + "Country": "Latvia", + "Region": "Riga", + "City": "RIGA", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New observations from catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation and atrial tachycardia", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical implications of catheter ablation techniques", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Catheter Ablation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kristine Jubele ", + "kol_full_name": "Kristine Jubele " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardium | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Right Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457845", + "session_name": "Enhanced diagnostic accuracy of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in identifying heart failure with preserved ejection fraction through assessment of right ventricular systolic dysfunction,Right ventricular myocardial work in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: insights from invasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kuan-Chih Huang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Enhanced diagnostic accuracy of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in identifying heart failure with preserved ejection fraction through assessment of right ventricular systolic dysfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Right ventricular myocardial work in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: insights from invasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing", + "events_topic": "Myocardium | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Right Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kuan-Chih Huang ", + "kol_full_name": "Kuan-Chih Huang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Pazopanib | Neuronal Injury | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459874", + "session_name": "Pazopanib cardiotoxicity presenting as biventricular cystic masses,The impact of intravenous agitated saline contrast echocardiography on subclinical neuronal injury determined by neuron-specific enolase", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kubra Korkmaz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ankara University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pazopanib cardiotoxicity presenting as biventricular cystic masses", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The impact of intravenous agitated saline contrast echocardiography on subclinical neuronal injury determined by neuron-specific enolase", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Pazopanib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuronal Injury | Cardiotoxicity", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kubra Korkmaz ", + "kol_full_name": "Kubra Korkmaz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455903", + "session_name": "Mapping cardiovascular health: risk factors, interventions, and geographic insights,Insights into cardiovascular health: trends, well-being, and economic evaluations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kui-Hian Sim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sarawak Heart Center", + "Country": "Malaysia", + "Region": "Sarawak", + "City": "Kuching", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mapping cardiovascular health: risk factors", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " interventions, and geographic insights,Insights into cardiovascular health: trends, well-being, and economic evaluations", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kui-Hian Sim ", + "kol_full_name": "Kui-Hian Sim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Herbal Medicine | Atrial Flutter | Atrioventricular Block | Heart Failure | Ointments | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459808", + "session_name": "Comprehensive treatment of arrhythmia disorders in a patient with worsening heart failure due to atrial flutter with complete atrioventricular block,Repetitive Torsades de Pointes secondary to acute arsenic intoxication from herbal medicinal ointment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Le Uyen Phuong Tran", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cho Ray Hospital", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comprehensive treatment of arrhythmia disorders in a patient with worsening heart failure due to atrial flutter with complete atrioventricular block", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Repetitive Torsades de Pointes secondary to acute arsenic intoxication from herbal medicinal ointment", + "events_topic": "Herbal Medicine | Atrial Flutter ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrioventricular Block | Heart Failure | Ointments | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Le Uyen Phuong Tran ", + "kol_full_name": "Le Uyen Phuong Tran " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Disease | Coronary Artery Disease | Prasugrel Hydrochloride | Ticagrelor | Clopidogrel | Sleep Apnea Syndromes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460411", + "session_name": "Association of Sleep Apnea and cardiovascular mortality in CAD patients,Ticagrelor or prasugrel versus clopidogrel in patients with coronary heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leandro Menezes Alves Da Costa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of Sleep Apnea and cardiovascular mortality in CAD patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Ticagrelor or prasugrel versus clopidogrel in patients with coronary heart disease", + "events_topic": "Coronary Disease | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Prasugrel Hydrochloride | Ticagrelor | Clopidogrel | Sleep Apnea Syndromes", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leandro Menezes Alves Da Costa ", + "kol_full_name": "Leandro Menezes Alves Da Costa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459719", + "session_name": "A roadmap to eradicate rheumatic heart disease,Aortic stenosis management in a limited resource country: the Tunisian TAVI/AVR national program - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leila Abid", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hedi Chaker University Hospital", + "Country": "Tunisia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A roadmap to eradicate rheumatic heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Aortic stenosis management in a limited resource country: the Tunisian TAVI/AVR national program - discussion of guideline implementation", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leila Abid ", + "kol_full_name": "Leila Abid " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Vasculitis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cardiac Computed Tomography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458340", + "session_name": "Cardiac CT-derived fat attenuation index to assess evolution of inflammation degree in coronary vasculitis,Coronary CTA and CT-FFR in trans-catheter aortic valve implantation candidates: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leonie Marlice Becker", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac CT-derived fat attenuation index to assess evolution of inflammation degree in coronary vasculitis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Coronary CTA and CT-FFR in trans-catheter aortic valve implantation candidates: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Vasculitis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cardiac Computed Tomography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leonie Marlice Becker ", + "kol_full_name": "Leonie Marlice Becker " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Mortality | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458214", + "session_name": "Validation of the HCM Risk-SCD model in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and future perspectives,The association between exercise-induced ventricular premature contractions and long-term mortality in patients without coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Levent Pay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "HASEKI EDUCATION AND RESEARCH HOSPITAL", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Validation of the HCM Risk-SCD model in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and future perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The association between exercise-induced ventricular premature contractions and long-term mortality in patients without coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Levent Pay ", + "kol_full_name": "Levent Pay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Multimodal Imaging | Myocardial Fibrosis | Death, Sudden | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Syncope", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456868", + "session_name": "Sudden death risk assessment in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should include myocardial fibrosis imaging,Guidelines in Practice: a patient with syncope and a hypertrophic heart - key role of multimodality imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lilia Sierra-Galan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "American British Cowdray Medical Center", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sudden death risk assessment in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should include myocardial fibrosis imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: a patient with syncope and a hypertrophic heart - key role of multimodality imaging", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Multimodal Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Fibrosis | Death, Sudden | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Syncope", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lilia Sierra-Galan ", + "kol_full_name": "Lilia Sierra-Galan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vericiguat | Beta Blockers | Heart Failure | Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458949", + "session_name": "Vericiguat in heart failure patients: analyzing safety, tolerability, and quality of life via meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Efficacy of beta blockers in patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lokman Hekim Tanriverdi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Inonu University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Icel", + "City": "Mersin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vericiguat in heart failure patients: analyzing safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " tolerability, and quality of life via meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Efficacy of beta blockers in patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "events_topic": "Vericiguat | Beta Blockers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lokman Hekim Tanriverdi ", + "kol_full_name": "Lokman Hekim Tanriverdi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pancreatitis | Semaglutide", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457357", + "session_name": "Anti-inflammatory effect of semaglutide: updated systematic review and meta-analysis.,Acute pancreatitis due to different semaglutide regimens: an updated meta-analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lorenzo Martin Lobo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Campo de Mayo Military Hospital", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anti-inflammatory effect of semaglutide: updated systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Acute pancreatitis due to different semaglutide regimens: an updated meta-analysis.", + "events_topic": "Pancreatitis | Semaglutide", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lorenzo Martin Lobo ", + "kol_full_name": "Lorenzo Martin Lobo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Ablation Techniques | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458670", + "session_name": "Cardiac motion in patients with ventricular tachycardia: potential implications for the treatment of patients candidates to stereotactic arrhythmia radio-ablation (STAR),Preliminary results of the non-invasive cardiac radioablation for ventricular tachycardia study; an in silico dosimetric comparison of photon vs proton radiotherapy for ventricular arrhythmias", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luca Vicini Scajola", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac motion in patients with ventricular tachycardia: potential implications for the treatment of patients candidates to stereotactic arrhythmia radio-ablation (STAR)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Preliminary results of the non-invasive cardiac radioablation for ventricular tachycardia study; an in silico dosimetric comparison of photon vs proton radiotherapy for ventricular arrhythmias", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Tachycardia, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luca Vicini Scajola ", + "kol_full_name": "Luca Vicini Scajola " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripheral Arterial Disease | Carotid Stent", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456480", + "session_name": "Carotid stenting: con,Invasive treatment of peripheral arterial disease: these boots are made for walking", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maarit Venermo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Central Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Carotid stenting: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Invasive treatment of peripheral arterial disease: these boots are made for walking", + "events_topic": "Peripheral Arterial Disease | Carotid Stent", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maarit Venermo ", + "kol_full_name": "Maarit Venermo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Storage Disease | Myocardial Thickness | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Electrocardiography | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457515", + "session_name": "Using the familiar to diagnose the rare: from electrocardiogram to cardiac storage disease,Influence of peak exercise-induced blood pressure on basal to apical myocardial wall thickness in elite athletes: a sex-specific CMR study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maarten Van Diepen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Using the familiar to diagnose the rare: from electrocardiogram to cardiac storage disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Influence of peak exercise-induced blood pressure on basal to apical myocardial wall thickness in elite athletes: a sex-specific CMR study", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Storage Disease | Myocardial Thickness ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Electrocardiography | Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maarten Van Diepen ", + "kol_full_name": "Maarten Van Diepen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460293", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of the right coronary venous anatomy in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy,Electrocardiographic markers of depolarization and repolarization in lead V1 predict right ventricular dysfunction in patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Madalina Patricia Moldovan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute Nicolae Stancioiu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of the right coronary venous anatomy in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Electrocardiographic markers of depolarization and repolarization in lead V1 predict right ventricular dysfunction in patients with heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Ventricular Dysfunction, Right ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Electrocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Madalina Patricia Moldovan ", + "kol_full_name": "Madalina Patricia Moldovan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyponatremia | Oxygen Consumption | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457566", + "session_name": "Determinants of changes in peak oxygen consumption in patients with new onset heart failure,Hyponatremia and risk of new-onset heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes - a real-world study of 70,000 patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mads Jensen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Determinants of changes in peak oxygen consumption in patients with new onset heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Hyponatremia and risk of new-onset heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes - a real-world study of 70,000 patients", + "events_topic": "Hyponatremia | Oxygen Consumption ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mads Jensen ", + "kol_full_name": "Mads Jensen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456104", + "session_name": "Personalising cardiovascular care in congenital heart disease,Structural intervention meets adult congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maiy Hamdy El Sayed", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ain Shams University Hospital", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalising cardiovascular care in congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Structural intervention meets adult congenital heart disease", + "events_topic": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maiy Hamdy El Sayed ", + "kol_full_name": "Maiy Hamdy El Sayed " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Smoking Cessation | Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457554", + "session_name": "Associations of smoking status with long-term cardiovascular events in different arterial territories: the EPIC Norfolk prospective population cohort,Heterogeneous associations of traditional atherosclerotic risk factors and long-term events in different arterial territories: the EPIC Norfolk prospective population cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manon van den Bogaart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Associations of smoking status with long-term cardiovascular events in different arterial territories: the EPIC Norfolk prospective population cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Heterogeneous associations of traditional atherosclerotic risk factors and long-term events in different arterial territories: the EPIC Norfolk prospective population cohort", + "events_topic": "Smoking Cessation | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manon van den Bogaart ", + "kol_full_name": "Manon van den Bogaart " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures | Rosuvastatin Calcium | Simulation Training | Atherosclerotic Plaque Microcalcification", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458371", + "session_name": "Simulation training for invasive cardiovascular procedures: the Heart-SIMS-1 study,Rosuvastatin effect on atherosclerotic plaque microcalcification", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manuel Oliveira Santos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospitals of Coimbra", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Coimbra", + "City": "Coimbra", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Simulation training for invasive cardiovascular procedures: the Heart-SIMS-1 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Rosuvastatin effect on atherosclerotic plaque microcalcification", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures | Rosuvastatin Calcium ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Simulation Training | Atherosclerotic Plaque Microcalcification", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manuel Oliveira Santos ", + "kol_full_name": "Manuel Oliveira Santos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Diagnostic Imaging | Neoplasms | Risk Assessment | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456071", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular complications in cardio-oncology: risk assessment,Cardiomyopathy in cancer patients: prevalence, risk assessment, imaging, and prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manyoo Agarwal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic", + "Country": "United Arab Emirates", + "Region": "Abu Zaby", + "City": "Abu Dhabi", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular complications in cardio-oncology: risk assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiomyopathy in cancer patients: prevalence, risk assessment, imaging, and prevention", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Risk Assessment | Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manyoo Agarwal ", + "kol_full_name": "Manyoo Agarwal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Dysfunction | Obesity | Heart Failure | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458144", + "session_name": "Obesity plays a key role in inducing myocardial and vascular dysfunction in a translational model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in rats,Clinical and laboratorial profile of patients with ATTR cardiomyopathy: comparison between wild type and p.Val142Ile forms in the Brazilian population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marcus Simoes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical School of Ribeirao Preto", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Obesity plays a key role in inducing myocardial and vascular dysfunction in a translational model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in rats", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical and laboratorial profile of patients with ATTR cardiomyopathy: comparison between wild type and p.Val142Ile forms in the Brazilian population", + "events_topic": "Vascular Dysfunction | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marcus Simoes ", + "kol_full_name": "Marcus Simoes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Telerehabilitation | Cardiac Rehabilitation | Heart Failure, Systolic, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456271", + "session_name": "Tele-rehabilitation: alternative and/or adjunct to conventional cardiac rehabilitation?,Heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction / acute heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Alexandra Ciuca-Pana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tele-rehabilitation: alternative and/or adjunct to conventional cardiac rehabilitation?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction / acute heart failure", + "events_topic": "Telerehabilitation | Cardiac Rehabilitation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Systolic, Systolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Alexandra Ciuca-Pana ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Alexandra Ciuca-Pana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Mental Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456429", + "session_name": "Innovative approaches to delivering cardiovascular care,Cognitive and mental health aspects of cardiovascular conditions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Hayes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Blackrock Clinic", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovative approaches to delivering cardiovascular care", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cognitive and mental health aspects of cardiovascular conditions", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Mental Health", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Hayes ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Hayes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Trastuzumab | Anthracyclines | Cardiac Myxofibrosarcoma | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458329", + "session_name": "Cardiac myxofibrosarcoma: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge,Assessment of right ventricular dysfunction in breast cancer patients undergoing anthracycline and trastuzumab treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Jose Santa Ana-Bayona", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac myxofibrosarcoma: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Assessment of right ventricular dysfunction in breast cancer patients undergoing anthracycline and trastuzumab treatment", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Trastuzumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Anthracyclines | Cardiac Myxofibrosarcoma | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Jose Santa Ana-Bayona ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Jose Santa Ana-Bayona " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457070", + "session_name": "Nationwide analysis of all cardiovascular hospitalizations in Greece,Nationwide mortality trends of cardiovascular diseases from 2001 to 2020 in Greece", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Nikolaou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Amalia Fleming Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nationwide analysis of all cardiovascular hospitalizations in Greece", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Nationwide mortality trends of cardiovascular diseases from 2001 to 2020 in Greece", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Nikolaou ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Nikolaou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Femoropopliteal Lesions | Prediabetes | Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458046", + "session_name": "Safety and efficacy of low-dose versus high-dose paclitaxel-coated balloons in patients with femoropopliteal lesions: an updated and meta-analysis.,Prediabetes compared to diabetes in acute coronary syndrome: a meta-analysis of 8,071,972 patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariam Desouki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Alexandria University hospital", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Suhaj", + "City": "Alexandria", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and efficacy of low-dose versus high-dose paclitaxel-coated balloons in patients with femoropopliteal lesions: an updated and meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Prediabetes compared to diabetes in acute coronary syndrome: a meta-analysis of 8,071,972 patients", + "events_topic": "Femoropopliteal Lesions | Prediabetes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariam Desouki ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariam Desouki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherectomy, Coronary | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Angioplasty | Chagas Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458780", + "session_name": "Radial versus femoral access for rotational atherectomy angioplasty,Chagas myocardiopathy: a case of ventricular tachycardia in a non-endemic setting.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana Carvalho", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Leiria Hospital Centre", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Leiria", + "City": "Leiria", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Radial versus femoral access for rotational atherectomy angioplasty", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Chagas myocardiopathy: a case of ventricular tachycardia in a non-endemic setting.", + "events_topic": "Atherectomy, Coronary | Tachycardia, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Angioplasty | Chagas Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana Carvalho ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Carvalho " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Valve Diseases | Anticoagulants Therapy | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456282", + "session_name": "Oral anticoagulant therapy for atrial fibrillation in clinical practice,Advancing valvular heart disease evaluation: the role of imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana Floria", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Iasi", + "City": "Iasi", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Oral anticoagulant therapy for atrial fibrillation in clinical practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Advancing valvular heart disease evaluation: the role of imaging", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Valve Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulants Therapy | Diagnostic Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana Floria ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Floria " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459353", + "session_name": "ClinicAl verSus algorIthmic predictioN of Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease - the CASINO study,Diastolic shock index: a novel prognostic parameter unveiling insights into vasodilatory cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana Sousa Paiva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Western Lisbon Hospital Centre, EPE", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ClinicAl verSus algorIthmic predictioN of Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease - the CASINO study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Diastolic shock index: a novel prognostic parameter unveiling insights into vasodilatory cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana Sousa Paiva ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Sousa Paiva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Occlusion | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458020", + "session_name": "Gender disparities and infective endocarditis burden in the United States and European Union: a comparative analysis,Outcomes by race and ethnicity in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total occlusion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marija Petrovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mount Sinai St Luke's and Mount Sinai West Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gender disparities and infective endocarditis burden in the United States and European Union: a comparative analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Outcomes by race and ethnicity in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total occlusion", + "events_topic": "Coronary Occlusion | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Endocarditis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marija Petrovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Marija Petrovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Hypertension, Pulmonary | Thromboembolism | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457049", + "session_name": "Validation of the PESI-Echo score: as a prognostic tool for mortality in acute pulmonary thromboembolism in Mexican population.,Echocardiographic predictors for the development of chronic thromboembolic disease and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension following acute pulmonary embolism.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mario Alberto Ornelas Casillas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Validation of the PESI-Echo score: as a prognostic tool for mortality in acute pulmonary thromboembolism in Mexican population.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Echocardiographic predictors for the development of chronic thromboembolic disease and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension following acute pulmonary embolism.", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Hypertension, Pulmonary ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Thromboembolism | Echocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mario Alberto Ornelas Casillas ", + "kol_full_name": "Mario Alberto Ornelas Casillas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Echocardiography | Cardiac Myosins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460925", + "session_name": "Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors,Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Altersberger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pyhrn Eisenwurzen Clinic Steyr", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Oberosterreich", + "City": "Steyr", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Myosins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin Altersberger ", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Altersberger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Heart Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456193", + "session_name": "Pulmonary hypertension,Cardio-oncology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marwa Hemmat Gaber", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical Research Institute", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Suhaj", + "City": "Alexandria", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardio-oncology", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Heart Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marwa Hemmat Gaber ", + "kol_full_name": "Marwa Hemmat Gaber " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456136", + "session_name": "Optimising care in adult congenital heart disease,New tools for prognostication in congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maryanne Caruana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Dei Hospital", + "Country": "Malta", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising care in adult congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "New tools for prognostication in congenital heart disease", + "events_topic": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maryanne Caruana ", + "kol_full_name": "Maryanne Caruana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Vaccination | Diabetes Mellitus | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Influenza, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458826", + "session_name": "Persistence and Adherence to GLP-1 RA treatment in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a Nationwide registry study,Electronic nudge letters to increase influenza vaccination uptake in younger and middle-aged individuals with diabetes: a prespecified analysis of the NUDGE-FLU-CHRONIC trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mats Christian Hoejbjerg Lassen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brigham and Women's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Persistence and Adherence to GLP-1 RA treatment in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a Nationwide registry study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Electronic nudge letters to increase influenza vaccination uptake in younger and middle-aged individuals with diabetes: a prespecified analysis of the NUDGE-FLU-CHRONIC trial", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Vaccination ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Influenza, Human", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mats Christian Hoejbjerg Lassen ", + "kol_full_name": "Mats Christian Hoejbjerg Lassen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Telemedicine | Digital Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456280", + "session_name": "Innovations in telemedicine, robotics, and digital solutions,Innovations in digital health: from neural tracts to cardiovascular health and innovation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matthew Barrett", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St Vincent's University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovations in telemedicine", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " robotics, and digital solutions,Innovations in digital health: from neural tracts to cardiovascular health and innovation", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Telemedicine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Digital Health", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matthew Barrett ", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew Barrett " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arthritis, Rheumatoid | Diabetes Mellitus | Tirzepatide | Methotrexate | Semaglutide", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459096", + "session_name": "The potential effects of methotrexate on cardiovascular outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a multi-institutional analysis,Comparison of cardiovascular outcomes in patients with diabetes treated with tirzepatide versus semaglutide: a multi-institutional analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matthew Cervantes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baylor University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The potential effects of methotrexate on cardiovascular outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a multi-institutional analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of cardiovascular outcomes in patients with diabetes treated with tirzepatide versus semaglutide: a multi-institutional analysis", + "events_topic": "Arthritis, Rheumatoid | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Tirzepatide | Methotrexate | Semaglutide", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matthew Cervantes ", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew Cervantes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Obesity | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457353", + "session_name": "Outcomes of post-acute coronary syndrome patients enrolled in a phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation program,Is the obesity paradox leading to a less stringent secondary prevention strategy in post-acute coronary syndrome patients?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mauro Moreira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Centre do Tamega e Sousa", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes of post-acute coronary syndrome patients enrolled in a phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation program", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Is the obesity paradox leading to a less stringent secondary prevention strategy in post-acute coronary syndrome patients?", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mauro Moreira ", + "kol_full_name": "Mauro Moreira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neprilysin | Heart Failure | Angiotensins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456729", + "session_name": "Angiotensin and angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors in heart failure,Optimal framework for heart-failure care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mayanna Lund", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Middlemore Hospital", + "Country": "New Zealand", + "Region": "Auckland", + "City": "Auckland", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Angiotensin and angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Optimal framework for heart-failure care", + "events_topic": "Neprilysin | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiotensins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mayanna Lund ", + "kol_full_name": "Mayanna Lund " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "TIMI Scores | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458553", + "session_name": "Comparison of GRACE and TIMI risk scores in the prediction of in hospital outcome among NSTEMI patients: a single centre study,An uncommon cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy in a 16 years old teenage girl", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Md Shamim CHOWDHURY", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Foundation Hospital and Research Institute", + "Country": "Bangladesh", + "Region": "Dhaka", + "City": "Dhaka", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of GRACE and TIMI risk scores in the prediction of in hospital outcome among NSTEMI patients: a single centre study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "An uncommon cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy in a 16 years old teenage girl", + "events_topic": "TIMI Scores | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Md Shamim CHOWDHURY ", + "kol_full_name": "Md Shamim CHOWDHURY " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460946", + "session_name": "Ask the Trialist - MIRACLE-AF,MIRACLE-AF - A Novel Model of IntegRAted Care of OLdEr Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in rural China", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Minglong Chen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Jiangsu", + "City": "Nanjing", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ask the Trialist - MIRACLE-AF", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "MIRACLE-AF - A Novel Model of IntegRAted Care of OLdEr Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in rural China", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Minglong Chen ", + "kol_full_name": "Minglong Chen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thromboprophylaxis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458050", + "session_name": "Cluster-specific risk factors for suboptimal thromboprophylaxis in contemporary European cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation: the EHRA-PATHS Project,Cluster-specific predictors of early rhythm control in contemporary European cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation: The EHRA-PATHS Project", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Miroslav Mihajlovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Center of Serbia", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cluster-specific risk factors for suboptimal thromboprophylaxis in contemporary European cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation: the EHRA-PATHS Project", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cluster-specific predictors of early rhythm control in contemporary European cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation: The EHRA-PATHS Project", + "events_topic": "Thromboprophylaxis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Miroslav Mihajlovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Miroslav Mihajlovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Therapeutics | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456509", + "session_name": "Hypertension: biomarkers, genetics, and molecular mechanisms,Novel and old treatments, evidence in large populations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mohamed Alami", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hypertension: biomarkers", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " genetics, and molecular mechanisms,Novel and old treatments, evidence in large populations", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Therapeutics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mohamed Alami ", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Alami " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Heparin | Heart Failure | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Ablation Techniques | Bivalirudin | Atrial Fibrillation | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "1790426997", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458325", + "session_name": "The efficacy of catheter ablation compared to medical therapy in heart failure patients with concomitant atrial fibrillation: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Impact of bivalirudin versus heparin on major bleeding during Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI): an updated meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mohammad Ishrak Khan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The efficacy of catheter ablation compared to medical therapy in heart failure patients with concomitant atrial fibrillation: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of bivalirudin versus heparin on major bleeding during Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI): an updated meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Heparin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Ablation Techniques | Bivalirudin | Atrial Fibrillation | Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mohammad Ishrak Khan ", + "kol_full_name": "Mohammad Ishrak Khan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Pulmonary Arterial Coupling | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459087", + "session_name": "Association between arterial oxygen tension with clinical outcomes in patients undergoing VA-ECMO support: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis,Echocardiographic evaluation of right ventricle to pulmonary artery coupling in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muammar Emir Ananta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cempaka Putih Jakarta Islamic Hospital", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between arterial oxygen tension with clinical outcomes in patients undergoing VA-ECMO support: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Echocardiographic evaluation of right ventricle to pulmonary artery coupling in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Pulmonary Arterial Coupling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muammar Emir Ananta ", + "kol_full_name": "Muammar Emir Ananta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Clinical Trial | Warfarin | Heparin, Low-Molecular-Weight | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457266", + "session_name": "Unfractionated heparin or low molecular weight heparin in patients with acute pulmonary embolism: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Direct oral anticoagulants or warfarin in patients with left ventricular thrombus: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muhammad Haisum Maqsood", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unfractionated heparin or low molecular weight heparin in patients with acute pulmonary embolism: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Direct oral anticoagulants or warfarin in patients with left ventricular thrombus: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Clinical Trial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Warfarin | Heparin, Low-Molecular-Weight | Anticoagulants", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muhammad Haisum Maqsood ", + "kol_full_name": "Muhammad Haisum Maqsood " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457189", + "session_name": "Long-term risk of heart failure and postoperative atrial fibrillation following noncardiac surgery: not so different from non-surgical atrial fibrillation,Postoperative atrial fibrillation following noncardiac surgery is associated with long-term heart failure: insights from a nationwide cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Munise Nur Karacan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term risk of heart failure and postoperative atrial fibrillation following noncardiac surgery: not so different from non-surgical atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Postoperative atrial fibrillation following noncardiac surgery is associated with long-term heart failure: insights from a nationwide cohort", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiac Surgical Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Munise Nur Karacan ", + "kol_full_name": "Munise Nur Karacan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Calreticulin | Reperfusion Injury | Autophagy | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459985", + "session_name": "Pin ameliorates calcium overload and microvascular dysfunction in ischemic cardiac injury by inhibiting chaperone mediated autophagy of calreticulin,MsrB1 protects microvascular ischemia-reperfusion injury by alleviating endothelial ferroptosis via macrophage anti-inflammatory polarization", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muyin Liu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pin ameliorates calcium overload and microvascular dysfunction in ischemic cardiac injury by inhibiting chaperone mediated autophagy of calreticulin", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "MsrB1 protects microvascular ischemia-reperfusion injury by alleviating endothelial ferroptosis via macrophage anti-inflammatory polarization", + "events_topic": "Calreticulin | Reperfusion Injury ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Autophagy | Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muyin Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Muyin Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456670", + "session_name": "The association of diabetes and renal disease with poor percutaneous coronary intervention outcomes,Coronary thrombus management in patients with acute coronary syndromes: insights from Turkish and Italian Cardiac Society perspectives", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muzaffer M. Degertekin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Yeditepe University Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association of diabetes and renal disease with poor percutaneous coronary intervention outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Coronary thrombus management in patients with acute coronary syndromes: insights from Turkish and Italian Cardiac Society perspectives", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muzaffer M. Degertekin ", + "kol_full_name": "Muzaffer M. Degertekin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Anthracyclines | Heart Injuries | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457621", + "session_name": "New onset of left ventricular dysfunction and diastolic dysfunction are uncommon in patients with her2+ breast cancer after completion of cancer therapy.,Comparison of two anthracycline regimens for treatment of breast cancer and the incidence of cardiac injury", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nichanan Osataphan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chiang Mai University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Chiang Mai", + "City": "Chiang Mai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New onset of left ventricular dysfunction and diastolic dysfunction are uncommon in patients with her2+ breast cancer after completion of cancer therapy.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of two anthracycline regimens for treatment of breast cancer and the incidence of cardiac injury", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Anthracyclines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Injuries | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nichanan Osataphan ", + "kol_full_name": "Nichanan Osataphan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MicroRNAs | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Immunoglobulins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459361", + "session_name": "MicroRNA-21-5p has a close longitudinal co-regulation with differentially expressed genes in experimental calcific aortic valve stenosis,Experimental calcific aortic valve stenosis analysis highlights immunoglobulin-derived amyloid formation as emerging basic mechanism of the disease.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikolaos Anousakis-Vlachochristou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MicroRNA-21-5p has a close longitudinal co-regulation with differentially expressed genes in experimental calcific aortic valve stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Experimental calcific aortic valve stenosis analysis highlights immunoglobulin-derived amyloid formation as emerging basic mechanism of the disease.", + "events_topic": "MicroRNAs | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Immunoglobulins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikolaos Anousakis-Vlachochristou ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikolaos Anousakis-Vlachochristou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Malaria | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456983", + "session_name": "Advances in HFrEF and HFpEF in Circulation,Malaria and the heart", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ntobeko Ayanda Bubele Ntusi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Cape Town", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "Western Cape", + "City": "Cape Town", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advances in HFrEF and HFpEF in Circulation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Malaria and the heart", + "events_topic": "Malaria | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ntobeko Ayanda Bubele Ntusi ", + "kol_full_name": "Ntobeko Ayanda Bubele Ntusi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Kidney Diseases | Stroke Volume | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458562", + "session_name": "Safety and efficacy of initiation SGLT in heart failure with a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and chronic kidney disease on top of standard therapy with ARNI or ACE-i,The safety of in-hospital initiation of SGLT2 inhibitor with MRA therapy in patients hospitalized for heart failure with a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and chronic kidney disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oksana Obertynska", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Pirogov Memorial Medical University", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and efficacy of initiation SGLT in heart failure with a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and chronic kidney disease on top of standard therapy with ARNI or ACE-i", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The safety of in-hospital initiation of SGLT2 inhibitor with MRA therapy in patients hospitalized for heart failure with a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and chronic kidney disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Kidney Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke Volume | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oksana Obertynska ", + "kol_full_name": "Oksana Obertynska " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456579", + "session_name": "Amyloidosis,Endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Olivier Clerc", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brigham and Women's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Endocarditis", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Olivier Clerc ", + "kol_full_name": "Olivier Clerc " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemodynamics | Telemedicine | Stroke | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459122", + "session_name": "The Hidden Culprit: When a Stroke Unveils the Presence of Arteria Lusoria,Beyond telehealth in heart failure, how a nurse-led mobile team unit improves management and reduces re-admission in elderly patients living in a rural area.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oumama Soussi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mohammed V University Souissi", + "Country": "Morocco", + "Region": "Rabat-Sale", + "City": "Rabat", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Hidden Culprit: When a Stroke Unveils the Presence of Arteria Lusoria", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Beyond telehealth in heart failure, how a nurse-led mobile team unit improves management and reduces re-admission in elderly patients living in a rural area.", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Telemedicine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oumama Soussi ", + "kol_full_name": "Oumama Soussi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Pregnancy | Fabry Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457194", + "session_name": "Management of pregnancy in univentricular heart and pulmonary hypertension,Comparison of mitral valve apparatus anomalies between sarcomeric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Fabry disease cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paolo Fabio D'Andria", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of pregnancy in univentricular heart and pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of mitral valve apparatus anomalies between sarcomeric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Fabry disease cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Pregnancy | Fabry Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paolo Fabio D'Andria ", + "kol_full_name": "Paolo Fabio D'Andria " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Empagliflozin | Heart Failure | Dapagliflozin | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Mortality", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458563", + "session_name": "Comparison of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in HF patients on dapagliflozin versus empagliflozin,Comparison of mortality and hospitalizations in HF patients on dapagliflozin versus empagliflozin", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Parker Wilson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baylor University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in HF patients on dapagliflozin versus empagliflozin", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of mortality and hospitalizations in HF patients on dapagliflozin versus empagliflozin", + "events_topic": "Empagliflozin | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Dapagliflozin | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Mortality", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Parker Wilson ", + "kol_full_name": "Parker Wilson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Wound Healing | Restenosis | Chitosan | Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458500", + "session_name": "A baculoviral gene and drug-eluting (GDES) stent to promote re-endothelialization and prevent restenosis caused by atherosclerosis.,Alginate-chitosan hydrogel formulations for VEGFA expressed baculovirus delivery promoting angiogenesis for wound healing and revascularization", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paromita Islam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A baculoviral gene and drug-eluting (GDES) stent to promote re-endothelialization and prevent restenosis caused by atherosclerosis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Alginate-chitosan hydrogel formulations for VEGFA expressed baculovirus delivery promoting angiogenesis for wound healing and revascularization", + "events_topic": "Wound Healing | Restenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chitosan | Atherosclerosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paromita Islam ", + "kol_full_name": "Paromita Islam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Myocardial Infarction | Adrenergic Beta-Antagonists | Anticoagulants | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457274", + "session_name": "Mortality effects of beta-blockers on myocardial infarction in patients without reduced ejection fraction or heart failure in the contemporary reperfusion era : a systematic review and meta-analysis,Oral anticoagulants or antiplatelets for cryptogenic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pei-Lun Lee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "NYC health and hospitals/Jacobi - Albert Eistein College of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Bronx", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mortality effects of beta-blockers on myocardial infarction in patients without reduced ejection fraction or heart failure in the contemporary reperfusion era : a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Oral anticoagulants or antiplatelets for cryptogenic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Adrenergic Beta-Antagonists | Anticoagulants | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pei-Lun Lee ", + "kol_full_name": "Pei-Lun Lee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Proenkephalin | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457364", + "session_name": "Proenkephalin improves risk prediction in acute coronary syndromes: derivation and external validation of the KID-ACS risk score,External validation of the CA-AKI score in patients with acute coronary syndrome: A real-world cohort analysis from Asia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Peizhi Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Proenkephalin improves risk prediction in acute coronary syndromes: derivation and external validation of the KID-ACS risk score", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "External validation of the CA-AKI score in patients with acute coronary syndrome: A real-world cohort analysis from Asia", + "events_topic": "Proenkephalin | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Peizhi Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Peizhi Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Myocardial Infarction | Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular | Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459418", + "session_name": "Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in cardiogenic shock: the Czech perspective,Direct comparison of mechanical circulatory support devices in porcine model of acute myocardial infarction complicated by ventricular septal defect and cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petr Ostadal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Motol University Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in cardiogenic shock: the Czech perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Direct comparison of mechanical circulatory support devices in porcine model of acute myocardial infarction complicated by ventricular septal defect and cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular | Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petr Ostadal ", + "kol_full_name": "Petr Ostadal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke | Carotid Stent", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460072", + "session_name": "Carotid stenting: pro,The floor is yours: bring your questions on minimising the risk of stroke during cardiovascular interventions - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petr Widimsky", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Charles University of Prague", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Carotid stenting: pro", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on minimising the risk of stroke during cardiovascular interventions - expert panel", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carotid Stent", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petr Widimsky ", + "kol_full_name": "Petr Widimsky " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456427", + "session_name": "Medical therapy in acute heart failure: vision from Cyprus - discussion of guideline implementation,Heart failure: bench to bedside", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petros Agathangelou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Medical therapy in acute heart failure: vision from Cyprus - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Heart failure: bench to bedside", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petros Agathangelou ", + "kol_full_name": "Petros Agathangelou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Finerenone | Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 | Diet, High-Fat | Obesity | Heart Failure | Canagliflozin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460570", + "session_name": "Highlights from FINEARTS-HF and FINE-HEART: the role of finerenone in heart failure,Activation of fibroblast growth factor 21 by Canagliflozin reduces high-fat diet associated obesity-related cardiac injury: a translational study from bench to bedside", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ping-Yen Liu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cheng Kung University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Tainan", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Highlights from FINEARTS-HF and FINE-HEART: the role of finerenone in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Activation of fibroblast growth factor 21 by Canagliflozin reduces high-fat diet associated obesity-related cardiac injury: a translational study from bench to bedside", + "events_topic": "Finerenone | Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Diet, High-Fat | Obesity | Heart Failure | Canagliflozin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ping-Yen Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Ping-Yen Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Ablation Techniques | Outflow Tract Ventricular Arrhythmia | Catheter Ablation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458673", + "session_name": "Safety and efficacy of ultra-long intermediate-power ablation for outflow tract ventricular arrhythmia arising from the left ventricular summit,Machine-learning models to predict the risk of recurrent VT following catheter ablation in patients with structural heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pragyat Futela", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and efficacy of ultra-long intermediate-power ablation for outflow tract ventricular arrhythmia arising from the left ventricular summit", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Machine-learning models to predict the risk of recurrent VT following catheter ablation in patients with structural heart disease", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Outflow Tract Ventricular Arrhythmia | Catheter Ablation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pragyat Futela ", + "kol_full_name": "Pragyat Futela " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Child Health | Angina Pectoris", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460893", + "session_name": "Are we addressing patients' needs? PACT Angina survey results,Are we addressing patients' needs? PACT Angina survey results", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rajeev Agarwala", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Are we addressing patients' needs? PACT Angina survey results", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Are we addressing patients' needs? PACT Angina survey results", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Child Health ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angina Pectoris", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rajeev Agarwala ", + "kol_full_name": "Rajeev Agarwala " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Echocardiography | Cardiac Myosins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460926", + "session_name": "Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors,Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Raluca Elena Dulgheru", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Liege", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Liege", + "City": "Liege", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Navigating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy echo imaging with cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Myosins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raluca Elena Dulgheru ", + "kol_full_name": "Raluca Elena Dulgheru " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456512", + "session_name": "Hypertension: lifestyle and environment,Challenges in hypertension management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Renata Cifkova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "First Faculty of Medicine and Thomyer University Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hypertension: lifestyle and environment", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Challenges in hypertension management", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Renata Cifkova ", + "kol_full_name": "Renata Cifkova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Disease Management | Obesity | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459046", + "session_name": "Patient perspective on treatment of obesity,Cardiovascular disease management in patients with cancer - patient perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Richard Stephens", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient perspective on treatment of obesity", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiovascular disease management in patients with cancer - patient perspective", + "events_topic": "Disease Management | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Richard Stephens ", + "kol_full_name": "Richard Stephens " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458255", + "session_name": "What is the true normal: comparison of different equations for estimating peak oxygen uptake for outcome prediction in heart failure,Revisiting risk stratification in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy after the recent guidelines - LGE remains tough to beat", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rita Amador", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Santa Cruz", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What is the true normal: comparison of different equations for estimating peak oxygen uptake for outcome prediction in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Revisiting risk stratification in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy after the recent guidelines - LGE remains tough to beat", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rita Amador ", + "kol_full_name": "Rita Amador " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Monitors | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456314", + "session_name": "Optimising AF management with insertable cardiac monitors and AI,Restore or preserve ventricular synchrony: when and why to use conduction system pacing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robert Hatala", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases", + "Country": "Slovakia", + "Region": "Bratislavsky", + "City": "Bratislava", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising AF management with insertable cardiac monitors and AI", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Restore or preserve ventricular synchrony: when and why to use conduction system pacing", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Monitors | Cardiac Pacing, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robert Hatala ", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Hatala " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Ischemia | Perfusion Imaging | Saphenous Vein Grafts | Hydrostatic Pressure | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457678", + "session_name": "The impact of hydrostatic pressure on fractional flow reserve in saphenous vein grafts,Fractional flow reserve in saphenous vein grafts for the detection of myocardial ischemia determined by perfusion imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roel Hoek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of hydrostatic pressure on fractional flow reserve in saphenous vein grafts", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Fractional flow reserve in saphenous vein grafts for the detection of myocardial ischemia determined by perfusion imaging", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Ischemia | Perfusion Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Saphenous Vein Grafts | Hydrostatic Pressure | Diagnostic Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roel Hoek ", + "kol_full_name": "Roel Hoek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456505", + "session_name": "Sex differences and ethnic disparity in acute coronary syndromes,Risk factors, risk scores, and outcomes after acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rokas Serpytis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinics", + "Country": "Lithuania", + "Region": "Vilniaus Apskritis", + "City": "Vilnius", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences and ethnic disparity in acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Risk factors, risk scores, and outcomes after acute coronary syndromes", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rokas Serpytis ", + "kol_full_name": "Rokas Serpytis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Photoplethysmography | Skin Pigmentation | Plethysmography | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457119", + "session_name": "Automated cardiac arrest detection using a photoplethysmography wristband: algorithm performance in relation to sex, skin color type and arm hair density,Automated cardiac arrest DETECTion incorporated into a wristband: validation of a photoplethysmography algorithm in patients with spontaneous and induced cardiac arrest", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roos Edgar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Automated cardiac arrest detection using a photoplethysmography wristband: algorithm performance in relation to sex", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " skin color type and arm hair density,Automated cardiac arrest DETECTion incorporated into a wristband: validation of a photoplethysmography algorithm in patients with spontaneous and induced cardiac arrest", + "events_topic": "Photoplethysmography | Skin Pigmentation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Plethysmography | Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roos Edgar ", + "kol_full_name": "Roos Edgar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Risk Assessment | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456240", + "session_name": "ESC TV Today Roundtable on Cardiology Today and Tomorrow: how will artificial intelligence change the practice of cardiology,Artificial intelligence-powered cardiovascular risk assessment: machine learning for disease detection", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruben Casado Arroyo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ULB", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC TV Today Roundtable on Cardiology Today and Tomorrow: how will artificial intelligence change the practice of cardiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Artificial intelligence-powered cardiovascular risk assessment: machine learning for disease detection", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Risk Assessment ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ruben Casado Arroyo ", + "kol_full_name": "Ruben Casado Arroyo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456494", + "session_name": "2023 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Diabetes: what do the guidelines say and how to implement the guidelines?,Comorbidities in heart failure: latest findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruxandra Maria Christodorescu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Victor Babes", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Timis", + "City": "Timisoara", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "2023 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Diabetes: what do the guidelines say and how to implement the guidelines?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comorbidities in heart failure: latest findings", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ruxandra Maria Christodorescu ", + "kol_full_name": "Ruxandra Maria Christodorescu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456589", + "session_name": "Prospects for implementation and effectiveness assessment of national protocols for acute coronary syndromes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan: challenges and opportunities,Risk score for risk prediction in cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Salim Berkinbayev", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kazakh National Medical University", + "Country": "Kazakhstan", + "Region": "Almaty", + "City": "Almaty", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prospects for implementation and effectiveness assessment of national protocols for acute coronary syndromes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan: challenges and opportunities", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Risk score for risk prediction in cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Salim Berkinbayev ", + "kol_full_name": "Salim Berkinbayev " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemodynamics | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Muscular Diseases | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457846", + "session_name": "Prevalence of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy in patients hospitalised for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in an LATAM center.,Prognostic value of hemodynamically significant secondary tricuspid regurgitation in patients hospitalised for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Santiago Decotto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy in patients hospitalised for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in an LATAM center.", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic value of hemodynamically significant secondary tricuspid regurgitation in patients hospitalised for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Muscular Diseases | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Santiago Decotto ", + "kol_full_name": "Santiago Decotto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Artificial Intelligence | Coronary Artery Disease | Hemorrhage | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457733", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence-based automated plaque quantification from CCTA to predict acute coronary syndrome on top of obstructive or ischemic coronary artery disease,The impact of targeted bleeding source treatment on the risk of recurrent bleeding after percutaneous coronary intervention among patients with a history of prior bleeding", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarah Bar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Turku University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence-based automated plaque quantification from CCTA to predict acute coronary syndrome on top of obstructive or ischemic coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The impact of targeted bleeding source treatment on the risk of recurrent bleeding after percutaneous coronary intervention among patients with a history of prior bleeding", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Hemorrhage | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarah Bar ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarah Bar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Recurrence | Wearable Electronic Devices | Mental Health | Digital Health | Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456862", + "session_name": "Fear of recurrence and its association with mental health outcomes after spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD),Digital health: value of data from wearable devices before and after acute cardiac presentations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarah Tomoyo Clarke", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Royal Papworth Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Fear of recurrence and its association with mental health outcomes after spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Digital health: value of data from wearable devices before and after acute cardiac presentations", + "events_topic": "Recurrence | Wearable Electronic Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Mental Health | Digital Health | Coronary Artery Disease | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarah Tomoyo Clarke ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarah Tomoyo Clarke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Behcet Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459855", + "session_name": "Vascular thrombosis and relapse-associated factors in Behcet's syndrome: a comprehensive analysis of 136 patients,Pulmonary artery thrombosis in Behcet's syndrome: a case series", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarra Chadli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vascular thrombosis and relapse-associated factors in Behcet's syndrome: a comprehensive analysis of 136 patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pulmonary artery thrombosis in Behcet's syndrome: a case series", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Behcet Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarra Chadli ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarra Chadli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Heart Diseases | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456039", + "session_name": "Gender differences in heart disease,Biomarkers to assess cardiovascular risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sayuri Inuzuka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Federal University of Goias", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gender differences in heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Biomarkers to assess cardiovascular risk", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Heart Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sayuri Inuzuka ", + "kol_full_name": "Sayuri Inuzuka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Exome Sequencing | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457024", + "session_name": "Pathogenic cardiomyopathy gene variants inform prognosis in atrial fibrillation: results from exome sequencing in over 17,000 patients in TIMI trials,Rare genetic variants in LDLR, APOB, and PCSK9 are associated with aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sean Joseph Jurgens", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Broad Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pathogenic cardiomyopathy gene variants inform prognosis in atrial fibrillation: results from exome sequencing in over 17", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "000 patients in TIMI trials,Rare genetic variants in LDLR, APOB, and PCSK9 are associated with aortic stenosis", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Exome Sequencing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sean Joseph Jurgens ", + "kol_full_name": "Sean Joseph Jurgens " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458985", + "session_name": "The prognostic significance of Weber and ventilatory CPET classifications in amyloidosis patients,Cardiopulmonary exercise test findings are not the same in distinct types of cardiac amyloidosis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sebastian Santos Patarroyo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The prognostic significance of Weber and ventilatory CPET classifications in amyloidosis patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cardiopulmonary exercise test findings are not the same in distinct types of cardiac amyloidosis.", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sebastian Santos Patarroyo ", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastian Santos Patarroyo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypercholesterolemia | Cardiovascular Diseases | Healthcare Disparities | Cholesterol | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459609", + "session_name": "Burden and sociodemographic disparities in cardiovascular mortality rates associated with hypercholesterolemia in united states: a nationwide county-level analysis from 2010 to 2019,Assessment of poor cardiovascular health metrics and related disparities among cancer patients in the United States: a nationwide analysis of over 1.5 million individuals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shady Abohashem", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital - Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Burden and sociodemographic disparities in cardiovascular mortality rates associated with hypercholesterolemia in united states: a nationwide county-level analysis from 2010 to 2019", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Assessment of poor cardiovascular health metrics and related disparities among cancer patients in the United States: a nationwide analysis of over 1.5 million individuals", + "events_topic": "Hypercholesterolemia | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Healthcare Disparities | Cholesterol | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shady Abohashem ", + "kol_full_name": "Shady Abohashem " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Heart-Assist Devices | Bariatric Surgery | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458566", + "session_name": "In-hospital bowel ischemia and mortality trends of left ventricular assist device placement in the USA from 2017 to 2020,In-hospital economic impact and mortality of bariatric surgery on congestive heart failure in the USA: a nationwide analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sherlon Sinclair", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Avera Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "South Dakota", + "City": "Yankton", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "In-hospital bowel ischemia and mortality trends of left ventricular assist device placement in the USA from 2017 to 2020", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "In-hospital economic impact and mortality of bariatric surgery on congestive heart failure in the USA: a nationwide analysis", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Heart-Assist Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Bariatric Surgery | Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sherlon Sinclair ", + "kol_full_name": "Sherlon Sinclair " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Coronary Artery Disease | Exome Sequencing | Electrocardiography | Cardiomyopathies | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457221", + "session_name": "Electrocardiogram-based artificial intelligence to identify prevalent coronary artery disease,Exome sequencing in over 63,000 patients in TIMI trials uncovers pathogenic cardiomyopathy variant carriers with high risk for heart failure and cardiovascular death", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shinwan Kany", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Broad Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Electrocardiogram-based artificial intelligence to identify prevalent coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Exome sequencing in over 63,000 patients in TIMI trials uncovers pathogenic cardiomyopathy variant carriers with high risk for heart failure and cardiovascular death", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Exome Sequencing | Electrocardiography | Cardiomyopathies | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shinwan Kany ", + "kol_full_name": "Shinwan Kany " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Myocardial Infarction | Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "1811690910", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457016", + "session_name": "Percutaneous mechanical circulatory support versus intraaortic balloon counterpulsation in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock,Utility of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shivani Gupta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Stony Brook University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Stony Brook", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Percutaneous mechanical circulatory support versus intraaortic balloon counterpulsation in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Utility of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock", + "events_topic": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shivani Gupta ", + "kol_full_name": "Shivani Gupta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Computed Tomography | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457499", + "session_name": "Extra-cellular volume fraction analysis on cardiac CT is useful for predicting the prognosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Significant impact of a novel whole heart motion correction algorithm on cardiac computed tomography and aortic valve calcium scores", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shuhei Aoki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extra-cellular volume fraction analysis on cardiac CT is useful for predicting the prognosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Significant impact of a novel whole heart motion correction algorithm on cardiac computed tomography and aortic valve calcium scores", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Computed Tomography | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shuhei Aoki ", + "kol_full_name": "Shuhei Aoki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation | Biomarkers | Machine Learning | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456179", + "session_name": "Predictors of outcome after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation,Predicting outcomes after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: ablation technique, biomarkers, and machine learning", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Silvia Helena Boghossian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio de Janeiro", + "City": "Rio de Janeiro", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictors of outcome after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Predicting outcomes after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: ablation technique, biomarkers, and machine learning", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers | Machine Learning | Ablation Techniques", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Silvia Helena Boghossian ", + "kol_full_name": "Silvia Helena Boghossian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Wearable Electronic Devices | Neuromuscular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459861", + "session_name": "Incidental non-infectious masses on cardiac implantable electronic device leads,Holter monitoring in neuromuscular disorders: frequency and importance in clinical management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sofia Fernandes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Braga", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Braga", + "City": "Braga", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidental non-infectious masses on cardiac implantable electronic device leads", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Holter monitoring in neuromuscular disorders: frequency and importance in clinical management", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Wearable Electronic Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuromuscular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sofia Fernandes ", + "kol_full_name": "Sofia Fernandes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458398", + "session_name": "Incidence and factors associated with mitral valve reoperation in patients undergoing intervention for mitral regurgitation: a nationwide cohort study,Mitral valve reoperation versus first-time surgery for mitral regurgitation: comparison of patient characteristics, type of surgery and mortality in a nationwide cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sofie Truong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence and factors associated with mitral valve reoperation in patients undergoing intervention for mitral regurgitation: a nationwide cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Mitral valve reoperation versus first-time surgery for mitral regurgitation: comparison of patient characteristics, type of surgery and mortality in a nationwide cohort", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sofie Truong ", + "kol_full_name": "Sofie Truong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Cardiomyopathies | Atrial Fibrillation | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458915", + "session_name": "Comparing outcomes in cardiogenic shock patients with ischemic versus nonischemic cardiomyopathy: A nationwide retrospective observational study,Nationwide analysis of the risk of myocardial infarction in atrial fibrillation patients without standard modifiable risk factors: A retrospective observational study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Soumya Gupta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai Morningside West", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing outcomes in cardiogenic shock patients with ischemic versus nonischemic cardiomyopathy: A nationwide retrospective observational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Nationwide analysis of the risk of myocardial infarction in atrial fibrillation patients without standard modifiable risk factors: A retrospective observational study.", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Soumya Gupta ", + "kol_full_name": "Soumya Gupta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electric Countershock | Catheter Ablation | Hypertension, Pulmonary | Tachycardia | Heart Arrest | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458390", + "session_name": "Long-term follow-up after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation and atrial tachycardia in patients with pulmonary hypertension,The clinical outcome reflects the heart rhythm profile after defibrillation for shockable rhythm in refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stepan Havranek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Charles University of Prague", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term follow-up after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation and atrial tachycardia in patients with pulmonary hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The clinical outcome reflects the heart rhythm profile after defibrillation for shockable rhythm in refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest", + "events_topic": "Electric Countershock | Catheter Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension, Pulmonary | Tachycardia | Heart Arrest | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stepan Havranek ", + "kol_full_name": "Stepan Havranek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459807", + "session_name": "Highlights from family screening and treatment with Vutrisiran for heriditary transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis,Evaluation of the 2021 ESC recommendations for family screening in hereditary transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Steven Anton Muller", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Highlights from family screening and treatment with Vutrisiran for heriditary transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Evaluation of the 2021 ESC recommendations for family screening in hereditary transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Steven Anton Muller ", + "kol_full_name": "Steven Anton Muller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Antiplatelet Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456036", + "session_name": "Pharmacotherapy in coronary artery disease: from bench to bedside,Data-driven decisions for anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stuart Spencer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pharmacotherapy in coronary artery disease: from bench to bedside", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Data-driven decisions for anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Antiplatelet Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Anticoagulants", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stuart Spencer ", + "kol_full_name": "Stuart Spencer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sodium Chloride, Dietary | Cardiovascular Diseases | Atherosclerosis | Glucose Intolerance | Aspirin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458047", + "session_name": "The association between the dietary salt intake and glucose intolerance in healthy populations: from the Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (KNHANES),Long-term validation of AtherosSlerosis CardioVascular Disease (ASCVD) risk score and the role of aspirin for primary Cardiovascular prevention in Korean patients with over ASCVD 20% risk score", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sujin Hyun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association between the dietary salt intake and glucose intolerance in healthy populations: from the Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (KNHANES)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Long-term validation of AtherosSlerosis CardioVascular Disease (ASCVD) risk score and the role of aspirin for primary Cardiovascular prevention in Korean patients with over ASCVD 20% risk score", + "events_topic": "Sodium Chloride, Dietary | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Atherosclerosis | Glucose Intolerance | Aspirin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sujin Hyun ", + "kol_full_name": "Sujin Hyun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemic Stroke | Pregnant Women | Thrombectomy | Antiphospholipid Syndrome | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459856", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular outcomes in pregnant women with congenital heart disease,Utilization of endovascular thrombectomy in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome and acute ischemic stroke", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suveenkrishna Pothuru", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Creighton University Medical Centre", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Nebraska", + "City": "Omaha", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular outcomes in pregnant women with congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Utilization of endovascular thrombectomy in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome and acute ischemic stroke", + "events_topic": "Ischemic Stroke | Pregnant Women ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Thrombectomy | Antiphospholipid Syndrome | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suveenkrishna Pothuru ", + "kol_full_name": "Suveenkrishna Pothuru " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Amyloidosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460343", + "session_name": "Association of cardiac amyloidosis with periprocedural complications in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis,Association of cardiac amyloidosis with cardiovascular outcomes after aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tekene Figueira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Stony Brook University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Stony Brook", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of cardiac amyloidosis with periprocedural complications in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of cardiac amyloidosis with cardiovascular outcomes after aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Stenosis | Amyloidosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tekene Figueira ", + "kol_full_name": "Tekene Figueira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Ischemic Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458411", + "session_name": "A rare case of ischemic stroke and pulmonary embolism in a young patient,Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors : a potential cardioprotective agent?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Theodora Georgopoulou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Venizelio General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A rare case of ischemic stroke and pulmonary embolism in a young patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors : a potential cardioprotective agent?", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemic Stroke", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Theodora Georgopoulou ", + "kol_full_name": "Theodora Georgopoulou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy | Chronotropic Incompetence | Cardiac Electrophysiology", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459002", + "session_name": "Arrhythmogenic effects of DEHP exposure: insights into cardiac electrophysiology and myocardial cells,Chronotropic incompetence as a critical predictor for cardiovascular outcomes in heart failure with preserved ejection function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ting Tse Lin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arrhythmogenic effects of DEHP exposure: insights into cardiac electrophysiology and myocardial cells", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Chronotropic incompetence as a critical predictor for cardiovascular outcomes in heart failure with preserved ejection function", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chronotropic Incompetence | Cardiac Electrophysiology", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ting Tse Lin ", + "kol_full_name": "Ting Tse Lin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Renal Denervation | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458431", + "session_name": "Highlights on 2024 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Elevated Blood Pressure and Hypertension and from BedMed/BedMed-Frail,The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who? - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tzung-Dau Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Highlights on 2024 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Elevated Blood Pressure and Hypertension and from BedMed/BedMed-Frail", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who? - expert panel", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Renal Denervation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tzung-Dau Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Tzung-Dau Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angioplasty, Balloon | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Tertiary Care Centers | Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Heart Failure | Drug-Coated Balloons | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458593", + "session_name": "The prognostic interplay of heart failure and chronic kidney disease in atrial fibrillation, focus on cardiorenal outcomes,Usage patterns and outcomes of drug coated ballons at a tertiary care center - a cohort analysis in 462 patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ulrike Baumer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The prognostic interplay of heart failure and chronic kidney disease in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " focus on cardiorenal outcomes,Usage patterns and outcomes of drug coated ballons at a tertiary care center - a cohort analysis in 462 patients", + "events_topic": "Angioplasty, Balloon | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Tertiary Care Centers | Cardio-Renal Syndrome | Heart Failure | Drug-Coated Balloons | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ulrike Baumer ", + "kol_full_name": "Ulrike Baumer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457726", + "session_name": "Prognosticating short-term outcomes in STE-ACS patients with intra-procedure slow flow/no-reflow: an analysis of predictive factors in primary percutaneous coronary revascularization,Examining prognostic scores for short-term major adverse cardiovascular events prediction following primary PCI: a comparative analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Uroosa Safdar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD)", + "Country": "Pakistan", + "Region": "Sindh", + "City": "Karachi", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognosticating short-term outcomes in STE-ACS patients with intra-procedure slow flow/no-reflow: an analysis of predictive factors in primary percutaneous coronary revascularization", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Examining prognostic scores for short-term major adverse cardiovascular events prediction following primary PCI: a comparative analysis", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Uroosa Safdar ", + "kol_full_name": "Uroosa Safdar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Hemorrhage | Endarterectomy, Carotid | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "npi_num": "1427649540", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_235161", + "session_name": "Intraplaque hemorrhage in carotid atherosclerotic plaques is associated with a local increase in inflammatory cytokines,Plasma cytokines are associated with major adverse cardiovascular events in follow-up of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Valentina Nardi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intraplaque hemorrhage in carotid atherosclerotic plaques is associated with a local increase in inflammatory cytokines", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Plasma cytokines are associated with major adverse cardiovascular events in follow-up of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Hemorrhage ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Endarterectomy, Carotid | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Valentina Nardi ", + "kol_full_name": "Valentina Nardi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Heart Transplantation | Hemodynamics | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459744", + "session_name": "Outcomes of intra-aortic balloon pump in patients with advanced heart failure and cardiogenic shock undergoing heart transplantation,Hemodynamic effects of intra-aortic balloon pump in patients with advanced heart failure and cardiogenic shock waiting heart transplant", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vanessa Bellini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes of intra-aortic balloon pump in patients with advanced heart failure and cardiogenic shock undergoing heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hemodynamic effects of intra-aortic balloon pump in patients with advanced heart failure and cardiogenic shock waiting heart transplant", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Heart Transplantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hemodynamics | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vanessa Bellini ", + "kol_full_name": "Vanessa Bellini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Function Tests | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456621", + "session_name": "Imaging the heart rhythm,Cutting-edge echocardiography for assessment of cardiac function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vasileios Kamperidis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging the heart rhythm", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Cutting-edge echocardiography for assessment of cardiac function", + "events_topic": "Heart Function Tests | Cardiac Imaging Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vasileios Kamperidis ", + "kol_full_name": "Vasileios Kamperidis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459463", + "session_name": "Insights into the reporting of major adverse cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease trials,Unique regional risk profiles and cardiovascular outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome in the absence of standard modifiable risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vickram Vijay Anand", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Insights into the reporting of major adverse cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Unique regional risk profiles and cardiovascular outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome in the absence of standard modifiable risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vickram Vijay Anand ", + "kol_full_name": "Vickram Vijay Anand " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Flutter | Ablation Techniques | Pacemaker, Artificial | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457082", + "session_name": "Organization of atrial flutter during pulse field ablation for atrial fibrillation,Safety and efficacy of leadless pacemaker extraction using a novel retrieval tool: a multicenter analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vincenzo Mirco La Fazia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Texas cardiac Arrhythmia", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Austin", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Organization of atrial flutter during pulse field ablation for atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Safety and efficacy of leadless pacemaker extraction using a novel retrieval tool: a multicenter analysis", + "events_topic": "Atrial Flutter | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pacemaker, Artificial | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vincenzo Mirco La Fazia ", + "kol_full_name": "Vincenzo Mirco La Fazia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Electrical Therapy | Left Ventricular Assist Device | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456137", + "session_name": "Heart transplantation, LVADs and inotropic support in heart failure: challenges and expectations,Electrical therapy in heart failure: what's new?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Walid Bsata", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Aleppo University", + "Country": "Syria", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " LVADs and inotropic support in heart failure: challenges and expectations,Electrical therapy in heart failure: what's new?", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Electrical Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Left Ventricular Assist Device | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Walid Bsata ", + "kol_full_name": "Walid Bsata " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Genetic Variation | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Coronary Artery Disease | Parathyroid Hormone", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459887", + "session_name": "Causal association of serum calcium, phosphate, vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, and FGF23 with the risk of aortic stenosis,Genetic variations in PEAR1 are associated with progression of coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wenchang Nie", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Causal association of serum calcium", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " phosphate, vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, and FGF23 with the risk of aortic stenosis,Genetic variations in PEAR1 are associated with progression of coronary artery disease", + "events_topic": "Genetic Variation | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease | Parathyroid Hormone", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wenchang Nie ", + "kol_full_name": "Wenchang Nie " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tetralogy Of Fallot | Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome | Atrial Function, Right", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457860", + "session_name": "Use of chatgpt-4 to explain kawasaki disease to parents and paediatric trainees,Interaction between right atrial function reserve and liver stiffness after complete repair of tetralogy of fallot: a pilot study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wing Ki Bosco Chik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The University of Hong Kong", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Use of chatgpt-4 to explain kawasaki disease to parents and paediatric trainees", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Interaction between right atrial function reserve and liver stiffness after complete repair of tetralogy of fallot: a pilot study", + "events_topic": "Tetralogy Of Fallot | Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Function, Right", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wing Ki Bosco Chik ", + "kol_full_name": "Wing Ki Bosco Chik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Thrombectomy | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Catheters | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458014", + "session_name": "Identifying missing tools in aortic systolic upstroke parameter for valvular aortic stenosis diagnosis,The timely implementation of catheter-based thrombectomy and VA-ECMO in high-risk pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wittawin Wangpermpoon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identifying missing tools in aortic systolic upstroke parameter for valvular aortic stenosis diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The timely implementation of catheter-based thrombectomy and VA-ECMO in high-risk pulmonary embolism", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Thrombectomy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Catheters | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wittawin Wangpermpoon ", + "kol_full_name": "Wittawin Wangpermpoon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Nomograms | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457022", + "session_name": "A practical nomogram and risk stratification system for predicting in-hospital mortality of patients with non-acute myocardial infarction related cardiogenic shock,The relationship between daily blood glucose fluctuation and readmission in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xiaoke Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A practical nomogram and risk stratification system for predicting in-hospital mortality of patients with non-acute myocardial infarction related cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The relationship between daily blood glucose fluctuation and readmission in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Nomograms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xiaoke Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Xiaoke Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonography, Interventional | Fractional Flow Reserve | Hypertension | Renal Artery Obstruction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457458", + "session_name": "Intervention of resistant hypertension due to renal artery stenosis with solitary kidney guided by intravascular ultrasound and fractional flow reserve with very little contrast agent,Combining fractional flow reserve and the index of microcirculatory resistance for prognosis prediction in renal artery stenosis interventions: a feasibility sub-study of FAIR-pilot trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xu Liu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intervention of resistant hypertension due to renal artery stenosis with solitary kidney guided by intravascular ultrasound and fractional flow reserve with very little contrast agent", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Combining fractional flow reserve and the index of microcirculatory resistance for prognosis prediction in renal artery stenosis interventions: a feasibility sub-study of FAIR-pilot trial", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography, Interventional | Fractional Flow Reserve ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension | Renal Artery Obstruction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xu Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Xu Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Ischemia | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457752", + "session_name": "Influence of non-sustained ventricular arrythmia on myocardial fibrosis and clinical outcomes in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy,Quantifying late gadolinium enhancement improved sudden cardiac death risk prediction in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yangjie Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Influence of non-sustained ventricular arrythmia on myocardial fibrosis and clinical outcomes in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Quantifying late gadolinium enhancement improved sudden cardiac death risk prediction in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Dilated | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yangjie Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Yangjie Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures | Angina, Stable | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Trimetazidine | Natriuretic Peptides", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456581", + "session_name": "The effect of Trimetazidine on the left ventricular global longitudinal strain assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance in stable angina patients with previous myocardial infarction and left ventricular,Diagnostic accuracy of natriuretic peptides", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yasmin Rustamova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Azerbaijan Medical University", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of Trimetazidine on the left ventricular global longitudinal strain assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance in stable angina patients with previous myocardial infarction and left ventricular", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Diagnostic accuracy of natriuretic peptides", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Diagnostic Techniques And Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Angina, Stable | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Trimetazidine | Natriuretic Peptides", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yasmin Rustamova ", + "kol_full_name": "Yasmin Rustamova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Glucose Metabolism Disorders | Lung Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457657", + "session_name": "Association of neutrophil-percentage-to-albumin ratio with mortality in cardiovascular disease patients complicating abnormal glucose metabolism,The prognostic value of advanced lung cancer inflammation index in cancer survivors complicated with cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yeshen Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of neutrophil-percentage-to-albumin ratio with mortality in cardiovascular disease patients complicating abnormal glucose metabolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The prognostic value of advanced lung cancer inflammation index in cancer survivors complicated with cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Glucose Metabolism Disorders ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lung Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yeshen Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yeshen Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Myocytes, Smooth Muscle | Heart Defects, Congenital | Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459071", + "session_name": "Suppression of Fibulin 5 Attenuated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Associated with Congenital Heart Disease via Mitigating Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cell Dysfunction,Improved prognosis prediction of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension using targeted plasma proteomics in disease management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yicheng Yang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Suppression of Fibulin 5 Attenuated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Associated with Congenital Heart Disease via Mitigating Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cell Dysfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Improved prognosis prediction of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension using targeted plasma proteomics in disease management", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Myocytes, Smooth Muscle ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital | Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yicheng Yang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yicheng Yang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Angiography | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457122", + "session_name": "Prognostic implication of computational angiography-derived fractional flow reserve in patients with non-obstructive coronary artery disease,Complete revascularisation versus culprit lesion only PCI in patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction and multivessel disease.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yik Ming Hung", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Queen Mary Hospital", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic implication of computational angiography-derived fractional flow reserve in patients with non-obstructive coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Complete revascularisation versus culprit lesion only PCI in patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction and multivessel disease.", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiography | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yik Ming Hung ", + "kol_full_name": "Yik Ming Hung " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "RNA, Long Noncoding | Osteoblasts | Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458796", + "session_name": "LncRNA MEG3 promotes aortic valve calcification by inducing osteoblast differentiation via Wnt catenin signaling pathway,Impact of pre-operative left ventricular ejection fraction on long-term clinical outcome in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: a retrospective cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuejiao Yang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "LncRNA MEG3 promotes aortic valve calcification by inducing osteoblast differentiation via Wnt catenin signaling pathway", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of pre-operative left ventricular ejection fraction on long-term clinical outcome in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: a retrospective cohort study", + "events_topic": "RNA, Long Noncoding | Osteoblasts ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuejiao Yang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuejiao Yang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Depression | Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457874", + "session_name": "Association of long-term exposure to ozone with cardiovascular mortality and its metabolic mediators: evidence from a nationwide, population-based, prospective cohort study,Association between depressive symptoms and incident cardiovascular diseases in Chinese individuals with prediabetes or diabetes: results from a national survey", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zenglei Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of long-term exposure to ozone with cardiovascular mortality and its metabolic mediators: evidence from a nationwide", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " population-based, prospective cohort study,Association between depressive symptoms and incident cardiovascular diseases in Chinese individuals with prediabetes or diabetes: results from a national survey", + "events_topic": "Depression | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Zenglei Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Zenglei Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vitamin K Deficiency | Thrombosis | Heart Arrest | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458392", + "session_name": "Comparative analysis of vitamin K antagonists and direct oral anticoagulants for left ventricular thrombus management: a retrospective study utilising TriNetX,Comparison of direct and indirect admission to a cardiac arrest centre for intubated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients in the Northwest England: an audit", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zhihong Yao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative analysis of vitamin K antagonists and direct oral anticoagulants for left ventricular thrombus management: a retrospective study utilising TriNetX", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of direct and indirect admission to a cardiac arrest centre for intubated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients in the Northwest England: an audit", + "events_topic": "Vitamin K Deficiency | Thrombosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest | Anticoagulants", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Zhihong Yao ", + "kol_full_name": "Zhihong Yao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Comorbidity | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457721", + "session_name": "Comorbidities and risk of death in atrial fibrillation: a nationwide cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aapo Aro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comorbidities and risk of death in atrial fibrillation: a nationwide cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Comorbidity | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aapo Aro ", + "kol_full_name": "Aapo Aro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458365", + "session_name": "Single centre experience using vessel Fractional Flow Reserve (vFFR) and diagnostic performance compared with invasive Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aaron Duncan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Single centre experience using vessel Fractional Flow Reserve (vFFR) and diagnostic performance compared with invasive Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aaron Duncan ", + "kol_full_name": "Aaron Duncan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fibroblasts | Filamins | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457448", + "session_name": "Dysfunctional atrial fibroblast processing of filamin A in atrial fibrillation.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aaron Johnston", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dysfunctional atrial fibroblast processing of filamin A in atrial fibrillation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fibroblasts | Filamins ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aaron Johnston ", + "kol_full_name": "Aaron Johnston " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antibodies, Monoclonal | Factor XI", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459344", + "session_name": "Preclinical characterisation and first-in-human results on the tolerability and pharmacodynamic effect of REGN9933, a monoclonal antibody targeting the factor XI/activated factor XI apple 2 domain", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aaron Kithcart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Preclinical characterisation and first-in-human results on the tolerability and pharmacodynamic effect of REGN9933", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " a monoclonal antibody targeting the factor XI/activated factor XI apple 2 domain", + "events_topic": "Antibodies, Monoclonal | Factor XI", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aaron Kithcart ", + "kol_full_name": "Aaron Kithcart " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459949", + "session_name": "The impact of a dedicated heart failure clinic on patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abdallah Almaghraby", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ibrahim bin Hamad Obaidallah Hospital", + "Country": "United Arab Emirates", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of a dedicated heart failure clinic on patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Abdallah Almaghraby ", + "kol_full_name": "Abdallah Almaghraby " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug-Eluting Stents | Angioplasty, Balloon | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458487", + "session_name": "Provisional stenting : drug-coated versus uncoated balloon for side branch in coronary bifurcation lesions: randomized study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abdelouahad Meftah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Central Hospital of the Army", + "Country": "Algeria", + "Region": "Alger", + "City": "Algiers", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Provisional stenting : drug-coated versus uncoated balloon for side branch in coronary bifurcation lesions: randomized study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug-Eluting Stents | Angioplasty, Balloon ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Abdelouahad Meftah ", + "kol_full_name": "Abdelouahad Meftah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456850", + "session_name": "Prognosis after acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abdulla Shehab", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "United Arab Emirates University", + "Country": "United Arab Emirates", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognosis after acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Abdulla Shehab ", + "kol_full_name": "Abdulla Shehab " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Malnutrition | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457279", + "session_name": "The role of malnutrition and dependence on outside help in hospitalized elderly patients with decompensated heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abdullah Hasan Mohammed Al-Autairi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of malnutrition and dependence on outside help in hospitalized elderly patients with decompensated heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Malnutrition | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Abdullah Hasan Mohammed Al-Autairi ", + "kol_full_name": "Abdullah Hasan Mohammed Al-Autairi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Iron Deficiencies | Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458031", + "session_name": "Impact of various iron deficiency definitions on mortality risk in chronic heart failure across the spectrum of left ventricular ejection fraction spectrum.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abdullahi Ahmed Mohamed", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of various iron deficiency definitions on mortality risk in chronic heart failure across the spectrum of left ventricular ejection fraction spectrum.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Iron Deficiencies | Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Abdullahi Ahmed Mohamed ", + "kol_full_name": "Abdullahi Ahmed Mohamed " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Inhibition, Psychological | Angiotensinogen", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458082", + "session_name": "Injectable angiotensinogen inhibition therapy for hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abhishek Yadav", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Injectable angiotensinogen inhibition therapy for hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Inhibition, Psychological ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiotensinogen", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ada Paredes ", + "kol_full_name": "Ada Paredes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Deep Learning", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460566", + "session_name": "The importance of heart rate on left ventricular global longitudinal strain in echocardiography: novel insights facilitated by automated deep learning methods", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ada Woelfert", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The importance of heart rate on left ventricular global longitudinal strain in echocardiography: novel insights facilitated by automated deep learning methods", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Deep Learning", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adam Rafaj ", + "kol_full_name": "Adam Rafaj " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Pulmonary Veins | Ablation Techniques | Cryosurgery", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459284", + "session_name": "Impact of altered pulmonary vein anatomy on long-term outcomes after cryoablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adil Baimbetov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Syzganovs National Scientific Center of Surgery", + "Country": "Kazakhstan", + "Region": "Almaty", + "City": "Almaty", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of altered pulmonary vein anatomy on long-term outcomes after cryoablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Pulmonary Veins ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Cryosurgery", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adil Baimbetov ", + "kol_full_name": "Adil Baimbetov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitochondrial Dynamics | Doxorubicin | Ivabradine | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459171", + "session_name": "Ivabradine prevents doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity via attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrial dynamic imbalance in H9C2 cells and rats", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adivitch Sripusanapan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chiang Mai University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Chiang Mai", + "City": "Chiang Mai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ivabradine prevents doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity via attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrial dynamic imbalance in H9C2 cells and rats", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitochondrial Dynamics | Doxorubicin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ivabradine | Cardiotoxicity", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adivitch Sripusanapan ", + "kol_full_name": "Adivitch Sripusanapan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Music Therapy | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458454", + "session_name": "Could piano music therapy alleviate high sinus rhythm in subjects with controlled hypertension?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adrian Tase", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency County Hospital Pitesti Arges", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Arges", + "City": "Pitesti", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Could piano music therapy alleviate high sinus rhythm in subjects with controlled hypertension?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Music Therapy | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adrian Tase ", + "kol_full_name": "Adrian Tase " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Postpartum Period | Premature Birth | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458641", + "session_name": "Seeing behind the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in a postpartum woman with premature birth", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adrian-Laurentiu Breazu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Seeing behind the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in a postpartum woman with premature birth", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Postpartum Period | Premature Birth ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Adrian-Laurentiu Breazu ", + "kol_full_name": "Adrian-Laurentiu Breazu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Self Care | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460875", + "session_name": "Association between self-care behaviour and multiple frailty domains in older patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aeri Matsui", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between self-care behaviour and multiple frailty domains in older patients with heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Self Care | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aeri Matsui ", + "kol_full_name": "Aeri Matsui " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Colchicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461075", + "session_name": "Colchicine for secondary prevention of stroke and other cardiovascular events: a meta-analysis of randomised trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aernoud Fiolet", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Center Utrecht", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Utrecht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Colchicine for secondary prevention of stroke and other cardiovascular events: a meta-analysis of randomised trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Colchicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aernoud Fiolet ", + "kol_full_name": "Aernoud Fiolet " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460390", + "session_name": "Machine-learning based calculator for personalized risk following ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Afek Kodesh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Montefiore Medical Center,", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine-learning based calculator for personalized risk following ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Afek Kodesh ", + "kol_full_name": "Afek Kodesh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemic Stroke | Heart Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460397", + "session_name": "Diagnosis of a cardiac tumour in a young female patient who had a history of breast cancer and presented with multiple ischemic strokes and motor weakness", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmad Abulshamat", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Jordan", + "Country": "Jordan", + "Region": "'Amman", + "City": "Amman", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnosis of a cardiac tumour in a young female patient who had a history of breast cancer and presented with multiple ischemic strokes and motor weakness", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ischemic Stroke | Heart Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmad Abulshamat ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmad Abulshamat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "CardioMEMS Device | Kidney Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457705", + "session_name": "Impact of advanced kidney disease on in-hospital outcomes of cardiomems device insertion - insights from a nationally representative cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmad Harb", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Northwestern Medicine McHenry Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "McHenry", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of advanced kidney disease on in-hospital outcomes of cardiomems device insertion - insights from a nationally representative cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "CardioMEMS Device | Kidney Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmad Harb ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmad Harb " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Dapagliflozin | Electrocardiography | Ventricular Arrhythmia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458564", + "session_name": "Impact of dapagliflozin on supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, assessed by Holter ECG, in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmed Abdellah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Suez Canal University", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of dapagliflozin on supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " assessed by Holter ECG, in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Dapagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrocardiography | Ventricular Arrhythmia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmed Abdellah ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmed Abdellah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Arrest | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457723", + "session_name": "A 3-year retrospective exploration of predictors for cardiac arrest in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmed Brgdar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Howard University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "West Virginia", + "City": "Washington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A 3-year retrospective exploration of predictors for cardiac arrest in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Arrest | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmed Brgdar ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmed Brgdar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457402", + "session_name": "A comprehensive evaluation of available evidence of mavacamten in obstructive HCM: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmed Elmorsy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A comprehensive evaluation of available evidence of mavacamten in obstructive HCM: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmed Elsanhoury ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmed Elsanhoury " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457098", + "session_name": "Effect of catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation patients irrespective of their baseline heart failure: An updated meta-analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmed Helmi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation patients irrespective of their baseline heart failure: An updated meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmed Helmi ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmed Helmi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hematoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459606", + "session_name": "Spontaneous left atrial haematoma presented as left atrial mass.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmed Magdy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kobry Al Koba Hospital", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Spontaneous left atrial haematoma presented as left atrial mass.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmed Magdy ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmed Magdy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Dilatation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458872", + "session_name": "Development of machine learning models for prediction of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with isolated left ventricular dilation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmed Saleh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Alabama", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Alabama", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development of machine learning models for prediction of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with isolated left ventricular dilation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Dilatation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmed Saleh ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmed Saleh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459281", + "session_name": "ORACL score: a simple scoring system for the late atrial tachyarrhythmia recurrence prediction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmet Serdar Yilmaz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kahta State Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Aydin", + "City": "Aydin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ORACL score: a simple scoring system for the late atrial tachyarrhythmia recurrence prediction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmet Serdar Yilmaz ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmet Serdar Yilmaz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endothelial PAS Domain-containing Protein 1 | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459074", + "session_name": "EPAS-1 as a potential D-dimer alternative in pulmonary embolism evaluation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmet Taha Sahin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Beyhekim State Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Nigde", + "City": "Konya", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "EPAS-1 as a potential D-dimer alternative in pulmonary embolism evaluation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endothelial PAS Domain-containing Protein 1 | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmet Taha Sahin ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmet Taha Sahin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Flow Reserve | Microvascular Resistance", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460148", + "session_name": "The interplay between coronary microvascular resistance, arterial reservoir function and coronary flow reserve: unravelling the significance of high microvascular resistance", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmet Tas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Istanbul University (1453)", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The interplay between coronary microvascular resistance", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " arterial reservoir function and coronary flow reserve: unravelling the significance of high microvascular resistance", + "events_topic": "Coronary Flow Reserve | Microvascular Resistance", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ahmet Tas ", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmet Tas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457117", + "session_name": "Implementation of digital patient decision support tools for Atrial Fibrillation treatment: systematic review", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aileen Zeng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implementation of digital patient decision support tools for Atrial Fibrillation treatment: systematic review", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aileen Zeng ", + "kol_full_name": "Aileen Zeng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459588", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular mortality rate between 2018 and 2022 in Kyrgyz Republic", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aisanam Abdurasulova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ala-Too International University", + "Country": "Kyrgyzstan", + "Region": "Bishkek", + "City": "Bishkek", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular mortality rate between 2018 and 2022 in Kyrgyz Republic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aisanam Abdurasulova ", + "kol_full_name": "Aisanam Abdurasulova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardioprotection | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457262", + "session_name": "ND-13 preserves mitochondrial integrity via the RhoA/ROCK1/Drp1-S616 pathway providing acute cardioprotection in myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aishwarya Prakash", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ND-13 preserves mitochondrial integrity via the RhoA/ROCK1/Drp1-S616 pathway providing acute cardioprotection in myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardioprotection | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aishwarya Prakash ", + "kol_full_name": "Aishwarya Prakash " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug-coated Balloon | Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459935", + "session_name": "Changes of angiography-derived coronary microcirculatory resistance before and after drug-coated balloon treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Akihiro Tobe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changes of angiography-derived coronary microcirculatory resistance before and after drug-coated balloon treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug-coated Balloon | Angiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Akihiro Tobe ", + "kol_full_name": "Akihiro Tobe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonography, Interventional | Tomography, Optical Coherence | Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456833", + "session_name": "Beyond angiography: coronary applications of intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Akiko Maehara", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Columbia University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beyond angiography: coronary applications of intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography, Interventional | Tomography, Optical Coherence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Akiko Maehara ", + "kol_full_name": "Akiko Maehara " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459203", + "session_name": "Remote monitoring of patients with chronic heart failure class II-III (NYHA) using the mobile application 'M-cardio' in residents of Kyrgyzstan", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Akmaral Rustambekova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Center of Cardiology and Internal Medicine named after acad. M.Mirrakhimov", + "Country": "Kyrgyzstan", + "Region": "Bishkek", + "City": "Bishkek", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Remote monitoring of patients with chronic heart failure class II-III (NYHA) using the mobile application 'M-cardio' in residents of Kyrgyzstan", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Akmaral Rustambekova ", + "kol_full_name": "Akmaral Rustambekova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458228", + "session_name": "Would cardiac computed tomography make me more likely to take a statin? - patient perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Akos Gabor Gesztes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Would cardiac computed tomography make me more likely to take a statin? - patient perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Akos Gabor Gesztes ", + "kol_full_name": "Akos Gabor Gesztes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Ventricular Assist Device | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457871", + "session_name": "Outcomes of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators in patients with a left ventricular assist device: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alaa Rahhal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "HMC Heart Hospital", + "Country": "Qatar", + "Region": "Ad Dawhah", + "City": "Doha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators in patients with a left ventricular assist device: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Ventricular Assist Device | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alaa Rahhal ", + "kol_full_name": "Alaa Rahhal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Arrest | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456432", + "session_name": "Arrhythmias and acute coronary syndromes: focus on atrial fibrillation and cardiac arrest", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alan Fong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sarawak Heart Center", + "Country": "Malaysia", + "Region": "Sarawak", + "City": "Kuching", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arrhythmias and acute coronary syndromes: focus on atrial fibrillation and cardiac arrest", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alan Fong ", + "kol_full_name": "Alan Fong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460153", + "session_name": "A novel cardiovascular diseases risk prediction model using fundus and health data", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alauddin Bhuiyan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel cardiovascular diseases risk prediction model using fundus and health data", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alauddin Bhuiyan ", + "kol_full_name": "Alauddin Bhuiyan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Liver Diseases | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456782", + "session_name": "Liver metabolism and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alberto Juan Lorenzatti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "DAMIC Medical Institute", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Cordoba", + "City": "Cordoba", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Liver metabolism and heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Liver Diseases | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alberto Juan Lorenzatti ", + "kol_full_name": "Alberto Juan Lorenzatti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Triglycerides", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461032", + "session_name": "Understanding the role of triglycerides in the assessment of residual risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alberto Zambon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Padova University Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Veneto", + "City": "Padova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Understanding the role of triglycerides in the assessment of residual risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triglycerides", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alden Begic ", + "kol_full_name": "Alden Begic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459760", + "session_name": "Left atrial strain is associated with cardiovascular outcomes in children with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alejandra Iturralde Chavez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial strain is associated with cardiovascular outcomes in children with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alejandra Iturralde Chavez ", + "kol_full_name": "Alejandra Iturralde Chavez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Smoking | Epitranscriptomics | Coronary Artery Calcification", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457343", + "session_name": "Smoking increases frequency of the recoding A-to-I epitranscriptomic editing events in whole blood RNA of subjects with severe coronary artery calcification", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alejandro La Greca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smoking increases frequency of the recoding A-to-I epitranscriptomic editing events in whole blood RNA of subjects with severe coronary artery calcification", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Smoking | Epitranscriptomics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Calcification", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alejandro La Greca ", + "kol_full_name": "Alejandro La Greca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461068", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aleksander Jakub Misiewicz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Central Clinic Hospital in Lodz", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Lodzkie", + "City": "Lodz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aleksander Jakub Misiewicz ", + "kol_full_name": "Aleksander Jakub Misiewicz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoproteins | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459885", + "session_name": "Association of the lipoprotein(a) gene (LPA) p.Ile4399Met variant with lipoprotein(a) level and cardiovascular events in patients following coronary artery bypass grafting under 65 years of age", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aleksandra Golab", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of the lipoprotein(a) gene (LPA) p.Ile4399Met variant with lipoprotein(a) level and cardiovascular events in patients following coronary artery bypass grafting under 65 years of age", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipoproteins | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aleksandra Golab ", + "kol_full_name": "Aleksandra Golab " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Incidental Findings | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Brugada Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459914", + "session_name": "Brugada like-pattern in patient with ACS and aritmic storm: incidental finding or Brugada syndrome?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alessandro Guareschi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Brugada like-pattern in patient with ACS and aritmic storm: incidental finding or Brugada syndrome?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Incidental Findings | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Brugada Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alessandro Guareschi ", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandro Guareschi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Healthcare-Acquired Infections | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457900", + "session_name": "Increased frailty is associated with risk of hospital-acquired infections and death during heart failure hospital admissions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alessandro Maggi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Increased frailty is associated with risk of hospital-acquired infections and death during heart failure hospital admissions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Healthcare-Acquired Infections | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alessandro Maggi ", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandro Maggi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "RNA, Long Noncoding", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457340", + "session_name": "Long non-coding RNA PANDA promotes endothelial senescence and oxidative damage through the interaction with NRF2", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alessia Mongelli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long non-coding RNA PANDA promotes endothelial senescence and oxidative damage through the interaction with NRF2", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "RNA, Long Noncoding", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alessia Mongelli ", + "kol_full_name": "Alessia Mongelli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459725", + "session_name": "ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) in patients with high thrombus burden: Turkey high volume centre perspective - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alev Kilicgedik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kartal Kosuyolu Heart and Research Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) in patients with high thrombus burden: Turkey high volume centre perspective - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alev Kilicgedik ", + "kol_full_name": "Alev Kilicgedik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459610", + "session_name": "A study to assess the ability of the HFA-ICOS risk stratification tool to predict cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction for patients receiving anthracycline chemotherapy.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alex Byrne", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A study to assess the ability of the HFA-ICOS risk stratification tool to predict cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction for patients receiving anthracycline chemotherapy.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alex Byrne ", + "kol_full_name": "Alex Byrne " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Echocardiography | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460560", + "session_name": "Speeding up echocardiographic examination by automated generation of 2D imaging views from 3D volumetric data using machine learning", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alex Pui-Wai Lee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Chinese University Of Hong Kong", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Speeding up echocardiographic examination by automated generation of 2D imaging views from 3D volumetric data using machine learning", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alex Pui-Wai Lee ", + "kol_full_name": "Alex Pui-Wai Lee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457167", + "session_name": "Evolving atrial fibrillation (AF) care in New Zealand (NZ): a nurse specialist-led clinic aiming to improve standardisation, equity, cost-effectiveness, and lifestyle modification in AF management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexander Hosking", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Waikato District Hospital", + "Country": "New Zealand", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evolving atrial fibrillation (AF) care in New Zealand (NZ): a nurse specialist-led clinic aiming to improve standardisation", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " equity, cost-effectiveness, and lifestyle modification in AF management", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexander Hosking ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander Hosking " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Body Surface Potential Mapping", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456981", + "session_name": "Virtual body surface mapping - the next step in guidance for physiological pacing?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexander Langanke", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Virtual body surface mapping - the next step in guidance for physiological pacing?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Body Surface Potential Mapping", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexander Langanke ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander Langanke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456453", + "session_name": "Lifestyle management and patient support after acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexander Parkhomenko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Cardiology, Clinical and Regenerative Medicine", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lifestyle management and patient support after acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexander Parkhomenko ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander Parkhomenko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Rare Diseases | Aortic Dissection", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459111", + "session_name": "Acute aortic dissection in a young woman caused by a rare disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Apostu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute aortic dissection in a young woman caused by a rare disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rare Diseases | Aortic Dissection", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Apostu ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Apostu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457550", + "session_name": "Mechanical dyssynchrony and response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in heart failure patients with right ventricular pacing: a pre-specified subgroup analysis of the BUDAPEST CRT Upgrade trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Fabian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mechanical dyssynchrony and response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in heart failure patients with right ventricular pacing: a pre-specified subgroup analysis of the BUDAPEST CRT Upgrade trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Fabian ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Fabian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Telemonitoring | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456286", + "session_name": "Telemonitoring and multidisciplinary care in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Sousa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Entre Douro e Vouga Hospital Centre", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Telemonitoring and multidisciplinary care in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Telemonitoring | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Sousa ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Sousa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457793", + "session_name": "Indication for revascularisation in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandre Abizaid", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto do Coracao FMUSP", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Indication for revascularisation in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandre Abizaid ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandre Abizaid " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Syncope | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459749", + "session_name": "Diagnostic yield of actionable arrhythmias in patients referred with syncope and collapse using ePatch extended holter", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandria Dunn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnostic yield of actionable arrhythmias in patients referred with syncope and collapse using ePatch extended holter", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Syncope | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandria Dunn ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandria Dunn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Atrial Appendage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459961", + "session_name": "Outcomes, trends and predictors of 30-day readmission following left atrial appendage occlusion in cancer patients: insights from national readmission database", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandros Briasoulis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " trends and predictors of 30-day readmission following left atrial appendage occlusion in cancer patients: insights from national readmission database", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Atrial Appendage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandros Briasoulis ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandros Briasoulis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Renal Denervation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458433", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who? - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandros Kasiakogias", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration University Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on renal denervation in hypertension management - when? how? and who? - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Renal Denervation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandros Kasiakogias ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandros Kasiakogias " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457690", + "session_name": "The implementation of speckle tracking echocardiography for cardiac resynchronization therapy optimization. A rotational myocardial mechanics interpretation.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandros Stefanidis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Nikea General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The implementation of speckle tracking echocardiography for cardiac resynchronization therapy optimization. A rotational myocardial mechanics interpretation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandros Stefanidis ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandros Stefanidis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Non ST-elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460026", + "session_name": "Comparative characteristics and invasive management in patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes in two high-volume hospitals from Romania and Germany", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandru George Cotoban", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative characteristics and invasive management in patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes in two high-volume hospitals from Romania and Germany", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Non ST-elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandru George Cotoban ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandru George Cotoban " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459832", + "session_name": "Relationship between obesity and hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy: the role of sex", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexios Antonopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationship between obesity and hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy: the role of sex", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexios Antonopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexios Antonopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pharmaceutical Preparations | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458630", + "session_name": "It takes a village – importance of endocarditis teams in patients who inject drugs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexis Coulis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Temple University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "It takes a village – importance of endocarditis teams in patients who inject drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pharmaceutical Preparations | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexis Coulis ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexis Coulis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456891", + "session_name": "Tips, tricks, techniques, and technologies in radial angiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alfaro Marchena Noriega", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tips", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " tricks, techniques, and technologies in radial angiography", + "events_topic": "Angiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alfaro Marchena Noriega ", + "kol_full_name": "Alfaro Marchena Noriega " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457069", + "session_name": "Equity and representation in cardiology research: a comprehensive analysis of authorship from low and low-middle income countries in leading cardiology journals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alfonso Martinez De Majo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Central University of Venezuela (UCV)", + "Country": "Venezuela", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Caracas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Equity and representation in cardiology research: a comprehensive analysis of authorship from low and low-middle income countries in leading cardiology journals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alfonso Martinez De Majo ", + "kol_full_name": "Alfonso Martinez De Majo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456678", + "session_name": "Management of complex patients in Lebanon and Czech Republic", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ali El sayed", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "AlZahraa hospital University Medical Center", + "Country": "Lebanon", + "Region": "Beyrouth", + "City": "Beirut", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of complex patients in Lebanon and Czech Republic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ali El sayed ", + "kol_full_name": "Ali El sayed " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripheral Arterial Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456521", + "session_name": "Peripheral artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ali Nazmi Calik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Dr. Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Center", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peripheral artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peripheral Arterial Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ali Nazmi Calik ", + "kol_full_name": "Ali Nazmi Calik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Pregnancy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460897", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on cardiovascular problems in pregnancy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alice M. Jackson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Glasgow", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Glasgow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Registries", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " observational, and other studies on cardiovascular problems in pregnancy", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Pregnancy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alice M. Jackson ", + "kol_full_name": "Alice M. Jackson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive | Ventricular Outflow Obstruction, Right | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457816", + "session_name": "Right ventricular outflow tract arrhythmias in patients with obstructive sleep apnea- electrophysiological insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alina Gabriela Negru", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Victor Babes", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Timis", + "City": "Timisoara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right ventricular outflow tract arrhythmias in patients with obstructive sleep apnea- electrophysiological insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive | Ventricular Outflow Obstruction, Right ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alina Gabriela Negru ", + "kol_full_name": "Alina Gabriela Negru " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460095", + "session_name": "Thrombotic odyssey: navigating the challenges in a complex medical case", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alina-Petruta Stoica", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Thrombotic odyssey: navigating the challenges in a complex medical case", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alina-Petruta Stoica ", + "kol_full_name": "Alina-Petruta Stoica " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "COVID-19", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459381", + "session_name": "Epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical, evolutionary, and therapeutic aspects of hypertensive patients infected by COVID-19: about 702 patients in our city", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aliou Alassane Ngaide", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Cheikh Anta DIOP of Dakar", + "Country": "Senegal", + "Region": "Kaolack", + "City": "Dakar", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epidemiological", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " clinical, paraclinical, evolutionary, and therapeutic aspects of hypertensive patients infected by COVID-19: about 702 patients in our city", + "events_topic": "COVID-19", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aliou Alassane Ngaide ", + "kol_full_name": "Aliou Alassane Ngaide " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Endocarditis | Kidney Failure, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458276", + "session_name": "In-hospital mortality and major adverse cardiovascular events of endocarditis among 46,185 patients with end stage renal disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Allen McNamara", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brookdale University Hospital & Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Brooklyn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "In-hospital mortality and major adverse cardiovascular events of endocarditis among 46", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "185 patients with end stage renal disease", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Endocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Kidney Failure, Chronic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Allen McNamara ", + "kol_full_name": "Allen McNamara " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460660", + "session_name": "Prognostic impact of lean diabetes mellitus on aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aloysius Leow", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic impact of lean diabetes mellitus on aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aloysius Leow ", + "kol_full_name": "Aloysius Leow " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Univentricular Heart", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459478", + "session_name": "A case of partially palliated univentricular heart in a young adult: Is it too late to fix a broken heart?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alyssa Maxine Santos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St Lukes Medical Center Quezon City", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Quezon City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A case of partially palliated univentricular heart in a young adult: Is it too late to fix a broken heart?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Univentricular Heart", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alyssa Maxine Santos ", + "kol_full_name": "Alyssa Maxine Santos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456748", + "session_name": "Frontiers in acute coronary syndromes: diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amada Alvarez-Sangabriel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Frontiers in acute coronary syndromes: diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " prognosis, and intervention", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amada Alvarez-Sangabriel ", + "kol_full_name": "Amada Alvarez-Sangabriel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456068", + "session_name": "Comorbidities in heart failure: new insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amam Chinyere Mbakwem", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "College of Medicine University of Lagos", + "Country": "Nigeria", + "Region": "Lagos", + "City": "Lagos", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comorbidities in heart failure: new insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amam Chinyere Mbakwem ", + "kol_full_name": "Amam Chinyere Mbakwem " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460788", + "session_name": "Type 2 diabetes individuals have a shorter QRS duration, prolonged QTc interval, flatter T wave, and reduced left ventricular cycle volumes compared to matched controls in the UK Biobank", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ambre Bertrand", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Type 2 diabetes individuals have a shorter QRS duration", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " prolonged QTc interval, flatter T wave, and reduced left ventricular cycle volumes compared to matched controls in the UK Biobank", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ambre Bertrand ", + "kol_full_name": "Ambre Bertrand " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457389", + "session_name": "Trends in cardiovascular-related hospitalizations, costs, and procedures from the national inpatient sample, 2016-2020", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amier Haidar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "UCLA Medical Centre Cardiology", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trends in cardiovascular-related hospitalizations", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " costs, and procedures from the national inpatient sample, 2016-2020", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amier Haidar ", + "kol_full_name": "Amier Haidar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458599", + "session_name": "Sex- and race-related differences in the trajectories of non-HDL-C throughout young adulthood and risk of subclinical atherosclerosis in midlife", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amir Abdi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences (RIES)", + "Country": "Iran", + "Region": "Tehran", + "City": "Tehran", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex- and race-related differences in the trajectories of non-HDL-C throughout young adulthood and risk of subclinical atherosclerosis in midlife", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amir Abdi ", + "kol_full_name": "Amir Abdi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diuretics | Heart Failure | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458349", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of ambulatory, weekly, high-intensity intravenous diuretic strategy for congestion-refractory heart failure patients: insights from the DEA-HF prospective randomized clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amit Gruber", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of ambulatory", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " weekly, high-intensity intravenous diuretic strategy for congestion-refractory heart failure patients: insights from the DEA-HF prospective randomized clinical trial", + "events_topic": "Diuretics | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Trial", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amit Gruber ", + "kol_full_name": "Amit Gruber " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Iatrogenic Disease | Angio-Seal Device", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457234", + "session_name": "Successful percutaneous closure of an iatrogenic right ventricular perforation utilizing an angio-seal device.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amr Ashour", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "HMC Heart Hospital", + "Country": "Qatar", + "Region": "Ad Dawhah", + "City": "Doha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Successful percutaneous closure of an iatrogenic right ventricular perforation utilizing an angio-seal device.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Iatrogenic Disease | Angio-Seal Device", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amr Ashour ", + "kol_full_name": "Amr Ashour " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anemia, Iron-Deficiency | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458895", + "session_name": "The efficacy of IV iron in anemic heart failure patients: a systemic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amro Al Qurm", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The efficacy of IV iron in anemic heart failure patients: a systemic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anemia, Iron-Deficiency | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amro Al Qurm ", + "kol_full_name": "Amro Al Qurm " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457246", + "session_name": "Stem cell seeding of decellularised porcine right ventricular outflow tracts to advance repair of congenital heart defects", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amy Harris", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stem cell seeding of decellularised porcine right ventricular outflow tracts to advance repair of congenital heart defects", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amy Harris ", + "kol_full_name": "Amy Harris " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457041", + "session_name": "Clinical overlap between healthy athletes and athletes with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amy Mitchell", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical overlap between healthy athletes and athletes with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Amy Mitchell ", + "kol_full_name": "Amy Mitchell " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458581", + "session_name": "An examination of co-existence of metabolic dysfunction-associated liver disease and chronic kidney disease and its effect on long-term mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "An Yi Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University Health System", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An examination of co-existence of metabolic dysfunction-associated liver disease and chronic kidney disease and its effect on long-term mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
An Yi Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "An Yi Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Tafamidis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458889", + "session_name": "Serial changes of 99mTc- pyrophosphate uptake in patients with hereditary transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy treated with tafamidis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "An-Li Yu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University Hospital Hsinchu Branch", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Serial changes of 99mTc- pyrophosphate uptake in patients with hereditary transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy treated with tafamidis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Tafamidis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
An-Li Yu ", + "kol_full_name": "An-Li Yu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458456", + "session_name": "Same-day discharge after atrial fibrillation ablation: is it equally safe?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Abrantes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Santa Maria University Hospital CHLN Lisbon Academic Medical Centre", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Same-day discharge after atrial fibrillation ablation: is it equally safe?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Cecilia Almeida Valadares ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Cecilia Almeida Valadares " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Function, Left | Excitation Contraction Coupling | Scleroderma, Systemic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458628", + "session_name": "Left atrial volumetric-mechanical coupling index as a marker of subclinical primary heart involvement in systemic sclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Ciobanu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Prof. dr. Theodor Burghele Clinical Hospital", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial volumetric-mechanical coupling index as a marker of subclinical primary heart involvement in systemic sclerosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Function, Left | Excitation Contraction Coupling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Scleroderma, Systemic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Ciobanu ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Ciobanu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "HIV | Heart Disease Risk Factors | Cholesterol", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457467", + "session_name": "HIV and cardiovascular risk: should we use other targets for cholesterol control? Brazilian data compared to major studies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Cristina De Souza Murta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "HIV and cardiovascular risk: should we use other targets for cholesterol control? Brazilian data compared to major studies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "HIV | Heart Disease Risk Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Maria Mihail ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Maria Mihail " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455978", + "session_name": "Tumours in the heart", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Neto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Centre do Tamega e Sousa", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tumours in the heart", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Neto ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Neto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antihypertensives Therapy | Perindopril", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458079", + "session_name": "Adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy with perindopril-based single-pill versus free-pill combinations: a 10-year real-world analysis in Italy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana-Maria Vintila", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy with perindopril-based single-pill versus free-pill combinations: a 10-year real-world analysis in Italy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antihypertensives Therapy | Perindopril", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anastase Innocent Dzudie Tamdja ", + "kol_full_name": "Anastase Innocent Dzudie Tamdja " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456826", + "session_name": "Imaging in mitral regurgitation: what tools do we need?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anastazija Stojsic-Milosavljevic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina", + "Country": "Serbia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging in mitral regurgitation: what tools do we need?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anastazija Stojsic-Milosavljevic ", + "kol_full_name": "Anastazija Stojsic-Milosavljevic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Myocardial Infarction | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460683", + "session_name": "ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction due to spontaneous coronary artery dissection in a young female - diagnostic and therapeutic challenges", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anca-Raluca Luca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction due to spontaneous coronary artery dissection in a young female - diagnostic and therapeutic challenges", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anca-Raluca Luca ", + "kol_full_name": "Anca-Raluca Luca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hydrostatic Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460086", + "session_name": "Initial results of the READY registry: comparison of visual and physiological lesion characterization and the effect of hydrostatic pressure correction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andras Agoston", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Andras Josa General Hospital", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Initial results of the READY registry: comparison of visual and physiological lesion characterization and the effect of hydrostatic pressure correction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hydrostatic Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andras Agoston ", + "kol_full_name": "Andras Agoston " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458277", + "session_name": "Epidemiology and temporal trends of infective endocarditis between 2006 and 2018 at a tertiary referral center", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andras Bence", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epidemiology and temporal trends of infective endocarditis between 2006 and 2018 at a tertiary referral center", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andre Amon ", + "kol_full_name": "Andre Amon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Ventricular Thrombus | Coronary Revascularization | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458684", + "session_name": "Impact of coronary revascularization on clinical outcomes of post-acute myocardial infarction patients with left ventricular thrombus", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andre Seah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of coronary revascularization on clinical outcomes of post-acute myocardial infarction patients with left ventricular thrombus", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Ventricular Thrombus | Coronary Revascularization ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andre Seah ", + "kol_full_name": "Andre Seah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456206", + "session_name": "Hypertension management: drugs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrea Brandao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio de Janeiro", + "City": "Rio de Janeiro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hypertension management: drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrea Brandao ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Brandao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Hyperlipidemias | Pandemics | Dyslipidemias", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457291", + "session_name": "Patient reported outcomes, control of hypertension and dyslipidemia: results of two epidemiological studies in Romania, conducted during pandemia (Snapshot-1) and post-pandemic (Snapshot-2)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrea Ciobanu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient reported outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " control of hypertension and dyslipidemia: results of two epidemiological studies in Romania, conducted during pandemia (Snapshot-1) and post-pandemic (Snapshot-2)", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Hyperlipidemias ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pandemics | Dyslipidemias", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrea Ciobanu ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Ciobanu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457559", + "session_name": "An unusual case of purulent pericarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrea Pandolfi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An unusual case of purulent pericarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrea Pandolfi ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Pandolfi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461069", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrea Virginia Monastyrski", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Vall d'Hebron Research Institute VHIR)", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrea Virginia Monastyrski ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Virginia Monastyrski " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460931", + "session_name": "Overcoming the \"DanGer\" of cardiogenic shock: treatment strategies with percutaneous mechanical circulatory support", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreas Goetzenich", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Aachen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Overcoming the \"DanGer\" of cardiogenic shock: treatment strategies with percutaneous mechanical circulatory support", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreas Goetzenich ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreas Goetzenich " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Function, Left | Prediabetic State | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458097", + "session_name": "The underestimated risk of prediabetes on cardiovascular outcomes in heart failure with reduced left ventricular function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreas Hammer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The underestimated risk of prediabetes on cardiovascular outcomes in heart failure with reduced left ventricular function", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Function, Left | Prediabetic State ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreas Hammer ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreas Hammer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Death, Sudden | Myocardial Fibrosis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458492", + "session_name": "Sudden death risk assessment in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should include myocardial fibrosis imaging: con", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreas Kammerlander", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital - Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sudden death risk assessment in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should include myocardial fibrosis imaging: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Death, Sudden ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Fibrosis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreas Kammerlander ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreas Kammerlander " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461066", + "session_name": "Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) and hypertension: time to act now", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreas Schnabel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) and hypertension: time to act now", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreas Schnabel ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreas Schnabel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Troponin | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456950", + "session_name": "Troponin and other biomarkers for diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreea Catarina Popescu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Elias Emergency Universitary Hospital", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Troponin and other biomarkers for diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Troponin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreea Catarina Popescu ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreea Catarina Popescu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mediastinal Tumors | Bradycardia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457322", + "session_name": "What do bradycardias hide? A rare mediastinal tumor invading the adjacent structures", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreea Teodorescu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What do bradycardias hide? A rare mediastinal tumor invading the adjacent structures", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mediastinal Tumors | Bradycardia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreea Teodorescu ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreea Teodorescu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Rate, Fetal", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458402", + "session_name": "Low fetal heart rate, a potentially ominous finding", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andreea-Sorina Afana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Emergency County Hospital Craiova", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Dolj", + "City": "Craiova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Low fetal heart rate", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " a potentially ominous finding", + "events_topic": "Heart Rate, Fetal", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andreea-Sorina Afana ", + "kol_full_name": "Andreea-Sorina Afana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459595", + "session_name": "When to go beyond guidelines for VT management ? – A STAR is born", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrei-Alexandru Mircea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "When to go beyond guidelines for VT management ? – A STAR is born", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrei-Alexandru Mircea ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrei-Alexandru Mircea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endothelial Dysfunction | HIV", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459646", + "session_name": "Influence of disturbed blood flow on endothelial function in people living with HIV", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrej Preveden", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina", + "Country": "Serbia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Influence of disturbed blood flow on endothelial function in people living with HIV", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endothelial Dysfunction | HIV", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrej Preveden ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrej Preveden " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458738", + "session_name": "An artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiogram model outperforms the revised cardiac risk index score for predicting major adverse cardiovascular events in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andres Estrada-Magana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiogram model outperforms the revised cardiac risk index score for predicting major adverse cardiovascular events in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Cardiac Surgical Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andres Estrada-Magana ", + "kol_full_name": "Andres Estrada-Magana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Proteomics | Cardiorespiratory Fitness", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460831", + "session_name": "Proteomic analysis of cardiorespiratory fitness for prediction of mortality and multi-system disease risks", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrew Perry", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Proteomic analysis of cardiorespiratory fitness for prediction of mortality and multi-system disease risks", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Proteomics | Cardiorespiratory Fitness", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrew Perry ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew Perry " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458013", + "session_name": "Blood urea monitoring in heart failure patients - an important predictor of mortality.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrew Scott Oswald", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Blood urea monitoring in heart failure patients - an important predictor of mortality.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrew Scott Oswald ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew Scott Oswald " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460938", + "session_name": "ESC TV ‘Kart’iology Tournament", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andries Dippenaar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC TV ‘Kart’iology Tournament", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andries Dippenaar ", + "kol_full_name": "Andries Dippenaar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Surgical Procedures, Operative | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457829", + "session_name": "Sex-associated disparities in surgical and percutaneous management of symptomatic severe aortic stenosis: a retrospective analysis from the National Readmission Database", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrija Matetic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Split", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Splitsko-Dalmatinska", + "City": "Split", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex-associated disparities in surgical and percutaneous management of symptomatic severe aortic stenosis: a retrospective analysis from the National Readmission Database", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Surgical Procedures, Operative | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andrija Matetic ", + "kol_full_name": "Andrija Matetic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460615", + "session_name": "Living with congenital heart disease - patient perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anezka Gombosova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Living with congenital heart disease - patient perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anezka Gombosova ", + "kol_full_name": "Anezka Gombosova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Interactions", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460355", + "session_name": "Adverse cardiovascular outcomes due to potential drug-drug interactions in statin therapy: a population-based study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angel Lai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Chinese University of Hong Kong", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adverse cardiovascular outcomes due to potential drug-drug interactions in statin therapy: a population-based study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Interactions", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angel Lai ", + "kol_full_name": "Angel Lai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Left Ventricular Assist Device | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456377", + "session_name": "Heart transplantation, LVADs and inotropic support in heart failure: challenges and expectations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angeliki Mouzarou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Paphos General Hospital", + "Country": "Cyprus", + "Region": "Paphos", + "City": "Paphos", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " LVADs and inotropic support in heart failure: challenges and expectations", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Left Ventricular Assist Device ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angeliki Mouzarou ", + "kol_full_name": "Angeliki Mouzarou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Postmenopause | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459755", + "session_name": "Atrial cardiomyopathy in postmenopausal female healthcare professionals- a single-center study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angelina Borizanova-Petkova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Tsaritsa Yoanna", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Sofiya", + "City": "Sofia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial cardiomyopathy in postmenopausal female healthcare professionals- a single-center study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Postmenopause | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angelina Borizanova-Petkova ", + "kol_full_name": "Angelina Borizanova-Petkova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Prevention | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457611", + "session_name": "Major adverse cardiovascular event definitions and reporting in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angeline Rui Xi Lai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Major adverse cardiovascular event definitions and reporting in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Prevention | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angeline Rui Xi Lai ", + "kol_full_name": "Angeline Rui Xi Lai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460720", + "session_name": "Patient profiles of filipino women associated with poorer outcomes during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a single-center retrospective study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angeline Uy Lim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Saint Lukes Medical Center Global City", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient profiles of filipino women associated with poorer outcomes during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a single-center retrospective study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angeline Uy Lim ", + "kol_full_name": "Angeline Uy Lim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456308", + "session_name": "TAVI and beyond", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angelos Rigopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mitera Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TAVI and beyond", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Angelos Rigopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Angelos Rigopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460436", + "session_name": "The diagnostic accuracy of aortic valve calcium score in patients with low gradient and high gradient aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aniko Iiona Nagy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The diagnostic accuracy of aortic valve calcium score in patients with low gradient and high gradient aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aniko Iiona Nagy ", + "kol_full_name": "Aniko Iiona Nagy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripartum Period | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458407", + "session_name": "Overcoming the odds: successful management of peripartum EGPA-induced cardiomyopathy through multidisciplinary care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anita Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ascension St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Indiana", + "City": "Indianapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Overcoming the odds: successful management of peripartum EGPA-induced cardiomyopathy through multidisciplinary care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peripartum Period | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anita Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Anita Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457132", + "session_name": "AB-HFPEF score: A new and improved HFpEF prediction tool for the Indian patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anmol Jindal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AB-HFPEF score: A new and improved HFpEF prediction tool for the Indian patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anmol Jindal ", + "kol_full_name": "Anmol Jindal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Proteomics | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459216", + "session_name": "Comparing de novo heart failure and acute decompensated heart failure using a proteomic approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna Dieden", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing de novo heart failure and acute decompensated heart failure using a proteomic approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Proteomics | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna Dieden ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Dieden " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460546", + "session_name": "Predicting progression from coronary artery disease to heart failure in community cohorts", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna Pilbrow", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Otago Christchurch", + "Country": "New Zealand", + "Region": "Canterbury", + "City": "Christchurch", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predicting progression from coronary artery disease to heart failure in community cohorts", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna Pilbrow ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Pilbrow " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Extracellular Vesicles | Myocardial Infarction | Toll-Like Receptor 4 | Arginine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460693", + "session_name": "Malondialdehyde-specific natural IgM inhibit toll-like receptor 4 and peptidyl-arginine deiminase 4-dependent NETosis triggered by coronary extracellular vesicles of myocardial infarction patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna S. Ondracek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Malondialdehyde-specific natural IgM inhibit toll-like receptor 4 and peptidyl-arginine deiminase 4-dependent NETosis triggered by coronary extracellular vesicles of myocardial infarction patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Extracellular Vesicles | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Toll-Like Receptor 4 | Arginine", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna S. Ondracek ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna S. Ondracek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460705", + "session_name": "Symptoms and ASCVD score fail to identify majority of the patients at risk of first myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna Sophie Mueller", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mount Sinai Morningside", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Symptoms and ASCVD score fail to identify majority of the patients at risk of first myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna Sophie Mueller ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Sophie Mueller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456232", + "session_name": "Management of comorbidities and outcomes in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna Vachulova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Slovak National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases", + "Country": "Slovakia", + "Region": "Bratislavsky", + "City": "Bratislava", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of comorbidities and outcomes in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anna Valerianova ", + "kol_full_name": "Anna Valerianova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrioventricular Block | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460059", + "session_name": "Histopathology and prognosis of new-onset atrio-ventricular block after coronary artery bypass graft surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anna-Reetta Toiviainen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Histopathology and prognosis of new-onset atrio-ventricular block after coronary artery bypass graft surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrioventricular Block | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anne Dieuwertje Grosheide ", + "kol_full_name": "Anne Dieuwertje Grosheide " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Risk Management | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458596", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular risk management for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in women after pregnancy - The Heart for Women feasibility study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Annelieke Hermina Josephina Petrus", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular risk management for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in women after pregnancy - The Heart for Women feasibility study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Risk Management ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Annelieke Hermina Josephina Petrus ", + "kol_full_name": "Annelieke Hermina Josephina Petrus " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460974", + "session_name": "Pregnancy in women with prosthetic heart valves: focus on anticoagulation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anneroos van der Zande", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pregnancy in women with prosthetic heart valves: focus on anticoagulation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Anticoagulation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anneroos van der Zande ", + "kol_full_name": "Anneroos van der Zande " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Protocols", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457962", + "session_name": "Incorporating innovations into clinical practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anthony De-Maria", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of California San Diego", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Diego", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incorporating innovations into clinical practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Protocols", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anthony De-Maria ", + "kol_full_name": "Anthony De-Maria " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Body Mass Index", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457290", + "session_name": "Body mass index as a contributor to the accumulation of lipidic plaque materials in statin-treated type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease: sub-analysis from the OPTIMAL randomized study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anthony Salib", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Body mass index as a contributor to the accumulation of lipidic plaque materials in statin-treated type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease: sub-analysis from the OPTIMAL randomized study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Plaque, Atherosclerotic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Body Mass Index", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anthony Salib ", + "kol_full_name": "Anthony Salib " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Atrial Flutter | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460518", + "session_name": "Left atrial parameters predict incident atrial fibrillation and flutter in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anton Stanchev", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial parameters predict incident atrial fibrillation and flutter in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Atrial Flutter ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anton Stanchev ", + "kol_full_name": "Anton Stanchev " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460666", + "session_name": "Which echocardiographic measure of longitudinal function is most informative?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antonio Guilherme Cunha De Almeida", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Which echocardiographic measure of longitudinal function is most informative?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antonio Guilherme Cunha De Almeida ", + "kol_full_name": "Antonio Guilherme Cunha De Almeida " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457792", + "session_name": "Use of artificial intelligence for diagnosis of heart failure: ECG", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antonio Jordan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Use of artificial intelligence for diagnosis of heart failure: ECG", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Antonio Miguel De Oliveira Carvalho dos Santos ", + "kol_full_name": "Antonio Miguel De Oliveira Carvalho dos Santos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455900", + "session_name": "Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Antoniu Octavian Petris", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Iasi", + "City": "Iasi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Astrid Van Nieuwkerk ", + "kol_full_name": "Astrid Van Nieuwkerk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diet, Mediterranean | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458894", + "session_name": "Mediterranean diet overcomes the endogenous testosterone and assists central pulse load, peripheral rheology and erectile physiology in males with chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Athanasios Angelis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ippokrateio General Hospital of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mediterranean diet overcomes the endogenous testosterone and assists central pulse load", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " peripheral rheology and erectile physiology in males with chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Diet, Mediterranean | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Athanasios Angelis ", + "kol_full_name": "Athanasios Angelis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456926", + "session_name": "Complications of cardiac surgery, interventions, and mechanical circulatory support", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Athanasios Kolyviras", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Metropolitan General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complications of cardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " interventions, and mechanical circulatory support", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Athanasios Kolyviras ", + "kol_full_name": "Athanasios Kolyviras " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Deoxyglucose | Marfan Syndrome | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460475", + "session_name": "Evaluation of aortic inflammation in marfan syndrome patients with 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission and computed tomography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Athina Goliopoulou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sotiria Chest Disease Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of aortic inflammation in marfan syndrome patients with 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission and computed tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Deoxyglucose | Marfan Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Athina Goliopoulou ", + "kol_full_name": "Athina Goliopoulou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Neprilysin | Angiotensins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460997", + "session_name": "Early in-hospital initiation of angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition in Japanese patients with acute heart failure: the investigator-initiated multicenter randomized PREMIER study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Atsushi Tanaka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Saga University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Fukuoka", + "City": "Kitakyushu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Early in-hospital initiation of angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition in Japanese patients with acute heart failure: the investigator-initiated multicenter randomized PREMIER study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Neprilysin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiotensins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Atsushi Tanaka ", + "kol_full_name": "Atsushi Tanaka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456756", + "session_name": "Machine-learning approaches for the diagnosis of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Attila Frigy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "George Emil Palade University of Medicine and Pharmacy", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Mures", + "City": "Tirgu Mures", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine-learning approaches for the diagnosis of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Attila Frigy ", + "kol_full_name": "Attila Frigy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Saccular Aneurysm | Takayasu's Arteritis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459338", + "session_name": "Giant saccular aneurysm of the left main coronary artery, an unusual finding in a hispanic woman patient with acute coronary syndrome associated with Takayasu's arteritis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Augusto Pupiales Davila", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Giant saccular aneurysm of the left main coronary artery", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " an unusual finding in a hispanic woman patient with acute coronary syndrome associated with Takayasu's arteritis.", + "events_topic": "Saccular Aneurysm | Takayasu's Arteritis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Augusto Pupiales Davila ", + "kol_full_name": "Augusto Pupiales Davila " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458405", + "session_name": "Joining forces : a complex cardio-obstetric case", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Avinash Radhakrishna", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cork University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Cork", + "City": "Cork", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Joining forces : a complex cardio-obstetric case", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Avinash Radhakrishna ", + "kol_full_name": "Avinash Radhakrishna " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Mutation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458868", + "session_name": "The influence of genetic mutations on multilayer global longitudinal strain values in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopaty", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aybuke Geylan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The influence of genetic mutations on multilayer global longitudinal strain values in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopaty", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Mutation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aybuke Geylan ", + "kol_full_name": "Aybuke Geylan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456198", + "session_name": "Rhythm control in atrial fibrillation: prognostic and therapeutic implications", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aytan Hajili", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baku Health Center", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rhythm control in atrial fibrillation: prognostic and therapeutic implications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Aytan Hajili ", + "kol_full_name": "Aytan Hajili " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL | Inclisiran | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459762", + "session_name": "Inclisiran-containing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction effectively stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Baiba Kokina", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Riga Stradins University", + "Country": "Latvia", + "Region": "Riga", + "City": "RIGA", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inclisiran-containing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction effectively stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL | Inclisiran ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Baiba Kokina ", + "kol_full_name": "Baiba Kokina " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Stiffness | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460155", + "session_name": "Arterial stiffness for predicting major adverse cardiovascular events in post-infarcted patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Balazs Gaszner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute, Medical School, University of Pecs", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Baranya", + "City": "Pecs", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arterial stiffness for predicting major adverse cardiovascular events in post-infarcted patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Stiffness | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Balazs Gaszner ", + "kol_full_name": "Balazs Gaszner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456238", + "session_name": "Before and after heart transplantation: new insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Balazs Sax", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Before and after heart transplantation: new insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Balazs Sax ", + "kol_full_name": "Balazs Sax " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459313", + "session_name": "Different right ventricular mechanics in atrial and ventricular secondary tricuspid regurgitation and their prognostic role. A multicentric three-dimensional echocardiography study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Balint Karoly Lakatos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Different right ventricular mechanics in atrial and ventricular secondary tricuspid regurgitation and their prognostic role. A multicentric three-dimensional echocardiography study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Balint Karoly Lakatos ", + "kol_full_name": "Balint Karoly Lakatos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456877", + "session_name": "From obesity to prediction of outcomes in acute heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bambang Widyantoro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": "Jakarta Raya (Djakarta Raya)", + "City": "Jakarta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From obesity to prediction of outcomes in acute heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bambang Widyantoro ", + "kol_full_name": "Bambang Widyantoro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Remodeling", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458464", + "session_name": "Percutaneous revascularization in late-presenting STEMI with absence of viability: effects on left ventricular remodeling and scar", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Barbara Porto Valente", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Dante Pazzanese De Cardiologia", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Percutaneous revascularization in late-presenting STEMI with absence of viability: effects on left ventricular remodeling and scar", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Remodeling", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Barbara Porto Valente ", + "kol_full_name": "Barbara Porto Valente " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456740", + "session_name": "Chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Barbara Vitola", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Paul Stradins Clinical University Hospital", + "Country": "Latvia", + "Region": "Riga", + "City": "RIGA", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Barbara Vitola ", + "kol_full_name": "Barbara Vitola " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Radiofrequency Ablation | Catheter Ablation | Pulsed-Field Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457986", + "session_name": "Biomarkers in early and late period after radiofrequency and pulsed field catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Barbora Stekla", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "General University Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biomarkers in early and late period after radiofrequency and pulsed field catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Radiofrequency Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Catheter Ablation | Pulsed-Field Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Barbora Stekla ", + "kol_full_name": "Barbora Stekla " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460983", + "session_name": "Discussant review - RAPIDxAI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Barbra Backus", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Franciscus Gasthuis Hospital", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - RAPIDxAI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Barbra Backus ", + "kol_full_name": "Barbra Backus " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459536", + "session_name": "Sex differences in proteomics of cardiovascular disease: results from the Yale-CMD registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Basmah Safdar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Yale School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in proteomics of cardiovascular disease: results from the Yale-CMD registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Basmah Safdar ", + "kol_full_name": "Basmah Safdar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cryptogenic Stroke | Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457667", + "session_name": "Neurologic recurrence after transcatheter PFO closure in patients with cryptogenic stroke", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bea Goessinger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neurologic recurrence after transcatheter PFO closure in patients with cryptogenic stroke", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cryptogenic Stroke | Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bea Goessinger ", + "kol_full_name": "Bea Goessinger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456675", + "session_name": "From valvular heart disease to heart failure: bringing guidelines into personalised patient care - Israeli and Swiss perspectives", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Beatrice Veragut Davies", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From valvular heart disease to heart failure: bringing guidelines into personalised patient care - Israeli and Swiss perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Begum Uygur ", + "kol_full_name": "Begum Uygur " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458071", + "session_name": "Epicardial adipose tissue and subclinical alterations in cardiac structure and function in early adulthood", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Behnoush Gustafsson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Research Centre of Applied and Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epicardial adipose tissue and subclinical alterations in cardiac structure and function in early adulthood", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Behnoush Gustafsson ", + "kol_full_name": "Behnoush Gustafsson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metoprolol | Cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460817", + "session_name": "Evaluating CYP2D6 genotype-based impact on the clinical response to metoprolol", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Belgin Susleyici", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Marmara University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluating CYP2D6 genotype-based impact on the clinical response to metoprolol", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Metoprolol | Cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Belgin Susleyici ", + "kol_full_name": "Belgin Susleyici " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457391", + "session_name": "Association between autonomic dysfunction, 12-year mortality and 10-year incident cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Belinda Hernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Trinity College Dublin", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between autonomic dysfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " 12-year mortality and 10-year incident cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Belinda Hernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Belinda Hernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456234", + "session_name": "Lipid-lowering drugs: new insights", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Belma Pojskic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cantonal Hospital Zenica", + "Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipid-lowering drugs: new insights", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Belma Pojskic ", + "kol_full_name": "Belma Pojskic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antifibrotic Agents | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459442", + "session_name": "Lymphatic-macrophage crosstalk during neonatal mouse heart regeneration and transition to fibrotic repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benjamin Chapman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lymphatic-macrophage crosstalk during neonatal mouse heart regeneration and transition to fibrotic repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antifibrotic Agents | Heart Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin Chapman ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Chapman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460573", + "session_name": "Thrombolysis versus primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with suspected ST-elevation myocardial infarction - a SWEDEHEART observational study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benjamin Isma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Thrombolysis versus primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with suspected ST-elevation myocardial infarction - a SWEDEHEART observational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin Isma ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin Isma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461034", + "session_name": "TIGHT-K - Potassium supplementation and the prevention of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benjamin O'Brien", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TIGHT-K - Potassium supplementation and the prevention of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin O'Brien ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin O'Brien " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Acute Kidney Injury", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460228", + "session_name": "Association of a history of acute kidney injury with major adverse cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benoit Tyl", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of a history of acute kidney injury with major adverse cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Acute Kidney Injury", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benoit Tyl ", + "kol_full_name": "Benoit Tyl " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortopulmonary Septal Defect | Embolization, Therapeutic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460300", + "session_name": "A case of an 18 year old female diagnosed with pentalogy of fallot who underwent surgical repair and embolization of major aortopulmonary collaterals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bernadett Songco", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Philippine Heart Center", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Quezon City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A case of an 18 year old female diagnosed with pentalogy of fallot who underwent surgical repair and embolization of major aortopulmonary collaterals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortopulmonary Septal Defect | Embolization, Therapeutic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bernard Harbieh ", + "kol_full_name": "Bernard Harbieh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456757", + "session_name": "Machine-learning approaches for the diagnosis of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bernard Samia Mugodo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "M P Shah Hospital", + "Country": "Kenya", + "Region": "Nairobi Area", + "City": "Nairobi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine-learning approaches for the diagnosis of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bernard Samia Mugodo ", + "kol_full_name": "Bernard Samia Mugodo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Carotid Artery Stenting", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457147", + "session_name": "Impact of comorbid coronary artery disease on short and medium-term outcomes after carotid artery stenting.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bernardo Lisboa Resende", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Coimbra Hospital and University Center", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Coimbra", + "City": "Coimbra", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of comorbid coronary artery disease on short and medium-term outcomes after carotid artery stenting.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Carotid Artery Stenting", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bernardo Lisboa Resende ", + "kol_full_name": "Bernardo Lisboa Resende " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fractional Flow Reserve | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458364", + "session_name": "Comparative analysis of post-PCI fractional flow reserve and quantitative flow ratio in predicting long-term Target Vessel Failure and hard endpoints", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bettina Csanadi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative analysis of post-PCI fractional flow reserve and quantitative flow ratio in predicting long-term Target Vessel Failure and hard endpoints", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bettina Csanadi ", + "kol_full_name": "Bettina Csanadi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Point-of-Care Systems | Troponin I | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461083", + "session_name": "Machine learning algorithm using point-of-care high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I for rapid rule-out of myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Betuel Toprak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Heart and Vascular Centre Hamburg UHZ)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine learning algorithm using point-of-care high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I for rapid rule-out of myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Point-of-Care Systems | Troponin I ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Betuel Toprak ", + "kol_full_name": "Betuel Toprak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Long QT Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459792", + "session_name": "The usefulness of QT interval measurement as a screening tool for cascade testing in asymptomatic patients at risk of long QT syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bhavesh Lakhwani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Beaumont Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The usefulness of QT interval measurement as a screening tool for cascade testing in asymptomatic patients at risk of long QT syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Long QT Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bhavesh Lakhwani ", + "kol_full_name": "Bhavesh Lakhwani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458003", + "session_name": "Challenging diagnosis of an incidental echocardiographic finding in an asymptomatic patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bianca Adriana Nita", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenging diagnosis of an incidental echocardiographic finding in an asymptomatic patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bianca Adriana Nita ", + "kol_full_name": "Bianca Adriana Nita " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Radial Artery Occlusion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460582", + "session_name": "Incidence and predictors of radial artery occlusion following transradial coronary procedures", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bilal Ammari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Central Hospital of the Army", + "Country": "Algeria", + "Region": "Alger", + "City": "Algiers", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence and predictors of radial artery occlusion following transradial coronary procedures", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Radial Artery Occlusion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bilal Ammari ", + "kol_full_name": "Bilal Ammari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458640", + "session_name": "A case of infiltrative cardiomyopathy: Loeffler Endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bilal Mete Ulker", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Yuksek Ihtisas Hospital of Bursa", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Bursa", + "City": "Bursa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A case of infiltrative cardiomyopathy: Loeffler Endocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bilal Mete Ulker ", + "kol_full_name": "Bilal Mete Ulker " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459421", + "session_name": "A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of combined mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bing Wei Thaddeus Soh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Waterford Regional Hospital (University Hospital waterford)", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Waterford", + "City": "Waterford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of combined mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Mechanical Circulatory Support ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bing Wei Thaddeus Soh ", + "kol_full_name": "Bing Wei Thaddeus Soh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Polymicrobial Sepsis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460280", + "session_name": "Skeletal myocyte-specific knockout of Ptpn1 and Ptpn2 enhances inflammatory response in muscle and increases mortality in polymicrobial sepsis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bjoern Brinschwitz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Skeletal myocyte-specific knockout of Ptpn1 and Ptpn2 enhances inflammatory response in muscle and increases mortality in polymicrobial sepsis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Polymicrobial Sepsis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bjoern Brinschwitz ", + "kol_full_name": "Bjoern Brinschwitz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Frailty | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460781", + "session_name": "Frailty, cognition and patient-reported outcomes in middle-aged and older adults with congenital heart disease: insights from an international multicentric study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bo Daelman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Frailty", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " cognition and patient-reported outcomes in middle-aged and older adults with congenital heart disease: insights from an international multicentric study", + "events_topic": "Frailty | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bo Daelman ", + "kol_full_name": "Bo Daelman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Troponin | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460533", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular comorbidities and risk stratification in normotensive acute pulmonary embolism patients with right ventricular dysfunction and normal cardiac troponin: insights from a regional registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Boris Dzudovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Military Medical Academy of Belgrade", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular comorbidities and risk stratification in normotensive acute pulmonary embolism patients with right ventricular dysfunction and normal cardiac troponin: insights from a regional registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Troponin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Boris Dzudovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Boris Dzudovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456856", + "session_name": "Lipid-lowering therapies: new findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Borut Jug", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Centre of Ljubljana", + "Country": "Slovenia", + "Region": "Ljubljana", + "City": "Ljubljana", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipid-lowering therapies: new findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors | Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Borut Jug ", + "kol_full_name": "Borut Jug " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "FAI-score | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459626", + "session_name": "Redefining cardiovascular risk evaluation: employing the CaRi-Heart validated FAI-score in patients screened with SCORE2 and CAD-RADS 2.0 techniques", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Botond Matyas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency County Hospital of Targu Mures", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Mures", + "City": "Tirgu Mures", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Redefining cardiovascular risk evaluation: employing the CaRi-Heart validated FAI-score in patients screened with SCORE2 and CAD-RADS 2.0 techniques", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "FAI-score | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Botond Matyas ", + "kol_full_name": "Botond Matyas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456779", + "session_name": "Drug therapy for heart failure: what is new?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Brahim Kichou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Teaching Hospital of Tizi-ouzou - Tizi", + "Country": "Algeria", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Drug therapy for heart failure: what is new?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Brahim Kichou ", + "kol_full_name": "Brahim Kichou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device | Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458664", + "session_name": "Comparison of interrupted and uninterrupted anticoagulation strategies for cardiac implantable electronic device insertion: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Brett Chen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Montefiore Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Bronx", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of interrupted and uninterrupted anticoagulation strategies for cardiac implantable electronic device insertion: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device | Anticoagulation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Brett Chen ", + "kol_full_name": "Brett Chen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Rosuvastatin Calcium", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458186", + "session_name": "Efficacy and severity of side-effects of rosuvastatin compared to other statins post-heart-transplantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Britt Van Dijk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy and severity of side-effects of rosuvastatin compared to other statins post-heart-transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Rosuvastatin Calcium", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Britt Van Dijk ", + "kol_full_name": "Britt Van Dijk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460630", + "session_name": "Impact of ultra-high-resolution on cardiac CT assessment of coronary artery stenoses, plaque burden/composition, and pericoronary adipose tissue attenuation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bruna Romanelli Scarpa Matuck", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of ultra-high-resolution on cardiac CT assessment of coronary artery stenoses", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " plaque burden/composition, and pericoronary adipose tissue attenuation", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bruna Romanelli Scarpa Matuck ", + "kol_full_name": "Bruna Romanelli Scarpa Matuck " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Biomarkers | Valsartan | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459160", + "session_name": "A meta-analysis of the effects of sacubitril-valsartan on surrogate markers of systemic right ventricular dysfunction in congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bruno Braganca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "CH Tamega e Sousa - Penafiel", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A meta-analysis of the effects of sacubitril-valsartan on surrogate markers of systemic right ventricular dysfunction in congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Right | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Valsartan | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bruno Braganca ", + "kol_full_name": "Bruno Braganca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456351", + "session_name": "New considerations in acute coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bruno Ferraz De Oliveira Gomes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Barra D'or", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio de Janeiro", + "City": "Rio de Janeiro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New considerations in acute coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bruno Ferraz De Oliveira Gomes ", + "kol_full_name": "Bruno Ferraz De Oliveira Gomes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Glutaraldehyde | Polyphenols", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459364", + "session_name": "Polyphenol-treatment without preceding glutaraldehyde fixation: a potential paradigm change for bioprosthetic heart valves", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bruno Melica", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Center of Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Vila Nova de Gaia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Polyphenol-treatment without preceding glutaraldehyde fixation: a potential paradigm change for bioprosthetic heart valves", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glutaraldehyde | Polyphenols", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bruno Melica ", + "kol_full_name": "Bruno Melica " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456896", + "session_name": "Diversity in cardiovascular care: effective, equitable, and empowering practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bruno Miguel Delgado", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Porto University Hospital", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diversity in cardiovascular care: effective", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " equitable, and empowering practice", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bruno Miguel Delgado ", + "kol_full_name": "Bruno Miguel Delgado " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457557", + "session_name": "The projected global burden of modifiable risk factors on cardiovascular disease from 2025 to 2100", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bryan Chong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ng Teng Fong General Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The projected global burden of modifiable risk factors on cardiovascular disease from 2025 to 2100", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bryan Chong ", + "kol_full_name": "Bryan Chong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456329", + "session_name": "Complexities in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bryan Rene Toledano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Medical City", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Manila", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complexities in coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bryan Rene Toledano ", + "kol_full_name": "Bryan Rene Toledano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Overweight", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458154", + "session_name": "Cardiometabolic outcomes in patients with overweight and obesity undergoing weight loss trials : a network meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bryan Tan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiometabolic outcomes in patients with overweight and obesity undergoing weight loss trials : a network meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Overweight", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bryan Tan ", + "kol_full_name": "Bryan Tan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dapagliflozin | Heart Failure, Diastolic | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458163", + "session_name": "Exploring the long-term effects of dapagliflozin in patients with stable acute myocardial infarction and preserved ejection fraction through a propensity score matching study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bu Yuan Hsiao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Medical University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring the long-term effects of dapagliflozin in patients with stable acute myocardial infarction and preserved ejection fraction through a propensity score matching study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dapagliflozin | Heart Failure, Diastolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Bu Yuan Hsiao ", + "kol_full_name": "Bu Yuan Hsiao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456720", + "session_name": "Arterial hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Buket Akinci", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Biruni University Faculty of Health Sciences", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arterial hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Buket Akinci ", + "kol_full_name": "Buket Akinci " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Carotid Stenosis | Evolocumab | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460919", + "session_name": "Primary Results of SLICE-CEA CardioLink-8: A Randomized Trial of Evolocumab on Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic Plaque Characteristics in People with Asymptomatic High-Risk Carotid Stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "C David Mazer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Michaels Hospital University of Toronto", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Primary Results of SLICE-CEA CardioLink-8: A Randomized Trial of Evolocumab on Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic Plaque Characteristics in People with Asymptomatic High-Risk Carotid Stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carotid Stenosis | Evolocumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
C David Mazer ", + "kol_full_name": "C David Mazer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Scleroderma, Systemic | Endothelial Dysfunction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458627", + "session_name": "Lower modified rodnan skin score values and complement 4 levels are associated with arterial endothelial dysfunction in patients with systemic sclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caglar Emre Caglayan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cukurova University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Adana", + "City": "Adana", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lower modified rodnan skin score values and complement 4 levels are associated with arterial endothelial dysfunction in patients with systemic sclerosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Scleroderma, Systemic | Endothelial Dysfunction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Caglar Emre Caglayan ", + "kol_full_name": "Caglar Emre Caglayan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Elasticity Imaging Techniques | Fabry Disease | Anisotropy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457113", + "session_name": "Shear wave speed, dispersion slope and anisotropy evaluation using cardiac shear wave elastography in patients with Fabry disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caio Cafezeiro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Shear wave speed", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " dispersion slope and anisotropy evaluation using cardiac shear wave elastography in patients with Fabry disease", + "events_topic": "Elasticity Imaging Techniques | Fabry Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anisotropy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Caio Cafezeiro ", + "kol_full_name": "Caio Cafezeiro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460062", + "session_name": "Outcomes in patients with light chain cardiac amyloidosis undergoing heart transplantation: a single centre UK study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caitlin Thornton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes in patients with light chain cardiac amyloidosis undergoing heart transplantation: a single centre UK study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Heart Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Caitlin Thornton ", + "kol_full_name": "Caitlin Thornton " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Health | Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459305", + "session_name": "Patient's perspective on digital tools: what's in it for me?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caius Ovidiu Mersa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient's perspective on digital tools: what's in it for me?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Digital Health | Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Caius Ovidiu Mersa ", + "kol_full_name": "Caius Ovidiu Mersa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardium | Valsartan | Sacubitril | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460941", + "session_name": "Sacubitril/valsartan compared to valsartan in regressing myocardial fibrosis in stage B heart failure: the REVERSE-LVH Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Calvin Chin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Centre Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sacubitril/valsartan compared to valsartan in regressing myocardial fibrosis in stage B heart failure: the REVERSE-LVH Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardium | Valsartan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sacubitril | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Calvin Chin ", + "kol_full_name": "Calvin Chin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459184", + "session_name": "Temporal and geogrpahic trends in female representation within European cardiovascular imaging among 13,436 individuals associated with EACVI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Camilla Santos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal and geogrpahic trends in female representation within European cardiovascular imaging among 13", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "436 individuals associated with EACVI", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Camilla Santos ", + "kol_full_name": "Camilla Santos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Rupture | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459801", + "session_name": "Left ventricular free wall rupture after myocardial infarction: transcatheter closure as a valuable option, about two cases.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Camille Belafia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left ventricular free wall rupture after myocardial infarction: transcatheter closure as a valuable option", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " about two cases.", + "events_topic": "Heart Rupture | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Camille Belafia ", + "kol_full_name": "Camille Belafia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458843", + "session_name": "Valvular leaflets and epicardial fat have a significant effect on lesion size in RF ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Camille Colling", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Valvular leaflets and epicardial fat have a significant effect on lesion size in RF ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases | Ablation Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Camille Colling ", + "kol_full_name": "Camille Colling " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460625", + "session_name": "Impact of high intensity and long duration exercise in genetic arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Camille Jean", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of high intensity and long duration exercise in genetic arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Camille Jean ", + "kol_full_name": "Camille Jean " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Phenotyping | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456545", + "session_name": "Diagnosis of heart failure: towards better phenotyping", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Candida Fonseca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Sao Francisco Xavier", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnosis of heart failure: towards better phenotyping", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Phenotyping | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Candida Fonseca ", + "kol_full_name": "Candida Fonseca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460896", + "session_name": "ESC TV Conversations: recent developments in heart failure management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Aguiar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Santa Cruz", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC TV Conversations: recent developments in heart failure management", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Aguiar ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Aguiar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fluoroscopy | Tachycardia | Ablation Techniques | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458238", + "session_name": "Ablation of tachyarrhythmias with zero fluoroscopy technique in patients under 18 years of age. 4-year follow-up", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Alejandro Chavez Gutierrez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS)", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Jalisco", + "City": "Guadalajara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ablation of tachyarrhythmias with zero fluoroscopy technique in patients under 18 years of age. 4-year follow-up", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fluoroscopy | Tachycardia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Alejandro Chavez Gutierrez ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Alejandro Chavez Gutierrez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458903", + "session_name": "Importance of cardiac rehabilitation on cardiorrespiratory fitness in patients undergoing percutaneous aortic valve replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Arturo Palomeque Ramos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "CMN 20 DE NOVIEMBRE ISSSTE", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Importance of cardiac rehabilitation on cardiorrespiratory fitness in patients undergoing percutaneous aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Arturo Palomeque Ramos ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Arturo Palomeque Ramos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457338", + "session_name": "Rare presentation of fulminant Al cardiac Amyloidosis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Aurelio Santos Aragao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Charitable Foundation Hospital of Surgery", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Sergipe", + "City": "Aracaju", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rare presentation of fulminant Al cardiac Amyloidosis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Aurelio Santos Aragao ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Aurelio Santos Aragao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458816", + "session_name": "Gender-related differences in the timing of intervention for aortic stenosis: focus on cardiac damage", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Eduardo Gil Huayanay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "San Martin de Porres university", + "Country": "Peru", + "Region": "Lima", + "City": "Lima", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gender-related differences in the timing of intervention for aortic stenosis: focus on cardiac damage", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Eduardo Gil Huayanay ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Eduardo Gil Huayanay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Takayasu Arteritis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459110", + "session_name": "Severe coronary artery disease in a patient mwith Takayasu arteritis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Ernesto Rivera Avalos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital of Cardiology at the Siglo XXI National Medical Center", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Severe coronary artery disease in a patient mwith Takayasu arteritis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Takayasu Arteritis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Ernesto Rivera Avalos ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Ernesto Rivera Avalos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457761", + "session_name": "Interplay between family History and polygenic risk for coronary heart disease: a cohort study among over 60 thousand individuals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos Iribarren", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kaiser Permanente of Northern California", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Oakland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interplay between family History and polygenic risk for coronary heart disease: a cohort study among over 60 thousand individuals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos Iribarren ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos Iribarren " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MINOCA", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456343", + "session_name": "MINOCA", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carmen Elena Plesoianu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Iasi", + "City": "Iasi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MINOCA", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "MINOCA", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carmen Elena Plesoianu ", + "kol_full_name": "Carmen Elena Plesoianu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulants | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459891", + "session_name": "Anticoagulation control challenges in patients with rheumatic heart disease and mechanical heart valves operated at a cardiac surgery center in a low-income country", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carol Nhavoto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Maputo Heart Institute", + "Country": "Mozambique", + "Region": "Maputo", + "City": "Maputo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anticoagulation control challenges in patients with rheumatic heart disease and mechanical heart valves operated at a cardiac surgery center in a low-income country", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulants | Cardiac Surgical Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Rheumatic Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carol Nhavoto ", + "kol_full_name": "Carol Nhavoto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimorbidity | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460198", + "session_name": "Risk factors for cardiometabolic multimorbidity: an analysis of 4 million participants from May Measurement Month 2017-2019", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carolina Janssen Telders", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk factors for cardiometabolic multimorbidity: an analysis of 4 million participants from May Measurement Month 2017-2019", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multimorbidity | Cardiometabolic Risk Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carolina Janssen Telders ", + "kol_full_name": "Carolina Janssen Telders " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Triglycerides | Cholesterol, HDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458849", + "session_name": "Utility of the triglycerides/HDL cholesterol ratio in older adult patients in colombia.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carolina Murgueitio Guzman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Utility of the triglycerides/HDL cholesterol ratio in older adult patients in colombia.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triglycerides | Cholesterol, HDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carolina Murgueitio Guzman ", + "kol_full_name": "Carolina Murgueitio Guzman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Liraglutide | Microbiota | Doxorubicin | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459612", + "session_name": "Role of liraglutide on cardiotoxicity and gut microbiota changes induced by doxorubicin in rats", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carolina Rodrigues Tonon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of liraglutide on cardiotoxicity and gut microbiota changes induced by doxorubicin in rats", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Liraglutide | Microbiota ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Doxorubicin | Cardiotoxicity", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carolina Rodrigues Tonon ", + "kol_full_name": "Carolina Rodrigues Tonon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461091", + "session_name": "Optimal programming - how to get the best out of the cardiac resynchronisation therapy for your patients?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carsten W. Israel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bethel Clinic", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Bielefeld", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimal programming - how to get the best out of the cardiac resynchronisation therapy for your patients?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carsten W. Israel ", + "kol_full_name": "Carsten W. Israel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypercholesterolaemia | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458848", + "session_name": "LDL-C target attainment and statin use in patients with ASCVD, familial hypercholesterolaemia, and those otherwise at moderate/high-risk of ASCVD in australian general practice (SCOPE-GP)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Catherine Sciascia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "LDL-C target attainment and statin use in patients with ASCVD", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " familial hypercholesterolaemia, and those otherwise at moderate/high-risk of ASCVD in australian general practice (SCOPE-GP)", + "events_topic": "Hypercholesterolaemia | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Catherine Sciascia ", + "kol_full_name": "Catherine Sciascia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456402", + "session_name": "Fixing the obesity crisis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cathleen Biga", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Fixing the obesity crisis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cathleen Biga ", + "kol_full_name": "Cathleen Biga " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Carbon Footprint | Brugada Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457036", + "session_name": "Environmental impact analysis of ajmaline challenge protocols: a comparative assessment of carbon footprint reduction in Brugada Syndrome diagnosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Catia Oliveira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sao Joao Hospital", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Environmental impact analysis of ajmaline challenge protocols: a comparative assessment of carbon footprint reduction in Brugada Syndrome diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carbon Footprint | Brugada Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Catia Oliveira ", + "kol_full_name": "Catia Oliveira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Frailty | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456989", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Catriona Reddin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Galway", + "City": "Galway", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on cardiovascular treatment in the frail - how to keep calm and carry on - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Frailty | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Catriona Reddin ", + "kol_full_name": "Catriona Reddin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Empagliflozin | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458570", + "session_name": "Effect of empagliflozin on epicardial adipose tissue volume in patients with type 2 diabetes, or prediabetes, and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (SUGAR-DM-HF)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ceren Turgut", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of empagliflozin on epicardial adipose tissue volume in patients with type 2 diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " or prediabetes, and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (SUGAR-DM-HF)", + "events_topic": "Empagliflozin | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Systolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ceren Turgut ", + "kol_full_name": "Ceren Turgut " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Echocardiography | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | C-Peptide", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459472", + "session_name": "Screening for stage B heart failure in Type 2 diabetes: natriuretic peptide screening alone misses echocardiographic abnormalities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chanchal Chandramouli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Centre Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Screening for stage B heart failure in Type 2 diabetes: natriuretic peptide screening alone misses echocardiographic abnormalities", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | C-Peptide", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chanchal Chandramouli ", + "kol_full_name": "Chanchal Chandramouli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458850", + "session_name": "Modifiable risk factors and incident cardiovascular events in gout patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Changying Zhao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modifiable risk factors and incident cardiovascular events in gout patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Changying Zhao ", + "kol_full_name": "Changying Zhao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolome | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Doxorubicin | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457802", + "session_name": "Changes in blood metabolomes as potential biomarkers for severity and prognosis in doxorubicin-induced heart failure: a study in HER2-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chanisa Thonusin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chiang Mai University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Chiang Mai", + "City": "Chiang Mai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changes in blood metabolomes as potential biomarkers for severity and prognosis in doxorubicin-induced heart failure: a study in HER2-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Metabolome | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Doxorubicin | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chanisa Thonusin ", + "kol_full_name": "Chanisa Thonusin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Placebos | Angiopoietin-Like Protein 3 | Antibodies, Monoclonal", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458121", + "session_name": "SHR-1918, a monoclonal antibody against angiopoietin-like 3, in healthy subjects: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1 study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chao Lv", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SHR-1918", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " a monoclonal antibody against angiopoietin-like 3, in healthy subjects: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1 study", + "events_topic": "Placebos | Angiopoietin-Like Protein 3 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antibodies, Monoclonal", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chao Lv ", + "kol_full_name": "Chao Lv " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Anti-Inflammatory Agents | Exercise Therapy | Thrombotic Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459602", + "session_name": "Exercise-induced inflammatory and thrombotic acute phase response in hypertensive patients.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Charalampos Liakos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exercise-induced inflammatory and thrombotic acute phase response in hypertensive patients.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Anti-Inflammatory Agents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Exercise Therapy | Thrombotic Stroke", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charalampos Liakos ", + "kol_full_name": "Charalampos Liakos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Critical Illness", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457997", + "session_name": "Safety, acceptability, and feasibility of acquiring endothelial cells from guidewires in patients having major surgery or with acute critical illness", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Charlie Piercy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " acceptability, and feasibility of acquiring endothelial cells from guidewires in patients having major surgery or with acute critical illness", + "events_topic": "Critical Illness", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charlie Piercy ", + "kol_full_name": "Charlie Piercy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography | Ventricular Function, Right", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457208", + "session_name": "Current echocardiographic indices for right ventricular function are inadequate to predict patient outcomes in chronic tricuspid regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Charlotte Lee Frost", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brigham and Women's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Current echocardiographic indices for right ventricular function are inadequate to predict patient outcomes in chronic tricuspid regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Function, Right", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Charlotte Lee Frost ", + "kol_full_name": "Charlotte Lee Frost " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459222", + "session_name": "Twisting the fate of ACHD case: from hopeless to curable disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chatpetch Maneesopit", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Twisting the fate of ACHD case: from hopeless to curable disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chatpetch Maneesopit ", + "kol_full_name": "Chatpetch Maneesopit " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457743", + "session_name": "Unraveling a rare case of bundle branch reentry ventricular tachycardia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chaval Srisakvarakul", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chularat 3 International Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unraveling a rare case of bundle branch reentry ventricular tachycardia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chaval Srisakvarakul ", + "kol_full_name": "Chaval Srisakvarakul " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fibroblast | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458176", + "session_name": "Urea cycle derived fumaric acid alleviates fibrosis via regulating mitochondrial ATP in fibroblast post myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cheng Ni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Urea cycle derived fumaric acid alleviates fibrosis via regulating mitochondrial ATP in fibroblast post myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fibroblast | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cheng Ni ", + "kol_full_name": "Cheng Ni " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457625", + "session_name": "Multi-centre post-mortem study on the use of coronary inflammation in CCTA to improve the diagnosis of the coronary related cause of death with histopathology validation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cheng Xie", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multi-centre post-mortem study on the use of coronary inflammation in CCTA to improve the diagnosis of the coronary related cause of death with histopathology validation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cheng Xie ", + "kol_full_name": "Cheng Xie " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458809", + "session_name": "Aortic integral distensibility based on the auto-segmented dynamic motion of the aortic wall", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cheong Ah Lee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aortic integral distensibility based on the auto-segmented dynamic motion of the aortic wall", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cheong Ah Lee ", + "kol_full_name": "Cheong Ah Lee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460425", + "session_name": "Long-term heart failure risk after atrial septal defect closure in elderly", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cheuk Bong Ho", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Queen Elizabeth Hospital", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term heart failure risk after atrial septal defect closure in elderly", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cheuk Bong Ho ", + "kol_full_name": "Cheuk Bong Ho " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Orphan Nuclear Receptors | NR4A1 Protein, Human | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458114", + "session_name": "Investigating the role of an orphan nuclear receptor NR4A1 in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chi Him Kendrick Yiu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Investigating the role of an orphan nuclear receptor NR4A1 in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Orphan Nuclear Receptors | NR4A1 Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chi Him Kendrick Yiu ", + "kol_full_name": "Chi Him Kendrick Yiu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Ventricular Function, Left", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460277", + "session_name": "The prognostic role of left atrial mechanics but not left ventricular function in functional mitral regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chi-Ting Lu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Veterans General Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The prognostic role of left atrial mechanics but not left ventricular function in functional mitral regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Ventricular Function, Left", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chi-Ting Lu ", + "kol_full_name": "Chi-Ting Lu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457794", + "session_name": "Physiology-guided revascularisation in patients undergoing TAVI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chiara De Biase", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Physiology-guided revascularisation in patients undergoing TAVI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chiara De Biase ", + "kol_full_name": "Chiara De Biase " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459979", + "session_name": "Aortic valve calcium score to mean gradient ratio: a new frontier in aortic stenosis prognostication", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chieh-Mei Tsai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aortic valve calcium score to mean gradient ratio: a new frontier in aortic stenosis prognostication", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chieh-Mei Tsai ", + "kol_full_name": "Chieh-Mei Tsai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456016", + "session_name": "Models to predict unfavourable outcomes in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chien-Yi Hsu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Medical University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Models to predict unfavourable outcomes in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chien-Yi Hsu ", + "kol_full_name": "Chien-Yi Hsu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459837", + "session_name": "Outcomes and clinical characteristics of atrial fibrillation ablation in heart failure patients with reduced and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chikodili Nebuwa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Vassar Brothers Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Poughkeepsie", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes and clinical characteristics of atrial fibrillation ablation in heart failure patients with reduced and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chikodili Nebuwa ", + "kol_full_name": "Chikodili Nebuwa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial | Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460832", + "session_name": "Artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiography alert intervention and all-cause mortality: a pragmatic randomised clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chin Lin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Defense Medical Center", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiography alert intervention and all-cause mortality: a pragmatic randomised clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial | Electrocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chin Lin ", + "kol_full_name": "Chin Lin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458135", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chin Wai Lai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "United Christian Hospital", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chin Wai Lai ", + "kol_full_name": "Chin Wai Lai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Kidney Failure, Chronic | Hypertension | Inhibition, Psychological | Angiotensins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460093", + "session_name": "Angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibition in patients with end-stage kidney disease and refractory hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chin-Chou Huang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Veterans General Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibition in patients with end-stage kidney disease and refractory hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Kidney Failure, Chronic | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Inhibition, Psychological | Angiotensins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chin-Chou Huang ", + "kol_full_name": "Chin-Chou Huang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459469", + "session_name": "Alterations of gut microbiome profiles as potential markers in patients developing acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chotrawee Piriyakunthorn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chiang Mai University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Chiang Mai", + "City": "Chiang Mai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Alterations of gut microbiome profiles as potential markers in patients developing acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chotrawee Piriyakunthorn ", + "kol_full_name": "Chotrawee Piriyakunthorn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cryoballoon Ablation | Pulsed Field Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460744", + "session_name": "LA strain analysis in patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation using cryoballoon or pulsed-field-ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian Eitel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "LA strain analysis in patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation using cryoballoon or pulsed-field-ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cryoballoon Ablation | Pulsed Field Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian Eitel ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Eitel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Point-of-Care Testing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460985", + "session_name": "Discussant review - WESTCOR-POC", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian Eugen Mueller", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Basel", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Basel-Stadt", + "City": "Basel", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - WESTCOR-POC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Point-of-Care Testing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian Eugen Mueller ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Eugen Mueller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459485", + "session_name": "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection in a patient with vascular Ehler-Danlos syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian Leung", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Northwell Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Manhasset", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection in a patient with vascular Ehler-Danlos syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian Leung ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Leung " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hematoma | Takayasu Arteritis | Vasculitis | Aortic Dissection", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457809", + "session_name": "A rare case of intramural hematoma with aortic dissection in a young female with a large cell vasculitis (Takayasu arteritis)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian Masaga", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cardinal Santos Medical Center", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Sorsogon", + "City": "San Juan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A rare case of intramural hematoma with aortic dissection in a young female with a large cell vasculitis (Takayasu arteritis)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematoma | Takayasu Arteritis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Vasculitis | Aortic Dissection", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian Masaga ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Masaga " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Masked Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457588", + "session_name": "Risk factors of masked hypertension among type 2 diabetic patients in our city", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian Ngongang Ouankou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Teaching Hospital of Yaounde", + "Country": "Cameroon", + "Region": "Centre", + "City": "Yaounde", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk factors of masked hypertension among type 2 diabetic patients in our city", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Masked Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian Ngongang Ouankou ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Ngongang Ouankou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461061", + "session_name": "Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christian Ukena", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University hospital of Saarland UKS)", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Saarland", + "City": "Homburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christian Ukena ", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Ukena " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diet, Mediterranean | Metabolic Syndrome | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460197", + "session_name": "Effect of DASH vs. Mediterranean diet on metabolic syndrome and cardiometabolic profile in adults with high normal blood pressure or grade 1 hypertension: the DASH-MedDiet randomized controlled trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christina Filippou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of DASH vs. Mediterranean diet on metabolic syndrome and cardiometabolic profile in adults with high normal blood pressure or grade 1 hypertension: the DASH-MedDiet randomized controlled trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diet, Mediterranean | Metabolic Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christina Filippou ", + "kol_full_name": "Christina Filippou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Amyloid", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460347", + "session_name": "Prognostic impact of SGLT2-inhibitor therapy on survival in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christina Maria Toferer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic impact of SGLT2-inhibitor therapy on survival in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloid", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christina Maria Toferer ", + "kol_full_name": "Christina Maria Toferer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460480", + "session_name": "Introduction to the GCRFF Women’s Cardiovascular Health Research Initiative", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christine Faubert", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Introduction to the GCRFF Women’s Cardiovascular Health Research Initiative", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christine Faubert ", + "kol_full_name": "Christine Faubert " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458575", + "session_name": "Postoperative heart valve infection, when and which bacteria: a nationwide cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christine Kjaersgaard Holgersson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Postoperative heart valve infection", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " when and which bacteria: a nationwide cohort study", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christine Kjaersgaard Holgersson ", + "kol_full_name": "Christine Kjaersgaard Holgersson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "COVID-19", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459709", + "session_name": "Addressing the challenges of COVID-19: real-world experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christoph Spinner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Addressing the challenges of COVID-19: real-world experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "COVID-19", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christoph Spinner ", + "kol_full_name": "Christoph Spinner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Influenza, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459707", + "session_name": "Open discussion with experts: all you want to know about influenza and other respiratory viruses and new approaches for their prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christophe GREGOIRE", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Open discussion with experts: all you want to know about influenza and other respiratory viruses and new approaches for their prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Influenza, Human", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christophe GREGOIRE ", + "kol_full_name": "Christophe GREGOIRE " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459680", + "session_name": "Extravascular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (EV-ICD): implant procedure, programming & follow-up", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christopher Shepley", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extravascular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (EV-ICD): implant procedure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " programming & follow-up", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christopher Shepley ", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher Shepley " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457267", + "session_name": "Direct Oral Anticoagulants versus Vitamin K Antagonists for the management of left ventricular thrombus after myocardial infarction: A meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christos Gogos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ahepa General Hospital of Aristotle University", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Direct Oral Anticoagulants versus Vitamin K Antagonists for the management of left ventricular thrombus after myocardial infarction: A meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Anticoagulants", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christos Gogos ", + "kol_full_name": "Christos Gogos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460961", + "session_name": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christos Rammos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Duisburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Essen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christos Rammos ", + "kol_full_name": "Christos Rammos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Edema | Coronary Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460398", + "session_name": "Giant throracic aorta aneurysm as a rare cause of acute pulmonary oedema", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chrysi Theodosopoulou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Red Cross Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Giant throracic aorta aneurysm as a rare cause of acute pulmonary oedema", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Edema | Coronary Aneurysm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chrysi Theodosopoulou ", + "kol_full_name": "Chrysi Theodosopoulou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456730", + "session_name": "Optimal framework for heart-failure care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chrysoula-Anthoula Panagiotou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimal framework for heart-failure care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chrysoula-Anthoula Panagiotou ", + "kol_full_name": "Chrysoula-Anthoula Panagiotou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Urinary Potassium Excretion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457556", + "session_name": "Independent and joint associations of urinary potassium excretion with cardiovascular death: a national population-based cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chunying Lin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Independent and joint associations of urinary potassium excretion with cardiovascular death: a national population-based cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Urinary Potassium Excretion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chunying Lin ", + "kol_full_name": "Chunying Lin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460922", + "session_name": "Balancing bleeding risk in AF treatment: optimal anticoagulation selection", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cihan Ay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical University of Vienna", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Balancing bleeding risk in AF treatment: optimal anticoagulation selection", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cihan Ay ", + "kol_full_name": "Cihan Ay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460575", + "session_name": "Post-ROsc ecG pREdictS Survival after out-of hospital cardiac arrest: validation of the PROGRESS score", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Clara Lopiano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Post-ROsc ecG pREdictS Survival after out-of hospital cardiac arrest: validation of the PROGRESS score", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Heart Arrest", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Clara Lopiano ", + "kol_full_name": "Clara Lopiano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antifibrotic Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457447", + "session_name": "Anti-fibrotic effects of the sirt6-activator mdl-800 in cardiac stromal cells", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Claudia Cozzolino", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anti-fibrotic effects of the sirt6-activator mdl-800 in cardiac stromal cells", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antifibrotic Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Claudia Cozzolino ", + "kol_full_name": "Claudia Cozzolino " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459720", + "session_name": "Pursuing optimal patient care in secondary mitral regurgitation: insights from the Portuguese context - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Claudia Moreira Jorge", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Santa Maria University Hospital CHLN Lisbon Academic Medical Centre", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pursuing optimal patient care in secondary mitral regurgitation: insights from the Portuguese context - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Claudia Moreira Jorge ", + "kol_full_name": "Claudia Moreira Jorge " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Circadian Rhythm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457008", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: athletes with rhythm problems - what to consider when recommending exercise", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Clea Colombo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sao Leopoldo Mandic Medical School", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: athletes with rhythm problems - what to consider when recommending exercise", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Circadian Rhythm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Clea Colombo ", + "kol_full_name": "Clea Colombo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460373", + "session_name": "Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) height-based allometric scaling in Southeast Asians; implications in the diagnosis and prognosis of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH): the REMODEL study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Clement Lee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) height-based allometric scaling in Southeast Asians; implications in the diagnosis and prognosis of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH): the REMODEL study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Clement Lee ", + "kol_full_name": "Clement Lee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thoracic Surgery", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456722", + "session_name": "Challenges in heart surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cornelia Margineanu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges in heart surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thoracic Surgery", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cornelia Margineanu ", + "kol_full_name": "Cornelia Margineanu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457523", + "session_name": "Comparative analysis of a novel preoperative stratification method versus traditional scores in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing aortic valve surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristhian Vicente Espinoza Romero", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative analysis of a novel preoperative stratification method versus traditional scores in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing aortic valve surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristhian Vicente Espinoza Romero ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristhian Vicente Espinoza Romero " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ribonuclease, Pancreatic | Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic | Extracellular Traps", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458478", + "session_name": "Neutrophil extracellular traps, deoxyribonuclease and fibrosis in thoracic aortic aneurysm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristian Gafitanu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Neutrophil extracellular traps", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " deoxyribonuclease and fibrosis in thoracic aortic aneurysm", + "events_topic": "Ribonuclease, Pancreatic | Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Extracellular Traps", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristian Gafitanu ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristian Gafitanu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Mitral Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460217", + "session_name": "A successful case of quirurgic mitral valve replacement with ultra-low aortic clamping in a patient with severe mitral regurgitation and high surgical risk due to porcelain aorta", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristian Porras Bueno", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pontifical Xaverian University", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Distrito Capital", + "City": "Bogota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A successful case of quirurgic mitral valve replacement with ultra-low aortic clamping in a patient with severe mitral regurgitation and high surgical risk due to porcelain aorta", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Mitral Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristian Porras Bueno ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristian Porras Bueno " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Repolarization Heterogeneity | Empagliflozin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457140", + "session_name": "Empagliflozin's role in reducing ventricular repolarization heterogeneity: insights into cardiovascular mortality decline from the EMPATHY-HEART trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristiane Lauretti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Sao Paulo", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Empagliflozin's role in reducing ventricular repolarization heterogeneity: insights into cardiovascular mortality decline from the EMPATHY-HEART trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Repolarization Heterogeneity | Empagliflozin", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristiane Lauretti ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristiane Lauretti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Valve Deterioration | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461084", + "session_name": "Long-term structural valve deterioration after TAVI: insights from the European Valve Durability TAVI registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Cristina Giannini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cisanello Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term structural valve deterioration after TAVI: insights from the European Valve Durability TAVI registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Valve Deterioration | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Cristina Giannini ", + "kol_full_name": "Cristina Giannini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Care Units | Cardiovascular Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460133", + "session_name": "Baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients admitted to intensive cardiovascular care unit", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dafsah Arifa Juzar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": "Jakarta Raya (Djakarta Raya)", + "City": "Jakarta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients admitted to intensive cardiovascular care unit", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Care Units | Cardiovascular Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dafsah Arifa Juzar ", + "kol_full_name": "Dafsah Arifa Juzar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458022", + "session_name": "Relationship between coronary artery calcium score and plaque vulnerability in patients with established coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daichi Fujimoto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mass General Hopital (MGH)", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationship between coronary artery calcium score and plaque vulnerability in patients with established coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daichi Fujimoto ", + "kol_full_name": "Daichi Fujimoto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460628", + "session_name": "Relationship between plaque burden and plaque vulnerability in patients with acute coronary syndromes versus chronic coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daisuke Kinoshita", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital - Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationship between plaque burden and plaque vulnerability in patients with acute coronary syndromes versus chronic coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daisuke Kinoshita ", + "kol_full_name": "Daisuke Kinoshita " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459509", + "session_name": "What is new in artificial intelligence applied to cardiac computed tomography?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Damini Dey", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What is new in artificial intelligence applied to cardiac computed tomography?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Damini Dey ", + "kol_full_name": "Damini Dey " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Cardiac Conduction System Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456822", + "session_name": "Conduction system and leadless pacing: new kids in town", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dan Dobreanu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "George Emil Palade University of Medicine and Pharmacy", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Mures", + "City": "Tirgu Mures", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Conduction system and leadless pacing: new kids in town", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Cardiac Conduction System Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dan Dobreanu ", + "kol_full_name": "Dan Dobreanu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455951", + "session_name": "The interplay between atrial fibrillation and heart failure: implications for clinicians", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dan Gaita", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Timis", + "City": "Timisoara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The interplay between atrial fibrillation and heart failure: implications for clinicians", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dan Gaita ", + "kol_full_name": "Dan Gaita " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Denervation | Atrial Remodeling", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458242", + "session_name": "Effect of selective renal denervation guided by renal nerve stimulation on atrial remodeling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dan Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of selective renal denervation guided by renal nerve stimulation on atrial remodeling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Denervation | Atrial Remodeling", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dan Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Dan Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arterial Remodeling | Chondroitin Sulfate Synthase 1", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458937", + "session_name": "Inhibiting chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 ameliorates hyperplastic arterial remodelling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dan Liao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University of Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inhibiting chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 ameliorates hyperplastic arterial remodelling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arterial Remodeling | Chondroitin Sulfate Synthase 1", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dan Liao ", + "kol_full_name": "Dan Liao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Bradycardia | Denervation | Ablation Techniques | Atrioventricular Node", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459750", + "session_name": "Importance of the left superior ganglionated plexus ablation for the denervation of atrioventricular node: the impact of patient gender and bradycardia phenotype", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dan Wichterle", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Importance of the left superior ganglionated plexus ablation for the denervation of atrioventricular node: the impact of patient gender and bradycardia phenotype", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Bradycardia | Denervation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Atrioventricular Node", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel Perpelea ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Perpelea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457184", + "session_name": "Federated data analysis: an arm’s length approach to the analysis of individual patient data", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel Prieto-Alhambra", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Federated data analysis: an arm’s length approach to the analysis of individual patient data", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Prieto-Alhambra " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Circadian Rhythm | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458416", + "session_name": "Circadian rhythm in atrial fibrillation detected by implantable loop recorder: a post-hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel Spona", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Circadian rhythm in atrial fibrillation detected by implantable loop recorder: a post-hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Circadian Rhythm | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel Spona ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Spona " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456931", + "session_name": "Cardio-oncology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniella Costa-Dan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Hospital - Incor - FMUSP", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardio-oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniella Costa-Dan ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniella Costa-Dan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transplant Recipients | Chagas Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457093", + "session_name": "Central nervous system involvement in chagas disease reactivation: a case report in cardiac transplant recipients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Danielle Guazzelli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Hospital - Incor - FMUSP", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Central nervous system involvement in chagas disease reactivation: a case report in cardiac transplant recipients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transplant Recipients | Chagas Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Danielle Guazzelli ", + "kol_full_name": "Danielle Guazzelli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Empagliflozin | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459925", + "session_name": "SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin prevents anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in a large-animal model", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Danielle Medina-Hernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin prevents anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in a large-animal model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Empagliflozin | Cardiotoxicity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Danielle Medina-Hernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Danielle Medina-Hernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Technology | Cardio-Renal Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459697", + "session_name": "Developing and implementing an innovative digital referral system between specialties – streamlining cardio-renal care and improving patient outcomes in Salford", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Darren Green", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Developing and implementing an innovative digital referral system between specialties – streamlining cardio-renal care and improving patient outcomes in Salford", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Digital Technology | Cardio-Renal Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Darren Green ", + "kol_full_name": "Darren Green " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458393", + "session_name": "The case of the rarest restrictive cardiomyopathy ever – Loeffler Endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daryna Beliaieva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institut of Cardiology", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The case of the rarest restrictive cardiomyopathy ever – Loeffler Endocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daryna Beliaieva ", + "kol_full_name": "Daryna Beliaieva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "WEAR-TECH Study | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460652", + "session_name": "Comprehensive cardiac interval analysis in the WEAR-TECH study cohort by comparing the Apple Watch Series 6 against a simultaneous 12-lead ECG.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Christopher Schramm", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comprehensive cardiac interval analysis in the WEAR-TECH study cohort by comparing the Apple Watch Series 6 against a simultaneous 12-lead ECG.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "WEAR-TECH Study | Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Christopher Schramm ", + "kol_full_name": "David Christopher Schramm " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Outflow Obstruction, Left | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457111", + "session_name": "Residual mitral leaflet length independently indicates left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Kajetan Zach", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Residual mitral leaflet length independently indicates left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Outflow Obstruction, Left | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Kajetan Zach ", + "kol_full_name": "David Kajetan Zach " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neprilysin | Renin-Angiotensin System | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458299", + "session_name": "Comparative analysis of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors/angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Kuan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative analysis of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors/angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neprilysin | Renin-Angiotensin System ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Kuan ", + "kol_full_name": "David Kuan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Heart Transplantation | Inhibition, Psychological | Valsartan | Angiotensins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458694", + "session_name": "Comparing the anti-remodeling effect of sacubitril/valsartan and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on myocardial samples of advanced heart failure patients undergoing heart transplantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Nagy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing the anti-remodeling effect of sacubitril/valsartan and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on myocardial samples of advanced heart failure patients undergoing heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Heart Transplantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Inhibition, Psychological | Valsartan | Angiotensins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Nagy ", + "kol_full_name": "David Nagy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Health | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458347", + "session_name": "Empowering patients with heart failure: a digital health solution improved self-care and metabolic outcomes in a randomized controlled trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David O. Arnar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Landspitali University Hospital", + "Country": "Iceland", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Empowering patients with heart failure: a digital health solution improved self-care and metabolic outcomes in a randomized controlled trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Digital Health | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David O. Arnar ", + "kol_full_name": "David O. Arnar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460481", + "session_name": "What can the research community expect of the GCRFF moving forward?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Tancredi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What can the research community expect of the GCRFF moving forward?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Tancredi ", + "kol_full_name": "David Tancredi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457427", + "session_name": "PCI in TAVI: before, during, and after", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Wood", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PCI in TAVI: before", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " during, and after", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
David Wood ", + "kol_full_name": "David Wood " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458824", + "session_name": "Gap between estimated cardiovascular risk and individual risk perception: a survey from a cardiovascular prevention center.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Davide Coppa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gap between estimated cardiovascular risk and individual risk perception: a survey from a cardiovascular prevention center.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Davide Coppa ", + "kol_full_name": "Davide Coppa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Outflow Obstruction, Left | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457011", + "session_name": "Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with takotsubo syndrome and dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Davide Di Vece", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with takotsubo syndrome and dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Outflow Obstruction, Left | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Davide Di Vece ", + "kol_full_name": "Davide Di Vece " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456925", + "session_name": "The heart in crisis after an acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dejan Milasinovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Center of Serbia", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The heart in crisis after an acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dejan Milasinovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Dejan Milasinovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Oxygen Consumption | Ventilators, Mechanical | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458983", + "session_name": "The ventilatory efficiency parameters outperform peak oxygen consumption in monitoring the therapy effects on the right ventricular load in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dejana Popovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Center of Serbia", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The ventilatory efficiency parameters outperform peak oxygen consumption in monitoring the therapy effects on the right ventricular load in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oxygen Consumption | Ventilators, Mechanical ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dejana Popovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Dejana Popovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Rare Diseases | Paraganglioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460402", + "session_name": "Carotid glomus paraganglioma: rare disease or reflection of complex diseases?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Delia Mercea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Carotid glomus paraganglioma: rare disease or reflection of complex diseases?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rare Diseases | Paraganglioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Delia Mercea ", + "kol_full_name": "Delia Mercea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Atherosclerosis | Dementia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460151", + "session_name": "A novel electrocardiogram-based model for prediction of dementia: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Deling Chen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel electrocardiogram-based model for prediction of dementia: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Dementia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Deling Chen ", + "kol_full_name": "Deling Chen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericardial Effusion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460757", + "session_name": "State-of-the-art management of pericardial effusion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Delisa Fairweather", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Jacksonville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "State-of-the-art management of pericardial effusion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericardial Effusion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Delisa Fairweather ", + "kol_full_name": "Delisa Fairweather " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Still's Disease, Adult-Onset", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460890", + "session_name": "Successful treatment of a life-threatening cardiac involvement in adult-onset Still's disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Denes Zsolt Kiss", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Successful treatment of a life-threatening cardiac involvement in adult-onset Still's disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Still's Disease, Adult-Onset", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Denes Zsolt Kiss ", + "kol_full_name": "Denes Zsolt Kiss " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Annuloplasty | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460517", + "session_name": "Significance of mitral annulus apparatus morphometry in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Despina Toader", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Craiova Cardiology Centre", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Dolj", + "City": "Craiova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Significance of mitral annulus apparatus morphometry in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Annuloplasty | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Despina Toader ", + "kol_full_name": "Despina Toader " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Thrombectomy | Blood Transfusion | Mortality", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459022", + "session_name": "Impact of a blood return system on mechanical thrombectomy in treatment of acute pulmonary embolism: a retrospective cohort study comparing 30-day mortality and need for blood transfusion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dev Patel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of a blood return system on mechanical thrombectomy in treatment of acute pulmonary embolism: a retrospective cohort study comparing 30-day mortality and need for blood transfusion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Thrombectomy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Transfusion | Mortality", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dev Patel ", + "kol_full_name": "Dev Patel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cine | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457313", + "session_name": "Scan-rescan variability of AI-enabled cardiac functional assessment from cine CMR", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dewmini Hasara Wickremasinghe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Scan-rescan variability of AI-enabled cardiac functional assessment from cine CMR", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cine | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dewmini Hasara Wickremasinghe ", + "kol_full_name": "Dewmini Hasara Wickremasinghe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459356", + "session_name": "Association between cardiogenic shock phenotype, vasopressor requirements and mortality", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dhruv Sarma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between cardiogenic shock phenotype", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " vasopressor requirements and mortality", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dhruv Sarma ", + "kol_full_name": "Dhruv Sarma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460909", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on artificial intelligence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diana Bondermann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Favoriten Clinic", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Wien", + "City": "Vienna", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Registries", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " observational, and other studies on artificial intelligence", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana Bondermann ", + "kol_full_name": "Diana Bondermann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Apolipoproteins E | Muscle, Smooth, Vascular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457928", + "session_name": "RGS5 balances macrophage vs vascular smooth muscle cell origin of foam cells in apoE-deficient plaques", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diana Faist", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "RGS5 balances macrophage vs vascular smooth muscle cell origin of foam cells in apoE-deficient plaques", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Apolipoproteins E | Muscle, Smooth, Vascular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana Faist ", + "kol_full_name": "Diana Faist " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457697", + "session_name": "3D echocardiography and biomarkers for early diagnosis and prediction of chemotherapy induced right ventricular dysfunction in non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diana Mihalcea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "3D echocardiography and biomarkers for early diagnosis and prediction of chemotherapy induced right ventricular dysfunction in non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana Mihalcea ", + "kol_full_name": "Diana Mihalcea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Myocardium", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459085", + "session_name": "Differences in myocardial work across functional class strata in a severe aortic stenosis AHA D1 population. A cross-sectional study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diana Romero Zertuche", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cardiology Hospital Siglo XXI National Medical Center, Mexico City", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differences in myocardial work across functional class strata in a severe aortic stenosis AHA D1 population. A cross-sectional study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Myocardium", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana Romero Zertuche ", + "kol_full_name": "Diana Romero Zertuche " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460351", + "session_name": "The added value of advanced echocardiography in dilated cardiomyopathy: looking at the right heart", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diana Ruxandra Hadareanu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Dolj", + "City": "Craiova", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The added value of advanced echocardiography in dilated cardiomyopathy: looking at the right heart", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana Ruxandra Hadareanu ", + "kol_full_name": "Diana Ruxandra Hadareanu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458697", + "session_name": "Gradual hypertensive response in aortic alterations and myocardial inflammatory activation in progressing HFpEF in mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diana Torma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gradual hypertensive response in aortic alterations and myocardial inflammatory activation in progressing HFpEF in mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana Torma ", + "kol_full_name": "Diana Torma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456884", + "session_name": "Drugs, devices, and multidisciplinary care in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diana Zaliaduonyte", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Lithuanian University of Health Sciences", + "Country": "Lithuania", + "Region": "Kauno Apskritis", + "City": "Kaunas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " devices, and multidisciplinary care in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana Zaliaduonyte ", + "kol_full_name": "Diana Zaliaduonyte " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension | Atrial Flutter", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459229", + "session_name": "Unraveling complexity: recurrent pericarditis in a patient with post-cardiac injury syndrome, primary pulmonary hypertension, and the confluence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and atrial flutter", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diana-Maria Dodita", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unraveling complexity: recurrent pericarditis in a patient with post-cardiac injury syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " primary pulmonary hypertension, and the confluence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and atrial flutter", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension | Atrial Flutter", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diana-Maria Dodita ", + "kol_full_name": "Diana-Maria Dodita " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Abortion, Induced | Long QT Syndrome | Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457746", + "session_name": "Sudden cardiac death abortion as a clinical presentation of long QT syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diego Cardoso", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Universitario, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Nuevo Leon", + "City": "Monterrey", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sudden cardiac death abortion as a clinical presentation of long QT syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Abortion, Induced | Long QT Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diego Cardoso ", + "kol_full_name": "Diego Cardoso " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460995", + "session_name": "VERONICA-Nigeria - deliVERy of Optimal blood pressure coNtrol in afrICA", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dike Bevis Ojji", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Abuja", + "Country": "Nigeria", + "Region": "Abuja Capital Territory", + "City": "Abuja", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "VERONICA-Nigeria - deliVERy of Optimal blood pressure coNtrol in afrICA", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dike Bevis Ojji ", + "kol_full_name": "Dike Bevis Ojji " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Primary Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458786", + "session_name": "Risk stratification for a primary prevention ICD: Performance of the MADIT-ICD Benefit Score in contemporary real world patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dillon J. Dzikowicz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk stratification for a primary prevention ICD: Performance of the MADIT-ICD Benefit Score in contemporary real world patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Primary Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dillon J. Dzikowicz ", + "kol_full_name": "Dillon J. Dzikowicz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Antiplatelet Therapy | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456776", + "session_name": "Antiplatelet therapy: novel approaches for acute coronary syndrome and percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitrios Alexopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hygeia Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Antiplatelet therapy: novel approaches for acute coronary syndrome and percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Antiplatelet Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitrios Alexopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitrios Alexopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiotoxicity | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460069", + "session_name": "CARDIOCARE: an interdisciplinary approach for the management of the elderly multimorbid patient with breast cancer therapy-induced cardiac toxicity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitrios Fotiadis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Ioannina", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CARDIOCARE: an interdisciplinary approach for the management of the elderly multimorbid patient with breast cancer therapy-induced cardiac toxicity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiotoxicity | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitrios Fotiadis ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitrios Fotiadis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Hydrocortisone", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458465", + "session_name": "Chronic stress is gradually accumulated and peaks prior the occurrence of Takotsubo Syndrome: preliminary results based on hair cortisol concentration", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitrios Iordanidis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Attikon University Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Chronic stress is gradually accumulated and peaks prior the occurrence of Takotsubo Syndrome: preliminary results based on hair cortisol concentration", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Hydrocortisone", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitrios Iordanidis ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitrios Iordanidis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456938", + "session_name": "Stroke and hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitrios Terentes-Printzios", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stroke and hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitrios Terentes-Printzios ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitrios Terentes-Printzios " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Amyloid", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457299", + "session_name": "Prevalence of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: the RETTRACE Study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dimitrios Tsilakis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: the RETTRACE Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloid", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dimitrios Tsilakis ", + "kol_full_name": "Dimitrios Tsilakis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Atrial Strain | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457821", + "session_name": "Association of left atrial strain and exercise capacity among patients with hypertension: a single center study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dina Carissa Luna", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of left atrial strain and exercise capacity among patients with hypertension: a single center study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Atrial Strain | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dina Carissa Luna ", + "kol_full_name": "Dina Carissa Luna " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456947", + "session_name": "Novel insights in catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Diogo Cavaco", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Santa Cruz", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel insights in catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Diogo Cavaco ", + "kol_full_name": "Diogo Cavaco " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461037", + "session_name": "POPular PAUSE TAVI - Continuation or interruption of oral anticoagulation during TAVI?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dirk Jan van Ginkel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St Antonius Hospital", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Utrecht", + "City": "Nieuwegein", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "POPular PAUSE TAVI - Continuation or interruption of oral anticoagulation during TAVI?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Anticoagulation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dirk Jan van Ginkel ", + "kol_full_name": "Dirk Jan van Ginkel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Diabetes Mellitus | Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460923", + "session_name": "Essential insights on anticoagulation for AF patients with diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dirk Mueller-Wieland", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "RWTH University Hospital Aachen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Aachen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Essential insights on anticoagulation for AF patients with diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anticoagulation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dirk Mueller-Wieland ", + "kol_full_name": "Dirk Mueller-Wieland " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456295", + "session_name": "Cases of cardiovascular disease in pregnancy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dolina Gencheva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical University Plovdiv", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Plovdiv", + "City": "Plovdiv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cases of cardiovascular disease in pregnancy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dolina Gencheva ", + "kol_full_name": "Dolina Gencheva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ultrasonography | Mechanical Thrombolysis | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461047", + "session_name": "The individual fibrinolytic potential predicts efficacy of ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis in patients with acute pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dominik Draxler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Inselspital University of Bern", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Bern", + "City": "Bern", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The individual fibrinolytic potential predicts efficacy of ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis in patients with acute pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ultrasonography | Mechanical Thrombolysis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dominik Draxler ", + "kol_full_name": "Dominik Draxler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Iron Deficiencies | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458584", + "session_name": "Iron deficiency and all-cause mortality after myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dominik Jenca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Iron deficiency and all-cause mortality after myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Iron Deficiencies | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dominik Jenca ", + "kol_full_name": "Dominik Jenca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458350", + "session_name": "Delivering remote monitoring, through primary care, to patients with chronic heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Donal Bailey", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Delivering remote monitoring", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " through primary care, to patients with chronic heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Donal Bailey ", + "kol_full_name": "Donal Bailey " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460430", + "session_name": "Gender and racial differences in outcomes among patients with NVAF treated with oral anticoagulants: a real-world evaluation of Medicare beneficiaries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dong Cheng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gender and racial differences in outcomes among patients with NVAF treated with oral anticoagulants: a real-world evaluation of Medicare beneficiaries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Anticoagulants", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dong Cheng ", + "kol_full_name": "Dong Cheng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angiogenesis | GTPBP3 Protein, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457999", + "session_name": "The role and mechanism of GTPBP3 in angiogenesis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Donglu Qin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role and mechanism of GTPBP3 in angiogenesis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Angiogenesis | GTPBP3 Protein, Human", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Donglu Qin ", + "kol_full_name": "Donglu Qin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Atrial Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460183", + "session_name": "Association of pulsatile venous waveform pattern in the venous studies of lower extremities to 2d-echocardiographic parameters for right heart function and right atrial pressure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Donna Maderazo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Luke's Medical Center Quezon City", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Quezon City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of pulsatile venous waveform pattern in the venous studies of lower extremities to 2d-echocardiographic parameters for right heart function and right atrial pressure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Atrial Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Donna Maderazo ", + "kol_full_name": "Donna Maderazo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myotropic Drugs", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460017", + "session_name": "Myotropic drugs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Doreen Tan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University of Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myotropic drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myotropic Drugs", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Doreen Tan ", + "kol_full_name": "Doreen Tan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458348", + "session_name": "The effects of a dyadic empowerment-based heart failure management (De-HF) programme on self-care and HRQL : a randomized controlled trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Doris Sau-Fung Yu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The University of Hong Kong", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effects of a dyadic empowerment-based heart failure management (De-HF) programme on self-care and HRQL : a randomized controlled trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Doris Sau-Fung Yu ", + "kol_full_name": "Doris Sau-Fung Yu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457045", + "session_name": "Cardiac magnetic resonance characteristics of the athlete's heart: deeper insights into cardiac remodelling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dorottya Balla", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac magnetic resonance characteristics of the athlete's heart: deeper insights into cardiac remodelling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dorottya Balla ", + "kol_full_name": "Dorottya Balla " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460422", + "session_name": "Outcome of pregnancy in women with unrepaired atrial septal defect - study of a single tertiary centre", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dorottya Kecskemeti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcome of pregnancy in women with unrepaired atrial septal defect - study of a single tertiary centre", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dorottya Kecskemeti ", + "kol_full_name": "Dorottya Kecskemeti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Masked Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457586", + "session_name": "Masked hypertension is highly prevalent among patients with high-normal office blood pressure - based on the results of the Hungarian ABPM Registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dorottya Pasztor", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St Imre Hospital", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Masked hypertension is highly prevalent among patients with high-normal office blood pressure - based on the results of the Hungarian ABPM Registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Masked Hypertension | Blood Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dorottya Pasztor ", + "kol_full_name": "Dorottya Pasztor " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457370", + "session_name": "Genotype-phenotype relationship in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dovile Zebrauskiene", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Vilnius University", + "Country": "Lithuania", + "Region": "Vilniaus Apskritis", + "City": "Vilnius", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genotype-phenotype relationship in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dovile Zebrauskiene ", + "kol_full_name": "Dovile Zebrauskiene " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460532", + "session_name": "The role of comorbidities for hospital outcome of patients with severe acute pulmonary embolism treated with thrombolytic therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dusan Ruzicic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "General Hospital Valjevo", + "Country": "Serbia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of comorbidities for hospital outcome of patients with severe acute pulmonary embolism treated with thrombolytic therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dusan Ruzicic ", + "kol_full_name": "Dusan Ruzicic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Genetic Predisposition To Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456825", + "session_name": "Genetic predisposition and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "E Magnus Ohman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Duke University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genetic predisposition and heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Genetic Predisposition To Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
E Magnus Ohman ", + "kol_full_name": "E Magnus Ohman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 | Dapagliflozin | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Myocardium", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458090", + "session_name": "Impact of SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin on myocardial protein profile in rats with long-standing Type 1 diabetes mellitus", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eder Anderson Rodrigues", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin on myocardial protein profile in rats with long-standing Type 1 diabetes mellitus", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 | Dapagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Myocardium", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eder Anderson Rodrigues ", + "kol_full_name": "Eder Anderson Rodrigues " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461071", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eduard Rodenas Alesina", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Vall d'Hebron", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eduard Rodenas Alesina ", + "kol_full_name": "Eduard Rodenas Alesina " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma | Heart Failure | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459168", + "session_name": "Is there an association of anthracyclines with HFrEF and/or HFpEF in patients treated for breast cancer or lymphoma after 30 years of follow-up? Insights from the Rochester epidemiology project", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eduardo Tellez Garcia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Is there an association of anthracyclines with HFrEF and/or HFpEF in patients treated for breast cancer or lymphoma after 30 years of follow-up? Insights from the Rochester epidemiology project", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eduardo Tellez Garcia ", + "kol_full_name": "Eduardo Tellez Garcia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Microvascular Decompression Surgery | Albuminuria", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458150", + "session_name": "Impaired systemic microvascular function in patients with resistant arterial hypertension and microalbuminuria: an observational study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eduardo Tibirica", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio de Janeiro", + "City": "Rio de Janeiro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impaired systemic microvascular function in patients with resistant arterial hypertension and microalbuminuria: an observational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Microvascular Decompression Surgery ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Albuminuria", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eduardo Tibirica ", + "kol_full_name": "Eduardo Tibirica " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459454", + "session_name": "The prognostic value of contrast stress echocardiography in a real-world population of symptomatic patients without known coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Effrosyni Giakoumoglou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Papageorgiou", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The prognostic value of contrast stress echocardiography in a real-world population of symptomatic patients without known coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Effrosyni Giakoumoglou ", + "kol_full_name": "Effrosyni Giakoumoglou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460185", + "session_name": "Left atrial morpho-functional parameters and their correlation with other phenotypic and functional characteristics of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Efstathios Pagourelias", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital of Thessaloniki", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial morpho-functional parameters and their correlation with other phenotypic and functional characteristics of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Efstathios Pagourelias ", + "kol_full_name": "Efstathios Pagourelias " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456005", + "session_name": "Applying digital health to valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Egle Ereminiene", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences", + "Country": "Lithuania", + "Region": "Kauno Apskritis", + "City": "Kaunas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Applying digital health to valvular heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Egle Ereminiene ", + "kol_full_name": "Egle Ereminiene " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Plaque, Atherosclerotic | Tomography, Optical Coherence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460081", + "session_name": "Arterial stiffness characterization of patients with different ACS-causing plaque morphologies quantified by optical coherence tomography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elaaha Anwari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arterial stiffness characterization of patients with different ACS-causing plaque morphologies quantified by optical coherence tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Plaque, Atherosclerotic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, Optical Coherence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elaaha Anwari ", + "kol_full_name": "Elaaha Anwari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair | Echocardiography, Transesophageal", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461080", + "session_name": "Live transoesophageal echocardiography: how to best guide transcatheter tricuspid valve repair and replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elena Romero Dorta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Charite University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Live transoesophageal echocardiography: how to best guide transcatheter tricuspid valve repair and replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair | Echocardiography, Transesophageal", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elena Romero Dorta ", + "kol_full_name": "Elena Romero Dorta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | Obesity | Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458704", + "session_name": "Survodutide, a glucagon receptor/GLP-1 receptor (GCGR/GLP-1R) dual agonist, improves cardiometabolic parameters in adults with obesity: analysis of a placebo-controlled, randomised phase 2 trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elena Startseva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Survodutide", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " a glucagon receptor/GLP-1 receptor (GCGR/GLP-1R) dual agonist, improves cardiometabolic parameters in adults with obesity: analysis of a placebo-controlled, randomised phase 2 trial", + "events_topic": "Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elena Startseva ", + "kol_full_name": "Elena Startseva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456526", + "session_name": "Complex complications in pericarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elena-Laura Antohi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complex complications in pericarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elena-Laura Antohi ", + "kol_full_name": "Elena-Laura Antohi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Streptococcal Infections | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459460", + "session_name": "Destructive streptococcial left-sided, native valve, infective endocarditis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eleni Karapedi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Asklepieion Voulas General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Destructive streptococcial left-sided", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " native valve, infective endocarditis.", + "events_topic": "Streptococcal Infections | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eleni Karapedi ", + "kol_full_name": "Eleni Karapedi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Ischemia | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Reperfusion Injury", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458614", + "session_name": "Characterization of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in a pig model with novel CW T1r and RAFF2 MRI methods in 1.5T", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elias Yla-Herttuala", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Ita-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Kuopio", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Characterization of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in a pig model with novel CW T1r and RAFF2 MRI methods in 1.5T", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Ischemia | Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Reperfusion Injury", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elias Yla-Herttuala ", + "kol_full_name": "Elias Yla-Herttuala " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457096", + "session_name": "Case report of mechanical circulatory support in patient after heart transplantation, complicated by primary biventricular graft dysfunction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elina Novikova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case report of mechanical circulatory support in patient after heart transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " complicated by primary biventricular graft dysfunction", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Heart Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elina Novikova ", + "kol_full_name": "Elina Novikova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458297", + "session_name": "Survival benefit of guideline-directed medical therapy in elderly patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elinor Tan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Survival benefit of guideline-directed medical therapy in elderly patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elinor Tan ", + "kol_full_name": "Elinor Tan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456798", + "session_name": "Risk factors and lifestyle modification in hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elisabeta Badila", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Colentina Clinical Hospital Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk factors and lifestyle modification in hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elisabeta Badila ", + "kol_full_name": "Elisabeta Badila " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458106", + "session_name": "New clinical staging proposal applied to a Fabry cardiomyopathy cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elisabete Martins", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine University of Porto", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New clinical staging proposal applied to a Fabry cardiomyopathy cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elisabete Martins ", + "kol_full_name": "Elisabete Martins " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Clusterin | Cluster Analysis | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457630", + "session_name": "Clustering of artificial intelligence derived plaque features for risk stratification for future atrial fibrillation development", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elizabeth Epstein", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Scripps Clinic Medical Group, Inc.", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "La Jolla", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clustering of artificial intelligence derived plaque features for risk stratification for future atrial fibrillation development", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Clusterin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cluster Analysis | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elizabeth Epstein ", + "kol_full_name": "Elizabeth Epstein " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457228", + "session_name": "Patient characteristics and clinical outcome in acute myocardial infarction related cardiogenic shock according to vascular access site for PCI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elma Peters", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient characteristics and clinical outcome in acute myocardial infarction related cardiogenic shock according to vascular access site for PCI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elma Peters ", + "kol_full_name": "Elma Peters " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography, Ambulatory | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459794", + "session_name": "Accuracy of the Apple Watch in detecting atrial fibrillation among patients undergoing 24-hour Holter monitoring", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elrey Inocian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Perpetual Succour Hospital", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Cebu City", + "City": "Cebu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Accuracy of the Apple Watch in detecting atrial fibrillation among patients undergoing 24-hour Holter monitoring", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography, Ambulatory | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elrey Inocian ", + "kol_full_name": "Elrey Inocian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin T | Chest Pain", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460822", + "session_name": "Comparison of rapid test for high-sensitivity troponin I with laboratory high-sensitivity troponin T in patients with acute chest pain - a prospective monocentric study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emilie Han", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of rapid test for high-sensitivity troponin I with laboratory high-sensitivity troponin T in patients with acute chest pain - a prospective monocentric study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Troponin T | Chest Pain", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emilie Han ", + "kol_full_name": "Emilie Han " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Retrospective Studies | Troponin | Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459859", + "session_name": "Clinical outcomes of patients with acute stroke and elevated cardiac troponins: a single-center analytical retrospective study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emilio Jose Gravador", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Saint Lukes Medical Center Global City", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical outcomes of patients with acute stroke and elevated cardiac troponins: a single-center analytical retrospective study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Retrospective Studies | Troponin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emilio Jose Gravador ", + "kol_full_name": "Emilio Jose Gravador " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inhibition, Psychological | Obesity | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458573", + "session_name": "Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) inhibition reduces complement-associated cardiac remodelling in obesity-related heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emily Ghanbari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) inhibition reduces complement-associated cardiac remodelling in obesity-related heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Inhibition, Psychological | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emily Ghanbari ", + "kol_full_name": "Emily Ghanbari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Fibrosis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458193", + "session_name": "The relationship between serum lumican levels and myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emirhan Hancioglu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Samandag State Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The relationship between serum lumican levels and myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Fibrosis | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emirhan Hancioglu ", + "kol_full_name": "Emirhan Hancioglu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Remodelling", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459601", + "session_name": "The role of IL15 in angiotensin II-mediated cardiac remodelling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emma Booth", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of IL15 in angiotensin II-mediated cardiac remodelling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Remodelling", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emma Booth ", + "kol_full_name": "Emma Booth " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Natriuresis | Diuretics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460444", + "session_name": "Basal natriuresis as a predictor of diuretic resistance and clinical evolution in acute heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emmanuel Scatularo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Basal natriuresis as a predictor of diuretic resistance and clinical evolution in acute heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Natriuresis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Diuretics", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Emmanuel Scatularo ", + "kol_full_name": "Emmanuel Scatularo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulse Wave Analysis | Aortic Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460471", + "session_name": "Utility of pulse wave velocity and flexion coefficient to difference etiology of aortic disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Enrique Alexander Berrios Barcenas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Utility of pulse wave velocity and flexion coefficient to difference etiology of aortic disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulse Wave Analysis | Aortic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Enrique Alexander Berrios Barcenas ", + "kol_full_name": "Enrique Alexander Berrios Barcenas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Trastuzumab | Heart Failure | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457620", + "session_name": "Validation of the HFA-ICOS risk assessment tool with real-world data from a prospective cohort of breast cancer patients in treatment with anthracyclines and trastuzumab", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Enrique Canedo Guerra", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Validation of the HFA-ICOS risk assessment tool with real-world data from a prospective cohort of breast cancer patients in treatment with anthracyclines and trastuzumab", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Enrique Canedo Guerra ", + "kol_full_name": "Enrique Canedo Guerra " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diastolic Dysfunction | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461043", + "session_name": "Distinct cellular and molecular trajectories leading to subclinical diastolic dysfunction and the progression to HFpEF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Enrique Lara-Pezzi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Centre for Cardiovascular Research CNIC)", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Distinct cellular and molecular trajectories leading to subclinical diastolic dysfunction and the progression to HFpEF", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diastolic Dysfunction | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Enrique Lara-Pezzi ", + "kol_full_name": "Enrique Lara-Pezzi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Dyslipidemias", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458311", + "session_name": "Effects of lipid-lowering therapies on lipoprotein(a) levels in patients with dyslipidemia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of 64 randomised controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Enver De Wei Loh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of lipid-lowering therapies on lipoprotein(a) levels in patients with dyslipidemia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of 64 randomised controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Dyslipidemias", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Enver De Wei Loh ", + "kol_full_name": "Enver De Wei Loh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoidosis | Multimodal Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460322", + "session_name": "Clinical suspicion and multimodal imaging in a subtle cardiac sarcoidosis case report", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erdem Bal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical suspicion and multimodal imaging in a subtle cardiac sarcoidosis case report", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoidosis | Multimodal Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Erdem Bal ", + "kol_full_name": "Erdem Bal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolic Syndrome | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456760", + "session_name": "Metabolic syndrome and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eric Quinton Klug", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sunninghill Hospital", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "Gauteng", + "City": "Sandton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Metabolic syndrome and heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Metabolic Syndrome | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eric Quinton Klug ", + "kol_full_name": "Eric Quinton Klug " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456811", + "session_name": "Clinical applications of artificial intelligence in cardiovascular imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erick Alexanderson Rosas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical applications of artificial intelligence in cardiovascular imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Erick Alexanderson Rosas ", + "kol_full_name": "Erick Alexanderson Rosas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Athletes | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457203", + "session_name": "Athletes with an ICD should be allowed to compete: con", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erik Ekker Solberg", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Athletes with an ICD should be allowed to compete: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Athletes | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Erik Ekker Solberg ", + "kol_full_name": "Erik Ekker Solberg " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456392", + "session_name": "Novel therapies for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: recent developments and future prospects", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erika Hutt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Luke's Mid America Heart Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "Kansas City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel therapies for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: recent developments and future prospects", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Erika Hutt ", + "kol_full_name": "Erika Hutt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Pregnant Women", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460298", + "session_name": "Unlocking equity: assessing for gaps in cardiovascular guidelines for pregnant women", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eson Ekpo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Scripps Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Diego", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unlocking equity: assessing for gaps in cardiovascular guidelines for pregnant women", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Pregnant Women", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eson Ekpo ", + "kol_full_name": "Eson Ekpo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pacemaker, Artificial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460987", + "session_name": "How to get most out of a pacemaker? Interactive workshop for your clinical practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Estela Silvan Blanco", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to get most out of a pacemaker? Interactive workshop for your clinical practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pacemaker, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Estela Silvan Blanco ", + "kol_full_name": "Estela Silvan Blanco " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Cardiac Dysfunction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458333", + "session_name": "Can haemodynamic force analysis be used to identify cancer treatment-related cardiac dysfunction? A comparison with strain and ejection fraction.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eswararaj Sivaraj", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Can haemodynamic force analysis be used to identify cancer treatment-related cardiac dysfunction? A comparison with strain and ejection fraction.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Cardiac Dysfunction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eswararaj Sivaraj ", + "kol_full_name": "Eswararaj Sivaraj " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456364", + "session_name": "Modern views on worsening heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva Goncalvesova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National cardiovascular institute", + "Country": "Slovakia", + "Region": "Bratislavsky", + "City": "Bratislava", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modern views on worsening heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva Goncalvesova ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Goncalvesova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Intracardiac Shunt | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458251", + "session_name": "Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with double intracardiac shunt", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eva Palacios", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Unidad Medica de Alta Especialidad Hospital de Cardiologia No. 34 IMSS", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Nuevo Leon", + "City": "Monterrey", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with double intracardiac shunt", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Intracardiac Shunt | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eva Palacios ", + "kol_full_name": "Eva Palacios " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456574", + "session_name": "Myocarditis: good tools for predicting bad outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evangelia Karvouni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocarditis: good tools for predicting bad outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evangelia Karvouni ", + "kol_full_name": "Evangelia Karvouni " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459995", + "session_name": "Predicting 1-year atrial fibrillation risk from a patch-based ambulatory ECG monitoring without atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evangelos Hytopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predicting 1-year atrial fibrillation risk from a patch-based ambulatory ECG monitoring without atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evangelos Hytopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Evangelos Hytopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol | Hypercholesterolemia | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459255", + "session_name": "Exploring the association between hypertension and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in adults with familial hypercholesterolemia: insights from the HELLAS-FH registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evangelos Liberopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring the association between hypertension and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in adults with familial hypercholesterolemia: insights from the HELLAS-FH registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol | Hypercholesterolemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evangelos Liberopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Evangelos Liberopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arterial Stiffness | Antidiabetic Treatment | Weight Loss", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459163", + "session_name": "Parallel improvement of arterial stiffness with weight loss following intensification of antidiabetic treatment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Evanthia Bletsa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Parallel improvement of arterial stiffness with weight loss following intensification of antidiabetic treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arterial Stiffness | Antidiabetic Treatment ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Weight Loss", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Evanthia Bletsa ", + "kol_full_name": "Evanthia Bletsa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Apabetalone | Cardiac Fibroblasts", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458656", + "session_name": "Epigenetic BET inhibitor apabetalone counters inflammatory and fibrotic processes in activated cardiac fibroblasts providing insight into reduced hospitalizations for heart failure in BETonMACE trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ewelina Kulikowski", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epigenetic BET inhibitor apabetalone counters inflammatory and fibrotic processes in activated cardiac fibroblasts providing insight into reduced hospitalizations for heart failure in BETonMACE trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Apabetalone ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Fibroblasts", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ewelina Kulikowski ", + "kol_full_name": "Ewelina Kulikowski " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Bypass Graft | Empagliflozin | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Acute Kidney Injury", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460955", + "session_name": "Empagliflozin for prevention of acute kidney injury in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus undergoing extracorporeal on-pump CABG: The POST-CABGDM trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fabio Grunspun Pitta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Empagliflozin for prevention of acute kidney injury in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus undergoing extracorporeal on-pump CABG: The POST-CABGDM trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Bypass Graft | Empagliflozin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Acute Kidney Injury", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fabio Grunspun Pitta ", + "kol_full_name": "Fabio Grunspun Pitta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Health | Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455923", + "session_name": "Patient-centred care: digital health interventions and treatment preferences", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fadi JAMAL", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient-centred care: digital health interventions and treatment preferences", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Digital Health | Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fadi JAMAL ", + "kol_full_name": "Fadi JAMAL " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Tricuspid Transcatheter Edge-to-edge Repair", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459198", + "session_name": "When transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) is not a good treatment option for tricuspid regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fahad Alqahtani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "When transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) is not a good treatment option for tricuspid regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency | Tricuspid Transcatheter Edge-to-edge Repair", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Filippo Biondi ", + "kol_full_name": "Filippo Biondi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459873", + "session_name": "Left ventricular pressure-strain loops for the assessment of myocardial work in a low-risk community-based cohort: associations with long-term prognosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fjolla Zhubi Bakija", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left ventricular pressure-strain loops for the assessment of myocardial work in a low-risk community-based cohort: associations with long-term prognosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Florian Kahles ", + "kol_full_name": "Florian Kahles " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457969", + "session_name": "Sutures or not, it can be fixed... Greece's first-ever valve in valve TAVI of a supra-annular transcatheter valve replacing a sutureless, bioprosthetic surgical one in aortic position", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fotios Toulgaridis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sismanogleio General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sutures or not", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " it can be fixed... Greece's first-ever valve in valve TAVI of a supra-annular transcatheter valve replacing a sutureless, bioprosthetic surgical one in aortic position", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fotios Toulgaridis ", + "kol_full_name": "Fotios Toulgaridis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460290", + "session_name": "Ventricular tachycardia burden in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction - can we rely on optimized medical therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fran Rode", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Dubrava", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ventricular tachycardia burden in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction - can we rely on optimized medical therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fran Rode ", + "kol_full_name": "Fran Rode " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Periodontitis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460918", + "session_name": "Treatment of periodontitis and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis: a randomized controlled clinical trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francesco D'Aiuto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of periodontitis and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis: a randomized controlled clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Periodontitis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francesco D'Aiuto ", + "kol_full_name": "Francesco D'Aiuto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Edoxaban | Factor Xa | Thrombosis | Aspirin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457271", + "session_name": "Prevention of mechanical valve thrombosis with a combination of the factor Xa inhibitor edoxaban plus aspirin in swine: intermediate results from the EdoValves project", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francesco Maria Castelli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevention of mechanical valve thrombosis with a combination of the factor Xa inhibitor edoxaban plus aspirin in swine: intermediate results from the EdoValves project", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Edoxaban | Factor Xa ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Thrombosis | Aspirin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francesco Maria Castelli ", + "kol_full_name": "Francesco Maria Castelli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electric Countershock | Defibrillators, Implantable | Antitachycardia Pacing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460950", + "session_name": "Consistent ATP, defibrillation, and safety performance of the extravascular ICD: final results from the global EV-ICD Pivotal Study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francis D. Murgatroyd", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King's College Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Consistent ATP", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " defibrillation, and safety performance of the extravascular ICD: final results from the global EV-ICD Pivotal Study", + "events_topic": "Electric Countershock | Defibrillators, Implantable ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antitachycardia Pacing", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francis D. Murgatroyd ", + "kol_full_name": "Francis D. Murgatroyd " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MicroRNAs | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458528", + "session_name": "Increased miRNA-related inflammation markers and pro-inflammatory circulating cell profile in patients with poor neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francisco Rafael Jimenez Trinidad", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Increased miRNA-related inflammation markers and pro-inflammatory circulating cell profile in patients with poor neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "MicroRNAs | Heart Arrest", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francisco Rafael Jimenez Trinidad ", + "kol_full_name": "Francisco Rafael Jimenez Trinidad " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460826", + "session_name": "2023 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francois Dievart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "2023 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francois Dievart ", + "kol_full_name": "Francois Dievart " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid Lowering Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460933", + "session_name": "Optimising oral lipid-lowering therapy regimens in high and very high-risk statin intolerant patients with dyslipidaemia: A French real-world simulation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francois Schiele", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Regional University Hospital Jean Minjoz", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Franche-Comte", + "City": "Besancon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising oral lipid-lowering therapy regimens in high and very high-risk statin intolerant patients with dyslipidaemia: A French real-world simulation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipid Lowering Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Francois Schiele ", + "kol_full_name": "Francois Schiele " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Electric Impedance | Cardiography, Impedance | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458904", + "session_name": "Signal-morphology impedance cardiography is a non-invasive tool to predict responses to exercise based cardiac rehabilitation in chronic heart failure patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Frank Bour", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Signal-morphology impedance cardiography is a non-invasive tool to predict responses to exercise based cardiac rehabilitation in chronic heart failure patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Electric Impedance ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiography, Impedance | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Frank Bour ", + "kol_full_name": "Frank Bour " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL | Coronary Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460917", + "session_name": "Functional Improvement of non-infarcT relaTed coronary artery stenosis by Extensive LDL-C Reduction with a PCSK9 Antibody", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Frans Berend Mensink", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Radboud University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Functional Improvement of non-infarcT relaTed coronary artery stenosis by Extensive LDL-C Reduction with a PCSK9 Antibody", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL | Coronary Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Frans Berend Mensink ", + "kol_full_name": "Frans Berend Mensink " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460210", + "session_name": "KardioNet Digital - a structured care model involving digital tools for intersectoral communication and a patient-focused strategy for treatment of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Franz Goss", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "KardioNet Digital - a structured care model involving digital tools for intersectoral communication and a patient-focused strategy for treatment of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Franz Goss ", + "kol_full_name": "Franz Goss " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457786", + "session_name": "An epigenetic editor targeting human PCSK9 efficiently and durably lowers Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C) in non-human primates", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Frederic Tremblay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An epigenetic editor targeting human PCSK9 efficiently and durably lowers Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C) in non-human primates", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Frederic Tremblay ", + "kol_full_name": "Frederic Tremblay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electron Transport Chain Complex Proteins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458306", + "session_name": "ND15, subunit of the electron transport chain protein-complex I, age-dependently worsens cardiac performance in Drosophila melanogaster", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Friedrich Gaub", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ND15", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " subunit of the electron transport chain protein-complex I, age-dependently worsens cardiac performance in Drosophila melanogaster", + "events_topic": "Electron Transport Chain Complex Proteins", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Friedrich Gaub ", + "kol_full_name": "Friedrich Gaub " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459051", + "session_name": "Measurement inaccuracy reported via the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience database for an implantable pulmonary artery pressure sensor: recalibration direction and magnitude results", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Friedrich Wetterling", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Dublin Trinity College", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Measurement inaccuracy reported via the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience database for an implantable pulmonary artery pressure sensor: recalibration direction and magnitude results", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Friedrich Wetterling ", + "kol_full_name": "Friedrich Wetterling " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biventricular Modelling | Ventricular Arrhythmia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460773", + "session_name": "Biventricular modelling for investigating ventricular arrhythmias in silico", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fuyu Cheng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biventricular modelling for investigating ventricular arrhythmias in silico", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biventricular Modelling | Ventricular Arrhythmia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Fuyu Cheng ", + "kol_full_name": "Fuyu Cheng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459965", + "session_name": "Anatomical classification of patent foramen ovale before percutaneous closure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gabriel Chevrot", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anatomical classification of patent foramen ovale before percutaneous closure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Foramen Ovale, Patent", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gabriel Chevrot ", + "kol_full_name": "Gabriel Chevrot " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transthoracic Echocardiography | Atrial Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460733", + "session_name": "Accuracy of right atrial pressure estimation by transthoracic echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gabrielle Pancio", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Accuracy of right atrial pressure estimation by transthoracic echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transthoracic Echocardiography | Atrial Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gabrielle Pancio ", + "kol_full_name": "Gabrielle Pancio " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Prednisone | C-Reactive Protein", + "npi_num": "1699859504", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_434041", + "session_name": "Effect of short-term prednisone therapy on C-reactive protein change in emergency department patients with acute heart failure and elevated inflammatory markers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gad cotter", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Momentum Research Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of short-term prednisone therapy on C-reactive protein change in emergency department patients with acute heart failure and elevated inflammatory markers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Prednisone ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " C-Reactive Protein", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gad cotter ", + "kol_full_name": "Gad cotter " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458129", + "session_name": "Gender disparity in heart failure: does it matter?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gagan Kaur", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hemet Global Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Hemet", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gender disparity in heart failure: does it matter?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gagan Kaur ", + "kol_full_name": "Gagan Kaur " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Valve Thrombosis | Thrombolytic Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460957", + "session_name": "Urgent surgery compared to fibrinolytic therapy for the treatment of left-sided mechanical valve thrombosis (SAFE-PVT): a randomized controlled trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ganesan Karthikeyan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "All India Institute of Medical Sciences AIIMS)", + "Country": "India", + "Region": "Delhi", + "City": "New Delhi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Urgent surgery compared to fibrinolytic therapy for the treatment of left-sided mechanical valve thrombosis (SAFE-PVT): a randomized controlled trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Valve Thrombosis | Thrombolytic Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ganesan Karthikeyan ", + "kol_full_name": "Ganesan Karthikeyan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456555", + "session_name": "Pharmacotherapy in coronary artery disease: from bench to bedside", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gani Bajraktari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Centre of Kosovo (UCC)", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pharmacotherapy in coronary artery disease: from bench to bedside", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gani Bajraktari ", + "kol_full_name": "Gani Bajraktari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Monitors | Antiarrhythmics | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460610", + "session_name": "Dynamic QTc interval changes observed in real-world patients with implanted insertable cardiac monitors taking class III antiarrhythmic drugs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gautham Rajagopal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medtronic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Minneapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dynamic QTc interval changes observed in real-world patients with implanted insertable cardiac monitors taking class III antiarrhythmic drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Monitors | Antiarrhythmics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Defibrillators, Implantable", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
George Fotos ", + "kol_full_name": "George Fotos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456140", + "session_name": "Treatment of acute pulmonary embolism across the strata risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "George Giannakoulas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ahepa General Hospital of Aristotle University", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of acute pulmonary embolism across the strata risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
George Giannakoulas ", + "kol_full_name": "George Giannakoulas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis | Genetic Testing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460756", + "session_name": "Personalised therapy for pericarditis and the role of genetic testing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "George Lazaros", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised therapy for pericarditis and the role of genetic testing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis | Genetic Testing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Georgios Tzanis ", + "kol_full_name": "Georgios Tzanis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Apolipoprotein A-I", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460965", + "session_name": "ApoA-I Infusions and Burden of Ischemic Events after Acute Myocardial Infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gerald Chi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ApoA-I Infusions and Burden of Ischemic Events after Acute Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Apolipoprotein A-I", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gerardo Valenzuela Valenzuela ", + "kol_full_name": "Gerardo Valenzuela Valenzuela " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456943", + "session_name": "Advancing computational cardiology and clinical efficiency", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gerold Porenta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advancing computational cardiology and clinical efficiency", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giacomo Ruotolo ", + "kol_full_name": "Giacomo Ruotolo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulsed Electric Field | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460952", + "session_name": "Pulsed ElectRic FiEld versus Cryoballoon to Treat Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (PERFECT-PAF) Randomized Trial: a Periprocedural Clinical and Cost Analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gian Battista Chierchia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Rhythm Management Centre", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulsed ElectRic FiEld versus Cryoballoon to Treat Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (PERFECT-PAF) Randomized Trial: a Periprocedural Clinical and Cost Analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulsed Electric Field | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gian Battista Chierchia ", + "kol_full_name": "Gian Battista Chierchia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457950", + "session_name": "Bioprosthetic or mechanical aortic valve replacement: patient expectations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gil Meltzer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bioprosthetic or mechanical aortic valve replacement: patient expectations", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gil Meltzer ", + "kol_full_name": "Gil Meltzer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ejection Fraction | Quality Of Life | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455997", + "session_name": "Ejection fraction in heart failure: epidemiology, comorbidity, and quality of life", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ginta Kamzola", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Paul Stradins Clinical University Hospital", + "Country": "Latvia", + "Region": "Riga", + "City": "RIGA", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ejection fraction in heart failure: epidemiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " comorbidity, and quality of life", + "events_topic": "Ejection Fraction | Quality Of Life ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ginta Kamzola ", + "kol_full_name": "Ginta Kamzola " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460335", + "session_name": "AI-ECG sex-estimation discordances predict cardiovascular events", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giovanni Multinu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital-Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AI-ECG sex-estimation discordances predict cardiovascular events", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giovanni Multinu ", + "kol_full_name": "Giovanni Multinu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457773", + "session_name": "Challenges to heart failure management in low/middle-income countries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giselle Gervacio-Domingo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Philippine General Hospital", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Manila", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges to heart failure management in low/middle-income countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giselle Gervacio-Domingo ", + "kol_full_name": "Giselle Gervacio-Domingo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458934", + "session_name": "An insidious case of dynamic mitral regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giulia Nemola", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An insidious case of dynamic mitral regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giulia Nemola ", + "kol_full_name": "Giulia Nemola " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459172", + "session_name": "Adipose tissue/ heart lipid transport determines cardiac diastolic function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giuseppe Trimarchi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adipose tissue/ heart lipid transport determines cardiac diastolic function", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giuseppe Trimarchi ", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Trimarchi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trial | Semaglutide | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460043", + "session_name": "Semaglutide and atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Goncalo Costa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Centro hospitalar de Coimbra", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Coimbra", + "City": "Coimbra", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Semaglutide and atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trial | Semaglutide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Goncalo Costa ", + "kol_full_name": "Goncalo Costa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Truncus Arteriosus | Pregnancy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460302", + "session_name": "Pregnancy management in a patient with uncorrected truncus arteriosus: a challenging case report", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gozde Cansu Yilmaz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ankara University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pregnancy management in a patient with uncorrected truncus arteriosus: a challenging case report", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Truncus Arteriosus | Pregnancy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gozde Cansu Yilmaz ", + "kol_full_name": "Gozde Cansu Yilmaz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Esophageal Neoplasms | Heart Block", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457965", + "session_name": "Posture is everything: postural heart block in the setting of esophageal mass", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Grace Hagan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital - St. Mary's Campus", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Posture is everything: postural heart block in the setting of esophageal mass", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Esophageal Neoplasms | Heart Block", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Grace Hagan ", + "kol_full_name": "Grace Hagan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460935", + "session_name": "Goal-oriented management of the patient with PAH", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Grzegorz Kopec", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Jagiellonian University Medical College, John Paul II Hospital", + "Country": "Poland", + "Region": "Malopolskie", + "City": "Krakow", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Goal-oriented management of the patient with PAH", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Grzegorz Kopec ", + "kol_full_name": "Grzegorz Kopec " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Failure, Systolic | Coronary Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460959", + "session_name": "Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging vs invasive coronary angiography as primary strategy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction - A diagnostic randomized trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guelmisal Gueder", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Wuerzburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "WURZBURG", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging vs invasive coronary angiography as primary strategy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction - A diagnostic randomized trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Failure, Systolic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Guelmisal Gueder ", + "kol_full_name": "Guelmisal Gueder " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Diabetes Mellitus | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460199", + "session_name": "Arterial hypertension in the era of obesity bias: the impact of obesity status on pharmacological treatment intensification in patients with diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guilherme Heiden Telo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio Grande do Sul", + "City": "Porto Alegre", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arterial hypertension in the era of obesity bias: the impact of obesity status on pharmacological treatment intensification in patients with diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Guilherme Heiden Telo ", + "kol_full_name": "Guilherme Heiden Telo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Bypass Graft | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460954", + "session_name": "Impact of baseline surgical risk on the treatment effect of PCI and CABG in ischemic left ventricular systolic dysfunction: results of the REVIVED-BCIS2 and STICH randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guillaume Marquis Gravel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Montreal Heart Institute", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Quebec", + "City": "Montreal", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of baseline surgical risk on the treatment effect of PCI and CABG in ischemic left ventricular systolic dysfunction: results of the REVIVED-BCIS2 and STICH randomized controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Bypass Graft | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Guillaume Marquis Gravel ", + "kol_full_name": "Guillaume Marquis Gravel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amiodarone", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459810", + "session_name": "Amiodarone: hero or villain? About a case.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guillermo Navas Moreira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Omni hospital", + "Country": "Ecuador", + "Region": "Guayas", + "City": "Guayaquil", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Amiodarone: hero or villain? About a case.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amiodarone", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Guillermo Navas Moreira ", + "kol_full_name": "Guillermo Navas Moreira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456912", + "session_name": "Implantable loop recorders and body surface electrocardiography: diagnostic and therapeutic implications", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gulmira Kudaiberdieva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "CSRDE", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Adana", + "City": "Adana", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implantable loop recorders and body surface electrocardiography: diagnostic and therapeutic implications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gulmira Kudaiberdieva ", + "kol_full_name": "Gulmira Kudaiberdieva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459740", + "session_name": "Integration of the 2023 ESC Guidelines on Acute Coronary Syndromes into clinical practice in Kazakhstan: key points for mortality reduction - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gulnara Junusbekova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kazakh National Medical University", + "Country": "Kazakhstan", + "Region": "Almaty", + "City": "Almaty", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integration of the 2023 ESC Guidelines on Acute Coronary Syndromes into clinical practice in Kazakhstan: key points for mortality reduction - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gulnara Junusbekova ", + "kol_full_name": "Gulnara Junusbekova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460200", + "session_name": "The importance of taste salt sensitivity in the development of kidney damage in patients with high-risked arterial hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gulnoz Khamidullaeva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-practical medical center of cardiology Republic of Uzbekistan", + "Country": "Uzbekistan", + "Region": "Toshkent", + "City": "Tashkent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The importance of taste salt sensitivity in the development of kidney damage in patients with high-risked arterial hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gulnoz Khamidullaeva ", + "kol_full_name": "Gulnoz Khamidullaeva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertensive Crisis | Hypotension, Orthostatic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459901", + "session_name": "Management of orthostatic hypotension in the elderly hypertensive patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gulsum Bingol", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of orthostatic hypotension in the elderly hypertensive patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertensive Crisis | Hypotension, Orthostatic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gulsum Bingol ", + "kol_full_name": "Gulsum Bingol " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459487", + "session_name": "Sudden cardiac arrest in an adolescent female - Long QT syndrome, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy or both?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gustav Arnar Davidsson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Landspitali University Hospital", + "Country": "Iceland", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sudden cardiac arrest in an adolescent female - Long QT syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy or both?", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Death, Sudden, Cardiac ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Arrest", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gustav Arnar Davidsson ", + "kol_full_name": "Gustav Arnar Davidsson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Creatinine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459638", + "session_name": "Role of urea to creatinine ratio in the prediction of outcomes in chronic heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gustavo Rodolfo Moreira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Fluminense Federal University (UFF)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio de Janeiro", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of urea to creatinine ratio in the prediction of outcomes in chronic heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Creatinine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gustavo Rodolfo Moreira ", + "kol_full_name": "Gustavo Rodolfo Moreira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Relaxin | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460366", + "session_name": "Daily Subcutaneous injections of Relaxin is a therapy for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guy Salama", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Upmc University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Daily Subcutaneous injections of Relaxin is a therapy for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Relaxin | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Guy Salama ", + "kol_full_name": "Guy Salama " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Liver Diseases | Chronic Coronary Syndromes | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460109", + "session_name": "The association of steatotic liver disease with recurrent ischemic events in patients with chronic coronary syndrome: a multicenter cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guyu Zeng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association of steatotic liver disease with recurrent ischemic events in patients with chronic coronary syndrome: a multicenter cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Liver Diseases | Chronic Coronary Syndromes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Guyu Zeng ", + "kol_full_name": "Guyu Zeng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458187", + "session_name": "Failure of primary prophylaxis: statin use, risk profile, and outcomes in contemporary patients treated with PCI for first atherosclerotic event", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hafsah Anjum", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Failure of primary prophylaxis: statin use", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " risk profile, and outcomes in contemporary patients treated with PCI for first atherosclerotic event", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hafsah Anjum ", + "kol_full_name": "Hafsah Anjum " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypoxia | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457071", + "session_name": "The protective effect of pinacidil in hypoxia-reoxygenation cardiomyocytes through hif-1a/hre pathway in rat.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hai Feng He", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The protective effect of pinacidil in hypoxia-reoxygenation cardiomyocytes through hif-1a/hre pathway in rat.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypoxia | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hai Feng He ", + "kol_full_name": "Hai Feng He " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Galectin 3", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459532", + "session_name": "Circulating Galectin-3 distinguishes global aortic aging among older women.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hai Yun Cai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "SingHealth", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Circulating Galectin-3 distinguishes global aortic aging among older women.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Galectin 3", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hai Yun Cai ", + "kol_full_name": "Hai Yun Cai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457758", + "session_name": "Impact of SGLT2 inhibitors on liver-related outcomes in patients with heart failure - a population-based study in HK", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hai-Yue Yang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Queen Mary Hospital", + "Country": "Hong Kong (SAR)", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of SGLT2 inhibitors on liver-related outcomes in patients with heart failure - a population-based study in HK", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hai-Yue Yang ", + "kol_full_name": "Hai-Yue Yang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460850", + "session_name": "Patient journey from the appearance of red flags to the diagnosis of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR-CM) in Japan: a nationwide retrospective study using a medical claims database", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hajime Abe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient journey from the appearance of red flags to the diagnosis of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR-CM) in Japan: a nationwide retrospective study using a medical claims database", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hajime Abe ", + "kol_full_name": "Hajime Abe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459815", + "session_name": "Native-valve infective endocarditis presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction due to septic emboli", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hamza Yousaf", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Buffalo", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Buffalo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Native-valve infective endocarditis presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction due to septic emboli", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hamza Yousaf ", + "kol_full_name": "Hamza Yousaf " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458890", + "session_name": "Novel method in mice to evaluate left atrial (LA) systolic contribution to left ventricular volume (LV) using pressure-volume (PV) loops", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hana Baker", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Eli Lilly and Company", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Indiana", + "City": "Indianapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel method in mice to evaluate left atrial (LA) systolic contribution to left ventricular volume (LV) using pressure-volume (PV) loops", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hana Baker ", + "kol_full_name": "Hana Baker " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digoxin | Heart-Assist Devices | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457702", + "session_name": "Impact of digoxin on gastrointestinal bleeding following left ventricular assist device implantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Haneen Alani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "HMC Heart Hospital", + "Country": "Qatar", + "Region": "Ad Dawhah", + "City": "Doha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of digoxin on gastrointestinal bleeding following left ventricular assist device implantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Digoxin | Heart-Assist Devices ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Haneen Alani ", + "kol_full_name": "Haneen Alani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Pulmonary Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456164", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: the diagnostic challenge of combined valvular stenosis and regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hani Mahmoud-Elsayed", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Aswan Heart Centre, Magdi Yacoub Foundation", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: the diagnostic challenge of combined valvular stenosis and regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Insufficiency | Pulmonary Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hannah Karin Wood-Kurland ", + "kol_full_name": "Hannah Karin Wood-Kurland " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458088", + "session_name": "Long-term prognostic impact of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary ischemia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Haochen Xuan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term prognostic impact of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary ischemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Haochen Xuan ", + "kol_full_name": "Haochen Xuan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457390", + "session_name": "Reassessing pharmacological trials with positive composite outcome driven by reduction in nonfatal myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Haonan Sun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reassessing pharmacological trials with positive composite outcome driven by reduction in nonfatal myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Haonan Sun ", + "kol_full_name": "Haonan Sun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Air Pollution | Sex Characteristics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457975", + "session_name": "Age and sex differences in the effects of short- and long-term exposure to air pollution on endothelial dysfunction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Haoyu Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Age and sex differences in the effects of short- and long-term exposure to air pollution on endothelial dysfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Air Pollution | Sex Characteristics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Haoyu Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Haoyu Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461060", + "session_name": "Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Harilaos Bogossian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Evangelical Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Hagen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Harilaos Bogossian ", + "kol_full_name": "Harilaos Bogossian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460525", + "session_name": "Role of the cardiology pharmacist in improving quality of care for patients with acute myocardial infarction based on ESC-ACCA quality indicators", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hasan Al Farhan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Iraqi Board for Medical Specializations", + "Country": "Iraq", + "Region": "Baghdad", + "City": "Baghdad", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of the cardiology pharmacist in improving quality of care for patients with acute myocardial infarction based on ESC-ACCA quality indicators", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hasan Al Farhan ", + "kol_full_name": "Hasan Al Farhan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Treprostinil | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457151", + "session_name": "The safety and efficacy of treprostinil for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hasan Khasawneh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The safety and efficacy of treprostinil for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Treprostinil | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hasan Khasawneh ", + "kol_full_name": "Hasan Khasawneh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug-Eluting Stents | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457579", + "session_name": "Comparative meta-analysis: drug-coated balloon versus drug-coated stent - a comprehensive evaluation of efficacy and safety in stentless percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hashim Talib Hashim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative meta-analysis: drug-coated balloon versus drug-coated stent - a comprehensive evaluation of efficacy and safety in stentless percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug-Eluting Stents | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hashim Talib Hashim ", + "kol_full_name": "Hashim Talib Hashim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459387", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular mortality with oral potassium-binders in patients with CKD and heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hasti Barzkar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baylor University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular mortality with oral potassium-binders in patients with CKD and heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hasti Barzkar ", + "kol_full_name": "Hasti Barzkar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiopulmonary Bypass | Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457244", + "session_name": "Is it useful to washing stored red blood cells in cardiopulmonary bypass priming fluid for neonatal cardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "He Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Is it useful to washing stored red blood cells in cardiopulmonary bypass priming fluid for neonatal cardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiopulmonary Bypass | Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
He Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "He Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458168", + "session_name": "Reward system activation improves recovery from acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hedva Haykin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reward system activation improves recovery from acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hedva Haykin ", + "kol_full_name": "Hedva Haykin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Diabetes Mellitus | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459604", + "session_name": "Blood pressure polygenic risk scores associate with resistant hypertension in individuals with type 1 diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Heini Sanez Taehtisalo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Blood pressure polygenic risk scores associate with resistant hypertension in individuals with type 1 diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Heini Sanez Taehtisalo ", + "kol_full_name": "Heini Sanez Taehtisalo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456042", + "session_name": "Arrhythmias in athletes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Helder Dores", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Nova Medical School", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Arrhythmias in athletes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Helder Dores ", + "kol_full_name": "Helder Dores " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458770", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease prevention in the UK", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Helen Jane Williams", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease prevention in the UK", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Helen Jane Williams ", + "kol_full_name": "Helen Jane Williams " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "HIV | Exercise", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459648", + "session_name": "Aerobic exercise capacity improvement of patients with human immunodeficiency virus one year post-treatment initiation by integrase inhibitors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Helen Triantafyllidi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Attikon University Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aerobic exercise capacity improvement of patients with human immunodeficiency virus one year post-treatment initiation by integrase inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "HIV | Exercise", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Helen Triantafyllidi ", + "kol_full_name": "Helen Triantafyllidi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459892", + "session_name": "Temporal trends in antithrombotic therapy following transcatheter aortic valve implantation in denmark", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Helene Vistisen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal trends in antithrombotic therapy following transcatheter aortic valve implantation in denmark", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Helene Vistisen ", + "kol_full_name": "Helene Vistisen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459117", + "session_name": "Stent in the middle of nowhere. A Peristent-Aneurysm as cause of an inferior STEMI.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Helge Alexy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stent in the middle of nowhere. A Peristent-Aneurysm as cause of an inferior STEMI.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Aneurysm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Helge Alexy ", + "kol_full_name": "Helge Alexy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Carcinoid Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460749", + "session_name": "The frozen valves: multivalvular carcinoid heart disease arising from metastatic neuroendocrine tumour", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hemmawan Wisanusattra", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The frozen valves: multivalvular carcinoid heart disease arising from metastatic neuroendocrine tumour", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Carcinoid Heart Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hemmawan Wisanusattra ", + "kol_full_name": "Hemmawan Wisanusattra " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence | Embolization, Therapeutic | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458846", + "session_name": "Comparing cerebral microembolisation patterns between high power short duration and pulsed field ablation techniques using artificial intelligence based robotic transcranial doppler monitoring", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Henriette Meszaros", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing cerebral microembolisation patterns between high power short duration and pulsed field ablation techniques using artificial intelligence based robotic transcranial doppler monitoring", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Embolization, Therapeutic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Henriette Meszaros ", + "kol_full_name": "Henriette Meszaros " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoidosis | Endomyocardial Biopsy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457296", + "session_name": "Endomyocardial biopsy in the diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Henriikka Malkonen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endomyocardial biopsy in the diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoidosis | Endomyocardial Biopsy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hiroaki Yaginuma ", + "kol_full_name": "Hiroaki Yaginuma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Secondary Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456312", + "session_name": "Secondary prevention: a multifactorial approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hoai Thi Thu Nguyen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bach Mai hospital", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Secondary prevention: a multifactorial approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Secondary Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hoai Thi Thu Nguyen ", + "kol_full_name": "Hoai Thi Thu Nguyen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pacemaker, Artificial | Ventricular Function, Right", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460516", + "session_name": "Study of right atrial and right ventricular function in dual chamber pacemaker patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hoda Shehata Abdelkhalek Abdelgawad", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Alexandria University hospital", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Suhaj", + "City": "Alexandria", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Study of right atrial and right ventricular function in dual chamber pacemaker patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pacemaker, Artificial | Ventricular Function, Right", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hoda Shehata Abdelkhalek Abdelgawad ", + "kol_full_name": "Hoda Shehata Abdelkhalek Abdelgawad " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Global Burden Of Disease | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459239", + "session_name": "The Cardiovascular Disease Burden Associated with secondhand smoke, 1990-2019: an age-period-cohort analysis of the Global Burden of Disease study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hong Jiang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Cardiovascular Disease Burden Associated with secondhand smoke", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " 1990-2019: an age-period-cohort analysis of the Global Burden of Disease study", + "events_topic": "Global Burden Of Disease | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hong Jiang ", + "kol_full_name": "Hong Jiang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458951", + "session_name": "Peripheral veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a bridge to cardiac transplantation in a patient with ischaemic ventricular septal defect", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hong Jun Yong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peripheral veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a bridge to cardiac transplantation in a patient with ischaemic ventricular septal defect", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Transplantation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hong Jun Yong ", + "kol_full_name": "Hong Jun Yong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457873", + "session_name": "Plasma proteomics of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes: Results from two population-based KORA cohorts", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hong Luo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Plasma proteomics of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes: Results from two population-based KORA cohorts", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hong Luo ", + "kol_full_name": "Hong Luo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Regeneration | Cardiac Scar | MicroRNAs", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460459", + "session_name": "MicroRNA-145-5p restricts cardiac scar resolution during cardiac regeneration", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hong Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Minerva Foundation Institute for Medical Research", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MicroRNA-145-5p restricts cardiac scar resolution during cardiac regeneration", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Regeneration | Cardiac Scar ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " MicroRNAs", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hong Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Hong Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458652", + "session_name": "Association of hypertension and the risk of cancer: a study based on the UK Biobank", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hongguang Wu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of hypertension and the risk of cancer: a study based on the UK Biobank", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hongguang Wu ", + "kol_full_name": "Hongguang Wu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456945", + "session_name": "Diabetes and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Houssam Balleh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Saudi German Hospital Sharjah", + "Country": "United Arab Emirates", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diabetes and heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Houssam Balleh ", + "kol_full_name": "Houssam Balleh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Intensive Care Units | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Delirium", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458910", + "session_name": "The correlation between the confusion assessment method for intensive care units 7-item, the intensive care delirium screening checklist and adverse outcomes after post-cardiac surgery delirium", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hsin-Shan Hsieh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Kaohsiung", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The correlation between the confusion assessment method for intensive care units 7-item", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " the intensive care delirium screening checklist and adverse outcomes after post-cardiac surgery delirium", + "events_topic": "Intensive Care Units | Cardiac Surgical Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Delirium", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hsin-Shan Hsieh ", + "kol_full_name": "Hsin-Shan Hsieh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pyroptosis | Atherosclerosis | Lactobacillus Johnsonii", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458709", + "session_name": "Aspirin inhibits atherosclerosis through macrophage pyroptosis by interacting with Lactobacillus johnsonii and its metabolite butyrate", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hua Rui", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aspirin inhibits atherosclerosis through macrophage pyroptosis by interacting with Lactobacillus johnsonii and its metabolite butyrate", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pyroptosis | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lactobacillus Johnsonii", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hua Rui ", + "kol_full_name": "Hua Rui " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Comorbidity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459100", + "session_name": "Defining patterns of comorbidity accrual before and after the diagnosis of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hugo Macgowan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Defining patterns of comorbidity accrual before and after the diagnosis of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Comorbidity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hugo Macgowan ", + "kol_full_name": "Hugo Macgowan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fontan Procedure | Liver Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459151", + "session_name": "Optimising liver screening in patients with a Fontan circulation: a cost-effective approach to detection of Fontan associated liver disease which enhances patient care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hugo Mathew", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising liver screening in patients with a Fontan circulation: a cost-effective approach to detection of Fontan associated liver disease which enhances patient care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fontan Procedure | Liver Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hugo Mathew ", + "kol_full_name": "Hugo Mathew " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457392", + "session_name": "First trimester maternal infections and offspring congenital heart defects: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Huimin Su", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "First trimester maternal infections and offspring congenital heart defects: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Huimin Su ", + "kol_full_name": "Huimin Su " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459535", + "session_name": "Breast arterial calcification: a potential novel imaging marker for HFpEF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Huong Tu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast arterial calcification: a potential novel imaging marker for HFpEF", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Huong Tu ", + "kol_full_name": "Huong Tu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Metabolomics | Gene Expression", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457803", + "session_name": "Association of genetically predicted human metabolomic gene expression with incident heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hyunchan Ahn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of genetically predicted human metabolomic gene expression with incident heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Metabolomics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gene Expression", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hyunchan Ahn ", + "kol_full_name": "Hyunchan Ahn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456604", + "session_name": "Case-based cardiovascular collaborations: working together for a better future?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ian Loftus", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case-based cardiovascular collaborations: working together for a better future?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ian Loftus ", + "kol_full_name": "Ian Loftus " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456264", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ian Maklim Graham", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tallaght University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ian Maklim Graham ", + "kol_full_name": "Ian Maklim Graham " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456557", + "session_name": "Optimising the management of cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ian Patrick Kay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Middlemore Hospital", + "Country": "New Zealand", + "Region": "Auckland", + "City": "Auckland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising the management of cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ian Patrick Kay ", + "kol_full_name": "Ian Patrick Kay " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456917", + "session_name": "Tips and tricks in catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Iara Atie Malan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Federal University of Rio de Janeiro", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio de Janeiro", + "City": "Rio de Janeiro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tips and tricks in catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Iara Atie Malan ", + "kol_full_name": "Iara Atie Malan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sinus Rhythm | Echocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458053", + "session_name": "Sinus rhythm maintenance and the changes of echocardiographic parameters in patients with late persistent atrial fibrillation at 6 months after direct current cardioversion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Iaroslav Skybchyk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Misto Kyyiv", + "City": "Kiev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sinus rhythm maintenance and the changes of echocardiographic parameters in patients with late persistent atrial fibrillation at 6 months after direct current cardioversion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sinus Rhythm | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Iaroslav Skybchyk ", + "kol_full_name": "Iaroslav Skybchyk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypercholesterolemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460013", + "session_name": "Management of children with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia worldwide: a meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ibadete Bytyci", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Centre of Kosova", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of children with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia worldwide: a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypercholesterolemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ibadete Bytyci ", + "kol_full_name": "Ibadete Bytyci " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Morbidity | Mortality | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458976", + "session_name": "Multiparametric risk predictions for morbidity and mortality in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: insights from a nation-wide registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ibrahim Basarici", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Akdeniz University Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Antalya", + "City": "Antalya", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multiparametric risk predictions for morbidity and mortality in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: insights from a nation-wide registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Morbidity | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ibrahim Basarici ", + "kol_full_name": "Ibrahim Basarici " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "OSDOKINA Crush Technique", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458481", + "session_name": "OSDOKINA crush technique for the management of side branch ostial lesion ISTANBOL study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ibrahim Donmez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Abant Izzet Baysal University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Bursa", + "City": "Bursa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "OSDOKINA crush technique for the management of side branch ostial lesion ISTANBOL study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "OSDOKINA Crush Technique", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ibrahim Donmez ", + "kol_full_name": "Ibrahim Donmez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456353", + "session_name": "Modern approaches to interventional cardiology and coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ibrahim Halil Inanc", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kirikkale Yuksek Ihtisas Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modern approaches to interventional cardiology and coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ibrahim Halil Inanc ", + "kol_full_name": "Ibrahim Halil Inanc " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Mortality | Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460173", + "session_name": "Assessing stroke and mortality risk in heart failure: the CHA2DS2-VASc score's prognostic value in patients with and without atrial fibrillation - a systematic review and meta analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ibrahim Kamel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Steward Carney Hospital, Inc.", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Wisconsin", + "City": "Dorchester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing stroke and mortality risk in heart failure: the CHA2DS2-VASc score's prognostic value in patients with and without atrial fibrillation - a systematic review and meta analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ibrahim Kamel ", + "kol_full_name": "Ibrahim Kamel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457681", + "session_name": "Spectrum of heart failure in 16 sub-saharan countries: drugs strategies and 8-year trends (the february study 2016-2023)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ibrahima Bara Diop", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "FANN UNIVERSITARY HOSPITAL", + "Country": "Senegal", + "Region": "Kaolack", + "City": "Dakar", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Spectrum of heart failure in 16 sub-saharan countries: drugs strategies and 8-year trends (the february study 2016-2023)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ibrahima Bara Diop ", + "kol_full_name": "Ibrahima Bara Diop " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes, Gestational | Pregnancy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460299", + "session_name": "The relationship between coronary flow reserve and the TyG index in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Idil Bugday", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The relationship between coronary flow reserve and the TyG index in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes, Gestational | Pregnancy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Idil Bugday ", + "kol_full_name": "Idil Bugday " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endovascular Procedures | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459021", + "session_name": "Elective endovascular reperfusion therapies in intermediate-high risk pulmonary embolism after PERT assesment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ignacio Manuel Cigalini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Elective endovascular reperfusion therapies in intermediate-high risk pulmonary embolism after PERT assesment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endovascular Procedures | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ignacio Manuel Cigalini ", + "kol_full_name": "Ignacio Manuel Cigalini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Acetazolamide", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458893", + "session_name": "Efficacy of acetazolamide as adjunct therapy in improving fluid management in patients with acute congestive heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Igor Tolentino Narciso", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emercency Care UPA Chiquinho Guimaraes de Montes Claros", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio Grande do Sul", + "City": "Montenegro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy of acetazolamide as adjunct therapy in improving fluid management in patients with acute congestive heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Acetazolamide", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Igor Tolentino Narciso ", + "kol_full_name": "Igor Tolentino Narciso " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Ischemia | Telerehabilitation | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457919", + "session_name": "Impact of Phase III cardiac telerehabilitation on cardiorrespiratory fitness, safety and adherence in patients with ischemic heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ik Zamora Diaz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Medical Center 20th November Hospital", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of Phase III cardiac telerehabilitation on cardiorrespiratory fitness", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " safety and adherence in patients with ischemic heart disease", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Ischemia | Telerehabilitation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ik Zamora Diaz ", + "kol_full_name": "Ik Zamora Diaz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Zika Virus Infection | Atrial Function", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460012", + "session_name": "Decreased left atrial volume and preserved left atrial function in children with congenital Zika syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Imara Barbosa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Federal University of Campina Grande", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Decreased left atrial volume and preserved left atrial function in children with congenital Zika syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Zika Virus Infection | Atrial Function", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Imara Barbosa ", + "kol_full_name": "Imara Barbosa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458026", + "session_name": "Evaluation of 18F FOL a PET tracer targeting folate receptor beta in a rat model of myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Imran Iqbal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Turku", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of 18F FOL a PET tracer targeting folate receptor beta in a rat model of myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Imran Iqbal ", + "kol_full_name": "Imran Iqbal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Mineralocorticoid | Spironolactone | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Eplerenone | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457815", + "session_name": "Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist therapy in patients with ischemic heart failure and ventricular tachycardia: a comparative analysis of spironolactone vs. eplerenone", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Imre Szakal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist therapy in patients with ischemic heart failure and ventricular tachycardia: a comparative analysis of spironolactone vs. eplerenone", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Mineralocorticoid | Spironolactone ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Tachycardia, Ventricular | Eplerenone | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Imre Szakal ", + "kol_full_name": "Imre Szakal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456056", + "session_name": "All shapes and forms of pericarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Inci Colluoglu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Karabuk University Faculty of Medicine", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "All shapes and forms of pericarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Inci Colluoglu ", + "kol_full_name": "Inci Colluoglu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458620", + "session_name": "Safety and efficiency of modified HEART scores without troponin or electrocardiography: an analysis based on two European out-of-hours primary care cohorts", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Indra Melessen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and efficiency of modified HEART scores without troponin or electrocardiography: an analysis based on two European out-of-hours primary care cohorts", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Troponin | Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Indra Melessen ", + "kol_full_name": "Indra Melessen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457908", + "session_name": "The Waiting 4 Surgery study: burden of in-hospital care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ines Campos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Centre do Tamega e Sousa", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Waiting 4 Surgery study: burden of in-hospital care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ines Campos ", + "kol_full_name": "Ines Campos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458542", + "session_name": "A novel marker of cardiovascular risk stratification: the role of total cardiovascular calcium score using cardiac CT", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ines Miranda", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Amadora", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel marker of cardiovascular risk stratification: the role of total cardiovascular calcium score using cardiac CT", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ines Miranda ", + "kol_full_name": "Ines Miranda " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Wearable Electronic Devices", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460483", + "session_name": "Wearable devices - patient perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Inga Drossart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Wearable devices - patient perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Wearable Electronic Devices", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Inna Rabinovich-Nikitin ", + "kol_full_name": "Inna Rabinovich-Nikitin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "TIMI Frame Count", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460706", + "session_name": "Corrected timi frame count : time to replace the TIMI flow?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Inne Pratiwi Farissa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Corrected timi frame count : time to replace the TIMI flow?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "TIMI Frame Count", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Inne Pratiwi Farissa ", + "kol_full_name": "Inne Pratiwi Farissa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Ventricular Dysfunction | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458267", + "session_name": "The Heart of the Matter- Late cardiotoxicity with severe biventricular dysfunction in a young patient with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma treated with R-CHOP", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioana Caramihai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Heart of the Matter- Late cardiotoxicity with severe biventricular dysfunction in a young patient with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma treated with R-CHOP", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Ventricular Dysfunction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiotoxicity", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioana Caramihai ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioana Caramihai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456789", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular risk factors and risk prediction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioana Cristina Daha", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Colentina Clinical Hospital", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular risk factors and risk prediction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioana Cristina Daha ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioana Cristina Daha " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459622", + "session_name": "The long and winding road of a patient with native aortic valve endocarditis and multiple systemic emboli", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioana-Patricia Isfan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The long and winding road of a patient with native aortic valve endocarditis and multiple systemic emboli", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioana-Patricia Isfan ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioana-Patricia Isfan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460005", + "session_name": "Challenging diagnosis and treatment in a case of prosthetic valve thrombosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioannis Fragkoulis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Asklepieion Voulas General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenging diagnosis and treatment in a case of prosthetic valve thrombosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioannis Fragkoulis ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioannis Fragkoulis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460861", + "session_name": "Percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary arterial bypass grafting in patients with left main coronary artery disease and chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioannis Gialamas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary arterial bypass grafting in patients with left main coronary artery disease and chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioannis Gialamas ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioannis Gialamas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericardial Effusion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457223", + "session_name": "\" To tap or not to tap\" a case of idiopathic chronic crp negative large pericardial effusion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ioannis Kachrimanidis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ippokrateio General Hospital of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "\" To tap or not to tap\" a case of idiopathic chronic crp negative large pericardial effusion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericardial Effusion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ioannis Kachrimanidis ", + "kol_full_name": "Ioannis Kachrimanidis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456492", + "session_name": "Diabetes as a risk factor for heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irena Mitevska", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinic of Cardiology", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diabetes as a risk factor for heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irena Mitevska ", + "kol_full_name": "Irena Mitevska " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456538", + "session_name": "Optimising healthcare delivery in cardiovascular patients: will artificial intelligence help?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irene Gibson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University of Ireland", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Galway", + "City": "Galway", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising healthcare delivery in cardiovascular patients: will artificial intelligence help?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irene Gibson ", + "kol_full_name": "Irene Gibson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Autoimmune Diseases | Chronic Inflammatory Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456710", + "session_name": "Autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irina Jashi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Clinical Cardiology", + "Country": "Georgia", + "Region": "T'bilisi", + "City": "Tbilisi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders and heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Autoimmune Diseases | Chronic Inflammatory Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irina Jashi ", + "kol_full_name": "Irina Jashi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456270", + "session_name": "Myocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irina Rudaka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Riga Stradins University", + "Country": "Latvia", + "Region": "Riga", + "City": "RIGA", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irina Rudaka ", + "kol_full_name": "Irina Rudaka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460457", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of echocardiographic parameters in predicting major adverse cardiac events one year following st-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irina Vishnevskaya", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "L.T. Malaya Therapy National institute of NAMSU", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Kharkivs'ka Oblast'", + "City": "Kharkiv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of echocardiographic parameters in predicting major adverse cardiac events one year following st-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irina Vishnevskaya ", + "kol_full_name": "Irina Vishnevskaya " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460559", + "session_name": "Automated selection of echocardiographic views using a novel artificial intelligence software", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Irina Waechter Stehle", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Automated selection of echocardiographic views using a novel artificial intelligence software", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Irina Waechter Stehle ", + "kol_full_name": "Irina Waechter Stehle " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "COVID-19 | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458645", + "session_name": "Safety of COVID-19 vaccines regarding cardiovascular events: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Isa Khaheshi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Modarres Hospital", + "Country": "Iran", + "Region": "Tehran", + "City": "Tehran", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety of COVID-19 vaccines regarding cardiovascular events: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "COVID-19 | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Isa Khaheshi ", + "kol_full_name": "Isa Khaheshi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458834", + "session_name": "Role of the alarmin S100A9 in the pathogenesis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Isabel Marie Voss", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of the alarmin S100A9 in the pathogenesis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Isabel Marie Voss ", + "kol_full_name": "Isabel Marie Voss " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Syncope", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457968", + "session_name": "Intriguing syncope: insights from the intersection of cardiovascular pathology and neuro-oncology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Isabel Martins Moreira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Center of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intriguing syncope: insights from the intersection of cardiovascular pathology and neuro-oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Syncope", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Isabel Martins Moreira ", + "kol_full_name": "Isabel Martins Moreira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460697", + "session_name": "ECGWiz: a unified and generalizable AI model for comprehensive ECG diagnosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ishan Vatsaraj", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ECGWiz: a unified and generalizable AI model for comprehensive ECG diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ishan Vatsaraj ", + "kol_full_name": "Ishan Vatsaraj " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457645", + "session_name": "Improving the prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by adding plasma SVEP1 to conventional clinical model including NT-proBNP", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Itsuki Osawa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Columbia University Irving Medical Centre", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving the prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by adding plasma SVEP1 to conventional clinical model including NT-proBNP", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Itsuki Osawa ", + "kol_full_name": "Itsuki Osawa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457369", + "session_name": "Enhancement of the Mayo Clinic Genotype Predictor Score using Cardiac MRI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Iuri Ferreira Felix", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital-Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Enhancement of the Mayo Clinic Genotype Predictor Score using Cardiac MRI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Iuri Ferreira Felix ", + "kol_full_name": "Iuri Ferreira Felix " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456712", + "session_name": "Cancer and other risk factors for heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivan Gruev", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Transport Hospital Tzar Boris III", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Sofiya", + "City": "Sofia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer and other risk factors for heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivan Gruev ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivan Gruev " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart-Assist Devices", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458423", + "session_name": "Imaging for atrial and ventricular device optimisation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivan Stankovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Hospital Center Zemun", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging for atrial and ventricular device optimisation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart-Assist Devices", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivan Stankovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivan Stankovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Conduction System Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456171", + "session_name": "Unusual cases of conduction deficits", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivan Zeljkovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Dubrava", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unusual cases of conduction deficits", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Conduction System Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivan Zeljkovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivan Zeljkovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Type A Aortic Dissection | Pericardial Effusion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457561", + "session_name": "Hemopericardium and acute type A aortic dissection: tips and tricks from initial clinical presentation to recovery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivana Burazor", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hemopericardium and acute type A aortic dissection: tips and tricks from initial clinical presentation to recovery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Type A Aortic Dissection | Pericardial Effusion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivana Burazor ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivana Burazor " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Diuretics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457682", + "session_name": "Combination of diuretics to overcome diuretic resistance in acute heart failure: systematic review and updated network meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivna Cunha", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto do Coracao FMUSP", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Combination of diuretics to overcome diuretic resistance in acute heart failure: systematic review and updated network meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Diuretics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivna Cunha ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivna Cunha " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Radial Artery Compression | Kaolin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460583", + "session_name": "The effect of kaolin on postprocedural radial artery compression - randomized comparison", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivo Bernat", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Plzensky Kraj", + "City": "Plzen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of kaolin on postprocedural radial artery compression - randomized comparison", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radial Artery Compression | Kaolin", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivo Bernat ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivo Bernat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Libman-Sacks Endocarditis | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458015", + "session_name": "Isolated tricuspid valve Libman-Sacks endocarditis in acute pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ivona Vranic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Hospital Center Zemun", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Isolated tricuspid valve Libman-Sacks endocarditis in acute pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Libman-Sacks Endocarditis | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ivona Vranic ", + "kol_full_name": "Ivona Vranic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460943", + "session_name": "ESC Global Cardiology Edition", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jack Wei Chieh Tan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Centre Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ESC Global Cardiology Edition", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jacob Thomsen Loenborg ", + "kol_full_name": "Jacob Thomsen Loenborg " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460601", + "session_name": "Imaging to aid timing of intervention in secondary mitral regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jadranka Separovic Hanzevacki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Zagreb", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging to aid timing of intervention in secondary mitral regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jadranka Separovic Hanzevacki ", + "kol_full_name": "Jadranka Separovic Hanzevacki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multiple Organ Failure | Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458199", + "session_name": "Comparative analysis of multi-organ failure trajectories reflected by the MELD-3.0 following heart transplantation and heartmate 3 implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jakub Ptak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative analysis of multi-organ failure trajectories reflected by the MELD-3.0 following heart transplantation and heartmate 3 implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multiple Organ Failure | Heart Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jakub Ptak ", + "kol_full_name": "Jakub Ptak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456533", + "session_name": "Acute and chronic pericarditis: how to best manage your patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "James Russell", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "College of Medicine And Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone", + "Country": "Sierra Leone", + "Region": "Western Area", + "City": "Freetown", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute and chronic pericarditis: how to best manage your patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
James Russell ", + "kol_full_name": "James Russell " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Glycemic Index | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460568", + "session_name": "Efficacy of diet with low glycemic index on coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jamol Uzokov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation", + "Country": "Uzbekistan", + "Region": "Toshkent", + "City": "Tashkent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy of diet with low glycemic index on coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glycemic Index | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jamol Uzokov ", + "kol_full_name": "Jamol Uzokov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Purkinje Fibers | Ventricular Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458782", + "session_name": "Ablation of Purkinje fibers as therapy for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Adamek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Podlesi", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Ustecky Kraj", + "City": "Teplice", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ablation of Purkinje fibers as therapy for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Purkinje Fibers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Adamek ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Adamek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MitraClip Implantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459912", + "session_name": "Leveraging mixed reality in mitraclip implantation: A preliminary case series toward a pilot study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Hecko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital AGEL Trinec-Podlesi", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Ustecky Kraj", + "City": "Teplice", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Leveraging mixed reality in mitraclip implantation: A preliminary case series toward a pilot study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "MitraClip Implantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Hecko ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Hecko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460833", + "session_name": "Personalised approach to resynchronisation therapy in congenital heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Janousek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Motol University Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised approach to resynchronisation therapy in congenital heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Janousek ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Janousek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myosins | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460386", + "session_name": "The essential role of the miRNA-208a/TARBP2/Sox6 axis in myosin expression in the end stage human heart failure.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan kyselovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Bratislava", + "Country": "Slovakia", + "Region": "Bratislavsky", + "City": "Bratislava", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The essential role of the miRNA-208a/TARBP2/Sox6 axis in myosin expression in the end stage human heart failure.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myosins | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan kyselovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan kyselovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458387", + "session_name": "Higher blood glucose within the first 72 hours after prolonged cardiac arrest predict poor prognosis: a post-hoc analysis of Prague OHCA trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Malik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "First Medical Faculty, Charles University", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Higher blood glucose within the first 72 hours after prolonged cardiac arrest predict poor prognosis: a post-hoc analysis of Prague OHCA trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Arrest", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Malik ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Malik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Risk Assessment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460924", + "session_name": "Navigating adherence challenges and risks", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Steffel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Klinik Hirslanden", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Zurich", + "City": "Zurich", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Navigating adherence challenges and risks", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Risk Assessment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Steffel ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Steffel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antihypertensive Agents | Pregnancy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460330", + "session_name": "Antihypertensive treatment during pregnancy and maternal and fetal outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jan Vaclavik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Ostrava", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Moravskoslezsky Kraj", + "City": "Ostrava", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Antihypertensive treatment during pregnancy and maternal and fetal outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antihypertensive Agents | Pregnancy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jan Vaclavik ", + "kol_full_name": "Jan Vaclavik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Autopsy | Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458585", + "session_name": "Coronary heart disease: leading cause of cardiovascular death from analysis of autopsies in a central european university centre", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jana Petrkova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Olomouc", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Olomoucky Kraj", + "City": "Olomouc", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary heart disease: leading cause of cardiovascular death from analysis of autopsies in a central european university centre", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Autopsy | Coronary Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jana Petrkova ", + "kol_full_name": "Jana Petrkova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460910", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jane Armitage", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Oxford", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jane Armitage ", + "kol_full_name": "Jane Armitage " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antidiabetic Drugs | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458161", + "session_name": "Use of new antidiabetic drugs in patients with cardiovascular diseases - real life data", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jasna Vucak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Use of new antidiabetic drugs in patients with cardiovascular diseases - real life data", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antidiabetic Drugs | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jason Louie Lim ", + "kol_full_name": "Jason Louie Lim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inhibition, Psychological | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458055", + "session_name": "Sulcardine, an investigational multichannel blocker for atrial fibrillation with uniquely intense JTp inhibition to enhance safety", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jay Mason", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Utah", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Utah", + "City": "Salt Lake City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sulcardine", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " an investigational multichannel blocker for atrial fibrillation with uniquely intense JTp inhibition to enhance safety", + "events_topic": "Inhibition, Psychological | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jay Mason ", + "kol_full_name": "Jay Mason " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Receptors, Mineralocorticoid", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460820", + "session_name": "Integrated multi-omics predictive analysis of atherosclerosis: a sub-study from the Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonism in Diabetic Atherosclerosis (MAGMA) trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jean-Eudes Dazard", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Case Western Reserve University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrated multi-omics predictive analysis of atherosclerosis: a sub-study from the Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonism in Diabetic Atherosclerosis (MAGMA) trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Receptors, Mineralocorticoid", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jean-Eudes Dazard ", + "kol_full_name": "Jean-Eudes Dazard " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Home Care Services | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461000", + "session_name": "Assessment of non-inferiority of a hospital-at-home care pathway for patients with acute heart failure: FIL-EAS-ic", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jean-Michel Tartiere", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "CHITS Hospital Centre Sainte Musse", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Poitou-Charentes", + "City": "Toulon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessment of non-inferiority of a hospital-at-home care pathway for patients with acute heart failure: FIL-EAS-ic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Home Care Services | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jean-Michel Tartiere ", + "kol_full_name": "Jean-Michel Tartiere " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Prolapse | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458213", + "session_name": "A risk score for ventricular arrhythmia in mitral valve prolapse", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jeffrey Diamond", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University North Carolina at Chapel Hill", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Chapel Hill", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A risk score for ventricular arrhythmia in mitral valve prolapse", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Prolapse | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jeffrey Diamond ", + "kol_full_name": "Jeffrey Diamond " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Body Mass Index", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458831", + "session_name": "Awareness of personal cardiovascular risk among the adults with an elevated body mass index in a very high-risk country", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jelena Petrovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Center of Serbia", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Awareness of personal cardiovascular risk among the adults with an elevated body mass index in a very high-risk country", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Body Mass Index", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jelena Petrovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Jelena Petrovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460003", + "session_name": "The thrombotic puzzle: unmasking a cancer of unknown primary origin", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jeni Quintal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Center of Setubal", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The thrombotic puzzle: unmasking a cancer of unknown primary origin", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jeni Quintal ", + "kol_full_name": "Jeni Quintal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sepsis | Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459316", + "session_name": "Two-step approach for managing severe tricuspid valve endocarditis sepsis: percutaneous debulking followed later by replacement.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jenna Aziz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Wisconsin", + "City": "Columbus", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Two-step approach for managing severe tricuspid valve endocarditis sepsis: percutaneous debulking followed later by replacement.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sepsis | Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jenna Aziz ", + "kol_full_name": "Jenna Aziz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug-Related Side Effects And Adverse Reactions", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460816", + "session_name": "Evaluating off-target drug effects seen in RCTs using proteomics and mendelian randomisation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jennifer Brody", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Washington", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluating off-target drug effects seen in RCTs using proteomics and mendelian randomisation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug-Related Side Effects And Adverse Reactions", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jennifer Camaradou ", + "kol_full_name": "Jennifer Camaradou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Education & Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460479", + "session_name": "The GCRFF grant database and the GCRFF data challenge", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jennifer Hall", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "American Heart Association", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The GCRFF grant database and the GCRFF data challenge", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Education & Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jerahmeel Aleson Mapili ", + "kol_full_name": "Jerahmeel Aleson Mapili " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Delivery Of Health Care | Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459034", + "session_name": "Patient engagement: why is it as crucial and fundamental in models of care delivery?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jeremy Dwight", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient engagement: why is it as crucial and fundamental in models of care delivery?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Delivery Of Health Care | Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jeremy Dwight ", + "kol_full_name": "Jeremy Dwight " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460102", + "session_name": "Value-based versus usual care for heart failure patients leads to reduction in cost, hospital admissions and improved survival", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jerifaye Flores", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Value-based versus usual care for heart failure patients leads to reduction in cost", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " hospital admissions and improved survival", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jerifaye Flores ", + "kol_full_name": "Jerifaye Flores " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clopidogrel | Mental Health | Ischemic Heart Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458825", + "session_name": "Development of a predictive model for adherence to pharmacological treatment in ischemic heart disease: consideration of psychosociocultural, neuropsychological, and mental health variables", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jessica Berenice Flores Mendoza", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development of a predictive model for adherence to pharmacological treatment in ischemic heart disease: consideration of psychosociocultural", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " neuropsychological, and mental health variables", + "events_topic": "Clopidogrel | Mental Health ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemic Heart Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jessica Berenice Flores Mendoza ", + "kol_full_name": "Jessica Berenice Flores Mendoza " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461025", + "session_name": "The trajectory of functional recovery after cardiac surgery: a prospective observational cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jessica Spence", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Population Health Research Institute", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Hamilton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The trajectory of functional recovery after cardiac surgery: a prospective observational cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jessica Spence ", + "kol_full_name": "Jessica Spence " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457560", + "session_name": "Unlocking the power of corticosteroids: revolutionising treatment of purulent effusive-constrictive pericarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jessica Willis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of North Carolina", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Chapel Hill", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unlocking the power of corticosteroids: revolutionising treatment of purulent effusive-constrictive pericarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jessica Willis ", + "kol_full_name": "Jessica Willis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Transferrin | Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Erythrocyte Transfusion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457245", + "session_name": "Soluble transferrin receptor is associated with red blood cell transfusion in infant cardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jia Liu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Soluble transferrin receptor is associated with red blood cell transfusion in infant cardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Transferrin | Cardiac Surgical Procedures ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Erythrocyte Transfusion", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jia Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Jia Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ascorbic Acid Deficiency | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460874", + "session_name": "Vitamin C intake, psychological distress and health outcomes in patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jia-Rong Wu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Kentucky", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Lexington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vitamin C intake", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " psychological distress and health outcomes in patients with heart failure", + "events_topic": "Ascorbic Acid Deficiency | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiang Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiang Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Artery Intervention | Hypertension, Renovascular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461041", + "session_name": "Fractional flow reserve to determine the appropriateness of percutaneous renal artery intervention in atherosclerotic renovascular hypertension patients: a randomized trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jianping Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Peking University First Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Fractional flow reserve to determine the appropriateness of percutaneous renal artery intervention in atherosclerotic renovascular hypertension patients: a randomized trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Artery Intervention | Hypertension, Renovascular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jianping Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Jianping Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458860", + "session_name": "Value of cardiac magnetic resonance based left ventricular hemodynamic force in pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jiaqi Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Value of cardiac magnetic resonance based left ventricular hemodynamic force in pulmonary arterial hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiaqi Yu ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiaqi Yu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460038", + "session_name": "Construction of an inflammatory, nutritional, and metabolic prognostic risk score in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a machine learning-based approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jiayu Feng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Construction of an inflammatory", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " nutritional, and metabolic prognostic risk score in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a machine learning-based approach", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiayu Feng ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiayu Feng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457419", + "session_name": "Longitudinal and cross-sectional associations of NT-proBNP with kidney function and chronic kidney disease: results from KORA cohort studies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jiesheng Lin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Longitudinal and cross-sectional associations of NT-proBNP with kidney function and chronic kidney disease: results from KORA cohort studies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiesheng Lin ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiesheng Lin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456443", + "session_name": "Global approach to hypertension management and cardiovascular risk reduction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jill Farrington", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global approach to hypertension management and cardiovascular risk reduction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jingnan Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Jingnan Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "GTP-Binding Proteins | Homeostasis | Myocytes, Smooth Muscle | Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457925", + "session_name": "G protein-coupled estrogen receptor inhibits the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm through maintaining homeostasis of vascular smooth muscle cells", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jinwei Quan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "G protein-coupled estrogen receptor inhibits the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm through maintaining homeostasis of vascular smooth muscle cells", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "GTP-Binding Proteins | Homeostasis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocytes, Smooth Muscle | Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jiri Vrtal ", + "kol_full_name": "Jiri Vrtal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device | Mass Chest X-Ray", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457890", + "session_name": "Routine chest X-ray post cardiac implantable electronic device implantation: is it really required? Experience from a tertiary centre", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jit Yih Tan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Routine chest X-ray post cardiac implantable electronic device implantation: is it really required? Experience from a tertiary centre", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device | Mass Chest X-Ray", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jit Yih Tan ", + "kol_full_name": "Jit Yih Tan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Rate | Echocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460209", + "session_name": "The association between heart rate and deformational echocardiographic parameters in patients with atrial fibrillation and their impact on clinical outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jo-Nan Liao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Veterans General Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association between heart rate and deformational echocardiographic parameters in patients with atrial fibrillation and their impact on clinical outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Rate | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jo-Nan Liao ", + "kol_full_name": "Jo-Nan Liao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461012", + "session_name": "Clinical fraily scale is independently associated with one-year mortality in a large cohort of patients with acute heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joakim Alfredsson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Linkoping University", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Vastra Gotaland", + "City": "Lidkoping", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical fraily scale is independently associated with one-year mortality in a large cohort of patients with acute heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joakim Alfredsson ", + "kol_full_name": "Joakim Alfredsson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Primary Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459497", + "session_name": "Enhancing primary prevention: the incremental predictive value of NTproBNP beyond ASCVD risk assessment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joana Simoes De Azevedo Massa Pereira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Center of Algarve", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Faro", + "City": "Faro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Enhancing primary prevention: the incremental predictive value of NTproBNP beyond ASCVD risk assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Primary Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joana Simoes De Azevedo Massa Pereira ", + "kol_full_name": "Joana Simoes De Azevedo Massa Pereira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459971", + "session_name": "Acute changes in right ventricular geometry and function following transcatheter tricuspid valve interventions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joanna Bartkowiak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "New York-Presbyterian Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute changes in right ventricular geometry and function following transcatheter tricuspid valve interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joanna Bartkowiak ", + "kol_full_name": "Joanna Bartkowiak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457984", + "session_name": "Prediction of atrial fibrillation recurrence after ablation: the impact of machine learning and recurrence during the blanking period", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joao Almeida", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ULS Gaia Espinho", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prediction of atrial fibrillation recurrence after ablation: the impact of machine learning and recurrence during the blanking period", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joao Almeida ", + "kol_full_name": "Joao Almeida " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation | Echocardiography | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459787", + "session_name": "Echocardiographic and clinical features of patients developing prosthesis-patient mismatch after TAVI: insights from an international multicenter registry.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joao Matteo Rampone", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Echocardiographic and clinical features of patients developing prosthesis-patient mismatch after TAVI: insights from an international multicenter registry.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joao Matteo Rampone ", + "kol_full_name": "Joao Matteo Rampone " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456230", + "session_name": "Pharmacotherapy in coronary artery disease: from bench to bedside", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joao Morais", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Leiria Hospital Centre", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Leiria", + "City": "Leiria", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pharmacotherapy in coronary artery disease: from bench to bedside", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joao Morais ", + "kol_full_name": "Joao Morais " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460913", + "session_name": "Discussant review - FINE-HEART", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joao Pedro Ferreira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Porto", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - FINE-HEART", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joao Pedro Ferreira ", + "kol_full_name": "Joao Pedro Ferreira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458667", + "session_name": "Shocking. Expectations and beliefs on life with a defibrillator", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joao Santos Fonseca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Shocking. Expectations and beliefs on life with a defibrillator", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joao Santos Fonseca ", + "kol_full_name": "Joao Santos Fonseca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457039", + "session_name": "Differences in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging bi-atrial strain between elite athletes and atrial fibrillation patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joelle Julius Nicolaas Daems", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Differences in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging bi-atrial strain between elite athletes and atrial fibrillation patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joelle Julius Nicolaas Daems ", + "kol_full_name": "Joelle Julius Nicolaas Daems " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456412", + "session_name": "TAVI: common and unusual complications and their management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joelle Kefer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TAVI: common and unusual complications and their management", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Johanna Kuusisto ", + "kol_full_name": "Johanna Kuusisto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoprotein(a) | Stroke | Foramen Ovale", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457276", + "session_name": "Lipoprotein(a) levels in patients with cryptogenic stroke and persistent foramen ovale", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Johannes Bernhard", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipoprotein(a) levels in patients with cryptogenic stroke and persistent foramen ovale", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipoprotein(a) | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Foramen Ovale", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Johannes Bernhard ", + "kol_full_name": "Johannes Bernhard " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461013", + "session_name": "Relevance of frailty in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Johannes Neumann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relevance of frailty in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Johannes Neumann ", + "kol_full_name": "Johannes Neumann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitochondria, Heart | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458308", + "session_name": "Higher myocardial mitochondrial ketone body oxidation capacity in human heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Johannes Werner Schmidt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Higher myocardial mitochondrial ketone body oxidation capacity in human heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitochondria, Heart | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Johannes Werner Schmidt ", + "kol_full_name": "Johannes Werner Schmidt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Combined Modality Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458957", + "session_name": "Combination therapy with GalNAc-siRNA drugs targeting both PCSK9 and APOC3 resulted in enhanced lipid lowering in mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Johannes Wikstrom", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Combination therapy with GalNAc-siRNA drugs targeting both PCSK9 and APOC3 resulted in enhanced lipid lowering in mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies | Combined Modality Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Johannes Wikstrom ", + "kol_full_name": "Johannes Wikstrom " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459675", + "session_name": "Current treatment barriers and limitations in uncontrolled hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "John Flack", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Current treatment barriers and limitations in uncontrolled hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
John Flack ", + "kol_full_name": "John Flack " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Syncope", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456869", + "session_name": "Guidelines in Practice: a patient with syncope and a hypertrophic heart - key role of multimodality imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "John-Paul Carpenter", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Healthpoint UAE", + "Country": "United Arab Emirates", + "Region": "Abu Zaby", + "City": "Abu Dhabi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: a patient with syncope and a hypertrophic heart - key role of multimodality imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Syncope", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
John-Paul Carpenter ", + "kol_full_name": "John-Paul Carpenter " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461086", + "session_name": "Aortic valve calcific volume by computed tomography angiography in patients with aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jolien Geers", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital UZ) Brussels", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aortic valve calcific volume by computed tomography angiography in patients with aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jolien Geers ", + "kol_full_name": "Jolien Geers " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457109", + "session_name": "Left ventricular hypertrophy, wall thickness, and histological myocyte alteration in end-stage heart failure: a call for a standard definition", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jom Bhumitrakul", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left ventricular hypertrophy", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " wall thickness, and histological myocyte alteration in end-stage heart failure: a call for a standard definition", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jom Bhumitrakul ", + "kol_full_name": "Jom Bhumitrakul " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Coronary Artery Disease | Machine Learning", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460230", + "session_name": "Machine learning model using cardiovascular magnetic resonance to predict cardiovascular events in asymptomatic patients with known CAD", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jonas Amar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Machine learning model using cardiovascular magnetic resonance to predict cardiovascular events in asymptomatic patients with known CAD", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Machine Learning", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jonas Amar ", + "kol_full_name": "Jonas Amar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Heart Transplantation | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459546", + "session_name": "Cardiopulmonary exercise testing predicts risk of progressive heart failure and long term mortality in ambulatory patients awaiting isolated heart transplant", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jonathan Afoke", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital-Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiopulmonary exercise testing predicts risk of progressive heart failure and long term mortality in ambulatory patients awaiting isolated heart transplant", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Transplantation | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jonathan Afoke ", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan Afoke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Veins Isolation | Diabetes Mellitus | Antidiabetic Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459148", + "session_name": "The long-term outcome of pulmonary vein isolation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is significantly influenced by diabetes mellitus in general as well as by an antidiabetic therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jonathan Dieter Reichl", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The long-term outcome of pulmonary vein isolation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is significantly influenced by diabetes mellitus in general as well as by an antidiabetic therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Veins Isolation | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Antidiabetic Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jonathan Dieter Reichl ", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan Dieter Reichl " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiotoxicity | Doxorubicin | Acetylation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460356", + "session_name": "Modulation of p300 acetylation to protect against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jong-Hwan Joseph Lee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modulation of p300 acetylation to protect against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiotoxicity | Doxorubicin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acetylation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jong-Hwan Joseph Lee ", + "kol_full_name": "Jong-Hwan Joseph Lee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460988", + "session_name": "Detection of silent atrial fibrillation in high stroke risk patients using bed sensor and smartphone app: the CARE-DETECT trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joonas Lehto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Turku University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Detection of silent atrial fibrillation in high stroke risk patients using bed sensor and smartphone app: the CARE-DETECT trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joonas Lehto ", + "kol_full_name": "Joonas Lehto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sacubitril | Valsartan | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459386", + "session_name": "Short-term effects on sacubitril/valsartan therapy on right ventricle work and mechanics in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joonas Ottela", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Turku University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Short-term effects on sacubitril/valsartan therapy on right ventricle work and mechanics in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sacubitril | Valsartan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joonas Ottela ", + "kol_full_name": "Joonas Ottela " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome | Fc Receptor, Neonatal | Efgartigimod Alfa | Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459919", + "session_name": "Treatment of Post-COVID-19 POTS by inhibiting FcRn: a phase 2 randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind, proof of concept study with efgartigimod", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joost van Middendorp", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment of Post-COVID-19 POTS by inhibiting FcRn: a phase 2 randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " placebo controlled, double-blind, proof of concept study with efgartigimod", + "events_topic": "Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome | Fc Receptor, Neonatal ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Efgartigimod Alfa | Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joost van Middendorp ", + "kol_full_name": "Joost van Middendorp " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458316", + "session_name": "Evaluating the feasibility of upper arm ECG for cardiac monitoring", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jordan Diven", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluating the feasibility of upper arm ECG for cardiac monitoring", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jordan Diven ", + "kol_full_name": "Jordan Diven " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458282", + "session_name": "Association of PCI with outcomes in stable coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jordan Price", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Stony Brook University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Stony Brook", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of PCI with outcomes in stable coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jordan Price ", + "kol_full_name": "Jordan Price " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography | Computed Tomography Cerebral Perfusion Analysis | In-Stent Restenosis | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459627", + "session_name": "CCTA and CTP imaging for detecting clinically suspected in-stent restenosis: a meta-analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jorge Dahdal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CCTA and CTP imaging for detecting clinically suspected in-stent restenosis: a meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography | Computed Tomography Cerebral Perfusion Analysis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " In-Stent Restenosis | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jorge Dahdal ", + "kol_full_name": "Jorge Dahdal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cor Triatriatum", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459480", + "session_name": "Serendipitous diagnosis of cor triatriatum sinister in a healthy man", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jorge Luis Jara Valderrama", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Victor Lazarte Echegaray Hospital", + "Country": "Peru", + "Region": "La Libertad", + "City": "Trujillo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Serendipitous diagnosis of cor triatriatum sinister in a healthy man", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cor Triatriatum", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jorge Luis Jara Valderrama ", + "kol_full_name": "Jorge Luis Jara Valderrama " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Coronary Vasospasm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456735", + "session_name": "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection, Takotsubo syndrome, and coronary vasospasm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jorgo Kostov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinic of Cardiology", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Takotsubo syndrome, and coronary vasospasm", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Coronary Vasospasm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jorgo Kostov ", + "kol_full_name": "Jorgo Kostov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460972", + "session_name": "Anticoagulation in the frail/elderly atrial fibrillation patient – what have we learnt so far?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joris R. De Groot", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Amsterdam University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Noord-Holland", + "City": "Amsterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anticoagulation in the frail/elderly atrial fibrillation patient – what have we learnt so far?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joris R. De Groot ", + "kol_full_name": "Joris R. De Groot " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Wound Healing | Inflammation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457176", + "session_name": "Inflammation and control of tissue repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose Angel Nicolas-Avila", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inflammation and control of tissue repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Wound Healing | Inflammation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jose Angel Nicolas-Avila ", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Angel Nicolas-Avila " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital | Aortic Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460399", + "session_name": "Sometimes It Is Better to Do Nothing: Aortic Aneurysm in a Patient with Complex Congenital Heart Disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose Carlos Campos Barba", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sometimes It Is Better to Do Nothing: Aortic Aneurysm in a Patient with Complex Congenital Heart Disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital | Aortic Aneurysm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jose Carlos Campos Barba ", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Carlos Campos Barba " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Riociguat | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458253", + "session_name": "Use of riociguat as front-line therapy in a patient with high-risk pulmonary arterial hypertension and right ventricular failure.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose Daniel Gamez Jimenez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Unidad Medica de Alta Especialidad Hospital de Cardiologia No. 34 IMSS", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Nuevo Leon", + "City": "Monterrey", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Use of riociguat as front-line therapy in a patient with high-risk pulmonary arterial hypertension and right ventricular failure.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Riociguat | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jose Daniel Gamez Jimenez ", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Daniel Gamez Jimenez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Polymorphism, Genetic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457026", + "session_name": "Gene polymorphisms five located in the CYP7A1 gene are associated with risk of development acute coronary syndrome, and with HDL-C, LDL-C, and total cholesterol concentration.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose Manuel Fragoso", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gene polymorphisms five located in the CYP7A1 gene are associated with risk of development acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " and with HDL-C, LDL-C, and total cholesterol concentration.", + "events_topic": "Polymorphism, Genetic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jose Manuel Fragoso ", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Manuel Fragoso " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography, Ambulatory | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460949", + "session_name": "Evaluation of ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring of patients after high-risk acute coronary syndrome. A randomized trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose Maria De La Torre Hernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Marquis of Valdecilla University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Cantabria", + "City": "Santander", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring of patients after high-risk acute coronary syndrome. A randomized trial.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography, Ambulatory | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jose Maria De La Torre Hernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Maria De La Torre Hernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457436", + "session_name": "Risk prediction models for incident heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose Miguel Navarro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk prediction models for incident heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jose Miguel Navarro ", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Miguel Navarro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pheochromocytoma | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459900", + "session_name": "Diagnostic dilemma: pheochromocytoma presenting as NSTEMI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose Valdez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Plaza de la Salud General Hospital", + "Country": "Dominican Republic", + "Region": "Distrito Nacional", + "City": "Santo Domingo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnostic dilemma: pheochromocytoma presenting as NSTEMI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pheochromocytoma | Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jose Valdez ", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Valdez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457747", + "session_name": "When a thunderstorm turns into a hurricane; the longest ventricular tachycardia you have ever seen.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Josemaria Cruz Leon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "When a thunderstorm turns into a hurricane; the longest ventricular tachycardia you have ever seen.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Josemaria Cruz Leon ", + "kol_full_name": "Josemaria Cruz Leon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Venous Thromboembolism | COVID-19", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457671", + "session_name": "Incidence, patient characteristics, and treatment patterns of U.S. active-duty service members diagnosed with COVID-19-associated VTE in the outpatient setting", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joseph Pearman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brooke Army Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Fort Sam Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " patient characteristics, and treatment patterns of U.S. active-duty service members diagnosed with COVID-19-associated VTE in the outpatient setting", + "events_topic": "Venous Thromboembolism | COVID-19", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joseph Pearman ", + "kol_full_name": "Joseph Pearman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460562", + "session_name": "Multi-vendor validation of automated left ventricular analysis from 3D echocardiography using artificial intelligence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joshua Dillon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multi-vendor validation of automated left ventricular analysis from 3D echocardiography using artificial intelligence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joshua Dillon ", + "kol_full_name": "Joshua Dillon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cavotricuspid Isthmus Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460188", + "session_name": "Impact of the underlying rhythm during cavotricuspid isthmus ablation on the incidence of future new-onset atrial fibrillation: insights from an international multi-centre registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Josip Katic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Centre Split", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Splitsko-Dalmatinska", + "City": "Split", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of the underlying rhythm during cavotricuspid isthmus ablation on the incidence of future new-onset atrial fibrillation: insights from an international multi-centre registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cavotricuspid Isthmus Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Josip Katic ", + "kol_full_name": "Josip Katic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457594", + "session_name": "5-year valve academic research consortium-3 outcomes and predictors of mortality in a 10-year Asian transcatheter aortic valve implantation registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joy Yi Shan Ong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University Heart Centre", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "5-year valve academic research consortium-3 outcomes and predictors of mortality in a 10-year Asian transcatheter aortic valve implantation registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joy Yi Shan Ong ", + "kol_full_name": "Joy Yi Shan Ong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456885", + "session_name": "Drugs, devices, and multidisciplinary care in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Alan Fuentes Mendoza", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Drugs", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " devices, and multidisciplinary care in heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Alan Fuentes Mendoza ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Alan Fuentes Mendoza " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoidosis | Quality Of Life", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458369", + "session_name": "CARD-SARC: mixed-method study to develop a disease-specific health-related quality of life tool for cardiac sarcoidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Carlos Quijano-Campos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CARD-SARC: mixed-method study to develop a disease-specific health-related quality of life tool for cardiac sarcoidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoidosis | Quality Of Life", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Carlos Quijano-Campos ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Carlos Quijano-Campos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemorrhage | Edoxaban Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459061", + "session_name": "Clinical outcomes of edoxaban treatment in atrial fibrillation patients with high bleeding risk: insights from the ETNA-AF-China 1-year follow-up", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Du", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical outcomes of edoxaban treatment in atrial fibrillation patients with high bleeding risk: insights from the ETNA-AF-China 1-year follow-up", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemorrhage | Edoxaban Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Du ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Du " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458399", + "session_name": "Comparative analysis of long-term outcomes following surgical aortic valve replacement in Patients Aged 50-70: Biological vs. Mechanical Prostheses", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Espinoza", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Cardiovascular De Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative analysis of long-term outcomes following surgical aortic valve replacement in Patients Aged 50-70: Biological vs. Mechanical Prostheses", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Espinoza ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Espinoza " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dobutamine | Echocardiography, Stress | Radiotherapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458412", + "session_name": "Double product derived from exercise stress echocardiography (ESE) or dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) in patients with a history of breast cancer and radiotherapy (RXT) exposure and MACE", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Manuel Garzon-Dangond", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital-Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Double product derived from exercise stress echocardiography (ESE) or dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) in patients with a history of breast cancer and radiotherapy (RXT) exposure and MACE", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dobutamine | Echocardiography, Stress ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Radiotherapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Manuel Garzon-Dangond ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Manuel Garzon-Dangond " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458804", + "session_name": "Performance of the 2020 ACC/AHA and 2023 ESC risk stratification scales for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death in a Latin American population with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Pablo Casillas Munoz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Performance of the 2020 ACC/AHA and 2023 ESC risk stratification scales for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death in a Latin American population with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Pablo Casillas Munoz ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Pablo Casillas Munoz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461094", + "session_name": "Highlights from trial - Multicentric randomised evaluation of the transcatheter edge-to-edge repair in the treatment of severe isolated secondary tricuspid regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Pablo Costabel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Cardiovascular De Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Highlights from trial - Multicentric randomised evaluation of the transcatheter edge-to-edge repair in the treatment of severe isolated secondary tricuspid regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Pablo Costabel ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Pablo Costabel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortitis | Immunoglobulin G | Aortic Intramural Hematoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459108", + "session_name": "IgG4-related aortitis simulating intramural hematoma in asymptomatic woman", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Pedro Fescina", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Cardiovascular De Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "IgG4-related aortitis simulating intramural hematoma in asymptomatic woman", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortitis | Immunoglobulin G ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Intramural Hematoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Pedro Fescina ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Pedro Fescina " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | Hypogonadism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457138", + "session_name": "Link between cardiometabolic risk and hypogonadism in a South American male cohort.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juan Sebastian Theran Leon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Link between cardiometabolic risk and hypogonadism in a South American male cohort.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | Hypogonadism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juan Sebastian Theran Leon ", + "kol_full_name": "Juan Sebastian Theran Leon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure | Hypertension | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460370", + "session_name": "Orthostatic blood pressure changes and incident atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertension: Insights from the SPRINT trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jue Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Orthostatic blood pressure changes and incident atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertension: Insights from the SPRINT trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure | Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jue Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Jue Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457775", + "session_name": "Coronary CT angiography should be the first-line imaging tool for diagnosis of coronary artery disease: con", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juhani Knuuti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Turku University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary CT angiography should be the first-line imaging tool for diagnosis of coronary artery disease: con", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juhani Knuuti ", + "kol_full_name": "Juhani Knuuti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461058", + "session_name": "Reaching LDL-c targets in patients at high CV risk: how well are we doing?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Julia Brandts", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "RWTH University Hospital Aachen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Aachen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reaching LDL-c targets in patients at high CV risk: how well are we doing?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Julia Groberio ", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Groberio " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiotoxicity | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456768", + "session_name": "Preventing breast cancer cardiotoxicity with CARDIOCARE", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Julia Toste Batista Joaquinito", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital da Luz, SA", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Preventing breast cancer cardiotoxicity with CARDIOCARE", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiotoxicity | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Julia Toste Batista Joaquinito ", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Toste Batista Joaquinito " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Case-Control Studies | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457719", + "session_name": "Clinical presentation, risk factors and six-month outcomes in Ugandan women with peripartum cardiomyopathy: prospective case-control study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juliet Nabbaale", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Uganda Heart Institute", + "Country": "Uganda", + "Region": "Kampala", + "City": "Kampala", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical presentation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " risk factors and six-month outcomes in Ugandan women with peripartum cardiomyopathy: prospective case-control study.", + "events_topic": "Case-Control Studies | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juliet Nabbaale ", + "kol_full_name": "Juliet Nabbaale " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458827", + "session_name": "Interactive effects of outdoor fine particulate matter and metabolic, behavioural, and psychosocial risk factors on cardiovascular disease: analysis of the PURE-China cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jun Hao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interactive effects of outdoor fine particulate matter and metabolic", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " behavioural, and psychosocial risk factors on cardiovascular disease: analysis of the PURE-China cohort study", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jun Hao ", + "kol_full_name": "Jun Hao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457450", + "session_name": "Investigation of the usefulness of collagen peptide in intramyocardial injection of human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jun Iida", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Investigation of the usefulness of collagen peptide in intramyocardial injection of human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jun Iida ", + "kol_full_name": "Jun Iida " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460841", + "session_name": "Organelle quality control in cardiac health", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Junichi Sadoshima", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "New Jersey Medical School", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New Jersey", + "City": "Newark", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Organelle quality control in cardiac health", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Junichi Sadoshima ", + "kol_full_name": "Junichi Sadoshima " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459253", + "session_name": "HbA1c variability and macrovascular benefits of intensive blood pressure control in patients with type 2 diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Junyu Pei", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "HbA1c variability and macrovascular benefits of intensive blood pressure control in patients with type 2 diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Junyu Pei ", + "kol_full_name": "Junyu Pei " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Telerehabilitation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460445", + "session_name": "The cost-effectiveness of a digitally enabled telerehabilitation program delivered nationally to patients in Australia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Justin Braver", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The cost-effectiveness of a digitally enabled telerehabilitation program delivered nationally to patients in Australia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Telerehabilitation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Justin Braver ", + "kol_full_name": "Justin Braver " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Microvascular Diseases | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460409", + "session_name": "Prevalence of coronary microvascular disease in myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Justin Carrington", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Health System - MN Regions", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of coronary microvascular disease in myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Microvascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Justin Carrington ", + "kol_full_name": "Justin Carrington " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Coronary Occlusion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458919", + "session_name": "Sudden cardiac death in acute coronary occlusion: potential roles of sino-atrial nodal artery and conus artery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Justine Bhar-Amato", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Wellington Regional Hospital", + "Country": "New Zealand", + "Region": "Wellington", + "City": "Wellington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sudden cardiac death in acute coronary occlusion: potential roles of sino-atrial nodal artery and conus artery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Coronary Occlusion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Justine Bhar-Amato ", + "kol_full_name": "Justine Bhar-Amato " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458169", + "session_name": "Locally increased dysferlin expression improves left-ventricular function by stabilizing membrane nanodomains of cardiomyocytes in the myocardial infarction border zone", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Justus Bernd Wegener", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Locally increased dysferlin expression improves left-ventricular function by stabilizing membrane nanodomains of cardiomyocytes in the myocardial infarction border zone", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Justus Bernd Wegener ", + "kol_full_name": "Justus Bernd Wegener " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Smartphone | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459200", + "session_name": "Smartphone motion sensor based detection of atrial fibrillation in populations referred to cardiology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juuso Blomster", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Turku", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smartphone motion sensor based detection of atrial fibrillation in populations referred to cardiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Smartphone | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juuso Blomster ", + "kol_full_name": "Juuso Blomster " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "In Vitro Techniques | Iron Overload | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459513", + "session_name": "The contribution of SLC7A11-mediated ferroptosis to cardiac injury in iron overload cardiomyopathy: an in vitro study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juxiang Hou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The contribution of SLC7A11-mediated ferroptosis to cardiac injury in iron overload cardiomyopathy: an in vitro study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "In Vitro Techniques | Iron Overload ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juxiang Hou ", + "kol_full_name": "Juxiang Hou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459878", + "session_name": "A multi-center retrospective cohort analysis of age and racial disparities in patients undergoing repeat ablation for recurrent atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Juzer Ali", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "JFK Medical Centre", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Atlantis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A multi-center retrospective cohort analysis of age and racial disparities in patients undergoing repeat ablation for recurrent atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Juzer Ali ", + "kol_full_name": "Juzer Ali " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exome Sequencing | Brugada Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459327", + "session_name": "Identification of genetic variants by using a whole exome sequencing approach in Taiwanese patients with Brugada Syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jyh-Ming Juang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification of genetic variants by using a whole exome sequencing approach in Taiwanese patients with Brugada Syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Exome Sequencing | Brugada Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jyh-Ming Juang ", + "kol_full_name": "Jyh-Ming Juang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457684", + "session_name": "REDUCE-HF: a stronger heart go a long way", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ka Ho Kevin Kam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Prince of Wales Hospital", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "REDUCE-HF: a stronger heart go a long way", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ka Ho Kevin Kam ", + "kol_full_name": "Ka Ho Kevin Kam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Self-Assessment | Cardiovascular Diseases | ChatGPT", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458209", + "session_name": "Performance evaluation of ChatGPT 4.0 on cardiovascular questions from the medical knowledge self-assessment program", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kabir Malkani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Performance evaluation of ChatGPT 4.0 on cardiovascular questions from the medical knowledge self-assessment program", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Self-Assessment | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " ChatGPT", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kabir Malkani ", + "kol_full_name": "Kabir Malkani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Echocardiography, Transesophageal | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459234", + "session_name": "Insights from the assessment of anatomic valve orifice area after transcatheter aortic valve implantation using transesophageal echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kaho Shimada", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Insights from the assessment of anatomic valve orifice area after transcatheter aortic valve implantation using transesophageal echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Echocardiography, Transesophageal ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kaho Shimada ", + "kol_full_name": "Kaho Shimada " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Body Mass Index", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460656", + "session_name": "Effect of body mass index on mortality for diabetic patients with aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kaichun Chang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Taiwan University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of body mass index on mortality for diabetic patients with aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Body Mass Index", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kaichun Chang ", + "kol_full_name": "Kaichun Chang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Fibrosis | Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459857", + "session_name": "The impact of pulmonary fibrosis on cardiac function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kaisa Stolen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of pulmonary fibrosis on cardiac function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Fibrosis | Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kaisa Stolen ", + "kol_full_name": "Kaisa Stolen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiotoxicity | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460067", + "session_name": "Breast cancer and cardiotoxicity: an update", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kalliopi Keramida", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Agios Savvas General Oncology Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Breast cancer and cardiotoxicity: an update", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiotoxicity | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kalliopi Keramida ", + "kol_full_name": "Kalliopi Keramida " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458489", + "session_name": "Decompensated heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kamile Cerlinskaite-Bajore", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Vilnius University", + "Country": "Lithuania", + "Region": "Vilniaus Apskritis", + "City": "Vilnius", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Decompensated heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kamile Cerlinskaite-Bajore ", + "kol_full_name": "Kamile Cerlinskaite-Bajore " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Fabry Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457663", + "session_name": "Late-onset combined cardiomyopathy: Fabry disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with atypical cmr findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kanin Sriudomporn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Late-onset combined cardiomyopathy: Fabry disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with atypical cmr findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Fabry Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kanin Sriudomporn ", + "kol_full_name": "Kanin Sriudomporn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Coronary Artery Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Anemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457729", + "session_name": "Impact of moderate to severe anemia on clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease requiring percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kaori Abe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of moderate to severe anemia on clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease requiring percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Anemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kaori Abe ", + "kol_full_name": "Kaori Abe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress | Dobutamine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457825", + "session_name": "Time to target heart rate in dobutamine stress echocardiography is shortened by using dynamic, but not isometric handgrip", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karel Medilek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Hradec Kralove", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Kralovehradecky Kraj", + "City": "Hradec Kralove", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Time to target heart rate in dobutamine stress echocardiography is shortened by using dynamic", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " but not isometric handgrip", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress | Dobutamine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karel Medilek ", + "kol_full_name": "Karel Medilek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Myosins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461011", + "session_name": "Cardiac myosin inhibitors, lessons from real-world experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karl Dujardin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "AZ Delta", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "West-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Izegem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " lessons from real-world experience", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Myosins", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karl Dujardin ", + "kol_full_name": "Karl Dujardin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456667", + "session_name": "Making progress in cardiovascular care for oncology patients in Latvia and Azerbaijan", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Karlis Trusinskis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Paul Stradins Clinical University Hospital", + "Country": "Latvia", + "Region": "Riga", + "City": "RIGA", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Making progress in cardiovascular care for oncology patients in Latvia and Azerbaijan", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Karlis Trusinskis ", + "kol_full_name": "Karlis Trusinskis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "SARS-CoV-2 | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457672", + "session_name": "The relationship of clinical presentation, d-dimer levels and previous SARS-CoV-2 positivity in outpatients with suspected pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katarina Grujicic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Hospital Center Zemun", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The relationship of clinical presentation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " d-dimer levels and previous SARS-CoV-2 positivity in outpatients with suspected pulmonary embolism", + "events_topic": "SARS-CoV-2 | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katarina Grujicic ", + "kol_full_name": "Katarina Grujicic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inflammation | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456993", + "session_name": "RNA control of inflammation in cardiovascular diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Katey J. Rayner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "RNA control of inflammation in cardiovascular diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Inflammation | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Katey J. Rayner ", + "kol_full_name": "Katey J. Rayner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456478", + "session_name": "Patient care in atrial fibrillation: how to develop excellence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kathryn Wood", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emory University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient care in atrial fibrillation: how to develop excellence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kavita Venkataraman ", + "kol_full_name": "Kavita Venkataraman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Pulmonary Embolism | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457843", + "session_name": "mortality trends and effects of acute pulmonary embolism on acute right heart failure patients: a nationwide perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Keerthi Reddy Ramireddy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mount Sinai Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "mortality trends and effects of acute pulmonary embolism on acute right heart failure patients: a nationwide perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Pulmonary Embolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Keishi Suzuki ", + "kol_full_name": "Keishi Suzuki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, Optical Coherence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460591", + "session_name": "Comparison of different calcium modification strategies for coronary calcified nodules: insights from optical coherence tomography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Keisuke Yasumura", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of different calcium modification strategies for coronary calcified nodules: insights from optical coherence tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, Optical Coherence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Keisuke Yasumura ", + "kol_full_name": "Keisuke Yasumura " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460123", + "session_name": "Long-term mortality outcomes of southeast asian patients with aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Keith Ching", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term mortality outcomes of southeast asian patients with aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Keith Ching ", + "kol_full_name": "Keith Ching " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Revascularization | Coronary Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460721", + "session_name": "Coronary artery disease polygenic risk score in patients undergoing coronary angiography and risk of future revascularization", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kelvin Supriami", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary artery disease polygenic risk score in patients undergoing coronary angiography and risk of future revascularization", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Revascularization ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kelvin Supriami ", + "kol_full_name": "Kelvin Supriami " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460969", + "session_name": "CRABL-HF - Cryoballoon vs. Radiofrequency Ablation of AF in Patients with Heart Failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kengo Kusano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Osaka", + "City": "Osaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CRABL-HF - Cryoballoon vs. Radiofrequency Ablation of AF in Patients with Heart Failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kengo Kusano ", + "kol_full_name": "Kengo Kusano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Y Chromosome | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460488", + "session_name": "Loss of the Y chromosome and cardiovascular diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kenneth Walsh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Virginia", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Charlottesville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Loss of the Y chromosome and cardiovascular diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Y Chromosome | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kenneth Walsh ", + "kol_full_name": "Kenneth Walsh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Urinalysis | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458009", + "session_name": "Estimation of salt intake from urinalysis as a prognostic indicator in patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kentaro Koyama", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Estimation of salt intake from urinalysis as a prognostic indicator in patients with heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urinalysis | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kentaro Koyama ", + "kol_full_name": "Kentaro Koyama " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458005", + "session_name": "Heartbreak and healing : a tale of pity partner", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Keratisorn Pakpian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heartbreak and healing : a tale of pity partner", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kerolos Wagdy Shaker ", + "kol_full_name": "Kerolos Wagdy Shaker " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperglycemia | C-Reactive Protein | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457018", + "session_name": "Hs-CRP modifies the impact of stress hyperglycemia ratio on long-term outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kexin Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hs-CRP modifies the impact of stress hyperglycemia ratio on long-term outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hyperglycemia | C-Reactive Protein ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kexin Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Kexin Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457100", + "session_name": "improvement of left atrial function after ablation in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is associated with the presence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Keyue Sun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "improvement of left atrial function after ablation in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is associated with the presence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Keyue Sun ", + "kol_full_name": "Keyue Sun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460528", + "session_name": "The potential impact of bisphosphonates on major adverse cardiovascular events: a study of 1,097,406 patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Khaled Atieh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baylor University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The potential impact of bisphosphonates on major adverse cardiovascular events: a study of 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "097,406 patients", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Khaled Atieh ", + "kol_full_name": "Khaled Atieh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Premature Complexes | Long QT Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459793", + "session_name": "PVC induced QT prolongation for unmasking the LQTS", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Khatuna Jalabadze", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Geo Hospital", + "Country": "Georgia", + "Region": "T'bilisi", + "City": "Tbilisi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PVC induced QT prolongation for unmasking the LQTS", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Premature Complexes | Long QT Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kim Byeong-Keuk ", + "kol_full_name": "Kim Byeong-Keuk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461053", + "session_name": "Cost-effectiveness and safety of the CADScorSystem in patients with symptoms suggestive of stable coronary artery disease.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kim Wadt Skak-Hansen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cost-effectiveness and safety of the CADScorSystem in patients with symptoms suggestive of stable coronary artery disease.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kiril Karamfiloff ", + "kol_full_name": "Kiril Karamfiloff " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Thrombosis | Atrial Appendage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458965", + "session_name": "Temporal course of device-related thrombosis (early & late) in patients with atrial fibrillation after left atrial appendage closure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kirtivardhan Vashistha", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mount Sinai St Luke's and Mount Sinai West Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal course of device-related thrombosis (early & late) in patients with atrial fibrillation after left atrial appendage closure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Thrombosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Appendage", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Klaus G. Parhofer ", + "kol_full_name": "Klaus G. Parhofer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Crush Techniques | Ultrasonography | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458480", + "session_name": "A retrospective study on real world, 2-stent left main bifurcation PCI using DK crush technique with IVUS guidance - a single center experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kogulakrishnan Kaniappan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Institute", + "Country": "Malaysia", + "Region": "Wilayah Persekutuan", + "City": "Kuala Lumpur", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A retrospective study on real world", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " 2-stent left main bifurcation PCI using DK crush technique with IVUS guidance - a single center experience", + "events_topic": "Crush Techniques | Ultrasonography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kogulakrishnan Kaniappan ", + "kol_full_name": "Kogulakrishnan Kaniappan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mesenchymal Stem Cells | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460317", + "session_name": "Stress memory of heart failure in hematopoietic niche promotes recurrence via adipocytic skewing of mesenchymal stromal cells", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kohsaku Goto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stress memory of heart failure in hematopoietic niche promotes recurrence via adipocytic skewing of mesenchymal stromal cells", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mesenchymal Stem Cells | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kohsaku Goto ", + "kol_full_name": "Kohsaku Goto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461004", + "session_name": "Predicting atrial fibrillation within 7 years follow-up using machine learning models", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Konstantina-Helen Tsarapatsani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Ioannina", + "City": "Loannina", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predicting atrial fibrillation within 7 years follow-up using machine learning models", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Konstantina-Helen Tsarapatsani ", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantina-Helen Tsarapatsani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458195", + "session_name": "Prolonged ventricular activation time as a novel biomarker identifying burn-out phase of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Konstantinos Fragkiadakis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital of Heraklion", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prolonged ventricular activation time as a novel biomarker identifying burn-out phase of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Konstantinos Fragkiadakis ", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantinos Fragkiadakis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456010", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Konstantinos Triantafyllou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital of Thessaloniki", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on stroke prevention in clinical and subclinical atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Konstantinos Triantafyllou ", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantinos Triantafyllou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Sarcoidosis | Deoxyglucose", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460117", + "session_name": "Predictive value of cardiac 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for fatal ventricular arrhythmic events in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kouki Takeuchi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictive value of cardiac 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for fatal ventricular arrhythmic events in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Positron-Emission Tomography | Sarcoidosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Deoxyglucose", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kouki Takeuchi ", + "kol_full_name": "Kouki Takeuchi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Tafamidis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458146", + "session_name": "Effect of tafamidis on left atrial function in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Koya Uemura", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of tafamidis on left atrial function in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Tafamidis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Koya Uemura ", + "kol_full_name": "Koya Uemura " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Scar | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457745", + "session_name": "Staying afloat during the storm - A difficult case of VT storm provoked by ischemic scar", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Krishna Prasad Akkineni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Staying afloat during the storm - A difficult case of VT storm provoked by ischemic scar", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Scar | Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Krishna Prasad Akkineni ", + "kol_full_name": "Krishna Prasad Akkineni " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure | Athletes | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458847", + "session_name": "Blood pressure response to exercise in endurance athletes with and without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kristel Janssens", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Blood pressure response to exercise in endurance athletes with and without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure | Athletes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kristel Janssens ", + "kol_full_name": "Kristel Janssens " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Dialysis | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457366", + "session_name": "Pulmonary hypertension in patients on chronic hemodialysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kristina Buryskova Salajova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "General University Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary hypertension in patients on chronic hemodialysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Dialysis | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kristina Buryskova Salajova ", + "kol_full_name": "Kristina Buryskova Salajova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Neural Networks, Computer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459182", + "session_name": "Siamese neural networks can identify subjects from anonymised ECGs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Krzysztof Macierzanka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Siamese neural networks can identify subjects from anonymised ECGs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Neural Networks, Computer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Krzysztof Macierzanka ", + "kol_full_name": "Krzysztof Macierzanka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458828", + "session_name": "Healthcare workers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards cardiovascular disease prevention: a multi-national cross-sectional study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kylie Heng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Healthcare workers' knowledge", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " attitudes, and practices towards cardiovascular disease prevention: a multi-national cross-sectional study", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kylie Heng ", + "kol_full_name": "Kylie Heng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457373", + "session_name": "Epidemiology, clinical characterization, and outcomes for heart failure with improved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kyung Min", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco Medical Centre and Medical Offices", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epidemiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " clinical characterization, and outcomes for heart failure with improved ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kyung Min ", + "kol_full_name": "Kyung Min " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456830", + "session_name": "Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lambert Tetteh Appiah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology", + "Country": "Ghana", + "Region": "Ashanti", + "City": "Kumasi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lambert Tetteh Appiah ", + "kol_full_name": "Lambert Tetteh Appiah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Molecular Targeted Therapy | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459152", + "session_name": "Effects of pulmonary hypertension targeted therapy on haemodynamics in pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with adult congenital heart disease: a meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lamprini Tsigkriki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "General Hospital G. Papanikolaou", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of pulmonary hypertension targeted therapy on haemodynamics in pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with adult congenital heart disease: a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Molecular Targeted Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lamprini Tsigkriki ", + "kol_full_name": "Lamprini Tsigkriki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459640", + "session_name": "Serum transferrin concentration: a new prognostic biomarker in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lamyae Zinoune", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Serum transferrin concentration: a new prognostic biomarker in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lamyae Zinoune ", + "kol_full_name": "Lamyae Zinoune " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcopenia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460901", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on frailty, falls, and sarcopenia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lara Aguilar Iglesias", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital of Burgos", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Castilla y Leon", + "City": "Burgos", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Registries", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " observational, and other studies on frailty, falls, and sarcopenia", + "events_topic": "Sarcopenia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lara Aguilar Iglesias ", + "kol_full_name": "Lara Aguilar Iglesias " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Dysfunction | Neoplasms | Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457445", + "session_name": "Cancer ameliorates cardiac dysfunction and suppresses fibrosis in a mouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laris Achlaug", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer ameliorates cardiac dysfunction and suppresses fibrosis in a mouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Dysfunction | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laris Achlaug ", + "kol_full_name": "Laris Achlaug " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458819", + "session_name": "Left atrial reservoir strain differentiates cardiac amyloidosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Larissa Winkelbauer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial reservoir strain differentiates cardiac amyloidosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Larissa Winkelbauer ", + "kol_full_name": "Larissa Winkelbauer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460899", + "session_name": "Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lars Kober", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lars Kober ", + "kol_full_name": "Lars Kober " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Spironolactone | Eplerenone | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458148", + "session_name": "The effect of spironolactone versus eplerenone on blood pressure targets in resistant hypertension patients.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Larysa Mishchenko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Strazhensku Cardiology Institute", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Misto Kyyiv", + "City": "Kiev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of spironolactone versus eplerenone on blood pressure targets in resistant hypertension patients.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Spironolactone ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Eplerenone | Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Larysa Mishchenko ", + "kol_full_name": "Larysa Mishchenko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458908", + "session_name": "Left atrial cardiomyopathy predicts stroke recurrence and atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Bruun Hansted Friderichsen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial cardiomyopathy predicts stroke recurrence and atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Bruun Hansted Friderichsen ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Bruun Hansted Friderichsen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458994", + "session_name": "Comprehensive stress echocardiography uncovers the heterogenity of phenotypes in non-ischemic heart failure with abnormal ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Kalakauskaite", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comprehensive stress echocardiography uncovers the heterogenity of phenotypes in non-ischemic heart failure with abnormal ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Kalakauskaite ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Kalakauskaite " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460737", + "session_name": "The association between cardiovascular health and physiologic age as determined by artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Melissa Ortega Aviles", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association between cardiovascular health and physiologic age as determined by artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Obici ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Obici " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction | Atrial Fibrillation | Myocardium", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459403", + "session_name": "Mechanisms of atrial-fibrillation-induced ventricular dysfunction and recovery in the human left ventricular myocardium", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Stengel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mechanisms of atrial-fibrillation-induced ventricular dysfunction and recovery in the human left ventricular myocardium", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardium", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Stengel ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Stengel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459713", + "session_name": "The role of advanced echocardiography in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lauren Turvey", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of advanced echocardiography in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lauren Turvey ", + "kol_full_name": "Lauren Turvey " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Stenosis | Microvascular Resistance", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460947", + "session_name": "Assessment of the microvascular resistance reserve for predicting the effect of revascularization in patients with moderate coronary stenoses.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laust Dupont Rasmussen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Regional Hospital Godstrup", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Vestsjalland", + "City": "Herning", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessment of the microvascular resistance reserve for predicting the effect of revascularization in patients with moderate coronary stenoses.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Stenosis | Microvascular Resistance", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laust Dupont Rasmussen ", + "kol_full_name": "Laust Dupont Rasmussen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458636", + "session_name": "Effects of SGLT2 inhibitors on the cardiovascular outcomes in patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lawrence Yu-Min Liu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hsinchu MacKay Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of SGLT2 inhibitors on the cardiovascular outcomes in patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lawrence Yu-Min Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Lawrence Yu-Min Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457839", + "session_name": "Pathobiological characterization of pulmonary hypertension associated with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lea Zimmermann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pathobiological characterization of pulmonary hypertension associated with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lea Zimmermann ", + "kol_full_name": "Lea Zimmermann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cryoballoon | Pulmonary Veins Isolation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457431", + "session_name": "Weight change does not impact long-term outcomes following cryoballoon pulmonary vein isolation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leah Sarang Park", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Valley Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New Jersey", + "City": "Paramus", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Weight change does not impact long-term outcomes following cryoballoon pulmonary vein isolation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cryoballoon | Pulmonary Veins Isolation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leah Sarang Park ", + "kol_full_name": "Leah Sarang Park " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise Test | Transplant Recipients | Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457918", + "session_name": "Recent cardiac rehabilitation and its impact on cardiopulmonary exercise test variables in Brazilian cardiac transplant recipients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leandro Franzoni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Recent cardiac rehabilitation and its impact on cardiopulmonary exercise test variables in Brazilian cardiac transplant recipients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Exercise Test | Transplant Recipients ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Rehabilitation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leandro Franzoni ", + "kol_full_name": "Leandro Franzoni " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456355", + "session_name": "Clinical and experimental arrhythmia treatments", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leandro Zimerman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio Grande do Sul", + "City": "Porto Alegre", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical and experimental arrhythmia treatments", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leandro Zimerman ", + "kol_full_name": "Leandro Zimerman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460099", + "session_name": "Long-term follow-up of the TRED-HF trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leanne Cheng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term follow-up of the TRED-HF trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leanne Cheng ", + "kol_full_name": "Leanne Cheng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459597", + "session_name": "Associations of neutrophil-percentage-to-albumin ratio level with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease-cause mortality among patients with hypertension: evidence from NHANES 1999-2010", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lei Dong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Associations of neutrophil-percentage-to-albumin ratio level with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease-cause mortality among patients with hypertension: evidence from NHANES 1999-2010", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lei Dong ", + "kol_full_name": "Lei Dong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459754", + "session_name": "Left atrial longitudinal strain behavior in patients with cryptogenic stroke - a case control study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leila Bikdelu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mashhad University of Medical Sciences", + "Country": "Iran", + "Region": "Khorasan", + "City": "Mashhad", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial longitudinal strain behavior in patients with cryptogenic stroke - a case control study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leila Bikdelu ", + "kol_full_name": "Leila Bikdelu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sotagliflozin | Anti-Arrhythmia Agents | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460813", + "session_name": "Combined class I and class III antiarrhythmic effects of sotagliflozin - insights from heterologous expressions systems and atrial cardiomyocytes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leo Weirauch", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Combined class I and class III antiarrhythmic effects of sotagliflozin - insights from heterologous expressions systems and atrial cardiomyocytes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sotagliflozin | Anti-Arrhythmia Agents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocytes, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leo Weirauch ", + "kol_full_name": "Leo Weirauch " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457141", + "session_name": "Adherence to secondary prevention pharmacotherapy after percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leon Arnar Heitmann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adherence to secondary prevention pharmacotherapy after percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leon Arnar Heitmann ", + "kol_full_name": "Leon Arnar Heitmann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457215", + "session_name": "Prevalence and implications of cardiomyopathy-associated genetic variants in early-onset atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leonoor Wijdeveld", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence and implications of cardiomyopathy-associated genetic variants in early-onset atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leonoor Wijdeveld ", + "kol_full_name": "Leonoor Wijdeveld " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Treatment Outcome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461017", + "session_name": "Navigating challenges: comorbidities impact patient risk and treatment efficacy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leopoldo Perez De Isla", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "San Carlos Clinical University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Madrid", + "City": "Madrid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Navigating challenges: comorbidities impact patient risk and treatment efficacy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Treatment Outcome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leopoldo Perez De Isla ", + "kol_full_name": "Leopoldo Perez De Isla " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fecal Microbiota Transplantation | Metabolic Syndrome | Biota", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459082", + "session_name": "Impact of allogenic Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) on lipid parameters in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS): a meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leyi Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of allogenic Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) on lipid parameters in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS): a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fecal Microbiota Transplantation | Metabolic Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biota", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leyi Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Leyi Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Ventricular Diverticulum", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457744", + "session_name": "Experience sharing of one-stage endo-epicardial 3D mapping for localization of VT origin during LV diverticulum repair surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Li-Han Chen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kaohiung Medical University, Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Kaohsiung", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Experience sharing of one-stage endo-epicardial 3D mapping for localization of VT origin during LV diverticulum repair surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Ventricular Diverticulum", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Li-Han Chen ", + "kol_full_name": "Li-Han Chen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460308", + "session_name": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes: left ventricular function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lidia Ana Zytynski Moura", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pontifical Catholic University of Parana", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes: left ventricular function", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lidia Ana Zytynski Moura ", + "kol_full_name": "Lidia Ana Zytynski Moura " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Inhibition, Psychological", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458565", + "session_name": "Beneficial effects of the SGLT2 inhibition on oxidative skeletal muscle in infarcted rats", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lidiane Moreira Souza", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beneficial effects of the SGLT2 inhibition on oxidative skeletal muscle in infarcted rats", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Inhibition, Psychological", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lidiane Moreira Souza ", + "kol_full_name": "Lidiane Moreira Souza " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Sideropenia | Anemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457281", + "session_name": "Anemia and sideropenia in patients with decompensated heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lidija Mikic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical Hospital Center Zvezdara", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anemia and sideropenia in patients with decompensated heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Sideropenia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lidija Mikic ", + "kol_full_name": "Lidija Mikic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456274", + "session_name": "Risk stratification in percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lilia Nigro Maia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical School of Sao Jose do Rio Preto (FAMERP)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk stratification in percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lilia Nigro Maia ", + "kol_full_name": "Lilia Nigro Maia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endothelial Dysfunction | Nebivolol Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458326", + "session_name": "The evolution of endothelial dysfunction according to the length of the implanted stent on the background of nebivolol therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lilia Simionov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Moldova", + "Country": "Moldova", + "Region": "Chisinau", + "City": "Chisinau", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The evolution of endothelial dysfunction according to the length of the implanted stent on the background of nebivolol therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endothelial Dysfunction | Nebivolol Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lilia Simionov ", + "kol_full_name": "Lilia Simionov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458859", + "session_name": "Echocardiographic insights redefining risk in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a focus on right atrial volume index for enhanced stratification", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Liliana Brochado", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Garcia de Orta", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Setubal", + "City": "Almada", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Echocardiographic insights redefining risk in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a focus on right atrial volume index for enhanced stratification", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Liliana Brochado ", + "kol_full_name": "Liliana Brochado " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Reperfusion Therapy | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459730", + "session_name": "Changing the paradigm of reperfusion therapy for STEMI patients: vision from Ukraine - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Liliya Sorokhtey", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "L'vivs'ka Oblast'", + "City": "Lviv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changing the paradigm of reperfusion therapy for STEMI patients: vision from Ukraine - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Reperfusion Therapy | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Liliya Sorokhtey ", + "kol_full_name": "Liliya Sorokhtey " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459983", + "session_name": "Patient with reduced ejection fraction and ischemic cardiomyopathy - is there a place for revascularization?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lina Lutsenko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of cardiology n.a. M.D.Strazhesko", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient with reduced ejection fraction and ischemic cardiomyopathy - is there a place for revascularization?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lina Lutsenko ", + "kol_full_name": "Lina Lutsenko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Intracranial Hemorrhages", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458715", + "session_name": "Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of patients experiencing intra-cranial hemorrhage with or without acute cardiovascular events", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ling Kuo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Veterans General Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of patients experiencing intra-cranial hemorrhage with or without acute cardiovascular events", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Intracranial Hemorrhages", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ling Kuo ", + "kol_full_name": "Ling Kuo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460118", + "session_name": "18F-FDG PET/CT in the diagnosis of infective endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Linnea Salminen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Turku University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "18F-FDG PET/CT in the diagnosis of infective endocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Linnea Salminen ", + "kol_full_name": "Linnea Salminen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure With Improved Ejection Fraction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457377", + "session_name": "LVEF trajectory in HFimpEF and its association with prognosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Liyan Huang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "LVEF trajectory in HFimpEF and its association with prognosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure With Improved Ejection Fraction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Liyan Huang ", + "kol_full_name": "Liyan Huang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461002", + "session_name": "Global Pretest probability study of coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lohendran Baskaran Baskaran", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Centre Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global Pretest probability study of coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lohendran Baskaran Baskaran ", + "kol_full_name": "Lohendran Baskaran Baskaran " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise | Weight Loss | Telemedicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457115", + "session_name": "Effect of participant baseline characteristics on adherence to self-monitoring of diet, physical activity and weight in a 12-month weight loss mHealth trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lora E. Burke", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Pittsburgh", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of participant baseline characteristics on adherence to self-monitoring of diet", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " physical activity and weight in a 12-month weight loss mHealth trial", + "events_topic": "Exercise | Weight Loss ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Telemedicine", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lora E. Burke ", + "kol_full_name": "Lora E. Burke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459621", + "session_name": "Endocarditis on a native mitral valve in a young patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Loredana Suhov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pius Brinzeu Emergency County Hospital", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Timis", + "City": "Timisoara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endocarditis on a native mitral valve in a young patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Loredana Suhov ", + "kol_full_name": "Loredana Suhov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lactate Sensors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458075", + "session_name": "Scalable enzymatic lactate sensor for continuous monitoring in interstitial fluid", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lotte De Schrijver", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Scalable enzymatic lactate sensor for continuous monitoring in interstitial fluid", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lactate Sensors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lotte De Schrijver ", + "kol_full_name": "Lotte De Schrijver " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Kidney Transplantation | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458131", + "session_name": "Coronary artery disease screening in renal transplant candidates: insights from a large prospective cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Louis Giovachini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary artery disease screening in renal transplant candidates: insights from a large prospective cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Kidney Transplantation | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Louis Giovachini ", + "kol_full_name": "Louis Giovachini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458263", + "session_name": "Postpartum ventricular arrhythmia with perimyocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Louise Nicole Bacud", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Luke's College of Medicine", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Quezon City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Postpartum ventricular arrhythmia with perimyocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Louise Nicole Bacud ", + "kol_full_name": "Louise Nicole Bacud " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Function, Left | Atrial Fibrillation | Heart Failure | Drug Therapy | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460999", + "session_name": "WITHDRAWal of Heart Failure Pharmacotherapy in Patients with Normalized Left Ventricular Function After AF Rhythm Control in Arrhythmia Induced Cardiomyopathy-The WITHDRAW-AF Randomized Clinical Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Louise Segan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Alfred Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "WITHDRAWal of Heart Failure Pharmacotherapy in Patients with Normalized Left Ventricular Function After AF Rhythm Control in Arrhythmia Induced Cardiomyopathy-The WITHDRAW-AF Randomized Clinical Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Function, Left | Atrial Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure | Drug Therapy | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Louise Segan ", + "kol_full_name": "Louise Segan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Calcitonin | Atrial Cardiomyocytes | Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460814", + "session_name": "Calcitonin signalling system regulates function and arhythmogenicity of atrial cardiomyocytes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lucia Moreira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Calcitonin signalling system regulates function and arhythmogenicity of atrial cardiomyocytes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Calcitonin | Atrial Cardiomyocytes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lucia Moreira ", + "kol_full_name": "Lucia Moreira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459103", + "session_name": "Early improvement in left ventricular microvascular flow post sonothrombolysis is associated with better left ventricular systolic function in st elevation myocardial infarction patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luciene Ferreira Azevedo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute, Clinical Hospital, Medical School, University of Sao Paulo", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Early improvement in left ventricular microvascular flow post sonothrombolysis is associated with better left ventricular systolic function in st elevation myocardial infarction patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luciene Ferreira Azevedo ", + "kol_full_name": "Luciene Ferreira Azevedo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455878", + "session_name": "Infections and the heart: all we need to know given new migration patterns", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lucrecia Maria Burgos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Cardiovascular De Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Infections and the heart: all we need to know given new migration patterns", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lucrecia Maria Burgos ", + "kol_full_name": "Lucrecia Maria Burgos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460074", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on minimising the risk of stroke during cardiovascular interventions - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ludhmila Abrahao Hajjar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Hospital - Incor - FMUSP", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on minimising the risk of stroke during cardiovascular interventions - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ludhmila Abrahao Hajjar ", + "kol_full_name": "Ludhmila Abrahao Hajjar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459000", + "session_name": "The added value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ludovica Massa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The added value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ludovica Massa ", + "kol_full_name": "Ludovica Massa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiogenic Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460620", + "session_name": "A congenital culprit of atrial fibrillation and cardiogenic stroke: anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luhong Qiu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A congenital culprit of atrial fibrillation and cardiogenic stroke: anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiogenic Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luhong Qiu ", + "kol_full_name": "Luhong Qiu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461082", + "session_name": "MitrAI score: machine learning models to predict mortality at 12, 24, 36 and 48 months in patients with primary and secondary mitral regurgitation treated by transcatheter edge-to-edge repair.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luigi Biasco", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Civic Hospital of Cirie", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Piemonte", + "City": "Turin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MitrAI score: machine learning models to predict mortality at 12", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " 24, 36 and 48 months in patients with primary and secondary mitral regurgitation treated by transcatheter edge-to-edge repair.", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luigi Biasco ", + "kol_full_name": "Luigi Biasco " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dapagliflozin | Standard Of Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459012", + "session_name": "Carbon emission reduction associated with dapagliflozin compared to standard of care in the UK: translating the DAPA-HF and DELIVER trial findings to an environmental context", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luis Horacio Varela Falcon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "AstraZeneca", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Carbon emission reduction associated with dapagliflozin compared to standard of care in the UK: translating the DAPA-HF and DELIVER trial findings to an environmental context", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dapagliflozin | Standard Of Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luis Horacio Varela Falcon ", + "kol_full_name": "Luis Horacio Varela Falcon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripheral Arterial Disease | Lower Extremity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457992", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular risk factors in poly-vascular vs isolated lower extremity peripheral arterial disease. analysis from the SOLACI peripheral registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luis Ramon Virgen Carrillo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Virgen Cardiovascular Research SC", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Jalisco", + "City": "Guadalajara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular risk factors in poly-vascular vs isolated lower extremity peripheral arterial disease. analysis from the SOLACI peripheral registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peripheral Arterial Disease | Lower Extremity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luis Ramon Virgen Carrillo ", + "kol_full_name": "Luis Ramon Virgen Carrillo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Heart Transplantation | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460571", + "session_name": "Prognostic outcome of ACS in HTX patients after PCI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luisa Elbinger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic outcome of ACS in HTX patients after PCI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Heart Transplantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luisa Elbinger ", + "kol_full_name": "Luisa Elbinger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Alirocumab | Cholesterol, LDL | Apolipoproteins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457028", + "session_name": "Beyond LDL-cholesterol: effects of alirocumab on the human apolipoproteome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lukas Emanuel Schmidt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beyond LDL-cholesterol: effects of alirocumab on the human apolipoproteome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Alirocumab | Cholesterol, LDL ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Apolipoproteins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lukas Emanuel Schmidt ", + "kol_full_name": "Lukas Emanuel Schmidt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Bartonella", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459508", + "session_name": "Bartonella endocarditis: lessons learnt from an African cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luke Hunter", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Stellenbosch", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "Western Cape", + "City": "Cape Town", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bartonella endocarditis: lessons learnt from an African cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Bartonella", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luke Hunter ", + "kol_full_name": "Luke Hunter " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Placebos | Genetic Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459394", + "session_name": "GenePHIT phase 2 study design: a double blind, placebo-controlled trial to assess efficacy, safety, and tolerability of AB-1002 gene therapy in adults with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luke Roberts", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "GenePHIT phase 2 study design: a double blind", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " placebo-controlled trial to assess efficacy, safety, and tolerability of AB-1002 gene therapy in adults with heart failure", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Placebos ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Genetic Therapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luke Roberts ", + "kol_full_name": "Luke Roberts " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Multimodal Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460320", + "session_name": "A rare case of malignant anomalous and hyperdominant RCA with absent LCX : multimodality imaging approach to diagnosis and management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luokai Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Centre Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A rare case of malignant anomalous and hyperdominant RCA with absent LCX : multimodality imaging approach to diagnosis and management", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Multimodal Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luokai Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Luokai Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Myocardial Fibrosis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458341", + "session_name": "Postoperative assessment of interstitial myocardial fibrosis in aortic valve pathologies: insights from a cardiac magnetic resonance study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lynnie Oberg Arouca Bassoli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Postoperative assessment of interstitial myocardial fibrosis in aortic valve pathologies: insights from a cardiac magnetic resonance study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Myocardial Fibrosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lynnie Oberg Arouca Bassoli ", + "kol_full_name": "Lynnie Oberg Arouca Bassoli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fibroma | HIV Infections | Myocardial Infarction | Leiomyoma | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460094", + "session_name": "At the intersection of ischemic and bleeding risk – What type-2 myocardial infarction unveils in young patient with HIV infection and uterine fibroma", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Madalina Iurascu-Botezatu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "At the intersection of ischemic and bleeding risk – What type-2 myocardial infarction unveils in young patient with HIV infection and uterine fibroma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fibroma | HIV Infections ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Leiomyoma | Hemorrhage", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Madalina Iurascu-Botezatu ", + "kol_full_name": "Madalina Iurascu-Botezatu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Nutcracker Syndrome | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460760", + "session_name": "An unusual cause of hypertension-Nutcracker syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Madalina Ivascu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "County Emergency Hospital of Brasov", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Brasov", + "City": "Brasov", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An unusual cause of hypertension-Nutcracker syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Nutcracker Syndrome | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Madalina Ivascu ", + "kol_full_name": "Madalina Ivascu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Ventricular Assist Device | Thrombosis | Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458127", + "session_name": "Heartmate 3 left ventricular assistive device acute thrombosis after noncardiac surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Madel Hidalgo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Makati Medical Center", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Makati", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heartmate 3 left ventricular assistive device acute thrombosis after noncardiac surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Ventricular Assist Device | Thrombosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Surgical Procedures", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Madel Hidalgo ", + "kol_full_name": "Madel Hidalgo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoidosis | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460889", + "session_name": "The silent menace: cardiac sarcoidosis manifested as ventricular arrhythmia in a patient with negative CMR", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Madhumita Kolluri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "UConn John Dempsey Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "West Virginia", + "City": "Farmington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The silent menace: cardiac sarcoidosis manifested as ventricular arrhythmia in a patient with negative CMR", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoidosis | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Madhumita Kolluri ", + "kol_full_name": "Madhumita Kolluri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460752", + "session_name": "Giant right coronary artery aneurysm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mahmoud Abdelshafy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Giant right coronary artery aneurysm", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Aneurysm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mahmoud Abdelshafy ", + "kol_full_name": "Mahmoud Abdelshafy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458513", + "session_name": "Are novel ASCVD risk factors more prevalent in young middle eastern women who have classical risk factors.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mahmoud Alkhawaldeh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Are novel ASCVD risk factors more prevalent in young middle eastern women who have classical risk factors.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mahmoud Alkhawaldeh ", + "kol_full_name": "Mahmoud Alkhawaldeh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458610", + "session_name": "Assessment of microvascular occlusion in re-perfused myocardial infarction patients using cardiac magnetic resonance", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mahmoud ismaiel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kobry Al Koba Hospital", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessment of microvascular occlusion in re-perfused myocardial infarction patients using cardiac magnetic resonance", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mahmoud ismaiel ", + "kol_full_name": "Mahmoud ismaiel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Nursing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456895", + "session_name": "Diversity in cardiovascular care: effective, equitable, and empowering practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mairead Lehane", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cork University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Cork", + "City": "Cork", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diversity in cardiovascular care: effective", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " equitable, and empowering practice", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Nursing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mairead Lehane ", + "kol_full_name": "Mairead Lehane " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460932", + "session_name": "Suboptimal Lipid Measurement and Statin Use after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention is associated with Increased Mortality: Results of a Real World Registry of 76,264 Patients in NW London", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Majid Akhtar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Suboptimal Lipid Measurement and Statin Use after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention is associated with Increased Mortality: Results of a Real World Registry of 76", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "264 Patients in NW London", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Majid Akhtar ", + "kol_full_name": "Majid Akhtar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Scleroderma, Systemic | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458980", + "session_name": "Pulmonary Hypertension and survival among men and women patients with systemic sclerosis: review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maka Gegenava", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU)", + "Country": "Georgia", + "Region": "T'bilisi", + "City": "Tbilisi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary Hypertension and survival among men and women patients with systemic sclerosis: review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Scleroderma, Systemic | Hypertension, Pulmonary", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maka Gegenava ", + "kol_full_name": "Maka Gegenava " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Reperfusion | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456673", + "session_name": "How to optimise contemporary treatment of STEMI patients: time and way of myocardial reperfusion, updated medication, and post infarction rehabilitation - insights from Ukraine and Poland", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maksym Sokolov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institut of Cardiology", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to optimise contemporary treatment of STEMI patients: time and way of myocardial reperfusion", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " updated medication, and post infarction rehabilitation - insights from Ukraine and Poland", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Reperfusion | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maksym Sokolov ", + "kol_full_name": "Maksym Sokolov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertensive Crisis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457459", + "session_name": "Hospital and one-year outcomes following a hypertensive urgency or emergency: a major challenge", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Malak Benabdellah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mohammed VI University Hospital, Tangier", + "Country": "Morocco", + "Region": "Tanger", + "City": "Tangier", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hospital and one-year outcomes following a hypertensive urgency or emergency: a major challenge", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertensive Crisis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Malak Benabdellah ", + "kol_full_name": "Malak Benabdellah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459738", + "session_name": "Management of complex patients in Lebanon and Czech Republic", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Malek Khatib", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tal Chiha Hospital", + "Country": "Lebanon", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of complex patients in Lebanon and Czech Republic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Malek Khatib ", + "kol_full_name": "Malek Khatib " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456475", + "session_name": "The end of ejection fraction: novel alternative imaging indices in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mali Worme", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "UHN", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The end of ejection fraction: novel alternative imaging indices in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mali Worme ", + "kol_full_name": "Mali Worme " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458954", + "session_name": "The unusual cause of cardiomyopathy: a sudden sniffing death syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manasawee Vassara", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bumrungrad International hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The unusual cause of cardiomyopathy: a sudden sniffing death syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manasawee Vassara ", + "kol_full_name": "Manasawee Vassara " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vasculitis | Endocarditis | Glomerulonephritis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458631", + "session_name": "Endocarditis-induced rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis mimicking vasculitis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manuel Alejandro Candia Ramirez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endocarditis-induced rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis mimicking vasculitis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vasculitis | Endocarditis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Glomerulonephritis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manuel Alejandro Candia Ramirez ", + "kol_full_name": "Manuel Alejandro Candia Ramirez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertensive Crisis | Dementia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457409", + "session_name": "Degree of joint risk factor control and incident all cause dementia in hypertensive patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manyun Tang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Degree of joint risk factor control and incident all cause dementia in hypertensive patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertensive Crisis | Dementia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Manyun Tang ", + "kol_full_name": "Manyun Tang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Cryptogenic Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460978", + "session_name": "Incidence of atrial fibrillation in cryptogenic stroke with patent foramen ovale closure:the PFO-AF study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marc Badoz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Regional University Hospital Jean Minjoz", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Franche-Comte", + "City": "Besancon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence of atrial fibrillation in cryptogenic stroke with patent foramen ovale closure:the PFO-AF study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Foramen Ovale, Patent | Cryptogenic Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marc Badoz ", + "kol_full_name": "Marc Badoz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Appendage | Thoracic Surgery | Amputation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458967", + "session_name": "Safety of left atrial appendage amputation during cardiothoracic surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marc Terpstra", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety of left atrial appendage amputation during cardiothoracic surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Appendage | Thoracic Surgery ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Amputation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marc Terpstra ", + "kol_full_name": "Marc Terpstra " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemolysis | Pulsed Field Ablation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457847", + "session_name": "Quantification of hemolysis rates from pulsed field ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marcela Mercado Montoya", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "IN SILICO STEM", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Antioquia", + "City": "Medellin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quantification of hemolysis rates from pulsed field ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemolysis | Pulsed Field Ablation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marcela Mercado Montoya ", + "kol_full_name": "Marcela Mercado Montoya " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tuberculosis | HIV", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457471", + "session_name": "Preliminary findings of the TB-HEART Study: prevalence of cardiac pathology among newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis with and without HIV in Zambia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marcello Scopazzini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Zambart", + "Country": "Zambia", + "Region": "Lusaka", + "City": "Lusaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Preliminary findings of the TB-HEART Study: prevalence of cardiac pathology among newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis with and without HIV in Zambia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tuberculosis | HIV", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marcello Scopazzini ", + "kol_full_name": "Marcello Scopazzini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Telemedicine | Wearable Electronic Devices", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457198", + "session_name": "Mobile health applications and wearables - the patient's perspective on usability and adherence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marcin Rucinski", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Brussels", + "City": "Brussels", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mobile health applications and wearables - the patient's perspective on usability and adherence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Telemedicine | Wearable Electronic Devices", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marcin Rucinski ", + "kol_full_name": "Marcin Rucinski " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461020", + "session_name": "AF ablation as early as possible- with the right technology", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marco Moltrasio", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Monzino Cardiology Centre", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AF ablation as early as possible- with the right technology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marco Moltrasio ", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Moltrasio " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Factor XI Deficiency | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457265", + "session_name": "Factor XI activity in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marco Spagnolo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Factor XI activity in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Factor XI Deficiency | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marco Spagnolo ", + "kol_full_name": "Marco Spagnolo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemolysis | Radiofrequency Ablation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459285", + "session_name": "Haemolysis and acute tubular injury after pulsed field ablation compared to radiofrequency: An observational study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marek Hozman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Haemolysis and acute tubular injury after pulsed field ablation compared to radiofrequency: An observational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemolysis | Radiofrequency Ablation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marek Hozman ", + "kol_full_name": "Marek Hozman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemodynamics | Cardiac Output, Low | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457537", + "session_name": "Acute hemodynamic effect of oral ketones in patients with acutely decompensated heart failure and low cardiac output syndrome: a prospective randomized study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marek Sramko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute hemodynamic effect of oral ketones in patients with acutely decompensated heart failure and low cardiac output syndrome: a prospective randomized study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Cardiac Output, Low ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marek Sramko ", + "kol_full_name": "Marek Sramko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Conduction System Pacing", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460953", + "session_name": "Conduction system pacing vs biventricular resynchronization therapy in systolic dysfunction and wide QRS: CONSYST-CRT.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Margarida Pujol-Lopez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic of Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Conduction system pacing vs biventricular resynchronization therapy in systolic dysfunction and wide QRS: CONSYST-CRT.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Conduction System Pacing", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Margarida Pujol-Lopez ", + "kol_full_name": "Margarida Pujol-Lopez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Kidney Diseases | Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460141", + "session_name": "Evaluation of renal functional reserve in patients with preserved renal function and coronary microvascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Margarita Bora", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ippokrateio General Hospital of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of renal functional reserve in patients with preserved renal function and coronary microvascular disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Kidney Diseases | Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Margarita Bora ", + "kol_full_name": "Margarita Bora " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459417", + "session_name": "Factors associated with 30-day mortality in patients receiving mechanical circulatory support for cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Margriet Bogerd", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Factors associated with 30-day mortality in patients receiving mechanical circulatory support for cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Mechanical Circulatory Support ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Shock, Cardiogenic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Margriet Bogerd ", + "kol_full_name": "Margriet Bogerd " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Anemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458622", + "session_name": "Effect of four hemoglobin transfusion threshold strategies in patients with acute myocardial infarction and anemia: a target trial emulation using MINT trial data", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Brooks", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Pittsburgh", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of four hemoglobin transfusion threshold strategies in patients with acute myocardial infarction and anemia: a target trial emulation using MINT trial data", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Anemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Brooks ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Brooks " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456970", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular treatment: protecting the brain and the limbs", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Cecilia Bahit", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "INECO", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Santa Fe", + "City": "Rosario", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular treatment: protecting the brain and the limbs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Cecilia Bahit ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Cecilia Bahit " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459227", + "session_name": "Pediatric constrictive pericarditis: a case report and imaging findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria De Fatima Egas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pediatric constrictive pericarditis: a case report and imaging findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis | Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria De Fatima Egas ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria De Fatima Egas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456840", + "session_name": "Pharmacological management of hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Dorobantu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pharmacological management of hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Dorobantu ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Dorobantu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456062", + "session_name": "Hypertension phenotypes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Emilia Teixeira", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Federal University of Goias", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hypertension phenotypes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Emilia Teixeira ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Emilia Teixeira " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Coronary Artery Calcification | Hodgkin Disease | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459613", + "session_name": "Can the presence of aortic or coronary artery calcifications in the standard of care baseline CT or PET-CT scan of patients with Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma be used as a predictor of MACE?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria F. Gomez Ardila", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital-Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Can the presence of aortic or coronary artery calcifications in the standard of care baseline CT or PET-CT scan of patients with Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma be used as a predictor of MACE?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Coronary Artery Calcification ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hodgkin Disease | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria F. Gomez Ardila ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria F. Gomez Ardila " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461067", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Francesca Orsino", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cisanello Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Francesca Orsino ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Francesca Orsino " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456680", + "session_name": "Challenges in acute and chronic heart failure: implementing guidelines and beyond - insights from Greece and Cyprus", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Karakiriou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges in acute and chronic heart failure: implementing guidelines and beyond - insights from Greece and Cyprus", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Karakiriou ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Karakiriou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Psychosocial Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460612", + "session_name": "Psychosocial support needs after discharge - physician perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Manuela Neves Abreu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Lisbon", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Psychosocial support needs after discharge - physician perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Psychosocial Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Manuela Neves Abreu ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Manuela Neves Abreu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multifactorial Inheritance | Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460759", + "session_name": "Unraveling the complexity: exploring multifactorial causes of stroke in a single patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Manzur Barbur", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Foundation Cardioinfantil", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Distrito Capital", + "City": "Bogota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unraveling the complexity: exploring multifactorial causes of stroke in a single patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multifactorial Inheritance | Stroke", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Manzur Barbur ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Manzur Barbur " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pitavastatin | HIV", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459649", + "session_name": "Efficacy of pitavastatin in patients with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Meritxell Roca Mora", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy of pitavastatin in patients with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pitavastatin | HIV", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Meritxell Roca Mora ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Meritxell Roca Mora " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Brain Diseases | Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456882", + "session_name": "Stroke: the heart-brain connection", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Mirabela Manea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Neurology and Neurovascular Diseases", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stroke: the heart-brain connection", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Brain Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Stroke", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Mirabela Manea ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Mirabela Manea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electric Shock | Brugada Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457635", + "session_name": "Unmasking of Brugada syndrome by high-voltage electric shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana Castellaneta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio de Janeiro", + "City": "Rio de Janeiro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unmasking of Brugada syndrome by high-voltage electric shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electric Shock | Brugada Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana Castellaneta ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Castellaneta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dapagliflozin | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458558", + "session_name": "Effect of Dapagliflozin on health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure: a meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana De Souza", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Federal University of Parana", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of Dapagliflozin on health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure: a meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dapagliflozin | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana De Souza ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana De Souza " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin I | Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457161", + "session_name": "Effects of the restrictive cardiomyopathy-associated cardiac troponin I K178E mutation on cAMP signalling at the myofilament.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana Gee Olmedilla", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of the restrictive cardiomyopathy-associated cardiac troponin I K178E mutation on cAMP signalling at the myofilament.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Troponin I | Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana Gee Olmedilla ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Gee Olmedilla " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460557", + "session_name": "Real-world insights: practical Impella outcomes in cardiogenic shock and high-risk elective percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana Martinho", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Garcia de Orta", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Setubal", + "City": "Almada", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-world insights: practical Impella outcomes in cardiogenic shock and high-risk elective percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana Martinho ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Martinho " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clonal Hematopoiesis | Mutation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460286", + "session_name": "Impact of paracrine effects of different clonal hematopoiesis-driver mutations in human macrophages on cardiac cells", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariana Shumliakivska", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of paracrine effects of different clonal hematopoiesis-driver mutations in human macrophages on cardiac cells", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clonal Hematopoiesis | Mutation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariana Shumliakivska ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariana Shumliakivska " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Proteome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459410", + "session_name": "Proteome-wide associations of pulse pressure in the UK Biobank", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marie-Joe Dib", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Proteome-wide associations of pulse pressure in the UK Biobank", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Proteome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marie-Joe Dib ", + "kol_full_name": "Marie-Joe Dib " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457460", + "session_name": "Is the patient comfortable using ChatGPT?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariette Verbakel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Is the patient comfortable using ChatGPT?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariette Verbakel ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariette Verbakel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457836", + "session_name": "Biochemical variables as predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marija Vavlukis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinic of Cardiology", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biochemical variables as predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marija Vavlukis ", + "kol_full_name": "Marija Vavlukis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458817", + "session_name": "Cardiac structural, functional remodelling, and perfusion impairments across the spectrum of aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marilena Giannoudi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac structural", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " functional remodelling, and perfusion impairments across the spectrum of aortic stenosis", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marilena Giannoudi ", + "kol_full_name": "Marilena Giannoudi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Geriatrics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457944", + "session_name": "Educating healthcare professionals about the basics of geriatrics: a European call to action by PROGRAMMING CA 21122", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marina Kotsani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Educating healthcare professionals about the basics of geriatrics: a European call to action by PROGRAMMING CA 21122", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Geriatrics", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marina Kotsani ", + "kol_full_name": "Marina Kotsani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcriptome | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Empagliflozin | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459766", + "session_name": "Effects of empagliflozin on myocardial transcriptome in rats with aortic stenosis-induced heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marina Okoshi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu, UNESP", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Paro", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of empagliflozin on myocardial transcriptome in rats with aortic stenosis-induced heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcriptome | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Empagliflozin | Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marina Okoshi ", + "kol_full_name": "Marina Okoshi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "VExUS | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459218", + "session_name": "VExUS score improvement is associated with better outcomes in acute decompensated heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marina Saadi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio Grande do Sul", + "City": "Porto Alegre", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "VExUS score improvement is associated with better outcomes in acute decompensated heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "VExUS | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marina Saadi ", + "kol_full_name": "Marina Saadi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dapagliflozin | Non-Diabetic | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459352", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin in non-diabetic patients with primary anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction initiated in early hospital period", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marine Sargsyan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Erebouni Medical Center", + "Country": "Armenia", + "Region": "Yerevan", + "City": "Yerevan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin in non-diabetic patients with primary anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction initiated in early hospital period", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dapagliflozin | Non-Diabetic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marine Sargsyan ", + "kol_full_name": "Marine Sargsyan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair | Echocardiography, Transesophageal", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460966", + "session_name": "Live transoesophageal echocardiography: how to best guide transcatheter tricuspid valve repair and replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mario Kasner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Charite University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Berlin", + "City": "Berlin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Live transoesophageal echocardiography: how to best guide transcatheter tricuspid valve repair and replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair | Echocardiography, Transesophageal", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mario Kasner ", + "kol_full_name": "Mario Kasner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | STK26 Protein, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460364", + "session_name": "The STRIPAK associated kinase MST4 is a novel mediator in heart failure pathogenesis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marius Leye", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The STRIPAK associated kinase MST4 is a novel mediator in heart failure pathogenesis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | STK26 Protein, Human", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marius Leye ", + "kol_full_name": "Marius Leye " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Primary Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458205", + "session_name": "Improving cardiovascular risk stratification with ECG-predicted risk factors in primary prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marius Sebastian Knorr", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving cardiovascular risk stratification with ECG-predicted risk factors in primary prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Primary Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marius Sebastian Knorr ", + "kol_full_name": "Marius Sebastian Knorr " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459654", + "session_name": "Multimorbid patient with heart failure: the Bulgarian experience - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mariya Tokmakova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical University Plovdiv", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Plovdiv", + "City": "Plovdiv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multimorbid patient with heart failure: the Bulgarian experience - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mariya Tokmakova ", + "kol_full_name": "Mariya Tokmakova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Hypertension, Pulmonary | Crotalid Venoms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458886", + "session_name": "Long-acting CRF2 receptor agonist COR-1389 improves cardiopulmonary function parameters in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure rat model", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mark Kowala", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-acting CRF2 receptor agonist COR-1389 improves cardiopulmonary function parameters in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure rat model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Hypertension, Pulmonary ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Crotalid Venoms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mark Kowala ", + "kol_full_name": "Mark Kowala " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation | Thrombocytopenia | Hemorrhage | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457808", + "session_name": "Risk of thromboembolic and haemorrhagic events associated with anticoagulation among 11,355 patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and thrombocytopenia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mark Tam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Chinese University of Hong Kong", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk of thromboembolic and haemorrhagic events associated with anticoagulation among 11", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "355 patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and thrombocytopenia", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation | Thrombocytopenia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hemorrhage | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mark Tam ", + "kol_full_name": "Mark Tam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Conservative Treatment | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461048", + "session_name": "Aortic valve replacement versus conservative treatment in asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marko Banovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Center of Serbia", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Aortic valve replacement versus conservative treatment in asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Conservative Treatment | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marko Banovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Marko Banovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460404", + "session_name": "Challenging endomyocardial biopsies' gold standard status in rejection screening: a prospective blinded study on cardiovascular magnetic resonance in heart transplant patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marko Taipale", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenging endomyocardial biopsies' gold standard status in rejection screening: a prospective blinded study on cardiovascular magnetic resonance in heart transplant patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marko Taipale ", + "kol_full_name": "Marko Taipale " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myalgia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459077", + "session_name": "Plasma statin concentrations do not correlate with statin-induced myalgia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Markus Samuel Ritvos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Plasma statin concentrations do not correlate with statin-induced myalgia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myalgia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Markus Samuel Ritvos ", + "kol_full_name": "Markus Samuel Ritvos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Studies As Topic | Workload", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458666", + "session_name": "A sane approach to the high volume of alert transmissions in remote monitoring- turning of clinically non-relevant alerts decreases substantially workload.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Markus Sane", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Central Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A sane approach to the high volume of alert transmissions in remote monitoring- turning of clinically non-relevant alerts decreases substantially workload.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Studies As Topic | Workload", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Markus Sane ", + "kol_full_name": "Markus Sane " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460839", + "session_name": "Pulmonary management after cardiac arrest", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Markus Skrifvars", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Central Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary management after cardiac arrest", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Arrest", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Markus Skrifvars ", + "kol_full_name": "Markus Skrifvars " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460077", + "session_name": "Utilisation of artificial intelligence to prevent disease across ethnicities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marly van Assen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emory University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Utilisation of artificial intelligence to prevent disease across ethnicities", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marly van Assen ", + "kol_full_name": "Marly van Assen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dissection, Ascending Aorta", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460400", + "session_name": "The Unwanted Path: a case of a 71 year-old male with fusiform aneurysm of the ascending aorta who developed dissection of the aortic arch up to the bilateral ilio-femoral arteries intraoperatively.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marrafe Correa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Luke's Medical Center-Quezon City", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Unwanted Path: a case of a 71 year-old male with fusiform aneurysm of the ascending aorta who developed dissection of the aortic arch up to the bilateral ilio-femoral arteries intraoperatively.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dissection, Ascending Aorta", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marrafe Correa ", + "kol_full_name": "Marrafe Correa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456111", + "session_name": "Heartfelt genetics", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marta Cvijic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Centre Ljubljana", + "Country": "Slovenia", + "Region": "Ljubljana", + "City": "Ljubljana", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heartfelt genetics", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marta Cvijic ", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Cvijic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460494", + "session_name": "Information and communications technology and artificial intelligence to improve pre-hospital stroke networks", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marta Olive Gadea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Information and communications technology and artificial intelligence to improve pre-hospital stroke networks", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marta Olive Gadea ", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Olive Gadea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cryoballoon Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459582", + "session_name": "Comparative effectiveness of pulsed field ablation and cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marta Vilela", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital De Santa Maria", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative effectiveness of pulsed field ablation and cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cryoballoon Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marta Vilela ", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Vilela " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemic Stroke | Bland White Garland Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460762", + "session_name": "ALCAPA in young adult after an ischemic stroke", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marta Voitsekhivska", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "L'vivs'ka Oblast'", + "City": "Lviv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ALCAPA in young adult after an ischemic stroke", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ischemic Stroke | Bland White Garland Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marta Voitsekhivska ", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Voitsekhivska " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459956", + "session_name": "Temporal trends in clinical outcomes in heart failure patients with and without atrial fibrillation: a nationwide study from 1997-2018", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marte Austreim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal trends in clinical outcomes in heart failure patients with and without atrial fibrillation: a nationwide study from 1997-2018", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marte Austreim ", + "kol_full_name": "Marte Austreim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lithotripsy | Calcified Coronary Lesions | Atherectomy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460590", + "session_name": "Current application and results of the combined use of intravascular lithotripsy and rotational atherectomy for the treatment of calcified coronary lesions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martijn Jacobus Hendrikus Van Oort", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Current application and results of the combined use of intravascular lithotripsy and rotational atherectomy for the treatment of calcified coronary lesions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lithotripsy | Calcified Coronary Lesions ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atherectomy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martijn Jacobus Hendrikus Van Oort ", + "kol_full_name": "Martijn Jacobus Hendrikus Van Oort " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Heart Failure | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459324", + "session_name": "High incidence of malignant arrhythmias and heart failure in patients with RBM20-associated cardiomyopathy: a multicenter cohort study and review of the literature", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martijn Tukker", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High incidence of malignant arrhythmias and heart failure in patients with RBM20-associated cardiomyopathy: a multicenter cohort study and review of the literature", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martijn Tukker ", + "kol_full_name": "Martijn Tukker " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Myosins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461009", + "session_name": "Cardiac myosin inhibitors, lessons from real-world experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Gruebler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Austria", + "Region": "Niederosterreich", + "City": "Wiener Neustadt", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac myosin inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " lessons from real-world experience", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Myosins", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin Gruebler ", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Gruebler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460973", + "session_name": "Anticoagulation in the frail/elderly atrial fibrillation patient – what have we learnt so far?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Hemels", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Rijnstate Hospital", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Arnhem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anticoagulation in the frail/elderly atrial fibrillation patient – what have we learnt so far?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin Hemels ", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Hemels " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458587", + "session_name": "Correlation between LDL/HDL-cholesterol ratio and long term prognosis after acute coronary syndrome and severity of coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martina God", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Hospital Dubrava", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Correlation between LDL/HDL-cholesterol ratio and long term prognosis after acute coronary syndrome and severity of coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martina God ", + "kol_full_name": "Martina God " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "DNA Repair | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460368", + "session_name": "Intact DNA repair in differentiated cardiomyocytes is essential for maintaining cardiac function in response to pressure overload in mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martine De Boer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intact DNA repair in differentiated cardiomyocytes is essential for maintaining cardiac function in response to pressure overload in mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "DNA Repair | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martine De Boer ", + "kol_full_name": "Martine De Boer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Octreotide | Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted | Coronary Artery Bypass", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459904", + "session_name": "Successful management of chylothorax after coronary artery bypass surgery using video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and octreotide.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marvel Delos Santos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Lukes Medical Center QC", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Manila", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Successful management of chylothorax after coronary artery bypass surgery using video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and octreotide.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Octreotide | Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Bypass", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marvel Delos Santos ", + "kol_full_name": "Marvel Delos Santos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459650", + "session_name": "Case 1 - intervention in endocarditis, guidelines and beyond: the Egyptian perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marwa Sayed Meshael", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cairo university", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1 - intervention in endocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " guidelines and beyond: the Egyptian perspective", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marwa Sayed Meshael ", + "kol_full_name": "Marwa Sayed Meshael " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461031", + "session_name": "Challenging clinical scenarios for therapeutic anticoagulation: a practical approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Masaharu Akao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kyoto Medical Centre", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Kyoto", + "City": "Kyoto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenging clinical scenarios for therapeutic anticoagulation: a practical approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Masaharu Akao ", + "kol_full_name": "Masaharu Akao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques | Atrial Tachyarrhythmia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460968", + "session_name": "SUPPRESS-AF - The efficacy of low-voltage-area ablation on atrial tachyarrhythmias recurrence in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Masaharu Masuda", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kansai Rosai Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Hyogo", + "City": "Amagasaki-City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SUPPRESS-AF - The efficacy of low-voltage-area ablation on atrial tachyarrhythmias recurrence in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Tachyarrhythmia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Masaharu Masuda ", + "kol_full_name": "Masaharu Masuda " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Echocardiography, Stress", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458734", + "session_name": "Stress echocardiography for diagnosis and risk stratification in HFpEF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Masaru Obokata", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stress echocardiography for diagnosis and risk stratification in HFpEF", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Echocardiography, Stress", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Masaru Obokata ", + "kol_full_name": "Masaru Obokata " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458249", + "session_name": "Role of cardiac magnetic resonance in the management of complex congenital heart diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Massimiliana Abbate", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of cardiac magnetic resonance in the management of complex congenital heart diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Massimiliana Abbate ", + "kol_full_name": "Massimiliana Abbate " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | Stroke Volume", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460730", + "session_name": "Peak atrial longitudinal strain to replace atrial volume in diastolic function grading: associations with long-term outcomes in a community-based sample with normal left ventricular ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mate Tolvaj", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peak atrial longitudinal strain to replace atrial volume in diastolic function grading: associations with long-term outcomes in a community-based sample with normal left ventricular ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | Stroke Volume", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mate Tolvaj ", + "kol_full_name": "Mate Tolvaj " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Placebos | Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461074", + "session_name": "Anakinra versus placebo double blind Randomized controlled trial for the treatment of Acute MyocarditIS", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mathieu Kerneis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pitie Salpetriere APHP University Hospital", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anakinra versus placebo double blind Randomized controlled trial for the treatment of Acute MyocarditIS", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Placebos | Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mathieu Kerneis ", + "kol_full_name": "Mathieu Kerneis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Software | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460241", + "session_name": "A standards-based software tool to support prognostic modelling: application to exemplar heart failure risk scores", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mathilde Agathe Verlyck", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A standards-based software tool to support prognostic modelling: application to exemplar heart failure risk scores", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Software | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mathilde Agathe Verlyck ", + "kol_full_name": "Mathilde Agathe Verlyck " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460120", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of quantitative anatomical and functional measures of coronary artery disease in diabetic and non-diabetic patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matias Maenpaa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Turku", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of quantitative anatomical and functional measures of coronary artery disease in diabetic and non-diabetic patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matias Maenpaa ", + "kol_full_name": "Matias Maenpaa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Vascular Aging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461044", + "session_name": "Different cardiovascular outcomes of vascular ageing proteomic phenogroups in normotensive and hypertensive individuals: results from the UK Biobank.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matteo Lemoli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Spedali Civili, University Of Brescia", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Brescia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Different cardiovascular outcomes of vascular ageing proteomic phenogroups in normotensive and hypertensive individuals: results from the UK Biobank.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Vascular Aging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matteo Lemoli ", + "kol_full_name": "Matteo Lemoli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458814", + "session_name": "Cardiac damage predicts the outcome of calcific aortic valve disease regardless of the severity of aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matthew Kieron Moore", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac damage predicts the outcome of calcific aortic valve disease regardless of the severity of aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Aortic Valve Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matthew Kieron Moore ", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew Kieron Moore " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Surgical Revascularisation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460956", + "session_name": "Comparative Effectiveness of Percutaneous and Surgical Revascularisation in Ischaemic Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction: Combined Patient-Level Analysis of the REVIVED-BCIS2 and STICH Trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matthew Ryan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King's College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative Effectiveness of Percutaneous and Surgical Revascularisation in Ischaemic Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction: Combined Patient-Level Analysis of the REVIVED-BCIS2 and STICH Trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Surgical Revascularisation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matthew Ryan ", + "kol_full_name": "Matthew Ryan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460613", + "session_name": "Psychosocial support needs after discharge - patient perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mattias Van Heetvelde", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "Belgium", + "Region": "Oost-Vlaanderen", + "City": "Gent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Psychosocial support needs after discharge - patient perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mattias Van Heetvelde ", + "kol_full_name": "Mattias Van Heetvelde " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458687", + "session_name": "Long-term outcomes of heart re-transplantation from HCV-viremic donors based on UNOS registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Matylda Mazur", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term outcomes of heart re-transplantation from HCV-viremic donors based on UNOS registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Matylda Mazur ", + "kol_full_name": "Matylda Mazur " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Prolapse", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456250", + "session_name": "Mitral valve prolapse: a new look at an old disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maurice Enriquez-Sarano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Minneapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mitral valve prolapse: a new look at an old disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Prolapse", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maurice Enriquez-Sarano ", + "kol_full_name": "Maurice Enriquez-Sarano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tafamidis | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459194", + "session_name": "Prognostic staging system correctly identifies high risk groups in cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis treated with tafamidis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maximilian Mueller", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic staging system correctly identifies high risk groups in cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis treated with tafamidis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tafamidis | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maximilian Mueller ", + "kol_full_name": "Maximilian Mueller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiorespiratory Fitness | Double Kissing Crush Stenting Technique | Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457236", + "session_name": "What are you going to do for aneurysm dilatations after DK crush left main diseases in end stage CRF patient?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Md Afzalur Rahman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "United Hospital Ltd.", + "Country": "Bangladesh", + "Region": "Dhaka", + "City": "Dhaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What are you going to do for aneurysm dilatations after DK crush left main diseases in end stage CRF patient?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiorespiratory Fitness | Double Kissing Crush Stenting Technique ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aneurysm", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Md Afzalur Rahman ", + "kol_full_name": "Md Afzalur Rahman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458514", + "session_name": "Exploring vocal biomarkers as non-invasive fine-tuning assays of cardiovascular health: heart failure model", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mehmet Birhan Yilmaz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Dokuz Eylul University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Izmir", + "City": "Izmir", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring vocal biomarkers as non-invasive fine-tuning assays of cardiovascular health: heart failure model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mehmet Birhan Yilmaz ", + "kol_full_name": "Mehmet Birhan Yilmaz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459741", + "session_name": "Analysis of mortality from acute coronary syndrome in the Kyrgyz Republic and measures aimed at reducing mortality - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Meiramgul Tundybayeva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kazakh National Medical University", + "Country": "Kazakhstan", + "Region": "Almaty", + "City": "Almaty", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Analysis of mortality from acute coronary syndrome in the Kyrgyz Republic and measures aimed at reducing mortality - discussion of guideline implementation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Meiramgul Tundybayeva ", + "kol_full_name": "Meiramgul Tundybayeva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pathological Conditions, Anatomical | Exercise Test", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456458", + "session_name": "Exercise testing in different pathological conditions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Meity Ardiana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": "Jawa Timur (Djawa Timur)", + "City": "Surabaya", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exercise testing in different pathological conditions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pathological Conditions, Anatomical | Exercise Test", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Meity Ardiana ", + "kol_full_name": "Meity Ardiana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Polycythemia | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459250", + "session_name": "Secondary erythrocytosis / polycythemia due to sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors: a real world heart failure cohort.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Melissa Pherai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Secondary erythrocytosis / polycythemia due to sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors: a real world heart failure cohort.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Polycythemia | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Melissa Pherai ", + "kol_full_name": "Melissa Pherai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endovascular Procedures | Cardiac Remodeling | Aortic Coarctation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459154", + "session_name": "Reverse cardiac remodeling induced by endovascular treatment of coarctation of the aorta", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Melody Farrashi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical & Research Center", + "Country": "Iran", + "Region": "Tehran", + "City": "Tehran", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reverse cardiac remodeling induced by endovascular treatment of coarctation of the aorta", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endovascular Procedures | Cardiac Remodeling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Coarctation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Melody Farrashi ", + "kol_full_name": "Melody Farrashi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetic Cardiomyopathies | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457165", + "session_name": "Mammalian Diaphanous-related formin 1 (mDia1) inducing diabetic cardiomyopathy by regulating metabolic reprogramming", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mengqiu Dang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mammalian Diaphanous-related formin 1 (mDia1) inducing diabetic cardiomyopathy by regulating metabolic reprogramming", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetic Cardiomyopathies | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mengqiu Dang ", + "kol_full_name": "Mengqiu Dang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Influenza, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459706", + "session_name": "Open discussion with experts: all you want to know about influenza and other respiratory viruses and new approaches for their prevention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Meral Akcay Ciblak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Open discussion with experts: all you want to know about influenza and other respiratory viruses and new approaches for their prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Influenza, Human", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Meral Akcay Ciblak ", + "kol_full_name": "Meral Akcay Ciblak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456396", + "session_name": "How to personalise lipid-lowering therapy with so many choices", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Meral Kayikcioglu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ege University Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Izmir", + "City": "Izmir", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to personalise lipid-lowering therapy with so many choices", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipid-Lowering Therapies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Meral Kayikcioglu ", + "kol_full_name": "Meral Kayikcioglu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Prasugrel Hydrochloride | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460091", + "session_name": "Implementation of prasugrel and prognostic outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention for myocardial infarction: a nationwide observational study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mia Ravn Jacobsen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implementation of prasugrel and prognostic outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention for myocardial infarction: a nationwide observational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Prasugrel Hydrochloride ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mia Ravn Jacobsen ", + "kol_full_name": "Mia Ravn Jacobsen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sequence Analysis | Stents | Proteomics | Exosomes | Coronary Restenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459446", + "session_name": "Human coronary blood single-cell sequencing combined with exosome proteomic profiling reveals the molecular mechanism of recurrent in-stent restenosis (R-ISR)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Miao Yu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Human coronary blood single-cell sequencing combined with exosome proteomic profiling reveals the molecular mechanism of recurrent in-stent restenosis (R-ISR)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sequence Analysis | Stents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Proteomics | Exosomes | Coronary Restenosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Miao Yu ", + "kol_full_name": "Miao Yu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456961", + "session_name": "Nature Medicine: 2024 highlights in personalised cardiovascular medicine", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Basson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nature Medicine: 2024 highlights in personalised cardiovascular medicine", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Basson ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Basson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Receptors, Epoprostenol", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459341", + "session_name": "CS585, a novel prostacyclin receptor agonist, demonstrates sustained efficacy in vivo in the prevention of thrombosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Holinstat", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Michigan", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Ann Arbor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CS585", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a novel prostacyclin receptor agonist, demonstrates sustained efficacy in vivo in the prevention of thrombosis", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Receptors, Epoprostenol", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Holinstat ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Holinstat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457649", + "session_name": "Effectiveness of contemporary risk stratification in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a pilot study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Jensovsky", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Motol University Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effectiveness of contemporary risk stratification in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a pilot study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Jensovsky ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Jensovsky " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461052", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular Risk Scoring or CT Angiography for Lifestyle and Risk Factor Modification in Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease The SCOT-HEART 2 IMPACT Study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Mcdermott", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Edinburgh", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "Scotland", + "City": "Edinburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular Risk Scoring or CT Angiography for Lifestyle and Risk Factor Modification in Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease The SCOT-HEART 2 IMPACT Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Mcdermott ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Mcdermott " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemorrhage | Cohort Studies | Heart Defects, Congenital | Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "1558969436", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459153", + "session_name": "A cohort study examining predictors of stroke and bleeding among people with congenital heart disease and atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Patrick O'Shea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Arizona", + "City": "Phoenix", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A cohort study examining predictors of stroke and bleeding among people with congenital heart disease and atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemorrhage | Cohort Studies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Defects, Congenital | Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Patrick O'Shea ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Patrick O'Shea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456401", + "session_name": "Great Debates: new implantable cardiac device technologies - ready for prime time?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Spartalis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Great Debates: new implantable cardiac device technologies - ready for prime time?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Spartalis ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Spartalis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Ischemic Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460542", + "session_name": "Global longitudinal strain predicts clinical outcome in patients after acute ischemic stroke without left ventricular dysfunction.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michal Mihalovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global longitudinal strain predicts clinical outcome in patients after acute ischemic stroke without left ventricular dysfunction.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Ischemic Stroke", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michal Mihalovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Michal Mihalovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456186", + "session_name": "Pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michal Pazdernik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michal Pazdernik ", + "kol_full_name": "Michal Pazdernik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459703", + "session_name": "Walking in the shoes of your high-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) patients: an interactive case study on preventing the first event", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michal Vrablik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Charles University of Prague", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Walking in the shoes of your high-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) patients: an interactive case study on preventing the first event", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michal Vrablik ", + "kol_full_name": "Michal Vrablik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Ischemia | Cardiac Remodeling | Reperfusion Injury", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458171", + "session_name": "Clec4e deletion in cardiac resident cells leads to smaller infarct size and better cardiac remodeling following myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michiel Algoet", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clec4e deletion in cardiac resident cells leads to smaller infarct size and better cardiac remodeling following myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Ischemia | Cardiac Remodeling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Reperfusion Injury", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michiel Algoet ", + "kol_full_name": "Michiel Algoet " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Pacemaker, Artificial | Cusp-overlap Technique | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458440", + "session_name": "Cusp-overlap technique to reduce permanent pacemaker implantation rate after transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Miguel Abrantes De Figueiredo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Centro Hospitalar Universitario de Lisboa Central, E.P.E.", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cusp-overlap technique to reduce permanent pacemaker implantation rate after transcatheter aortic valve implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Pacemaker, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cusp-overlap Technique | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Miguel Abrantes De Figueiredo ", + "kol_full_name": "Miguel Abrantes De Figueiredo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458194", + "session_name": "Invasive quantitative assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Miguel Marques Antunes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Centro Hospitalar Universitario de Lisboa Central, E.P.E.", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Invasive quantitative assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Miguel Marques Antunes ", + "kol_full_name": "Miguel Marques Antunes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemodynamics | Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension | Endarterectomy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457053", + "session_name": "Endarterectomy in CTEPH:hemodynamic improvement and RV-PA coupling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Miguel Raposo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Santa Maria University Hospital CHLN Lisbon Academic Medical Centre", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Lisbon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endarterectomy in CTEPH:hemodynamic improvement and RV-PA coupling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Endarterectomy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Miguel Raposo ", + "kol_full_name": "Miguel Raposo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Brain Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456571", + "session_name": "Risk assessment and prevention of brain infarction in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mihaela Grecu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Diseases Institute Prof. Dr. George I.M. Georgescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Iasi", + "City": "Iasi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk assessment and prevention of brain infarction in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Brain Infarction | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mihaela Grecu ", + "kol_full_name": "Mihaela Grecu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Disease Management", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456149", + "session_name": "Advancements in cardiovascular medicine: from molecular insights to clinical strategies in heart disease management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mihaela Popescu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Elias Emergency Universitary Hospital", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advancements in cardiovascular medicine: from molecular insights to clinical strategies in heart disease management", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Disease Management", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mihaela Popescu ", + "kol_full_name": "Mihaela Popescu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458855", + "session_name": "The effect of afterload on right ventricular pacing-induced left ventricular dysfunction: a translational study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mihaly Ruppert", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of afterload on right ventricular pacing-induced left ventricular dysfunction: a translational study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mihaly Ruppert ", + "kol_full_name": "Mihaly Ruppert " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458286", + "session_name": "Quo vadis, the leading arrhythmia? Projecting the prevalence of atrial fibrillation up to 2070", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mika Lehto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quo vadis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " the leading arrhythmia? Projecting the prevalence of atrial fibrillation up to 2070", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mika Lehto ", + "kol_full_name": "Mika Lehto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460157", + "session_name": "Revascularisation after discharge in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mikkel Bjerg Andersen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Revascularisation after discharge in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mikkel Bjerg Andersen ", + "kol_full_name": "Mikkel Bjerg Andersen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456922", + "session_name": "Challenges in pacing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Milan Gluhovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Center University of Sarajevo", + "Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "Region": "Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "City": "Sarajevo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges in pacing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Milan Gluhovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Milan Gluhovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456188", + "session_name": "Outcomes in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Milan Milojevic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes in coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Milan Milojevic ", + "kol_full_name": "Milan Milojevic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Clinical Decision-Making | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460369", + "session_name": "Etiological diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia: a set of explainable artificial intelligence solutions for clinical decision-making", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Min Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Etiological diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia: a set of explainable artificial intelligence solutions for clinical decision-making", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Decision-Making | Tachycardia, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Min Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Min Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Rivaroxaban | Endothelial Progenitor Cells", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458162", + "session_name": "Effects of rivaroxaban on vascular endothelial function and circulating endothelial progenitor cells: a randomized controlled trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Min-Qing Lin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of rivaroxaban on vascular endothelial function and circulating endothelial progenitor cells: a randomized controlled trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rivaroxaban | Endothelial Progenitor Cells", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Min-Qing Lin ", + "kol_full_name": "Min-Qing Lin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457079", + "session_name": "Report of cardiac electronic device implant complications over a 7-year study period", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Minahal Asif", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baptist Memorial Hospital - North Mississippi", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Wisconsin", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Report of cardiac electronic device implant complications over a 7-year study period", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Minahal Asif ", + "kol_full_name": "Minahal Asif " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460024", + "session_name": "Are women with minimal to mild coronary artery disease at higher risk of sudden cardiac death than men?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mingma Sherpa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "State University of New York, University at Buffalo", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Buffalo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Are women with minimal to mild coronary artery disease at higher risk of sudden cardiac death than men?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mingma Sherpa ", + "kol_full_name": "Mingma Sherpa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pediatric Obesity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459772", + "session_name": "Longitudinal associations between accelerometry-assessed sleep clusters and obesity in adolescence and young adulthood: the German GINIplus and LISA birth cohorts study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mingming Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Longitudinal associations between accelerometry-assessed sleep clusters and obesity in adolescence and young adulthood: the German GINIplus and LISA birth cohorts study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pediatric Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mingming Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Mingming Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Angiography | Coronary Artery Disease | Coronary Revascularization | Angina Pectoris", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458509", + "session_name": "Angina pectoris after coronary angiography or revascularization in pre- and postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mira Anette Emilia Eskuri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical Research Center Oulu", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Oulu Laani", + "City": "Oulu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Angina pectoris after coronary angiography or revascularization in pre- and postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Angiography | Coronary Artery Disease ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Revascularization | Angina Pectoris", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mira Anette Emilia Eskuri ", + "kol_full_name": "Mira Anette Emilia Eskuri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Monitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461065", + "session_name": "What are the therapeutic interventions guided by insertable cardiac monitors? Real world experience in 17,000 patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mirko De Melis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bakken Research Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Limburg", + "City": "Maastricht", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "What are the therapeutic interventions guided by insertable cardiac monitors? Real world experience in 17", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "000 patients", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Monitors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mirko De Melis ", + "kol_full_name": "Mirko De Melis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripheral Arterial Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456180", + "session_name": "Peripheral artery disease: risk factors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mislav Vrsalovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Sestre Milosrdnice", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peripheral artery disease: risk factors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peripheral Arterial Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mislav Vrsalovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Mislav Vrsalovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mental Health | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459123", + "session_name": "Shared care in heart failure management is linked with physical and mental health by perceived control in patient-caregiver dyads", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Misook Chung", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Kentucky", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Lexington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Shared care in heart failure management is linked with physical and mental health by perceived control in patient-caregiver dyads", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mental Health | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Misook Chung ", + "kol_full_name": "Misook Chung " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455953", + "session_name": "Probing deeper into the pathophysiology of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mitja Lainscak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "General Hospital Murska Sobota", + "Country": "Slovenia", + "Region": "Murska Sobota", + "City": "Murska Sobota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Probing deeper into the pathophysiology of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mitja Lainscak ", + "kol_full_name": "Mitja Lainscak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripartum Period | Valsartan | Sacubitril | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458126", + "session_name": "Reverse remodeling in late presenter peripartum cardiomyopathy after 4-months sacubitril/valsartan treatment. Longitudinal strain and myocardial work index analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mochamad Rizky Hendiperdana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pandan Arang Public General Hospital, Boyolali", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reverse remodeling in late presenter peripartum cardiomyopathy after 4-months sacubitril/valsartan treatment. Longitudinal strain and myocardial work index analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peripartum Period | Valsartan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sacubitril | Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mochamad Rizky Hendiperdana ", + "kol_full_name": "Mochamad Rizky Hendiperdana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Ventricular Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459329", + "session_name": "Unexpected culprit: ventricular fibrillation triggered by ICD programming", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mohamed Al Rawahi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sultan Qaboos University Hospital", + "Country": "Oman", + "Region": "Masqat", + "City": "Muscat", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unexpected culprit: ventricular fibrillation triggered by ICD programming", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable | Ventricular Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mohamed Barghout ", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Barghout " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Embolic Protection Devices | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Intracranial Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459888", + "session_name": "Cerebral embolic protection devices and transcatheter aortic valve implantation. could neurological complications be avoided? A meta-analysis of 4091 patients.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mohamed Gbreel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cerebral embolic protection devices and transcatheter aortic valve implantation. could neurological complications be avoided? A meta-analysis of 4091 patients.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Embolic Protection Devices | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Intracranial Embolism", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mohamed Gbreel ", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Gbreel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortobronchial Fistula", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458404", + "session_name": "Challenges in diagnosis and management of aortobronchial fistula", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mohamed Hamza Abaydi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges in diagnosis and management of aortobronchial fistula", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortobronchial Fistula", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mohamed Mergani ", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Mergani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457068", + "session_name": "Factors associated with non-publication of clinical trials in cardiovascular medicine: a cross-sectional analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mohmmad Alawajneh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Jordan University of Science and Technology", + "Country": "Jordan", + "Region": "Irbid", + "City": "Irbid", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Factors associated with non-publication of clinical trials in cardiovascular medicine: a cross-sectional analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Clinical Trial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mohmmad Alawajneh ", + "kol_full_name": "Mohmmad Alawajneh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tretinoin | Prealbumin | Echocardiography | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459806", + "session_name": "Efficacy of tafamidis on mortaltiy and echocardiographic parameters in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Moiz Ahmed", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD)", + "Country": "Pakistan", + "Region": "Sindh", + "City": "Karachi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy of tafamidis on mortaltiy and echocardiographic parameters in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tretinoin | Prealbumin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography | Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Moiz Ahmed ", + "kol_full_name": "Moiz Ahmed " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biocompatible Materials | Early Diagnosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460596", + "session_name": "Innovating biomaterials for tissue repair, advanced therapeutics and early disease detection", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Molly Stevens", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovating biomaterials for tissue repair", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " advanced therapeutics and early disease detection", + "events_topic": "Biocompatible Materials | Early Diagnosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Morten Bottcher ", + "kol_full_name": "Morten Bottcher " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461016", + "session_name": "Live echocardiography - diagnose, screen and refer your patients to transcatheter edge-to-edge repair", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Morten Glaso", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Oslo", + "City": "Oslo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Live echocardiography - diagnose", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " screen and refer your patients to transcatheter edge-to-edge repair", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Morten Glaso ", + "kol_full_name": "Morten Glaso " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Empagliflozin | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460846", + "session_name": "Effect of empagliflozin on no-reflow in patients with st elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mostafa Ayman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ain Shams University Hospital", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of empagliflozin on no-reflow in patients with st elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Empagliflozin | Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mostafa Ayman ", + "kol_full_name": "Mostafa Ayman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Positron-Emission Tomography | Ischemia | Inflammation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456190", + "session_name": "Ischaemia and inflammation: the role of cardiac PET in diagnosis and prognosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mouaz Al Mallah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Houston Methodist Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ischaemia and inflammation: the role of cardiac PET in diagnosis and prognosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Positron-Emission Tomography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia | Inflammation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mouaz Al Mallah ", + "kol_full_name": "Mouaz Al Mallah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Stroke | Alopecia Areata", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457505", + "session_name": "Alopecia areata and its association with stroke and myocardial infarction: a meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muhammad Arqam Maqsood", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "CMH Lahore", + "Country": "Pakistan", + "Region": "Punjab", + "City": "Lahore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Alopecia areata and its association with stroke and myocardial infarction: a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Alopecia Areata", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muhammad Arqam Maqsood ", + "kol_full_name": "Muhammad Arqam Maqsood " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hydrodynamics | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459501", + "session_name": "Enhancing computational fluid dynamics simulation for coronary artery disease analysis through spatial iterative modeling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muhammad Arya", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Enhancing computational fluid dynamics simulation for coronary artery disease analysis through spatial iterative modeling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hydrodynamics | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muhammad Arya ", + "kol_full_name": "Muhammad Arya " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrioventricular Block | Cardioneural Ablation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459814", + "session_name": "Reviving rhythms: a triumph over functional atrial-ventricular block in a youth through cardio-neural ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muhammad Izzad Johari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Heart Institute", + "Country": "Malaysia", + "Region": "Wilayah Persekutuan", + "City": "Kuala Lumpur", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reviving rhythms: a triumph over functional atrial-ventricular block in a youth through cardio-neural ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrioventricular Block | Cardioneural Ablation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muhammad Izzad Johari ", + "kol_full_name": "Muhammad Izzad Johari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Hypercholesterolemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459459", + "session_name": "Screening for subclinical atherosclerosis in patients clinically diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia and determination of imaging-guided patient management strategy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muhammed Furkan Deniz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Screening for subclinical atherosclerosis in patients clinically diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia and determination of imaging-guided patient management strategy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Hypercholesterolemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muhammed Furkan Deniz ", + "kol_full_name": "Muhammed Furkan Deniz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pacemaker, Artificial | Brain Injuries", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459424", + "session_name": "Incidence of silent brain injury in pacemaker implanted patients with atrial high-speed episodes (AHRE)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muhammet Uyanik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Samsun Carsamba State Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Samsun", + "City": "Samsun", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence of silent brain injury in pacemaker implanted patients with atrial high-speed episodes (AHRE)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pacemaker, Artificial | Brain Injuries", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Murat Cap ", + "kol_full_name": "Murat Cap " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Reperfusion Injury | Cardioprotection | Myocardial Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458172", + "session_name": "Synthetic torpor confers cardioprotection against myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury in the rat", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muzammil Ali Khan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Synthetic torpor confers cardioprotection against myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury in the rat", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Reperfusion Injury | Cardioprotection ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Muzammil Ali Khan ", + "kol_full_name": "Muzammil Ali Khan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460963", + "session_name": "Alternative LDL cholesterol lowering strategy vs. high-intensity statin strategy: An individual patient data meta-analysis from the randomized RACING and LODESTAR trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Myeong-Ki Hong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kyonggi-do", + "City": "Seoul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Alternative LDL cholesterol lowering strategy vs. high-intensity statin strategy: An individual patient data meta-analysis from the randomized RACING and LODESTAR trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Myeong-Ki Hong ", + "kol_full_name": "Myeong-Ki Hong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459954", + "session_name": "Protein signatures associated with methylation patterns of heart failure phenotypes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mykhailo Krolevets", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Protein signatures associated with methylation patterns of heart failure phenotypes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mykhailo Krolevets ", + "kol_full_name": "Mykhailo Krolevets " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460626", + "session_name": "Nexilin-related cardiomyopathy (NEXN-CMP) - an island's perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Myra Cassar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Dei Hospital of Malta", + "Country": "Malta", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nexilin-related cardiomyopathy (NEXN-CMP) - an island's perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Myra Cassar ", + "kol_full_name": "Myra Cassar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Colchicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461076", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular benefit of colchicine in relation to baseline risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "N Mohammadnia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Radboud University Medical Centre", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Gelderland", + "City": "Nijmegen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular benefit of colchicine in relation to baseline risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colchicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
N Mohammadnia ", + "kol_full_name": "N Mohammadnia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460104", + "session_name": "Understanding familial hypercholesterolemia: emphasizing diagnosis, management strategies and the importance of early detection", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Naa'irah Muhammad", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Henry Ford Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Detroit", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Understanding familial hypercholesterolemia: emphasizing diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " management strategies and the importance of early detection", + "events_topic": "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Naa'irah Muhammad ", + "kol_full_name": "Naa'irah Muhammad " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457622", + "session_name": "Incidence, definitions and outcomes of anthracycline induced subclinical and clinical left ventricular dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Naba Farooqui", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital-Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Incidence", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " definitions and outcomes of anthracycline induced subclinical and clinical left ventricular dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nadia El Mjiyad ", + "kol_full_name": "Nadia El Mjiyad " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Genetic Testing | Myocarditis | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458265", + "session_name": "A patient with non-dilated left ventricle cardiomyopathy (NDLVC) phenotype presenting with recurrent ventricular arrhythmia and myocarditis: the importance of suspicion and genetic testing.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nagela S.V. Nunes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Complexo Hospitalar de Niteroi", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio de Janeiro", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A patient with non-dilated left ventricle cardiomyopathy (NDLVC) phenotype presenting with recurrent ventricular arrhythmia and myocarditis: the importance of suspicion and genetic testing.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Genetic Testing ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocarditis | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nandan Patel ", + "kol_full_name": "Nandan Patel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455914", + "session_name": "Heart disease in a low-resource setting", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Naomali Lalini Amarasena", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital", + "Country": "Sri Lanka", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart disease in a low-resource setting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Naomali Lalini Amarasena ", + "kol_full_name": "Naomali Lalini Amarasena " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diet, High-Fat | Streptozocin | Diabetic Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457160", + "session_name": "Signature of diabetic cardiomyopathy progression using high-fat diet and streptozotocin mouse model: from subclinical to clinical with three-hit mouse model", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Narainrit Karuna", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Signature of diabetic cardiomyopathy progression using high-fat diet and streptozotocin mouse model: from subclinical to clinical with three-hit mouse model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diet, High-Fat | Streptozocin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetic Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Narainrit Karuna ", + "kol_full_name": "Narainrit Karuna " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Glomerular Filtration Rate | Prognosis | Sarcopenia | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457367", + "session_name": "Association between estimated glomerular filtration rate and prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease with and without sarcopenia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Naru Sugawara", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between estimated glomerular filtration rate and prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease with and without sarcopenia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glomerular Filtration Rate | Prognosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sarcopenia | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Naru Sugawara ", + "kol_full_name": "Naru Sugawara " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460701", + "session_name": "Comparing predictive accuracy: systolic blood pressure to left ventricular end-diastolic pressure ratio versus TIMI score for short-term mortality after primary percutaneous coronary intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nasir Yaqoob", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD)", + "Country": "Pakistan", + "Region": "Sindh", + "City": "Karachi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing predictive accuracy: systolic blood pressure to left ventricular end-diastolic pressure ratio versus TIMI score for short-term mortality after primary percutaneous coronary intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Natalia Atzemian ", + "kol_full_name": "Natalia Atzemian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia | Ventricular Fibrillation | Ventricular Premature Complexes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458781", + "session_name": "Electrical storm due to polymorphic tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation triggered by premature ventricular complexes originating in the Purkinje fibers adjacent to the moderator band.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Natalia Campo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Valle", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Valle del Cauca", + "City": "Cali", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Electrical storm due to polymorphic tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation triggered by premature ventricular complexes originating in the Purkinje fibers adjacent to the moderator band.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia | Ventricular Fibrillation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Premature Complexes", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Natalia Campo ", + "kol_full_name": "Natalia Campo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460908", + "session_name": "Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on inflammation and immunity in cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Natalie Arnold", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Heart and Vascular Centre Hamburg UHZ", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Hamburg", + "City": "Hamburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Smaller trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " trial updates, and other studies on inflammation and immunity in cardiovascular disease", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Natalie Arnold ", + "kol_full_name": "Natalie Arnold " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460865", + "session_name": "Embedding a text message recall system to increase the uptake of cardiovascular screening in Australian general practice. Results of the Text to Detect randomised controlled trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Natalie Raffoul", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Embedding a text message recall system to increase the uptake of cardiovascular screening in Australian general practice. Results of the Text to Detect randomised controlled trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Natasa Markovic Nikolic ", + "kol_full_name": "Natasa Markovic Nikolic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Child, Preschool", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460426", + "session_name": "Clinical and diagnostic value of the novel algorithm for categorisation of neonatal interatrial communication; findings at follow-up in preschool children", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Natasja Schytte", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical and diagnostic value of the novel algorithm for categorisation of neonatal interatrial communication; findings at follow-up in preschool children", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Child, Preschool", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Natasja Schytte ", + "kol_full_name": "Natasja Schytte " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Apoptosis | Ferroptosis | Cardiac Dysfunction | Mitochondrial Diseases | Pyroptosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458066", + "session_name": "Inhibition of pyroptosis and apoptosis, but not ferroptosis, reduces cardiac dysfunction in prediabetic rats via attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction, independent of metabolic alterations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nattayaporn Apaijai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chiang Mai University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Chiang Mai", + "City": "Chiang Mai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inhibition of pyroptosis and apoptosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " but not ferroptosis, reduces cardiac dysfunction in prediabetic rats via attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction, independent of metabolic alterations", + "events_topic": "Apoptosis | Ferroptosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Dysfunction | Mitochondrial Diseases | Pyroptosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nattayaporn Apaijai ", + "kol_full_name": "Nattayaporn Apaijai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperlipidemias | Decision Making, Shared", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457118", + "session_name": "Personalised care for hyperlipidaemia by tailoring shared decision-making toward patient priorities & needs: results from a patient-led study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Neil Johnson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised care for hyperlipidaemia by tailoring shared decision-making toward patient priorities & needs: results from a patient-led study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hyperlipidemias | Decision Making, Shared", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Neil Johnson ", + "kol_full_name": "Neil Johnson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456799", + "session_name": "Risk factors and lifestyle modification in hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ney Carter Borges", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk factors and lifestyle modification in hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ney Carter Borges ", + "kol_full_name": "Ney Carter Borges " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Protein Subunit Vaccines | Chronic Inflammation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459348", + "session_name": "AtheroVax: a peptide vaccine with a therapeutic effect in animal model of chronic inflammation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nicholas Kipshidze", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AtheroVax: a peptide vaccine with a therapeutic effect in animal model of chronic inflammation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Protein Subunit Vaccines | Chronic Inflammation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nicholas Kipshidze ", + "kol_full_name": "Nicholas Kipshidze " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460894", + "session_name": "Amplify and act: case-based discussions with heart failure experts", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nick Hartshorne-Evans", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Amplify and act: case-based discussions with heart failure experts", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nick Hartshorne-Evans ", + "kol_full_name": "Nick Hartshorne-Evans " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Thrombectomy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460903", + "session_name": "Shaping the future of pulmonary embolism (PE) treatment using mechanical thrombectomy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nicolas Meneveau", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Regional University Hospital Jean Minjoz", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Franche-Comte", + "City": "Besancon", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Shaping the future of pulmonary embolism (PE) treatment using mechanical thrombectomy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Thrombectomy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nicolas Meneveau ", + "kol_full_name": "Nicolas Meneveau " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Deep Learning | Ultrasonography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457083", + "session_name": "Deep learning improves detection of aortic stenosis in b-mode ultrasound: results of a pivotal multicenter validation study using artificial intelligence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nicolas Poilvert", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Caption Health Inc.", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deep learning improves detection of aortic stenosis in b-mode ultrasound: results of a pivotal multicenter validation study using artificial intelligence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis | Deep Learning ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ultrasonography | Artificial Intelligence", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nicolas Poilvert ", + "kol_full_name": "Nicolas Poilvert " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart-Assist Devices | Patient Care | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460892", + "session_name": "Sustainable Cardiology - personalising device patient care for people and the planet", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nicole Campbell", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sustainable Cardiology - personalising device patient care for people and the planet", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart-Assist Devices | Patient Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nicole Campbell ", + "kol_full_name": "Nicole Campbell " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460681", + "session_name": "A rare cause of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nicoleta-Monica Popa-Fotea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Clinical Hospital", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A rare cause of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nicoleta-Monica Popa-Fotea ", + "kol_full_name": "Nicoleta-Monica Popa-Fotea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455995", + "session_name": "Impact of chronic kidney disease on cardiovascular outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nigora Srojidinova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center Of Cardiology", + "Country": "Uzbekistan", + "Region": "Toshkent", + "City": "Tashkent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of chronic kidney disease on cardiovascular outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nigora Srojidinova ", + "kol_full_name": "Nigora Srojidinova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Artery Coupling | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458888", + "session_name": "Right ventricular to pulmonary artery coupling credicts poor outcomes after interatrial shunting in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nijad Bakhshaliyev", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bezmialem University", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right ventricular to pulmonary artery coupling credicts poor outcomes after interatrial shunting in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Artery Coupling | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nijad Bakhshaliyev ", + "kol_full_name": "Nijad Bakhshaliyev " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Premature Complexes | Ethacizine | Atrial Premature Complexes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460360", + "session_name": "A prospective analysis of the efficacy and safety of ethacizine during premature atrial contractions and premature ventricular contractions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nika Kuridze", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "G. Chapidze Emergency Cardiology Center", + "Country": "Georgia", + "Region": "T'bilisi", + "City": "Tbilisi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A prospective analysis of the efficacy and safety of ethacizine during premature atrial contractions and premature ventricular contractions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Premature Complexes | Ethacizine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Premature Complexes", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nika Kuridze ", + "kol_full_name": "Nika Kuridze " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertensive Crisis | Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459257", + "session_name": "The interplay between overactivity of sympathetic nervous system, blood pressure levels and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in hypertensive patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Niki Kakouri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Konstantopoulio General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The interplay between overactivity of sympathetic nervous system", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " blood pressure levels and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in hypertensive patients", + "events_topic": "Hypertensive Crisis | Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Niki Kakouri ", + "kol_full_name": "Niki Kakouri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458526", + "session_name": "Prevalence, mechanisms and prognostic impact of dynamic mitral regurgitation unmasked by handgrip exercise in patients with hypokinetic non-dilated and dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Niklas Guenther", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " mechanisms and prognostic impact of dynamic mitral regurgitation unmasked by handgrip exercise in patients with hypokinetic non-dilated and dilated cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Niklas Guenther ", + "kol_full_name": "Niklas Guenther " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Ventricular Outflow Obstruction, Left | Prealbumin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458006", + "session_name": "Dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in wild-type transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikol Kubinova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in wild-type transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Ventricular Outflow Obstruction, Left ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Prealbumin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikol Kubinova ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikol Kubinova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | Diet, High-Fat", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461045", + "session_name": "An isocaloric high fat diet enriched with saturated compared to polyunsaturated fat has a more detrimental effect on clinical cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy humans", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikola Srnic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An isocaloric high fat diet enriched with saturated compared to polyunsaturated fat has a more detrimental effect on clinical cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy humans", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiometabolic Risk Factors | Diet, High-Fat", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikola Srnic ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikola Srnic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Hydrocortisone", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459467", + "session_name": "Hair cortisol concentration, a biomarker of stress, is gradually increased in patients with acute myocardial infarction before the acute episode", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikolaos Kosmas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Attikon University Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hair cortisol concentration", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a biomarker of stress, is gradually increased in patients with acute myocardial infarction before the acute episode", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Hydrocortisone", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikolaos Kosmas ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikolaos Kosmas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Arrest", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456963", + "session_name": "The heart restarts: what's next after cardiac arrest?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikolaos Nikolaou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Konstantopouleio-Patision General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The heart restarts: what's next after cardiac arrest?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Arrest", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikolaos Nikolaou ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikolaos Nikolaou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Angiography | Extracellular Traps", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457739", + "session_name": "Association of Neutrophil extracellular traps burden with clinical and angiographic characteristics in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikolaos Stalikas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "AHEPA University General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of Neutrophil extracellular traps burden with clinical and angiographic characteristics in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Angiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Extracellular Traps", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikolaos Stalikas ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikolaos Stalikas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458268", + "session_name": "Mushroom-induced reversible acute heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nikoleta Hadjigeorgiou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Paphos General Hospital", + "Country": "Cyprus", + "Region": "Paphos", + "City": "Paphos", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mushroom-induced reversible acute heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nikoleta Hadjigeorgiou ", + "kol_full_name": "Nikoleta Hadjigeorgiou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Furosemide | Heart Failure | Torsemide | Diuretics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460556", + "session_name": "Diuretic dosing and outcomes with torsemide and furosemide following hospitalization for heart failure: the TRANSFORM-HF trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nina Nouhravesh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Duke Clinical Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diuretic dosing and outcomes with torsemide and furosemide following hospitalization for heart failure: the TRANSFORM-HF trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Furosemide | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Torsemide | Diuretics", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nina Nouhravesh ", + "kol_full_name": "Nina Nouhravesh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "RING Finger Protein", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457264", + "session_name": "Muscle RING-finger proteins (MuRF) regulate protein kinase A activity via retrograde vesicular transport of PKA RI-alpha", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ning Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Muscle RING-finger proteins (MuRF) regulate protein kinase A activity via retrograde vesicular transport of PKA RI-alpha", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "RING Finger Protein", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ning Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Ning Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Catheterization | Clinical Laboratory Techniques | Fractures, Bone", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459120", + "session_name": "Coronary wire complete fracture-When \"all hell break loose in a cath lab\"", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nishan De Vas Goonewardane", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "District General Hospital Polonnaruwa", + "Country": "Sri Lanka", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary wire complete fracture-When \"all hell break loose in a cath lab\"", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome | Catheterization ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Laboratory Techniques | Fractures, Bone", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nishan De Vas Goonewardane ", + "kol_full_name": "Nishan De Vas Goonewardane " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460061", + "session_name": "Safety and efficacy of perventricular device closure of ventricular septal defects in children", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nishant Shah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (Managed by Cleveland Clinic)", + "Country": "United Arab Emirates", + "Region": "Abu Zaby", + "City": "Abu Dhabi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safety and efficacy of perventricular device closure of ventricular septal defects in children", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nishant Shah ", + "kol_full_name": "Nishant Shah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Venous Thromboembolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457674", + "session_name": "The association between steroid use and recurrent venous thromboembolism: from the COMMAND VTE Registry-2", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nishikawa Ryusuke", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The association between steroid use and recurrent venous thromboembolism: from the COMMAND VTE Registry-2", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Venous Thromboembolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nishikawa Ryusuke ", + "kol_full_name": "Nishikawa Ryusuke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460916", + "session_name": "Effects of Coronary Artery Calcium-Guided Statin Therapy on Atherosclerotic Progression in Intermediate-Risk People with Familial Coronary Artery Disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nitesh Nerlekar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Monash Heart", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of Coronary Artery Calcium-Guided Statin Therapy on Atherosclerotic Progression in Intermediate-Risk People with Familial Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nitesh Nerlekar ", + "kol_full_name": "Nitesh Nerlekar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460501", + "session_name": "Impact of aortic distensibility assessed through computed tomography on clinical outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Niya Mileva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medica Kor", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Razgrad", + "City": "Ruse", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of aortic distensibility assessed through computed tomography on clinical outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Niya Mileva ", + "kol_full_name": "Niya Mileva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456510", + "session_name": "Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Noemi Nyolczas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Central Hospital of Northern Pest - Military Hospital", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Miscellaneous clinical studies in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Noemi Nyolczas ", + "kol_full_name": "Noemi Nyolczas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460334", + "session_name": "Temporal trends in mortality and hospitalisation risk in patients with heart failure according to frailty status", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Noor Abassi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal trends in mortality and hospitalisation risk in patients with heart failure according to frailty status", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Noor Abassi ", + "kol_full_name": "Noor Abassi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457047", + "session_name": "Identifying factors affecting sports achievement and endurance using artificial intelligence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nora Sydo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identifying factors affecting sports achievement and endurance using artificial intelligence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nora Sydo ", + "kol_full_name": "Nora Sydo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma | Liposarcoma, Myxoid", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459563", + "session_name": "Clinical conundrum: cardiac metastases from pulmonary myxoid sarcoma to the left atrium", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Norma Gamarra Valverde", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical conundrum: cardiac metastases from pulmonary myxoid sarcoma to the left atrium", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma | Liposarcoma, Myxoid", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Norma Gamarra Valverde ", + "kol_full_name": "Norma Gamarra Valverde " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460780", + "session_name": "Pregnancy in women with congenital heart disease : new insights into neonatal risk predictioc", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nour Rahnama", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pregnancy in women with congenital heart disease : new insights into neonatal risk predictioc", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nour Rahnama ", + "kol_full_name": "Nour Rahnama " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Polymorphism, Genetic | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458107", + "session_name": "Genetic polymorphisms and dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nqoba Israel Tsabedze", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of the Witwatersrand", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": "Gauteng", + "City": "Johannesburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Genetic polymorphisms and dilated cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Polymorphism, Genetic | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nqoba Israel Tsabedze ", + "kol_full_name": "Nqoba Israel Tsabedze " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460110", + "session_name": "Interaction between residential greenness and heatwaves on cardiovascular diseases among Chinese adults.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nuerguli Tuerdi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interaction between residential greenness and heatwaves on cardiovascular diseases among Chinese adults.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nuerguli Tuerdi ", + "kol_full_name": "Nuerguli Tuerdi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Ventricular Premature Complexes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459813", + "session_name": "Severe LV dysfunction caused by complex and uncontrollable polymorphic premature ventricular complexes: CRT as a viable solution", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nuno Cabanelas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Prof Fernando da Fonseca EPE", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Lisboa", + "City": "Amadora", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Severe LV dysfunction caused by complex and uncontrollable polymorphic premature ventricular complexes: CRT as a viable solution", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | Ventricular Premature Complexes", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nuno Cabanelas ", + "kol_full_name": "Nuno Cabanelas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Universal Health Care | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460872", + "session_name": "Gender disparities in short-term outcomes of STEMI patients: the influence of universal health coverage", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nurul Qalby", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hasanuddin University", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gender disparities in short-term outcomes of STEMI patients: the influence of universal health coverage", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Universal Health Care | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nurul Qalby ", + "kol_full_name": "Nurul Qalby " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microvascular Angina", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460408", + "session_name": "Dysregulation of sympathoadrenal system activity in patients with microvascular angina", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nurullo Nasirdinov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Andijan branch of RSSPMC of Cardiology", + "Country": "Uzbekistan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dysregulation of sympathoadrenal system activity in patients with microvascular angina", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Microvascular Angina", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nurullo Nasirdinov ", + "kol_full_name": "Nurullo Nasirdinov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459994", + "session_name": "ECG as a screening tool for detection of significant functional mitral regurgitation in patients with left bundle branch block", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oana Andrei", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ECG as a screening tool for detection of significant functional mitral regurgitation in patients with left bundle branch block", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oana Andrei ", + "kol_full_name": "Oana Andrei " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460741", + "session_name": "Strategic timing- early and delayed catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Obaida Makdah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Strategic timing- early and delayed catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Obaida Makdah ", + "kol_full_name": "Obaida Makdah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456824", + "session_name": "Deeper insights into cardiomyocyte dysfunction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Olga Azevedo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Guimaraes", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deeper insights into cardiomyocyte dysfunction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Olga Azevedo ", + "kol_full_name": "Olga Azevedo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459875", + "session_name": "The impact of preoperative four-chamber strain on failure of the maze IV procedure for atrial fibrillation: insights from conventional and speckle-tracking echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Olga Kislitsina", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Northwestern University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of preoperative four-chamber strain on failure of the maze IV procedure for atrial fibrillation: insights from conventional and speckle-tracking echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Olga Kislitsina ", + "kol_full_name": "Olga Kislitsina " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Indoxyl Sulfate | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460811", + "session_name": "Indoxyl sulfate deteriorates cardiac electrophysiological function and increases the likelihood of arrhythmias in human ventricular myocardial cells", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oliver Pfeuffer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Indoxyl sulfate deteriorates cardiac electrophysiological function and increases the likelihood of arrhythmias in human ventricular myocardial cells", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Indoxyl Sulfate | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oliver Pfeuffer ", + "kol_full_name": "Oliver Pfeuffer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Multimorbidity | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459098", + "session_name": "Multimorbidity patterns in adults admitted to hospital with heart failure: an analysis of 175 million hospitalisation episodes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Olivia Carson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multimorbidity patterns in adults admitted to hospital with heart failure: an analysis of 175 million hospitalisation episodes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multimorbidity | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Olivia Carson ", + "kol_full_name": "Olivia Carson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Thrombolysis | Myocardial Infarction | Vascular Resistance", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458591", + "session_name": "Coronary slow flow as measured by corrected TIMI frame counts is associated with impaired microvascular resistance", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Olivia Girolamo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary slow flow as measured by corrected TIMI frame counts is associated with impaired microvascular resistance", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Thrombolysis | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Vascular Resistance", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Olivia Girolamo ", + "kol_full_name": "Olivia Girolamo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Non–vitamin K Oral Anticoagulant | Intracardiac Thrombosis | Warfarin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458602", + "session_name": "Analysis of safety and outcome of use of NOAC in intracardiac thrombi over warfarin", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Omar Al-assaf", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Rashid Hospital", + "Country": "United Arab Emirates", + "Region": "Dubayy", + "City": "Dubai", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Analysis of safety and outcome of use of NOAC in intracardiac thrombi over warfarin", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Non–vitamin K Oral Anticoagulant | Intracardiac Thrombosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Warfarin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Omar Al-assaf ", + "kol_full_name": "Omar Al-assaf " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456573", + "session_name": "Physiology matters: pushing the boundaries of invasive functional assessment applications", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Omar Aziz Rana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Omar hospital and cardiac centre lahore", + "Country": "Pakistan", + "Region": "Punjab", + "City": "Lahore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Physiology matters: pushing the boundaries of invasive functional assessment applications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Omar Aziz Rana ", + "kol_full_name": "Omar Aziz Rana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460554", + "session_name": "Short term effects of exercise training program in patients with compensated chronic heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Omar El Tahan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cairo university", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Short term effects of exercise training program in patients with compensated chronic heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Omar El Tahan ", + "kol_full_name": "Omar El Tahan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Tachycardia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459881", + "session_name": "Patients on the ledge; ablation of incessant tachycardia. A single centre registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Omnia Kamel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Aswan Heart Centre", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patients on the ledge; ablation of incessant tachycardia. A single centre registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Tachycardia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Omnia Kamel ", + "kol_full_name": "Omnia Kamel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Electroporation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458845", + "session_name": "Protamine administration after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation using electroporation: a randomized controlled trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ondrej Moravec", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Olomouc", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Olomoucky Kraj", + "City": "Olomouc", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Protamine administration after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation using electroporation: a randomized controlled trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Electroporation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ondrej Moravec ", + "kol_full_name": "Ondrej Moravec " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456008", + "session_name": "Acute and chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oner Ozdogan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Izmir City Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Izmir", + "City": "Izmir", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute and chronic coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oner Ozdogan ", + "kol_full_name": "Oner Ozdogan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458605", + "session_name": "BA6b9, a novel sk4 K + channel blocker, attenuates atrial fibrillation substrate in rats with reduced ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Or Levi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "BA6b9", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a novel sk4 K + channel blocker, attenuates atrial fibrillation substrate in rats with reduced ejection fraction", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Or Levi ", + "kol_full_name": "Or Levi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459739", + "session_name": "Case 1 - integration of the 2023 ESC Guidelines on Acute Coronary Syndromes into clinical practice in Kazakhstan: key points for mortality reduction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Orazbek Sakhov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "City Heart Center of Almaty", + "Country": "Kazakhstan", + "Region": "Almaty", + "City": "Almaty", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1 - integration of the 2023 ESC Guidelines on Acute Coronary Syndromes into clinical practice in Kazakhstan: key points for mortality reduction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Orazbek Sakhov ", + "kol_full_name": "Orazbek Sakhov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460194", + "session_name": "Trends in risk factor prevalence in young adults experiencing acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ori Segal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trends in risk factor prevalence in young adults experiencing acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ori Segal ", + "kol_full_name": "Ori Segal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459897", + "session_name": "Long-term outcome of diabetic patients after unprotected left main percutaneous coronary interventions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Orsolya Nemeth", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term outcome of diabetic patients after unprotected left main percutaneous coronary interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Orsolya Nemeth ", + "kol_full_name": "Orsolya Nemeth " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458137", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oscar Mauricio Perez Fernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Foundation Cardioinfantil", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Distrito Capital", + "City": "Bogota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oscar Mauricio Perez Fernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Oscar Mauricio Perez Fernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise Test | Myocardial Bridging | Depressive Disorder", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457516", + "session_name": "The role of myocardial bridging in athletes with ST-segment depression or T-wave inversion on exercise testing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oscar Mendoza Figueredo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of myocardial bridging in athletes with ST-segment depression or T-wave inversion on exercise testing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Exercise Test | Myocardial Bridging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Depressive Disorder", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oscar Mendoza Figueredo ", + "kol_full_name": "Oscar Mendoza Figueredo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulants Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460863", + "session_name": "Cost differences between oral anticoagulation therapies in atrial fibrillation patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ossi Lehtonen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Eastern Finland", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Ita-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Kuopio", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cost differences between oral anticoagulation therapies in atrial fibrillation patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulants Therapy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ossi Lehtonen ", + "kol_full_name": "Ossi Lehtonen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457988", + "session_name": "An in-silico comparison of anatomical and substrate based AF ablation using electro and optical flow mapping", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ovais Ahmed Jaffery", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An in-silico comparison of anatomical and substrate based AF ablation using electro and optical flow mapping", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Ablation Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ovais Ahmed Jaffery ", + "kol_full_name": "Ovais Ahmed Jaffery " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456998", + "session_name": "Contemporary definition of heart failure-related cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ovidiu Chioncel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Contemporary definition of heart failure-related cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ovidiu Chioncel ", + "kol_full_name": "Ovidiu Chioncel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459724", + "session_name": "Case 1 - ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) in patients with high thrombus burden: Turkey high volume centre perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ozlem Yildirimturk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "HSU Dr. Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Research and Training Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1 - ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) in patients with high thrombus burden: Turkey high volume centre perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ozlem Yildirimturk ", + "kol_full_name": "Ozlem Yildirimturk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460902", + "session_name": "Registries, observational, and other studies on coronary disease including intervention and surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pablo Avanzas Fernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Asturias Central University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Asturias", + "City": "Oviedo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Registries", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " observational, and other studies on coronary disease including intervention and surgery", + "events_topic": "Coronary Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pablo Avanzas Fernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Pablo Avanzas Fernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mental Health | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456913", + "session_name": "Sleep, mental health, and heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pablo Pieroni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sleep", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " mental health, and heart disease", + "events_topic": "Mental Health | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pablo Salinas ", + "kol_full_name": "Pablo Salinas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Empagliflozin | Heart Function Tests | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460245", + "session_name": "Empagliflozin treatment pre- and post- acute myocardial infarction reduces no-reflow, inflammatory cell infiltration and infarct size while preserving cardiac function.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Panagiota Nikolaou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Empagliflozin treatment pre- and post- acute myocardial infarction reduces no-reflow", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " inflammatory cell infiltration and infarct size while preserving cardiac function.", + "events_topic": "Empagliflozin | Heart Function Tests ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Panagiota Nikolaou ", + "kol_full_name": "Panagiota Nikolaou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Weight Loss", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459161", + "session_name": "Effects of SGLT-2i and GLP-1RA in vascular function parameters: the impact of the weight loss", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Panagiota Stampouloglou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sotiria Thoracic Diseases Hospital of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of SGLT-2i and GLP-1RA in vascular function parameters: the impact of the weight loss", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Weight Loss", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Panagiota Stampouloglou ", + "kol_full_name": "Panagiota Stampouloglou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Care Facilities", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460486", + "session_name": "The future of cardiac care: predictions and preparation driven by data", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Panagiotis Vardas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital of Heraklion", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The future of cardiac care: predictions and preparation driven by data", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Care Facilities", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Panagiotis Vardas ", + "kol_full_name": "Panagiotis Vardas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Rare Diseases | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460143", + "session_name": "Generative adversarial networks (GANs) to produce synthetic 12-lead electrocardiogram signals for specific and rare diseases: a novel, powerful tool towards clinical advancements", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Panteleimon Pantelidis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Generative adversarial networks (GANs) to produce synthetic 12-lead electrocardiogram signals for specific and rare diseases: a novel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " powerful tool towards clinical advancements", + "events_topic": "Rare Diseases | Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Panteleimon Pantelidis ", + "kol_full_name": "Panteleimon Pantelidis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Kidney Diseases | Anemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457361", + "session_name": "Anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease and its association with cardiac abnormalities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paola Gomez-Aviles", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease and its association with cardiac abnormalities", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Kidney Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paola Gomez-Aviles ", + "kol_full_name": "Paola Gomez-Aviles " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461092", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular prevention: what is new?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paola Varleta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Dipreca Hospital", + "Country": "Chile", + "Region": "Region Metropolitana", + "City": "Santiago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular prevention: what is new?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Prevention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paola Varleta ", + "kol_full_name": "Paola Varleta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457478", + "session_name": "Doping: cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paolo Emilio Adami", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "World Athletics", + "Country": "Monaco", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Doping: cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paolo Emilio Adami ", + "kol_full_name": "Paolo Emilio Adami " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460203", + "session_name": "Outflow graft stenosis after left ventricular assist device implantation: the rotterdam experience", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Parsa Jahangiri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outflow graft stenosis after left ventricular assist device implantation: the rotterdam experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Ventricular Assist Device", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Parsa Jahangiri ", + "kol_full_name": "Parsa Jahangiri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolic Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460052", + "session_name": "Sex influences the associations of serum alkaline phosphatase with metabolic syndrome and its components: over 15 years of follow-up in Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Parto Hadaegh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex influences the associations of serum alkaline phosphatase with metabolic syndrome and its components: over 15 years of follow-up in Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Metabolic Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Parto Hadaegh ", + "kol_full_name": "Parto Hadaegh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Mineralocorticoid | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459568", + "session_name": "Effects of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on new-onset or recurrent atrial fibrillation: a Bayesian and frequentist network meta-analysis of randomized trials.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paschalis Karakasis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital of Thessaloniki", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on new-onset or recurrent atrial fibrillation: a Bayesian and frequentist network meta-analysis of randomized trials.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Mineralocorticoid | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paschalis Karakasis ", + "kol_full_name": "Paschalis Karakasis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461089", + "session_name": "London calling - the trainee challenge - case presenters", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pasquale Crea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Messina", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Sicilia", + "City": "messina", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "London calling - the trainee challenge - case presenters", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pasquale Crea ", + "kol_full_name": "Pasquale Crea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461059", + "session_name": "The case for early LDL-c lowering in patients at increased CV risk: when should we start?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pasquale Perrone-Filardi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Federico II University Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Campania", + "City": "Napoli", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The case for early LDL-c lowering in patients at increased CV risk: when should we start?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pasquale Perrone-Filardi ", + "kol_full_name": "Pasquale Perrone-Filardi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Brugada Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458801", + "session_name": "Prognostic parameters predict cardiac events in Brugada syndrome: a meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Patavee Pajareya", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic parameters predict cardiac events in Brugada syndrome: a meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Brugada Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Patavee Pajareya ", + "kol_full_name": "Patavee Pajareya " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "MINOCA", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459829", + "session_name": "Invasive evaluation provides crucial information in MINOCA", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Patrick O'Boyle", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Misericordiae University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Invasive evaluation provides crucial information in MINOCA", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "MINOCA", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Patrick O'Boyle ", + "kol_full_name": "Patrick O'Boyle " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Health Care Sector | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460337", + "session_name": "Revolutionising patient care: the role of AI-generated avatars in healthcare consultations", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Patrick Then", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus", + "Country": "Malaysia", + "Region": "Sarawak", + "City": "Kuching", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Revolutionising patient care: the role of AI-generated avatars in healthcare consultations", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Health Care Sector | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Patrick Then ", + "kol_full_name": "Patrick Then " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460323", + "session_name": "Making of the robo-heart, interventional closure of an atrial septal defect - better late than ever?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paul Calin Craciun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Making of the robo-heart", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " interventional closure of an atrial septal defect - better late than ever?", + "events_topic": "Heart Septal Defects, Atrial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paul Calin Craciun ", + "kol_full_name": "Paul Calin Craciun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456442", + "session_name": "Global approach to hypertension management and cardiovascular risk reduction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paul K. Whelton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tulane University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Louisiana", + "City": "New Orleans", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global approach to hypertension management and cardiovascular risk reduction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paul K. Whelton ", + "kol_full_name": "Paul K. Whelton " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia | Pulsed Field Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459518", + "session_name": "Left atrial substrate modification for persistent atrial fibrillation and left atrial macro or microreentrant tachycardia using a single-shot pulsed field ablation system - a single centre case series", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paul Lustig", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial substrate modification for persistent atrial fibrillation and left atrial macro or microreentrant tachycardia using a single-shot pulsed field ablation system - a single centre case series", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia | Pulsed Field Ablation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paul Lustig ", + "kol_full_name": "Paul Lustig " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459297", + "session_name": "Optimising healthcare delivery in cardiovascular patients: will artificial intelligence help? - patient perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paul McGreavy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ESC Patient Forum", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Sheffield", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimising healthcare delivery in cardiovascular patients: will artificial intelligence help? - patient perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paul McGreavy ", + "kol_full_name": "Paul McGreavy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Heart Failure | Risk Assessment | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457213", + "session_name": "Heart failure risk assessment using biomarkers in patients with atrial fibrillation: analysis of 32,041 patients from the COMBINE-AF study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paul Michael Haller", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brigham and Women's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart failure risk assessment using biomarkers in patients with atrial fibrillation: analysis of 32", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "041 patients from the COMBINE-AF study", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Risk Assessment | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paul Michael Haller ", + "kol_full_name": "Paul Michael Haller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Photoplethysmography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458320", + "session_name": "Optimisation of artefact detection in photoplethysmography heart rate data: influence of different classifiers in machine learning models", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paulien Vermunicht", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Optimisation of artefact detection in photoplethysmography heart rate data: influence of different classifiers in machine learning models", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Photoplethysmography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paulien Vermunicht ", + "kol_full_name": "Paulien Vermunicht " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456834", + "session_name": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paulo Caramori", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Sao Lucas, The Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Rio Grande do Sul", + "City": "Porto Alegre", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paulo Caramori ", + "kol_full_name": "Paulo Caramori " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Septum | Liposarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459564", + "session_name": "Recurrence of liposarcoma metastasis to cardiac interventriculat septum", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pavel Chnupa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases", + "Country": "Slovakia", + "Region": "Bratislavsky", + "City": "Bratislava", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Recurrence of liposarcoma metastasis to cardiac interventriculat septum", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Septum | Liposarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pavel Chnupa ", + "kol_full_name": "Pavel Chnupa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459095", + "session_name": "Association of visceral adipose tissue with echocardiographic abnormalities in type 2 diabetes patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pavel Martinez-Dominguez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of visceral adipose tissue with echocardiographic abnormalities in type 2 diabetes patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pavel Martinez-Dominguez ", + "kol_full_name": "Pavel Martinez-Dominguez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin T | Myositis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457878", + "session_name": "High-sensitive cardiac troponin T in patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pedro Gabriel Barros E. Silva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Centro universitario sao camilo", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High-sensitive cardiac troponin T in patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Troponin T | Myositis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pedro Gabriel Barros E. Silva ", + "kol_full_name": "Pedro Gabriel Barros E. Silva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Stress, Psychological | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458778", + "session_name": "Left ventricle reconstruction and aneurysmectomy as a treatment for recurrent and refractory ventricular tachycardia in a patient suffering from ischemic myocardial disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pedro Guimaraes Silva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left ventricle reconstruction and aneurysmectomy as a treatment for recurrent and refractory ventricular tachycardia in a patient suffering from ischemic myocardial disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Stress, Psychological ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tachycardia, Ventricular | Aneurysm", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pedro Guimaraes Silva ", + "kol_full_name": "Pedro Guimaraes Silva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Reperfusion Injury | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457927", + "session_name": "Effects of intracoronary supersaturated oxygen infusion on the time course of myocardial blood flow and extent of microvascular obstruction in an ischemia/reperfusion preclinical swine model", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pedro Melo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of intracoronary supersaturated oxygen infusion on the time course of myocardial blood flow and extent of microvascular obstruction in an ischemia/reperfusion preclinical swine model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Reperfusion Injury | Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pedro Melo ", + "kol_full_name": "Pedro Melo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461072", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pedro Pablo Jordan Marchite", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Vall d'Hebron", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pedro Pablo Jordan Marchite ", + "kol_full_name": "Pedro Pablo Jordan Marchite " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Macrophages | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459127", + "session_name": "Loss of IDH1 and IDH2 in macrophages induces pathological phenotypes in cardiomyocytes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Penelope Pennoyer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Loss of IDH1 and IDH2 in macrophages induces pathological phenotypes in cardiomyocytes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Macrophages | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Penelope Pennoyer ", + "kol_full_name": "Penelope Pennoyer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "PIEZO1 Protein, Human | Ion Channels | Aortic Dissection", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458945", + "session_name": "Mechanosensitive Ion Channel Piezo1 regulates tight junctions between endothelium and mediates the occurrence of aortic dissection", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Peng Teng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mechanosensitive Ion Channel Piezo1 regulates tight junctions between endothelium and mediates the occurrence of aortic dissection", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "PIEZO1 Protein, Human | Ion Channels ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Dissection", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Peng Teng ", + "kol_full_name": "Peng Teng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cohort Studies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458143", + "session_name": "ATTR cardiac amyloidosis after lumbar spinal stenosis- a prospective cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Per Eldhagen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "ATTR cardiac amyloidosis after lumbar spinal stenosis- a prospective cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cohort Studies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Per Eldhagen ", + "kol_full_name": "Per Eldhagen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458482", + "session_name": "Side branch interventions late after MFM implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petar Polomski", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Acibadem City Clinic cardiovascular center", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Sofiya", + "City": "Sofia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Side branch interventions late after MFM implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petar Polomski ", + "kol_full_name": "Petar Polomski " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456632", + "session_name": "Guidelines in Practice: risk stratification for sudden cardiac death in non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petar Seferovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Center of Serbia", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: risk stratification for sudden cardiac death in non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Death, Sudden, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petar Seferovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Petar Seferovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460722", + "session_name": "Development and validation of a prognostic score integrating remote heart failure symptoms and clinical variables for mortality risk prediction after myocardial infarction. The PragueMi score.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Peter Wohlfahrt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development and validation of a prognostic score integrating remote heart failure symptoms and clinical variables for mortality risk prediction after myocardial infarction. The PragueMi score.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Peter Wohlfahrt ", + "kol_full_name": "Peter Wohlfahrt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Chest Pain", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460132", + "session_name": "The impact of early use of echocardiography performed by non-cardiologist in patients with chest pain - the ENDEMIC study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petr Grenar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Hradec Kralove", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Kralovehradecky Kraj", + "City": "Hradec Kralove", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of early use of echocardiography performed by non-cardiologist in patients with chest pain - the ENDEMIC study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Chest Pain", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petr Grenar ", + "kol_full_name": "Petr Grenar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Eicosanoids | Coronary Sinus | C-Peptide", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460441", + "session_name": "Eicosanoids in coronary sinus negatively correlate with natriuretic peptides in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: insights from Eicosanoids in Human Heart Failure Study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petr Kala", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Motol University Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Eicosanoids in coronary sinus negatively correlate with natriuretic peptides in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: insights from Eicosanoids in Human Heart Failure Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Systolic | Eicosanoids ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Sinus | C-Peptide", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petr Kala ", + "kol_full_name": "Petr Kala " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460235", + "session_name": "Mechanical circulatory support in electrical storm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petr Peichl", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mechanical circulatory support in electrical storm", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petr Peichl ", + "kol_full_name": "Petr Peichl " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ischemic Stroke | Myocardial Reperfusion Injury | Growth Differentiation Factor 15", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460541", + "session_name": "Elevated GDF-15 is associated with stroke severity, myocardial injury and poor clinical outcome in patients after acute ischemic stroke.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petr Tousek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Elevated GDF-15 is associated with stroke severity", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " myocardial injury and poor clinical outcome in patients after acute ischemic stroke.", + "events_topic": "Ischemic Stroke | Myocardial Reperfusion Injury ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Growth Differentiation Factor 15", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petr Tousek ", + "kol_full_name": "Petr Tousek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericardial Effusion | Still's Disease, Adult-Onset", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457222", + "session_name": "Severe pericardial effusion as manifestation of adult-onset still disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petr Urban", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pisek Hospital", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Plzensky Kraj", + "City": "Plzen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Severe pericardial effusion as manifestation of adult-onset still disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericardial Effusion | Still's Disease, Adult-Onset", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petr Urban ", + "kol_full_name": "Petr Urban " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460054", + "session_name": "PRIORiTize-TAVI might predict more than transcatheter aortic valve replacement waiting list priorities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petra Bistrovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Dubrava", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": "Grad Zagreb", + "City": "Zagreb", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PRIORiTize-TAVI might predict more than transcatheter aortic valve replacement waiting list priorities", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petra Bistrovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Petra Bistrovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Revascularization | Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459057", + "session_name": "Microvascular blood flow disturbances predict poor outcome of revascularization in CLTI patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petra Korpisalo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kuopio University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Ita-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Kuopio", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Microvascular blood flow disturbances predict poor outcome of revascularization in CLTI patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Revascularization | Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petra Radic ", + "kol_full_name": "Petra Radic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Stroke | COVID-19", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459918", + "session_name": "The effect of 2 years COVID-19 pandemic on myocardial infarction and stroke admissions: nationwide registry study, sex differences and mortality", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Petra Sedova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "FNUSA", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Jihomoravsky Kraj", + "City": "Brno", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of 2 years COVID-19 pandemic on myocardial infarction and stroke admissions: nationwide registry study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " sex differences and mortality", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " COVID-19", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Petra Sedova ", + "kol_full_name": "Petra Sedova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461046", + "session_name": "The role of uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate in aggravated aortic valve stenosis under uremic conditions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Philip Duesing", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heartcenter Bonn, University Hospital Bonn", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Bonn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate in aggravated aortic valve stenosis under uremic conditions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Philip Duesing ", + "kol_full_name": "Philip Duesing " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Depression | Ventricular Function, Left | Myocardial Infarction | Anxiety", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461051", + "session_name": "Short- and long-term effects of beta-blockers on symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with myocardial infarction and preserved left ventricular function: prespecified substudy from REDUCE-AM", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Philip Leissner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Uppsala University", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Uppsala Lan", + "City": "Uppsala", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Short- and long-term effects of beta-blockers on symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with myocardial infarction and preserved left ventricular function: prespecified substudy from REDUCE-AM", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Depression | Ventricular Function, Left ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Anxiety", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Philip Leissner ", + "kol_full_name": "Philip Leissner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Angiography | Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459688", + "session_name": "Angio-based FFR - a future without pressure wires?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Philipp Lake", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Angio-based FFR - a future without pressure wires?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Angiography | Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Philipp Lake ", + "kol_full_name": "Philipp Lake " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459687", + "session_name": "Pro - transcatheter tricuspid valve therapies are HOT and are a foundation therapy for patients with HF and tricuspid regurgitation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Philipp Lurz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pro - transcatheter tricuspid valve therapies are HOT and are a foundation therapy for patients with HF and tricuspid regurgitation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Phuong Uyen Vo ", + "kol_full_name": "Phuong Uyen Vo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Fatigue", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460878", + "session_name": "The relationship between fatigue and frailty in heart failure patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pi-Ling Chou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kaohsiung Medical University", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Kaohsiung", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The relationship between fatigue and frailty in heart failure patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Fatigue", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pi-Ling Chou ", + "kol_full_name": "Pi-Ling Chou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hyperoxia | Premature Birth | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460884", + "session_name": "Impact of neonatal hyperoxia on the development of the coronary vascular bed: an experimental model for the study of cardiomyopathy associated with premature birth", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pierre-Emmanuel Girault-Sotias", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of neonatal hyperoxia on the development of the coronary vascular bed: an experimental model for the study of cardiomyopathy associated with premature birth", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hyperoxia | Premature Birth ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pooya Mohammadi Kazaj ", + "kol_full_name": "Pooya Mohammadi Kazaj " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457685", + "session_name": "Comparing treatment strategies for heart failure: a real-world analysis of adding ARNI or SGLT2i to older GDMT", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Porntep Amornritvanich", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparing treatment strategies for heart failure: a real-world analysis of adding ARNI or SGLT2i to older GDMT", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Porntep Amornritvanich ", + "kol_full_name": "Porntep Amornritvanich " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echolucent Plaques | Carotid Arteries Stenting", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457057", + "session_name": "Adverse outcomes following carotid artery stenting in echolucent plaques: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pranvera Ibrahimi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Clinical Centre of Kosova", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adverse outcomes following carotid artery stenting in echolucent plaques: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echolucent Plaques | Carotid Arteries Stenting", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pranvera Ibrahimi ", + "kol_full_name": "Pranvera Ibrahimi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460655", + "session_name": "Atrial Fibrillation in young patients: Insights from the National Inpatient Sample", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Prasanti Alekhya Kotta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Baylor College of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial Fibrillation in young patients: Insights from the National Inpatient Sample", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Prasit Phowthongkum ", + "kol_full_name": "Prasit Phowthongkum " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dual Antiplatelet Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458342", + "session_name": "De-escalation vs. early cessation of DAPT for patients at high bleeding risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pratap Chandra Rath", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "De-escalation vs. early cessation of DAPT for patients at high bleeding risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dual Antiplatelet Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Preston Mason ", + "kol_full_name": "Preston Mason " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459342", + "session_name": "RKER-012, a novel modified ActRIIB ligand trap, attenuated right ventricular cardiomyopathy in a preclinical model of pulmonary arterial hypertension.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pritesh Jain", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Keros Therapeutics", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Lexington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "RKER-012", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a novel modified ActRIIB ligand trap, attenuated right ventricular cardiomyopathy in a preclinical model of pulmonary arterial hypertension.", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Qasim Majid ", + "kol_full_name": "Qasim Majid " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mesenchymal Stem Cells | Atherosclerosis | Atorvastatin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460508", + "session_name": "Combined administration of atorvastatin and mesenchymal stem cells synergizes to attenuate inflammation and promote efferocytosis in atherosclerotic mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Qi Pan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Combined administration of atorvastatin and mesenchymal stem cells synergizes to attenuate inflammation and promote efferocytosis in atherosclerotic mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mesenchymal Stem Cells | Atherosclerosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atorvastatin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Qingwen Ren ", + "kol_full_name": "Qingwen Ren " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461040", + "session_name": "Long-term outcomes of intensive blood-pressure control in older patients with hypertension: final six-year results of the STEP trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Qirui Song", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Fuwai Hospital, CAMS and PUMC", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term outcomes of intensive blood-pressure control in older patients with hypertension: final six-year results of the STEP trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Qiuxuan Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Qiuxuan Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457065", + "session_name": "Global burden of high-risk cardiovascular patients without prior myocardial infarction or stroke: VESALIUS-REAL - preliminary results from Germany", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Queenie Chan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Amgen Ltd", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global burden of high-risk cardiovascular patients without prior myocardial infarction or stroke: VESALIUS-REAL - preliminary results from Germany", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Queenie Chan ", + "kol_full_name": "Queenie Chan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458057", + "session_name": "Early-onset atrial fibrillation is a risk marker for cardiomyopathy: genetic insights from the UK Biobank", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Quim Bech Vilaseca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Early-onset atrial fibrillation is a risk marker for cardiomyopathy: genetic insights from the UK Biobank", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Quim Bech Vilaseca ", + "kol_full_name": "Quim Bech Vilaseca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Atrial Reservoir Strain | Heart Failure | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460195", + "session_name": "Is left atrial reservoir strain a superior modality to predict acute left ventricular failure in hypertensive patients.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "R Rameshwar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Is left atrial reservoir strain a superior modality to predict acute left ventricular failure in hypertensive patients.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Atrial Reservoir Strain | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
R Rameshwar ", + "kol_full_name": "R Rameshwar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Obesity | Gastrointestinal Microbiome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461042", + "session_name": "Gut Microbiota and Associated Metabolites Play a Key Role in the Pathogenesis of the Obesity Phenotype of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rabea Asleh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center", + "Country": "Israel", + "Region": "Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)", + "City": "Jerusalem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gut Microbiota and Associated Metabolites Play a Key Role in the Pathogenesis of the Obesity Phenotype of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Microbiome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rabea Asleh ", + "kol_full_name": "Rabea Asleh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Pulmonary Embolism | Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460190", + "session_name": "Changing patterns in the occurrence and fatality of pulmonary embolism among individuals with colorectal carcinoma across time", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rabia Iqbal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Brooklyn Hospital Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Brooklyn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Changing patterns in the occurrence and fatality of pulmonary embolism among individuals with colorectal carcinoma across time", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Pulmonary Embolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rabia Iqbal ", + "kol_full_name": "Rabia Iqbal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461063", + "session_name": "Transforming obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy services, lessons from the United Kingdom", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rachel Bastiaenen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust Hospitals", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transforming obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy services", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " lessons from the United Kingdom", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rachel Bastiaenen ", + "kol_full_name": "Rachel Bastiaenen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Multimodal Imaging | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457439", + "session_name": "Explainable machine learning and multi-modal data for predicting readmission in patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rachel Chae", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Explainable machine learning and multi-modal data for predicting readmission in patients with heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Multimodal Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rachel Chae ", + "kol_full_name": "Rachel Chae " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458094", + "session_name": "Phenotype groups in atrial cardiomyopathy and their prognosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Radostina Ilieva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Tsaritsa Yoanna- ISUL Sofia", + "Country": "Bulgaria", + "Region": "Sofiya", + "City": "Sofia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phenotype groups in atrial cardiomyopathy and their prognosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Radostina Ilieva ", + "kol_full_name": "Radostina Ilieva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Myocardial Infarction | Heart Rupture", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458952", + "session_name": "Cardiac rupture post-acute myocardial infarction: management of the cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Radu Zorel Filipescu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac rupture post-acute myocardial infarction: management of the cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Rupture", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Radu Zorel Filipescu ", + "kol_full_name": "Radu Zorel Filipescu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459723", + "session_name": "Making progress in cardiovascular care for oncology patients in Latvia and Azerbaijan", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rahima Gabulova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Azerbaijan Medical University", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Making progress in cardiovascular care for oncology patients in Latvia and Azerbaijan", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rahima Gabulova ", + "kol_full_name": "Rahima Gabulova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypereosinophilic Syndrome | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458394", + "session_name": "Loeffler endocarditis as a rare manifestation of chronic eosinophilic leukemia withFIP1L1-PDGFRA rearrangement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Raid Faraj", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Loeffler endocarditis as a rare manifestation of chronic eosinophilic leukemia withFIP1L1-PDGFRA rearrangement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypereosinophilic Syndrome | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raid Faraj ", + "kol_full_name": "Raid Faraj " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459642", + "session_name": "Transcatheter mitral valve therapies: overcoming hurdles, seizing opportunities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Raj Makkar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcatheter mitral valve therapies: overcoming hurdles", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " seizing opportunities", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raj Makkar ", + "kol_full_name": "Raj Makkar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Vein Isolation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460967", + "session_name": "SHAM-PVI - A randomised sham-controlled study of pulmonary vein isolation in symptomatic atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rajdip Dulai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SHAM-PVI - A randomised sham-controlled study of pulmonary vein isolation in symptomatic atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Vein Isolation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rajdip Dulai ", + "kol_full_name": "Rajdip Dulai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460986", + "session_name": "EuroHeart TAVI - The new frontier", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rajesh Kharbanda", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "EuroHeart TAVI - The new frontier", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rajesh Kharbanda ", + "kol_full_name": "Rajesh Kharbanda " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459081", + "session_name": "Sex dsparities in LDL-C and Non-HDLC response to PCSK9 Inhibitors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rajesh Rajan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sabah Al Ahmed Cardiac Center , Amiri Hospital", + "Country": "Kuwait", + "Region": "Al Kuwayt", + "City": "Kuwait", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex dsparities in LDL-C and Non-HDLC response to PCSK9 Inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "PCSK9 Inhibitors | Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rajesh Rajan ", + "kol_full_name": "Rajesh Rajan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456731", + "session_name": "Outcomes in heart failure: a global perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rajkumar Nadakinamani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "BADR AL SAMAA HOSPITAL", + "Country": "Oman", + "Region": "Masqat", + "City": "Muscat", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes in heart failure: a global perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rajkumar Nadakinamani ", + "kol_full_name": "Rajkumar Nadakinamani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461021", + "session_name": "Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ralf Zahn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Klinikum Ludwigshafen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Rheinland-Pfalz", + "City": "Ludwigshafen Am Rhein", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Difficult decisions – who and how to anticoagulate? Case-based discussion", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ralf Zahn ", + "kol_full_name": "Ralf Zahn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457337", + "session_name": "A novel likely pathogenic DSP mutation, p. Glu1892Argfs*38, in a family with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Raluca Mitran", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emergency Clinical Hospital Floreasca", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel likely pathogenic DSP mutation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " p. Glu1892Argfs*38, in a family with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raluca Mitran ", + "kol_full_name": "Raluca Mitran " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459354", + "session_name": "Mechanical right ventricular involvement is independent of right coronary arterial bed and has a prognostic impact in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ramon Espinosa-Soto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chavez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mechanical right ventricular involvement is independent of right coronary arterial bed and has a prognostic impact in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ramon Espinosa-Soto ", + "kol_full_name": "Ramon Espinosa-Soto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461001", + "session_name": "Economic Toll of Cardiovascular Disease on Healthcare and Mortality in 50 ESC member countries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ramon Luengo-Fernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Oxford", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Economic Toll of Cardiovascular Disease on Healthcare and Mortality in 50 ESC member countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ramon Luengo-Fernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Ramon Luengo-Fernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Appendage | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Multimodal Imaging | Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457624", + "session_name": "Radiomics-based multimodality prediction of left atrial appendage thrombus using coronary computed tomography angiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ran Xin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Radiomics-based multimodality prediction of left atrial appendage thrombus using coronary computed tomography angiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Appendage | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Multimodal Imaging | Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ran Xin ", + "kol_full_name": "Ran Xin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive | Ambulant Polygraphy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460126", + "session_name": "Ambulatory polygraphy as a screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea in combination with semi-continuous rhythm monitoring in patients with atrial fibrillation: a pilot study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rana Onder", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ambulatory polygraphy as a screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea in combination with semi-continuous rhythm monitoring in patients with atrial fibrillation: a pilot study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive | Ambulant Polygraphy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rana Onder ", + "kol_full_name": "Rana Onder " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Torsemide | Furosemide", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459167", + "session_name": "Torsemide versus furosemide in patients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Raneem Afify", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Torsemide versus furosemide in patients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Torsemide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Furosemide", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raneem Afify ", + "kol_full_name": "Raneem Afify " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exercise Therapy | Pacemaker, Artificial | Athletes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458659", + "session_name": "Performance improvement in elderly athlete with pacemaker: The importance of optimizing device parameters during exercise", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Raquel Rios", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Dante Pazzanese De Cardiologia", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Performance improvement in elderly athlete with pacemaker: The importance of optimizing device parameters during exercise", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Exercise Therapy | Pacemaker, Artificial ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Athletes", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raquel Rios ", + "kol_full_name": "Raquel Rios " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460673", + "session_name": "Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in failed bioprosthetic or native valves: a systematic review and meta analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rasha Kaddoura", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "HMC Heart Hospital", + "Country": "Qatar", + "Region": "Ad Dawhah", + "City": "Doha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in failed bioprosthetic or native valves: a systematic review and meta analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rasha Kaddoura ", + "kol_full_name": "Rasha Kaddoura " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460662", + "session_name": "Association of weekday-to-weekend sleep duration pattern with myocardial infarction: analysis of the NHANES 2017- 2020", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ratchapol Buahung", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of weekday-to-weekend sleep duration pattern with myocardial infarction: analysis of the NHANES 2017- 2020", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ratchapol Buahung ", + "kol_full_name": "Ratchapol Buahung " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Lipoprotein(a) | Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458376", + "session_name": "Lp(a) testing and LDL-C levels among australian ASCVD patients in 2022: a cross-sectional study from the advara heartcare network (PREVAIL)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ravi SANTANI", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lp(a) testing and LDL-C levels among australian ASCVD patients in 2022: a cross-sectional study from the advara heartcare network (PREVAIL)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Lipoprotein(a) ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cholesterol, LDL", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ravi SANTANI ", + "kol_full_name": "Ravi SANTANI " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460641", + "session_name": "Temporal changes in FFR in initially deferred vessels in symptomatic patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rayan Shuja", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Temporal changes in FFR in initially deferred vessels in symptomatic patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rayan Shuja ", + "kol_full_name": "Rayan Shuja " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Surgical Procedures, Operative | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458395", + "session_name": "A case of pulmonic valve endocarditis requiring surgical intervention", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rebecca Castro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bellevue Hospital Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A case of pulmonic valve endocarditis requiring surgical intervention", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Surgical Procedures, Operative | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rebecca Castro ", + "kol_full_name": "Rebecca Castro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fistula | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459339", + "session_name": "Coronary artery fistula: easy to diagnose using CT coronary angiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rebecca Pantea", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "County Emergency Hospital of Brasov", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Brasov", + "City": "Brasov", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary artery fistula: easy to diagnose using CT coronary angiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fistula | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rebecca Pantea ", + "kol_full_name": "Rebecca Pantea " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Prevention | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459294", + "session_name": "Which biomarkers are useful to risk stratify in primary prevention?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Reijo Laaksonen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tampere University", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Tampere", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Which biomarkers are useful to risk stratify in primary prevention?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Prevention | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Reijo Laaksonen ", + "kol_full_name": "Reijo Laaksonen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Artery Remodeling", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459477", + "session_name": "Insight into unilateral absence of a pulmonary artery: a 24-year journey", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Renata Claudia Quevedo Salazar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Insight into unilateral absence of a pulmonary artery: a 24-year journey", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Artery Remodeling", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Renata Claudia Quevedo Salazar ", + "kol_full_name": "Renata Claudia Quevedo Salazar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoproteins | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459945", + "session_name": "Association between lipoprotein particle concentration and size and progression of coronary plaque: the MACS Longitudinal Coronary CT angiography study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Renato Quispe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Johns Hopkins Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between lipoprotein particle concentration and size and progression of coronary plaque: the MACS Longitudinal Coronary CT angiography study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipoproteins | Acute Coronary Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Computed Tomography Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Renato Quispe ", + "kol_full_name": "Renato Quispe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Syncope | Angiomyoma | Leiomyoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459565", + "session_name": "An unusual case of syncope due to intravascular leiomyomatosis with intracardiac extension to the right heart cavities", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ricardo Bohorquez Rodriguez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pontifical Xaverian University", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Distrito Capital", + "City": "Bogota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An unusual case of syncope due to intravascular leiomyomatosis with intracardiac extension to the right heart cavities", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Syncope | Angiomyoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Leiomyoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ricardo Bohorquez Rodriguez ", + "kol_full_name": "Ricardo Bohorquez Rodriguez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456742", + "session_name": "The many faces of stress echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ricardo Fontes Carvalho", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Center of Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Vila Nova de Gaia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The many faces of stress echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ricardo Fontes Carvalho ", + "kol_full_name": "Ricardo Fontes Carvalho " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Medical Device Legislation | Digital Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459028", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ricardo Ladeiras-Lopes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine University of Porto", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Porto", + "City": "Porto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Medical Device Legislation | Digital Health", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ricardo Ladeiras-Lopes ", + "kol_full_name": "Ricardo Ladeiras-Lopes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microvascular Angina | Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460309", + "session_name": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes: angina burden", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ricardo Pavanello", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Factors influencing the decision to revascularise in chronic coronary syndromes: angina burden", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Microvascular Angina | Chronic Coronary Syndromes", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ricardo Pavanello ", + "kol_full_name": "Ricardo Pavanello " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456113", + "session_name": "Heart failure management in low/middle-income countries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Richard Henry Tiongco", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Manila Medical Center", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": "Manila", + "City": "Manila", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart failure management in low/middle-income countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Richard Henry Tiongco ", + "kol_full_name": "Richard Henry Tiongco " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456158", + "session_name": "Personalised cardiovascular disease prevention in primary care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Richard Hobbs", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised cardiovascular disease prevention in primary care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Richard Hobbs ", + "kol_full_name": "Richard Hobbs " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Medical Device Legislation | Digital Health", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459027", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health - expert panel", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Richard Holborow", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on medical device regulation in digital health - expert panel", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Medical Device Legislation | Digital Health", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Richard Holborow ", + "kol_full_name": "Richard Holborow " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Care Facilities", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456246", + "session_name": "The Lancet Cardiology Commissions: advancing cardiac care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Richard Horton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Lancet Cardiology Commissions: advancing cardiac care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Care Facilities", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Richard Horton ", + "kol_full_name": "Richard Horton " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456818", + "session_name": "Showcasing successes in advanced heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Righab Hamdan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Beirut Cardiac Institute", + "Country": "Lebanon", + "Region": "Beyrouth", + "City": "Beirut", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Showcasing successes in advanced heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Righab Hamdan ", + "kol_full_name": "Righab Hamdan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemorrhage | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459893", + "session_name": "Major bleeding complications and antithrombotic treatment after isolated surgical bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rikhard Bjorn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Turku University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Major bleeding complications and antithrombotic treatment after isolated surgical bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemorrhage | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rikhard Bjorn ", + "kol_full_name": "Rikhard Bjorn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460725", + "session_name": "Leveraging machine learning and genomic data to predict and characterise inflammatory-driven coronary artery disease risk and subtypes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rikke Linnemann Nielsen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Leveraging machine learning and genomic data to predict and characterise inflammatory-driven coronary artery disease risk and subtypes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rikke Linnemann Nielsen ", + "kol_full_name": "Rikke Linnemann Nielsen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Electronic Health Records | Heart Failure, Systolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457796", + "session_name": "Modern epidemiology of heart failure with reduced and preserved ejection fraction in population-wide linked electronic health records: a study of 208815 heart failure patients in England", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robert Alexander Fletcher", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modern epidemiology of heart failure with reduced and preserved ejection fraction in population-wide linked electronic health records: a study of 208815 heart failure patients in England", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Electronic Health Records ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Systolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robert Alexander Fletcher ", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Alexander Fletcher " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Colchicine | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458476", + "session_name": "Colchicine as a therapeutic option for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in a rat model", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robert Halmosi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Pecs", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Baranya", + "City": "Pecs", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Colchicine as a therapeutic option for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in a rat model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colchicine | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robert Halmosi ", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Halmosi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459476", + "session_name": "Clinical characteristics of patients with raised BNP referred from primary care to an outpatient heart failure with potential heart failure using NICE guidelines", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robert John Bain", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical characteristics of patients with raised BNP referred from primary care to an outpatient heart failure with potential heart failure using NICE guidelines", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robert John Bain ", + "kol_full_name": "Robert John Bain " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456197", + "session_name": "Risk factors and characterisation of coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robert Mvungi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Aga Khan Hospital", + "Country": "Tanzania", + "Region": "Dar es Salaam", + "City": "Dar Es Salaam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Risk factors and characterisation of coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robert Mvungi ", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Mvungi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Artery | Sympathectomy | Fibromuscular Dysplasia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459899", + "session_name": "Renal sympathetic denervation in a patient with renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roberto Ingaramo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cardiovascular Institute pueblo de Luis", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Chubut", + "City": "Trelew", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Renal sympathetic denervation in a patient with renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Artery | Sympathectomy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Fibromuscular Dysplasia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roberto Ingaramo ", + "kol_full_name": "Roberto Ingaramo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459639", + "session_name": "Serum expression of mirnas in obese and lean patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roberto Schreiber", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Serum expression of mirnas in obese and lean patients with heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roberto Schreiber ", + "kol_full_name": "Roberto Schreiber " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Appendage | Embolism | Printing, Three-Dimensional", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458776", + "session_name": "Complex left atrial appendage closure using 3D printing system in a patient with recurrent embolism and previous mitral prosthetic valve implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roberto Tarantini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complex left atrial appendage closure using 3D printing system in a patient with recurrent embolism and previous mitral prosthetic valve implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Appendage | Embolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Printing, Three-Dimensional", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roberto Tarantini ", + "kol_full_name": "Roberto Tarantini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Function, Left | Beta Blockers | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461050", + "session_name": "Effects of Beta-Blockers on Quality of Life and Well-being in Patients with Myocardial Infarction and Preserved Left Ventricular Function - a prespecified substudy from REDUCE-AMI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robin Hofmann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Karolinska Institute", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": "Stockholms Lan", + "City": "Stockholm", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of Beta-Blockers on Quality of Life and Well-being in Patients with Myocardial Infarction and Preserved Left Ventricular Function - a prespecified substudy from REDUCE-AMI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Function, Left | Beta Blockers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robin Hofmann ", + "kol_full_name": "Robin Hofmann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Mortality | Amyloid", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458987", + "session_name": "Exercise oscillatory ventilation as a predictor of mortality in patients with amyloid cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robin Willixhofer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exercise oscillatory ventilation as a predictor of mortality in patients with amyloid cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Mortality ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Amyloid", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Robin Willixhofer ", + "kol_full_name": "Robin Willixhofer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Parkinson Disease | Death, Sudden | Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457664", + "session_name": "Metabolic myocardial storage cardiomyopathie and sudden death due to a pathogenic variant in the PRKAG2 gene. non-sarcomeric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy associated with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rocio Del Cielo Villa Fernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Ramos Mejia", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Metabolic myocardial storage cardiomyopathie and sudden death due to a pathogenic variant in the PRKAG2 gene. non-sarcomeric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy associated with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Parkinson Disease | Death, Sudden ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rocio Del Cielo Villa Fernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Rocio Del Cielo Villa Fernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457774", + "session_name": "Tackling an emerging problem in heart failure: cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rodney Jimenez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Luke'S Medical Center", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tackling an emerging problem in heart failure: cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rodney Jimenez ", + "kol_full_name": "Rodney Jimenez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Apixaban | Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia | Clopidogrel | Angioplasty", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460958", + "session_name": "Apixaban versus ClopidoGRel on a background of aspirin in patient undergoing InfraPoPliteal angioplasty for critical limb ischemial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rodrigo Biagioni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Apixaban versus ClopidoGRel on a background of aspirin in patient undergoing InfraPoPliteal angioplasty for critical limb ischemial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Apixaban | Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Clopidogrel | Angioplasty", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rodrigo Biagioni ", + "kol_full_name": "Rodrigo Biagioni " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460224", + "session_name": "Pulmonary artery aneurysm associated with in situ thrombosis and severe tracheal compression", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rodrigo Zebadua", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiology", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pulmonary artery aneurysm associated with in situ thrombosis and severe tracheal compression", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rodrigo Zebadua ", + "kol_full_name": "Rodrigo Zebadua " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460611", + "session_name": "Patient experience during an ICU admission - patient perspective", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rogier Veltrop", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient experience during an ICU admission - patient perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rogier Veltrop ", + "kol_full_name": "Rogier Veltrop " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Testicular Neoplasms | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459909", + "session_name": "The influence of testicular cancer on outcomes of heart failure: insights from national inpatient sample", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rohit Sekandlapuram", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Brooklyn Hospital Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Brooklyn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The influence of testicular cancer on outcomes of heart failure: insights from national inpatient sample", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Testicular Neoplasms | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rohit Sekandlapuram ", + "kol_full_name": "Rohit Sekandlapuram " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Prolapse | Echocardiography | Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457212", + "session_name": "Echocardiographic assessment of the right heart pulmonary circulation unit in mitral regurgitation due to mitral valve prolapse", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Romain Maheut", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Echocardiographic assessment of the right heart pulmonary circulation unit in mitral regurgitation due to mitral valve prolapse", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Prolapse | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Romain Maheut ", + "kol_full_name": "Romain Maheut " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456419", + "session_name": "Imaging markers of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ronald Cuyco", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Philippine Heart Center", + "Country": "Philippines", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging markers of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ronald Cuyco ", + "kol_full_name": "Ronald Cuyco " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458552", + "session_name": "Management of cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction: no room for intra-aortic balloon pump?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ronaldo Simamora", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "FKUI-RSCM", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management of cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction: no room for intra-aortic balloon pump?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ronaldo Simamora ", + "kol_full_name": "Ronaldo Simamora " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fragility | Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460921", + "session_name": "Enhancing stroke prevention strategies in fragile patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ronan Collins", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tallaght University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Enhancing stroke prevention strategies in fragile patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fragility | Stroke", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ronan Collins ", + "kol_full_name": "Ronan Collins " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transplant Recipients | Mass Chest X-Ray", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458379", + "session_name": "Visual coronary artery calcium assessment on routine chest CT can readily and cheaply identify liver transplant recipients with a low cardiac risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roos Groen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Visual coronary artery calcium assessment on routine chest CT can readily and cheaply identify liver transplant recipients with a low cardiac risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transplant Recipients | Mass Chest X-Ray", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roos Groen ", + "kol_full_name": "Roos Groen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biolimus | Drug-Eluting Balloons | Coronary Restenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458484", + "session_name": "Biolimus A9 DEB for the Treatment of In-Stent Restenosis. 1-year outcomes of the REFORM trial.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rory Durand", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Private Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biolimus A9 DEB for the Treatment of In-Stent Restenosis. 1-year outcomes of the REFORM trial.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biolimus | Drug-Eluting Balloons ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Restenosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rory Durand ", + "kol_full_name": "Rory Durand " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458635", + "session_name": "Sex differences in cancer incidence amongst people with cardiovascular disease: a large British population study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rosa Thuemmler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in cancer incidence amongst people with cardiovascular disease: a large British population study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rosa Thuemmler ", + "kol_full_name": "Rosa Thuemmler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Respiratory Tract Infections | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459708", + "session_name": "Uncovering the burden: respiratory infections and cardiovascular health", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rosario Menendez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Uncovering the burden: respiratory infections and cardiovascular health", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Respiratory Tract Infections | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rosario Menendez ", + "kol_full_name": "Rosario Menendez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Gene Expression | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460263", + "session_name": "Modulating TTN gene expression in human iPSC-CMs to investigate mechanisms and therapies in TTN-associated dilated cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rosemary Kirk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Modulating TTN gene expression in human iPSC-CMs to investigate mechanisms and therapies in TTN-associated dilated cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Gene Expression | Cardiomyopathy, Dilated", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rosemary Kirk ", + "kol_full_name": "Rosemary Kirk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Kidney Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456628", + "session_name": "Clash of the titans: when cardiovascular and kidney diseases overlap", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roser Torra", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clash of the titans: when cardiovascular and kidney diseases overlap", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Kidney Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Roser Torra ", + "kol_full_name": "Roser Torra " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sinoatrial Node | Tachycardia, Ventricular | Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457892", + "session_name": "Atrial rates during treated ventricular tachycardia in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators: clinical implications of a vagal sinus node response", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rosie Martin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial rates during treated ventricular tachycardia in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators: clinical implications of a vagal sinus node response", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sinoatrial Node | Tachycardia, Ventricular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Defibrillators, Implantable", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rosie Martin ", + "kol_full_name": "Rosie Martin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460981", + "session_name": "PROTEUS - A prospective randomised controlled trial evaluating the use of artificial intelligence in stress echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ross Upton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Oxford", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Oxford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PROTEUS - A prospective randomised controlled trial evaluating the use of artificial intelligence in stress echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ross Upton ", + "kol_full_name": "Ross Upton " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dyslipidemias", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456781", + "session_name": "Dyslipidaemias", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rostam Shamoyan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medline Clinic", + "Country": "Armenia", + "Region": "Yerevan", + "City": "Yerevan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dyslipidaemias", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dyslipidemias", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rostam Shamoyan ", + "kol_full_name": "Rostam Shamoyan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cor Triatriatum", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459220", + "session_name": "Cor triatriatum dexter - not a simple membrane, but a small red flag to take a closer look at the heart", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rozina Vornicu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cor triatriatum dexter - not a simple membrane", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " but a small red flag to take a closer look at the heart", + "events_topic": "Cor Triatriatum", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rozina Vornicu ", + "kol_full_name": "Rozina Vornicu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459347", + "session_name": "Platelet membrane coated r-SAK to improve thrombolytic efficacy by targeting thrombus", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rui Hua", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Platelet membrane coated r-SAK to improve thrombolytic efficacy by targeting thrombus", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rui Hua ", + "kol_full_name": "Rui Hua " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Insulin Resistance | Diabetes Mellitus | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458731", + "session_name": "Association of insulin resistance with cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in type 1 diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rui Sun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of insulin resistance with cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in type 1 diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Insulin Resistance | Diabetes Mellitus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rui Sun ", + "kol_full_name": "Rui Sun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457541", + "session_name": "A diagnostic dilemma: Commotio cordis, Takotsubo syndrome or MINOCA?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rui Yi Pang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tan Tock Seng Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A diagnostic dilemma: Commotio cordis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Takotsubo syndrome or MINOCA?", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rui Yi Pang ", + "kol_full_name": "Rui Yi Pang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459879", + "session_name": "Catheter ablation vs medical management for atrial fibrillation in patients with heart failure: a systematic review and metanalysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruth Ann Mathew Kalathil", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chi Health Creighton University Medical Center - Bergan Mercy", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Nebraska", + "City": "Omaha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Catheter ablation vs medical management for atrial fibrillation in patients with heart failure: a systematic review and metanalysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ruth Ann Mathew Kalathil ", + "kol_full_name": "Ruth Ann Mathew Kalathil " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Syncope | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460491", + "session_name": "Left ventricular hypertrophy and syncope: what do the guidelines say?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruxandra Oana Jurcut", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. C.C. Iliescu", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Bucuresti", + "City": "Bucharest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left ventricular hypertrophy and syncope: what do the guidelines say?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Syncope | Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ruxandra Oana Jurcut ", + "kol_full_name": "Ruxandra Oana Jurcut " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457432", + "session_name": "Left atrial and left ventricular positive and negative remodeling after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruzica Jurcevic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial and left ventricular positive and negative remodeling after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ruzica Jurcevic ", + "kol_full_name": "Ruzica Jurcevic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neuropeptides | Neuropeptide Y | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459176", + "session_name": "The cardiac sympathetic co-transmitter neuropeptide-Y is pro-arrhythmic in human cardiomyocytes by lengthening activation-recovery interval", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ryan Bloxsom", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The cardiac sympathetic co-transmitter neuropeptide-Y is pro-arrhythmic in human cardiomyocytes by lengthening activation-recovery interval", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuropeptides | Neuropeptide Y ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocytes, Cardiac", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ryan Bloxsom ", + "kol_full_name": "Ryan Bloxsom " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460936", + "session_name": "Overcoming the \"DanGer\" of cardiogenic shock: treatment strategies with percutaneous mechanical circulatory support", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ryan Mendoza Laurente", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Cologne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Overcoming the \"DanGer\" of cardiogenic shock: treatment strategies with percutaneous mechanical circulatory support", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mechanical Circulatory Support | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ryan Mendoza Laurente ", + "kol_full_name": "Ryan Mendoza Laurente " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug-Eluting Stents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457483", + "session_name": "Impact of procedural and patient-related risks on 1-year outcomes for patients with 1-month DAPT followed by P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy after biodegradable-polymer drug-eluting stent implantation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ryutaro Shimada", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of procedural and patient-related risks on 1-year outcomes for patients with 1-month DAPT followed by P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy after biodegradable-polymer drug-eluting stent implantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug-Eluting Stents", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ryutaro Shimada ", + "kol_full_name": "Ryutaro Shimada " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Pregnant Women", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460975", + "session_name": "Prospective Pakistan registry of echocardiographic screening in asymptomatic pregnant women", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sabha Bhatti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases NICVD)", + "Country": "Pakistan", + "Region": "Sindh", + "City": "Karachi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prospective Pakistan registry of echocardiographic screening in asymptomatic pregnant women", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Pregnant Women", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sabha Bhatti ", + "kol_full_name": "Sabha Bhatti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Thoracoscopy | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457429", + "session_name": "Sex differences in the substrate of atrial fibrillation and the outcome of thoracoscopic ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Saeed Keshtkar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in the substrate of atrial fibrillation and the outcome of thoracoscopic ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Thoracoscopy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Saeed Keshtkar ", + "kol_full_name": "Saeed Keshtkar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diuretics | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Canagliflozin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458644", + "session_name": "Canagliflozin reduces oral loop diuretic intensification in patients with type 2 diabetes: a participant level pooled analysis of CREDENCE and CANVAS", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Safia Chatur", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brigham and Women's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Canagliflozin reduces oral loop diuretic intensification in patients with type 2 diabetes: a participant level pooled analysis of CREDENCE and CANVAS", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diuretics | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Canagliflozin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Safia Chatur ", + "kol_full_name": "Safia Chatur " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electric Countershock | Stroke | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458533", + "session_name": "How much does elective cardioversion increase the risk of ischaemic stroke compared to the baseline risk in atrial fibrillation? A nationwide study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Saga Itainen-Stromberg", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Helsinki University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Helsinki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How much does elective cardioversion increase the risk of ischaemic stroke compared to the baseline risk in atrial fibrillation? A nationwide study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electric Countershock | Stroke ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Saga Itainen-Stromberg ", + "kol_full_name": "Saga Itainen-Stromberg " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemoptysis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457636", + "session_name": "A young man with recurrent massive haemoptysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sahela Nasrin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute", + "Country": "Bangladesh", + "Region": "Dhaka", + "City": "Dhaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A young man with recurrent massive haemoptysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemoptysis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sahela Nasrin ", + "kol_full_name": "Sahela Nasrin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ranolazine | Trimetazidine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459336", + "session_name": "Comparative effects of ranolazine and trimetazidine on cardiac structure and exercise capacity in a healthy rat model: a new doping agent?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sahhan Kilic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "GATA Haydarpasa Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative effects of ranolazine and trimetazidine on cardiac structure and exercise capacity in a healthy rat model: a new doping agent?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ranolazine | Trimetazidine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sahhan Kilic ", + "kol_full_name": "Sahhan Kilic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mustard Procedure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460778", + "session_name": "Long-term outcome after Mustard procedure at young age: longitudinal follow-up of 40 to 48 years after surgery.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sahra Unluturk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-term outcome after Mustard procedure at young age: longitudinal follow-up of 40 to 48 years after surgery.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mustard Procedure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sahra Unluturk ", + "kol_full_name": "Sahra Unluturk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460793", + "session_name": "Age stratified prevalence of hypertension and associated risk factors among subjects residing in rural community of Bangladesh", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sajal Krishna Banerjee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)", + "Country": "Bangladesh", + "Region": "Dhaka", + "City": "Dhaka", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Age stratified prevalence of hypertension and associated risk factors among subjects residing in rural community of Bangladesh", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sajal Krishna Banerjee ", + "kol_full_name": "Sajal Krishna Banerjee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459718", + "session_name": "Case 1 - aortic stenosis management in a limited resource country: the Tunisian TAVI/AVR national program", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Salem Abdessalem", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "La Rabta University Hospital", + "Country": "Tunisia", + "Region": "Tunis", + "City": "Tunis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1 - aortic stenosis management in a limited resource country: the Tunisian TAVI/AVR national program", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Salem Abdessalem ", + "kol_full_name": "Salem Abdessalem " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Point-of-Care Systems | Chest Pain", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460821", + "session_name": "The use of a point of care high sensitivity troponin in the investigation of patients presenting to the Emergency Department with undifferentiated chest pain.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sally Aldous", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Christchurch Hospital", + "Country": "New Zealand", + "Region": "Canterbury", + "City": "Christchurch", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The use of a point of care high sensitivity troponin in the investigation of patients presenting to the Emergency Department with undifferentiated chest pain.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Point-of-Care Systems | Chest Pain", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sally Aldous ", + "kol_full_name": "Sally Aldous " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Remodeling | Arthritis, Rheumatoid", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457714", + "session_name": "Cardiac remodeling in rheumatoid arthritis: assessing the influence of anti-CCP and rheumatoid factor", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Salvador Lugo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Universitario Dr Jose Eleuterio Gonzalez", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Nuevo Leon", + "City": "Monterrey", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac remodeling in rheumatoid arthritis: assessing the influence of anti-CCP and rheumatoid factor", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Remodeling | Arthritis, Rheumatoid", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Salvador Lugo ", + "kol_full_name": "Salvador Lugo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | TXNIP Gene | DNA Methylation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459092", + "session_name": "DNA methylation in the TXNIP gene is associated with type 2 diabetes in Pacific Peoples living in NZ", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sam Gibbs", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "DNA methylation in the TXNIP gene is associated with type 2 diabetes in Pacific Peoples living in NZ", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | TXNIP Gene ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " DNA Methylation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sam Gibbs ", + "kol_full_name": "Sam Gibbs " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Practice Guidelines As Topic | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459651", + "session_name": "Intervention in endocarditis, guidelines and beyond: the Egyptian perspective - discussion of guideline implementation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sameh Mohamad Shaheen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ain Shams University Hospital", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intervention in endocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " guidelines and beyond: the Egyptian perspective - discussion of guideline implementation", + "events_topic": "Practice Guidelines As Topic | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sameh Mohamad Shaheen ", + "kol_full_name": "Sameh Mohamad Shaheen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Warfarin | Anticoagulants | Embolism | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460856", + "session_name": "Extracranial systemic embolic events in patients with atrial fibrillation: an individual patient-level meta-analysis of 71 683 patients randomized to NOAC vs warfarin from the COMBINE-AF study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Samer Al Said", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extracranial systemic embolic events in patients with atrial fibrillation: an individual patient-level meta-analysis of 71 683 patients randomized to NOAC vs warfarin from the COMBINE-AF study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Warfarin | Anticoagulants ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Embolism | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Samer Al Said ", + "kol_full_name": "Samer Al Said " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Death, Sudden | Long QT Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458607", + "session_name": "SLC4A3 anion exchanger mutations associated to sudden death : short or long QT syndrome?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sami Benbekhti", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SLC4A3 anion exchanger mutations associated to sudden death : short or long QT syndrome?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Death, Sudden | Long QT Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sami Benbekhti ", + "kol_full_name": "Sami Benbekhti " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pregnancy | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457090", + "session_name": "How to manage cardiac disease in pregnancy in a low-resource setting", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sampath Withanawasam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Castle street Hospital for women", + "Country": "Sri Lanka", + "Region": "Central", + "City": "Colombo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How to manage cardiac disease in pregnancy in a low-resource setting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pregnancy | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sampath Withanawasam ", + "kol_full_name": "Sampath Withanawasam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter Ablation | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Myocardial Fibrosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460940", + "session_name": "Catheter Ablation versus Medical Rate Control in Atrial Fibrillation with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction and Myocardial Fibrosis - The CAMERA-MRI II Randomized Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandeep Prabhu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Alfred Hospital", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": "Victoria", + "City": "Melbourne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Catheter Ablation versus Medical Rate Control in Atrial Fibrillation with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction and Myocardial Fibrosis - The CAMERA-MRI II Randomized Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter Ablation | Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Myocardial Fibrosis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandeep Prabhu ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandeep Prabhu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456769", + "session_name": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on minimising the risk of stroke during cardiovascular interventions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandor Nardai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Mental Health, Neurology and Neurosurgery", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The floor is yours: bring your questions on minimising the risk of stroke during cardiovascular interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Stroke", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandor Nardai ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandor Nardai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peritoneal Dialysis | Direct Oral Anticoagulants", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460096", + "session_name": "Peritoneal dialysis: is it time to move to DOACs?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandra Burja Piko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Centre Maribor", + "Country": "Slovenia", + "Region": "Maribor", + "City": "Maribor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peritoneal dialysis: is it time to move to DOACs?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peritoneal Dialysis | Direct Oral Anticoagulants", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandra Burja Piko ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandra Burja Piko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460877", + "session_name": "Sources of stress and outcomes in carepartners of persons with chronic heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandra Dunbar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emory University School of Nursing", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sources of stress and outcomes in carepartners of persons with chronic heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandra Dunbar ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandra Dunbar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461070", + "session_name": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandra Howell", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King's College London", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "London", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandra Howell ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandra Howell " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipid Metabolism | Obesity | Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458305", + "session_name": "Effects of LCZ696 on lipid metabolism in an animal model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Possible implications for the management of obesity associated with HFpEF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandra Morana Fernandez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of LCZ696 on lipid metabolism in an animal model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Possible implications for the management of obesity associated with HFpEF", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipid Metabolism | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sandra Morana Fernandez ", + "kol_full_name": "Sandra Morana Fernandez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456385", + "session_name": "Worsening heart failure: are we winning the war?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sanem Nalbantgil", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ege University Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Izmir", + "City": "Izmir", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Worsening heart failure: are we winning the war?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sanem Nalbantgil ", + "kol_full_name": "Sanem Nalbantgil " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "HIV | Dyslipidemias", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460108", + "session_name": "PCSK9 inhibitors in HIV patients with dyslipidemia", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sanjana Datla", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "PCSK9 inhibitors in HIV patients with dyslipidemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "HIV | Dyslipidemias", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sanjana Datla ", + "kol_full_name": "Sanjana Datla " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiometabolic Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457709", + "session_name": "Cardiometabolic multimorbidity and associated risk factors in a cohort identified through community-based screening in Eastern Nepal.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sanjib Kumar Sharma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "B P Koirala Institute of Health Siences", + "Country": "Nepal", + "Region": "Kosi", + "City": "Dharan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiometabolic multimorbidity and associated risk factors in a cohort identified through community-based screening in Eastern Nepal.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiometabolic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sanjib Kumar Sharma ", + "kol_full_name": "Sanjib Kumar Sharma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458935", + "session_name": "From presentation to intervention: managing secondary mitral regurgitation in critical care", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Santiago Burgos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Shaio Clinic Foundation", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": "Distrito Capital", + "City": "Bogota", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From presentation to intervention: managing secondary mitral regurgitation in critical care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Santiago Burgos ", + "kol_full_name": "Santiago Burgos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia And Systemic Symptoms | Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458266", + "session_name": "From epigastric pain to heart transplant: navigating DRESS-induced myocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sara Ama", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Henry Ford Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Detroit", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From epigastric pain to heart transplant: navigating DRESS-induced myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia And Systemic Symptoms | Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sara Ama ", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Ama " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457616", + "session_name": "Cancer as a risk factor for subclinical atherosclerosis in female patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sara Diaz Saravia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mount Sinai Morningside", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer as a risk factor for subclinical atherosclerosis in female patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sara Diaz Saravia ", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Diaz Saravia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pacemaker, Artificial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460254", + "session_name": "Intracardiac leadless pacemaker: long term safety over traditional pacemakers. a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sara Gharehdaghi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intracardiac leadless pacemaker: long term safety over traditional pacemakers. a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pacemaker, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sara Gharehdaghi ", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Gharehdaghi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neprilysin | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460634", + "session_name": "Estimated plasma volume in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: ACE inhibitors versus angiotensin receptor/neprilysin inhibitor in follow up", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sara Varga", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "General Hospital Dr. Ivo Pedisic", + "Country": "Croatia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Estimated plasma volume in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: ACE inhibitors versus angiotensin receptor/neprilysin inhibitor in follow up", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neprilysin | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sara Varga ", + "kol_full_name": "Sara Varga " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458997", + "session_name": "LA reservoir strain predicts elevated left atrial pressure in patients with Veno-Arterial (VA) extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) support for cardiogenic shock.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarinya Puwanant", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "LA reservoir strain predicts elevated left atrial pressure in patients with Veno-Arterial (VA) extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) support for cardiogenic shock.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarinya Puwanant ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarinya Puwanant " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart-Assist Devices | Proteome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460463", + "session_name": "The implantation of a left ventricular assist device causes changes in the aortic miRNome and proteome - an integrative analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarka Chytilova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The implantation of a left ventricular assist device causes changes in the aortic miRNome and proteome - an integrative analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart-Assist Devices | Proteome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarka Chytilova ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarka Chytilova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peri-aortic Dissection Surgery | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459905", + "session_name": "Acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction during peri-aortic dissection surgery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Saroj Hattakitpanitchakul", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction during peri-aortic dissection surgery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peri-aortic Dissection Surgery | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Saroj Hattakitpanitchakul ", + "kol_full_name": "Saroj Hattakitpanitchakul " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Bentall Procedure | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457971", + "session_name": "Valve-in-valve transcatheter aortic valve replacement in a patient with severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction in previous Bentall procedure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Satej Janorkar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Valve-in-valve transcatheter aortic valve replacement in a patient with severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction in previous Bentall procedure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left | Bentall Procedure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Satej Janorkar ", + "kol_full_name": "Satej Janorkar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459094", + "session_name": "Lipid management among very-high-risk patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Satoshi Shoji", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Duke Clinical Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipid management among very-high-risk patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Satoshi Shoji ", + "kol_full_name": "Satoshi Shoji " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456886", + "session_name": "Is artificial intelligence the solution to imaging conundrums?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Savvas Loizos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hygeia Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Is artificial intelligence the solution to imaging conundrums?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Savvas Loizos ", + "kol_full_name": "Savvas Loizos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Carotid Artery Injuries", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460880", + "session_name": "Investigating lifestyle determinants of carotid intima-media thickness: cross-sectional insights from the UK biobank cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sayan Mitra", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Investigating lifestyle determinants of carotid intima-media thickness: cross-sectional insights from the UK biobank cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carotid Artery Injuries", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sayan Mitra ", + "kol_full_name": "Sayan Mitra " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457806", + "session_name": "Post-operative atrial fibrillation during cardiac rehabilitation: incidence and long-term prognostic value.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sean Rastelli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Post-operative atrial fibrillation during cardiac rehabilitation: incidence and long-term prognostic value.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Rehabilitation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sean Rastelli ", + "kol_full_name": "Sean Rastelli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459959", + "session_name": "The impact of ethnicity on clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sebastian Fox", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of ethnicity on clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sebastian Fox ", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastian Fox " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Influenza, Human | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457909", + "session_name": "The knowledge, attitude and practice of cardiologists versus other specialists about the safety and efficacy of influenza vaccination in patients with cardiovascular diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sebastian Garcia-Zamora", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Delta Clinic", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Santa Fe", + "City": "Rosario", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The knowledge", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " attitude and practice of cardiologists versus other specialists about the safety and efficacy of influenza vaccination in patients with cardiovascular diseases", + "events_topic": "Influenza, Human | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sebastian Garcia-Zamora ", + "kol_full_name": "Sebastian Garcia-Zamora " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456381", + "session_name": "Exercise in heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sekib Sokolovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "ASA Hospital", + "Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "Region": "Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "City": "Sarajevo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exercise in heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sekib Sokolovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Sekib Sokolovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Chronic Total Occlusion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457232", + "session_name": "The last resort during complex retrograde percutaneous in stent coronary chronic total occlusion intervention: externally crush a heavy calcified occluded stent in right coronary artery.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Selcuk Baysal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The last resort during complex retrograde percutaneous in stent coronary chronic total occlusion intervention: externally crush a heavy calcified occluded stent in right coronary artery.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Total Occlusion", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Selcuk Baysal ", + "kol_full_name": "Selcuk Baysal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Depression | Echocardiography | Anxiety", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460664", + "session_name": "Echocardiographic associates of impaired sleep quality in patients with anxiety and depression", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Selcuk Ozturk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kirikkale Yuksek Ihtisas Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Ankara", + "City": "Ankara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Echocardiographic associates of impaired sleep quality in patients with anxiety and depression", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Depression | Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Anxiety", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Selcuk Ozturk ", + "kol_full_name": "Selcuk Ozturk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Wearable Electronic Devices | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459047", + "session_name": "Assessing adherence to remote monitoring recommendations for cardiovascular implantable electronic devices: a retrospective analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sergio Valsecchi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing adherence to remote monitoring recommendations for cardiovascular implantable electronic devices: a retrospective analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Wearable Electronic Devices | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sergio Valsecchi ", + "kol_full_name": "Sergio Valsecchi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459729", + "session_name": "Case 1 - changing the paradigm of reperfusion therapy for STEMI patients: vision from Ukraine", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Serhii Chaichuk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Shypuk National Healthcare University of Ukraine", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1 - changing the paradigm of reperfusion therapy for STEMI patients: vision from Ukraine", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Seyed Hossein Aalaei Andabili ", + "kol_full_name": "Seyed Hossein Aalaei Andabili " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456058", + "session_name": "Specific underlying diseases of heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sh Sung", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Specific underlying diseases of heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sh Sung ", + "kol_full_name": "Sh Sung " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Myocardial Fibrosis | Hypereosinophilic Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457320", + "session_name": "Endomyocardial fibrosis due to hypereosinophilic syndrome mimicking apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shafag Mustafaeva", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Azerbaijan Medical University", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Endomyocardial fibrosis due to hypereosinophilic syndrome mimicking apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Myocardial Fibrosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypereosinophilic Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shafag Mustafaeva ", + "kol_full_name": "Shafag Mustafaeva " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456855", + "session_name": "Biomarkers in acute heart failure: latest findings", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shahana Alasgarli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Yeni Klinika", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Biomarkers in acute heart failure: latest findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shahana Alasgarli ", + "kol_full_name": "Shahana Alasgarli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460776", + "session_name": "Low conduction velocity is a key factor for localisation of reentrant drivers for atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shaheim Ogbomo-Harmitt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Low conduction velocity is a key factor for localisation of reentrant drivers for atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shaheim Ogbomo-Harmitt ", + "kol_full_name": "Shaheim Ogbomo-Harmitt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457872", + "session_name": "Social vulnerability and disparities in incidence of diagnosed diabetes in the united states, 2004 to 2019", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shant Ayanian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Social vulnerability and disparities in incidence of diagnosed diabetes in the united states", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " 2004 to 2019", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shant Ayanian ", + "kol_full_name": "Shant Ayanian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Practice Guidelines As Topic | Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456867", + "session_name": "Guidelines in Practice: a challenging case of endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shantanu Sengupta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: a challenging case of endocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Practice Guidelines As Topic | Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shantanu Sengupta ", + "kol_full_name": "Shantanu Sengupta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458322", + "session_name": "Sex differences in major adverse cardiovascular events-related outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shayan Shojaei", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tehran Heart Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences", + "Country": "Iran", + "Region": "Tehran", + "City": "Tehran", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex differences in major adverse cardiovascular events-related outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shayan Shojaei ", + "kol_full_name": "Shayan Shojaei " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459359", + "session_name": "Predictive models for mortality in cardiogenic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shir Lynn Lim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University Heart Centre", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictive models for mortality in cardiogenic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shir Lynn Lim ", + "kol_full_name": "Shir Lynn Lim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Exome Sequencing | Marfan Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460163", + "session_name": "Exome sequencing identifies a novel FBN1 variant in a Chinese family with Marfan syndrome that includes aberrant right subclavian artery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shitong Huang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exome sequencing identifies a novel FBN1 variant in a Chinese family with Marfan syndrome that includes aberrant right subclavian artery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Exome Sequencing | Marfan Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shitong Huang ", + "kol_full_name": "Shitong Huang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Genetic Markers | Exercise", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458963", + "session_name": "The effect of physical activity on biochemical myocardial markers in patients with CKD 5D", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shovkat Muminov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute", + "Country": "Uzbekistan", + "Region": "Toshkent", + "City": "Tashkent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The effect of physical activity on biochemical myocardial markers in patients with CKD 5D", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Genetic Markers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Exercise", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shovkat Muminov ", + "kol_full_name": "Shovkat Muminov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Random Allocation | Obesity | Hypothyroidism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459586", + "session_name": "Causal link between obesity and the risk of hypothyroidism: a two-sample mendelian randomization study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shuang Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Causal link between obesity and the risk of hypothyroidism: a two-sample mendelian randomization study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Random Allocation | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypothyroidism", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shuang Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Shuang Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "RNA, Long Noncoding | Transcriptome | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457342", + "session_name": "Transcriptome-wide association study discovers functional long non-coding RNAs in coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shuangyue Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transcriptome-wide association study discovers functional long non-coding RNAs in coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "RNA, Long Noncoding | Transcriptome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Artery Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shuangyue Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Shuangyue Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457318", + "session_name": "Rhythm classifier: artificial intelligence for rhythm classification in insertable cardiac monitor", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shubha Majumder", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medtronic, Inc.", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Minneapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rhythm classifier: artificial intelligence for rhythm classification in insertable cardiac monitor", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shubha Majumder ", + "kol_full_name": "Shubha Majumder " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461090", + "session_name": "Bridging guidelines to practice: why patients remain outside of LDL-C goals", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shun Kohsaka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Keio University School of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bridging guidelines to practice: why patients remain outside of LDL-C goals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shun Kohsaka ", + "kol_full_name": "Shun Kohsaka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pacemaker, Artificial | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458854", + "session_name": "Predictor of A4-amplitude using preprocedural electrocardiography in patients with leadless pacemakers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shunsuke Kawatani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Predictor of A4-amplitude using preprocedural electrocardiography in patients with leadless pacemakers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pacemaker, Artificial | Electrocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shunsuke Kawatani ", + "kol_full_name": "Shunsuke Kawatani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension | Vascular Diseases | Angiotensin II", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460284", + "session_name": "Global deficiency in the inflammatory chemokine receptors 1,2,3 and 5 prevents vascular dysfunction in angiotensin II-induced hypertension and selectively modulates aortic myeloid cell phenotype", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shutong Gu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global deficiency in the inflammatory chemokine receptors 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "2,3 and 5 prevents vascular dysfunction in angiotensin II-induced hypertension and selectively modulates aortic myeloid cell phenotype", + "events_topic": "Hypertension | Vascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Angiotensin II", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shutong Gu ", + "kol_full_name": "Shutong Gu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460244", + "session_name": "Development and implementation of a guideline-based decision support system for etiological diagnosis of Sustained Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (SMVT)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Si Zheng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development and implementation of a guideline-based decision support system for etiological diagnosis of Sustained Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (SMVT)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Si Zheng ", + "kol_full_name": "Si Zheng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Factor XI | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "1730538505", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460990", + "session_name": "Long-acting Factor XI Inhibition and Periprocedural Bleeding: A Secondary Analysis from AZALEA-TIMI 71", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Siddharth Patel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Brigham and Women's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-acting Factor XI Inhibition and Periprocedural Bleeding: A Secondary Analysis from AZALEA-TIMI 71", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Factor XI | Hemorrhage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Siddharth Patel ", + "kol_full_name": "Siddharth Patel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Thrombocytopenia | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457533", + "session_name": "Impact of baseline thrombocytopenia on outcomes in hospitalizations for acute coronary syndrome and non-elective percutaneous coronary intervention: meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sidhartha Senapati", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "El Paso", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of baseline thrombocytopenia on outcomes in hospitalizations for acute coronary syndrome and non-elective percutaneous coronary intervention: meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Thrombocytopenia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sidhartha Senapati ", + "kol_full_name": "Sidhartha Senapati " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pleural Effusion | Thoracentesis | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460996", + "session_name": "Thoracentesis to alleviate pleural effusion in acute heart failure: results from the pragmatic, multi-centre, open-label, randomised controlled TAP-IT trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Signe Glargaard", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bispebjerg University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": "Kobenhavn", + "City": "Copenhagen ", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Thoracentesis to alleviate pleural effusion in acute heart failure: results from the pragmatic", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " multi-centre, open-label, randomised controlled TAP-IT trial", + "events_topic": "Pleural Effusion | Thoracentesis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Heart Failure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Signe Glargaard ", + "kol_full_name": "Signe Glargaard " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypotension | Syncope | Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459748", + "session_name": "Detection of hypotension in patients with syncope: combined tilt test and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring strategy in clinical practice.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Silvia Makhoul", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Argentine Society of Cardiology (SAC)", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Detection of hypotension in patients with syncope: combined tilt test and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring strategy in clinical practice.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypotension | Syncope ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Silvia Makhoul ", + "kol_full_name": "Silvia Makhoul " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Disease Management | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456406", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease management in the UK versus other European countries", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Simona Ruxanda Dragan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Medicine and Pharmacy Victor Babes", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Timis", + "City": "Timisoara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease management in the UK versus other European countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Disease Management | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Simona Ruxanda Dragan ", + "kol_full_name": "Simona Ruxanda Dragan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461035", + "session_name": "Physiology-guided complete versus culprit-only PCI in older MI patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Simone Biscaglia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital of Ferrara", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Emilia-Romagna", + "City": "Ferrara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Physiology-guided complete versus culprit-only PCI in older MI patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Simone Biscaglia ", + "kol_full_name": "Simone Biscaglia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombosis | Aneurysm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460753", + "session_name": "Posterior descending coronary artery thrombosis in an adult with diffuse giant coronary artery aneurysms", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sina Bagheri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "UHS Southwest Healthcare MEC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Temecula", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Posterior descending coronary artery thrombosis in an adult with diffuse giant coronary artery aneurysms", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombosis | Aneurysm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sina Bagheri ", + "kol_full_name": "Sina Bagheri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Loop Recorder Implantation | Anxiety", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460648", + "session_name": "Assessing the impact of implantable loop recorder placement on anxiety level", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sina Bakhshaei", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Temecula Valley Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Temecula", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing the impact of implantable loop recorder placement on anxiety level", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Loop Recorder Implantation | Anxiety", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sina Bakhshaei ", + "kol_full_name": "Sina Bakhshaei " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456145", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular disease in the elderly", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sinisa Stojkovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Univesity Clinical center of Serbia", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular disease in the elderly", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sinisa Stojkovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Sinisa Stojkovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458550", + "session_name": "Broken heart with burning feet: tailored care for neurologically complicated cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sirathan INNUPAT", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Broken heart with burning feet: tailored care for neurologically complicated cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sirathan INNUPAT ", + "kol_full_name": "Sirathan INNUPAT " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Gastrointestinal Microbiome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460362", + "session_name": "Milk-derived extracellular vehicles alleviate heart failure with preserved ejection fraction by modulating gut microbiota", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sitong Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Milk-derived extracellular vehicles alleviate heart failure with preserved ejection fraction by modulating gut microbiota", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic | Gastrointestinal Microbiome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sitong Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Sitong Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457888", + "session_name": "The efficacy and safety of thrombolytic therapy for acute pulmonary embolism in patients with active malignant disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Slobodan Obradovic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Military Medical Academy of Belgrade, School of Medicine, University of Defense", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The efficacy and safety of thrombolytic therapy for acute pulmonary embolism in patients with active malignant disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thrombolytic Therapy | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Slobodan Obradovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Slobodan Obradovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Quality Of Life | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460632", + "session_name": "Quality of life in patients with heart failure and improved ejection fraction: one-year follow-up with ARNI and SGLT2i", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Snezana Tadic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Faculty of Medicine of The University of Novi Sad", + "Country": "Serbia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quality of life in patients with heart failure and improved ejection fraction: one-year follow-up with ARNI and SGLT2i", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Quality Of Life | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Snezana Tadic ", + "kol_full_name": "Snezana Tadic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Risk Assessment | Cardiovascular Diseases | Troponin T | Primary Prevention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459830", + "session_name": "Enhancing primary prevention: the incremental predictive value of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T beyond ASCVD risk assessment", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sofia Andraz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Algarve University Hospital Center", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": "Faro", + "City": "Faro", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Enhancing primary prevention: the incremental predictive value of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T beyond ASCVD risk assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Risk Assessment | Cardiovascular Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Troponin T | Primary Prevention", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sofia Andraz ", + "kol_full_name": "Sofia Andraz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460927", + "session_name": "SCORE2 Asia-Pacific risk prediction algorithms: revised models to estimate 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease in the Asia-Pacific Region", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sofian Johar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ripas Hospital", + "Country": "Brunei Darussalam", + "Region": "Brunei and Muara", + "City": "Bandar Seri Begawan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SCORE2 Asia-Pacific risk prediction algorithms: revised models to estimate 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease in the Asia-Pacific Region", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sofian Johar ", + "kol_full_name": "Sofian Johar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Glycemic Control | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459902", + "session_name": "Severe reversible heart graft dysfunction associated with poor glycemic control in a type II diabetic patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sol Kersten", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "CEMIC", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Buenos Aires", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Severe reversible heart graft dysfunction associated with poor glycemic control in a type II diabetic patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Glycemic Control ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sol Kersten ", + "kol_full_name": "Sol Kersten " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458813", + "session_name": "Left ventricular mass index and prognosis of symptomatic severe aortic stenosis in women and men.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Solange Desiree Avakian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto do Coracao FMUSP", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left ventricular mass index and prognosis of symptomatic severe aortic stenosis in women and men.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Solange Desiree Avakian ", + "kol_full_name": "Solange Desiree Avakian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Repair | Transthoracic Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459090", + "session_name": "Establishment and validation of a prediction model for the outcome of rheumatic mitral valve repair surgery based on transthoracic echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Songhao Jia", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Establishment and validation of a prediction model for the outcome of rheumatic mitral valve repair surgery based on transthoracic echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Repair | Transthoracic Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Songhao Jia ", + "kol_full_name": "Songhao Jia " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dyspnea | Neoplasms | Chest Pain", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456597", + "session_name": "Guidelines in Practice: chest pain and dyspnoea in a patient actively treated for cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sonja Salinger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical Center of Nis", + "Country": "Serbia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Guidelines in Practice: chest pain and dyspnoea in a patient actively treated for cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dyspnea | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Chest Pain", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sonja Salinger ", + "kol_full_name": "Sonja Salinger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Ischemia | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459596", + "session_name": "Ventricular tachycardia substrate in a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy: deciphering the structure of a complex circuit", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sophia Alexiou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital of Thessaloniki", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ventricular tachycardia substrate in a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy: deciphering the structure of a complex circuit", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tachycardia, Ventricular | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sophia Alexiou ", + "kol_full_name": "Sophia Alexiou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Ventricular Function | Atrial Function", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460275", + "session_name": "Atrial functional and ventricular functional mitral regurgitation: definitions, epidemiology, and prognostic implications", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sophia Koschatko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial functional and ventricular functional mitral regurgitation: definitions", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " epidemiology, and prognostic implications", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Insufficiency | Ventricular Function ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Function", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sophia Koschatko ", + "kol_full_name": "Sophia Koschatko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Personalised Therapy | Pericardial Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456936", + "session_name": "Personalised therapy for pericardial disease: the right treatment for the right patient", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Soraya Benyoussef", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "F.S.I hospital", + "Country": "Tunisia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Personalised therapy for pericardial disease: the right treatment for the right patient", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Personalised Therapy | Pericardial Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Soraya Benyoussef ", + "kol_full_name": "Soraya Benyoussef " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460306", + "session_name": "Coronary stent edge segments as determinant of clinical outcomes: An OCTOBER Trial Substudy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Soren-Haldur Bulow Rasmussen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary stent edge segments as determinant of clinical outcomes: An OCTOBER Trial Substudy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stents", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Soren-Haldur Bulow Rasmussen ", + "kol_full_name": "Soren-Haldur Bulow Rasmussen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Intracardiac Echocardiography | Atrial Appendage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460178", + "session_name": "Analysis of the left atrial appendage function by intracardiac echocardiography in patients with atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sorin Pop", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinical County hospital Cluj Napoca", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Analysis of the left atrial appendage function by intracardiac echocardiography in patients with atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Intracardiac Echocardiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Appendage", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sorin Pop ", + "kol_full_name": "Sorin Pop " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Digital Health | Ablation Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458241", + "session_name": "Digital health in the EP lab: routine implementation of remote access and technical support for complex ablation procedures", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sorin Stefan Popescu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Digital health in the EP lab: routine implementation of remote access and technical support for complex ablation procedures", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Digital Health | Ablation Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sorin Stefan Popescu ", + "kol_full_name": "Sorin Stefan Popescu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461088", + "session_name": "London calling - the trainee challenge - case presenters", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sotiria Liori", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "London calling - the trainee challenge - case presenters", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sotiria Liori ", + "kol_full_name": "Sotiria Liori " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Triglycerides | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458521", + "session_name": "The Triglycerides - Glucose Index: An independent predictor of late subclinical cardiotoxicity in adult survivors of childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Souhila Ouabdesselam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Mustapha", + "Country": "Algeria", + "Region": "Alger", + "City": "Algiers", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Triglycerides - Glucose Index: An independent predictor of late subclinical cardiotoxicity in adult survivors of childhood", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " adolescent and young adult cancer", + "events_topic": "Triglycerides | Cardiotoxicity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Souhila Ouabdesselam ", + "kol_full_name": "Souhila Ouabdesselam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dapagliflozin | Cardiotoxicity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458156", + "session_name": "The potential protective effect of dapagliflozin on the development of cardiotoxicity in cancer patients after one year of observation.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Spyridon Maragkoudakis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "General Hospital St. George", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Khania", + "City": "Chania", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The potential protective effect of dapagliflozin on the development of cardiotoxicity in cancer patients after one year of observation.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dapagliflozin | Cardiotoxicity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Spyridon Maragkoudakis ", + "kol_full_name": "Spyridon Maragkoudakis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459997", + "session_name": "Noninvasive identification of ANOCA endotypes by stepwise, multi-stress, multi-marker stress echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Srdjan Dedic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Belgrade", + "Country": "Yugoslavia", + "Region": "Srbija (Serbia)", + "City": "Belgrade", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Noninvasive identification of ANOCA endotypes by stepwise", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " multi-stress, multi-marker stress echocardiography", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Srdjan Dedic ", + "kol_full_name": "Srdjan Dedic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheter-Based Therapies | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457886", + "session_name": "Mitigating health disparities by improving access to catheter-based therapies for vulnerable patients with acute pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sripal Bangalore", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "New York University Langone Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mitigating health disparities by improving access to catheter-based therapies for vulnerable patients with acute pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheter-Based Therapies | Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sripal Bangalore ", + "kol_full_name": "Sripal Bangalore " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460726", + "session_name": "Interventional treatment of patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy: the immediate and long-term results", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stanislav Fanta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Misto Kyyiv", + "City": "Kiev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interventional treatment of patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy: the immediate and long-term results", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stanislav Fanta ", + "kol_full_name": "Stanislav Fanta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemorrhage | Clopidogrel | Prasugrel Hydrochloride | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457481", + "session_name": "Comparative discontinuation and non-bleeding side effects of Clopidogrel, Prasugrel and Ticagrelor in patients with acute coronary syndromes; a Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stav Yanko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative discontinuation and non-bleeding side effects of Clopidogrel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Prasugrel and Ticagrelor in patients with acute coronary syndromes; a Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials", + "events_topic": "Hemorrhage | Clopidogrel ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Prasugrel Hydrochloride | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stav Yanko ", + "kol_full_name": "Stav Yanko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Liver Fibrosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458538", + "session_name": "A direct comparison of non-invasive blood markers of liver fibrosis as associates of cardiovascular risk. The Athens cardiometabolic registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stavros Athanasopoulos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A direct comparison of non-invasive blood markers of liver fibrosis as associates of cardiovascular risk. The Athens cardiometabolic registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Liver Fibrosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stavros Athanasopoulos ", + "kol_full_name": "Stavros Athanasopoulos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Cardiac Conduction System Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456823", + "session_name": "Conduction system and leadless pacing: new kids in town", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stavroula Psychari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Nikea General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Conduction system and leadless pacing: new kids in town", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Pacing, Artificial | Cardiac Conduction System Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stavroula Psychari ", + "kol_full_name": "Stavroula Psychari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461030", + "session_name": "Achieving immediate impact in acute PE with a lytic-free and bloodless approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stefan Stadler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Regensburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Bayern", + "City": "Regensburg", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Achieving immediate impact in acute PE with a lytic-free and bloodless approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stefan Stadler ", + "kol_full_name": "Stefan Stadler " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459317", + "session_name": "Strategic approaches to mitigate complications in infective endocarditis: a comprehensive inquiry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stefania-Teodora Duca", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Saint Spiridon County Hospital", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Iasi", + "City": "Iasi", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Strategic approaches to mitigate complications in infective endocarditis: a comprehensive inquiry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stefania-Teodora Duca ", + "kol_full_name": "Stefania-Teodora Duca " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Secondary Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458216", + "session_name": "How do I get patients to secondary care lipid targets?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stefano Nistri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How do I get patients to secondary care lipid targets?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Secondary Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stefano Nistri ", + "kol_full_name": "Stefano Nistri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460006", + "session_name": "Pericardial adipose tissue (PAT) as a cell model to assess patient responsiveness to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicopentaenoic acid (EPA)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stefano Quarta", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pericardial adipose tissue (PAT) as a cell model to assess patient responsiveness to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicopentaenoic acid (EPA)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stefano Quarta ", + "kol_full_name": "Stefano Quarta " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Drug Combinations | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460994", + "session_name": "QUADRO - A single 4-drug combination in hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stefano Taddei", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Pisa", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Toscana", + "City": "Pisa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "QUADRO - A single 4-drug combination in hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Combinations | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stefano Taddei ", + "kol_full_name": "Stefano Taddei " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459619", + "session_name": "Double valve infective endocarditis in a patient with first diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stella-Maria Angelopoulou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "AHEPA University General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Thessaloniki", + "City": "Thessaloniki", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Double valve infective endocarditis in a patient with first diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stella-Maria Angelopoulou ", + "kol_full_name": "Stella-Maria Angelopoulou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "VSIG4 Protein, Human | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460288", + "session_name": "VSIG4 inhibits the anti-inflammatory reaction of immune cells after cardiogenic shock", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephan Erbe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "VSIG4 inhibits the anti-inflammatory reaction of immune cells after cardiogenic shock", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "VSIG4 Protein, Human | Shock, Cardiogenic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephan Erbe ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephan Erbe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460623", + "session_name": "AFFECT-HCM: quality of life and costs in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephan Schoonvelde", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AFFECT-HCM: quality of life and costs in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephan Schoonvelde ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephan Schoonvelde " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Menopause", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457288", + "session_name": "Lipid changes across menopause status point to increased cardiovascular risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephanie Moreno", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipid changes across menopause status point to increased cardiovascular risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Disease Risk Factors | Menopause", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephanie Moreno ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephanie Moreno " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Interleukin-6 | Lipoprotein(a) | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460414", + "session_name": "Interleukin-6 signalling, lipoprotein (a) lowering and cardiovascular disease: a mendelian randomisation study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephen Brennan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Misericordiae University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Dublin", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interleukin-6 signalling", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " lipoprotein (a) lowering and cardiovascular disease: a mendelian randomisation study", + "events_topic": "Interleukin-6 | Lipoprotein(a) ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephen Brennan ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen Brennan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Catheters | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459570", + "session_name": "Automated non-invasive quantification of myocardial work using 3D echocardiography and validation with invasive catheter measurements", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephen Creamer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Automated non-invasive quantification of myocardial work using 3D echocardiography and validation with invasive catheter measurements", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Catheters | Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephen Creamer ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen Creamer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459667", + "session_name": "Extravascular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (EV-ICD): implant procedure, programming & follow-up", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephen John Allen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extravascular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (EV-ICD): implant procedure", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " programming & follow-up", + "events_topic": "Defibrillators, Implantable", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephen John Allen ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen John Allen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458159", + "session_name": "Identification and optimisation of a risk stratified cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes through the delivery of a enhanced pharmacist-led service", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephen Mcbrien", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification and optimisation of a risk stratified cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes through the delivery of a enhanced pharmacist-led service", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stephen Mcbrien ", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen Mcbrien " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neuronal Pnn Deficiency | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460259", + "session_name": "Pnn deficiency alters expressions of calcium handling proteins and impairs nuclear envelope structure in cardiomyocytes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Steve Leu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Kaohsiung", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pnn deficiency alters expressions of calcium handling proteins and impairs nuclear envelope structure in cardiomyocytes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuronal Pnn Deficiency | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Steve Leu ", + "kol_full_name": "Steve Leu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457170", + "session_name": "Patient engagement in pulmonary embolism research: Insights form the Attend-PE study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stine Foged Lindegaard", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient engagement in pulmonary embolism research: Insights form the Attend-PE study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stine Foged Lindegaard ", + "kol_full_name": "Stine Foged Lindegaard " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460970", + "session_name": "Discussant review - CRABL-HF", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stylianos Tzeis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mitera Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussant review - CRABL-HF", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Stylianos Tzeis ", + "kol_full_name": "Stylianos Tzeis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripheral Arterial Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458451", + "session_name": "National dispensing of evidence-based treatment for New Zealand patients before and after peripheral arterial or percutaneous coronary procedures; undertreatment in plain sight.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sue Wells", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The University of Auckland", + "Country": "New Zealand", + "Region": "Auckland", + "City": "Auckland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "National dispensing of evidence-based treatment for New Zealand patients before and after peripheral arterial or percutaneous coronary procedures; undertreatment in plain sight.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peripheral Arterial Disease | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sue Wells ", + "kol_full_name": "Sue Wells " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ceramides | Atherosclerosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458117", + "session_name": "Inhibition of ceramide de novo synthesis mitigates atherosclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suet Yen Chong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inhibition of ceramide de novo synthesis mitigates atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ceramides | Atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suet Yen Chong ", + "kol_full_name": "Suet Yen Chong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dapagliflozin | Sacubitril | Valsartan", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459333", + "session_name": "Effect of sacubitril/valsartan and dapagliflozin on athletic performance; can the popular cardiac medications of recent years be used as doping agents?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suha Asal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "GATA Haydarpasa Hospital", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": "Istanbul", + "City": "Istanbul", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of sacubitril/valsartan and dapagliflozin on athletic performance; can the popular cardiac medications of recent years be used as doping agents?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dapagliflozin | Sacubitril ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Valsartan", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suha Asal ", + "kol_full_name": "Suha Asal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Heart Valve Diseases | Antiphospholipid Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457595", + "session_name": "Increased risk of stroke in non-rheumatic valvular disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS): a US nationwide study 2017-2019", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sujana Sanka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Brooklyn Hospital Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Brooklyn", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Increased risk of stroke in non-rheumatic valvular disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS): a US nationwide study 2017-2019", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Heart Valve Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antiphospholipid Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sujana Sanka ", + "kol_full_name": "Sujana Sanka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Endocarditis | Thrombectomy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459319", + "session_name": "Percutaneous thrombectomy assisted lead extraction: successful diagnosis and cure in a case of culture negative endocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sujoy Khasnavis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Montefiore Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Bronx", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Percutaneous thrombectomy assisted lead extraction: successful diagnosis and cure in a case of culture negative endocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endocarditis | Thrombectomy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sujoy Khasnavis ", + "kol_full_name": "Sujoy Khasnavis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Transesophageal | Aortic Dissection", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460401", + "session_name": "Utility of transesophageal echocardiography in suspected aortic dissection", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sumer Moussa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Stony Brook University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Stony Brook", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Utility of transesophageal echocardiography in suspected aortic dissection", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Transesophageal | Aortic Dissection", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sumer Moussa ", + "kol_full_name": "Sumer Moussa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sirtuin 3 | Sumoylation | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459600", + "session_name": "Role of sumoylation modification of sirtuin 3 in hypertension-associated", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sun Runmin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of sumoylation modification of sirtuin 3 in hypertension-associated", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sirtuin 3 | Sumoylation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertension", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sun Runmin ", + "kol_full_name": "Sun Runmin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Particulate Matter | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461003", + "session_name": "Black carbon: a novel indicator of the risk of acute myocardial infarction associated with short-term exposure to fine particulate matter", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sunao Kojima", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sakurajyuji Yatsushiro Rehabilitation Hospital", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Fukuoka", + "City": "Kitakyushu", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Black carbon: a novel indicator of the risk of acute myocardial infarction associated with short-term exposure to fine particulate matter", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Particulate Matter | Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sunao Kojima ", + "kol_full_name": "Sunao Kojima " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458217", + "session_name": "How can I use lifestyle medicine to change patient behaviour?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sundhya Raman", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "How can I use lifestyle medicine to change patient behaviour?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sundhya Raman ", + "kol_full_name": "Sundhya Raman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy | Inflammation | Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459262", + "session_name": "A matter of inflammation: CAR T-cell therapy and atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sunnia Chen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic Hospital-Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A matter of inflammation: CAR T-cell therapy and atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy | Inflammation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sunnia Chen ", + "kol_full_name": "Sunnia Chen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456688", + "session_name": "Unresolved questions in TAVI: stroke protection and left ventricular structure and function", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suphot Srimahachota", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unresolved questions in TAVI: stroke protection and left ventricular structure and function", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suphot Srimahachota ", + "kol_full_name": "Suphot Srimahachota " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Transesophageal | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457146", + "session_name": "Three-dimensional transthoracic vs transesophageal echocardiography vs computed tomography angiography aorta for aortic annular diameter measurement for TAVI in our hospital", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suppavich Kieattisaksopon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Siriraj Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Three-dimensional transthoracic vs transesophageal echocardiography vs computed tomography angiography aorta for aortic annular diameter measurement for TAVI in our hospital", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Transesophageal | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Computed Tomography Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suppavich Kieattisaksopon ", + "kol_full_name": "Suppavich Kieattisaksopon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458878", + "session_name": "Mortality rate of percutaneous coronary interventions in st-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients under the public health insurance schemes of thailand", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suppavit Chumsantivut", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mortality rate of percutaneous coronary interventions in st-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients under the public health insurance schemes of thailand", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suppavit Chumsantivut ", + "kol_full_name": "Suppavit Chumsantivut " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Semaglutide | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460866", + "session_name": "Cost-effectiveness of semaglutide for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in the United States", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Susan Hennessy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of California at San Francisco", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cost-effectiveness of semaglutide for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in the United States", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Semaglutide | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Susan Hennessy ", + "kol_full_name": "Susan Hennessy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Obesity | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458991", + "session_name": "Do obese patients undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation have a higher mortality ? a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Susimar Picado-Loaiza", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Mexico", + "Country": "Costa Rica", + "Region": "San Jose", + "City": "San Jose", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Do obese patients undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation have a higher mortality ? a systematic review and meta-analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Obesity ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Susimar Picado-Loaiza ", + "kol_full_name": "Susimar Picado-Loaiza " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heparin | Metabolism Disorders", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460116", + "session_name": "Heparin does not improve myocardial glucose metabolism suppression in patients with low betahydroxybutyrate level", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suvi Hartikainen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Eastern Finland", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Ita-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Kuopio", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heparin does not improve myocardial glucose metabolism suppression in patients with low betahydroxybutyrate level", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heparin | Metabolism Disorders", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suvi Hartikainen ", + "kol_full_name": "Suvi Hartikainen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dyslipidemias", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456780", + "session_name": "Dyslipidaemias", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Svetlana Liliana Mosteoru", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute of Cardiovascular and Heart Diseases of Timisoara", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Timis", + "City": "Timisoara", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dyslipidaemias", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dyslipidemias", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Svetlana Liliana Mosteoru ", + "kol_full_name": "Svetlana Liliana Mosteoru " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Complications | Acute Kidney Injury | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459616", + "session_name": "SGLT2-'eyes' on the reno-protection prize: reduction of post-PCI contrast-associated AKI in diabetic patients using SGLT2 inhibitors", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Syed Nabeel Hyder", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Michigan Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Ann Arbor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "SGLT2-'eyes' on the reno-protection prize: reduction of post-PCI contrast-associated AKI in diabetic patients using SGLT2 inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Complications | Acute Kidney Injury ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Syed Nabeel Hyder ", + "kol_full_name": "Syed Nabeel Hyder " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460180", + "session_name": "Exploring LGE areas in the atria: Insights from electroanatomical voltage mapping in AF patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Syed Yusuf Ali", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Exploring LGE areas in the atria: Insights from electroanatomical voltage mapping in AF patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Syed Yusuf Ali ", + "kol_full_name": "Syed Yusuf Ali " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Dyslipidemias | Machine Learning", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458318", + "session_name": "A novel classification of dyslipidaemia through the analysis of five million lipid profiles: an unsupervised machine learning approach", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Syedah Aleena Haider", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Galway University Hospital", + "Country": "Ireland", + "Region": "Galway", + "City": "Galway", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A novel classification of dyslipidaemia through the analysis of five million lipid profiles: an unsupervised machine learning approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dyslipidemias | Machine Learning", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Syedah Aleena Haider ", + "kol_full_name": "Syedah Aleena Haider " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Abscess | Atrioventricular Block", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459462", + "session_name": "An extremely rare case of aorto-mitral curtain abscess presenting with complete AV block progressing to a commando operation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Syharn Lian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cheng Kung University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Tainan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An extremely rare case of aorto-mitral curtain abscess presenting with complete AV block progressing to a commando operation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Abscess | Atrioventricular Block", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Syharn Lian ", + "kol_full_name": "Syharn Lian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459380", + "session_name": "Comparative analysis of muscle sympathetic nerve activity in patients afflicted with orthostatic hypertension versus conventional hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tadayuki Hirai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparative analysis of muscle sympathetic nerve activity in patients afflicted with orthostatic hypertension versus conventional hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tadayuki Hirai ", + "kol_full_name": "Tadayuki Hirai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460332", + "session_name": "Obesity paradox exists in super elderly patients with heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Takahiro Tachibana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Obesity paradox exists in super elderly patients with heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Takahiro Tachibana ", + "kol_full_name": "Takahiro Tachibana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459368", + "session_name": "Relationship of cumulative low-density lipoprotein cholesterol with atherosclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Takayuki Yamaji", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationship of cumulative low-density lipoprotein cholesterol with atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Takayuki Yamaji ", + "kol_full_name": "Takayuki Yamaji " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma | Thromboembolism | Pulmonary Embolism", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460396", + "session_name": "Successful surgical treatment of pulmonary artery intimal sarcoma mimicking pulmonary thromboembolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Takuto Sasaki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Successful surgical treatment of pulmonary artery intimal sarcoma mimicking pulmonary thromboembolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma | Thromboembolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pulmonary Embolism", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Takuto Sasaki ", + "kol_full_name": "Takuto Sasaki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456202", + "session_name": "Obesity in heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tanya Padilla Molina", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Metropolitan Hospital of Quito", + "Country": "Ecuador", + "Region": "Pichincha", + "City": "Quito", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Obesity in heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tanya Padilla Molina ", + "kol_full_name": "Tanya Padilla Molina " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Intensive Care Units", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459322", + "session_name": "Young patients in the cardiac intensive care unit: insights from the critical care cardiology trials network registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tanya Sharma", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Westchester Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Valhalla", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Young patients in the cardiac intensive care unit: insights from the critical care cardiology trials network registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Intensive Care Units", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tanya Sharma ", + "kol_full_name": "Tanya Sharma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459268", + "session_name": "Takotsubo syndrome induced oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in left ventricle of rat model: association with NADPH oxidases/SGLT2 pro- oxidant pathway", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Taraneh Tatarcheh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Takotsubo syndrome induced oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in left ventricle of rat model: association with NADPH oxidases/SGLT2 pro- oxidant pathway", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Taraneh Tatarcheh ", + "kol_full_name": "Taraneh Tatarcheh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Metabolic Syndrome | Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460795", + "session_name": "Control of arterial hypertension in the context of metabolically-associated disease: challenges and opportunities in Ukraine", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Taras Chendey", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Transcarpathian Regional Cardiology Center", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Zakarpats'ka Oblast'", + "City": "Uzhgorod", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Control of arterial hypertension in the context of metabolically-associated disease: challenges and opportunities in Ukraine", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Metabolic Syndrome | Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Taras Chendey ", + "kol_full_name": "Taras Chendey " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455950", + "session_name": "The interplay between atrial fibrillation and heart failure: implications for clinicians", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tatevik Hovakimyan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Nork Marash Medical Center", + "Country": "Armenia", + "Region": "Yerevan", + "City": "Yerevan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The interplay between atrial fibrillation and heart failure: implications for clinicians", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tatiana Palotta Minari ", + "kol_full_name": "Tatiana Palotta Minari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices Infection | Anti-Bacterial Agents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457077", + "session_name": "The influence of prolonged antibiotic treatment before lead extraction procedures on the outcomes of device reimplantation in cardiac implantable electronic device infections", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tatiana Pavlenko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Centro Hospitalar Universitario de Lisboa Central, E.P.E.", + "Country": "Portugal", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The influence of prolonged antibiotic treatment before lead extraction procedures on the outcomes of device reimplantation in cardiac implantable electronic device infections", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices Infection | Anti-Bacterial Agents", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tatiana Pavlenko ", + "kol_full_name": "Tatiana Pavlenko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457488", + "session_name": "Clinical Case Management: impact of comorbidities on personalised care for hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tazeen Jafar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Clinical Case Management: impact of comorbidities on personalised care for hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tazeen Jafar ", + "kol_full_name": "Tazeen Jafar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458373", + "session_name": "The correlation between cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography in patients with severe ischaemic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tesfamariam Betemariam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Black Lion Hospital, Addis Ababa", + "Country": "Ethiopia", + "Region": "Addis Ababa", + "City": "Addis Ababa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The correlation between cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography in patients with severe ischaemic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tesfamariam Betemariam ", + "kol_full_name": "Tesfamariam Betemariam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457901", + "session_name": "The impact of a cardio-geriatric integrated care on mortality and readmissions in older patients with Heart Failure. Results of a quasi-experimental study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tessa Mazzarone", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of a cardio-geriatric integrated care on mortality and readmissions in older patients with Heart Failure. Results of a quasi-experimental study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mortality | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tessa Mazzarone ", + "kol_full_name": "Tessa Mazzarone " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Heart Failure | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460174", + "session_name": "Proteomic biomarkers and biological mechanisms associated with atrial fibrillation in heart failure patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Teun B. Petersen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Proteomic biomarkers and biological mechanisms associated with atrial fibrillation in heart failure patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Teun B. Petersen ", + "kol_full_name": "Teun B. Petersen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic | Pulse Wave Analysis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460314", + "session_name": "Estimated aortic pulse wave velocity predicts adverse events in females with thoracic aortic aneurysms", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thais Coutinho", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Estimated aortic pulse wave velocity predicts adverse events in females with thoracic aortic aneurysms", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic | Pulse Wave Analysis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thais Coutinho ", + "kol_full_name": "Thais Coutinho " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Left Ventricular Thrombus | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460295", + "session_name": "Prevalence and clinical significance of left ventricular thrombus discovered by pathological examination in explanted hearts of patients with end-stage cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thamonwan Osotthanakorn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence and clinical significance of left ventricular thrombus discovered by pathological examination in explanted hearts of patients with end-stage cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Left Ventricular Thrombus | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thamonwan Osotthanakorn ", + "kol_full_name": "Thamonwan Osotthanakorn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Fabry Disease | Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458502", + "session_name": "Imaging predictors of adverse prognosis in fabry disease cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thanakorn Rojanathagoon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging predictors of adverse prognosis in fabry disease cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fabry Disease | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiomyopathies", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thanakorn Rojanathagoon ", + "kol_full_name": "Thanakorn Rojanathagoon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Kidney Failure, Chronic | Renal Replacement Therapy | In-Stent Restenosis | Drug-Eluting Stents", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459895", + "session_name": "The risk factors for in-stent restenosis following drug-eluting stent implantation in end-stage renal disease patients receiving renal replacement therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thanaphruet Issarawattana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The risk factors for in-stent restenosis following drug-eluting stent implantation in end-stage renal disease patients receiving renal replacement therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Kidney Failure, Chronic | Renal Replacement Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " In-Stent Restenosis | Drug-Eluting Stents", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thanaphruet Issarawattana ", + "kol_full_name": "Thanaphruet Issarawattana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis, Tuberculous | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459230", + "session_name": "The hidden mimic: tuberculous pericarditis unraveling as heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thanatcha Lertnimittham", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The hidden mimic: tuberculous pericarditis unraveling as heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis, Tuberculous | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thanatcha Lertnimittham ", + "kol_full_name": "Thanatcha Lertnimittham " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Troponin T", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457309", + "session_name": "The prognostic utility of troponin T levels in patients undergoing PCI during initial hospitalisation for STEMI", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tharusha Ediriweera", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The prognostic utility of troponin T levels in patients undergoing PCI during initial hospitalisation for STEMI", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Troponin T", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tharusha Ediriweera ", + "kol_full_name": "Tharusha Ediriweera " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Coronary Vasospasm", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456734", + "session_name": "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection, Takotsubo syndrome, and coronary vasospasm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Theodora Benedek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "George Emil Palade University of Medicine and Pharmacy", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": "Mures", + "City": "Tirgu Mures", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Takotsubo syndrome, and coronary vasospasm", + "events_topic": "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy | Coronary Vasospasm", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Theodora Benedek ", + "kol_full_name": "Theodora Benedek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459742", + "session_name": "Case 1 - medical therapy in acute heart failure: vision from Cyprus", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Theodoros Christodoulides", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Case 1 - medical therapy in acute heart failure: vision from Cyprus", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Theodoros Christodoulides ", + "kol_full_name": "Theodoros Christodoulides " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460196", + "session_name": "Treadmill exercise test as a screening tool in the development of hypertension", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Theodoros Kalos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hippokration General Hospital", + "Country": "Greece", + "Region": "Attiki", + "City": "Athens", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treadmill exercise test as a screening tool in the development of hypertension", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Theodoros Kalos ", + "kol_full_name": "Theodoros Kalos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460867", + "session_name": "Implementing dynamic atrioventricular delay optimization for cardiac resynchronization therapy: an economic analysis in the EU5 countries.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thiemo Kellmann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implementing dynamic atrioventricular delay optimization for cardiac resynchronization therapy: an economic analysis in the EU5 countries.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thiemo Kellmann ", + "kol_full_name": "Thiemo Kellmann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Aneurysm, False", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457810", + "session_name": "A devil in disguise : gigantic aortic pseudoaneurysm presenting with inferior wall st-elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thitikorn Kittiboonya", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A devil in disguise : gigantic aortic pseudoaneurysm presenting with inferior wall st-elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Aneurysm, False", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thitikorn Kittiboonya ", + "kol_full_name": "Thitikorn Kittiboonya " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458898", + "session_name": "Real-world evidence for patient phenotypes in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thomas Mondritzki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Bayer AG", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", + "City": "Wuppertal", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-world evidence for patient phenotypes in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure, Diastolic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thomas Mondritzki ", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Mondritzki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator | Myocardial Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458354", + "session_name": "The cardioprotective potential of soluble urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR) in myocardial ischemia.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Thomas Pirker", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The cardioprotective potential of soluble urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR) in myocardial ischemia.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator | Myocardial Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thomas Pirker ", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas Pirker " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456006", + "session_name": "Applying digital health to valvular heart disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tiago Bignoto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Applying digital health to valvular heart disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Valve Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tiago Bignoto ", + "kol_full_name": "Tiago Bignoto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Plaque | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460627", + "session_name": "Association of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor with regression of coronary plaque burden", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tianhao Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor with regression of coronary plaque burden", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Plaque | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tianhao Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Tianhao Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460500", + "session_name": "Comparison of the predicting value for incident cardiovascular events by vascular age based on brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity or carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tianhui Dong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison of the predicting value for incident cardiovascular events by vascular age based on brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity or carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tianhui Dong ", + "kol_full_name": "Tianhui Dong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458248", + "session_name": "Polygenic prediction of coronary artery disease among 130,000 Mexican adults", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tianshu Liu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Polygenic prediction of coronary artery disease among 130", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "000 Mexican adults", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tianshu Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Tianshu Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aneurysm, False | Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer | Aorta, Thoracic | Atherosclerosis | Pericardial Effusion", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457812", + "session_name": "Hemorrhagic pericardial effusion after removal of pericardial drain in penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer of the ascending aorta with pseudoaneurysm", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tibor Poruban", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "East-Slovak Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases", + "Country": "Slovakia", + "Region": "Kosicky", + "City": "Kosice", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hemorrhagic pericardial effusion after removal of pericardial drain in penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer of the ascending aorta with pseudoaneurysm", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aneurysm, False | Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Aorta, Thoracic | Atherosclerosis | Pericardial Effusion", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tibor Poruban ", + "kol_full_name": "Tibor Poruban " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Transplantation | Allografts", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460204", + "session_name": "Donor-derived cell-free DNA versus left ventricular global longitudinal strain in noninvasive detection of heart allograft injury", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Timea Teszak", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Donor-derived cell-free DNA versus left ventricular global longitudinal strain in noninvasive detection of heart allograft injury", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Transplantation | Allografts", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Timea Teszak ", + "kol_full_name": "Timea Teszak " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sphingolipids | Aortic Valve Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460316", + "session_name": "Targeting an altered sphingolipid profile with consecutive lipotoxicity as therapeutic approach to calcific aortic valve disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Timo Rusack", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Targeting an altered sphingolipid profile with consecutive lipotoxicity as therapeutic approach to calcific aortic valve disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sphingolipids | Aortic Valve Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Timo Rusack ", + "kol_full_name": "Timo Rusack " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456842", + "session_name": "Cardiac amyloidosis: diagnosis and outcomes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tiziana Felice", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mater Dei Hospital of Malta", + "Country": "Malta", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac amyloidosis: diagnosis and outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tiziana Felice ", + "kol_full_name": "Tiziana Felice " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459391", + "session_name": "Routine application of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with suspected myocarditis from immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tobias Lerchner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Routine application of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with suspected myocarditis from immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tobias Lerchner ", + "kol_full_name": "Tobias Lerchner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460794", + "session_name": "Trend in the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension among adult over in Nigeria over a 4-year period", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tolulope Taiwo Shogade", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Uyo Teaching Hospital", + "Country": "Nigeria", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trend in the prevalence", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " awareness, treatment and control of hypertension among adult over in Nigeria over a 4-year period", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tolulope Taiwo Shogade ", + "kol_full_name": "Tolulope Taiwo Shogade " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459795", + "session_name": "Validation of chest-belt ECG evaluation using artificial intelligence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tomas Skala", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Hospital Olomouc", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Olomoucky Kraj", + "City": "Olomouc", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Validation of chest-belt ECG evaluation using artificial intelligence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electrocardiography | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tomas Skala ", + "kol_full_name": "Tomas Skala " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459821", + "session_name": "Causal association between visceral fat and coronary artery disease: a large-scale mendelian randomization analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tomaso Leonardo Porcheddu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Causal association between visceral fat and coronary artery disease: a large-scale mendelian randomization analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tomaso Leonardo Porcheddu ", + "kol_full_name": "Tomaso Leonardo Porcheddu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455941", + "session_name": "New imaging insights into hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tomaz Podlesnikar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New imaging insights into hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tomaz Podlesnikar ", + "kol_full_name": "Tomaz Podlesnikar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459924", + "session_name": "The protective role of Baz2b ablation in aging-related heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tongtong Zang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The protective role of Baz2b ablation in aging-related heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tongtong Zang ", + "kol_full_name": "Tongtong Zang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459722", + "session_name": "Call to action: how to improve quality of care and outcomes for patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases and co-morbid conditions and cancer in Azerbaijan", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tora Sadigova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Azerbaijan Medical University", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Call to action: how to improve quality of care and outcomes for patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases and co-morbid conditions and cancer in Azerbaijan", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tora Sadigova ", + "kol_full_name": "Tora Sadigova " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Embolism | Mortality", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457673", + "session_name": "Evaluation of naples prognostic score to predict long-term mortality in patients with pulmonary embolism", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tugba Cetin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of naples prognostic score to predict long-term mortality in patients with pulmonary embolism", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Embolism | Mortality", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tugba Cetin ", + "kol_full_name": "Tugba Cetin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457517", + "session_name": "Cardiac troponin fragmentation in marathon runners. The MaraCat2 study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tuomas Aleksi Paana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Turku University Hospital", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac troponin fragmentation in marathon runners. The MaraCat2 study.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Troponin", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tuomas Aleksi Paana ", + "kol_full_name": "Tuomas Aleksi Paana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456600", + "session_name": "Complex or complicated? challenges of percutaneous coronary interventions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tuomas Kiviniemi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Turku", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Lansi-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Turku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complex or complicated? challenges of percutaneous coronary interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tuomas Kiviniemi ", + "kol_full_name": "Tuomas Kiviniemi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Monitors | Athletes", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457511", + "session_name": "Symptoms and atrial fibrillation burden measured by an insertable cardiac monitor in endurance athletes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Turid Apelland", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Symptoms and atrial fibrillation burden measured by an insertable cardiac monitor in endurance athletes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation | Cardiac Monitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Athletes", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Turid Apelland ", + "kol_full_name": "Turid Apelland " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456465", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular health: from treatment strategies to lifestyle adherence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tuula Anneli Meinander", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Regional State Administrative Agency", + "Country": "Finland", + "Region": "Etela-Suomen Laani", + "City": "Tampere", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular health: from treatment strategies to lifestyle adherence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tuula Anneli Meinander ", + "kol_full_name": "Tuula Anneli Meinander " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Cell-Free Nucleic Acids", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458466", + "session_name": "Circulating nucleases degrade high-molecular-weight cell-free DNA in coronary vessels during acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tyler Artner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Circulating nucleases degrade high-molecular-weight cell-free DNA in coronary vessels during acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Cell-Free Nucleic Acids", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Tyler Artner ", + "kol_full_name": "Tyler Artner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Kidney Failure, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459906", + "session_name": "Cardiac surgery in a patient with end-stage renal disease due to rheumatological comorbidities a severe impairment of heart function in a non-cardiac specialized center", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ulises Salas Rodriguez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": "Distrito Federal", + "City": "Mexico", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac surgery in a patient with end-stage renal disease due to rheumatological comorbidities a severe impairment of heart function in a non-cardiac specialized center", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Surgical Procedures | Kidney Failure, Chronic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ulises Salas Rodriguez ", + "kol_full_name": "Ulises Salas Rodriguez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461005", + "session_name": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ulrike Schatz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Centre Dresden Technical University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Sachsen", + "City": "Dresden", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ulrike Schatz ", + "kol_full_name": "Ulrike Schatz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458048", + "session_name": "Relationship between coronary atherosclerotic lesion and arterial stiffness in patients with coronary artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ulugbek Nizamov", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center Of Cardiology", + "Country": "Uzbekistan", + "Region": "Toshkent", + "City": "Tashkent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationship between coronary atherosclerotic lesion and arterial stiffness in patients with coronary artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ulugbek Nizamov ", + "kol_full_name": "Ulugbek Nizamov " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456668", + "session_name": "Making progress in cardiovascular care for oncology patients in Latvia and Azerbaijan", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ulvi Mirzoyev", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ege Hospital", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Making progress in cardiovascular care for oncology patients in Latvia and Azerbaijan", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Valerie Drost ", + "kol_full_name": "Valerie Drost " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | Drug-Eluting Stents | Everolimus", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461023", + "session_name": "Complex All-comers and Patients With Diabetes or Prediabetes, Treated With Xience Sierra Everolimus-eluting Stents", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Van Vliet Daphne", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Thorax Centre in Medisch Spectrum Twente (MST)", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Overijssel", + "City": "Enschede", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Complex All-comers and Patients With Diabetes or Prediabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Treated With Xience Sierra Everolimus-eluting Stents", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | Drug-Eluting Stents ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Everolimus", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vilma Dzenkeviciute ", + "kol_full_name": "Vilma Dzenkeviciute " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Troponin I | Point-of-Care Systems", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460984", + "session_name": "WESTCOR-POC - Point of care versus centralised high-sensitivity cardiac troponin in the emergency department", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Viola Thulin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Haukeland University Hospital", + "Country": "Norway", + "Region": "Hordaland", + "City": "Bergen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "WESTCOR-POC - Point of care versus centralised high-sensitivity cardiac troponin in the emergency department", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Troponin I | Point-of-Care Systems", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Viola Thulin ", + "kol_full_name": "Viola Thulin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459189", + "session_name": "Adherence to treatment in patients with arterial hypertension at the wartime conditions in Ukrainian population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vira Tseluyko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Kharkivs'ka Oblast'", + "City": "Kharkiv", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Adherence to treatment in patients with arterial hypertension at the wartime conditions in Ukrainian population", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vira Tseluyko ", + "kol_full_name": "Vira Tseluyko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457023", + "session_name": "Effect of pre-procedural blood pressure on one-year cardiovascular events after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Viroj Muangsillapasart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chulabhorn hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of pre-procedural blood pressure on one-year cardiovascular events after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Blood Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Viroj Muangsillapasart ", + "kol_full_name": "Viroj Muangsillapasart " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Peripartum Period | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459531", + "session_name": "Proteome profiling in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy according to ethnicity a biomarker study on the EORP cohort", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vitaris Kodogo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Proteome profiling in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy according to ethnicity a biomarker study on the EORP cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peripartum Period | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vitaris Kodogo ", + "kol_full_name": "Vitaris Kodogo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Aortic Valve Stenosis | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457413", + "session_name": "Electrocardiographic criteria for the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with severe aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vitor Emer Egypto Rosa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Electrocardiographic criteria for the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with severe aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular | Aortic Valve Stenosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vitor Emer Egypto Rosa ", + "kol_full_name": "Vitor Emer Egypto Rosa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Amyloid", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460712", + "session_name": "Transthyretin stabiliser therapy in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vitor Ribeiro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transthyretin stabiliser therapy in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Amyloid", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vitor Ribeiro ", + "kol_full_name": "Vitor Ribeiro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Lipoprotein(a) | Tertiary Care Centers | Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459943", + "session_name": "Lipoprotein(a) and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in a Brazilian tertiary hospital population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Viviane Zorzanelli Rocha", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor)", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lipoprotein(a) and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in a Brazilian tertiary hospital population", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lipoprotein(a) | Tertiary Care Centers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Atherosclerosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Viviane Zorzanelli Rocha ", + "kol_full_name": "Viviane Zorzanelli Rocha " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457716", + "session_name": "Is the female sex a risk factor for heart failure after myocardial infarction?", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vojko Kanic", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Centre Maribor", + "Country": "Slovenia", + "Region": "Maribor", + "City": "Maribor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Is the female sex a risk factor for heart failure after myocardial infarction?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vojko Kanic ", + "kol_full_name": "Vojko Kanic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Vasculopathy | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460547", + "session_name": "Transpulmonary proteome gradients identify inflammatory pathways involved in the development of pulmonary vasculopathy in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vojtech Melenovsky", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)", + "Country": "Czech Republic", + "Region": "Hlavni Mesto Praha", + "City": "Prague", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Transpulmonary proteome gradients identify inflammatory pathways involved in the development of pulmonary vasculopathy in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Vasculopathy | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vojtech Melenovsky ", + "kol_full_name": "Vojtech Melenovsky " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcopenia | Peripheral Arterial Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461014", + "session_name": "Impact of sarcopenia on the clinical course of older patients with peripheral artery disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Volker H. Schmitt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Rheinland-Pfalz", + "City": "Mainz", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of sarcopenia on the clinical course of older patients with peripheral artery disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcopenia | Peripheral Arterial Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Volker H. Schmitt ", + "kol_full_name": "Volker H. Schmitt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460960", + "session_name": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Volker Schettler", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Center of Nephrology Goettingen", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": "Niedersachsen", + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "From risk factor management to treatment optimisation in LDL-C", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cholesterol, LDL", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vu Pham ", + "kol_full_name": "Vu Pham " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Oxidoreductases | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 | Epicardial Adipose Tissue", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459267", + "session_name": "Human epicardial adipose tissue-derived factors promote atrial endothelial dysfunction: role of pro-inflammatory cytokines and AT1R/NADPH oxidases/SGLT2 pro-oxidant pathway", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Walaa Fakih", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Human epicardial adipose tissue-derived factors promote atrial endothelial dysfunction: role of pro-inflammatory cytokines and AT1R/NADPH oxidases/SGLT2 pro-oxidant pathway", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oxidoreductases | Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Epicardial Adipose Tissue", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Walaa Fakih ", + "kol_full_name": "Walaa Fakih " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Scleroderma, Systemic | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459860", + "session_name": "Early left atrial changes in patients with systemic sclerosis by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Walid Ammar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cairo university", + "Country": "Egypt", + "Region": "Al Qahirah", + "City": "Cairo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Early left atrial changes in patients with systemic sclerosis by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Scleroderma, Systemic | Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Walid Ammar ", + "kol_full_name": "Walid Ammar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pharmacokinetics | Pharmacodynamics | Milvexian | Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457270", + "session_name": "Characterisation of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic relationship of milvexian in total knee replacement patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wangda Zhou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Characterisation of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic relationship of milvexian in total knee replacement patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pharmacokinetics | Pharmacodynamics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Milvexian | Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wangda Zhou ", + "kol_full_name": "Wangda Zhou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Combined Modality Therapy | Ezetimibe", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458313", + "session_name": "High intensity statin-ezetimibe combination therapy reduces mortality in patients with ischaemic heart disease and elevated Lipoprotein(a)", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wann Jia Loh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Changi General Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High intensity statin-ezetimibe combination therapy reduces mortality in patients with ischaemic heart disease and elevated Lipoprotein(a)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Combined Modality Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ezetimibe", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wann Jia Loh ", + "kol_full_name": "Wann Jia Loh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459207", + "session_name": "Interpretable machine learning model for predicting long-term cardiovascular mortality risk in chronic kidney disease patients using SHAP explainers", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wanying Wu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interpretable machine learning model for predicting long-term cardiovascular mortality risk in chronic kidney disease patients using SHAP explainers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Renal Insufficiency, Chronic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wanying Wu ", + "kol_full_name": "Wanying Wu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Failure | Myocarditis | Biopsy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457346", + "session_name": "Giant cell myocarditis presenting as a clinical syndrome of heart failure progressing to cardiogenic shock: the role of endomyocardial biopsy and advanced heart failure therapy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Warradit Srisuwanwattana", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": "Krung Thep Mahanakhon", + "City": "Bangkok", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Giant cell myocarditis presenting as a clinical syndrome of heart failure progressing to cardiogenic shock: the role of endomyocardial biopsy and advanced heart failure therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Heart Failure ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocarditis | Biopsy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Warradit Srisuwanwattana ", + "kol_full_name": "Warradit Srisuwanwattana " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457589", + "session_name": "Relationships among intensive blood pressure control, morning blood pressure surge and 24-hour blood pressure variability", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wei-Ting Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Veterans General Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Relationships among intensive blood pressure control", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " morning blood pressure surge and 24-hour blood pressure variability", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Weiwei Jin ", + "kol_full_name": "Weiwei Jin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aging | Cellular Senescence | Lipoproteins, HDL | Vascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457030", + "session_name": "Electronegative ApoCIII-Rich HDL promotes cellular damage and vascular aging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wen-Li Hsu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Health Research Institute", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Electronegative ApoCIII-Rich HDL promotes cellular damage and vascular aging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aging | Cellular Senescence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lipoproteins, HDL | Vascular Diseases", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wen-Li Hsu ", + "kol_full_name": "Wen-Li Hsu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Reperfusion Injury | Myocardial Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458173", + "session_name": "sRAGE attenuates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by recruiting Tregs through chemokine CCL4", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wen-Yi Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "sRAGE attenuates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by recruiting Tregs through chemokine CCL4", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Reperfusion Injury | Myocardial Ischemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wen-Yi Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Wen-Yi Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Venous Thromboembolism | Random Allocation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458875", + "session_name": "Effect of venous thromboembolism on brain cortical structure: a Mendelian Randomization study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wenli Gu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect of venous thromboembolism on brain cortical structure: a Mendelian Randomization study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Venous Thromboembolism | Random Allocation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wenli Gu ", + "kol_full_name": "Wenli Gu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ablation Techniques | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458672", + "session_name": "Stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation - A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prospective clinical studies", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wiert Hoeksema", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation - A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prospective clinical studies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ablation Techniques | Arrhythmias, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wiktoria Ozarek ", + "kol_full_name": "Wiktoria Ozarek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Microvascular Function | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456883", + "session_name": "(Micro)vascular function in heart failure", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "William Antonio Esteves", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Federal University of Minas Gerais", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": "Minas Gerais", + "City": "Belo Horizonte", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "(Micro)vascular function in heart failure", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Microvascular Function | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Wilson Nadruz ", + "kol_full_name": "Wilson Nadruz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure Monitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459660", + "session_name": "Innovations in night-time blood pressure monitoring: insights from cuffless monitor", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Won-Joo Kim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Innovations in night-time blood pressure monitoring: insights from cuffless monitor", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure Monitors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xiangming Hu ", + "kol_full_name": "Xiangming Hu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Fibroblasts", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459987", + "session_name": "Cardiac fibroblasts enhance macrophages inflammatory response in myocardial infarction through the C3a-C3aR axis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xiangwei Bo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac fibroblasts enhance macrophages inflammatory response in myocardial infarction through the C3a-C3aR axis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Fibroblasts", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xiaohui Bian ", + "kol_full_name": "Xiaohui Bian " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457455", + "session_name": "Impact of appendicular skeletal muscle mass on effect of intensive blood pressure control", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xiaopu Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact of appendicular skeletal muscle mass on effect of intensive blood pressure control", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xiaowu Chen ", + "kol_full_name": "Xiaowu Chen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459058", + "session_name": "Patterns and trends of oral anticoagulation use among patients with postoperative and non-postoperative atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xiaoxi Yao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patterns and trends of oral anticoagulation use among patients with postoperative and non-postoperative atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anticoagulation | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xiaoxi Yao ", + "kol_full_name": "Xiaoxi Yao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Electric Impedance | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458986", + "session_name": "Bioelectrical impedance analysis-derived phase angle is associated with exercise tolerance in patients with cardiovascular diseases", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xiaoyang Song", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bioelectrical impedance analysis-derived phase angle is associated with exercise tolerance in patients with cardiovascular diseases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Electric Impedance | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xiaoyang Song ", + "kol_full_name": "Xiaoyang Song " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458133", + "session_name": "Mapping renal impairment and cardiac structure and function: observation and genetic insights from 30,000 cardiac magnetic resonance images", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xiaozhao Lu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mapping renal impairment and cardiac structure and function: observation and genetic insights from 30", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "000 cardiac magnetic resonance images", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xiaozhao Lu ", + "kol_full_name": "Xiaozhao Lu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prediabetes | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460868", + "session_name": "Association between life's essential 8 score and 5-year all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in people with prediabetes: based on a cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xicong Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between life's essential 8 score and 5-year all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in people with prediabetes: based on a cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prediabetes | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xicong Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Xicong Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460989", + "session_name": "Atrial fibrillation follow-up investigation to recover memory and learning trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xin Du", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Beijing Anzhen Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Atrial fibrillation follow-up investigation to recover memory and learning trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xin Du ", + "kol_full_name": "Xin Du " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "GTP-Binding Proteins | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Carrier Proteins", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460346", + "session_name": "Prognostic utility of heart-type fatty acid binding protein in patients with cardiac amyloidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xinqing Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic utility of heart-type fatty acid binding protein in patients with cardiac amyloidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "GTP-Binding Proteins | Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carrier Proteins", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xinqing Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Xinqing Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457259", + "session_name": "Identification of left ventricular flow features in healthy and pathological conditions", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xinyi He", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification of left ventricular flow features in healthy and pathological conditions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ventricular Dysfunction, Left", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xu Han ", + "kol_full_name": "Xu Han " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic | Dissection", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457924", + "session_name": "Itga9 protects against thoracic aortic aneurysm or dissection", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xu Xu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Itga9 protects against thoracic aortic aneurysm or dissection", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic | Dissection", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xu Xu ", + "kol_full_name": "Xu Xu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460864", + "session_name": "Disparities by region, age, and sex in cardiovascular disease burden attributable to high fasting plasma glucose in China, 2010-2018: a nationwide, population-based study.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xue Cao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Disparities by region", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " age, and sex in cardiovascular disease burden attributable to high fasting plasma glucose in China, 2010-2018: a nationwide, population-based study.", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Xue Cao ", + "kol_full_name": "Xue Cao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Atherosclerosis | Galectin 3", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459986", + "session_name": "Role of Galectin-3 in resident macrophages and effects on atherosclerosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ya Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of Galectin-3 in resident macrophages and effects on atherosclerosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atherosclerosis | Galectin 3", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ya Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Ya Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Endothelial Progenitor Cells", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458706", + "session_name": "Circulating ACE2 and the association of endothelial progenitor cell in CAD patients", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ya Wen Lu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taichung Veterans General Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Circulating ACE2 and the association of endothelial progenitor cell in CAD patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Endothelial Progenitor Cells", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ya Wen Lu ", + "kol_full_name": "Ya Wen Lu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Serpina3c Deficiency | Muscle, Smooth, Vascular | Obesity", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457921", + "session_name": "Serpina3c deficiency aggravates vascular dysfunction and VSMC dysregulation through regulating adamts4 pathway activity in obese mice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ya Wu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Serpina3c deficiency aggravates vascular dysfunction and VSMC dysregulation through regulating adamts4 pathway activity in obese mice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Serpina3c Deficiency | Muscle, Smooth, Vascular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Obesity", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ya Wu ", + "kol_full_name": "Ya Wu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Staphylococcal Protein A | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction | C-Reactive Protein", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458470", + "session_name": "C-reactive protein after discharge and infarct size in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yan Zhou", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "C-reactive protein after discharge and infarct size in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Staphylococcal Protein A | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " C-Reactive Protein", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yan Zhou ", + "kol_full_name": "Yan Zhou " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Fibrosis | Lysophosphatidylcholines | Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458386", + "session_name": "Epicardial adipose tissue promoted cardiac fibrosis after acute myocardial infarction by releasing lysophosphatidylcholine", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yanguo Xin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Epicardial adipose tissue promoted cardiac fibrosis after acute myocardial infarction by releasing lysophosphatidylcholine", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Fibrosis | Lysophosphatidylcholines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yanguo Xin ", + "kol_full_name": "Yanguo Xin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460869", + "session_name": "Weekend compensatory sleep is associated with reduced risk of heart disease: a prospective UK Biobank-based cohort study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yanjun Song", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Weekend compensatory sleep is associated with reduced risk of heart disease: a prospective UK Biobank-based cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yanjun Song ", + "kol_full_name": "Yanjun Song " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Calcium Channels", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458981", + "session_name": "Long-standing response to calcium channel blocker therapy on patients with various types of pulmonary hypertension: a systematic review and meta analysis.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yanka Dalmolin Salton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Long-standing response to calcium channel blocker therapy on patients with various types of pulmonary hypertension: a systematic review and meta analysis.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Calcium Channels", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yanka Dalmolin Salton ", + "kol_full_name": "Yanka Dalmolin Salton " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Reperfusion Injury | Myocardial Ischemia | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460251", + "session_name": "TLR7 deficiency alleviated myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury via regulating macrophage-neutrophil interaction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yanqiu Lai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National University of Singapore", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "TLR7 deficiency alleviated myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury via regulating macrophage-neutrophil interaction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Reperfusion Injury | Myocardial Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yanqiu Lai ", + "kol_full_name": "Yanqiu Lai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457837", + "session_name": "Young female acute myocardial infarction patients have worse all-cause mortality compared to males: insights from a national myocardial infarction registry", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yao Neng Teo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ng Teng Fong General Hospital", + "Country": "Singapore", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Young female acute myocardial infarction patients have worse all-cause mortality compared to males: insights from a national myocardial infarction registry", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yao Neng Teo ", + "kol_full_name": "Yao Neng Teo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hemodynamics | Cardiopulmonary-metabolic Coupling | Arterial Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457395", + "session_name": "Worse arterial pressure reservoir capacity is associated with exacerbated hemodynamic response to capnogram changes and more labile intraoperative cardiopulmonary-metabolic coupling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yaren Alan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Worse arterial pressure reservoir capacity is associated with exacerbated hemodynamic response to capnogram changes and more labile intraoperative cardiopulmonary-metabolic coupling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Cardiopulmonary-metabolic Coupling ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Arterial Pressure", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yaren Alan ", + "kol_full_name": "Yaren Alan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Precision Medicine | Neural Networks, Computer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460740", + "session_name": "Comorbidity neural network model for personalised recommendations in cardiometabolic risk factor management: towards early precision medicine in routine clinical practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yaron Dibner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comorbidity neural network model for personalised recommendations in cardiometabolic risk factor management: towards early precision medicine in routine clinical practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Precision Medicine | Neural Networks, Computer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yaron Dibner ", + "kol_full_name": "Yaron Dibner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Atria", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459516", + "session_name": "Unipolar electroanatomical mapping outperforms bipolar voltage in detecting LGE areas in the left atrium", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yazan Mohsen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unipolar electroanatomical mapping outperforms bipolar voltage in detecting LGE areas in the left atrium", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Atria", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yazan Mohsen ", + "kol_full_name": "Yazan Mohsen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cardiomyopathies | Vutrisiran", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461097", + "session_name": "Highlights from HELIOS-B - Primary results from phase 3 study of vutrisiran in patients with transthyretin amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yen-Wen Wu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Far Eastern Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Highlights from HELIOS-B - Primary results from phase 3 study of vutrisiran in patients with transthyretin amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Transthyretin-Related | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Vutrisiran", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yen-Wen Wu ", + "kol_full_name": "Yen-Wen Wu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Coronary Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459773", + "session_name": "Effectivess of non-pharmacological interventions on physical activity and sedentary behaviour among patients with coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yi Ning Miu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effectivess of non-pharmacological interventions on physical activity and sedentary behaviour among patients with coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yi Ning Miu ", + "kol_full_name": "Yi Ning Miu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Mortality", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458160", + "session_name": "Association of HbA1C with mortality and cardiovascular outcome in patients with type 2 diabetes using drugs with different hypoglycemic risk", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yi-Cheng Lin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Medical University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of HbA1C with mortality and cardiovascular outcome in patients with type 2 diabetes using drugs with different hypoglycemic risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | Mortality", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yi-Cheng Lin ", + "kol_full_name": "Yi-Cheng Lin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Cluster Analysis | Ablation Techniques | Echocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459583", + "session_name": "Utilizing cluster analysis of biomarkers alongside echocardiographic deformation parameters to forecast the outcome of atrial fibrillation post-ablation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yi-Heng Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cheng Kung University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Tainan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Utilizing cluster analysis of biomarkers alongside echocardiographic deformation parameters to forecast the outcome of atrial fibrillation post-ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Cluster Analysis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Ablation Techniques | Echocardiography | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yi-Heng Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Yi-Heng Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cellular Senescence | Metabolic Syndrome | Cardiotoxicity | Lipoproteins, VLDL", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459068", + "session_name": "VLDL induces EZH2/PRC2 complex-mediated cellular senescence in metabolic syndrome to enhance cardiotoxicity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yi-Hsiung Lin", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Kaohsiung", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "VLDL induces EZH2/PRC2 complex-mediated cellular senescence in metabolic syndrome to enhance cardiotoxicity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cellular Senescence | Metabolic Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiotoxicity | Lipoproteins, VLDL", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yi-Hsiung Lin ", + "kol_full_name": "Yi-Hsiung Lin " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Myocardial Perfusion Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458370", + "session_name": "The role of semi-quantitative parameters of thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging in predicting mortality rate among CKD population", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yi-Hsueh Liu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Kaohsiung", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The role of semi-quantitative parameters of thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging in predicting mortality rate among CKD population", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Renal Insufficiency, Chronic | Myocardial Perfusion Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yi-Hsueh Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Yi-Hsueh Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Blood Pressure | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459543", + "session_name": "Beyond resting measurements: exercise pulse pressure and its association with heart failure hospitalization", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yi-Tsang Fu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Taipei Veterans General Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "T'ai-pei", + "City": "Taipei", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Beyond resting measurements: exercise pulse pressure and its association with heart failure hospitalization", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Blood Pressure | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yi-Tsang Fu ", + "kol_full_name": "Yi-Tsang Fu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cancer Survivors | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461038", + "session_name": "Effects of Intensive vs Standard Blood Pressure Control on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Cancer Survivors: Results from the SPRINT Randomized Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yichao Xiao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Hunan", + "City": "Changsha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects of Intensive vs Standard Blood Pressure Control on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Cancer Survivors: Results from the SPRINT Randomized Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors | Blood Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yichao Xiao ", + "kol_full_name": "Yichao Xiao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Myocarditis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457718", + "session_name": "Association between the variability of non-HDL-C and the NLR in female patients with Immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated myocarditis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yifan Chen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association between the variability of non-HDL-C and the NLR in female patients with Immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated myocarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Myocarditis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yifan Chen ", + "kol_full_name": "Yifan Chen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458529", + "session_name": "Sex-specific prediction of cardiogenic shock complicating acute coronary syndromes: the SEX-SHOCK score", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yifan Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sex-specific prediction of cardiogenic shock complicating acute coronary syndromes: the SEX-SHOCK score", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Shock, Cardiogenic | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yifan Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yifan Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Genetic Predisposition To Disease | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457575", + "session_name": "Circulating ketone bodies, genetic predisposition, and incident atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ying Sun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Circulating ketone bodies", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " genetic predisposition, and incident atrial fibrillation", + "events_topic": "Genetic Predisposition To Disease | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ying Sun ", + "kol_full_name": "Ying Sun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460016", + "session_name": "High eosinophil counts aid in diagnosing Kawasaki disease in febrile children", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ying-Hsien Huang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Kaohsiung", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "High eosinophil counts aid in diagnosing Kawasaki disease in febrile children", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ying-Hsien Huang ", + "kol_full_name": "Ying-Hsien Huang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Machine Learning | Blood Pressure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5461039", + "session_name": "A machine learning algorithm for personalizing intensive blood pressure treatment: derivation from SPRINT/ACCORD-BP trials and validation in CRHCP, a pragmatic implementation trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yingxian Sun", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Liaoning", + "City": "Shenyang", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A machine learning algorithm for personalizing intensive blood pressure treatment: derivation from SPRINT/ACCORD-BP trials and validation in CRHCP", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " a pragmatic implementation trial", + "events_topic": "Machine Learning | Blood Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yingxian Sun ", + "kol_full_name": "Yingxian Sun " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Antiapoptotic Agents | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460057", + "session_name": "MiRNA-519e promotes cardiomyocyte cell division accompanied by pro-angiogenic and anti-apoptotic effects", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yiqi Gong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "MiRNA-519e promotes cardiomyocyte cell division accompanied by pro-angiogenic and anti-apoptotic effects", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Antiapoptotic Agents | Myocytes, Cardiac", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yiqi Gong ", + "kol_full_name": "Yiqi Gong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "SOX7 Protein, Human | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459978", + "session_name": "Reduced Sox7 contributes to abnormal valve development resulting in congenital aortic stenosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yizhuo Wu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reduced Sox7 contributes to abnormal valve development resulting in congenital aortic stenosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "SOX7 Protein, Human | Aortic Valve Stenosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yizhuo Wu ", + "kol_full_name": "Yizhuo Wu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Prognosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460522", + "session_name": "Association of 5-times sit-to-stand test with muscle weakness and prognosis in older patients with cardiovascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yohtaro Tsubaki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Association of 5-times sit-to-stand test with muscle weakness and prognosis in older patients with cardiovascular disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prognosis | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yohtaro Tsubaki ", + "kol_full_name": "Yohtaro Tsubaki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Direct Oral Anticoagulants | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460128", + "session_name": "An external validation of DOAC score in patients with atrial fibrillation following transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yoshihiro Harano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "An external validation of DOAC score in patients with atrial fibrillation following transcatheter aortic valve replacement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Direct Oral Anticoagulants ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yoshihiro Harano ", + "kol_full_name": "Yoshihiro Harano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Fibroblast | Transient Receptor Potential Channels | Vitamin D", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457446", + "session_name": "Vitamin D in cardiac fibroblasts: new evidence for a TRP-mediated non-genomic pathway", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Youakim Saliba", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Joseph University of Beyrouth", + "Country": "Lebanon", + "Region": "Beyrouth", + "City": "Beirut", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vitamin D in cardiac fibroblasts: new evidence for a TRP-mediated non-genomic pathway", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Fibroblast | Transient Receptor Potential Channels ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Vitamin D", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Youakim Saliba ", + "kol_full_name": "Youakim Saliba " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Reperfusion Injury | Protein-Tyrosine Kinases | Ischemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460247", + "session_name": "AXL receptor tyrosine kinase as a promising factor to protect cardiac microvascular function against ischemia-reperfusion injury", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Youran Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "AXL receptor tyrosine kinase as a promising factor to protect cardiac microvascular function against ischemia-reperfusion injury", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Reperfusion Injury | Protein-Tyrosine Kinases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ischemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Youran Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Youran Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cluster Analysis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459396", + "session_name": "Assessing aortic morphology post aortic valve replacement using unsupervised hierarchical clustering and statistical shape modelling", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yousef Aljassam", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessing aortic morphology post aortic valve replacement using unsupervised hierarchical clustering and statistical shape modelling", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cluster Analysis | Aortic Valve Insufficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yousef Aljassam ", + "kol_full_name": "Yousef Aljassam " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Mitral Valve Prosthesis | Anemia, Hemolytic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459903", + "session_name": "Hemolytic anemia of mechanical origin with mitral valve prosthesis: atypical revealing of prosthetic valve dehiscence", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Youssef Lahmouz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hemolytic anemia of mechanical origin with mitral valve prosthesis: atypical revealing of prosthetic valve dehiscence", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mitral Valve Prosthesis | Anemia, Hemolytic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Youssef Lahmouz ", + "kol_full_name": "Youssef Lahmouz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Evolocumab | Obesity", + "npi_num": "1538621834", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460962", + "session_name": "Cardiovascular Efficacy of Evolocumab in Patients with Obesity: Updates from FOURIER Trial", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yu Mi Kang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiovascular Efficacy of Evolocumab in Patients with Obesity: Updates from FOURIER Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Evolocumab | Obesity", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yu Mi Kang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yu Mi Kang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Heart Failure | Deep Learning | Electrocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459180", + "session_name": "Identifying heart failure dynamics using multi-point electrocardiograms and deep learning", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yu Nishihara", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identifying heart failure dynamics using multi-point electrocardiograms and deep learning", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Failure | Deep Learning ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Electrocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yu Nishihara ", + "kol_full_name": "Yu Nishihara " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases | Prognosis | Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460028", + "session_name": "The impact of cerebral small vessel disease burden on prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yu Zhao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The impact of cerebral small vessel disease burden on prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases | Prognosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Acute Coronary Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yu Zhao ", + "kol_full_name": "Yu Zhao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459848", + "session_name": "Prognostic value of IL-22 levels and the TH17 pathway in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yu-Jen Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prognostic value of IL-22 levels and the TH17 pathway in patients with acute myocardial infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yu-Jen Wang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yu-Jen Wang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cluster Analysis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459566", + "session_name": "Outcome and life expectancy associated with novel subgroups of atrial fibrillation: a data-driven cluster analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuefeng Yu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcome and life expectancy associated with novel subgroups of atrial fibrillation: a data-driven cluster analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cluster Analysis | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuefeng Yu ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuefeng Yu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Stroke | Ischemia | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460431", + "session_name": "Trimetazidine reduces stroke risk in ischemic atrial fibrillation: a territory-wide, propensity-matched study", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuen Ting Cheng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trimetazidine reduces stroke risk in ischemic atrial fibrillation: a territory-wide", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " propensity-matched study", + "events_topic": "Stroke | Ischemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuen Ting Cheng ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuen Ting Cheng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Coronary Artery Bypass | Pericardial Fluid | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5457574", + "session_name": "CORO1A in pericardial fluid are potential biomarkers for new-onset atrial fibrillation following isolated coronary artery bypass grafting", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yufeng Deng", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "CORO1A in pericardial fluid are potential biomarkers for new-onset atrial fibrillation following isolated coronary artery bypass grafting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Coronary Artery Bypass ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pericardial Fluid | Atrial Fibrillation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yufeng Deng ", + "kol_full_name": "Yufeng Deng " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459185", + "session_name": "Using deep learning to predict cardiovascular magnetic resonance findings from echocardiography videos", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuki Sahashi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Using deep learning to predict cardiovascular magnetic resonance findings from echocardiography videos", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Echocardiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuki Sahashi ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuki Sahashi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Primary Prevention | Valsartan | Sacubitril | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460942", + "session_name": "Sacubitril/valsartan in primary prevention of cancer-therapy related cardiac dysfunction in breast cancer patients.", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuling Hsu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cheng Kung University Hospital", + "Country": "Taiwan", + "Region": "Kao-hsiung", + "City": "Tainan", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Sacubitril/valsartan in primary prevention of cancer-therapy related cardiac dysfunction in breast cancer patients.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Prevention | Valsartan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sacubitril | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuling Hsu ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuling Hsu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Gene Silencing | Pyroptosis | Myocarditis | Biomimetics", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460694", + "session_name": "Macrophage-T cell hybrid membrane-camouflaged biomimetic nanoparticles ameliorate autoimmune myocarditis via suppressing macrophage pyroptosis by target gene silencing", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yulong Xiong", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Macrophage-T cell hybrid membrane-camouflaged biomimetic nanoparticles ameliorate autoimmune myocarditis via suppressing macrophage pyroptosis by target gene silencing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Gene Silencing | Pyroptosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocarditis | Biomimetics", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yulong Xiong ", + "kol_full_name": "Yulong Xiong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Tomography, Optical Coherence | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460920", + "session_name": "Quantified characterization of atherosclerotic plaques by optical coherence tomography attenuation imaging", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yun Dai Chen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chinese PLA General Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Quantified characterization of atherosclerotic plaques by optical coherence tomography attenuation imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, Optical Coherence | Plaque, Atherosclerotic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yun Dai Chen ", + "kol_full_name": "Yun Dai Chen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Depression | Infarction | Myocardial Infarction | Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic | Anxiety", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460607", + "session_name": "Prevalence of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yunrui Hao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Prevalence of depression", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis", + "events_topic": "Depression | Infarction ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic | Anxiety", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yunrui Hao ", + "kol_full_name": "Yunrui Hao " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Vascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456425", + "session_name": "New physical insights into pulmonary vascular disease", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuriy Sirenko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Strazhensku Cardiology Institute", + "Country": "Ukraine", + "Region": "Misto Kyyiv", + "City": "Kiev", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New physical insights into pulmonary vascular disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Vascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuriy Sirenko ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuriy Sirenko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Sarcoidosis | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458748", + "session_name": "Extra cellular volume by computed tomography is useful for prediction of prognosis in cardiac sarcoidosis", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yusei Nishikawa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extra cellular volume by computed tomography is useful for prediction of prognosis in cardiac sarcoidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoidosis | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yusei Nishikawa ", + "kol_full_name": "Yusei Nishikawa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Echocardiography, Stress | Heart Failure", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460646", + "session_name": "Diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction based on exercise stress echocardiography in real-world practice", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuta Tani", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction based on exercise stress echocardiography in real-world practice", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Echocardiography, Stress | Heart Failure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuta Tani ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuta Tani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Mitral Valvuloplasty", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460801", + "session_name": "Left atrial reservoir strain as a prognostic indicator for cardiovascular events after mitral valvuloplasty", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuta Torii", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Left atrial reservoir strain as a prognostic indicator for cardiovascular events after mitral valvuloplasty", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Mitral Valvuloplasty", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuta Torii ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuta Torii " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Renovascular", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459214", + "session_name": "Renal fractional flow reserve guided stenting in renovascular hypertension with extremely tortuous renal artery", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuxi Chang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Renal fractional flow reserve guided stenting in renovascular hypertension with extremely tortuous renal artery", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Renovascular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuxi Chang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuxi Chang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Ganglion Cysts | Ablation Techniques | Hypertensive Crisis | Renal Denervation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459643", + "session_name": "Efficacy comparison of transcatheter aorticorenal ganglion ablation and renal denervation in a hypertensive canine model", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuxiang Long", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy comparison of transcatheter aorticorenal ganglion ablation and renal denervation in a hypertensive canine model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ganglion Cysts | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hypertensive Crisis | Renal Denervation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuxiang Long ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuxiang Long " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction | Body Mass Index", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460160", + "session_name": "In-hospital outcomes of acute myocardial infarction patients without standard modifiable cardiovascular risk factors across varying body mass index", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuxiu Yang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "In-hospital outcomes of acute myocardial infarction patients without standard modifiable cardiovascular risk factors across varying body mass index", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction | Body Mass Index", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuxiu Yang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuxiu Yang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Pacemaker, Artificial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460253", + "session_name": "Impact on preoperative estimation of atrial mechanical amplitudes with vdd leadless pacemaker", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuya Komai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact on preoperative estimation of atrial mechanical amplitudes with vdd leadless pacemaker", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pacemaker, Artificial", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuya Komai ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuya Komai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular Dissection", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460473", + "session_name": "A vascular dissection and rupture linked metabolite acts via BLT2 receptor", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuyu Li", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A vascular dissection and rupture linked metabolite acts via BLT2 receptor", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Dissection", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yuyu Li ", + "kol_full_name": "Yuyu Li " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Vascular System Injuries | Balloon Catheter", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460883", + "session_name": "Novel balloon catheter containing therapeutic mRNA with smart RNA switch alleviate restenosis after vascular injury", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yuyuan Fu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Novel balloon catheter containing therapeutic mRNA with smart RNA switch alleviate restenosis after vascular injury", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular System Injuries | Balloon Catheter", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ziqi Ma ", + "kol_full_name": "Ziqi Ma " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Diabetes Mellitus | COVID-19", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5459093", + "session_name": "Subgroup analysis of diabetes in COVID-positive revascularized patients: implications for clinical management", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zohra Alimli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Central Clinic Hospital", + "Country": "Azerbaijan", + "Region": "Abseron", + "City": "Baku", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Subgroup analysis of diabetes in COVID-positive revascularized patients: implications for clinical management", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diabetes Mellitus | COVID-19", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Zoltan Csanadi ", + "kol_full_name": "Zoltan Csanadi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Diabetes Mellitus", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5456229", + "session_name": "Real-world evidence on the cardiovascular effects of therapies for diabetes", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zoltan Jarai", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St Imre University Teaching Hospital", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Real-world evidence on the cardiovascular effects of therapies for diabetes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Diabetes Mellitus", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Zoltan Jarai ", + "kol_full_name": "Zoltan Jarai " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5458220", + "session_name": "Myosin activators for cardiomyopathy: all is not lost", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zoltan Papp", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Debrecen", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Hajdu-Bihar", + "City": "Debrecen", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myosin activators for cardiomyopathy: all is not lost", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Zorica Mladenovic ", + "kol_full_name": "Zorica Mladenovic " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Atrial Fibrillation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460407", + "session_name": "Image quality of the non-contrast BOOST cardiac magnetic resonance sequence to visualize the pulmonary veins in patients with atrial fibrillation", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zsofia Dohy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Image quality of the non-contrast BOOST cardiac magnetic resonance sequence to visualize the pulmonary veins in patients with atrial fibrillation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Atrial Fibrillation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Zuilma Yurith Vasquez-Ortiz ", + "kol_full_name": "Zuilma Yurith Vasquez-Ortiz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "129934", + "event_topics": "Obesity | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5460053", + "session_name": "Evaluation of the circulating biomarker apelin-12 in visceral obesity", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Zulfya Rasulova", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Central Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic No. 1", + "Country": "Uzbekistan", + "Region": "Toshkent", + "City": "Tashkent", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation of the circulating biomarker apelin-12 in visceral obesity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Obesity | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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"1215943014", + "hcp_pin_alias": "518754", + "session_name": "Thoracic Vascular Imaging Case-Based Approach", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "518754", + "first_name": "Jadranka", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Stojanovska", + "org_name": "New York University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Astoria", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Thoracic Vascular Imaging Case-Based Approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Jadranka Stojanovska", + "kol_full_name": "Jadranka Stojanovska" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "1164414421", + "hcp_pin_alias": "518652", + "session_name": "Promoting Equity In Imaging Here And Around The World", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "518652", + "first_name": "Charles", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "White", + "org_name": "University of Maryland Medical System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "La Plata", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Promoting Equity In Imaging Here And Around The World", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "Charles S White", + "kol_full_name": "Charles S White" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Arterial Damage | Plaque, Amyloid", + "npi_num": "1528246634", + "hcp_pin_alias": "407503", + "session_name": "Arterial Damage And Accelerated Plaque Formation Due To Hinge Effect", 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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Elsie Nguyen ", + "kol_full_name": "Elsie Nguyen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Atrioventricular Node | Pulmonary Embolism | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453852", + "session_name": "Deep Neural Network Provides Excellent Accuracy In Pulmonary Embolism Detection,Ai-Based Fully Automated Left Atrioventricular Coupling Index Predicts Mortality After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Emese Zsarnoczay", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Semmelweis University", + "Country": "Hungary", + "Region": "Budapest", + "City": "Budapest", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deep Neural Network Provides Excellent Accuracy In Pulmonary Embolism Detection", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Ai-Based Fully Automated Left Atrioventricular Coupling Index Predicts Mortality After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "events_topic": "Atrioventricular Node | Pulmonary Embolism ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Farah Cadour ", + "kol_full_name": "Farah Cadour " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Computed Tomography Angiography | Myocardium | Coronary Disease | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453916", + "session_name": "Intra-Individual Reproducibility Of Myocardial Radiomic Features Between Energy-Integrating Detector And Photon-Counting Detector Coronary Ct Angiography,Ultrahigh-Spatial-Resolution Photon-Counting Detector Ct Angiography Significantly Alters Semiquantitative Metrics Of Coronary Disease Burden: Intra-Individual Comparison To Energy-Integrating Detector Ct", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giuseppe Tremamunno", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Università di Roma, Sapienza", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lazio", + "City": "Rome", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intra-Individual Reproducibility Of Myocardial Radiomic Features Between Energy-Integrating Detector And Photon-Counting Detector Coronary Ct Angiography", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Ultrahigh-Spatial-Resolution Photon-Counting Detector Ct Angiography Significantly Alters Semiquantitative Metrics Of Coronary Disease Burden: Intra-Individual Comparison To Energy-Integrating Detector Ct", + "events_topic": "Computed Tomography Angiography | Myocardium ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Coronary Disease | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giuseppe Tremamunno ", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Tremamunno " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Edema | Aorta | Myocardial Infarction | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453911", + "session_name": "Comparison Of T2-Weighted Images For Detection Of Edema In Acute Myocardial Infarction,Clinical Utility Of Aorta Ct Radiomics Features For The Prediction Of Rapid Expansion Of The Aorta", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jae Kyu Choi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tongji University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Shanghai", + "City": "Shanghai", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Comparison Of T2-Weighted Images For Detection Of Edema In Acute Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical Utility Of Aorta Ct Radiomics Features For The Prediction Of Rapid Expansion Of The Aorta", + "events_topic": "Edema | Aorta ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Myocardial Infarction | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jae Kyu Choi ", + "kol_full_name": "Jae Kyu Choi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathies | Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Late Gadolinium Enhancement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453920", + "session_name": "Automated Approaches For Analyzing Late Gadolinium Enhancement (Lge) In Cardiac Mri In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Development And Validation,Automated Mvo Segmentation In Lge Cardiac Mri", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jaeyoon Shim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of California, San Francisco", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Automated Approaches For Analyzing Late Gadolinium Enhancement (Lge) In Cardiac Mri In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Development And Validation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Automated Mvo Segmentation In Lge Cardiac Mri", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiac Imaging Techniques | Late Gadolinium Enhancement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jaeyoon Shim ", + "kol_full_name": "Jaeyoon Shim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Plaque, Amyloid | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453850", + "session_name": "New Frontieres In Cardiac Imaging-Ai Ct/Mri,Plaque Quantification", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marly van Assen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emory University School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "New Frontieres In Cardiac Imaging-Ai Ct/Mri", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Plaque Quantification", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Tomography, X-Ray Computed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Plaque, Amyloid | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marly van Assen ", + "kol_full_name": "Marly van Assen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Hematoma | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", + "npi_num": "1720790686", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453867", + "session_name": "Radiologist Guide To The Evolving World Of Ecmos,The Nightmare Neighbor Next Door; Shared Sheath Hematomas", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mohamed Ibrahim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Alabama at Birmingham", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Alabama", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Radiologist Guide To The Evolving World Of Ecmos", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The Nightmare Neighbor Next Door; Shared Sheath Hematomas", + "events_topic": "Hematoma | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mohamed Ibrahim ", + "kol_full_name": "Mohamed Ibrahim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Sarcoidosis | Autoimmune Diseases | Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Lung Diseases, Interstitial", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453863", + "session_name": "Strain Cmr Can Predict Regions Of Inflammation On Pet/Ct In Patients With Cardiac Sarcoidosis,Exploring Thoracic Manifestations Of Autoimmune Disorders: From Interstitial Lung Disease To Extra Parenchymal Involvement", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Negar Firoozeh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Washington", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Strain Cmr Can Predict Regions Of Inflammation On Pet/Ct In Patients With Cardiac Sarcoidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Exploring Thoracic Manifestations Of Autoimmune Disorders: From Interstitial Lung Disease To Extra Parenchymal Involvement", + "events_topic": "Sarcoidosis | Autoimmune Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Lung Diseases, Interstitial", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Negar Firoozeh ", + "kol_full_name": "Negar Firoozeh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Multimodal Imaging | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Diagnostic Imaging | Pericardial Disease | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453864", + "session_name": "Multimodality Imaging And Shared Decision-Making Utilizing Cmr With High-Accuracy Tissue Characterization Techniques In Pericardial Disease,Multimodality Cmr Early Imaging Incoca Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Improving Accuracy And Downstream Invasive/Radiation Exposure Imaging", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Patrick Hamcho-Milazzo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Multimodality Imaging And Shared Decision-Making Utilizing Cmr With High-Accuracy Tissue Characterization Techniques In Pericardial Disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Multimodality Cmr Early Imaging Incoca Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Improving Accuracy And Downstream Invasive/Radiation Exposure Imaging", + "events_topic": "Multimodal Imaging | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Diagnostic Imaging | Pericardial Disease | Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Patrick Hamcho-Milazzo ", + "kol_full_name": "Patrick Hamcho-Milazzo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453891", + "session_name": "Deep Learning Automated Measurement Of Shunt Severity In 4D Flow Mri", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Akhilesh Yeluru", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "UCSD Medical Scientist Training Program", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Diego", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deep Learning Automated Measurement Of Shunt Severity In 4D Flow Mri", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Akhilesh Yeluru ", + "kol_full_name": "Akhilesh Yeluru " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453849", + "session_name": "Cutting Edge Technology And Nasci Young Investigator Competition", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Akos Varga-Szemes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medical University of South Carolina", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "South Carolina", + "City": "Charleston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cutting Edge Technology And Nasci Young Investigator Competition", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Akos Varga-Szemes ", + "kol_full_name": "Akos Varga-Szemes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453910", + "session_name": "Deep Learning Respiratory Motion Correction For Real-Time Cardiac Mri", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alta Steward", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deep Learning Respiratory Motion Correction For Real-Time Cardiac Mri", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alta Steward ", + "kol_full_name": "Alta Steward " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453939", + "session_name": "Program Committee", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anursrhi Parakh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Program Committee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anursrhi Parakh ", + "kol_full_name": "Anursrhi Parakh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Child Health | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453905", + "session_name": "Radiologic Emergencies Of The Pediatric Heart", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Badr Bannan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Soliman Fakeeh Hospital", + "Country": "Saudi Arabia", + "Region": "Makkah", + "City": "Jeddah", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Radiologic Emergencies Of The Pediatric Heart", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Child Health | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Badr Bannan ", + "kol_full_name": "Badr Bannan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiomegaly, Exercise-Induced | Cardiomyopathies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453929", + "session_name": "Athletes Heart Or Early Cardiomyopathy", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Blanca Domenech", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Clínic de Barcelona", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Athletes Heart Or Early Cardiomyopathy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomegaly, Exercise-Induced | Cardiomyopathies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Blanca Domenech ", + "kol_full_name": "Blanca Domenech " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453877", + "session_name": "Right At Heart: Imaging Insights Into The Tricuspid And Pulmonic Valves", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Brian Nguyen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Right At Heart: Imaging Insights Into The Tricuspid And Pulmonic Valves", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Brian Nguyen ", + "kol_full_name": "Brian Nguyen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Myocarditis | Fibrosis | Sarcoidosis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453889", + "session_name": "Specific Locations Of Myocardial Inflammation And Fibrosis Are Associated With Higher Risk Of Events In Cardiac Sarcoidosis", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Busra Cangut", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Specific Locations Of Myocardial Inflammation And Fibrosis Are Associated With Higher Risk Of Events In Cardiac Sarcoidosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocarditis | Fibrosis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Sarcoidosis", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Busra Cangut ", + "kol_full_name": "Busra Cangut " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Androgens | Prostatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453912", + "session_name": "Impact Of Androgen Deprivation Therapy On Coronary Plaque Progression In Men With Prostate Cancer", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlotta Onnis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emory University School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact Of Androgen Deprivation Therapy On Coronary Plaque Progression In Men With Prostate Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Androgens | Prostatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlotta Onnis ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlotta Onnis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453848", + "session_name": "Nasci President Welcome Address", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carole Dennie", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Ottawa", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Ottawa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nasci President Welcome Address", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carole Dennie ", + "kol_full_name": "Carole Dennie " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Esophageal Fistula | Catheter Ablation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453926", + "session_name": "A Life-Threatening Connection: Esophageal Fistula After Cardiac Ablation", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Casey O'Neil", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Life-Threatening Connection: Esophageal Fistula After Cardiac Ablation", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Esophageal Fistula | Catheter Ablation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Casey O'Neil ", + "kol_full_name": "Casey O'Neil " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453874", + "session_name": "Large Language Models In Cardiovascular Imaging: Strengths, Limitations, Ethical Issues, And Future Direction: A Systematic Review", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Christopher Zaki", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Large Language Models In Cardiovascular Imaging: Strengths", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Limitations, Ethical Issues, And Future Direction: A Systematic Review", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Christopher Zaki ", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher Zaki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Hemodynamics | Artificial Intelligence | Magnetic Resonance Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453854", + "session_name": "Ai-Derived Aorta Hemodynamics From Contrast Enhanced Mra Accurately Quantifies Systolic Peak Velocities And Areas Of Elevated Wall Shear Stress", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "David Dushfunian", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Northwestern University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Evanston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ai-Derived Aorta Hemodynamics From Contrast Enhanced Mra Accurately Quantifies Systolic Peak Velocities And Areas Of Elevated Wall Shear Stress", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hemodynamics | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Magnetic Resonance Angiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Denver Cooper ", + "kol_full_name": "Denver Cooper " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453890", + "session_name": "Effect Of Ai-Enhanced Triage On Radiologist Review Initiation For Ct Angiography Studies Identifying Aortic Dissection In An Outpatient Setting", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Domenico Mastrodicasa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Washington", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect Of Ai-Enhanced Triage On Radiologist Review Initiation For Ct Angiography Studies Identifying Aortic Dissection In An Outpatient Setting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Computed Tomography Angiography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Domenico Mastrodicasa ", + "kol_full_name": "Domenico Mastrodicasa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Muscular Dystrophies", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453903", + "session_name": "Muscular Dystrophy", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Felipe Sanchez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinica Santa Maria, Universidad de los Andes", + "Country": "Chile", + "Region": "Region Metropolitana", + "City": "Providencia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Muscular Dystrophy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Muscular Dystrophies", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Felipe Sanchez ", + "kol_full_name": "Felipe Sanchez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Dipyridamole | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453902", + "session_name": "Dipyridamole Stress-Cmr: Optimizing Quality, Efficiency, And Scanner Throughput", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Felipe Torres", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Toronto", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Dipyridamole Stress-Cmr: Optimizing Quality", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Efficiency, And Scanner Throughput", + "events_topic": "Dipyridamole | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Felipe Torres ", + "kol_full_name": "Felipe Torres " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Valsalva Maneuver | Aortic Coarctation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453866", + "session_name": "Reversible Aortic Narrowing On Ct With Valsalva Maneuver", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Firas Hikmat", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Wisconsin–Madison", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Wisconsin", + "City": "Madison", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Reversible Aortic Narrowing On Ct With Valsalva Maneuver", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Valsalva Maneuver ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aortic Coarctation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Firas Hikmat ", + "kol_full_name": "Firas Hikmat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453859", + "session_name": "Virtual Reality And 3D Printing In Congenital Cardiac Anomalies", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Galo Diaz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Metropolitano", + "Country": "Ecuador", + "Region": "Pichincha", + "City": "Quito", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Virtual Reality And 3D Printing In Congenital Cardiac Anomalies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Defects, Congenital", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Galo Diaz ", + "kol_full_name": "Galo Diaz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Heart Diseases | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453906", + "session_name": "Effect Of Spatial Resolution On Ct-Radiomics For Arrhythmia Risk Estimation In Patients With Cardiac Disease", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ghazal Zandieh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effect Of Spatial Resolution On Ct-Radiomics For Arrhythmia Risk Estimation In Patients With Cardiac Disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Heart Diseases | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ghazal Zandieh ", + "kol_full_name": "Ghazal Zandieh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453898", + "session_name": "Rapid Cmr Protocols", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giuseppe Muscogiuri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Università degli Studi di Milano", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": "Lombardia", + "City": "Milano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Rapid Cmr Protocols", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Giuseppe Muscogiuri ", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Muscogiuri " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Pericardium | Diagnostic Imaging | Mesothelioma", + "npi_num": "1760123491", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453872", + "session_name": "Primary Pericardial Mesothelioma: A Case Report And Review Of Key Imaging Features", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gregory Matos", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Primary Pericardial Mesothelioma: A Case Report And Review Of Key Imaging Features", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericardium | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mesothelioma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gregory Matos ", + "kol_full_name": "Gregory Matos " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453932", + "session_name": "Structural Heart Disease: Imaging To Guide Management And Interventions", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Guylaine Gleeton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Laval University", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Quebec", + "City": "Quebec", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Structural Heart Disease: Imaging To Guide Management And Interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Heart Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Harikrishnan Nandakumar ", + "kol_full_name": "Harikrishnan Nandakumar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer | Mammography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453923", + "session_name": "Joint Breast Cancer & Cardiovascular Screening: Beacon Study To Assess Opportunistic Cardiovascular Screening Using Breast Arterial Calcification On Mammography", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Hayley McKee", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Joint Breast Cancer & Cardiovascular Screening: Beacon Study To Assess Opportunistic Cardiovascular Screening Using Breast Arterial Calcification On Mammography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mammography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hayley McKee ", + "kol_full_name": "Hayley McKee " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Deformation | Cardiomyopathies | Late Gadolinium Enhancement", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453918", + "session_name": "Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Is Associated With Abnormalities Of Myocardial Deformation And Late Gadolinium Enhancement", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jacques Du Plessis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Is Associated With Abnormalities Of Myocardial Deformation And Late Gadolinium Enhancement", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Deformation | Cardiomyopathies ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Late Gadolinium Enhancement", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jacques Du Plessis ", + "kol_full_name": "Jacques Du Plessis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453931", + "session_name": "Discussion On Cardiovascular Imaging", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jesse Hamilton", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Michigan", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Ann Arbor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion On Cardiovascular Imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jesse Hamilton ", + "kol_full_name": "Jesse Hamilton " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Computed Tomography Angiography | Echocardiography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453928", + "session_name": "Deep Learning Ct Volumetry Versus Manual Measurements And Echocardiography For Prediction Of Pulmonary Hypertension Severity", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jessica Kim", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Deep Learning Ct Volumetry Versus Manual Measurements And Echocardiography For Prediction Of Pulmonary Hypertension Severity", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hypertension, Pulmonary | Computed Tomography Angiography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Echocardiography", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jessica Kim ", + "kol_full_name": "Jessica Kim " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453919", + "session_name": "Motion Artifact Reduction In Cardiac Mr Cine Images Based On Diffusion Transfer Model", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jong-Hyun Yoon", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Motion Artifact Reduction In Cardiac Mr Cine Images Based On Diffusion Transfer Model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jong-Hyun Yoon ", + "kol_full_name": "Jong-Hyun Yoon " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453925", + "session_name": "Discussion On Cardiovascular Imaging", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jordi Broncano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clínica universidad de Navarra", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "Navarra", + "City": "Pamplona", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion On Cardiovascular Imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jordi Broncano ", + "kol_full_name": "Jordi Broncano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Pericarditis, Tuberculous", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453837", + "session_name": "Tuberculous Pericarditis", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joseph Najjar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Tuberculous Pericarditis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pericarditis, Tuberculous", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Joseph Najjar ", + "kol_full_name": "Joseph Najjar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Coronary Vessels", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453840", + "session_name": "Coronary Artery Anatomy", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Julia Alegria", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinica Alemana, Santiago", + "Country": "Chile", + "Region": "Region Metropolitana", + "City": "Santiago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary Artery Anatomy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Vessels", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Julia Alegria ", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Alegria " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453845", + "session_name": "Cardiac Ct In The Emergency Department", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Julia Niemierko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": "England", + "City": "Cambridge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac Ct In The Emergency Department", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Julia Niemierko ", + "kol_full_name": "Julia Niemierko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Photon-counting Computed Tomography", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453899", + "session_name": "Coronary Cta Ultrahigh Resolution And Pcct", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kakuya Kitagawa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mie University", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Tokyo", + "City": "Tokyo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Coronary Cta Ultrahigh Resolution And Pcct", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Photon-counting Computed Tomography", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kakuya Kitagawa ", + "kol_full_name": "Kakuya Kitagawa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Wounds And Injuries | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1669094215", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453862", + "session_name": "Review Of Cardiovascular Emergencies And Trauma", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kyle Finney", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Louisiana State University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Louisiana", + "City": "Baton Rouge", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Review Of Cardiovascular Emergencies And Trauma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Wounds And Injuries | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Kyle Finney ", + "kol_full_name": "Kyle Finney " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453936", + "session_name": "Program Committee", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Jimenez Juan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Toronto", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Program Committee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Laura Jimenez Juan ", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Jimenez Juan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453897", + "session_name": "4D Flow: Updates And Clinical Applications", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lei Xu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "4D Flow: Updates And Clinical Applications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lei Xu ", + "kol_full_name": "Lei Xu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Anatomy | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "npi_num": "1568996437", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453892", + "session_name": "Seed Grant Mid-Term: Developing An Immersive 3D Virtual Reality Cardiovascular Variant And Anomalous Anatomy Library And Curriculum", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lily Sung", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "UC San Diego Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Diego", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Seed Grant Mid-Term: Developing An Immersive 3D Virtual Reality Cardiovascular Variant And Anomalous Anatomy Library And Curriculum", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anatomy | Cardiovascular Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lily Sung ", + "kol_full_name": "Lily Sung " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Sequential Analysis", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453861", + "session_name": "Guess The Shape! Beyond Segmental Sequential Analysis", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Egas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Guess The Shape! Beyond Segmental Sequential Analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sequential Analysis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Egas ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Egas " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Aortic Fistulas | Diagnostic Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453878", + "session_name": "Imaging Overview Of Aortic Fistulas", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria Puello", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Imaging Overview Of Aortic Fistulas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Fistulas | Diagnostic Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maria Puello ", + "kol_full_name": "Maria Puello " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic | Artificial Intelligence | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "1194466656", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453907", + "session_name": "Artificial Intelligence-Guided Measurement Of Thoracic Aortic Calcium On Non-Contrast Computed Tomography", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Halicek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Emory University School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial Intelligence-Guided Measurement Of Thoracic Aortic Calcium On Non-Contrast Computed Tomography", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin Halicek ", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Halicek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453893", + "session_name": "Discussion On Cardiovascular Imaging", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Willemink", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Stanford University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion On Cardiovascular Imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martin Willemink ", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Willemink " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Vascular Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453934", + "session_name": "Vascular Imaging", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maureen Hood", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Uniformed Services University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Bethesda", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vascular Imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maureen Hood ", + "kol_full_name": "Maureen Hood " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Artery Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453883", + "session_name": "Efficacy Of Photon-Counting-Detector Computed Tomography For Assessment Of Coronary Artery Disease", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Melika Shafeghat", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Northwestern University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Evanston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Efficacy Of Photon-Counting-Detector Computed Tomography For Assessment Of Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Coronary Artery Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Melika Shafeghat ", + "kol_full_name": "Melika Shafeghat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "1578023768", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453914", + "session_name": "Ct Indicators Of Fluid Overload Serve As Opportunistic Predictors Of Clinical Outcome", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Ghijsen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Stanford University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ct Indicators Of Fluid Overload Serve As Opportunistic Predictors Of Clinical Outcome", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael Ghijsen ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Ghijsen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453935", + "session_name": "Cteph", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mini Pakkal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Toronto", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cteph", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mini Pakkal ", + "kol_full_name": "Mini Pakkal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453853", + "session_name": "Cardiac Mri Ventricular Blood Pool T2 Mapping Ratio: Prognostic Significance And Physiologic Correlates", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Moran Drucker Iarovich", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Toronto", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac Mri Ventricular Blood Pool T2 Mapping Ratio: Prognostic Significance And Physiologic Correlates", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Moran Drucker Iarovich ", + "kol_full_name": "Moran Drucker Iarovich " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453940", + "session_name": "Program Committee", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Navneet Singh", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Toronto", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": "Ontario", + "City": "Toronto", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Program Committee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Navneet Singh ", + "kol_full_name": "Navneet Singh " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Venous Drainage | Heart Atria", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453884", + "session_name": "Abnormal Veno-Caval Drainage To The Atrium", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Neha Shah", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Abnormal Veno-Caval Drainage To The Atrium", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Venous Drainage | Heart Atria", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Neha Shah ", + "kol_full_name": "Neha Shah " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Coronary Artery Disease | Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453876", + "session_name": "Assessment Of Coronary Artery Disease With 18F-Naf Pet/Ct And Cta", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nguyen Nguyen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Assessment Of Coronary Artery Disease With 18F-Naf Pet/Ct And Cta", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Coronary Artery Disease | Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nguyen Nguyen ", + "kol_full_name": "Nguyen Nguyen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Late Gadolinium Enhancement", + "npi_num": "1861185712", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453917", + "session_name": "Pericardial Enhancement Assessment Improves With Fat Suppression Relative To Standard Lge Imaging", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Onural Ozturk", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Northwestern University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Evanston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pericardial Enhancement Assessment Improves With Fat Suppression Relative To Standard Lge Imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Late Gadolinium Enhancement", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Onural Ozturk ", + "kol_full_name": "Onural Ozturk " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Myocardial Infarction", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453881", + "session_name": "Mechanical Complications Of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Where To Look And What To Find", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pamela Romanque", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Chile", + "Country": "Chile", + "Region": "Region Metropolitana", + "City": "Santiago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Mechanical Complications Of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Where To Look And What To Find", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myocardial Infarction", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raluca McCallum ", + "kol_full_name": "Raluca McCallum " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453938", + "session_name": "Program Committee", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Randy Otto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Program Committee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Randy Otto ", + "kol_full_name": "Randy Otto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Artificial Intelligence | Diagnostic Imaging | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453895", + "session_name": "Artificial Intelligence: How We Use It In Day To Day Cmr Practice For Faster Imaging", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ricardo Budde", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Erasmus MC", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": "Zuid-Holland", + "City": "Rotterdam", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Artificial Intelligence: How We Use It In Day To Day Cmr Practice For Faster Imaging", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Artificial Intelligence | Diagnostic Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ricardo Budde ", + "kol_full_name": "Ricardo Budde " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Diagnostic Imaging | Hemorrhage", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453865", + "session_name": "Heart Of Darkness - Intramyocardial Hemorrhage And Microvascular Obstruction: Imaging Findings And Prognostic Implications", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rushali Gandhi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Heart Of Darkness - Intramyocardial Hemorrhage And Microvascular Obstruction: Imaging Findings And Prognostic Implications", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Diagnostic Imaging | Hemorrhage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ryan Huang ", + "kol_full_name": "Ryan Huang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Pulmonary Artery", + "npi_num": "1518607092", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453887", + "session_name": "Unusual Case Of Pulmonary Artery Mass", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarah Honeycutt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Unusual Case Of Pulmonary Artery Mass", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pulmonary Artery", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suman Prabhakar ", + "kol_full_name": "Suman Prabhakar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453896", + "session_name": "Updates In Ct Perfusion And Ffr-Ct: Pros And Cons", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sung Min Ko", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Christian Hospital Wonju", + "Country": "Korea, South", + "Region": "Kangwon-do", + "City": "Wonju", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Updates In Ct Perfusion And Ffr-Ct: Pros And Cons", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial | Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sung Min Ko ", + "kol_full_name": "Sung Min Ko " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453880", + "session_name": "Intraluminal Vascular Tumors And Mimics", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tannaz Rajabi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Intraluminal Vascular Tumors And Mimics", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Thurl Cledera ", + "kol_full_name": "Thurl Cledera " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "npi_num": "1013596634", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453846", + "session_name": "Introduction To Cardiac Mri For Trainees", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Trae Brooks", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Kentucky College of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Kentucky", + "City": "Lexington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Introduction To Cardiac Mri For Trainees", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Cardiac Imaging Techniques", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Trae Brooks ", + "kol_full_name": "Trae Brooks " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "130546", + "event_topics": "Cardiomyopathies | Peripartum Period | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5453870", + "session_name": "Cardiac Mri In Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Findings And Prognostic Value", + "name": "2024 North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (NASCI)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Varun Krishnan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cardiac Mri In Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Findings And Prognostic Value", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cardiomyopathies | Peripartum Period ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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"kol_full_name": "Gregory M Tiao" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": true, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Hepatoblastoma", + "npi_num": "1518191915", + "hcp_pin_alias": "219349", + "session_name": "Surgical Management Of Pediatric Hepatoblastoma: Outcome Analysis Of Surgical Guidelines Adopted For The Children’S Oncology Group (Cog) Ahep0731 Phase Iii Trial", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "219349", + "first_name": "Zachary", + "middle_name": "Jon", + "last_name": "Kastenberg", + "org_name": "Zachary Jon Kastenberg, Private Practice", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Surgical Management Of Pediatric Hepatoblastoma: Outcome Analysis Of Surgical Guidelines Adopted For The Children’S Oncology Group (Cog) Ahep0731 Phase Iii Trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + 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"2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rob Pieters", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Princess Máxima Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bcr::Abl1 And Abl-Class Fusion-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (All): Role Of Kinase Type And Co-Occurring Lesions In Intrinsic Resistance To Different Types Of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Dose-Intensity Of Maintenance Therapy In Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: The Influence Of Dexamethasone/Vincristine Pulses And Of Clinicians’ Compliance To Dose-Adjustment Guidelines,Prevention and management of infusion reactions to pegasparaginase,Leukemia Clinical", + "events_topic": "Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma | Protein-Tyrosine Kinases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Vincristine | Pegaspargase | Leukemia | Dexamethasone", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rob Pieters ", + "kol_full_name": "Rob Pieters " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Precision Medicine | Cancer Predisposition Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455174", + "session_name": "Challenges/Access Novel agents/therapies/Precision medicines globally (HIC/LMIC/UMICs),Health System Implementation Of Precision Oncology For Childhood Cancer: From Patients To Policies.,Epidemiology 2 - Cancer Predisposition", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Avram Denburg", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Hospital for Sick Children", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges/Access Novel agents/therapies/Precision medicines globally (HIC/LMIC/UMICs)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Health System Implementation Of Precision Oncology For Childhood Cancer: From Patients To Policies.,Epidemiology 2 - Cancer Predisposition", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Precision Medicine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cancer Predisposition Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Avram Denburg ", + "kol_full_name": "Avram Denburg " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Translational Research, Biomedical | Psychosocial Deprivation | Cancer Predisposition Syndrome", + "npi_num": "1265886188", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_186182", + "session_name": "Implementation Science (IS) and Research Overview,Epidemiology 2 - Cancer Predisposition,Global Health - Addressing Psychosocial Well-Being Of Pediatric Oncology Multidisciplinary Professionals", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caitlyn Duffy", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implementation Science (IS) and Research Overview", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Epidemiology 2 - Cancer Predisposition,Global Health - Addressing Psychosocial Well-Being Of Pediatric Oncology Multidisciplinary Professionals", + "events_topic": "Translational Research, Biomedical | Psychosocial Deprivation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cancer Predisposition Syndrome", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Caitlyn Duffy ", + "kol_full_name": "Caitlyn Duffy " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Liver Transplantation | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Vascular Access Devices | Biliary Complications", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455209", + "session_name": "Liver Transplant Results In Pediatric Hepatocellular Carcinoma,Billiary Complications In Paediatric Tumours - How Best To Avoid And Manage Them,Innovation and technology in vascular access", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gloria Gonzalez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clinica Alemana de Santiago", + "Country": "Chile", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Liver Transplant Results In Pediatric Hepatocellular Carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Billiary Complications In Paediatric Tumours - How Best To Avoid And Manage Them,Innovation and technology in vascular access", + "events_topic": "Liver Transplantation | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Vascular Access Devices | Biliary Complications", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Gloria Gonzalez ", + "kol_full_name": "Gloria Gonzalez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Neoplasms | Psychosocial Deprivation", + "npi_num": "1811136609", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455138", + "session_name": "Evaluation Of A Decision Support Intervention For Adolescents And Young Adults Newly Diagnosed With Cancer,Access to psychosocial support,Scientific Committee", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lamia P. Barakat", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Children's Hospital of Philadelphia", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation Of A Decision Support Intervention For Adolescents And Young Adults Newly Diagnosed With Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Access to psychosocial support,Scientific Committee", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Psychosocial Deprivation", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lamia P. Barakat ", + "kol_full_name": "Lamia P. Barakat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Health Policy | Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455183", + "session_name": "Bridging The Knowledge Gap In Pediatric Palliative Care: Outcomes Of A Regional Virtual Training Course,Update WHO/ St Jude Global Platform for Access to Childhood Cancer Medicines incl. regional example by PAHO for LATAM,Policy And Advocacy", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Liliana Vasquez", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Pan American Health Organization", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Bridging The Knowledge Gap In Pediatric Palliative Care: Outcomes Of A Regional Virtual Training Course", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Update WHO/ St Jude Global Platform for Access to Childhood Cancer Medicines incl. regional example by PAHO for LATAM,Policy And Advocacy", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Health Policy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Palliative Care", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Liliana Vasquez ", + "kol_full_name": "Liliana Vasquez " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Early Detection Of Cancer | Education And Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455137", + "session_name": "Empowering And Preparing Teachers For A Successful Reintegration To School Of Students With Cancer From Parents Organization’S Perspective: A Guide And Training Course For Teachers,Improving Early Detection And Access To Care,Scientific Committee", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luisa Basset Salom", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Universitat Politècnica de València", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Empowering And Preparing Teachers For A Successful Reintegration To School Of Students With Cancer From Parents Organization’S Perspective: A Guide And Training Course For Teachers", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Improving Early Detection And Access To Care,Scientific Committee", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Early Detection Of Cancer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Education And Research", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marry M. Van Den Heuvel-Eibrink ", + "kol_full_name": "Marry M. Van Den Heuvel-Eibrink " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care | Delphi Technique | Psychosocial Deprivation | Cancer Survivors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455169", + "session_name": "When, And How, Should We Talk About Palliative Care Concepts With Adolescents And Young Adults With Cancer? Results From An International Delphi Study.,Do Young People Who Survive Cancer, Identify As ‘Survivors’? Prevalence And Predictors Of Cancer-Related Identities Among Adolescents And Young Adults Following Cancer.,Psycho Oncology", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ursula Sansom-Daly", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "UNSW Sydney", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "When", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " And How, Should We Talk About Palliative Care Concepts With Adolescents And Young Adults With Cancer? Results From An International Delphi Study.,Do Young People Who Survive Cancer, Identify As ‘Survivors’? Prevalence And Predictors Of Cancer-Related Identities Among Adolescents And Young Adults Following Cancer.,Psycho Oncology", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care | Delphi Technique ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Psychosocial Deprivation | Cancer Survivors", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ursula Sansom-Daly ", + "kol_full_name": "Ursula Sansom-Daly " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Artificial Intelligence | Soft Tissue Sarcoma | Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455154", + "session_name": "The Global Burden Of Soft Tissue Sarcomas In Children, Adolescents, And Young Adults From 1990 To 2021: A Systematic Analysis For The Gbd Study 2021.,Prepare-All: An Xgboost-Based Artificial Intelligence Tool For Predicting Relapse In Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.,Sct And Aml", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Venkatraman Radhakrishnan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Cancer Institute (W.I.A.)", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Global Burden Of Soft Tissue Sarcomas In Children", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " Adolescents, And Young Adults From 1990 To 2021: A Systematic Analysis For The Gbd Study 2021.,Prepare-All: An Xgboost-Based Artificial Intelligence Tool For Predicting Relapse In Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.,Sct And Aml", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Soft Tissue Sarcoma | Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Venkatraman Radhakrishnan ", + "kol_full_name": "Venkatraman Radhakrishnan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Retinoblastoma | Osteosarcoma | Risk Assessment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455417", + "session_name": "Elaboration And Design Of A Treatment Abandonment Risk Assessment Scale For The Ahopca Region,The Impact Of Stigma On Patients With Osteosarcoma And Retinoblastoma In Guatemala", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Caceres-Serrano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Unidad Nacional de Oncología Pediátrica", + "Country": "Guatemala", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Elaboration And Design Of A Treatment Abandonment Risk Assessment Scale For The Ahopca Region", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The Impact Of Stigma On Patients With Osteosarcoma And Retinoblastoma In Guatemala", + "events_topic": "Retinoblastoma | Osteosarcoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Risk Assessment", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ana Caceres-Serrano ", + "kol_full_name": "Ana Caceres-Serrano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Tisagenlecleucel | Leukemia", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455172", + "session_name": "Where are we going beyond Tisagenlecleucel,Leukemia Translational", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andre Baruchel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Where are we going beyond Tisagenlecleucel", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Leukemia Translational", + "events_topic": "Tisagenlecleucel | Leukemia", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Andre Baruchel ", + "kol_full_name": "Andre Baruchel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Glioblastoma | Immunotherapy | Lymphocyte Activation Gene 3 Protein | Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Mutation | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | DNA Replication | Glioma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455378", + "session_name": "Trans-Species Study Of Idh-Mutant Replication-Repair Deficient High-Grade Gliomas (Rrd-Hgg) And Response To Combined Targeted And Immunotherapy: An Irrdc Study,Translating Combined Pd1 And Lag3 Inhibition From Preclinical Models To Patients With Refractory, Dna Replication Repair Deficient (Rrd) Glioblastoma: An Irrdc Study", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Anirban Das", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Hospital for Sick Children", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Trans-Species Study Of Idh-Mutant Replication-Repair Deficient High-Grade Gliomas (Rrd-Hgg) And Response To Combined Targeted And Immunotherapy: An Irrdc Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Translating Combined Pd1 And Lag3 Inhibition From Preclinical Models To Patients With Refractory, Dna Replication Repair Deficient (Rrd) Glioblastoma: An Irrdc Study", + "events_topic": "Glioblastoma | Immunotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphocyte Activation Gene 3 Protein | Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Mutation | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | DNA Replication | Glioma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Anirban Das ", + "kol_full_name": "Anirban Das " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455134", + "session_name": "Lymphoma And Others,Scientific Committee", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Asim F. Belgaumi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Aga Khan University Medical College", + "Country": "Pakistan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lymphoma And Others", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Scientific Committee", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Asim F. Belgaumi ", + "kol_full_name": "Asim F. Belgaumi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Thymidine Kinase 1 | Hub Gene | Adrenocortical Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455484", + "session_name": "Identification Of Hub Genes With Clinical Prognostic Significance In A Brazilian Cohort Of Pediatric Adrenocortical Tumors,The Tk1 Gene Shows Potential As A Prognostic Marker In Adrenocortical Tumors And Is Correlated With The Presence Of Immune Cell Infiltrates In Silico Analyses.", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carlos A. Scrideli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ribeirão Preto Medical School - University of Sao Paulo", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identification Of Hub Genes With Clinical Prognostic Significance In A Brazilian Cohort Of Pediatric Adrenocortical Tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The Tk1 Gene Shows Potential As A Prognostic Marker In Adrenocortical Tumors And Is Correlated With The Presence Of Immune Cell Infiltrates In Silico Analyses.", + "events_topic": "Thymidine Kinase 1 | Hub Gene ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Adrenocortical Carcinoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carlos A. Scrideli ", + "kol_full_name": "Carlos A. Scrideli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neurocognitive Disorders | Mental Disorders | Ependymoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455474", + "session_name": "Web-Based Screening Of Psychiatric Disorders In Adult Survivors Of Childhood Cancer,Temporal Changes In Therapy And Neurocognitive Outcomes In Adult Survivors Of Pediatric Ependymoma: A Report From The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (Ccss)", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chiara Papini", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Web-Based Screening Of Psychiatric Disorders In Adult Survivors Of Childhood Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Temporal Changes In Therapy And Neurocognitive Outcomes In Adult Survivors Of Pediatric Ependymoma: A Report From The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (Ccss)", + "events_topic": "Neurocognitive Disorders | Mental Disorders ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ependymoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chiara Papini ", + "kol_full_name": "Chiara Papini " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Precision Medicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455340", + "session_name": "Development And Localization Of Patient Education Factsheets On Childhood Cancer And Essential Medicines: A Case Study In Mongolia,Raising Awareness About Early Signs And Symptoms Of Childhood And Adolescent Cancer In The Americas Through International Collaboration", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel E. Bastardo Blanco", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development And Localization Of Patient Education Factsheets On Childhood Cancer And Essential Medicines: A Case Study In Mongolia", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Raising Awareness About Early Signs And Symptoms Of Childhood And Adolescent Cancer In The Americas Through International Collaboration", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Precision Medicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel E. Bastardo Blanco ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel E. Bastardo Blanco " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neurofibromatosis 2 | Neurofibromatosis 1 | Nervous System Neoplasms | Disease Management", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455142", + "session_name": "Nf2 Related Nervous System Tumours,Improving Care In Paediatric Patients With Nf1-Pn: Approaches To Disease Management In Clinical Practice", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Eric Bouffet", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Nf2 Related Nervous System Tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Improving Care In Paediatric Patients With Nf1-Pn: Approaches To Disease Management In Clinical Practice", + "events_topic": "Neurofibromatosis 2 | Neurofibromatosis 1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Nervous System Neoplasms | Disease Management", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Eric Bouffet ", + "kol_full_name": "Eric Bouffet " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Essential Medicine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455149", + "session_name": "Essential Medicine,Global Health - Updates On Global Pediatric Oncology Campaigns", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Federico G. Antillon-Klussmann", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Unidad Nacional de Oncología Pediátrica", + "Country": "Guatemala", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Essential Medicine", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Global Health - Updates On Global Pediatric Oncology Campaigns", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Essential Medicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Federico G. Antillon-Klussmann ", + "kol_full_name": "Federico G. Antillon-Klussmann " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Diffuse Midline Glioma | Oncolytic Viruses | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455152", + "session_name": "Immunotherapy options for DMGs,Oncolytic Viruses For Treatment Of Cancer", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jasper Van der Lugt", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Immunotherapy options for DMGs", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Oncolytic Viruses For Treatment Of Cancer", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Diffuse Midline Glioma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Oncolytic Viruses | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jasper Van der Lugt ", + "kol_full_name": "Jasper Van der Lugt " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active | Health Policy | Hodgkin Disease", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455184", + "session_name": "Enhancing Survival In Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma: Impact Of Antiretroviral Therapy And Unified Treatment Guidelines,Policy And Advocacy", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jennifer A. Geel", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Enhancing Survival In Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma: Impact Of Antiretroviral Therapy And Unified Treatment Guidelines", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Policy And Advocacy", + "events_topic": "Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active | Health Policy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hodgkin Disease", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jennifer A. Geel ", + "kol_full_name": "Jennifer A. Geel " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Aqueous Humor Liquid Biopsy | Retinoblastoma", + "npi_num": "1649447491", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_139668", + "session_name": "Liquid Gold: Progress In Establishing A Molecular Test For Retinoblastoma Diagnosis, Prognosis, And Therapeutic Outcomes Using An Aqueous Humor Liquid Biopsy,Retinoblastoma", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jesse L. Berry", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Children's Hospital Los Angeles", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Liquid Gold: Progress In Establishing A Molecular Test For Retinoblastoma Diagnosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Prognosis, And Therapeutic Outcomes Using An Aqueous Humor Liquid Biopsy,Retinoblastoma", + "events_topic": "Aqueous Humor Liquid Biopsy | Retinoblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Jesse L. Berry ", + "kol_full_name": "Jesse L. Berry " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Quality Of Life | Symptom Assessment | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455284", + "session_name": "Symptom Assessment and Management,Comparison Of Child And Parent Ratings Of Symptoms And Quality Of Life Among School-Age Children With Cancer", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lauri Linder", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Utah", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Symptom Assessment and Management", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison Of Child And Parent Ratings Of Symptoms And Quality Of Life Among School-Age Children With Cancer", + "events_topic": "Quality Of Life | Symptom Assessment ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lauri Linder ", + "kol_full_name": "Lauri Linder " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Cancer Survivors | Self Care", + "npi_num": "1457468449", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455191", + "session_name": "Interactive Session - Developing And Practicing Self-Care Strategies,Survivorship", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Leanne Embry", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "UT Health San Antonio", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Interactive Session - Developing And Practicing Self-Care Strategies", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Survivorship", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors | Self Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Leanne Embry ", + "kol_full_name": "Leanne Embry " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455136", + "session_name": "Brain Tumor Translational,Scientific Committee", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lorena V. Baroni", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Brain Tumor Translational", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Scientific Committee", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Brain Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luca Pio ", + "kol_full_name": "Luca Pio " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care | Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455140", + "session_name": "Supportive Care,Scientific Committee", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marianne D. Van De Wetering", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Princess Máxima Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Supportive Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Scientific Committee", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care | Admin. & Management", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marianne D. Van De Wetering ", + "kol_full_name": "Marianne D. Van De Wetering " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Clinical Decision-Making | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455364", + "session_name": "Development Of A Participatory Method To Explore Decision-Making With Children And Young People Facing Advanced Cancer In Low- And Middle-Income Countries (Lmics),Learning To Let Go: Exploring De-Implementation Science In The Context Of Pediatric Cancer", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marta Salek", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Development Of A Participatory Method To Explore Decision-Making With Children And Young People Facing Advanced Cancer In Low- And Middle-Income Countries (Lmics)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Learning To Let Go: Exploring De-Implementation Science In The Context Of Pediatric Cancer", + "events_topic": "Clinical Decision-Making | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Marta Salek ", + "kol_full_name": "Marta Salek " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Qualitative Research | Psychosocial Deprivation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455200", + "session_name": "Qualitative Research Overview,Psycho-Oncology", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martha A. Grootenhuis", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Princess Máxima Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Qualitative Research Overview", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Psycho-Oncology", + "events_topic": "Qualitative Research | Psychosocial Deprivation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Martha A. Grootenhuis ", + "kol_full_name": "Martha A. Grootenhuis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Robotic Surgical Procedures | Denys-Drash Syndrome | Wilms Tumor", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455311", + "session_name": "Wilms Tumors In Children With Denys-Drash Syndrome: Detailed Multidisciplinary Management As A Basis For Clinical Guidelines,How Far Can We Extend The Limits Of Robotic Surgery For Wilms Tumor, With Respect Of The Oncological Surgical Principles?", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mathilde Glenisson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Wilms Tumors In Children With Denys-Drash Syndrome: Detailed Multidisciplinary Management As A Basis For Clinical Guidelines", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "How Far Can We Extend The Limits Of Robotic Surgery For Wilms Tumor, With Respect Of The Oncological Surgical Principles?", + "events_topic": "Robotic Surgical Procedures | Denys-Drash Syndrome ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Wilms Tumor", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Mathilde Glenisson ", + "kol_full_name": "Mathilde Glenisson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Indocyanine Green | Abdominal Neoplasms | Wilms Tumor", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455263", + "session_name": "Can Icg Fluorescence Predict Disease Margins In Wilms Tumour? - An Ex-Vivo Study,Reducing The Late Toxicity Of Upper Abdominal Tumour Treatment", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Max Pachl", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Birmingham Children's Hospital", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Can Icg Fluorescence Predict Disease Margins In Wilms Tumour? - An Ex-Vivo Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Reducing The Late Toxicity Of Upper Abdominal Tumour Treatment", + "events_topic": "Indocyanine Green | Abdominal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Wilms Tumor", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Max Pachl ", + "kol_full_name": "Max Pachl " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Urinary Tract Infections | Solid Tumors | Radiotherapy | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "1477058170", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455321", + "session_name": "Global Mapping Of Clinical Trials For Children With Non-Cns Solid Tumors,The Effect Of Pelvic External Beam Radiation Therapy On Lower Urinary Tract Function", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael H. Edwards", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global Mapping Of Clinical Trials For Children With Non-Cns Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The Effect Of Pelvic External Beam Radiation Therapy On Lower Urinary Tract Function", + "events_topic": "Urinary Tract Infections | Solid Tumors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Radiotherapy | Clinical Trial", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Michael H. Edwards ", + "kol_full_name": "Michael H. Edwards " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Thyroid Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455139", + "session_name": "Paediatric Thyroid Tumours,Scientific Committee", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Monica Cypriano", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Paediatric Thyroid Tumours", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Scientific Committee", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Thyroid Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Monica Cypriano ", + "kol_full_name": "Monica Cypriano " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Cancer Survivors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455293", + "session_name": "Home Based Chemotherapy,Follow-up Care/ Survivors of Children and Adolescents with Cancer", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Natalie K. Bradford", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Queensland University of Technology", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Home Based Chemotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Follow-up Care/ Survivors of Children and Adolescents with Cancer", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Cancer Survivors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Natalie K. Bradford ", + "kol_full_name": "Natalie K. Bradford " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Oncology Nursing | Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea And Vomiting", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455292", + "session_name": "Effects Of Technology-Based Interventions On Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea, Vomiting, And Quality Of Life In Pediatric Patients: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis,Nursing Research in Pediatric Oncology Nursing", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Remziye Semerci", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "KOC UNIVERSITY", + "Country": "Turkey", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Effects Of Technology-Based Interventions On Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Vomiting, And Quality Of Life In Pediatric Patients: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis,Nursing Research in Pediatric Oncology Nursing", + "events_topic": "Oncology Nursing | Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea And Vomiting", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Remziye Semerci ", + "kol_full_name": "Remziye Semerci " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Anti-Gd2 Antibody | Palliative Care | Neuroblastoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455190", + "session_name": "Global Accessibility And Affordability Of Anti-Gd2 Monoclonal Antibodies For Neuroblastoma Treatment: A Survey-Based Study,Supportive Care", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruzanna Papyan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Yeolyan Hematology and Oncology center", + "Country": "Armenia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global Accessibility And Affordability Of Anti-Gd2 Monoclonal Antibodies For Neuroblastoma Treatment: A Survey-Based Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Supportive Care", + "events_topic": "Anti-Gd2 Antibody | Palliative Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuroblastoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ruzanna Papyan ", + "kol_full_name": "Ruzanna Papyan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Social Media | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455329", + "session_name": "Car-T Cell: Co-Creation With Children, Families, And Healthcare Professionals.,Design And Animation: Information And Engagement On Social Media.", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Simone L. Mozzilli", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Instituto Beaba", + "Country": "Brazil", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Car-T Cell: Co-Creation With Children", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Families, And Healthcare Professionals.,Design And Animation: Information And Engagement On Social Media.", + "events_topic": "Social Media | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Simone L. Mozzilli ", + "kol_full_name": "Simone L. Mozzilli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Unecritinib | Anlotinib | Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic | Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455447", + "session_name": "Phase I Study Of Safety, Efficacy And Genomic Analysis Of Pediatric Patients With High Risk, Recurrent Or Refractory Sarcomas Treated With Anlotinib,Safety, Efficacy, And Genomic Analysis Of Pediatric Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Treated With Unecritinib: A Phase I Study", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suying Lu", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Phase I Study Of Safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " Efficacy And Genomic Analysis Of Pediatric Patients With High Risk, Recurrent Or Refractory Sarcomas Treated With Anlotinib,Safety, Efficacy, And Genomic Analysis Of Pediatric Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Treated With Unecritinib: A Phase I Study", + "events_topic": "Unecritinib | Anlotinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic | Sarcoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suying Lu ", + "kol_full_name": "Suying Lu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455141", + "session_name": "Lymphoma And Others,Scientific Committee", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Suzanne Turner", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Lymphoma And Others", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Scientific Committee", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Suzanne Turner ", + "kol_full_name": "Suzanne Turner " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Wilms Tumor | Treatment Abandonment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455250", + "session_name": "Cancare And Efforts To Reduce Treatment Abandonment In Africa: Lessons Learnt And Future Perspectives,Wilms Tumor", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Trijn Israels", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kamuzu University of Health Sciences", + "Country": "Malawi", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancare And Efforts To Reduce Treatment Abandonment In Africa: Lessons Learnt And Future Perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Wilms Tumor", + "events_topic": "Wilms Tumor | Treatment Abandonment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Trijn Israels ", + "kol_full_name": "Trijn Israels " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Education And Research | Cancer Survivors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455176", + "session_name": "Cac2 Survivorship Toolkit: A Collaborative Effort To Support The Diverse Needs Of Childhood Cancer Survivors And Their Families Through Comprehensive Education And Resources,Enhancing Knowledge On Cc And Providing Educational Tools", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vickie Buenger", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Coalition Against Childhood Cancer - CAC2", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cac2 Survivorship Toolkit: A Collaborative Effort To Support The Diverse Needs Of Childhood Cancer Survivors And Their Families Through Comprehensive Education And Resources", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Enhancing Knowledge On Cc And Providing Educational Tools", + "events_topic": "Education And Research | Cancer Survivors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Vickie Buenger ", + "kol_full_name": "Vickie Buenger " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "TXNRD2 Protein, Human | IRAK1 Protein, Human | Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein 1 | Neuroblastoma | Lymphoepithelioma-like Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455278", + "session_name": "Characteristics And Proteomic Analysis In Pediatric Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma (Lelc),Txnrd2 Exerts Tumor-Promoting Functions In Neuroblastoma Through Irak1/Akt/Srebp1 Axis", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yizhuo Zhang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Characteristics And Proteomic Analysis In Pediatric Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma (Lelc)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Txnrd2 Exerts Tumor-Promoting Functions In Neuroblastoma Through Irak1/Akt/Srebp1 Axis", + "events_topic": "TXNRD2 Protein, Human | IRAK1 Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein 1 | Neuroblastoma | Lymphoepithelioma-like Carcinoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Yizhuo Zhang ", + "kol_full_name": "Yizhuo Zhang " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Psychosocial Deprivation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455243", + "session_name": "Global Health - Addressing Psychosocial Well-Being Of Pediatric Oncology Multidisciplinary Professionals", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aayushi Khaneja", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Global Health - Addressing Psychosocial Well-Being Of Pediatric Oncology Multidisciplinary Professionals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Psychosocial Deprivation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Akmal Safwat ", + "kol_full_name": "Akmal Safwat " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Treatment Abandonment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455179", + "session_name": "Treatment Abandonment", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alan Davidson", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital/Department of Paediatrics and Child Health", + "Country": "South Africa", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment Abandonment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Treatment Abandonment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alan Davidson ", + "kol_full_name": "Alan Davidson " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455295", + "session_name": "Role of nurses in palliative care", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alana Rose", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role of nurses in palliative care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alessandro Crocoli ", + "kol_full_name": "Alessandro Crocoli " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Cancer Survivors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455473", + "session_name": "Income And Employment Outcomes Of Survivors Of Childhood Cancer In Early Adulthood: A Population-Based Longitudinal Matched Cohort Study In Canada", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Moskalewicz", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "The Hospital for Sick Children", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Income And Employment Outcomes Of Survivors Of Childhood Cancer In Early Adulthood: A Population-Based Longitudinal Matched Cohort Study In Canada", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Moskalewicz ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Moskalewicz " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Diseases", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455479", + "session_name": "Safer Toolkit: Development Of An Emergency Response Framework For The Care Of Children Diagnosed With Cancer And Blood Disorders In Humanitarian Crisis Settings", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Mueller", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Medical Center Freiburg", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Safer Toolkit: Development Of An Emergency Response Framework For The Care Of Children Diagnosed With Cancer And Blood Disorders In Humanitarian Crisis Settings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Diseases", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Mueller ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Mueller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Cyclins | Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 9 | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455401", + "session_name": "Inhibition Of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 9 Leads To Rapid And Effective Apoptosis Induction In B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Niedermayer", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Ulm University Medical Center", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Inhibition Of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 9 Leads To Rapid And Effective Apoptosis Induction In B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cyclins | Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 9 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Alexandra Niedermayer ", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Niedermayer " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Polydactyly | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455412", + "session_name": "Cancer Risk In Individuals With Polydactyly: A Swedish Population-Based Cohort Study", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Wachtmeister", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Karolinska Institutet", + "Country": "Sweden", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Cancer Risk In Individuals With Polydactyly: A Swedish Population-Based Cohort Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Polydactyly | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Ayomide Omotola ", + "kol_full_name": "Ayomide Omotola " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Mismatch Repair Deficiency", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455461", + "session_name": "The Clinical And Biological Landscape Of Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency: An Irrdc Cohort Study", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ayse B. Ercan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre (BTRC)", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Clinical And Biological Landscape Of Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency: An Irrdc Cohort Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mismatch Repair Deficiency", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Benjamin W. Loke ", + "kol_full_name": "Benjamin W. Loke " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Treatment Abandonment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455193", + "session_name": "Empowering Patients/Families At Hospital. Addressing Abandonment", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Benson Pau", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Empowering Patients/Families At Hospital. Addressing Abandonment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Treatment Abandonment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Carolina Nor ", + "kol_full_name": "Carolina Nor " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Contraception | Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455448", + "session_name": "Maternal Hormonal Contraception Use And Cns Tumor Risk In Children – A Large Scandinavian Cohort Study", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Caroline H. Hemmingsen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Danish Cancer Institute", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Maternal Hormonal Contraception Use And Cns Tumor Risk In Children – A Large Scandinavian Cohort Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Contraception | Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Catherine B. Beckhorn ", + "kol_full_name": "Catherine B. Beckhorn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Thyroidectomy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455398", + "session_name": "Challenges In Paediatric Thyroid Surgery (Surgical)", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Catherine Langusch", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Australia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Challenges In Paediatric Thyroid Surgery (Surgical)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thyroidectomy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Chadrack Kabeya Diyoka ", + "kol_full_name": "Chadrack Kabeya Diyoka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Hepatoblastoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455236", + "session_name": "Surgical Approach To Hepatoblastoma: An International Siopel-Ipso Survey", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Chiara Grimaldi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Meyer Children's Hospital IRCCS", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Surgical Approach To Hepatoblastoma: An International Siopel-Ipso Survey", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hepatoblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Courtney Sullivan ", + "kol_full_name": "Courtney Sullivan " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Financial Management | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455221", + "session_name": "Evaluation Of The Financial And Economic Cost Of Childhood Cancer Care In Lubumbashi: A Mixed Study", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Criss Koba Mjumbe", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Lubumbashi", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Evaluation Of The Financial And Economic Cost Of Childhood Cancer Care In Lubumbashi: A Mixed Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Financial Management | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Criss Koba Mjumbe ", + "kol_full_name": "Criss Koba Mjumbe " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455255", + "session_name": "Infant All", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daisuke Tomizawa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Center for Child Health and Development", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Infant All", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Dan Liu ", + "kol_full_name": "Dan Liu " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Thyroid Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455315", + "session_name": "Correlation Of The Risk Of Malignancy In Thyroid Lesions With The Bethesda System In Children", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel H. Liberto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Correlation Of The Risk Of Malignancy In Thyroid Lesions With The Bethesda System In Children", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thyroid Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel J. Münter ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel J. Münter " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Patient Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455161", + "session_name": "Role Of Ngos In Supporting Families And Caregivers", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel Mckenzie", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Zimbabwe", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Role Of Ngos In Supporting Families And Caregivers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Daniel Mckenzie ", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel Mckenzie " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Liver Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455490", + "session_name": "Hepatocellular Neoplasm Not Otherwise Specified (Hcn-Nos). Multidisciplinary Experience In The Pediatric National Reference Center Of Liver Tumors In Argentina.", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniela Fortunati", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Hospital de Pediatría J. P. Garrahan", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Hepatocellular Neoplasm Not Otherwise Specified (Hcn-Nos). Multidisciplinary Experience In The Pediatric National Reference Center Of Liver Tumors In Argentina.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Liver Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hedley Lewis ", + "kol_full_name": "Hedley Lewis " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Myeloproliferative Disorder", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455368", + "session_name": "Myeloproliferative Syndromes", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Henrik Hasle", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Aarhus University Hospital", + "Country": "Denmark", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Myeloproliferative Syndromes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myeloproliferative Disorder", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Hua You ", + "kol_full_name": "Hua You " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455222", + "session_name": "Pancreatic Tumours - Facing The Pancreas Head On", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Huanmin Wang", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Beijing Children’s Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pancreatic Tumours - Facing The Pancreas Head On", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Loviisa Mulanje ", + "kol_full_name": "Loviisa Mulanje " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Dental Care", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455323", + "session_name": "A Software Application For Providing Dosimetric Dental Mapping In Post-Radiotherapy Dental Care For Children.", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luc Ollivier", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest", + "Country": "France", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Software Application For Providing Dosimetric Dental Mapping In Post-Radiotherapy Dental Care For Children.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Dental Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Luc Ollivier ", + "kol_full_name": "Luc Ollivier " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455386", + "session_name": "Psychosocial Care Model And Continuous Educational Program For Ahopca (Association Of Pediatric Hematology And Oncology Of Central America And The Caribbean)", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lucia Fuentes", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Guatemala", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Psychosocial Care Model And Continuous Educational Program For Ahopca (Association Of Pediatric Hematology And Oncology Of Central America And The Caribbean)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lucia Fuentes ", + "kol_full_name": "Lucia Fuentes " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Cancer Predisposition Syndrome", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455500", + "session_name": "Improving Care Of Pediatric Oncology Patients With Cancer Predisposition In A Medium-Sized Center: A Feasible Multistep Approach", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lucie Pecheux", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University Of Alberta", + "Country": "Canada", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Improving Care Of Pediatric Oncology Patients With Cancer Predisposition In A Medium-Sized Center: A Feasible Multistep Approach", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Predisposition Syndrome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Lucy A. Waller ", + "kol_full_name": "Lucy A. Waller " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma | Extremities", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455373", + "session_name": "Extremity Sarcoma In Young Children A Surgical Oncologists Perspective", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luis A. Tinao", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Argentina", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Extremity Sarcoma In Young Children A Surgical Oncologists Perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma | Extremities", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Maite Gorostegui ", + "kol_full_name": "Maite Gorostegui " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Surgical Oncology", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455331", + "session_name": "Ipso: Centralization Of Paediatric Surgical Oncology Care", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marc H. Wijnen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Princess Máxima Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Ipso: Centralization Of Paediatric Surgical Oncology Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Surgical Oncology", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nina Mogensen ", + "kol_full_name": "Nina Mogensen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455277", + "session_name": "Treatment Free Remissions(Tfr) In Children With Chronic Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (Cml-Cp) - A Prospective Study From The Tata Memorial Hospital(Tmh) Pediatric Cml (Pcml) Cohort.", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nirmalya Roy Moulik", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tata Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Treatment Free Remissions(Tfr) In Children With Chronic Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (Cml-Cp) - A Prospective Study From The Tata Memorial Hospital(Tmh) Pediatric Cml (Pcml) Cohort.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nirmalya Roy Moulik ", + "kol_full_name": "Nirmalya Roy Moulik " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Rhabdoid Tumor", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455187", + "session_name": "Advances In The Treatment And Biology Of Malignant Rhabdoid Tumour", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Norbert Graf", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Saarland University Hospital", + "Country": "Germany", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Advances In The Treatment And Biology Of Malignant Rhabdoid Tumour", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rhabdoid Tumor", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Norbert Graf ", + "kol_full_name": "Norbert Graf " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455481", + "session_name": "Implementing A Multidisciplinary Virtual Tumor Board: A Quality Improvement Project To Reduce Solid Tumor Diagnostic Time In A Tertiary Hospital In Indonesia", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nur M. Sari", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Indonesia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Implementing A Multidisciplinary Virtual Tumor Board: A Quality Improvement Project To Reduce Solid Tumor Diagnostic Time In A Tertiary Hospital In Indonesia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Nur M. Sari ", + "kol_full_name": "Nur M. Sari " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Education And Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455288", + "session_name": "Pursuing Graduate Education and Promoting Specialist Education", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Obadia Ngoka", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Tanzania", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Pursuing Graduate Education and Promoting Specialist Education", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Education And Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Obadia Ngoka ", + "kol_full_name": "Obadia Ngoka " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Surgical Procedures, Operative", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455424", + "session_name": "Surgical Treatment", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Omar Pathmanaban", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "University of Manchester", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Surgical Treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Surgical Procedures, Operative", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Omar Pathmanaban ", + "kol_full_name": "Omar Pathmanaban " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neuroblastoma | Gastrointestinal Microbiome", + "npi_num": "1982012993", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455281", + "session_name": "Gut Microbiota Associations With Gd2/Gd3 Vaccine Response In Patients With High-Risk Neuroblastoma", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Oriana Miltiadous", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Gut Microbiota Associations With Gd2/Gd3 Vaccine Response In Patients With High-Risk Neuroblastoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroblastoma | Gastrointestinal Microbiome", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Oriana Miltiadous ", + "kol_full_name": "Oriana Miltiadous " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Cancer Survivors | Discrimination, Psychological", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455418", + "session_name": "Stigma And Discrimination In Cancer: Role Of Local Networks Of Childhood Cancer Survivors To Prevent Them.", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pablo Allard", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Chile", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Stigma And Discrimination In Cancer: Role Of Local Networks Of Childhood Cancer Survivors To Prevent Them.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors | Discrimination, Psychological", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pablo Allard ", + "kol_full_name": "Pablo Allard " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455443", + "session_name": "Impact Of An Ambulatory Chemotherapy Unit Within A Cross-Border Shared-Care Network On Childhood Care Survival In Belize.", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pablo M. Gonzalez-Montalvo", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Mexico", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Impact Of An Ambulatory Chemotherapy Unit Within A Cross-Border Shared-Care Network On Childhood Care Survival In Belize.", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pablo M. Gonzalez-Montalvo ", + "kol_full_name": "Pablo M. Gonzalez-Montalvo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Kidney Neoplasms | Nephroma, Mesoblastic", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455405", + "session_name": "Characteristics And Outcome Of Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma: A Report Of 25 Years Registration Of Siop, Aieop, And Uk-Import - Renal Tumour Study Groups", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paola Quarello", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Regina Margherita Children's Hospital", + "Country": "Italy", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Characteristics And Outcome Of Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma: A Report Of 25 Years Registration Of Siop", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Aieop, And Uk-Import - Renal Tumour Study Groups", + "events_topic": "Kidney Neoplasms | Nephroma, Mesoblastic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paola Quarello ", + "kol_full_name": "Paola Quarello " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455441", + "session_name": "Characterization And Results Of The Global Initiative For Childhood Cancer Country-Specific Projects In Latin America And The Caribbean", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Patrícia Loggetto", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Characterization And Results Of The Global Initiative For Childhood Cancer Country-Specific Projects In Latin America And The Caribbean", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Patrícia Loggetto ", + "kol_full_name": "Patrícia Loggetto " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455362", + "session_name": "Co-Development And Usability Testing Of S-Imcica: A User-Centered E-Learning Curriculum In “Early Detection Of Childhood Cancer” For Primary Care Providers In Colombia", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Patricia Montenegro", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Clínica Blas de Lezo", + "Country": "Colombia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Co-Development And Usability Testing Of S-Imcica: A User-Centered E-Learning Curriculum In “Early Detection Of Childhood Cancer” For Primary Care Providers In Colombia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Patricia Montenegro ", + "kol_full_name": "Patricia Montenegro " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Liver Transplantation | Hepatoblastoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455232", + "session_name": "Outcomes Of Major Liver Resection For Hepatoblastoma Children Weighing Less Than 10 Kilograms: Avoiding Liver Transplantation With An Extended Or Extreme Resection", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Pattamon Sutthatarn", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Chulalongkorn University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outcomes Of Major Liver Resection For Hepatoblastoma Children Weighing Less Than 10 Kilograms: Avoiding Liver Transplantation With An Extended Or Extreme Resection", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Liver Transplantation | Hepatoblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Pattamon Sutthatarn ", + "kol_full_name": "Pattamon Sutthatarn " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455153", + "session_name": "Discussion on Paediatric Oncology", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paul D. Losty", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Mahidol University", + "Country": "Thailand", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Paediatric Oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paul D. Losty ", + "kol_full_name": "Paul D. Losty " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Acute Kidney Injury", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455469", + "session_name": "Acute Kidney Injury In Pediatric Oncology Patients In A National 6 Years Cohort Study; Epidemiology, Risk Medication And The Consequence Of Kidney Injury", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paulien A. Raymakers-Janssen", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Princess Máxima Center", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Acute Kidney Injury In Pediatric Oncology Patients In A National 6 Years Cohort Study; Epidemiology", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Risk Medication And The Consequence Of Kidney Injury", + "events_topic": "Acute Kidney Injury", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Paulien A. Raymakers-Janssen ", + "kol_full_name": "Paulien A. Raymakers-Janssen " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Drug Therapy | Etoposide | Retinoblastoma | Topotecan | Vincristine | Carboplatin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455439", + "session_name": "Vincristine And Topotecan Versus Carboplatin, Etoposide And Vincristine Based Chemotherapy For Ocular Salvage In Group D And Group E Intraocular Retinoblastoma: A Randomized, Comparative Trial", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Prashant Prabhakar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "VMMC and SJH", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vincristine And Topotecan Versus Carboplatin", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Etoposide And Vincristine Based Chemotherapy For Ocular Salvage In Group D And Group E Intraocular Retinoblastoma: A Randomized, Comparative Trial", + "events_topic": "Drug Therapy | Etoposide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Retinoblastoma | Topotecan | Vincristine | Carboplatin", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Prashant Prabhakar ", + "kol_full_name": "Prashant Prabhakar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Polymorphism, Genetic | Hematologic Diseases | Cyclosporine", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455274", + "session_name": "Post-Transplant Complications Revealed By Cyclosporine A Related Transporters And Metabolic Enzymes Gene Polymorphisms In Pediatric Patients With Hematological Disorders", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Qi Ji", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Children's Hospital of Soochow University", + "Country": "China", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Post-Transplant Complications Revealed By Cyclosporine A Related Transporters And Metabolic Enzymes Gene Polymorphisms In Pediatric Patients With Hematological Disorders", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Polymorphism, Genetic | Hematologic Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cyclosporine", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Qi Ji ", + "kol_full_name": "Qi Ji " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Leukemia | Stem Cell Transplantation | Cyclophosphamide", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455273", + "session_name": "Thiotepa Versus Non-Thiotepa Based Conditioning In Children Undergoing Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplant With Post Transplant Cyclophosphamide For Leukemia", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rachit Khandelwal", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Medanta the medicine Gurugram", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Thiotepa Versus Non-Thiotepa Based Conditioning In Children Undergoing Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplant With Post Transplant Cyclophosphamide For Leukemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia | Stem Cell Transplantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Cyclophosphamide", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rachit Khandelwal ", + "kol_full_name": "Rachit Khandelwal " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455245", + "session_name": "Indiaʻs CAR T Production Model", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rahul Purwar", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Indiaʻs CAR T Production Model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rahul Purwar ", + "kol_full_name": "Rahul Purwar " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455151", + "session_name": "Discussion on Paediatric Oncology", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Raluca Popa", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Romania", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Discussion on Paediatric Oncology", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Raluca Popa ", + "kol_full_name": "Raluca Popa " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Treatment Abandonment", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455422", + "session_name": "Patient Tracking As A Tool To Reduce Treatment Abandonment In Low-Middle-Income Countries", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ramandeep S. Arora", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Max Super Speciality Hospital", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Patient Tracking As A Tool To Reduce Treatment Abandonment In Low-Middle-Income Countries", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Treatment Abandonment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rawad Rihani ", + "kol_full_name": "Rawad Rihani " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Vascular Access Devices", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455210", + "session_name": "Vascular access in low resource settings", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Reena S. Nair", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Tata Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "India", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Vascular access in low resource settings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Vascular Access Devices", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Rui Dong ", + "kol_full_name": "Rui Dong " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Transplantation", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455244", + "session_name": "Outpatient Transplant in Mexico", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ruiz Arguellas", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": null, + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Outpatient Transplant in Mexico", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Transplantation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sabine Sarnacki ", + "kol_full_name": "Sabine Sarnacki " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Appendix", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455353", + "session_name": "Management And Outcome Of Neuroendocrine Tumours Of The Appendix In Children; A Dutch Multicenter Historical Cohort Study - Preliminary Results", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Said Bachiri", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Amsterdam UMC", + "Country": "Netherlands", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Management And Outcome Of Neuroendocrine Tumours Of The Appendix In Children; A Dutch Multicenter Historical Cohort Study - Preliminary Results", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Appendix", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sameer Bakhshi ", + "kol_full_name": "Sameer Bakhshi " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Learning Health System | National Cancer Control Plan", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455444", + "session_name": "Integrating Children, Adolescent And Young Adults (Caya) Into National Cancer Control Planning Through A Health System Approach", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sanjeeva Gunasekera", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Cancer Institute", + "Country": "Sri Lanka", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Integrating Children", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " Adolescent And Young Adults (Caya) Into National Cancer Control Planning Through A Health System Approach", + "events_topic": "Learning Health System | National Cancer Control Plan", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sanjeeva Gunasekera ", + "kol_full_name": "Sanjeeva Gunasekera " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Ovarian Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455312", + "session_name": "Identifying Barriers To Ovarian-Sparing Tumour Resection", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarah Braungart", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow", + "Country": "United Kingdom", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Identifying Barriers To Ovarian-Sparing Tumour Resection", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ovarian Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sarah Cohen-Gogo ", + "kol_full_name": "Sarah Cohen-Gogo " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Oncolytic Adenovirus | Rhabdoid Tumor", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455408", + "session_name": "A Novel Conditionally Replicative Oncolytic Adenovirus Under The Control Of The Sall4 Promoter Inhibits The Growth Of Rhabdoid Tumors", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Satoru Oya", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "A Novel Conditionally Replicative Oncolytic Adenovirus Under The Control Of The Sall4 Promoter Inhibits The Growth Of Rhabdoid Tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Oncolytic Adenovirus | Rhabdoid Tumor", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shahzadi Resham ", + "kol_full_name": "Shahzadi Resham " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Spinal Puncture | Quality Improvement | Anesthesia | Leukemia", + "npi_num": "1962885202", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455457", + "session_name": "Decreasing Anesthesia Time For Leukemia Patients Requiring Sedation For Routine Lumbar Puncture: A Quality Improvement Project", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shelby Smith", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Children's National Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Decreasing Anesthesia Time For Leukemia Patients Requiring Sedation For Routine Lumbar Puncture: A Quality Improvement Project", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Spinal Puncture | Quality Improvement ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Anesthesia | Leukemia", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Shelby Smith ", + "kol_full_name": "Shelby Smith " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Stress Disorders, Traumatic, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455333", + "session_name": "Revealing Prevalence Of Stress And Stressors: Pediatric Oncology Nurses In Pakistan - A Cross-Sectional Analysis", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shenila Anwarali", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "", + "Country": "Pakistan", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Revealing Prevalence Of Stress And Stressors: Pediatric Oncology Nurses In Pakistan - A Cross-Sectional Analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stress Disorders, Traumatic, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Sherihan M. Salman ", + "kol_full_name": "Sherihan M. Salman " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Education And Research", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455482", + "session_name": "The Path From Abstract To Publication: A Comprehensive Analysis Of Key Influencing Factors", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shushan Hovsepyan", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "Yeolyan Hematology and Oncology Center", + "Country": "Armenia", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "The Path From Abstract To Publication: A Comprehensive Analysis Of Key Influencing Factors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Education And Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
Simone De Campos Vieira Abib ", + "kol_full_name": "Simone De Campos Vieira Abib " + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": false, + "eid": "142682", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5455493", + "session_name": "Harmonizing Efforts: Defining Integrated Cureall Core Project Indicators For The Global Initiative For Childhood Cancer Implementation In Latin America And The Caribbean(Latam)", + "name": "2024 International Society of Paediatric Oncology Annual Congress (SIOP)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Soad L. Fuentes-Alabi", + "middle_name": null, + "last_name": null, + "org_name": "National Program for Childhood Cancer", + "Country": "El Salvador", + "Region": null, + "City": null, + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": null, + "url1": "", + "session_note": null, + "events_session": "Harmonizing Efforts: Defining Integrated Cureall Core Project Indicators For The Global Initiative For Childhood Cancer Implementation In Latin America And The Caribbean(Latam)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "
\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t
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survival (MSS) outcomes at 3 years", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424930", + "first_name": "Hussein", + "middle_name": "Abdul-Hassan", + "last_name": "Tawbi", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "366467", + "cnt_notes": "1", + "event_attendees_id": "232787", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232787", + "events_session": "Immunotherapy and Beyond: Advances in Systemic Therapy for Patients With Melanoma and Brain Metastases", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Nivolumab (NIVO) plus relatlimab (RELA) vs NIVO in previously untreated metastatic or unresectable melanoma (RELATIVITY-047): Overall survival (OS) and melanoma-specific survival (MSS) outcomes at 3 years", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Immunotherapy ", + 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Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChiappori, Alberto", + "kol_full_name": "Chiappori, Alberto" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "DNA Polymerase Theta | Carboplatin | ATR Kinase Inhibitor | Recombinational DNA Repair | Ubiquitin | Solid Tumor | Olaparib | Drug Development | Tuvusertib", + "npi_num": "1942743216", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424890", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee,First-in-human, phase 1/2 study of GSK4524101, an oral DNApolymerase theta inhibitor (POLQi), alone or combined with the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor (PARPi) niraparib in adults with solid tumors,First-in-human phase I trial of the oral first-in-class ubiquitin specific peptidase 1 (USP1) inhibitor KSQ-4279 (KSQi), given as single agent (SA) and in combination with olaparib (OLA) or carboplatin (CARBO) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors, enriched for deleterious homologous recombination repair (HRR) mutations,A phase I study of highly potent oral ATR inhibitor (ATRi) tuvusertib plus oral PARP inhibitor (PARPi) niraparib in patients with solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424890", + "first_name": "Timothy", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Yap", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232452", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232452", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 8, + "rest_events_session": "First-in-human, phase 1/2 study of GSK4524101, an oral DNApolymerase theta inhibitor (POLQi), alone or combined with the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor (PARPi) niraparib in adults with solid tumors,First-in-human phase I trial of the oral first-in-class ubiquitin specific peptidase 1 (USP1) inhibitor KSQ-4279 (KSQi), given as single agent (SA) and in combination with olaparib (OLA) or carboplatin (CARBO) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors, enriched for deleterious homologous recombination repair (HRR) mutations,A phase I study of highly potent oral ATR inhibitor (ATRi) tuvusertib plus oral PARP inhibitor (PARPi) niraparib in patients with solid tumors", + "events_topic": "DNA Polymerase Theta | Carboplatin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " ATR Kinase Inhibitor | Recombinational DNA Repair | Ubiquitin | Solid Tumor | Olaparib | Drug Development | Tuvusertib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942743216,'424890');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYap, Timothy A", + "kol_full_name": "Yap, Timothy A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Enhancer Of Zeste Homolog 2 Protein | Prostatic Neoplasms | Mevrometostat | Castration", + "npi_num": "1942463450", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424888", + "session_name": "Phase 1 trial of mevrometostat (PF-06821497), a potent and selective inhibitor of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2), in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424888", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "Thomas", + "last_name": "Schweizer", + "org_name": "Association of University Physicians", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232652", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232652", + "events_session": "Phase 1 trial of mevrometostat (PF-06821497)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a potent and selective inhibitor of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2), in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)", + "events_topic": "Enhancer Of Zeste Homolog 2 Protein | Prostatic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Mevrometostat | Castration", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942463450,'424888');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESchweizer, Michael Thomas", + "kol_full_name": "Schweizer, Michael Thomas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Ruxolitinib | Primary Myelofibrosis", + "npi_num": "1932583119", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424878", + "session_name": "A phase Ib, open-label study of add-on therapy with CK0804 in participants with myelofibrosis and suboptimal response to ruxolitinib", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424878", + "first_name": "Lucia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Masarova", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232352", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232352", + "events_session": "A phase Ib", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " open-label study of add-on therapy with CK0804 in participants with myelofibrosis and suboptimal response to ruxolitinib", + "events_topic": "Ruxolitinib | Primary Myelofibrosis", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1932583119,'424878');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMasarova, Lucia", + "kol_full_name": "Masarova, Lucia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Paclitaxel | Thymoma | Ramucirumab | Carboplatin", + "npi_num": "1932291739", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424876", + "session_name": "S1701: A randomized phase II trial of carboplatin-paclitaxel with and without ramucirumab in patients with locally advanced, recurrent, or metastatic thymic carcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424876", + "first_name": "Anne", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tsao", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232251", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232251", + "events_session": "S1701: A randomized phase II trial of carboplatin-paclitaxel with and without ramucirumab in patients with locally advanced", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " recurrent, or metastatic thymic carcinoma", + "events_topic": "Paclitaxel | Thymoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ramucirumab | Carboplatin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1932291739,'424876');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETsao, Anne", + "kol_full_name": "Tsao, Anne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1932262458", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424874", + "session_name": "Presentation of Awards and the Fellows of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424874", + "first_name": "Everett", + "middle_name": "E", + "last_name": "Vokes", + "org_name": "The University of Chicago Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232940", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232940", + "events_session": "Presentation of Awards and the Fellows of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1932262458,'424874');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVokes, Everett E", + "kol_full_name": "Vokes, Everett E" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Precision Medicine | Brain Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1932236395", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424873", + "session_name": "Lung Cancer – Non-Small Cell Metastatc: Program Commitee,Has the Revolution in Precision Medicine Reached Patients With Brain Metastases?,Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Metastatic,Navigating the Complexities of Brain Metastases Management", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424873", + "first_name": "Sarah", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Goldberg", + "org_name": "Yale University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232056", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232056", + "events_session": "Lung Cancer – Non-Small Cell Metastatc: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Has the Revolution in Precision Medicine Reached Patients With Brain Metastases?,Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Metastatic,Navigating the Complexities of Brain Metastases Management", + "events_topic": "Precision Medicine | Brain Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1932236395,'424873');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGoldberg, Sarah B", + "kol_full_name": "Goldberg, Sarah B" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Vepdegestrant | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1932135290", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424869", + "session_name": "TACTIVE-K: Phase 1b/2 study of vepdegestrant, a proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) estrogen receptor (ER) degrader, in combination with PF-07220060, a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4 inhibitor, in ER+/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)- advanced breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424869", + "first_name": "Melinda", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Telli", + "org_name": "Stanford Health Care", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232713", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232713", + "events_session": "TACTIVE-K: Phase 1b/2 study of vepdegestrant", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " a proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) estrogen receptor (ER) degrader, in combination with PF-07220060, a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4 inhibitor, in ER+/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)- advanced breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Vepdegestrant | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1932135290,'424869');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETelli, Melinda L", + "kol_full_name": "Telli, Melinda L" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Translational Research, Biomedical | Social Media", + "npi_num": "1912350596", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424863", + "session_name": "How Social Media Advances Research and Promotes Professional Development", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424863", + "first_name": "Gilberto", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lopes", + "org_name": "University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Miami", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232783", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232783", + "events_session": "How Social Media Advances Research and Promotes Professional Development", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Translational Research, Biomedical | Social Media", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1912350596,'424863');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELopes, Gilberto", + "kol_full_name": "Lopes, Gilberto" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Circulating Tumor DNA | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1912184763", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424860", + "session_name": "A phase II trial of reirradiation combined with pembrolizumab in patients with locoregional inoperable recurrence or second primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC),Circulating Tumor HPV DNA and Risk-Adapted Adjuvant Therapy: Is It Ready for Prime Time?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424860", + "first_name": "Dan", + "middle_name": "Paul", + "last_name": "Zandberg", + "org_name": "University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232142", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232142", + "events_session": "A phase II trial of reirradiation combined with pembrolizumab in patients with locoregional inoperable recurrence or second primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Circulating Tumor HPV DNA and Risk-Adapted Adjuvant Therapy: Is It Ready for Prime Time?", + "events_topic": "Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Circulating Tumor DNA | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1912184763,'424860');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EZandberg, Dan Paul", + "kol_full_name": "Zandberg, Dan Paul" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Interleukin-2 | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Melanoma | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating", + "npi_num": "1912053596", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424858", + "session_name": "OBX-115, an interleukin 2 (IL2)-sparing engineered tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) cell therapy, in patients (pts) with immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-resistant unresectable or metastatic melanoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424858", + "first_name": "Rodabe", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Amaria", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232326", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232326", + "events_session": "OBX-115", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " an interleukin 2 (IL2)-sparing engineered tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) cell therapy, in patients (pts) with immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-resistant unresectable or metastatic melanoma", + "events_topic": "Interleukin-2 | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Melanoma | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1912053596,'424858');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAmaria, Rodabe", + "kol_full_name": "Amaria, Rodabe" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1902159148", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424849", + "session_name": "Head and Neck Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424849", + "first_name": "Renata", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ferrarotto", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232016", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232016", + "events_session": "Head and Neck Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1902159148,'424849');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFerrarotto, Renata", + "kol_full_name": "Ferrarotto, Renata" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Tebentafusp | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "npi_num": "1881696003", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424837", + "session_name": "Use of baseline and serial ctDNA dynamics to predict outcomes in patients treated with first-line tebentafusp, including those who were and were not treated beyond progression", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424837", + "first_name": "Ryan", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Sullivan", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232790", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232790", + "events_session": "Use of baseline and serial ctDNA dynamics to predict outcomes in patients treated with first-line tebentafusp", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " including those who were and were not treated beyond progression", + "events_topic": "Tebentafusp | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1881696003,'424837');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESullivan, Ryan J", + "kol_full_name": "Sullivan, Ryan J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Trastuzumab | Therapeutics | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Neratinib | Neoplasms | Drug Development", + "npi_num": "1871822288", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424833", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee,Efficacy and genomic analysis of HER2-mutant, metastatic triple-negative breast cancer treated with neratinib alone or in combination with trastuzumab in the phase 2 SUMMIT basket trial,Developmental Therapeutics—Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424833", + "first_name": "Komal", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jhaveri", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232065", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232065", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy and genomic analysis of HER2-mutant, metastatic triple-negative breast cancer treated with neratinib alone or in combination with trastuzumab in the phase 2 SUMMIT basket trial,Developmental Therapeutics—Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab | Therapeutics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Neratinib | Neoplasms | Drug Development", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871822288,'424833');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJhaveri, Komal", + "kol_full_name": "Jhaveri, Komal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab | Brentuximab Vedotin", + "npi_num": "1871756163", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424830", + "session_name": "Phase 2 trial of brentuximab vedotin (BV) with pembrolizumab (pembro) in patients with previously treated metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or cutaneous melanoma (SGN35-033): Overall survival", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424830", + "first_name": "Yousef", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zakharia", + "org_name": "State University of Iowa", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Iowa", + "City": "Iowa City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233014", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233014", + "events_session": "Phase 2 trial of brentuximab vedotin (BV) with pembrolizumab (pembro) in patients with previously treated metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or cutaneous melanoma (SGN35-033): Overall survival", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab | Brentuximab Vedotin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871756163,'424830');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EZakharia, Yousef", + "kol_full_name": "Zakharia, Yousef" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Dabrafenib | Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Trametinib", + "npi_num": "1871744490", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424829", + "session_name": "Dabrafenib and trametinib in patients with tumors with BRAF V600E/k mutations: Updated results from NCI-MATCH arm H", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424829", + "first_name": "April", + "middle_name": "K.S.", + "last_name": "Salama", + "org_name": "Private Diagnostic Clinic, PLLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Chapel Hill", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232960", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232960", + "events_session": "Dabrafenib and trametinib in patients with tumors with BRAF V600E/k mutations: Updated results from NCI-MATCH arm H", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Dabrafenib | Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Trametinib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871744490,'424829');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESalama, April K.S.", + "kol_full_name": "Salama, April K.S." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1861420291", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424805", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer—Metastatic", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424805", + "first_name": "Antonio", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wolff", + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Columbia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232720", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232720", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer—Metastatic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon 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"", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232100", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232100", + "events_session": "HB-200 arenavirus-based immunotherapy plus pembrolizumab as first-line treatment of patients with recurrent/metastatic HPV16-positive head and neck cancer: Updated results", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Human Papillomavirus 16 | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1851567879,'424802');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHo, Alan Loh", + "kol_full_name": "Ho, Alan Loh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Atezolizumab | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Immunotherapy | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "1851485056", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424799", + "session_name": "An open-label, multicenter study investigating RP2 oncolytic immunotherapy in combination with second-line systemic atezolizumab combined with bevacizumab in patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424799", + "first_name": "Kevin", + "middle_name": "B.", + "last_name": "Kim", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232855", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232855", + "events_session": "An open-label", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter study investigating RP2 oncolytic immunotherapy in combination with second-line systemic atezolizumab combined with bevacizumab in patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma", + "events_topic": "Atezolizumab | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy | Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1851485056,'424799');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKim, Kevin B.", + "kol_full_name": "Kim, Kevin B." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1831393883", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424780", + "session_name": "Novel Therapies in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Where Is the Field Heading?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424780", + "first_name": "Dustin", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Deming", + "org_name": "University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Wisconsin", + "City": "Windsor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232747", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232747", + "events_session": "Novel Therapies in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Where Is the Field Heading?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1831393883,'424780');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant", + "events_topic": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1831391200,'424778');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAltman, Jessica Kaplan", + "kol_full_name": "Altman, Jessica Kaplan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Interleukin-2 | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Melanoma | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1811934755", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424764", + "session_name": "A prognostic model based on selected cell state and cellular community scores in patients with advanced melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (Ecotype-ICI score) as a predictor of ICI immunotherapeutic benefits,High dose bolus (HDB) interleukin-2 (IL2) and concurrent low dose ipilimumab followed sequentially by nivolumab in patients with advanced melanoma after failure of anti-PD1-based immunotherapy and BRAF-MEK inhibition", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424764", + "first_name": "Ahmad", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tarhini", + "org_name": "H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232793", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232793", + "events_session": "A prognostic model based on selected cell state and cellular community scores in patients with advanced melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (Ecotype-ICI score) as a predictor of ICI immunotherapeutic benefits", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "High dose bolus (HDB) interleukin-2 (IL2) and concurrent low dose ipilimumab followed sequentially by nivolumab in patients with advanced melanoma after failure of anti-PD1-based immunotherapy and BRAF-MEK inhibition", + "events_topic": "Interleukin-2 | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Melanoma | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1811934755,'424764');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETarhini, Ahmad", + "kol_full_name": "Tarhini, Ahmad" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1801829114", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424750", + "session_name": "Baseline (BL) characteristics and efficacy endpoints for patients (pts) with node-negative (N0) HR+/HER2− early breast cancer (EBC): NATALEE trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424750", + "first_name": "Denise", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Yardley", + "org_name": "Tennessee Oncology", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233131", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233131", + "events_session": "Baseline (BL) characteristics and efficacy endpoints for patients (pts) with node-negative (N0) HR+/HER2− early breast cancer (EBC): NATALEE trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1801829114,'424750');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYardley, Denise A", + "kol_full_name": "Yardley, Denise A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1801068366", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424746", + "session_name": "Pediatric Oncology: Program Commitee,Pediatric Oncology", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424746", + "first_name": "Damon", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Reed", + "org_name": "H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231994", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231994", + "events_session": "Pediatric Oncology: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pediatric Oncology", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1801068366,'424746');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EReed, Damon R", + "kol_full_name": "Reed, Damon R" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Multiple Myeloma | Iberdomide | Elranatamab", + "npi_num": "1790950863", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424742", + "session_name": "MagnetisMM-30: A phase 1b, open-label study of elranatamab in combination with iberdomide in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424742", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Lesokhin", + "org_name": "Memorial Developmental Chemo Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232367", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232367", + "events_session": "MagnetisMM-30: A phase 1b", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " open-label study of elranatamab in combination with iberdomide in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)", + "events_topic": "Multiple Myeloma | Iberdomide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Elranatamab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790950863,'424742');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELesokhin, Alexander M", + "kol_full_name": "Lesokhin, Alexander M" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Stereotaxic Techniques | Glioblastoma", + "npi_num": "1790869691", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424737", + "session_name": "Longitudinal stereotactic injections of oncolytic immunoactivating rQNestin345v2 (CAN-3110) with concomitant biopsies for “-omic” analyses in recurrent glioblastoma (GBM)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424737", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "Allen", + "last_name": "Reardon", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233085", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233085", + "events_session": "Longitudinal stereotactic injections of oncolytic immunoactivating rQNestin345v2 (CAN-3110) with concomitant biopsies for “-omic” analyses in recurrent glioblastoma (GBM)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stereotaxic Techniques | Glioblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790869691,'424737');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" 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"0", + "id": "233130", + "events_session": "Association of MammaPrint index and 3-year outcome of patients with HR+HER2- early-stage breast cancer treated with chemotherapy with or without anthracycline", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Anthracyclines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790727709,'424730');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EO'shaughnessy, Joyce Ann", + "kol_full_name": "O'shaughnessy, Joyce Ann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Frailty | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1770665580", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424716", + "session_name": "Association of frailty assessed by a ten-item frailty index (FI-CGA-10) with health-related quality of life in older adults with cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424716", + "first_name": "Hyman", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Muss", + "org_name": "UNC Physicians Network, LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Chapel Hill", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232393", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232393", + "events_session": "Association of frailty assessed by a ten-item frailty index (FI-CGA-10) with health-related quality of life in older adults with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Frailty | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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biopsy in glioblastoma (LIBERATE),A multicenter phase 1 trial of tucatinib, trastuzumab, and capecitabine with stereotactic radiosurgery in patients with brain metastases from HER-2–positive breast cancer (TUTOR),A randomized, controlled, phase 2 trial of nivolumab plus standard-dose or low-dose bevacizumab for recurrent glioblastoma (NAVAL),Phase 2 trial of pembrolizumab plus SurVaxM for patients with glioblastoma at first recurrence (RESURGe)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424711", + "first_name": "Manmeet", + "middle_name": "Singh", + "last_name": "Ahluwalia", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232519", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232519", + "events_session": "A multicenter", + "rest_events_session_count": 10, + "rest_events_session": " randomized controlled phase 2b trial of survivin vaccine SurVaxM plus adjuvant temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma (SURVIVE),A prospective, multicenter trial of low-intensity focused ultrasound (LIFU) for blood-brain barrier disruption for liquid biopsy in glioblastoma (LIBERATE),A multicenter phase 1 trial of tucatinib, trastuzumab, and capecitabine with stereotactic radiosurgery in patients with brain metastases from HER-2–positive breast cancer (TUTOR),A randomized, controlled, phase 2 trial of nivolumab plus standard-dose or low-dose bevacizumab for recurrent glioblastoma (NAVAL),Phase 2 trial of pembrolizumab plus SurVaxM for patients with glioblastoma at first recurrence (RESURGe)", + "events_topic": "Recurrence | Blood-Brain Barrier ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 14, + "rest_events_topic": " Vaccines | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab | Nivolumab | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Capecitabine | Ultrasonography | Temozolomide | Trastuzumab | Radiosurgery | Glioblastoma | Bevacizumab | Liquid Biopsy | Tucatinib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1760623557,'424711');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAhluwalia, Manmeet Singh", + "kol_full_name": "Ahluwalia, Manmeet Singh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Human Papillomavirus 16", + "npi_num": "1760436927", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424708", + "session_name": "Taking Our Best Shot: Targeting HPV-16", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424708", + "first_name": "Maura", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Gillison", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232101", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232101", + "events_session": "Taking Our Best Shot: Targeting HPV-16", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Human Papillomavirus 16", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1760436927,'424708');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGillison, Maura L", + "kol_full_name": "Gillison, Maura L" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Selpercatinib | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1750593844", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424703", + "session_name": "LIBRETTO-432: A phase 3 study of adjuvant selpercatinib or placebo in stage IB-IIIA RET fusion-positive (RET+) NSCLC", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424703", + "first_name": "Jonathan", + "middle_name": "Wade", + "last_name": "Goldman", + "org_name": "Regents of The University of California", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232252", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232252", + "events_session": "LIBRETTO-432: A phase 3 study of adjuvant selpercatinib or placebo in stage IB-IIIA RET fusion-positive (RET+) NSCLC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Selpercatinib | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1750593844,'424703');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGoldman, Jonathan Wade", + "kol_full_name": "Goldman, Jonathan Wade" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Germinoma | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1750552055", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424701", + "session_name": "Real-world evidence of overall survival (OS) and treatment patterns of patients (pts) with testicular germ cell tumors (GCT) receiving palliative chemotherapy in the United States", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424701", + "first_name": "Darren", + "middle_name": "Richard", + "last_name": "Feldman", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New 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"23416", + "event_topics": "Bromodomain Containing Proteins | Myeloproliferative Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1750517959", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424700", + "session_name": "Bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) inhibitor INCB057643 in patients with relapsed or refractory myelofibrosis (MF) and other advanced myeloid neoplasms: A phase 1 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424700", + "first_name": "Justin", + "middle_name": "M.", + "last_name": "Watts", + "org_name": "University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Miami", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232350", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232350", + "events_session": "Bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) inhibitor INCB057643 in patients with relapsed or refractory myelofibrosis (MF) and other advanced myeloid neoplasms: A phase 1 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Bromodomain Containing Proteins | Myeloproliferative Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1750517959,'424700');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232500", + "events_session": "Randomized phase II/III study of R-CHOP +/- venetoclax in previously untreated MYC/BCL2 double expressor diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL): Alliance A051701", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Proto-Oncogene Proteins C-bcl-2 | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1740262484,'424685');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAbramson, Jeremy Slade", + "kol_full_name": "Abramson, Jeremy Slade" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Enzalutamide | Mifepristone | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1730285990", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424680", + "session_name": "TBCRC 058: A randomized phase II study of enzalutamide, enzalutamide with mifepristone, and treatment of physician’s choice in patients with androgen receptor-positive metastatic triple-negative or estrogen receptor-low breast cancer (NCT06099769)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424680", + "first_name": "Tiffany", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Traina", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232716", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232716", + "events_session": "TBCRC 058: A randomized phase II study of enzalutamide", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " enzalutamide with mifepristone, and treatment of physician’s choice in patients with androgen receptor-positive metastatic triple-negative or estrogen receptor-low breast cancer (NCT06099769)", + "events_topic": "Enzalutamide | Mifepristone ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1730285990,'424680');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETraina, Tiffany A", + "kol_full_name": "Traina, Tiffany A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Prostatectomy | Radiotherapy | Enzalutamide", + "npi_num": "1720140270", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424670", + "session_name": "Intensification of ADT with enzalutamide in high-risk patients with biochemical relapse following radical prostatectomy undergoing salvage radiation: Initial results from RTOG 3506 (STEEL)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology 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"medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232460", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Pushing the Envelope in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Brain Metastases", + "events_topic": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Brain Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1710327721,'424658');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENaidoo, Jarushka", + "kol_full_name": "Naidoo, Jarushka" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Thyroid Neoplasms | Larotrectinib", + "npi_num": "1710071204", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424653", + "session_name": "Long-term efficacy and safety of larotrectinib (laro) in patients (pts) with TRK fusion thyroid carcinoma (TC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424653", + "first_name": "Maria", + "middle_name": "E.", + "last_name": "Cabanillas", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232569", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232569", + "events_session": "Long-term efficacy and safety of larotrectinib (laro) in patients (pts) with TRK fusion thyroid carcinoma (TC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thyroid Neoplasms | Larotrectinib", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1710071204,'424653');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECabanillas, Maria E.", + "kol_full_name": "Cabanillas, Maria E." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Erdafitinib | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1700979275", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424649", + "session_name": "FGFR3 alterations (FGFRalt) in patients (pts) who develop locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC), and their association with tumor subtype and clinical outcomes in pts treated with erdafitinib (erda) vs pembrolizumab (pembro)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424649", + "first_name": "Arlene", + "middle_name": "O.", + "last_name": "Siefker-Radtke", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232597", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232597", + "events_session": "FGFR3 alterations (FGFRalt) in patients (pts) who develop locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " and their association with tumor subtype and clinical outcomes in pts treated with erdafitinib (erda) vs pembrolizumab (pembro)", + "events_topic": "Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Erdafitinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1700979275,'424649');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"232339", + "events_session": "Preliminary safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " efficacy and molecular characterization of emavusertib (CA-4948) in patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with FLT3 mutation (FLT3m)", + "events_topic": "Emavusertib | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1700854718,'424645');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWiner, Eric P.", + "kol_full_name": "Winer, Eric P." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms | Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "1699901199", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424638", + "session_name": "Multi-site randomized trial of a collaborative palliative and oncology care model for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) receiving non-intensive therapy,Randomized trial of a multimodal intervention to enhance sexual function and quality of life (QOL) in hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) survivors,Understanding the Evidence: Can Palliative Care and Hematologic Malignancies Coexist?,Integrating Palliative Care and Hematologic Malignancies: Bridging the Gap for Our Patients", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424638", + "first_name": "Areej", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "El-Jawahri", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231999", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231999", + "events_session": "Multi-site randomized trial of a collaborative palliative and oncology care model for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) receiving non-intensive therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Randomized trial of a multimodal intervention to enhance sexual function and quality of life (QOL) in hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) survivors,Understanding the Evidence: Can Palliative Care and Hematologic Malignancies Coexist?,Integrating Palliative Care and Hematologic Malignancies: Bridging the Gap for Our Patients", + "events_topic": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Palliative Care", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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"1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232999", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232999", + "events_session": "Efficacy", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " safety, and PK/PD of LVGN6051, 4-1BB agonistic antibody, with pembrolizumab in a phase Ib dose expansion in resistant NSCLC, melanoma, and GI malignancy", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1699706812,'424631');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDaud, Adil", + "kol_full_name": "Daud, Adil" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1689879967", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424628", + "session_name": "Presenter Share: Balancing Leadership Responsibilities and Personal Academic Goals", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424628", + "first_name": "Pavani", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chalasani", + "org_name": "Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Arizona", + "City": "Tucson", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233101", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233101", + "events_session": "Presenter Share: Balancing Leadership Responsibilities and Personal Academic Goals", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1689879967,'424628');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChalasani, Pavani", + "kol_full_name": "Chalasani, Pavani" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "1669487179", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424604", + "session_name": "Pioneering a Paradigm Shift in Cancer Screening: The Era of Multi-Cancer Early Detection Testing", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424604", + "first_name": "Tomasz", + "middle_name": "M.", + "last_name": "Beer", + "org_name": "Oregon Health & Science University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Oregon", + "City": "Portland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233158", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233158", + "events_session": "Pioneering a Paradigm Shift in Cancer Screening: The Era of Multi-Cancer Early Detection Testing", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1669487179,'424604');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBeer, Tomasz M.", + "kol_full_name": "Beer, Tomasz M." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Giredestrant | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Abemaciclib | Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 | Anti-Mullerian Hormone | Fulvestrant | Endocrine Therapy | Premenopause | Breast Neoplasms | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "npi_num": "1669430310", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424601", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee,Abemaciclib plus fulvestrant vs fulvestrant alone for HR+, HER2- advanced breast cancer following progression on a prior CDK4/6 inhibitor plus endocrine therapy: Primary outcome of the phase 3 postMONARCH trial,pionERA Breast Cancer (BC): Phase III study of first-line (1L) giredestrant vs fulvestrant, both combined with a cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor (CDK4/6i), in patients (pts) with estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), HER2– locally advanced/metastatic BC (LA/mBC) with resistance to prior adjuvant (adj) endocrine therapy (ET),Correlation of serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels on identification of premenopausal patients (pts) with hormone receptor positive (HR+), HER2-negative, node-positive breast cancer most likely to benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy in SWOG S1007 (RxPONDER)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424601", + "first_name": "Kevin", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Kalinsky", + "org_name": "Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232147", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232147", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 9, + "rest_events_session": "Abemaciclib plus fulvestrant vs fulvestrant alone for HR+, HER2- advanced breast cancer following progression on a prior CDK4/6 inhibitor plus endocrine therapy: Primary outcome of the phase 3 postMONARCH trial,pionERA Breast Cancer (BC): Phase III study of first-line (1L) giredestrant vs fulvestrant, both combined with a cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor (CDK4/6i), in patients (pts) with estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), HER2– locally advanced/metastatic BC (LA/mBC) with resistance to prior adjuvant (adj) endocrine therapy (ET),Correlation of serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels on identification of premenopausal patients (pts) with hormone receptor positive (HR+), HER2-negative, node-positive breast cancer most likely to benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy in SWOG S1007 (RxPONDER)", + "events_topic": "Giredestrant | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Abemaciclib | Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 | Anti-Mullerian Hormone | Fulvestrant | Endocrine Therapy | Premenopause | Breast Neoplasms | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1669430310,'424601');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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+ "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1669425286,'424600');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENangia, Chaitali", + "kol_full_name": "Nangia, Chaitali" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Delivery Of Health Care | Admin. & Management | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1669422143", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424598", + "session_name": "Care Delivery/Models of Care: Program Commitee,Care Delivery/Models of Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424598", + "first_name": "Ray", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Page", + "org_name": "Oncology-Hematology Consultants Pa", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Weatherford", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232018", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232018", + "events_session": "Care Delivery/Models of Care: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Care Delivery/Models of Care", + "events_topic": "Delivery Of Health Care | Admin. & Management ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1669422143,'424598');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPage, Ray", + "kol_full_name": "Page, Ray" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Castration | Proteolysis Targeting Chimera | Prostatic Neoplasms | Enfortumab Vedotin | Receptors, Androgen", + "npi_num": "1659387306", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424591", + "session_name": "Impact of exposure on outcomes with enfortumab vedotin in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer,ARV-766, a proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) androgen receptor (AR) degrader, in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC): Initial results of a phase 1/2 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424591", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "Peter", + "last_name": "Petrylak", + "org_name": "Yale University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232283", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232283", + "events_session": "Impact of exposure on outcomes with enfortumab vedotin in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "ARV-766, a proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) androgen receptor (AR) degrader, in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC): Initial results of a phase 1/2 study", + "events_topic": "Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Castration ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Proteolysis Targeting Chimera | Prostatic Neoplasms | Enfortumab Vedotin | Receptors, Androgen", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1659387306,'424591');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPetrylak, Daniel Peter", + "kol_full_name": "Petrylak, Daniel Peter" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Nervous System Diseases | Intracranial Pressure", + "npi_num": "1649410036", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424587", + "session_name": "Novel non-invasive method for measuring intracranial pressure for drug delivery and other neurologic disorders", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424587", + "first_name": "Priya", + "middle_name": "Uday", + "last_name": "Kumthekar", + "org_name": "Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233068", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233068", + "events_session": "Novel non-invasive method for measuring intracranial pressure for drug delivery and other neurologic disorders", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nervous System Diseases | Intracranial Pressure", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1649410036,'424587');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKumthekar, Priya Uday", + "kol_full_name": "Kumthekar, Priya Uday" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Delivery Of Health Care | Clinical Trials As Topic | Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "1649359530", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424586", + "session_name": "Care Delivery/Models of Care: Program Commitee,Risk prediction model for acute care use among patients with advanced cancer on clinical trials", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424586", + "first_name": "Dawn", + "middle_name": "Lauryn", + "last_name": "Hershman", + "org_name": "Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232401", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232401", + "events_session": "Care Delivery/Models of Care: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Risk prediction model for acute care use among patients with advanced cancer on clinical trials", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Delivery Of Health Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Trials As Topic | Admin. & Management", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1649359530,'424586');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHershman, Dawn Lauryn", + "kol_full_name": "Hershman, Dawn Lauryn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Ramucirumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1649290248", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424583", + "session_name": "SWOG S2302, PRAGMATICA-LUNG: A prospective randomized study of ramucirumab plus pembrolizumab (PR) versus standard of care (SOC) for participants previously treated with immunotherapy for stage IV or recurrent non-small cell lung cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424583", + "first_name": "Karen", + "middle_name": "Lynn", + "last_name": "Reckamp", + "org_name": "City of Hope Medical Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232196", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232196", + "events_session": "SWOG S2302", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " PRAGMATICA-LUNG: A prospective randomized study of ramucirumab plus pembrolizumab (PR) versus standard of care (SOC) for participants previously treated with immunotherapy for stage IV or recurrent non-small cell lung cancer", + "events_topic": "Ramucirumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1649290248,'424583');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EReckamp, Karen Lynn", + "kol_full_name": "Reckamp, Karen Lynn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Letrozole | Endometrial Neoplasms | Abemaciclib | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "npi_num": "1649218942", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424580", + "session_name": "Serial circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) sequencing to monitor response and define acquired resistance to letrozole/abemaciclib in endometrial cancer (EC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424580", + "first_name": "Panagiotis", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Konstantinopoulos", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232434", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232434", + "events_session": "Serial circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) sequencing to monitor response and define acquired resistance to letrozole/abemaciclib in endometrial cancer (EC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Letrozole | Endometrial Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Abemaciclib | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1649218942,'424580');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKonstantinopoulos, Panagiotis", + "kol_full_name": "Konstantinopoulos, Panagiotis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Interleukin-3 Receptor Alpha Subunit | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1639226517", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424575", + "session_name": "An open-label, multicenter phase 1 study to characterize safety, tolerability, preliminary antitumor activity, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of VIP943 monotherapy in patients with advanced CD123+ hematologic malignancies", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424575", + "first_name": "Stephen", + "middle_name": "Anthony", + "last_name": "Strickland", + "org_name": "Vanderbilt University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Franklin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232975", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232975", + "events_session": "An open-label", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter phase 1 study to characterize safety, tolerability, preliminary antitumor activity, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of VIP943 monotherapy in patients with advanced CD123+ hematologic malignancies", + "events_topic": "Interleukin-3 Receptor Alpha Subunit | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1639226517,'424575');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EStrickland, Stephen Anthony", + "kol_full_name": "Strickland, Stephen Anthony" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "DNA Damage | Sacituzumab Govitecan | Immunoconjugates | Biomarkers | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor", + "npi_num": "1639210107", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424573", + "session_name": "An open-label, multicenter, phase 2 study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of BB-1701, a novel antibody drug conjugate (ADC) targeting human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), in previously treated patients with HER2-positive (HER2+) or HER2-low unresectable or metastatic breast cancer (BC),Genomic alterations in DNA damage response (DDR) genes in HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer (mBC) and impact on clinical efficacy with sacituzumab govitecan (SG): Biomarker results from TROPICS-02 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424573", + "first_name": "Aditya", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bardia", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232693", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232693", + "events_session": "An open-label", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, phase 2 study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of BB-1701, a novel antibody drug conjugate (ADC) targeting human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), in previously treated patients with HER2-positive (HER2+) or HER2-low unresectable or metastatic breast cancer (BC),Genomic alterations in DNA damage response (DDR) genes in HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer (mBC) and impact on clinical efficacy with sacituzumab govitecan (SG): Biomarker results from TROPICS-02 study", + "events_topic": "DNA Damage | Sacituzumab Govitecan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunoconjugates | Biomarkers | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1639210107,'424573');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBardia, Aditya", + "kol_full_name": "Bardia, Aditya" + 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"rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1629137161,'424566');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChmura, Steven", + "kol_full_name": "Chmura, Steven" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Paraproteinemias | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1609918556", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424554", + "session_name": "Hematologic Malignancies—Plasma Cell Dyscrasia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424554", + "first_name": "Michaela", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liedtke", + "org_name": "Stanford Health Care", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231967", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231967", + "events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Plasma Cell Dyscrasia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Paraproteinemias | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1609918556,'424554');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELiedtke, Michaela", + "kol_full_name": "Liedtke, Michaela" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "npi_num": "1609085356", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424552", + "session_name": "Phase 2 open label, multicenter study evaluating CRG-022, a CD22-directed autologous CAR T-cell therapy, in patients (pts) with relapsed/refractory (R/R) large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL) after CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424552", + "first_name": "Armin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ghobadi", + "org_name": "Washington University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232385", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232385", + "events_session": "Phase 2 open label", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter study evaluating CRG-022, a CD22-directed autologous CAR T-cell therapy, in patients (pts) with relapsed/refractory (R/R) large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL) after CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1609085356,'424552');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGhobadi, Armin", + "kol_full_name": "Ghobadi, Armin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1609039148", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424549", + "session_name": "Timing of immunotherapy in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424549", + "first_name": "Takefumi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Komiya", + "org_name": "Parkview Health System Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Indiana", + "City": "Fort Wayne", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232163", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232163", + "events_session": "Timing of immunotherapy in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1609039148,'424549');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKomiya, Takefumi", + "kol_full_name": "Komiya, Takefumi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Palbociclib | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1598965972", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424546", + "session_name": "Impact of prior anticancer treatments on palbociclib (PAL) clinical outcomes in patients with hormone receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HR+/HER2−) advanced breast cancer (ABC) in real-world settings", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424546", + "first_name": "Gabrielle", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Rocque", + "org_name": "University Of Alabama Health Services Foundation, Pc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Alabama", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232685", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232685", + "events_session": "Impact of prior anticancer treatments on palbociclib (PAL) clinical outcomes in patients with hormone receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HR+/HER2−) advanced breast cancer (ABC) in real-world settings", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Palbociclib | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1598965972,'424546');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERocque, Gabrielle B", + "kol_full_name": "Rocque, Gabrielle B" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1598851198", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424542", + "session_name": "Pathological complete response to predict long term outcomes in the I-SPY2 TRIAL", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424542", + "first_name": "Douglas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yee", + "org_name": "Fairview Health Services", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Minneapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232632", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232632", + "events_session": "Pathological complete response to predict long term outcomes in the I-SPY2 TRIAL", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1598851198,'424542');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYee, Douglas", + "kol_full_name": "Yee, Douglas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Larotrectinib | Repotrectinib | Lung Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1578876876", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424523", + "session_name": "Long-term efficacy and safety of larotrectinib in patients with TRK fusion lung cancer,Repotrectinib in tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)-naïve patients (pts) with advanced ROS1 fusion-positive (ROS1+) NSCLC in the phase 1/2 TRIDENT-1 trial: Clinical update, treatment beyond progression and subsequent therapies", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424523", + "first_name": "Alexander Edward", + "middle_name": "Dela Cruz", + "last_name": "Drilon", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232160", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232160", + "events_session": "Long-term efficacy and safety of larotrectinib in patients with TRK fusion lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Repotrectinib in tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)-naïve patients (pts) with advanced ROS1 fusion-positive (ROS1+) NSCLC in the phase 1/2 TRIDENT-1 trial: Clinical update, treatment beyond progression and subsequent therapies", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Larotrectinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Repotrectinib | Lung Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1578876876,'424523');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDrilon, Alexander Edward Dela Cruz", + "kol_full_name": "Drilon, Alexander Edward Dela Cruz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Alisertib | Ifinatamab Deruxtecan", + "npi_num": "1578770871", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424521", + "session_name": "Alisertib in patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: The phase 2 ALISCA-Lung1 study,IDeate-Lung02: A phase 3, randomized, open-label study of ifinatamab deruxtecan (I-DXd) vs treatment of physician’s choice (TPC) in relapsed small cell lung cancer (SCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424521", + "first_name": "Taofeek", + "middle_name": "Kunkle", + "last_name": "Owonikoko", + "org_name": "The Emory Clinic, Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232256", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232256", + "events_session": "Alisertib in patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: The phase 2 ALISCA-Lung1 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "IDeate-Lung02: A phase 3, randomized, open-label study of ifinatamab deruxtecan (I-DXd) vs treatment of physician’s choice (TPC) in relapsed small cell lung cancer (SCLC)", + "events_topic": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Alisertib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ifinatamab Deruxtecan", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1578770871,'424521');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EOwonikoko, Taofeek Kunkle", + "kol_full_name": "Owonikoko, Taofeek Kunkle" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Squamous Cell | Enfortumab Vedotin | Penile Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1568553311", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424510", + "session_name": "A phase II trial of enfortumab vedotin for locally advanced and metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the penis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424510", + "first_name": "Lance", + "middle_name": "C.", + "last_name": "Pagliaro", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232666", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232666", + "events_session": "A phase II trial of enfortumab vedotin for locally advanced and metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the penis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Squamous Cell | Enfortumab Vedotin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Penile Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568553311,'424510');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPagliaro, Lance C.", + "kol_full_name": "Pagliaro, Lance C." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Adrenal Insufficiency | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1568524015", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424505", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee,Incidence and time to onset of immunotherapy-related adrenal insufficiency in the I-SPY2 trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424505", + "first_name": "Rita", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nanda", + "org_name": "The University of Chicago Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232630", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232630", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Incidence and time to onset of immunotherapy-related adrenal insufficiency in the I-SPY2 trial", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Adrenal Insufficiency ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568524015,'424505');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENanda, Rita", + "kol_full_name": "Nanda, Rita" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Induction Chemotherapy | Oropharyngeal Neoplasms | Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Hypoxia", + "npi_num": "1568406445", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424500", + "session_name": "Induction chemotherapy effects on very advanced (T3/T4) human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal cancer for participation in hypoxia-directed major de-escalation (30 Gy) definitive treatment trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424500", + "first_name": "Eric", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Sherman", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232563", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232563", + "events_session": "Induction chemotherapy effects on very advanced (T3/T4) human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal cancer for participation in hypoxia-directed major de-escalation (30 Gy) definitive treatment trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Induction Chemotherapy | Oropharyngeal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Hypoxia", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568406445,'424500');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESherman, Eric J", + "kol_full_name": "Sherman, Eric J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Radiotherapy | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1558323519", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424492", + "session_name": "Results from METIS (EF-25), an international, multicenter phase III randomized study evaluating the efficacy and safety of tumor treating fields (TTFields) therapy in NSCLC patients with brain metastases,Radiation Therapy Should Be the Default Standard of Care Option for Patients With Brain Metastases", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424492", + "first_name": "Minesh", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Mehta", + "org_name": "Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "South Miami", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232287", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232287", + "events_session": "Results from METIS (EF-25)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " an international, multicenter phase III randomized study evaluating the efficacy and safety of tumor treating fields (TTFields) therapy in NSCLC patients with brain metastases,Radiation Therapy Should Be the Default Standard of Care Option for Patients With Brain Metastases", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Radiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Brain Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1558323519,'424492');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMehta, Minesh P", + "kol_full_name": "Mehta, Minesh P" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "SDHA Protein, Human | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1548278005", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424487", + "session_name": "Novel models for the functional characterization of SDHA germline variants to predict cancer risk", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424487", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "Charles", + "last_name": "Heinrich", + "org_name": "Oregon Health & Science University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Oregon", + "City": "Portland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232906", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232906", + "events_session": "Novel models for the functional characterization of SDHA germline variants to predict cancer risk", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "SDHA Protein, Human | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1548278005,'424487');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"org_name": "South Texas Oncology And Hematology PLLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "San Antonio", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232972", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232972", + "events_session": "Preliminary results of a phase 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 10, + "rest_events_session": " first-in-human, dose escalation study of the anti-CCR8 cytolytic antibody, CHS-114 (formerly SRF114) in patients with advanced solid tumors,A phase 1 trial evaluating the safety, tolerability, PK, and preliminary efficacy of QTX3034, an oral G12D-preferring multi-KRAS inhibitor, in patients with solid tumors with KRASG12D mutation,An open-label phase 1 study to investigate SGNCEACAM5C/SAR445953 in adults with advanced solid tumors (SGNCEA5C-001)", + "events_topic": "Receptors, CCR8 | KRASG12D Inhibitor MRTX1133 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1538162029,'424479');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPatnaik, Amita", + "kol_full_name": "Patnaik, Amita" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1528042819", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424465", + "session_name": "Melanoma/Skin Cancers: Program Commitee,Melanoma/Skin Cancers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424465", + "first_name": "Harriet", + "middle_name": "Margot", + "last_name": "Kluger", + "org_name": "Yale University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232008", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232008", + "events_session": "Melanoma/Skin Cancers: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Melanoma/Skin Cancers", + "events_topic": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1528042819,'424465');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKluger, Harriet Margot", + "kol_full_name": "Kluger, Harriet Margot" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1518948082", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424457", + "session_name": "Care Delivery/Models of Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424457", + "first_name": "Kathryn", + "middle_name": "Jean", + "last_name": "Ruddy", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231962", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231962", + "events_session": "Care Delivery/Models of Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1518948082,'424457');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERuddy, Kathryn Jean", + "kol_full_name": "Ruddy, Kathryn Jean" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Palbociclib | Aromatase Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "1518939537", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424456", + "session_name": "Overall survival with palbociclib (PAL) plus an aromatase inhibitor (AI) versus AI alone in older patients (pts) with de novo, HR+/HER2− metastatic breast cancer: A SEER-Medicare analysis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424456", + "first_name": "Adam", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Brufsky", + "org_name": "University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232705", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232705", + "events_session": "Overall survival with palbociclib (PAL) plus an aromatase inhibitor (AI) versus AI alone in older patients (pts) with de novo", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " HR+/HER2− metastatic breast cancer: A SEER-Medicare analysis", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Palbociclib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Aromatase Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1518939537,'424456');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBrufsky, Adam M", + "kol_full_name": "Brufsky, Adam M" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Rituximab | Lenalidomide | Epcoritamab | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "npi_num": "1508922907", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424447", + "session_name": "Epcoritamab with rituximab + lenalidomide (R2) in previously untreated (1L) follicular lymphoma (FL) and epcoritamab maintenance in FL: EPCORE NHL‑2 arms 6 and 7,Subcutaneous epcoritamab + GemOx in patients with relapsed or refractory DLBCL: Updated results from EPCORE NHL-2", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424447", + "first_name": "Joshua", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Brody", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232374", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232374", + "events_session": "Epcoritamab with rituximab + lenalidomide (R2) in previously untreated (1L) follicular lymphoma (FL) and epcoritamab maintenance in FL: EPCORE NHL‑2 arms 6 and 7", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Subcutaneous epcoritamab + GemOx in patients with relapsed or refractory DLBCL: Updated results from EPCORE NHL-2", + "events_topic": "Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Rituximab | Lenalidomide | Epcoritamab | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1508922907,'424447');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBrody, Joshua", + "kol_full_name": "Brody, Joshua" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "npi_num": "1508908328", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424445", + "session_name": "Safety run-in phase of the multi-epitope HER2 peptide vaccine in combination with trastuzumab emtansine in HER2-positive breast cancer with residual disease after neoadjuvant chemotherapy", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424445", + "first_name": "Saranya", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chumsri", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic - Florida", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Jacksonville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232624", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232624", + "events_session": "Safety run-in phase of the multi-epitope HER2 peptide vaccine in combination with trastuzumab emtansine in HER2-positive breast cancer with residual disease after neoadjuvant chemotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1508908328,'424445');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChumsri, Saranya", + "kol_full_name": "Chumsri, Saranya" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Abemaciclib | Neurofibromatosis 2 | Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Meningioma", + "npi_num": "1508906355", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424444", + "session_name": "Alliance A071401: Phase II trial of abemaciclib in patients with grade 2/3 meningiomas harboring somatic NF2 or CDK pathway alterations", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424444", + "first_name": "Priscilla", + "middle_name": "Kaliopi", + "last_name": "Brastianos", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232455", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232455", + "events_session": "Alliance A071401: Phase II trial of abemaciclib in patients with grade 2/3 meningiomas harboring somatic NF2 or CDK pathway alterations", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Abemaciclib | Neurofibromatosis 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cyclin-Dependent Kinases | Meningioma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1508906355,'424444');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBrastianos, Priscilla Kaliopi", + "kol_full_name": "Brastianos, Priscilla Kaliopi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Skin Neoplasms | Molecular Targeted Therapy | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1487853594", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424428", + "session_name": "Melanoma/Skin Cancers: Program Commitee,First-line treatment preferences for advanced melanoma among oncologists and patients in the US: A discrete choice experiment,Role of Other Novel Targeted Therapies,Breaking the Mold: Trailblazing Melanoma Therapy Beyond Checkpoint Through Innovative Approaches", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424428", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Postow", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232057", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232057", + "events_session": "Melanoma/Skin Cancers: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "First-line treatment preferences for advanced melanoma among oncologists and patients in the US: A discrete choice experiment,Role of Other Novel Targeted Therapies,Breaking the Mold: Trailblazing Melanoma Therapy Beyond Checkpoint Through Innovative Approaches", + "events_topic": "Skin Neoplasms | Molecular Targeted Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Melanoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1487853594,'424428');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPostow, Michael", + "kol_full_name": "Postow, Michael" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Ramucirumab | Paclitaxel | Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma", + "npi_num": "1477846715", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424416", + "session_name": "A randomized, multicenter, open-label, phase 2 study of TRK-950 in combination with ramucirumab and paclitaxel as second-line therapy in patients with Caprin-1 positive gastric or gastroesophageal junction (G/GEJ) adenocarcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424416", + "first_name": "Ronan", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Kelly", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232849", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232849", + "events_session": "A randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, open-label, phase 2 study of TRK-950 in combination with ramucirumab and paclitaxel as second-line therapy in patients with Caprin-1 positive gastric or gastroesophageal junction (G/GEJ) adenocarcinoma", + "events_topic": "Ramucirumab | Paclitaxel ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1477846715,'424416');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKelly, Ronan J", + "kol_full_name": "Kelly, Ronan J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1477744316", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424415", + "session_name": "Real-world treatment patterns and outcomes in US patients (pts) with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC) and anti–PD-(L)1 treatment", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424415", + "first_name": "Vamsidhar", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Velcheti", + "org_name": "New York University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232183", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232183", + "events_session": "Real-world treatment patterns and outcomes in US patients (pts) with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC) and anti–PD-(L)1 treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Chemotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1477744316,'424415');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVelcheti, Vamsidhar", + "kol_full_name": "Velcheti, Vamsidhar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Ciltacabtagene Autoleucel | Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "1477606309", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424409", + "session_name": "Ciltacabtagene autoleucel vs standard of care in patients with functional high-risk multiple myeloma: CARTITUDE-4 subgroup analysis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424409", + "first_name": "Luciano", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Costa", + "org_name": "University Of Alabama Health Services Foundation, Pc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Alabama", + "City": "Birmingham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232135", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232135", + "events_session": "Ciltacabtagene autoleucel vs standard of care in patients with functional high-risk multiple myeloma: CARTITUDE-4 subgroup analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ciltacabtagene Autoleucel | Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1477606309,'424409');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECosta, Luciano J", + "kol_full_name": "Costa, Luciano J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1467733113", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424403", + "session_name": "Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other: Program Commitee,Lung Cancer—Non–Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424403", + "first_name": "Patrick", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Forde", + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Columbia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232119", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232119", + "events_session": "Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lung Cancer—Non–Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1467733113,'424403');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EForde, Patrick", + "kol_full_name": "Forde, Patrick" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1437278959", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424367", + "session_name": "Neoadjuvant immunotherapy in sarcomatoid mesothelioma (Alliance A082101)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424367", + "first_name": "Aaron", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Mansfield", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232255", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232255", + "events_session": "Neoadjuvant immunotherapy in sarcomatoid mesothelioma (Alliance A082101)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1437278959,'424367');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMansfield, Aaron S", + "kol_full_name": "Mansfield, Aaron S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Sacituzumab Govitecan | Trilaciclib", + "npi_num": "1437268174", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424366", + "session_name": "Trilaciclib combined with sacituzumab govitecan (SG) in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC): Updated phase 2 safety and efficacy results", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424366", + "first_name": "Lasika", + "middle_name": "Chandradatta", + "last_name": "Seneviratne", + "org_name": "Los Angeles Hematology-Oncology", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232698", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232698", + "events_session": "Trilaciclib combined with sacituzumab govitecan (SG) in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC): Updated phase 2 safety and efficacy results", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Sacituzumab Govitecan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Trilaciclib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1437268174,'424366');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESeneviratne, Lasika Chandradatta", + "kol_full_name": "Seneviratne, Lasika Chandradatta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1437241510", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424362", + "session_name": "Development and validation of RSClin N+ tool for hormone receptor-positive (HR+), HER2-negative (HER2-), node-positive breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424362", + "first_name": "Lajos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pusztai", + "org_name": "Yale University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232150", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232150", + "events_session": "Development and validation of RSClin N+ tool for hormone receptor-positive (HR+)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " HER2-negative (HER2-), node-positive breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1437241510,'424362');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPusztai, Lajos", + "kol_full_name": "Pusztai, Lajos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1437187929", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424359", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee,Tailoring Treatment to Risk: Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer,Systemic Therapy in Breast Cancer: Current State of the Art and Future Horizons", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424359", + "first_name": "William", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gradishar", + "org_name": "Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232021", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232021", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Tailoring Treatment to Risk: Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer,Systemic Therapy in Breast Cancer: Current State of the Art and Future Horizons", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1437187929,'424359');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGradishar, William", + "kol_full_name": "Gradishar, William" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Durvalumab | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "1427074210", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424348", + "session_name": "ADRIATIC: durvalumab (D) as consolidation treatment (tx) for patients (pts) with limited-stage small-cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424348", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Spigel", + "org_name": "Tennessee Oncology", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232516", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232516", + "events_session": "ADRIATIC: durvalumab (D) as consolidation treatment (tx) for patients (pts) with limited-stage small-cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Durvalumab | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1427074210,'424348');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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LBA4", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1417948316,'424345');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESequist, Lecia V", + "kol_full_name": "Sequist, Lecia V" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Zongertinib | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Durvalumab", + "npi_num": "1417056565", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424335", + "session_name": "Phase Ia/Ib trial of zongertinib (BI 1810631), a HER2-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), in patients (pts) with HER2 aberration-positive solid tumors: Updated Phase Ia data from Beamion LUNG-1, including progression-free survival (PFS) data,Outcomes with perioperative durvalumab (D) in pts with resectable NSCLC and baseline N2 lymph node involvement (N2 R-NSCLC): An exploratory subgroup analysis of AEGEAN", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424335", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "V.", + "last_name": "Heymach", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232493", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232493", + "events_session": "Phase Ia/Ib trial of zongertinib (BI 1810631)", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " a HER2-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), in patients (pts) with HER2 aberration-positive solid tumors: Updated Phase Ia data from Beamion LUNG-1, including progression-free survival (PFS) data,Outcomes with perioperative durvalumab (D) in pts with resectable NSCLC and baseline N2 lymph node involvement (N2 R-NSCLC): An exploratory subgroup analysis of AEGEAN", + "events_topic": "Zongertinib | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Durvalumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1417056565,'424335');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHeymach, John V.", + "kol_full_name": "Heymach, John V." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Prostate-Specific Antigen | Castration", + "npi_num": "1417011529", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424333", + "session_name": "Association between prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level \u003C02 ng/mL and risk of radiological progression in patients (pts) with nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC): Follow-up analysis of ARAMIS", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424333", + "first_name": "Alicia", + "middle_name": "Katherine", + "last_name": "Morgans", + "org_name": "Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232643", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232643", + "events_session": "Association between prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level \u003C02 ng/mL and risk of radiological progression in patients (pts) with nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC): Follow-up analysis of ARAMIS", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Prostate-Specific Antigen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Castration", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1417011529,'424333');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMorgans, Alicia Katherine", + "kol_full_name": "Morgans, Alicia Katherine" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pelabresib | Ruxolitinib | Janus Kinase Inhibitors | Primary Myelofibrosis", + "npi_num": "1407019722", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424326", + "session_name": "Updated safety and efficacy data from the phase 3 MANIFEST-2 study of pelabresib in combination with ruxolitinib for JAK inhibitor treatment-naïve patients with myelofibrosis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424326", + "first_name": "Raajit", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Rampal", + "org_name": "Memorial Hematology Lymphoma Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233106", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233106", + "events_session": "Updated safety and efficacy data from the phase 3 MANIFEST-2 study of pelabresib in combination with ruxolitinib for JAK inhibitor treatment-naïve patients with myelofibrosis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pelabresib | Ruxolitinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Janus Kinase Inhibitors | Primary Myelofibrosis", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1407019722,'424326');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERampal, Raajit", + "kol_full_name": "Rampal, Raajit" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms | Leukemia | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1386625598", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424311", + "session_name": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee,Hematologic Malignancies—Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424311", + "first_name": "Eunice", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Roswell Park Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Buffalo", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232086", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232086", + "events_session": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant", + "events_topic": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1386625598,'424311');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWang, Eunice", + "kol_full_name": "Wang, Eunice" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chordoma | Nirogacestat | Cetuximab | Fibromatosis, Aggressive", + "npi_num": "1376758821", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424306", + "session_name": "Nirogacestat for Desmoid Tumors,Preliminary results from FLAGSHP-1: A phase 1 study of ERAS-601 as a monotherapy or in combination with cetuximab in patients (pts) previously treated for advanced chordoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424306", + "first_name": "Mrinal", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Gounder", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232903", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232903", + "events_session": "Nirogacestat for Desmoid Tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Preliminary results from FLAGSHP-1: A phase 1 study of ERAS-601 as a monotherapy or in combination with cetuximab in patients (pts) previously treated for advanced chordoma", + "events_topic": "Chordoma | Nirogacestat ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cetuximab | Fibromatosis, Aggressive", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1376758821,'424306');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGounder, Mrinal M", + "kol_full_name": "Gounder, Mrinal M" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Ovarian Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1376573394", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424299", + "session_name": "Final results of BrUOG 354: A randomized phase II trial of nivolumab alone or in combination with ipilimumab for people with ovarian and other extra-renal clear cell carcinomas", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424299", + "first_name": "Don", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Dizon", + "org_name": "Rhode Island Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Rhode Island", + "City": "Providence", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232732", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232732", + "events_session": "Final results of BrUOG 354: A randomized phase II trial of nivolumab alone or in combination with ipilimumab for people with ovarian and other extra-renal clear cell carcinomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Ipilimumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Ovarian Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1376573394,'424299');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDizon, Don S", + "kol_full_name": "Dizon, Don S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pharmacokinetic | Beta Catenin | Transcription Factors | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1376546861", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424296", + "session_name": "A first-in-human, phase 1/2 trial of FOG-001, a β-catenin:TCF antagonist, in patients with locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors,Results of a phase 1, dose-finding study of Debio 0123 as monotherapy in adult patients with advanced solid tumors: Safety, pharmacokinetic, and preliminary antitumor activity data", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424296", + "first_name": "Kyriakos", + "middle_name": "Peter", + "last_name": "Papadopoulos", + "org_name": "South Texas Oncology And Hematology PLLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "San Antonio", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232961", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232961", + "events_session": "A first-in-human", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": " phase 1/2 trial of FOG-001, a β-catenin:TCF antagonist, in patients with locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors,Results of a phase 1, dose-finding study of Debio 0123 as monotherapy in adult patients with advanced solid tumors: Safety, pharmacokinetic, and preliminary antitumor activity data", + "events_topic": "Pharmacokinetic | Beta Catenin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Transcription Factors | Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1376546861,'424296');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232708", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232708", + "events_session": "Phase 2 study of novel HER2-targeting", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " TLR7/8 immune-stimulating antibody conjugate (ISAC) BDC-1001 (trastuzumab imbotolimod) +/- pertuzumab (P) in patients (pts) with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC) previously treated with trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd)", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab Imbotolimod | Immunoconjugates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1356361554,'424283');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPegram, Mark Daniel", + "kol_full_name": "Pegram, Mark Daniel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Antigens, CD19 | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "1346484821", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424281", + "session_name": "Interim results from the ELiPSE-1 study: A phase 1, multicenter, open-label study of CNTY-101 in subjects with relapsed or refractory CD19-positive B-cell malignancies", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424281", + "first_name": "Krish", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Patel", + "org_name": "Swedish Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232369", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232369", + "events_session": "Interim results from the ELiPSE-1 study: A phase 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, open-label study of CNTY-101 in subjects with relapsed or refractory CD19-positive B-cell malignancies", + "events_topic": "Antigens, CD19 | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1346484821,'424281');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPatel, Krish", + "kol_full_name": "Patel, Krish" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Datopotamab Deruxtecan | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1346276326", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424277", + "session_name": "Datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) plus pembrolizumab (pembro) with or without platinum chemotherapy (Pt-CT) as first-line (1L) therapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (aNSCLC): Subgroup analysis from TROPION-Lung02", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424277", + "first_name": "Benjamin", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Levy", + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "District of Columbia", + "City": "Washington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232180", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232180", + "events_session": "Datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) plus pembrolizumab (pembro) with or without platinum chemotherapy (Pt-CT) as first-line (1L) therapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (aNSCLC): Subgroup analysis from TROPION-Lung02", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Datopotamab Deruxtecan | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1346276326,'424277');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELevy, Benjamin P", + "kol_full_name": "Levy, Benjamin P" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1346211141", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424272", + "session_name": "The Ongoing Antibody–Drug Conjugates Revolution in Breast Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424272", + "first_name": "Shanu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Modi", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232776", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232776", + "events_session": "The Ongoing Antibody–Drug Conjugates Revolution in Breast Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1346211141,'424272');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EModi, Shanu", + "kol_full_name": "Modi, Shanu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Telisotuzumab Vedotin | Radiotherapy | ErbB Receptors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1336239912", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424266", + "session_name": "Telisotuzumab vedotin monotherapy in patients with previously treated c-Met–overexpressing non-squamous EGFR wildtype advanced NSCLC: Primary analysis of the LUMINOSITY trial,Systemic Therapy Is a Reasonable Alternative to Radiation Therapy in Patients with Brain Metastases", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424266", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Camidge", + "org_name": "University Physicians Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Colorado", + "City": "Aurora", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232288", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232288", + "events_session": "Telisotuzumab vedotin monotherapy in patients with previously treated c-Met–overexpressing non-squamous EGFR wildtype advanced NSCLC: Primary analysis of the LUMINOSITY trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Systemic Therapy Is a Reasonable Alternative to Radiation Therapy in Patients with Brain Metastases", + "events_topic": "Telisotuzumab Vedotin | Radiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " ErbB Receptors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Brain Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1336239912,'424266');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECamidge, David", + "kol_full_name": "Camidge, David" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Thyroid Neoplasms | TRK Inhibitors | Larotrectinib | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic", + "npi_num": "1316975451", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424253", + "session_name": "Outcomes of larotrectinib compared with real-world data from non-TRK inhibitor therapies in patients with TRK fusion cancer: VICTORIA study,Comparative patient-reported tolerability (PRT): A multiplicity-controlled analysis of LIBRETTO-531, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in medullary thyroid cancer (MTC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424253", + "first_name": "Marcia", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Brose", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Berwyn", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232409", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232409", + "events_session": "Outcomes of larotrectinib compared with real-world data from non-TRK inhibitor therapies in patients with TRK fusion cancer: VICTORIA study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Comparative patient-reported tolerability (PRT): A multiplicity-controlled analysis of LIBRETTO-531, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in medullary thyroid cancer (MTC)", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Thyroid Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " TRK Inhibitors | Larotrectinib | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1316975451,'424253');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBrose, Marcia S", + "kol_full_name": "Brose, Marcia S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1316906498", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424249", + "session_name": "Choosing Between Options for Patients With Brain Metastases: What Outcomes Matter Most?,Brain Metastases Management: Weighing the Options—Radiation Versus Systemic Therapy", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424249", + "first_name": "Nancy", + "middle_name": "Uan-Tsin", + "last_name": "Lin", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Milford", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231989", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231989", + "events_session": "Choosing Between Options for Patients With Brain Metastases: What Outcomes Matter Most?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Brain Metastases Management: Weighing the Options—Radiation Versus Systemic Therapy", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Brain Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1316906498,'424249');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELin, Nancy Uan-Tsin", + "kol_full_name": "Lin, Nancy Uan-Tsin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumor | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "1306878228", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424240", + "session_name": "MyTACTIC: Activity of targeted therapy in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors harboring specific biomarkers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424240", + "first_name": "Lee", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Schwartzberg", + "org_name": "West Clinic PC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Brighton", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232956", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232956", + "events_session": "MyTACTIC: Activity of targeted therapy in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors harboring specific biomarkers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumor | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1306878228,'424240');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESchwartzberg, Lee S", + "kol_full_name": "Schwartzberg, Lee S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Inavolisib | Fulvestrant | Palbociclib | Ribociclib | Breast Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1306041975", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424230", + "session_name": "First-line inavolisib/placebo + palbociclib + fulvestrant (Inavo/Pbo+Palbo+Fulv) in patients (pts) with PIK3CA-mutated, hormone receptor-positive, HER2‑negative locally advanced/metastatic breast cancer who relapsed during/within 12 months (mo) of adjuvant endocrine therapy completion: INAVO120 Phase III randomized trial additional analyses,INAVO121: Phase III study of inavolisib (INAVO) + fulvestrant (FUL) vs alpelisib (ALP) + FUL in patients (pts) with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative (HR+, HER2–), PIK3CA‑mutated (mut) locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (LA/mBC),BLU-222, an investigational, oral, potent, and highly selective CDK2 inhibitor (CDK2i), as monotherapy in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors and in combination with ribociclib (RIBO) and fulvestrant (FUL) in HR+/HER2− breast cancer (BC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424230", + "first_name": "Dejan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Juric", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232686", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232686", + "events_session": "First-line inavolisib/placebo + palbociclib + fulvestrant (Inavo/Pbo+Palbo+Fulv) in patients (pts) with PIK3CA-mutated", + "rest_events_session_count": 12, + "rest_events_session": " hormone receptor-positive, HER2‑negative locally advanced/metastatic breast cancer who relapsed during/within 12 months (mo) of adjuvant endocrine therapy completion: INAVO120 Phase III randomized trial additional analyses,INAVO121: Phase III study of inavolisib (INAVO) + fulvestrant (FUL) vs alpelisib (ALP) + FUL in patients (pts) with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative (HR+, HER2–), PIK3CA‑mutated (mut) locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (LA/mBC),BLU-222, an investigational, oral, potent, and highly selective CDK2 inhibitor (CDK2i), as monotherapy in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors and in combination with ribociclib (RIBO) and fulvestrant (FUL) in HR+/HER2− breast cancer (BC)", + "events_topic": "Inavolisib | Fulvestrant ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Palbociclib | Ribociclib | Breast Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1306041975,'424230');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJuric, Dejan", + "kol_full_name": "Juric, Dejan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant | Fecal Microbiota Transplantation | Lenvatinib | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1295965523", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424227", + "session_name": "Randomized phase II trial of pembrolizumab/lenvatinib (P+L) +/- responder fecal microbiota transplant (R-FMT) in PD-1 relapsed/refractory (R/R) cutaneous melanoma (MEL)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424227", + "first_name": "Diwakar", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Davar", + "org_name": "University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232804", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232804", + "events_session": "Randomized phase II trial of pembrolizumab/lenvatinib (P+L) +/- responder fecal microbiota transplant (R-FMT) in PD-1 relapsed/refractory (R/R) cutaneous melanoma (MEL)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant | Fecal Microbiota Transplantation ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lenvatinib | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1295965523,'424227');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDavar, Diwakar", + "kol_full_name": "Davar, Diwakar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Odronextamab | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "npi_num": "1295735058", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424223", + "session_name": "Phase 3 trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of odronextamab versus investigator’s choice in previously untreated follicular lymphoma (OLYMPIA-1)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424223", + "first_name": "Ruemu", + "middle_name": "E", + "last_name": "Birhiray", + "org_name": "American Oncology Partners PA", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Indiana", + "City": "Noblesville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232390", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232390", + "events_session": "Phase 3 trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of odronextamab versus investigator’s choice in previously untreated follicular lymphoma (OLYMPIA-1)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Odronextamab | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1295735058,'424223');return 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+ "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1285690156,'424216');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBlaes, Anne Hudson", + "kol_full_name": "Blaes, Anne Hudson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1275635971", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424207", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee,Developmental Therapeutics—Immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424207", + "first_name": "Hatem", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Soliman", + "org_name": "H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232037", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232037", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Developmental Therapeutics—Immunotherapy", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1275635971,'424207');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESoliman, Hatem", + "kol_full_name": "Soliman, Hatem" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1265696348", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424197", + "session_name": "Everything and the Kitchen Sink: First-Line Therapy for Advanced Melanoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424197", + "first_name": "Sunandana", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chandra", + "org_name": "Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233125", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233125", + "events_session": "Everything and the Kitchen Sink: First-Line Therapy for Advanced Melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1265696348,'424197');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChandra, Sunandana", + "kol_full_name": "Chandra, Sunandana" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Melanoma | Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1255429486", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424187", + "session_name": "Incidence and risk factors for central nervous system (CNS) metastasis (met) in patients (pts) with stage III melanoma treated with adjuvant (ADJ) anti-PD1 immunotherapy (IMT)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424187", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "A.", + "last_name": "Davies", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232797", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232797", + "events_session": "Incidence and risk factors for central nervous system (CNS) metastasis (met) in patients (pts) with stage III melanoma treated with adjuvant (ADJ) anti-PD1 immunotherapy (IMT)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Melanoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1255429486,'424187');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDavies, Michael A.", + "kol_full_name": "Davies, Michael A." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lasofoxifene | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1255310611", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424182", + "session_name": "Open-label, randomized, multicenter, phase 3, ELAINE 3 study of the efficacy and safety of lasofoxifene plus abemaciclib for treating ER+/HER2-, locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer with an ESR1 mutation", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424182", + "first_name": "Matthew", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Goetz", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232711", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232711", + "events_session": "Open-label", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " randomized, multicenter, phase 3, ELAINE 3 study of the efficacy and safety of lasofoxifene plus abemaciclib for treating ER+/HER2-, locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer with an ESR1 mutation", + "events_topic": "Lasofoxifene | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1255310611,'424182');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGoetz, Matthew P", + "kol_full_name": "Goetz, Matthew P" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1245277698", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424175", + "session_name": "Phase 1 study of CTX-471, a novel CD137 agonist antibody, in patients with progressive disease following PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors in metastatic or locally advanced malignancies", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424175", + "first_name": "Minal", + "middle_name": "Atul", + "last_name": "Barve", + "org_name": "Texas Oncology PA", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Plano", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232994", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232994", + "events_session": "Phase 1 study of CTX-471", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a novel CD137 agonist antibody, in patients with progressive disease following PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors in metastatic or locally advanced malignancies", + "events_topic": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca 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"0", + "event_attendees_id": "232656", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232656", + "events_session": "Final results of a phase I/II dose-escalation study of fractionated dose 177Lu-PSMA-617 for progressive metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Castration", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1245258045,'424173');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETagawa, Scott", + "kol_full_name": "Tagawa, Scott" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Brigimadlin | Glioblastoma | Radiotherapy | Brain Diseases", + "npi_num": "1225018419", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424152", + "session_name": "A phase (Ph) 0/Ia study of brigimadlin concentration in brain tissue and a non-randomized, open-label, dose escalation study of brigimadlin in combination with radiotherapy (RT) in patients (pts) with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424152", + "first_name": "Jann", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Sarkaria", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Wisconsin", + "City": "La Crosse", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232522", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232522", + "events_session": "A phase (Ph) 0/Ia study of brigimadlin concentration in brain tissue and a non-randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " open-label, dose escalation study of brigimadlin in combination with radiotherapy (RT) in patients (pts) with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM)", + "events_topic": "Brigimadlin | Glioblastoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Radiotherapy | Brain Diseases", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1225018419,'424152');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESarkaria, Jann N", + "kol_full_name": "Sarkaria, Jann N" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "B-Cell Maturation Antigen | Multiple Myeloma | Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "1215948690", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424147", + "session_name": "Amandeep Godara – Track Leader: Program Commitee,Moving BCMA-Directed Therapies to Earlier Use in Multiple Myeloma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424147", + "first_name": "Amrita", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Krishnan", + "org_name": "City of Hope Medical Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232136", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232136", + "events_session": "Amandeep Godara – Track Leader: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Moving BCMA-Directed Therapies to Earlier Use in Multiple Myeloma", + "events_topic": "B-Cell Maturation Antigen | Multiple Myeloma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Admin. & Management", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215948690,'424147');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKrishnan, Amrita", + "kol_full_name": "Krishnan, Amrita" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Reproductive Health Services | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1194833020", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424135", + "session_name": "Ethical Considerations for Oncologists Practicing in States That Limit Reproductive Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424135", + "first_name": "Abby", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Rosenberg", + "org_name": "The Association Of Chrmc And University Physicians", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232483", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232483", + "events_session": "Ethical Considerations for Oncologists Practicing in States That Limit Reproductive Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Reproductive Health Services | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1194833020,'424135');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERosenberg, Abby R", + "kol_full_name": "Rosenberg, Abby R" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Radiosurgery | Radiotherapy | Azeliragon | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1184990871", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424129", + "session_name": "A phase I/II study to assess safety and preliminary evidence of a therapeutic effect of azeliragon combined with stereotactic radiation therapy in patients with brain metastases (ADORATION)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424129", + "first_name": "Rupesh", + "middle_name": "Rajesh", + "last_name": "Kotecha", + "org_name": "Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Miami", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233083", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233083", + "events_session": "A phase I/II study to assess safety and preliminary evidence of a therapeutic effect of azeliragon combined with stereotactic radiation therapy in patients with brain metastases (ADORATION)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiosurgery | Radiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Azeliragon | Brain Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1184990871,'424129');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKotecha, Rupesh Rajesh", + "kol_full_name": "Kotecha, Rupesh Rajesh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Tarlatamab | Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer", + "npi_num": "1174794309", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424122", + "session_name": "Phase 1b study of tarlatamab in de novo or treatment-emergent neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424122", + "first_name": "Rahul", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Aggarwal", + "org_name": "UCSF Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232284", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232284", + "events_session": "Phase 1b study of tarlatamab in de novo or treatment-emergent neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Tarlatamab | Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1174794309,'424122');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAggarwal, Rahul", + "kol_full_name": "Aggarwal, Rahul" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Avelumab | Axitinib | Sunitinib | Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "1164493961", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424112", + "session_name": "Avelumab + axitinib vs sunitinib in patients (pts) with advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC): Final overall survival (OS) analysis from the JAVELIN Renal 101 phase 3 trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424112", + "first_name": "Robert", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Motzer", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232471", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232471", + "events_session": "Avelumab + axitinib vs sunitinib in patients (pts) with advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC): Final overall survival (OS) analysis from the JAVELIN Renal 101 phase 3 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Avelumab | Axitinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sunitinib | Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1164493961,'424112');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMotzer, Robert J", + "kol_full_name": "Motzer, Robert J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Human Papillomavirus 16 | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "npi_num": "1164440616", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424108", + "session_name": "A phase 1 dose-escalation and expansion study of CUE-101, given as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab, in patients with recurrent/metastatic HPV16+ head and neck squamous cell cancer (R/M HNSCC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424108", + "first_name": "Douglas", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Adkins", + "org_name": "Washington University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232099", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232099", + "events_session": "A phase 1 dose-escalation and expansion study of CUE-101", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " given as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab, in patients with recurrent/metastatic HPV16+ head and neck squamous cell cancer (R/M HNSCC)", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Human Papillomavirus 16 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1164440616,'424108');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAdkins, Douglas R", + "kol_full_name": "Adkins, Douglas R" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Primary Myelofibrosis | Thrombocytopenia | Pacritinib | Anemia", + "npi_num": "1154449114", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424103", + "session_name": "Efficacy of pacritinib in patients with myelofibrosis who have both thrombocytopenia and anemia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424103", + "first_name": "Prithviraj", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bose", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232351", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232351", + "events_session": "Efficacy of pacritinib in patients with myelofibrosis who have both thrombocytopenia and anemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Myelofibrosis | Thrombocytopenia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pacritinib | Anemia", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1154449114,'424103');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBose, Prithviraj", + "kol_full_name": "Bose, Prithviraj" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Lung Neoplasms | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1154434645", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424102", + "session_name": "Immunotherapy outcomes and profile in lung cancer brain metastases", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424102", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "L.", + "last_name": "Villano", + "org_name": "Kentucky Medical Services Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Kentucky", + "City": "Lexington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232187", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232187", + "events_session": "Immunotherapy outcomes and profile in lung cancer brain metastases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Lung Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Brain Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1154434645,'424102');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"events_session": "Making a Global Impact: ASCO Strategy", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "The Impact of Quality Programs on Patient Care Around the World,Solving Decades of Drug Shortages in Oncology: What, Who, and When?", + "events_topic": "Drug Shortages | Patient Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1144300146,'424088');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGralow, Julie R", + "kol_full_name": "Gralow, Julie R" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Ductal Carcinoma In Situ | Radiotherapy | Mastectomy, Segmental", + "npi_num": "1144205519", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424083", + "session_name": "Identification of patients with DCIS with low-risk clinicopathology who benefit from radiation therapy with and without endocrine therapy after breast-conserving surgery assessed with the 7-gene biosignature", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424083", + "first_name": "Pat", + "middle_name": "W", + "last_name": "Whitworth", + "org_name": "Advanced Diagnostic Imaging PC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232617", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232617", + "events_session": "Identification of patients with DCIS with low-risk clinicopathology who benefit from radiation therapy with and without endocrine therapy after breast-conserving surgery assessed with the 7-gene biosignature", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ductal Carcinoma In Situ | Radiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Mastectomy, Segmental", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1144205519,'424083');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWhitworth, Pat W", + "kol_full_name": "Whitworth, Pat W" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1134381692", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424081", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424081", + "first_name": "Cesar", + "middle_name": "Augusto", + "last_name": "Santa-Maria", + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "District of Columbia", + "City": "Washington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231979", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231979", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1134381692,'424081');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESanta-Maria, Cesar Augusto", + "kol_full_name": "Santa-Maria, Cesar Augusto" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Teclistamab | Antibodies, Bispecific | Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "1134103476", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424072", + "session_name": "OPTec: A phase 2 study to evaluate outpatient (OP) step-up administration of teclistamab (Tec), a BCMA-targeting bispecific antibody, in patients (pts) with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424072", + "first_name": "Robert", + "middle_name": "Melvin", + "last_name": "Rifkin", + "org_name": "Yampa Valley Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Colorado", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232358", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232358", + "events_session": "OPTec: A phase 2 study to evaluate outpatient (OP) step-up administration of teclistamab (Tec)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a BCMA-targeting bispecific antibody, in patients (pts) with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)", + "events_topic": "Teclistamab | Antibodies, Bispecific ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Multiple Myeloma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1134103476,'424072');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERifkin, Robert Melvin", + "kol_full_name": "Rifkin, Robert Melvin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Castration | Prednisone | Apalutamide | Prostatic Neoplasms | Abiraterone Acetate", + "npi_num": "1124101381", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424066", + "session_name": "Overall survival from PANTHER: A multicenter trial of apalutamide, abiraterone acetate plus prednisone in Black and White patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424066", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "George", + "org_name": "Private Diagnostic Clinic, PLLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232655", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232655", + "events_session": "Overall survival from PANTHER: A multicenter trial of apalutamide", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " abiraterone acetate plus prednisone in Black and White patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)", + "events_topic": "Castration | Prednisone ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Apalutamide | Prostatic Neoplasms | Abiraterone Acetate", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1124101381,'424066');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGeorge, Daniel", + "kol_full_name": "George, Daniel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Multiple Myeloma | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell | Lymphoma | Antibodies, Bispecific | Drug-Related Side Effects And Adverse Reactions", + "npi_num": "1124030028", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424064", + "session_name": "Durable complete response and overall survival in patients with heavily pretreated, poor-prognosis non-Hodgkin lymphoma to immunoactivating AVM0703 with few and mild drug-related adverse effects,PMB-CT01 (BAFFR-CAR T cell) therapy to examine preliminary safety and clinical responses in patients with B-cell malignancies who are ineligible for or failed CD19-directed therapy, including CD19-negative disease,Improving Access to Bispecific Antibodies in the Community: Challenges and Opportunities,Optimizing Bispecific Therapy Use in Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424064", + "first_name": "Lihua", + "middle_name": "Elizabeth", + "last_name": "Budde", + "org_name": "City of Hope Medical Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "South Pasadena", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231971", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231971", + "events_session": "Durable complete response and overall survival in patients with heavily pretreated", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " poor-prognosis non-Hodgkin lymphoma to immunoactivating AVM0703 with few and mild drug-related adverse effects,PMB-CT01 (BAFFR-CAR T cell) therapy to examine preliminary safety and clinical responses in patients with B-cell malignancies who are ineligible for or failed CD19-directed therapy, including CD19-negative disease,Improving Access to Bispecific Antibodies in the Community: Challenges and Opportunities,Optimizing Bispecific Therapy Use in Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Multiple Myeloma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell | Lymphoma | Antibodies, Bispecific | Drug-Related Side Effects And Adverse Reactions", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1124030028,'424064');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBudde, Lihua Elizabeth", + "kol_full_name": "Budde, Lihua Elizabeth" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Durvalumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Oleclumab | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Valacyclovir", + "npi_num": "1114181740", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424059", + "session_name": "Updated results from COAST, a phase 2 study of durvalumab (D) ± oleclumab (O) or monalizumab (M) in patients (pts) with stage III unresectable non-small cell lung cancer (uNSCLC),Overall survival after treatment with CAN-2409 plus valacyclovir in combination with continued ICI in patients with stage III/IV NSCLC with an inadequate response to ICI", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424059", + "first_name": "Charu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Aggarwal", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232185", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232185", + "events_session": "Updated results from COAST", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a phase 2 study of durvalumab (D) ± oleclumab (O) or monalizumab (M) in patients (pts) with stage III unresectable non-small cell lung cancer (uNSCLC),Overall survival after treatment with CAN-2409 plus valacyclovir in combination with continued ICI in patients with stage III/IV NSCLC with an inadequate response to ICI", + "events_topic": "Durvalumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Oleclumab | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Valacyclovir", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1114181740,'424059');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAggarwal, Charu", + "kol_full_name": "Aggarwal, Charu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Isocitrate Dehydrogenase | Glioma", + "npi_num": "1114030707", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424056", + "session_name": "Targeting Isocitrate Dehydrogenase in Diffuse Gliomas,State of the Art in Low-Grade Glioma Management: Insights From Isocitrate Dehydrogenase and Beyond", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424056", + "first_name": "Ingo", + "middle_name": "K.", + "last_name": "Mellinghoff", + "org_name": "Memorial Neurology Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232002", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232002", + "events_session": "Targeting Isocitrate Dehydrogenase in Diffuse Gliomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "State of the Art in Low-Grade Glioma Management: Insights From Isocitrate Dehydrogenase and Beyond", + "events_topic": "Isocitrate Dehydrogenase | Glioma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1114030707,'424056');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMellinghoff, Ingo K.", + "kol_full_name": "Mellinghoff, Ingo K." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Biomarkers | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1104837590", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424053", + "session_name": "Investigation of a potential protein biomarker signature that may predict clinical benefit of NT-I7 and pembrolizumab in patients with cold gastrointestinal tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424053", + "first_name": "Aung", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Naing", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232997", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232997", + "events_session": "Investigation of a potential protein biomarker signature that may predict clinical benefit of NT-I7 and pembrolizumab in patients with cold gastrointestinal tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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"Chapel Hill", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231997", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231997", + "events_session": "Andrea Troxel: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Phase 2 trial for sequential treatment of high dose cabozantinib (CABO) or CABO plus nivolumab (NIVO) on/after progression on CABO monotherapy in advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC): Seq-Cabo,Developmental Therapeutics—Immunotherapy", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Cabozantinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Immunotherapy | Admin. & Management", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1083858443,'424039');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"events_session": "Sacituzumab govitecan (SG) + pembrolizumab (pembro) in first-line (1L) metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) with PD-L1 ≥ 50%: Cohort A of EVOKE-02", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Sacituzumab Govitecan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1083649792,'424030');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPatel, Jyoti", + "kol_full_name": "Patel, Jyoti" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Tumor Microenvironment", + "npi_num": "1073664660", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424026", + "session_name": "Comparison of tumor immune microenvironments (TIMEs) between primary and metastatic sites (Mets) in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424026", + "first_name": "Yuan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yuan", + "org_name": "City of Hope Medical Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232700", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232700", + "events_session": "Comparison of tumor immune microenvironments (TIMEs) between primary and metastatic sites (Mets) in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Tumor Microenvironment", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1073664660,'424026');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYuan, Yuan", + "kol_full_name": "Yuan, Yuan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "1073619490", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424025", + "session_name": "Small Cell Lung Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424025", + "first_name": "Anne", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Chiang", + "org_name": "Yale University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232785", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232785", + "events_session": "Small Cell Lung Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1073619490,'424025');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChiang, Anne C", + "kol_full_name": "Chiang, Anne C" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myeloid Malignancy | Tumor Suppressor Protein P53", + "npi_num": "1063733343", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424015", + "session_name": "Updates on Novel Therapy for Treatment of TP53-Mutated Myeloid Malignancies", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424015", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Sallman", + "org_name": "H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232536", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232536", + "events_session": "Updates on Novel Therapy for Treatment of TP53-Mutated Myeloid Malignancies", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myeloid Malignancy | Tumor Suppressor Protein P53", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1063733343,'424015');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESallman, David A", + "kol_full_name": "Sallman, David A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Nivolumab", + "npi_num": "1063686418", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424012", + "session_name": "Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) with nivolumab (NIVO) subcutaneous (SC) or intravenous (IV) in patients (pts) with advanced or metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) who have received prior therapy in the phase 3 CheckMate 67T trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424012", + "first_name": "Saby", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "George", + "org_name": "Roswell Park Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Buffalo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232584", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232584", + "events_session": "Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) with nivolumab (NIVO) subcutaneous (SC) or intravenous (IV) in patients (pts) with advanced or metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) who have received prior therapy in the phase 3 CheckMate 67T trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Nivolumab", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1063686418,'424012');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGeorge, Saby", + "kol_full_name": "George, Saby" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care | Lung Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1063496479", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424006", + "session_name": "Multi-site randomized trial of stepped palliative care (PC) for patients with advanced lung cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424006", + "first_name": "Jennifer", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Temel", + "org_name": "The General Hospital Corporation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232735", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232735", + "events_session": "Multi-site randomized trial of stepped palliative care (PC) for patients with advanced lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care | Lung Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1063496479,'424006');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETemel, Jennifer S", + "kol_full_name": "Temel, Jennifer S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "LILRB2 Protein, Human | Solid Tumor | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1053554717", + "hcp_pin_alias": "424002", + "session_name": "Phase 1/2 study of NGM707, an ILT2/ILT4 dual antagonist antibody, in advanced solid tumors: Interim results from dose-escalation,Cost trends in standard-of-care cancer treatments, 2017-2021", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "424002", + "first_name": "Judy", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Florida Cancer Specialists And Research Institute, LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Sarasota", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232400", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232400", + "events_session": "Phase 1/2 study of NGM707", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " an ILT2/ILT4 dual antagonist antibody, in advanced solid tumors: Interim results from dose-escalation,Cost trends in standard-of-care cancer treatments, 2017-2021", + "events_topic": "LILRB2 Protein, Human | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1053554717,'424002');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWang, Judy S", + "kol_full_name": "Wang, Judy S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "ErbB Receptors | Glioblastoma", + "npi_num": "1053393496", + "hcp_pin_alias": "423999", + "session_name": "Phase 1 study of BDTX-1535, an oral 4th generation covalent EGFR inhibitor, in patients with recurrent glioblastoma: Preliminary dose escalation results", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "423999", + "first_name": "Patrick", + "middle_name": "Yung", + "last_name": "Wen", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233074", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233074", + "events_session": "Phase 1 study of BDTX-1535", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " an oral 4th generation covalent EGFR inhibitor, in patients with recurrent glioblastoma: Preliminary dose escalation results", + "events_topic": "ErbB Receptors | Glioblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1053393496,'423999');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWen, Patrick Yung", + "kol_full_name": "Wen, Patrick Yung" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1053354936", + "hcp_pin_alias": "423997", + "session_name": "Therapies for Resectable Melanoma: Now, Later, or Not at All?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "423997", + "first_name": "Paul", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Chapman", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233123", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233123", + "events_session": "Therapies for Resectable Melanoma: Now", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Later, or Not at All?", + "events_topic": "Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1053354936,'423997');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChapman, Paul B", + "kol_full_name": "Chapman, Paul B" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Interleukin-6 | Pembrolizumab | Placebos | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Tocilizumab | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1053348706", + "hcp_pin_alias": "423996", + "session_name": "To Each Their Own: Individualized Antigen Therapy in Melanoma,INTerpath-001: Pembrolizumab with V940 (mRNA-4157) versus pembrolizumab with placebo for adjuvant treatment of high-risk stage II-IV melanoma,Interleukin-6 receptor blockade with tocilizumab to reduce immune-related toxicity with ipilimumab and nivolumab in metastatic melanoma,Individualized neoantigen therapy mRNA-4157 (V940) plus pembrolizumab in resected melanoma: 3-year update from the mRNA-4157-P201 (KEYNOTE-942) trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "423996", + "first_name": "Jeffrey", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Weber", + "org_name": "New York University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232325", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232325", + "events_session": "To Each Their Own: Individualized Antigen Therapy in Melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "INTerpath-001: Pembrolizumab with V940 (mRNA-4157) versus pembrolizumab with placebo for adjuvant treatment of high-risk stage II-IV melanoma,Interleukin-6 receptor blockade with tocilizumab to reduce immune-related toxicity with ipilimumab and nivolumab in metastatic melanoma,Individualized neoantigen therapy mRNA-4157 (V940) plus pembrolizumab in resected melanoma: 3-year update from the mRNA-4157-P201 (KEYNOTE-942) trial", + "events_topic": "Interleukin-6 | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Placebos | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Tocilizumab | Melanoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1053348706,'423996');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "423994", + "first_name": "Evan", + "middle_name": "Ya-Wen", + "last_name": "Yu", + "org_name": "Seattle Cancer Care Alliance", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232653", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232653", + "events_session": "CYP11A1 inhibitor MK-5684 versus next-generation hormonal agent (NHA) switch in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) after NHA and taxane-based chemotherapy: Phase 3 MK-5684-003 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 1/2 study of ONCT-534, a dual-action androgen receptor inhibitor (DAARI), in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer,Biomarkers associated with outcomes from KEYLYNK-010: Pembrolizumab (pembro) plus olaparib (ola) versus next-generation hormonal agent (NHA) in previously treated metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Castration ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal | Pembrolizumab | Prostatic Neoplasms | Olaparib | Biomarkers | Receptors, Androgen", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1043390016,'423994');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYu, Evan Ya-Wen", + "kol_full_name": "Yu, Evan Ya-Wen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Genomics | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1023034261", + "hcp_pin_alias": "423975", + "session_name": "In-Person Workshop: Genomics 101 for Oncologists", + "name": "2024 American Society of 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"rest_events_session": " multicenter, prospective study of sacituzumab govitecan in recurrent glioblastoma", + "events_topic": "Sacituzumab Govitecan | Glioblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1013905512,'423968');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKelly, William Kevin", + "kol_full_name": "Kelly, William Kevin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Tebentafusp | Uveal Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1962402321", + "hcp_pin_alias": "413216", + "session_name": "Comparison of clinical outcomes of stable disease with confirmed tumor reduction and RECIST partial response for tebentafusp in metastatic uveal melanoma (mUM)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", 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"kol_full_name": "Mailankody, Sham" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Delivery Of Health Care | Healthcare Disparities | Admin. & Management | Clinical Trials As Topic", + "npi_num": "1154564961", + "hcp_pin_alias": "403597", + "session_name": "Care Delivery/Models of Care: Program Commitee,Bridging Health Disparity Gaps in Clinical Trials and Routine Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "403597", + "first_name": "Samilia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Obeng-Gyasi", + "org_name": "Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Columbus", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232106", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232106", + "events_session": "Care Delivery/Models of Care: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Bridging Health Disparity Gaps in Clinical Trials and Routine Care", + "events_topic": "Delivery Of Health Care | Healthcare Disparities ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Admin. & Management | Clinical Trials As Topic", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EObeng-Gyasi, Samilia\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Obeng-Gyasi, Samilia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melanoma | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "npi_num": "1114989761", + "hcp_pin_alias": "390438", + "session_name": "T Cell Therapy, A New Treatment Pathway for Advanced Melanoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "390438", + "first_name": "Brian", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Gastman", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic - Main Campus", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233159", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233159", + "events_session": "T Cell Therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " A New Treatment Pathway for Advanced Melanoma", + "events_topic": "Melanoma | Immunotherapy, Adoptive", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EGastman, Brian R\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Gastman, Brian R" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1396954269", + "hcp_pin_alias": "376249", + "session_name": "Central Nervous System Tumors: Program Commitee,Central Nervous System Tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "376249", + "first_name": "Rimas", + "middle_name": "Vincas", + "last_name": "Lukas", + "org_name": "Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232036", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232036", + "events_session": "Central Nervous System Tumors: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Central Nervous System Tumors", + "events_topic": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003ELukas, Rimas Vincas\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Lukas, Rimas Vincas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Oropharyngeal Neoplasms | Human Papillomavirus Viruses", + "npi_num": "1952714636", + "hcp_pin_alias": "368843", + "session_name": "Making the Cut: 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"Prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Risk Reduction, and Hereditary Cancer: Program Commitee", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Risk Reduction Behavior", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1669482659,'368393');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHampel, Heather Lynn", + "kol_full_name": "Hampel, Heather Lynn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Mastectomy, Segmental | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1356392385", + "hcp_pin_alias": "367933", + "session_name": "NRG-BR007: A phase III trial evaluating de-escalation of breast radiation (DEBRA) following breast-conserving surgery of stage 1, HR+, HER2-, RS ≤18 breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American 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onclick=\"requestProfile(1356392385,'367933');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWhite, Julia R.", + "kol_full_name": "White, Julia R." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1205168887", + "hcp_pin_alias": "367712", + "session_name": "NRG-LU002: Randomized phase II/III trial of maintenance systemic therapy versus local consolidative therapy (LCT) plus maintenance systemic therapy for limited metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "367712", + "first_name": "Puneeth", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Iyengar", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Dallas", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233139", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233139", + "events_session": "NRG-LU002: Randomized phase II/III trial of maintenance systemic therapy versus local consolidative therapy (LCT) plus maintenance systemic therapy for limited metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1205168887,'367712');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EIyengar, Puneeth", + "kol_full_name": "Iyengar, Puneeth" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemoradiotherapy | Hysterectomy | Uterine Cervical Neoplasms | Genital Neoplasms, Female | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "npi_num": "1437244522", + "hcp_pin_alias": "367129", + "session_name": "Gynecologic Cancer: Program Commitee,Adjuvant chemotherapy following concurrent chemoradiation (CRT) in patients with high-risk early-stage cervical carcinoma following radical hysterectomy: Results of NRG oncology/RTOG 0724/GOG-0724,Gynecologic Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "367129", + "first_name": "Anuja", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jhingran", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232081", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232081", + "events_session": "Gynecologic Cancer: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Adjuvant chemotherapy following concurrent chemoradiation (CRT) in patients with high-risk early-stage cervical carcinoma following radical hysterectomy: Results of NRG oncology/RTOG 0724/GOG-0724,Gynecologic Cancer", + "events_topic": "Chemoradiotherapy | Hysterectomy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Uterine Cervical Neoplasms | Genital Neoplasms, Female | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1437244522,'367129');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJhingran, Anuja", + "kol_full_name": "Jhingran, Anuja" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Epcoritamab | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "npi_num": "1598717845", + "hcp_pin_alias": "366162", + "session_name": "EPCORE NHL‑1 follicular lymphoma (FL) cycle (C) 1 optimization (OPT) cohort: Expanding the clinical utility of epcoritamab in relapsed or refractory (R/R) FL", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "366162", + "first_name": "Julie", + "middle_name": "Marie", + "last_name": "Vose", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Nebraska", + "City": "Omaha", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232503", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232503", + "events_session": "EPCORE NHL‑1 follicular lymphoma (FL) cycle (C) 1 optimization (OPT) cohort: Expanding the clinical utility of epcoritamab in relapsed or refractory (R/R) FL", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Epcoritamab | Lymphoma, Follicular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv 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"1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232382", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232382", + "events_session": "Phase 1/2 of EO2463 immunotherapy as monotherapy and in combination with lenalidomide and/or rituximab in indolent NHL (EONHL1-20/SIDNEY)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rituximab | Lenalidomide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1114155603,'366160');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVillasboas Bisneto, Jose Caetano", + "kol_full_name": "Villasboas Bisneto, Jose Caetano" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "1578580460", + "hcp_pin_alias": "366133", + "session_name": "Safety and efficacy of armored huCART19-IL18 in patients with relapsed/refractory lymphomas that progressed after anti-CD19 CAR T cells", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "366133", + "first_name": "Jakub", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Svoboda", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232778", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232778", + "events_session": "Safety and efficacy of armored huCART19-IL18 in patients with relapsed/refractory lymphomas that progressed after anti-CD19 CAR T cells", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Lymphoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1578580460,'366133');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESvoboda, Jakub", + "kol_full_name": "Svoboda, Jakub" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Receptor-CD3 Complex, Antigen, T-Cell", + "npi_num": "1154737765", + "hcp_pin_alias": "366128", + "session_name": "New Agents on the Horizon: Targets Other Than CD3/CD20, New Constructs and Trispecifics", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "366128", + "first_name": "Paolo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Strati", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232127", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232127", + "events_session": "New Agents on the Horizon: Targets Other Than CD3/CD20", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " New Constructs and Trispecifics", + "events_topic": "Receptor-CD3 Complex, Antigen, T-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1154737765,'366128');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EStrati, Paolo", + "kol_full_name": "Strati, Paolo" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Thyroid Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1598900698", + "hcp_pin_alias": "366119", + "session_name": "Safety and efficacy of AIC100 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy in patients with advanced thyroid cancers: Results from the phase 1 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "366119", + "first_name": "Samer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Srour", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232572", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232572", + "events_session": "Safety and efficacy of AIC100 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy in patients with advanced thyroid cancers: Results from the phase 1 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Thyroid Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1598900698,'366119');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESrour, Samer", + "kol_full_name": "Srour, Samer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "PARP1 Protein, Human | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1083655716", + "hcp_pin_alias": "366114", + "session_name": "A first-in-human (FIH), phase 1/2, dose-escalation, dose-optimization, and dose-expansion study of PARP1-selective inhibitor IMP1734 in participants with advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "366114", + "first_name": "Guru", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Sonpavde", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232989", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232989", + "events_session": "A first-in-human (FIH)", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " phase 1/2, dose-escalation, dose-optimization, and dose-expansion study of PARP1-selective inhibitor IMP1734 in participants with advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "PARP1 Protein, Human | Solid Tumor", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1083655716,'366114');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232378", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232378", + "events_session": "CELESTIAL-TNCLL: An ongoing", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " open-label, multiregional, phase 3 study of sonrotoclax (BGB-11417) + zanubrutinib vs venetoclax + obinutuzumab for treatment-naïve (TN) CLL,Comparative efficacy of Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A network meta-analysis (NMA)", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell | Zanzalintinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Venetoclax | Obinutuzumab | Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase | Sonrotoclax", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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+ "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Ann Arbor", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232371", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232371", + "events_session": "Glofitamab monotherapy in patients with heavily pretreated relapsed/refractory (R/R) mantle cell lymphoma (MCL): Updated analysis from a phase I/II study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Estimating the health care costs associated with receipt of lisocabtagene maraleucel: Insights from adults with mantle cell lymphoma (TRANSCEND NHL 001)", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell | Glofitamab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lisocabtagene Maraleucel", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568607653,'366032');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPhillips, Tycel Jovelle", + "kol_full_name": "Phillips, Tycel Jovelle" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "CD70 Protein, Human | Nivolumab | Zanzalintinib | Solid Tumor | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Biomarkers | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats", + "npi_num": "1700938180", + "hcp_pin_alias": "366020", + "session_name": "Preliminary safety, pharmacokinetics and clinical activity of DFF332, an oral HIF2α inhibitor, as monotherapy in a phase 1 dose escalation study in patients with advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma,A phase 1/2, open-label, multicenter, dose escalation and cohort expansion study of the safety and efficacy of anti-CD70 allogeneic CRISPR-Cas9–engineered T cells (CTX131) in adult patients with relapsed or refractory solid tumors,Zanzalintinib (XL092) plus nivolumab in non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma: The randomized phase 3 STELLAR-304 study,Biomarker analysis of zanzalintinib in clear cell renal cell carcinoma from STELLAR-001,What Is Variant Histology Renal Cell Cancer and What Are the Available Treatment Options?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "366020", + "first_name": "Sumanta", + "middle_name": "K.", + "last_name": "Pal", + "org_name": "City of Hope Medical Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232157", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232157", + "events_session": "Preliminary safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 10, + "rest_events_session": " pharmacokinetics and clinical activity of DFF332, an oral HIF2α inhibitor, as monotherapy in a phase 1 dose escalation study in patients with advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma,A phase 1/2, open-label, multicenter, dose escalation and cohort expansion study of the safety and efficacy of anti-CD70 allogeneic CRISPR-Cas9–engineered T cells (CTX131) in adult patients with relapsed or refractory solid tumors,Zanzalintinib (XL092) plus nivolumab in non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma: The randomized phase 3 STELLAR-304 study,Biomarker analysis of zanzalintinib in clear cell renal cell carcinoma from STELLAR-001,What Is Variant Histology Renal Cell Cancer and What Are the Available Treatment Options?", + "events_topic": "CD70 Protein, Human | Nivolumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Zanzalintinib | Solid Tumor | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Biomarkers | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1700938180,'366020');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPal, Sumanta K.", + "kol_full_name": "Pal, Sumanta K." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, Follicular", + "npi_num": "1407048630", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365997", + "session_name": "Follicular Lymphoma: A Case-Based Exploration of Treatment Choices and Management", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365997", + "first_name": "Loretta", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Nastoupil", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232078", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232078", + "events_session": "Follicular Lymphoma: A Case-Based Exploration of Treatment Choices and Management", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Follicular", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1407048630,'365997');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENastoupil, Loretta J", + "kol_full_name": "Nastoupil, Loretta J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Leukemia | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Immune System", + "npi_num": "1427256254", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365988", + "session_name": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee,Harnessing the Power of the Immune System for Acute Leukemias", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365988", + "first_name": "Lori", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Muffly", + "org_name": "Stanford Health Care", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233111", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233111", + "events_session": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Harnessing the Power of the Immune System for Acute Leukemias", + "events_topic": "Leukemia | Head And Neck Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune System", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1427256254,'365988');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMuffly, Lori S", + "kol_full_name": "Muffly, Lori S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Primary Myelofibrosis | Danazol", + "npi_num": "1962480475", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365979", + "session_name": "Long-term survival adjusted for treatment crossover in patients (pts) with myelofibrosis (MF) treated with momelotinib (MMB) vs danazol (DAN) in the MOMENTUM trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365979", + "first_name": "Ruben", + "middle_name": "Anthony", + "last_name": "Mesa", + "org_name": "University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "San Antonio", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232346", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232346", + "events_session": "Long-term survival adjusted for treatment crossover in patients (pts) with myelofibrosis (MF) treated with momelotinib (MMB) vs danazol (DAN) in the MOMENTUM trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Primary Myelofibrosis | Danazol", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1962480475,'365979');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMesa, Ruben Anthony", + "kol_full_name": "Mesa, Ruben Anthony" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Rituximab | Odronextamab | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "npi_num": "1629237987", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365965", + "session_name": "Phase 3 trial evaluating efficacy and safety of odronextamab plus CHOP vs rituximab plus CHOP in previously untreated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL; OLYMPIA-3)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365965", + "first_name": "Matthew", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Matasar", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Commack", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232386", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232386", + "events_session": "Phase 3 trial evaluating efficacy and safety of odronextamab plus CHOP vs rituximab plus CHOP in previously untreated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL; OLYMPIA-3)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rituximab | Odronextamab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232781", + "events_session": "Beyond BTK Inhibitors in Mantle Cell Lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell | Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1689698284,'365952');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMaddocks, Kami J.", + "kol_full_name": "Maddocks, Kami J." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pharmaceutical Preparations", + "npi_num": "1487762118", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365941", + "session_name": "Antibody, Linker, Drug: Teasing Apart What Matters", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365941", + 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"proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Paraproteinemias | Hematologic Neoplasms | Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "1104853324", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365925", + "session_name": "Amandeep Godara – Track Leader: Program Commitee,Hematologic Malignancies—Plasma Cell Dyscrasia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365925", + "first_name": "Suzanne", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lentzsch", + "org_name": "Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231977", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231977", + "events_session": "Amandeep Godara – Track Leader: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Plasma Cell Dyscrasia", + "events_topic": "Paraproteinemias | Hematologic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Admin. & Management", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1104853324,'365925');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELentzsch, Suzanne", + "kol_full_name": "Lentzsch, Suzanne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia | Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "1336156983", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365908", + "session_name": "Hematologic Malignancies – Lymphoma and CLL: Program Commitee", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365908", + "first_name": "Ann", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Lacasce", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Milford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233222", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233222", + "events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies – Lymphoma and CLL: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1336156983,'365908');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELacasce, Ann S", + "kol_full_name": "Lacasce, Ann S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": 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"rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparative effectiveness of linvoseltamab versus standard-of-care (SOC) treatment (tx) in real-world patients (pts) in the United States (US) with triple-class exposed (TCE) relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)", + "events_topic": "Linvoseltamab | Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568434090,'365902');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKumar, Shaji Kunnathu", + "kol_full_name": "Kumar, Shaji Kunnathu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1831313691", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365893", + "session_name": "Hematologic Malignancies—Lymphoma and 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Science Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Colorado", + "City": "Aurora", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232501", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232501", + "events_session": "Lisocabtagene maraleucel (liso-cel) vs standard of care (SOC) with salvage chemotherapy (CT) followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) as second-line (2L) treatment in patients (pt) with R/R large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL): 3-year follow-up (FU) from the randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " phase 3 TRANSFORM study", + "events_topic": "Stem Cell Transplantation | Chemotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Lisocabtagene Maraleucel | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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"United States", + "Region": "District of Columbia", + "City": "Washington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232084", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232084", + "events_session": "Prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Risk Reduction, and Genetics", + "events_topic": "Genetics | Risk Reduction Behavior", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1164414751,'365851');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EIsaacs, Claudine Janet Diana", + "kol_full_name": "Isaacs, Claudine Janet Diana" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, 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A.", + "last_name": "Hussain", + "org_name": "Northwestern Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232594", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232594", + "events_session": "A pilot study of tazemetostat and pembrolizumab in advanced urothelial carcinoma (ETCTN 10183)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tazemetostat", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1245316199,'365848');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHussain, Maha H. 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"Herrera, Alex" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 2, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Azacitidine | Interleukin-1 Receptor-Associated Kinases", + "npi_num": "1013078294", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365808", + "session_name": "Preliminary safety and efficacy of oral azacitidine (Oral-AZA) in patients (pts) with low-/Intermediate (Int)-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS): Phase 2 results from the ASTREON trial,Phase 1b trial of IRAK 1/4 inhibition for low-risk myelodysplastic syndrome refractory/resistant to prior therapies", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365808", + "first_name": "Guillermo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Garcia-Manero", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "0", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": 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and Recommended Surveillance in Patients and Family Members", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365760", + "first_name": "Courtney", + "middle_name": "Denton", + "last_name": "Dinardo", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233143", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233143", + "events_session": "Testing for Hereditary Hematologic Malignancies and Recommended Surveillance in Patients and Family Members", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon 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"org_name": "University Of Chicago Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232154", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232154", + "events_session": "A pilot study of post-consolidation chemoimmunotherapy for high-risk neuroblastoma (ANBL19P1): A report from the Children’s Oncology Group", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy and safety of entrectinib in children with extracranial solid or primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors harboring NTRK or ROS1 fusions,Pediatric Oncologist Perspective", + "events_topic": "Entrectinib | Neuroblastoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Central Nervous System Neoplasms | Combined Modality Therapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790967164,'365755');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDesai, Ami Vijay", + "kol_full_name": "Desai, Ami Vijay" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Multiple Myeloma | Neoplasm, Residual", + "npi_num": "1730526310", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365754", + "session_name": "Discontinuation of maintenance therapy in multiple myeloma guided by multimodal measurable residual disease negativity (MRD2STOP)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365754", + "first_name": "Benjamin", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Derman", + "org_name": "University Of Chicago Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232312", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232312", + "events_session": "Discontinuation of maintenance therapy in multiple myeloma guided by multimodal measurable residual disease negativity (MRD2STOP)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multiple Myeloma | Neoplasm, Residual", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1730526310,'365754');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDerman, Benjamin A", + "kol_full_name": "Derman, Benjamin A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Ponatinib | Leukemia, Myeloid, Chronic-Phase", + "npi_num": "1932115524", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365752", + "session_name": "Ponatinib (PON) in patients (pts) with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CP-CML) and the T315I mutation (mut): 4-year results from OPTIC", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365752", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "Werner Nikolaus", + "last_name": "Deininger", + "org_name": "University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Utah", + "City": "Salt Lake City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233105", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233105", + "events_session": "Ponatinib (PON) in patients (pts) with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CP-CML) and the T315I mutation (mut): 4-year results from OPTIC", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ponatinib | Leukemia, Myeloid, Chronic-Phase", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1932115524,'365752');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDeininger, Michael Werner Nikolaus", + "kol_full_name": "Deininger, Michael Werner Nikolaus" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell | Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia | Hematologic Neoplasms | Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "1487769733", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365746", + "session_name": "Hematologic Malignancies – Lymphoma and CLL: Program Commitee,Hematologic Malignancies—Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365746", + "first_name": "Alexey", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Danilov", + "org_name": "City Of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center - Duarte", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232028", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232028", + "events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies – Lymphoma and CLL: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell | Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hematologic Neoplasms | Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1487769733,'365746');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Plasma Cell Dyscrasia", + "events_topic": "Paraproteinemias | Hematologic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Admin. & Management", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1194722462,'365711');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChanan-Khan, Asher A.", + "kol_full_name": "Chanan-Khan, Asher A." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Avelumab | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "npi_num": "1124462726", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365674", + "session_name": "Combined high-resolution H3K27ac epigenomic and single-cell transcriptional profiling as a signature predictive of response to neoadjuvant immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) in urothelial cancer (UC),Avelumab first-line maintenance (1LM) for advanced urothelial carcinoma (aUC): Long-term outcomes from JAVELIN Bladder 100 in patients (pts) with low tumor burden", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365674", + "first_name": "Joaquin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bellmunt Molins", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232590", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232590", + "events_session": "Combined high-resolution H3K27ac epigenomic and single-cell transcriptional profiling as a signature predictive of response to neoadjuvant immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) in urothelial cancer (UC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Avelumab first-line maintenance (1LM) for advanced urothelial carcinoma (aUC): Long-term outcomes from JAVELIN Bladder 100 in patients (pts) with low tumor burden", + "events_topic": "Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Avelumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1124462726,'365674');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBellmunt Molins, Joaquin", + "kol_full_name": "Bellmunt Molins, Joaquin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Glofitamab", + "npi_num": "1316965759", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365668", + "session_name": "Glofitamab monotherapy retreatment in patients with heavily pre-treated relapsed or refractory (R/R) non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL): Results from a phase I/II study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365668", + "first_name": "Nancy", + "middle_name": "Lee", + "last_name": "Bartlett", + "org_name": "Washington University School Of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "St. Louis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232368", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232368", + "events_session": "Glofitamab monotherapy retreatment in patients with heavily pre-treated relapsed or refractory (R/R) non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL): Results from a phase I/II study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Glofitamab", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1316965759,'365668');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBartlett, Nancy Lee", + "kol_full_name": "Bartlett, Nancy Lee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Belzutifan | Clear-cell Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "1306874201", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365660", + "session_name": "Belzutifan in patients with advanced clear cell renal cellcarcinoma (ccRCC): Subgroup analysis of the phase 2 LITESPARK-013 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365660", + "first_name": "Michael", + "middle_name": "B.", + "last_name": "Atkins", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "District of Columbia", + "City": "Washington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232583", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232583", + "events_session": "Belzutifan in patients with advanced clear cell renal cellcarcinoma (ccRCC): Subgroup analysis of the phase 2 LITESPARK-013 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Belzutifan | Clear-cell Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1306874201,'365660');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAtkins, Michael B.", + "kol_full_name": "Atkins, Michael B." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "ABVD Chemotherapy | Hodgkin Disease", + "npi_num": "1558335935", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365655", + "session_name": "Seven-year overall survival analysis from ECHELON-1 study of A+AVD versus ABVD in patients with previously untreated stage III/IV classical Hodgkin lymphoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365655", + "first_name": "Stephen", + "middle_name": "Maxted", + "last_name": "Ansell", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic - Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232379", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232379", + "events_session": "Seven-year overall survival analysis from ECHELON-1 study of A+AVD versus ABVD in patients with previously untreated stage III/IV classical Hodgkin lymphoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "ABVD Chemotherapy | Hodgkin Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1558335935,'365655');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAnsell, Stephen Maxted", + "kol_full_name": "Ansell, Stephen Maxted" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Epcoritamab | Lymphoma, Follicular | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "npi_num": "1609061837", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365650", + "session_name": "Subcutaneous epcoritamab (SC epcor) administered outpatient (outpt) for relapsed or refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and follicular lymphoma (FL): Results from phase 2 EPCORE NHL-6", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365650", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "Jacob", + "last_name": "Andorsky", + "org_name": "Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers LLP", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Colorado", + "City": "Boulder", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232372", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232372", + "events_session": "Subcutaneous epcoritamab (SC epcor) administered outpatient (outpt) for relapsed or refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and follicular lymphoma (FL): Results from phase 2 EPCORE NHL-6", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Epcoritamab | Lymphoma, Follicular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon 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"cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232282", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232282", + "events_session": "A phase 1 study of JNJ-69086420 (JNJ-6420)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " an actinium-225 (225Ac) -labeled antibody targeting human kallikrein 2 (hK2), for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Castration", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1255302055,'365603');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMorris, Michael", + "kol_full_name": "Morris, Michael" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "1770599664", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365577", + "session_name": "A phase I, first-in-human study of ONO-7018 in patients with relapsed/refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365577", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "C.", + "last_name": "Byrd", + "org_name": "Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Dublin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232384", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232384", + "events_session": "A phase I", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " first-in-human study of ONO-7018 in patients with relapsed/refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1770599664,'365577');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EByrd, John C.", + "kol_full_name": "Byrd, John C." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melanoma | Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 | Positron-Emission Tomography | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1942247978", + "hcp_pin_alias": "365243", + "session_name": "FDG-PET associations with pathological response and survival with neoadjuvant immunotherapy for melanoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "365243", + "first_name": "Li", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zhou", + "org_name": "Harvard Medical Faculty Phys At Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232786", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232786", + "events_session": "FDG-PET associations with pathological response and survival with neoadjuvant immunotherapy for melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Melanoma | Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Positron-Emission Tomography | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942247978,'365243');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EZhou, Li", + "kol_full_name": "Zhou, Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Fertility", + "npi_num": "1942241641", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364379", + "session_name": "Critical Concepts in Oncofertility for Clinicians and Primary Care Providers,Rethinking Oncofertility: Empowering Education and Advocacy in Cancer Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "364379", + "first_name": "Alison", + "middle_name": "Wakoff", + "last_name": "Loren", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232020", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232020", + "events_session": "Critical Concepts in Oncofertility for Clinicians and Primary Care Providers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Rethinking Oncofertility: Empowering Education and Advocacy in Cancer Care", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Fertility", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942241641,'364379');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELoren, Alison Wakoff", + "kol_full_name": "Loren, Alison Wakoff" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Urogenital Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Immunotherapy | Kidney Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1477991933", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364325", + "session_name": "Genitourinary Cancer – Kidney and Bladder: Program Commitee,Harnessing the Immune System in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Current and Novel Immunotherapy Approaches", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "364325", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "Alexander", + "last_name": "Braun", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232929", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232929", + "events_session": "Genitourinary Cancer – Kidney and Bladder: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Harnessing the Immune System in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Current and Novel Immunotherapy Approaches", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Urogenital Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Immunotherapy | Kidney Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1477991933,'364325');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBraun, David Alexander", + "kol_full_name": "Braun, David Alexander" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1457319717", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364321", + "session_name": "Hematologic Malignancies—Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "364321", + "first_name": "Hetty", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Carraway", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic - Main Campus", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232067", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232067", + "events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003ECarraway, Hetty\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Carraway, Hetty" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Platelet Transfusion | Erythropoiesis | Erythrocytes | Imetelstat | Myelodysplastic Syndromes", + "npi_num": "1083819528", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364278", + "session_name": "Efficacy of imetelstat on red blood cell (RBC)-transfusion independence (TI) in the absence of platelet transfusions or myeloid growth factors in IMerge,Clinical benefit of luspatercept treatment (tx) in transfusion-dependent (TD), erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA)–naive patients (pts) with very low-, low- or intermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in the COMMANDS trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "364278", + "first_name": "Amer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zeidan", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232343", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232343", + "events_session": "Efficacy of imetelstat on red blood cell (RBC)-transfusion independence (TI) in the absence of platelet transfusions or myeloid growth factors in IMerge", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical benefit of luspatercept treatment (tx) in transfusion-dependent (TD), erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA)–naive patients (pts) with very low-, low- or intermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in the COMMANDS trial", + "events_topic": "Platelet Transfusion | Erythropoiesis ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Erythrocytes | Imetelstat | Myelodysplastic Syndromes", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1083819528,'364278');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EZeidan, Amer", + "kol_full_name": "Zeidan, Amer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Azacitidine | Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Venetoclax | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "1740422823", + "hcp_pin_alias": "364264", + "session_name": "A first-in-human phase 1, multicenter, open-label study of CB-012, a next-generation CRISPR-edited allogeneic anti-CLL-1 CAR-T cell therapy for adults with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AMpLify),A phase 1b/2 study of pivekimab sunirine (PVEK, IMGN632) in combination with venetoclax/azacitidine for patients with newly diagnosed CD123-positive acute myeloid leukemia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "364264", + "first_name": "Naval", + "middle_name": "Gustad", + "last_name": "Daver", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232354", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232354", + "events_session": "A first-in-human phase 1", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, open-label study of CB-012, a next-generation CRISPR-edited allogeneic anti-CLL-1 CAR-T cell therapy for adults with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AMpLify),A phase 1b/2 study of pivekimab sunirine (PVEK, IMGN632) in combination with venetoclax/azacitidine for patients with newly diagnosed CD123-positive acute myeloid leukemia", + "events_topic": "Azacitidine | Immunotherapy, Adoptive ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Venetoclax | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1740422823,'364264');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDaver, Naval Gustad", + "kol_full_name": "Daver, Naval Gustad" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Nivolumab | Solid Tumor | Ipilimumab", + "npi_num": "1962596551", + "hcp_pin_alias": "309201", + "session_name": "Nivolumab plus ipilimumab (N+I) in patients (pts) with solid tumors with high tumor mutational burden (HTMB): Results from the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) Study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "309201", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Chan", + "org_name": "Sutter Bay Medical Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232965", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232965", + "events_session": "Nivolumab plus ipilimumab (N+I) in patients (pts) with solid tumors with high tumor mutational burden (HTMB): Results from the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) Study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ipilimumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1962596551,'309201');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChan, John K", + "kol_full_name": "Chan, John K" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Endometrial Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1871818534", + "hcp_pin_alias": "302267", + "session_name": "Borrowing From Breast Cancer: Endocrine Combinations in Endometrial Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "302267", + "first_name": "Lauren", + "middle_name": "Patterson", + "last_name": "Cobb", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232919", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232919", + "events_session": "Borrowing From Breast Cancer: Endocrine Combinations in Endometrial Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endometrial Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871818534,'302267');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECobb, Lauren Patterson", + "kol_full_name": "Cobb, Lauren Patterson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Ovarian Neoplasms | Killer Cells, Natural | Adenocarcinoma", + "npi_num": "1871099465", + "hcp_pin_alias": "301679", + "session_name": "Phase I/II study of TROP2 CAR engineered IL15-transduced cord blood-derived NK cells delivered intraperitoneally for the management of platinum resistant ovarian cancer, mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma, and pancreatic cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "301679", + "first_name": "Anne", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Knisely", + "org_name": "Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232440", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232440", + "events_session": "Phase I/II study of TROP2 CAR engineered IL15-transduced cord blood-derived NK cells delivered intraperitoneally for the management of platinum resistant ovarian cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma, and pancreatic cancer", + "events_topic": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Ovarian Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Killer Cells, Natural | Adenocarcinoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871099465,'301679');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKnisely, Anne", + "kol_full_name": "Knisely, Anne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Advance Care Planning", + "npi_num": "1851788285", + "hcp_pin_alias": "300779", + "session_name": "Trends in the providers’ uptake of advance care planning from 2016 to 2021", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "300779", + "first_name": "Nan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Nash OB-GYN Associates, PA", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Rocky Mount", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233046", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233046", + "events_session": "Trends in the providers’ uptake of advance care planning from 2016 to 2021", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Advance Care Planning", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1851788285,'300779');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232954", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232954", + "events_session": "Long-term efficacy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " safety and PK data of TH1902 (sudocetaxel zendusortide) in solid tumors: A novel SORT1-targeting peptide-drug-conjugate (PDC)", + "events_topic": "Sudocetaxel Zendusortide | Immunoconjugates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790982031,'296108');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWiner, Ira Seth", + "kol_full_name": "Winer, Ira Seth" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, 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Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232438", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232438", + "events_session": "Relationship of cancer stem cell functional assay and objective response rate of patients with recurrent platinum-resistant ovarian cancer in a randomized trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Endometrial cancer (EC) by ERBB2 amplification (ERBB2amp) status: Differences in molecular subtypes, ancestry, and real-world outcomes", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Endometrial Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ovarian Neoplasms | Genes, ErbB-2", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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"first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "O'Malley", + "org_name": "The James Gynecologic Oncology Mill Run", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Hilliard", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232427", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232427", + "events_session": "Characterization of long-term survivors from four clinical trials examining patients with folate receptor alpha–positive recurrent ovarian cancer treated with single-agent mirvetuximab soravtansine", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Final safety results from ATHENA–MONO (GOG-3020/ENGOT-ov45), a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, phase 3 trial evaluating rucaparib monotherapy as maintenance treatment in patients with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer", + "events_topic": "Ovarian Neoplasms | Folate Receptor 1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Mirvetuximab Soravtansine | Rucaparib | Clinical Trials As Topic", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1609819424,'280773');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EO'Malley, David M", + "kol_full_name": "O'Malley, David M" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "npi_num": "1598772550", + "hcp_pin_alias": "279956", + "session_name": "Gynecologic Cancer: Program Commitee,Gynecologic Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "279956", + "first_name": "Carolyn", + "middle_name": "Y", + "last_name": "Muller", + "org_name": "University Of New Mexico School Of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", 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"session_name": "GOG 3088: A randomized phase II study of letrozole versus observation in patients with newly diagnosed uterine leiomyosarcoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "252975", + "first_name": "Bradley", + "middle_name": "Robert", + "last_name": "Corr", + "org_name": "University Physicians Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232446", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232446", + "events_session": "GOG 3088: A randomized phase II study of letrozole versus observation in patients with newly diagnosed uterine leiomyosarcoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Letrozole | Leiomyosarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv 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prostate cancer prior to radical prostatectomy (a phase 3 diagnostic study)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Prostatectomy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Positron-Emission Tomography", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1881991495,'232086');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGorin, Michael A.", + "kol_full_name": "Gorin, Michael A." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pheochromocytoma | Axitinib | Paraganglioma", + "npi_num": "1821212473", + "hcp_pin_alias": "231949", + "session_name": "Single agent axitinib in the management of patients with progressive pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual 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"", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232281", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232281", + "events_session": "A phase II trial to assess the impact of β2 adrenergic blockade in immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)– refractory metastatic triple negative breast cancer (mTNBC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of higher baseline stress and pain with clinical outcomes: Secondary analysis from Alliance A011502", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Clinical Studies As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1801154711,'231888');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"Allele-specific KRAS mutations as prognostic biomarkers in mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix and colorectal cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Appendix | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms | Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1750546735,'231789');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKhushman, Moh'D M.", + "kol_full_name": "Khushman, Moh'D M." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1720106693", + "hcp_pin_alias": "231720", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "name": "2024 American 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Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232717", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232717", + "events_session": "Phase I/II study of stereotactic radiation and sacituzumab govitecan with zimberelimab in the management of metastatic triple negative breast cancer with brain metastases", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Radiosurgery ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Sacituzumab Govitecan | Zimberelimab | Brain Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1659633915,'231575');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAhmed, Kamran Ali", + "kol_full_name": "Ahmed, Kamran Ali" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Chemotherapy | Cisplatin | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Pembrolizumab | Gemcitabine | Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Disitamab Vedotin | Nivolumab", + "npi_num": "1639140668", + "hcp_pin_alias": "231524", + "session_name": "Using Molecular Testing to Guide Perioperative Systemic Therapy for Urothelial Cancer,Phase 3 study of disitamab vedotin with pembrolizumab vs chemotherapy in patients with previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma that expresses HER2 (DV-001),Characterization of complete responders to nivolumab + gemcitabine-cisplatin vs gemcitabine-cisplatin alone and patients with lymph node–only metastatic urothelial carcinoma from the CheckMate 901 trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "231524", + "first_name": "Matthew", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Galsky", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232472", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232472", + "events_session": "Using Molecular Testing to Guide Perioperative Systemic Therapy for Urothelial Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Phase 3 study of disitamab vedotin with pembrolizumab vs chemotherapy in patients with previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma that expresses HER2 (DV-001),Characterization of complete responders to nivolumab + gemcitabine-cisplatin vs gemcitabine-cisplatin alone and patients with lymph node–only metastatic urothelial carcinoma from the CheckMate 901 trial", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Chemotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Cisplatin | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Pembrolizumab | Gemcitabine | Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Disitamab Vedotin | Nivolumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1639140668,'231524');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGalsky, Matthew D", + "kol_full_name": "Galsky, Matthew D" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Fruquintinib | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1558469767", + "hcp_pin_alias": "231363", + "session_name": "Fruquintinib in Refractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "231363", + "first_name": "Cathy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Eng", + "org_name": "Vanderbilt University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Franklin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233151", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233151", + "events_session": "Fruquintinib in Refractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fruquintinib | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1558469767,'231363');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EEng, Cathy", + "kol_full_name": "Eng, Cathy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pharmaceutical Preparations | Genital Neoplasms, Female | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1306885512", + "hcp_pin_alias": "230864", + "session_name": "Novel Immunotherapy Combinations in Gynecologic Cancer and When to Use Them,State of the Art in Gynecologic Cancer: New Drugs and Companion Diagnostics", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "230864", + "first_name": "Brian", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Slomovitz", + "org_name": "University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Miami", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231991", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231991", + "events_session": "Novel Immunotherapy Combinations in Gynecologic Cancer and When to Use Them", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "State of the Art in Gynecologic Cancer: New Drugs and Companion Diagnostics", + "events_topic": "Pharmaceutical Preparations | Genital Neoplasms, Female ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003ESlomovitz, Brian M\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Slomovitz, Brian M" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "1245239367", + "hcp_pin_alias": "230723", + "session_name": "Evaluation of a predictive biomarker for antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "230723", + "first_name": "Sachdev", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Thomas", + "org_name": "Vallejo Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Vallejo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232967", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232967", + "events_session": "Evaluation of a predictive biomarker for antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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III trial evaluating total ablative therapy for patients with limited metastatic colorectal cancer—Evaluating radiation, ablation, and surgery (ERASur)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "230244", + "first_name": "Eric", + "middle_name": "David", + "last_name": "Miller", + "org_name": "Osu Radiation Oncology Llc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Columbus", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232895", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232895", + "events_session": "Alliance A022101/NRG-GI009: A pragmatic randomized phase III trial evaluating total ablative therapy for patients with limited metastatic colorectal cancer—Evaluating radiation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " ablation, and surgery (ERASur)", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Ablation Techniques ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1023375128,'230244');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMiller, Eric David", + "kol_full_name": "Miller, Eric David" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Kidney Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1508029703", + "hcp_pin_alias": "230150", + "session_name": "Genitourinary Cancer – Kidney and Bladder: Program Commitee", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "230150", + "first_name": "Russell", + "middle_name": "Zelig", + "last_name": "Szmulewitz", + "org_name": "The University of Chicago Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233210", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233210", + "events_session": "Genitourinary Cancer – Kidney and Bladder: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urogenital Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Kidney Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1508029703,'230150');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESzmulewitz, Russell Zelig", + "kol_full_name": "Szmulewitz, Russell Zelig" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Therapeutics | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1356487763", + "hcp_pin_alias": "230124", + "session_name": "Living Your Best Life on Treatment", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "230124", + "first_name": "Channing", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Paller", + "org_name": "Sibley Memorial Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "District of Columbia", + "City": "Washington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232764", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232764", + "events_session": "Living Your Best Life on Treatment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Therapeutics | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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"228916", + "first_name": "Enriqueta", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Steele", + "org_name": "LAC + USC Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232172", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232172", + "events_session": "Amivantamab plus lazertinib vs osimertinib in first-line EGFR-mutant advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with biomarkers of high-risk disease: A secondary analysis from the phase 3 MARIPOSA study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of RNA-sequencing signatures with clinical outcomes of pembrolizumab + chemotherapy in patients with metastatic nonsquamous non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) enrolled in the phase 2 KEYNOTE-782 trial", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Amivantamab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Lazertinib | Osimertinib | Chemotherapy | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1821511098,'228916');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESteele, Enriqueta", + "kol_full_name": "Steele, Enriqueta" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Encorafenib | Irinotecan | Stomach Neoplasms | Cetuximab", + "npi_num": "1710252861", + "hcp_pin_alias": "228225", + "session_name": "Encorafenib and cetuximab versus irinotecan/cetuximab or FOLFIRI/cetuximab in Chinese patients with BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer: The NAUTICAL CRC study,GEMINI-Gastric: A phase 2 study of novel treatment combinations in patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic gastric cancers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "228225", + "first_name": "Lin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Shen", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232850", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232850", + "events_session": "Encorafenib and cetuximab versus irinotecan/cetuximab or FOLFIRI/cetuximab in Chinese patients with BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer: The NAUTICAL CRC study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "GEMINI-Gastric: A phase 2 study of novel treatment combinations in patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic gastric cancers", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Encorafenib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Irinotecan | Stomach Neoplasms | Cetuximab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1710252861,'228225');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EShen, Lin", + "kol_full_name": "Shen, Lin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1992712178", + "hcp_pin_alias": "223760", + "session_name": "Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) in patients with HER2-mutant metastatic non–small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC): Final analysis results of DESTINY-Lung02", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "223760", + "first_name": "Pasi Antero", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Janne", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232162", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232162", + "events_session": "Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) in patients with HER2-mutant metastatic non–small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC): Final analysis results of DESTINY-Lung02", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1992712178,'223760');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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HER2 inhibitor for HER2-driven solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1982680583,'223669');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAdjei, Alex A", + "kol_full_name": "Adjei, Alex A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1942425350", + "hcp_pin_alias": "223303", + "session_name": "Evaluating speaker gender in scientific sessions at ASCO and ASCO GI (2019-2023)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "223303", + "first_name": "Rachna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Shroff", + "org_name": "Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Arizona", + "City": "Tucson", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232320", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232320", + "events_session": "Evaluating speaker gender in scientific sessions at ASCO and ASCO GI (2019-2023)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942425350,'223303');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EShroff, Rachna", + "kol_full_name": "Shroff, Rachna" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1932146420", + "hcp_pin_alias": "223157", + "session_name": "Role of Payload and Antibody in Predicting Resistance to Antibody-Drug Conjugates,A phase 1 dose expansion study of a first-in-class KAT6 inhibitor (PF-07248144) in patients with advanced or metastatic ER+ HER2− breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "223157", + "first_name": "Patricia", + "middle_name": "Mucci", + "last_name": "Lorusso", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232769", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232769", + "events_session": "Role of Payload and Antibody in Predicting Resistance to Antibody-Drug Conjugates", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 1 dose expansion study of a first-in-class KAT6 inhibitor (PF-07248144) in patients with advanced or metastatic ER+ HER2− breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1932146420,'223157');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELorusso, Patricia Mucci", + "kol_full_name": "Lorusso, Patricia Mucci" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Thyroid Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1922260504", + "hcp_pin_alias": "223106", + "session_name": "Clinical and genomic characterization of sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma in Chinese patients", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "223106", + "first_name": "Yang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Liu", + "org_name": "Andrews And Patel Associates, PC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Camp Hill", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232568", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232568", + "events_session": "Clinical and genomic characterization of sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma in Chinese patients", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Thyroid Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1922260504,'223106');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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unresectable or metastatic solid tumor malignancies with RAS Q61X mutations (SEACRAFT-1),A phase 1, first-in-human study of CUSP06, a cadherin-6 (CDH6) -directed antibody-drug conjugate, in patients with platinum-refractory/resistant ovarian cancer and other advanced solid tumors,FURVENT: Phase 3 trial of furmonertinib vs chemotherapy as first-line treatment for advanced NSCLC with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations (FURMO-004),Amivantamab plus capmatinib in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring MET alterations: Recommended phase 2 combination dose and preliminary dose-escalation results from the phase 1/2 METalmark study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "222950", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "I", + "last_name": "Spira", + "org_name": "Virginia Cancer Specialists", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Fairfax", + "num_sess": "6", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232181", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232181", + "events_session": "Safety and activity of Diakine DK210 (EGFR)", + "rest_events_session_count": 12, + "rest_events_session": " a next generation tumor-targeted IL2 x IL10 dual immunocytokine, in patients with advanced cancer: Initial results of the phase 1 first-in-human trial,PRIMROSE: A modular phase 1/2a study of AZD3470, an MTA-cooperative PRMT5 inhibitor, in patients with MTAP deficient advanced solid tumors,An open-label study to assess the safety and efficacy of naporafenib (ERAS-254) administered with trametinib in previously treated patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic solid tumor malignancies with RAS Q61X mutations (SEACRAFT-1),A phase 1, first-in-human study of CUSP06, a cadherin-6 (CDH6) -directed antibody-drug conjugate, in patients with platinum-refractory/resistant ovarian cancer and other advanced solid tumors,FURVENT: Phase 3 trial of furmonertinib vs chemotherapy as first-line treatment for advanced NSCLC with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations (FURMO-004),Amivantamab plus capmatinib in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring MET alterations: Recommended phase 2 combination dose and preliminary dose-escalation results from the phase 1/2 METalmark study", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Interleukin-2 | PRMT5 Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 12, + "rest_events_topic": " ErbB Receptors | Naporafenib | Amivantamab | Immunoconjugates | Furmonertinib | Trametinib | Capmatinib | Solid Tumor | Chemotherapy | Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Ovarian Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1902874514,'222950');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232110", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232110", + "events_session": "A phase I monotherapy dose escalation study of HFB301001", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " a novel next generation OX40 agonist monoclonal antibody, in adult patients with advanced solid tumors,International, open-label phase 2 study of regorafenib plus pembrolizumab in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) previously treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI)", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Regorafenib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Pembrolizumab | Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1891730412,'222834');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EEl-Khoueiry, Anthony B.", + "kol_full_name": "El-Khoueiry, Anthony B." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1881913259", + "hcp_pin_alias": "222790", + "session_name": "Persistent poverty impacts survival and National Comprehensive Cancer Network guideline-concordant care for patients with melanoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "222790", + "first_name": "Joal", + "middle_name": "David", + "last_name": "Beane", + "org_name": "The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Columbus", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233056", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233056", + "events_session": "Persistent poverty impacts survival and National Comprehensive Cancer Network guideline-concordant care for patients with melanoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EBeane, Joal David\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Beane, Joal David" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1861422966", + "hcp_pin_alias": "222546", + "session_name": "What New Therapies for “Undruggable Targets” Are on the Horizon?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "222546", + "first_name": "Keith", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Flaherty", + "org_name": "The General Hospital Corporation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232540", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232540", + "events_session": "What New Therapies for “Undruggable Targets” Are on the Horizon?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1861422966,'222546');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFlaherty, Keith", + "kol_full_name": "Flaherty, Keith" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pemetrexed | Carboplatin", + "npi_num": "1831507367", + "hcp_pin_alias": "222325", + "session_name": "Sotorasib plus carboplatin and pemetrexed in KRAS G12C advanced NSCLC: Updated analysis from the international CodeBreaK 101 trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "222325", + "first_name": "Bob", + "middle_name": "T.", + "last_name": "Li", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232926", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232926", + "events_session": "Sotorasib plus carboplatin and pemetrexed in KRAS G12C advanced NSCLC: Updated analysis from the international CodeBreaK 101 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pemetrexed ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carboplatin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1831507367,'222325');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELi, Bob T.", + "kol_full_name": "Li, Bob T." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Zongertinib | Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Protein-Tyrosine Kinases | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Chemotherapy | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1821269465", + "hcp_pin_alias": "222211", + "session_name": "Beamion LUNG-2: A phase III randomized controlled trial of zongertinib (BI 1810631) versus standard of care (SoC) in patients with locally advanced/metastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring HER2 tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) mutations,eVOLVE-Lung02: A phase 3 study of first-line (1L) volrustomig plus chemotherapy (CT) versus pembrolizumab plus CT in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) with PD-L1 tumor cell (TC) expression \u003C50%,MYTX-011 in patients with previously treated locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC: Initial dose escalation results in the phase 1 KisMET-01 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "222211", + "first_name": "Melissa", + "middle_name": "Lynne", + "last_name": "Johnson", + "org_name": "Tennessee Oncology", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232166", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232166", + "events_session": "Beamion LUNG-2: A phase III randomized controlled trial of zongertinib (BI 1810631) versus standard of care (SoC) in patients with locally advanced/metastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring HER2 tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) mutations", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "eVOLVE-Lung02: A phase 3 study of first-line (1L) volrustomig plus chemotherapy (CT) versus pembrolizumab plus CT in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) with PD-L1 tumor cell (TC) expression \u003C50%,MYTX-011 in patients with previously treated locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC: Initial dose escalation results in the phase 1 KisMET-01 study", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Zongertinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Tomography, X-Ray Computed | Protein-Tyrosine Kinases | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Chemotherapy | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1821269465,'222211');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJohnson, Melissa Lynne", + "kol_full_name": "Johnson, Melissa Lynne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Panitumumab | Solid Tumor | Sotorasib | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1811918501", + "hcp_pin_alias": "222143", + "session_name": "A phase 2a safety run-in and preliminary efficacy study of liposomal gemcitabine (FF-10832) in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced solid tumors,Sotorasib plus panitumumab for pre-treated non-small cell lung cancer with KRAS G12C mutation: A phase 1b study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "222143", + "first_name": "Corey", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Langer", + "org_name": "Penn Medicine Rena Rowan Breast Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232167", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232167", + "events_session": "A phase 2a safety run-in and preliminary efficacy study of liposomal gemcitabine (FF-10832) in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Sotorasib plus panitumumab for pre-treated non-small cell lung cancer with KRAS G12C mutation: A phase 1b study", + "events_topic": "Panitumumab | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Sotorasib | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1811918501,'222143');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELanger, Corey J", + "kol_full_name": "Langer, Corey J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Cisplatin | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Pembrolizumab | Gemcitabine | Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Sorafenib", + "npi_num": "1811912074", + "hcp_pin_alias": "222141", + "session_name": "Pembrolizumab (pembro) in patients (pts) with sorafenib-treated (cohort 1) and treatment (tx)-naive (cohort 2) advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (aHCC) after additional follow-up in the phase 2 KEYNOTE-224 study,Three-year follow-up data from KEYNOTE-966: Pembrolizumab (pembro) plus gemcitabine and cisplatin (gem/cis) compared with gem/cis alone for patients (pts) with advanced biliary tract cancer (BTC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "222141", + "first_name": "Richard", + "middle_name": "Samuel", + "last_name": "Finn", + "org_name": "UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Santa Monica", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232825", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232825", + "events_session": "Pembrolizumab (pembro) in patients (pts) with sorafenib-treated (cohort 1) and treatment (tx)-naive (cohort 2) advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (aHCC) after additional follow-up in the phase 2 KEYNOTE-224 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Three-year follow-up data from KEYNOTE-966: Pembrolizumab (pembro) plus gemcitabine and cisplatin (gem/cis) compared with gem/cis alone for patients (pts) with advanced biliary tract cancer (BTC)", + "events_topic": "Cisplatin | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab | Gemcitabine | Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Sorafenib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1811912074,'222141');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFinn, Richard Samuel", + "kol_full_name": "Finn, Richard Samuel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Squamous Cell Lung Cancer | Paclitaxel | Conflict, Psychological | Carboplatin", + "npi_num": "1790199719", + "hcp_pin_alias": "221907", + "session_name": "A phase II trial of AZD1775 plus carboplatin-paclitaxel in squamous cell lung cancer (SqCLC),Conflicts (of Interest) and Conundrums: Perspectives From the Global Oncology Community", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "221907", + "first_name": "Bruna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pellini Ferreira", + "org_name": "H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center And Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232074", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232074", + "events_session": "A phase II trial of AZD1775 plus carboplatin-paclitaxel in squamous cell lung cancer (SqCLC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Conflicts (of Interest) and Conundrums: Perspectives From the Global Oncology Community", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Squamous Cell Lung Cancer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Paclitaxel | Conflict, Psychological | Carboplatin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790199719,'221907');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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health literacy in prostate cancer (PC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1780905901,'221865');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESpratt, Daniel E", + "kol_full_name": "Spratt, Daniel E" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Patient Reported Outcome Measures | Telemedicine", + "npi_num": "1780900167", + "hcp_pin_alias": "221863", + "session_name": "A Pro's Take on Patient-Reported Outcomes and Virtual Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "221863", + "first_name": "Ryan", + "middle_name": "David", + "last_name": "Nipp", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232104", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232104", + "events_session": "A Pro's Take on Patient-Reported Outcomes and Virtual Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Reported Outcome Measures | Telemedicine", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1780900167,'221863');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENipp, Ryan David", + "kol_full_name": "Nipp, Ryan David" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Nivolumab | Radiotherapy | Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma", + "npi_num": "1750473922", + "hcp_pin_alias": "221553", + "session_name": "Multicenter randomized phase II study of short course FOLFOX + nivolumab (Nivo) followed by maintenance Nivo +/- radiation (RT) in the first line treatment of metastatic or unresectable gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma (mGEA)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "221553", + "first_name": "Manish", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Shah", + "org_name": "Weill Medical College of Cornell", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232819", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232819", + "events_session": "Multicenter randomized phase II study of short course FOLFOX + nivolumab (Nivo) followed by maintenance Nivo +/- radiation (RT) in the first line treatment of metastatic or unresectable gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma (mGEA)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Radiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1750473922,'221553');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EShah, Manish A", + "kol_full_name": "Shah, Manish A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Bizaxofusp | Glioblastoma", + "npi_num": "1720158553", + "hcp_pin_alias": "221311", + "session_name": "Phase 2 study of bizaxofusp, an IL-4R targeted toxin payload, in nonresectable recurrent GBM: Comparison of overall survival with contemporaneous eligibility-matched and propensity score balanced external control arm", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "221311", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sampson", + "org_name": "Private Diagnostic Clinic, PLLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233077", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233077", + "events_session": "Phase 2 study of bizaxofusp", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " an IL-4R targeted toxin payload, in nonresectable recurrent GBM: Comparison of overall survival with contemporaneous eligibility-matched and propensity score balanced external control arm", + "events_topic": "Bizaxofusp | Glioblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1720158553,'221311');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESampson, John", + "kol_full_name": "Sampson, John" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Cholangiocarcinoma | Durvalumab | Nivolumab | Tremelimumab | IDH1 Gene | Bevacizumab | Ivosidenib", + "npi_num": "1700805223", + "hcp_pin_alias": "221140", + "session_name": "A phase 1/2, safety lead-in and dose expansion, open-label, multicenter trial investigating the safety, tolerability, and preliminary activity of ivosidenib in combination with nivolumab and ipilimumab in previously treated subjects with IDH1-mutated nonresectable or metastatic cholangiocarcinoma,T cell receptor and immune gene expression pharmacodynamics for durvalumab monotherapy and in combination with tremelimumab or bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (uHCC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "221140", + "first_name": "Robin", + "middle_name": "Kate", + "last_name": "Kelley", + "org_name": "UCSF Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232811", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232811", + "events_session": "A phase 1/2", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " safety lead-in and dose expansion, open-label, multicenter trial investigating the safety, tolerability, and preliminary activity of ivosidenib in combination with nivolumab and ipilimumab in previously treated subjects with IDH1-mutated nonresectable or metastatic cholangiocarcinoma,T cell receptor and immune gene expression pharmacodynamics for durvalumab monotherapy and in combination with tremelimumab or bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (uHCC)", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Cholangiocarcinoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Durvalumab | Nivolumab | Tremelimumab | IDH1 Gene | Bevacizumab | Ivosidenib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1700805223,'221140');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKelley, Robin Kate", + "kol_full_name": "Kelley, Robin Kate" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Azeliragon | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1649473414", + "hcp_pin_alias": "220594", + "session_name": "A phase I/II open label study to assess safety and preliminary evidence of a therapeutic effect of azeliragon in patients refractory to first-line treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "220594", + "first_name": "Andrew", + "middle_name": "Eugene", + "last_name": "Hendifar", + "org_name": "Cedars-Sinai Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Santa Monica", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232865", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232865", + "events_session": "A phase I/II open label study to assess safety and preliminary evidence of a therapeutic effect of azeliragon in patients refractory to first-line treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Azeliragon | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1649473414,'220594');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHendifar, Andrew Eugene", + "kol_full_name": "Hendifar, Andrew Eugene" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melphalan | Uveal Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1629080304", + "hcp_pin_alias": "220350", + "session_name": "Melphalan/hepatic delivery system versus best available care in patients with unresectable metastatic uveal melanoma: Randomized FOCUS trial results", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "220350", + "first_name": "Jonathan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Zager", + "org_name": "H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232794", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232794", + "events_session": "Melphalan/hepatic delivery system versus best available care in patients with unresectable metastatic uveal melanoma: Randomized FOCUS trial results", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Melphalan | Uveal Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EZager, Jonathan\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Zager, Jonathan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | HLA-A*02:01 Antigen | Anus Neoplasms | Esophageal Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1619146347", + "hcp_pin_alias": "220262", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee,A phase 1, open-label, dose escalation, and expansion study of CUE-102, a novel WT1-pHLA-IL2-Fc fusion protein, in patients with HLA-A*0201-positive disease and WT1-positive recurrent/metastatic cancers,Is Timing Everything in Gastroesophageal Cancers?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "220262", + "first_name": "Nataliya", + "middle_name": "V", + "last_name": "Uboha", + "org_name": "Medical College of Wisconsin", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Wisconsin", + "City": "Richland Center", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232108", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232108", + "events_session": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 1, open-label, dose escalation, and expansion study of CUE-102, a novel WT1-pHLA-IL2-Fc fusion protein, in patients with HLA-A*0201-positive disease and WT1-positive recurrent/metastatic cancers,Is Timing Everything in Gastroesophageal Cancers?", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | HLA-A*02:01 Antigen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Anus Neoplasms | Esophageal Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1619146347,'220262');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EUboha, Nataliya V", + "kol_full_name": "Uboha, Nataliya V" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "1619139235", + "hcp_pin_alias": "220258", + "session_name": "A longitudinal, palliative care educational pilot in hematology-oncology fellowship training", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "220258", + "first_name": "Jessica", + "middle_name": "R", + "last_name": "Bauman", + "org_name": "Fox Chase Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232318", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232318", + "events_session": "A longitudinal", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " palliative care educational pilot in hematology-oncology fellowship training", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Palliative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1619139235,'220258');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBauman, Jessica R", + "kol_full_name": "Bauman, Jessica R" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Liver Neoplasms | Colorectal Neoplasms | Hepatic Arterial Infusion", + "npi_num": "1609938778", + "hcp_pin_alias": "220222", + "session_name": "Do Hepatic Artery Infusion Pumps Still Live?,Thinking Outside the Box: Management of Limited Metastatic Colorectal Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "220222", + "first_name": "Flavio", + "middle_name": "G", + "last_name": "Rocha", + "org_name": "Virginia Mason Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231972", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231972", + "events_session": "Do Hepatic Artery Infusion Pumps Still Live?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Thinking Outside the Box: Management of Limited Metastatic Colorectal Cancer", + "events_topic": "Liver Neoplasms | Colorectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hepatic Arterial Infusion", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003ERocha, Flavio G\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Rocha, Flavio G" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Fruquintinib | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1598770331", + "hcp_pin_alias": "220095", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of fruquintinib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer according to prior treatment sequence in the refractory setting: Results from FRESCO and FRESCO-2", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "220095", + "first_name": "Tanios", + "middle_name": "S.", + "last_name": "Bekaii-Saab", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic - Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Arizona", + "City": "Scottsdale", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232879", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232879", + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of fruquintinib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer according to prior treatment sequence in the refractory setting: Results from FRESCO and FRESCO-2", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Fruquintinib | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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+ "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231992", + "events_session": "Leiomyosarcoma: A Patient-Centered Approach to a Complex Journey", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leiomyosarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568608669,'219820');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWang, Jiping", + "kol_full_name": "Wang, Jiping" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Zanzalintinib | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "npi_num": "1558479188", + "hcp_pin_alias": "219696", + "session_name": "STELLAR-305: A randomized phase 2/3 study of zanzalintinib plus pembrolizumab versus pembrolizumab alone in patients with previously untreated PD-L1 positive recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "219696", + "first_name": "Nabil", + "middle_name": "F", + "last_name": "Saba", + "org_name": "Emory University Hospital Midtown", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232574", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232574", + "events_session": "STELLAR-305: A randomized phase 2/3 study of zanzalintinib plus pembrolizumab versus pembrolizumab alone in patients with previously untreated PD-L1 positive recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Zanzalintinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1558479188,'219696');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESaba, Nabil F", + "kol_full_name": "Saba, Nabil F" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1528024270", + "hcp_pin_alias": "219416", + "session_name": "Discussion on Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "219416", + "first_name": "Monica", + "middle_name": "Marie", + "last_name": "Bertagnolli", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232917", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232917", + "events_session": "Discussion on Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1528024270,'219416');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBertagnolli, Monica Marie", + "kol_full_name": "Bertagnolli, Monica Marie" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence | Precision Medicine", + "npi_num": "1518029065", + "hcp_pin_alias": "219322", + "session_name": "Transforming Precision Medicine: AI and Molecular Insights Intersect Across the Cancer Care Continuum", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "219322", + "first_name": "Ezra", + "middle_name": "E", + "last_name": "Cohen", + "org_name": "UC San Diego Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Diego", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233156", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233156", + "events_session": "Transforming Precision Medicine: AI and Molecular Insights Intersect Across the Cancer Care Continuum", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Precision Medicine", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1518029065,'219322');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" 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+ "event_attendees_id": "232514", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232514", + "events_session": "Osimertinib (osi) after definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients (pts) with unresectable stage (stg) III epidermal growth factor receptor-mutated (EGFRm) NSCLC: Primary results of the phase 3 LAURA study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Radiotherapy | Chemoradiotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1457326936,'218771');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERamalingam, Suresh Sakkarai", + "kol_full_name": "Ramalingam, Suresh Sakkarai" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Social Determinants Of Health | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1417202623", + "hcp_pin_alias": "218438", + "session_name": "Associations of social determinants of health with avoidance of information, treatment receipt, and physician mistrust for women with breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "218438", + "first_name": "Olga", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kantor", + "org_name": "Brigham and Womens Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232105", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232105", + "events_session": "Associations of social determinants of health with avoidance of information", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " treatment receipt, and physician mistrust for women with breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Social Determinants Of Health | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1417202623,'218438');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKantor, Olga", + "kol_full_name": "Kantor, Olga" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Datopotamab Deruxtecan | Valemetostat Tosilate | Immunoconjugates | Solid Tumor | Lung Diseases, Interstitial | Trastuzumab Deruxtecan", + "npi_num": "1356491237", + "hcp_pin_alias": "217897", + "session_name": "A phase 1b, multicenter, open-label study of valemetostat in combination with DXd antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) or datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd), in patients with solid tumors,Analysis of drug-related interstitial lung disease (ILD) inpatients (pts) treated with datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "217897", + "first_name": "Jacob", + "middle_name": "Magee", + "last_name": "Sands", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232182", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232182", + "events_session": "A phase 1b", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, open-label study of valemetostat in combination with DXd antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) or datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd), in patients with solid tumors,Analysis of drug-related interstitial lung disease (ILD) inpatients (pts) treated with datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd)", + "events_topic": "Datopotamab Deruxtecan | Valemetostat Tosilate ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunoconjugates | Solid Tumor | Lung Diseases, Interstitial | Trastuzumab Deruxtecan", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1356491237,'217897');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESands, Jacob Magee", + "kol_full_name": "Sands, Jacob Magee" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Electronic Health Records | Lung Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1306817333", + "hcp_pin_alias": "217437", + "session_name": "Feasibility and utilization of electronic patient-reported outcome measures for lung cancer in routine clinical care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical 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Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1285996082", + "hcp_pin_alias": "217308", + "session_name": "Sparking the Conversation: Integrating ctDNA and Quality of Life in Adjuvant Lung Cancer Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "217308", + "first_name": "Julia", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Rotow", + "org_name": "Regents of The University of California", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232476", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232476", + "events_session": "Sparking the Conversation: Integrating ctDNA and Quality of Life in Adjuvant Lung Cancer Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Lung Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1285996082,'217308');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERotow, Julia K", + "kol_full_name": "Rotow, Julia K" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Tislelizumab", + "npi_num": "1255408258", + "hcp_pin_alias": "216994", + "session_name": "Global, randomized, phase III study of tislelizumab plus chemotherapy versus placebo plus chemotherapy as first-line treatment for advanced/metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (RATIONALE-306 update): Minimum 3-year survival follow-up", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "216994", + "first_name": "Harry", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yoon", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232813", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232813", + "events_session": "Global", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " randomized, phase III study of tislelizumab plus chemotherapy versus placebo plus chemotherapy as first-line treatment for advanced/metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (RATIONALE-306 update): Minimum 3-year survival follow-up", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Tislelizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1255408258,'216994');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" 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"Study update of the oral CDK9 inhibitor KB-0742 in relapsed or refractory transcriptionally addicted advanced solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumor | CDK9 Protein, Human", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1235227794,'216811');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVan Tine, Brian Andrew", + "kol_full_name": "Van Tine, Brian Andrew" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "1225121932", + "hcp_pin_alias": "216714", + "session_name": "Safety and time to response of [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE in patients with newly diagnosed advanced grade 2 and grade 3, well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: Sub-analysis of the phase 3 randomized NETTER-2 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "216714", + "first_name": "Pamela", + "middle_name": "Lyn", + "last_name": "Kunz", + "org_name": "Stanford Health Care", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232834", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232834", + "events_session": "Safety and time to response of [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE in patients with newly diagnosed advanced grade 2 and grade 3", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: Sub-analysis of the phase 3 randomized NETTER-2 study", + "events_topic": "Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1225121932,'216714');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKunz, Pamela Lyn", + "kol_full_name": "Kunz, Pamela Lyn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Cancer Survivors", + "npi_num": "1215463823", + "hcp_pin_alias": "216649", + "session_name": "Age-normed patient-reported outcome measures among cancer survivors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "216649", + "first_name": "Samantha", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Tam", + "org_name": "Henry Ford Medical Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Clinton Township", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232411", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232411", + "events_session": "Age-normed patient-reported outcome measures among cancer survivors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Cancer Survivors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215463823,'216649');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETam, Samantha", + "kol_full_name": "Tam, Samantha" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasm, Residual", + "npi_num": "1215167648", + "hcp_pin_alias": "216609", + "session_name": "Use of MRD-Guided Strategies to Optimize Therapeutic Interventions", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "216609", + "first_name": "Pashtoon", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Kasi", + "org_name": "University Of Iowa Hospital & Clinics", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Iowa", + "City": "Iowa City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232004", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232004", + "events_session": "Use of MRD-Guided Strategies to Optimize Therapeutic Interventions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasm, Residual", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215167648,'216609');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"id": "232091", + "events_session": "Lung Cancer – Non-Small Cell Metastatc: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "ALK testing patterns in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: A real-world evidence study,Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Metastatic", + "events_topic": "Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215129085,'216605');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELeal, Ticiana B", + "kol_full_name": "Leal, Ticiana B" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1205920048", + "hcp_pin_alias": "216566", + "session_name": "First-in-human trial of M9140, an anti-CEACAM5 antibody drug conjugate (ADC) with exatecan payload, in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "216566", + "first_name": "Edmund", + "middle_name": "S.", + "last_name": "Kopetz", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232766", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232766", + "events_session": "First-in-human trial of M9140", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " an anti-CEACAM5 antibody drug conjugate (ADC) with exatecan payload, in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1205920048,'216566');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKopetz, Edmund S.", + "kol_full_name": "Kopetz, Edmund S." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Paraproteinemias | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1144470758", + "hcp_pin_alias": "215907", + "session_name": "Hematologic Malignancies—Plasma Cell Dyscrasia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "215907", + "first_name": "Hans", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231976", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231976", + "events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Plasma Cell Dyscrasia", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Paraproteinemias | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1144470758,'215907');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELee, Hans", + "kol_full_name": "Lee, Hans" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunohistochemistry | Colorectal Neoplasms | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Anus Neoplasms | Stomach Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1134329378", + "hcp_pin_alias": "215802", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee,PD-L1 immunohistochemistry in gastric cancer: Comparison of combined positive score and tumor area positivity across 28-8, 22C3, and SP263 assays", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "215802", + "first_name": "Samuel", + "middle_name": "Jacob", + "last_name": "Klempner", + "org_name": "Samuel Klempner Private Practice", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233019", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233019", + "events_session": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "PD-L1 immunohistochemistry in gastric cancer: Comparison of combined positive score and tumor area positivity across 28-8, 22C3, and SP263 assays", + "events_topic": "Immunohistochemistry | Colorectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Anus Neoplasms | Stomach Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1134329378,'215802');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKlempner, Samuel Jacob", + "kol_full_name": "Klempner, Samuel Jacob" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Budigalimab | Livmoniplimab", + "npi_num": "1134190168", + "hcp_pin_alias": "215771", + "session_name": "Phase 2/3 study of livmoniplimab in combination with budigalimab in patients with locally advanced or metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma,Phase 2 study of livmoniplimab in combination with budigalimab in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "215771", + "first_name": "Ghassan", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Abou-Alfa", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232853", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232853", + "events_session": "Phase 2/3 study of livmoniplimab in combination with budigalimab in patients with locally advanced or metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Phase 2 study of livmoniplimab in combination with budigalimab in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Budigalimab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Livmoniplimab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1134190168,'215771');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAbou-Alfa, Ghassan K", + "kol_full_name": "Abou-Alfa, Ghassan K" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Datopotamab Deruxtecan", + "npi_num": "1043509797", + "hcp_pin_alias": "214970", + "session_name": "Intracranial efficacy of datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) in patients (pts) with previously treated advanced/metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (a/m NSCLC) with actionable genomic alterations (AGA): Results from TROPION-Lung05", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "214970", + "first_name": "Aaron", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lisberg", + "org_name": "UCLA Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Santa Monica", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232175", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232175", + "events_session": "Intracranial efficacy of datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) in patients (pts) with previously treated advanced/metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (a/m NSCLC) with actionable genomic alterations (AGA): Results from TROPION-Lung05", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Datopotamab Deruxtecan", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1043509797,'214970');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELisberg, Aaron", + "kol_full_name": "Lisberg, Aaron" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1033535000", + "hcp_pin_alias": "214897", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "214897", + "first_name": "Alastair", + "middle_name": "Mark", + "last_name": "Thompson", + "org_name": "Baylor College of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233174", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233174", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1033535000,'214897');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EThompson, Alastair Mark", + "kol_full_name": "Thompson, Alastair Mark" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sacituzumab Govitecan | Elacestrant | Solid Tumor | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1033176581", + "hcp_pin_alias": "214827", + "session_name": "Pooled safety analysis of sacituzumab govitecan (SG) in multiple solid tumor types,Elacestrant in various combinations in patients (pts) with estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), HER2-negative (HER2-) locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (adv/mBC): Preliminary data from ELEVATE, a phase 1b/2, open-label, umbrella study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "214827", + "first_name": "Hope", + "middle_name": "S.", + "last_name": "Rugo", + "org_name": "UCSF Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "San Francisco", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232691", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232691", + "events_session": "Pooled safety analysis of sacituzumab govitecan (SG) in multiple solid tumor types", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Elacestrant in various combinations in patients (pts) with estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), HER2-negative (HER2-) locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (adv/mBC): Preliminary data from ELEVATE, a phase 1b/2, open-label, umbrella study", + "events_topic": "Sacituzumab Govitecan | Elacestrant ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Solid Tumor | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1033176581,'214827');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERugo, Hope S.", + "kol_full_name": "Rugo, Hope S." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Somatostatin | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "1013960988", + "hcp_pin_alias": "214710", + "session_name": "Safety, tolerability and efficacy of 212Pb-DOTAMTATE as a targeted alpha therapy for subjects with unresectable or metastatic somatostatin receptor-expressing gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (SSTR+ GEP-NETs): A phase 2 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "214710", + "first_name": "Jonathan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Strosberg", + "org_name": "H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232324", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232324", + "events_session": "Safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " tolerability and efficacy of 212Pb-DOTAMTATE as a targeted alpha therapy for subjects with unresectable or metastatic somatostatin receptor-expressing gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (SSTR+ GEP-NETs): A phase 2 study", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Somatostatin | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1013960988,'214710');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" 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"cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231961", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231961", + "events_session": "eVOLVE-HNSCC: A global phase 3 study of volrustomig as sequential therapy for unresected locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (LA-HNSCC) following definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy (cCRT)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Head and Neck Cancer", + "events_topic": "Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Head And Neck Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemoradiotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942259098,'213084');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHaddad, Robert I", + "kol_full_name": "Haddad, Robert I" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1841208378", + "hcp_pin_alias": "210522", + "session_name": "Otolaryngologist Perspective", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "210522", + "first_name": "Neil", + "middle_name": "Dwayne", + "last_name": "Gross", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232332", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232332", + "events_session": "Otolaryngologist Perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca 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"193299", + "first_name": "Yinghong", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232524", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232524", + "events_session": "Randomized clinical trial of infliximab versus vedolizumab for immune checkpoint inhibitor related colitis", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "The impact of proton-pump inhibitor use on the incidence and severity of gastrointestinal toxicity to checkpoint inhibition,Effect of fecal transplantation on patient reported outcomes after immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis", + "events_topic": "Infliximab | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Vedolizumab | Colitis | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Clinical Trials As Topic | Fecal Microbiota Transplantation", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1164699047,'193299');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWang, Yinghong", + "kol_full_name": "Wang, Yinghong" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1144381617", + "hcp_pin_alias": "192703", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "192703", + "first_name": "Yi-Qian", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "You", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233198", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233198", + "events_session": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Anus Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1144381617,'192703');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYou, Yi-Qian", + "kol_full_name": "You, Yi-Qian" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Atezolizumab | Colorectal Neoplasms | Neoplasms | Microsatellite Repeats", + "npi_num": "1952351009", + "hcp_pin_alias": "151774", + "session_name": "A phase II, multicenter, open-label study of polyPEPI1018 in combination with atezolizumab in participants with relapsed or refractory microsatellite-stable metastatic colorectal (MSS mCRC) cancer (Oberto-301),Communicating With Patients Through the Portal—A Busy Oncologist's Perspective,When Bad News Comes Through the Portal: Strengthening Trust and Guiding Patients When They Receive Bad Results Before Their Clinicians Do", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "151774", + "first_name": "Joleen", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Hubbard", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232041", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232041", + "events_session": "A phase II", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, open-label study of polyPEPI1018 in combination with atezolizumab in participants with relapsed or refractory microsatellite-stable metastatic colorectal (MSS mCRC) cancer (Oberto-301),Communicating With Patients Through the Portal—A Busy Oncologist's Perspective,When Bad News Comes Through the Portal: Strengthening Trust and Guiding Patients When They Receive Bad Results Before Their Clinicians Do", + "events_topic": "Atezolizumab | Colorectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Microsatellite Repeats", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1952351009,'151774');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHubbard, Joleen M", + "kol_full_name": "Hubbard, Joleen M" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Fluorouracil | Leucovorin | Bevacizumab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1871708198", + "hcp_pin_alias": "151594", + "session_name": "Phase 2 randomized study evaluating safety, efficacy, and optimal dose of ABBV-400 in combination with fluorouracil, folinic acid, and bevacizumab in previously treated patients with metastatic colorectal cancer,A randomized study evaluating tailoring of advanced/metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) therapy using circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA): TACT-D", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "151594", + "first_name": "Kanwal", + "middle_name": "Pratap Singh", + "last_name": "Raghav", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232876", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232876", + "events_session": "Phase 2 randomized study evaluating safety", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " efficacy, and optimal dose of ABBV-400 in combination with fluorouracil, folinic acid, and bevacizumab in previously treated patients with metastatic colorectal cancer,A randomized study evaluating tailoring of advanced/metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) therapy using circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA): TACT-D", + "events_topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Fluorouracil ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Leucovorin | Bevacizumab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871708198,'151594');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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complete responses to PD-1 blockade alone in mismatch repair deficient locally advanced rectal cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Rectal Neoplasms | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " DNA Mismatch Repair", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1710201280,'151231');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECercek, Andrea", + "kol_full_name": "Cercek, Andrea" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Neuroendocrine | Atezolizumab | Etoposide", + "npi_num": "1568758431", + "hcp_pin_alias": "150900", + "session_name": "SWOG S2012: Randomized phase II/III trial of first line platinum (P)/etoposide (E) with or without atezolizumab (NSC #783608) in patients with advanced or metastatic poorly differentiated extrapulmonary neuroendocrine carcinomas (NEC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "150900", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "B", + "last_name": "Zhen", + "org_name": "Association of University Physicians", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232859", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232859", + "events_session": "SWOG S2012: Randomized phase II/III trial of first line platinum (P)/etoposide (E) with or without atezolizumab (NSC #783608) in patients with advanced or metastatic poorly differentiated extrapulmonary neuroendocrine carcinomas (NEC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Neuroendocrine | Atezolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Etoposide", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568758431,'150900');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EZhen, David B", + "kol_full_name": "Zhen, David B" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1487670147", + "hcp_pin_alias": "150701", + "session_name": "Quality of Life Considerations in the Curative Colorectal Cancer Population", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "150701", + "first_name": "Smitha", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Krishnamurthi", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232539", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232539", + "events_session": "Quality of Life Considerations in the Curative Colorectal Cancer Population", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1487670147,'150701');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKrishnamurthi, Smitha S", + "kol_full_name": "Krishnamurthi, Smitha S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "DNA Mismatch Repair | Anus Neoplasms | Colorectal Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1356542369", + "hcp_pin_alias": "150392", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee,Harmonizing Therapies for Mismatch Repair-Deficient Colorectal Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "150392", + "first_name": "Kristen", + "middle_name": "Keon", + "last_name": "Ciombor", + "org_name": "Vanderbilt University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232729", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232729", + "events_session": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Harmonizing Therapies for Mismatch Repair-Deficient Colorectal Cancer", + "events_topic": "DNA Mismatch Repair | Anus Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1356542369,'150392');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECiombor, Kristen Keon", + "kol_full_name": "Ciombor, Kristen Keon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Oncolytic Viruses | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Blinatumomab | Solid Tumor | Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Combined Modality Therapy | Beta Catenin", + "npi_num": "1285877209", + "hcp_pin_alias": "150214", + "session_name": "Combination therapy with the oncolytic virus CF33-CD19 and blinatumomab for the treatment of advanced solid tumors,A phase 1/2 study of the TBL1 inhibitor, tegavivint (BC2059), in patients (pts) with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (aHCC) with β-catenin activating mutations,Safety of pressurized intraperitoneal aerosolized chemotherapy (PIPAC) in patients (pts) with biliary tract cancer with peritoneal metastases", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "150214", + "first_name": "Daneng", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Li", + "org_name": "City of Hope Medical Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232851", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232851", + "events_session": "Combination therapy with the oncolytic virus CF33-CD19 and blinatumomab for the treatment of advanced solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 1/2 study of the TBL1 inhibitor, tegavivint (BC2059), in patients (pts) with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (aHCC) with β-catenin activating mutations,Safety of pressurized intraperitoneal aerosolized chemotherapy (PIPAC) in patients (pts) with biliary tract cancer with peritoneal metastases", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Oncolytic Viruses ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Blinatumomab | Solid Tumor | Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Combined Modality Therapy | Beta Catenin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1285877209,'150214');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELi, Daneng", + "kol_full_name": "Li, Daneng" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "1134409923", + "hcp_pin_alias": "149886", + "session_name": "Sarcoma: Program Commitee,Sarcoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "149886", + "first_name": "Abhijeet", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Kumar", + "org_name": "Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Arizona", + "City": "Tucson", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232093", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232093", + "events_session": "Sarcoma: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Sarcoma", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1134409923,'149886');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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dual checkpoint inhibition followed by immune-chemoradiation in patients with resectable gastric adenocarcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Chemoradiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Stomach Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1104027549,'149793');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBlum Murphy, Mariela Anabel", + "kol_full_name": "Blum Murphy, Mariela Anabel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Cisplatin | Gemcitabine | Biliary Tract Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1992904023", + "hcp_pin_alias": "149564", + "session_name": "Phase 1b/2 results of a multicenter, randomized phase 1b/2 study of gemcitabine and cisplatin +/- devimistat as first-line therapy for patients with advanced biliary tract cancer (BilT-04)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "149564", + "first_name": "Vaibhav", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sahai", + "org_name": "University of Michigan Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Ann Arbor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232830", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232830", + "events_session": "Phase 1b/2 results of a multicenter", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " randomized phase 1b/2 study of gemcitabine and cisplatin +/- devimistat as first-line therapy for patients with advanced biliary tract cancer (BilT-04)", + "events_topic": "Cisplatin | Gemcitabine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Biliary Tract Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1992904023,'149564');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESahai, Vaibhav", + "kol_full_name": "Sahai, Vaibhav" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "npi_num": "1992870638", + "hcp_pin_alias": "148988", + "session_name": "Stronger Together: Novel Combinations Across the Gynecologic Cancer Spectrum", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "148988", + "first_name": "Ursula", + "middle_name": "Anne", + "last_name": "Matulonis", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232918", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232918", + "events_session": "Stronger Together: Novel Combinations Across the Gynecologic Cancer Spectrum", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1992870638,'148988');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMatulonis, Ursula Anne", + "kol_full_name": "Matulonis, Ursula Anne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine | Admin. & Management | Immunoconjugates | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1902007107", + "hcp_pin_alias": "146975", + "session_name": "Scientific Program Committee,Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) vs trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) in patients (pts) with HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (mBC): Updated survival results of DESTINY-Breast03,The ABCs of ADCs: What Does the Future Hold?,H3B-6545 in women with locally advanced/metastatic estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), HER2 negative (–) breast cancer (BC),Next-Generation Antibody–Drug Conjugates: The Revolution Continues", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "146975", + "first_name": "Erika", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Hamilton", + "org_name": "Tennessee Oncology", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232046", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232046", + "events_session": "Scientific Program Committee", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) vs trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) in patients (pts) with HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (mBC): Updated survival results of DESTINY-Breast03,The ABCs of ADCs: What Does the Future Hold?,H3B-6545 in women with locally advanced/metastatic estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), HER2 negative (–) breast cancer (BC),Next-Generation Antibody–Drug Conjugates: The Revolution Continues", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Admin. & Management | Immunoconjugates | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1902007107,'146975');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"Minnesota", + "City": "Minneapolis", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231975", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231975", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Dynamic Evaluation of Biomarkers in Patients Treated With Antibody-Drug Conjugates,Differences in genomic and transcriptomic landscapes of human papillomavirus (HPV)–positive neuroendocrine neoplasms and HPV-positive carcinoma,Circulating Biomarkers: Who, What, Where, When, and Why?", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Human Papillomavirus Viruses ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuroendocrine Tumors | Drug Development | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1902062433,'146686');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELou, Emil", + "kol_full_name": "Lou, Emil" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Teclistamab | Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "1902064629", + "hcp_pin_alias": "146682", + "session_name": "Long-term follow-up from the phase 1/2 MajesTEC-1 trial of teclistamab in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "146682", + "first_name": "Alfred", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Garfall", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232359", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232359", + "events_session": "Long-term follow-up from the phase 1/2 MajesTEC-1 trial of teclistamab in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Teclistamab | Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1902064629,'146682');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGarfall, Alfred L", + "kol_full_name": "Garfall, Alfred L" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Endometrial Neoplasms | Ovarian Neoplasms | Hormone Replacement Therapy", + "npi_num": "1902876386", + "hcp_pin_alias": "146669", + "session_name": "Menopausal hormone therapy and ovarian and endometrial cancers: Long-term follow-up of the Women’s Health Initiative randomized trials", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "146669", + "first_name": "Rowan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Chlebowski", + "org_name": "City of Hope National Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232761", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232761", + "events_session": "Menopausal hormone therapy and ovarian and endometrial cancers: Long-term follow-up of the Women’s Health Initiative randomized trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Endometrial Neoplasms | Ovarian Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hormone Replacement Therapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1902876386,'146669');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChlebowski, Rowan", + "kol_full_name": "Chlebowski, Rowan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Panitumumab | Microsatellite Repeats | Sotorasib | Liver Neoplasms | KRASG12D Inhibitor MRTX1133 | Botensilimab Plus Balstilimab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1861498271", + "hcp_pin_alias": "146186", + "session_name": "Botensilimab plus balstilimab in microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer: Assessing efficacy in non-liver metastatic sites,Overall survival (OS) of phase 3 CodeBreaK 300 study of sotorasib plus panitumumab (soto+pani) versus investigator’s choice of therapy for KRAS G12C-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "146186", + "first_name": "Marwan", + "middle_name": "G", + "last_name": "Fakih", + "org_name": "City of Hope Medical Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232271", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232271", + "events_session": "Botensilimab plus balstilimab in microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer: Assessing efficacy in non-liver metastatic sites", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Overall survival (OS) of phase 3 CodeBreaK 300 study of sotorasib plus panitumumab (soto+pani) versus investigator’s choice of therapy for KRAS G12C-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)", + "events_topic": "Panitumumab | Microsatellite Repeats ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Sotorasib | Liver Neoplasms | KRASG12D Inhibitor MRTX1133 | Botensilimab Plus Balstilimab | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1861498271,'146186');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFakih, Marwan G", + "kol_full_name": "Fakih, Marwan G" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Paclitaxel | Defactinib | Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal | Avutometinib", + "npi_num": "1851597108", + "hcp_pin_alias": "146019", + "session_name": "Avutometinib/defactinib and gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel combination in first-line metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Initial safety and efficacy of phase 1b/2 study (RAMP 205)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "146019", + "first_name": "Kian Huat", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lim", + "org_name": "Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "St. Louis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232839", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232839", + "events_session": "Avutometinib/defactinib and gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel combination in first-line metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Initial safety and efficacy of phase 1b/2 study (RAMP 205)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Paclitaxel | Defactinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal | Avutometinib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232887", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232887", + "events_session": "Association of circulating DNA with recurrence in CRS-HIPEC patients with colorectal and appendiceal peritoneal carcinomatosis: Insights from a phase II randomized trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Peritoneal Cancer | Circulating Tumor DNA ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Cytoreduction Surgical Procedures | Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1841429750,'145789');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKasi Loknath Kumar, Anup Kumar", + "kol_full_name": "Kasi Loknath Kumar, Anup Kumar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "DNA Damage", + "npi_num": "1821196759", + "hcp_pin_alias": "145210", + "session_name": "Combining DNA Damaging Response Inhibitors With DNA-Damaging Agents", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "145210", + "first_name": "Jennifer", + "middle_name": "K.", + "last_name": "Litton", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232116", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232116", + "events_session": "Combining DNA Damaging Response Inhibitors With DNA-Damaging Agents", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "DNA Damage", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1821196759,'145210');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELitton, Jennifer K.", + "kol_full_name": "Litton, Jennifer K." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Antibody Therapy | Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1871741025", + "hcp_pin_alias": "145200", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee,Building Novel Antibody-Based Approaches in Gastrointestinal Cancers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "145200", + "first_name": "Namrata", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vijayvergia", + "org_name": "Fox Chase Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232029", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232029", + "events_session": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Building Novel Antibody-Based Approaches in Gastrointestinal Cancers", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Antibody Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871741025,'145200');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVijayvergia, Namrata", + "kol_full_name": "Vijayvergia, Namrata" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Genetics | Risk Reduction Behavior", + "npi_num": "1811953433", + "hcp_pin_alias": "145094", + "session_name": "Prevention, Risk Reduction, and Genetics", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "145094", + "first_name": "Bryan", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Schneider", + "org_name": "University Medical Diagnostic Associates Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Indiana", + "City": "Indianapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232063", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232063", + "events_session": "Prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Risk Reduction, and Genetics", + "events_topic": "Genetics | Risk Reduction Behavior", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1811953433,'145094');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESchneider, Bryan P", + "kol_full_name": "Schneider, Bryan P" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Folfirinox", + "npi_num": "1811102205", + "hcp_pin_alias": "144981", + "session_name": "A phase I/II open-label clinical trial of CPI-613 in combination with modified FOLFIRINOX in patients with locally advanced (LAPC) or borderline resectable pancreatic cancer (BRPC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "144981", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "L", + "last_name": "Bajor", + "org_name": "UH Cleveland Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Beachwood", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232844", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232844", + "events_session": "A phase I/II open-label clinical trial of CPI-613 in combination with modified FOLFIRINOX in patients with locally advanced (LAPC) or borderline resectable pancreatic cancer (BRPC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Folfirinox", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1811102205,'144981');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBajor, David L", + "kol_full_name": "Bajor, David L" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "1801950704", + "hcp_pin_alias": "144924", + "session_name": "Updated results from a phase 1/2 study of HPN328, a tri-specific, half-life (T1/2) extended DLL3-targeting T-cell engager in patients (pts) with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and other neuroendocrine cancers (NEC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "144924", + "first_name": "Himisha", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Beltran", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232246", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232246", + "events_session": "Updated results from a phase 1/2 study of HPN328", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a tri-specific, half-life (T1/2) extended DLL3-targeting T-cell engager in patients (pts) with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and other neuroendocrine cancers (NEC)", + "events_topic": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1801950704,'144924');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBeltran, Himisha", + "kol_full_name": "Beltran, Himisha" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Albumin | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1790955623", + "hcp_pin_alias": "144744", + "session_name": "Phase 1 study (NCT04931823) of CPO100 (albumin bound docetaxel) in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "144744", + "first_name": "Dale", + "middle_name": "Randall", + "last_name": "Shepard", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232941", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232941", + "events_session": "Phase 1 study (NCT04931823) of CPO100 (albumin bound docetaxel) in patients with advanced solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Albumin | Solid Tumor", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790955623,'144744');return false;\" 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Successes", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Challenges, and the Road Ahead", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1801971635,'143761');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGreenberg, Philip D", + "kol_full_name": "Greenberg, Philip D" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1801030226", + "hcp_pin_alias": "143755", + "session_name": "Sequential neoadjuvant chemotherapy for borderline resectable and locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "143755", + "first_name": "Ravikumar", + 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Anus Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1760431472,'143711');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMessersmith, Wells", + "kol_full_name": "Messersmith, Wells" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "1740263045", + "hcp_pin_alias": "142222", + "session_name": "Scientific Program Committee", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "142222", + "first_name": "Kimmie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Ng", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United 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"hcp_pin_alias": "142218", + "session_name": "A randomized phase II study of gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel compared with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and liposomal irinotecan in older patients with treatment-naïve metastatic pancreatic cancer (GIANT): ECOG-ACRIN EA2186", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "142218", + "first_name": "Efrat", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dotan", + "org_name": "Fox Chase Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232109", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232109", + "events_session": "A randomized phase II study of gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel compared with 5-fluorouracil", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " leucovorin, and liposomal irinotecan in older patients with treatment-naïve metastatic pancreatic cancer (GIANT): ECOG-ACRIN EA2186", + "events_topic": "Leucovorin | Paclitaxel ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Pancreatic Neoplasms | Gemcitabine | Fluorouracil", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1740312990,'142218');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDotan, Efrat", + "kol_full_name": "Dotan, Efrat" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Atezolizumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Disease-Free Survival", + "npi_num": "1720137094", + "hcp_pin_alias": "142216", + "session_name": "IMpower010: Final disease-free survival (DFS) and second overall survival (OS) interim results after ≥5 years of follow up of a phase III study of adjuvant atezolizumab vs best supportive care in 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"rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Disease-Free Survival", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1720137094,'142216');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWakelee, Heather Ann", + "kol_full_name": "Wakelee, Heather Ann" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Microsatellite Instability | DNA Mismatch Repair | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1700814209", + "hcp_pin_alias": "142214", + "session_name": "Nivolumab (NIVO) plus ipilimumab (IPI) vs chemotherapy (chemo) as first-line (1L) treatment for microsatellite instability-high/mismatch repair-deficient (MSI-H/dMMR) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Expanded efficacy analysis from CheckMate 8HW", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "142214", + "first_name": "Heinz-Josef", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Lenz", + "org_name": "Keck School of Medicine of USC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232728", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232728", + "events_session": "Nivolumab (NIVO) plus ipilimumab (IPI) vs chemotherapy (chemo) as first-line (1L) treatment for microsatellite instability-high/mismatch repair-deficient (MSI-H/dMMR) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Expanded efficacy analysis from CheckMate 8HW", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Microsatellite Instability ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " DNA Mismatch Repair | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1700814209,'142214');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELenz, Heinz-Josef", + "kol_full_name": "Lenz, Heinz-Josef" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1730374661", + "hcp_pin_alias": "142212", + "session_name": "Results of IMPACT 2, a randomized study evaluating molecular profiling and targeted agents in metastatic cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "142212", + "first_name": "Apostolia", + "middle_name": "Maria", + "last_name": "Tsimberidou", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232970", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232970", + "events_session": "Results of IMPACT 2", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " a randomized study evaluating molecular profiling and targeted agents in metastatic cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1730374661,'142212');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETsimberidou, Apostolia Maria", + "kol_full_name": "Tsimberidou, Apostolia Maria" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1700971421", + "hcp_pin_alias": "142211", + "session_name": "Moderate Penetrance Cancer Susceptibility Genes for Breast Cancer Risk: Managing the Gray Areas", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "142211", + "first_name": "Banu", + "middle_name": "K.", + "last_name": "Arun", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232547", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232547", + "events_session": "Moderate Penetrance Cancer Susceptibility Genes for Breast Cancer Risk: Managing the Gray Areas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1700971421,'142211');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EArun, Banu K.", + "kol_full_name": "Arun, Banu K." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1639111065", + "hcp_pin_alias": "140781", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee,The Dr Bernard Fisher Memorial Annual Clinical Science Symposium Supported by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Emerging Role of ctDNA in Breast Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "140781", + "first_name": "Maryam", + "middle_name": "Beheshti", + "last_name": "Lustberg", + "org_name": "The Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Columbus", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232023", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232023", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The Dr Bernard Fisher Memorial Annual Clinical Science Symposium Supported by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Emerging Role of ctDNA in Breast Cancer", + "events_topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1639111065,'140781');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232842", + "events_session": "ETCTN 10366: A phase 1 study of DNA-PK inhibitor peposertib in combination with hypofractionated radiotherapy for the treatment of locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Peposertib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1659576163,'140772');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDavis, Sarah Lindsey", + "kol_full_name": "Davis, Sarah Lindsey" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor | Neoplasm, Residual | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1629038393", + "hcp_pin_alias": "140587", + "session_name": "Phase III study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of GLSI-100 (GP2 + GM-CSF) in patients with breast cancer with residual disease or high-risk PCR after both neo-adjuvant and postoperative adjuvant anti-HER2 therapy: Flamingo-01", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "140587", + "first_name": "Snehal", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Patel", + "org_name": "Partners In Family Health, PC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232639", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232639", + "events_session": "Phase III study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of GLSI-100 (GP2 + GM-CSF) in patients with breast cancer with residual disease or high-risk PCR after both neo-adjuvant and postoperative adjuvant anti-HER2 therapy: Flamingo-01", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor | Neoplasm, Residual ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1629038393,'140587');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPatel, Snehal", + "kol_full_name": "Patel, Snehal" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "MEK/RAF Kinase Inhibitor | Glucocorticoid-Induced TNFR-Related Protein | Cemiplimab | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1598986986", + "hcp_pin_alias": "140072", + "session_name": "A phase 1 study of REGN6569, a GITR mAb, in combination with cemiplimab in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumor malignancies: Initial dose-escalation results,A first-in-human study of IK-595, an oral MEK/RAF molecular glue, in patients with RAS- or RAF-altered advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "140072", + "first_name": "Nehal", + "middle_name": "Jagdish", + "last_name": "Lakhani", + "org_name": "Cancer and Hematology Centers of Western Michigan PC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Grand Rapids", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232984", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232984", + "events_session": "A phase 1 study of REGN6569", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " a GITR mAb, in combination with cemiplimab in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumor malignancies: Initial dose-escalation results,A first-in-human study of IK-595, an oral MEK/RAF molecular glue, in patients with RAS- or RAF-altered advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "MEK/RAF Kinase Inhibitor | Glucocorticoid-Induced TNFR-Related Protein ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cemiplimab | Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1598986986,'140072');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELakhani, Nehal Jagdish", + "kol_full_name": "Lakhani, Nehal Jagdish" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal | Rectal Neoplasms | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1598064941", + "hcp_pin_alias": "139860", + "session_name": "Phase II trial of BXCL701 and pembrolizumab in patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (EXPEL-PANC): Preliminary findings,Mining the Data in Early-Stage Rectal Cancer: Is There a Best Approach?,Evolving Standards of Care in the Management of Localized Colorectal Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "139860", + "first_name": "Benjamin", + "middle_name": "Adam", + "last_name": "Weinberg", + "org_name": "Medical Group in Washington District of Columbia", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "District of Columbia", + "City": "Washington", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232043", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232043", + "events_session": "Phase II trial of BXCL701 and pembrolizumab in patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (EXPEL-PANC): Preliminary findings", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Mining the Data in Early-Stage Rectal Cancer: Is There a Best Approach?,Evolving Standards of Care in the Management of Localized Colorectal Cancer", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Rectal Neoplasms | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1598064941,'139860');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWeinberg, Benjamin Adam", + "kol_full_name": "Weinberg, Benjamin Adam" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myeloproliferative Disorders", + "npi_num": "1588613376", + "hcp_pin_alias": "139695", + "session_name": "Predictors of symptom scores in myeloproliferative neoplasms: A real-world retrospective cohort study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "139695", + "first_name": "Muhammad", + "middle_name": "Amir", + "last_name": "Khan", + "org_name": "Cano Health, Llc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Kissimmee", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232353", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232353", + "events_session": "Predictors of symptom scores in myeloproliferative neoplasms: A real-world retrospective cohort study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myeloproliferative Disorders", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EKhan, Muhammad Amir\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Khan, Muhammad Amir" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Hematopoietic Progenitor Kinase 1 | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1568634814", + "hcp_pin_alias": "139409", + "session_name": "Phase 1/2 trial of the HPK1 inhibitor NDI-101150 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab: Clinical update", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "139409", + "first_name": "Marcus", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Noel", + "org_name": "University of Rochester", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232955", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232955", + "events_session": "Phase 1/2 trial of the HPK1 inhibitor NDI-101150 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab: Clinical update", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Hematopoietic Progenitor Kinase 1 | Pembrolizumab", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568634814,'139409');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENoel, Marcus S", + "kol_full_name": "Noel, Marcus S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Capecitabine | Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal | Ivaltinostat", + "npi_num": "1558672105", + "hcp_pin_alias": "139185", + "session_name": "A randomized, multi-center, phase 2 study of ivaltinostat (Ival) plus capecitabine (Cape) versus capecitabine alone in the maintenance setting in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPDAC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "139185", + "first_name": "Christos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Fountzilas", + "org_name": "Roswell Park Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Buffalo", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232862", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232862", + "events_session": "A randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " multi-center, phase 2 study of ivaltinostat (Ival) plus capecitabine (Cape) versus capecitabine alone in the maintenance setting in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPDAC)", + "events_topic": "Capecitabine | Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Ivaltinostat", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1558672105,'139185');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFountzilas, Christos", + "kol_full_name": "Fountzilas, Christos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Interleukin-2 Receptor Alpha Subunit | Solid Tumor | Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "npi_num": "1558311225", + "hcp_pin_alias": "138970", + "session_name": "Updated results of a phase 1/2 study of AU-007, a monoclonal antibody (mAb) that binds to IL-2 and inhibits CD25 binding, in patients with advanced solid tumors,Safety, efficacy, and PKPD of 23ME-00610, a first-in-class anti-CD200R1 antibody, in patients with advanced neuroendocrine cancers: Results from a multi-center multi-country phase 1/2a expansion cohort", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "138970", + "first_name": "Drew", + "middle_name": "W", + "last_name": "Rasco", + "org_name": "South Texas Oncology And Hematology PLLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "San Antonio", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232833", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232833", + "events_session": "Updated results of a phase 1/2 study of AU-007", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": " a monoclonal antibody (mAb) that binds to IL-2 and inhibits CD25 binding, in patients with advanced solid tumors,Safety, efficacy, and PKPD of 23ME-00610, a first-in-class anti-CD200R1 antibody, in patients with advanced neuroendocrine cancers: Results from a multi-center multi-country phase 1/2a expansion cohort", + "events_topic": "Interleukin-2 Receptor Alpha Subunit | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1558311225,'138970');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Squamous Cell | Race Factors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1538172143,'138651');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBehl, Deepti", + "kol_full_name": "Behl, Deepti" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Atezolizumab | Ovarian Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1508868837", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136862", + "session_name": "SB221: A proof-of-concept study to assess the combination of SON-1010 (IL12-FHAB) and atezolizumab in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "136862", + "first_name": "Sant", + "middle_name": "P", + "last_name": "Chawla", + "org_name": "Sant P. Chawla M.D. Inc.", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Santa Monica", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232441", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232441", + "events_session": "SB221: A proof-of-concept study to assess the combination of SON-1010 (IL12-FHAB) and atezolizumab in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Atezolizumab | Ovarian Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1508868837,'136862');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChawla, Sant P", + "kol_full_name": "Chawla, Sant P" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Enfortumab Vedotin | Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab | Chemotherapy | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "npi_num": "1548455355", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136788", + "session_name": "Age and other criteria influencing nontreatment of patients (pts) with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (la/mUC): Results of a physician survey in five European countries (Eu5),Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) from a randomized, phase 3 trial of enfortumab vedotin plus pembrolizumab (EV+P) versus platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC) in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer (la/mUC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "136788", + "first_name": "Shilpa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gupta", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232464", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232464", + "events_session": "Age and other criteria influencing nontreatment of patients (pts) with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (la/mUC): Results of a physician survey in five European countries (Eu5)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) from a randomized, phase 3 trial of enfortumab vedotin plus pembrolizumab (EV+P) versus platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC) in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer (la/mUC)", + "events_topic": "Enfortumab Vedotin | Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab | Chemotherapy | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1548455355,'136788');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGupta, Shilpa", + "kol_full_name": "Gupta, Shilpa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers", + "npi_num": "1508993957", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136782", + "session_name": "Circulating Biomarkers: Waiting for a MIRACLE", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "136782", + "first_name": "Ryan", + "middle_name": "Bruce", + "last_name": "Corcoran", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232131", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232131", + "events_session": "Circulating Biomarkers: Waiting for a MIRACLE", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1508993957,'136782');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECorcoran, Ryan Bruce", + "kol_full_name": "Corcoran, Ryan Bruce" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Sunvozertinib | ErbB Receptors", + "npi_num": "1558699710", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136778", + "session_name": "A multinational pivotal study of sunvozertinib in platinum pretreated non-small cell lung cancer with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations: Primary analysis of WU-KONG1 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "136778", + "first_name": "James", + "middle_name": "Chung-Yin", + "last_name": "Yang", + "org_name": "NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Bethesda", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232751", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232751", + "events_session": "A multinational pivotal study of sunvozertinib in platinum pretreated non-small cell lung cancer with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations: Primary analysis of WU-KONG1 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Sunvozertinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " ErbB Receptors", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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"event_attendees_id": "232033", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232033", + "events_session": "Implementing the Future Where There Is Cure for All", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Daring to Cure: Advances in Melanoma at Every Stage", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1568433290,'136768');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWolchok, Jedd D", + "kol_full_name": "Wolchok, Jedd D" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Atezolizumab | Receptors, Estrogen | Solid Tumor | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1457408254", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136246", + "session_name": "Safety and preliminary efficacy of EIK1001 in combination with atezolizumab in participants with advanced solid tumors,Preliminary results from a phase 1 study of AC699, an orally bioavailable chimeric estrogen receptor degrader, in patients with advanced or metastatic breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "136246", + "first_name": "Manish", + "middle_name": "R.", + "last_name": "Patel", + "org_name": "Florida Cancer Specialists And Research Institute, LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Sarasota", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232949", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232949", + "events_session": "Safety and preliminary efficacy of EIK1001 in combination with atezolizumab in participants with advanced solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Preliminary results from a phase 1 study of AC699, an orally bioavailable chimeric estrogen receptor degrader, in patients with advanced or metastatic breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Atezolizumab | Receptors, Estrogen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Solid Tumor | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1457408254,'136246');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPatel, Manish R.", + "kol_full_name": "Patel, Manish R." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lynch Syndrome | Therapeutics | Colorectal Neoplasms, Hereditary Nonpolyposis | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1447584131", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136181", + "session_name": "Prevention Strategies for Patients With Lynch Syndrome,Exploring Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Cancer Prevention: Vaccines and Beyond", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "136181", + "first_name": "Eduardo", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vilar Sanchez", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232072", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232072", + "events_session": "Prevention Strategies for Patients With Lynch Syndrome", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Exploring Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Cancer Prevention: Vaccines and Beyond", + "events_topic": "Lynch Syndrome | Therapeutics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms, Hereditary Nonpolyposis | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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+ "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Eads", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232107", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232107", + "events_session": "Classical and New Age Therapies for Colorectal Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A phase II/III study of peri-operative nivolumab (nivo) and ipilimumab (ipi) in patients (pts) with locoregional esophageal (E) and gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma: Results of the neoadjuvant pathologic complete response (pCR) rate (ECOG-ACRIN EA2174)", + "events_topic": "Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma | Ipilimumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms | Nivolumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1487842100,'136013');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EEads, Jennifer", + "kol_full_name": "Eads, Jennifer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care | Neoplasms | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic", + "npi_num": "1467760371", + "hcp_pin_alias": "136005", + "session_name": "Technology-enhanced palliative care for patients with advanced cancer undergoing phase I therapies: A pilot randomized clinical trial (RCT)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "136005", + "first_name": "David", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hui", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", 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leukemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL): Up to 55 years of follow-up in the phase 2 CAPTIVATE study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "136004", + "first_name": "William", + "middle_name": "G.", + "last_name": "Wierda", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232499", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232499", + "events_session": "Outcomes in high-risk subgroups after fixed-duration ibrutinib + venetoclax for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL): Up to 55 years of follow-up in the phase 2 CAPTIVATE study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Ibrutinib | Venetoclax ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1497848279,'136004');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWierda, William G.", + "kol_full_name": "Wierda, William G." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1497882369", + "hcp_pin_alias": "135997", + "session_name": "ASCO Plenary Series: Rapid Abstract Updates", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "135997", + "first_name": "Mohamed", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Salem", + "org_name": "Levine Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Charlotte", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232079", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232079", + "events_session": "ASCO Plenary Series: Rapid Abstract Updates", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1497882369,'135997');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESalem, Mohamed", + "kol_full_name": "Salem, Mohamed" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1386790517", + "hcp_pin_alias": "135438", + "session_name": "Study of ELU001, a C’Dot drug conjugate (CDC) targeting folate receptor α (FRα) overexpressing solid tumors", + "name": "2024 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"events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1417992397,'135264');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBurris, Howard A", + "kol_full_name": "Burris, Howard A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1386619500", + "hcp_pin_alias": "135261", + "session_name": "Care Delivery/Models of Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "135261", + "first_name": "Veena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Shankaran", + "org_name": "Washington University School Of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231963", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231963", + "events_session": "Care Delivery/Models of Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1386619500,'135261');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EShankaran, Veena", + "kol_full_name": "Shankaran, Veena" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Paclitaxel | Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal | Gemcitabine", + "npi_num": "1356332506", + "hcp_pin_alias": "134981", + "session_name": "NALIRIFOX versus nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine in treatment-naïve patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDAC): Updated overall survival analysis with 29-month follow-up of NAPOLI 3", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "134981", + "first_name": "Maen", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Hussein", + "org_name": "Florida Cancer Specialists P L", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tavares", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232836", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232836", + "events_session": "NALIRIFOX versus nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine in treatment-naïve patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDAC): Updated overall survival analysis with 29-month follow-up of NAPOLI 3", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Paclitaxel | Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gemcitabine", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1356332506,'134981');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHussein, Maen A", + "kol_full_name": "Hussein, Maen A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Glioma | Dendritic Cell Vaccine | Glioblastoma", + "npi_num": "1356307821", + "hcp_pin_alias": "134962", + "session_name": "Phase IIb randomized, blinded, controlled trial evaluating neoadjuvant PD-1 blockade combined with A2B5+ glioma stem-like cell lysate-loaded DC vaccine in recurrent glioblastoma (IDH1/2 -)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "134962", + "first_name": "Yu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yao", + "org_name": "Yu Yao Private 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"Manji", + "org_name": "Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232863", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232863", + "events_session": "A phase II study of the combination of pexidartinib and sirolimus to target tumor-associated macrophages in unresectable malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "CheMo4METPANC: A randomized phase 2 study with combination chemotherapy (gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel), chemokine (C-X-C) motif receptor 4 inhibitor (motixafortide), and immune checkpoint blockade (cemiplimab) compared to chemotherapy alone in metastatic treatment-naïve pancreatic adenocarcinoma", + "events_topic": "Gemcitabine | Sirolimus ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy, Combination | Pexidartinib | Paclitaxel | Pancreatic Neoplasms | Nerve Sheath Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1346484680,'134947');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EManji, Gulam Abbas", + "kol_full_name": "Manji, Gulam Abbas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1346417268", + "hcp_pin_alias": "134936", + "session_name": "Gastrointestinal Cancer—Gastroesophageal, Pancreatic, and Hepatobiliary", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "134936", + "first_name": "Kim", + "middle_name": "Anna", + "last_name": "Reiss Binder", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania Health System", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231964", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231964", + "events_session": "Gastrointestinal Cancer—Gastroesophageal", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Pancreatic, and Hepatobiliary", + "events_topic": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1346417268,'134936');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EReiss Binder, Kim Anna", + "kol_full_name": "Reiss Binder, Kim Anna" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Minority Health | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1326148446", + "hcp_pin_alias": "134689", + "session_name": "Geographic distribution and accessibility of clinic trials for advanced-stage pancreatic cancer in the United States: A focus on rural and minority health disparities", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "134689", + "first_name": "Wade", + "middle_name": "T", + "last_name": "Swenson", + "org_name": "Tri-County Hospital Inc.", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Fergus Falls", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232394", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232394", + "events_session": "Geographic distribution and accessibility of clinic trials for advanced-stage pancreatic cancer in the United States: A focus on rural and minority health disparities", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Minority Health ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1326148446,'134689');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESwenson, Wade T", + "kol_full_name": "Swenson, Wade T" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Antibodies, Bispecific | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1366541294", + "hcp_pin_alias": "134490", + "session_name": "Phase 1 trial safety and efficacy of ragistomig, a bispecific antibody targeting PD-L1 and 4-1BB, in advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "134490", + "first_name": "Gerald", + "middle_name": "Steven", + "last_name": "Falchook", + "org_name": "Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Colorado", + "City": "Denver", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232992", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232992", + "events_session": "Phase 1 trial safety and efficacy of ragistomig", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a bispecific antibody targeting PD-L1 and 4-1BB, in advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Antibodies, Bispecific ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1366541294,'134490');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFalchook, Gerald Steven", + "kol_full_name": "Falchook, Gerald Steven" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Genetic Testing | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1275793044", + "hcp_pin_alias": "134082", + "session_name": "Attitudes and engagement about cascade genetic testing in a population-based cohort of women diagnosed with cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "134082", + "first_name": "Steven", + "middle_name": "C", + "last_name": "Katz", + "org_name": "Prospect Chartercare Rwmc, LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Rhode Island", + "City": "Providence", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232231", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232231", + "events_session": "Attitudes and engagement about cascade genetic testing in a population-based cohort of women diagnosed with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genetic Testing | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EKatz, Steven C\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Katz, Steven C" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1275759318", + "hcp_pin_alias": "134076", + "session_name": "Perioperative therapy for resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma: An AGICC clinical trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "134076", + "first_name": "Deirdre", + "middle_name": "Jill", + "last_name": "Cohen", + "org_name": "New York University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232846", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232846", + "events_session": "Perioperative therapy for resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma: An AGICC clinical trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1275759318,'134076');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECohen, Deirdre Jill", + "kol_full_name": "Cohen, Deirdre Jill" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Urogenital Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Kidney Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1265675433", + "hcp_pin_alias": "133946", + "session_name": "Genitourinary Cancer – Kidney and Bladder: Program Commitee", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "133946", + "first_name": "Manojkumar", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Bupathi", + "org_name": "Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers LLP", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Colorado", + "City": "Denver", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233207", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233207", + "events_session": "Genitourinary Cancer – Kidney and Bladder: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urogenital Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Kidney Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1265675433,'133946');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBupathi, Manojkumar", + "kol_full_name": "Bupathi, Manojkumar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Glioma | Chromosomes, Human, Pair 1", + "npi_num": "1275575714", + "hcp_pin_alias": "133745", + "session_name": "Therapeutic insights for the aggressive subset of high-grade gliomas (HGG) driven by chromosome 1q32 MDM4-containing amplicon and unmethylated MGMT", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "133745", + "first_name": "Wafik", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "El Deiry", + "org_name": "Rhode Island Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Rhode Island", + "City": "Providence", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233078", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233078", + "events_session": "Therapeutic insights for the aggressive subset of high-grade gliomas (HGG) driven by chromosome 1q32 MDM4-containing amplicon and unmethylated MGMT", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Glioma | Chromosomes, Human, Pair 1", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1275575714,'133745');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EEl Deiry, Wafik", + "kol_full_name": "El Deiry, Wafik" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1295979524", + "hcp_pin_alias": "133743", + "session_name": "Central Nervous System Tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "133743", + "first_name": "Jian", + "middle_name": "Li", + "last_name": "Campian", + "org_name": "Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "St. Louis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232015", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232015", + "events_session": "Central Nervous System Tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" 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Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "133736", + "first_name": "Funda", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Meric-Bernstam", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232506", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232506", + "events_session": "Pertuzumab plus trastuzumab (P+T) in patients (pts) with solid tumors with ERBB2 or ERBB3 amplification (amp) or mutations (mut): Results from the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) study", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) in patients (pts) with HER2-expressing head and neck tumors: Outcomes from DESTINY-PanTumor02 (DP-02),The ABCs of Antibody–Drug Conjugates in HER2+ Cancer", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Immunoconjugates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Pertuzumab | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Trastuzumab | Genes, ErbB-2 | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1306932074,'133736');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMeric-Bernstam, Funda", + "kol_full_name": "Meric-Bernstam, Funda" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trials As Topic", + "npi_num": "1235361353", + "hcp_pin_alias": "133543", + "session_name": "Biologically Driven Trial Design", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "133543", + "first_name": "Mustafa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Khasraw", + "org_name": "Duke University Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232758", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232758", + "events_session": "Biologically Driven Trial Design", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trials As Topic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1235361353,'133543');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKhasraw, Mustafa", + "kol_full_name": "Khasraw, Mustafa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Relatlimab | Nivolumab | Fianlimab | Uveal Melanoma | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1194758805", + "hcp_pin_alias": "133009", + "session_name": "First-in-human study of 225actinium mti-201 (225Ac-MTI-201) in metastatic uveal melanoma (UM),A phase 3 trial of fixed dose combinations of fianlimab (anti–LAG-3) + cemiplimab (anti–PD-1) versus relatlimab + nivolumab in patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "133009", + "first_name": "Nikhil", + "middle_name": "Ishwar", + "last_name": "Khushalani", + "org_name": "H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232807", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232807", + "events_session": "First-in-human study of 225actinium mti-201 (225Ac-MTI-201) in metastatic uveal melanoma (UM)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 3 trial of fixed dose combinations of fianlimab (anti–LAG-3) + cemiplimab (anti–PD-1) versus relatlimab + nivolumab in patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma", + "events_topic": "Relatlimab | Nivolumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Fianlimab | Uveal Melanoma | Melanoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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DNA Disruption", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nucleic Acid Denaturation", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1255309316,'132964');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EShapiro, Geoffrey Ira", + "kol_full_name": "Shapiro, Geoffrey Ira" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Cachexia | Palliative Care | Rectal Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1194909630", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132958", + "session_name": "Symptom Science and Palliatve Care: Program Commitee,Estimating adult cancer cachexia prevalence and impact on survival in the US: Real-world data analysis,Multidisciplinary Approach to Navigating Early-Stage Rectal Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132958", + "first_name": "Eric", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Roeland", + "org_name": "Newton Wellesley Medical Group Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Newton", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231982", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231982", + "events_session": "Symptom Science and Palliatve Care: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Estimating adult cancer cachexia prevalence and impact on survival in the US: Real-world data analysis,Multidisciplinary Approach to Navigating Early-Stage Rectal Cancer", + "events_topic": "Cachexia | Palliative Care ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Rectal Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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"", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232075", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232075", + "events_session": "Medical Educaton and Professional Development: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Conflicts (of Interest) and Conundrums: Perspectives From the Global Oncology Community", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Education, Medical ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Conflict, Psychological", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1235227844,'132957');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERiedel, Richard Francis", + "kol_full_name": "Riedel, Richard Francis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Blood-Brain Barrier | Nemvaleukin Alfa | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1235381179", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132955", + "session_name": "Recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) of nemvaleukin alfa in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors treated with less frequent intravenous (IV) dosing (ARTISTRY-3),Interim analysis of ABM-1310, a blood-brain barrier-penetrant BRAF inhibitor, in patients with BRAF V600-mutated solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132955", + "first_name": "Sarina", + "middle_name": "Anne", + "last_name": "Piha-Paul", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232959", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232959", + "events_session": "Recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) of nemvaleukin alfa in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors treated with less frequent intravenous (IV) dosing (ARTISTRY-3)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Interim analysis of ABM-1310, a blood-brain barrier-penetrant BRAF inhibitor, in patients with BRAF V600-mutated solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Blood-Brain Barrier | Nemvaleukin Alfa ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1235381179,'132955');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPiha-Paul, Sarina Anne", + "kol_full_name": "Piha-Paul, Sarina Anne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant", + "npi_num": "1215966775", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132953", + "session_name": "Phase 1 safety and efficacy of IMC-F106C, a PRAME × CD3 ImmTAC bispecific, in post-checkpoint cutaneous melanoma (CM)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132953", + "first_name": "Omid", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Hamid", + "org_name": "Cedars-Sinai Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233126", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233126", + "events_session": "Phase 1 safety and efficacy of IMC-F106C", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a PRAME × CD3 ImmTAC bispecific, in post-checkpoint cutaneous melanoma (CM)", + "events_topic": "Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215966775,'132953');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHamid, Omid", + "kol_full_name": "Hamid, Omid" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Therapeutics | Neoplasms | Drug Development", + "npi_num": "1154649440", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132598", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee,Developmental Therapeutics—Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132598", + "first_name": "Christos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vaklavas", + "org_name": "University of Utah Health Huntsman Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Utah", + "City": "Salt Lake City", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232721", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232721", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Developmental Therapeutics—Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology", + "events_topic": "Therapeutics | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Drug Development", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1154649440,'132598');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVaklavas, Christos", + "kol_full_name": "Vaklavas, Christos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Oncolytic Viruses", + "npi_num": "1184745739", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132217", + "session_name": "Phase 1/2 study of the TGF-β-trap-enhanced oncolytic adenovirus, AdAPT-001, plus an immune checkpoint inhibitor for patients with immune refractory cancers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132217", + "first_name": "Anthony", + "middle_name": "Paul", + "last_name": "Conley", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232302", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232302", + "events_session": "Phase 1/2 study of the TGF-β-trap-enhanced oncolytic adenovirus", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " AdAPT-001, plus an immune checkpoint inhibitor for patients with immune refractory cancers", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Oncolytic Viruses", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1184745739,'132217');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EConley, Anthony Paul", + "kol_full_name": "Conley, Anthony Paul" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms | Genetic Testing | Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "1144385758", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132205", + "session_name": "Real-world cancer care utilization among patients with breast cancer with germline variants of uncertain significance,Genetics of Cancer Detection in 2024: How and Why,Timing of genetic testing referral and genetic testing results in patients with multiple primary cancers,Uptake of risk-reduction, surveillance, and therapeutic interventions among patients with breast cancer with pathogenic germline variants", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132205", + "first_name": "Allison", + "middle_name": "Walsh", + "last_name": "Kurian", + "org_name": "Stanford Health Care", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Stanford", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232229", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232229", + "events_session": "Real-world cancer care utilization among patients with breast cancer with germline variants of uncertain significance", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Genetics of Cancer Detection in 2024: How and Why,Timing of genetic testing referral and genetic testing results in patients with multiple primary cancers,Uptake of risk-reduction, surveillance, and therapeutic interventions among patients with breast cancer with pathogenic germline variants", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Genetic Testing | Early Detection Of Cancer", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1144385758,'132205');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKurian, Allison Walsh", + "kol_full_name": "Kurian, Allison Walsh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumor | Oncolytic Viruses | ATR Kinase Inhibitor | Avelumab | Pembrolizumab | Tuvusertib", + "npi_num": "1184627663", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132202", + "session_name": "Phase I, open-label, dose-escalation trial investigating the safety and efficacy of oncolytic virus BI 1821736 in patients with advanced solid tumors,Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) findings from a phase 1b study of ATR inhibitor tuvusertib + anti-PD-L1 avelumab in patients with advanced unresectable solid tumors,Safety and preliminary efficacy of EIK1001 in combination with pembrolizumab in participants with advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132202", + "first_name": "Anthony", + "middle_name": "W.", + "last_name": "Tolcher", + "org_name": "Texas Oncology, San Antonio Babcock", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "San Antonio", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232526", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232526", + "events_session": "Phase I", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " open-label, dose-escalation trial investigating the safety and efficacy of oncolytic virus BI 1821736 in patients with advanced solid tumors,Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) findings from a phase 1b study of ATR inhibitor tuvusertib + anti-PD-L1 avelumab in patients with advanced unresectable solid tumors,Safety and preliminary efficacy of EIK1001 in combination with pembrolizumab in participants with advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumor | Oncolytic Viruses ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " ATR Kinase Inhibitor | Avelumab | Pembrolizumab | Tuvusertib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1184627663,'132202');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETolcher, Anthony W.", + "kol_full_name": "Tolcher, Anthony W." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Genetic Testing | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Clinical Research", + "npi_num": "1174726384", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132200", + "session_name": "Performance of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) versus single gene testing (SGT) in guideline-recommended biomarker selection in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC),Clinical Research Investigator Perspective", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132200", + "first_name": "Vivek", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Subbiah", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232155", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232155", + "events_session": "Performance of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) versus single gene testing (SGT) in guideline-recommended biomarker selection in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical Research Investigator Perspective", + "events_topic": "Genetic Testing | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Research", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1174726384,'132200');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESubbiah, Vivek", + "kol_full_name": "Subbiah, Vivek" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Colorectal Neoplasms | Circulating Tumor DNA | Microsatellite Repeats | Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Nivolumab | Anus Neoplasms | Cetuximab", + "npi_num": "1134396534", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132199", + "session_name": "SWOG S2107: Randomized phase II trial of encorafenib and cetuximab with or without nivolumab for patients with previously treated, microsatellite stable, BRAFV600E metastatic and/or unresectable colorectal cancer,Time dependency for HPV ctDNA detection as a prognostic biomarker for anal cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132199", + "first_name": "Van", + "middle_name": "Karlyle", + "last_name": "Morris", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232274", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232274", + "events_session": "SWOG S2107: Randomized phase II trial of encorafenib and cetuximab with or without nivolumab for patients with previously treated", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " microsatellite stable, BRAFV600E metastatic and/or unresectable colorectal cancer,Time dependency for HPV ctDNA detection as a prognostic biomarker for anal cancer", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Colorectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Circulating Tumor DNA | Microsatellite Repeats | Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Nivolumab | Anus Neoplasms | Cetuximab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1134396534,'132199');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMorris, Van Karlyle", + "kol_full_name": "Morris, Van Karlyle" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumor | Pembrolizumab | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1124087135", + "hcp_pin_alias": "132165", + "session_name": "TransCon IL-2 β/γ alone or in combination with pembrolizumab, standard of care chemotherapy or TransCon TLR7/8 agonist in advanced/metastatic solid tumors: Updated results of the phase 1/2 IL Believe study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "132165", + "first_name": "Alexander", + "middle_name": "N", + "last_name": "Starodub", + "org_name": "Peninsula Cancer Institute, LLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Virginia", + "City": "Newport News", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233009", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233009", + "events_session": "TransCon IL-2 β/γ alone or in combination with pembrolizumab", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " standard of care chemotherapy or TransCon TLR7/8 agonist in advanced/metastatic solid tumors: Updated results of the phase 1/2 IL Believe study", + "events_topic": "Solid Tumor | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1124087135,'132165');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EStarodub, Alexander N", + "kol_full_name": "Starodub, Alexander N" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence | Precision Medicine", + "npi_num": "1093992497", + "hcp_pin_alias": "131861", + "session_name": "Transforming Precision Medicine: AI and Molecular Insights Intersect Across the Cancer Care Continuum", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "131861", + "first_name": "Halla", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Nimeiri", + "org_name": "Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233157", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233157", + "events_session": "Transforming Precision Medicine: AI and Molecular Insights Intersect Across the Cancer Care Continuum", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Precision Medicine", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1093992497,'131861');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENimeiri, Halla", + "kol_full_name": "Nimeiri, Halla" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Vusolimogene Oderparepvec | Solid Tumor | Nivolumab | Interleukin-12 | Melanoma | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1093989196", + "hcp_pin_alias": "131441", + "session_name": "A phase I trial of intratumoral STX-001: A novel self-replicating mRNA expressing IL-12 alone or with pembrolizumab in advanced solid tumors,A randomized, controlled, multicenter, phase 3 study of vusolimogene oderparepvec (VO) combined with nivolumab vs treatment of physician’s choice in patients with advanced melanoma that has progressed on anti–PD-1 and anti–CTLA-4 therapy (IGNYTE-3)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "131441", + "first_name": "Jason", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Luke", + "org_name": "University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Pittsburgh", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232802", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232802", + "events_session": "A phase I trial of intratumoral STX-001: A novel self-replicating mRNA expressing IL-12 alone or with pembrolizumab in advanced solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "A randomized, controlled, multicenter, phase 3 study of vusolimogene oderparepvec (VO) combined with nivolumab vs treatment of physician’s choice in patients with advanced melanoma that has progressed on anti–PD-1 and anti–CTLA-4 therapy (IGNYTE-3)", + "events_topic": "Vusolimogene Oderparepvec | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Nivolumab | Interleukin-12 | Melanoma | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1093989196,'131441');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELuke, Jason", + "kol_full_name": "Luke, Jason" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Fianlimab | Cemiplimab | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1104854751", + "hcp_pin_alias": "131440", + "session_name": "A phase 2/3 study of fianlimab plus cemiplimab versus cemiplimab in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer with tumors expressing PD-L1 ≥50%,A phase 2/3 study of fianlimab, cemiplimab, plus chemotherapy versus cemiplimab plus chemotherapy in first-line treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "131440", + "first_name": "Nashat", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Gabrail", + "org_name": "Gabrail Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Canton", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232197", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232197", + "events_session": "A phase 2/3 study of fianlimab plus cemiplimab versus cemiplimab in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer with tumors expressing PD-L1 ≥50%", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 2/3 study of fianlimab, cemiplimab, plus chemotherapy versus cemiplimab plus chemotherapy in first-line treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Fianlimab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Cemiplimab | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1104854751,'131440');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGabrail, Nashat", + "kol_full_name": "Gabrail, Nashat" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Cetuximab | Colorectal Neoplasms | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | HLA-G Antigens", + "npi_num": "1033369988", + "hcp_pin_alias": "131116", + "session_name": "Results from phase 1a/1b analyses of TTX-080, a first in class HLA-G antagonist, in combination with cetuximab in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "131116", + "first_name": "Susanna", + "middle_name": "V.", + "last_name": "Ulahannan", + "org_name": "University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Oklahoma", + "City": "Oklahoma City", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232990", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232990", + "events_session": "Results from phase 1a/1b analyses of TTX-080", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a first in class HLA-G antagonist, in combination with cetuximab in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", + "events_topic": "Cetuximab | Colorectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | HLA-G Antigens", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1033369988,'131116');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EUlahannan, Susanna V.", + "kol_full_name": "Ulahannan, Susanna V." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1033349337", + "hcp_pin_alias": "131112", + "session_name": "Gastrointestinal Cancer—Colorectal and Anal", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "131112", + "first_name": "Katrina", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Pedersen", + "org_name": "Washington University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Missouri", + "City": "St. Louis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232447", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232447", + "events_session": "Gastrointestinal Cancer—Colorectal and Anal", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Anus Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1033349337,'131112');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPedersen, Katrina S", + "kol_full_name": "Pedersen, Katrina S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | DNA Mismatch Repair | Microsatellite Instability | Atezolizumab | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "1023040094", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130907", + "session_name": "NRG-GI004/SWOG-S1610: Colorectal cancer metastatic dMMR immuno-therapy (COMMIT) study—A randomized phase III study of atezolizumab (atezo) monotherapy versus mFOLFOX6/bevacizumab/atezo in the first-line treatment of patients with deficient DNA mismatch repair (dMMR) or microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130907", + "first_name": "Caio Max", + "middle_name": "S", + "last_name": "Rocha Lima", + "org_name": "Wake Forest University Health Sciences", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Winston Salem", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232894", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232894", + "events_session": "NRG-GI004/SWOG-S1610: Colorectal cancer metastatic dMMR immuno-therapy (COMMIT) study—A randomized phase III study of atezolizumab (atezo) monotherapy versus mFOLFOX6/bevacizumab/atezo in the first-line treatment of patients with deficient DNA mismatch repair (dMMR) or microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | DNA Mismatch Repair ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Microsatellite Instability | Atezolizumab | Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1023040094,'130907');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERocha Lima, Caio Max S", + "kol_full_name": "Rocha Lima, Caio Max S" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Cholangiocarcinoma | Zanidatamab | Receptors, Fibroblast Growth Factor | Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Erdafitinib", + "npi_num": "1831300318", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130593", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of erdafitinib in patients with advanced or metastatic cholangiocarcinoma and FGFR alterations: Pooled analysis of RAGNAR and LUC2001 studies,Zanidatamab in previously-treated HER2-positive (HER2+) biliary tract cancer (BTC): Overall survival (OS) and longer follow-up from the phase 2b HERIZON-BTC-01 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130593", + "first_name": "Shubham", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Pant", + "org_name": "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232824", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232824", + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of erdafitinib in patients with advanced or metastatic cholangiocarcinoma and FGFR alterations: Pooled analysis of RAGNAR and LUC2001 studies", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Zanidatamab in previously-treated HER2-positive (HER2+) biliary tract cancer (BTC): Overall survival (OS) and longer follow-up from the phase 2b HERIZON-BTC-01 study", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Cholangiocarcinoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Zanidatamab | Receptors, Fibroblast Growth Factor | Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Erdafitinib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1831300318,'130593');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPant, Shubham", + "kol_full_name": "Pant, Shubham" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Therapeutics | Liver Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab | Colorectal Neoplasms | Neoplasms | Drug Development", + "npi_num": "1013110030", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130564", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee,Preliminary antitumor activity of COM701 in combination with COM902 and pembrolizumab in patients with MSS-CRC and liver metastases,First-in-human study of ABBV-400, a novel c-Met–targeting antibody-drug conjugate, in advanced solid tumors: Results in colorectal cancer,Developmental Therapeutics—Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130564", + "first_name": "Manish", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Sharma", + "org_name": "Jefferson University Physicians", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232064", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232064", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Preliminary antitumor activity of COM701 in combination with COM902 and pembrolizumab in patients with MSS-CRC and liver metastases,First-in-human study of ABBV-400, a novel c-Met–targeting antibody-drug conjugate, in advanced solid tumors: Results in colorectal cancer,Developmental Therapeutics—Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Therapeutics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Liver Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab | Colorectal Neoplasms | Neoplasms | Drug Development", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1013110030,'130564');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESharma, Manish", + "kol_full_name": "Sharma, Manish" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1487700688", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130556", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130556", + "first_name": "Dung", + "middle_name": "Thi", + "last_name": "Le", + "org_name": "Johns Hopkins University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Maryland", + "City": "Baltimore", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233184", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233184", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1487700688,'130556');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELe, Dung Thi", + "kol_full_name": "Le, Dung Thi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Trastuzumab | Tucatinib | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1265523377", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130529", + "session_name": "Final results of a phase 2 study of tucatinib and trastuzumab for HER2-positive mCRC (MOUNTAINEER)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130529", + "first_name": "John", + "middle_name": "H", + "last_name": "Strickler", + "org_name": "Duke University Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "North Carolina", + "City": "Durham", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232270", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232270", + "events_session": "Final results of a phase 2 study of tucatinib and trastuzumab for HER2-positive mCRC (MOUNTAINEER)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab | Tucatinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1265523377,'130529');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EStrickler, John H", + "kol_full_name": "Strickler, John H" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colonic Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1609810779", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130516", + "session_name": "A phase 2a study of NT-I7 (efineptakin alfa), a long-acting IL-7, and pembrolizumab to evaluate efficacy, including overall survival, in hard-to-treat gastrointestinal tumors,Neoadjuvant Approach to Localized Colon Cancer: Ready for Prime Time?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130516", + "first_name": "Richard", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Kim", + "org_name": "H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Tampa", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232538", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232538", + "events_session": "A phase 2a study of NT-I7 (efineptakin alfa)", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " a long-acting IL-7, and pembrolizumab to evaluate efficacy, including overall survival, in hard-to-treat gastrointestinal tumors,Neoadjuvant Approach to Localized Colon Cancer: Ready for Prime Time?", + "events_topic": "Colonic Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoadjuvant Therapy | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1609810779,'130516');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKim, Richard D", + "kol_full_name": "Kim, Richard D" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Domvanalimab | Zimberelimab | Esophageal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1831330034", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130513", + "session_name": "Updates on Abstract 433248: EDGE-Gastric Arm A1: Phase 2 Study of Domvanalimab, Zimberelimab, and FOLFOX in First-Line (1L) Advanced Gastroesophageal Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130513", + "first_name": "Yelena", + "middle_name": "Y", + "last_name": "Janjigian", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232935", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232935", + "events_session": "Updates on Abstract 433248: EDGE-Gastric Arm A1: Phase 2 Study of Domvanalimab", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Zimberelimab, and FOLFOX in First-Line (1L) Advanced Gastroesophageal Cancer", + "events_topic": "Domvanalimab | Zimberelimab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Esophageal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1831330034,'130513');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJanjigian, Yelena Y", + "kol_full_name": "Janjigian, Yelena Y" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Bezuclastinib | Giant Cell Tumor Of Tendon Sheath | Sunitinib | Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors | Vimseltinib", + "npi_num": "1538193446", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130510", + "session_name": "Peak study: A phase 3, randomized, open-label multi-center clinical study of bezuclastinib (CGT9486) and sunitinib combination versus sunitinib in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST),Efficacy, safety, and patient-reported outcomes of vimseltinib in patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor: Results from the phase 3 MOTION trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130510", + "first_name": "William", + "middle_name": "D", + "last_name": "Tap", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232151", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232151", + "events_session": "Peak study: A phase 3", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " randomized, open-label multi-center clinical study of bezuclastinib (CGT9486) and sunitinib combination versus sunitinib in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST),Efficacy, safety, and patient-reported outcomes of vimseltinib in patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor: Results from the phase 3 MOTION trial", + "events_topic": "Bezuclastinib | Giant Cell Tumor Of Tendon Sheath ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Sunitinib | Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors | Vimseltinib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1538193446,'130510');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETap, William D", + "kol_full_name": "Tap, William D" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1104850932", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130508", + "session_name": "ARC-9: A randomized study to evaluate etrumadenant based treatment combinations in previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130508", + "first_name": "Zev", + "middle_name": "Aryeh", + "last_name": "Wainberg", + "org_name": "UCLA Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232730", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232730", + "events_session": "ARC-9: A randomized study to evaluate etrumadenant based treatment combinations in previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1104850932,'130508');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWainberg, Zev Aryeh", + "kol_full_name": "Wainberg, Zev Aryeh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1275670671", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130507", + "session_name": "Discussion on Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130507", + "first_name": "Karyn", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Goodman", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232513", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232513", + "events_session": "Discussion on Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1275670671,'130507');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGoodman, Karyn A", + "kol_full_name": "Goodman, Karyn A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1104069251", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130126", + "session_name": "NRG-GU012: Randomized phase II stereotactic ablative radiation therapy (SABR) for metastatic unresected renal cell carcinoma (RCC) receiving immunotherapy (SAMURAI)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130126", + "first_name": "William", + "middle_name": "Adrian", + "last_name": "Hall", + "org_name": "Medical College of Wisconsin", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Wisconsin", + "City": "West Bend", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232610", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232610", + "events_session": "NRG-GU012: Randomized phase II stereotactic ablative radiation therapy (SABR) for metastatic unresected renal cell carcinoma (RCC) receiving immunotherapy (SAMURAI)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy | Carcinoma, Renal Cell ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1104069251,'130126');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHall, William Adrian", + "kol_full_name": "Hall, William Adrian" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Drug Development | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1609071208", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130123", + "session_name": "Advances in Systemic Therapy for Advanced Pancreas Cancer With a Focus on Novel Agents and Drug Development", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130123", + "first_name": "Andrew", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Aguirre", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233099", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233099", + "events_session": "Advances in Systemic Therapy for Advanced Pancreas Cancer With a Focus on Novel Agents and Drug Development", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Drug Development | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EAguirre, Andrew J\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Aguirre, Andrew J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Nivolumab | Chemotherapy | Chloroquine | Hydroxychloroquine | Ipilimumab | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1477644896", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130120", + "session_name": "Clinical and translational results from REVOLUTION cohorts A (nivolumab + ipilimumab + chemotherapy) and B (hydroxychloroquine + ipilimumab + chemotherapy) in patients with previously untreated metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130120", + "first_name": "Eileen", + "middle_name": "M.", + "last_name": "O'Reilly", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232837", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232837", + "events_session": "Clinical and translational results from REVOLUTION cohorts A (nivolumab + ipilimumab + chemotherapy) and B (hydroxychloroquine + ipilimumab + chemotherapy) in patients with previously untreated metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Nivolumab | Chemotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Chloroquine | Hydroxychloroquine | Ipilimumab | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1477644896,'130120');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EO'Reilly, Eileen M.", + "kol_full_name": "O'Reilly, Eileen M." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Androgen Deprivation Therapy | Hormone Replacement Therapy", + "npi_num": "1942403837", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130051", + "session_name": "ADT Sparing Approaches in the Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive and Castrate-Resistant Space,Balancing Hormone Therapy: Minimizing Effects of Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Exploring Alternatives in Prostate Cancer Management", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130051", + "first_name": "Karen", + "middle_name": "Anne", + "last_name": "Autio", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232032", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232032", + "events_session": "ADT Sparing Approaches in the Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive and Castrate-Resistant Space", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Balancing Hormone Therapy: Minimizing Effects of Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Exploring Alternatives in Prostate Cancer Management", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Androgen Deprivation Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hormone Replacement Therapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942403837,'130051');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAutio, Karen Anne", + "kol_full_name": "Autio, Karen Anne" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Lung Neoplasms | Zipalertinib | ErbB Receptors | Amivantamab | Chemotherapy | Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor | Central Nervous System Diseases", + "npi_num": "1871791665", + "hcp_pin_alias": "130000", + "session_name": "A phase 2 study of amivantamab plus lazertinib in patients with EGFR-mutant lung cancer and active central nervous system disease,REZILIENT3: Phase 3 study of zipalertinib plus chemotherapy in patients with previously untreated, advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) exon 20 insertions (ex20ins) mutations,REZILIENT2: Phase 2 study of zipalertinib in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with exon 20 insertions (ex20ins) and other uncommon epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "130000", + "first_name": "Helena", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Yu", + "org_name": "Memorial Solid Tumor Group", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232202", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232202", + "events_session": "A phase 2 study of amivantamab plus lazertinib in patients with EGFR-mutant lung cancer and active central nervous system disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "REZILIENT3: Phase 3 study of zipalertinib plus chemotherapy in patients with previously untreated, advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) exon 20 insertions (ex20ins) mutations,REZILIENT2: Phase 2 study of zipalertinib in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with exon 20 insertions (ex20ins) and other uncommon epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Lung Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Zipalertinib | ErbB Receptors | Amivantamab | Chemotherapy | Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor | Central Nervous System Diseases", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871791665,'130000');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYu, Helena", + "kol_full_name": "Yu, Helena" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1316172299", + "hcp_pin_alias": "129607", + "session_name": "A randomized phase II trial of adjuvant pembrolizumab versus observation following curative resection for stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with primary tumors between 1-4 cm: Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium BTCRC-LUN18-153", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "129607", + "first_name": "Gregory", + "middle_name": "Andrew", + "last_name": "Durm", + "org_name": "Indiana University Health", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Indiana", + "City": "Indianapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232254", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232254", + "events_session": "A randomized phase II trial of adjuvant pembrolizumab versus observation following curative resection for stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with primary tumors between 1-4 cm: Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium BTCRC-LUN18-153", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1316172299,'129607');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDurm, Gregory Andrew", + "kol_full_name": "Durm, Gregory Andrew" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Olomorasib | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1184697278", + "hcp_pin_alias": "129527", + "session_name": "Pan-tumor activity of olomorasib (LY3537982), a second-generation KRAS G12C inhibitor (G12Ci), in patients with KRAS G12C-mutant advanced solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "129527", + "first_name": "Rebecca", + "middle_name": "Suk", + "last_name": "Heist", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232771", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232771", + "events_session": "Pan-tumor activity of olomorasib (LY3537982)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a second-generation KRAS G12C inhibitor (G12Ci), in patients with KRAS G12C-mutant advanced solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Olomorasib | Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1184697278,'129527');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHeist, Rebecca Suk", + "kol_full_name": "Heist, Rebecca Suk" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Drug Development | Encorafenib | Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Cetuximab | Tumor Microenvironment", + "npi_num": "1154557650", + "hcp_pin_alias": "129510", + "session_name": "Updated results from ERAS-007 plus encorafenib and cetuximab (EC) in patients (pts) with EC-naïve metastatic BRAF V600E colorectal cancer (CRC) in the phase 1b/2 HERKULES-3 study,Beyond Tumor Types: Advancing Tumor-Agnostic Drug Development and the Role of the Tumor Microenvironment", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "129510", + "first_name": "Aparna", + "middle_name": "Raj", + "last_name": "Parikh", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231981", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231981", + "events_session": "Updated results from ERAS-007 plus encorafenib and cetuximab (EC) in patients (pts) with EC-naïve metastatic BRAF V600E colorectal cancer (CRC) in the phase 1b/2 HERKULES-3 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Beyond Tumor Types: Advancing Tumor-Agnostic Drug Development and the Role of the Tumor Microenvironment", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Drug Development ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Encorafenib | Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf | Cetuximab | Tumor Microenvironment", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1154557650,'129510');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EParikh, Aparna Raj", + "kol_full_name": "Parikh, Aparna Raj" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1144515024", + "hcp_pin_alias": "129501", + "session_name": "Lung Cancer—Non–Small Cell Metastatic", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "129501", + "first_name": "Ibiayi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Dagogo-Jack", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232722", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232722", + "events_session": "Lung Cancer—Non–Small Cell Metastatic", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1144515024,'129501');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDagogo-Jack, Ibiayi", + "kol_full_name": "Dagogo-Jack, Ibiayi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1093154353", + "hcp_pin_alias": "129468", + "session_name": "Lung Cancer – Non-Small Cell Metastatc: Program Commitee,Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Metastatic", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "129468", + "first_name": "Natalie", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Vokes", + "org_name": "Natalie Vokes Private Practice", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232058", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232058", + "events_session": "Lung Cancer – Non-Small Cell Metastatc: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Metastatic", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1093154353,'129468');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "NUT Carcinoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1093133811,'129467');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELuo, Jia", + "kol_full_name": "Luo, Jia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Leukocytes | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Pimivalimab | Immunoglobulins", + "npi_num": "1972585743", + "hcp_pin_alias": "96202", + "session_name": "Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LILRB2)-targeted JTX-8064 plus the anti-PD1 inhibitor JTX-4014 (pimivalimab) in immune-checkpoint inhibitor (ICl)­ pretreated patients (pts) with advanced or metastatic renal cell cancer (mRCC): Results from the multi-stage phase 1-2 INNATE trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "96202", + "first_name": "Primo", + "middle_name": "Nery", + "last_name": "Lara", + "org_name": "Primo Nery Lara Private Practice", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Sacramento", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232581", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232581", + "events_session": "Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LILRB2)-targeted JTX-8064 plus the anti-PD1 inhibitor JTX-4014 (pimivalimab) in immune-checkpoint inhibitor (ICl)­ pretreated patients (pts) with advanced or metastatic renal cell cancer (mRCC): Results from the multi-stage phase 1-2 INNATE trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukocytes | Carcinoma, Renal Cell ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pimivalimab | Immunoglobulins", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1972585743,'96202');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELara, Primo Nery", + "kol_full_name": "Lara, Primo Nery" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Mental Health | Prostatic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1891082772", + "hcp_pin_alias": "94883", + "session_name": "Impact of mental health illness (MHI) prior to prostate cancer (PC) diagnosis (Dx) on treatment (Tx) received and PC outcomes", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "94883", + "first_name": "Zachary", + "middle_name": "William Abraham", + "last_name": "Klaassen", + "org_name": "AU Medical Associates Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Washington", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232644", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232644", + "events_session": "Impact of mental health illness (MHI) prior to prostate cancer (PC) diagnosis (Dx) on treatment (Tx) received and PC outcomes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Mental Health | Prostatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1891082772,'94883');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKlaassen, Zachary William Abraham", + "kol_full_name": "Klaassen, Zachary William Abraham" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "SRK-181 | Transforming Growth Factor Beta1 | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Solid Tumor | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1659318640", + "hcp_pin_alias": "91120", + "session_name": "Phase 1 study (DRAGON) of SRK-181 (linavonkibart), a latent TGFβ1 inhibitor, combined with pembrolizumab in patients with anti-PD1 resistant advanced solid tumors: Updated results of expansion part", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "91120", + "first_name": "Ulka", + "middle_name": "Nitin", + "last_name": "Vaishampayan", + "org_name": "Michigan Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Ann Arbor", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232303", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232303", + "events_session": "Phase 1 study (DRAGON) of SRK-181 (linavonkibart)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a latent TGFβ1 inhibitor, combined with pembrolizumab in patients with anti-PD1 resistant advanced solid tumors: Updated results of expansion part", + "events_topic": "SRK-181 | Transforming Growth Factor Beta1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Solid Tumor | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1659318640,'91120');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVaishampayan, Ulka Nitin", + "kol_full_name": "Vaishampayan, Ulka Nitin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Hemangioblastoma | Girentuximab | Belzutifan | Von Hippel-Lindau Disease | Cabozantinib | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Central Nervous System Neoplasms | Nivolumab", + "npi_num": "1558457028", + "hcp_pin_alias": "89611", + "session_name": "Belzutifan for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma,Real-world monitoring and treatment patterns in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease-associated central nervous system hemangioblastomas (CNS-Hb),Phase 1b/2 study of combination 177Lu girentuximab plus cabozantinib and nivolumab in treatment naive patients with advanced clear cell RCC", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "89611", + "first_name": "Eric", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Jonasch", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232608", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232608", + "events_session": "Belzutifan for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Real-world monitoring and treatment patterns in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease-associated central nervous system hemangioblastomas (CNS-Hb),Phase 1b/2 study of combination 177Lu girentuximab plus cabozantinib and nivolumab in treatment naive patients with advanced clear cell RCC", + "events_topic": "Hemangioblastoma | Girentuximab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Belzutifan | Von Hippel-Lindau Disease | Cabozantinib | Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Central Nervous System Neoplasms | Nivolumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1558457028,'89611');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJonasch, Eric", + "kol_full_name": "Jonasch, Eric" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma | Nivolumab", + "npi_num": "1548356306", + "hcp_pin_alias": "89447", + "session_name": "Updated quality-adjusted time without symptoms or toxicity (Q-TWiST) analysis of nivolumab plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone as first-line (1L) treatment for advanced gastric cancer, gastroesophageal junction cancer, or esophageal adenocarcinoma (GC/GEJC/EAC): 4-year (yr) follow-up from CheckMate 649 (CM 649)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "89447", + "first_name": "Daniel", + "middle_name": "Wei", + "last_name": "Lin", + "org_name": "University of Washington Medical Centre", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232817", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232817", + "events_session": "Updated quality-adjusted time without symptoms or toxicity (Q-TWiST) analysis of nivolumab plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone as first-line (1L) treatment for advanced gastric cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " gastroesophageal junction cancer, or esophageal adenocarcinoma (GC/GEJC/EAC): 4-year (yr) follow-up from CheckMate 649 (CM 649)", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Nivolumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1548356306,'89447');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELin, Daniel Wei", + "kol_full_name": "Lin, Daniel Wei" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1154597458", + "hcp_pin_alias": "83364", + "session_name": "Melanoma/Skin Cancers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "83364", + "first_name": "Douglas", + "middle_name": "Buckner", + "last_name": "Johnson", + "org_name": "Vanderbilt University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Franklin", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232089", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232089", + "events_session": "Melanoma/Skin Cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Skin Neoplasms | Melanoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1154597458,'83364');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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+ "event_attendees_id": "232591", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232591", + "events_session": "Correlation of peripheral blood monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells (M-MDSC) and T-cell receptor (TCR) dynamics with clinical outcomes in patients (pts) with metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) treated with nivolumab (NIVO)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " T-Lymphocytes | Nivolumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1154542769,'83335');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGupta, Aditi", + "kol_full_name": "Gupta, Aditi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Biomarkers | Axitinib | Sunitinib | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1144261231", + "hcp_pin_alias": "82787", + "session_name": "Biomarker analysis of the phase 3 KEYNOTE-426 study of pembrolizumab (P) plus axitinib (A) versus sunitinib (S) for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "82787", + "first_name": "Brian", + "middle_name": "I", + "last_name": "Rini", + "org_name": "Vanderbilt University Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232468", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232468", + "events_session": "Biomarker analysis of the phase 3 KEYNOTE-426 study of pembrolizumab (P) plus axitinib (A) versus sunitinib (S) for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Axitinib | Sunitinib | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1144261231,'82787');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERini, Brian I", + "kol_full_name": "Rini, Brian I" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "1073677209", + "hcp_pin_alias": "80989", + "session_name": "Recognizing, Celebrating, and Supporting International Medical Graduates in Oncology,Biomarker analyses in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC) from the phase 3 CLEAR trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "80989", + "first_name": "Toni", + "middle_name": "K", + "last_name": "Choueiri", + "org_name": "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Milford", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232467", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232467", + "events_session": "Recognizing", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Celebrating, and Supporting International Medical Graduates in Oncology,Biomarker analyses in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC) from the phase 3 CLEAR trial", + "events_topic": "Biomarkers | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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"233000", + "events_session": "Characterization of T-cell receptor repertoire and correlation with tumor mutational landscape in lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genes, T-Cell Receptor | Lung Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1396934428,'77189');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGuo, Wei", + "kol_full_name": "Guo, Wei" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Castration", + "npi_num": "1326245275", + "hcp_pin_alias": "77151", + "session_name": "Physicians use of first-line treatment intensification in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC): A discrete choice experiment", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "77151", + "first_name": "Stacy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Loeb", + "org_name": "New York University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Rego Park", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232661", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232661", + "events_session": "Physicians use of first-line treatment intensification in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC): A discrete choice experiment", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Castration", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1326245275,'77151');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELoeb, Stacy", + "kol_full_name": "Loeb, Stacy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1326485228", + "hcp_pin_alias": "75399", + "session_name": "PRGN-2012, a novel gorilla adenovirus-based immunotherapy, provides the first treatment that leads to complete and durable responses in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis patients", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "75399", + "first_name": "Scott", + "middle_name": "Michael", + "last_name": "Norberg", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232462", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232462", + "events_session": "PRGN-2012", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a novel gorilla adenovirus-based immunotherapy, provides the first treatment that leads to complete and durable responses in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis patients", + "events_topic": "Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1326485228,'75399');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENorberg, Scott Michael", + "kol_full_name": "Norberg, Scott Michael" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Ponatinib | Stem Cell Transplantation | Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | Obecabtagene Autoleucel | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma | Imatinib Mesylate", + "npi_num": "1215108303", + "hcp_pin_alias": "75248", + "session_name": "Obecabtagene autoleucel (obe-cel, AUTO1) in adults with relapsed/refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (R/R B-ALL): Overall survival (OS), event-free survival (EFS) and the potential impact of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell persistency and consolidative stem cell transplantation (SCT) in the open-label, single-arm FELIX phase Ib/II study,In-depth analysis of responders in the phase 3 PhALLCON trial of ponatinib vs imatinib in newly diagnosed Ph+ ALL", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "75248", + "first_name": "Elias", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Jabbour", + "org_name": "Physicians Referral Service", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232337", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232337", + "events_session": "Obecabtagene autoleucel (obe-cel", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " AUTO1) in adults with relapsed/refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (R/R B-ALL): Overall survival (OS), event-free survival (EFS) and the potential impact of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell persistency and consolidative stem cell transplantation (SCT) in the open-label, single-arm FELIX phase Ib/II study,In-depth analysis of responders in the phase 3 PhALLCON trial of ponatinib vs imatinib in newly diagnosed Ph+ ALL", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Ponatinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Stem Cell Transplantation | Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | Obecabtagene Autoleucel | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma | Imatinib Mesylate", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215108303,'75248');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJabbour, Elias J", + "kol_full_name": "Jabbour, Elias J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms | Leukemia | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1699881094", + "hcp_pin_alias": "65988", + "session_name": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee,Hematologic Malignancies—Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "65988", + "first_name": "Richard", + "middle_name": "J", + "last_name": "Lin", + "org_name": "The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232083", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232083", + "events_session": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant", + "events_topic": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1699881094,'65988');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELin, Richard J", + "kol_full_name": "Lin, Richard J" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Olutasidenib | IDH1 Protein, Human | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "1578658480", + "hcp_pin_alias": "40699", + "session_name": "Olutasidenib for mutated IDH1 acute myeloid leukemia: Final five-year results from the phase 2 pivotal cohort", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "40699", + "first_name": "Jorge", + "middle_name": "E.", + "last_name": "Cortes-Franco", + "org_name": "AU Medical Associates Inc", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Augusta", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232336", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232336", + "events_session": "Olutasidenib for mutated IDH1 acute myeloid leukemia: Final five-year results from the phase 2 pivotal cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Olutasidenib | IDH1 Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1578658480,'40699');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECortes-Franco, Jorge E.", + "kol_full_name": "Cortes-Franco, Jorge E." + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "1922283431", + "hcp_pin_alias": "36313", + "session_name": "First-line serplulimab plus HLX04 and XELOX versus placebo plus bevacizumab and XELOX in metastatic colorectal cancer: A phase 2/3 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "36313", + "first_name": "Feng", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "Wang", + "org_name": "The Everett Clinic PLLC", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Everett", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232878", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232878", + "events_session": "First-line serplulimab plus HLX04 and XELOX versus placebo plus bevacizumab and XELOX in metastatic colorectal cancer: A phase 2/3 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Bevacizumab", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1922283431,'36313');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWang, Feng", + "kol_full_name": "Wang, Feng" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1952326654", + "hcp_pin_alias": "29462", + "session_name": "The phase 3 INTerpath-002 study design: Individualized neoantigen therapy (INT) V940 (mRNA-4157) plus pembrolizumab vs placebo plus pembrolizumab for resected early-stage non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "29462", + "first_name": "Jay", + "middle_name": "M", + "last_name": "Lee", + "org_name": "Regents Of The University Of Ucla Thoracic Oncology Associates", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Los Angeles", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232253", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232253", + "events_session": "The phase 3 INTerpath-002 study design: Individualized neoantigen therapy (INT) V940 (mRNA-4157) plus pembrolizumab vs placebo plus pembrolizumab for resected early-stage non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003ELee, Jay M\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Lee, Jay M" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Early Detection Of Cancer | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1497783567", + "hcp_pin_alias": "15268", + "session_name": "Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other: Program Commitee,Milestones: Early Detection to Nodal Status and Everything in Between", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "15268", + "first_name": "Jessica", + "middle_name": "Scott", + "last_name": "Donington", + "org_name": "The University of Chicago Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232478", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232478", + "events_session": "Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Milestones: Early Detection to Nodal Status and Everything in Between", + "events_topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EDonington, Jessica Scott\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Donington, Jessica Scott" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 1, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Oropharyngeal Neoplasms | Biomarkers | Human Papillomavirus Viruses", + "npi_num": "1194715649", + "hcp_pin_alias": "5945", + "session_name": "Long-term follow up of E3311, a phase II trial of transoral surgery (TOS) followed by pathology-based adjuvant treatment in HPV-associated (HPV+) oropharynx cancer (OPC): A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group,What Lies Ahead for Circulating Biomarkers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "5945", + "first_name": "Barbara", + "middle_name": "A", + "last_name": "Burtness", + "org_name": "Yale University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232130", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232130", + "events_session": "Long-term follow up of E3311", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a phase II trial of transoral surgery (TOS) followed by pathology-based adjuvant treatment in HPV-associated (HPV+) oropharynx cancer (OPC): A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group,What Lies Ahead for Circulating Biomarkers", + "events_topic": "Oropharyngeal Neoplasms | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Human Papillomavirus Viruses", + "kol_name": "\u003Ca class='link' target='new' href=''\u003EBurtness, Barbara A\u003C/a\u003E", + "kol_full_name": "Burtness, Barbara A" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Pharmaceutical Preparations | Neoplasms | Tisotumab Vedotin | Translational Research, Biomedical | Immunotherapy | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "1780063610", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_109652", + "session_name": "Quality Care/Health Services Research: Program Commitee,Perspective on Immunotherapy Drug Holidays in Metastatic Cancers,Off-label use of checkpoint inhibitor (CPI) monotherapy in PD-L1–negative or unknown recurrent/metastatic head and neck cancer (R/M HNSCC),Tisotumab vedotin in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Updated analysis from innovaTV 207 Part C,Quality Care/Health Services Research", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lova Sun", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "5", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231986", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231986", + "events_session": "Quality Care/Health Services Research: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Perspective on Immunotherapy Drug Holidays in Metastatic Cancers,Off-label use of checkpoint inhibitor (CPI) monotherapy in PD-L1–negative or unknown recurrent/metastatic head and neck cancer (R/M HNSCC),Tisotumab vedotin in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Updated analysis from innovaTV 207 Part C,Quality Care/Health Services Research", + "events_topic": "Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Pharmaceutical Preparations ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Tisotumab Vedotin | Translational Research, Biomedical | Immunotherapy | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1780063610,'FU_HCP_109652');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELova Sun", + "kol_full_name": "Lova Sun" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Artificial Intelligence | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "1134448665", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403337", + "session_name": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee,Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy and Guide Therapy,A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study of adjuvant pembrolizumab versus placebo in patients with head and neck squamous cell cancers at high risk for recurrence: The PATHWay study,Using “Artificial” Intelligence to Achieve “Real” Improvements in Cancer Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexander T. Pearson", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Chicago", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232080", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232080", + "events_session": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy and Guide Therapy,A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study of adjuvant pembrolizumab versus placebo in patients with head and neck squamous cell cancers at high risk for recurrence: The PATHWay study,Using “Artificial” Intelligence to Achieve “Real” Improvements in Cancer Care", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Artificial Intelligence | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1134448665,'FU_HCP_5403337');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAlexander T. Pearson", + "kol_full_name": "Alexander T. Pearson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Hematologic Neoplasms | Drug Development | Biomarkers | Binimetinib", + "npi_num": "1992948152", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_225052", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee,Alliance EAY191-A6: FOLFOX in combination with binimetinib as second-line therapy for patients with advanced biliary tract cancers (BTCs) with MAPK pathway alterations: A ComboMATCH treatment trial,Hematology/oncology clinical investigator training: Is current model of education adequate?,Circulating Biomarkers: Who, What, Where, When, and Why?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ardaman Shergill", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Chicago", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231974", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231974", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Molecularly Targeted Agents: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Alliance EAY191-A6: FOLFOX in combination with binimetinib as second-line therapy for patients with advanced biliary tract cancers (BTCs) with MAPK pathway alterations: A ComboMATCH treatment trial,Hematology/oncology clinical investigator training: Is current model of education adequate?,Circulating Biomarkers: Who, What, Where, When, and Why?", + "events_topic": "Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Hematologic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Drug Development | Biomarkers | Binimetinib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1992948152,'FU_HCP_225052');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EArdaman Shergill", + "kol_full_name": "Ardaman Shergill" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Oncogenes | Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Mutation | Circulating Tumor DNA | Chemotherapy | Lung Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403388", + "session_name": "Metastatic Non–Small Without Oncogene Addiction/Driver Mutation,Four-year outcomes and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis of pembrolizumab (pembro) plus concurrent chemoradiation therapy (cCRT) in unresectable, locally advanced, stage III non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC): From KEYNOTE-799,Five-year outcomes with first-line (1L) nivolumab + ipilimumab + chemotherapy (N + I + C) vs C in patients (pts) with metastatic NSCLC (mNSCLC) in CheckMate 9LA,Advanced Lung Cancer: State-of-the-Art Approaches and Insights", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martin Reck", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "LungenClinic", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232070", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232070", + "events_session": "Metastatic Non–Small Without Oncogene Addiction/Driver Mutation", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Four-year outcomes and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis of pembrolizumab (pembro) plus concurrent chemoradiation therapy (cCRT) in unresectable, locally advanced, stage III non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC): From KEYNOTE-799,Five-year outcomes with first-line (1L) nivolumab + ipilimumab + chemotherapy (N + I + C) vs C in patients (pts) with metastatic NSCLC (mNSCLC) in CheckMate 9LA,Advanced Lung Cancer: State-of-the-Art Approaches and Insights", + "events_topic": "Oncogenes | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 7, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Nivolumab | Ipilimumab | Mutation | Circulating Tumor DNA | Chemotherapy | Lung Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403388');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMartin Reck", + "kol_full_name": "Martin Reck" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Genetics | Olaparib | Endocrine Therapy | Genes, BRCA1 | Risk Reduction Behavior | Ovarian Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1730323676", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_44633", + "session_name": "Prevention, Risk Reduction, and Hereditary Cancer: Program Commitee,Novel Approaches to Cancer Prevention in Patients With Inherited Risk for Breast and Ovarian Cancers: What Is Ready for Prime Time, What Is Not?,HOPE: Harnessing olaparib, palbociclib, and endocrine therapy for BRCA1/2-associated HR+, HER2- metastatic breast cancer,Prevention, Risk Reduction, and Genetics", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Payal Deepak Shah", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Penn Medicine Abramson Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232062", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232062", + "events_session": "Prevention", + "rest_events_session_count": 11, + "rest_events_session": " Risk Reduction, and Hereditary Cancer: Program Commitee,Novel Approaches to Cancer Prevention in Patients With Inherited Risk for Breast and Ovarian Cancers: What Is Ready for Prime Time, What Is Not?,HOPE: Harnessing olaparib, palbociclib, and endocrine therapy for BRCA1/2-associated HR+, HER2- metastatic breast cancer,Prevention, Risk Reduction, and Genetics", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Genetics ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Olaparib | Endocrine Therapy | Genes, BRCA1 | Risk Reduction Behavior | Ovarian Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1730323676,'FU_HCP_44633');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPayal Deepak Shah", + "kol_full_name": "Payal Deepak Shah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Mass Screening | Neoplasms | Deep Learning | Biomarkers | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Clinical Trials As Topic | Data Science | Artificial Intelligence | Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "1871906230", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_100167", + "session_name": "New Frontiers in Data Science: Promises and Problems,Real-world and clinical trial validation of a deep learning radiomic biomarker for PD-(L)1 immune checkpoint inhibitor response in stage IV NSCLC,BE-a-PAL: A cluster-randomized trial of algorithm-based default palliative care referral among patients with advanced cancer,Human-AI teams to improve accuracy and timeliness of oncology trial prescreening: Preplanned interim analysis of a randomized trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ravi Bharat Parikh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "4", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232481", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232481", + "events_session": "New Frontiers in Data Science: Promises and Problems", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Real-world and clinical trial validation of a deep learning radiomic biomarker for PD-(L)1 immune checkpoint inhibitor response in stage IV NSCLC,BE-a-PAL: A cluster-randomized trial of algorithm-based default palliative care referral among patients with advanced cancer,Human-AI teams to improve accuracy and timeliness of oncology trial prescreening: Preplanned interim analysis of a randomized trial", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Mass Screening ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 8, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Deep Learning | Biomarkers | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Clinical Trials As Topic | Data Science | Artificial Intelligence | Palliative Care", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871906230,'FU_HCP_100167');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERavi Bharat Parikh", + "kol_full_name": "Ravi Bharat Parikh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myositis | Myasthenia Gravis, Neonatal | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Myocarditis | Admin. & Management | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1528499712", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_42846", + "session_name": "Melina Marmarelis: Program Commitee,Triple M overlap syndrome (TMOS): Evaluating immune checkpoint inhibitor-related overlap syndrome of myocarditis, myositis and myasthenia gravis using an international pharmacovigilance database,Developmental Therapeutics—Immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abdul Rafeh Naqash", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Stephenson Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231998", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231998", + "events_session": "Melina Marmarelis: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Triple M overlap syndrome (TMOS): Evaluating immune checkpoint inhibitor-related overlap syndrome of myocarditis, myositis and myasthenia gravis using an international pharmacovigilance database,Developmental Therapeutics—Immunotherapy", + "events_topic": "Myositis | Myasthenia Gravis, Neonatal ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Myocarditis | Admin. & Management | Immunotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1528499712,'FU_HCP_42846');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAbdul Rafeh Naqash", + "kol_full_name": "Abdul Rafeh Naqash" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Durvalumab | Tremelimumab | Ovarian Neoplasms | Chemotherapy | Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403418", + "session_name": "Phase Ib INEOV neoadjuvant trial of durvalumab +/- tremelimumab with platinum chemotherapy for patients (pts) with unresectable ovarian cancer (OC): Survival outcomes and immune correlates,Targeting the CD47/TSP-1 axis: A promising strategy for patients with ovarian cancer (OC) that relapses on PARP inhibitors (PARPi),PARP Inhibitors for All or Those With the Most to Gain", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexandra Leary", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Gustave Roussy Institute", + "Country": "France", + "Region": "Ile-De-France", + "City": "Paris", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232292", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232292", + "events_session": "Phase Ib INEOV neoadjuvant trial of durvalumab +/- tremelimumab with platinum chemotherapy for patients (pts) with unresectable ovarian cancer (OC): Survival outcomes and immune correlates", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Targeting the CD47/TSP-1 axis: A promising strategy for patients with ovarian cancer (OC) that relapses on PARP inhibitors (PARPi),PARP Inhibitors for All or Those With the Most to Gain", + "events_topic": "Durvalumab | Tremelimumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Ovarian Neoplasms | Chemotherapy | Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403418');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAlexandra Leary", + "kol_full_name": "Alexandra Leary" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Health Inequities | Clinical Trials As Topic | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1023457819", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_186959", + "session_name": "Identifying eligibility criteria that perpetuate race/ethnic disparities in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) clinical trial participation,Inequities in timely treatment (Tx) initiation for patients (pts) with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treated in a predominantly community setting in the United States (US),Assessing the environmental and downstream human health impacts of decentralizing cancer care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Andrew Hantel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232480", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232480", + "events_session": "Identifying eligibility criteria that perpetuate race/ethnic disparities in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) clinical trial participation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Inequities in timely treatment (Tx) initiation for patients (pts) with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treated in a predominantly community setting in the United States (US),Assessing the environmental and downstream human health impacts of decentralizing cancer care", + "events_topic": "Health Inequities | Clinical Trials As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1023457819,'FU_HCP_186959');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAndrew Hantel", + "kol_full_name": "Andrew Hantel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Palliative Care", + "npi_num": "1285877894", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_231786", + "session_name": "Symptom Science and Palliatve Care: Program Commitee,Treating Frail Populations,Symptom Science and Palliative Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Carolyn J. Presley", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Columbus", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232009", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232009", + "events_session": "Symptom Science and Palliatve Care: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Treating Frail Populations,Symptom Science and Palliative Care", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Palliative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1285877894,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231786');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECarolyn J. Presley", + "kol_full_name": "Carolyn J. Presley" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms | Sexual And Gender Minorities | Lung Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1821415084", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_159298", + "session_name": "GUIAR: Promoting lung cancer screening in Hispanic head and neck cancer survivors,Going back home: Understanding the challenges of international medical graduates (IMGs) in oncology,Assessing gender disparities in oncology: Less talk, more action", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Coral Olazagasti", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232321", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232321", + "events_session": "GUIAR: Promoting lung cancer screening in Hispanic head and neck cancer survivors", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Going back home: Understanding the challenges of international medical graduates (IMGs) in oncology,Assessing gender disparities in oncology: Less talk, more action", + "events_topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms | Sexual And Gender Minorities ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Lung Neoplasms | Early Detection Of Cancer | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1821415084,'FU_HCP_159298');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ECoral Olazagasti", + "kol_full_name": "Coral Olazagasti" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Therapeutics | TACC3 Protein, Human | Glypicans | Neoplasms | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1881146868", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_45872", + "session_name": "DUET-01: A first-in-human, phase 1/2 study of BOXR1030 in patients with advanced glypican-3-positive solid tumors,A first-in-human, phase 1 study evaluating oral TACC3 inhibitor, AO-252, in advanced solid tumors,Developmental Therapeutics—Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ecaterina Elena Dumbrava", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232013", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232013", + "events_session": "DUET-01: A first-in-human", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " phase 1/2 study of BOXR1030 in patients with advanced glypican-3-positive solid tumors,A first-in-human, phase 1 study evaluating oral TACC3 inhibitor, AO-252, in advanced solid tumors,Developmental Therapeutics—Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology", + "events_topic": "Therapeutics | TACC3 Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Glypicans | Neoplasms | Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1881146868,'FU_HCP_45872');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EEcaterina Elena Dumbrava", + "kol_full_name": "Ecaterina Elena Dumbrava" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Chemotherapy | Colorectal Neoplasms | Atezolizumab | Biomarkers | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403383", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee,A phase II open‐label study with atezolizumab (atezo) in combination with bevacizumab (bev) in patients (pts) with advanced chemotherapy-resistant colorectal cancer (CRC) and MSI‐like molecular signature: The MoTriColor Consortium CT3 study,Hitting the Mark: The Ongoing Search for Immunotherapy Biomarkers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Elena Elez", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Vall d'Hebron University Hospital", + "Country": "Spain", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231969", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231969", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "A phase II open‐label study with atezolizumab (atezo) in combination with bevacizumab (bev) in patients (pts) with advanced chemotherapy-resistant colorectal cancer (CRC) and MSI‐like molecular signature: The MoTriColor Consortium CT3 study,Hitting the Mark: The Ongoing Search for Immunotherapy Biomarkers", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Chemotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Colorectal Neoplasms | Atezolizumab | Biomarkers | Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403383');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EElena Elez", + "kol_full_name": "Elena Elez" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Clinical Trials As Topic | Neoplasms | Endocrine Therapy | Biomarkers | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403389", + "session_name": "Biomarkers: Predicting Response and Toxicity in Patients With Cancer Treated With Antibody-Drug Conjugates,Short-term risk of recurrence in patients (pts) with HR+/HER2− early breast cancer (EBC) treated with endocrine therapy (ET) in randomized clinical trials (RCTs): A meta-analysis,Unlocking the Potential: Biomarkers of Response to Antibody–Drug Conjugates", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Giuseppe Curigliano", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, IRCCS and University of Milano", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232077", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232077", + "events_session": "Biomarkers: Predicting Response and Toxicity in Patients With Cancer Treated With Antibody-Drug Conjugates", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Short-term risk of recurrence in patients (pts) with HR+/HER2− early breast cancer (EBC) treated with endocrine therapy (ET) in randomized clinical trials (RCTs): A meta-analysis,Unlocking the Potential: Biomarkers of Response to Antibody–Drug Conjugates", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Clinical Trials As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Endocrine Therapy | Biomarkers | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403389');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGiuseppe Curigliano", + "kol_full_name": "Giuseppe Curigliano" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Combined Modality Therapy | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Clinical Trials As Topic | Docetaxel | Circulating Tumor DNA | Solid Tumor | Duvelisib", + "npi_num": "1750602983", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_76246", + "session_name": "FIT-001: A phase 1 clinical trial of the farnesyl transferase inhibitor KO-2806 alone or as part of combination therapy for advanced solid tumors,Personalized circulating tumor (ct)DNA for monitoring disease status in HPV-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma,Duvelisib with docetaxel for patients with anti-PD-1 refractory, recurrent, or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Glenn J. Hanna", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232552", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232552", + "events_session": "FIT-001: A phase 1 clinical trial of the farnesyl transferase inhibitor KO-2806 alone or as part of combination therapy for advanced solid tumors", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Personalized circulating tumor (ct)DNA for monitoring disease status in HPV-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma,Duvelisib with docetaxel for patients with anti-PD-1 refractory, recurrent, or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", + "events_topic": "Combined Modality Therapy | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Clinical Trials As Topic | Docetaxel | Circulating Tumor DNA | Solid Tumor | Duvelisib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1750602983,'FU_HCP_76246');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGlenn J. Hanna", + "kol_full_name": "Glenn J. Hanna" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Durvalumab | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Datopotamab Deruxtecan | Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "npi_num": "1831358076", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_231532", + "session_name": "Gynecologic Cancer: Program Commitee,Rates of pathologic complete response (pCR)after neoadjuvant datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato): Results from the I-SPY22 trial,Gynecologic Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jane Lowe Meisel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Winship Canter Institute of Emory University", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232051", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232051", + "events_session": "Gynecologic Cancer: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Rates of pathologic complete response (pCR)after neoadjuvant datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato): Results from the I-SPY22 trial,Gynecologic Cancer", + "events_topic": "Durvalumab | Neoadjuvant Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Datopotamab Deruxtecan | Genital Neoplasms, Female", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1831358076,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231532');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJane Lowe Meisel", + "kol_full_name": "Jane Lowe Meisel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha | Prostatic Neoplasms | Testicular Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Urogenital Neoplasms | Penile Neoplasms | Kidney Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1659663979", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403330", + "session_name": "Genitourinary Cancer – Kidney and Bladder: Program Commitee,TRAMP study: A phase 2 trial of tumor necrosis factor-α blockade and AR inhibition in men with CRPC,Genitourinary Cancer—Prostate, Testicular, and Penile", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jessica E. Hawley", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Washington & Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231988", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231988", + "events_session": "Genitourinary Cancer – Kidney and Bladder: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "TRAMP study: A phase 2 trial of tumor necrosis factor-α blockade and AR inhibition in men with CRPC,Genitourinary Cancer—Prostate, Testicular, and Penile", + "events_topic": "Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha | Prostatic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Testicular Neoplasms | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Urogenital Neoplasms | Penile Neoplasms | Kidney Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1659663979,'FU_HCP_5403330');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJessica E. Hawley", + "kol_full_name": "Jessica E. Hawley" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Colorectal Neoplasms | CLDN18 Protein, Human | Anus Neoplasms | Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma | Pembrolizumab | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Zolbetuximab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403459", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee,Neoadjuvant/adjuvant pembrolizumab (pembro) + chemotherapy (chemo) vs placebo (pbo) + chemo for gastric/gastroesophageal junction (G/GEJ) adenocarcinoma: Major pathologic response (mPR) in KEYNOTE-585,Final overall survival results from phase 3 SPOTLIGHT study evaluating zolbetuximab + mFOLFOX6 as first-line (1L) treatment for patients (pts) with claudin 18 isoform 2 (CLDN182)+, HER2−, locally advanced (LA) unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction (mG/GEJ) adenocarcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kohei Shitara", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "National Cancer Center Hospital East", + "Country": "Japan", + "Region": "Chiba", + "City": "Chiba", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232815", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232815", + "events_session": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Neoadjuvant/adjuvant pembrolizumab (pembro) + chemotherapy (chemo) vs placebo (pbo) + chemo for gastric/gastroesophageal junction (G/GEJ) adenocarcinoma: Major pathologic response (mPR) in KEYNOTE-585,Final overall survival results from phase 3 SPOTLIGHT study evaluating zolbetuximab + mFOLFOX6 as first-line (1L) treatment for patients (pts) with claudin 18 isoform 2 (CLDN182)+, HER2−, locally advanced (LA) unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction (mG/GEJ) adenocarcinoma", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Colorectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " CLDN18 Protein, Human | Anus Neoplasms | Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma | Pembrolizumab | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Zolbetuximab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403459');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKohei Shitara", + "kol_full_name": "Kohei Shitara" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Immunotherapy | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Clinical Trials As Topic", + "npi_num": "1720400906", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_44576", + "session_name": "Participating in Early Phase Immunotherapy Clinical Trials: Benefits, Barriers, and Burdens,Amplifying the Patient's Voice in Early-Phase Immunotherapy Clinical Trials: Solutions to Burdens and Barriers,Gastrointestinal Cancer—Gastroesophageal, Pancreatic, and Hepatobiliary", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kristen Renee Spencer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Perlmutter Cancer Center, NYU Langone Health", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231965", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231965", + "events_session": "Participating in Early Phase Immunotherapy Clinical Trials: Benefits", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " Barriers, and Burdens,Amplifying the Patient's Voice in Early-Phase Immunotherapy Clinical Trials: Solutions to Burdens and Barriers,Gastrointestinal Cancer—Gastroesophageal, Pancreatic, and Hepatobiliary", + "events_topic": "Pancreatic Neoplasms | Immunotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Clinical Trials As Topic", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1720400906,'FU_HCP_44576');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKristen Renee Spencer", + "kol_full_name": "Kristen Renee Spencer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor | Abemaciclib | Breast Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1699069880", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_110315", + "session_name": "Genomic alterations (GA) in ESR1, PIK3CA, AKT1, and PTEN in HR(+)HER2(-) patients (pts) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC): Co-occurrence and prevalence along treatment course,Imlunestrant, an oral selective estrogen receptor degrader (SERD), in combination with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) directed therapy, with or without abemaciclib, in estrogen receptor (ER) positive, HER2 positive advanced breast cancer (aBC): EMBER phase 1a/1b study,The Dr Bernard Fisher Memorial Annual Clinical Science Symposium Supported by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Emerging Role of ctDNA in Breast Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manali A. Bhave", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Emory University School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Georgia", + "City": "Atlanta", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232022", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232022", + "events_session": "Genomic alterations (GA) in ESR1", + "rest_events_session_count": 10, + "rest_events_session": " PIK3CA, AKT1, and PTEN in HR(+)HER2(-) patients (pts) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC): Co-occurrence and prevalence along treatment course,Imlunestrant, an oral selective estrogen receptor degrader (SERD), in combination with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) directed therapy, with or without abemaciclib, in estrogen receptor (ER) positive, HER2 positive advanced breast cancer (aBC): EMBER phase 1a/1b study,The Dr Bernard Fisher Memorial Annual Clinical Science Symposium Supported by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Emerging Role of ctDNA in Breast Cancer", + "events_topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Abemaciclib | Breast Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1699069880,'FU_HCP_110315');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EManali A. Bhave", + "kol_full_name": "Manali A. Bhave" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Dexamethasone | Multiple Myeloma | Belantamab Mafodotin | Daratumumab | Bortezomib | Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403395", + "session_name": "Amandeep Godara – Track Leader: Program Commitee,Updates on Abstract 439572: Results from the Randomized Phase III DREAMM-7 Study of Belantamab Mafodotin (Belamaf) + Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone (BVd) vs Daratumumab, Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone (DVd) in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM),DREAMM-7 update: Subgroup analyses from a phase 3 trial of belantamab mafodotin (belamaf) + bortezomib and dexamethasone (BVd) vs daratumumab, bortezomib, and dexamethasone (DVd) in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maria-Victoria Mateos", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca (IBSAL), Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (IBMCC-USAL, CSIC)", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232134", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232134", + "events_session": "Amandeep Godara – Track Leader: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": "Updates on Abstract 439572: Results from the Randomized Phase III DREAMM-7 Study of Belantamab Mafodotin (Belamaf) + Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone (BVd) vs Daratumumab, Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone (DVd) in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM),DREAMM-7 update: Subgroup analyses from a phase 3 trial of belantamab mafodotin (belamaf) + bortezomib and dexamethasone (BVd) vs daratumumab, bortezomib, and dexamethasone (DVd) in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)", + "events_topic": "Dexamethasone | Multiple Myeloma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Belantamab Mafodotin | Daratumumab | Bortezomib | Admin. & Management", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403395');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMaria-Victoria Mateos", + "kol_full_name": "Maria-Victoria Mateos" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Atezolizumab | Immunotherapy | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403385", + "session_name": "Local Treatment Options in Early-Stage Lung Cancer,Atezolizumab in patients (pts) with tumor mutational burden (TMB)–high tumors from the TAPISTRY trial,Integrating Immunotherapy Into Early-Stage Lung Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rafal Dziadziuszko", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Medical University of Gdansk", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232048", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232048", + "events_session": "Local Treatment Options in Early-Stage Lung Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Atezolizumab in patients (pts) with tumor mutational burden (TMB)–high tumors from the TAPISTRY trial,Integrating Immunotherapy Into Early-Stage Lung Cancer", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Atezolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403385');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERafal Dziadziuszko", + "kol_full_name": "Rafal Dziadziuszko" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Multimodal Imaging | Prostatectomy | Prostatic Neoplasms | Circulating Tumor DNA | Genes, BRCA1", + "npi_num": "1306013610", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_0008455", + "session_name": "A phase 2 study of neoadjuvant PARP inhibition followed by radical prostatectomy (RP) in patients with unfavorable intermediate-risk or high-risk prostate cancer with BRCA1/2 gene alterations (NePtune),Molecular and clinical correlates of high PSMA/FOLH1 mRNA expression in primary and metastatic prostate cancer (PC),Matched tissue and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis in renal cell carcinoma (RCC): Results from a multimodal real-world database", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Rana R. McKay", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of California, San Diego Health", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232582", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232582", + "events_session": "A phase 2 study of neoadjuvant PARP inhibition followed by radical prostatectomy (RP) in patients with unfavorable intermediate-risk or high-risk prostate cancer with BRCA1/2 gene alterations (NePtune)", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Molecular and clinical correlates of high PSMA/FOLH1 mRNA expression in primary and metastatic prostate cancer (PC),Matched tissue and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis in renal cell carcinoma (RCC): Results from a multimodal real-world database", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Multimodal Imaging ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Prostatectomy | Prostatic Neoplasms | Circulating Tumor DNA | Genes, BRCA1", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1306013610,'FU_HCP_0008455');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERana R. McKay", + "kol_full_name": "Rana R. McKay" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "ESR1 Protein, Human | KIF18A Protein, Human | Fulvestrant | Ovarian Neoplasms | Alpelisib | Endometrial Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1689729212", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_232576", + "session_name": "A phase I/II, first-in-human study of VLS-1488, an oral KIF18A inhibitor, in patients with advanced cancer,GOG3069: Phase 2 study of alpelisib and fulvestrant for PIK3CA-mutated estrogen receptor (ER)-positive endometrioid endometrial cancers,Characterization of ESR1 mutations in endometrial and ovarian cancers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephanie Gaillard", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232436", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232436", + "events_session": "A phase I/II", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " first-in-human study of VLS-1488, an oral KIF18A inhibitor, in patients with advanced cancer,GOG3069: Phase 2 study of alpelisib and fulvestrant for PIK3CA-mutated estrogen receptor (ER)-positive endometrioid endometrial cancers,Characterization of ESR1 mutations in endometrial and ovarian cancers", + "events_topic": "ESR1 Protein, Human | KIF18A Protein, Human ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Fulvestrant | Ovarian Neoplasms | Alpelisib | Endometrial Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1689729212,'PAST_HCP_Onco_232576');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" 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Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "3", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232076", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232076", + "events_session": "Advanced Sequencing and Targeted Therapy Strategies in Renal Cell Carcinoma: How Can We Help More Patients Not at the Expense of Toxicity?", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Clinical utility of transcriptomic signatures to identify androgen receptor and neuroendocrine signaling in prostate cancer,State-of-the-Art Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Current Advances and Future Frontiers", + "events_topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors | Prostatic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Renal Cell | Receptors, Androgen", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1245694801,'FU_HCP_40312');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYu-Wei Chen", + "kol_full_name": "Yu-Wei Chen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Pharmaceutical Preparations | Medicare Part D", + "npi_num": "1437423290", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_110364", + "session_name": "Trends in pharmaceutical industry payments to US cancer centers, 2014-2021,Cancer care service use intensity in Medicare Advantage versus traditional Medicare", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aaron Philip Mitchell", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232395", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232395", + "events_session": "Trends in pharmaceutical industry payments to US cancer centers", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " 2014-2021,Cancer care service use intensity in Medicare Advantage versus traditional Medicare", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Pharmaceutical Preparations ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Medicare Part D", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1437423290,'FU_HCP_110364');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAaron Philip Mitchell", + "kol_full_name": "Aaron Philip Mitchell" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Receptor, ErbB-3 | Solid Tumor | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1861629180", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_271646", + "session_name": "HERTHENA-PanTumor01: A global, multicohort, phase 2 trial of HER3-DXd in relapsed/refractory metastatic solid tumors,Head and Neck Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aarti K. Bhatia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Yale School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Connecticut", + "City": "New Haven", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231960", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231960", + "events_session": "HERTHENA-PanTumor01: A global", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " multicohort, phase 2 trial of HER3-DXd in relapsed/refractory metastatic solid tumors,Head and Neck Cancer", + "events_topic": "Receptor, ErbB-3 | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1861629180,'FU_HCP_271646');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAarti K. Bhatia", + "kol_full_name": "Aarti K. Bhatia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Translational Research, Biomedical | Health Policy", + "npi_num": "1447349477", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_100523", + "session_name": "Quality Care/Health Services Research: Program Commitee,Do No Harm: Impacts of Health Care Policies on Patient Outcomes", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Alexi A. Wright", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233121", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233121", + "events_session": "Quality Care/Health Services Research: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Do No Harm: Impacts of Health Care Policies on Patient Outcomes", + "events_topic": "Translational Research, Biomedical | Health Policy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1447349477,'FU_HCP_100523');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAlexi A. Wright", + "kol_full_name": "Alexi A. Wright" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Brain Neoplasms | Lifileucel | Melanoma | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating", + "npi_num": "1174961908", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_39677", + "session_name": "A pilot trial of autologous tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (lifileucel, LN-144) for patients with asymptomatic melanoma brain metastases,Adopting Cutting-Edge Cell Therapies in Melanoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Allison Betof Warner", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232530", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232530", + "events_session": "A pilot trial of autologous tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (lifileucel", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " LN-144) for patients with asymptomatic melanoma brain metastases,Adopting Cutting-Edge Cell Therapies in Melanoma", + "events_topic": "Brain Neoplasms | Lifileucel ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Melanoma | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1174961908,'FU_HCP_39677');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAllison Betof Warner", + "kol_full_name": "Allison Betof Warner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1356518724", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_76036", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee,Breast Cancer—Metastatic", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Amy Sanders Clark", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231996", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231996", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Breast Cancer—Metastatic", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1356518724,'FU_HCP_76036');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAmy Sanders Clark", + "kol_full_name": "Amy Sanders Clark" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sacituzumab Govitecan | Pembrolizumab | Disease Management | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1386185874", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_41520", + "session_name": "SACI-IO HR+: A randomized phase II trial of sacituzumab govitecan with or without pembrolizumab in patients with metastatic hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer,Treatment Selection and Sequencing: Metastatic Disease Management in 2024 for Enhanced Survival and Quality of Life", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ana Christina Garrido-Castro", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232487", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232487", + "events_session": "SACI-IO HR+: A randomized phase II trial of sacituzumab govitecan with or without pembrolizumab in patients with metastatic hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Treatment Selection and Sequencing: Metastatic Disease Management in 2024 for Enhanced Survival and Quality of Life", + "events_topic": "Sacituzumab Govitecan | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Disease Management | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1386185874,'FU_HCP_41520');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"0", + "event_attendees_id": "232679", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232679", + "events_session": "Genomics to select treatment for patients (pts) with metastatic cancer: Final analysis of Molecular Tumor Board (MTB) evaluations in the ROME trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Trastuzumab deruxtecan in patients with breast cancer with brain metastases: The DE-REAL study", + "events_topic": "Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Brain Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403448');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAndrea Botticelli", + "kol_full_name": "Andrea Botticelli" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1528099322", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_231457", + "session_name": "Scientific Program Committee,How and Where Will Public Investment Accelerate Progress in Oncology? A Discussion with the NIH and NCI Directors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Angela DeMichele", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Pennsylvania", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Pennsylvania", + "City": "Philadelphia", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232071", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232071", + "events_session": "Scientific Program Committee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "How and Where Will Public Investment Accelerate Progress in Oncology? A Discussion with the NIH and NCI Directors", + "events_topic": "Admin. & Management | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1528099322,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231457');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAngela DeMichele", + "kol_full_name": "Angela DeMichele" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Oropharyngeal Neoplasms | Human Papillomavirus 16 | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1699017715", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_75860", + "session_name": "Neoadjuvant HPV16-specific arenavirus-based immunotherapy HB-200 plus chemotherapy followed by response-stratified de-intensification in HPV16+ oropharyngeal cancer: TARGET-HPV,Novel Weapons: Bispecifics, Fusion Proteins, Multikinase Inhibitors, and Other Novel Weapons Against Head and Neck Cancers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ari Joseph Rosenberg", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Chicago", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232122", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232122", + "events_session": "Neoadjuvant HPV16-specific arenavirus-based immunotherapy HB-200 plus chemotherapy followed by response-stratified de-intensification in HPV16+ oropharyngeal cancer: TARGET-HPV", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Novel Weapons: Bispecifics, Fusion Proteins, Multikinase Inhibitors, and Other Novel Weapons Against Head and Neck Cancers", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Oropharyngeal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Human Papillomavirus 16 | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1699017715,'FU_HCP_75860');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAri Joseph Rosenberg", + "kol_full_name": "Ari Joseph Rosenberg" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Durvalumab | Apatinib | Gemcitabine | Sorafenib | Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Camrelizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403463", + "session_name": "TOURMALINE: A phase 3b study of durvalumab with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy regimens in advanced biliary tract cancer,Camrelizumab plus rivoceranib vs sorafenib as first-line therapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (uHCC): Final overall survival analysis of the phase 3 CARES-310 study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Arndt Vogel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232829", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232829", + "events_session": "TOURMALINE: A phase 3b study of durvalumab with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy regimens in advanced biliary tract cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Camrelizumab plus rivoceranib vs sorafenib as first-line therapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (uHCC): Final overall survival analysis of the phase 3 CARES-310 study", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Durvalumab | Apatinib | Gemcitabine | Sorafenib | Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Camrelizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403463');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EArndt Vogel", + "kol_full_name": "Arndt Vogel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1225522816", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_282740", + "session_name": "International medical graduates (IMG) representation at international oncology conference meetings,Breast cancer polygenic risk score and patient survival outcomes in the Pathways study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Arya Mariam Roy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232759", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232759", + "events_session": "International medical graduates (IMG) representation at international oncology conference meetings", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Breast cancer polygenic risk score and patient survival outcomes in the Pathways study", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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"Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232402", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232402", + "events_session": "Targeting Direct and Indirect Costs of Cancer: Strategies for Screening", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Intervention, and Policy,Access barriers and cost of varenicline for smoking cessation: A national comparative analysis of Medicare standalone part D and Medicare Advantage plan", + "events_topic": "Smoking Cessation | Varenicline ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Early Detection Of Cancer | Medicare Part D", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1881125011,'FU_HCP_5403352');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232328", + "events_session": "If Serious Illness Communication Is So Important", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " Why Is It So Difficult to Integrate in Routine Oncology Care?,Prospective and external validation of an objective performance status (OPS) in patients with metastatic solid malignancies using wearable accelerometry", + "events_topic": "Accelerometry | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1871853432,'FU_HCP_282228');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChristopher Manz", + "kol_full_name": "Christopher Manz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1356760938", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_41325", + "session_name": "Let's Talk About Symptoms,Bioethics of over- and undertreatment in older adults with cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Clark DuMontier", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "VA Boston Healthcare System and Brigham and Women's Hospital", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232268", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232268", + "events_session": "Let's Talk About Symptoms", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Bioethics of over- and undertreatment in older adults with cancer", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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"Claudio Cerchione", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Hematology Unit, Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) IRCCS", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232112", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232112", + "events_session": "Exploring the role of the combination of FDG-PET plus whole body MRI for staging patients with high-risk smoldering myeloma: A prospective trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Exploring the role of the combination of FDG PET plus whole body MRI for staging newly diagnosed and relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: A prospective trial", + "events_topic": "Smoldering Multiple Myeloma | Multiple Myeloma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Positron-Emission Tomography | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Fluorodeoxyglucose F18", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403391');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EClaudio Cerchione", + "kol_full_name": "Claudio Cerchione" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1891225033", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_0001329", + "session_name": "The acceptability of hospital-at-home for persons living with cancer and their caregivers,Post-acute care facility utilization and outcomes among Medicare beneficiaries undergoing inpatient cancer surgery", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel E Lage", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital", + "Country": "United 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Lage" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1043484439", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_116370", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee,Threading the Needle in the Haystack: ctDNA Applications in Early and Advanced Breast Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel G. Stover", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232491", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232491", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Metastatc:: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Threading the Needle in the Haystack: ctDNA Applications in Early and Advanced Breast Cancer", + "events_topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1043484439,'FU_HCP_116370');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDaniel G. Stover", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel G. Stover" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "HIV Infections | Endocrine Therapy | Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1962764209", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403357", + "session_name": "Associations between HIV infection status, psychosocial factors, and adjuvant endocrine therapy adherence among South African women with early-stage breast cancer,Navigating Global Cancer Care: Conflict, Access, and Delivery", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel O'Neil", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Yale Cancer Center, Yale", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232527", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232527", + "events_session": "Associations between HIV infection status", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": " psychosocial factors, and adjuvant endocrine therapy adherence among South African women with early-stage breast cancer,Navigating Global Cancer Care: Conflict, Access, and Delivery", + "events_topic": "HIV Infections | Endocrine Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1962764209,'FU_HCP_5403357');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDaniel O'Neil", + "kol_full_name": "Daniel O'Neil" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1003234329", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_396051", + "session_name": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee,Threading the Needle Between Targets and Toxicity", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Daniel Olson", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Chicago, Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232300", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232300", + "events_session": "Developmental Therapeutcs – Immunotherapy: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Threading the Needle Between Targets and Toxicity", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232496", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232496", + "events_session": "Prospective evaluation of pre-treatment ctDNA burden in localized osteosarcoma to identify patients with inferior outcomes: A report from the LEOPARD study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of elevated ctDNA burden following one cycle of chemotherapy with inferior outcomes for patients with metastatic Ewing sarcoma: A report from the Children’s Oncology Group (COG)", + "events_topic": "Osteosarcoma | Circulating Tumor DNA ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Sarcoma, Ewing | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Dean Anthony Fennell", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Mesothelioma Research Programme, University of Leicester and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232453", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232453", + "events_session": "Niraparib and dostarlimab efficacy in patients with platinum-sensitive relapsed mesothelioma: MIST5", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " a phase IIa clinical trial,First-in-human phase I clinical trial of RSO-021, a first-in class covalent inhibitor of mitochondrial peroxiredoxin 3 (PRX3), in patients with malignant pleural effusion due to mesothelioma and other advanced solid tumors (MITOPE)", + "events_topic": "Clinical Studies As Topic | Niraparib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Pleural Effusion, Malignant | Dostarlimab | Mesothelioma | Peroxiredoxin III | Clinical Trials As Topic | Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403432');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDean Anthony Fennell", + "kol_full_name": "Dean Anthony Fennell" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Substance-Related Disorders", + "npi_num": "1275734527", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_282178", + "session_name": "Medical Oncologist Perspective,Addressing Substance Use Disorders in the Context of Cancer: A Case-Based Discussion on Assessment and Management", + "name": "2024 American Society of 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+ "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232140", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232140", + "events_session": "Features of HPV+ OPSCC predictive of recurrence identified by transcriptional profiling of a case-control cohort", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "The Risk Landscape in HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer", + "events_topic": "Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Oropharyngeal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1053348367,'FU_HCP_38551');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDevraj Basu", + "kol_full_name": "Devraj Basu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A | Pancreatic Neoplasms | Solid Tumor | Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403462", + "session_name": "Phase 1 trial of TU2218, TGFβ-RI and VEGF-R2 dual inhibitor in monotherapy and combination with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced solid tumors,Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) in patients (pts) with HER2-expressing biliary tract cancer (BTC) and pancreatic cancer (PC): Outcomes from DESTINY-PanTumor02 (DP-02)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Do-Youn Oh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232823", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232823", + "events_session": "Phase 1 trial of TU2218", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " TGFβ-RI and VEGF-R2 dual inhibitor in monotherapy and combination with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced solid tumors,Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) in patients (pts) with HER2-expressing biliary tract cancer (BTC) and pancreatic cancer (PC): Outcomes from DESTINY-PanTumor02 (DP-02)", + "events_topic": "Biliary Tract Neoplasms | Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Pancreatic Neoplasms | Solid Tumor | Trastuzumab Deruxtecan | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403462');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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Relatlimab | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Nivolumab | Pembrolizumab | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1043553456,'FU_HCP_394615');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EEric Christenson", + "kol_full_name": "Eric Christenson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1336121789", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_231619", + "session_name": "Comparison of expert treatment recommendations versus community healthcare providers: Analysis from an online decision support tool for metastatic breast cancer,Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erica L. Mayer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232117", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232117", + "events_session": "Comparison of expert treatment recommendations versus community healthcare providers: Analysis from an online decision support tool for metastatic breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1336121789,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231619');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EErica L. Mayer", + "kol_full_name": "Erica L. Mayer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1467629006", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_110286", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee,Breast Cancer—Metastatic", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erica Michelle Stringer-Reasor", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231995", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231995", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Breast Cancer—Metastatic", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1467629006,'FU_HCP_110286');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EErica Michelle Stringer-Reasor", + "kol_full_name": "Erica Michelle Stringer-Reasor" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Radiotherapy | Rectal Neoplasms | Neoplasms | Organ Preservation", + "npi_num": "1932475902", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_225049", + "session_name": "Phase II trial of organ preservation program using short-course radiation and FOLFOXIRI for rectal cancer (SHORT-FOX),Radiation Oncologist Perspective", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Erqi L. Pollom", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Stanford Hospital and Clinics", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232309", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232309", + "events_session": "Phase II trial of organ preservation program using short-course radiation and FOLFOXIRI for rectal cancer (SHORT-FOX)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Radiation Oncologist Perspective", + "events_topic": "Radiotherapy | Rectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Organ Preservation", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1932475902,'FU_HCP_225049');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EErqi L. Pollom", + "kol_full_name": "Erqi L. Pollom" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Tremelimumab | Pembrolizumab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pemetrexed | Durvalumab | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1679957187", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_44144", + "session_name": "TRITON: Phase 3b study of tremelimumab (T) + durvalumab (D) vs pembrolizumab (P), in combination with chemotherapy (CT), in non-squamous (NSQ) metastatic NSCLC (mNSCLC) with STK11 and/or KEAP1 and/or KRAS mutations,Krascendo-170 Lung: A phase Ib/II study of divarasib + pembrolizumab ± platinum-based chemotherapy and pemetrexed in untreated KRAS G12C+ advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ferdinandos Skoulidis", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232190", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232190", + "events_session": "TRITON: Phase 3b study of tremelimumab (T) + durvalumab (D) vs pembrolizumab (P)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " in combination with chemotherapy (CT), in non-squamous (NSQ) metastatic NSCLC (mNSCLC) with STK11 and/or KEAP1 and/or KRAS mutations,Krascendo-170 Lung: A phase Ib/II study of divarasib + pembrolizumab ± platinum-based chemotherapy and pemetrexed in untreated KRAS G12C+ advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "events_topic": "Tremelimumab | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pemetrexed | Durvalumab | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1679957187,'FU_HCP_44144');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFerdinandos Skoulidis", + "kol_full_name": "Ferdinandos Skoulidis" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Multiple Myeloma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403386", + "session_name": "Induction Strategies for Newly Diagnosed High-Risk Multiple Myeloma,Navigating High-Risk and Ultra-High-Risk Multiple Myeloma: Challenges and Emerging Strategies", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Francesca Gay", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Torino, AOU S. Giovanni Batt", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232054", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232054", + "events_session": "Induction Strategies for Newly Diagnosed High-Risk Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Navigating High-Risk and Ultra-High-Risk Multiple Myeloma: Challenges and Emerging Strategies", + "events_topic": "Multiple Myeloma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403386');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFrancesca Gay", + "kol_full_name": "Francesca Gay" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Precision Medicine | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1811315443", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Future Events_313782", + "session_name": "Payor denial after prior authorization request for long-acting pain medication: Provider and patient perspectives,Patient-reported provider communication skills and adherence to recommended treatment in breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Fumiko Chino", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232619", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232619", + "events_session": "Payor denial after prior authorization request for long-acting pain medication: Provider and patient perspectives", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Patient-reported provider communication skills and adherence to recommended treatment in breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Precision Medicine | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1811315443,'PAST_HCP_Future Events_313782');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EFumiko Chino", + "kol_full_name": "Fumiko Chino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Leiomyosarcoma | Lurbinectedin | Irinotecan | Doxorubicin | Sarcoma, Synovial", + "npi_num": "1215064654", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_39974", + "session_name": "Randomized controlled, open-label, phase IIb/III study of lurbinectedin in combination with doxorubicin versus doxorubicin alone as first-line treatment in patients with metastatic leiomyosarcoma,Efficacy and safety of lurbinectedin (LUR) with irinotecan (IRI) in a phase 2 expansion cohort of patients (Pts) with synovial sarcoma (SS)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Gregory Michael Cote", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232908", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232908", + "events_session": "Randomized controlled", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " open-label, phase IIb/III study of lurbinectedin in combination with doxorubicin versus doxorubicin alone as first-line treatment in patients with metastatic leiomyosarcoma,Efficacy and safety of lurbinectedin (LUR) with irinotecan (IRI) in a phase 2 expansion cohort of patients (Pts) with synovial sarcoma (SS)", + "events_topic": "Leiomyosarcoma | Lurbinectedin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Irinotecan | Doxorubicin | Sarcoma, Synovial", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215064654,'FU_HCP_39974');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EGregory Michael Cote", + "kol_full_name": "Gregory Michael Cote" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Immunoconjugates | Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1376834325", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403356", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee,Antibodies Plus: Bispecifics, Antibody Drug–Conjugates, and Engagers in Solid Tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Harshabad Singh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232504", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232504", + "events_session": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Antibodies Plus: Bispecifics, Antibody Drug–Conjugates, and Engagers in Solid Tumors", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Immunoconjugates ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1376834325,'FU_HCP_5403356');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EHarshabad Singh", + "kol_full_name": "Harshabad Singh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1083873442", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_CNS_190250", + "session_name": "Central Nervous System Tumors: Program Commitee,Advancing Trial Design: Illuminating Tumor Evolution in Central Nervous System Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ian F. 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Parney", + "kol_full_name": "Ian F. Parney" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Clinical Trials As Topic | Clinical Trial", + "npi_num": "1124283213", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_39202", + "session_name": "Clinical trial participation and end-of-life care among older adults: A multi-center longitudinal observational cohort analysis of 121,717 patients with cancer,5-year multicenter analysis of clinical trial participation and total cost of care for older adults with cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ishwaria M. 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Subbiah", + "kol_full_name": "Ishwaria M. Subbiah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Solid Tumor | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Pembrolizumab | Nivolumab | Ipatasertib", + "npi_num": "1811262967", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_100400", + "session_name": "Phase 1 study of BA3071, an anti–CTLA-4 conditionally active biologic, in combination with nivolumab in advanced solid tumors,A phase 2 study of ipatasertib in combination with pembrolizumab for first-line treatment of recurrent or metastatic squamous cell cancer of the head and neck", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jacob Stephen Thomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Southern California", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232576", + 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"proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "1922260934", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_99740", + "session_name": "When Myelodysplastic Syndrome Evolves to Acute Myeloid Leukemia: How to Manage Progression of Disease,Advancements and Challenges in the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jacqueline Suen Garcia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232047", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232047", + "events_session": "When Myelodysplastic Syndrome Evolves to Acute Myeloid Leukemia: How to Manage Progression of Disease", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Advancements and Challenges in the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia", + "events_topic": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1922260934,'FU_HCP_99740');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJacqueline Suen Garcia", + "kol_full_name": "Jacqueline Suen Garcia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma | Tamoxifen | Breast Neoplasms | Leukemia", + "npi_num": "1356870612", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_41334", + "session_name": "Accelerated aging among survivors of childhood leukemia and lymphoma: Estimates of early onset and excess morbidity from the COMPASS model,Tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention among survivors of pediatric lymphoma previously treated with chest radiation: Clinical benefits, harms and tradeoffs", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jennifer M Yeh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Boston Children's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232497", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232497", + "events_session": "Accelerated aging among survivors of childhood leukemia and lymphoma: Estimates of early onset and excess morbidity from the COMPASS model", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention among survivors of pediatric lymphoma previously treated with chest radiation: Clinical benefits, harms and tradeoffs", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma | Tamoxifen ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Breast Neoplasms | Leukemia", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1356870612,'FU_HCP_41334');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJennifer M Yeh", + "kol_full_name": "Jennifer M Yeh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1619905056", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Future Events_316836", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee,Navigating Complex Patient Scenarios: The Seasoned Clinician's Toolbox", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jennifer Ruth Bellon", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231990", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231990", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Navigating Complex Patient Scenarios: The Seasoned Clinician's Toolbox", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1619905056,'PAST_HCP_Future Events_316836');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJennifer Ruth Bellon", + "kol_full_name": "Jennifer Ruth Bellon" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Receptor, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Alpha | Homologous Recombination Repair | Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors | Esophageal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403412", + "session_name": "Phase 1 study of NB003, a broad-spectrum KIT/PDGFRα inhibitor, in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST),Impact of pathogenic germline variants in HRR genes on gastroesophageal cancer in a large real-world Chinese population: A comprehensive study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jian Li", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Beijing Cancer Hospital", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232230", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232230", + "events_session": "Phase 1 study of NB003", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " a broad-spectrum KIT/PDGFRα inhibitor, in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST),Impact of pathogenic germline variants in HRR genes on gastroesophageal cancer in a large real-world Chinese population: A comprehensive study", + "events_topic": "Receptor, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Alpha | Homologous Recombination Repair ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors | Esophageal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403412');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJian Li", + "kol_full_name": "Jian Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Antibodies, Bispecific | ErbB Receptors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403402", + "session_name": "ARTEMIS-001: Data from a phase 1a/b study of HS-20093 in patients with relapsed small cell lung cancer (SCLC),Efficacy and safety of MCLA-129, an EGFR/c-MET bispecific antibody, in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jie Wang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232178", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232178", + "events_session": "ARTEMIS-001: Data from a phase 1a/b study of HS-20093 in patients with relapsed small cell lung cancer (SCLC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy and safety of MCLA-129, an EGFR/c-MET bispecific antibody, in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "events_topic": "Antibodies, Bispecific | ErbB Receptors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403402');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJie Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Jie Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Pancreatic Neoplasms | Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1851739239", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_209337", + "session_name": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee,Gastrointestinal Cancer—Gastroesophageal, Pancreatic, and Hepatobiliary", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jingquan Jia", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232007", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232007", + "events_session": "Gastrointestnal Cancer – Colorectal and Anal: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Gastrointestinal Cancer—Gastroesophageal, Pancreatic, and Hepatobiliary", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Pancreatic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Anus Neoplasms | Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1851739239,'FU_HCP_209337');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJingquan Jia", + "kol_full_name": "Jingquan Jia" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Epigenomics | Fisetin | Chemotherapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1114319423", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_284269", + "session_name": "A phase II randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study of fisetin to improve physical function in frail older breast cancer survivors (TROFFi),Accelerated epigenetic aging and risk of chemotoxicity in older adults with early breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jingran Ji", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233058", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233058", + "events_session": "A phase II randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study of fisetin to improve physical function in frail older breast cancer survivors (TROFFi)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Accelerated epigenetic aging and risk of chemotoxicity in older adults with early breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Epigenomics | Fisetin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1114319423,'FU_HCP_284269');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJingran Ji", + "kol_full_name": "Jingran Ji" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Favezelimab | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Hodgkin Disease", + "npi_num": "1891715090", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_233551", + "session_name": "A phase 1/2 study of favezelimab in combination with pembrolizumab for heavily pretreated anti–PD-1–refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL): An updated analysis,A phase 1/2 study of favezelimab in combination with pembrolizumab for anti–PD-1–naive relapsed or refractory (R/R) classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL): An updated analysis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "John Timmerman", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232380", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232380", + "events_session": "A phase 1/2 study of favezelimab in combination with pembrolizumab for heavily pretreated anti–PD-1–refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL): An updated analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 1/2 study of favezelimab in combination with pembrolizumab for anti–PD-1–naive relapsed or refractory (R/R) classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL): An updated analysis", + "events_topic": "Favezelimab | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hodgkin Disease", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv 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"Quebec", + "City": "Montreal", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232492", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232492", + "events_session": "Surgical Oncologist Perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Neoadjuvant nivolumab (NIVO) + chemotherapy (chemo) vs chemo in patients (pts) with resectable NSCLC: 4-year update from CheckMate 816", + "events_topic": "Surgical Procedures, Operative | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Nivolumab | Neoplasms | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403435');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJonathan Spicer", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan Spicer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms, Male | Inflammatory Breast Neoplasms | Endocrine Therapy", + "npi_num": "1659532703", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_43926", + "session_name": "ETHAN: A phase II study comparing different endocrine therapies for male breast cancer,Survival outcomes and treatment patterns by tumor subtype (TS) in stage III inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancer (BC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jose Pablo Leone", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232636", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232636", + "events_session": "ETHAN: A phase II study comparing different endocrine therapies for male breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Survival outcomes and treatment patterns by tumor subtype (TS) in stage III inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancer (BC)", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms, Male | Inflammatory Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Endocrine Therapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1659532703,'FU_HCP_43926');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJose Pablo Leone", + "kol_full_name": "Jose Pablo Leone" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Education, Medical", + "npi_num": "1538244249", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403331", + "session_name": "Medical Educaton and Professional Development: Program Commitee,Medical Education and Professional Development", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Julia Lee Close", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "UF Health Cancer Center, University of Florida", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232006", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232006", + "events_session": "Medical Educaton and Professional Development: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Medical Education and Professional Development", + "events_topic": "Education, Medical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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"last_name": "", + "org_name": "HonorHealth Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Arizona", + "City": "Scottsdale", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233004", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233004", + "events_session": "A phase 1/1b study of the IL-2 prodrug WTX-124 in patients with locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors after checkpoint inhibitor therapy: Initial results of the combination dose escalation with pembrolizumab", + "rest_events_session_count": 5, + "rest_events_session": "Phase 1 dose escalation and cohort expansion study evaluating safety, PK, PD and clinical activity of STC-15, a METTL-3 inhibitor, in patients with advanced malignancies", + "events_topic": "METTL3 Inhibitor | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms | Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv 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"Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231970", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231970", + "events_session": "Therapeutic Vaccines for Head and Neck Cancers", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Breaking Ground in Recurrent or Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Novel Therapies Beyond PD-L1 Immunotherapy", + "events_topic": "Vaccines | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1093794075,'FU_HCP_38948');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232173", + "events_session": "Enfortumab vedotin (EV) in previously treated gastric/esophageal cancers cohorts of EV-202", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Enfortumab vedotin (EV) in non-squamous and squamous non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cohorts of EV-202", + "events_topic": "Esophageal Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stomach Neoplasms | Enfortumab Vedotin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403400');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKei Muro", + "kol_full_name": "Kei Muro" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Hormone Therapy | Radiosurgery | Health Status Disparities | Breast Neoplasms | Brain Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1790304509", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_328947", + "session_name": "Evaluating disparities in receptor status, overall survival, and time to hormone therapy among women with breast cancer,Disparities in stereotactic radiosurgery practice patterns for treatment of brain metastases: A large national cancer database study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kekoa A. Taparra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Stanford Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232406", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232406", + "events_session": "Evaluating disparities in receptor status", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " overall survival, and time to hormone therapy among women with breast cancer,Disparities in stereotactic radiosurgery practice patterns for treatment of brain metastases: A large national cancer database study", + "events_topic": "Hormone Therapy | Radiosurgery ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Health Status Disparities | Breast Neoplasms | Brain Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790304509,'FU_HCP_328947');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKekoa A. Taparra", + "kol_full_name": "Kekoa A. Taparra" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Rintatolimod | Folfirinox | Pancreatic Neoplasms | Esophageal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1396056149", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_99940", + "session_name": "Phase 2 randomized study of rintatolimod following FOLFIRINOX in patients with locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma,Current Management of Nonmetastatic Gastroesophageal Cancers", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Kelsey Klute", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Nebraska Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Nebraska", + "City": "Omaha", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232124", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232124", + "events_session": "Phase 2 randomized study of rintatolimod following FOLFIRINOX in patients with locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Current Management of Nonmetastatic Gastroesophageal Cancers", + "events_topic": "Rintatolimod | Folfirinox ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pancreatic Neoplasms | Esophageal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1396056149,'FU_HCP_99940');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKelsey Klute", + "kol_full_name": "Kelsey Klute" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Chemoradiotherapy | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "npi_num": "1427102490", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_100094", + "session_name": "TTMV and association with relapse in patients with HPV related SCCHN undergoing CRT,Can TTMV clearance predict recurrence in HPV HNSCC?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Krzysztof Misiukiewicz", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Hematology and Medical Oncology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232561", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232561", + "events_session": "TTMV and association with relapse in patients with HPV related SCCHN undergoing CRT", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Can TTMV clearance predict recurrence in HPV HNSCC?", + "events_topic": "Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Chemoradiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1427102490,'FU_HCP_100094');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EKrzysztof Misiukiewicz", + "kol_full_name": "Krzysztof Misiukiewicz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Germline Genetic Testing | Lung Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403384", + "session_name": "Risk Factors and Germline Testing,Treating Lung Cancer in Young Adults: Considerations and Outcomes", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Laura Mezquita", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Hospital Clinic Barcelona, IDIBAPS", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232000", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232000", + "events_session": "Risk Factors and Germline Testing", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Treating Lung Cancer in Young Adults: Considerations and Outcomes", + "events_topic": "Germline Genetic Testing | Lung Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403384');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELaura Mezquita", + "kol_full_name": "Laura Mezquita" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunoconjugates | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403431", + "session_name": "A phase I open-label study of a novel IL-2Rβ/γ cytokine agonist, LTC004, in patients with advanced or metastatic solid tumors,Results of a phase 1/2 study of MHB088C: A novel B7H3 antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) incorporating a potent DNA topoisomerase I inhibitor in recurrent or metastatic solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lin Shen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Beijing Cancer Hospital", + "Country": "China", + "Region": "Beijing", + "City": "Beijing", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232451", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232451", + "events_session": "A phase I open-label study of a novel IL-2Rβ/γ cytokine agonist", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " LTC004, in patients with advanced or metastatic solid tumors,Results of a phase 1/2 study of MHB088C: A novel B7H3 antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) incorporating a potent DNA topoisomerase I inhibitor in recurrent or metastatic solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Immunoconjugates | Solid Tumor", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403431');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELin Shen", + "kol_full_name": "Lin Shen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Radiotherapy | Stomatitis | Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "1710412085", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403351", + "session_name": "The efficacy and safety of ulinastatin in the prevention and treatment of radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (LA-NPC): A multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled clinical trial,Evaluating CR as a surrogate endpoint for PFS in R/R chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL): A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCT)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Lin Wang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Bristol Myers Squibb", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New Jersey", + "City": "Lawrenceville", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232376", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232376", + "events_session": "The efficacy and safety of ulinastatin in the prevention and treatment of radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (LA-NPC): A multicenter", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " open-label, randomized controlled clinical trial,Evaluating CR as a surrogate endpoint for PFS in R/R chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL): A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCT)", + "events_topic": "Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Radiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Stomatitis | Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1710412085,'FU_HCP_5403351');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELin Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Lin Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sacituzumab Govitecan | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Irinotecan | Chemotherapy | Lurbinectedin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403414", + "session_name": "Sacituzumab govitecan (SG) vs docetaxel (doc) in patients (pts) with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) previously treated with platinum (PT)-based chemotherapy (chemo) and PD(L)-1inhibitors (IO): Primary results from the phase 3 EVOKE-01 study,Efficacy and safety of lurbinectedin (LUR) with irinotecan (IRI) in patients (Pts) with relapsed small cell lung cancer (SCLC): Results from a phase 2 expansion cohort", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Luis G. Paz-Ares", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Medical Oncology Department, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Universidad Complutense de Madrid", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232248", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232248", + "events_session": "Sacituzumab govitecan (SG) vs docetaxel (doc) in patients (pts) with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) previously treated with platinum (PT)-based chemotherapy (chemo) and PD(L)-1inhibitors (IO): Primary results from the phase 3 EVOKE-01 study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Efficacy and safety of lurbinectedin (LUR) with irinotecan (IRI) in patients (Pts) with relapsed small cell lung cancer (SCLC): Results from a phase 2 expansion cohort", + "events_topic": "Sacituzumab Govitecan | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Irinotecan | Chemotherapy | Lurbinectedin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403414');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELuis G. Paz-Ares", + "kol_full_name": "Luis G. Paz-Ares" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myeloid Malignancy | Antibody Therapy | Biomarkers | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1063593473", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_283043", + "session_name": "Using cell-free RNA in monitoring immune system and the demonstration of significant systemic deficiency in lymphoid and myeloid biomarkers in patients with cancer,Multiple alternative splicing of HER2 transcripts and exon skipping with potential consequences on function and antibody-based therapy", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Maher Albitar", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Genomic Testing Cooperative", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232680", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232680", + "events_session": "Using cell-free RNA in monitoring immune system and the demonstration of significant systemic deficiency in lymphoid and myeloid biomarkers in patients with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Multiple alternative splicing of HER2 transcripts and exon skipping with potential consequences on function and antibody-based therapy", + "events_topic": "Myeloid Malignancy | Antibody Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Biomarkers | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1063593473,'FU_HCP_283043');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMaher Albitar", + "kol_full_name": "Maher Albitar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1801076138", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_187459", + "session_name": "Utilizing Lay Health Workers and Patient Caregivers to Improve Equitable Communication of Goals of Care,Let’s Have the Conversation: Scaling Serious Illness Communication in Routine Oncology Care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manali I. Patel", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Stanford University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Palo Alto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232049", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232049", + "events_session": "Utilizing Lay Health Workers and Patient Caregivers to Improve Equitable Communication of Goals of Care", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Let’s Have the Conversation: Scaling Serious Illness Communication in Routine Oncology Care", + "events_topic": "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1801076138,'FU_HCP_187459');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EManali I. Patel", + "kol_full_name": "Manali I. Patel" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Admin. & Management | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1033448147", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_38409", + "session_name": "Pediatric Oncology: Program Commitee,Pediatric Oncology I", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mark A. 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Applebaum" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Oropharyngeal Neoplasms | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Pembrolizumab | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Danvatirsen", + "npi_num": "1700847753", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_94343", + "session_name": "PEMDA-HN, an open-label, phase II, randomized controlled study of danvatirsen plus pembrolizumab compared to pembrolizumab alone in first-line recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (RM HNSCC),Rekindling the Old Flame of Neoadjuvant Therapy: Defining Its Role in HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marshall R. Posner", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232143", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232143", + "events_session": "PEMDA-HN", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": " an open-label, phase II, randomized controlled study of danvatirsen plus pembrolizumab compared to pembrolizumab alone in first-line recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (RM HNSCC),Rekindling the Old Flame of Neoadjuvant Therapy: Defining Its Role in HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer", + "events_topic": "Oropharyngeal Neoplasms | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Human Papillomavirus Viruses | Pembrolizumab | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Danvatirsen", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1700847753,'FU_HCP_94343');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMarshall R. Posner", + "kol_full_name": "Marshall R. Posner" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Artificial Intelligence | Hematologic Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1609001361", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_202479", + "session_name": "Educating hematology-oncology fellows about how to communicate with patients about cancer clinical trials: A needs assessment,Harness Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Patient–Physician Relationships", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Martina Cathryn Murphy", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Florida", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232031", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232031", + "events_session": "Educating hematology-oncology fellows about how to communicate with patients about cancer clinical trials: A needs assessment", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Harness Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Patient–Physician Relationships", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Artificial Intelligence ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Hematologic Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1609001361,'FU_HCP_202479');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMartina Cathryn Murphy", + "kol_full_name": "Martina Cathryn Murphy" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Melanoma | Solid Tumor", + "npi_num": "1437425659", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_110462", + "session_name": "PD-1–Refractory Advanced Melanoma: How Do We Get to the Finish Line?,A phase 1/1b first-in-human (FIH) study of JZP898 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab in adult patients with advanced or metastatic solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Meredith McKean", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Sarah Cannon Research Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232988", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232988", + "events_session": "PD-1–Refractory Advanced Melanoma: How Do We Get to the Finish Line?", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 1/1b first-in-human (FIH) study of JZP898 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab in adult patients with advanced or metastatic solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Melanoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Solid Tumor", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1437425659,'FU_HCP_110462');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMeredith McKean", + "kol_full_name": "Meredith McKean" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Melanoma | Immunotherapy | Biomarkers | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "npi_num": "1831728401", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_225402", + "session_name": "Circulating tumor DNA as a predictive biomarker for pathologic response after treatment with neoadjuvant immunotherapy for localized dMMR/MSI-H colorectal cancer,Association between circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) in patients (pts) with resected stage III melanoma: An exploratory analysis of SWOG S1404", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Brian LaPelusa", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232795", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232795", + "events_session": "Circulating tumor DNA as a predictive biomarker for pathologic response after treatment with neoadjuvant immunotherapy for localized dMMR/MSI-H colorectal cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association between circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) in patients (pts) with resected stage III melanoma: An exploratory analysis of SWOG S1404", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Melanoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy | Biomarkers | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1831728401,'FU_HCP_225402');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMichael Brian LaPelusa", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Brian LaPelusa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Electronic Health Records | Atezolizumab | Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Liver Function Tests | Neoplasms | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "1518545086", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_394782", + "session_name": "Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab (A+B) as first-line systemic therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): A multi-institution analysis of patient outcomes based on Child Pugh (CP) and ALBI liver function,Symptom burden in adolescents and young adults with cancer: A subgroup analysis of the enhanced, EHR-facilitated cancer symptom control (E2C2) trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael H. Storandt", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Mayo Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Minnesota", + "City": "Rochester", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232209", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232209", + "events_session": "Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab (A+B) as first-line systemic therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): A multi-institution analysis of patient outcomes based on Child Pugh (CP) and ALBI liver function", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Symptom burden in adolescents and young adults with cancer: A subgroup analysis of the enhanced, EHR-facilitated cancer symptom control (E2C2) trial", + "events_topic": "Electronic Health Records | Atezolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Hepatocellular | Neoadjuvant Therapy | Liver Function Tests | Neoplasms | Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1518545086,'FU_HCP_394782');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMichael H. Storandt", + "kol_full_name": "Michael H. Storandt" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms | Leukemia | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1942564117", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_99669", + "session_name": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee,Hematologic Malignancies—Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael William Drazer", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Chicago Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Illinois", + "City": "Chicago", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232082", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232082", + "events_session": "Head and Neck Cancer: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "Hematologic Malignancies—Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant", + "events_topic": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Hematologic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia | Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942564117,'FU_HCP_99669');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMichael William Drazer", + "kol_full_name": "Michael William Drazer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Induction Chemotherapy | Toripalimab | Chemoradiotherapy", + "npi_num": "1457358749", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_68167", + "session_name": "Induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy combined with toripalimab and Endostar in high-risk locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A multicenter, randomized, phase 2 trial,Endostar combined with concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus concurrent chemoradiotherapy alone for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (LA-NPC): A phase III, prospective, randomised-controlled, multicenter clinical trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Min Kang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Radiation Oncology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232098", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232098", + "events_session": "Induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy combined with toripalimab and Endostar in high-risk locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A multicenter", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " randomized, phase 2 trial,Endostar combined with concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus concurrent chemoradiotherapy alone for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (LA-NPC): A phase III, prospective, randomised-controlled, multicenter clinical trial", + "events_topic": "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Induction Chemotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Toripalimab | Chemoradiotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1457358749,'FU_HCP_68167');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMin Kang", + "kol_full_name": "Min Kang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Graft Vs Host Disease | Histocompatibility Antigens | Stem Cell Transplantation | Cyclophosphamide | Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation", + "npi_num": "1043489362", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_229365", + "session_name": "Post-transplant cyclophosphamide-based graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis following mismatched unrelated donor peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplantation,A phase 1 trial of TSC-100 and TSC-101, engineered T cell therapies that target minor histocompatibility antigens to eliminate residual disease after hematopoietic cell transplantation", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Monzr M. Al Malki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233033", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233033", + "events_session": "Post-transplant cyclophosphamide-based graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis following mismatched unrelated donor peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplantation", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 1 trial of TSC-100 and TSC-101, engineered T cell therapies that target minor histocompatibility antigens to eliminate residual disease after hematopoietic cell transplantation", + "events_topic": "Graft Vs Host Disease | Histocompatibility Antigens ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Stem Cell Transplantation | Cyclophosphamide | Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1043489362,'FU_HCP_229365');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMonzr M. Al Malki", + "kol_full_name": "Monzr M. Al Malki" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Olaparib | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Chemotherapy | Biopsy, Needle | Breast Neoplasms | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "npi_num": "1609800366", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Future Events_318545", + "session_name": "Automated prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy from digitized H&E slides of pre-treatment core needle biopsies in germline BRCA carriers with HER2-negative breast cancer (TBCRC 031),TBCRC 048 (olaparib expanded) expansion cohorts: Phase 2 study of olaparib monotherapy in patients (pts) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with germline (g) mutations in PALB2 or somatic (s) mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nadine M. Tung", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232298", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232298", + "events_session": "Automated prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy from digitized H&E slides of pre-treatment core needle biopsies in germline BRCA carriers with HER2-negative breast cancer (TBCRC 031)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "TBCRC 048 (olaparib expanded) expansion cohorts: Phase 2 study of olaparib monotherapy in patients (pts) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with germline (g) mutations in PALB2 or somatic (s) mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2", + "events_topic": "Olaparib | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy | Biopsy, Needle | Breast Neoplasms | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1609800366,'PAST_HCP_Future Events_318545');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENadine M. Tung", + "kol_full_name": "Nadine M. Tung" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma | Doxorubicin | Immunotherapy | Soft Tissue Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "1982994802", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_155371", + "session_name": "Use of histologic and immunologic factors in sarcoma to predict response rates to immunotherapy,Phase 2a results of SQ3370, a doxorubicin-based click chemistry therapeutic in patients with advanced STS: Planned interim analysis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nam Bui", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Stanford University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Palo Alto", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232907", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232907", + "events_session": "Use of histologic and immunologic factors in sarcoma to predict response rates to immunotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Phase 2a results of SQ3370, a doxorubicin-based click chemistry therapeutic in patients with advanced STS: Planned interim analysis", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma | Doxorubicin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy | Soft Tissue Sarcoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1982994802,'FU_HCP_155371');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENam Bui", + "kol_full_name": "Nam Bui" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Health Policy | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1700839263", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_110298", + "session_name": "Impact of Emerging Legislation on Cancer Care—A Community Oncologist's Perspective,Shaping the Future of Cancer Care: Diverse Perspectives on Emerging Health Policies", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Natalie R. Dickson", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Tennessee Oncology", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Tennessee", + "City": "Nashville", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231983", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231983", + "events_session": "Impact of Emerging Legislation on Cancer Care—A Community Oncologist's Perspective", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Shaping the Future of Cancer Care: Diverse Perspectives on Emerging Health Policies", + "events_topic": "Health Policy | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1700839263,'FU_HCP_110298');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENatalie R. Dickson", + "kol_full_name": "Natalie R. Dickson" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Sitravatinib | Nivolumab | Dysbiosis | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "npi_num": "1952920019", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_281822", + "session_name": "Impact of CBM588 on gut microbiome composition and dysbiosis in patients receiving frontline immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) combinations for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC),A phase II trial of sitravatinib plus nivolumab after progression on prior immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) in patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Nazli Dizman", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232585", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232585", + "events_session": "Impact of CBM588 on gut microbiome composition and dysbiosis in patients receiving frontline immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) combinations for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A phase II trial of sitravatinib plus nivolumab after progression on prior immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) in patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC)", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Sitravatinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Nivolumab | Dysbiosis | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1952920019,'FU_HCP_281822');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENazli Dizman", + "kol_full_name": "Nazli Dizman" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors | Breast Neoplasms | Immunotherapy | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Autoimmune Diseases", + "npi_num": "1669793014", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_232453", + "session_name": "Phase II study of a PARP inhibitor, talazoparib, in HER2- metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with a somatic BRCA1/2 mutation identified in a cell-free DNA or tumor tissue genotyping assay,Immune related adverse events in patients with breast cancer and autoimmune disease treated with immunotherapy", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Neelima Vidula", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232702", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232702", + "events_session": "Phase II study of a PARP inhibitor", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " talazoparib, in HER2- metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with a somatic BRCA1/2 mutation identified in a cell-free DNA or tumor tissue genotyping assay,Immune related adverse events in patients with breast cancer and autoimmune disease treated with immunotherapy", + "events_topic": "Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors | Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunotherapy | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Autoimmune Diseases", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1669793014,'PAST_HCP_Onco_232453');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENeelima Vidula", + "kol_full_name": "Neelima Vidula" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms | Exercise Therapy | Alcohol Drinking | Diet, Plant-Based", + "npi_num": "1194987230", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_231499", + "session_name": "Weight, Exercise, and Alcohol Consumption: Mitigating Risk of Recurrence Through Lifestyle Modification,Effects of plant-based diet (PBD) and exercise therapy (Ex) on weight and body composition in patients with primary hormone receptor (HR) positive breast cancer: A phase 2 randomized controlled trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Neil M. Iyengar", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232622", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232622", + "events_session": "Weight", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Exercise, and Alcohol Consumption: Mitigating Risk of Recurrence Through Lifestyle Modification,Effects of plant-based diet (PBD) and exercise therapy (Ex) on weight and body composition in patients with primary hormone receptor (HR) positive breast cancer: A phase 2 randomized controlled trial", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Exercise Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Alcohol Drinking | Diet, Plant-Based", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1194987230,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231499');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENeil M. Iyengar", + "kol_full_name": "Neil M. Iyengar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1609998707", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_231592", + "session_name": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee,Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Norah Lynn Henry", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Michigan", + "City": "Ann Arbor", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232090", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232090", + "events_session": "Breast Cancer – Local/Regional/Adjuvant: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1609998707,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231592');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENorah Lynn Henry", + "kol_full_name": "Norah Lynn Henry" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Head And Neck Neoplasms | Enfortumab Vedotin", + "npi_num": "1245556851", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_100379", + "session_name": "Enfortumab vedotin and pembrolizumab as first-line treatment in recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A cohort of the EV-202 trial,Head and Neck Cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Paul Swiecicki", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology,University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232017", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232017", + "events_session": "Enfortumab vedotin and pembrolizumab as first-line treatment in recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A cohort of the EV-202 trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Head and Neck Cancer", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Head And Neck Neoplasms | Enfortumab Vedotin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" 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"event_attendees_id": "232914", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232914", + "events_session": "SH2B3 mutation as a potential resistance mechanism to oncolytic virus therapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Sorafenib treatment duration in desmoid tumors", + "events_topic": "Sorafenib | Fibromatosis, Aggressive ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Oncolytic Virotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1447816202,'FU_HCP_284964');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EPhilippos Apolinario Costa", + "kol_full_name": "Philippos Apolinario Costa" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma", + "npi_num": "1407072838", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_186817", + "session_name": "Sarcoma: Program Commitee,Sarcoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Priscilla Merriam", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231980", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231980", + "events_session": "Sarcoma: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Sarcoma", + "events_topic": "Sarcoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1407072838,'FU_HCP_186817');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232144", + "events_session": "Who and What?: Neoadjuvant Strategies and Patient Selection in 2024", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Rates of pathologic complete response (pCR) after datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato) plus durvalumab (Durva) in the neoadjuvant setting: Results from the I-SPY22 trial", + "events_topic": "Patient Selection | Durvalumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoadjuvant Therapy | Datopotamab Deruxtecan", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1760778526,'FU_HCP_100315');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERebecca Arielle Shatsky", + "kol_full_name": "Rebecca Arielle Shatsky" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pertuzumab | Trastuzumab | Inavolisib | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1508146721", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_116359", + "session_name": "INAVO122: A phase III study of maintenance inavolisib or placebo + pertuzumab + trastuzumab following induction with pertuzumab + trastuzumab + a taxane in patients (pts) with PIK3CA-mutated, HER2-positive advanced breast cancer (HER2+ aBC),Real-world treatment patterns, healthcare resource utilization and costs of care among newly-diagnosed patients with HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Reva K Basho", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Ellison Institute of Technology", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232692", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232692", + "events_session": "INAVO122: A phase III study of maintenance inavolisib or placebo + pertuzumab + trastuzumab following induction with pertuzumab + trastuzumab + a taxane in patients (pts) with PIK3CA-mutated", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " HER2-positive advanced breast cancer (HER2+ aBC),Real-world treatment patterns, healthcare resource utilization and costs of care among newly-diagnosed patients with HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Pertuzumab | Trastuzumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Inavolisib | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1508146721,'FU_HCP_116359');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EReva K Basho", + "kol_full_name": "Reva K Basho" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic | Telemedicine | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1770800732", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_0002765", + "session_name": "Patient-reported experience with an immunotherapy telehealth platform,Acute care and overall survival results of a randomized trial of a virtual health intervention during routine cancer treatment", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Robert Michael Daly", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232103", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232103", + "events_session": "Patient-reported experience with an immunotherapy telehealth platform", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Acute care and overall survival results of a randomized trial of a virtual health intervention during routine cancer treatment", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy | Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Telemedicine | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1770800732,'FU_HCP_0002765');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERobert Michael Daly", + "kol_full_name": "Robert Michael Daly" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Pembrolizumab | Cretostimogene Grenadenorepvec | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1841515525", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_45588", + "session_name": "Final results of CORE-001: A phase-2, single arm study of cretostimogene grenadenorepvec in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with BCG-unresponsive, non-muscle invasive bladder cancer with carcinoma in situ,Outcomes of patients with bacillus Calmette-Guérin–unresponsive high-risk non–muscle-invasive bladder cancer who demonstrated nonresponse to pembrolizumab in KEYNOTE-057: A post hoc analysis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Roger Li", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "H. 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"2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232263", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232263", + "events_session": "A multicenter analysis evaluating educational resources utilized by hematology/oncology fellows (HOF)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A multicenter analysis of didactic curricula in a hematology oncology fellowship program", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1518499334,'FU_HCP_5403347');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERonak Mistry", + "kol_full_name": "Ronak Mistry" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Pembrolizumab | Clinical Trials As Topic | Melanoma | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating | Lifileucel | Solid Tumor | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "1760677108", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_153994", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of lifileucel, an autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte cell therapy, and pembrolizumab in patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor-naive unresectable or metastatic melanoma: Updated results from IOV-COM-202 cohort 1A,Initial data from a phase 1, first-in-human clinical trial for T-Plex, a multiplexed, enhanced T cell receptor-engineered T cell therapy (TCR-T) for solid tumors", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sajeve Samuel Thomas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Orlando Health Cancer Institute", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Florida", + "City": "Orlando", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232996", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232996", + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of lifileucel", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " an autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte cell therapy, and pembrolizumab in patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor-naive unresectable or metastatic melanoma: Updated results from IOV-COM-202 cohort 1A,Initial data from a phase 1, first-in-human clinical trial for T-Plex, a multiplexed, enhanced T cell receptor-engineered T cell therapy (TCR-T) for solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 6, + "rest_events_topic": " Clinical Trials As Topic | Melanoma | Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating | Lifileucel | Solid Tumor | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca 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solid tumors that are positive for the KRAS G12D mutation", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Salman Rafi Punekar", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Perlmutter Cancer Center, NYU Langone Health", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233032", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233032", + "events_session": "EVEREST-2: A seamless phase 1/2 study of A2B694", + "rest_events_session_count": 7, + "rest_events_session": " a mesothelin (MSLN) logic-gated Tmod CAR T-cell therapy, in patients with solid tumors that show MSLN expression and human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*02 loss of heterozygosity (LOH),An open-label, phase 1, multicenter study to evaluate the safety and preliminary anti-tumor activity of NT‑112 in human leukocyte antigen-C*08:02–positive adult patients with unresectable, advanced, and/or metastatic solid tumors that are positive for the KRAS G12D mutation", + "events_topic": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " KRASG12D Inhibitor MRTX1133 | Loss Of Heterozygosity | Mesothelin | Leukocytes", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1730454034,'FU_HCP_5403374');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESalman Rafi Punekar", + "kol_full_name": "Salman Rafi Punekar" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1063754448", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_110405", + "session_name": "Formation and evaluation of the ASCO medical education community of practice (Med Ed CoP),Observing attending physician teaching behaviors during inpatient hematology/oncology consultation", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sam Brondfield", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232260", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232260", + "events_session": "Formation and evaluation of the ASCO medical education community of practice (Med Ed CoP)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Observing attending physician teaching behaviors during inpatient hematology/oncology consultation", + "events_topic": "Hematologic Neoplasms | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1063754448,'FU_HCP_110405');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESam Brondfield", + "kol_full_name": "Sam Brondfield" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Endocrine Therapy | Carcinoma, Intraductal, Noninfiltrating | Breast Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1215203013", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_39991", + "session_name": "The immunomodulatory impacts of endocrine therapy on host immunity in early-stage hormone receptor positive, HER2 negative breast cancer,The landscape of the intestinal microbiome amongst patients with newly diagnosed invasive breast cancer (BC) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarah L Sammons", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232626", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232626", + "events_session": "The immunomodulatory impacts of endocrine therapy on host immunity in early-stage hormone receptor positive", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " HER2 negative breast cancer,The landscape of the intestinal microbiome amongst patients with newly diagnosed invasive breast cancer (BC) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Microbiome | Endocrine Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Intraductal, Noninfiltrating | Breast Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215203013,'FU_HCP_39991');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESarah L Sammons", + "kol_full_name": "Sarah L Sammons" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Gemcitabine | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Eribulin", + "npi_num": "1316104797", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_100268", + "session_name": "A phase III randomized trial of eribulin (E) with gemcitabine (G) vs standard of care (SOC) for patients (pts) with metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) refractory to or ineligible for PD/PDL1 antibody (Ab): SWOG S1937 updated design,Association of ephrinB2 (B2) expression on overall survival (OS) and resistance to PD1/L1 inhibitors (inh) in metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sarmad Sadeghi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Southern California", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232596", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232596", + "events_session": "A phase III randomized trial of eribulin (E) with gemcitabine (G) vs standard of care (SOC) for patients (pts) with metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) refractory to or ineligible for PD/PDL1 antibody (Ab): SWOG S1937 updated design", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Association of ephrinB2 (B2) expression on overall survival (OS) and resistance to PD1/L1 inhibitors (inh) in metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC)", + "events_topic": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Gemcitabine ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Eribulin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1316104797,'FU_HCP_100268');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESarmad Sadeghi", + "kol_full_name": "Sarmad Sadeghi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sexual And Gender Minorities | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1114183795", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_100049", + "session_name": "Disparities uncovered: LGBTQ+ patients report on their cancer care journey,Beyond the binary: A transformative implementation science initiative to improve LGBTQ+ cancer care", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shail Maingi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232277", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232277", + "events_session": "Disparities uncovered: LGBTQ+ patients report on their cancer care journey", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Beyond the binary: A transformative implementation science initiative to improve LGBTQ+ cancer care", + "events_topic": "Sexual And Gender Minorities | Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1114183795,'FU_HCP_100049');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232951", + "events_session": "A phase I study of irinotecan combined with BAY1895344 (ATR inhibitor) in advanced solid tumors: Results of ETCTN 10402 dose escalation", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "A phase I study of ATR inhibitor BAY1895344 (elimusertib) plus topotecan (ETCTN 10402): Results of dose escalation", + "events_topic": "Irinotecan | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Topotecan", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1316444169,'FU_HCP_5403369');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EShannon Stockton", + "kol_full_name": "Shannon Stockton" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Hodgkin Disease", + "npi_num": "1063496792", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_187230", + "session_name": "Overview of Advances in Treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults,Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment: Paving the Way for a Standard of Care and Shared Decision-Making", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sharon M. Castellino", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Emory School of Medicine", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232010", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232010", + "events_session": "Overview of Advances in Treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma for Children", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Adolescents, and Young Adults,Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment: Paving the Way for a Standard of Care and Shared Decision-Making", + "events_topic": "Hodgkin Disease", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1063496792,'FU_HCP_187230');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESharon M. Castellino", + "kol_full_name": "Sharon M. Castellino" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Translational Research, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "1215184577", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_109354", + "session_name": "Quality Care/Health Services Research: Program Commitee,Quality Care/Health Services Research", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sheetal Mehta Kircher", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Northwestern University", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "231987", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "231987", + "events_session": "Quality Care/Health Services Research: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Quality Care/Health Services Research", + "events_topic": "Translational Research, Biomedical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1215184577,'FU_HCP_109354');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESheetal Mehta Kircher", + "kol_full_name": "Sheetal Mehta Kircher" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Everolimus | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 | Alpelisib | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1942662127", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403344", + "session_name": "Sequential use of PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway inhibitors alpelisib and everolimus in patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+) metastatic breast cancer,Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist use and weight change among patients with breast cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sherry Shen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232234", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232234", + "events_session": "Sequential use of PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway inhibitors alpelisib and everolimus in patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+) metastatic breast cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist use and weight change among patients with breast cancer", + "events_topic": "Everolimus | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Alpelisib | Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1942662127,'FU_HCP_5403344');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESherry Shen", + "kol_full_name": "Sherry Shen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Telisotuzumab Vedotin | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Docetaxel | ErbB Receptors | Chemotherapy | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403405", + "session_name": "Results of a phase III clinical trial with anti-PDL1 treatment in combination with chemotherapy for extensive stage small cell lung cancer,A phase 3 global study of telisotuzumab vedotin versus docetaxel in previously treated patients with c-Met 0verexpressing, EGFR wildtype, locally advanced/metastatic nonsquamous NSCLC (TeliMET NSCLC-01)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Shun Lu", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Shanghai Lung Center, Shanghai Chest Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232195", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232195", + "events_session": "Results of a phase III clinical trial with anti-PDL1 treatment in combination with chemotherapy for extensive stage small cell lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 3 global study of telisotuzumab vedotin versus docetaxel in previously treated patients with c-Met 0verexpressing, EGFR wildtype, locally advanced/metastatic nonsquamous NSCLC (TeliMET NSCLC-01)", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trials As Topic | Telisotuzumab Vedotin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 5, + "rest_events_topic": " Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Docetaxel | ErbB Receptors | Chemotherapy | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403405');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EShun Lu", + "kol_full_name": "Shun Lu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sigvotatug Vedotin | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Immunoconjugates | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | DLL3 Protein, Human", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403416", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of sigvotatug vedotin, an investigational ADC, in NSCLC: Updated phase 1 results (SGNB6A-001),DAREON-8: A phase I, open-label, dose escalation/expansion trial of the DLL3-targeting T-cell engager, BI 764532, combined with first-line (1L) standard of care (platinum, etoposide, and anti-PD-L1 antibody) in patients (pts) with extensive-stage small cell lung carcinoma (ES-SCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Solange Peters", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois", + "Country": "Switzerland", + "Region": "Vaud", + "City": "Lausanne", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232257", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232257", + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of sigvotatug vedotin", + "rest_events_session_count": 9, + "rest_events_session": " an investigational ADC, in NSCLC: Updated phase 1 results (SGNB6A-001),DAREON-8: A phase I, open-label, dose escalation/expansion trial of the DLL3-targeting T-cell engager, BI 764532, combined with first-line (1L) standard of care (platinum, etoposide, and anti-PD-L1 antibody) in patients (pts) with extensive-stage small cell lung carcinoma (ES-SCLC)", + "events_topic": "Sigvotatug Vedotin | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Immunoconjugates | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | DLL3 Protein, Human", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403416');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESolange Peters", + "kol_full_name": "Solange Peters" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Delivery Of Health Care | Neoplasms | Admin. & Management", + "npi_num": "1184736225", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_231654", + "session_name": "Care Delivery/Models of Care: Program Commitee,Universal germline testing for cancer susceptibility and actionable noncancer disorders among 19,842 patients: Initial findings from the City of Hope INSPIRE study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stacy W. Gray", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "California", + "City": "Duarte", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232233", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232233", + "events_session": "Care Delivery/Models of Care: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "Universal germline testing for cancer susceptibility and actionable noncancer disorders among 19,842 patients: Initial findings from the City of Hope INSPIRE study", + "events_topic": "Delivery Of Health Care | Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Admin. & Management", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1184736225,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231654');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EStacy W. Gray", + "kol_full_name": "Stacy W. Gray" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Patient Reported Outcome Measures | Sexual Behavior | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1760572937", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_44893", + "session_name": "EMBARK post hoc analysis of impact of treatment suspension (TxS) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL),EMBARK post hoc analysis of sexual activity (SA) patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients (pts) who were sexually active or interested in sex at baseline (BL)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stephen J. Freedland", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Durham VA Medical Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232660", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232660", + "events_session": "EMBARK post hoc analysis of impact of treatment suspension (TxS) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "EMBARK post hoc analysis of sexual activity (SA) patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients (pts) who were sexually active or interested in sex at baseline (BL)", + "events_topic": "Patient Reported Outcome Measures | Sexual Behavior ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1760572937,'FU_HCP_44893');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EStephen J. Freedland", + "kol_full_name": "Stephen J. Freedland" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Mental Health | Immunoglobulins | Neoplasm, Residual | B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | Neoplasms | Bone Marrow Diseases", + "npi_num": "1548644883", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_232004", + "session_name": "Patient reported symptoms after cancer diagnosis and the risk of short- and long-term severe mental health events among adolescents and young adults (AYA): A population-based study,Comparison of immunoglobulin high-throughput sequencing MRD in bone marrow and peripheral blood in pediatric B-ALL: A report from the Children's Oncology Group AALL1731", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sumit Gupta", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Division of Haematology/Oncology, The Hospital for Sick Children", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232296", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232296", + "events_session": "Patient reported symptoms after cancer diagnosis and the risk of short- and long-term severe mental health events among adolescents and young adults (AYA): A population-based study", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Comparison of immunoglobulin high-throughput sequencing MRD in bone marrow and peripheral blood in pediatric B-ALL: A report from the Children's Oncology Group AALL1731", + "events_topic": "Mental Health | Immunoglobulins ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 4, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasm, Residual | B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | Neoplasms | Bone Marrow Diseases", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1548644883,'FU_HCP_232004');return false;\" 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"0", + "event_attendees_id": "232097", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232097", + "events_session": "Association between hemoglobin (Hb) improvement and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients (pts) with myelofibrosis (MF) and anemia: Post hoc pooled analysis of momelotinib (MMB) phase 3 trials", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "ASCO Voices", + "events_topic": "Momelotinib | Hemoglobins ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Primary Myelofibrosis | Anemia | Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1790997989,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231652');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EThomas William LeBlanc", + "kol_full_name": "Thomas William LeBlanc" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Biomarkers | Palliative Care | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "1952861155", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_284239", + "session_name": "Discovery of long non-coding RNA biomarkers for prognosis in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia,Impact of palliative care on hospital length of stay and charges in hospitalized patients with cancer at end of life", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tien-Chan Hsieh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Division of Hematology-Oncology, UMass Chan Medical School", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232210", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232210", + "events_session": "Discovery of long non-coding RNA biomarkers for prognosis in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Impact of palliative care on hospital length of stay and charges in hospitalized patients with cancer at end of life", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms | Biomarkers ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Palliative Care | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1952861155,'FU_HCP_284239');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETien-Chan Hsieh", + "kol_full_name": "Tien-Chan Hsieh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab | Olomorasib | KRASG12D Inhibitor MRTX1133 | Fecal Microbiota Transplantation", + "npi_num": "1639225519", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_155035", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of olomorasib (LY3537982), a second-generation KRAS G12C inhibitor (G12Ci), in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with KRAS G12C-mutant advanced NSCLC,Phase I/II trial of healthy donor fecal microbiota transplant (hdFMT) in PD-1 relapsed/refractory (R/R) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Timothy F. Burns", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Division of Hematology/Oncology, University of Pittsburgh", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232188", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232188", + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of olomorasib (LY3537982)", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " a second-generation KRAS G12C inhibitor (G12Ci), in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with KRAS G12C-mutant advanced NSCLC,Phase I/II trial of healthy donor fecal microbiota transplant (hdFMT) in PD-1 relapsed/refractory (R/R) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Olomorasib | KRASG12D Inhibitor MRTX1133 | Fecal Microbiota Transplantation", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1639225519,'FU_HCP_155035');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETimothy F. Burns", + "kol_full_name": "Timothy F. Burns" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Financial Stress | Early Detection Of Cancer | Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403426", + "session_name": "Inpatient healthcare utilization in the first year following a childhood cancer diagnosis: A population-based analysis,Financial toxicity during pediatric cancer therapy: A qualitative analysis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Timothy James Daeeun Ohlsen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Washington", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232396", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232396", + "events_session": "Inpatient healthcare utilization in the first year following a childhood cancer diagnosis: A population-based analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Financial toxicity during pediatric cancer therapy: A qualitative analysis", + "events_topic": "Financial Stress | Early Detection Of Cancer ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403426');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETimothy James Daeeun Ohlsen", + "kol_full_name": "Timothy James Daeeun Ohlsen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Clinical Trials As Topic | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "1205943701", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_39956", + "session_name": "Options in Relapsed Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Conventional Chemotherapy, Commercially Available Targeted Agents, or Novel Clinical Trials,Navigating Treatment Options and Communication in Relapsed Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Todd Michael Cooper", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Seattle Children's Hospital", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Washington", + "City": "Seattle", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232042", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232042", + "events_session": "Options in Relapsed Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Conventional Chemotherapy", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " Commercially Available Targeted Agents, or Novel Clinical Trials,Navigating Treatment Options and Communication in Relapsed Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Clinical Trials As Topic ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1205943701,'FU_HCP_39956');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ETodd Michael Cooper", + "kol_full_name": "Todd Michael Cooper" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Translational Research, Biomedical", + "npi_num": "1982879797", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_46811", + "session_name": "Quality Care/Health Services Research: Program Commitee,Quality Care/Health Services Research", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Victoria Susana Blinder", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232087", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232087", + "events_session": "Quality Care/Health Services Research: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Quality Care/Health Services Research", + "events_topic": "Translational Research, Biomedical", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1982879797,'FU_HCP_46811');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVictoria Susana Blinder", + "kol_full_name": "Victoria Susana Blinder" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Head And Neck Neoplasms | Cisplatin | Nivolumab | Radiotherapy | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Chemotherapy | Nimotuzumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403441", + "session_name": "Long term results of a randomized phase III study of nimotuzumab in combination with concurrent radiotherapy and cisplatin versus radiotherapy and cisplatin alone, in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck,Long term results of phase 3 randomized study evaluating the addition of low dose nivolumab to palliative chemotherapy in head and neck cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Vijay Maruti Patil", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "P.D. 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newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403441');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVijay Maruti Patil", + "kol_full_name": "Vijay Maruti Patil" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Taletrectinib | Chidamide | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403453", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of chidamide in combination with serplulimab and standard third-line treatments in advanced colorectal cancer: A single arm, exploratory phase 2 trial,Efficacy and safety of taletrectinib in patients with advanced or metastatic ROS1+ non–small cell lung cancer: The phase 2 TRUST-I study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Wei Li", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Tongji University School of Medicine", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232755", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232755", + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of chidamide in combination with serplulimab and standard third-line treatments in advanced colorectal cancer: A single arm", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " exploratory phase 2 trial,Efficacy and safety of taletrectinib in patients with advanced or metastatic ROS1+ non–small cell lung cancer: The phase 2 TRUST-I study", + "events_topic": "Taletrectinib | Chidamide ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403453');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EWei Li", + "kol_full_name": "Wei Li" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Rectal Neoplasms | Chemoradiotherapy | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "npi_num": "1275627820", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_100451", + "session_name": "Association between treatment (tx) response and PFS and OS in R/R chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL): A 12-month landmark (LM) meta-analysis,Total neoadjuvant treatment with long-course radiotherapy versus concurrent chemoradiotherapy in local advanced rectal cancer with high risk factors (TNTCRT): A multicenter, randomized, open-label, phase 3 trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xin Wang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232272", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232272", + "events_session": "Association between treatment (tx) response and PFS and OS in R/R chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL): A 12-month landmark (LM) meta-analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 4, + "rest_events_session": "Total neoadjuvant treatment with long-course radiotherapy versus concurrent chemoradiotherapy in local advanced rectal cancer with high risk factors (TNTCRT): A multicenter, randomized, open-label, phase 3 trial", + "events_topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy | Rectal Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemoradiotherapy | Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1275627820,'FU_HCP_100451');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EXin Wang", + "kol_full_name": "Xin Wang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lung Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | ErbB Receptors | Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors | Furmonertinib", + "npi_num": "1720399074", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_44575", + "session_name": "Incorporating Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Into Early-Stage Lung Cancer,FURTHER: A global study to evaluate furmonertinib in patients with EGFR mutant NSCLC including uncommon EGFR mutations (FURMO-002)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Xiuning Le", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232200", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232200", + "events_session": "Incorporating Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Into Early-Stage Lung Cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "FURTHER: A global study to evaluate furmonertinib in patients with EGFR mutant NSCLC including uncommon EGFR mutations (FURMO-002)", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " ErbB Receptors | Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors | Furmonertinib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1720399074,'FU_HCP_44575');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"event_attendees_id": "233035", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233035", + "events_session": "Recurrence score gene axes scores and outcomes by race and ethnicity in the RxPONDER trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": "A phase 1, first-in-human study of autologous monocytes engineered to express an anti-HER2 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) in participants with HER2-overexpressing solid tumors", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Chimeric Antigen | Race Factors ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1578981114,'FU_HCP_43286');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYara Abdou", + "kol_full_name": "Yara Abdou" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Epcoritamab | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "npi_num": "1043659857", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_99892", + "session_name": "Extended follow-up results beyond 25 years from the pivotal NHL-1 EPCORE trial: Subcutaneous epcoritamab monotherapy in patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma (R/R LBCL),Epcoritamab + R-DHAX/C in transplant-eligible patients (pts) with high-risk relapsed or refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yasmin Karimi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232373", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232373", + "events_session": "Extended follow-up results beyond 25 years from the pivotal NHL-1 EPCORE trial: Subcutaneous epcoritamab monotherapy in patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma (R/R LBCL)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Epcoritamab + R-DHAX/C in transplant-eligible patients (pts) with high-risk relapsed or refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)", + "events_topic": "Epcoritamab | Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1043659857,'FU_HCP_99892');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYasmin Karimi", + "kol_full_name": "Yasmin Karimi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms | Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403428", + "session_name": "Phase I study of CN201, a novel CD3xCD19 IgG4 bispecific antibody, in adult patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia,Reasons for unmet care needs in older adults with cancer: Analyses from the 2015–2019 National Health and Aging Trends Study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ying Wang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "University of Rocheser Medical Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232410", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232410", + "events_session": "Phase I study of CN201", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " a novel CD3xCD19 IgG4 bispecific antibody, in 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patients with resected stage II and III colorectal cancer: A subset analysis from the GALAXY study in CIRCULATE-Japan,Prognostic and predictive value of ctDNA-based MRD and actionable biomarkers in patients with resectable colorectal cancer: CIRCULATE-Japan GALAXY", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yoshiaki Nakamura", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232889", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232889", + "events_session": "Longitudinal clinical performance of a novel tumor-naive minimal residual disease assay in patients with resected stage II and III colorectal cancer: A subset analysis from the GALAXY study in CIRCULATE-Japan", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": "Prognostic and predictive value of ctDNA-based MRD and actionable biomarkers in patients with resectable colorectal cancer: CIRCULATE-Japan GALAXY", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Circulating Tumor DNA ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Neoplasm, Residual | Biomarkers", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403469');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYoshiaki Nakamura", + "kol_full_name": "Yoshiaki Nakamura" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms | Osimertinib | Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Carboplatin | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403406", + "session_name": "Anti-LAG-3 antibody LBL-007 in combination with anti-PD-1 antibody tislelizumab with or without chemotherapy in patients with advanced nasopharyngeal cancer and other malignant tumors: A phase Ib/II dose escalation/expansion study,TOP: A phase III, multicentre, randomized controlled study comparing osimertinib in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed to osimertinib monotherapy for untreated patients with advanced non-squamous (Non-sq) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with concurrent EGFR and TP53 mutations", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Yunpeng Yang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Guangdong Provincial Clinical Research Center for Cancer, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "2", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + 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"\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403406');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EYunpeng Yang", + "kol_full_name": "Yunpeng Yang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1699020560", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_57149", + "session_name": "Enhancing inpatient chemo/immunotherapy stewardship: A novel scoring rubric approach to optimize utilization and reduce costs", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Aarti Sonia Bhardwaj", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232415", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232415", + "events_session": "Enhancing inpatient chemo/immunotherapy stewardship: A novel scoring rubric approach to optimize utilization and reduce costs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Chemotherapy | Immunotherapy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1699020560,'FU_HCP_57149');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAarti Sonia Bhardwaj", + "kol_full_name": "Aarti Sonia Bhardwaj" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Health Status Disparities", + "npi_num": "1851951511", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_283179", + "session_name": "Disparities in trends in bladder cancer mortality between urban and rural patients: A 2000-2020 analysis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abdul Rahman Al Armashi", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Case Western Reserve University", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232598", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232598", + "events_session": "Disparities in trends in bladder cancer mortality between urban and rural patients: A 2000-2020 analysis", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Health Status Disparities", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1851951511,'FU_HCP_283179');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAbdul Rahman Al Armashi", + "kol_full_name": "Abdul Rahman Al Armashi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Myeloid Malignancy", + "npi_num": "1659789634", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_232183", + "session_name": "Therapy-related myeloid neoplasm risk score (TMNRS): A convenient clinical score for TMN risk assessment at presentation in adult patients (pts) with cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Abhay Singh", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Taussig Cancer Institute, Cleveland Clinic", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232421", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232421", + "events_session": "Therapy-related myeloid neoplasm risk score (TMNRS): A convenient clinical score for TMN risk assessment at presentation in adult patients (pts) with cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Myeloid Malignancy", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1659789634,'FU_HCP_232183');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAbhay Singh", + "kol_full_name": "Abhay Singh" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": 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"kol_full_name": "Adrienne Ann Boire" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Paclitaxel | Trastuzumab | Pertuzumab", + "npi_num": "1922392042", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_232416", + "session_name": "Prevalence and dynamics of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) among patients (pts) with HER2+ breast cancer (BC) receiving neoadjuvant paclitaxel/trastuzumab/pertuzumab (THP) in the DAPHNe trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Adrienne Gropper Waks", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232631", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232631", + "events_session": "Prevalence and 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tumor with retroperitoneal only relapse", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Ahmed Bilal Khalid", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Indiana University School of Medicine", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Indiana", + "City": "Indianapolis", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232645", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232645", + "events_session": "Management of relapsed stage I nonseminomatous germ-cell tumor with retroperitoneal only relapse", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Retroperitoneal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Palliative Care", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1124361712,'FU_HCP_232162');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EAkanksha Sharma", + "kol_full_name": "Akanksha Sharma" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Palliative Care | Healthcare Disparities | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1386211191", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_394714", + "session_name": "Palliative care utilization and disparities in deceased patients with breast cancer in US hospitals: A retrospective study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Akshit Chitkara", + "middle_name": 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variant histology: A phase II study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bassel Nazha", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Emory University School of Medicine", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232611", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232611", + "events_session": "Enfortumab vedotin plus pembrolizumab in the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic bladder cancer of variant histology: A phase II study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Urinary Bladder Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Enfortumab Vedotin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232948", + "events_session": "RNA-based fusion testing in gastrointestinal (GI) carcinomas: A single-institution experience", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1427410331,'FU_HCP_283160');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBennett Adam Caughey", + "kol_full_name": "Bennett Adam Caughey" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Nanoparticles | Antibody Therapy | Melanoma", + "npi_num": "1992182604", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_281744", + "session_name": "Novel RNA-nanoparticle vaccine for the treatment of early melanoma recurrence following adjuvant 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232549", + "events_session": "Too Many Options: Assessing the Best Trial Designs", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Clinical Trials As Topic", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1184734501,'PAST_HCP_Onco_233778');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBernardo Haddock Lobo Goulart", + "kol_full_name": "Bernardo Haddock Lobo Goulart" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "1902515448", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_408514", + "session_name": "Clinical outcomes and post-progression retreatment in patients with metastatic NSCLC who complete two 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treatment-experienced (DAD) and with pembrolizumab (P) in treatment naïve UC (DAD-IO)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Bradley Alexander McGregor", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232614", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232614", + "events_session": "Sacituzumab govitecan (SG) plus enfortumab vedotin (EV) for metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) treatment-experienced (DAD) and with pembrolizumab (P) in treatment naïve UC (DAD-IO)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Pembrolizumab | Sacituzumab Govitecan ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Enfortumab Vedotin | 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Kushner", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232902", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232902", + "events_session": "N9: Pilot study of novel shortened induction for high-risk neuroblastoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neuroblastoma", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1710958111,'FU_HCP_99959');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBrian H. Kushner", + "kol_full_name": "Brian H. 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Henick", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Columbia University Irving Medical Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "Yonkers", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233062", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233062", + "events_session": "A phase IV study of ApricityCARE program for cancer adverse events rapid evaluation to improve treatment outcomes of ethnic/racial minority patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1316212533,'FU_HCP_109639');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EBrian S. 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"events_session": "Phase I study of MCLA-145", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " a bispecific antibody targeting CD137 and PD-L1, in solid tumors, as monotherapy or in combination with pembrolizumab", + "events_topic": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1043509912,'FU_HCP_283441');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChrisann Kyi", + "kol_full_name": "Chrisann Kyi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Sarcoma | Immunotherapy", + "npi_num": "1104972835", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_373585", + "session_name": "Managing the Facts and Hopes Surrounding Immunotherapy in Patients With Sarcoma", + "name": "2024 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233080", + "events_session": "Emavusertib (CA-4948) in combination with ibrutinib in patients with relapsed/refractory primary central nervous system lymphoma (R/R PCNSL)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma | Ibrutinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Emavusertib | Central Nervous System Neoplasms", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1720291727,'FU_HCP_44561');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EChristian Grommes", + "kol_full_name": "Christian Grommes" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Gemcitabine | Protein-Arginine Deiminase Type 6", + "npi_num": "1952896888", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403370", + 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Peereboom", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Cleveland Clinic", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Ohio", + "City": "Cleveland", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233070", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233070", + "events_session": "Targeting glioma stem cells with thyroid hormone suppression: Phase 1/2 trial of methimazole in patients with progressive grade 4 gliomas", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Receptors, Thyroid Hormone | Methimazole ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Glioma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1548262512,'FU_HCP_42959');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDavid M. 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"rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Enzalutamide | Prostatic Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Hormone Therapy | Castration", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1164652947,'FU_HCP_159124');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EDeepak Kilari", + "kol_full_name": "Deepak Kilari" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1255727392", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403365", + "session_name": "Non-colorectal GI malignancies in the young: Incidence trends, demographic disparities, and survival analysis", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Deepak Vadehra", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": 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"", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232362", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232362", + "events_session": "Effect of dose-adjusted melphalan on MRD-negativity to full dose melphalan in patients with multiple myeloma post-autologous stem cell transplant", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Melphalan | Multiple Myeloma ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Stem Cell Transplantation | Neoplasm, Residual", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1104479880,'FU_HCP_5403350');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJeries Kort", + "kol_full_name": "Jeries Kort" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase | ErbB Receptors", + "npi_num": "1528320975", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_42815", + "session_name": "Striking the Balance With Next-Generation Targeted Therapies for ALK and EGFR", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jessica Jiyeong Lin", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233138", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233138", + "events_session": "Striking the Balance With Next-Generation Targeted Therapies for ALK and EGFR", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase | ErbB Receptors", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1528320975,'FU_HCP_42815');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJessica Jiyeong Lin", + "kol_full_name": "Jessica Jiyeong Lin" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Adebrelimab | Fuzuloparib | Homologous Recombination Deficiency | Ovarian Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1801956099", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_99600", + "session_name": "Open-label, phase 2 study of adebrelimab combined with fuzuloparib in the treatment of patients with HRD-positive, recurrent platinum-resistant ovarian cancer", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jian Chen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Gynecology, Clinical 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"events_session": "A phase Ib", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " window-of-opportunity study of neoadjuvant avelumab and hypofractionated proton beam therapy for recurrent radiation-relapsed meningioma", + "events_topic": "Avelumab | Proton Therapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Radiotherapy | Meningioma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1922205004,'FU_HCP_229390');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJiayi Huang", + "kol_full_name": "Jiayi Huang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Immunotherapy, Adoptive | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403423", + "session_name": "Phase I study of functionally enhanced CD33 CAR T cells in patients with relapsed or 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Weidhaas", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, Los Angeles", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232205", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232205", + "events_session": "PROSTOX", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " a signature of late GU toxicity after SBRT radiotherapy in MIRAGE, a prospective trial", + "events_topic": "Genitourinary Tumors | Radiosurgery", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1295723294,'PAST_HCP_Future Events_313749');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJoanne B. Weidhaas", + "kol_full_name": "Joanne B. Weidhaas" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Castration | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403455", + "session_name": "Baseline ctDNA analyses and associations with outcomes in taxane-naive patients with mCRPC treated with 177Lu-PSMA-617 versus change of ARPI in PSMAfore", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Johann S. De Bono", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232765", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232765", + "events_session": "Baseline ctDNA analyses and associations with outcomes in taxane-naive patients with mCRPC treated with 177Lu-PSMA-617 versus change of ARPI in PSMAfore", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Castration ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Circulating Tumor DNA", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403455');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJohann S. 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Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232950", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232950", + "events_session": "A novel MRI-based tumor-targeting theragnostic agent: Magnetoelectric nanoparticles in an in vivo murine KRAS/P53 pancreatic flank tumor model", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "KRAS Protein, Human | Tumor Suppressor Protein P53 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pancreatic Neoplasms | Magnetic Resonance Imaging", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403473');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJohn Michael Bryant", + "kol_full_name": "John Michael Bryant" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Paclitaxel | Appendiceal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1386806131", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_394743", + "session_name": "A phase I/II study of intraperitoneal (IP) paclitaxel (PTX) in patients with metastatic appendiceal adenocarcinoma", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "John Paul Y.C. Shen", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Texas", + "City": "Houston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232867", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232867", + "events_session": "A phase I/II study of intraperitoneal (IP) paclitaxel (PTX) in patients with metastatic appendiceal adenocarcinoma", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Paclitaxel | Appendiceal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1386806131,'FU_HCP_394743');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJohn Paul Y.C. Shen", + "kol_full_name": "John Paul Y.C. Shen" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "npi_num": "1427216753", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_282446", + "session_name": "Multicancer Detection: Is It Ready for Prime Time?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jonathan M. Marron", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center", + "Country": "United States", + "Region": "Massachusetts", + "City": "Boston", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232094", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232094", + "events_session": "Multicancer Detection: Is It Ready for Prime Time?", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1427216753,'FU_HCP_282446');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJonathan M. Marron", + "kol_full_name": "Jonathan M. Marron" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Anthracyclines | Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Carboplatin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403397", + "session_name": "A randomized, multicenter, open-label, phase III trial comparing anthracyclines followed by taxane versus anthracyclines followed by taxane plus carboplatin as (neo) adjuvant therapy in patients with early triple-negative breast cancer: Korean Cancer Study Group BR 15-1 PEARLY trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Joohyuk Sohn", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232145", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232145", + "events_session": "A randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " multicenter, open-label, phase III trial comparing anthracyclines followed by taxane versus anthracyclines followed by taxane plus carboplatin as (neo) adjuvant therapy in patients with early triple-negative breast cancer: Korean Cancer Study Group BR 15-1 PEARLY trial", + "events_topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Anthracyclines ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Chemotherapy, Adjuvant | Carboplatin", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403397');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJoohyuk Sohn", + "kol_full_name": "Joohyuk Sohn" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Afatinib | Solid Tumor | Neuregulin-1", + "npi_num": "1841733102", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_231629", + "session_name": "Afatinib in patients (pts) with solid tumors with neuregulin 1 (NRG1) fusions: Results from the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Jordi Rodon Ahnert", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232966", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232966", + "events_session": "Afatinib in patients (pts) with solid tumors with neuregulin 1 (NRG1) fusions: Results from the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Afatinib | Solid Tumor ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Neuregulin-1", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1841733102,'PAST_HCP_Onco_231629');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EJordi Rodon Ahnert", + "kol_full_name": "Jordi Rodon Ahnert" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Tipiracil | Liver Neoplasms | Trifluridine | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403467", + "session_name": "Impact of colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) receiving trifluridine/tipiracil (FTD/TPI) with or without bevacizumab (BEV) in the phase 3 SUNLIGHT trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Josep Tabernero", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus and Institute of Oncology (VHIO)", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232881", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232881", + "events_session": "Impact of colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) receiving trifluridine/tipiracil (FTD/TPI) with or without bevacizumab (BEV) in the phase 3 SUNLIGHT trial", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Tipiracil ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 3, + "rest_events_topic": " Liver Neoplasms | Trifluridine | Bevacizumab", 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" double-blind, multi-center, phase 3 trial", + "events_topic": "Ivonescimab | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " ErbB Receptors | Chemotherapy", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403483');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELi Zhang", + "kol_full_name": "Li Zhang" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma | Disitamab Vedotin", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403436", + "session_name": "Efficacy of disitamab vedotin (RC48) plus tislelizumab and S-1 as first-line therapy for HER2-overexpressing advanced stomach or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: A multicenter, single-arm, phase II trial (RCTS)", + "name": "2024 American Society of 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"events_session": "A phase 1/2", + "rest_events_session_count": 6, + "rest_events_session": " open-label, multicenter trial investigating the safety, tolerability, and preliminary antineoplastic activity of IPH6501, a first-in-class NK cell engager, in patients with relapsed and/or refractory CD20-expressing non-Hodgkin lymphoma", + "events_topic": "Killer Cells, Natural | Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Antigens, CD20", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1417392937,'FU_HCP_41807');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ELorenzo Falchi", + "kol_full_name": "Lorenzo Falchi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Liquid Biopsy | Bone Marrow Diseases", + "npi_num": "1760568794", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_282170", + 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myeloid leukemia (AML), or high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (HR-MDS)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mahesh Swaminathan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Leukemia, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232341", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232341", + "events_session": "A phase II study of venetoclax (VEN) in combination with 10-day decitabine (DEC) in older/unfit pts with newly diagnosed (ND) or pts with relapsed/refractory (R/R) acute myeloid leukemia (AML)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " or high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (HR-MDS)", + "events_topic": "Decitabine | Myelodysplastic Syndromes ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Venetoclax | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1851798284,'FU_HCP_186692');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMahesh Swaminathan", + "kol_full_name": "Mahesh Swaminathan" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Genes, ErbB-2 | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5397573", + "session_name": "Evaluation of recurrence rate in Canadian patients with stage II/III HR+/HER2- early breast cancer in the real-world setting", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Mahmoud Abdelsalam", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233260", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233260", + "events_session": "Evaluation of recurrence rate in Canadian patients with stage II/III HR+/HER2- early breast cancer in the real-world setting", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Genes, ErbB-2 | Breast Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5397573');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMahmoud Abdelsalam", + "kol_full_name": "Mahmoud Abdelsalam" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Biomarkers | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell 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"", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232578", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232578", + "events_session": "CTEP 10492", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " a phase 1/1b study of the AKT inhibitor ipatasertib with chemoradiation for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", + "events_topic": "Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Chemoradiotherapy ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Ipatasertib | Oncogene Protein V-akt", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1770889511,'FU_HCP_229922');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMalcolm David Mattes", + "kol_full_name": "Malcolm David Mattes" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1720549561", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_282797", + "session_name": "Goals of care discordance in advanced cancer compared to other advanced conditions", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Manan P Shah", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Division of Hematology/Oncology, University of California, Los Angeles", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232204", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232204", + "events_session": "Goals of care discordance in advanced cancer compared to other advanced conditions", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1720549561,'FU_HCP_282797');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EManan P Shah", + "kol_full_name": "Manan P Shah" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung | Pembrolizumab | Olomorasib | Chemotherapy", + "npi_num": "1376070300", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_110979", + "session_name": "SUNRAY-01, a pivotal, global study of olomorasib (LY3537982) in combination with pembrolizumab with or without chemotherapy for 1L treatment in KRAS G12C-mutant advanced NSCLC", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marcelo Vailati Negrao", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Thoracic/Head 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KEYNOTE-671 study of perioperative pembrolizumab for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Marina Chiara Garassino", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (currently at Knapp Center for Biomedical Discovery, University of Chicago Medicine & Biological Sciences, Chicago, IL, USA)", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232494", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232494", + "events_session": "Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) outcomes from the randomized", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " double-blind phase 3 KEYNOTE-671 study of perioperative pembrolizumab for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer 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"", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "233236", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "233236", + "events_session": "Lung Cancer – Non-Small Cell Metastatc: Program Commitee", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1144404161,'PAST_HCP_Onco_232397');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMarjorie Glass Zauderer", + "kol_full_name": "Marjorie Glass Zauderer" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1134186729", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_0005068", + 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232657", + "events_session": "Prognostic validation of a digital pathology-based multi-modal artificial intelligence (MMAI) biomarker in patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) from the CHAARTED trial (ECOG-ACRIN EA3805)", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1689809188,'FU_HCP_159270');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMark Christopher Markowski", + "kol_full_name": "Mark Christopher Markowski" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Circulating Tumor DNA | Breast Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1689105124", + 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"University College London Cancer Institute, University College London Hospital NHS Trust", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232579", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232579", + "events_session": "HERD: A multi-centre prospective cohort study to facilitate early detection of relapse in radically treated", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " high risk head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", + "events_topic": "Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck | Early Detection Of Cancer", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403442');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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May", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Columbia University Medical Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232278", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232278", + "events_session": "Impact of trial eligibility criteria on enrollment to KRASG12C inhibitor trials in patients with non-small cell lung cancer", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "KRASG12D Inhibitor MRTX1133 | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1356345979,'PAST_HCP_Future Events_316453');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMichael S. 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"rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Multiple Myeloma | Kidney Diseases ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " CD38 Protein, Human", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1194788331,'FU_HCP_284583');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMichael Sang Hughes", + "kol_full_name": "Michael Sang Hughes" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell | Venetoclax | Tumor Suppressor Protein P53 | Ibrutinib", + "npi_num": "1437189768", + "hcp_pin_alias": "PAST_HCP_Onco_232442", + "session_name": "Efficacy and safety of ibrutinib plus venetoclax in patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and TP53 mutations in the SYMPATICO study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Michael Wang", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Lymphoma and Myeloma, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232779", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232779", + "events_session": "Efficacy and safety of ibrutinib plus venetoclax in patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and TP53 mutations in the SYMPATICO study", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell | Venetoclax ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Tumor Suppressor Protein P53 | Ibrutinib", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" 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Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Lymphoma", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1780692939,'PAST_HCP_Onco_233469');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMiguel Angel Villalona-Calero", + "kol_full_name": "Miguel Angel Villalona-Calero" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Brain Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "1447499710", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_229376", + "session_name": "Utidelone plus bevacizumab for the treatment of HER2-negative breast cancer brain metastases (U-BOMB): A multicenter, single-arm phase II study", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Min Yan", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Department of Breast, Henan Cancer Hospital", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232695", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232695", + "events_session": "Utidelone plus bevacizumab for the treatment of HER2-negative breast cancer brain metastases (U-BOMB): A multicenter", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " single-arm phase II study", + "events_topic": "Brain Neoplasms | Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 1, + "rest_events_topic": " Bevacizumab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1447499710,'FU_HCP_229376');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"United States", + "Region": "New York", + "City": "New York", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232169", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232169", + "events_session": "Osimertinib", + "rest_events_session_count": 2, + "rest_events_session": " platinum, etoposide as initial treatment for patients with EGFR mutant lung cancers with TP53 and RB1 alterations", + "events_topic": "Lung Neoplasms | Osimertinib ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " ErbB Receptors | Etoposide", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1003313800,'FU_HCP_82913');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMonica F Chen", + "kol_full_name": "Monica F Chen" + }, + { + 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0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms | Artificial Intelligence", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1265626303,'FU_HCP_99879');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EMonika Joshi", + "kol_full_name": "Monika Joshi" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Cardiovascular Diseases | Hematologic Neoplasms | Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase", + "npi_num": "1295258911", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_284133", + "session_name": "Risk assessment of cardiovascular adverse events with BTK inhibitors in hematological malignancies: Insights from FAERS", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Muhammad Salman Faisal", 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"cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232333", + "events_session": "The Role of Patient Reported Outcomes in Early Phase Clinical Research", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Patient Reported Outcome Measures | Clinical Research", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(0,'FU_HCP_5403422');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ENatalie Cook", + "kol_full_name": "Natalie Cook" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Amivantamab | Lazertinib | ErbB Receptors | Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403482", + "session_name": "Subcutaneous amivantamab vs intravenous amivantamab, both in combination with lazertinib, in 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"middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Division of Medical Oncology, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232707", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232707", + "events_session": "Molecular and immunological characterization of androgen receptor expression in different breast cancer subtypes", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Breast Neoplasms | Receptors, Androgen", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1962768671,'FU_HCP_225391');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request 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"rest_events_session_count": 3, + "rest_events_session": " ALX148), cetuximab (C), and pembrolizumab (P) in patients with refractory microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer (MSS CRC)", + "events_topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms | Microsatellite Repeats ", + "rest_events_topic_count": 2, + "rest_events_topic": " Pembrolizumab | Cetuximab", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1881056323,'FU_HCP_347131');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ERobert William Lentz", + "kol_full_name": "Robert William Lentz" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Penile Neoplasms | Papillomavirus Infections", + "npi_num": "1184902884", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_39768", + "session_name": "Implications of HPV infection on survival outcomes in patients with penile squamous cell 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"kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1821436254,'FU_HCP_281878');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESamuel U Takvorian", + "kol_full_name": "Samuel U Takvorian" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Leukemia | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "npi_num": "1861886707", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_45772", + "session_name": "Time to target TIM-3 in colorectal cancer: TIM-3 expression to predict survival outcomes in patients in CALGB (Alliance)/SWOG 80405", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sandra Algaze", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Southern California", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232880", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232880", + "events_session": "Time to target TIM-3 in colorectal cancer: TIM-3 expression to predict survival outcomes in patients in CALGB (Alliance)/SWOG 80405", + "rest_events_session_count": 0, + "rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Leukemia | Colorectal Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1861886707,'FU_HCP_45772');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003ESandra Algaze", + "kol_full_name": "Sandra Algaze" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Chemotherapy | Mesothelioma | Atezolizumab | Bevacizumab", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403433", + "session_name": "BEAT-meso: A randomized phase III study of bevacizumab (B) and standard chemotherapy (C) with or without atezolizumab (A), as first-line treatment (TX) for advanced pleural mesothelioma (PM)—Results from the ETOP 13-18 trial", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Sanjay Popat", + "middle_name": "", + "last_name": "", + "org_name": "Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust", + "Country": "", + "Region": "", + "City": "", + "num_sess": "1", + "opt_in_out_status": "", + "url1": "", + "session_note": "", + "cnt_notes": "0", + "event_attendees_id": "232473", + "medical_insight_id": "", + "cnt_medical_insight": "0", + "id": "232473", + "events_session": "BEAT-meso: A randomized phase III study of bevacizumab (B) and standard chemotherapy (C) with or without atezolizumab (A)", + "rest_events_session_count": 1, + "rest_events_session": " as 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"kol_full_name": "Sriram Yennu" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Gastrointestinal Neoplasms | Circulating Tumor DNA", + "npi_num": "1205099702", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_174352", + "session_name": "Clinical Utility of ctDNA in Gastrointestinal Cancers: Is It Ready for Prime Time?", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Stacey A. 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"kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Tony S. 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"rest_events_session": "", + "events_topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms", + "rest_events_topic_count": 0, + "rest_events_topic": "", + "kol_name": "\u003Cdiv class=\"sprite_iconSet newIconSet\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Ca class=\"requestProfileIcon \" href=\"#\" onclick=\"requestProfile(1760777635,'FU_HCP_5403335');return false;\" rel=\"tooltip\" data-original-title=\"Request Profile\"\u003E \u003C/a\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003EVatche Tchekmedyian", + "kol_full_name": "Vatche Tchekmedyian" + }, + { + "proj_kol_id": 0, + "eid": "23416", + "event_topics": "Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive | Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors", + "npi_num": "0", + "hcp_pin_alias": "FU_HCP_5403430", + "session_name": "Disparities in frontline treatment and overall survival in the era of targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy for chronic myeloid leukemia: 2004-2021", + "name": "2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)", + "kol_id": "0", + "first_name": "Victoria Vardell", 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"3110370" + }, + { + "total": "12", + "topic": "Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell", + "id": "3110382" + }, + { + "total": "11", + "topic": "Multiple Myeloma", + "id": "3110381" + }, + { + "total": "9", + "topic": "Lymphoma, B-Cell", + "id": "3110369" + }, + { + "total": "9", + "topic": "Myeloproliferative Disorders", + "id": "3110374" + }, + { + "total": "8", + "topic": "Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse", + "id": "3110583" + }, + { + "total": "8", + "topic": "Primary Myelofibrosis", + "id": "3110411" + }, + { + "total": "8", + "topic": "Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell", + "id": "3110586" + }, + { + "total": "8", + "topic": "Neoplasm, Residual", + "id": "3110601" + }, + { + "total": "8", + "topic": "Lymphoma", + "id": "3110362" + }, + { + "total": "7", + "topic": "Hodgkin Disease", + "id": "3110363" + }, + { + "total": "7", + "topic": "Immunotherapy", + "id": "3110606" + }, + { + "total": "6", + "topic": "Cell- And Tissue-Based Therapy", + "id": "3110594" + }, + { + "total": "5", + "topic": "Bruton Type Agammaglobulinemia", + "id": "3110385" + }, + { + "total": "4", + "topic": "Drug Therapy", + "id": "3110588" + }, + { + "total": "4", + "topic": "Lymphoma, T-Cell", + "id": "3110368" + }, + { + "total": "4", + "topic": "Chemotherapy", + "id": "3110615" + }, + { + "total": "3", + "topic": "Neoplasms", + "id": "3110428" + }, + { + "total": "3", + "topic": "Therapeutics", + "id": "3110619" + }, + { + "total": "3", + "topic": "Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors", + "id": "3110408" + }, + { + "total": "3", + "topic": "Anemia", + "id": "3110621" + }, + { + "total": "3", + "topic": "Lymphoma, T-Cell, Peripheral", + "id": "3110517" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Antibodies, Bispecific", + "id": "3110497" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Anemia, Sickle Cell", + "id": "3110656" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Richter's Transformation", + "id": "3110599" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Hematologic Diseases", + "id": "3110444" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Azacytidine", + "id": "3110633" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Decision-Making", + "id": "3110646" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Epstein-Barr Virus Infections", + "id": "3110635" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Tomography, X-Ray Computed", + "id": "3110386" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Janus Kinase 2", + "id": "3110622" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Lymphoproliferative Disorders", + "id": "3110466" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing", + "id": "3110580" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Inotuzumab", + "id": "3110613" + }, + { + "total": "2", + "topic": "Stem Cell Transplantation", + "id": "3110623" + }, + { + "total": "1", + "topic": "Paraproteinemias", + "id": "3110380" + }, + { + "total": "1", + "topic": "Genomics", + "id": "3110399" + }, + { + "total": "1", + "topic": "Pharmacology", + "id": "3110625" + }, + { + "total": "1", + "topic": "Sequence Analysis", + "id": "3110644" + }, + { + "total": "1", + 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"id": "3085799" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Magnetic Resonance Angiography", + "id": "3085486" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Wounds And Injuries", + "id": "3086408" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Myocardium", + "id": "3086162" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Anesthesia, Cardiac Procedures", + "id": "3085845" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Diagnosis", + "id": "3086364" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography", + "id": "3086119" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Postoperative Period", + "id": "3086433" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Fabry Disease", + "id": "3085690" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Tetralogy Of Fallot", + "id": "3086168" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Heart-Assist Devices", + "id": "3085978" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", + "id": "3085745" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Heart Atria", + "id": "3085461" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial", + "id": "3086463" + }, + { + "total": "200", + "topic": "Pulmonary Embolism", + "id": "3085620" + }, + { + "total": "100", + "topic": "Venous Drainage", + "id": "3086184" + }, + { + "total": "100", + "topic": "Photon-counting Computed Tomography", + "id": "3085587" + }, + { + "total": "100", + "topic": "Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic", + "id": "3086209" + } + ], + "128202":[ + + { + "total": "286", + "topic": "Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung", + "id": "3171469" + }, + { + "total": "256", + "topic": "Neoplasms", + "id": "3171223" + }, + { + "total": "218", + "topic": "Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms", + "id": "3171296" + }, + { + "total": "197", + "topic": "Breast Neoplasms", + "id": "3169835" + }, + { + "total": "181", + "topic": "Drug Therapy", + "id": "3167130" + }, + { + "total": "161", + "topic": "Immunotherapy", + "id": "3169049" + }, + { + "total": "142", + "topic": "Neoadjuvant Therapy", + "id": "3173432" + }, + { + "total": "116", + "topic": "Solid Tumors", + "id": "3172385" + }, + { + "total": "111", + "topic": "Colorectal Neoplasms", + "id": "3169585" + }, + { + "total": "96", + "topic": "Pembrolizumab", + "id": "3172252" + }, + { + "total": "94", + "topic": "Immunoconjugates", + "id": "3167306" + }, + { + "total": "85", + "topic": "Melanoma", + "id": "3176111" + }, + { + "total": "81", + "topic": "Biomarkers", + "id": "3167586" + }, + { + "total": "79", + "topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms", + "id": "3174479" + }, + { + "total": "76", + "topic": "Lung Neoplasms", + "id": "3174794" + }, + { + "total": "75", + "topic": "Clinical Trial", + "id": "3169817" + }, + { + "total": "73", + "topic": "Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", + "id": "3167919" + }, + { + "total": "71", + "topic": "Nivolumab", + "id": "3173024" + }, + { + "total": "61", + "topic": "Ovarian Neoplasms", + "id": "3169819" + }, + { + "total": "57", + "topic": "Radiotherapy", + "id": "3174538" + }, + { + "total": "52", + "topic": "Carcinoma, Hepatocellular", + "id": "3174814" + }, + { + "total": "51", + "topic": "Chemotherapy, Adjuvant", + "id": "3174539" + }, + { + "total": "50", + "topic": "Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant", + "id": "3167525" + }, + { + "total": "49", + "topic": "Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Head And Neck", + "id": "3170474" + }, + { + "total": "48", + "topic": "Carcinoma, Renal Cell", + "id": "3167166" + }, + { + "total": "46", + "topic": "ErbB Receptors", + "id": "3175577" + }, + { + "total": "45", + "topic": "Circulating Tumor DNA", + "id": "3174643" + }, + { + "total": "43", + "topic": "Pancreatic Neoplasms", + "id": "3169631" + }, + { + "total": "43", + "topic": "Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor", + "id": "3175740" + }, + { + "total": "41", + "topic": "Mutation", + "id": "3170372" + }, + { + "total": "41", + "topic": "Endometrial Neoplasms", + "id": "3171724" + }, + { + "total": "36", + "topic": "Chemoradiotherapy", + "id": "3169834" + }, + { + "total": "36", + "topic": "Urothelial Carcinoma", + "id": "3173614" + }, + { + "total": "36", + "topic": "Neuroendocrine Tumors", + "id": "3170370" + }, + { + "total": "35", + "topic": "Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf", + "id": "3170374" + }, + { + "total": "35", + "topic": "Early Detection Of Cancer", + "id": "3169476" + }, + { + "total": "34", + "topic": "Urinary Bladder Neoplasms", + "id": "3170869" + }, + { + "total": "33", + "topic": "Head And Neck Neoplasms", + "id": "3170203" + }, + { + "total": "33", + "topic": "Bevacizumab", + "id": "3170164" + }, + { + "total": "33", + "topic": "Small Cell Lung Carcinoma", + "id": "3172525" + }, + { + "total": "32", + "topic": "Ipilimumab", + "id": "3175014" + }, + { + "total": "32", + "topic": "Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1", + "id": "3171859" + }, + { + "total": "31", + "topic": "Sarcoma", + "id": "3170831" + }, + { + "total": "31", + "topic": "Paclitaxel", + "id": "3171997" + }, + { + "total": "31", + "topic": "Stomach Neoplasms", + "id": "3173570" + }, + { + "total": "30", + "topic": "Glioblastoma", + "id": "3168654" + }, + { + "total": "30", + "topic": "Atezolizumab", + "id": "3173842" + }, + { + "total": "30", + "topic": "Cyclin-Dependent Kinases", + "id": "3171501" + }, + { + "total": "29", + "topic": "Artificial Intelligence", + "id": "3167582" + }, + { + "total": "27", + "topic": "KRAS Protein, Human", + "id": "3175953" + } + + ] + + } + ] +} + + diff --git a/assets/topaffiliations.json b/assets/topaffiliations.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3221310 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/topaffiliations.json @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +{ + "data": + [ + { + "129934": + + { + "affiliationNames": [ + "University of Oxford", + "Medical University of Vienna", + "Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University Hospital", + "Amsterdam University Medical Centre", + "University Hospital Basel" + ], + "affiliationCount": [ + "38", + "30", + "30", + "29", + "24" + ] + }, + + "140846": + { + "affiliationNames": [ + "Vanderbilt University Medical Center", + "Baptist Cancer Center", + "Cancer Wellness for Life", + "Dee Burrell Coaching", + "Emory University Hospital" + ], + "affiliationCount": [ + "4", + "1", + "1", + "1", + "1" + ] + }, + + "129314": + { + "affiliationNames": [ + "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Mayo Clinic ,Rochester", + "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Columbia University Irving Medical Center" + ], + "affiliationCount": [ + "16", + "6", + "5", + "4", + "3" + ] + }, + "142682": + { + "affiliationNames": [ + "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital", + "Princess Máxima Center", + "The Hospital for Sick Children", + "Baylor College of Medicine", + "Shanghai Children's Medical Center" + ], + "affiliationCount": [ + "28", + "14", + "10", + "6", + "6" + ] + }, + "130456":{ + "affiliationNames": [ + "University of Toronto", + "University of Washington Medical Center", + "Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center", + "The Johns Hopkin's Hospital", + "Emory University School of Medicine" + ], + "affiliationCount": [ + "10", + "5", + "4", + "4", + "3" + ] + }, + "128202": + { + "affiliationNames": [ + "University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center", + "Dana Farber Cancer Institute", + "Memorial Hospital For Cancer And Allied Diseases", + "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center", + "Massachusetts General Hospital" + ], + "affiliationCount": [ + "26", + "19", + "17", + "13", + "8" + ] + } + + + } + + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/topicnotes.json b/assets/topicnotes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c16f3c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/topicnotes.json @@ -0,0 +1,515 @@ +{ + "data": { + "notes": + + [ + { + "kol_event_id": "378748", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Debate: Car T Should Be Reserved For Late Relapse > 3 Lines", + "note": "The speaker suggested that CAR T-cell therapy should be reserved for patients who had a late relapse, rather than being used early in their treatment.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Saad Z Usmani", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378609", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Secondary Aml - Best Therapy", + "note": "The speaker discussed secondary AML and the most effective treatment approaches for managing it.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Pinkal Desai", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378613", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "All Use Of Ngs In Mrd", + "note": "The speaker discussed how Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) is used to detect and monitor Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) across various cancers.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Aaron C Logan", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378674", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Measuring Residual Disease – Mrd, Mass Fix, Etc", + "note": "The speaker discussed the use of Mass Cytometry (Mass Fix) for detecting and treating Minimal Residual Disease (MRD).", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Ajay K Nooka", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378746", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Frontline Therapy - Quads For Everyone? Te/Ti", + "note": "The speaker discussed evaluating the effectiveness and determining the intensity of frontline therapy, including quadruplet therapy (a combination of four drugs), for cancer treatment.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Ajay K Nooka", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378813", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Haploidentical Transplant Should Be The Cell Therapy Choice For Sickle Cell Disease", + "note": "The speaker discussed why haploidentical transplant should be considered the preferred cell therapy option for sickle cell disease.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Adetola Kassim", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378811", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Cellular Therapy", + "note": "The speaker discussed cellular therapy and its various types that are effective in treating cancer.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Adetola Kassim", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378712", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Azacytidine Plus Venetoclax Should Be Prescribed As Listed On The Label", + "note": "The speaker discussed that azacytidine and venetoclax should be used together according to the specific guidelines and dosages outlined in their official labeling.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Keith Pratz", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378758", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Debate: Can Therapy With Btki Be Discontinued: No", + "note": "The speaker discussed the potential discontinuation of BTK inhibitor therapy, emphasizing its critical role in managing certain cancers and the associated risks.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Kerry A Rogers", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378621", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Car T-Cell Therapy After Car T-Cell Therapy For Dlbcl", + "note": "The speaker discussed administering a second round of CAR T-cell therapy for patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) who relapse or do not respond to their initial CAR T-cell treatment.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Frederick Locke", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378741", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Long-Term Clinical Data From Multiple Phase 3 Trails For Calquence In The Treatment Of Cll/Sll", + "note": "The speaker discussed clinical data from multiple Phase 3 trials of Calquence in the treatment of CLL/SLL, focusing on its efficacy and safety.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Moshe Yair Levy", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378805", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Car T Cell Therapy For Second-Line (2L) Lbcl", + "note": "The speaker discussed using CAR T-cell therapy for patients with large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL) who have not responded to or have relapsed after first-line treatment.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Moshe Yair Levy", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378710", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Flt3 Mutated Aml Unanswered Questions", + "note": "The speaker provided insights into the ongoing uncertainties and unresolved issues in managing and treating acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with FLT3 mutations.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Mark J Levis", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "375276", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "DDR inhibitor combinations", + "note": "The speaker discussed how DDR inhibitor combinations use drugs to block DNA Damage Response (DDR) pathways alongside other treatments to enhance cancer therapy.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Timothy Anthony Yap", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "375033", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Phase 1b/2 first-in-class novel combination trial of next generation CDK4-selective inhibitor PF-07220060 and next generation CDK2-selective inhibitor PF-07104091 in HR+ HER2- metastatic breast cancer and advanced solid tumors", + "note": "The speaker discussed the safety and efficacy of combining the CDK4-selective inhibitor PF-07220060 and the CDK2-selective inhibitor PF-07104091 for treating HR+ HER2- metastatic breast cancer and advanced solid tumors.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Timothy Anthony Yap", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374874", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Phase 1b study of NT-I7 (efineptakin alfa), a long-acting IL-7, post-CD19-directed CAR T cell therapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)", + "note": "The speaker discussed the use of NT-I7, a long-acting IL-7, following CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL).", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Armin Ghobadi", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "375154", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Phase 1/2 ALKOVE-1 study of NVL-655 in ALK-positive (ALK+) solid tumors", + "note": "The speaker provided insights into the ALKOVE-1 Study, which examined NVL-655 as a treatment for ALK-positive (ALK+) solid tumors, focusing on its safety and efficacy.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Alexander E. Drilon", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "375492", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Is there a role for radiation therapy in advanced RCC?", + "note": "The speaker discussed the potential benefits and applications of radiation therapy in treating advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC).", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Chad Tang", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374951", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Novel data in the field of immune checkpoint blockade for eTNBC", + "note": "The speaker discussed new research on immune checkpoint blockade for early-stage triple-negative breast cancer (eTNBC), examining its effectiveness and safety.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Sara M. Tolaney", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374984", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Racial Disparities in immune-related adverse events in patients with lung cancer treated with Immune checkpoint inhibitors.", + "note": "The speaker discussed variations in the frequency, severity, and outcomes of side effects among patients of different racial backgrounds who were treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors for lung cancer.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Hina Khan", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374898", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Updated efficacy and safety of botensilimab plus balstilimab in patients with refractory metastatic sarcoma from an expanded phase 1 study", + "note": "The speaker discussed results from an expanded Phase 1 study on botensilimab plus balstilimab in patients with refractory metastatic sarcoma, focusing on the efficacy and safety of these treatments.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Breelyn A. Wilky", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "375063", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "A glimpse of the future: Ongoing research on novel therapeutics for advanced breast cancer patients post-progression on endocrine+CDK4/6-inhibition", + "note": "The speaker discussed ongoing research into new treatments for advanced breast cancer patients who had progressed after endocrine therapy and CDK4/6 inhibitors.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Joyce O'Shaughnessy", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "375270", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Phase I, Two-Part, Multicenter First-In-Human (FIH) Study of TORL-1-23, A Novel Claudin 6 (CLDN6) Targeting Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) In Patient With Advanced Solid Tumors.", + "note": "The speaker provided insights into the study of TORL-1-23, a novel Claudin 6 (CLDN6) targeting antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), in patients with advanced solid tumors.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Gottfried E. Konecny", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "375519", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO)", + "session_name": "Clinical activity of BMS-986365 (CC-94676), a dual androgen receptor (AR) ligand-directed degrader and antagonist, in heavily pretreated patients (pts) with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)", + "note": "The speaker provided insights into BMS-986365 (CC-94676), a drug that targets and degrades the androgen receptor, and its evaluation in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) who had already received multiple treatments.", + "event_id": "23419", + "speakerr_name": "Dana Rathkopf", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "359866", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting (ASCRS)", + "session_name": "Results Of ctDNA As A Predictive Biomarker In Adjuvant Chemotherapy In Stage II Colon Cancer: NRG-GI005 (COBRA) Phase II/III study", + "note": "The speaker provided insights into the NRG-GI005 (COBRA) study, which investigates how circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) can predict patient outcomes and inform the use of adjuvant chemotherapy for Stage II colon cancer.", + "event_id": "23381", + "speakerr_name": "Dustin A. Deming", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "359327", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting (ASCRS)", + "session_name": "A Comparative Analysis of Laparoscopic and Ultrasound-Guided TAP Blocks in Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery in a Community Hospital", + "note": "The speaker compared the effectiveness and outcomes of laparoscopic versus ultrasound-guided TAP blocks for minimally invasive colorectal surgery at a community hospital.", + "event_id": "23381", + "speakerr_name": "Robert J. Yu", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "369679", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Impact of left ventricular lead position on echocardiographic response after upgrading from right to biventricular pacing - Insights from the BUDAPEST CRT Upgrade Trial", + "note": "The speaker highlighted that optimal left ventricular (LV) lead placement during upgrades from right ventricular (RV) pacing to biventricular pacing significantly improves the effectiveness of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), leading to better patient outcomes such as improved heart function and exercise capacity.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Bela Merkely", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374402", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "A global perspective of Lp(a) levels in patients with coronary heart disease - Implications for risk factor control & future trials from the INTERASPIRE Study", + "note": "The speaker provided insights into how the INTERASPIRE study revealed important information about lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] levels and their impact on coronary heart disease (CHD) across different populations.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Kausik K. Ray", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "369775", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "The prognosis evaluation of guideline-directed medical therapy for type 2 acute myocardial infarction patients with acute respiratory failure", + "note": "The speaker provided insights into how following guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) impacted the prognosis of patients with type 2 acute myocardial infarction (MI) and acute respiratory failure.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Kang-Yin Chen", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "373670", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Ultrasound-guided versus palpation-guided techniques for vessel catheterization in children undergoing cardiac surgery. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.", + "note": "The speaker compared ultrasound-guided and palpation-guided techniques for vessel catheterization in children undergoing cardiac surgery by evaluating randomized controlled trials to identify which method is more effective.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Mohamed Abouzid", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374647", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Predictors and Outcomes of Atrial Fibrillation Progression in Patients with Device-Detected Subclinical AF: Insights from the ARTESiA Trial", + "note": "The speaker shared insights from the ARTESiA trial, which forecasts the outcomes related to the progression of atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with device-detected subclinical AF.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Giuseppe Boriani", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378748", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Debate: Car T Should Be Reserved For Late Relapse > 3 Lines", + "note": "The speaker argued that reserving CAR T-cell therapy for late relapse cases optimized its impact and ensured that it was used in the most appropriate clinical scenarios.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Saad Z Usmani", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378613", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "All Use Of Ngs In Mrd", + "note": "The speaker talked about how using NGS for MRD detection provided a high-resolution view of genetic mutations and abnormalities, which helped in assessing treatment response and guiding further therapeutic decisions.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Aaron C Logan", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378712", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Azacytidine Plus Venetoclax Should Be Prescribed As Listed On The Label", + "note": "The speaker talked about the necessity of adhering to the dosing and administration guidelines outlined on the label to ensure the treatment's efficacy and safety.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Keith Pratz", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378621", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Car T-Cell Therapy After Car T-Cell Therapy For Dlbcl", + "note": "The speaker was likely focusing on the considerations, challenges, and potential strategies for using CAR T-cell therapy again in patients with DLBCL who had previously undergone this treatment.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Frederick Locke", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "378674", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting (SOHO)", + "session_name": "Measuring Residual Disease – Mrd, Mass Fix, Etc", + "note": "The speaker discussed the Mass Fix technique and how it contributed to monitoring and managing residual disease in cancer patients, enhancing treatment outcomes, and personalizing therapy.", + "event_id": "23423", + "speakerr_name": "Ajay K Nooka", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "369679", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Impact of left ventricular lead position on echocardiographic response after upgrading from right to biventricular pacing - Insights from the BUDAPEST CRT Upgrade Trial", + "note": "The speaker conveyed how the position of the LV lead impacted the effectiveness of biventricular pacing as measured by echocardiographic improvements, based on findings from the BUDAPEST CRT Upgrade Trial.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Bela Merkely", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374402", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "A global perspective of Lp(a) levels in patients with coronary heart disease - Implications for risk factor control & future trials from the INTERASPIRE Study", + "note": "The speaker gave a comprehensive view of Lp(a) levels in relation to coronary heart disease, utilizing data from the INTERASPIRE Study to highlight global trends, implications for cardiovascular risk management, and the need for further research to address these issues.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Kausik K. Ray", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "369775", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "The prognosis evaluation of guideline-directed medical therapy for type 2 acute myocardial infarction patients with acute respiratory failure", + "note": "The speaker discussed how guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) affects the prognosis of patients with type 2 acute myocardial infarction (AMI) who also suffer from acute respiratory failure.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Kang-Yin Chen", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "373670", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Ultrasound-guided versus palpation-guided techniques for vessel catheterization in children undergoing cardiac surgery. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.", + "note": "The speaker conveyed the findings of a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing ultrasound-guided versus palpation-guided techniques for vessel catheterization in children undergoing cardiac surgery, focusing on which method proved more effective, safer, and preferable in clinical practice based on the evidence.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Mohamed Abouzid", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374647", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Predictors and Outcomes of Atrial Fibrillation Progression in Patients with Device-Detected Subclinical AF: Insights from the ARTESiA Trial", + "note": "The speaker discussed the predictors and outcomes of atrial fibrillation (AF) progression in patients with device-detected subclinical AF, drawing insights from the ARTESiA Trial. ", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Giuseppe Boriani", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "371184", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Performance of an automated echocardiographic artificial intelligence model. to detect subclinical heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in community-dwelling older adults", + "note": "The speaker discussed how effectively an automated echocardiographic artificial intelligence (AI) model detects subclinical heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in older adults.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Ambarish Pandey", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "370813", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Red cell distribution width as a predictor of cardiovascular events in high-risk patients with statin intolerance: post-hoc analysis of the CLEAR Outcomes trial", + "note": "The speaker discussed the potential of red cell distribution width (RDW) as a predictor of cardiovascular events in high-risk patients with statin intolerance, drawing on a post-hoc analysis of the CLEAR Outcomes trial.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Patrick Moriarty", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374565", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "RESHAPE-HF2 - Percutaneous repair of moderate-to-severe or severe functional mitral regurgitation in patients with symptomatic heart failure", + "note": "The speaker discussed the RESHAPE-HF2 trial, which focused on using percutaneous repair techniques to treat moderate-to-severe or severe functional mitral regurgitation in patients with symptomatic heart failure.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Stefan Anker", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "374169", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) is failing in the mitral: re-intervention or surgical rescue", + "note": "The speaker discussed the challenges of transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) failure for mitral valve repair and explored options for addressing this, including re-intervention or surgical rescue.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Ran Kornowski", + + "hcpid": "" + }, + { + "kol_event_id": "372860", + "eid": "", + "name": "2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)", + "session_name": "STOP-or-NOT - Impact of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors continuation versus discontinuation on postoperative complications: a multicenter randomised, controlled trial", + "note": "The speaker discussed the STOP-or-NOT trial, which investigated the impact of continuing versus discontinuing renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors on postoperative complications.", + "event_id": "23418", + "speakerr_name": "Matthieu Legrand", + + "hcpid": "" + } + ] + + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/topspecialities.json b/assets/topspecialities.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..006e730 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/topspecialities.json @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +{ + "data": [ + { + "129934": + [ + { + "specialty_count": "2943", + "specialty_name": "Cardiology" + }, + { + "specialty_count": "197", + "specialty_name": "Cardiovascular Disease (Cardiology)" + }, + { + "specialty_count": "152", + "specialty_name": "Cardiovascular Diseases (Cardiology)" + }, + { + "specialty_count": "34", + "specialty_name": "Interventional Cardiology" + }, + { + "specialty_count": "22", + "specialty_name": "Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology" + } + ], + "140846": + [ + + { + "specialty_count": "7", + "specialty_name": "Hematology/Oncology" + }, + { + "specialty_count": "2", + "specialty_name": "Medical Oncology" + }, + { + "specialty_count": "1", + "specialty_name": "Nurse Practitioner - Family" + }, + { + "specialty_count": "1", + "specialty_name": 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zC)+GpHh920?hj3HdEVa!@2a}xVEzNvts7?Un$q{@7uNo<35HF6ne?$-n6_uw=UrIo;Y~&jjfmazIOSmVMU#<_k3{2dvhJD#=ZaC zL#3xnj`yP9+YdJV@x)`5>C5|H+Ul-2v*mzs(Cg{aG)r)1>cQ>Dx6XO2bkS=UXKzj# b^2ROSp1r5Xdx>eYXCxdsa=Oc~d6M+Mf|cc} literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/ios/.gitignore b/ios/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a7f987 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +**/dgph +*.mode1v3 +*.mode2v3 +*.moved-aside +*.pbxuser +*.perspectivev3 +**/*sync/ +.sconsign.dblite +.tags* +**/.vagrant/ +**/DerivedData/ +Icon? +**/Pods/ +**/.symlinks/ +profile +xcuserdata +**/.generated/ +Flutter/App.framework +Flutter/Flutter.framework +Flutter/Flutter.podspec +Flutter/Generated.xcconfig +Flutter/ephemeral/ +Flutter/app.flx +Flutter/ +Flutter/flutter_assets/ +Flutter/ +ServiceDefinitions.json +Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.* + +# Exceptions to above rules. +!default.mode1v3 +!default.mode2v3 +!default.pbxuser +!default.perspectivev3 diff --git a/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist b/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c56964 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + + + + CFBundleDevelopmentRegion + en + CFBundleExecutable + App + CFBundleIdentifier + + CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion + 6.0 + CFBundleName + App + CFBundlePackageType + FMWK + CFBundleShortVersionString + 1.0 + CFBundleSignature + ???? + CFBundleVersion + 1.0 + MinimumOSVersion + 12.0 + + diff --git a/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig b/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec97fc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#include? "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig" +#include "Generated.xcconfig" diff --git a/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig b/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4855bf --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#include? "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig" +#include "Generated.xcconfig" diff --git a/ios/Podfile b/ios/Podfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d97f17e --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Podfile @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project +# platform :ios, '12.0' + +# CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency. +ENV['COCOAPODS_DISABLE_STATS'] = 'true' + +project 'Runner', { + 'Debug' => :debug, + 'Profile' => :release, + 'Release' => :release, +} + +def flutter_root + generated_xcode_build_settings_path = File.expand_path(File.join('..', 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig'), __FILE__) + unless File.exist?(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) + raise "#{generated_xcode_build_settings_path} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter pub get is executed first" + end + + File.foreach(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) do |line| + matches = line.match(/FLUTTER_ROOT\=(.*)/) + return matches[1].strip if matches + end + raise "FLUTTER_ROOT not found in #{generated_xcode_build_settings_path}. Try deleting Generated.xcconfig, then run flutter pub get" +end + +require File.expand_path(File.join('packages', 'flutter_tools', 'bin', 'podhelper'), flutter_root) + +flutter_ios_podfile_setup + +target 'Runner' do + use_frameworks! + use_modular_headers! + + flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__)) + target 'RunnerTests' do + inherit! :search_paths + end +end + +post_install do |installer| + installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| + flutter_additional_ios_build_settings(target) + end +end diff --git a/ios/Podfile.lock b/ios/Podfile.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b80db61 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Podfile.lock @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +PODS: + - add_2_calendar (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - connectivity_plus (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - ReachabilitySwift + - device_info_plus (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - DKImagePickerController/Core (4.3.4): + - DKImagePickerController/ImageDataManager + - DKImagePickerController/Resource + - DKImagePickerController/ImageDataManager (4.3.4) + - DKImagePickerController/PhotoGallery (4.3.4): + - DKImagePickerController/Core + - DKPhotoGallery + - DKImagePickerController/Resource (4.3.4) + - DKPhotoGallery (0.0.17): + - DKPhotoGallery/Core (= 0.0.17) + - DKPhotoGallery/Model (= 0.0.17) + - DKPhotoGallery/Preview (= 0.0.17) + - DKPhotoGallery/Resource (= 0.0.17) + - SDWebImage + - SwiftyGif + - DKPhotoGallery/Core (0.0.17): + - DKPhotoGallery/Model + - DKPhotoGallery/Preview + - SDWebImage + - SwiftyGif + - DKPhotoGallery/Model (0.0.17): + - SDWebImage + - SwiftyGif + - DKPhotoGallery/Preview (0.0.17): + - DKPhotoGallery/Model + - DKPhotoGallery/Resource + - SDWebImage + - SwiftyGif + - DKPhotoGallery/Resource (0.0.17): + - SDWebImage + - SwiftyGif + - file_picker (0.0.1): + - DKImagePickerController/PhotoGallery + - Flutter + - Firebase/CoreOnly (10.25.0): + - FirebaseCore (= 10.25.0) + - Firebase/RemoteConfig (10.25.0): + - Firebase/CoreOnly + - FirebaseRemoteConfig (~> 10.25.0) + - firebase_core (2.31.0): + - Firebase/CoreOnly (= 10.25.0) + - Flutter + - firebase_remote_config (4.4.5): + - Firebase/RemoteConfig (= 10.25.0) + - firebase_core + - Flutter + - FirebaseABTesting (10.25.0): + - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) + - FirebaseCore (10.25.0): + - FirebaseCoreInternal (~> 10.0) + - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.12) + - GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 7.12) + - FirebaseCoreInternal (10.25.0): + - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.8)" + - FirebaseInstallations (10.25.0): + - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) + - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8) + - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.8) + - PromisesObjC (~> 2.1) + - FirebaseRemoteConfig (10.25.0): + - FirebaseABTesting (~> 10.0) + - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) + - FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0) + - FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop (~> 10.23) + - FirebaseSharedSwift (~> 10.0) + - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8) + - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.8)" + - FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop (10.25.0) + - FirebaseSharedSwift (10.25.0) + - Flutter (1.0.0) + - GoogleUtilities/Environment (7.13.3): + - GoogleUtilities/Privacy + - PromisesObjC (< 3.0, >= 1.2) + - GoogleUtilities/Logger (7.13.3): + - GoogleUtilities/Environment + - GoogleUtilities/Privacy + - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (7.13.3)": + - GoogleUtilities/Privacy + - GoogleUtilities/Privacy (7.13.3) + - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (7.13.3): + - GoogleUtilities/Logger + - GoogleUtilities/Privacy + - image_picker_ios (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - package_info_plus (0.4.5): + - Flutter + - path_provider_foundation (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - FlutterMacOS + - permission_handler_apple (9.3.0): + - Flutter + - PromisesObjC (2.4.0) + - ReachabilitySwift (5.0.0) + - SDWebImage (5.18.10): + - SDWebImage/Core (= 5.18.10) + - SDWebImage/Core (5.18.10) + - shared_preferences_foundation (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - FlutterMacOS + - SwiftyGif (5.4.4) + - url_launcher_ios (0.0.1): + - Flutter + +DEPENDENCIES: + - add_2_calendar (from `.symlinks/plugins/add_2_calendar/ios`) + - connectivity_plus (from `.symlinks/plugins/connectivity_plus/ios`) + - device_info_plus (from `.symlinks/plugins/device_info_plus/ios`) + - file_picker (from `.symlinks/plugins/file_picker/ios`) + - firebase_core (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_core/ios`) + - firebase_remote_config (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_remote_config/ios`) + - Flutter (from `Flutter`) + - image_picker_ios (from `.symlinks/plugins/image_picker_ios/ios`) + - package_info_plus (from `.symlinks/plugins/package_info_plus/ios`) + - path_provider_foundation (from `.symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/darwin`) + - permission_handler_apple (from `.symlinks/plugins/permission_handler_apple/ios`) + - shared_preferences_foundation (from `.symlinks/plugins/shared_preferences_foundation/darwin`) + - url_launcher_ios (from `.symlinks/plugins/url_launcher_ios/ios`) + +SPEC REPOS: + trunk: + - DKImagePickerController + - DKPhotoGallery + - Firebase + - FirebaseABTesting + - FirebaseCore + - FirebaseCoreInternal + - FirebaseInstallations + - FirebaseRemoteConfig + - FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop + - FirebaseSharedSwift + - GoogleUtilities + - PromisesObjC + - ReachabilitySwift + - SDWebImage + - SwiftyGif + +EXTERNAL SOURCES: + add_2_calendar: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/add_2_calendar/ios" + connectivity_plus: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/connectivity_plus/ios" + device_info_plus: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/device_info_plus/ios" + file_picker: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/file_picker/ios" + firebase_core: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/firebase_core/ios" + firebase_remote_config: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/firebase_remote_config/ios" + Flutter: + :path: Flutter + image_picker_ios: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/image_picker_ios/ios" + package_info_plus: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/package_info_plus/ios" + path_provider_foundation: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/darwin" + permission_handler_apple: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/permission_handler_apple/ios" + shared_preferences_foundation: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/shared_preferences_foundation/darwin" + url_launcher_ios: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/url_launcher_ios/ios" + +SPEC CHECKSUMS: + add_2_calendar: 5eee66d5a3b99cd5e1487a7e03abd4e3ac4aff11 + connectivity_plus: 413a8857dd5d9f1c399a39130850d02fe0feaf7e + device_info_plus: c6fb39579d0f423935b0c9ce7ee2f44b71b9fce6 + DKImagePickerController: b512c28220a2b8ac7419f21c491fc8534b7601ac + DKPhotoGallery: fdfad5125a9fdda9cc57df834d49df790dbb4179 + file_picker: 15fd9539e4eb735dc54bae8c0534a7a9511a03de + Firebase: 0312a2352584f782ea56f66d91606891d4607f06 + firebase_core: 0b39f4f424e02eecabb2356ddf331fa07b772af8 + firebase_remote_config: f57c28ff78d1d933bbe1b2cc11659cc82f9978e8 + FirebaseABTesting: e6e3c3e0e35813874f571d1b7bdae2aab319dd38 + FirebaseCore: 7ec4d0484817f12c3373955bc87762d96842d483 + FirebaseCoreInternal: 910a81992c33715fec9263ca7381d59ab3a750b7 + FirebaseInstallations: 91950fe859846fff0fbd296180909dd273103b09 + FirebaseRemoteConfig: 9f3935cefecd85d5b312192117f444957de24a75 + FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop: b25018791b204c0d78a90e394d6c62d9b1f22da8 + FirebaseSharedSwift: 0274086954b1b2d5fd7e829eccc587044d72a4ba + Flutter: e0871f40cf51350855a761d2e70bf5af5b9b5de7 + GoogleUtilities: ea963c370a38a8069cc5f7ba4ca849a60b6d7d15 + image_picker_ios: b545a5f16c0fa88e3ecbbce3ed4de45567a8ec18 + package_info_plus: 115f4ad11e0698c8c1c5d8a689390df880f47e85 + path_provider_foundation: 3784922295ac71e43754bd15e0653ccfd36a147c + permission_handler_apple: 9878588469a2b0d0fc1e048d9f43605f92e6cec2 + PromisesObjC: f5707f49cb48b9636751c5b2e7d227e43fba9f47 + ReachabilitySwift: 985039c6f7b23a1da463388634119492ff86c825 + SDWebImage: fc8f2d48bbfd72ef39d70e981bd24a3f3be53fec + shared_preferences_foundation: b4c3b4cddf1c21f02770737f147a3f5da9d39695 + SwiftyGif: 93a1cc87bf3a51916001cf8f3d63835fb64c819f + url_launcher_ios: 6116280ddcfe98ab8820085d8d76ae7449447586 + +PODFILE CHECKSUM: 819463e6a0290f5a72f145ba7cde16e8b6ef0796 + +COCOAPODS: 1.14.3 diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f1ee7f --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -0,0 +1,746 @@ +// !$*UTF8*$! +{ + archiveVersion = 1; + classes = { + }; + objectVersion = 54; + objects = { + +/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */ + 1498D2341E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */; }; + 2E6EDD3503F56BBC18E29AE5 /* Pods_Runner.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 42A0FFBD9311DFABE551C1DD /* Pods_Runner.framework */; }; + 331C808B294A63AB00263BE5 /* RunnerTests.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 331C807B294A618700263BE5 /* RunnerTests.swift */; }; + 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */; }; + 5E887394FA7296FF7E1790D3 /* Pods_RunnerTests.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 61A80A23B8D24FBD66189010 /* Pods_RunnerTests.framework */; }; + 74858FAF1ED2DC5600515810 /* AppDelegate.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 74858FAE1ED2DC5600515810 /* AppDelegate.swift */; }; + 892D0EC1E0642CCDE5DBB509 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5DACAED4E4E1A395C7DE55B3 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */; }; + 97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */; }; + 97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */; }; + 97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */; }; +/* End PBXBuildFile section */ + +/* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */ + 331C8085294A63A400263BE5 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = { + isa = PBXContainerItemProxy; + containerPortal = 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */; + proxyType = 1; + remoteGlobalIDString = 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D; + remoteInfo = Runner; + }; +/* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */ + +/* Begin PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */ + 9705A1C41CF9048500538489 /* Embed Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + dstPath = ""; + dstSubfolderSpec = 10; + files = ( + ); + name = "Embed Frameworks"; + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXFileReference section */ + 1498D2321E8E86230040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 331C807B294A618700263BE5 /* RunnerTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = RunnerTests.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; + 331C8081294A63A400263BE5 /* RunnerTests.xctest */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = RunnerTests.xctest; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; + 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = AppFrameworkInfo.plist; path = Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; + 42A0FFBD9311DFABE551C1DD /* Pods_Runner.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = Pods_Runner.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; + 59A6FECA91A8312990853C92 /* Pods-RunnerTests.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-RunnerTests.release.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-RunnerTests/Pods-RunnerTests.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 5DACAED4E4E1A395C7DE55B3 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = "GoogleService-Info.plist"; path = "Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 61A80A23B8D24FBD66189010 /* Pods_RunnerTests.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = Pods_RunnerTests.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; + 74858FAD1ED2DC5600515810 /* Runner-Bridging-Header.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "Runner-Bridging-Header.h"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 74858FAE1ED2DC5600515810 /* AppDelegate.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = AppDelegate.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; + 7689ECC10F213BC222F3DAA0 /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 792DE524DAAD929EC71162BB /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Release.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Release.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 95A44E988A2339A5132DB1B4 /* Pods-RunnerTests.profile.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-RunnerTests.profile.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-RunnerTests/Pods-RunnerTests.profile.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Debug.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Debug.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 9740EEB31CF90195004384FC /* Generated.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Generated.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Generated.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path =; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; + 97C146FB1CF9000F007C117D /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/Main.storyboard; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = Assets.xcassets; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C147001CF9000F007C117D /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C147021CF9000F007C117D /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; + 994FE13D553E464AF091ABCF /* Pods-RunnerTests.debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-RunnerTests.debug.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-RunnerTests/Pods-RunnerTests.debug.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1D25746DA9CC242678A7D36 /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; +/* End PBXFileReference section */ + +/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ + 55E01B7D5275D67438CCF3E9 /* Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 5E887394FA7296FF7E1790D3 /* Pods_RunnerTests.framework in Frameworks */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; + 97C146EB1CF9000F007C117D /* Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 2E6EDD3503F56BBC18E29AE5 /* Pods_Runner.framework in Frameworks */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXGroup section */ + 331C8082294A63A400263BE5 /* RunnerTests */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 331C807B294A618700263BE5 /* RunnerTests.swift */, + ); + path = RunnerTests; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 9740EEB11CF90186004384FC /* Flutter */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */, + 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */, + 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */, + 9740EEB31CF90195004384FC /* Generated.xcconfig */, + ); + name = Flutter; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146E51CF9000F007C117D = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 9740EEB11CF90186004384FC /* Flutter */, + 97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */, + 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */, + 331C8082294A63A400263BE5 /* RunnerTests */, + CCEF15E9A905FB0234502CC2 /* Pods */, + E06F768C4F7E41FD441933E3 /* Frameworks */, + 5DACAED4E4E1A395C7DE55B3 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */, + ); + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */, + 331C8081294A63A400263BE5 /* RunnerTests.xctest */, + ); + name = Products; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */, + 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */, + 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */, + 97C147021CF9000F007C117D /* Info.plist */, + 1498D2321E8E86230040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h */, + 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */, + 74858FAE1ED2DC5600515810 /* AppDelegate.swift */, + 74858FAD1ED2DC5600515810 /* Runner-Bridging-Header.h */, + ); + path = Runner; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + CCEF15E9A905FB0234502CC2 /* Pods */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + A1D25746DA9CC242678A7D36 /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */, + 792DE524DAAD929EC71162BB /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */, + 7689ECC10F213BC222F3DAA0 /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */, + 994FE13D553E464AF091ABCF /* Pods-RunnerTests.debug.xcconfig */, + 59A6FECA91A8312990853C92 /* Pods-RunnerTests.release.xcconfig */, + 95A44E988A2339A5132DB1B4 /* Pods-RunnerTests.profile.xcconfig */, + ); + path = Pods; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + E06F768C4F7E41FD441933E3 /* Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 42A0FFBD9311DFABE551C1DD /* Pods_Runner.framework */, + 61A80A23B8D24FBD66189010 /* Pods_RunnerTests.framework */, + ); + name = Frameworks; + sourceTree = ""; + }; +/* End PBXGroup section */ + +/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ + 331C8080294A63A400263BE5 /* RunnerTests */ = { + isa = PBXNativeTarget; + buildConfigurationList = 331C8087294A63A400263BE5 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "RunnerTests" */; + buildPhases = ( + 4F72F2672C32C56AD76F80FE /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */, + 331C807D294A63A400263BE5 /* Sources */, + 331C807F294A63A400263BE5 /* Resources */, + 55E01B7D5275D67438CCF3E9 /* Frameworks */, + ); + buildRules = ( + ); + dependencies = ( + 331C8086294A63A400263BE5 /* PBXTargetDependency */, + ); + name = RunnerTests; + productName = RunnerTests; + productReference = 331C8081294A63A400263BE5 /* RunnerTests.xctest */; + productType = ""; + }; + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = { + isa = PBXNativeTarget; + buildConfigurationList = 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */; + buildPhases = ( + 6714818FB604C690CAE74317 /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */, + 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */, + 97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */, + 97C146EB1CF9000F007C117D /* Frameworks */, + 97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */, + 9705A1C41CF9048500538489 /* Embed Frameworks */, + 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */, + E29A359D9EC66FA990F849EF /* [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks */, + 5EDEA40D71FAEAB0D172BCF1 /* [CP] Copy Pods Resources */, + ); + buildRules = ( + ); + dependencies = ( + ); + name = Runner; + productName = Runner; + productReference = 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */; + productType = ""; + }; +/* End PBXNativeTarget section */ + +/* Begin PBXProject section */ + 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */ = { + isa = PBXProject; + attributes = { + BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel = YES; + LastUpgradeCheck = 1510; + ORGANIZATIONNAME = ""; + TargetAttributes = { + 331C8080294A63A400263BE5 = { + CreatedOnToolsVersion = 14.0; + TestTargetID = 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D; + }; + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D = { + CreatedOnToolsVersion = 7.3.1; + LastSwiftMigration = 1100; + }; + }; + }; + buildConfigurationList = 97C146E91CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Runner" */; + compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 9.3"; + developmentRegion = en; + hasScannedForEncodings = 0; + knownRegions = ( + en, + Base, + ); + mainGroup = 97C146E51CF9000F007C117D; + productRefGroup = 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */; + projectDirPath = ""; + projectRoot = ""; + targets = ( + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */, + 331C8080294A63A400263BE5 /* RunnerTests */, + ); + }; +/* End PBXProject section */ + +/* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ + 331C807F294A63A400263BE5 /* Resources */ = { + isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; + 97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */ = { + isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */, + 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */, + 97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */, + 97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */, + 892D0EC1E0642CCDE5DBB509 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ + 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + alwaysOutOfDate = 1; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${INFOPLIST_PATH}", + ); + name = "Thin Binary"; + outputPaths = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/\" embed_and_thin"; + }; + 4F72F2672C32C56AD76F80FE /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputFileListPaths = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + "${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock", + "${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock", + ); + name = "[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock"; + outputFileListPaths = ( + ); + outputPaths = ( + "$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/Pods-RunnerTests-checkManifestLockResult.txt", + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "diff \"${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock\" > /dev/null\nif [ $? != 0 ] ; then\n # print error to STDERR\n echo \"error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.\" >&2\n exit 1\nfi\n# This output is used by Xcode 'outputs' to avoid re-running this script phase.\necho \"SUCCESS\" > \"${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0}\"\n"; + showEnvVarsInLog = 0; + }; + 5EDEA40D71FAEAB0D172BCF1 /* [CP] Copy Pods Resources */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputFileListPaths = ( + "${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-resources-${CONFIGURATION}-input-files.xcfilelist", + ); + name = "[CP] Copy Pods Resources"; + outputFileListPaths = ( + "${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-resources-${CONFIGURATION}-output-files.xcfilelist", + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/\"\n"; + showEnvVarsInLog = 0; + }; + 6714818FB604C690CAE74317 /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputFileListPaths = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + "${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock", + "${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock", + ); + name = "[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock"; + outputFileListPaths = ( + ); + outputPaths = ( + "$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/Pods-Runner-checkManifestLockResult.txt", + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "diff \"${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock\" > /dev/null\nif [ $? != 0 ] ; then\n # print error to STDERR\n echo \"error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.\" >&2\n exit 1\nfi\n# This output is used by Xcode 'outputs' to avoid re-running this script phase.\necho \"SUCCESS\" > \"${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0}\"\n"; + showEnvVarsInLog = 0; + }; + 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + alwaysOutOfDate = 1; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + ); + name = "Run Script"; + outputPaths = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/\" build"; + }; + E29A359D9EC66FA990F849EF /* [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputFileListPaths = ( + "${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-frameworks-${CONFIGURATION}-input-files.xcfilelist", + ); + name = "[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks"; + outputFileListPaths = ( + "${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-frameworks-${CONFIGURATION}-output-files.xcfilelist", + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/\"\n"; + showEnvVarsInLog = 0; + }; +/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ + 331C807D294A63A400263BE5 /* Sources */ = { + isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 331C808B294A63AB00263BE5 /* RunnerTests.swift in Sources */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; + 97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */ = { + isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 74858FAF1ED2DC5600515810 /* AppDelegate.swift in Sources */, + 1498D2341E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m in Sources */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXTargetDependency section */ + 331C8086294A63A400263BE5 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = { + isa = PBXTargetDependency; + target = 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */; + targetProxy = 331C8085294A63A400263BE5 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */; + }; +/* End PBXTargetDependency section */ + +/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */ + 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */ = { + isa = PBXVariantGroup; + children = ( + 97C146FB1CF9000F007C117D /* Base */, + ); + name = Main.storyboard; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */ = { + isa = PBXVariantGroup; + children = ( + 97C147001CF9000F007C117D /* Base */, + ); + name = LaunchScreen.storyboard; + sourceTree = ""; + }; +/* End PBXVariantGroup section */ + +/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */ + 249021D3217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; + ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = iphoneos; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; + }; + name = Profile; + }; + 249021D4217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = 69ERN967NS; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.example.konectarEvents; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Runner/Runner-Bridging-Header.h"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Profile; + }; + 331C8088294A63A400263BE5 /* Debug */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 994FE13D553E464AF091ABCF /* Pods-RunnerTests.debug.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + BUNDLE_LOADER = "$(TEST_HOST)"; + CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 1; + GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE = YES; + MARKETING_VERSION = 1.0; + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.example.konectarEvents.RunnerTests; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + SWIFT_ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS = DEBUG; + SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-Onone"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; + TEST_HOST = "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE_FOLDER_PATH)/Runner"; + }; + name = Debug; + }; + 331C8089294A63A400263BE5 /* Release */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 59A6FECA91A8312990853C92 /* Pods-RunnerTests.release.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + BUNDLE_LOADER = "$(TEST_HOST)"; + CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 1; + GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE = YES; + MARKETING_VERSION = 1.0; + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.example.konectarEvents.RunnerTests; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; + TEST_HOST = "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE_FOLDER_PATH)/Runner"; + }; + name = Release; + }; + 331C808A294A63A400263BE5 /* Profile */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 95A44E988A2339A5132DB1B4 /* Pods-RunnerTests.profile.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + BUNDLE_LOADER = "$(TEST_HOST)"; + CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 1; + GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE = YES; + MARKETING_VERSION = 1.0; + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.example.konectarEvents.RunnerTests; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; + TEST_HOST = "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE_FOLDER_PATH)/Runner"; + }; + name = Profile; + }; + 97C147031CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + ENABLE_TESTABILITY = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC = NO; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0; + GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ( + "DEBUG=1", + "$(inherited)", + ); + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = YES; + ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + }; + name = Debug; + }; + 97C147041CF9000F007C117D /* Release */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; + ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = iphoneos; + SWIFT_COMPILATION_MODE = wholemodule; + SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-O"; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; + }; + name = Release; + }; + 97C147061CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = 69ERN967NS; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.example.konectarEvents; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Runner/Runner-Bridging-Header.h"; + SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-Onone"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Debug; + }; + 97C147071CF9000F007C117D /* Release */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = 69ERN967NS; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.example.konectarEvents; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Runner/Runner-Bridging-Header.h"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Release; + }; +/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */ + +/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */ + 331C8087294A63A400263BE5 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "RunnerTests" */ = { + isa = XCConfigurationList; + buildConfigurations = ( + 331C8088294A63A400263BE5 /* Debug */, + 331C8089294A63A400263BE5 /* Release */, + 331C808A294A63A400263BE5 /* Profile */, + ); + defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; + defaultConfigurationName = Release; + }; + 97C146E91CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Runner" */ = { + isa = XCConfigurationList; + buildConfigurations = ( + 97C147031CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */, + 97C147041CF9000F007C117D /* Release */, + 249021D3217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */, + ); + defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; + defaultConfigurationName = Release; + }; + 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */ = { + isa = XCConfigurationList; + buildConfigurations = ( + 97C147061CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */, + 97C147071CF9000F007C117D /* Release */, + 249021D4217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */, + ); + defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; + defaultConfigurationName = Release; + }; +/* End XCConfigurationList section */ + }; + rootObject = 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */; +} diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..919434a --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18d9810 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + IDEDidComputeMac32BitWarning + + + diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9b0d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + PreviewsEnabled + + + diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e3ca5d --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata b/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21a3cc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18d9810 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + IDEDidComputeMac32BitWarning + + + diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings b/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9b0d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + PreviewsEnabled + + + diff --git a/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift b/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b636303 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import UIKit +import Flutter + +@main +@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate { + override func application( + _ application: UIApplication, + didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? + ) -> Bool { + GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self) + return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions) + } +} diff --git a/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json b/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d36b1fa --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +{ + "images" : [ + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "60x60", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-60x60@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "60x60", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-60x60@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "76x76", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-76x76@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "76x76", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-76x76@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "83.5x83.5", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "1024x1024", + "idiom" : "ios-marketing", + "filename" : "Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + } + ], + "info" : { + "version" : 1, + "author" : "xcode" + } +} diff --git a/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png 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Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. diff --git a/fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf b/fonts/open-sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd79d43bea0293ac1b20e8aca1142627983d2c07 GIT binary patch literal 224592 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